The Tecoan 1923





Volume One





THIS is the first volume of Teachers College Annual -The Tecoan. It is published by the various classes of the College. By the permission of the Faculty, this volume is substituted for the spring issue of the Quarterly.

In this volume we have attempted to portray the life of the college as it appears to the camera. If such portrayals are disappointing to you, blame the camera, and not those in charge of the Annual. On the other hand, if they should recall to you scenes that have become closely and happily intertwined in your lives, and if they should cause you to re-live the joyful days of college life, we shall feel amply compensated for all our efforts.

We wish to take this opportunity of thanking all who aided in making this book a possibility; particularly do we wish to express our deep gratitude to those officers and teachers who gave unstintingly of their time and who cooperated so loyally with the students in making this, our first effort, a success. We can only hope that future classes will receive the same hearty cooperation.

The Editors.




Dedication 4-5

Campus 6-13

Trustees and Officers 14

Faculty 15-17

Senior Class 18-26

Senior Normal Class 27-58

Sophomore Class 59-60

Freshman Class 61-63

Junior Normal Class 64-73

"B" Class 74-75

College Statistics 76-81

Lanier Society 82-85

Poe Society 86-88

Inter-Society Committee 89

Marshals 90

Y. W. C. A 91-94

Publications 95-97

Student Council 98-99

Campus Snapshots 100

Athletic Association 101-103

Campus Snapshots 104

Clubs 105-113

Campus Snapshots 114

Alumnae 115-118

Campus Snapshots 119

Jokes and Advertisements 120-128



Our Beloved Friend and President

Robert Herring Wright

This Book is AFfcctioncitely



















Board of Trustees


F. C. HARDING, Greenville First 1925

J. B. LEIGH, Elizabeth City First 1923

A. McDOWELL, Scotland Neck Second 1925

J. Y. JoYNER, LaGrange Second 1923

J. R. BANNERMAN, Burgaw Third 1923

GRAY R. KING, Nashville Fourth 1927

A. B. ANDREWS, Raleigh Fourth 1927

E. C. BROOKS State Superintendent of Public Instruction

0fficers of the Board

E. C. Brooks

State Superintendent of Public Instruction

Ex officio Chairman

Leon R. Meadows, Secretary

J. B. Spilman, Treasurer

Executive Committee



ROBT. H. WRIGHT President

MRS. KATE R. BECHWITH Lady Principal


MITTIE R. BEAMAN Superintendent of Infirmary

M. Bessie Harding Secretary to President

OLA S. ROSS Custodian of Records

J. B. SPILMAN Treasurer

MRS. J. B. SPILMAN Assistant Treasurer


MRS. A. A. HARRELL Assistant to the Matron

ARLEY MOORE Dormitory Matron

LEON R. MEADOWS Director of Summer Term

H. E. AUSTIN Chairman of Appointment Committee






B.S. University of North Carolina; Graduate Study Johns Hopkins University; Teachers col

lege, Columbia University



I.I. Peabody College; Ph.B. Baylor University; B.A., M.A. Yale University; Graduate Study

Columbia University



B.A.Trinity CollEGE; M.A. Columbia University; Graduate Study University of Wisconsin.


Winthrop College; M.A. Colombia College; Graduate Work at Univeristy of Virginia and

Columbia University



Graduate N. C. College for Women; Graduate Study Trinity College; University of Pennsyl-

vania; University of California.



B.S. Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Graduate Study Clark University; Johns Hopkins Uni-




N. C. College for Women; B.S. Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Graduate Study Cor-

nell University.



L.I. Peabody College; B.S. Teachers College, Columbia University; Graduate Study Uniycrsity

of Chicago.



Graduate North Carolina College for Women; Graduate Study Teachers College, Columbia Uni-

versity; University of Chicago.



Supervisor op Practice

B.A. Trinity College; Graduate Study Teachers College, Columbia Uciversity.


School Management

B.A. University of North Carolina.



B.S., M.A. Peabody College.



B.S. State College, Farmville, Va.; Peabody College; Graduate Study State University of Iowa.



Graduate Harrisonburg Normal School; Peabody College; Columbia University.



Peace Institute; University of Virginia; State Normal School, Hyannis, Mass.; Chautauqua Art

School; Industrial Art School, Chicago.



Peabody Conservatory of Music; Johns Hopkins University; Graduate Study University of




Peabody Conservatory of Music; Edgar J. Rose School of Piano Playing; Cornell University.



Teachers Certificate, Peabody Conservatory of Music; New England Conservatory.



Sternberg School of Music; Pupil of Helen Cleaver; Hood College; Pupilof Walter Charmbury;

Piano Teachers Certificate, Peabody Conservatory of Music; Pupil of Geo. F. Boyle; Rich-

ard Hageman.



Conservatory of Music, Ithaca, New York.



B.S. Peabody College; B.A. Ward Seminary; Student Summer School of the South at Knox-

ville, Tenn.; State Normal, Murfreesboro, Tenn.



Graduate North Carolina College for Women; Graduate Study Teachers College, Columbia

University; Emerson School of Expression.



B.A. Winthrop College; Graduate Study Peabody College.



Graduate North Carolina College for Women.



Eastern Kentucky Normal; Peabody College, University of Georgia.



B.S. Peabody College; Blandville College; Summer School of the South, Knoxville, Tenn; Uni-

versity of Chicago; Teachers College, Columbia University.



State Normal School of Kentucky; B.S. Peabody College; Graduate Study University of Georgia.




B.S. Peabody College; Student Bethel College; Summer School of the South, Knoxville, Tenn.;

West Tennessee State Normal.



Middle Tennessee Normal; Summer School of the South; Peabody College.


Junior=Senior Class


In a maiden land where maidens live

There are no heroes gran';

So you see because of distance great

'Tis safe to have a man.






Officers of Junior-Senior Class


ANNIE H. FELTON Secretary and Treasurer

NONIE JOHNSON S. G. Representative

Motto of Class " Excelsior' '


Mascot Man-in-the-Moon

Class Flower Tulip

Class Colors . . . Gold and Black

Class Song

(To tune of: "Believe Me of All Those Endearing Young Charms.")

Black and gold wave on high

For a class that is dear

To the hearts of our classmates so true.

They're the symbol of a spirit so loyal and right,

That will bring hack fond mem'ries to you.

Alma Mater, we'll praise all the rest of our days,

You'll inspire us to heights yet unknown.

We'll be grateful to you more and more as days pass,

Alma Mater, we call you our own.

-A. H. F., '24.

Class Poem

There have been many classes

We've known from year to year-

Loyal, noble, faithful, true.

They never knew a fear.

There have been days of struggle

To make the grade up hill,

And many days of pleasure

That linger with us still.

The climb is nearly finished,

Our goal almost in sight.

Under colors black and gold

We've nearly won the fight.

Though days may come and days may go

The days that we will cherish

Are our Junior-Senior days.

Of all, these will not perish.

-A. H. F., '24.



Pittsboro, N.C.

Abounding in wit, duty and good philosophy."

Member of Poe Society; Member of Y. W. C. A.; Chairman of Music Committee 1919-'23;

President of Student Government, 1922-'23.

Mabel's the musician of our class, and merry music does she give us. She is an excellent stu-

dent, as well as a capable and efficient leader. She is always full of fun and is the life of any

crowd. Her originality is very prominent in the English themes she writes. She is a good

psychologist and will, perhaps, teach psychology some day.


Oriental, N. C.

"Pleasure sometimes, but not always."

Member of E. A. Poe Society, 1919-23; Editor-in-Chief of "TECOAN."

Lois is gentle and good, and has winning ways that we all would like to possess. She is always

at her post of duty just on time, and does the social stunt for our classes too. She is always the

same sweet girl that everyone loves. She is friendly, and has a smooth and even disposition and

is also an excellent entertainer. When once you have been with her, you want to be again.



St. Paul, N. C.

"A Smile is n blessing; a hearty laugh cannot be estimated."

Lanier Society; First Vice-President of entire Alumnae Association; Chairman of Social Service

Committee of Y. W. C. A., 1919; Critic of Class, 1920; President of Robeson County Club,

1923; Class Representative to Student Council, 1923; President of Pitt County Alumnae

Association, 1923.

Everyone is not gifted with an optimistic nature, but among the few that are is Nonie. It

seems good to meet her and hear her cheery, companionable greeting as she passes by. " Ring-

stand," a name she acquired in the chemistry laboratory, has a sense of humor that downs the

blues for other people as well as for herself. In her sunshiny, happy way, she lives, and, living,

makes the world a little more pleasant for the rest of us.


Culpepper, Va.

"A sweet disposition is a gift of the gods."

Lanier Society; Lanier Glee Club; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet Member, 1917; Treasurer of Y. W.

C. A., 1918; School Glee Club, 1918-20'; Treasurer of Lanier Society, 1918; Secretary of

Lanier Society, 1919; Chairman of Inter-Society Committee, 1920; Historian of Class,

1920; Associate Editor nl Annual, 1923.

No matter how highly we may prize our " Made in Carolina" products, we do not value Mildred

less because she is not present in that list. Those of us who have the privilege of knowing her

know she is a diligent student, possessing the knack of a reday answer to any question (and it's

usually correct). A good friend and a partner in anything that comes within student govern-

ment limits. a saying that is not applicable to all is true of her: "It is more pleasant to be

with her than to be without her."


Tyner, N. C.

"She is serious, sometimes gay,

Yet she makes things go her way."

Captain of the Basketball Team, 1918-'20; President of Athletic League, 1919-'20; Member

of Lanier Society; Member of Lanier Glee Club, 1918-'20; School Glee Club, 1918-'20;

President of Alhlctic League 1921-'22; Lanier Glee Club, 1921-'22; School Glee Club,


Of all the things that she can do well tennis stands out prominently. She reveals in it, and is never

happier than when playing a real, snappy game. With a lot of "pep" and strong determina-

tion to win, she won an enviable record in tennis. This attitude of hers not only makes her a

star performer in athleticsm but one in other activities as well. She tackles all things with never

a thought of failing, and somehow, through all the difficulties, she steers a straight, true course.


Junior=Senior Class



"Silence accompanies much

that noise cannot."


I chatter, chatter, all day long


None can know her but to

loVe her.


I am resolved to be happy.


"Smile and the world smiles

with you."




Twenty Years Later.


Perhaps you don't remember that you were onco a part of our class. Perhaps

you don't remember us at all, for you were such a tiny tot then. But we have not

forgotten you, not by any means, and we never will.

Do you recall our happy Nonie Johnson? You will certainly be shocked, I'm

sure, to learn that she is a bunch of nerves and complaints. Why, she's a regular

grouch. I was never so surprised as I was when I walked into a class room in

Porto Rico and found Nonie "bossing the job." with the aid of a healthy-looking

switch. No, she has never married. She has taught until she feels there is noth-

ing else for her to do. She might rest awhile if she could only see the wreck it has

made of her. She's positively forgotten how to smile, even.

Aren't you glad there aren't so many more to tell you about? But they all

asked to be remembered to you, so I'm doing as requested. Please be patient

just awhile longer. It won't all be disillusions.

Orene Hollowell is the same person in regard to her indifference toward spinster-

hood, but other great changes have been wrought. She once was serious and

philosophical, but now - well, she's what folks used to call a "flapper." With the

necessary accessories to such a name, she lolls her time away in the various re-

sorts of the world. She lives only for present pleasures, and if she is serious she

successfully conceals it. What a different person she is! Strange what time will

do for us, isn't it?

Can you guess what Mildred Maupin is interested in at present? I understand

that she's a lecturer, a staunch supporter of the modern girl and her rights. All

over the world she is being received with great enthusiasm, and large audiences

attend each of her lectures. She has become a brilliantly interesting speaker. I

don't know why, but I always predicted Mildred a quiet, serene life. Perhaps it

isn't yet too late for her to settle down, though.

I had a very pleasant trip to Washington this summer, and while walking down

Pennsylvania Avenue I noiiced a great crowd gathered on one of the street

corners. After inquiring, I learned that a suffragette meeting was being held.

I made my way through the throng, and beheld Lois Haskins in full male attire

following in the footsteps of Susan B. Anthony. I learned that for many years

Lois had been the women's leader, and she had achieved great success in ob-

otaining women's equal rights. You remember what a man hater Lois was!


While glancing over the society columns of a New York City paper I was very

much surprised to see Mabel Thomas as the leader of Fifth Avenue society. Later

in the summer, I went to visit her, and her home was the most beautiful that I

had ever seen. She was giving a big dinner dance in my honor the evening I

arrived, and what a wonderful time we had! Her husband was a very rich banker.

How happy she and her husband were! Mabel had indeed fooled us, for we all

thought that she would be the old maid of our class, but one never can tell, you


Am I through? I'm sorry, for it has been a real pleasure to tell you something

about the members of our class. I believe you have an interest in us even though

it may be slight, and I'm sure we are interested in you. Don't let your various

other interests keep you from writing us, occasionally, at least.

With very best wishes for your happiness and success, I am,

Most sincerely yours,



Senior Normal Class


Class Mascot

Senior Normal Class Song

Round us at twilight comes stealing,

Memories to us that are dear,

Dreams of our days in the classes,

And of our class without fear.


Twenty-three, twenty-three,

The class that we love best;

In the sea of memory you're dearer than the rest.

Happy days, fearless days,

Among our classmates true

We stand alone and boast you our own

The class of twenty-three.


Come, girls, with hearts full of laughter,

Come, and let's be true

To our dear old classmates, come often,

We wish for them pleasures anew.


Class 0fficers


LILLIAN JORDAN Vice-president



ANNIE LOLA ARNOLD S. G. Representative




Greenville. N.C.

"Work while you work - play while you play."

