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Greenville, N.
Anne Poythress Business Manager
The 1942 Tecoan has followed no def- inite theme. We have tried to portray campus life as it was seen by us during this year. In the years to follow, when you turn back to look at this book, we hope- that it will recall to you those pleasant days spent in '42 at East Carolina.
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Mr. Browning came to this college in 1936 from West Virginia. He began our Commerce Department. There were no rooms available and the attic storage spaces of Austin Building were used. Ac- counting tables were manual arts workbenches brought from the shop. In the six years that he has been on our campus, Mr. Browning has caused the wide growth of this department which is now one of the best in the South.
Because he is such a friend to all students; because he has done so much for this college, this yearbook is dedicated to him.
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"Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." These words were uttered by the world's greatest teacher almost two thousand years ago. As teachers and as citizens of the larger community which you are about to enter, you cannot do better than adopt them as your slogan. Through you the truth will make free a world that is bound by the chains of avarice, cruelty, tyranny, and intolerance. May the spirit of the Master Teacher strengthen you in your efforts.
Leon R. Meadows, President.
r;r. :ft.i +**../**, w*,7!
The Spirit of Democracy demands that youth be given an opportunity for self-expression in governmental affairs. No democratic institution or form of government can long endure with its youth regimented from above. A government of youth, by adults, for youth, violates the very essence of democracy. The democratic way of life for youth, all too often, is com- prehended in the phrase, "Might makes right".
Dr. Herbert Rebarker, Dean of Men.
Not knowledge alone, but knowledge and understanding should be our goal. Like Solomon of old, our admonition should be: "Wisdom is the Principal thing; therefore, get wisdom, and with all thy getting, get understanding."
Annie L. Morton, Dean of Women.
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Dr. Lucre Turner. Director of Instruction,
English; Miss Mamie Jenkins. English; Miss Lois Grigsby, English.
Miss Cm ma L. Hooper. English; Miss Mary Greene, English: Dr. M. N. Posey. English.
Dr. Denver Baughan. English: Dr. Herbert Rebarker. Director of Instruction, Math; Miss Louise Williams. Ala/A.
Miss Elizabeth England. hUib: Dr. R. J. Slay. Director of Instruction, Science: Dr. B. B. Brandt. Science.
Dr. Charles Reynolds. Science: Dr. W. S. Deloach. Science: Dr. Christine Wilton.
Miss Mary Humpherys. Science; Mr. R. C. Deal. Director of Instruction, French: Miss Marguerite Austin. French.
Dr. P. W. PiCKLESlMER. Director of Instruc- tion. Geography; Mr. G. B. Cummings, Geog- raphy; Dr. W. A. Brown, Geogr.iphy.
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ECOAN - "--
Mr. E. R. Browning, Director of Instruction, Commerce; Miss Lena C. Ellis, Commerce: Miss Velma Lowe, Co?- merce; Miss Audry Dempsey. Commerce: Dr. A. D. Frank, Director of Instruction, History; Dr. R. L. Hilldrup. History; Mr. E. C. Hollar, History.
Second Row:
Dr. P. A. Toll. Economics: Dr. Beecher Flanagan, Economics: Mr. O. A. Hankner. Director of Instruction,
Physical Education; Mr. John Christenbury. Physical Education; Dr. E. L. Henderson, Director of Instruction,
Administration and Supervision; Miss Dorothy Parks, Physical Education; Dr. Carl L. Adams, Director of Instruc- tion, Education and Psychology.
Miss Annie Newell, Education; Miss Lucille Charlton, Education; Dr. H. C. Haynes, Education and Psychol- ogy: Miss Dora E. Coates, Director of Supervision Primary and Grammar Grades; Miss Kate L. Lewis, Director of Instruction, Public School Art; Mr. William H. McHenry. Art.
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Miss Madelon Powers, Art; Mr. Alma Dittmer. Director of Instruction, Music; Mr. Robert Getchell. Music.
Mr. Denton Rossell, Music; Miss Lois V. Gorrell, Music; Miss Gussie Kuykendall, Music.
Mrs. Adelaide Bloxton. Home Economics; Miss Mabel Lacy. Home Economics; Miss Margaret Sellman. Home Economics.
Miss Pearle Chapman, Home Economics ; Mr. Felix E. Snider. Director of Instruction, Library ; Mr. Elliot Hardaway, Library.
Fifth Row:
Miss Margaret Sammon. Library; Mr. Ves- ter Mulholland. Principal of Senior High School, English; Miss Deanie Boone Has- kett. Critic Teacher, English.
Mr. R. G. Walser, Critic Teacher, English; Miss Cooper Bell, Critic Teacher, English; Mr. Cunningham. Critic Teacher, History.
Miss Estelle Greene. Critic Teacher. Math; Miss Laura Bell. Critic Teacher, Commerce.
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Mr. Bo Farley, Critic Teacher, Physical Education: Miss Frances Wahl, Principal, Training School: Miss Ruth Faison, First Grade; Miss Anne Redwine, First Grade; Miss Christine Johnson, Second Grade; Miss Lucy Nul- ton, Second Grade; Miss Eunice McGee, Third Grade.
Mrs. Lindsay Savage, Third Grade; Miss Louise Galphin. Fourth Grade; Miss Alma Browning. Fourth Grade; Miss Cleo Rainwater, Fifth Grade; Miss Mary Anne Cobb, Fifth Grade; Miss Elizabeth Hyman, Sixth Grade; Miss Kathleen Plumb, Seventh Grade.
Dr. H. J. McGinnis, Registrar; Mr. F. D. Duncan, Treasurer; Mr. Rufus Johnson, At. Owens, Assistant Treasurer; Miss Hazel Willis. Secretary; Miss Ola Ross, Assistant Regis, RETT, Secretary to President.
it Treasurer; Mrs. Mrs. Agnes Bar-
: A Li C>
Miss Elizabeth Smith A i distant Dean of Women
Miss Ruth White Dormitory Matron
Miss Mary Cheatham Dormitory Matron
Mrs. Stella Grogan Supt rintt ndent of Infirmary
Mrs. L. L. Reeves Stt wardess to Dining Hall
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C^ntertainmenti tor the Isjear Jrnclu.de the ^rollowina:
Mrs. Roosevelt, above with Dr. Meadows and Gov. Broughton ; Lansing Hatfield; Orchestra directed by Hans Kindler.
the National Symphony
May 29, 1891
February 27, 1941
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August J, 1921
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September 24, 1941
\Jn ^Jueidau we kaue C^hapei .
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Ida Ruth Knowles President
Mildred Spangler
Frances Sutherland Vice-President
Emily Murphy Treasurer
Go On In, The Water's Fine
They Will Be Teaching It Soon
Senior activities include living in the Home Management House and practice teaching at the training school.
She Teaches Them How
Dinner At Practice House Leisure Time At Practice House
Eugenia Abevounis Greenville, N. C.
Music Education
Glee Club 1. 2. 3. 4: Y.D.C. 3. 4.
Thelma Adams Benson, N. C.
Grammar Grade Education
Poe Society 1. 4; Y.D.C. 3: A.C.E. 3. 4; \V . \ H 4
Frances Allen Greenville, N. C.
Commerce and Phj steal Education
Bessie Anderson Middlesex, N. C.
Commerce and Mathematics
Commerce Club 1. 3. 4: Math Club 2. 3. 4: Y.W.C.A. 4.
0. D. Andrews Rocky Mount, N. C.
Science and Math
Kathleen Asbell Edenton, N. C.
G yam mar Grade Education
Y.D.C. 2. 3. 4: A.C.E. I. 2. 3. 4: Alumni Daughters and Sons I. 2. 3. 4. Secretary Treasurer 3; M.S. A.
1. 2. 3. 4. Cabinet 3: Poe Society 1. 2. 3. 4; Y.W.C.A. 4: W.A.A. 1, 2. 3. 4.
Margenette Asbell
Home Economics and Science
ice Club 2. 3.
Mary Kate Autry
Pineland Junior College 1. 2: A.C.E. 3. 4: Y.D.C. 3; W.A.
Sunberry, N. C.
3: Poe Society 1, 2. 3. 4; Y.W.C.A. 3:
Salemburg, N. C.
.Wake Forest, N. C.
Francis Averette
Grammar Grade
Campbell College 1. 2.
Mary T. Bailey
Speech Choir 1. 2: A.C.E. 1. 2. 3. 4, Executive Council 3. 4. Associate Editor of Stale Bulletin; l.i Lcr>o 2. 3. 4; Y.W.C.A. 3. 4: B.S.U. Council 4. Chi Pi Players 4: Poe Society 1. 2. 3. 4: Commence- ment Dance Committee 3: Y.D.C. 2. 3. 4.
Kinston, N. C.
Margie Baker
Grammar Grades
W.A. A. 3. 4: A.C.E. 2. 3. 4: Y.D.C. 3: Poe Society 2. 3, 4. Mar;
Martha Reid Baker
Primary Education
Poe Society 1. 2. 3. 4: Publicity Manager M.S. A. 3: A.C.E. 4.
Ahoskie, N. C.
Reidsville, N. C.
Elsie Barker
Grammar Grades
.Trenton, N. C.
Dhlla Barkley Severn, N. C.
Primary Education
Kathleen Barkley Elm City, N. C.
Math and English
English Club 2: Math Club 1. 2. 3, 4. Tre^dem 3: YAV.C.A. 3: W.A.A. 4; Poe Society 1. 2: Y.D.C. 3.
J u anita Bass Black Creek, N. C.
Grammar Grade Education
Y.W.C.A. 1. 2. 3, 4. Junior "Y" Cabinet 1; W.A.A. 2, 3; A.C.E. 3: Lanier Society 4; Future Teachers
Katrina Baum Swan Quarter, N. C.
Primary Education
Choir 1. 2: A.C.E. 3. 4; Lanier Society 4; W.A.A. 4.
Eugenia Becton Kinston, N. C.
English and History
Poe Soc.ety 1; Y.W.C.A. 1; English Club 1. 2. 3. 4; Y.D.C. 3.
r*w.v%.is ...:. ."-.-'
Nell Beddard Snow Hill, N. C.
Grammar Grade Education
Y.W.C.A. 1, 2. 3. 4. Junior "Y" Cabinet 1: Lanier Society 1, 2, 3. 4: Social Committee 4.
Russell Beddard Winterville, N. C.
French and Science
College Choir 2; Y.M.C.A. 4: Y.D.C. 3. 4; Phi Sigma Pi 3. 4, Treasurer 4; M.S.G.A. Council.
Arline Belch Coleraine, N. C.
English and Physical Ed neat ion
Y.D.C. and Y.M.C.A.
Myrtle Leigh Belche Rich Square, N. C.
Grammar Grade
Y.D.C. 3: A.C.E. 4.
Annette Bell Newport, N. C.
Primary Education
Y.W.C.A. 2. 3; A.C.E. 2. 3; M.S. A. 1. 2. 3.
Leola Mae Bell Arapahoe, N. C.
Grammar Grade
Softball li Y.W.C.A. 2; College Choir I. 3. 4; A.C.E. 3.
- -~- ~- SENIORS'
Ada Lillian Blanchard
Primary Education
Senior Play 2: Chowan College 2: YAV.C.A. 4: Y.D.C. 3. 4: Louisburg College 1.
Alice Leigh Blow Greenville, N. C.
Commerce and English
Salem College 5,
Melza Bostic
Home Economics and Science
Home Economics Club 2. 3, 4; YAV.C.A. 3. 4; Science Club 4.
Frances Boyd
Grammar Grade Education
Woodland, N. C.
Magnolia, N. C.
Raychel Boyd Pine Town, N. C.
Physical Education and Commerce
Poe Society I. 2. 3. 4; W.A.A. 1. 2. 3. 4; Commerce Club 2. 3; YAV.C.A. 1. 2. 4. Y.D.C. 4:
\V A A. i. .ib.n
Hazel Bowen
Home Economics and Science
Presbyterian Student Council.
Wiilard, N. C.
Hazel Bovkin Micro, N. C.
Primary Education
Poe Society li Y.D.C. 3: A.C.E. 4; College Band 4.
Verna Bradley Rocky Mount, N. C.
Grammar Grade 'Education
Emerson Society 1. 2. 3. 4. Marshal 2. 4: Secretary Emerson Society 3; W.S.G.A. Council 4; Social Committee 3, 4; Senior Invitation Committee; Future Teachers of America.
Julia Branch Enfield, N. C.
Music Education and Social Science
Glee Club 3; Orchestra 3. 4; Lanier Society 4; Y.D.C. 3. 4; Y.W.C.A. 4; Peace College 1. 2.
Ruth Newbern Bray Elizabeth City, N. C.
English and French
Chi Pi Players 2. 3. 4.
Nannie Briggs Hurdle Mills, N. C.
Primary Education
A.C.E. 4; Campbell College 1. 2.
Rose Louise Britt Severn, N. C.
