Year Book of
Greenville N.C.
Book I
Book II
Book III
Book IV
Within the memory of many now living the ships that braved the seas were the only bearers of messages between the nations of the world.
Today, friendly international relations are fostered also by cable, telephone and radio and the world is better because of such communications
America has blended the traits of her parent and contributed a sense of justice and order; France gave gaiety and a love beauty: from Germany came scientific and inventive genius, while Holland's share is expressed in the honest home-loving of her people. The other countries have each added marks, and from the spirit of all our nation has grown.
Even in so small a group as we find on this campus these different nations are clearly seen. Not only because the modern world is closer together than ever before, making all nations neighbors, but als because we feel the forces of other nations a part of us, we offer the Tecoan this year as a World Book
To the people of Greenville, the little city in which our vision of international affairs has been broadened and associations so pleasant this
is dedicated in friendship
and understanding
Mrs. E.W. Harvey Greenville, N.C.
Mrs. J.C. Cagle Rutherfordton, N.C.
Frances Harvey
Business Manager
Loree Cagle
Pansy Lanier
Ellen Baker
Doris Mae Jones
Kathryn Hines
Hula B. Leach
Margarette Rogers
Miss Katherine Holtzclaw
M.L. Wright
Marion K. Fort
Book I
Robert H. Wright President
Leon R. Meadows Director of Summer School
J. B. Spillman Treasurer
Mrs. J. B. Spillman Assistant Treasurer
B. W. Ginn Bookkeeper
Hazel Willis Secretary
Howard J. McGinnis Registrar
Ola Ross issistant Registrar
Mattie Scoville Secretary
Agnes Wadlington Secretary
Ellen Bowen Secretary
Mrs. Nannie Jeter Dietitian
Annie L. Morton Dean of Women
Elizabeth Smith Assistant Dean of Women
Arley V. Moore Dormitory Matron
Mrs. Mamie G. Bradsher House Director
Mrs. W. G. McKean House Director
Irene Hill Secretary of Training School
Dr. J. E. Nobles Physician
Annie Morris Superintendent of Infirmary
Mary Lea Smith Assistant Superintendent of Infirmary
A. A. Henderson Steward
Wade H. Holmes Electrician
J. C. Cockrell Electrician
A. C. Fornes Superintendent of Grounds and Buildings
W. L. Balder Carpenter
J. L. Williams Policeman
Hon. A. T. Allen, Chairman Ex Officio Raleigh. N. C.
O. P. Makepeace Sanford, N. C.
J. K. Warren Trenton, N. C,
W. S. Move Rocky Mount. N. C.
H. D. Williams Kenansville, N. C.
Mrs. J. D. Dawson Kinston, N. C.
Mrs. Chas. S. Forbes Greenville, N. C.
Carl Goerch Washington, N. C.
Mrs. W. B. Murphy Snow Hill. X. C.
H. C. Bridgers Tarboro, N. C.
E. G. Flanagan Greenville, N. C.
James L. Griffin Pittsboro, N. C.
F. C. Harding Greenville, N. C.
Dr. Robert H. Wright President
Miss Annie L. Morton Dean of Women
Dr. Herbert Rebarker Dean of Men
Dr. Leon R. Meadows Director of Summer School
Faculty and Administration
E.L. Henderson Administration and Supervision
C.L. Adams Director of Instruction in Education and Psychology
Howard J. McGinnie Psychology
Hubert C. Hayes Education
Marion K. Fort Director of Training School
Lucille Charlton Education
Dora E. Coates Education
Annie C. Newell Education
Herbert Rebarker Director of Instruction in Mathematics
Louise Williams Mathematics
Faculty and Administration
L. R. Meadows Director of Instruction in English
Alice Lucille Turner English
Mary Greene English
Lois Grisby English
Emma Hooper English
Mamie Jenkins English
R.C. Deal Director of Instruction in Foreign Language
A.D. Frank Director of Instruction of History
E.C. Hollar History
Laura T. Rose History
Faculty and Administration
M.L. Wright Director of Instruction in Sociology and Economics
Beecher Flanagan Economics
Dora E. Meade Piano
Lois V. Gorrell Piano
Gussie Kuykendall Director of Instruction in Public School Music
Eugenia Thomas Public School Music
P.W. Pickleseimer Director of Instruction in Geography
J.B. Cummings Geography
Marie Peterson Geography
Sara G. Somerville Physical Education
Faculty and Administration
Katharine Holtzclaw Director of Instruction, Home Economics, and Textiles
Mrs. A. E. Bloxton Director of Instruction, Home Economics, and Foods
R. J. Slay Director of Instruction, Science
Loraine Hunter Science
Catherine Cassidy Science
Kate W. Lewis Director of Instruction, Public School Art
Helen G. Gray Librarian
Margaret Sammon Assistant Librarian
Gladys Hughes Critic Teacher
Christine Johnston Critic Teacher
Faculty and Administration
Eunice McGee Critic Teacher
Elizabeth Hyman Critic Teacher
Anne Redwine Critic Teacher
Louise Galphin Critic Teacher
Frances Wahl Critic Teacher
Herma Taylor Critic Teacher
J.H. Rose City Superintendent
Connie Horn Critic Teacher
Vester Mulholland Critic Teacher
Mary York Critic Teacher
Faculty and Administration
Mrs. C. A. Bowen Critic Teacher
Clem Bridges Critic Teacher
Mrs. P. W. Pickleseimer Critic Teacher
Hazel Willis Secretary
Ola S. Ross Assistant Registrar
Mrs. J.B. Spillman Assistant Treasurer
B.W. Ginn Bookkeeper
Agnes Wadlington Secretary
Ellen B. Bowen Secretary, Placement Bureau
Elizabeth C. Smith Assistant Dean of Women
Faculty and Administration
Arley V. Moore Dormitory Matron
Mrs. Mamie G. Bradsher Dormitory Matron
Mrs. M.G. McKean Dormitory Matron
Annie Morris Superintendent of Infirmary
Mary Lee Smith Assistant Superintendent of Infirmary
Mrs. Nannie Jeter Dietitian
Mr. A.A. Henderson Steward
Book II
Ione Hooker Bradsher Senior Class Mascot
Colors: Green and White
Flower: Lily-of-Valley
Motto: "To strive; to seek; to find; but not to yield"
"To Strive; to seek; to find,
But not to yield--"
The Senior class has bound
Itself to this ordeal.
No conquerous great are we
In fields unknown,
Yet ever do we say
Alma Mater, lead on.
To you, O Alma Mater,
We owe our all;
To you we pledge ourselves;
We heed your call.
You gave to us the best
You had to give;
You thoughts of us came first;
That we might live.
When college days are done you bid
Us live abundantly.
Yet we would walk with you awhile,
This class of '33
Evelyn Gillam
Harrelsville, N. C.
President of the Senior Class
Katherine Blalock Vice President
Mamie Ruth Long Secretary
Helen Hicks Treasurer
Inez Becton
Bachelor, N. C.
Home Economics and Science
Poe Society; Inter-Society Committee '33; Delta Omicron Sigma; Science Club; Y. W. C. A.
Elizabeth Biddle
Dover, N.C.
Primary Education
Y. W. C. A.; Lanier Society; Proctor, '30; Junior "Y" Cabinet; Class President, '31; Class Representative Student Government, '32; Senior "Y" Cabinet, '32; Vice President Y. W. C. A.. '33; Elementary Educational Council.
Katherine Blalock
Jonesboro, N.C.
Home Economics and Science
Louisburg College, '30, '31; Lanier Society, '32, '33'; Marshal, '33; Y.W.C.A.; Delta Omicron Sigma; Class Vice President, '33; Class Superlative, '33
Mary Briley
Chicod, N.C.
Primary Education
Emerson Society
Vera M. Broughton
Merritt, N. C.
English and French
Emerson Society; Athletic Association, '31-33; Techo Echo Reporter for Athletic Association, '33; Scribbler's Club, '32, '33; English Club, '31-'33; Phi Sigma, '31-'33; Student Volunteer, '33; Wearer of College Monogram; Class Basketball Team, '31-'33; Young Women's Christian Association, '32, '33
Mary Walker Browne
Wilson, N.C.
Home Economics
Emerson Society; Class Basketball Team, '31-'33; Athletic Association, '31-'33; Delta Omicron Sigma.
Loree Cagle
Rutherfordton, N.C.
Home Economics and Science
Delta Omicron Sigma; Emerson Society; Y.W.C.A. Choir, '30, '31; Junior Y.W.C.A. Cabinet, '30; Athletic Assocation, '30, '31; Proctor, '30; Glee Club; Vice President Glee Club, '31; Delegate to John R. Mott "Y" Conference, '30' Vice President of Class, '31; President Class, '32; Delgate to N.C.C.P.A., '32, '33; Associate Editor TECOAN, '32; Editor TECOAN, '33
Mary Carson
Stokes, N.C.
Science and History
N.C.C.W., '30; Emerson Society; Y.W.C.A.; Science Club; Proctor, '31
Naomi Carr
Teachey, N.C.
Home Economics and Science
Poe Society; Delta Omicron Sigma; Athletic Assocation.
Clafton Cherry
Cornelius, N.C.
Home Economics and Science
Poe Society; Delta Omicron Sigma; Inter-Society Committee, '33; Poe Society Critic; Vice President Delta Omicron Sigma, '33; President Poe Society, '33
Mary Ab3rnathy Clark
Warrenton, N. C.
Primary Education
Emerson Society.
Mary Ellen Clifton
Faison, N. C.
Intermediate Education
Y. W. C. A.; Elementary Education Council; Poe Society; James Johnston Pettigrew Scholarship, '30, '31, '32, '33.
Jessie Glyn Cole
French and Mathematics
Appalachian State Teacher's College; Y.W.C.A.; Lanier Society; Phi Sigma; Scribbler's Club; Mathematics CLub; Secretary and Treasurer Mathematics Club; Teco Echo Representative; Mathematics Club Proctor
Vivian Cooke
Louisburg, N. C.
English and History
Poe Society; English Club; Athletic Association; Class Basketball Team; Y. W. C. A., '33.
Edith Corbett
Currie, N.C.
Home Economics and Science
Poe society.
Kara Lynn Corey
Greenville, N.C.
English, History, Geography
Class Critic, '30; Athletic Assocation, '30; Emerson Society; English Club; Geography Club, '31, '32; Secretary and Treasurer Geography Club, '32; Budget Committee, '33; Class Superlative, '33; Class Testatrix, '33
Frances Davis
Waxhaw, N. C.
Primary Educatio
N. C. C. W., '30, '31; Poe Society, '32, '33; Athletic Assocation, '32, '33; Basketball, '32; Poe Cheerio Club, '32; Y.W.C.A., '33; Assistant Cheer Leader of Senior Class, '33; Advertising Manager of Teco Echo, '33; Marshal, '33
Hilda Beryl Davis
Mount Olive, N. C.
English and History
Emerson Society, '29, '30, '32, '33; Y.W.C.A., '29, '30, '32, '33; Athletic Assocation, '29, '30; Proctor, '30; English Club; Duplin-Pender County Club, '30, '31; Proctor, '32, '33
Mildred Davis
Fairmont, N. C.
Primary Education
Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Cheerio Club, '31; Proctor, '30; Elementary Educational Council, '31, '32; Delta Omicron Sigma, '30.
Birdie Lee Debnam
Snow Hill, N. C.
History and French
Meredith College, '30; Emerson Society; Phi Sigma; Class Secretary, '32; Y. W. C. A., '31; Class Council Representative, '33; Class Superlatives, '33; Class Testatrix, '33.
Louise Denning
Benson, N.C.
Elementary Education
Post Graduate Work; Graduate of Greensboro College
Josephine E. Dixon
New Bern, N.C.
Home Economics and Science
Lanier Society; Proctor, '31; Athletic Assocation; Y.W.C.A., '31, '33; Inter-Society Committee; Delta Omicron Sigma.
Mary Edna Dobson
Kenansville, N. C.
English and History
Poe Society, '30, '33; Y. W. C. A., '30, '33; English Club, '31, '33; Athletic Association, '30; Duplin-Pender County Club, '31.
Alice Mae Elks
Grimesland, N. C.
Primary Education
Emerson Society; Athletic Association, '30, '31; Y. W. C. A., '30-'32; Y. W. C. A. Choir, '32; Pitt County Club, '30; Poe Cheerio Club, '33.
Julia Arches Farrior
Warsaw, N. C.
English and History
Y. W. C. A.; Emerson Society; English Club; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, '32; Secretary of English Club, '33.
Sally Jo Bird Fields
Metter, Ga.
History and English
Brenau College, '29, '30; South Georgia Teachers College, '31; Lanier Society; English Club; Proctor, '33.
Margaret Fisher
Swan Quarter, N. C.
Science and English
Emerson Society; Y.W.C.A.; Science Club; English Club.
Iris Pleasant Flythe
Pendleton, N. C.