In Ruth we find a combination of sunshine and laugh-

ter. She never leaves her smile behind, because it is a

part of her. As to her future - well, there are rumors

and rumors, you know- but it could be nothing but

bright, whether she enters the teaching profession or-

some other!



"Her hair is not more sunny than her smile."

There's a ray of sunshine to be found in the darkest

places when Annie Lola is around. A sweet disposition

a strong friend, a good sport-all these are found in her.


Lumber Bridge, N. C.

"I pin my faith to no man's sleeve

Have I not two eyes of my own."

They say that daisies won't tell, but if you want to

tell anything, tell Mary. She is the most confidential

girl on the hill, and as true as steel. Loyal, dependable

studious-that's Mary.


Wilmington, N.C.

"Behind those blue eyes there lies much mischief."

Arline is a girl who needs no one to lead her. She does

what she thinks is best, and is seldom wrong in it. One

would hardly think there is much fire behind those blue

eyes, but woe unto you if you try to find out. She

stands well in her class, and with all the :get up" she

has I am sure she will make a sucess in whatever she



Branchville, Va.

"Smile and the world smiles with you."

Elma is a hard worker, and she always meets her tasks

and difficulties with a smile. We know that her strong

ambition and her sunshiny disposition will bring her

much success wherever she is


Stantonsburg. N. C.

"To see her is to love her.

To know her is to praise."

If you desire a pal with a sunny, lovable disposition,

seek Mildred. Lucky are they who gain the loyal,

affectionate friendship of this true-hearted girl.



Troy, N. C.

"She can who thinks she can."

Here she comes! Happy-go-lucky girl! Good na-

tured, dependable. What more could be said of her?

She always smiles and ehanges our gloom to mirth.

We expect to hear of Zulu later, and perhaps she'll be

found "seconding the motion."


Warsaw, N. C.

"To thine own self be true."

Nora hails from Warsaw. she's a serious-minded

girl, and realizes a sense of duty. Even though she has

a serious view of life, she has a sense of humor. She

never talks unless she has something to say, and she

never fails to help those less fortunate than herself.

Though rather quiet, she has the knack of winning

many friends, and I think it can be truthfully said that

those won are never lost.


Wadesboro, N.C

"With a heart of cheer I like the girl who faces what she


hattie is our ambitious girl-one who always wants

to lead her class, and thus far has realized her desire.

"On time and never late" is her motto, and she's always

"there" ready for business.


Seaboard, N. C.

"She may be serious, she may be gay,(

But she's a rare good pal in a rare good way."

Without a number of different qualities we find in

Edythe. If she can't create excitement in any other

way, she just starts raving about "Roy." We all feel

if Edythe doesn't tell us the latest school news, we would

be hopelessly lost. she makes such a handsome man

that some of the Juniors have been heard to say, "Oh,

wasn't Edythe Bradely the best looking man?" Edythe

has stage ambition, and unless something happens, and

happens soon, I'm afraid it will be hopeless case for

the "Dr." But we feel sure she will succeed in whatever

she undertakes. Good luck to you, old girl!


Nashville, N. C.

"To know her is to love her."

A funny girl is Rosa. At times she is as quiet as our

history recitation period, and again she chatters and

giggles without ceasing. In class we never hear much

from her, but when she is among her friends she is

always talking and expressing her opinions. Rosa has

been a member of our class only a year, but she leaves

a place that will be hard to fill when she is gone.


Camden, N. C.

"Shun not the struggle; face it."

Nannie is a pal good and true- a bright, energetic

girl, never shirking the most difficult task, but always

meeting it with a feeling of, "I can do it if I try."

Though she isn't heard much, we all know she has a

lovable disposition, and the class feels fortuante in

having such a friend.



Swan Quarter. N. C.

"She's kind, she's modest, sincere, and true.

More studious, more generous than most of you."

Myra is quiet, dignified and faithful to a degree that

commands admiration from her classmates; a good,

lovable girl, whose high sense of humor exceeds the

average. She is jolly and full of life, and will always be

remembered as a loyal comrade.


Windsor, N. C.

"Not afraid of work, but not in sympathy with it."

Where can you find Eloise on a sunshiny afternoon at

3:30, when not in school? Rest room. What does

Eloise like better than "Lib" and "Lil?" Hot choco-

ate. What does Eloise like better than math? Spell-

ing. One of the prettiest girls in the class, she knows

just what to wear to look her best. A good sport and a

true pal are her chief characteristics.


Buie. N. C.

"To know her is to love her."

Lillian is a girl of rare type, and her ingenuity will

keep her always in the right. She gives her whole soul

and being to her work, and a duty she never shirks.


Woodville. N. C.

"Not too serious, not too gay.

But a good fellow day by day."

Ruth is one of our band who is good-hearted and

sympathetic to the very highest degree. She is usually

found directing her own business, yet she takes an ac-

tive part in every organization of which she is a mem-

ber. She does her work well, and then has time to sit

on the campus and converse with her friends as they

come and go.


Tarboro. N. C.

"Pluck makes luck."

Mildred likes college life in general, but home much

better. At first she thought of college life as a joke, but

one day something intercepted her path which caused

her to take life more seriously - practice teaching. She

is very ambitious. Watch her succeed!


Greenville. N. C.

"What is worth doing at all is worth doing well."

Although we did not enjoy the privilege of having

Helen as a "C," we have doubly enjoyed having her as

a "D." She is a rare combination of attractiveness

and diligence-a girl who is a valuable asset to the class,

and one whom we all admire.



Mocksville, N. C.

"Life without laughin is a dreary blank."

Avoid strong drink-for coffee maketh you nervous!

A good sport? Indeed she is, and the "Committee"

couldn't exist without "Kat." Besides the success she

makes in the teaching profession, she's specializing in

the art of making friends-she's succeeding there, too,

(like everything else she attempts), 'cause everybody

likes "Kat." She's a jolly good pal, but she has a

serious side, too,-'specially when one of the "Com-

mittee" has an idea.


Mars Hill, N. C.

"Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite


There is never a dark cloud but has a silver lin-

ing. When searching for this silver lining look for

"Pid." If she cannot cheer you with words, her music

will, for our violinist is "Pid." An all-round sport is

"Pid," and we can only say, " She's the stuff!"


Garner, N.C.

"A sunny disposition is half the battle."

Arnette is the little sunshine of our class. No matter

what be the trouble, she always has a "prophecy"

which drives away our frowns in a jiffy. Maybe that

"prophecy" is what makes her so populaar. She is

always giving sunshine in the darkest places and the

gloom of studies, and that is why we all love her so.


Edenton, N. C.

"She is jolly, good-natured and true

And her share she is willing to do."

Bonnie, who is blessed with personality and gifted

with charm that makes everlasting friends, will always

be remembered by her classmates as companionable,

unselfish and lovable. In her jolly way she goes around

advocating the saying, "laugh and the world laughs

with you; weep, and you weep alone."


Bath. N.C.

"She is pretty to walk with, interesting to talk with, and

pleasant, too, to think on."

Nellie is a very studious girl, and very ambitious to

make a success. The class of '23 feels that Nellie's

efforts to make a success will not be in vain. She will

be either an "Old Maid School Teacher." for which

she is now training- or- well, a teacher of one. Who?

Err Ronald!


Stem, N. C.

"Divinely tall, and full of grace.

Surely you know this maiden with the lovely face."

Conscientious! Now, you've said it! " Shortie's"

authoritative personality, winsome ways and sunny

disposition has won a place in our hearts for her.



goldston, N.C.

"Still water runs too deep."

"Cheek." to those who know her, with her dainty

and lovable way, has won a place in each of our hearts.

She is never too busy that she cannot find time to play

tennis for one-half hour every afternoon. At this rate

she will soon fulfill her desire to be a champion tennis



Rockingham, N.C.

When duty and pleasure clash, let duty go to smash."

When Louise is around, we are always sure of a good

time. But she isn't all frivolitym and in the serious side

of her we find equally as much to love as in the frivolous.

We think Louise is living up to her favorite slogan,

"Day by day, in every way, I'm growing fatter and

fatter, and better and better."


Elm City, N. C.

" 'Doll Baby' is what we call her. Look and see if you


Petite? Yes, but it happens to be quality this time

instead of quantity. Her favorite expression is, " I am

about to laugh." Three cheers for " Doll Baby." the

cutest girl in the class of "23.


Elm City. N. C.

If 'Rice' is the 'Staff-of-life,' you'll never hear of 'Mag'

yielding to the punishment known as starvation."

Even though the "best-all-round" and "most influ-

ential" are parts of her make-up, you'll never miss

hearing a "sporty" report when you mention the fol-

lowing three; "Bottle," "door" and "cafe." And

now that the time has come for her to depart from the

class which has been guided by her leadership during

the years of '21 and '23, we grant her the privilege of

establishing a "Banking and Trust Co." anywhere she

so desires.


Harbinger, N. C.

"Where there's a will there's a way."

Clara has just the proper mixture of common sense

and justice, severity and sweetness to make her loved

respected bv all. she is always there when it comes

to work in Y.W.C.A., Society and other college organ-

izations. Clara is dependable, otherwise she would

never have been voted the most reliable girl in our class.

Her strong character and strong will tell us that she will

eventually, with Ora, carry out her long-cherished

travel plan.


Ahoskie, N. C.

"Life is full of laughter, but even laughter ends,

give me instead forever the friendship of my friends."

Here's to "Red,' the musician of the class, who is

always there when music is wanted. For two years she

has been a leader in the musical and social world of

E. C. T. C. What are we "gonna" do without her?

"Red" is the best old sport in the world. If everyone

were " Red" there wouldn't be a single stranger to be

found. She is willing to play for a crowd, but a crowd

doesn't stop her, for she might even play for "Moore."



Goldsboro, N.C.

"A perfect woman, nobly plann'd,

To warm, to comfort, to command."

To like Thelma you have to know her. Knowidg her

you will find her a valuable companion. she is always

ready with a winning smile to solve any problem that

might confront you. as for her being a good student,

examine her reports and draw your own conclusions.

Though we know not her ambitions, we predict success

for her.


"Who can express thee, though all can approve thee."

Here is a girl who haa instilled in her heart of a true

friend/ She is very much interested in music, and we

predict success for her in musical world.


Harbinger. N. C.

"Strive and succeed."

Ora is a splendid worker in all college organizations

and anything else that calls for capability. She per-

forms her many duties in such an unassuming manner

that we often wonder how they are done so well. In

addition, she has that indefinable something called per-

sonality, which makes her liked by everyone.


Greenville. N. C.

"She hath a daily beauty in her life."

When seeking information go to Geneva and you will

be sure of your desires. Bright and industrious is

Geneva, and always anxious to help others. Sweet,

good, and kind have we found her-the same yester-

day, today and tomorrow.


Merry Hill, N. C.

"To know her is to love her."

Everybody likes Bess! With her lovable and gener-

ous disposition she has won many friends, to whom she

is capable of being a genuine friend in return. She

never considers a favor too great to do for a fellow-

student- except to share mail coming from Carolina!


Durham, N.C.

"Sweet music breathed her soul away."

This quiet girl doesn't stand out as star performer

in any particular branch of work, but she is a steady and

earnest worker in everything she undertakes. We real-

ize her capabilities, and predict her success in the world.



Greenville. N. C.

"When joy and duty clash,let duty go to smash."

Laura is endowed with the invaluable virtue-optim-

ism. Her gay, sunny disposition cannot be conquered

by difficulties which arise in the daily grind. She is the

kind of girl one likes to have around on disagreeable,

rainy days, and is a friend we are all proud to claim.


Fountain, N.C.

"She's little and low. but never slow."

Fannie is as quiet and placid as the night breeze. You

can always depend on her to do her duty, and she leaves

with the good wishes of the class of '23.


Tabor, N.C.

"A little of laughter, love and gond-will lengthens life."

Here she comes; a happy, a good natured, dependable

girl. What more can be said of her? She always smiles,

and in so doing she always reveals to us those wonder-

ful dimples.


Swansboro, N.C.

"She always wears a smile,

Is happy and cheerful all the while."

This is Senia- the young " Tar Heel" who is always

willing to try her best in everything she attempts, and

is as full of kindness as of valor. Senia has proven her

ability by her success at teaching, and she has won

many friends while up here four years.


Greenville. N. C.

"A smile for all, a greeting glad,

An amiable, jolly way she had."

Hannah is a "sho nuff" sport- her jolly good nature

is a drawing card. In primary work she takes the lead.

However, we think she will not tarry in this field long,

for "they say" she has a more thrilling plan for the fall.

Eh, Hannah? Happy-go-lucky, never worried with a

care. Hannah is a girl whom everybody likes and likes

to be thrown with.


Ridgeway, N. C.

"Give her of the fruit of hands, and let own works

praise her."

Sarah hails from Ridgeway! She is always on the

mountain top of preparedness for any task from work-

ing math to having herlesson plans in on time. Speak-

ing her mind, too, is one of the prominent traits of her

life. We wish you success in your teaching caree,




Wadesboro, N. C.

"Success always comes to those who labor."

Judging from Lilian's appearance in the class room

you might think of her being a quiet and easy-going

girl. To see her on the basketball court you would con-

sider her a champion basketball player. An interesting

characteristics is that she has an unusually quiet

and unconscious way of attracting and winning the ad-

miration of the opposite sex.


High Point, N.C.

"Some folks are content to envy success in others. Others

achieve it for themselves."

At our first acquaintance with Clara we discovered

that she was endowed with the "gift of gab." She is

one of those folks who make you forget to feel blue.

Her happy disposition, plus her good sportive nature,

has made for her a host of true friends. for Clara we

predict a brilliant future, especially in the political



Cleveland, N.C.

"Quiet in appearance, with motives unknown."

Mabel is a quiet girl of few words, sticking strictly to

her own business. She will always be ready to say," I

will try," when called on for any duty.