Math and Science
Chowan Jr. College 1. 2: Math Club 3. 4: Science Club 4.
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.Wendell, N. C.
Ruth Britt
Ho/f Economics and Science
Y.W.I A 1 Z, 3. 4. Junior "Y" Cabinet I. Senior Cabinet 4; Home Economics Club 2. 3. 4: Science Club 2. 3. 4. Emerson Society 1. 2. 3. 4: Marshal 2. 3. Chief Marshal 4. t lass Treas. 3: W.S.G.A. 3; Social Committee :. 3: Who's Who in American L'niucnitut and Colleges.
Katherine Brown
Commerce and Math
. Burgaw, N. C.
3; Mixed Chorus
Mary Elizabeth Brown Gatesville, N. C.
History and Commerce
International Relations Club 3. 4: Y.D.C. 3. 4: Poe Society 1. 2. 3. 4: History Club 1. 2; Y.W.C.A. 4 I ounty Club 1, 2. 3. 4; Commerce Club 2. 3, 4.
Mary Quinn Brown Beulahville, N. C.
Grammar Grade Education
Y.D.C. 2; Y.W.C.A. 4.
Catherine Bryant Rich Square, N. C.
Primary Education
Y.W.C.A. 1: A.C.E. 4.
Cleo Burney Lumberton, N. C.
Commerce and French
Commerce Club 1. 2. 3. 4, Secretary 3. 4: M.S. A. Cabinet 3: Phi Sigma 2. 3. 4. President 4: Alpha Society 3. 4; Tero Echo Reporter 3: Marshal 4; Y.D.C. 1. 3;
Sylvia Burns Siler City, N. C.
Home Economics and Social Science
Home Economics Club 2. 3: Choir 4: Chi Pi Players 4.
Helen E. Butner Greenville, N. C.
Primary Education
A.C.E. 1. 2. 3. 4; Orchestra 1, 2. 3: Band 2. 3; Glee Club 2. 3. 4: M.S. A. 2. 3. 4. President 3: Lanier Society 4.
John F. Carson Bethel, N. C.
History and English
Phi Sigma Pi 2, 3, 4. President 4: Y.M.C.A. 4: Y.D.C. 4.
Louise Carter Woodland, N. C.
Grammar Grade Education
Louisburg College 1, 2: A.C.E. 4: Y.W.C.A. 4
McCree Carter Rose Hill, N. C.
Grammar Grade Education
Emerson Society 2. 3, 4; Poe Society 1: Alumni Daughters and Sons 2. 3. 4; Y.D.C. 3. 4: A.C.E. 1. 4.
Nancy L. Burden Aulander, N. C.
Home Economics and Social Science
Ruth Chandler Virgilina, Va.
Grammar Grade Education and Public School Musit
1 4 A.i I J, 5: Y.W.C.A. J: College Bank 3, 4; Emerson
Marv Louise Chappell Belvidere, N. C.
William and Mary (N.D.) 1. 2: Poc Society 3: Math Club 3. 4; Science Club 3. 4. President 4;
Vernon Chason Lumber Bridge, N. C.
Grammar Grade Education
Poe Society 1; Y.D.C. 3. 4; A.C.E. 4; Y.W.C.A. 1. 3. 4.
Elsie Cherry
History and Science
Mars Hill College 1. 2: Y.D.C. 3; W.A.A. 3. Alumni Sons and Daughters 3.
Pactolus, N. C.
Thelma Gray Clark
Grammar Grade Education
.Virgilina, Va.
Louisburg College 1 2, W.A.A. 3. 4; A.C.E. 3. 4: Future Teachers of America 4: Chi Pi Players 3. 4; Y.D.C. 3. 4; Poe Society 4; Softball Varsity 3; Ladies 1 bonis of Summer School 3; Y.W.C.A. 3. 4; B.T.U. Officer 4.
Dorothy Clement
Grammar Grade Education
Emerson Society 1. 2. 3. 4; A.C.E. 2. 3. 4; Y.W.C.A. 1. 2. 3. 4.
.Nelson, Va.
Tommie Lou Corbitt Gatesville, N. C.
Math and Commerce
lub 1. 3. 4. President 4: Commerce Club I, 3: Alpha
Bernice La Verne Cox Winterville, N. C.
French and English
French Club 3, 4; Y.D.C. 3.
Sarah Elizabeth Cox Goldsboro, N. C.
Grammar Grade Education
Y.W.C.A. 1, 4; B.S.U. Council 2. 3. 4: A.C.E. 4.
Thomas Cox Greenville, N. C.
Physical Education and Social Science
Henry Crank Elizabeth City, N. C.
French and Science
Celia Blanche Dail Durant's Neck, N. C.
Home Economics and Science
Y" Cabinet 1. Senior Cabinet 2; M.S. A. Ca . 3. 4. Secretary 2; Home Economics Club Poe Society 1," 2, 3, 4: Y.D.C. 2. 3.
-. i, .,.*>*.*.-.
Dorothy Dalrymple Jonesboro, N. C.
Physical Education and Commerce
Commerce Club 1, 2. 3. 4: Y.W.C.A. 1. 2. 3. Cabinet 4; Emerson Society I. 2. 3. 4; Marshal 2;
Mary Elizabeth Darden Jacksonville, N. C.
Math Club 1: Poe Society 1: International Relations Club 1. 2: Speech Choir 1. 2: Phi Sigma 1. 2. 3. 4.
Elsie Mae Daughtry Dover, N. C.
Home Economics and Science
ACE. 1. 2; Y.D.C. 3. 4: Science Club 3. 4: Home Economics Club 3. 4.
Julia David Swansboro, N. C.
Home Economics and Science
Norma Davies
Home Economics and Science
Home Economics Club 2. 3. 4: Science Club 2. 3. 4: Poe So
.Marshallberg, N. C.
Ruth E. Davis
Greensboro College 1: Y.D.C. 3.
Hillsboro, N. C.
. Seven Springs, N. C.
Doris Dawson
Primary Education
A.C.E. 3, 4.
Mary Agnes Deal Greenville,
Primary Education
:ouncil 2; Chi Pi Players 1. ;
Virginia Dixon
Primary Education
Leasburg, N. C.
Yvonne Downing
Home Economics and Science
Rose Carlton Dunn.
Primary Ed mat ion
. . . . Fayetteville,
.A. A. 3; Y.D.C. 3; I
. .Rocky Mount,
'.C.U.N.C. 1: A.C.E.
Emerson Society 2. 3. 4, Ma
Doris Duval
Grammar Grade Education
4; Business Staff of Tcco Lt
N. C.
. -4*;'\ ...-,1*>-J.VK><
Clarissa Edwards
Primary Education
Meredith College 1: Choir I, 3: Glee Club 2; A.C.E. 3
Pearl Edwards
French and English
Winterville, N. C.
.re Teachers of America -t : Laniet
Chocowinity, N. C.
Staff 1. 2. 3: Pieces 0' Eight Business Staff 1. 2. Business Manager
Selma, N. C.
Lillie Owens Eason
Home Economics and Science
Y W.C.A. 3. 4: Home Economics Club 2. 3, 4: Science Club 2. 3. 4.
Eldred Evans Magnolia, N. C.
Home Economics and Science
Home Economics Club 3, 4: Science Club 4: Y.D.C. 3; Pineland College 1. 2.
Kate Foley Greenville, N. C.
Grammar Grade Education
Glee Club 1. 2. 3, 4: Y.D.C. 3. 4.
Sue Foy Pollocksville, N. C.
Home Economics and Science
Home Economics Club 1. 3. 4 Science Club 1. 2. 3. 4: Alumn, l lub 2, 14; Y.D.C, 3, 4. W.C.U.N.C. 1.
Charles T. Futreli Greenville, N. C.
History and Physical Education
s Club 4; Varsity Club 1, 2, 3. 4, Secretary 3.
Lillian White Gardner ... Farmville, N. C.
Primary Education
Poe Society 1. 2. 3, 4: Cheer Leader 1, 2: ACE. 4: W.A.A. 1.
.Elm City, N. C.
4. Vice-President 3; Poe Soci
Marjorie Gardner
Home Economics and Science
Home Economics Club 2, 3. 4: Science Club 2
Camille Gaskins Windsor, N. C.
Physical Education and Social Science
W.A.A. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Elizabeth Gates
Commerce and History
Y.D.C. 3. 4.
.Greenville, N. C.
Margarett Gatling Gates, N. C.
Grammar Grade Education
A.C.E. 2. 3. 4. Vice-President 4; W.A.A. I. 2. 3. 4: Y.W.C.A. 3. 4.
>.i .).! r.~,i-i.,-J;VK>..-:!*.ij ;*,., .
Blanche Elizabeth Gay Jackson, N. C.
Home Economics and Social Science
Home Economics Club 3. 4.
Rosebud Gaylord Roper, N. C.
Grammar Grade Education
Poe Society 1. 2. 3, 4. Marshal 3. Secretary 4, V W.I A 1; A.C.E 3. 4.
Frances D. Gillikin Goldsboro, N. C.
Home Economics and Science
Glee Club 1. 2. 3. 4; Home Economics Club 2. 3. 4: Science Club 3. 4: Poe Society 1. 2; Y.W.C.A. 3. 4.
Hilda Gillikin Beaufort, N. C.
Primary Education
A.C.E. 2. 3; Poe Society 1. 2. 3.
James Gianakos Hendersonville, N. C.
Physical Education and English
Mars Hill College 1. 2: Football 3. 4. Captain 4; Baseball 3, 4: Varsity Club 3. 4: TECOAN 4: Y.D.C. 3.
Ruby Goff Falcon, N. C.
Primary Education
Emmanuel College 1, 2; A.C.E. 3. 4; Chi Pi Players 4.
Ruby Grant Greenville, N. C.
Primary Education
Greensboro College I; Chi Pi Players 2, 3, Treasurer 3: Y.D.C. 3. 4; Student Legislature 4; Pieces O' Eight 3, 4; A.C.E. 4: Forensic Club 4.
Jesse Gray Stokes, N. C.
Science and Math
Math Club 1, 2; Y.M.C.A. 3. 4; Boxing 1, 2: M.S.G.A. 3. Vice-President 4; Phi Sigma Pi 3. 4.
Carlotta Grussner Schenectady, N. Y.
History and Social Science
Y.W.C.A. 1. 2. 3. 4. Junior "Y" Cabinet 1: Emerson Society 2: International Relationship Club 3: Poc Society 4; Senior Superlative.
Dorothy Ednis Gupton Louisburg, N. C.
Home Economics and Science
Louisburg College 1: Home Economics Club 2, 3. 4: Science Club 4. Alumni Daughters and Sons 2. 3. 4.
Marie Gupton Louisburg, N. C.
Home Economics and Science
Louisburg College 1: Home Economics Club 2. 3, 4; Science Club 4: M.S. A. 3: Alumni Daughters and Sons 2. 3. 4.
Lula Foster Gupton Louisburg, N. C.
Home Economics and Science
Louisburg College 1, 2; Home Economics Club 2. 3. 4: Science Club 4.
SENIORS --->-. - - ....--
Edith Guthrie Bethel, N. C.
Primary Education
Y.D.C. 3. 4.
Elizabeth Haislip Hamilton, N. C.
Primary Education
St. Marys 1. Flora Macdonald 2: A.C.E. 3. 4: YAV.C.A. 4: Emerson Society 4.
Elizabeth Harrell Powellsville, N. C.
Primary Education
A.C.E. 1. 2. 3. 4; Poe Society 2. 3, 4.
Lucille Harris Louisburg, N. C.
English and History
Louisburg College I. 2. English Club 3. 4. Vice-President 4: International Relations Club 4: Forensic Club 4.
Mary Lou Harris Elizabethtown, N. C.
Commerce and English
Y.W.I A. 1. 2. 3: Commerce Club 1. 2. 3. 4; English 1. 2. 3. 4: Y.D.C. 3, 4: Lamer Society 1, 2.
Christine Herring Goldsboro, N. C.
Home Economics and Science
W.A.A. 3. 4: Science Club 2. 3. 4; Brevard College 1.
Juliette Hickman Sanford, N. C.
Grammar Grade Education
Louisburg College 1. 2: Y.W.C.A. 3. 4.
Martha Hoell
Home Economics and Science
Robert Hollar
Science and Social Science
Band I 2. 3: Science Club 1. 2. 3: International Relation: Chi Pi Players 2. 3; Poe Society 1. 4. Y M.< A. 3. 4, Cabin Phi Sigma Phi 3. 4. Vice President 4; 7ecu Echo 1. 2.
. Grimesland, N. C. . .Greenville, N. C.
Jewell Holler Leesville, S. C.
Primary Education
Emmanuel College 1.2: A.C.E. 4.
Mattie Lawrence Holliday. Primary Education
Glee Club 3: A.C.E. 2. 3: Y.D.C. 2. 3.
Mary D. Horne. . Math and Scie
.Greenville, N. C.
.Greenville, N. C.
