The Tecoan 1929

Tecoan 1929

Marcella Deal...Editor

Lucille Sermons...Business Manager


of East Carolina Teachers College Greenville, North Carolina


1929 Tecoan

A Year Book

of East Carolina Teachers College

Greenville, N. C.


Go, little book-

With such a gentle command, the old writers sent their volumes into the world

We, too, are sending forth a book, in the pages of which we hope you will find reminders of all that has been pleasant in your days at this college. As you turn the leaves, may you enjoy in retrospect the best and happiest of your experiences here-quiet hours in the library, jolly gatherings at the Hut, good talk among friends, strolls through the woods of the west campus, laughter along the halls, and the keen intillectual enjoyment of the classroom.

We have woven the account of this past year around the story of King Arthur and his knights. The age of Chivalry represents the spirit which we hope abides in us all. The loyalty, the courage, the love of truth and honor, the reverence for good and noble things, the unswerving devotion to great causeswhich made the knights peerless are the qualitieswhich are most precious to us. We have, therefore linked our stories with theirs.

And now, to those who cherished the happy memories preserved in these pages and who will read these words and view these scenes with the partial eye of one who loves her Alma Mater-

Go little book.


Because we wish to show, as well as we may,

how we have appreciated his sympathetic

help and guidance in the publication of the

Tecoan, we dedicate this

volume to

Dr. R. J. Slay


Idyl One . . Ye College

Idyl Two . . Ye Classes

Idyl Three . . Ye Court

Idyl Four . Ye Activities

Idyl Five . . Ye Gleams

Idyl One...Ye College

Officers of the Administration

Robert H. Wright...President

H. J. McGinnis...Registrar

Herbert E. Austin...Chairman of Appointment Committee

Leon R. Meadows...Director of Summer Term

Annie L. Morton...Dean of Women

Ola Ross...Custodian of Records

J. E. Nobles...Physician

Annie Morris...Superintendant of Infirmary

Imo Edwards...Assistant Superintendant of Infirmary

Marie Roof...Secretary to President

Mattie Scoville...Secretary

Beulah Westmoreland...Secretary

J. B. Spilman...Treasurer

Mrs. J. B. Spilman...Assistant Treasurer

B. W. Ginn...Accountant

M. L. Wright...Executive Secretary

Helen G. Gray...Librarian

Mrs. Nannie F. Jeter...Dietitian

Mrs. A. A. Harrell...Dietitian

Arthur A. Henderson...Steward

J. J. Whitley...Superintendant of Laundry

Mary Grace Wilson...Assistant Dean

Mrs. W. G. McKean...Assistant to Dean

Mrs. Mamie G. Bradsher...Assistant to Dean

Mrs. V. M. Eppes...Assistant to Dean

Arley V. Moore...Dormitory Matron

A. C. Fornes...Superintendant of Grounds and Buildings

Wade H. Holmes...Chief Engineer

J. L. Williams...Campus Policeman

Board of Trustees

A. T. Allen...Raleigh, NC

(Chairman Ex-Officio)

Mrs. W. B. Murphy...Snow Hill, NC

Wayne A. Mitchell...Kinston, NC

F. C. Harding...Greenville, NC

L. W. Tucker...Greenville, NC

Henry C. Bridgers...Tarboro, NC

D. S. Boykin...Wilson, NC

J. S. Hargett...Trenton, NC

James L. Griffin...Pittsboro, NC

E. G. Flanagan...Greenville, NC

H. D. Williams...Kenansville, NC

O. P. Makepeace...Sanford, NC

W. S. Moye...Rocky Mount, NC

Robert S. Wright...President

Annie L. Morton...Dean of Women


Emma L. Hooper...English

Mamie L. Jenkins...English

Lucile Turner...English

Sallie Davis Joyner...History


Beecher Flanagan...History

A. D. Frank...History

Laura T. Rose...History

E. C. Hollar...History

Herbert E. Austin...Geography

Katherine Holtzclaw...Clothing


Parnell Picklesimer...Geography

Alice V. Wilson...Science

Betty White...Science

R. J. Slay...Science

Maria D. Graham

Ella Wilkes...Mathematics

Carl L. Adams

Hubert C. Haynes...Education

Lucile Charlton...Primary Education

E. L. Henderson...Education

Leon R. Meadows...English


R. C. Deal...Foreign Languages

M. L. Wright...Government, Sociology

Kate W. Lewis...Industrial Art

Dora E. Meade...Piano

Lois V. Gorrell...Piano

Gussie Kuykendall...Public School Music

Mabel Ogden...Physical Education

Mary Jane Alexander...Physical Education

Dora E. Coates...Critic Teacher, First Grade

Ruth Faison...Critic Teacher, First Grade

Janet M. Grier...Critic Teacher, Fourth Grade

Eugenia Thomas...Public School Music

Yvonne Biser...public School Music

Herbert Rebarker...Mathematics


Bertha Hart...Critic Teacher, Second Grade

Christine Johnson...Critic Teacher, Second Grade

Mrs. J. L. Savage...Critic Teacher, Fourth Grade

Geneva Exum...Critic Teacher, Fifth Grade

Cleo Rainwater...Critic Teacher, Fifth Grade

Mary McRae...Critic Teacher, Sixth Grade

Frances Wahl...Critic Teacher, Seventh Grade

Madge Daniels...Critic Teacher, English

Mary Berry Clark...Critic Teacher, Home Economics

Elizabeth Toland...Critic Teacher, Mathematics

Lucy Nulton...Critic Teacher, Second Grade

Jennie D. Evans...Critic Teacher, First Grade

Mrs. L. P. Ross...Critic Teacher, Third Grade

Ellen Mae Lewis...Critic Teacher, Sixth Grade

Mrs. M. B. Bowen...Critic Teacher, English


Hazel Moore...Industrial Art

Catherine Cassidy...Science

Grace V. Maguire...Science

Mary Greene...English

Madeline Miller...English

Ella Graves Thompson...Foreign Languages

Annie C. Newell...Psychology

Marie W. Peterson...Geography

Mrs. A. E. Bloxton...Foods

Marion K. Fort...Director of Training School

Alma Browning...Critic Teacher, Fourth Grade

Eunice McGee...Critic Teacher, Third Grade

Sarah Margaret Scott...Critic Teacher, English

Isabel Stover...Critic Teacher, French

Rachel Scarborough...Critic Teacher, History

Loraine Hunter...Critic Teacher, Science

Gladys Moore...Critic Teacher, Latin

Officers of the Administration

Howard J. McGinnis...Registrar

Helen G. Gray...Librarian

Margaret Sammon...Assistant Librarian

Mrs. J. B. Spillman...Assistant Treasurer

Ola S. Ross...Assistant Registrar

Hazel Willis...Secretary

B. W. Ginn...Accountant

Arley V. Moore...Dormitory Matron

Annie Morris...Superintendant of Infirmary

Imo Edwards...Assistant Superintendant of Infirmary

Mrs. Nancy F. Jeter...Dietitian

Mrs. V. M. Eppes...Assistant to the Dean

Mrs. M. G. Bradsher...Assistant to the Dean

Mrs. W. G. McKean...Assistant to the Dean

Marie Roof...Secretary to the President

J. B. Spillman...Treasurer

J. E. Nobles...Physician

Mrs. A. A. Harrell...Dietitian

Mary Grace Wilson...Assistant Dean

Beulah Westmoreland

January 19, 1901 - February 22, 1929

For three and a half years her life was an inspiration to all in this college who fell under the spell of the loveliness of her face and character, the charm of her personality, the graciousness of her manner, and the beauty of her spirit. The strings of her violin are muted, and the tones of her rich contralto voice are silenced, but they will echo on.

Idyl Two....The Classes


Mary Elizabeth Austin, Senior Mascot

Senior Class Poem

Oaks grow in stature as the years advance And spread their branches far and wide, Then, as they stand there, sturdy, ever fast, Acorns are dropped to form new oaks again. So we hart gained in knowledge and in truth. Maturing, growing stronger day by day, Until we now are ready in our turn To give again what has been given to us.

A mighty oak our Alma Mater stands And gives us, resting in her sheltering shade, Nurture and protection till we grow like her - upright, and tall, and strong. Young oaks that now will start the task anew. Replenishing the grounds that nourished them. Striving to be always "not less than best" - A living pattern of the parent oak.

Irene S. Kahn

Lilyan Colson, Senior Class President

Senior Class

Colors: Green and White Flower: Lily-of-the- Valley

Motto: "Not less than Best."


Lilyan Colson...President

Bennie Ward...Vice-President

Sudie Harriett...Secretary

Elizabeth Austin...Treasurer

Myrtle Mason...Teco Echo Reporter

Margaret Carter...Tecoan Representative

Evelyn Tillman...S. G. A. Representative

Dorothy Gardner...Cheer Leader

Senior Class

Rebecca Moore Alexander

Southport, NC

Latin, English

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.; Proctor (1, 2. 3.); Class Secretary (2); English Club (2, 3, 4); President of English Club (4);

Athletic Association (1); Managing Editor of "Teco Echo" (3); Representative to N. C. C. P. A. (3, 4); i ; Editor-in-Chief of "Teco Echo" (4); Class Player (3, 4); A. B. Andrews Scholarship (4); Classical Club (4); Inter-Society Committee (3, 4)

Ada Allen

Home Economics

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A. (1, 2); Assistant Class Cheer Leader (2); "Tecoan" Representative for Delta Omicron Sigma (4); Delta Omicron Sigma; Phi Epsilon.

Elizabeth Allen

Aurora, NC

Primary Education

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.; Beaufort County Club (1); Wearer of College Monogram (1, 2, 3); Class Play (3); Athletic Association; Elementary Educational Council; Class Cheer Leader (2, 3).

Louise Atkinson

Greenville, NC

Intermediate Education

Lanier Society; Elementary Educational Council (4).

Senior Class

Elizabeth Austin

Greenville, NC

Home Economics

Poe Society; Marshal (1); Phi Epsilon(1, 2, 3); "Teco Echo" Reporter for Phi Epsilon (2); Delta Omnicron Sigma (1, 2, 3, 4); Class Treasurer(4).

Christine Bell

Troy, NC

English, French

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A. (1, 2, 3); Y. W. C. A. Choir (2); Student Volunteer Band (2); Vice-President of Poe Society (4); Society Debater (3); Phi Sigma; English Club (2, 3, 4); Athletic Association (1, 2, 3); Class Plat (3, 4); Fun Seekers Club (1); P. C. Club (1, 2); Marshal (4).