Hookerton, N.C.

"The mildest manners with the bravest mind."

Virginia has been an invaluable asset to the class-

whether it is work or play she is "right there" when she

is wanted. The girl who counts Virginia her friend is

lucky, for her friendship is truly worth while. With her

sweet disposition, strong character and strong will, she

she deserves the best that life holds, and we truly hope she

may get it.


Elizabeth City, N. C.

"I'll be merrym I'll be free,

I'll be sad for nobody."

Good-natured, happy-go-lucky Martha is one of the

best. Broad-mindedness, supplemented by personal-

ity, wit and originality, make her one of the most pop-

ular at E. C. T. C. Always in a hurry-yet there is

always time if you must talk to her about your troubles.

Martha, we feel sure the future holds much success and

happiness for you.


High Point. N.C.

"She hath a genius to be loved."

Irma is blessed with an unlimited amount of humor.

She is always ready to laugh at a good joke, and fre-

quently has one to offer. Had one visited the library

during Irma's Senior year, he would have found that

she was very studious. Irma's personality is very

prominent, and for the rest notice the statistics.



Louisburg. N. C.

"How good to live and learn."

Willie Mae is not one of the species that you can knock

down and she comes up smiling. She is in a good

humor when a good humor is appropriate, but, take

my word for it, she let's nobody "walk over" her.

Willie Mae likes school studies, but enough fun and

"good time" to flavor 'em up.


Elkin, N. C.

"Joy, temperance, and repose

Slam the door on the doctor's nose."

For effective primary supplementary material, see

Mary at address given. In our class there is no one more

reliable, faithful, and generous. And above all-she

is a good old pal.


Warsaw, N.C.

"No sinner, nor saint, perhaps,

But, well-the very best chape."

"Cory" is just an "all-round" girl, and possesses that

rare quality of being the same wherever you see her.

She spends a great deal of time writing letters, and it is

a certain fact that she is devoted to the "mails." Her

"Special" boxes on Sunday are the salavation of quite a

few. Ask Cora if she ever sand at Y.W.C.A. We are

expecting great things of her in the musical world if the

"Bills" are not too many.


Bethel, N.C.

"Her greatest ambition-I regret to state,

Is this-to graduate."

Even if this is her greatest ambition, it isn't her only

one. For her best friends know that there is a tall,

dark-haired man, from whom "Specials" are a delight

to her. And it seems she is about to gain both her am-

bitions. We all wish her success.


4urora, N. C.

"Thy modesty is a candle to thy merit."

quiet, sedate and reserved is Annie Ola, and we agree

that if "Beauty is a beauty does" she, too, is quite

beautiful. she is faithful and carable worker. We

can't forget the way she always stood by her class

basketball team. Her actions are always from honest

motives, and mindful of her fellow-man We have all

learned to lover her.


Goldsboro. N. C.

"To sum up all, be merry, I advise,

And as we are merry, may we still be wise."

Fate always sends "Lib" where someone needs a

cheerful word- a veritable Pollyanna. She is ready for

all the fun. as well as her share of work. Her intimate

-friends know how loyal and kind " Lib" is, with all her

love for a good time. She is always thoughtful, and

one of those who helps to make school life enjoyable.



Fairmount, N.C.

"Not too serious, not too gay,

But a rare good fellow when it comes to play."

Here's the girl of our class who is our star athlete. She

played in all the final tournaments for the year '22. A

helpful member of the "Poe Society" is Martha-and a

thoughtful girl.


Momeyer, N. C.

"I chatter, chatter as I go."

Thelma is a "come-what-may" type of girl. She

thinks only of today and lets tomorrow take care of

itself. Though very brilliant and studious, she always

finds time for a little fun- if the teacher's back is turned.

When she laughs, all eyes fall directly upon her. The

class of '23 sends her out with a brilliant future.


Scranton. N. C.

"Laugh and the world laughs with you."

Hilda is a happy-go-lucky type of a girl-never wor-

ries,but always comes out on top. She has the "gift

of gab" along with a mathematic brain. Nothing is

more delightful to her than to deal with figures. we

wish her success in her future work.


Greenville, N. C.

"I held ever, virtue and knowledge were endowments

greater than nobleness and riches."

A sweeter girl cannot be found. She goes about with

that smile of happiness and content which she shares

with everyone. Pattie stand high, not only among her

friends, but her class. Industrious and straightforward

in every way is Pattie.


Tarboro. N. C.

"She looks wise. Pray correct that error."

"Marie" is the kind of girl we all love- a good sport-

a real pal- kind, amiable, unselfish and attractive.

Schoolmates will find it hard to forget her, and class-

mates cannot. Her room-mate never fails to tell of the

"only one" fuss they had during the two years. She

follows the example of the "Committee." especially

when eating is the practice.


Wilmington, N. C.

"It doesn't pay to worry,

Things will happen, anyway."

You may search the world over, but you will never

find another like Lillian. Her wit and originality has

won many friends. She is true blue, and we count it a

privilege to have her as one of our pals. "Frank"-ness

is her chief characteristic.



Norfolk, Va.

"I leave thy praise unexpressed,

I leave thy greatness to be guessed."

Hazel has always responded gracefully to the demand

for originality in the class of '23. She has her own

opinions-reliable ones-which she expresses, regard-

less of contradiction. As for athletics, watch her handle

the basketball, and draw your own conclusions.


Warrenton, N. C.

"A perfect woman, nobly planned,

To warn, to comfort, and command."

Who said Annie had a "Special"? Judging from her

C-l-e-m-e-n-t disposition, you would not dare wonder

at the number. She is coquettish, striking and a good

all-round sport. Teachers College is proud of her,

and boosts her, for she knows her influence as a teacher

will be great


Durham, N.C.

"Her name is Link, and she is a golden link in the

friendship chain of many."

"Bee" is a very quiet, dignified girl, and possesses a

store of knowledge. She isn't a "chatterbox," but

when she does speak it is worth your while to listen

She worries and worries about her practice teaching,

but we always find her coming out on top in the end,

and we know she will succeed when she goes away.

"Red headed" people are always great!


Windsor, N. C.

"Best things come in smallest packages."

In this particular "small package" we find wit and

humor galore; the truest off riendship, an enviable dis-

position, and a spirit of good sportsmanship.


Nashville, N. C.

willie is a modest, quiet, unobtrusive young lady.

She is the embodiment of thoughtfulness and unselfish-

ness, with a generous share of humor. Her books, as

well as her classmates, have found in her a friend

staunch and true.


Clayton, N.C.

"Matilda can dance, Matilda can walk,

But no one can beat Matilda talk."

Dear old "Tilley"! Though a big talker of our school,

is one we all love and cherish. She never studies - never

had to, really, but every once in awhile her conscience

sends out a warning, so she grabs a book, runs to the

library and reads references long since due, jots down a

few notes frantically, then goes to breathe sweet air

once more. No. "Tilley" is not a joke-she's just a

fine, wholesome, whole-souled girl, and we all love her.



Maxton, N.C.

"Rosalie smiled, and all the world was gay."

It is an important "tour-de-force" to attempt to

sketch so admirable a character in so little space. We

can only say that during her two years here she has

steadily grown in the esteem of her classmates. She is a

good student, a girlof solid judgement and with a good

sense of humor.


Maribel, N.C.

"A little curly-headed, good for nothing;

a mischief-maker from her birth."

Just sav athletics, and see her eyes beam;

She plays on the Volley Ball and Basketball teams.

And to add to her honor and fame.

She has the President of Athleties attached to her

name. She loves cats if every variety,

So we place her in the Poe society.


Woodsdale, N. C.

"Life is real; life is earnest."

One glance at her brown eyes tells the tale. Besides

having a sunny, good nature, we find that she has those

characteristics of personality and character that natur-

ally maje people like her. Mabel is an earnest student,

and we feel sure that the way to success is open to her.


Hertford, N.C.

"Happy am I-from care I'm free,

Why aren't they all content, like me"

One would have to go far to find a sweeter and nobler

girl than Annie Ruth. E.C.T.C. was lucky to get he,

for everyone admits she is one of the best sports here.

She always carries plenty of " pep," a good disposi-

tion, she has that indefinable something called person-

ality, which makes her liked by everyone.


Elizabeth City, N.C.

"She openeth her mouth with wisdom, and in her tongue

is the law of kindness."

With her modest, composed disposition, Ruth has

woven a chain of friendship. A good teacher? Well,

I reckon so! And here's wishing her success.


Fairmont, N.C.

"Much could be said of her, if one could read her mind."

Hazel is one girl who glories in the right all women

have-the right to speak her mind.



"Good nature and good sense must ever join."

When everyone has a frown on their faces, Annabel

can always find something to laugh about. She is

ready for all the fun, as well as her share of work, and

no one dares to call her a shirker. We anticipate a great

future for her.


Scranton, N.C.

"I leave thy praises unexpressed,

I leave thy greatness to be guessed."

"Bee" is a typical blonde in our class of '23. She is a

very graceful dancer, and the infinite variety of her

character, her sympathies, and her considerate manners

have won fro her many loyal friends. Though we know

not her ambitions, we predict success for her.


Scotland Neck, N. C.

"In youth and beauty, wisdom is but rare."

Good looks, ability, attractiveness and a "sport"

combine to make up this pleasing personality known as

Mary Louise. She has defied the old saying that

"beauty is only skin deep" by her success as a debater.

Besides this, she enters into everything connected with

college life-especially the making of hot chocolate

under all imaginable conditions (such as beds, dressers,

etc.) hail-fellow-well-met with everyone, she has won

a host of friends, who consider themselves fortunate in

knowing such a girl.


"Duty comes before pleasure."

This quiet, dignified girl lives uo to her motto-

always ready when duty calls her. Yet, we find in her

humorous side. She is always ready for play when

her duties are done. Eula is a good friend to have.


Hatteras, N. C.

"Say what you have to say,

Be what you are and no othet way."

"Pee-Wee" has been a faithftil member of the class of

'23-always ready to enter any project mentioned.

Though noted for her sarcasm, she has another predom-

inating characteristic-ambition. She has even ex-

pressed a desire to become a ruler of the "White House."

Her chance seems favorable if some "Mann" doesn't

side-track her. Although she laughs at nothing, her

classmates expect to hear of her as a successful dis-

ciplinarian in the teaching world.


Garne, N. C.

"She hath a natural, wise sincerity."

A girl like Alice isn't to be found every day. She has

two selfs - as we meet her in her room (jolly, witty and

full of humor), and as we meet her outside - quiet, dig-

nified. She's a friend worth having.



Raleigh, N.C.

"She is clever, brilliant and sparkling beyond most of her


Here is the greatest combination of brains and per-

sonality found anywhere. "Pope" is a Society Presi-

dent, and that shows how much we think of her. What

kind of personality would one have without temper?

Alice has enough of this to put spice in life. She is abso-

lutely true blue, and we count it a privilege to know her.


Maysville, N. C.

"Who to herself is alwats true,

And therefore must be so to you."

To have Eloise for a friend is to have one that is loyal

and true. In school she is an excellent student, and out

of school she is always ready for a good time.


Morehead City, N. C.

"And this little maiden with no other fault

Than to love and be loved."

Although Ruth is small, she has a big heart, of which

fact we are constantly aware by her sunshiny disposi-

tion and her ability for making others love her. She is

quiet and retiring, but has an appealing peraonality.

which makes one know she is a real pal.


Stonewall, N. C.

"She has the mildest manners and the bravest mind."

She came to us in her Sophomore year,

And added joy to all of us here;

To her history is as hard as thunder.

But in arithmetic she is a wonder.

As a teacher we expect her to shine.

And then her happiness will be sublime.


Fairfield, N.C.

"What's the use of worrying? It never was worth while."

From the picture one would conclude Mae Willis a very

dignified girl, but just slip up on her when she is in

another girl's room. Between stitches in knitting or

crocheting she entertains her friends with humor and

hearty laughs. Too, Mae Willis is very brilliant and

studious when she is interested in a subject.


Roxboro, N. C.

"Much I know, but to know all is my ambition."

She is tall, quiet, brunette, and one we will alwavs be

watching out for, because she is on the Council. Really,

she is not as serious and dignified as one might expect,

for when she is with a crowd and tells them what she

knows (not all), it is easily seen that she's living up to

the above motto.



Roxboro, N. C.

"Thy modesty is a candle to thy merit."

This member of our class has a precious gift-the abil-

ity to attract little children. Yet there is no mystery

about her power-she just loves them. The same about

"big" childrem-if she likes you, she likes you lots; in

the same manner she dislikes you. This is Noma, and

we all like her.


Matthews, N.C.

"Start right, aim right, and keep pegging away."

Eula is a true and noble friend through all troubles.

She is jolly, self-willed and determined. Here's wish-

ing her the best success.


Middletown, N. C.

"She can who thinks she can."

Roxie is quiet, studious and ambitious-on whom

you can depend at all times. She is loved by her

friends for her kind and gentle manner, and with her

persistent determination, she is bound to win in what-

ever she attempts.


Windsor, N. C.

"Time is flying away; catch it!"

Pattie could truly be called a "Mercury' of today.

Though she's seen hooking a dress or adjusting a hair

net on her way to breakfast- she gets there! But she

always gets on class, and she gets there with the goods,

too. Pattie's slight in stature, but big as to a kind and

generous heart. Why can't we have more like her?


Henderson, N. C.

"Silence is golden."

Mary Joe is one of the smallest members of our class.

"Small packages are most valuable." She is one of the

most "studious" girls you can find, and her will power

will carry her safe in her life-work. Three Rahs for

Mary Joe!


Greenville, N. C.

"Her voice is seldom heard, but when she speaks it rav-

ishes all senses."

Gentle, sweet and kind is Nannie, our class poet of

whom we are proud. By her sweet voice is she known

among us. Nannie always stands high in her studies-

very bright and industrious.