History and English
Y. W. C. A.; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet; Athletic Association, Secretary, '30, President '33; Class Basketball Team, '30-'33, Captain, '30-'33; Wearer of College Monogram; Medal; Baseball Team, Captain; Secretary of Emersone Society; Vice President of Science Club; Senior Play; Senior Superlatives.
Zelle Foley
Greenville, N.C.
English and Science
Vice President Class, '30; Emerson Society; English Club; Science Club, '32, '33; Secretary Senior Club, '32; Assistant Class Cheer Leader, '32; Senior Play, '33; Class Superlatives, '33; Athletic Assocation, '30, '31; TECOAN Representative, '31
Edith Tull Fornes
Greenville, N.C.
Primary Education
Lanier Society
Katie Mann Gibbs
Swan Quarter, N. C.
Science and Mathematics
Emerson Society; Proctor, '31; Y. C. A.; Mathematics Club; Science Club '31-'33.
Evelyn Frederick Gillam
Harrellsville, N. C.
Primary eEducation
Y. W. C. A.; Junior Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, '30; Poe Society; Poe Cheerio Club; Proctor, '30, '32; Elementary Education Council, Vice President, '33; Class Tecoan Representative, '32; Class President, '33.
Clement Gordon
Waxhaw, N. C.
Primary Education
Lanier Society; Y.W.C.A.; Union County Club, '30
Margaret Griffin
Marshville, N. C.
Primary Education
N.C.C.W, '30, '31; Poe Society; Athletic Assocation, '32; Y.W.C.A.; Y.W. CHoir, '33; Chief Marshal, '33
Marjorie Griffin
Toronto, Canada
English and French
Emerson Society; Society Marshal, '32, '33; TECOAN Representative for Emerson Society, '32; Phi Sigma, President, '32; English Club; Y.W.C.A.; Athletic Association, '30; House President, '31; Vice President Student Government Association, '33; Representative to N.C.S.F., '32; Representative to B.S.U., '31; Entertainment Committee, '33; Editor-in-Chief Handbook, '32; Chairman Point Committee, '33; Senior Play; Senior Superlative.
Rena Elizabeth Haywood
Trenton, N.C.
English and French
Louisburg College, '30; Emerson Society; Y.W.C.A.; English Club; Phi Sigma; Delegate to N.C.C.P.A. Conventions, '32-'33; Associate Editor Teco Echo, '32, Editor-in-Chief, '33; Jones County CLub; Council of S.G.A., '33; Superlative, '33
Vivian Hellen
Vanceboro, N. C.
French and Science
Y. W. C. A.; Emerson Society; Science Club; Phi Sigma.
Mary Elizabeth Helms
Goldsboro, N. C.
Home Economics and Science
Flora Macdonald College, '30, '31; Delta Omicron Sigma; Emerson Society; Science Club; Y. W. C. A.
Maurice Hester
Creedmoor, N. C.
Grammar Grade
Emerson Society: Y. W. C. A.
Heles Hicks
Wise, N. C.
Primary Education
Poe Society; Y. W. C. A., '32, '33; Class Treasurer, '33; Elementary Education Council, '33
Wyatt Highsmith
Greenville, N.C.
English and French
Graduate Work; Graduate of Elon College
Elizabeth Relfe Hobbs
Belhaven, N.C.
Grammar Grade
Duke University, '28, '29; Teco Echo Business Staff, '31; Senior Normal Play, '31; Emerson Society; Teco Echo Alumnae Editor, '33
Ruth Evelyn Hollowell
Hertford, N.C.
Mathematics and Latin
Y. W. C. A.; Lanier Society; Athletic Association, '30, '31; Wearer of College Monogram; Albemarle District Club, '30, '31; Mathematics Club; Classical Club.
Kemp House
Greenville, N. C.
Mathematics and Latin
Emerson Society; Classical Club, '31-'33; Mathematics Club, '31-'33; Secretary- Treasurer Classical Club, '32, Vice President, '33; Pitt County Club, '30.
Nelson Hunsucker
Winterville, N. C.
Mathematics and Science
Wake Forest College, '30; Lanier Society; Co-ed Club, '31-'33, President, '32; Vice President of Mathematics Club, '32; Science Club, '32, 33, President, '33; Class Treasurer, '32; Basketball, '32; Baseball, '32, '33; Co-ed Representative to Council, '33.
Mary Emma Hurst
Williamston, N. C.
Home Economics and Science
Lanier Society; Delta Omicron Sigma: Y. W. C. A.
Frances Robena Jenkins
Robersonville, N.C.
Grammar Grade
Emerson Society; Y.W.C.A.
Virginia Faison Jenkins
Shelby, N.C.
History and French
St. Mary's, '30; Entertainment Committee, '33; Phi Sigma, '32, '33
Vera M. Jennings
Elizabeth City, N.C.
Mathematics, Science, French
Y. W. C. A.: Junior Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, '30; Chairman Publicity Committee, Y. W. C. A., '31, Treasurer, '32; Poe Society; Athletic Association, '30, '31; Phi Sigma, '32, '33, Vice President, '33; Math Club, '31-'33; TECOAN Representative Math Club, '31; Social Chairman Math Club, '32, President, '33; Science Club, '32. '33, Advertising-Manager, '33; Albemarle District Club, '31; Scribblers' Club, '33; Proctor, '33; Violin Ensemble, '30, '31; College Orchestra, '32, '33; Budget Committee, '32, '33; Entertainment Committee, '32, '33
Margaret Mahood Johnston
Emporia, Va.
Primary Education
Emerson Society; Freshman Cheer Leader; Y.W.C.A, '30; Proctor, '32; Athletic Assocation, '30; Cheerio Club, '33
Doris Mae Jones
Goldsboro, N. C.
Primary Education
Emerson Society; Athletic Association '30; Marshal, '30; Student Council, '30; Assistant Business Manager TECOAN, '31; Y. W. C. A., '29, '30; Senior Play, '32; Delta Omicron Sigma, '32; Associate Editor TECOAN, '33.
Alice Louise Jordan
Powellsville, N. C.
Intermediate Education
Poe Society; Elementary Education Coucil, '32; Y.W.C.A.; Proctor, '30, '32; Poe Society Critic, '31; Class Basketball Team, '30; Athletic Assocation, '30, '31; Secretary Poe Society, '33; Y.W.C.A. Choir, '31
Virginia Jones
Greenville, N. C.
Primary Education
Emerson Society.
Annie Laurie Kennedy
Kinston, N. C.
Elementary Education
Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.
Charles Kixg
Greenville, N. C.
English and Science
Duke University, '30; Emerson Society Science Club; Co-ed Club; Football, '32 Basketball, '32, '33; Baseball, '32, '33; Boys' Athletic Association; Senior Play, '33
Dorothy Parks Knox
Huntersville, N. C.
Primary Education
Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.; Appalachian State Teachers College.
Emily Lane
Hertford, N. C.
History and Science
Lanier Society, Secretary, '32; Y. W. C. A.; Lanier Marshal, '33; President Lanier Society, '33; Proctor, '32; Inter-Society Committee, Chairman, '32; Science Club, '32; Lanier Debater, '31, '32.
Rosa Lee Lang
Farmville, N. C.
Elementary Education
Meredith College, '29, '30; Lanier society, '32, '33; Elementary Education Council, '32, President, '33; House President, Summer, '32; Athletic Assocation, '33; Senior Class TECOAN Representative, '33; Chairman Chapel Program Committee, '33; Superlative, '33
Mauy Sue Langston
Gates, N. C.
Science, History and Geography
Poe Society; Basketball Team; Y. W. C. A.; TECOAN Representative, '32
Pansy Ellen Lanier
Oxford, N. C.
Primary Education
St. Mary's; Emerson Society, Vice President, '32, '33; College Cheer Leader, 32, '33; Assistant Editor TECOAN, '32; Inter-Society Committee, '33.
Ruth Lloyd
Spencer, N.C.
Intermediate Education
Catawba College, '29; Y.W.C.A.; Poe Society, '31, 32; Y.W.C.A. Choir, '32, '33; Student Volunteer Band.
Chas. M. Lominac
Wilson, N.C.
Mathematics and English
Biltmore Junior College, '28, '29; Asheville Teachers College, '30, '31; Appalachian Teachers College, '32; Football, '33; Basketball, '33
Mamie Ruth Loxg
Oxford, N. C.
French and English
Emerson Society; Y.W.C.A., '30, '32; English Club, '31-'33; Phi Sigma, '32, '33; Class Secretary, '33; TECOAN Representative of English Club, '33
LaRue Mangum
Creedmoore, N.C.
Elementary Education
Mars Hill College, '29, '30; Glee Club, '31-'33; Y.W.C.A.; Lanier Society; Y.W.C.A. Choir, '31, '32
Mary Mann
Middletown, N. C.
Primary Education
Emerson Society.
Mary D. McCormick
McColl, S. C.
Science and Geography
Society; Science Club; Athletic Association, '30, '31; Y. W. C. A. Basketball Team, '30, '31.
Pearl McHan
Almond, N. C.
Home Economics and Science
Western Carolina Teachers College, '31; Delta Omicron Sigma; Emerson Society; Proctor, '32; Y. W. C. A.
Bessie McLamb
Parkton. N. C.
History and English
Y. W. C. A.; Emerson Society; English Club
Gladys E. Measley
Goldsboro, N. C.
French, English, History
Emerson Society; English Club; Proctor, '30; Phi Sigma, '32, '33; President Phi Sigma, '33.
Beulah B. Mewborn
Snow Hill, N. C.
Home Economics and Science
Ima Mewborn
Snow Hill, N. C.
English and Science
Delia Mitchell
Bunn, N. C.
Primary Education
Lanier Society; Athletic Association, '30, '31 ; Y. W. C. A., '31-'33.
Christine Moor
Grifton, N. C.
Primary Education
Emerson Society.
Elizabeth Moore
Greenville, N. C.
Science and Geography
Emerson Society; Class Superlative, '30; Class Cheer Leader, '31; Geography Club; Athletic Association, '30, '31; Senior Play, '33.
Lula Moore
Dillon, S. C.
English and French
Poe Society; English Club; Phi Sigma; Y. W. C. A., '29, '30.
Frances Morton
Greenville, N. C.
Elementary Education
Salem College, '30; Emerson Society, '31-'33; Glee Club, '32; Orchestra, '32, '33.
Margaret Moye
Goldsboro, N. C.
Primary Education
N. C. C. W., '29, '30; Emerson Society
Margaret Murchison
Greensboro, N. C.
French and English
Class President, '30; Junior "Y" Cabinet, '30; House President, '31; Secretary Student Government Association, '32,' President, '33; N. S. F. A. Delegate, '32, '33; Y. W. C. A.; Emerson Society; Superlative, '32, '33; Senior Play, '33; Class Superlative, '33.
Carrie Moore Nash
Goldsboro, N.C.
History and English
Saint Mary's, '30; N.C.C.W., '31; Lanier Society; Proctor; House President, Summer, '32
Huldah Elizabeth Nobles
Greenville, N.C.
History, English
St. Mary's, '30; Emerson Society; English Club; Senior Play, '33; Class superlative, '33
Ethel Parker
Weldon, N. C.
English and Science
Lanier Society; Teco Echo Reporter Lanier Society, '30; Junior Cabinet, '30 Athletic Association, '30, '31; Basketball Team, '31; Class Secretary, '31; Geography Club, '31; English Club, Secretary and Treasurer, '32; Y. W. C. A., Vice President, '32; Delegate to N. S. U. Conference; Blue Ridge, '32; Assistant Advertising Manager of Techo Echo '32; Debating Team Lanier Society, Council, '33; President of Y. W. C. A., '33
Martha A. Pickett
Kenansville, N. C.
Home Economics
Flora Macdonald, '30; Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Delta Omicron Sigma.
Annie Lee Powell
Warrenton, N.C.
Elementary Education
Louisburg College; Elementary Education Council, '33; Y.W.C.A., '31, '32; Poe Society; Y.W.C.A. Choir, '31, '32
Mary Rabb
Marion, N.C.
English and French
Lanier Society; Class Treasurer, '31; Y.W.C.A.; Y.W.C.A. Choir, '30-'32; Y.W.C.A. Cabinet, '33; House President, '33; English Club.
Lorena Evelyn Rogers
Wilmington, N. C.
Home Economics and Science
Emerson Society, Secretary, '32, President, '33; Athletic Association, '30; Y. W. C. A., '30, '33; Delta Omicron Sigma, Secretary, '32; Proctor, '31; Delegate to State Home Economics Convention, '31 ; Business Manager Handbook, '32; Chairman of Campus Committee, '32, '33.
Elizabeth Rowland
Castalia, N. C.
English and History
Poe Society; Athletic Association; English Club; Y. W. C. A.
Rosa Lee Saied
Greenville, N. C.
History and Science
Thelma Shackelford
Portsmouth, Va.
Primary Education
State Teachers College, Farmville, Va.; Emerson Society.
Dorothy Sloan
Wallace, N. C.