President 4; Math Club
Dallas Howard
Commerce and Social Science
Meredith College 1,2: Emerson Society: Alpha
Lucille Howell
Grammar Grade Education
A.C.E. 3. 4.
Clarissa Humphrey
English and Social Science
. Roseboro, N. C.
.Seaboard, N. C.
.Wilmington, N. C.
Emily Ann Hurff Driver, Va.
Home Economics and Science
Farmville State Teachers College I. 2: Home Economics Club 4; Science Club 4: Y.W.C.A. 3: Y.D.C. 3:
Betsy Hutchinson Bladenboro, N. C.
Primary Education
A.C.E. 3. 4; Y.W.C.A. 2. 3. 4: Peace Junior College 1: Y.D.C. 3. 4, Vice-President 3; Sigma Phi Kappa.
Helen Margaret Jenkins
Home Economics and Science
. Milwaukee, N. C.
3. 4: Science Club 3. 4; Y.D.C. 3. 4: M.S. A. 2. 3. 4: Y.W.C.;
Lula Mae Jenkins Orrum, N. C.
Home Economics and Science
Science Club 2. 3. 4; Home Economics Club 2. 3. 4; Poe Society 2, 3; Y.D.C. 3. 4: Y.W.C.A. 3. 4.
Alice Johnson Kinston, N. C.
Primary Education
Y.W.C.A. 1, 2. 3, 4; Poe Society 1, 2. 3; Y.D.C. 2. 3; P.S.A. 1. 2. 3. 4, Treasurer 3. Secretary 4.
Emily Johnson
Home Economics and Science
P.S.A. Council 2. 3. 4; Y.D.C. 3. 4: Poe Socic
.Will.ird, N. C.
Ethel Johnson Roseboro, N. C.
Home Economics and Science
Greensboro College 1; Emerson Society 1; Home Economics Club 3. 4; Y.W.C.A. 4.
Grace Johnson Kinston, N. C.
Grammar Grade Education
International Relations Club 4: Chi Pi Players 4; Forensic Club 4; Emmanuel College 1. 2.
Norene Johnson Goldsboro, N. C.
Grammar Grade Education
Y.W.C.A. 1. 3. Freshman "Y" Cabinet 1; ACE. 3, 4; W.A.A. 3: Glee Club 3. 4.
'..,(. ;:..>>.-..... ' -.-v*'.^-
Shirley Johnson Beaufort, N. C.
Grammar Grade Education
Daisy Rave Jones Sunbury, N. C.
Primary Education
A.C.E. 4.
Jessie Keith ' Kerr, N. C.
Hume Economics and Science
Lanier Society I. 2. 3. 4.
I lass rreasurei 2 Bosines
W.S.G.A. 3: Marshal 3;
and Colleges.
ub 2. i 4 Science Club 2. 3. 4; Y.D.C. 2: N.C.C.P.A. 2: Business Staff of Teco Echo 3; of Handbook 2: Who's Who in American
Mabel Kennedy
Grammar Grade Education
\ W.I A 3. 4: Y.D.C. 3: A.C.E. 4. Van
Pink Hill, N. C.
Cornelia Keuzenkamp
French and English
English Club 3. 4; Sign,.! Phi Alpha 3, 4
Evelyn Kilpatrick
English and History
Debating Club.
.Hookerton, N. C.
Franklin Dadmun Kizer Washington, N. C
Ida Ruth Knowles Roper, N. C.
Home Economics and Science
W.S.G.A. 1. 2: Poe Society I. 2. 3.
Club 2. 3. 4: Class President 3, -t:
and College*.
C.A. 1. 2. 3:
Vernon Kuetemever. Music and Math
.Chicago Heights, III.
Class President 1 2. Y MCA 2. 3. 4. Presidei ( hoir 3. 4. Phi S,gn,., P, 2. 3. 4; Orchestra 1. Universities and Colleges.
Who's Who in An
. Castalia, N. C.
Ruth Mae Lancaster
Primary Education
Campbell College 1. 2: W.A.A. 3; A.C.E. 4; B.S.U. Council 4.
Helen Ailene Lane Ft. Barnwell, N. C.
Home Economics and Science
Home Economics Club 2. 3. 4; Y.W.C.A. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Julia Latham
Home Economics and Science
Washington, N. C.
Club 3. 4; Y.W.C.A. 3. 4; W.S.G.A.
Harriette Lawrence Tarboro, N. C.
Home Economics and Science
Home Economics Club 2. 3. 4: Science Club 2. 3. 4: Glee Club 1. 1. TECOAN 3. Y W.C.A. I. 2. 3. 4.
Audrey Lee Arapahoe, N. C.
Grammar Grade Education
Y.W.C.A. 2; A.C.E. 3.
Rebecca Lewis Bethel, N. C
Commerce and History
Atlantic Christian College 1: Lanier Society 3. 4: Commerce Club 3. 4. International Relations Club 4: Y.W.C.A. 3. 4: W.A.A. 3. 4; Y.D.C. 2. 3. 4.
Mildred Liverman Columbia, N. C.
Grammar Grade Education
International Relations Club 4; Lanier Society 1, 2. 3. Marshal 2: Louisburg College 1.
Charles L. Makks Whitakers, N. C.
Math and Science
Wake Forest College 1: Representative to Presidents School NYC. 2; Y.M.C.A. Cabinet 3; Vice President Junior Class 3. Y.D.C. 3. 4. Treasurer 3: Y.M.C.A. 4: Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges.
Harriet Anne Marshburn Wilmington, N. C.
Grammar Grade Education
Class Secretary 1; W.S.G.A. Secretary 2. Vice-President 3. President 4. Delegate to S.I.A.S.G. 2. 3. Secretary 4: Chairman of Entertainment Committee 4; Chairman of Budget Committee 4.
Lura Alice Mason Atlantic, N. C.
Grammar Grade Education
Poe Society 1: Y.W.C.A. I. 4; Y.D.C. 3.
Edith Matthews Rose Hill, N. C.
Commerce and English
English Club 1, 2. 3. 4; Commerce Club 1. 2. 3. 4: Y.W.C.A. 3. 4; Alpha Iota Sorority 4.
Savonne Matthews Kipling, N. C.
Physical Education and Science
W.A.A. 2, 3. 4; Cheer Leader 4; Head of Individual Sports 3: Emerson Society 3, 4.
Lydia May Spring Hope, N. C.
Home Economics and Science
npbell College 1 : Ho
Club 2. 3. 4; Science Club 3. 4: Y.W I A
Norman Mayo Plymouth, N. C.
Physical Education and History
Football 1. 2. 3: Basketball 1; Baseball 1. 2. 3: Varsity Club 1, 2. 3. 4: Y.D.C. 3. 4; Superlative 4: Budget Committee 4.
Edna R. Mitchell. . . .
Music and English
Hohhsville, N. C.
College Bank 1. 2. 3. 4. Secretary 3; College Orchestra 2. 3. 4, Y.W.C.A. 3. 4; Cabinet 3, 4; Poe Society 1. 2. 3. 4. Treasurer 4; English Club 2. 3. 4. Secretary 3. President 4; College Choir 3, 4; Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges.
Erlene Mitchell Bunn, N. C.
Primary Education
ft.C.E. 1. Z, 3. 4.
Evelyn Mitchell Kittrell, N. C.
Home Economics and Science
w.t .U.N.C. 1. 2: Home Economics Club 3. 4.
Pauline Mitchell Trotville, N. C.
Home Economics and Science
W.A.A. 1. 2. 3. 4; Home Economics Club 1. 2. 3. 4; Science Club 1. 2. 3. 4. Secretary 4.
Louise Eileen Mizelle Enfield, N. C.
Grammar Grade Education
Edith Moore Delco, N. C.
Phjffei Junior College 1.2. W.A.A. 2. 3; English Club 3. 4: Forensic Club 3. 4.
Emily Murphy Atkinson, N. C.
Home Economics and Science
Lanier Society. Marshal 2: W.S.G.A. 2. 3; Science Club 3, 4; Home Economics Club 2: Teco Echo I; Assistant Business Manager of Handbook 3: Class Treasurer 4: Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges.
Lorraine Myers Aulander, N. C.
Math and French
Phi Sigma 1. 2. 3. 4; Y.D.C. 4: Emerson Society 4.
Lois McCormick Goldsboro, N. C.
French and English
Phi Sigma 1. 3. 4: Lanier Society 4: Y.D.C. 3: Y.W.C.A. 3: English Club 2. 3, 4.
Loonis McGlohon Ayden, N. C.
Commerce and French
Mavis McGowan Greenville, N. C.
Grammar Grade Education
Louisburg College 1. 2.
Malisha McLamb Roseboro, N. C.
Grammar Grade Education
Y.W.C.A. 1. 2; A.C.E. 3: Lanier Society 1.
Vivian McLawhon Bethel, N. C.
Commerce and History
Lr & f>
Sarah Elizabeth Noe Bath, N. C.
History and Physical Education
E.S.A. Treasurer 1. President 4; Y.W.C.A. I. 3. 4: W.A.A. 2. 3. 4: TECOAN 4: Poe Society 1:
W.S.G.A. 3. 4; College Choir 2. 3; Varsity Soccer 1.
Alvany Parker Rocky Mount. N. C.
Grammar Grade Education
Emerson Society 3. 4; Y.W.C.A. 1. 4; W.A.A. 3. Y.D.C. 3. 4.
Gertrude Parker Clinton, N. C.
Primary Education a.c.e. 4.
Kate Bryan Parker Verona, N. C.
History and English
Lanier Society 4: International Relations l luh V 4. English Uub 12 3. 4. Secretary 4: Verse Speaking Choir 1. 2; Y.W.C.A. 3, 4. Y.D.C. 3, 4. W.A.A. 4.
Martha Elizabeth Parrott Kinston, N. C.
English and Social Science
Louisburg College 1: Y.W.C.A. 2. 3. 4: English Club 4: Y.D.C. 3. 4: W.A.A. 2. 3. 4: Poe Society 4: Pieces O' Eigh, 2.
Elizabeth Spruill Partin Littleton, N. C.
Primary Education
A.C.E. 1. 3. 4; Glee Club 3. 4.
Miriam Patrick Grifton, N. C.
Commerce and Music Education
Glee Club 1, 2. 3. 4; Alumni Daughters and Sons 2. 3; Alpha Iota Sorority 4.
Rosa Pecora Bowden, N. C.
Home Economics and Science
Campbell College 1. 2: Y.D.C. 3. 4: Home Economics Club 3. 4: Science Club 3. 4; W.A.A. 3.
Edna Pierce Apex, N. C.
Grammar Grade Education
Poe Society 2; Future Teachers of America 3. Secretary 4.
Daphne Potter Kelly, N. C.
Primary Education
Meredith College 1: W.A.A. 2. 3. 4: A.C.E. 2. 3. 4: Y.D.C. 3; Bank 4: TCCOAN 4.
Sara Potter Beaufort, N. C.
Primary Education
Jean Powell Kerr, N. C.
Home Economics and Social Science
Home Economics Club 1. 3. 4; Science Club 1. 3. 4: Y.D.C. 3. 4; Y.W.C.A. I. 3. 4.
j.v-A. t r^*^ , :/w^^Gvu-^5VV^^A>t.J:.sv-r , ^M<;**^c>'*;<
Nettie Pearl Price Wendell, N. C.
Grammar Grade Education
Asheville College 1. 2; Future Teachers of America 4: A.C.E. 3. 4.
Lucille Privette
Home Economics and Science
Home Economics Club 2. 3. 4; Science Club 3.
Spring Hope, N. C.
Frances Privott Edenton, N. C.
Grammar Grade Education
Y.W.CA. 1. 2; A.C.E. 3. 4.
Mary Privott Edenton, N. C.
Grammar Grade Education
Minnie L. Quinn Beulahville, N. C.
Home Economics and Science
Science Club 1. 4: Home Economics Club 1. 4; Poe Society 1; Y.W.CA. 3. 4; Y.D.C. 4: Pieces I) I ighl 4: P.S.A. President 4: Budget Committee 4; Superlative.
Daphne Adele Rees McLeansville, N. C.
Primary Education
y.W.I ft 4, A.C.E. 4: W.C.U.N.C. 1; Montreal 2.
Martha Rice Enfield,
English and Commerce
Louisburg College 1. 2; Chi Pi Players 3, 4. President 4; Y.W.C.A. 3. 4: Y.D.C. 4: M.S. A. Cat English Club 3. 4: Forensic Club 3. 4.
Virginia Love Riddle Saint Pauls,
Primary Education
Campbell College 1.2: W.S.G.A. 3; Choir 3.