Greenville, N. C.

"My heart has learned to glow for others' good, and melt at

other's woe."

Here stands Lillian among her many friends, waiting

to do a good deed. Always cheerful and helpful we find

Lillian, and never happier than when doing something

for her friends. A good sport in every way is what we

find in her.


Pinnacle, N.C.

"Methinks I heard a strain of silver music."

Elma is an important member of the class of '23.

She is the pianist in the Y. W. C. A. She puts her soul

into her playing. The class boasts to have Elma as the

first student in the college to compose a song, which is

taught in the Model School. Elma is faithful in every

task which she undertakes.


Wilson Mills, N.C.

"a friend in need is a friend indeed."

Lucy Gunn is a friend indeed, and lives up to her

motto. Her favorite greeting is "Children, I'm falling

off, ain't I?" Her reliability is unquestionable, and she

is ready and prepared for any occasion, whatever it

may be. And in all, "to know her is to love her."


Woodland, N. C.

"Kind hearts are more than coronets."

Little in physique, but a giantess in heart-for Julia

is ever generous, and has an unbounded love and in-

terest in human nature. She works untiringly till the

task is done.


Scotland Neck, N. C.

"To her stream of talk there is no dam."

After digging three terms under careful watchcare of

our "Psychologist," Elsie "Mae's" classmates have

come to the conclusion that she can easily "adapt her-

self to any situation." She's to be envied of the fact

that she can read novels until 10:30 at night, and then

show up better on class next day than anyone else!

Thoughtful and unselfish? That's what she is

exactly-she thinks doubly-once for herself, and the

other for her roommate. With an I. Q. like hers we

know she's "gonna" succeed.


Virgilina, Va.

"She lives content, and envies none,

Not even a monarch on his throne."

Mary is quiet and placid as the night breeze. She

is always ready to do her duty. With her persistent de-

termination she is bound to win.



Kinston, N. C.

"Good nature and good sense must ever join."

She is always happy and ready for mischief, which

can be told by one glance at her eyes. She is always

willing and ready to help her classmates when they ask



Raleigh, N.C.

"Smile all the while."

In short, Marjorie might be called our "sunshine

girl." She always wears a smile regardless of how diffi-

cult the task may be. Her sweet disposition has won

for her a place in our hearts, which will be a lasting

memory. We predict for her a most successful future

in whatever she undertakes to do.


Reidsville, N. C.

"From care I'm free,

Why can't they all be happy like me.?"

"Pat" is a treasure-when we need a friend we go to

her, for never was one so willing to help, especially when

anyone is in trouble. she is a genuine good sport-and

never troubles trouble, and is ready for all the fun. We

can sum "Pat" up as being a true, lovable and sweet

girl, and we wish her the best success.


Teachey, N. C.

"If she will she will, but if she won't, she won't."

Another scientific theory exploded! Here's a girl who

never lets her temper run away with her, despite the

fact that she has very "radiant" hair. She runs for all

the fun, for she will never be sad when there is any fun

around. Her good nature, congenial smile and per-

severance combine to make her one of the most loyal of

the class of '23.


Kinston, N. C.

"Unconcerned, but true,

"If she likes you, will stand by you."

Laura is a member of that formidable group who

spends all its energy on "drawing note-books." Her

penmanship is held up as an example for the less for-

tunate to follow. A good combination for a primary

teacher, is it not?


Kinston, N. C.

"Life is real, life is earnest."

Here is a girl who has never been known to let a "prac-

tice period" slip. Remarkable, isn't it? She has been

heard to remark that these are the most enjoyable

moments of the day. We predict that the musical world

will hear much of Mittie.



Stem, N. C.

"For all she has a kindly thoughts;

From her, unkind remarks are seldom heard."

Eula is one of our girls who is always willing to help

others. She walks in her own gentle way, and is one of

the few who has learned not to meddle with other peo-

ple's affairs.


"She can who thinks she can."

With her persistent determination she is always bound

to win. Inez is known for her smile. It was missed,

however, when she taught seventh grade Geography,

for her motto was, "Work while you work."


Pollocksville, N. C.

"As busy as a bee."

Here's an unusual girl, but when it comes to lessons

she is quite positively on the good side. If she works

as hard and faithfully in later life as she has done for

us, she will undoubtedly succeed. We wish her great

success in her chosen profession.


Elm City, N. C.

"There is a Rose without a thorn."

Just "Rose" is what we call her, and though not

always as soft as that name might imply, she is nice to

be around. For reference, call on the Banking and

Trust Company, of Greenville, N.C. As she goes out

to enter upon her profession we advise that she keep her

eyes open, so that she can find-her "Ideal" man.


Stantonsburg, N. C.

"Her air, her smile, her notions, told of womanly com-


"Ted" is one girl that glories in the right that women

have-that right is, the right to speak her mind. She

is zealous in her work, thoughtful, loving, and sympa-

thetic with her friends, a jolly good sport, ready for fun.

This is "Ted," and we all like her.


Boykins, Va.

"To those that know thee not no words can paint,

And those that know thee, know all words are faint."

Irma is small, but judge not by size, for she has shown

that she not only possesses ability as a teacher, but has

proved to be an equally good "Chauffeur," driving to

and from Winterville. Her good disposition is indeed

to be envied. Irma is never too busy to stroll up and

down the campus in hopes of seeing and hearing some-

one called "Cheese." We wish for her the happiest life

when she takes her M.R.S. degree.



Fat, pink rose buds,

Waving hands of children venturing close

To the shiny green leaves with thorns

With trembling.

Deep petaled roses

Velvety redness as alluring as crimson lips,

Half hiding behind as softly waving fan

And smiling

Pale golden roses

Thoughts of mothers, with patient smiles,

Loving much and self-forgetting for their children,

Loving much.

Pure white roses

Faces of young girls with undimmed eyes,

Looking up and watching for the first star,

Looking up!

-Mabel Montague, 1923.


Classic Hisitory '23

THE Class of '23 wishes to say in its crude attempt to relate just a few of its

most important dates, that the year '23 alone would amount to a "young


On September 23, 1919, there were scattered among the student body 41, who

thought they were supposed to remain within the walls of the building for fear

some "old girl," as they were called, would slam a door on them. This fear

lasted only a few days, when we discovered that the "old girls'" were our only


After a period of six weeks the small 41 organized themselves properly, and,

under the guidance of Hattie Moore, who was made president for the first year.

made their first appearance before the school by rendering a most interesting

chapel and Y. W. C. A. program.

As the days brought us nearer to June, little did we realize the responsibilities

and hardships that were to be mixed with the joys and glad times of the coming


June 8th - Vacation. - A dream.

The day of September 24, 1920, was like the returning of the Prodigal Son for the

members of the '23 class. Then the class, with the unlucky number of thirteen

added to it, stepped out on highways with the thought that "the0 B Class" could

do anything. That thought was not far from being right, and under the leadership

of Maggie Dixon, '23, succeeded in laying the concrete foundation for her press

onward to the goal.

Only a few months, which seemed days, passed before we looked up and saw

vacation day again - June 6, 1921.

On September 29, 1921, the Class of '23 was more than delighted when the

news was told that 154 was the number of pupils who had registered as members

of '23.

This year being the first year that the class was looked upon as a leading class,

it felt more deeply the responsibility of taking charge of the activities expected of

it that year.

Mary Baggett, proving a successful president and leader for that year, led us

safely over the rough waves of the following dates:

Thanksgiving Day ball game - '22 vs. '23. "We won."

December 16 - Led Y. W. C. A. services.

February 16. - Decision on class rings.

March 18. - Junior-Senior reception.

May 8 - "May Day," under auspices of '23.

May 20. - Last regular class meeting of '23 class while known as "C's."


September 27, 1922, at last brings us to the curve of the winding path. The

long wished-for title was then ours - "Dignified Seniors."

We were very much handicapped this year on account of the incompleteness of

the auditorium. The handicap lasted only until March 3rd, when the "State

College Band" rendered a most interesting program on the new stage of the audi-


March 10. - Led chapel services.

April 25. - Senior play, "Pride and Prejudice." Then comes the end of a per-

fect dream - Commencement-when the happy band of 106 were given the worked-

for prize, and tossed out in the "land of beginnings" again.

Abbice from '23

WE, the Class of '23, feel that it is impossible for us to depart, after having

"learned it all," without leaving a few directions and a bit of advice to

those we leave behind.

To each of the following we give this advice, hoping that day by day in every

way, it will prove beneficial.

Mr. Leggett: We advise, if you desire to continue as the "pet" member of our

faculty, to make your "exams" not longer than a period of fifteen minutes.

Miss Davis: We feel that if your history assignments were shortened the

infirmary would have fewer patients with "histories," at least three times a week.

Miss Reaves: We are sure that your fashion shows will be as successful in the

coming year as in the past year, if you will let the Class of '23 be your "living


Miss McKinney: Always remember that there is no better exercise than a

walk down town - window shopping.

Mr. Meadows: Should you desire real affection, highest regard, and sincere

wishes, we suggest that you work with the coming classes as diligently as you have

worked with us on The Tecoan.

Miss Vaughn: In order to make your English more helpful to the student

body, we urge that you get a hundred copies of Carlyle's essays.

Miss McFadyen: Bear in mind that there is more than one girl in a class that

is handsome.

Miss Wilson: We can assure you that your days will be longer upon this earth

if you continue the use of high neck collars and "do as you please."

Miss Lewis: In order to make Industrial Art the success it has been in the

past, we suggest that you still have everything drawn "to the line."


Miss Graham: We feel that you will get better results from your classes if

your supply of "Teachings of Arithmettc," by Klapper, is increased.

Mr. Austin: It almost breaks our hearts to tell you, but if you gave fewer

"C's" and "5's" in the future, you would rank next to Mr. Leggeett as "pet"


Miss Muffly: Remember that there will always be a few in your classes that

aren't "well-bred;" we insist that you manage these in your same skillful manner.

Miss Whiteside: When you observe the girls at the Model School next year,

think of the days when you did your first teaching. Have mercy on them!

Miss Maupin: We advise you to continue teaching the Constitution of the

United States, so when you become Supreme Judge you will be familiar with it.

Music Teachers: In order to secure better results from your pupils, we would

say put "Jazzy Methods" in your courses.

Class of '24: The supply of salt is nearly exhausted, and we insist that you

order 2,000 T., and have it in readiness for next year's "Freshies."

Sister Class: Dear Sisters, we advise that you follow most carefully the advice

given the Class of '24 and, in addition to this, study diligently your child psychol-

ogy, so that your practice teaching at the Model School will be easier.

Freshmen: It seems that there is still a coat of greenness that you have failed

to remove, and we suggest that you cast it aside before returning next year.

Sophomores: You have tried to outrank us, but in this you have failed; just

one bit of advice, and that is, stick to the dignity which has distinguished you

from other Sophomore classes.

Juniors: 'Tis hard to give our superiors advice, but we would like to say that

if you do not like to go down the street more than five times a week we feel that

you will find it profitable.

Martha Harrell.


A Jaunt

THERE are a great many people who say emphatically that they do not

believe in fairies and elves, but I shall give you an incident that has caused

me to regard elves and their supernatural powers as indispensable. I was

rambling through the woods one warm spring afternoon, trying to see how many

different birds I could find when, all at once I heard soft footsteps. I turned

quickly, and what should I see but two little green elves? They were having an

altercation as to which could be of greater service to the world. One said he could

reveal the future, while the other said he could restore anything that had been lost.

When they were near enough I asked them to let me be the judge. They did

not seem at all surprised to see me, and were eager for me to settle their dispute.

I asked the first if he could reveal the future of my classmates, with whom I should

soon be no longer. He gave me three small berries. No sooner than I had swal-

lowed them than I fell into a deep trance. Presently I thought I was at Monte

Carlo. I could hardly believe my eyes when I beheld Laura Foley, singing

in her beautiful soprano voice, accompanied by Hilda Duke at the piano,

and Bonita Bruce, violinist. Nor was I any less surprised when Hannah Fulford

touched my arm as she and her husband took their seats directly behind me.

I visited Switzerland while I was in Europe. I saw Roxie Sewell and Mae

Willis Roberts traveling with a St. Bernard dog that had been given them by a


native. I then went to England, just before sailing for America. I spent all of

my time there with Lady Hanover, formerly Mildred Beaman. Lillian Britt and

and Cora fowler were also sightseeing, and were guests at the same time. They

had been to Africa visiting Hattie Roswell and Willie Matthews, missionaries


I sailed home on the 'Bonnie Bunch," the ship named for the Captain's wife.

I spent much time with the cook, Eula Wheeler, who had had her hair dyed. When

I was again on American soil, in New York, I sought the Blackmore Hotel. In

the lobby I saw Lucy Gun Uzzell, Ruth Munden, and Mary Ruth Allsbrook, poli-

ticians, discussing Inez White and Maggie Dixon, candidates for President of the

United States. Passing the desk, I saw a very attractive stenographer, who was

none other than Lillian Sugg.

The next day I left for Washington, where I expected to spend some time with

Mabel Montague and Rosalie McEachin, stenographers for Wade Insurance Co.

On the crowded train I was exceedingly fortunate to find a seat by Lillian Jordan.

She told me she was chaperon for the girls of George Washington University.

While I was yet in the city I ran up against the West Twins, who were on their

way to the Art Gallery. They told me they had been visiting Julia Whitly, who

had married a wealthy widower, and had employed Ruth Reid as governess for

her two stupid step-children.

As I was crossing the street I was attracted by a barber's sign, "Bryand and

Grant;" below were the names of two modern manicurists, Mabel Guffy and

Lillian Gray. This caused me to be run over and knocked down by a limousine

driven by an elaborately dressed lady. This proved to be Louise Diggs, who car-

ried me to a nearby hospital. As I was not seriously injured, I remained there

only one day, but long enough to receive the attention of the gracious Dr. Jack-

son and two nurses, Bess Farless and Thelma Edgerton.