Mary Gene Belk

Monroe, NC

Primary Education

Georgia State College; Wingate Junior College; Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Union County Club (4); Secretary and Treasurer of Union County Club (4); Athletic Association; Elementary Educational Council (4).

Julia Dixon Blount

Faison, NC

Primary Education

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.; Proctor (1); Elementary Council (3, 4); Class Play (3); Marshal (3).

Senior Class

Wita Avis Bond

Windsor, NC

Primary Education

Lanier Society; Alumnae Secretary(4).

Floy Olene Brewer

Monroe, NC

Primary Education

Wingate Junior College (1, 2); Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.; Union County Club; Vice-President Union County Club (3); President of Union County Club (4); Elementary Educational Council (3); Secretary and Treasurer of Elementary Educational Council (4).

Eunice Theresa Butts

Mount Olive, NC

Home Economics

Emerson Society; Delta Omicron Sigma

Margaret Carter

Maysville, NC

English, Science

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; (1, 2, 3); Y. W. C. A. Choir (1, 2); English Club (2, 3, 4); Athletic Association (1, 2, 3); Class Representative on "Tecoan" Staff (4); Marshal (3); Proctor (4); Fun Seekers Club (1); P. C. Club (1, 2).

Senior Class

Lilyan Colson

Mooresville, NC

French, History

Emerson Society; Class Secretary; (1); Treasurer of Student Government Association (2); Treasurer of Phi Epsilon (2); Y. W. C. A.; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet (3); Vice President of Phi Epsilon (3); Athletic Association; Secretary of Athletic Association (3); Statistics; Phi Sigma; Clas Play (3, 4); Class Presidents (3, 4).

Wilma Cox

Greenville, NC

Science, History

Emerson Society; Basketball Team (1, 2, 3, 4); Athletic Association (1, 2, 3).

Hester Lee Davenport

Creswell, NC

French, English

Lanier Society (2, 3, 4); Athletic Association (2, 3, 4); Baseball (2); Basketball (3, 4); Y. W. C. A. (2, 3, 4); Student Volunteer Band (3, 4); Y. W. C. A. Band (3, 4); Y. W. C. A. Choir (3); Washington County Boosters (4); "Tecoan" Representative (4); English Club (3, 4); Phi Sigma (3, 4).

Julia Evelyn Ewell

Elizabethtown, NC

Home Economics

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.; Student Council Representative (1); Class Cheer Leader (2); College Cheer Leader (3); Class Play (3); Junior Senior Banquett, Toastmistress; Marshal (4); Vice-President of Student Government Association (4); Phi Sigma; Delta Omnicron Sigma.

Senior Class

Margaret Faison

Faison, NC

Intermediate Education

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.; Red Head Club (1, 2, 3); President of Red Head Club (3); Proctor (3).

Mary Jeanette Forbes

Greenville, NC

Primary Education

Olivia Forbes

Greenville, NC

Mathematics, Science

Mathematics Club (2, 3, 4); Pitt County Club.

Alice Foley

Greenville, NC

Mathematics, Science

Poe Society; "Tecoan" Staff (1); Mathematics Club

Senior Class

Sara Weeks Fussell

Bowden, NC

Home Economics

Lanier Society; Delta Omnicron Sigma; Secretary of Delta Omnicron Sigma (2); Class Secretary (2); Basketball Team (1, 2); Wearer of College Monogram (1, 2, 3, 4); "Teco Echo" Reporter for Delta Omnicron Sigma (4); Class Play (3); Y. W. C. A. ((1, 4); Athletic Association (1, 2, 3); Baseball (1, 2); Delegate to Baptist Student Conference (3).

Dorothy Gardner

Grifton, NC

Primary Education

Louisburg College; Asheville Normal; "Tecoan" Staff (3); Teco Echo" Staff (3); Elementary Council (4); Lanier Society (3, 4); Chairman Inter-Society Committee (4); Basketball Team (3); Cheer Leader of Lanier Society (4).

Velma Hardy

Hollister, NC

French, English

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association; Baseball Team (1); Student Volunteer Band (4); English Club (3, 4); Phi Sigma (4); Halifax County Club (4); "Teco Echo" Reporter from County Club. (4)

Sudie Harriet

Pollocksville, NC

Home Economics

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.; Delta Omnicron Sigma (1, 2, 3, 4); Phi Epsilon (1, 2, 3, 4); Basketball Team (3); Vice-President of Delta Omnicron Sigma(4); Secretary of Class (4); Proctor (4).

Senior Class

Annie Laurie Herring

Greenville, NC

Home Economics

Meredith College (1); Emerson Society (2, 3, 4); Home Economics Club; Pitt County Club.

Catherine Elizabeth Hill

Kinston, NC

Latin, English

Lanier Society (2, 3, 4); Y. W. C. A.; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet (3, 4); Athletic Association (2, 3, 4); English Club (2, 3, 4); Secretary and Treasurer of English Club (3); Treasuer of Class (2); Phi Sigma (3, 4); President of Student Volunteer Band (3, 4); Classical Club (4); Secretary and Treasurer of Lenoir County Club (2); Junior Play; Senior Play; Delegate to Y. M.-Y. W. Conference (3, 4); Delegate to the Quadrennial Student Volunteer Conference at Detroit (3); Delegate to State Student Volunteer Conference (3, 4).

Odessa Hilliard

Carthage, NC

French, English

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.; English Club (1, 2, 3, 4).

Sara Elizabeth Hinson

Charlotte, NC

English, History

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association; Mecklenburg County Club; English Club.

Senior Class

Ida Holland

Maysville, NC

Intermediate Education

Lanier Society; Volley Ball Team (1); Basketball Team (1); Society Debater (1).

Mary Frances Jenkins

Aulander, NC

English, History

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.; Granville County Club; Class Vice-President (1, 2); Athletic Association; Wearer of College Monogram (1, 2, 3, 4); Basketball Team (1, 2, 3, 4); Tennis Team (1, 2, 3, 4); Captain of Basketball Team (2, 3); Business Manager of Athletic Association (2, 3); Phi Epsilon; English Club; Associate Editor of "Tecoan" (3); Athletic Association (4); House President (4).

Irene Claire Jones

Oxford, NC

Mathematics, Science

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.; Granville County Club; Phi Epsilon (3); Mathematics Club (2, 3, 4); Secretary of Mathematics Club (2); Proctor (3).

Irene Sarah Kahn

Raleigh, NC

Science, English

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Y. W. C. A. Choir (1, 2, 3); Glee Club (1, 2); Left Hand Club (1, 2); "Tecoan" Staff (2); Advertising Manager of "Teco Echo" (3); Business Manager of "Teco Echo" (4); N. C. C. P. A. (3, 4); C. C. S. P. A. (4); Phi Epsilon(2, 3, 4); English Club (2, 3, 4); Class Play (3); Mathematics Club (2); Athletics Association; Business Manager of Athaletics Association (4); Wearer of College Monogram (1, 2, 3, 4); Basketball Team (2, 3, 4); Baseball Team (1, 2, 3, 4); Tennis (1, 2, 4); Wake County Club (4); Proctor (1, 2, 4); College Publicity Committee (4).

Senior Class

Lizzie Grey Knox

Huntersville, NC

Home Economics

Julia Lancaster

Vanceboro, NC

Mathematics, Science

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.; Phi Epsilon (4); Mathematics Club (2, 3, 4); Vice-President of Mathematics Club (4); Proctor (2); Craven County Club (2, 3, 4); President of Craven County Club (4); Associate Business Manager of "Tecoan" (4).

Mozelle Elizabeth Lee

Selma, NC

Home Economics

Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.; Delta Omnicron Sigma; President of Johnson County Club (4).

Grette Mae Little

Marshvillk, NC

Primary Education

Cullowhee State Normal (1); Emerson Society.

Senior Class

Agatha Elizabeth Leeuwenburg

Wilmington, NC

Latin, English

Poe Society; Class Treasurer (1); House President (1); Vice-President of Classical Club (4); Y. W. C. A.; Basketball Team (1, 2); Athletic Association (1, 2, 3); English Club (2, 3, 4); Violin Ensemble (2, 3).

Annie Estelle Madison

Oriental, NC

Intermediate Education

A. C. College (1, 2); Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Elementary Education Council.

Clara Mae Mallard

Greenville, NC

Science, Mathematics

Poe Society, Mathematics Club (2, 3)

Mildred Elizabeth Mangum

Greenville, NC

English, History

Lanier Society; Pitt County Club (3); President of English Club (3); Class Play (3).

Senior Class

Myrtle Mason

Atlantic, NC

English, History

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Y. W. C. A. Choir (1); Proctor (3); "Teco Echo" Staff (3); President of Elementary Education Council (3); "Tecoan" Staff (4).

Ruby Pauline Midgette

Greenville, NC

Primary Education

North Carolina College for Women; Elementary Education Council (4); Y. W. C. A.; Emerson Society; Pitt County Club.

Elizabeth Morton

Greenville, NC

English, French

Meredith College; Lanier Society; Phi Sigma; Class Play (3).

Martha Eleanor Moseley

Intermediate Education

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Elementary Education Council (4); Athletic Association (1, 2, 3, 4); Athletic Association (1, 2, 3, 4); Proctor (1); Lenoir County Club.

Senior Class

Sarah Elizabeth Murphy

Farmville, NC

Home Economics

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.; Delta Omnicron Sigma (1, 2, 3, 4); Secretary and Treasurer of Pitt County Club (2); Lanier Society Critic (2); Athletic Association (2); Baseball (1, 2).

Lillah Glenn Nelson

Greenville, NC

Primary Education

Poe Society; Glee Club (1, 2); Pitt County Club; Elementary Educational Council.

Sara Byrd Ogletree

Mathematics, History

Emerson Society; President of Pitt County Club (2); Mathematics Club (2); Secretary and Treasurer of Mathematics Club; Class Basketball Team (1, 2, 3, 4); Captain of Ball Team (1, 2); Vice-President of Class (1); Athletic Association (1, 2, 3, 4).

Helen Pate

Kinston, NC

Primary Education

Lanier Society; Glee Club; Y. W. C. A.; Elementary Education Council; Lenoir County Club.

Senior Class

Sadie Perry

Williamston, NC

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.