Wilda Royall Clinton, i
Public School Music and Piano
Glee Club 1, 2. 3, 4: Band 1. 2, 3. 4: Orchestra 2. 4; Class Treasurer 1: Y.W.C.A. 1. 2
Mary Harvey Ruffin Wilson,
Home Economics and Science
:iub 3, 4; Dramatic Club 3. 4; Business S
Juanita Rush
Home Economics and Science
W.A.A. 4: Home Economics Club 4: Science Clut
Evelyn Satterfield
Primary Education
Mars Hill College 1. 2: A.C.E. 3. 4; Y.D.C. 3:
2. 3. 4:
N. C.
aff Teco N. C.
Roxboro, N. C.
ffi Q $
.'.(*>u *.-v ^'r'.-v"j jV . vt/ - ir< j,x.^> c-.-.'.-wmch^.-o?
Doris Satterwhite
Grammar Grade Education
A.I E :. 5. 4. Recording Sect.-i.irv 4. Y.W.C.A. 1. Z. i. 4
.Oxford, N. C.
Emmy Lou Scales Greenville, N. C.
'English and Commerce
Gladys Scull , Raeford, N. C.
Grammar Grade Education
Poe Society 1; Y.D.C. 4; A.C.E. 4
Virginia Dare Seegars Fairfield, N. C.
Grammar Grade Education
Y.W.I A 4; Poe Society 1. 1. 3; "l l>i . 1 S; TECOAN J: A.C.E. 3. 4; College (ho;t 2, 3. 4.
Annie Andrews Sellers Greenville. N. C.
Louise Shearon Bunn, N. C.
Home Economics and Science
Louisbutg College 1. 2: Home Economics Club 3. 4; Science Club 4.
Marie Smith Greenville, N. C.
Primary Education
Maude Emily Smith. . Primary Education
Poe Society 1, 3, 4; A.C.E. 2, 3
. Fountain, N. C.
Nina Elizabeth Smith Greenville, N. C.
Home Economics and Science
Home Economics Club 3, 4.
Pecolia Smith St. Pauls, N. C.
Home Economics and Science
Y.W.C.A. 1. 2. 3. 4; Poe Society 1. 2. 3. 4: Home Economics Club 1. 2. 3. 4; Science 4.
Frances B. Southerland Burgaw, N. C.
Music and Primary Education
Y.W.C.A. 3. 4; A.C.E. 3, 4: B.md 3. 4: Glee Club 3. 4; Lanier Society 3. 4: Peace Junior College 1. 2.
Mildred Spangler Danville, Va.
English and History
..A. 2. 3: Y.D.C. 3;
Club 3. 4. Vice-Pti
Roxie Spear Creswell,
Grammar Grade education
Y.D.C. 3. 4.
. Goldsboro, N. C.
Dorothy Spence
Grammar Grade Education
Emerson Society 1. 1, 3. 4. Marshal 2: Y.D.C. 3.
Virginia Page Spencer Swan Quarter,
History and Science
Science Club 2. 3. 4. International Relations Club 3. 4: Emerson Soc.etv 1 2. 3. 4; Y \V < .' Y.D.C. 3. 4. Pimm i) Eight J I 4 Editor 4 Superlative \Y ho\ Who in American Univm Colleges.
Elizabeth Stacey Rutherfordton,
Home Economic and Science
Asheville Teachers College 1: Poe Society 2. 3. 4: Y.W.C.A. 4; Home Economics Club 4: Science
Audrey Stanley Swansboro,
Primary Education
Y W.l A I. Junior Y" Cabinet 1. Choir 1, 3, 4, All-. 1. 4; W.A.A. 1, 3, 4: Varsity Baski Y.D.C. 3: W.A.A. Cabinet 3. 4.
Joe Staton Greenville,
Science and English
Science Club 3. 4.
Club 4. N. C.
N. C
Laura Strickland Middlesex, N. C.
Commerce and Math
Commerce Club 1, 3. 4: Math 3. 4; Y.D.C. 3, 4; W.A.A. 3. 4.
Martha Sue Stroud Seven Springs, N. C.
Primary Education
Campbell College 1. 2; W.A.A. 3; A.C.E. 4: B.S.U. Council 4.
Gladys Sturdivant Clayton, N. C.
Home Economics and Science
Campbell College 1, 2.
Frances Sutherland Wilmington, N. C.
English and Social Science
May Court 2; Y.W.C.A. 2, 3. 4. Cabinet 4; W.S.G.A. 3, 4: English Club 4; Lanier Society 3; Associate Editor of Teco Echo 3; Vice-President of Class 4; Superlative; Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges.
Margaret Tart
Home Economics and Social Science
Frances Taylor
Primary Education
W.C.U.N.C. 1. 2: Y.D.C. 2; A.C.E.
Dunn, N. C.
Bethel, N. C.
Helen Taylor
Commerce and English
Secretary 4; Y.D.C. 2. 3. 4; Poc Soci
Louise Taylor Maple,
Home Economics and Science
j'.nt 4 Science Club 2. 3: Emerson Society 1 2 3 4 Tee
Seaboard, N. C.
Sibyl Taylor
Ho'i/e Economics and Social Science
. hi Pi i lub 3. 4: Home Economics Club 3. 4: Lanier Society 4; Chowan College 1. 2.
Estaline Tew Godwin,
Grammar Grade Education
Pineland Junior College 1: A.C.E. 3. 4. J.irvis Forensic Club 4: Y.W.C.A. 2 4
Elizabeth Thomasson South Hi
Home Economics and Science
Y.W.C.A. 1. 2. 3. 4- Y.D.C. 3. 4; Home
Jessie Parker Thompson
History and Science
Y.W.I A. 1. 2. 3. 4: Y.D.C. 2. 3, 4: Science Club 3.
Club 1. 2. 3. 4: Science Club
.Goldsboro, N. C.
Walter Tucker Greenville, N. C.
Phi Sigma Pi 2. 3. 4: M.S.G.A. 2. 4. President 4: Y.M.C.A. 2. 4. Cabinet 2; Y.D.C. 3. 4. Executive Committee 3. 4: TECOAN Business Staff 3: N.C.C.P.A. 3; International Relations Club 4: Commerce Club 3. 4; Budget Committee: Superlative 4; Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges.
Lois Turnage Ayden, N. C.
Primary Education
Peace Junior College 1: Y.W.C.A. 3. 4; A.C.E. 3. 4.
Hattie Turner Spring Hope, N. C.
Primary Education
A.C.E. 3. 4.
Rosemary Underwood St. Pauls, N. C.
Home Economics and Science
Pineland Junior College 1.2: Forensic Club ). 4, Home Economics Club 4: Science Club 4; International Relations Club 4: Y.W.C.A. 4.
Rockfellow Venters Ayden, N. C.
History and Physical Education
Varsity Club 1. 2. 3. 4: Football 2. 3, 4.
Elizabeth Wade Williston, N. C.
Home Economics and Science
Home Economics Club 2. 3. 4: Poe Society 1: Y.W.C.A. 3, 4. Science Club 2. 3. 4.
^t\ Ltil;.
;, t \U.-^?..-:r^'-^,
.>.;.<;* i.t.WfW*
Dan Waddell Hendersonville, N. C.
/Math and Physical Education
Brevard College 1. 2: Football 3. 4: Basketball Manager i. 4. Varsity Club 3. 4; Y.D.C. 3. 4.
Kenneth D. Walker Goldsboro, N. C.
Math Mid Science
Wake Forest College 1: Y.D.C. 2. 3: Y.M.C.A. 3.
Madeline Warren Roseboro, N. C.
Grammar Grade Education
3. 4; Alumni Daughters and Sons 2. 3. 4:
i \
. Southport, N. C.
David W. Watson
History and Physical Education
Louisburg College 1, 2: Basketball 3. 4; Varsity Club 3. 4.
Lallah B. Watts Raleigh, N. C.
Physical Education and Commerce
Varsity Field Hockey 1 i Ten
Dorothy Kathryn Weeks Rocky Mount, N. C.
French and English
Pineland Junior College 1. 2; Y.W.C.A. 3, 4: Emerson Society 3. 4; Y.D.C. 3. 4: English Club 3. 4.
Norma Wellons Kenly, N. C.
Math and History
Math Club 1, 2, 3. 4; International Relation* Club 4; Y.D C. 3; Y.W.C.A. 4.
Jean Wendt Wilmington, N. C.
Primary Education
Virginia Whitley Nashville, N. C.
Home Economics and Science
: Y.D.C. 3. 4; Home
Bayboro, N. C.
Amy Charlotte White . History and English
International Relations Club 3. 4: ]
Hazel White Creswell, N. C.
Home Economics and Science
. :.,! ' J i I'd,.'- i ...! : . . I ', \\ . \ ^ i!"
Mary Edith White
English and History
Glee Club 1. 2. 3. 4; English Club 3,
. Portsmouth, Va.
Relations Club 4, Y.D.C. 3. 4.
Lula Mae Whitehurst Greenville, N. C.
Home Economics and Science
Dorothy Wiggins Trotwell, N. C.
Math and Science
Math Club 2. 3. 4 Vice-President -1 Psl Cabinet 4 Science Club i Y.W.I A 4 Pieces O' Lioht Photographer 4: W.A.A. I. 2. 3. 4.
Annie Laura Wilkerson Bailey, N. C.
Y.W.t A. 1 Lanier Society 1: Y.D.C. 5: ACE. 3. President 4 Ms H President 4.
Jane Williams Clinton. N. C.
Home Economics and Science
Emerson Society I. 2 3, 4, rreasurei 2. President 5. Marshal J 4 Y.W.C \ 3 4 Home Economics Club 2. 3. 4: Science Club 2. 3. 4.
Kathryn Williams Asheville. N. C.
Primary Education
Mars Hill College 1. 2; A.C.E. 1. 4 W A X V 4 B S U. Council 4
Geneva Winstead Macclesfield, N. C.
Grammar Grade Education
Margaret Wise Jackson, N. C.
Home Economics and Science
Science Club 2. 3. 4: Home Economics Club 2. 3. 4; Y.D.C. 3. Y.W.C.A. 2. 3; Poe Society 3.
Helen L. Wolfe Washington, D. C.
Physical Education and Commerce
W.A.A. 1. 2. 3. 4; Poe Society 1. 2. 3. 4: Pieces O' Eight 2. 3; TECOAN 4: Y.D.C. 3. 4. Glee Club 2. 3.
Margaret Lee Wood Troy, N. C.
Commerce and Physical Education
Commerce Club 1, 2. 3. 4: W.A.A. 1. 2. 3. 4: Basketball 1, 2. 3. 4: Volley Ball 1. 2. 3. 4; Field Hockey 1. 2. 3: Softball 1. 2. 3. 4: Y.D.C. 3. 4.
Atlas W. Wooten Greenville, N. C.
History and Social Science
Luole C. Wright Tabor City, N. C.
Home Economics and Science
Wake Forest College Summer School 1. 2; Home Economics Club 2, 3. 4: Science Club 2, 3. 4; Y.D.C. 4.
Dorothy Elizabeth Wyckoff Castle Hayne, N. C.
Math and English
English Club 1: Math Club 2; Y.W.C.A. 3.
Jack Young Burnsville, N. C.
Physical Education and Science
Brevard College 1. 2; Football 3. 4; Basketball 3, 4: Baseball 3. 4: Varsity Club 3, 4. Vice-President 4.
Robert Young Burnsville, N. C.
Physical Education and Science
Brevard College 1. 2; Football 3, 4; Basketball 3, 4: Baseball Manager 3; Varsity Club 3. 4: Y.M.C.A.
. ;;..-,. *. :.-:/:.i-i> w> v>: ..f ..::?; .!. v. ;.-
J^>upenative5 from Senior i^-la
F/nt Rotr: ELIZABETH Gates Best Dancer
Bobbie Grussner Beu Dreued
Joe Staton Most Intelh dual
Second Ron : Minnie Quinn Prettiest
Walter Tucker Best Drei ted
Elizabeth Noe Most Dependable
Bob Young Most Athletic
Mary Harvey Ruffin Most Versatile
Savonne Matthews Most Athletic
7 'w
upena u yes from
~J)enior L^ia
First Row: Jesse Keith Most Friendly Second Row: Charles Marks Best Dancer
Virginia Spencer Most Original Norman Mayo Mou H mdsome
Harriet Marshburn Most Capable Virginia Seegars *;( Studious
Third Roiv: Frances Sutherland Most Popular
Dorothy Dalrymple Wittiest
Virginia Whitley Best Personality
of C^ia
Ruth Tucker Treasurer
Johnnie Faye Barnes Secretary
Joyce Dunham President
Mary Long Ford Vice-President
Football Players Register Too
Sutherland tells fortunes at Junior-Freshj
Meet our Juniors who have worked hard through the year to make next year's Senior Class the best yet.
They walk alone
Maybe he's left-handed
First How: Jfanftte Amick
Second Bow:
Dora Belle Avery
Dorothy Ballantine
1:1 OIM Bakffooi
Fourth Bow:
Beatrice Barnette Buxton, V C.