A trip to California was included in my travels, which enabled me to see more

of my classmates. I joined Pattie Smith, Pat Walker, Eloise Bridger, Rosa Bras-

well, and Willie Mae Hedgepeth, members of the Pope and Cheek Touring Party

in Chicago. Before we left the city the Bradley and Peele Bargain Store gave us

a luncheon in their bakery department. Among the waiters, I was surprised to

see Nellie Burbage and Clarice Fletcher. We were permitted to go over every

department. I could not help but feel I was dreaming when I recognized Ruth

Britton purchasing lace from Geneva Exum. The milliners were Elma Barnes


and Annie Ola Hollowell. They had just finished their course under Mary

Vaughan. We also called on Elizabeth Hummell, who was giving dancing lessons,

and Mary Joe Stewart, her valued assistant.

When we reached California I was delighted to find a letter from Annie Lola

Arnold, who was a missionary in Japan, asking me to look up Irma Harrison and

Mildred Lyon, who were taking a course at the University of California. Eula

Page was our guide when we were visiting the Salt Lake and Yellowstone National

Park. There we were overjoyed at the privilege of seeing Virginia Harper, Clara

Grissom, Cora Holland, and Martha Harrell, chief characters in a play given by

Morgan & Co. Irma Worrell, Rose Winston, and Grace Dixon, chorus girls, told

us the play had been written by Nannie Lindsay Stokes. As our touring party

was passing through Wyoming, we saw Zula Bell and the O'Neal sisters, who

were teaching in one of the country schools.

The members of our party separated at Nashville. I visited the Governor's

wife, whom I knew to be Mary Hendren. I was asked to remain for the reception

she was giving that night in honor of Hilda Jeannette and Mira Bridgeman. recent

brides. Nannie Bray and Lucy Pearl Carrington were also present. They were

kindergarten supervisors of the city.

My next trip was made by aeroplane. Sailing over Virginia I witnessed a train

wreck. The aviator landed nearby and we hastened to the scene. You can

imagine my horror when I saw Nina and Noma Rogers unconscious, their hand-

some suits torn and dusty; Mabel Wooten, with a sprained wrist, and Mildred

Brodie, who had lost all her teeth. My anxieties soon subsided when Drs. Vann

and Forbes and the nurses, Kathryn Brown, Lillian Jones and Matilda Mayo, were

given full charge. The next morning I purchased a newspaper edited by Elsie

Vaughan. Among the names of those who escaped injury in the wreck were:

Hazel Kennedy, Vera Miller, and Vivian Rice, who were on their way to the

Legislature. I also saw where Clara Dowdy and Ora Evans had secured their

much-desired positions as Y. W. C. A. secretaries. Glancing over the society page

I saw the announcement of the engagements of Helen Brown and Margaret Hol-

land. I wondered if business was thriving, when I saw the advertisement of

"Inman and Eure," cotton buyers.

Visiting the western part of the State of North Carolina, I heard of the busy

social service workers, Marjorie Waite and Mary Baggette. They had found

warm places in the hearts of all tlie mountaineers, and especially among the school


teachers, some of whom were Hazel Nichols, Mildred White, Helen Wells, and

Annie Lancaster. When they told me Eula Russell was in the Insane Hospital I

held my breath and felt myself dropping down and down, and could barely hear

their last words, "She is matron there."

Just then I awoke, and the second elf asked me if I had lost anything. When I

told him my Science note book was lost, he said, " You will find it in your drawing-

bag." Which elf was more valuable to me?

Alice W. Penny.



E. C. T. C.

E. C. T. C, we all love you;

We'll cherish your name forever.

We'll praise and we'll boost you along

With the will of a mighty endeavor.

CURIOUS did we come to thee

To learn of your noble aim.

Anxious and eager to help you

Keep your ever-increasing fame.

TO you we can never repay-

The debt grows greater each day.

The aid that you gave us so freely

To help us along life's way.

CONNSISTENT you've taughl us to be

In all work that we undertake.

Have patience and persistence, too,

Would we the best counsellors make.




"SERVICE" we have learned from you

Is the surest road to success.

You've shown us that service alone

Can bring us the true happiness.

EAGER for our best welfare

In everything that you do.

You've proved a faithful friend

For which we each thank you.

NOW, as our ship swings out

On a sea of trouble and doubt,

On a sea that has billows of unrest,

And waves that seethe and rout.

IN a spirit of love and kindness

May you, as you've always done.

Place your strong hand in ours

And say, "Your fight shall be won!

"ONLY have true faith, my daughter;

Have faith in your fellow-man.

Be patient with him in his blindness,

And help him to understand.

"REMEMBER, that once you were blind-

We gave the vision to you."

'Tis true, dear home of learning.

We caught the vision from you.

SO here's to our Alma Mater,

Whose deeds we'll ever relate.

The greatest college that e'er will be

Within this "Grand Old State."

-N. L. S., Class Poet, '23.

Sophomore Class

Motto: "Service above self."

COLORS: Royal Purple and Gray. FLOWER: Violet


Mary Shelton McArthur President

Rebecca Colwell Vice-President

Estelle Isles Secretary and Treasurer

Clara Lewis Representative to S. G. C.

Cleora Quinn Doorkeeper



High Point, N. C.


Wallace, N. C


Clinton, N. C.


Thelma, N. C,


Clinton. N. C.


Clinton, N. C.


Kenansville, N. C.


Greenville, N.C.


Greenville, N. C.


CLASS COLORS: Scarlet and Gold CLASS FLOWER: Roses.

CLASS MOTTO: "Launched But Not Anchored."

Class Officers

Miriam Shamhart President

Margaret Smith Vice President

Maud Johnston Secretary

Jeannette Wedmore Treasurer

Christine Vick Class Representative

Elizabeth Thomas Critic


Oh Yes-The Freshmen

"SAY, come on, nobody'll hurt you! Wait your time, and maybe you'll know:

everybody and everything. How 'bout meditating over such sayings as

'Fortune comes to those who wait.' You have? Well, what did you find?"

"A bunch of live, wide-awake, active girls, who had decided to venture out in

life; not on the would-be path of least resistance, but to dip into a college degree!"

"They lived through? Well, good! And now everybody walks 'round and

says, 'What a fine bunch The Freshmen are, 'cause they've got pep and vim, and

always drive the blues away!"

"Surely if they hadn't, somebody, ere this, would have turned from green to

blue. But it's not that way with The Freshmen, 'cause they absolutely, posi-

tively, go howling everywhere:

'Little of Psychology, nourished with chocolate pies,

Will soon be making The Freshmen

Typically Sophomore - wise!'"

"That made me think. They surely attack the food with the same determina-

tion. Beef hash and fish roe! Well, it doesn't last long 'round The Freshman."

"And say, did you hear the latest rumor? You didn't, eh? Well, they've

actually learned to venture nearer Fifth Street, and-. Is there more? Just


"The Freshmen."

Class Roll:

Lessie Cogdell Maude Johnston

Alberta Corey Musette Montague

Isabella Cromartie Margaret Smith

Kathleen Dail Annie Lynn Savage

Bruce Ellis Miriam Shamhart

Annie Mae Edwards Annie Lee Stallings

Deanie Boone Hasket Elizabeth Thomas

Janie Jackson Christine Vick

Jeannette Wedmore


Junior Normal Class

Class Song

(Tune of "Santa Lucia.")

Three cheers for twenty-four,

Our banner raising,

Flying the gold and white-

Joyfully praising

Our class, so staunch and true,

Upholding standards bright,

Marching with step so firm.

Fighting with all our might.

Our hearts' round you entwine,

Spirit so great and fine.

Class of twenty-four, we cheer you,

Cheer, class of twenty-four.

Dear class, we owe to you

Much we can ne'er repay;

The vision we have gained

Will light uS on our way

Through all the coming years.

Memories sweet and fair

Will live in us again

And chase away our care.

You mean so much to us;

In you we place our trust.

Class of twenty-four, we cheer you,

Cheer, class of twenty-four.


First Year Normal Class

Marion Newby

Hertford, N.C.

Warnie James

Ayden, N.C.

Mary Lou Grier

Pineville, N.C.

Gladys Bateman

Columbia, N.C.

Lillian Leary

Old Trap, N.C.

Grace Atwater

Chapel Hill, N.C.

Lena Bailey

Woodsdale, N.C.

Hazel Baker

Tyner, N.C.

Sarah Barnhardt

Salisbury, N.C.

Bertha Barber

Goldston, N.C

Grace Barnes

Lewiston, N.C.

Grace Bishop

Durham, N.C.

Bonnie Boswell

Black Creek, N.C.

Bessie Bottoms

Margarettsville, N.C.

Vera Bozeman

Ahoskie, N.C.

Eula Boyette

Princeton, N.C.


First Year Normal class

Joanna Barrick

Fort Barnwell, N.C.

Nancy Brantley

Zebulon, N.C.

Marion Bridger

Windsor, N.C.

Nellie Britton

Lewiston, N.C.

Mary Ruth Broughton

Hertford, N.C.

Annie Laurie Brown

Swan Quarter, N.C.

Katie Bullock

Rowland, N.C.

Elizabeth Buffaloe

Jackson, N.C.

Nan Burwell

Stovall, N.C.

Mary Butler

Lewiston, N.C.

Anna Lee Carter

Winton, N.C.

Lillian Cockrell

Rocky Mount, N.C.

Barbara Conner

Rich Square, N.C.

Mary Ried Daniels

Franklinton, N.C.

Pearl Daniels

Franklinton, N.C.

Annie Bell Deans

Oxford, N.C


First Class Normal Class

Bessie Deans

Oxford, N.C.

Dixie Dees

Pikeville, N.C.

Eleanor Dilday

Ahoskie, N.C.

Irene Dozier

Fountain, N.C.

Carrie Lee Edmondston

Tarboro, N.C.

Effie Early

Ahoskie, N.C.

Mattie Finch

Henderson, N.C.

Maude Fonville

Moriah, N.C.

Sallie Freeman

Gates, N.C.

Ora Lee Gaddy

Monroe, N.C.

Myrtle Galloway

Mt. Gilead, N.C.

Joyce Gardner

Grifton, N.C.

Inez Gerald

Dunn, N.C.

Ava Glover

Dover, N.C.

Meda Gooch

Durham, N.C.

Mozelle Griffin

Neuse, N.C.


First Year Normal Class

Wilma Griffin

Laurinburg, N.C.

Marie Harris

Oriental, N.C.

Margaret Hayes

Gates, N.C.

Lucille Hooker

Aurora, N.C.

Elsie Horton

Zebulon, N.C.

Willie Horton

Knightdale, N.C.

Bernice House

Parmele, N.C.

Pearl Johnson

Benson, N.C.

Dorothy Johnston

Woodland, N.C.

Grace Jordan

Cary, N.C.

Inez Kennedy

Mount Olive, N.C.

Ruby Kilpatrick

Dover, N.C.

Helen Knott

Oxford, N.C.

Nell Lazenby

Statesville, N. C.

Lucille Lee

Benson, N.C.

Rachel Lee

Dunn, N.C.


First Year Normal Class

Susan Lee

Dunn, N.C.

Mary Dayton Leonard

Salisbury, N.C.

Bettie Long

Seaboard, N.C.

Willie Long

Greenwood, S.C.

Lois Lynch

Goldsboro, N.C.

Clara Lynn

Durham, N.C.

Glennie Mangle

Monroe, N.C.

LilA Mitchell

Fuquay Springs, N.C.

Helen Modlin

Ahoskie, N.C.

Annie Lee Morgan

Spring Hope, N.C.

Elizabeth Morris

Newport News, Va.

Nettie McCanless

Asheville, N.C.

Dora Bell McLeod

Rowland, N.C.

Ethel McLean

Rowland, N.C.

Lucie Mae McCollum

Rowland, N.C.

Ora McCormick

Rowland, N.C.


First Year Normal class

Flora McCormick

Rowland, N.C.

Willie McCormick

Rowland, N.C.

Lillian McPhaul

Red Springs, N.C.

Elizabeth Nelson

Henderson, N.C.

Irma Nesbit

Raeford, N.C.

Neta Parkens

Swansboro, N.C.

Clara Perry

Creedmoor, N.C.

Leone Perry

Creedmoor, N.C.

Mary Frances Pittard

Hester, N.C.

Madge Porter

Severn, N.C.

Nina Paul

Aurora, N.C.

Catherine Reed

Hertford, N.C.

Cleo Richardson

Wendell, N.C.

Katie Mae Roberson

Robersonville, N.C.

Rosalind Robinson

Morven, N.C.

Lukie Rogers

Durham, N.C.


First Year Normal Class

Mary Rose

Snow Hill, N.C.

Mary Gladys Scholl

Holly Springs, N.C.

Annie Beth Smith

Greenville, N.C.

Lois Smith

Kinston, N.C.

Pattie Smith

Greenville, N.C.

Sarah Smith

Winterville, N.C.

Marjorie Snowden

Snowden, N.C.

Elizabeth Stanley

Goldsboro, N.C.

Grace Stephens

Holly Springs, N.C.

Myrtle Sylivant

Snow Hill, N.C.

Mary Gold Shelton

Oxford, N.C.

Elizabeth Stewart

Henderson, N.C.

Winnie Taylor

Milton, N.C.

Annie Watson Tolbert

Greenwood, S.C.

Felsie Tucker

Durham, N.C.

Mary Tyson

Wadesboro, N.C.


First Year Normal Class

Helen Viniarski

Asheville, N.C.

Eva Walker

Yanceyville, N.C.

Virgie Warner

Mt. Gilead, N.C.