Mathematics and English
Emerson Society: Y. W. C. A., Choir '30-'32; Junior "Y" Cabinet, '30; Senior Cabinet, '32; Class Treasurer, '30 Proctor, '30, '31; English Club, '30, '31 Treasurer S. G. A., '31; Math Club, '32, '33; Teco Echo Reporter, '32;Lida Hill Meadows Scholarship, '31.
Dorothy Madge Smith
Farmville, N. C.
English and Latin
Emerson Society; Y.W.C.A; English Club; Classical Club, President, '32, '33
Hunter Spears
Rocky Mount, N. C.
Lanier Society; Athletic Association, '29-'32; Student Council, '29; State Teachers College, Fredericksburg, Va.; Vice President Class, '32; Y. W. C. A., '29, '31; Senior Play; Delta Omicron Sigma, '33.
Carolyn Spencer
Swan Quarter, N. C.
Mathematics and French
Y. W. C. A.; Emerson Society; Math Club, Secretary and Treasurer, '31; Phi Sigma; English Club.
Alice Beatrice Stalls
Robersonville, N. C.
French and English
Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, '30; Poe Society; Student Volunteer Group, Vice President, '30, Secretary-Treasurer, '32; Scribblers Club; Phi Sigma; English Club; Delegate to Students' Conference on Missions, '30; Delegate to Y. W. C. A. Officers Training Conference, '31 ; Proctor, '32.
Martha Starling
Pine Level, N. C.
English and History
Y. W. C. A.; Poe Society; English Club; Athletic Association, '33; Scribblers Club, '33; Teco Echo Reporter for Johnston County Club, '33, for Athletic Association, '33; English Club Critic, '33.
Jacqueline Swindell
Swan Quarter, N.C.
History and Science
Mary Louise Taylor
Elm City, N.C.
Latin English
Junior "Y" Cabinet, '30; Secretary-Treasurer of Classical Club, '30, Vice-President, '31; Y.W.C.A.; Scribblers Club; English Club; Poe Society; Teco Echo Reporter for Senior Class.
Ruby Evelyn Taylor
Snow Hill, N. C.
French, Mathematics, English
Poe Society; Phi Sigma, Secretary, '32; English Club; TECOAN Representative, '32; Math Club; Scribblers, Vice President, '33; Glee Club, '32, '33; Y.W.C.A., '30-'33; Choir; Delegate to B.S.U. Conference, '32, '33; Athletic Assocation, '31
Sara Jane Thevathan
Pinetops, N. C.
English and French
Emreson Society; Athletic Assocation, '31, '32; English Club, '31, '32; Phi Sigma, '32; Class Basketball Team, '31
Mae Tucker
Marshville, N. C.
Grammar Grade Education
N. C. C. W., '29, '30; Wingate Junior College, '31; Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association.
W. Eric Tucker
Greenville, N. C.
Mathematics and Science
Duke, '30; Poe Society; Co-ed Club, Co-ed Teco Echo Assistant Editor; Scribblers Club; Math Club; Science Club; Football Team, '33; Basketball, '32, '33; Baseball, '32, '33; Men's Athletic Association.
Pattie May Turnage
Ayden, N. C,
Primary Education
N. C. C. W., '29; Lanier Society, '32, '33; Assistant Cheer Leader Class, '33.
Bertha E. Walston
Stantonsburg, N. C.
English and History
Emerson Society, '30, '31; Class Reporter, '31, '32; President Scribblers Club, '32; President English Club, '33; Athletic Association, Business Manager, '32; Associate Editor Teco Echo, '33; Delegate Baptist Student Convention, '32; English Club; Y. W. C. A.; Superlative, '33.
Katherine Weathers
Raleigh, N. C.
History and Geography
Coker College; Lanier Society, '30, Vice President '31; Class Cheer Leader, '31; Geography Club, '31.
Pauline Wheless
Ansonville, N. C.
English, French, History
House President, '33; Poe Society, '31; English Club, '32; Phi Sigma, '32; Y. W. C. A. '33
Emma Lee Wilkinson
Stonewall, N. C.
Elementary Education
Hamilton College and Transylvania University, '30,' 31; Glee Club, '32; Scribblers Club, '32; Emerson Society, '32, '33; Y. W. C. A., '32, '33; Proctor, '32, '33; Athletic Association, '33.
Dorothy Voight Willard
Greenville, N. C.
Intermediate Education
Emerson Society; Athletic Associa Basketball, '32; Student Volunteer; Pitt County Club, '31.
Rosa Williams
Currituck, N. C.
Home Economics and Science
Campbell College, '30, '31 ; Poe Society, '32, '33; Delta Omicron Sigma, '32, '33; Y. W. C. A.
Melvin C. Willard
Greenville, N. C.
Math and Science
N. C. State, '29-'31; Emerson Society Science Club; Co-ed Club.
Sara Maie Winslow
Belvidere, N. C.
Elementary Education
Graduate Work.
Mary Gladys Womble
Lillington, N. C.
Grammar Grade Education
Graduate Campbell College; Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.
Juanita Young
Lake Landing, N. C.
Primary Education
Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.
THE rain came down in torrents. One look at the downpour made a person want to curl up on the sofa and sleep.
To those of us who were entering East Carolina Teachers College for the first time, the day was particularly dreary. Those red brick buildings cast a spirit of gloom over us; we felt as if we were being carried to prison. The only relief to our downcast spirits came from the Y. W. C. A. cabinet girls who kindly helped us fill out our cards and showed us to our rooms.
The first few days were terrible. How we disliked the endless routine of having our lives regulated by bells! Every day had to adhere to a certain schedule. But gradually we adjusted ourselves to the bells and other features of college and accepted the campus as our home.
We had only one thing to dread - initiation. The horrible week tame, and to our astonishment it was fun.
With Margaret Murchison as president we started to work. Did I say work? I believe I did. And I suppose we did have to put forth some effort in preparing our lessons but not enough to keep us from exercising our few privileges. In spite of the great many regulations that we had to adhere to, we enjoyed the parties and entertainments that we attended. The Juniors gave us a kid-party, and in return we gave them a St. Patrick's Day Party. Among the entertainments we enjoyed were the United States Band, the North Carolina Playmakers, and the Isadore Duncan Dancers.
The fall of 1930 found most of us back at E. C. T. C. This year we chose Elizabeth Biddle as president. Spalding Kryl's Band, and other entertainments relieved the monotony of school work. We had delightful Senior-Sophomore and Sophomore-Senior parties. But the life of a Sophomore isn't so thrilling.
Then came our most important year. As Juniors we were given more privileges: we could sit nearer President Wright in chapel ; we could go down the street any afternoon; and we were respected by the Sophomores and Freshmen. With our president Loree Cagle and our advisers, Dr. Slay and Miss Bonnewitz to help us, we began making plans for the banquet.
Margaret Murchison attended a National Student's Association and brought back many helpful suggestions for our campus. We heard Galli Curci and the Don Cossacks.
The summer vacation passed quickly, and we came back as Seniors. Was this E. C. T. C, or was it fairyland? Here we were with the new Senior privileges, the Senior dignity, and the Senior responsibility. Soon we realized that the Seniors were the busiest yet the happiest people in college. Practice-teaching, school work, and outside activities kept us as busy as bees, and by keeping us busy kept us happy.
Our Senior play, "The Charm School" showed the audience what splendid actors and actresses the class has.
Event followed event; everything seemed important. The Juniors gave a banquet which we can never forget. Spring came, and we went on a camping trip to Bayview. Don't ask us what we did.
And now we have almost completed the college chapter of our history. We are glad to graduate, and yet we look back over the happy days we have spent here with regrets.
My goodness ! It is ten o'clock. Commencement begins at eleven. We must don our caps and gowns, the symbols of Senior dignity, and go forth to receive our degrees.
WE, the class of nineteen hundred and thirty-three, on the eve of graduatic do hereby make this our last will and testament.
To our Alma Mater we bequeath our undying love and gratitude for all she has done to train us in lessons of patience, of service, of happy cooperation, and of aspiration, from the care-free thoughtlessness of our freshman year to the more serious and appreciative attitude of today.
To the faculty and officers of administration we bequeath our gratitude for many pleasant memories we have of our years at college and for their sympathy and understanding both in and out of class.
To the Juniors we bequeath all the privileges, trials, happiness and hopes of a Senior.
To the Sophomores, our sister class, we bequeath our studious qualities and the assurance of our interest in their future successes.
To the Freshmen, we bequeath all the optimism and self-assurance of our Sophomore year.
We bequeath to those coming after us all those intangible things which go to make life great, good, happy, beautiful:
Honor, so that the children of our Alma Mater may face the world unashamed. The Spirit of Service, the highest ideal of our Alma Mater;
Faith in ourselves and in others, and in the ultimate worth-whileness of life ; Courage, not mere physical bravery but the mental and moral courage to go against the crowd, if need be, and to face the world unafraid ;
Ambition to live not merely a good life but a full and complete life, one of definite, worthy of purposes and accomplishments ;
A Love of Beauty, not only of form and color but in the souls and deeds of men ; and finally ;
An Outlook on Life that is both broad and deep, brightened with happiness, and softened by pity and understanding.
Signed on this sixth day of June, one thousand nine hundred thirty-three, A.D., at East Carolina Teachers College, Greenville, North Carolina.
Kara Lynn Corey
Birdie Lee Debnam
1933- Senior Class Prophecy- 1943
Evelyn Gillam Chariman of City Board in Detroit
Bertha Walston Engaged
Margaret Murchison Advisors of the National Federaion of Student Government
Marjorie Griffin
Dorothy Sloan
Iris Flythe Instructor of Physical Education at Flora Macdonald
Mary Carson Chemists in Berlin
"Pete" Honsucker
Elizabeth Rowland History teaching at New Hanover High School
Zelle Folley Co-stars for Metro-Goldwyn Mayer
Eric Tucker
Vivien Helen Waitresses in an American Cafe in France
Mary Taylor
Martha Pickett
Beulah Mewborn
Clafton Cherry Proprietry of above cafe
Ethel Parker Dancer
Ruby Taylor Owner of a three-ring circus
Rosa Lee Lang Acrobat
Lib Moore Animal Trainer
Irma Mewborn Clowns
Kathryn Blalock
Kara Lynn Cory
Sara Trevathan
Hulda Nobles Charlie King's wife
Charlie King Farmer
Bessie McLamb Chorus girls
Beatrice Stalls
Gladys Measley Paramount's baby star
Dorothy Willard Pattern designers
Dorothy Knox
Christine Moore
Hilda Davis Working on Doctor's Degree at Columbia University
Mary Edna Dobson
Hunter Spears
Marice Hester Members of an old maid's Sewing Circle
Mary Elizabeth Helms
Helen Hicks
Kemp House
La Rue Mangum Metropolitan Singer
Mary Rabb La Rue's Pianist
Emma Lee Wilkerson Married
Lula Moore At a French University
Annie Lee Powell Married to Hal Connell
Carrie Moore Nash Operating "The Hotcha Cookery" in Panama
Mary McCormick
Thelma Shackleford
Dorothy Smith
Mary Sue Langston President of the World Y.W.C.A.
Mary Walker Brown Director of Y.W.C.A. in South America
Edith Corbit Directing Y.W.C.A. in Spain
Josephine Dixon Directing Y.W.C.A. in England
Doris Mae Jones Directing Y.W.C.A. in Mexico
Margaret Johnston Head of Student Volunteers in America
Mary A. Clark Owner of a Road Show
Carolyn Spencer Mary's comedienes
Alice Mae Elks
Inez Becton Toe Dancer
Margaret Fisher Actress in road show
Virginia Faison Jenkins Palmist
"Lizzie" Relfe Hobbs Owner of a diary near Sharpsburg
Louise Harris Dairy maids
Louise Jordan
Margaret Griffen
Birdie Lee Debnam
Julie Farrior
Elizabeth Biddle Richest women in Canada
Frankie Davis Lib's maid
Vera Broughton Assistant Postmastre General of the United States
Amelia Black Chief Accountants for the White Star Shipping lines
Ellen Clifton
Mary Briley
Mildred Davis Paris divorcee
Vivian Cooke Teaching gymnasitcs in China
Margaret Edward
Edith Fornes
Virginia Jones
Frances Morton Anthropologists
Lorie Cagle Manager of an old maid's home in Rutherfordton
Margaret Moye Fastidious inmates of Loree's old maid's home
Panay Lanier
Katherine Weathers
Vera Jennings
Juanita Young Head nurses in Johns Hopkins Hospital
Mary Gladys Womble
Emily Lane
Mae Tucker Nurses at Johns Hopkins Hospital
Martha Starling
Sally Jo Fields
Clement Gordon
Elizabeth Heywood Editor of Ballyhoo
Mamie Ruth Long Manager of a toy menagerie in Jamaica
Ruth Lloyd
Annie Laurie Kennedy Owner of a menagerie
Jacqueline Swindell Doing historical research work
Katie Mann Gibbs Dance instructor
Ruth Hollowell Teachers
Mary Mann
Pearl McHan Home Demonstrator
Ruby Goley Dean at E.C.T.C.