Catherine Barnhill Mar low F. Bostic
Fifth Bow
Ruby Batchelor
wton Grove. N. C. Mary Alice Blackh/
Margaret Boone
Louise Brett
Margaret White Byrum Lois Cain
.*......". /... .>" > i:;l'?.'
.l',!'Ii,- 1 ,rttj^.TO.vj fV'-*!>*- t "**l'slh.+Wi*.tljf.k<%i.~.>u,WlKSVA
.".-!>. TVH ,'Vl f.t s/-.m,'-..-^- VUiT-.K
Ftrsi Row:
Leona Council
Elizabeth Daw;
Joyce Dunham
Lina Edwards Fountain, N. C.
Frances Elliot
U***f* l.*v:V. >.--<! .
,,..v. ..<>.,
Adminta Eure Kure, N. C.
Rachel Farrior Burgaw, N. C.
Leah Elizabeth Fleming Pikeville. N. C.
Martha Rachel Fleming
Margaret Finle
Mary Long Ford Franklinton, N. C.
Miriam Freeman Ahoskie. N. C.
Oil Forrest Winterville, N. C.
Z. W. Frizelle
Richard Gaui
Gwendolyn Goodson
Mi'bane, N. C.
Agatha Golden
Ruby Margaret Gore
Doris Greene Council, N. C.
Agnes Griffin Woodland, N. C.
'" >..">>,..:. V >V,'*.- > '5
V..w.*n. .^ "^f. ti" ' k>M.\^i>K^ .v*1>.r-'.%'-."i -.'- '.>... A*. 1 '!.
.,, r-./'->*,".l'v.<i,>y^,'V,i
& > L> &
Fourth Bow
Margie Hollowell
loraine horne
Clonnie Hlskins
Mary Tyson Johnson
Second Row:
Johnnye Brown Kennedy Beulahville, N. C.
Katherine Kyser
Nan Lovelace
Daisy Kino Mayo
'|V-> ..-. T... i.-. ....,>,..,,.,- .
Ben Miller Greenville. N. C.
Rebecca Moye Butin. N. C.
Helen Mozingo
N. ('.
Elizabeth Page Burgaw. N. C.
Margaret Pollock
Esther Parker George, N. C.
Mary John Parker
. . ivi,..w..vn.>-.'i;..iMi^
Vernillf Pierce
Ellen Pierce
AlILENF PoV'FI I Denton. N. C.
Wilmington, N. C.
Ovelia Price
Frances Rateliff Pantego. N. C.
Henrietta Ray
Ann aide Rfade
Alma Louise Bennett Raleigh. N. C.
Beatrice Reynolds
WliiH'ville, N. C.
Betsy Anne Riddick
Ma(,(;ie Pearl Rivenbark
Frances Robertson T.-irboro. N. C.
Florence Robertson
Colel.iin, N. C.
Russell Rogerson Greenville. N. C.
Randolph Roper
Aurora. N. C.
v-,.-,>',..-^.M. .'>"..W..-*" , ,>..->".-,..:.*?.-.* .
AC I i
Charlotte Shearin Rocky Mount, X. C.
Miriam Sexton
Rocky Mount. X. ('.
Alice Smith Lizzie Smi
Ruth Stallings Hobbsville. N.C.
Dorothy Starling
Clinton. N.C.
,i-',M <>.. Nw.urt,,:,
, -;.',iv..,^<v ...*" . ".-f
Marie Tucker
Oxford, N. C.
Mary Louise Wallace Bellmven. N. C.
Ingram P. Walters
Virgil Ward
Mildred Watkins Louisburg, N. C.
Sarah Watkins
Dallis G. Whitford
Sixth Row:
Reid White
&M* 5
Matilda Vi'mi i rv
Norman Wii kerson
Eugenia Williams Gatesville, X. ('.
Naomi Williams Wade. N. C.
Third Row:
Melva Williamson
Laura Fay Wood Four Oaks. X. C.
Rachel W ard
Mary Moss Young W w Springs, X. C.
Fifth Rots :
Sou Lou Young
>.'(iw,....i....'"''j'*i. .:... ^
- E.C.T.C
of Cia
Maribelle Robertson Treasurer
Frances Copeland
Z. W. Frazelle Vice-President
Janie Eak.es President
1 :
They All Try
They call Sophomores "the sophisti- cated fools," but we haven't found our Sophomores that way. This hard work- ing class hasn't missed a trick.
They Say Food Is Served Inside
Hear No Evil What A Pair
First Row: Dennis Alexander
Ruth Allen
Edith Mae Alston
Jessilee Aman
Second Row:
Doris Ambrose
Mitchell Avery
Iadalene Ballance
Mavis Ballance
Third Row:
Aldine Barnhill
Anne Britton Bartholomew
Allene Batchelor
Elizabeth Batten
Fourth Row: Lillian Boyette
Helen Blanchard
Virginia Lee Bledsoe
Rena Bateman
Fifth Row:
Blennie Blue
Charlotte Bordeaux
Doris Boswell
Alma Bowen
Sixth Row:
Katherine Boyd
Lydia Briggs Virginia Britoon Edward Brown
Seventh Roir:
Mar jorie Brown
Norma Brown
Rosalie Brown
Velma Brown
ML *
F/rf/ Row; Fara Rae Britt Elsie Bullock Betty Burch Georgia Burch
Second Row:
Emily Burns
Jerome Butler
Mary Virginia Butt
Jennie Campbell
Louise Cannady
Verra Carraway
Ella Carrawan
Murle Tucker Chapman
Gertrude Clark Imma Grace Clark
Ruby Clifton Rowena Collins
Frances Copeland
Willie Coplin Garnet Cordle Becky Cockrell Frances Coward
Mary C. Cox Mary Alice Cozart
First Row:
Waldorp S. Crawley
Olive Crews
Ora Crisp Doris Crosby
Second Row:
Charles Craven
Annabell Dawson
Bonni.3 Davis Dorothy Rae Davis
Third Row:
Doris Davis Lucille Davis
Ruth Davis WilmaDean
Fourth Row:
Rachel Denning
Carolyn Dixon
Rachel Dixon
Margie Dudley
Fifth Row:
Henry Dunbar
Janie Eakes
Epsy Eakin
Ellie Mae Easom
Sixth Rotv:
Margaret Eateman
Doris Edwards
Pauline Essey
Annie Kate Evans
Seventh Row:
Hazel Evans Alice E. F^rrell Alice Ferebee Damon Fields
First Row:
Eris Day Finch
Emmet; Fisher
Marjorie Fitzgerald
C. T. Fleming
Second Row:
Amy Floyd
Helen Flynn
Clara Forehand
Beatrice Forrest
Third Row: Lila Fountain Thurla Gaskins
Reta Guy Melba Gaylor
Fourth Row:
Margaret Gerock
Lucy Ward Greene
Jane Hardy
Margaret Pugh Harden
Fifth Ro w.- Frances Hargrove Julia Harris Rosalyn Harris Verda Harris
Sixth Row:
Wilma Harris
W. B. Harris
Mary H. Hastings
Vera Hastings
Seventh Row : Mary Hayes Laura Hearne Iris Herring Christine Hellen
' , '".l'.Vi'S.wl'vi,j >'><l.'-,<r.'i>. .'.''': : '-'-.M l ,.l'.'.-ii.-.,nr-'Jirf...Vj {.*>- C**'HS'.11>. *>i-miJSj'4ik.yi>.,*> 1 tV.*.VU*;r.K
i>*\r*^iif. Initio,,
First Row:
Margaret Hinnant
Helen Henson
Doris Hockaday
Genevieve Hodgen
Second Row:
Anne Holloman
Ethel Ruth Hood
Ophelia Hooks
Helen Lorraine House
Third Row:
Everette Hudson JfJ^ Carol Leigh Humpheries U*
Peggie Nell James Mary Rebecca Jarvis Mary Emma Jefferson
Fifth Ro w:
George Johnson
Ida Yolando Johnson
Jimmy Johnson
Mildred Johnson
Sixth Row:
Sidney Johnson Betty Jo Stokes Hazel Dell Jones Katherine Jones
Seventh Row:
Naomi Grey Jones
Helen Jordan
Bettie Margaret Joyner
Flora Dell Kennedy
,.'.-, Vv...
Sara King Elizabeth Kittrell
Mae Knott Virginia Knowles
Edna Lang
Grace Lee
Margaret Lewis
Osbourne Lewis
Third Row:
Wilma Lewis
Janice Lister
Margaret Liles
James Little
Nell Louise Carter
Bill Lucas
Evelyn Lyon
Fifth Row:
Ellen Maddrey
Lona Maddrey
Clyde Mann
Mamie Marlowe
Sixth Row:
Myrtle Massengill
Hiriam Mayo
Nora Meggs
Alice Mitchell
Seventh Row:
Helen Mishoe
Clellie Mizzelle
Jacqueline Moffet
Lorraine Moore
hHi'jTj.v.j <,j. . >.<; >;'.-ii>;i>.v^^v,-4,tyi.<i.*-..\*tf*
,.,i>>iv ,f ...>*.'!<?. '.d-.
. :v. ;-- ji.r.. w-.v . j (,i' f* w.-i'>. |>V.A< f.t
First Row:
Eshu Morgan
Goldif. Morris
Gladys Mum ford
Alene McLamb
Second Row:
Annie Nakoneczny
Frances Newby
Blonnie Odum
Dave Owens
Third Row :
Eloise Owens
Jean Owens
Sue Parker
Cassie Parnell
Fourth Row:
Annie Moore Parner
Gretchen Parrish
Dorothy Pearsall
Annie Sue Perry
Fifth Row:
Donald Perky
Rebecca Perry
Rachel Peterson
Frances Phelps
Sixth Row:
Christine Pleasant
Mary Ethel Poole
Mary J. Porter
Edna Powell
Seventh Row:
Edna Louise Powell
Sara Price
Odessa Pryor
Maxine Quinn
-..jfivs,.. i ,,.-.,-"..l.-,<Wtlw*v* B -*WJ'
Helen Register Lucy Register Viola Register Thelma Ritter
Blanche Lee Rooks Elizabeth Robers Grace Roberson
Frances Roberts
Maribelle Robertson
Alma Rouse
Egbert Rouse
Virginia Rouse
Mar jorie Rowe
Katherine Russell
Margaret Russell
Dorothy Sasser
Mary Lou Sasser
Margarette Sawyer
Elizabeth Sexton
Dorothy Shearin
Mary Beth Sheffield
Seventh Row:
Bonnie Bell Shirley
Betsy Shumaker
Merle Slater
Martha Spencf
tof v. iv umwk
First Row:
Ruth Spencer
Bonnie Smith
Charley B. Smith
Frances Smith
Second Row:
Ruby Smith
Eris Stallings
Lyle Reid Starling
Annie Audry Stevenson
Third Row:
Evelyn Jones Margaret Stokes
Rosa Stokes Winifred Stokes
Four lb Roic:
Helen Stone
Alice Stovall
Delia Strickland
Geraldine Taylor
Fifth Ro w.- Pat Teal Sue Thomas Frances Tunstall Edith Twiford
Sixth Row:
Ruby Wanda Tyndall
Linda Vann
Jane Vann
Clarence Vincent
Seventh Row:
Ernestine Vinson
Mabel Spence Watson
Annie Mae Ward
Gretchen Webster
, .-t^ws^s^H/^,i:-'.-4/H)'S.,-..*,..>-.s. , Ji 1 .>'./'-.*ti^*^<v-t'*
Fourth Row: Clara Williamson
Bonnie Willis Dorothy Wilson
Fifth Row:
Virginia Wilson
Eunice Winbon
Florence Winslow
Sixth Row:
Betty Jones Winstead
Nancy Wynne
Hazel Yelverton
Seventh Row: Evelyn Young
.,...,.,.. .N>v*-.r." , .l..-.r;,.. ; ,X,,?v-:.-*1.>(?.i>i''.'<
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of (^ia
Left to Right
Willie Mae Daniel Vice-President
Frances Lewis Treasurer
Harry Jar vis
Virginia Cooke Secretary
Have You Ever Thud To?
She Takes First Prize
The freshmen have worked hard this year. If they learn as much in the re- maining three years, they will be well qualified for a diploma.