Sallie Waters

Conetoe, N.C.

Mabel Watson

Rowland, N.C.

Hazel Weeks

Newton Grove, N.C.

Margaret West

Dover, N.C.

Bertha Westbrook

Dunn, N.C.

Grace Wester

Franklinton, N.C.

Clara Williams

Currituck, N.C.

Fannie Winfree

Wadesboro, N.C.

Blanche Wilkins

Greensboro, N.C.

Margaret Woods

Hillsboro, N.C.

Juanita Worthington

Winterville, N.C.

Betsy Wright

Ingold, N.C.


Those Who Do Not Have Pictures In The

First Year Normal Class

Margaret Anthony

Weldon, N.C.

Lucy Baum

Fairfield, N.C.

Sudie Britt

Newton Grove, N.C.

Gladys Broughton

Zebulon, N.C.

Swannanoa Broughton

Zebulon, N.C.

Margaret Brown

Greenville, N.C.

Bonita Bruce

Greenville, N.C.

Daisy Carter

Hoffman, N.C.

Helen Clark

Lewiston, N.C.

Agnes Credle

Swan Quarter, N.C.

Osceola Crew

Pleasant Hill, N.C.

Aileen Critcher

Greenville, N.C.

Essie Davenport

Creswell, N.C.

Millie Davenport

Conetoe, N.C.

Irene Downer

Raeford, N.C.

Nellie Edwards

Lewiston, N.C.

Katie Lee Farmer

Raleigh, N.C.

Minnie Gardner

Fountain, N.C.

Sarah Garrison

Belmont, N.C.

Ella Grier

Pineville, N.C.

Kate Griffin

Laurinburg, N.C.

Bonnie Haigler

Monroe, N.C.

Mary Helms

Monroe, N.C.

Jessie Hines

Goldsboro, N.C.

Ruth Howard

Greenville, N.C.

Lois Huff

Henderson, N.C.

Emma Lou Jackson

Middleburg, N.C.

Lorena Jeannette

New Bern, N.C.

Annie Jones

Fairfield, N.C.

Elizabeth Kendal

Fayetteville, N.C.

Lucy King

Oriental, N.C.

Annie Little

Marion, N.C.

Agnes Lloyd

Hillsboro, N.C.

Mary Bell Miller

Winterville, N.C.

Marie Mitchell

Charlotte, N.C.

Ruth Mitchell

Brevard, N.C.

Margaret Murden

Elizabeth City, N.C.

Iva McCall

Marion, N.C.

Dora McLawhorn

Winterville, N.C.

Clyde McGuirt

Waxhaw, N.C.

Daphne Noble

Ayden, N.C.

Nadine Oldham

Goldston, N.C.

Nellie Pearce

South Mills, N.C.

Maye Pendegraph

Kinston, N.C.

Bertha Peterson

Kerr, N.C.

Nettie Ray

Haw River, N.C.

Louise Robinson

Goldsboro, N.C.

Mamie Shelton


Erwin, N.C.

Gertha Strickland

Bailey, N.C.

Eva Stewart

Gloucester, N.C.

Merle scott

Kinston, N.C.

Marietta Sugg

Greenville, N.C.

Nettie Taylor

Oxford, N.C.

Amanda Tillman

Cary, N.C.

Erah Thompson

Fairmount, N.C.

Bonner Thompson

Aurora, N.C.

Mary C. Taylor

Kinston, N.C.

Lucretia Tuttle

Philadelphia, Pa.

Edith Veach

Willard, N.C.

Nancy Withers

Wentworth, N.C.

Tula Mae Woods

Hillsboro, N.C.

Elva Yelverton

Black Creek, N.C.




"B" Class

Motto: "Not on the heights, but climbing."

FLOWER: Ragged Robin COLORS:Blue and White


Louise Reaves President

Rebecca Hartness Vice-President

Kate Beatty Secretary

Delilah Whitfield Treasurer

Grace Mohorne Class Representative

Class Roll

Kate Beatty

Eunice Benton

Mana Bradley

Grace Bradley

Maggie Bulluck

Janie Delle Carowan

Jessie Lee Cartright

Minnie Creech

Ivie Garrett

Louise Grissom

Julia Grant

Rebecca Hartness

Eva Hockaday

Pauline Humble

Elizabeth Holland

Frances Johnson

Lucy Kornegay

Anna Low

Grace Mohorne

Teeny Mohorne

Ellen Owen

Millie Phelps

Louise Reaves

Ruth Robeson

Blanche Sutton

Gladys Stone

Ernestine Taylor

Carrie Wynne

Delilah Whitfield

Johnsie Winfield










Officers of the Sidney Lanier Literary Society

Winners of Cup in the Inter-Society Oratorical Society


Lanier Glee Club

Miss Bertolet, Pianist.

Louise Eure

Millie Phelps

Annie Mae Edwards

Nancy Withers

Jeannette Wedmore

Mildred Maupin

Elizabeth Morris, Director

Pauline Humble

Irma Harrison

Clyde McGuirt

Maude Johnston

Cleo Richardson

Nancy Brantley


Members of the Sidney Lanier Literary Society

Margaret Anthony

Grace Atwater

Ruth Barbee

Elm Barnes

Eunice Benton

Zula Bell

Nora Backmore

Vera Bozeman

Nancy Brantley

Irene Braswell

Nellie Britton

Ruth Britton

Mildred Brodie

Nannie Bray

Arnette Bryan

Maggie Bullock

Annie Lee Carter

Josie Lee Cartwright

Lucy Pearl Carrington

Helen Clark

Gayle Cheek

Janie Dell Carawan

Agnes Credle

Rebecca Colwell

Mellie Davenport

Essie Davenport

Mary Reid Daniel

Kathleen Dail

Pearl Daniel

Dixie Dees

Annie Bell Deans

Clara Dowdy

Louise Diggs

Irene Dozier

Grace Dixon

Maggie Dixon

Nellie Edwards

Annie May Edwards

Thelma Edgerton

Louise Eure

Bessie Farless

Maude Fonville

Clarice Fletcher

Laura Foley

Sallie Freeman

Joyce Gardner

Minnie Gardner

Ora Lee Gaddy

Sarah Garrison

Inez Gerald

Irma Garris

Julia Grant

Meda Gooch

Mozelle Griffin

Wilma Griffin

Bernice Guffy

Irma Harrison

Annie Blanche Herring

Mary Hendren

Eva Hockaday

Margaret Holland

Elizabeth Holland

Lucille Hooker

Elsie Horton

Jessie Hines

Elizabeth Hummell

Pauline Humble

Warnie James

Thelma Jackson

Hilda Jeannette

Lorena Jeannette

Pearl Johnson

Dorothy Johnson

Nonie Johnson

Lillian Jones

Annie Jones

Grace Jordan

Frances Johnson

Elizabeth Kendall

Ruby Kilpatrick

Lucy Gray King

Hassie Knott

Helen Knott

Anna Law

Nell Lazenby

Susan Lee

Annie Little

Willie Long

Mildred Maupin

Annie Ruth Morgan

Annie Lee Morgan

Elizabeth Morris

Lucy Mae McCallum

Flora McCormick

Clyde McGuirt

Dora Bell Mcleod

Ethel McLean

Willie Matthews

Matilda Mayo

Mary Bell Miller

Ruth Munden

Maggie Munden

Lila Mitchell

Mary Elizabeth Nelson

Daphne Noble

Marion Newby

Ellen Owen

Mary Outland

Mary Louise Outterbridge

Nina Paul

Eula Page

Neta Parkins

Clara Perry

Leone Perry

Bertha Patterson

Madge Porter

Alice Pope

Millie Phelps

Mary Frances Pittard

Nellie Pierce

Cleora Quinn

Nettie Ray

Louise Reaves

Katherine Reed

Ruth Reed

Eloise Redd

Mae Willis Roberts

Eula Russell

Norma Rogers

Lukie Rogers

Vivian Rice

mary Rose

Cleo Richardson

Rosalind Robinson

Katie Mae Robinson

Pattie B. Smith

Sarah Smith

Margaret Smith

Elizabeth Stanley

Eva Stuart

Nannie Lindsay Stokes

Grace Stephens

Gurtha Strickland

Roxie Sewell

Marjorie Snowden

Alya Taylor

Ernestine Taylor

Nettie Taylor

Amanda Tillman

Erah Thompson

Mary Thompson

Annie Watson Tolbert

Lucy Gunn Uzzle

Elsie Vaughn

Christine Vick

Mary Vaughn

Christine Ward

Mabel Watson

Eva Walker

Pat Walker

Marjorie Waite

Virgie Warner

Bertha Westbrook

Fannie Winfree

Nancy Withers

May Woods

Jeannette Wedmore

Laura West

Mittie West

Grace Wester

Blanche Wilkins

Rose Winstead

Mabel Wooten

Irma Worrell

Delilah Whitfield

Eula Wheeler

Betsy Wright




Edgar Allan Poe Literary society



Kathryn Brown

Sarah Barnhardt

Lillian Jordan

Eloise Bridger

Mildred Lyon

Mana Bradley

Dayton Leonard

Elizabeth Buffaloe

Martha Harrell

Margaret West

Miriam Bridger, Leader

Hilda Duke, Accompanist


Edgar Allan Poe Literary Society

Annie Lola Arnold

Mary Baggett

Lina Bailey

Hazel Baker

Gladys Bateman

Bertha Barber

Grace Barnes

Sara Barnhardt

Joanna Barwick

Lucy Baum

Mildred Beaman

Kate Beatty

Grace Bishop

Bonnie Boswell

Hattie Boswell

Bessye Bottoms

Eula Boyette

Edith Bradley

Grace Bradely

Mana Bradley

Rosa Braswell

Eloise Bridger

Miriam Bridger

Myra Bridgeman

Lillian Britt

Sudie Britt

Gladys Broughton

Mary Ruth Broughton

Swannanoa Broughton

Annie Laura Brown

Kathryn Brown

Bonita Bruce

Nellie Burbage

Nan Burwell

Mary Butler

Daisy Carter

Lessie Cogdell

Leah Cooke

Cora Collins

Barbara Connor

Minnie Mae Creech

Osceola Crew

Isabel Cromartie

Janie Daughty

Bessie Dean

Eleanor Dilday

Hilda Duke

Effie Earley

Carrie Lee Farmer

Ora Evans

Katie Lee Edmundson

Ora Evans

Katie Lee Farmer

Annie H. Felton

Mattie C. Finch

Fannie Forbes

Cora Jane Fowler

Senia Frazier

Myrtle Galloway

Ivie Garrett

Ava Grover

Sara Grant

Lillian Gray

Ellie Grier

Mary Lou Grier

Kate Griffin

kate Griffin

Clara Grissom

Mabel Guffy

Martha Harrell

Marie Harris

Virginia Harper

Rebecca Hartness

Deanie Boone Haskett

Lois Haskins

Margaret Hayes

Willie mae Hedgepeth

Bonnie Heigler

Mary Helens

Elizabeth Hester

Delle Hodges

Cora Holland

Annie Ola Hollowell

Willie Horton

Bernice House

Ruth Howard

Lois Huff

Martha Inman

Estelle Isles

Emmy Lou Jackson

Janie Jackson

Lillian Jordan

Hazel Kennedy

Inez Kennedy

Lucy Kornegay

Annie Lancaster

Lucille Lee

Rachel Lee

Lillian Leary

Mary Dayton Leonard

Clara W. Lewis

Beatrice Link

Bettie Long

Agnes Lloyd

Clair Lynn

Lois Lynch

Mildred Lyon

Bertie Maness

Glennie Mangum

Mary Shelton McArthur

Iva McCalls

Nettie McCanless

Ora McCormick

Willie McCormick

Rosalie McEachin

Dora McLawhorn

Lillian McPhaul

Vera Miller

Marie Mitchell

Ruth Mitchell

Helen Modlin

Grace Mohorne

Teeny Mohorne

Mabel Montague

Musette Montague

Irma Nesbit

Hazel Nichols

Bettie Nobles

Nadine Oldham

Annabel O'Neal

Beatrice O'Neal

Velma Owen

Milah Peele

Alice Penny

May Pendergraph

Lalla Pritchard

Faye Purser

Ruth Roberson

Louise Robinson

Nina Rogers

Miriam Shamhart

Mamie Shelton

Mary Gold Shelton

Gladys Scholl

Lois Smith

Annie Lee Stallings

Elizabeth Stewart

Mary Joseph Stewart

Gladys Stone

Elma Sullivan

Blanche Sutton

Myrtle Sylviant

Winnie Taylor

Elizabeth Thomas

Mabel Thomas

Felsie Tucker

Lucretia Tuttle

Julia Vann

Edith Veach

Helen Viniarski

Ruth Wade

Sallie Waters

Hazel Weeks

Helen Wells

Margaret West

Inez White

Mildred White

Julia Whitly

Clara Williams

Margaret Woods

Pearl Wright

Connie Wynne

Elva Yelverton


The Inter-Society Committee

Mildred Lyon Chairman

Mabel Wooten Secretary

Alice Pope Lanier President

Pearl Wright Poe President

Annie Blanche Herring Lanier Representative

Ruth Barbee Lanier Representative

Maggie Dixon Lanier Representative

Leah Cooke Poe Representative

Lillian Jordan Poe Representative



Y. W. C. A. Cabinet


Y. W. C. A. Activities

THE year 1922-'23 has been very successfull for the Young Women's Christian

Association. There has been a full program of social and religious meetings

during the entire time. Morning watch services were begun last fall, and

have been held each morning, except Sunday mornings. These services have

proved a success, and it is thought that much good and joy have been attained

through them. A series of four evangelical services have recently been held.

Many of the girls were very desirous of these services and, as a result, nine girls

signified their resolve to lead a Christian life.