Pauline Wheless World famed dietitian
Rosa Williams Married to a loafer
Senior Class Statistics
1. MOST CHARMING Katherine Blalock
2. BEST DRESSED Marjorie Griffin
3. BEST ALL-AROUND Margaret Murchison
4. MOST STUDIOUS Mary Taylor
5. MOST ATHLETIC Iris Flythe
6. MOST TALENTED Kara Lynn Corey
7. WITTIEST Bertha Walston
8. MOST POPULAR Berdie Lee Debnam
10. CUTEST Huldah Nobles
Ellen Moore Fort Junior Class Mascot
Colors: Blue and Silver
Flower: Ragged Robin
Motto: "Rowing, not drifting"
To strive for all the highest, best, and truest;
To seek for every good that may be gained;
To find a wealth of hidden truth and widsom;
And not to yield a point we have attained;
To work for joy of working, but as duty;
To hold securely to a fair ideal;
To have a lofty goal, and then to reach it,
To keep ourlives aglow with faith and zeal--
This is our aim, and always we shall follow
The moving star that travels toward success,
The star that calls to honor and achievement,
To worthy life, and will accept no less.
Clara Vass Feeeman President
Margaret Smith Vice President
Hilda Thompson Secretary
Ethelys Sanders Treasurer
Pauline Barber Biscoe, N. C.
Loula May Barker Greenville, N. C.
Hilda Barnhill Bethel, N. C.
Georgie Weeks Bell Bogue, N. C.
Amelia Black
Stella Blevins Grassy Creek, N. C.
Hilda Boyce Tyner, N. C.
Hazel Braswell McFarlan, N. C.
Carolyn Brooks Woodsdale, N. C.
Lola Brooks Tarboro, N.C.
Sallie Brooks Greenville, N. C.
Clyde Brown Greenville, N. C.
Edwina Burch Walstonburg, N. C.
Helen Burnette Greenville, N. C.
Troy Burnette Greenville, N. C.
Medrith Byrd Durham, N. C.
Virginia Cale Tyner, N. C.
Frances Capel Wadesboro, N. C.
Mary Williams Carp Williamston, N. C.
Hallyburton Cook Dillon, S.C.
Mattie Lou Cotton Scotland Neck, N. C.
Rebecca Curtis Wilson, N.C.
Margaret Cuthrell Selma, N.C.
Elizabeth Dail Hookerton, N. C.
Emma Lee Davis Dunn, N.C.
Florence Denning Benson, N. C.
Elizabeth Denny Wilson, N. C.
Mabel Dickens Varina, N. C.
Willa Mae Dills Sylva, N.C.
Mildred Dixon Plymouth, N.C.
Glennie Draper Conway, N. C.
Bernice Elliott Rich Square, N. C.
Laura Eure Beaufort, N. C.
Robert Eason Greenville, N. C.
Arlene Everett Folkston, N. C.
Edna E. Farrow Middletown, N. C.
Jessie Finch Bailey, N. C.
Ilamae Fitzgerald
Pauline Floyd Fairmont, N. C.
Clara Vann Freeman Coleraine, N. C.
Elizabeth Fulcher Leasburg, N. C.
Margaret Garrenton Bethel, N.C.
Eloise Garrett Greenville, N. C.
Temperance Garris Wilson, N. C.
Ruby Goley Wilmington, N. C.
Mary Baugham Gray LaGrange, N. C.
Nell Griffin Marshville, N. C.
Nellie Grissom Rocky Mount, N. C.
Helen L. Harkey Lexington, N. C.
Anna Harris Greenville, N. C.
Frances Harvey Greenville, N. C.
Lois Hayes Woodsdale, N. C.
Will Higdon Sylva, N. C.
Myrtie Gray Hodges Ayden, N.C.
John Hodges Greenville, N. C.
Mildred Horton Greenville, N. C.
Beulah House Bethel, N. C.
Mildred Howard Roseboro, N. C.
Marietta Hoyle Shelby, N. C.
Hattie Lee Humphrey Beaufort, N. C.
Aleen Hunt Wilmington, N. C.
Rheta Hyatt Hayesville, N. C.
Hattie Mae Johnson Benson, N. C.
Iva Johnson Lillington, N. C.
Dorothy Johnson Tarboro, N. C.
Doris Jones Manteo, N. C.
Eleanor Jones New Bern, N.C.
Mary Elizabeth King Littleton, N. C.
Lorna Langley Oriental, N. C.
Elizabeth Leake Rich Square, N. C.
Nellie K. Lee Wilmington, N. C.
Rachel Lewis Farmville, N. C.
Mildred Mansfield Camden, N. C.
Audrey Martin Mount Olive, N. C.
Margaret Matthews Willard, N. C.
Elcy Miller Marshville, N. C.
Ruth Moore Ayden, N. C.
Pearl Mooring LaGrange, N. C.
Ola Morris Washington, N. C.
Blanche Mosely Kinston, N. C.
Edna McCall Ellerbe, N. C.
Estelle McCullen Mount Olive, N. C.
Lucile Noel Hillsboro, N. C.
Elizabeth Odom Clinton, N. C.
Besty Odom Nashville, N. C.
Dorothy Odham Greenville, N. C.
Lucile Pait Hamlet, N. C.
Mary G. Parker George, N. C.
Ruth Parker Goldsboro, N. C.
Freda Parks LaGrange, N. C.
Lois Parrish Clio, S.C.
Margaret Patrick Washington, N. C.
Maby Lynn Pipkin Goldsboro, N. C.
Leola Pleasant Angier, N. C.
Carrie Powell Calypso, N. C.
Hattie Powell Greenville, N. C.
Esther Pridgen Elm City, N. C.
Evelyn Rice Stonewall, N. C.
Brownie Roberson Greenville, N. C.
Henry L. Rivers Greenville, N. C.
Josephine Robertson Greenville, N. C.
Lucille Rose Norlina, N. C.
Elizabeth Royall Clinton, N. C.
Ethelyn Sanders Hubert, N. C.
Irene Sandling Wake Forest, N. C.
Alice James Savage Corapeake, N. C.
Louise Simmson Dover, N.C.
Margaret Smith Kinston, N. C.
Margaret Staton Bethel, N. C.
Julia Stilley Edward, N. C.
Agnes Strickland Rocky Mount, N. C.
Frances Swindell Washington, N. C.
Faye Tadlock Windsor, N. C.
Virginia Taylor Bachelor, N. C.
Aileen Tedder Fairmont, N. C.
Avis Tew Dunn, N. C.
Hilda Thompson Windsor, N. C.
Laura Thornton Greenville, N. C.
Margaret Walter Farmville, N. C.
Helen Forbes White Greenville, N. C.
Mattie Wilder Louisburg, N. C.
Mildred B. Williams Knightdale, N. C.
Ola Williams Hush, N. C.
Ruth Williams Nashville, N. C.
George Wilkerson Greenville, N. C.
Christine Wilson Benson, N. C.
Mary Belle Wilson Benson, N. C.
Hazel Woodard Stonewall, N. C.
Lucile Woolard Greenville, N.C.
Lila Wynne Bethel, N.C.
Alva Van Nortwick Greenville, N.C.
Miriam Courtney Williamston, N.C.
Pauline Robertson Wendell, N.C.
Marie Royster Bullock, N.C.
Elizabeth Tedderton Plymouth, N.C.
Ruth Tew Clinton, N.C.
Alice Wharton Ruffin, N.C.
Joan Bloom Sophomore Class Mascot
Colors: Gold and White
Flower: Daisy
Motto: "Not to the top but climbing"
I think that there was n'er alive
A class as good as '35
A class whose aims and ideals high,
Meant "do your very best or die."
A class, who in a losing game,
Could boast the winning class to fame.
Our class is made of fools like me.
But its fame shall live eternally.
(With apologies to Joyce Kilmer.)
Helen Boomer. Class Poet
Frances Watson President
Katherine Hinson Vice President
Elizabeth Davis Secretary
Minnie Margaret Gorham Treasurer
C.O. Armstrong
Helen Babcock
Phoebe Barnes
Kathryn Barnet
Jack Barret
Susan Beveridge
Helen Boomer
Frances Bowen
Mary Alice Brown
Eloise Birch
Mary Brawley
Eloise Camp
Elizabeth Carswell
Constance Cheeves
Elizabeth Clark
Helen Clark
Clifton Crawford
Vivian Cobb
Katherine Crow
Henrietta Crow
Margaret Davenport
Elizabeth Davis
Marie Davis
Ralph Deal
Joe Dresback
Nellie Dunn
Josephine Essey
Paul Fitzgerald
Robert Sugg Fleming
Clarence Galloway
Mildred Gibson
Minnie Margaret Gorham
Selma Gurganus
Jewel Herring
Emma Frances Hardee
Helen M. Harkey
Louise Harrington
Mildred Harrison
Mae Hearne
Alice Herring
Kathryn Hines
Bessie Hinson
Katherine Hinson
Mary Virginia Horne
Rachel Hurst
Janice Jenkins
Katie Lee Johnson
Verona Lee Joyner
Mary King
Pennie Keel Lang
Margaret Lee
Lucy Leroy
Dectress Lanier
Robert Little
Evelyn Mathews
Edith Marslender
Norma Melvin
Alma Mewborn
Wardell Mills
Ruth Moore
Clyde Morton
Aubrey McClean
Ida Mae Nance
Billie Nesbit
Frances Newsome
Adelia Norris
Christine Nelson
Melba O'Brien
Elizabeth Overton
Edward Parker
Elsie Parker
Mildred Pearson
Martha Hart Peele
Thelma Peele
Adelaide Peiffer
Rebecca Pittman
Lou Pitts
Mary Shaw Robeson
Dorothy Rogerson
Mayhew Sawyer
Drury Settle
Sue Sewell
Louise Sharpe
Lucy Shearin
Florence Sinclair
Elizabeth Smith
Evelyn Turnage
Alma Tyndall
Stelma VanHorne
Joe Walker
Ruby Wall
Frances Watson
Verda Wilson
Woodrow Woodward
Evelyn Wright
Alice Yancey
Mary Ella Bunn
Janice Campbel Freshman Class Mascot
Colors: Purple and Gold
Flower: White Rose
Motto: Not failure, but low aim, is crime
Ethel Vick President
Ellen Jenkins Vice President
Malene Grant Secretary
Isa Costen Grant Treasurer
Lucy Bett Abbott
Kelly Abbeyonnis
Inez Allen
Tressie Auman
T.G. Basnight
John C. Blanchard
Carolyn Brinkley
Jack Broadhurst
Bill Brown
Karie Lee Buck
William C. Bullock
Nancy Burton
Vivian Carolus
James Carr
Taylor Carr
Mary Anne Chase
Linelle Clarke
Mary Emma Clark
Sibyl Clarke
Jewel Cole
Juanita Cooke
Alex Dail
Marjorie Davenport
Thomas M. Dennis
Dorothy Lee Earle
Ila Gray Eason
Elizabeth B. Faison
Louise Farrier
Emma Luoise Felton
Virginia Fryar
J. Clarence Gallow
Hazel Gilliam
Mary Gorham
Isa Costen Grant
Malene Grant
Carrie Congleton Gray
Eugene Gray
Ruth Thorson Griffin
Evelyn L. Grimsbey
Thelma Haislip
Helen Hardy
Anna R. Hartman
Anne LaDue Hartman
Maude Peele Despath
Thomas Henderson
Eliabeth Hines
Myrtie Holliday
Lola Holt
Dorothy Hooks
Ruth Horne
Foy Hurdle
Irene James
Ellen Jenkins
Julia Johnson
William Johnson
W. O. Jolly, Jr.
Clifton Jones
Dorothy Jones
Julia Jones
Daniel Jordan
James Joyner
James Keel
Mary Elizabeth Keith
W. Perry King
Belmont Kittrell
Edna Knight
Myrtle W. Lane
Helen Lassiter
Lillian Liles
Robert T. Little
Hattie Pearl Mollard
Clara MacMartin
Margaret Martin
Glennie Mayo
Mae McFarland
Frances MacGowen
Carleton MacMillan
Katie Miller
Belle Mitchiner
Mary Mitchener
Roy Moore
Robert Munns
Elizabeth Musselwhite
Christine O'Berry
Tressie Ormond
Janie Outland
Alvah Page
J. Edward Parker
Eugenia Parrish
Blanche Pearson
Grayce Peele
Nobelle Phillips
Mary Elizabeth Powers
Lula Proctor
Louise Robbins
Sue C. Sandling
Marjorie T. Savage
Sibyl Silverthorne
Evelyn Smith
Maude starling
Rachel Stone
Margaret Stroude
Howard M. Summerell
Jean Tate
Carrie Jean Thomas
Ethel Vick
Irma Walker
Viola Ward
John Warren
Myra Westbrook
Alton Whitehurst
Frances Willard
Gretchen Willard
Elizabeth Wilson
W. Hazel Woodard
Leon Woodruff
William Woolard
Annie Worthington
Tom Worthington
Woodrow Worthington
Dan Wright
J.C. Wynne, Jr.