Virginia Perkins

Greenville, NC

French, History

Emerson Society; Phi Sigma; "Teco Echo" Reporter for Phi Sigma (3); Class Play (3); May Queen (3); Class Play (4).

Mary R. Pittman

Tarboro, NC

Intermediate Education

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.; Elementary Educational Council; Edgecombe County Club (4).

Rosalie Rives

Sanford, NC

English, French

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association; Phi Epsilon: Phi Sigma (4); English Club (4); Society Debater (3); Proctor (3, 4); Pitt Scholarship (4).

Senior Class

Grace Millard Rouse

Kinston, NC

Science, English

Poe Society; English Club; Y. W. C. A.; Phi Epsilon.

Viola Scott

Rocky Point, NC

Science, Mathematics

Poe Society; Treasurer of Poe Society (4); Y. W. C. A.; Mathematics Club; Secretary and Treasurer of Mathematics Club (2); Vice-President of Mathematics Club (3); Proctor (3); Phi Epsilon.

Lucille Sermons

Greenville, NC

Science, Mathematics

Class Critic (1); Basketball Team (1); "Tecoan Staff" (2); Proctor (1, 2, 3, 4); Class Play (4); Business Manager of "Tecoan" (4); Delegate to N. C. C. P. A. (4).

Carrie Taylor Smith

Fountain, NC

English, French

Poe Society; Poe Society Critic (4); Phi Sigma; Vice-President of Phi Sigma (3); Secretary of English Club (4); Student Government Representative from Class (3); Proctor (2); Vice-President of Pitt County Club (3); Class Play (3); Secretary of Budget Committee (4).

Senior Class

Ella Tucker Smith

Greenville, NC

Primary Education

St. Mary's School (1, 2); Pitt County Club; Lanier Society; Athletic Association.

Emily Nicholls Smithwick

Windsor, NC

Primary Education

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association; Phi Epsilon; Elementary Educational Council; "Teco Echo" Reporter (1); Associate Editor of the "Teco Echo" (3, 4); Y. W. C. A. Choir (3, 4); Y. W. C. A. Cabinet (4); Delegate to Blue Ridge (3); Class Poet (2); Secretary of Phi Epsilon (3); Basketball Team (1, 2, 3, 4); "Tecoan" Staff (4); Country Club President (3); Statistics (4).

Clara Lee Spruill

Columbia, NC

Science, Mathematics

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association (1, 2); Red Head Club (1, 2); Mathematics Club; Phi Epsilon; President of Phi Epsilon (4); Secretary of Poe Society (4).

Martha Sloan Stewart

Newell, NC

English, History

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.; Associate Editor of "Teco Echo" (3, 4); "Tecoan Representative from Class (2); "Teco Echo" Reporter for English Club (4); "Teco Echo" Reporter for Lanier Society (4); Basketball Team (2); Proctor (4); Statistics (4).

Senior Class

Clyde Stokes

Ayden, NC

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.; Vice-President of Lanier Society (4); Treasurer of Y. W. C. A. (4); Vice-President of Class (3); House President (4); College Entertainment Committee (4); Statistics (3); Delegate to Y. W. C. A. Conference at Duke University (3); Elementary Council (3).

Gertrude Styron

Davis, NC

French, English

Y. W. C. A.; Lanier Society; "Teco Echo" Reporter for Cartaret County Club (3); English Club (4); President of Cartaret County Club (4).

Elma Gray Sullivan

Pinnacle, NC

Primary Education

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Elementary Education Council; Proctor (4).

Vallie Rue Summrell

Ayden, NC

Primary Education

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; "Tecoan" Representative for Y. W. C. A. (2); Treasurer of Pitt County Club (3); Elementary Education Council; Delegate to S. I. A. S. G. at Randolph Macon (3); Delegate to Blue Ridge (3); Statistics (3); House President (3); House President (3); Secretary to Student Council (3); President of Student Government Association (4).

Senior Class

Hilda Snow Sutton

Kinston, NC

Home Economics

Proctor (1); Student Council (2); Phi Epsilon (2, 3, 4); "Tecoan" Representative for Lanier Society (2); Assistant Business Manager of "Teco Echo" (3); Marshal (3); Chief Marshal (4); Y. W. C. A.; Delta Omnicron Sigma (3); Treasurer of Delta Omnicron Sigma (2).

Bonner Swindell

Washington, NC

English, Latin

Greensboro College (1, 2); Emerson Society; Y. M. C. A.; Athletic Association (4); Vice-President of English Club (4); President of Classical Club (4); Beaufort County Club; "Tecoan Representative for English Club (4).

Jessie A. Tharpe

Statesville, NC

Intermediate Education

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Proctor (3); Elementary Education Council (4).

Mary Evelyn Tillman

Cary, NC

Home Economics

Poe Society; Delta Omnicron Sigma; Phi Epsilon; Proctor (1, 2); Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association; Secretary of Delta Omnicron Sigma (3); Vice-President of Wake County Country Club; Tennis Team (2, 3); Never Been Kissed Club (3); "Tecoan Staff (4); President of Wake County Club (4); Student Council (4).

Senior Class

Effie Tripp

Winterville, NC

Home Economics

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Pitt County Club; Elementary Education Council (4).

Hazel Umstead

Stem, NC

Intermediate Education

Annie Shields Van Dyke

Greenville, NC

French, History

Emerson Society; President of Class (2); President of Emerson Society (3); Assistant Business Manager of "Teco Echo" (2); Budget Committee (3, 4); Class Play (3); College Advertising Committee (3); President of Phi Sigma (4).

Bennie Elizabeth Ward

Bethel, NC

English, French

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Pitt County Club; English Club; Glee Club (2); Phi Sigma (3, 4); Inter-Society Committee (4).

Senior Class

Carrie Mae Ward

Seven Springs, NC

English, French

Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association (2, 3, 4); English Club; Phi Sigma; Student Volunteer Band (4).

Mary Ward

Seven Springs, NC

Primary Education

Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association; Basketball Team (1, 2, 3, 4); Captain of Ball Team (4); Wearer of College Monogram.

Margaret Elizabeth Womack

Bethel, NC

Intermediate Education

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Elementary Education Council; Edgecombe County Club (1); Athletic Association (1).

Julia Minor Wood

Goldsboro, NC

Elementary Education

Y. W. C. A.; Lanier Society; Athletic Association; Wearer of College Monogram; President of Wayne County Club (4); Class Play (3); Secretary of Lanier Society (3); President of Lanier Society (4); Vice-President of Elementary Educational Council.

The Actes and Historyes of tke Most Glorious Order of Seniors

(Written in View of the definition that "History is a pageant, not a philosophy," and with apologies to Sir Thomas Mallory.)

The First Book of the Order of '29 Chapter

Chapter 1

Our Arrival

In September, 1925, we, the members of the Order of '29, departed from our homes for to seek adventures at college.

And when we were come, all the Y. W. C. A. girls made great joy of us, nobly counselled us unto the way of doing things.

Chapter 2

Election of Our First President

At the meeting of the Order, all manner of girls were nominated for president of the Freshman Order, but none prevailed but Annie Shields Van Dyke. Wherefore all memb once, "We will have Annie Shields unto our president." And so anon was the election made, and she was sworn unto her classmates for to be a true president, to stand with true thenceforth the days of this office holding.

Chapter 3

How the Sophomores Ever Rebuked Us We were besieged with a tyrannical Sophomore band, and ever they rebuked us and suffered us to sing laundry lists, work, and amuse them. And so we endured "all that nine month, and never displeased man, woman, or child, but always were meek and mild.

Chapter 4

Of the First War the Order of '29 Had and How They Won the Field

And then the examinations approached and great strokes were smitten on both sides, and a few men overthrown, hurt, and slain; and great valiances, prowesses, and feats of war were that week showed, which were over long to recount the noble feats of every man, for they shi contain a whole volume. President Wright rode into the battle exhorti

do well. Each Freshman drew out Excalibur, his sword, and anon hewed and slew subjects downright. We slew a great giant named Eng'ish, which was a study of an huge quantity and height. The Freshmen shorted him and smote off hoth his legs by the knees, saying, "Now art thou better of a size to deal with than thou were." We fought nobly and slew six subjects in that battle. Thus the battle endured long. And when it was known that six subjects were slain, there was great joy, and we followed the chase in our Sophomore, Junior, and Senior years, and slew downright all of them we might ohtain. And them that were failed, the Credits Committee let the instructors search their hurts and wounds, and commanded them to spare no salves nor medicines till they were whole.

And there was sorrow and lamentation when it was told that it was death for some of our classmates' college life, which were taken away by examinations

Book the Second

Chapter 1

How the High and Mighty Sophomores Rebuked the Freshmen

When the Order of '29 had after a long vacation rested, we returned unto the halls of learn- e were the high and mightv Sophomores. We did send to the Freshmen dge us the lords of creation and to conform to the statutes and decrees 1 worthy Sophomores. We rebuked them for about a sennight, but the hat was done against them.

Chapter 2

How a Damsel Was Loved and Married And as good fortune would, there came a very perfect gentle knight to Nell, one of our damsels fair, and cast great love to her and she began to have great fancy unto him

the more the knight beheld that lady the more he loved her, and so he burned in love that he was past himself in reason, and when he went unto supper he might not eat for his love was so great. And then the knight went unto the damsel, and either made great joy of the other. Therewith the knight plighted his troth unto the lady to be true and faihful unto her. And there she promised him her love, certainly to love him and none other the days of her life. And anon they were wedded with great nobility, and they loved ever together.

The Third Book

Chapter 1

In Which the Order of '29 Take to Themselves a President

And at a meeting that we held the members of the Order of '29 made Lilyan Colson president, and she was made to have charge of our Order's affairs. And Lilyan proved a noble and wise president.

In this year the Juniors made merry at three one-act plays "The Beau of Bath", "Figureheads, and "Glory of the Morning."

Chapter 2

How the Juniors Held a Banquet Then the Order of Juniors let cry a banquet, that it he holden on the night of May the twelfth. A great array was made in the banquet room, and well may ye wit that there was all manner of meat plenteously. And the Juniors were glad of their coming, and all that night we had good cheer. A good part of the time was spent in dancing and caroling. Thus dured the feast long, and after the feast was done we had a merry rest.