Dave In Between
One Course Is English
'-.-. ;.,.-, :,... Vi-it'.y
Second How:
Faye Arthur Mattilee Atkinson Kathleen Aycock Mary Lou Aycock Jessie Ballantine
Henry Barkley
Wilma Harnett
Fourth Bow: Isabel! Barnhill Mary Etta Bass Frances Batchelor Betty Batson Sybil Beamon
Cecil Bland Mary Blanchard
Gretchen Boswell Mary Lee Bottoms
Nell Brinkley
Martha Albritton jB^^. ^PWrflt LW 1 ?Sl V *-
. 'V ^
,\i.,.V.*. .*!>. V.I, *;,'. W-'.<-.'
rECOAN - -
fl 9
, L f 1 fi
Firs* Bob: Elizabeth Brown Mary Bryan Edith Buck Helen Bullock Inez Bullock
Second Row : Nancy Burden
Doris Butler Charles Cushman
Joyce Currin Josephine Currin
Third Row:
Sara Currin
Helen Creech
Nellie Crawford
Elizabeth Crawford
Garnette Crocker
Fourth Row:
"Wilma Cozart
Carlyle Cox
William Council
Elsie Corbitt Mildred Copeland
Alice Copeland Virginia Cooke
Janet Cobert
Doris Cobb
Ida Florine Clark
Theresa Cheek
Dixie Chappell
Leslie Chadwick Elizabeth Cates Kathleen Carter Frances Carter Koyal Carson
First Bow: Jean Dailey Willie Mae Daniels Marie Darden Elsie Davis Sybil Davis
Second Roir: Dorothy Denny Jean Denmark
Third Row:
Sybil Eakes
Jessie Earp
Dorothy Edwards
Gerrand Edwards
Lucille Edwards
Fourth Row: fyt Edwards Sarah ElllOl
Evelyn Etheridge Grace Evans
Harriet Everett
Fifth Bow: Margaret Ennctt
Ruth Farrior
Geraldino Pelton
Mary Holland Ferrell
Violet Fields
Si.rth Row: Mamie Lee Kishel Nancy Fitzgerald Morris Flow- Doris Flowers Evelyn Ford
Seventh Bow: Bemice Freeman Dorothy Freeman Christine Fuller William Gaddy Agnes Gardner
Eighth Bow: Lilla Gaynor Margaret George Lena Rose Giles Anne Gilliam Sylvia Greene
:!M,>.S^lJV,r y! ,-:^.'.:-.-^1vS. 1
f f e &&
& & e
Rebecca Haston
Second Row :
Lyda Mae Herring
Mary Elizabeth Herring
Catherine Hester
Estelle Hester
Miriam Hewitt
Thin! Row: Lillian Hines Jacqueline Hinnar Betsy Hobguucl Marie Hodges Robin Hollan.l
Fourth Row : Mary Edith Hollingsworth Louise Holloman Florence Home Sally Howell Allene Haynes
Louise Hunter
Elizabeth Ives
Joe R. Ives
Sixth Row:
Margaret Ipock
Lorraine Jackson
Aldace James
Harry Jarvis
Catherine Jenkins
Seventh Row: Elizabeth Jenkins LaRue Jenkins Edith Jenning Camille Jernigan Annelle Johnson
Eighth Row:
Clarine Johnson
Dorothy Johnson
Helen Johnson
Helen Page Johnson
Gladys Neal Johnson
.,V, .!.- - -' .(?.
Miriam Johnson
Sue Jackson Jonnsc
Wincy Johnson
Second Row :
Vivian Jones
Mildred Jordan
Jennie C. Joyner
J. B. Joyner
('eraldine Kearney
Third Row:
Nancy Kilpatrick Pearl Kounce Colleen Kins Mildred Lanier Worth Lanier
Josephine Lee Ronaldon Lee limn Harold Lester
fifth Row:
Dorothy Lewis
Elizabeth Lewis
Frances Lewis
Nell Rachel Lewis
Vera Belle Loftin
Surf A Row:
Sue Lovelace
Bertha Mallard
Christine Mannins
Falirenia Marshlmi Frances Marshl.ur
Seventh Row:
Laurene Marshbui
Bobby Lou Marti
Franklin E. Marti
Robert Martin
Molly Mayes
Eighth Row:
Rita Messick Manora Mewborn
Bob Miller Merrimon Mizelle
Rowenn Montague
& ft L M
k' S
.V*i ...-'.,. 'i> '.*<....'
9 &L %
First Row:
Doris Moore
Mary Sue Moore
Annie Lois Morris
Sarah Mclnnis
Kit Morton
Second Row : Saral) Ann Moss Nell Finch Murphy Margaret Myres Lillian McC'otter Jean McDonald
Third Row:
Esther McGowa
Ruth McHan
Gladys MeLawho
Lois McLeod Margaret McMilli
Fourth Row: Mattie McNall
Thomas Noe lizabeth Norwood Doris Ogburn Pearl Ogburn
Fifth Row :
Carolyn Oglesby
Jewel Orr
Elizabeth Osberine
Marion Osteen
Maude Overton
Sixth Row: Edna Parnell Edward Patrick Tillie Paul Zula Pearson Rosa Lee Peeden
Seventh Row: Dorothy Peel Retha Pope Alice Powell Myrtle Price
lebecca Pridgen
FJyhth Row: Marjorie Privotl Lois Queen Mary Alice Reavt Jane Read Ellen Riddick
First Row :
Elizabeth Register
Naney Roberson
James Earl Roberts
Ruby Safley
Reba Sanderson
Second Row: Leona F. Sasser Wilma Saunders Shirley Savage Emma Scott Barbara Selby
Third Row: Agatha Sewell Edna Key Shaw
Annie Laurie Shearui William L. Shelton Thomas Shelton
Lucille Seyemore Mary Elizabeth Slate
Fifth Row: Jewel Slater Edna Earle Smith Ethel Smith Evelyn Smith Dorothy Smith
Seventh Row: Gladys Snell Louise Sparks Sarah Stanton Eleanor States Mary Lillian Stephenson
Eighth Row: Mary Anne Stephens Nancy Stewart Panthea Stewart Annie Strickland Sam Strickland
f . ft f . *> 8
First Row Elsie Faye Su Sadie Suttc Betty Tvso Lorraine Tyn Max Tucke
Second Row-:
Irene Trott
Charlie Tripp
Susan Timberly
Helen Thompson
Lorraine Thomas
Third Row: Hubert Thomas Helen Thomas
Van Taylor Olive Taylor Grace Taylor
Fourth Row:
Frankie Taylor Myrtle Tadlock Geraldine Usury
Allene Vance Frances Walker
Fifth Row: Laura Marie Walker Annie Ruth Warren
Evelyn Warren N'ellie Holt Warren Virginia Warren
Sixth Row: Joyce Watson
Ida Mae Weathers Doris Wells Lois West
Cariyle Westbrook
Seventh Row : Alice White Catherine White Esther Mae White Marion White Vernice White
Eighth Row: Alice Wiggins Edith Wilkerson Frances Willard Beatrice Williams Doris Williams
.^"..KMlN.v;i>Sv,C.. .> *V-<?. , )V ."! *..'.'.' >": SS'.-lVl-'S
'H'fi'Kii'mu^ i- k
.lanie Mae Williams
Joyce Williamson
Vera Williams
Becky Willis I.ibliy Willoughby Catherine Wilson
Mary Windley Carroll Winsette Lucy Winston
Mildred Wise Dorothy Womble
I.ouvente Womble
Bennett W'linlw.il il
Charlotte Wooten
Louise Wooten
Vivian Yelverton Ruth Zaborowski Evelyn Zimmerman
to our campus
Estelle Davis Vice-President
Dorothy Shearin Treasurer
Bessie Faye Hunt Secretary
The Women's Student Gov- ernment Association at East Carolina Teachers' College unites the women students as no other organization does. Through unity it endeavors to help each student adjust herself to the responsibilities of good citizenship. Student govern- ment functions specifically through a council elected by the student body and by the classes.
Harriet Marshburn, President
Jke Co*
Dorothy Dalrymple, Doris Hockaday, Margaret Russell, Nell McCullen, Margie Davis, Grace Ross, Verna Bradley, Frances Boyd, Evelyn Satterfield, Sarah Staunton, Frances Suther- land, Helen Peacock, Dorothy Pearsall, Jane Currin, Dorothy Ballantine, Mary Harvey Ruffin.
President Walter Tucker
Vice-President Jesse Gray
Z.W. Frazelle
The Men's Student Government has com- pleted a successful year. The Council room secured last Spring, has been furnished and provides an excellent meeting place. A parlor and a reading room have been furnished in the dormitory, largely through the efforts of our dormitory manager, Clifton Britton. The coun- cil enjoyed working together and served to the best of its ability.
^Jke Council Thomas Cox, Russell Beddard, Evan Griffin, Metsel Simmons, Bill Lucas, Osbourne Lewis.
This year has been a very successful year for the Y.M.C.A. We sent delegates to the Blue Ridge Conference, to Camp Havnes, and to the North Carolina Interracial Con- ference at North Carolina College for Negroes. At the beginning of the school
year our cabinet held a retreat at Bayview to plan the year's activities. We produced, with the Y.W.C.A. the annual Easter Pag- eant. We have regular socials for the boys in order to bring them into a more unified group.
~Jhe L^ouncii
J. C. Shepherd, Osbourne Lewis, Vernon Kuetemeyer, Billy Greene, Ben Miller.
Virginia Whitley President
Bessie Faye Hunt Treasure r
Charlotte Shearin Vice-President
Dorothy Sasser Secretary
Lillian Hines. Clarine Johnson. Ruth Farrior
Instead of a Junior "V" Cabinet as in previous years, the Fresh- men had their own Y.W.C.A.
lN'S christian association
iW.C.J. Caknd
Miriam Sexton, Edna Mitchell, Grace Ross, Mildred Beverly, Frances Sutherland, Dorothy Dalrymple, Charlotte Shearin, Rachel Farrior, Carol Leigh Humpheries, Virginia Whitley, Miss Lois Grigsby, Helen Flynn, Harriet Marshburn, Bessie Faye Hunt, Ora Crisp, Miss Louise Williams.
For the past few years the college orchestra has served as a successful medium of instruction and enjoyment for both students and faculty members. Despite the recent loss of many members to the defense program, the or- chestra is making rapid progress under the capable direc- tion of Mr. A. L. Dittmer, head of die music department. This spring Mr. Dittmer presented the orchestra in a recital of several attractive compositions. He states that the increasing number of violin students points toward an even brighter future for the orchestra.
Cleo Burney. President
Organized in 1924 under the Greek letter "Phi Sigma", the French Club of our college became, in 1939, the Phi Sigma chapter of Sigma Pi Alpha, a national honorary fraternity for students of foreign languages. The aims of the club are to further interest in the French language and promote a spirit of friendship and scholastic attainment among its members.
With the help of its members, advisers, Mr. R. C. Deal and Miss Marguerite Austin, the club, under the leader- ship of Miss Cleo Burney, its president, sponsored a Christmas program, formulated plans for a dance winter quarter, and promoted the sale of defense bonds.
The club sent delegates to the National Convention, which was held at State College, Raleigh, North Carolina, in (he spring.
The Jarvis Forensic Club, organized in 1938 under the name of the Jarvis Debating Club, has worked to interest the students of E.C.T.C. in debating and other phases of public speaking.
In its meetings held every two weeks much good has been accomplished. The programs were varied, including almost any- thing that required its members to get on their feet and talk.
Ever since its formation, the ultimate good of the club has been to debate against students of other colleges. During the past year this ambition was realized in part when teams were selected and debates exchanged with Campbell College. For the future the club will be working toward more activity of this kind.
Whatever success the organization has had must be credited to the faithful cooperation of its members and to its adviser, Dr. M. N. Posey, who was a never-failing source of courage and in- spiration in the face of discouragement.
\ m
Mildred Beverly, Pr,
Edna Mitchell. Pr c ,,J,>/i
The purpose of the English club, with Dr. Lucille Turner as its adviser, is to foster literary interest in English majors, to acquaint them with the best books and magazines, and to inform them of outstanding developments in the field of creative writing.
At the beginning of the year a program committee planned a series of teacher-student programs, the theme of the teachers' discussion being "Famous American Periodicals Important to English Majors", and that of the students, "The American Way of Living". Besides programs of an intellectual nature, there have been those devoted to recreation. These programs have been sources of instruction and pleasure to the club members.
As a suitable atmosphere for its meetings the club uses the English Laboratory which has been well-equipped to assist stu- dents in their study of English. There is a worth while collection of books and magazines dealing with English subjects, pictures, clipping, a duplicator, a projector and a recording machine. Eng- lish students are welcomed to use this room for reading and studying.
The A. D. and S. Club is made up of students belong- ing to the second generation of the Alumni. The organi- zation is bound together by a feeling of loyalty that was begun by our mothers or fathers, who attended this school even before it was a college, while it was still a two-year normal school, East Carolina Teachers Training School. Through this club the students of the alumni strive to preserve the memories of the past. The members are in a sense now reliving their mothers' college days, because now as then, there is a world war in progress, and again the students are called upon to do their part.
Miss Mamie Jenkins, a charter member of the faculty, is the faculty adviser of the club.
Arlene Mfrcfk. Pc. tide
The Mathematics majors and the faculty members of the department organized the Mathematics Club fifteen years ago. Club membership is open to every major in this field. The aim and practice of this club is to learn to appreciate more the wonders and greatness of mathe- matics and how it has come to be what it is today, as well as to explore the recreational side of life in the field of mathematics. Showing the student the relation between mathematics and his life as a whole is an objective of the club.
In the programs we have attempted to acquaint our- selves with the lives and accomplishments of those who are outstanding in the past and present history of mathe- matics.