Senior Normal Class Mascots Dorothy Nell Henderson and Ed. Hillman
Colors: Lavender and Pea
Motto: "Upward and Onward"
Apollo had driven his fiery chariot
Into its purple sapphire gate
When before me in strange array
Passed a procession of white-gowned ladies
Decked with daisies white and gay.
On went the march of the procession strange
While I followed in its wake;
On went the daisy-bedecked ladies
To Education's massive gate.
Each lady bowed and left a flower
For a token as she passed through;
Each daisy took root in Learning's bower
Under a garden of daisies grew.
Through Time, goes the scattering of daisies
In rows from left to right;
Till Eternity's end, will the ladies
Make their Harvest daisy-white
Margaret Russell
Dunn, North Carolina
Senior Normal Class President
Margaret Russell President
Eleanor Brinkley Vice President
Margarette Rogers Secretary
Elsie Tilghman Treasurer
Bevie Irene
Benson, N.C.
Grammar Grade
Poe Society; Y.W.C.A, '32, '33; Johnston County Club, '32, '33
Louise Adams
Wilmington, N.C.
Two-year Grammar Grade
Emerson Literary Society, '32, '33; Glee Club, '32, '33
Hazel Dee Ainsley
Hertford, N.C.
Grammar Grade
Lanier Society; Y.W.C.A., '32, '33; Athletic Assocation, '32, '33
Selma Wilson Anderson
Tarboro, N.C.
Primary Grade
Lanier Society; Y.W.C.A.
Winona Asbell
Tyner, N.C.
Grammar Grade
Lanier Society, '31-'33; Y.W.C.A., '32, '33
Anne Askew
Greenville, N.C.
Grammar Grade
Louise Askew
Henderson, N.C.
Primary Grade
Emerson Society, '32, '33; Y.W.C.A., '32, '33
Mary Ellen Baker
Reidsville, N.C.
Grammar Grade
Y.W.C.A., '32, '33; Junior "Y" Cabinet, '32; Scribblers Club, '32; Lanier Society, '32, '33; Assocaite Editor of TECOAN, '33
Grace Baker
Snow Hill, N.C.
Grammar Grade
Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Assocation
Ruth Bivins
Hillsboro, N.C.
Primary Grade
Poe Society
Laura Elizabeth Bordeaux
Wilmington, N.C.
Edith Griggs Bowman
Wadesboro, N.C.
Two-year Primary Grade
Emerson Society
Beth E. Brantley
Durham, N.C.
Two-year Grammar Grade
Y.W.C.A., '32, '33; Emerson Society, '32, '33; Glee Club, '32, '33, President, '32, '33
Louise Briley
Greenville, N.C.
Primary Grade
Catherine Brinkley
Valdese, N.C.
Primary Grade
Emerson Society; Y.W.C.A.; Vice President Class, '33
Eleanor Brinkley
Valdese, N.C.
Primary Grade
Lanier Society; Y.W.C.A Choir, '33; Proctor, '33
Kathleen Bryce
Rose Hill, N.C.
Primary Grade
Duplin County Club, '31; Glee Club, '31, '33; Y.W.C.A. Choir, '33
Lillie Dare Brown
Bethel, N.C.
Primary Grade
Poe Society; Athletic Assocation, '32, '33
Mildred Bullock
Primary Grade
Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.
Theo Cain
Buie's Creek, N. C.
Primary Grade
Wake Forest College, '24; Teacher Trainings, '28, '29; N. C. C. W., '29: Campbell College, '30; Poe Society; Scribblers Club, '33; Y. W. C. A.
Bessie Louise Capps
Arcola, N.C.
Grammar Grade
Dilley Catherine Campbell
Maxton, N. C.
Primary Grade
Lanier Society '32, '33; Y. W. C. A., '33; Athletic Association
Lula Braswell Cobb
Elm City, N. C.
Primary Grade
Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.
Mary Lee Cockrell
Norfolk, Va.
Primary Grade
Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.
Marcaret E. Cole
Hillsboro, N. C.
Grammar Grade
N.C.C.W., '32
Margaret Minerva Coppage
Vanceboro, N. C.
Primary Grade
Emerson Society; math Club, '32; English Club, '32; Y.W.C.A., '32, '33; Proctor, '33
Rachel Coppedge
Spring Hope, N.C.
Primary Grade
Y.W.C.A., '32, '33, Choir, '33; Lanier Society; Athletic Association, '33; Class Historian
Carma Credle
Lake Landing, N.C.
Primary Grade
Emerson Society; Y.W.C.A.
Lucille Creech
LaGrange, N.C.
Elementary Grade
Lanier Society
Annie Rose Cross
Elizabethtown, N.C.
Primary Grade
Lanier Society; Y.W.C.A.
Sibyl Daniels
Wanchese, N.C.
Primary Grade
Lanier Society; Y.W.C.A., Choir, "32; Athletic Assocation; Dare County Club, '33
Katherine M. Davis
Southport, N.C.
Primary Grade
Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.
Margaret Davis
Farmville, N. C.
Elementary Grade
Salem College, '31; Lanier Society, Marshal '33; Y. W. C. A.; Class Critic, '32; Superlative, '33
Willa Mitchell Dickey
Laurinburg, N.C.
Grammar Grade
N.C.C.W., '31; Lanier Society; Teco Echo Reporter for Scribblers Club, '32; Reporter for Class, '32, '33; Teco Echo Staff, '32; Managing Editor, '33; Scribblers Club, '32; Corresponding Secretary, '33
Edith Dillard
Rocky Mount, N.C.
Primary Grade
President Junior Normal Class, '32; Junior Y.W.C.A. Cabinet, '32; Lanier Society; Y.W.C.A.; Athletic Assocation; Rotary Cradle Club, '32
Jennie C. Draughon
Clinton, N.C.
Grammar Grade
Poe Society; Sampson County Club
Thelma Edmundson
Bethel, N.C.
Primary Grade
Poe Society
Charles S. Edwards
Macclesfield, N.C.
Grammar Grade
Lanier Society; Secretary-Treasurer co-ed Club; Assistant Manager Basketball, '32, '33
Elizabeth Edwards
Lemon Springs, N. C.
Elementary Grade
Poe Society; Y.W.C.A.
Ernestine Everett
Conetoe, N.C.
Grammar Grade
Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.
Elsie Edwards
Pendleton, N.C.
Primary Grade
Poe Society; Glee Club, '32, '33.
Bessie Taylor Efland
Efland, N. C.
Grammar Grade
N.C.C.W., '32; Poe Society; Athletic Association
Ruth Falls
Gastonia, N.C.
Primary Grade
Emerson Society; Y.W.C.A
Helen Freeman
Hamlet, N. C.
Primary Grade
Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.
Margaret Louise Fulcher
Leasburg, N. C.
Grammar Grade
Poe Society
Eleanor Matilda Gaskill
Straits, N.C.
Primary Grade
Poe Society; Athletic Assocation, '32, '33; Y.W.C.A., '33; Rotary Cradle Roll, '32
Inez Glover
Bailey, N. C.
Primary Grade
Emerson Society; Y.W.C.A.; Athletic Assocation
Dorothy Gordon
Hillsboro, N. C.
Grammar Grade
Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.
Katie Lee Gordon
Waxhaw, N.C.
Primary Grade
Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.
Lula G. Hardy
LaGrange, N. C.
Primary Grade
Emerson Society, Marshal, '32; Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association.
Dorothy Harmon
Grammar Grade
Emerson Society ; Student Volunteer.
Elizabeth Harris
Elizabeth City. N. C.
Grammar Grade
Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Proctor, '31.
Ada Clay Hedgepeth
Rocky Mount, N. C.
Elementary Grade
Poe Society; Y, W. C. A.
Naomi Hedgepeth
Primary Grade
Lanier Society; Y.W.C.A.
Lucille Henderson
Mooresville, N.C.
Two-Year Grammar Grade
Emerson Society; Y.W.C.A.; Junior "Y" Cabinet, '31
Margaret Lee Herring
Clinton, N.C.
Two-year Grammar Grade
Lanier Society; Sampson County Club
Josephine Elizabeth Highsmith
Dunn, N. C.
Grammar Education
Lanier Society; Glee club; Proctor, '33.
Eloise Storey Hill
Boykins, Va.
Grammar Grade
Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.; Junior Cabinet, '32
Ruth Hood Norton
Selma, N.C.
Lanier Society; Y.W.C.A.; Superlative, '32
Beatrice S. Hooks
Kenly, N.C.
Two-year Primary Grade
Emerson Society; Y.W.C.A.; Johnston County Club
Lessie Hooper
Stumpy Point, N.C.
Primary Club
Poe Society; Y.W.C.A.; Athletic Assocation; Dare County Club.
Sybil Hooper
Stumpy Point, N.C.
Grammar Grade
Lanier Society; Y.W.C.A.; Athletic Assocation; Dare County Club.
Doris Humphrey
Richlands, N.C.
Elementary Grade
Poe Society; Y.W.C.A.
Mary Humphrey
St. Pauls, N.C.
Two-year Grammar Grade
Emerson Society; Y.W.C.A.; Scribblers Club
Thelma Ireland
Alliance, N.C.
Primary Grade
Poe Society; Y.W.C.A.; Athletic Assocation, '33
Oleta Jackson
Cooper, N.C.
Primary Grade
Athletic Association, '31; Class Basketball Team; Emerson society
Madeline Jenkins
Greenville, N.C.
Primary Grade
Mildred Louise Jernigan
Fayetteville, N.C.
Primary Grade
Lanier Society; Y.W.C.A.; Athletic Assocation, '32, '33
Annie Lorene Jones
Neuse, N.C.
Grammar Grade
Lanier Society; Y.W.C.A.
Rose Mae Jones
Baltimore, Md.
Two-year Grammar Grade
Edith Kemp
Louisburg, N. C.
Grammar Grade
Poe society
Lucy Kelley
Jonesboro, N.C.
Primary Grade
Treasurer Junior Normal Class, '32; Lanier Society; Y.W.C.A.; Athletic Association.
Ella Johnson Kinlaw
Elizabethtown, N. C.
Intermediate Grade
Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Assocation
Elsie Knight
Bynum, N.C.
Emerson Society
Laverna Mary Langston
Bentonville, N. C.
Two-Year Grammar Grade
Lanier Society; Johnston County Club, '32, '33
Mary Louise Lawrence
Tarboro, N. C.
Primary Grade
Peace Junior College; Lanier Society; Y.W.C.A.
Hula B. Leach
Wilson, N. C.
Primary Grade
Student Government Representative, '32; Lanier Society; Teco Echo Staff, '32, '33; Y. W. C. A.; Associate Business Manager TECOAN, '33.
Grace Lee
Dunn, N. C.
Grammar Grade
Lanier Society; Glee Club, '32, '33; Y. W. C. A. Choir, '32
Ruby Belvia Lee
Willow Springs, N. C.
Elementary Education
Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Assocation; Johnston County Club, '32, '33; Class Basketball Team, '33.
May Lewis
Rocky Mount, N. C.
Two-year Grammar Grade
Ruth Mangum
Creedmoor, N. C.
Elementary Grade
Mildred Manning
Primary Grade
Margaret Mebane
Burlington, N. C.
Primary Grade
Emerson Society; Proctor, '32
Annie Laurie Melvin
Elizabethtown, N. C.
Grammar Grade
Wingate Junior College, '31; Emerson Society; Y.W.C.A
Euna Miller
Mocksville, N. C.
Two-Year Primary Grade
Catawba College, '28; Poe Society
Alice Menefee
Greenville, N. C.
Primary Grade
Emerson Society
Mary Alma Monroe
Raeford, N.C.
Grammar Grade
Athletic Assocation, '33
Rachel Elaine Morgan
Spring Hope, N.C.
Primary Grade
Class Secretary, '32; Glee Club; Lanier Society; Y.W.C.A., Choir, '32; Basketball, '32; T.N.T., '32
Doris Evelyn Morris
Harrellsville, N.C.
Grammar Grade
Poe Society
Edith Louise Morton
Wilmington, N.C.
Two-year grammar grade
Emerson Society; Emerson Debater, '32; Marshal, '33; Student Government Treasurer, '33; Y.W.C.A.
Maude Marinett Murray
Wadesboro, N.C.
Primary Grade
Emerson Society; Y.W.C.A.; Athletic Assocation
Beatrice McCotter
Alliance, N.C.
Primary Grade
Poe Society; Y.W.C.A.; "D" Class Council Representative
Mary McFadyen
Raeford, N.C.
Primary Grade
Y.W.C.A., '33
Maggie Lee McGlohon
Greenville, N.C.
Grammar Grade
Annie McIntyre
Merrimon, N.C.
Primary Grade
Emerson Society; Junior Y.W.C.A. Cabinet, '32; Vice President Class, '32
Renno McLawhorn
Ayden, N.C.
Primary Grade
Lanier Society; Y.W.C.A.
Lizzie Lee Nelms
Nashville, N.C.
Two-year primary grade
Lanier Society; Y.W.C.A.
Ruth Nixon
Stumpy Point, N.C.