The Fourth Book

Chapter 1

In Which the Order is Made Right Glad by the Coming of New Members Then the members of the Order of '29 put on the armour of Seniorhood and plunged over

the heads in deep study for to well learn all we might.

And it happened that new members were let in, and when the old members of the class

heard of their coming, we made great joy, and said openly, "These damsels are passing welcome."

Chapter 2

In the Great Tourney on the Basketball Court Then they blew to the field, and there the Order of '29 encountered with the Order of '30, and there the Order of '29 had a fall.

We fought for a great while and gave many strokes of great might and took many great strokes.

And when the game was over, we went unto the dining room and there was a great feast and great revel, and the prize was given to the Order of '30.

Chapter 3

"Smilin' Through"

So it befell in the month of September that our president Lilyan Colson called unto her the of the Seniors and also gave us warning that in December we were expected to give a play. And so we made ready for the occasion. And then on two evenings set we made merry with "Smilin' Through." The stage was all bedashed with mosses and flowers in the best manner, and the participants were arrayed in costumes suiting their respective parts. The were all at ease and threw an enchantment over the audience, and the spectators marvelled much at their acting and praised them mightily. After the play was given the Seniors made great joy of the success that was come, and passing glad were we of the actors.

Chapter 4 Commencement and Farewell

And all in haste the members of the Order of Seniors got ready for commencement in the most honourablest wise that could be devised. Then on Sunday a minister was fetched to preach the Baccalaureate Sermon, and he blessed the class with great royalty and devotion. Then the faculty gave us the order of graduation, and we received our degrees on June the third, and then we departed from them after taking leave of our friends with the greatest dolour and sorrow that was ever made.

Sarah Elizabeth Hinson, Historian.

Lilyan Colson, President

Last Will and Testament

AS MANY have gone before us, and so many yet to come will do, we, the Senior Class of 1929, depart from our Alma Mater with more serious thoughts as to the meaning of life than we entertained when we entered. Our years of college life are over, and new, like the knights of old, we go forth on a quest, the goal of which is all that seems noblest and best in the life of thought and in the life of action. In this future life we may find that the ideals we have formed, and the goals we have set seem intangible, and as evasive as the horizon. Perhaps we may often be discouraged and disappointed. But whatever our tasks may be, if we remember the precepts of college, we shall never be without a guiding light in all undertakings. For these lessons of patience, of service, and of aspiration, we wish to leave our undying gratitude, with the hope that what we accomplish in the future may be acceptable to those whom we would repay.


Rosalie Rives


(Signed) Lilyan Colson

(Signed) Sarah Elizabeth Hinson


Miami Beach, June 6, 1923.

Dearest Lilyan:

I am now convalescing and much to Bill's chagrin, I still wish to try my luck once more in maintaining the world's record for a time-flight around this old globe of ours. You, of course, have read the accounts of my attempts and failures, but Lilyan, there is one story that I shall tell to you alone.

I had been flying some twelve hours when suddenly night closed about me - the blackest I have ever seen - and in spite of my every effort, I felt consciousness slipping from me. In my subconscious mind there seeped the sensation of downward movement and even as I sensed this, a jolt sent me reeling into oblivion.

How long I remained in this state of mind, I do not know, but when I opened my eyes, I was blinded bv penetrating light. As I became accustomed to this unnatural phenomenon, I saw- As I gazed into this crystal, before me unrolled a spectrum of human destinies.

And who do I behold first but you, Lilyan, a leader as always. You are sitting at your desk, writing "Finis" to your latest book. You are quite famous, and youth finds your frank, unmodified works much more interesting than the current fiction of the day.

Carrie Smith, now queen of cinema land, has supporting her in her latest picture, Martha Moseiy, Jessie Thorpe, Margaret Womack, Floy Brewer, Emily Smithwick, Viola Scott, Carrie Mae Ward, and Ella Smith. Virginia Perkins, star at E. C. T. C, is now John Barrymore's leading lady.

And next, the scene shifts from sunny California to our own Capital City. Here Mary Ward, Myrtle Mason and Margaret Faison hold most enviable positions in the Library of Congress. Also behind a heavily carved, pure mahogany desk, with a male secretary on her right and a reporter on her left, I see Lucile Sermons, dictating to the world, her version of the Kellogg Peace Treaty.

I see now a young day, hastening to catch a train. Reporters and photographers besiege her on all sides. It is none other than Julia Minor Wood, who is on her way to Reno to get her second divorce.

Next, I see that Bonner Swindell and Odessa Hillard are the heads of a most Exclusive School for Young Ladies. Alice Foley and Clara Mallard are joint occupants of the chair of Mathematics and Science.

As much talked of, and as popular as Lindbergh, is Evelyn Ewell. She is becoming quite famous for her modernistic interpretative dancing, and everyone, the world over, is acquiring the E. E. Method oi posing. Frequent visitors of hers are Vallie Sumrell, dean of Hillmont College, and Clyde Stokes, her assistant.

A fog descends; as it disperses, 1 see a ship steaming through the waves. On it is Annie Laurie Herring, chief dietitian; Louise Atkinson, ship hostess; and Sarah Hinson, now a doctor, who is on her way to the Aegean Islands to discover some hitherto lost aspect of past civilization.

In the Sacred Heart Hospital, in New Orleans, Mary White, quite charming in her white uniform, is head nurse and Rebecca Alexander and Catherine Hill are the welfare officers for the country.

The setting changes tn far France. Here ini the Sorbonne is Annie Shields Van Dyke. She is planning a career as interpreter for the French Ambassador from LI. S. In the same city, Wilma Cox is studying conditions - economic and social - so as to gain an accurate background for her next history textbook.

In a thriving, progressive town, I glance into a photographer's studio. Gertrude Stryon and Julia Lancaster are the proprietors, with Julia as head photographer.

My vision next shows a girl being escorted to a platform. Here she is presented with a solid gold loving cup, on which is engraved these words: "Tennis Champion of 1932." The girl is none other than our own Mary Frances Jenkins.

I see next two heads with, I suppose, one single thought. They belong to Clara Lee Spruill and Claire Jones. Together they are revising our old time geometry book so that in ten simple lessons the necessary knowledge may be acquired without study or preparation.

Along with these two aspiring geniuses is another in a different field - Irene Kahn. She is instrumental in elevating "Dorothy Dixism" to a gem of literary note. Her latest contribution is "The Heart Divine."

And then the last picture merges into being. The world is apprehensively sitting by, watching the progress of Sara Ogletree and Mary Ward as they train for the future Olympic games. Their trainers are sure of an easy, full-fledged American victory.

As the last scene faded from view, I seemed to feel myself crumple and faint. When I regained consciousness, I was on an America-bound steamer, and I remember nothing of my accident. I had a bad case of nerves for weeks after, but now I am feeling much better. Please write me again soon and tell me of your new book. Love,



Colors: Blue and Silver

Flower: Ragged Robin

Motto:"Rowing not drifting"

I sit in the deepening twilight, The shadows gathering 'round,

Half lost in idle dreaming,

In quiet unbroken by sound.

But waking me from my reverie.

Causing me deep unrest. A voice rails to me softly.

"Friend, have yon done your best:

With a start I grasp its mean ing: I reeall the tasks of the day:

I had shirked in a careless manner The tasks that came my way.

But now as rath day passes,

I make the voice a test: When I hear it speak at evening.

I know that I've done my best.

Ruth Lemmond

Junior Class


Kay Lee Cloaninger...President

Helen White...Vice-President

Helen Guthrie...Secretary

Helen Butler...Treasurer

Bessie Ferguson...Teco Echo Reporter

Evelyn Caldwell...Tecoan Representative

Elaine Tunnell...S. G. A. Representative

Junior Class

Mamie Bartholomew...Rocky Mount, NC

India Bateman...Columbia, NC

Elizabeth Beavens...Enfield, NC

Annie Lee Bond...Windsor, NC

Ella Lee Boomer...Lake Landing, NC

Hortense Boomer...Swan Quarter, NC

Cleo Brendle...Booneville, NC

Ruby Brite...Elizabeth City, NC

Helen Butler...Vanceboro, NC

Evelyn Caldwell...Dillon, SC

Junior Class

Louise Carr...Rose Hill, NC

Blanche Clark...Greenville, NC

Hope Clark...Statesville, NC

Kay Lee Cloaninger...Kinston, NC

Julia Cogdell...Goldsboro, NC

Emma Jean Cox...Monroe, NC

Verna Dare Corey...Greenville, NC

Myrtie Cooper...Washington, NC

Mary Credle...Washington, NC

Cora Creech...Pine Level, NC

Junior Class

Clara Belle Daugherty...New Bern, NC

Elizabeth Deal...Greenville, NC

Marcella Deal...Clinton, NC

Mary Louise De Bruhl...New Bern, NC

Lucile Dixon...Kinston, NC

Mildred Everette...Hamilton, NC

Janie Ewing...Biscoe, NC

Bessie Ferguson...Murfeesboro, NC

Marjorie Floyd...Fairmont, NC

Mildred Gilbert...Grifton, NC

Junior Class

Helen Guthrie...New Bern, NC

Janie Gold Hardie...Greenville, NC

Corinne Harris...Roxboro, NC

Anna Jane Hinson...Mount Pleasant, NC

Lucile Hearne...Greenville, NC

Ruth Hunter...Stony Point, NC

Elizabeth Hodges...Washington, NC

Evelyn Jennings...Elizabeth City, NC

Lucile Kee...Pleasant Hill, NC

Sonia Belle Lamm...Black Creek, NC

Junior Class

Lucy Lane...Dover, NC

Ruth Lemmond...Waxhaw, NC

Mary Lena Lineberger...Marshallberg, NC

Lillian Madry...Rocky Mount, NC

Elizabeth Matthews...Willard, NC

Elizabeth Mayo...Greenville, NC

Mattie Vines Mayo...Greenville, NC

Eloise McArthur...Clinton, NC

Madeline McCain...Waxhaw, NC

Edna McHan...Almond, NC

Junior Class

Elba McGowan...Greenville, NC

Eartha Mitchell...Colerain, NC

Jessie Lee Morris...Atlantic, NC

Frances Murray...Laurinburg, NC

Minnie Overby...Fremont, NC

Ernestine Parham...Oxford, NC

Katie Patrick...Washington, NC

Ruth Pierce...Salisbury, NC

Edith Quinerly...Greenville, NC

Mildred Sassar...Goldsboro, NC

Junior Class

Eloise Scott rocky point, n. c.