The Science Club was organized in the fall of 1931 with a membership of 25 - there are now 65 members. Through the years the club has made much progress and this year has been no exception. The first meeting which was a social united the members for an active and success- ful year together. Striving to reach our aim for the year "Better Science Club Programs" we have had participation of students, faculty, and outsiders on the programs. There were also interesting movies and demonstrations. The annual club trip will be an outstanding feature of Spring Quarter. The club is a member of the Student Science Clubs of America.
The Student Branch of the Association for Childhood Education at East Carolina Teachers College is a member of the National Association.
"The purpose of this organization shall be to gather and disseminate knowledge of the movement for the edu- cation of young children; to bring into active cooperation all childhood education interest, including parent educa- tion; to promote the progressive type of education in nursery school, kindergarten and primary grades, and to raise the standard of the profess onal training for teachers and leaders in this field."
Annif Lai'ha W'ii KntsoN
The purpose of the Commerce Club this year, as here- tofore, has been to better acquaint the students of the Commerce Department with each other, to foster interest in clerical work and in teaching, and to work together for the mutual benefit of its members and the Commerce De- partment as a whole.
The monthly programs of the club consist of recrea- tional programs, and programs that are informative and helpful to students in their work after graduation.
Merle Slater. Prt udeni
Tommie Lou Corbitt. President
Zeta Delta is a chapter of Alpha Iota, an International Hon- orary Business Sorority with chapters in most of the leading col- leges and universities in the United States and Canada where Business Education is taught. Requirements for election to this Honorary Sorority are superior scholarship in commerce leader- ship, personality, and character.
Zeta Delta, the first Sorority to be established on our campus, was organized on March 39, 1940, with twenty-four charter members.
In its third year, under the capable leadership and guidance of Miss Velma Lowe, Sponsor and a charter member, and Miss Audrey Dempsey, Assistant Sponsor, the Sorority selected nine- teen girls for membership. After several weeks of pledging and initiating, they were awarded national membership and the secrets of the Sorority were revealed to them at a formal candle lighting ceremony followed by a tea given in their honor.
During the year, the Sorority has had several speakers at their monthly meetings who were well qualified to speak on topics pertaining to Business Education.
A JP^. ;i ^| A
^ .": ^ -
F/W< /W; John Carson. Robfrt Hollar. Evan Griffin. Russell Beddard. Vern Kuetemeyer, Metsel Simmons.
Second Row: W. B. Harris, Tom Cox. Jesse Gray. Clarence Vincent. Merle Slater. Russell Rogerson.
Third Row: Walter Tucker. Dr. Rebarker. Dr. Frank, Dr. Flanagan.
John Carson President
Robert Hol lar Vice-President
Evan Griffin Secretary
Russfi L Beddard Treasurer
Walter Tucker SergeMit-M-Armi
-HARI.OTTE Shearin. President
The Future Teachers Chapter of the Future Teachers of America under the guidance of the sponsor, Miss Emma L. Hooper, are happy to say that we had a place on the Victory Honor Roll for the year 1941-42. Through the varied and interesting programs and the two professional magazines received by each member, we had an insight into the teaching profession.
Among the things we have done are send Christmas cards to the people in the County Home, sew for the Red Cross, write other chapters, and give for the Defense Bond.
The College Choir was organized to provide oppor- tunity for students to sing and to love some of the beauti- ful mixed chorus music. Its repertoire has included some of the old polyphonic music of the Sixteenth Century, some modern choral arrangements, and various types be- tween these extremes. As an organization, it has delighted various groups, and will continue to do so as long as it continues to progress as it has begun to.
Donald Pfrry. Pn <i,Unt
The Woman's Chorus has given one radio program and a Christmas program jointly with the mixed chorus. The Woman's Chorus will furnish the music for the Easter Pageant and will also give a program in the spring.
In May the Woman's Chorus will sing on a program in which all music clubs will participate.
Miss Gussie Kuvkendall, Di,
The International Relations Club was organized in the winter of 1940, and brings together those History and Social Science majors who have reached sophomore stand- ing and all others who have twenty-one hours credit in History and Social Science.
Though very young, the club is engaging in many activities in the regular monthly meetings. The main purpose of the club is to learn and understand more fully the international situation.
The club receives at regular intervals books, materials and new current problems for discussion and research from the Carnegie Endowment.
One of the main activities is sending delegates to the Southern International Relations Conference each year.
4 I JW
Elizabeth Noe. Prt\iJ*
Believing strongly in the supreme worth of the in- dividual, our club proposes to develop personality, leader- ship, initiative, and poise. Attempting to do this, it is our hope that we may simply "serve our community, our schools, and our families." The club was represented at the North Carolina Association of student Home Eco- nomics Clubs at Salem College in Winston-Salem, N. C.
Louise Taylor. PnuJt/
Each year at Easter time, this pageant is produced by the Y.W.C.A. and the Y.M.C.A. The cast included fac- ulty as well as students.
The Marching Band this year was very active during the football season, performing at all the home football games. The Concert Band, although losing many of its members to the Army, had a successful year, climaxed by a Commencement concert on the East Campus lawn.
Vfrn Kuftfmfyfr, Presides
First Row:
Ophelia Hooks President
Clifton Britton Director
Fenly Spear Technical Directc
Dave Owens Stage Manager
The Chi Pi Players, guided by their director have attempted to present to their audiences a varied program in drama types. Having success fully presented melodrama, mystery-drama, juve nile comedy, and classic drama, the Chi Pi Players in the spring assist the Y.W.C.A. and Y.M.C.A in a religious pageant, Victory Over Death as a tribute to the Easter season, and they will assist the Senior class in producing its play. Vivacious Lady,
a modern comedy. And to further vary their dramatic experiences, the Players entered the Dra- matic Festival with a hilarious mountain play, Rainbows in Heaven. The Chi Pi Players have acquired, during the year, considerable new equip- ment for the stage, and furnishings for the Green Room, as well as costumes, properties, and other accessories.
Double Door
On the Bridge at Midnight
Set for Doll's House
Striving to foster interest in the political affairs of both our State and Nation, the Young Democratic Club has tried to encourage a wholehearted participation in all events which have occurred within its interest.
At the Fifth Annual Student Legislature, a large number of student delegates, were instrumental in passing a resolution for an Increment In Teachers Salaries. The bill was adopted without opposition from either Body of the legislature.
Two of our members received positions in the House of Repre- sentatives. They were Rosalie Brown and Marjorie Davis who gained offices as timekeeper and clerk, respectively.
The Y.D.C. dance, now an annual affair, was sponsored by the club during the fall quarter and proved a great success.
Ruby Grant represented the club at the conference on "Youth's Stake in War Aims and Peace Plans" held at the University of North Carolina, and made possible by the Carolina Political Union and Inter- national Student Service.
Tom Cox. Pre\iJnit
Lejt to Right: Chris Humphreys. Virginia Spencer, Burciiif Smith, Mary Jordan. Evan Gr
Pi AKI |[>\\ \K[>S
This school year has been characterized by hard work and honest effort on the part of the staff to make the Pieces O' Eight a read- able and enjoyable magazine, one of which
students and faculty alike could be proud. The policy of the staff has been to veer away from cheap humor and to publish only the best our writers have had to offer. One
/,> J Lr-
Virginia Spencer. Editor Pearl Edwards, Business Manager
marked improvement has been seen in the quality and quantity of the short stories. There have been a few really outstanding stories, of which the staff is justly proud. It is the hope of the out- going staff that this policy of "Ever onward, ever upward" will soon take its rightful place in the interest, loyalty, and pride of every student and faculty member here.
Lylf. Reid Starling ssuing appointmfnts <)k pictures
Laura Fayf. Wood, poythress. and Billie Potter of the
Business Staff
Dunbar Studio at work on H. Wolfe of Tfcoan Staff
Dot Davis. Ruth Tucker, Lois Sessoms of Business Staff
Associate Edii
The Tecoan staff wishes to thank Mr. Dunbar of Dunbar Studio, for helping us put
Frank Fleming of The Lassiter Press, Mr. this yearbook together. For snapshots, we
Ray Bailey of Charlotte Engravers, Mr. M. F. want also, to thank Fenly Spear and Charles
S. Killebrew. And without ad- vice from Dr. Slay and Mr. Browning, faculty members of the staff, we couldn't have com- pleted our work.
ANNE Poythress, B/nim > i Manager
'.lv4-i : s.:- .'. <...' W.A.y.Vr>Wi-\! Hi i -t.i.i,. j.-.,, .,;.
,JJ. P. Po,iL
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The Teco Echo achieved two distinct purposes - pro- ducing a newspaper and serving as a laboratory to train journalists. It has upheld the principles of a free press, one of the last citadels of democracy. The staff, as inter- preters of the ever-changing trend of events in our en- vironment, have endeavored to perpetuate practices that tend to elevate the American way of life. If we have been successful to that end, then our efforts have not been in vain.
Mary D. Horne. Editor
Jennings Ballard. Maribelle Robertson. Margie Davis, Margie Dudley.
C-Kts iAA<*. \\oj a^ &.
lock, V* i>>ou.
Lf// to Right: Rose Carlton Dunn. Frank Kizer, Mary Harvey Ruffin, Doris Hockaday. Garnet Cordle, Harry Tarvis.
tu^UJ L<->-
The policy of the advertising staff of the Teco Echo K^AA^~' has been to serve the student body and faculty as a source of information, a medium of publicity, and a financing factor of the paper. Due to the cooperation of the student body and people of Greenville the advertising staff will- ingly attributes whatever success they have made.
ry Agnes Deal. Business Manager
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~J~4iqh S^teppina [^irate
The Varsity Club draws its members from letter- men in the various sports on the campus ; football, basketball, baseball, and tennis. Charles Futrell has served as President of the club this year. The club sponsored a square dance in February at which
time Savonne Matthews was chosen Varsity Club Sweetheart. She was presented an honorary mem- bership certificate, and ruled over all Varsity Club activities of the year.
Presenting ECTC's First Undefeated, Untied Football Team in the History of the School . . .
Captain Jimmy Gianakos
In two years Coach John B. Christenbury de- veloped one of the strongest small college elevens in the nation. The 1941 edition of the Pirates became one of the thirteen undefeated untied grid teams by bowling over seven strong opponents.
Clyde Mann. Manage
Coach John Christenbury looks over hi:
jning Pirate hi i:\
Coach John Christenbury's 1941 grid team mowed down all opposition and ended the season as the greatest football combination ever to rep- resent the purple and gold. Starting the season with veterans at every position, the Pirates dis- played a devastating offensive led by a high-scoring backfield. Backfield stars were Schuerholz, Woody, Waddell, Teague, Zuras, Miller, and Marriot.
Billy Greene (No. 21) blocks a punt in second
._ *-- .
entire Pirate line for a loss
Much credit must go to the line for holding all opponents well in check. At the end of the first two games, opponents showed a total net yardage of 3 yards. Only two touchdowns were made through the line which contained just two seniors,
Bill Lucas demonstrates how to mow down, the dummy
Gianakos and Roberson. Most consistent in the forewall were Jerome Butler, tackle, and Stuart Tripp, center, and these two boys played brilliantly day after day to lead the Pirates on.
The season opener played here before a large crowd on September 27, found the Pirates getting off to a flying start by whipping Tusculum Col- lege of Greeneville, Tenn., 31 to 0. The boys seemed in mid-season form as they scored before the game was five minutes old. Two straight passes to Charlie Craven and Billy Greene put the ball on the two yard line and moments later Bob Young pulled another one of Marshall Teague's passes deep in the end zone for the initial tally. Two more touchdowns were made before the half ended. Elusive Don Marriot streaked his way 30 yards to the two yard line and then plunged over on the next play. The other scores came when Bob Young raced 40 yards on a reverse and hit pay dirt standing up, and Stuart Tripp intercepted a pass in the final quarter, scoring after a 24 yard jaunt. ECTC scored 10 first downs to 7 for the Tennessee Pioneers. Six of the visitors firsts came via the air route as they completed 10 of 24 aerials.
Where ya headed brother? - No hole there!
ends, Craven and Greene teamed up to work the ball down to the seven yard line. In an attempt to kick out, a Cullowhee punt was blocked by Greene and covered in the end zone by Craven for the first score. The score was knotted a few minutes later when Al Shuford of West Carolina flipped one down the middle to Captain Bill Smith for 19 yards and a touchdown. After Stuart Tripp re- covered a Cullowhee fumble on the WCTC 44, Schuerholz and Marriot carried the ball to the 28 on straight drives. From there ECTC scored again on a beautiful pass heaved by Nick Zuras to Dan
The plucky Apprentices were simply no match for the hard hitting Pirates who brushed them aside with a blazing land and air attack to rack up their second victory 39-0. Coach John's host of scat backs sifted through the sailor defenses at a breakneck pace and scored from all angles. The Pirate scoring was led by veteran, Yank Schuer- holz who smashed the Naval line to a pulp as he contributed three tallies. Sparking the Buc of- fense was Don Marriot, Dan Waddell, Nick Zuras, Marshall Teague, Bob Miller, and Adrian Brown. The defense was featured by the outstanding play of Jerome Butler, hefty tackle, who was a damper on the Apprentice hopes all afternoon. Time after time he sifted through the opposing line to stop plays before they were formulated. A 17 yard aerial from Teague to Charlie Craven set up the first score as Schuerholz dashed over from the two. From then on the parade was on and the fleet Pirate backs displayed some sparkling running. Tripp, Gianakos, Lucas, Rogerson, Craven and Billy Greene were outstanding in keeping the sailors well within the thirty yard line.