Grammar Grade
Poe Society; Athletic Assocation; Y.W.C.A., Choir; Glee Club; Secretary and Treasurer Dare County Club.
Lillian Inez Oglesby
Winterville, N.C.
Two-year grammar grade
Frances Overton
Mount Gilead, N.C.
Primary Grade
Louisburg College; Y.W.C.A.; Emerson Society
Thelma Parker
Winterville, N.C.
Primary Grade
Alice Peacock
Benson, N.C.
Grammar grade
Poe Society; Johnston county Club
Hazel Pearce
Micro, N. C.
Primary Grade
Poe society; Y.W.C.A.; TECOAN Representative for Johnston county Club; Student Volunteer Band
Mildred Peele
Raeford, N.C.
Primary grade
Emerson Society
Pattie Mae Patterson
Elm City, N. C.
Two-Year Primary Grade
Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.
Alice Leigh Pelletier
Greenville, N.C.
Primary Grade
Vashti Perry
Hobbsville, N.C.
Grammar Grade
Lanier Society
Kittye Snow Phillips
Pinetops, N.C.
Primary Grade
Emerson Society
Joy Pickard
Charlotte, N.C.
Primary Grade
Chairman Junior "Y" Cabinet, '32; "C" Class Representative Student Government, '32; House President, '33; Emerson Society; Y.W.C.A. Cabinet, '32; Delegate to "Y" Officers Training Conference, '32; To Blue Ridge, '32; to Southern Student Faculty Conference, '32
Marie Pinnell
Warrenton, N.C.
Primary Education
Poe society; Y.W.C.A.; Athletic Assocation; Basketball Team
Sarah Belle Pitt
Pinetops, N.C.
Primary Grade
Emerson Society
Frances Anne Pollock
Trenton, N.C.
Primary Grade
Emerson Society; Glee Club, '33
Mayde Reynolds
Clinton, N.C.
Grammar Grade
Poe Society; Proctor, '33
Cornelia Rhyne
Gastonia, N.C.
Primary Grade
Asheville Normal and Teachers College, '30; Emerson Society
Mary Lena Rice
Alliance, N.C.
Primary Grade
Poe Society
Kathleen Riddle
Laurel Hill, N.C.
Primary Grade
Poe Society; Y.W.C.A.; Glee Club
Margarette Holt Rogers
Denton, N.C.
Primary Grade
Secretary Junior "Y" Cabinet, '32; Y.W.C.A. Cabinet, '33; Emerson Society; Class Secretary, '33; Associate Editor TECOAN, '33; Scribblers Club, '33
Janie Mildred Ross
Snow Hill, N.C.
Grammar Grade
Emerson Society; Y.W.C.A.
Della Undine Ross
Robersonville, N.C.
Grammar Grade
Emerson Society; Y.W.C.A.
Bonnie Mae Rushen
Belmont, N.C.
Primary Grade
Lanier Society; Y.W.C.A.
Margaret Taylor Russell
Dunn, N.C.
Primary Grade
Lanier Society; Y.W.C.A., '33; Scribblers Club; "D" Class President, '33; Teco Echo Reporter; Lanier Society, '33
Inez Smith
Goldsboro, N.C.
Grammar Grade
Laura E. Smith
Greenville, N.C.
Two-year primary grade
Emerson society
Mattie Ruth Smith
Fountain, N.C.
Primary Grade
Poe Society, '32, '33
Pauline Onedia Smith
Gibsonville, N.C.
Primary Grade
Y.W.C.A.; Junior Cabinet, '32; Athletic Assocation, '33; Lanier Society
Mary Willie Southerland
Henderson, N.C.
Two-year primary grade
Y.W.C.A.; Emerson Society; Y.W.C.A.; Junior Cabinet
Mary Ross Squires
Washington, N.C.
Primary Grade
Emerson Society; Class Cheer Leader, '32, '33; Emerson Cheer Leader, '33
Jane Stewart
Henderson, N.C.
Primary Grade
Emerson Society; Y.W.C.A.
Iris Elizabeth Stokes
Colerain, N.C.
Primary Grade
Y.W.C.A.; Poe Society, marshal, '33
Lucille Stokes
Greenville, N.C.
Grammar Grade
Poe Society
Margaret Strickland
Dunn, N.C.
Elementary Grade
Y.W.C.A. Choir, '32, '33; Glee Club; "D" Class TECOAN Representative, '33
Virginia Strickland
Nashville, N.C.
Primary Grade
Lanier Society
Grace Stringfield
Fayetteville, N.C.
Grammar Grade
Lanier Society; Athletic Assocation
Sara Tankard
Bath, N.C.
Grammar Grade
N.C.C.W., '29, 30; Emerson Society
Helen Josephine Taylor
Goldsboro, N.C.
Grammar Grade
Poe Society; Assistant Cheer Leader, '33; Athletic Assocation; Y.W.C.A.; Scribblers Club; President, '33
Lela Mae Taylor
Snow Hill, N.C.
Grammar Grade
Poe Society; Glee Club; Y.W.C.A.; Delegate to B.S.U. Conference, '33
Martha Teal
Wadesboro, N.C.
Primary Grade
Emerson Society; Y.W.C.A. Choir
Elsie Reid Tilghman
Kinston, N.C.
Grammar Grade
Lanier Society; Y.W.C.A.; Treasurer of Senior Normal Class
Sarah Mildred Tolar
Lumber Bridge, N.C.
Grammar Grade
Lanier Society; Y.W.C.A.; Athletic Assocation
Helen Barrow Turnage
LaGrange, N.C.
Grammar Grade
Emerson Society; Y.W.C.A. Choir
Flora Christine Tyndall
Trenton, N.C.
Elementary Grade
Emerson Society
Mabel Bernice Tyndall
Trenton, N.C.
Elementary Grade
Emerson Society
Lois Waddell
Fair Bluff, N.C.
Grammar Grade
Emerson Society; Glee Club, '33; Athletic Assocation, '33; Y.W.C.A.; "D" Basketball Team, '33
Lois Frances Walker
Hillsboro, N.C.
Grammar Grade
Lanier society
Emily Martha Warren
Durham, N.C.
Grammar Grade
Poe Society; Athletic Assocation; Basketball Team
Melba Louise Watson
Kenly, N.C.
Primary Grade
Y.W.C.A.; Junior Y.W.C.A. Cabinet '32; Poe Society; Poe Cheerio Club, '32; Johnston County Club, Vice President, '33; TECOAN Representative of "C" Class, '32; College Orchestra; TECOAN Representative of Poe Society, '33; Class Critic, '33; Proctor, '33; Class Poet, '32
Virginia Dare White
LaGrange, N.C.
Primary Grade
Emerson Society; Athletic Assocation; Y.W.C.A.; Proctor, '33
Ethel Whitehurst
Beaufort, N.C.
Primary Grade
Emerson Society; Advertising Manager Teco Echo, '33; Y.W.C.A.
Margaret Whitehurst
Bethel, N.C.
Grammar Grade
Clio Louise Whitfield
Franklin, Va.
Primary Grade
Y.W.C.A.; Lanier Society, Secretary, '33; Class Prophet, '33
Ella Estelle Williams
McCullers, N.C.
Elementary Grade
Lanier society; Athletic Assocation; Y.W.C.A.; Johnston County Club, Treasurer, '33
Frances Williams
Atlantic, N.C.
Primary Grade
Lanier Society
Sallie Elizabeth Williams
Clinton, N.C.
Primary Grade
N.C.C.W., '31; Poe Society
Nell S. Williford
Elm City, N.C.
Elementary Grade
Emerson Society; Y.W.C.A.; Junior Y.W.C.A. Cabinet; Athletic Assocation
Nellie Wise
Stumpy Point, N.C.
Grammar Grade
Lanier Society; Y.W.C.A.; Athletic Assocation; Class Cheer leader, '33; Teco Echo Reporter, '33; Scribblers Club; Dare County Club.
Hilda Wise
Swan Quarter, N.C.
Grammar Grade
Florence Woodard
Columbia, N.C.
Grammar Grade
Lanier Society; Y.W.C.A.
Alice Woodruff
Whitakers, N.C.
Primary Grade
Randolph Macon college, '30; Lanier Society; Y.W.C.A.
Verdie Wilson
Greenville, N.C.
Primary Grade
Lenore Winstead
Elm City
Primary Grade
Lanier Society
Lucille Yates
Morrisville, N.C.
Grammar Grade
Emerson Society; Athletic Assocation; Y.W.C.A.; Glee Club
Mary Ellen Yelverton
Farmville, N.C.
Elementary Grade
Lanie Society; Tennis Club; Baseball Team, '32; Captain Baseball Team, '32
Elizabeth Young
Elizabethtown, N.C.
Primary Grade
N.C.C.W., '32; Emerson Society
AS we sit fondly fingering our well-worn memory books which are really scrapbooks containing autographs, cartoons, souveniers, and a bit of a diary - all dating from the never-to-be-forgotten day of September 28, 1931, what a floodgate of memories - memories that bless and burn - are awakened ! How beautiful are some of the pictures that hang in Memory's Hall. How comical are some of the recollections of those First Days at college.
We were one hundred fiifteen in number as we entered the doors of our favorite Shrine to Knowledge, dear old East Carolina Teachers College. From all arts of North Carolina we hailed jolly girls, sad girls, big girls, little girls, brave girls and timid girls.
Parties, teas, mass meetings and registering, together with getting acquainted with each other, occupied our first few days.
Soon we were meeting classes (not the hopes and ambitions our instructors had for us)! To those first questions the answers quite frequently were. "Teacher, I don't know."
Then came INITIATION ! Not one among our number but had enlarged imaginations, anticipations (and in some cases apprehensions) concerning this event. Each resolved inwardly to assume the nonchalant attitude and appear as sensible as green "C's" could. Alas! like "best laid plans of mice and men," ours too, went astray - arrayed in many petticoats, rouged noses, adorned by alarming clocks, wear- ing slickers, carrying umbrellas, we must have been an attractive group! But altogether it was lots of fun. and having experienced it. we saw to it that the incoming 1933 society members derived full benefit and had something to write home about.
Then came Thanksgiving. Home and friends never seemed dearer. As we packed our bags in eager haste we forgot the tears we had shed; our hearts forgot the aches it had had. Everyone was happy. Although the holidays passed very quickly we brought back with us many pleasant memories.
As we turn other pages, bits of programs, a line jotted here and there remind us anew of some of the wonderful things the college provided in the way of entertainment. We shall long remember the Don Cossack Russian Male Chorus. Galli Curci, The Abbey Theater Irish Players, Harold Kreutzherg and his Dancing Group -how we enjoyed them!
Almost before we knew it we were handing in our spring finals, and asking ourselves anew, "What is so rare as a day in June?" For were we not eager for our promising vacation?
We entered our senior year one hundred sixty-four in number. Visions of practice teaching became realities, and many, many times did we hear that "Teacher, I don't know" - it sounds different too, when one says it and it's said to one !
The outstanding entertainment during the first term was the delightful show performed by Doris Kenyon. She sang in many different languages and expressed her wonderful personality in all of it.
We have enjoyed many motion pictures shown in Austin Hall on Saturday evenings. Nor must we leave our Ex-Governor Gardner and the various speakers who from time to time have inspired us to better effort by their messages.
Graduation - the goal for which we have zealously labored - approaches ! We must soon say that pathos-filled word "Farewell" as we part from the sunshine of accomplishment and temporary clouds of disappointment in some of our work.
On the very last page is pasted an invitation to one Graduating Exercise. We are elated yet,
"A feeling of sadness comes o'er me That my soul cannot refrain. And resembles sorrow only As the mists resemble rain.''
As we think of parting from those who have been closely associated with us, both in our classes and on the campus, we think of this selection:
'Here awa and there awa,
Up the world and doon, You and I are going friend.
Under sun and moon; Whether roads divide or no.
Whether alone or met, Whether we hail or bid farewell-
Oh, dinna forget !"
And now to teachers, friends, and members of Senior Normal Class of 1933 in the words of Tiney Tim, "God Bless us all!"
State of North Carolina County of Pitt Town of Greenville
WE, the Senior Normal Class of nineteen hundred thirty-three, while on the eve of our graduation, look back with love and loyalty for our Alma Mater, do hereby make and declare our Last Will and Testament.
We bequeath:
To the Faculty, our most sincere wishes that the "Depression" come to an end in the near future, as we ourselves hope to become faculty members soon, and we feel that we shall be able to sympathize with them regarding such matters.
To our Parents, we devote our future lives with the desire that we do all we can to repay them for what they have done for us. To the Junior-Normal Class:
First, our charm and teaching personality that are such essential assets at the Training School ;
Second, a full supply of notebooks, note-cards, and files;
Third, the beloved privilege of sharing in the persecution of the new society members, as you have been persecuted this year;
Fourth, our chapel seats at the front of the auditorium.
To all concerned, a clear field, as far as we are concerned, in pursuit of our irresistible co-eds.
Melba Watson, Maruarette Rogers,
Witnesses :
Carma Credle, Anne McIntyre.