Eva Scott rocky point, n. c.

Irene Scott rocky point, n. c.

Jeanette Sessoms


Eunice Setzer maiden, n. c.

Elizabeth Spears goldsboro, n. c.

Clara Stroud


Lucile Stroud


Lillian Summerlin mount olive, n. c.

Alida Swindell swan quarter, n. c.

Page seventy

Junior Class

Iola Tankard...Washington, NC

Martha Traynham...Fairmont, NC

Elaine Tunnell...Swan Quarter, NC

Anna Belle Tyson...Ayden, NC

Betty Uzzell Bonita Springs, FLA

Eliza Walters...La Grange, NC

Dorothy Ward...Greenville, NC

Daisy Whichard...Greenville, NC

Helen White...Winfall, NC

Katherine Whitehurst...South Mills, NC

Junior Class

Grace Whitley...Middlesex, NC

Nannie E. Williford...Elm City, NC

Lillian Williams...Kinston, NC

Dorothy Williams...Farmville, NC

Rochelle Willis...Atlantic, NC

Frances Yelverton...Fremont, NC


Colors: Gold and White

Flower: Daisy

Motto: Not to the top, but climbing

A. O. Junior and Margaret Joyce Clark Sophomore Mascots

Your colors which are gold and white Stand for loyalty and right, Sophomore Class.

Your work is always done so well That your north one ran scarcely tell, Sophomore Class.

Of Sportsmanship you have the best Your girls are filled with life and zest, Sophomore Class.

Though your full fame you've never yet won. You're the best class under the sun. Sophomore Class.

Cornelia Bonney

Che Qineteen O went y -nine Cecoan

Sophomore Class


Alma McGinnis...President

Hannah Turnage...Vice-President

Dorothy Richardson...Secretary

Johnie Grey Currin...Treasurer

Annie L. Hunt...S. G. A. Representative

Sara Mae Porter...Cheer Leader

Sara Mae Porter...Teco Echo Reporter

Grace Gardner...Cheer Leader

Katherine Lemmond...Tecoan Representative

Cora Creech...Critic

Sophomore Class

Lamina Baker, Eleanor Barr, Grace Bazemore, Cornelia Boney, Annie L. Brinkley, Elizabeth Chenault, Lucille Cole

Johnie Grey Currin, Mary Ella Cutler, Virginia Davis, Dorothy Driver, Grace Gardner, Josephine Grant, Rena Grant

Esther Mae Griffin, Evelyn Griffin, Helen Griffin, Bessie Grissom, Bernice Harrel, Josie Harrison, Helen Hoggard

Selma Grey Hooks, Maggie Hinson, Annie Laurie Hunt, Roxie James, Anna Johnson, Julia Johnson, Kathleen Johnson,

Ferry Lane Knox, Beulah Lassiter, Della Lawrence, Katherine Lemmond, Eula Lee Livingston, Edna Earl Mason, Maurice MacCullan

Mabel Menefee, Alma McGinns, Irene Mizell, Helen Mosely, Letha Newton, Edna Earl Nurn, Laura Overton

Elma Parrish, Addie Pinnell, Ruth Pittman, Sara Porter, Dorothy Richardson, Abigail Roberts

Willie Powell, Nina Silvers, Edna Smith, Katherine Smith, Mary Louise Smith, Lillian Squires

Miranda Strickland, Nell Stafford, Elizabeth Stevenson, Gladys Swindell, Florence Taft

Hannah Turnage, Emma Watson, Edna Thomas West, Ruth Whisonant, Martha Whitehurst, Doris Woodard


Ann Walick Hillman

Freshman Class Mascot

Colors: Purple and White

Flower: White Rnse

Motto: "Not failure, but low aim, is crime"

To plan the thing we mean to do,

And stick until we put it through; To learn our way and earn our way,

And do our duty every day; To be content hut with the best,

That is truly the Freshman test.

We're the Freshmen that have no fears, The kind to whom high aims are dear;

And we're resolved our goal to make. For the Freshman honor is at stake;

Let our ideal be every time,

Not failure, but low aim, is crime

Nancy Jane Poole

Freshman Class


Mildred Ives...President

Hazel Futrell...Vice-President

Evelyn Wright...Secretary

Roselyn Satterwhite...Treasurer

Ethel Thompson...Critic

Irene Jones...S. G. A. Representative

Cullie Stafford...Tecoan Representative

Jamye Martin .... Teco Echo Reporter

Nancy Jane Poole...Poet


Freshman Class

Mary Adams, Marcaret Allen, Elizabeth Bain, Mavbelle Bamber, Eula Bass, Lisa Becton, Lelia Ellen Belk, Lessie Blackman, Essie Bordeaux, Louise Brake, Kate Britt, Annie Lee Bryant, Lessie Bryant, Ruth Burkett, Janette Cain, Ethel Calhoun, Annie B. Clark, Mary B. Clark, Elizabeth Dail, Elizabeth Davenport, Lucy Davenport, Patsy Davenport, Minnie Dunklby, Merle Faircloth, Marjorie Flythe, Catherine Flaugher, Geneva Lou Franklin, Hazel Futrell, Katherine Gaitley, Nora Lee Harris

Louise Herring, Mary Hooker, Helen House, Isabel Hunt, Mildred Ives, Eloise Hyde, Nettie Jessup, Marjorie Jackson, Lina Johnson, Sara Johnson, Susie Jenkins, Irene Jones, Lena Joyner, Louise Joye, Mary Elizabeth Kelly, Irma Knowles, Marguerite Lank, Ethel Little, Tucker Lynch, Edna Macullan, Pauline Macullan, Nellie McDonald, Rachel Mackey, Maggie McPherson, Jamye Martin, Louise Matthews, Beulah Mayo, Edith Mitchell, Hilda Modlin, Ella Moore

Millie Moore, Lula Moore, Angeline Morrisette, Margaret Patrick, Nancy Poole, Emily Reese, Roselyn Satterwhite, Erma Grace Small, Inez Smith, Ruby Smith, Grace Snell, Cullie Stafford, Mildred Stroud, Elizabeth Sugg, Elsie Taylor, Ethel Thompson, Alice Tilley, Zelota Tripp, Carolyn Tyson, Annie Dell Upchurch, Lois Vann, Mary Lou Ward, Hazel Whitehurst, Helen Williams, Sara Williams, Iona Williams, Lucy Williford, Rena Woodard, Vera Worthington, Evelyn Wright

Senior Normal Class

Martha Ann Gaskins

Senior Normal Class Mascot

Colors: Blue and Yellow

Motto: "Non bibi set! omnibus"


O Class, we've been bound by strong ties together, We've been happy in sunshine and brave in foul weather. We've lain long in harbor, waiting, until Now the time has come to set sail with a will.

We now leave the place where we learned to sail. And set bravely out. We'll not fail. For the future is fair: we go at full mast: With high hopes we move to our goal at last.

Anna Olivia Drake

Hazel Batson, Class President

Senior Normal Class


Hazel Batson...President

Elizabeth Martin...Vice-President

Madge Sullivan...Secretary

Ruby Lee Campbell...Treasurer

Evelyn Mitchell...Tecoan Representative

Flora Griggs...Teco Echo Reporter

Senior Normal Class

Pauline Anderson...Tarboro, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association; Edgecombe County Club.

Oma Mae Andrews...Bonlee, NC

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.: Athletic Association

Dollie Arthur...Wildwood, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C, A.; Carteret County Club.

Ruby Askew...Snow Hill, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C A.

Virginia Dare Askew...Snow Hill, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.

Sallie Atkinson...Greenville, NC

Mildred Minnie Barnes...Black Creek, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Wilson County Club.

Camille Bateman...Columbia, NC

Poe Society.

Doris Nettie Batson...Wilmington, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet; Athletic Association; Student Council (2); New Hanover County Club; College Basketball Team (1, 2); Wearer of College Monogram.

Hazel Batson...Wilson, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association; New Hanover County Club; Class President (1, 2); Inter-Society Committee (2); Wearer of College Monogram.

Senior Normal Class

Etta Baum...Kitty Hawk, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.

Edith Belk...Monroe, NC

Daisy Corinne Bell...Newport, NC

Poe Society; Carteret County Club.

Julia Cleo Biggers...Matthews, NC

Poe Society. Y. W. C. A.

Mildred Biggers...Charlotte, NC

Inez Bizzell...Kinston, NC

Myrtle Mae Blackman...Benson, NC

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.; Johnson County Club

Ruth Blanchard...Greenville, NC

Thelis Bowden...Portsmouth, VA

Thelma Boyd Rosemary, NC

Lanier Society; Athletic Association; Halifax County Club

Senior Normal Class

Ruby West Bradshaw...Greenville, NC

Emerson Society

Annie Mae Brinson...Kenansville, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A. Athletic Association

Elma V. Brinson...Arathoe, NC

Emerson Society; Pamlico County Club.

Kathleen Britt...Clinton, NC

Hazel Brown...Selma, NC

Lollie Belle Brown, Ivanhoe, NC

Poe Society.

Anna Marie Bullard...Rowland, NC

Poe Society; Proctor; Robeson County Club

Bernice Burns...Marshville, NC

Jennie Lee Burrus...Hillsboro, NC

Poe Society.

Excie Burton...Reidsville, NC

Emerson Society; Emerson Debater (1); Secretary of Emerson Literary Society (2); "Teco Echo" Reporter for Emerson Literary Society (2); Y. W. C. A.; Student Council.

Senior Normal Class

Eunice McLean Campbell...Raeford, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.

Ruby Lee Campbell...Jonesboro, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Class Treasurer (1, 2); Marshal; "Teco Echo" Advertising Manager

Miriam Carolyn Canaday...Wilmington, NC

Poe Society; Glee Club; Y. W. C. A.; New Hanover County Club.

Hilda Edwards Carter...Bonlee, NC

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.

Josephine M. Catlette...Youngsville, NC

Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.; Granville County Club.

Margaret Virginia Cavin...Landis, NC

Appalaehian State Normal; Poe Society.

Ethel Bragg Chadwick...Kinston, NC

Rena Charlton...Moyock, NC

Mary Helen Clark...Zebulon, NC

Maude Congleton...Stokes, NC

Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.

Senior Normal Class

Virginia Dare Conrad...Lexington, NC

Emerson Society.

Jean Corbitt...Walstonburg,NC

Poe Society.