During the fall and winter terms mission study classes and Bible study classes

were conducted. The members of the faculty had charge of or taught all these

classes. We are assured that these classes were worth while by the beautiful mis-

sion pageant given by the classes of Misses Sharpe and Hallie Scoville.

One of the most interesting enterprises of the year, to the girls, is the securing

of a temporary place for a Y. W. C. A. store. This idea had been in view for some

time but, on account of the lack of room, it had been put off quite awhile. At

present the store is in a room in East Dormitory; but as soon as the work on the

Administration Building is finished it will be moved over there. The profit re-

ceived from the store will go to the Blue Ridge fund and the hut fund. Another

means of raising the Blue Ridge fund is the May Day fete. These exercises are

under the direction of the Y. W. C. A., the girls of the two-year normal classes

taking the lead. They are held out on the campus, beginning in the afternoon and

lasting through the evening. Refreshments, candies, fruits, etc., are sold. Usually

enough money is made to send five girls to Blue Ridge.

The members of the Association, as well as the College, are looking forward to

having a new Y. W. C. A. hall. Within the next two years a campus building is

going to be erected. This building will serve as a home for all social and religious

activities of the College. This building will also contain an auditorium, in which

fifteen hundred people may be seated. The Young Women's Christian Association

is planning to equip its hall in this building. The fund necessary for this equip-

ment has already been started. The chairs in the old Y. W. C. A. hall have been

sold to the College, and the money received for these placed in a savings bank,

where it will stay until the new building is erected.


Blue Ridge

FROM the time the College opens in the fall, you can hear the Y. W. C. A.

Cabinet members talking about Blue Ridge, and in a few weeks or months

many of the new girls are filled with wonderful desires to go as a delegate

next June. It is a rare privilege to witness the beauties of the Old North State, to

be awakened by the bugle in order to see the sun rising, and casting its purplish rays

over every mountain top and into every valley. It is a wonderful opportunity for

one to come in contact with more of Mother Nature's handiwork. The views that

one gets while winding around those mountain tops, climbing the steep trails to see

the sun rise, are never to be forgotten. Drinking from those mountain springs

and streams, always overflowing with ice cold water, visiting places such as Chim-

ney Rock or Grove Park Inn, and catching the real "Blue Ridge spirit," are

priceless gifts to anyone, especially to the girl who has never before seen the moun-


When the nine of us left there last June, each one had a feeling of sorrow at

leaving so soon the spot among the hills that we had all learned to love. Although

we hated to leave, each one of us considered the real good and information that we

had received while there, and left with a desire to see how much we could carry

back to our College. Even though a number of weeks were to pass before this

could be done, the "Blue Ridge spirit" still remained with us, and during the

summer, each delegate was making her plans for the next year, and held to her

enthusiasm, and also to the new ideas gained, and has tried to put the latter into

practice on our own campus and in our own Y. W. C. A.

T. Jackson.




The Annual Staff


The Annual Staff

Lois Haskins Editor-in-Chief

Ruth Barbee Associate Editor

Hannah Fulford Art Editor

Mary Outland Joke Editor

Hilda Jeannette Business Manager

Mildred Lyon Representative from Senior Normal Class

Elsie Vaughn Representative from Senior Normal Class

Hazel Kennedy Representative from Senior Normal Class

Mildred Maupin Representative from Senior Class

Annie Howard Felton Representative from Senior Class

Alya Taylor Representative from Sophomore Class

Annie Blanche Herring Representative from Sophomore Class

Miriam Shamhart |Representative from Freshman Class

Christine Vick Representative from Freshman Class

Helen Vernoski Representative from Junior Normal Class

Elizabeth Morris Representative from Junior Normal Class

Warnie James Representative from Junior Normal Class

Kate Bradley Representative from "B" Class

Mary Frances Pittard S. G. Representative

Hilda Duke Poe Society Representative

Nonie Johnson Lanier Society Representative

Clara Lewis Athletic Association Representative

Thelma Jackson Representative from the Y. W. C. A.


Student Government Association Council


Student Council


Mabel Thomas President

Nina Rogers Vice-President

Mary Frances Pittard Secretary

Blanche Sutton Treasurer

Members of Student Council

Mabel Thomas President

Nina Rogers Vice-President

Mary Frances Pittard Secretary

Blanche Sutton Treasurer

Martha Harrell Chairman of Campus Committee

Inez White House President

Pattie Smith House President

Hattie Boswell House President

Willie Matthews House President

Grace Mohorne "B" Class Representative

Annie Little Junior-Normal Representative

Annie Lola Arnold Senior-Normal Representative

Christine Vick Freshman Representative

Clara Lewis Sophomore Representative

Nona Johnson Junior-Senior Representative




Athletic Association


(Reading from bottom to top

Vera Miller


Mabel Montague


Louise Robinson


Clara Lewis

Business Manager


Senior Normal Basketball Team

Standing, left to right: Maggie Dixon Class President

Vera Miller Side Center

Middle row, left to right: Nina Rogers Guard

Martha Inman Guard

Bottom row, left to right: Margaret Holland Jumping Center

Hazel Kennedy Captain, Left Forward

Annie Ola Hollowell Right Forward

When we look at the figures 1-9-2-3,

What is the thought that comes to you and me?

Ah, now we have it, it's basketball.

The player in the center is long and tall.

'Tis true the right forward is a little low,

But when she gets the ball she makes it go.

Inman and Rogers are splendid dodgers.

Not everyone can play that trick,

But these two girls may be compared to "Tanglefoot"-

"They Stick.' '

Our side center player cannot be beat,

She can tussle the ball from under your feet;

She's a star on the court, in athletics a sport.

It's "hobby" we cheer, don't you?


She's played four years in basketball,

Well, we all admit,

But greater to say than that

She seldom makes a mis-hit.

Sometimes she falls and sometimes she rolls,

She "rolls" up the score by throwing the goals.


First Year Normal basketball Team

Captain Nan Burwell

Forwards Marion Newby and Joyce Gardner

Guards Lillian McPhaul and Rubye Kilpatrick

Centers Inez Gerald and Inez Kennedy


Campus Snapshots


President Club


Pearl Wright Chairman

Vera Miller Secretary

Mary Outland Senior-Junior Class

Mary Shelton McArthur Sophomore Class

Miriam Shamhart Freshman Class

Maggie Dixon Senior Normal Class

Marion Newby Junior Normal Class

Louise Reaves "B" Class

Mabel Thomas Student Government

Ruth Barbee Y. W. C. A.

Vera Miller Athletic Association

Alice Pope Sidney Lanier Literary Society

Pearl Wright Edgar Allan Poe Literary Society


Wake County Club

Flower: Forget-me-not Color: True blue

Aim: To get more Wake County girls to come to Teachers College.


Alice Penny President

Alice Pope Vice-President

Willie Horton Secretary

Amanda Tillman Treasurer

Other Members

Nancy Brantley Lila Mitchell

Gladys Broughton Cleo Richardson

Swannanoa Broughton Gladys Scholl

Mozelle Griffin Grace Stevens

Elsie Horton Marjorie Waite

Grace Jordan Arnette Bryan


Robeson County Club


Nonie Johnson President

Mary Baggett Vice-President

Katie Lee Farmer Secretary and Treasurer

Colors: Black and Gold Flower: Daisy

Motto: Jog on


Lillian Britt Maggie Bullock Rosalie McEachin

Katie Bullock Mary Baggett Dora Belle McLeod

Katie Lee Farmer Martha Inman Lucia Mae McCollum

Nonie Johnson Ora McCormac Mabel Watson

Willie McCormac Flora McCormac Ethel McLean

Erah Thompson




The DoD Club


The "kumpny"

Colors: Red and Yellow Flower: Japonica

Byword: "Cram" Motto: "Get It Somehow"

Song: "Hail! Hail! The Kumpny's All Here!"

Whistle: Bob-White Favorite Occupation: Eating

Meeting Place: East Dormitory. Rooms, 143-165-161-151-150


Maggie....... Dixon President

Irma Worrell....... First Vice-President

Connie Wynne....... Second Vice-President

Rose Winstead...... Secretary

Grace Dixon...... Corresponding Secretary

Milah Peele...... Treasurer

Lois Smith....... Critic

Annie Lee Carter...... Sergeant-at-Arms

Elizabeth Buffaloe...... Reporter

Hilda Duke....... Music Director


"Mag" Dixon "Sis Connie" Wynne "Pee-Wee" Peele

"Tillie" Worrell "Don" Winstead "Dog" Duke

"Lee" Carter "Bill" Buffaloe

"Slim" Smith "Doll-baby" Dixon

The "kumpny"

Sometimes we leave the rest of the "Worrell" alone

And stroll down the Grace(ful) "Lane" we call our own.

Where the music of nature "Peele's" forth its tune

And the "Wynne" makes "Mary" (merry) the "Bells" of June.

Where the "Dog" trails the "Buffaloe" through the "Slim" grass.

And the fragrant "Rose," with her thorns, catches the care-free lass.

The Bob-White whistles cheerful- "Lee" at the close of day

Then the "Kumpny" drifts back across the way.


Z.Z.Z. Club

Sara Barnhardt

Eloise Bridger

Miriam Bridger

Elizabeth Hummell

Lillian Jordan

Pattie Smith

Betsy Wright

Pearl Wright



Flower: Two-Lip Mascot: Rec-Racer

Motto: Ride! Ride! Ride!

Annie Ruth Morgan President

Virginia Harper Vice-President

Pat Walker Secretary

Edythe Bradley Treasurer

"Boots" Morgan "Jack" Gardner

"Gin" Harper "Cille" Hooker

"Pat" Walker "Pat" Kilpatrick

"Mathy" Harrell "Nan" Burwell

"Shorty" Grissom "Lil" McPhaul

"Pete" Bradley "Hix" West


Quaker Club

Aim: Out-talk others. Motto: "Live till we die." Flower: Cockel Burr. Meetings: Anytime, anyhow, anywhere.


Willie Mae Hedgepeth.....President

Bernice Guffy.....Vice-president

Nell Lazenby......Treasurer

Myrtle Sylivant.....Secretary

Cleora Quinn........Poet

Nancy Brentley....Critic

Dorothy Johnson.....Program Leader



"Kat" Brown "Marie" Jones

Mary Louise Outterbridge Mana Bradley


Elizabeth Morris Blanche Wilkins

Mildred Lyon Grace Wester

Dayton Leonard Irma Harrison




Tale of an Alumnus

S-h-h-h! Don't make so much noise. Come on now to the third story of the

Administration Building. Here we are. But how in the world shall we keep

folks from hearing us? Don't ask me anything about a light. Didn't I tell you

I'd let you get a candle after all of us "settle down?" My! I don't know how

I'm going to tell you all the things that are fussing around in my head. I just

might as well not try. Teachers College Alumnae are just like all other college

graduates the world over, anyway. But if you will make me - Oh, where is my

encyclopedia, and those notes? I have no idea, not the slightest. Let me think.

I can't recall. I'll just have to remember what I can.

A fundamental principle of our graduates is that composite virtue we call Loy-

alty - a virtue that implies love, honor, allegiance and faithfulness, fealty, duty.

The graduate of loyalty keeps faith with others, and with her own self, recogniz-

ing what is right and due, and daring to be faithful to that ideal, both in word and

in action. She scorns disloyalty in all its forms. She is punctilious in living up

to her ideals, prompt and direct in discharge of her duty. A high conception of

her trust makes her do more than public opinion expects of her. More and more

allegiance is being put into practice. We are coming to see that our school can-

not have a healthy growth without this. We should feel that our Alma Mater's

existence depends upon us, and that we have a sacred trust to be guarded jeal-

ously. We are beginning to feel that way about it.

Oh, not yet; you see everyone must work out her own problems. There are two

classes of graduates now; those who have always been faithful, and those who may

become faithful. Many of us have already become so interwoven with social and

industrial life that we need some kind of stimulus to make us feel that we are

indispensable to our Alumnae organizations. Everyone who withdraws from the

ranks weakens us just that much. Pardon my cough. I seem to have got

chilly up here and it has upset my throat.

The Alumnae Association of East Carolina Teachers College must have been

organized with a two-fold purpose; upholding the ideals of president, faculty,

and board of trustees, and extending the influence of the College by selling it to

the people of the State. We have always depended upon the enthusiasm of the

classes for membership.


I don't know that we've done anything wonderful, exactly, but - yes, I suppose

you are right. The Association is just feeling its way along, and it is not easy to

say just what is most important to be done. One day of Commencement week has

been set apart as "Alumnae Day." In the morning there is a business meeting of

the general association, given over to reports of committees, election of officers,

and purely routine affairs, followed by a luncheon in the Dining Hall given by the

College in compliment to the Alumnae. This is followed by a concert by some

artist of note. Headquarters have been provided in "Alumnae Hall" for all grad-

uates returning for Commencement. Every class has been entertained gratis the

first year after "finishing."

Yes. It was. Of course there were a few who could not come back. Our

problems? Yes, those problems of today which must be settled by our entire

group, a fundamental unit jLn the organization of North Carolina society, especially.

We really ought to do more advertising. People should know who it is trying to

be of help to so great a multitujde of children. It is a responsibility, but then you

get more out of it than you can possibly put into it . I just asked myself a num-

ber of questions that I knew I would have to face sooner or later, such as: What

shall I do to extend the service of my Alma Mater? How many commencements

have I attended since I left school? Why did I miss the others? What efforts

have I made to get girls to visit the annual gatherings? Do I read the Quarterly?

Have I done all I could? That sounds fairly reasonable. Not all the other

educational clubs and organizations in the State can mean so much as contact

with a live-wire organization. It prepares you to meet discouragements and

nerve strain; transforms hardships into pleasures.

To truly loyal Alumnae Teachers College comes first, and we generally think

of her as superior to all other schools. I read something the other day about

a Pitt County Association, away off yonder somewhere, that is making progress.