Preparing to work up an appetite before supper
Waddell. The final score came in the final few seconds of the game. Gianakos intercepted a pass by Smith and with Jack Young leading the way ran 59 yards to the 19. Don Marriot then plunged and twisted through the right side of the line to score standing up. Marriot also converted the extra point to make the score 19-6 as the whistle blew.
The renewal of a great rivalry found the ECTC Pirates putting up a gallant and determined fight to smash the West Carolina Catamounts 19-6 for their third straight victory. The win brought sweet revenge for last year's bitter defeat at Cullowhee where every imaginable tactic except throwing the water bucket was used against the Pirates. The first half was hard fought but scoreless. Soon after the kickoff opening the second half the Pirate
The hard hitting 1941 Buccaneer Crew en masse
1. Jack Young, Tackle
2. Russell Rogerson. Tackle
3. James Little. Tacklt
4. Stuart Tripp. Center
5. Everette Hudson. Cente
6. Nick Zuras. Back
7. Wilson Schuerholz. Ba S. Bob Young. Back
9. Dan Waddell. Back
10. Bob Miller. Back
1 1. Adrian Brown. Back
The Pirates who seemed to gain more momentum every Saturday didn t waste any time with its next rival and slaughtered the Naval Hospital Sailors 30-0. Coach John's fleet backs really turned it on and were shaken loose on several nice jaunts. The scoring was opened in the second period when 'Yank" Schuer- holz broke through the middle of the sailor line for 33 yards down to the one. On the next play Schuerholz plunged over for the score. Nick Zuras made the next two tallies. One was made late in the same period in an off tackle smash and Zuras rolled around end for the remaining points. The Pirate ends scored the last two touchdowns. Craven hit pay dirt on an 8 yard end-around and Greene tallied in the closing moments by intercepting a pass and scampering 50 yards for six points.
The next Saturday found the Bucs invading the S.I. A. A. conference and coming off with a last minute victory in downing Erskine's Seceders 14-7. The game was played at Due West, S. C, and the boys spoiled the "Jakie Todd Day" celebration in honor of the Seceders departing coach with but seconds to go and the score deadlocked 7-7. Marshall Teague faded back on a fake line back to Schuerholz and tossed a touchdown pass to Billy Greene on a play that started from the Erskine 12. The Pirates had reached the 22 on a punt exchange and Schuerholz rammed the line twice to pick up 10 yards and set up the winning play. From the start the Seceders held the upper hand. After driving to the 21, Hudson took off on a reverse, barely eluded Rogerson's finger-tips, and reversed his field twice to score standing up. The Teachers came back in the third period when Teague passed to Greene who lateraled to Adrian Brown for a touchdown. In this game, the Pirates lost the services of Russell Rogerson, who had been playing a magnificent game at tackle. Russ suffered a dislocated shoulder shortly before the half.
* U #
2. Floyd Woody. Back 5. Don Marriot, Back i. Billy Greene. End j. Walter Mallard. End
16 Fred Cooper. End
17. Bill Grant. End
18. Marshall Teague. Be
19. Wiley Brown. Guard
20. Howard Roberson.
21. Jerome Butler. Tackle
22. Charles Craven. End
23. Bill Lucas. Guard
Playing before 9,000 wildly cheering fans, Coach John's boys put in a thrill- ing exhibition to lick the undefeated Bergen College team at Teaneck, N. J., 13-7. This was the first defeat for Bergen in three years but they engaged the South- erners in one of the most exciting games ever seen in the Hackensack field. After taking the lead by 13-7, the Pirates had to hold the Bergen team for three downs on the one yard line with 37 seconds left to play in the game. The scoring began in the opening minutes when a Bergen back raced 67 yards to score. On the next kick-off, speedy Don Marriot took the ball on the goal line and behind beautiful blocking, twisted and crashed 94 yards to the 6. On the next play Nick Zuras passed to Greene for the score. Jerome Butler broke through in the fourth quarter to block a punt on the 20 and Floyd Woody covered it on the one. The Bucs ol' reliable, Schuerholz bucked across for the winning tally. The entire ECTC team played perfect football and had ample opportunity to prove their greatness. Pacing the attack were Marriot, Tripp, Greene, Bob Miller, Butler, and Schuerholz.
The Pirates wound up the season at Gastonia, N. C, November 15, and by defeating the Belmont Abbey Crusaders 13-0, became the first undefeated grid team in the history of the school. It was the first defeat on the home field in five years for the Crusaders. After a 65 yard advance early in the first period, Schuerholz bucked over from the one yard strip. The game was put on ice in the final stanza when Bull Roberson covered Sylvester's fumble on the Belmont 35 to set up the other score. Schuerholz, on the first play, gained 15 yards on an off tackle sprint and Marshall Teague tossed to Fred Cooper in the end zone for the tally. Outstanding for the teachers was the punting of Nick Zuras. He con- sistently got off long boots to keep Belmont in the hole. Ending up his career in brilliant style was Bull Roberson, huge tackle, who turned in an excellent offen- sive and defensive performance. Also starring in the line were Billy Greene, Stuart Tripp, Wiley Brown, and Jerome Butler. In the backfield, Zuras, Teague, Schuerholz, Miller, and Dan Waddell played good ball.
E.C.T.C. 43 Louisburg College 42
JM \ 1 E.C.T.C. 33 A.C.C. 42
J E.C.T.C. 28 Rio Grande 46
^d ^| E.C.T.C. 28 Williamston "Martins" 31
^ ^^ E.C.T.C. 46 Rocky Mount "Y" 31
E.C.T.C. 26 Naval Training Station 65
E.C.T.C. 58 William & Mary (N.D.) 35
i E.C.T.C. 28 Naval Base 38
Captain David Watson . J/ , ^ v, A /jiff
Left to Right: Jack Youufr C^iffe ^ann, ^feoB Young. Nick Zura/ jwMTA- BrJUw, FL^Ok^iyff jfc ^ .
SEASON . . . 1942
ScLLL 1941-1942
E.C.T.C. 41 Camp Davis 53
E.C.T.C. 25 Belmont Abbey 24
E.C.T.C. 26 Co. A 649th Engineers 26
E.C.T.C. 31 U. S. Marines 16
E.C.T.C. 37 Edwards Military Institute 25
E.C.T.C. 45 Norfolk Naval Hospital 32
E.C.T.C. 56 U. William & Mary (N.D.) 29
E.C.T.C. 24 Westinghouse Apprentice 54
Left to Right: Sammy Crandall, Floyd Woody, Wiley Brown. Billy Gaddy, Randolph Roper. David Watson, Jack Young. Clyde Mann, Russell ^Rogerson, Doug Jones. W. B. Harriss. J\'ick Zuras. Bob Young. Kneeling: Manager Dan Waddell. Coach John Christenbtjry.
~ fr ! J^W" *-^j -<-^~-;
rcr fFVfi-p cccc
Mfc ^
Alfred Baucom
Paul Walprop
alter moritz
Second Row
Charles Futrell
Sammie Crandall
Ray Cisk
Third Row
1 \ ^
W. B. Harriss
Wilson Schuerholz
Wiley Brown
Lefty Dunn
Jimmy Johnson
7 f ' ^ -
"W30L/Wr .
EaieLd ScLLle - 1941
Campbell College
E.C.T.C 16
William & Mary (N.D.) 6
E.C.T.C 18
William & Mary (N.D.) 3
Left to Right: Coach John Christenbury, Managers Bob Young and John Thigpen
First Row: Dorothy Dalrymple. President; Nell McCullen, Secretary.
Second Ron: Loitse Lindsay, Ruth Hall. Treasurer.
Under the guidance of Miss Dorothy Parks, Instructor of Physical Education, the W.A.A. has sponsored many events on the campus.
iere, Miss Pah
W.A.A. CABINET MEMBERS Hazel Raper. Caroline Harper, Savonne Matthews. Dot Shearin, Billie Potter. Lucy Winstead, Esther Parker. Elizabeth Noe, Frances Leggett. Delia Strickland, Adminta Eure. Sue Parker, Audrey Stanly, Pearl House.
Isthir Parker
Tennis is officially a major spring sport, vet it continues for almost the entire school year. The season is climaxed by the partici- pation of girls playing an elimination tourna-
ment. These tournaments challenge the ability of as many girls as wish to come out. Pictured are the top ranking players who make up the tennis varsity.
In the spring at college as well as in the cities our minds turn to Softball. More en- thusiasm than ever before has been shown this spring by the number of participants
out. The seasonal practices were brought to a close by a tournament held between the classes and by the selection of an honorary varsity - some of its members being shown here.
First Row: Savonne Matthews, Dot Shearin, Margaret Wood, Zulu Newman.
Second Row.- Pearl House, Eunice Herring, Annie Britton Bartholomew, Louise Lindsay, Esther Parker.
Savonne Matthews. Ruth Hall, Eunice Herring, Margaret Wood, Pfari. House. Louise Lindsay.
Ruth Hall. Hazel Raper. Dot Shearin. Lee Bledsoe. Esther Parker. Dot Peel, Sarah Cavanaugh. Fran- ces Leggett. Doris Roberts. Savonne Matthews. Adminta Eure, Annie Britton Bartholomew. SitKnowles. Louise Lindsay.
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^VAe feature section of the 1942 -Jecoan id made up of Pernor airis who were Selected bu the Senior Class durina the lA/inter LJuarter. Uheu were chosen for personality, leadership, and aoilitu.
Moy your every ombition be fulfilled. Hit the land hard and strive to work with a purpose in mind.
Let us serve you in the future as we've done in the past.
"Eastern Carolina's Shopping Center'
Congratulations and Best Wishes From
427 Evans Street "Greenville's Finest Drug Store"
"Eastern Carolina's Leading Jeweler" Established 1901
Compliments of
Restaurant, Soda and News Service
"We Serve the Best"
. Live Better
. Live Electrically
PHOTOGRAPHS Baker's Studio
Greenville, N. C.
Compliments of
Greenville, N. C.
Compliments of
Office Supplies, Stationery, Printing, Engraving
"Bowl For Health's Sake"
H. B. Sommer, Mgr.
Use the Student Rate
Compliments of
Established 1901 - Time Tested Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
Congratulations to
Seniors of 1942
Patronize the College "Y" Store
"Your Shoe Store"
410 Evans Street Greenville, N. C.
Compliments of
Greenville, N. C.
Compliments of
J. C. Youngblood, Prop. Greenville, N. C.
"SPORTSMAN'S HEADQUARTERS" Dickinson Avenue at Ninth Street
Compliments of
Greenville, N.C.
Has membership in and is fully accredited by:
The Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools The American Association of Teachers Colleges The North Carolina College Conference
Has the following departments of instruction:
Administration and Supervision Art Education
Commerce Education
English Foreign Language
Geography History
Home Economics Library Science
Mathematics Music
Physical Education Psychology
Science Social Science
Has curricula for the preparation of teachers in:
I. Primary grades d to 3 inclusive) 2 Grammar grades (4 to 7 inclusive) 3. High School (8 to 12 inclusive)
The degrees offered are:
1 . Bachelor of Arts - requiring four years of study on a well-organized curriculum that meets ' the requirements for a specific teachers' certificate in North Carolina.
2. Master of Arts - requiring at least one standard year of study on a curriculum organized on the basis of the student's educational preparation and in line with his intellectual interests
The demand for well-trained and highly skillful teachers was never greater than at the present time.
The standards of instruction here are high and they are being made higher each year. Weak students are not solicited.
Special courses are offered for the purpose of preparing candidates for the principal's and the superintendent's certificates in North Carolina.
The summer quarter is a standard session and the equivalent, in instruction and credit that may be earned, to a quarter in the regular college year.
For further information, address LEON R. MEADOWS, President HOWARD J. McGINNIS, Registrar
^jrine J-^ortraiti
22BH N. Tryon Street Charlotte, N. C.
The 1942 TECOAN
/Charlotte, North Carolina
School Publications
The many high awards won each year by school publications produced by us is the result of many years' specialization based on a compre- hensive knowledge of art motifs, design, layout and publication trends.
A modern printing plant, operated by highly efficient craftsmen in every department, pro- vides c quality and distinctiveness that is un- surpassed.
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'1W i 1 "1
4*f *