Clara Cozart...Greenville, NC

Poe Society; Pitt County Club.

Frances Craig...Gastonia, NC

Emerson Society; Vice-President of Gaston County Club

Bettie Mary Crisp...Pine Tops, NC

Poe Society; Edgecombe County Club.

Elizabeth Cromartie...Garland, NC

Lanier Society.

Louise Cummings...Battleboro, NC

Lanier Society; Edgecombe County Club.

Mary Louise Dail...Edenton, NC

Poe Society; Albemarle District Club.

Lottie Daniels...Stonewall, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Pamlico County Club

Frances Elizabeth Darden...Clinton, NC


Emerson Society; Athletic Association; Y. W. C. A.; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet; "Tecoan" Staff; Inter-Society Committee.

Senior Normal Class

Mary Tucker Davenport...Washington, NC

Mary Amanda Davis...McDonald, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Robeson County Club.

Alice Louise Dean...Oxford, NC

Poe Society: Y. W. C. A.; Granville County Club

Undine Denson...Rocky Mount, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.

Joanna Dildy...Walstonburg, NC

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.

Anna Olivia Drake...Warrenton, NC

Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.; Warren County Club; Class Poet (1, 2).

Purnell Eason...Hobbsville, NC

Poe Society.

Hazel Lee Edgerton...Pikeville, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; R. D. Club; Wayne County Club

Mamie C. Edwards...Snow Hill, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.

Mamie Parthenia Evans...Tarboro, NC

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association; Edgecombe County Club

Senior Normal Class

Sarah Hart Faircloth...Rowland, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association; Wearer of College Monogram; Robeson County Club; Proctor; Class Basketball Team (1, 2)

Evelyn Carolyn Farabow...Stem, NC

Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association; President of Granville County Club

Mamie Ruth Fleming...Greenville, NC

Thelma H. Flowers...Knightsdale, NC

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.; Proctor; Wake County Club.

Martha Floyd...Fairmont, NC

Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.; Robeson County Club

Inez Forbes...Greenville, NC

Billie Forester...North Wilkesboro, NC

Grace Dean Forester...North Wilkesboro, NC

Loris Deanes Freeman...Powellsville, NC

Lanier Society

Norma Gabriel...Newton, NC

Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.

Senior Normal Class

Love Galloway...Blounts Creek, NC

Poe Society.

Elizabeth Gibbs...Swan Quarter, NC

Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.; Hyde Count Club.

Margaret Gibson...Laurel Hill, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Scotland County Club.

Mamie Best Goodwin...Dunn, NC

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.; Harnett County Club.

Mary Virginia Gordon...South Mills, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Albemarle District Club.

Nancy Lee Gordon...Rocky Mount, NC

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.

Bessie Gregg...Burlington, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association

Margaret Lucile Gregory...Elizabeth City, NC

Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.; Albemarle District Club.

Julia Griffin...Knightsdale, NC

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association; Wake County Club.

Martha Flora Griggs...Elizabeth City, NC

Emerson Society; Class Cheer Leader (1); Class "Teco Echo" Reporter (2); Y. W. C. A.; Albemarle District Club; College Cheer Leader (2).

Senior Normal Class

Katherine Gross...Greenville, NC

Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association; Pitt County Club.

Ellen Louise Gurley...Goldsboro, NC

Poe Society: Athletic Association: Athletic Association Secretary (2); Wearer of College Monogram; Basketball Team (1, 2); Captain of Team (2); "Tecoan" Staff (1); R. D (2); Proctor (2).

Roselyn Grizzard...Rich Square, NC

Annie Myrtle Haithcock...Macon, NC

Thelma Julia Hall...Kinston, NC

Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.; Lenoir County Club.

Meeter Harrell...Rich Square, NC

Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.; North Hampton County Club

Sadie Harrell...Merry Hill, NC

Poe Society; Athletic Association.

Penelope Virginia Harrell...Edenton, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Albemarle District Club

Mary Pettway Hartsfield...Wake Forest, NC

Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.; Wake County Club.

Edna Haskett...Faison, NC

Cullowhee State Normal; Lanier Society.

Senior Normal Class

Martha Lucile Hatchell...Wilmington, NC

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association; New Hanover County Club; College Statistics (2).

Evelyn Heilig...Oriental, NC

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.; Y. W. C. A. Choir; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet (2); Glee Club (2).

Virginia Dare Hill...Como, NC

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.

Mae Hobbs Trotville, NC

Poe Society.

Julia Thelma Holland...Warsaw, NC

Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet (2); Red Headed Club (1); Glee Club (2).

Ruth Holt...Morven, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.

Elizabeth Hooker...Wanchese, NC

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Assor ent Volunteer Band; President of Albemarle District Club (2).

Frances Elizabeth House...Robersonville, NC

Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.; Robersonvillians.

Virginia Margaret Howard...Oxford, NC

Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.; Granville County Club.

Janie Hunter...Enfield

Senior Normal Class

Margaret Hunter...Arcola, NC

Eugenia Mass Husketh...Creedmoor, NC

Vivian Hyatt...Ahoskie, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Hertford County Club

Mary Louise Inscoe...Littleton, NC

Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association; President of Halifax County Club.

Eliza Ann Jackson...Kinston, NC

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.

Doris Edna Jeannette...Scranton, NC

Emerson Society; Hyde County Club

Ludeena L. Jennings...Elizabeth City, NC

Emerrson Society: Albemarle District Club

Clara Elizabeth Jessup...Elizabeth City, NC

Poe Society.

Louise Martin Johnson...Hamilton, NC

Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.

Mary Holloman Johnson...Woodland, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Woodland-Olney Club; North Hampton County Club.

Senior Normal Class

Beatrice Jones...South Creek, NC

Poe Society; Beaufort County Club.

Ina Mae Jones...Corapeake, NC

Lanier Society; Gates County Club.

Lillie Mae Jones...Nashville, NC

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.; Nash County Club; Inter-Society Committee

Christine Jones...Beulaville, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.

Louise Cecilia Jones...Greenville, NC

Emerson Society, Pitt County Club.

Mary Louise Jones...North Wilkesboro, NC

Bertha Rae Joyner...Farmville, NC

Helen Magdalene Joyner...Snow Hill, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.

Evelyn Miller Kemp...Reidsville, NC

Emerson Society; Emerson Society Marshal (2); Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association

Lucile Kilpatrick...Kinston, NC

Lanier Society; Assistant Cheer Leader of Lanier Society; Class Cheer Leader; Secretary of Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association; College Monogram; Class Basketball Team (1, 2); Lenoir County Club

Senior Normal Class

Florence Nightengale King...Stoneville, NC

Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.

Lucy Jones King...Farmville, NC

Emerson Society.

Mary Cornelia Lassiter...Milwaukee, NC

Rosamond Lamm...Lucama, NC

Mae Leonard...Lexington, NC

Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.

Pearl Leonard...Lexington, NC

Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.

Alma Lee...Greenville, NC

Elsie Lee...Woodland, NC

Esta Lee...Greenville, NC

Hettie Naomi Lee...Newton Grove, NC

Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.

Senior Normal Class

Janie Eugenia Lee...Marshville, NC

Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.; Athletic sociation; Union County Club.

Merna Lee...Marshville, NC

Union County Club.

Martha Leggett...Williamston, NC

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.

Bertha Martin Leicester...Windsor, NC

Isabel Lennon...Manteo, NC

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association; Albemarle District Club

Roland Lewis...Bethel, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A

Annie Mae Liles...Lilesville, NC

Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.

Josie Liverman...Woodland, NC

Emerson Society; Class Basketball Team.

Elizabeth Martin...Cramerton, NC

Emerson Society: Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association; Vice-President of Class (2); President of Gaston County Club.

Anne Elizabeth Maultsby...Whiteville, NC

Y. W. C. A.; Poe Society; Athletic Association; Columbus County Club.

Senior Normal Class

Mary Louise McCormac...Rowland, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association;Class Basketball Team (1, 2); Robeson County Club; Club Cheer Leader.

Revie Medlin...Zebulon, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association; Wake County Club.

Elsie Miller...Colerain, NC

Emerson Society; Bertie County Club

Mary Beth Mitchell...Raleigh, NC

Elizabeth Mitchell...Charlotte, NC

Emerson Society, Y. W. C. A.; Mecklenburg County Club

Evelyn Mitchell...Windsor, NC

Emerson Society, Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association; House President.

Sara Belle Mitchell...Charlotte, NC

Vera Elizabeth Mizelle...Roper, NC

Lanier Society; Athletic Association; Y. W. C. A.; President of Washington County Boosters.

Marguerite McLean...Maxton, NC

Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association; Robeson County Club.

Rosa Belle McNeely...Hamlet, NC

Appalachian State Normal; Poe Society; Athletic Association.

Senior Normal Class

Edna Meredith McNeill...Gibson, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Scotland County Club.

Ethel Frances Mooney...Heathsville, NC

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.; Halifax County Club.

Lottie Olivia Moore...Como, NC

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.; Hertford County Club.

Danie Morris...Colerain, NC

Diana Mildred Morris...Sunbury, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Gates County Club.

Annie Luvenia Newsome...Harrellsville, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association; Hertford County Club.

Sarah M. Nichols...Camp Glenn, NC

Y. W. C. A.; Carteret County Club.

Inez Nixon...Trotville, NC

Poe Society.

Elizabeth Norman...Greenville, NC

Erma V. Parker...Benson, NC

Lanier Society; Johnson County Club.

Senior Normal Class

Jessie Marie Parker...Homeville, NC

Emerson Society; Athletic Association; Woodland-Olney Club; North Hampton County Club.

Neva Edna Pate...Hobucken, NC

Poe Society; Pamlico County Club.

Sallie Nancy Pate...St. Pauls, NC

Poe Society; Robeson County Club.

Pauline Patterson...Hoffman, NC

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.

Lucile Pattishall...Raleigh, NC

Poe Society; Wake County Club.

Myrtle Leigh Peacock...Roper, NC

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.; Y. W. C. A. Choir; Athletic Association; Glee Club; Washington County Club.

Florrie Perkinson...Wise, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.

Louse Lillian Petty...Pittsboro, NC

Lanier Society; Glee Club.

Gladys R. Phillips...Lucama, NC

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.; Wilson County Club

Dorothy Pickett...Chinquapin, NC

Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.

Senior Normal Class

Lucy Mildred Pritchett...Creswell, NC

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.; Washington County Club

Mabel Lee Powell...Enfield, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association; Halifax County Club.