The Pitt Chapter was organized in the fall of 1920. They get up the program for

"Alumnae Night," serve as a unit on the Finance Committee of the entire Alumnae

Association. Miss Dicie Howell, an artist from New York, gave a program in

1921. Last year Miss Helen Yorke appeared in concert, and we are glad to an-

nounce that she will be here again this year on the night of June 4th. There have

been four chairmen: Mrs. Leland Stancill (Luella Lancaster); Mrs. Carey War-

ren (Marjorie Davis), '12; Miss Nonie Johnson, '19-'23, and Mrs. A. S. Brnum

(Emma Cobb), '13. Lois Haskins, '23, is Secretary. Their present membership

includes: Estelle Green, '12; Flora Barnes, '18; Mrs. K. B. Pace (Lida Taylor),


'16; Mamie Hayes, '22: Mrs. Clifton Edwards (Mary Lee Gallup), '19; Bruce

Exum, '21; Mildred Maupin, '20; Lalla Pritchard, '13; Mary Outland. '19;

Arley Moore, '18; Mary Whitehurst, '19; Annie Howard Felton, '22; Nonie

Johnson, '20; Mrs. Carey Warren (Margie Davis), '12; Mrs. A. J. Moore (Nell

Pender), '11; Mrs. L. P. Thomas (Bettie Spencer), '15; Mabel Thomas, '21;

Leah Cooke, '22.

Probably you saw in the March issue of the Digest an account of what the Wake

County branch of East Carolina Teachers College Alumnae is doing. That Chap-

ter was organized on September 12, 1920. Charter members were: Ruby Garris,

'20; Mrs. R. H. McLawhon (Janie Tyson), '20; Mrs. Karl Chadwick (Blanche

Alligood), '19; Louise Smaw, '16; Annie Smaw, '15; Lela Carr Newman, '15;

and Pattie S. Dowell, '11. The College faculty has always been honorary mem-

bers. The regular business meetings are always followed by a social hour. Books

and current literature are circulated. They have tried to locate all former students

and keep in touch with their interests; arranged for the Thanksgiving get-to-

gether dinners, and talked Teachers College. Their 1922-1923 roll reads: Lela

Carr Newman, '15; Mrs. J. C. Holland, '19; Ruby Garris, '20; Laura Newton

'19; Mrs. Ben Tongue, '14; Mrs. B. M. Lackey (Janet Matthews), '16; Louise

Smaw, '16; Bettie Pearl Fleming, '13; Camilla Pittard, '21; Blanche Lancaster,

'14; Cora Lancaster, '18; Fannie Jackson, '20; Alice Whitehurst, '20; Louise

Stalvey, '16; Bonnie Howard, '19; Alice Best, '21; Mrs. K. G. Hite (Hattie

Taylor), '13; Blanche Atwater, '18; Mrs. J. C. Gregory (Helen Stewart), '20;

Pattie S. Dowell, '11, and three associate members, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Under-

wood and Meta Godwin.

We must get back to our rooms before dayliglit! No, that would never do.

Why, 'tis - Oh, mercy me! Anyway don't forget that our Alumnae Association

is the greatest thing in the world! We must have great faith, overcome every

obstacle, and accomplish things.

Girls! Girls! I've missed my - Oh-h-h! I'm so-. Wake up, you all. While

you were up here dreaming twelve years have stolen away.

-P. S. D., '11.






Nettie McCanless (in ten cent store) : "Here, here, who waits on the nuts."

Mr. Austin: "North Carolina is a wonderful place; why, down on the

coast you see the Sounds and hear the Sea."

Vera Miller (in athletic meeting) : "Girls, all those who were absent last

time don't forget to pay your dime for being absent next time."

Helen Viniarski: "Why does Bertha Barbour's hair resemble the dormitory?"

Nettie McCanless: "I don't know. Why?"

Helen Viniarski: "Because it is filled with rats."

Dorothy Johnson: "I hope the Seniors won't have such a sad play; I like

humorous ones, don't you?"

Delilah Whitfield: "No, I like funny ones."

Miss Davis: "'Name one important thing we have now that we did not

have one hundred years ago."

Grace Wester: "Me."

Visitor: "I have eaten much better hash than this."

Pauline (through force of habit): "Not here sir, not here."

Janie Dell Carawan was spending her first night at E. C. T. C. As the

darkness gathered she began to cry. Annabel O'Neal asked, "Are you home-


"No" she answered. "I'm here-sick."

Several girls were coming from the dining room one day. One of them said,

"Let's go across here. A straight line is the shortest distance between two

points, you know."

Mae Willis Roberts (looking surprised): "What?"

Hilda Jennette: "Mae Wills, for land's sakes haven't you ever studied Latin?"

Senior Yell

Ouija, Ouija, what is my fate?

Do I flunk or graduate?

Roommate: "Jennette, where is this taken from? 'Now abideth Faith, Hope,

Love,' etc."

Jennette Wedmore: "I don't know, but it sounds like Burns."

Marjorie Waite: "What do Billy Goats eat?"

Roommate: "Paper, tincans, etc."

Marjorie (a bit doubtful): "Yes but-er- can't you think of anything else but

paper and tin cans?"


"A little nonsense now and then

Is relished by the best of men."

Chinese Version of a Teacher

Teachee, Teachee,

All day Teachee,

Nighty markee papers

Never sleepee

No one kissee

No one hugee

Poor old maidee

No one lovee.

Familiar Faculty Echoes

Miss Maupin: "Link it up with Life."

Mr. Leggette: "If you will allow me to put it on this basis."

Miss McFadyen: "Oh! Isn't Matildo Mays handsome?"

Miss Muffly: "You remind me of babbling idiots."

Miss McKinney: "Oh! It's perfectly absurd on the face of this earth."

Miss Reaves: "Girls, I'm talking."

Mr. Austin: "Imagine a rose as big as a cartwheel."

Miss Davis: "Now be ready for a brief review of this lesson."

Miss Vaughan: "I hardly know what to give you for your next lesson."

Miss Graham : "Don't do that, please, it makes me nervous."

Mr. Meadows: "I want to give you an illustration of that."

Miss Lewis: "Draw it 'tub' the line, girls."

Miss Wilson: "Don't yon want me to show you how you are sitting?"

The Committee: "Mana, how are you making your dress?"

Mana Bradley:"Oh, I don't know, I suppose bias."

Girls (on corridor talking): "Oh, I know we'll put Elizabeth Hummel up

for biggest talker."

Elizabeth Hummel: "Oh! don't, it will kill Mamma."

Girls: "If vou haven't kill her talking, this won't even make her sick."

Hilda Duke (after getting into bed): "Oh, darn! I forgot to say my prayers."

Teacher (in Math class): "Now, girls, if you will watch the board, I'll run

through it for you."


Shoes Exclusively


We keep you feel happy

The Rouse Printery






Dependable Druggists


Everything New and Clean, Prices and Service Right


Time for a New Sole

Yes, indeed, and the place to have it

soled is Maultsby's. We use only

heavy solid oak-tanned soles that will

give even longer service than the orig-

inal. Best of materials throughout.

Rubber heels attached.

Goodyear Shoe Repairing Co.


Next to White's Theatre Greenville. N.C.

Miriam Bridger: "I am tired of asking you for that money you owe me,

and this is absolutely the last time I am going to say anything to you about


Elizabeth Buffalo: "Well, thank you, I think it will be much nicer for both

of us."

Eloise Bridger: "Miss Moore, can you punish anyone for anything she hasn't


Miss Moore: "Of course not."

Eloise Bridger: "Well I haven't cleaned my room this morning."

Miss Davis: "Who drove the Mohammedans out of Spain in 1492?"

Kathryn Brown: "Oh! I know, it was Columbus."

Annie Ruth Morgan: "Mr. Wright made quite a long talk this morning

in chapel."

Joyce Gardner: "What was he talking about?"

Annie Ruth: "He didn't say."

Clara Grissom: "Does Lillian ever work?"

Marie Jones: "Yes, but she doesn't like to be caught at it."



Candy Palace


Our Pure Ice Cream and Home Made Candy are more than a dessert. Its food

value exceeds that of most table foods. A dish of our Ice Cream has the same

food value as a pound of steak or four pounds of potatoes. We leave it to any

member of the household to say which is the most appetizing. Lautares' Ice

Cream has passed by the State Food Inspection at Raleigh, and has proved to

be a pure cream and a rich cream.

Our Ice Cream plant has been installed by the Southern Construction and Sup-

ply Co., Atlanta, Ga., and is the best and most up-to-date in the State.

Try Our Ice Cream in your Home



Wholesale and Retail

Greenville's Authority on Ladies' Wear


All the Newest styles in Dress Goods, Silks, Embroideries, Laces and Dress Trim-

mings. My Shoe Stock is complete in every line for men, ladies and children.


I want your patronage. You will profit by trading with me.




Hardware, Paints, Stoves and Farm Machinery

A reputation which has been gained by 27 years of fair business

dealing. We sell goods of quality and the prices are right.




For Class Rings and Society Pins see me. Have

in stock Poe and Lanier Pins. Also carry the

best line of Stationery in the city. We specialize

in Pound Paper. Once tried always used.

W.L. Best

Pitt County's Leading Jeweler

Elizabetli Morris: "You remind me of our new clock on the mantel."

He (glancing at the mantel and swelling up): "H-m-m! That's a very

handsome clock."

Elizabeth Morris (wearily): "Yes but we can never make it go."

Mary Gold Shelton (reading "The Vision of Sir Launfal") : "What is so

rare as a day in June?"

Ruth Wade: "A Freshman who isn't green."

Helen Viniarski (to photographer): "Which way shall I look?"

Photographer: "At that sign, please."

Sign reads: "Terms cash."

McKay, Washington & Co.

"The Ladies' S'ore"

Ever Showing the Latest Apparel

for Ladies



Warner Corset

Red Fern Corsets


Dove Undermuslin

Phoenix Hose

Ladies! You are Invited

To make our store your headquar-

ters at all times, where you will

find the newest and most up-to-date

things in ladies' wearing apparel at

reasonable prices.



For the Newest Street or Evening Dresses

Specially Priced

We always get the newest novelties in Oxfords

and Pumps first

Our Silk Hosiery is the best obtainable. Extra good

heayy Silk Hose, triple seam



White's Theatre


High-Class Amusement




Smart Styles- Popular Prices


For Groceries of all Kinds

Dickerson Ave.


Miss Vaughan: "Marie, give me a sentence."

Marie Mitchell: "Thirty days."

Miss Muffly remarked that the only thing she believed impossible was per-

petual motion. She's never seen Flora McCormick chewing gum.

News Item: "Nadine Oldham falls down the steps unhurt. She must have

had on a light fall suit."

Claude: "You are the sunshine of my life. You alone reign in my heart.

Without you life is but a dreary cloud."

Irene Dozier: "Is this a proposal or a weather report."

B.S. Warren

The Leading Driggist

Greenville, N.C.

The Old Reliable Store

Call us for anything that a Drug Store Sells

Phone 68

Miller Inc.


New 5 & 10c Store

Dickerson Ave.

Stationery Office Supplies


Printers and Stationers

We have all kinds of Stationery

and Supplies for College girls

EVANS ST. Next to Proctor Hotel


He: "For two cents I'd kiss you."

Lucille Hooker: "Got change for a nickel?"

Photographer: "How do want your pictures made?"

Hazel Weeks: "I want my feet to show."

Photographer:"Just a minute, please, until I get my group camera."

Miss Maupin:"What is the capital of North Carolina?"

Sallie Freeman:"Greenville."

Blanche Wilkins: "Why does the reporter look at my nose so much?"

Grace Wester: "Don't you know the reporter is supposed to look at any-

thing that turns up?"


At all times you will find our Stock Complete,

Our Prices Right

Dinning Room Furniture Floor Lamps

Bed Room Furniture Table Lamps

Living Room Furniture Clocks

Chifforobes Rugs

Chairs Window Shades

Kitchen Cabinets Cook Stoves

Cedar Chests Heaters

Trunks and Traveling Bags

When you need Furniture of any kind, come in and let

us show you Our Stock. A cordial welcome awaits you



Corner 8th St. and Dickerson Ave., Greenville, N.C.


"A peanut sat on the railroad track,

Its heart was all a-flutter;

The four-fifteen came thundering past,

Toot! Toot! Peanut Butter."

Winnie Taylor (in restaurant): "Do you serve lobsters here?"

Waiter: "Yes I'll serve you in a minute."

WE appreciate the co-operative support

given us by the business men of

Greenville, and by the business concerns in

other cities. Let us show our gratitude by

patronizing those who advertise with us.


"Printing is the Inseparable Companion of Achievement

OVER Fifty Years

of Continuous

Service to the Schools

and Colleges of the

State of North Carolina.

During this time we

have supplied, because

of our reputation for

Quality, a greater vol-

ume of this class of work

than any other plant in

the State. We specialize

on College work such as:












Is it an achievement from the hands

of skilled artisans-the result of

careful planning by experienced work-

men, or does it have the appearance

of ordinary printed literature?

You want the best that money can buy

when you issue your Annual. Our

facilities are perfect and our workmen

are specialists.

Place your Annual

with those who know Good Printing.

Edwards & Broughton

Printing Company


College Annual Specialists^








The Tecoan 1923
1923 Tecoan, yearbook of East Carolina Teachers College. The first yearbook published by the students of East Carolina Teachers College, The Tecoan, debuted in 1923. The name of the yearbook changed to the Buccaneer in 1953. The Buccaneer suspended publication from 1976-1978 and 1991-2005, finally ceasing in 2018. It was superseded by Anchors Away in 2019.
Original Format
school yearbooks
Local Identifier
Location of Original
University Archives
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