THE meeting will please come to order" called Margaret Russell at the class reunion in June 1942. "As Margaret Rogers calls the roll will each answer in a few words what she is doing?"
Bevie Adams: Follies girl.
Louise Adams: Old maid.
Hazel Ainsley: Piano tuner.
Mabel Allen: Publishing poem books.
Selma Anderson : Nun.
Winona Asbell: Waitress.
Anne Askew: Tap dancer.
Ellen Baker: Missionary.
Grace Baker: Debater.
Mabel Barbour: Lion hunter.
Ruth Bivens: America's platinum blond.
Edith Bowman: Photographer.
Beth Brantley: Big woman in a circus.
Jessie Brewer: Famous fortune teller.
Louise Briley: Artist model.
Catherine Brinkley: Librarian.
Eleanor Brinkley: Postmistress.
Kathleen Bryce: Demonstrator of cosmetics.
Lillie Brown: Coach in Cuba.
Theo Cain: Teaching at Campbell College.
Katherine Campbell: Social director for P. J. C.
Bessie Louise Capps: Voice instructor.
Lillian Carowan: Gown shop in Paris.
Virginia Carowan: Professor at Columbia.
Lula Cobb: Working for Ph.D.
Mary Lee Cockerell: Secretary.
Margaret Coppage: Speakeasy hostess.
Rachel Coppedge: Anne Harding's successor.
Carma Credle: Opera star.
Lucille Creech: Ballet dancer.
Irene Creech: Pianist.
Annie Cross: Clerk.
Pauline Dail: Beauty culture teacher
Sybil Daniels:Hostess in nightclub
Katheryne Davis: Living in S.A.
Margaret Davis: Music instructor here
Katherine Dickerson: Struggling for A.B. at E. C. T. C.
Wills Mitchell:Editor of Ballyhoo.
Edith Dillard: Proprietor of Denton's
Thelma Edmundson: Teaching phonics
Jennie Draughon: Teaching school.
Charles Edwards: Director of Physical Education at E. C. T. C.
Elizabeth Edwards: Radio announcer.
Ernestine Everett: Deep sea diver.
Ruth Falls: Kindergarten teacher.
Ilarnae Fitzgerald: Poet.
Hazel Forrest: Choir leader.
Helen Freeman: Broadway dancer.
Margaret Fulcher: Card shark.
Matilda Gaskin: Coaching dramatics.
Inez Glover: Artist.
Lula G. Hardy: Bootblack.
Ora Hammond: Telephone operator.
Elizabeth Harris: Olympics champion.
Ada Hedgepeth: Invented permanent curling fluid.
Lucille Henderson: Clerk in Woohvorth's.
Alice Herring: Auctioneer.
Elizabeth Highsmith: Beauty parlor operator.
Margaret Lee Herring: Dean at E. C. T. C.
Eloise Hill: Advertising Barrett's Rolls.
Vera Hobbs: Making phonograph records.
Virginia Hoffman: Bandmistress.
Beatrice Hooks: Bicyclist.
Lessie Hooper: Prima donna.
Sybil Hooper: Recently divorced.
Doris Humphrey: Cashier.
Mary Humphrey: Working for M.A.
Thelma Ireland: Drummer.
Oleta Jackson: Running tea room.
Mildred Jernigan: Parachute jumper.
Lillian Johnson: Hair dresser.
Louise Jones: Governor of State.
Lorine Jones: Florist.
Edith Kemp: Sculptress.
Lucy Kelly: Studying men abroad.
Ella Johnson Kinlaw: Librarian.
Elsie Knight: Dancing Director.
Laverna Langs ton: County superintendent.
Mary Louise Lawrence: Dream interpreter.
Hula B. Leach: Farmer's wife.
Grace Lee: Running hot dog stand.
Ruby Lee: Swimming instructor.
May Lewis: Matron in Fleming.
Ruth Mangum: Patent on "Sur-Blonde Liquid."
Evelyn Matthews: Playwright.
Margaret Mebane: School teacher.
Annie Laurie Melvin: Worlds prettiest brunette.
Annie Menefee: Answering fan mail.
Frances Mewborne: Bellhop in Waldorf.
Euna Miller: Demonstrating cooking.
Mary Alma Monroe: N. C. Senator.
Rachel Morgan: Miss Graham's successor.
Leona Morgan: Mail carrier.
Doris Morris: Dealer in toilet articles.
Edith Morton: Interior decorator.
Dell Moye: Loafing.
Jessie Munn: Telegraph operator.
Wilina Murphy: Owns silk factory.
Marnette Murray: Song writer.
Beatrice McCotter: Salvation Army worker.
Mary McFadgen: Minister's wife.
Maggie McGlohon: Lilly Pond's successor.
Annie Mclntyre: Maid in Biltmore Hotel.
Renno McLawhorn: Old maid.
Lizzie Lee Nelms: Hook agent.
Ruth Nixon: Welfare worker.
Inez Oglesby: Dress maker.
Frances Overton: Running hoarding house.
Thelma Parker: Toe dancer.
Alice Peacock: Studying art.
Hazel Pearce: Telephone operator.
Mildred Peele; Raising chickens.
Alice Pelletier: Still reducing.
Vashti Perry: Matron of Sand Rock Hotel.
Kittye Phillips: Palmist.
Joy Pickard: Editor of Trut Story.
Marie Pinnell: Running Private Kinder- garten.
Sarah Belle Pitt: Keeping house.
Frances Pollock: Sign painter.
Mayde Reynolds: Music teacher.
Cornelia Rbyne: Home Economics Teacher.
Mary Lena Rice: Doctor's wife.
Kathleen Riddle: Mayor of Laurel Hill.
Margarette Rogers: Ring agent.
Mildred Rose: Elocutionist.
Delha Ross: Mother of six.
Ronnie Rushen: Tennis Star.
Margaret Russell: Nurse in Rudy's Hospital.
Inez Smith: Bathing beauty.
Mattie Laura Smith: Magazine salesman.
Mattie Ruth Smith: Model for Kaiser's Underwear.
Mildred Smith: Tight Rope Walker.
Pauline Smith: Aviatrix.
Man" Southerland: Studying fashions abroad.
Mary Ross Squires: Nun.
Jane Stewart: Broker on Wall Street.
Iris Stokes: Selling Angora Cats.
Lucille Stokes: Geography Instructor at Duke.
Margaret Strickland: Bathing Beauty.
Grace Stringfield: Church Secretary.
Sara Tankard: In Reno getting a divorce.
Helen Taylor: Associate Editor of College II a mil r.
Tela Mae Taylor: Designer in Furniture Factory.
Martha Teel : Blues Crooner.
Elsie Tilghman: Bookkeeper.
Helen Turnage: Toe Dancer in New York.
Inez Turner: Proprietor of a Luncheon- ette.
Mildred Tolar: Basketball Coach.
Flora Tyndall: Architect.
Mabel Tyndall: Hostess at the St. Regis Hotel, N. V.
I.ois Waddell: Geography teacher.
Lois Walker: Critic in E. C. T. C. Training School.
Mrs. May H. Watson: Kindergarten Instructor.
Melba Watson: Pianist in Alva van Northwick Orchestra.
Emily Warren: Milliner in Richmond.
Virginia White: Working in a hosiery mill.
Ethel Whitehurst: Advertising Manager of Kress.
Louise Whitfield: United States Congressman's wife.
Estelle Williams: Accountant at E. C. T. C.
Nell Williford: In Arizona trying to gain.
Verdie Wilson: Movie Actress in California.
Hilda Wise: Building bridges to Manteo.
Nelle Wise: Teaching FJlocution in Hyde County.
Florence Woodard: Home Economist.
Alice Woodruff: Taking life easy.
Mary Ellen Yelverton: Politician.
Elizabeth Young: Saleslady.
Written by
Willa Mitchell Dickey.
Louse Whitfield.
Wade Colburn "C" Class Mascot
Colors: White and Lavender
Flower: Sweet Pea
Motto: "Perserverance"
Our Class in approximation
Is two hundred forty strong;
And as to zeal and animation -
We'll rule the place before long!
But thinking in a serious way,
We gladly will cooperate;
And at some not so far off clay
We will make this our college great.
Now let us go forward and persevere
Until our work is done;
For we want our memory here
To be a grand and brilliant one!
Dorothy Brooks
Marie Daniels President
Carol Pollock Vice President
Dorothy Brooks Secretary
Inez Davis Treasurer
Margaret Anderson
Ruby Andrews
Ruth Melba Arnold
Grace Ayscue
Gladys Baker
Mildred Bockum
Louise Banck
Rachel Barbee
Molly Neal Barringer
Mattie Elizabeth Barrow
Lucy Barrow
Rose Bateman
Willie Lewis Bazemore
Mary Booth
Julia May Bordeaux
Margaret Bostic
Norma Boyles
Esmond Bradley
Ruby Branch
Catherine Brazwell
Selma Braxton
Daisy Sue Britt
Elizabeth Britt
Alice Brooks
Dorothy Brooks
Alma Broughton
Lillie Dare Brown
Mary Elizabeth Browne
Adell Brumley
Nita Brumley
Mary Bundy
Grace Burrus
Mayre Bridger Butler
Hilda Byrd
Sara Hooker Carr
Rachel Cauble
Attie Chappell
Blanche Chappell
Sibyl Clarke
Annie Mae Collier
Rose Collins
Valerie Conner
Miriam Cudworth
Eleanor Daly
Fannie W. Daniel
Marie Daniels
Maxine Daniels
Edna Darden
Lida Frances Dark
Margaret Daughtridge
Sidney Davenport
Inez Davis
James Ethel Davis
Marie Davis
Mary Ruth Davis
Mildred Davis
Nancy Dawson
Nellie Rae Dawson
Thelma Dawson
Joy DeLoatche
Jessie Ruffin Denton
Mary Gardner Dinkins
Elva Driggers
Florence Estelle Eagles
Dorothy Earle
Emma Earley
Frances Edmundson
Louise Edmundson
Rebecca Edwards
Bessie Efland
Mary Ellenberg
Lucy Etheridge
Ruth Evans
Nancy Ewing
Pauline Finch
Ruth Yelverton Fenber
Ellen Fleetwood
Frances Fleetwood
Laura S. Fleming
Marjorie Fodrie
Annie Rose Fuller
Mary R. Fulton
Annie Lois Futrelle
Hazel Gaynor
Lucile Gammon
Margueritte Gardner
Alma Godfrey
Adell Godwin
Irma Grant
Catherine Gregg
Grace Griffin
Annie Hall
Alma Hammond
Laura Harrell
Helen L. Hardy
Elizabeth Moore Helms
Lucile Harris
Alphia Herring
Sara Herring
Janie Hester
Helen Hinton
Roslyn Hollingsworth
Margaret Holt
Mildred Hooker
Annie Laurie Hudson
Jeanne Isley
Alma Earle Ivy
Victoria Jackson
Mary Jenkins
Lessie Mae Jennings
Elizabeth Johnson
Ruth Johnson
Betsie Ann Jordan
Virginia Kerr
Hazel Gonelle Kimrey
Annie Kornegay
Pearl Lautares
Willie C. Levinson
Eloise Lewis
Olive Lewis
Mary Lindsay
Nancy Lee Little
Lucile Long
Alice Manning
Margaret Mattox
Lessie May
Edna M. Midgette
Belle Mitchiner
Lois B. Moore
Rachel Moore
Louise Morris
Hazel Morton
Vivian Murray
Athaleah Muse
Sue Taylor Myers
Sara McFadyen
Elizabeth McGee
Ellen McGladon
Janice McGowen
Catherine McNair
Irene Nobles
Sue Noell
Mary Norton
Persaline O'Brian
Margaret Lee Oldham
Mary Outlaw
Emma Avent Outterbridge
Anabel Parker
Arline Parker
Betsy Parker
Virginia Parrish
Eugenia Parrish
Lillie Frank Peace
Florence Peacock
Ophelia Pearce
Mildred Pitt
Grace Penny
Hilda Perkins
Mary Foy Peterson
Maude Ellen Phillips
Reba Pickett
Lou Ella Pinnul
Minnie Leah Pittman
Carol Pollock
Julia Pollock
Annie Neal Pravatte
Margaret Pravatte
Marjorie Pritchard
Odell Pritchard
Daisy Purnell
Maud Rankin
Daisy Raper
Margaret Rawls
Norma Redfearn
Naomi Riddick
Louise Roberson
Inez Rollins
Dora Routree
Bettie Rouse
Julia Rouse
Nannie Rowlett
Berkely Sauls
Evelyn Sawyer
Miriam Sloan
Edna Smith
Ellen Smith
Frances Elizabeth Smith
Hannah Snead
Hazel Spivey
Inez Stevens
Ruby Stocks
Nina Ruth Stone
Wilma Storey
Juila Stringfield
Ruth Strange
Elma Strickland
Hattie B. Strickland
Betty Stuckey
Mary Anna Sugg
Isabelle Suiter
Alma Taylor
Christine Taylor
Carrie Jean Thomas
Eleanor Thompson
Minnie Leigh Thompson
Lucy Tillet
Virginia Tilly
Dora Tingle
Minnie Lou Tomlinson
Mamie Trexler
Annie Boyd Trollinger
Eva May Turnage
Allene Turlington
Catherine Tyson
Julia Underwood
Eva Vaughan
Annie Vinson
Emily Von Milgrom
Stella Walston
Viola Ward
Erna Lee Watson
Gladys West
Lizzie J. White
Annie Whitley
Elsie Whitley
Winston Wicker
Louise Wilder
Ruth Willard
Clarice Williams
Geneva Williams
Sally Williams
Reba Winstead
Magdaline M. Wilson
Elsie Wood
Louise Wood
Mavis Woodard
Sara Mae Woodard
Sara Wooten
Iris Flythe President
Helen L. Harkey Vice President
Mabel Dickens Secretary
Pauline Barber Treasurer
Iris Flythe
Pauline Barber
Mabel Dickens
Mary Sue Langston
Vera Broughton
Sara S. Summerville
Martha Starling
Florence Sinclair
Alice Herring
May Hearne
Lucy LeRoy
Mildred Harrison
Elizabeth Overton
Clyde Morton
Grace Penny
Allene Turlington
Rachel Barbee
Irma Grant
Hilda Perkins
Bessie Efland
Margaret Cole
Mildred Dixon, Chief
Pansy Lanier
Myrtie Gray Hodges
George Wilkerson
Margaret Murchinson President
Marjorje Griffin Vice President
Rebecca Curtis Secretary
Edith Morton Treasurer
Evelyn Rogers Chairman of Campus Committee
Ethel Parker President of Y.W.C.A.