Mildred Marie Powell...Sunbury, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association; Gates County Club.

Edna Leigh Pierce...Sunbury, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association; Gates County Club.

Eloise Privatt...Edenton, NC

Poe Society.

Nancy Lee Rabon...Eure, NC

Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.

Elsie Mae Rawls...Alliance, NC

Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.

Sarah Agnes Ray...Johns, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; House President (2 ant Class Cheer Leader (1, 2); Athlet ation; Proctor (1); Scotland County Club.

Letha Pearl Reel...Grantsboro, NC

Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.; Pamlico County Club.

Miriam E. Riggs...South Mills, NC

Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.; Albemarle District Club.

Senior Normal Class

Hattie Eleanor Ross...Robersonville, NC

Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.; Student Council (1); Robersonvillians.

Hilda Hassel Ross...Robersonville, NC

Emerson Society; Emerson Marshal (2); letlc Association; Vic. -President of Class Y. W. C. A.; Robersonvillians.

Margaret Velma Ross robersonville, n. c.

Emerson Society: Emerson Marshal (2); Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association; Proctor; Robersonvillians.

Lois Evelyn Rouse...Kinston, NC

Emerson Society; Athletic Association; Lenoir County Club.

Ruth M. Sanford...Stem, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Granville County Club.

Mary Elizabeth Savage...Speed, NC

Poe Society; Athletic Association; Edgecombe County Club.

Gertrude M. Sawyer...Indian Town, NC

Lanier Society.

Gaynelle Seawell...Sanford, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association; Secretary of Class (1); Proctor.

Bessie Louise Sherin...Rocky Mount, NC

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.

Mabel Elizabeth Shore...Rocky Mount, NC

Lanier Society.

Senior Normal Class

Rebecca Short...Rocky Mount, NC

Lanier Society

Edith Oneida Siler...Morrisville, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association; Wake County Club.

Rosa Lee Sivills...Gregory, NC

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.; Y. W. C. A. Choir; Currituck County Club; Albemarle District Club.

Etta Gladys Smith...Edenton, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.

Mary Elizabeth Smith...Grifton, NC

Emerson Society.

Mittie Smith...Greenville, NC

Helen Spruill...Columbia, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.

Margaret Spruill...Windsor, NC

Olivia Stadler...Burlington, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet; Student Council (2); Athletic Association; Class Basketball Team.

Ounice Stallings...Trotville, NC

Poe Society.

Senior Normal Class

Sarah Stallings...Pinetops, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; President of Edgecombe County Club.

Ruby Stewart...Monroe, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association; Union County Club; Basketball Team

Madge Sullivan...Rockingham, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Class Secretary (2).

Edna Reid Sumrell...Greenville, NC

Emerson Society.

Eugenia Ward Sutton...Mount Olive, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.

Mabel Lucile Swindell...Greenville, NC

Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.; Pitt County Club; Hyde County Club

Nannie Tadlock...Woodard, NC

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.; Bertie County Club

Edna Glenn Taylor...Wilson, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Wilson County Club

Lucile Taylor...Wilson, NC

Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.; Wilson County Club

Zena Tharrington...Louisburg, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.

Senior Normal Class

Aldah Little Thigpen...Bethel, NC

Dorothy Louise Thompson...Hallsboro, NC

Emerson Society; Athletic Association; President of Columbia County Club

Edna M. Tickle...Rosemary, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Halifax County Club.

Esta Mae Tilghman...Kinston, NC

Lanier Society: Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association; Class Basketball Team (1, 2); Wearer of College Monogram.

Mildred Tingle...Oriental, NC

Gladys Gordon Townshend...Fair Bluff, NC

Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association; Columbia County Club

Helen Louise Tucker...Winterville, NC

Poe Society.

Nell Gertrude Tunstall...Oxford, NC

Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.; Granville County Club.

Lucy M. Upchurch...Four Oaks, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Johnson County Club.

Virginia Dorman Vaughn...Hamlet, NC

Appalachian State Normal; Poe Society.

Senior Normal Class

Margaret Vick...Kelford, NC

Viola Walker...Battleboro, NC

Lanier Society; Edgecombe County Club.

Bessie Louise Wall...Littleton, NC

Poe Society; Warren County Club.

Lillian Dalton Walker...Fayetville, NC

Lanier Society.

Lena Mae Waller...Kinston, NC

Poe Society; Lenoir County Club.

Zoe Waller...Kinston, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Lenoir County Club

Mary Kate Webster...Rowland, NC

Mary Davis Westcott...Manteo, NC

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.; Student Volunteer Band; Tecu Echo Staff; Albemarle District Club.

Kitty Janet Whealton...Mesic, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Pamlico County Club.

Martha Alma Whealton...Mesic, NC

Poe Society; Pamlico County Club.

Senior Normal Class

Alice White...Belhaven, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Beaufort County Club.

Edna Earl White...Hobgood, NC

Poe Society; Athletic Association

Lucile E. White, Hertford, NC

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association; Society Marshal (2); Student Council (2).

Willie White...La Grange, NC

Emerson Society; Vice-President of Emerson (2); Y. W. C. A.: Vice-President of Emerson Society.

Lela Upton Whitehurst...Belcross, NC

Poe Society; Y. W, C. A.

Mildred Whitehurst...Bethel, NC

Mattie Whitley...Smithfield, NC

Alice Wicker...Carthage, NC

Poe Society; Y. W, C. A.

Ethel Williams...Rowland, NC

Poe Society; Athletic Association; Robeson County Club.

Macie Roena Williams...Angier, NC

Lanier Society; Y. W. C. A.

Senior Normal Class

Mary Morton Williams ...North Harlowe, NC

Emerson Society; Athletic Association; Craven County Club.

Ruth Williams...KKenansville, NC

Poe Society; Athletic Association

Kathryn Lucile Windsor...Reidsville, NC

Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.; Athletic As

Mary Hilliard Wise...Rocky Mount, NC

Mary Elizabeth Wood...Newton, NC

Emerson Society; Y. W. C. A.; Glee Club

Hayse Wood...Graham, NC

Mary Elizabeth Woodard...Kenley, NC

Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association.

Ruth Woodard...Poe Society

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Pamlico County Club

Ruth Elizabeth Wooten...Cameron, NC

Poe Society; Y. W. C. A.; Proctor.

Senior Normal Class History

FOREWORD FROM THE BEGINNING of time people have so lived that they might realize their ideals and ambitions. During the age of chivalry the greatest ambition of the youth of that time was to become worthy of the honor of knighthood - the highest symbol of honor, justice, truth, and bravery. Becoming a knight, however, was difficult, and knighthood was not a prize to be had merely for the asking. Years of preparation were necessary. Various stages along the way were known as page-hood, squire- hood, and knighl-hood. Young men were first trained at home; then they were apprenticed to a knight. A person who thus lived with a knight was known as a page. When the duties of this first stage had been successfully performed, the young page became a squire; and after a definite period had passed, if he was deemed worthy, he was dubbed a knight, the highest rank of honor. Usually each young knight had some duty to perform which brought him additional honor and fame. In the days of King Arthur, the duty of every knight was to search for the Holy Grail.

The training of young men and women today may be compared to that of the knights of long ago. After the period of home training comes higher preparation in college. Then the graduate is ready to go out into the world and test in active life the high ideals which the period of training has given him. In bravery, in high ideals, in worthy ambition, the graduate re- sembles the knight. "The institution of Chivalry is dead, but the spirit still lingers and finds its way into whatever heart is kind and gentle enough to receive it."

PART I Period of Pages "C"

In the year 1927, Sir Education let known that there was room in Castle College at Greenville, North Carolina, for several hundred pages. Now there were in the lands of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia, many young persons who were in readiness to enter. In September came a host of these people well equipped to begin their duties as pages. In order that the newcomers might be distinguished from other pages at the Castle College, they were known as Pages "C".

Pages "C" were soon informed as to their various duties and were put under the command of the Knights of Psychology, English, History, and others of similar degree. These young pages were noble and ambitious; so they set to work with a determination that won them praise.

It was soon found necessary to choose a leader for Pages "C" ; so they were called together, and after much testing it was found that Page Batson was the most fit for the position. They chose for a motto by which to model their lives, this inscription, "Non sibi sed omnibus." They chose for their favored colors, blue and yellow, symbols of truth and light.

Along with the work of pages always came much feasting and frolicking together so that thev might learn to be gentle, courteous, and friendly. The first of such affairs at the Castle College was known as "Welcome Festival," which was given soon after the admission of the new pages. Later in the year 1928 Pages "C" entertained Squires "D" with a similar festival.

In order that rivalry and gallantry might be early installed in the hearts and minds of the pages they were privileged to join one of the orders of honor, the Order of the Laniers, the Emersons, or the Poes.

The greatest enjoyment that can come into the life of a page is to be allowed to participate in a tournament. Now Sir Education was kind, and he provided a Tournament of Basketball for his people. Great was the excitement, and long was the period of preparation. When the

Page one hundred fourteen

Ohe Qineteen Owenty-nine Cecoan

to witness the event. The and came away victorious.

day dawned pages, squires, and knights from far and near came young Pages "C", sound in body and in mind, went away to battle The rest of the day was spent in feasting and merry making.

As the close of the stage of Pages "C" drew nigh, many were deemed worthy of reward, and had bestowed upon them titles of honor. A half score of Pages "C" were given the shield of Athletics, a monogram much to be desired, as a reward for perseverance in play. Others were

given the titles of "Member of Student Council," "Member of Y. W. C. A. Cab and the like.

After having received encouragement b' Pages "C" were sent forth on the errand "V to return to Castle College.

aany of their companions dubbed knights, When this mission was fulfilled, they were

By September, 1928, the erra and were re-named Squires "D".

Again is was necessary to choose a leader proved the most worthy, and she was chosen t

Once again the Tournament of Basketball victors.

The most trying time in a squire's life co;


Period of Squires "D"

Vacation" had been accomplished and Pages

so the tests were made and Squire Batson again

lead Squires "D" to knighthood.

vas held, and once again Squires "D" were the

es in what is known as the testing period. The

first stage of this period is known as "Practice Teaching." Here, as before, Squires "D" proved their worth and won the honors. The second stage, known as "Examinations," was the most dif- ficult of all. Long was the period of study and preparation, and successful were the results. The squires were now ready for the greatest honor of their lives, knighthood.