Elizabeth Haywood Editor-in-Chief Teco Echo
Birdie Lee Debnam Senior Class Representative
Mary Parker Junior Class Representative
Edith Marslender Sophomore Class Representative
Janie Outland Freshman Class Representative
Beatrice McCotter Senior Normal Class Representative
Isabel Suiter Junior Normal Class Representative
Laura Eure House President Cotton Hall
Hattie Lee Humphrey House President Cotton Hall
Stella Blevins House President Cotton Hall
Agnes Strickland House President Fleming Hall
Joy Pickard House President Fleming Hall
Aleen Hunt House President Jarvis Hall
Mary Rabb House President Jarvis Hall
Mary Lynn Pipkin House President Wilson Hall
Pauline Wheeless House President Wilson Hall
Elizabeth Moore Town Representative
Nelson Hunsucker Young Men's Representative
Margaret Murchison
Greensboro, N. C.
President of Student Government Association
Marjorie Griffin
Rebecca Curtis
Edith Morton
Evelyn Rogers
Ethel Parker
Elizabeth Haywood
Birdie Lee Debnam
Mary G. Parker
Edith Marslender
Janie Outland
Beatrice McCotter
Isabel Suiter
Laura Eure
Hattie Lee Humphery
Stella Blevins
Agnes Strickland
Joy Pickard
Aleen Hunt
Mary Rabb
Mary Lynn Pipkin
Pauline Wheeless
Elizabeth Moore
Nelson Hunsucker
Ethel Parker
Woodland, N.C.
President of Young Women's Chrisitan Association
Elizabeth Biddle Vice President
Katherine Hinson Secretary
Melba O'Brien Treasure
Margarette Rogers Teco-Echo Reporter
Elizabeth Denny Religious Education
Margaret Murchison Ex Officio
Pauline Barber Publicity
Joy Pickard Morning Watch
Ethelyn Sanders Social Service
Lucille Rose Student Volunteer
Mary Rabb Music
Louise Sharpe Social
Ruth Parker World Fellowship
Iris Flythe Store Keepers
Helen Harkey Store Keepers
Elizabeth Haywood Editor in Chief
Willa Mitchell Dickey Managing Editor
Clyde Morton Associate Editor
Bertha Walston Associate Editor
Mary G. Parker Associate Editor
Margaret Walker Associate Editor
Miss Mamie Jenkins Faculty Advisor
Myrtie Gray Hodges Business Manager
Virginia Taylor Assistant Business Manager
Elizabeth Denny Advertising Manager
Frances Davis Advertising Manager
Jessie Glynn Cole Circulation Manager
Lucy LeRoy Circulation Manager
Lucille Rose Circulation Manager
Mildred Gibson Circulaton Manager
M.L. Wright Faculty Manager
Mary Lynn Pipkin, Chairman Emerson Society
Mildred Dixon, Secretary Poe Society
Miss Charlton Lanier Society
Mr. Hollar Emerson Society
Dr. Slay Lanier Society
Dr. Rebarker Poe Society
Mr. Pickleseimer Emerson Society
Dr. Meadows Poe Society
Evelyn Rogers Emerson Society
Mary Lynn Pipkin Emerson Society
Pansy Lanier Emerson Society
Emily Lane Lanier Society
Elizaeeth Denny Lanier Society
Clafton Cherry Poe Society
Mildred Dixon Poe Society
Inez Becton Poe Society
Evelyn Rogers President
Pansy Lanier Vice President
Iris Flythe Secretary
Elizabeth Davis Treasurer
Tune: "Clayton's Grand March"
Oh, Emerson Society,
Dear old White and Blue!
For you our hearts beat merrily
As we sing this song to you.
For when tee see our colors there.
Blue and White, everywhere,
We know that they mean only you,
And all you hold so true.
So here we are the Emersons,
Boosting for our clan.
Oh, Emerson! Oh, Emerson!
For you we will always stand!
Clafton Cherry President
Elizabeth Carswell Vice President
Louise Jordan Secretary
Helen M. Harkey Treasurer
Oh, Edgar! Oh, Edgar Allan!
He are the Edgar Allan Poes.
We are the society,
Choice and picked variety.
Oh, Edgar! Oh, Edgar Allan!
We are the Edgar Allan Poes.
March on! - March on!
Beneath the red and white,
For we will conquer all our foes,
And we're sure to win in every fight.
Emily Lane President
Etheltn Sanders Vice President
Louise Whitfield Secretary
Frances Newsom Treasurer
Tune: "On the Mall"
Let us sing a song of praise to our Society,
Hail to thee, Sidney Lanier!
Loyal members ever proving your sobriety,
Though our fun to us will e'er be dear.
Then let us to our banner each a tribute pay -
Let us ever our motto uphold,
Always faithful, true, and loyal to thee, night and day,
Hurrah for the Green and Gold!
Margaret Griffin
Marshville, N. C.
Chief Marshal Poe Society
Frances Davis
Melba O'Brien
Clara Van Freeman
Iris Stokes
Lucy LeRoy
Mary Lynn Pipkin
Edith Morton
Mildred Gibson
Lulu G. Hardy
Marjorie Griffin
Margaret Davis
Mildred Horton
Rebecca Curtis
Emily Lane
Katherine Blalock
Rosa Lee Lang Chairman
Rebecca Pittman Student Body Representative
Lucy LeRoy Student Body Representative
Mary Shaw Robeson Town Representative
Bob Eason Young Men's Representative
Dorothy Smith President
Elizabeth Carswell
Ruth Hollowell
Aleen Hunt
Sue Sewell
Kemp House
Mary Taylor
Professor R. C. Deal Faculty Adviser
Book IV
Best-all-Around American
Most Beautiful Spanish
Most Intellectual Roman
Most Vivacious French
Most Industrious German
Wittiest Irish
Lizzie Lee: Now before we drive much farther, I want you to understand that lon't neck, so don't try to hold my hand or kiss me. Is that clear? Harry: Yes.
L. L.: Now, since that is settled, where shall we go? Harry: Home.
It is reported that Barnum and Bailey have sold their old big-top to Kate Smith to use as a morning wrap.
Headline - "Husband Leaves Wife's Bridge Party; Disappears." Just a fugitive from a chin gang.
A big car pulled up to the curb. The little girl's heart missed a beat. "Going north. Babe?"
"Why, yes."
"Well, give my regards to the Eskimos" - and the big car continued up Fifth Street.
Mrs. Fort: Mrs. Frank, does your husband talk in his sleep?
Mrs. Frank: No, and it's awfully exasperating. He only smiles.
Do you neck?
That's my business.
Well, how's business during this depression?
A stout woman drove up to a filling station.
"I want two quarts of oil," she said.
"What kind, heavy?" asked the attendant.
"Say, young man, don't get fresh with me," was the indignant response.
Moena Horton: Gee, but that date last night was fresh.
Julia: Why didnt you slap his face?
Moena: I did; and take my advice, never slap a guy when he's chewing tobacco.
"Your Shoe Store"
Real College Styles Combined with Quality and Comfort
Ask your Friends About Our Shoes
They Know
Offers at all times the styles in
Ladies' Ready-to-Wear and Yard Material
412 Evans Street
Greenville, N.C.
Engraved Wedding Annoucements
Fine Stationary
Office Supplies
Greenville, N.C.
One of the Freshmen at State can't understand why he has to take courses in husbandry in order to get his bachelor's degree.
"Do you like women who talk or the other kind?"
"What other kind?"
They say that love is blind and that the home is an institution - therefore marriage must he an institution for the blind!
"Will we ever have a woman president?"
"Of course not. A president has to be over thirty-five years of age."
Cassie: Isn't it dreadful? I refused to marry Dan last January and he's been drinking ever since.
Annie Boyd: I should say that's carrying it too far.
Alva: So Miss Greene is going to get married at last? Who's the lucky man?
Charlie: Her father- her father.
"Has anybody seen Tibbie?"
"She's wrestling with her conscience."
"Yeah, a featherweight match."
The old maid's lament:
I wish I were dead,
I frightened a man
Who was under my bed.
Joe: I'm getting a new siren for my car.
Frances: Oh Joe, does that mean that it's all over between us?
Hula B.: Troy is so original. He says things that no other boy would dream of saying.
Mary Baugham: What's he been up to now? Asking you to marry him?
Ruth Biven's hair-
Meona Horton's eyes-
Ruth Hood Norto's nose-
Myrtle Gray Hodges mouth-
Jessie Glynn Coles dimples-
Margaret Davis' complexion-
Kat. Hines' figure-
Lucy Kelly's legs-
Frankie Davis' personality-
Hula B. Leach's technique-
What a woman!
The Home Furniture Store
Near Five Points
Just suppose:
Miss Morton was 5 feet tall and weighed 200 lbs.
We had no co-eds.
We didn't have the depression to talk about.
Mr. Haynes would cut a class.
Dr. Slay wouldn't smile at all.
Nobody went to the Post office at 11:30 a.m.
There was no "Y" store.
There was no Student Council.
President Wright were to say everybody ought to smoke cigarettes.
First Kangaroo: Annabelle, Where's the baby?
Second Kangaroo: My goodness, I've had my pocket picked.
"So you've been to college, eh?"
"How high can you count?"
"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, jack, queen, king."
A Scotch Telegram - 10 words.
Bruises hurt erode afford erector analysis hurt too infectious dead.
Frances: Does that boy you had a date with last nite talk very much?
Loree: I was wondering about that myself.
The college laundry seriously pinned the following note to a fat girl's nightgown ind returned it - "We are not equipped to launder stage curtains."
Crowd: "We've been out to play."
Margaret: "I'm going cut to Pla-to.
Carrie Moore: "Is he really a member of the K.K.K.?"
Vera: "Yea, Kourt'em, Kiss'em, Kick'em"
Alva Paige: E. C. T. C. is a school of Liberal Hearts."
The one gift that only you can give--
Your Photograph
Smart Women's Wear
Greenville, N.C.
Dependable Druggist
Here's to the girl who steals, lies, and swears: (1) Steals into your arms. (2) Lies there contentedly. (3) Swears she'll always love only you.
Alva: Why the lipstick on your nose?
Bob: I just tried to stick it in somebody else's business.
Authorized FORD Dealer
Phone 47
Renfrew Printing Co.
Printers and Stationers
WE have all kings of stationary and supplies for college girls
Evans Street
Opposite Proctor Hotel
Once upon a time, a fellow was walking down the street with his girl friend. As they approached a moving picture show, he felt in his pockets but he had no money; thus the expression, "Alas and Alack."
Exclusive Apparel for Women
We show the new things first
C. Herber Forbes
Greenville, N.C.
Official College Jeweler
Established 1901
Special Prices to College Girls
We Sell "Divided Pay Plan"
Lautares Candy Palace
Complete Line of
Our Soda Fountain is one of the Most Up-to-Date in the State
Including hot water service
Service and quality
VISIONS created by the imagination precede the achievement of any really great accomplishment. The ability to weave the threads of imagination into the finished fabric is equally important.
It has been the prvilege of the EDWARDS and BROUGHTON COMPANY to cooperate with the TECOAN staff in creating their vision into material form.
Such cooperation is one of the "visions" which precede the building of a successful business, and is a part of the working policy of the EDWARDS and BROUGHTON COMPANY.
To those Staffs desiring complete cooperation, we offer unexcelled service.
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Correspondence is Invited
Do Not Take From This Room