PART III Period of the Knight June 3, 1929, was the appointed day for the ceremonies. When the memorable day dawned, several hundred Squires "D" rose quite early and donned their festive robes, which had been prepared for this service. When all was ready, these fine young squires marched in a long pro- cession to the chapel of Castle College. Sir Knight Wright, the noblest and best of all the knights, was master of ceremonies. He called the Squires by name to come before him, and, after due ceremony, pronounced them Knights, and presented them with the good sword, Diploma. Each new knight was now ready to go forth over the Land of America in search of Life and Happiness.

Excie Burton Historian of "D" Class

Page one hundrea fifteen

Ohe Qineteen Gwenty-nine Gecoan

Senior Normal Last Will and Testament

State of North Carolina \

County of Pitt . East Carolina Teachers College

City of Greenville )

We, the Senior Normal Class of East Carolina Teachers College, aforesaid state and county, being of sound mind and in full possession of all our faculties do hereby make, declare and publish this document as our last will and testament.

We, having gone the last mile with our beloved teachers and friends, do now de- sire to dispose of our rights and privileges in the following manner, viz:

Item I To our beloved Alma Mater, we leave our undying gratitude for the many noble services she has rendered us since we first entered her portals of learning. May her influence continue to follow us through life.

Item II To the members of our faculty, who have won by their labors with us our ad- miration and ever-enduring friendship, we extend our deepest appreciation for what they have meant to us.

Item III To the entire student body, we leave cur faculty upon whom we will ever look with respect and reverence.

Item IV Section I. To the Junior Normal Class who will come up to take our places we leave all rights and privileges as "D's". It is our desire that they make the best use possible of these, and we hope that they may become a better class than we have been.

Section 2. To the College students, we leave our best wishes for their success, both in school and in life.

Signed, sealed, and declared by the Senior Normal Class on the third day of June in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred twenty-nine.


Gaynelle Seawell Witnesses: Testatrix

(Signed)BY Lee Campbell (Signed) - Evelyn Mitchell

Senior Normal Propnecy

STRANGE things happen to us sometimes, and mysterious GIFTS ARE APT TO FALL OUT OF EVERYWHERE everywhere" into our hands, just when we least expect them. I had said I would never again be surprised at anything, but when a newspaper dropped into my lap from the very air above me, I was willing to take back the rash statement I had made. My amazement increased when I read the name and date, "Teco Echo, June 3, 1950." Where did it come from? And what could it all signify to me?

I was never one to remain in suspense when the means of gratifying my curiosity was at hand; so I opened the paper hastily. From the records of thirty-one years yet unborn I shall quote some of the things I read.

The Normal Class of 1929 of East Carolina Teachers' College has brought to its Alma Mater glory and honor. The work of the Science Department has won the respect and admiration of all the world. The first trip to Mars, a most wonderful feat, was accomplished by members of this class.

The work of the teachers of this class has been such a wonderful suc- cess that every institution in the civilized world accords her due honor and lauds the work of her graduates. One of them has indeed discovered the royal road to learning, by succeeding in giving subject matter hypo- dermically to morons. Thousands of children have been educated as a result of this great discovery.

The history students of this class have done great research work. One of them has written a famous history of the arctic regions.

These are only a few of the many things which the Class of 1929 had accomplished. The whole paper was filled with accounts of the many great things that they had done.

These items are most interesting to me, so I pass them on to you and am glad to share with you this remarkable find of mine, that it may answer for, as satisfactorily as it did for me, the all-important question, "What is going to become of the Normal Class of 1929?"

Myrtle Leigh Peacock.

Batson Best Sport, Cummings Most Stylish

Ray Best All-around Griggs Most Talkative

Gregory Prettiest White Biggest Baby

Hunter Most Intellectual Anderson Most Tactful

Kilpatrick Cutest Woodard Most Affectionate

Gurley Most Athletic McCormick Most Original

Gregory Most Attractive Ross Most Social

Heilig Most Dignified Batson Most Popular

Junior Normal Class

Knott Proctor, Jr. Mascot of Junior Normal Class


Colors: Pink and White

Motto: Live your best, act your best todayfor today is the sure preparation for tomorrow.

All hail, East Carolina Teachers College! You swung your famous portals aide. And opened up your halls of pride That we might enter and abide - The Class of 1930!

One year has fled on golden icings Since we entered these portals dear. To prepare ourselves for the best things e'er That life distributes year by year, For the Class of 1930!

To thee. East Carolina Teachers College, We promise our faith, our fidelity. Our service, to enhance thy celebrity. Our supplications for thy longevity. The Class of 1930!

Willie Mae Whitt


Junior Normal Class Roll


Shirley Miller...President

Nell Marsh...Vice-President

Tillie Hodges...Secretary

Edna Mizelle...Treasurer

Lena Joyner...Teco Echo Reporter

Pauline Ratcliffe...Tecoan Representative

Nina Compton...Student Council Representative

Dora Hamm...Cheer Leader

Mildred Crenshaw...Assistant Cheer Leader

Elma Pratt...Critic



Junior Normal Class Roll

Courtney Abbot, Marcaret Abbot, Ruth Adcock, Lucile Allen, Geraldine Andrews, Wilma Ruth Bagley, Betsy Baird, Helen Basks, Janie Barker, Helen Barker, Virginia Barnhill, Louise Bartholomew, Lilian Bass, Mary Belle Bass, Eva Batten, Hattie Baum, Delma Bazemore, Grace M. Bazemore

Essie Mae Belk, Janie Belle, Lucy Best, Lessie Blackman, Helen Blackmore, Lona Bonner, Edna Bonner, Louise Bowen, Gertrude Bright, Ella Rinker Brown; Meltha Brown, Llewallyn Brown, Bertha Blnter, Rosa Burkhead, Helen Burnett, Margaret Byrd, Mary Byrd, Miriam Canaday

Margaret Carlton, Florella Carroll, Lilian Carter, Cassie Carter, Elizabeth Chandler, Beatrice Cherry, Hazel Cherry, Phoebe Clark, Mildred Clark, Emily Clark, Emma Cobb, Evelyn Cobb, Ida Cobb, Anne Coleman, Mabel Collier, Nina Compton, Elizabeth Conley, Cathrine Cooke

Frances Cooke, Elizabeth Council, Josephine Covington, Louisa Covington, Sara Jennings Coward, Virginia Cradle, Ruby Creech, Mildred Crenshaw, Helen Crowder, Lila Culberson, Anne Dameron, Minnie Lee Davenport, Sadie Davenport, Varnie Davenport, Carolyn Dean, Velon Dean, Elizabeth Diggs

Marcaret Dorsey, Nell Dudley, Mabel Duncan, Minnie DUNKLEY, Elizabeth Dupree, Hazel Edmondson, Clarice Ellerbe, Elizabeth Elwell, Merle Faircloth, Elizabeth Farley, Marcaret Felton, Hilda Flower, Wilma Flowe, Marie Floyd, Mary Focleman Geral Dean Forest

Gwendolyn Forest, Ella Marie Futnelle, Flay Gaddy, Lucy Gamble, Belle Gaskins, Ida Geddie, Virginia George, Margaret Gibson, Olive Gilbert

Junior Normal Class Roll

Emily Gooding, Courtney Gordon, Nancy Gordon, Mary Graves, Lyda Grant, Mary Lee Greene, Bessie Gregg, Elizabeth Griffin, Elizabeth Haire, Christine Hall, Dora Hamm, Elizabeth Hardee, Elva Hardie, Mary Ward Hardy, Ruth Hardy, Selma Hardy, Mildred Harper, Hazel Harriet, Mary Harris

Dorothy Hauser, Danie Hayes, Elizabeth Hill, Janie Hines, Sybille Hinnant, Louise Hodges, Tillie Hodges, Estelle Holloway, Mary Hooker, Delia Hopkins, Maxine Hopkins, Helen House, Louise Hudgins, Eunice Huff, Mildred Hufton, Ruby Hughes, Frances Hurley, Elizabeth Jackson, Mary Jackson

Marie James, Sallie Jarman, Hazel Jarrell, Nellie Jarvis, Wilhelmina Johnson, Ila Jones, Lena Joyner, Mildred Joyner, Martha Kerley, Matilda Klein, Julia Ella Knott, Louise Knox, Ava Lee, Callie Lee, Elizabeth Lee, Hallie Lee, Ocey Lee, Wilhelmina Lee

Marjorie Lewter, Sophie Little, Grace Liverman, Grace Long, Bernice Martin, Laura Mae Martin, Julia Mayo, Shirley Miller, Elizabeth Mills, Catherine Mitchell, Inez Mitchell, Jessie H. Mitchell, Juanita Mitchell, Carrie Lee Mizelle, Edna Mizelle, Julia Mizelle, Vantilla Mizelle

Hilda Modlin, Patsy Montague, Lucile Moore, Maude Moore, Sallie Moore, Angeline Morrisetie, Daisy Morse, Martha Morton, Selma Mullen, Kate Murray, Emma McArthur, Martha McArthur, Edna McCall, Nellie McDonald, Lois Newsome, Lucile Nichols, Kathleen Oates

Sarah Oxiel, Ella Orr, Mildred Outland, Elizabeth Page, Margaret Pace, Julia Hunter Parham, Mary Parker, Julia Parkin, Avis Parks, Margaret Patrick

Page one hundred twenty-.

Normal Class Roll

Blonzia Pearson, Willie Peele, Dorothy Pegram, Clive Perkinson, Olca Perry, Geneva Philips, Sallie Perkinson, Nannie Pollock, Treva Porter, Elizabeth Powell, Elma Pratt, Lettie Pridgen, Thelma Pritchard, Minnie Pritchett, Reba Proctor, Marjorie Pruitt, Lillian Ransom, Pauline Ratcliffe, Ethel Robbins, Fannie Roberson

Annie Laurie Roberson, Ida Lee Robinson, Hazel Rodwell, Marjorie Roebuck, Phoebe Rolison, Blanche Rountree, Lenore Rouse, Susan Rumley, Ella Mae Sallinger, Minnie Sanford, Mildred Sawyer, Bessie Shearin, Dorothy Shotwell, Olive Skittletharpe, Inez Smith, Louise Smith, Margaret Smith, Alpha Snipes, Norine Spain, Elizabeth Sparkman

Aeline Spivey Ounice Stallings Lela Brown Stancill Laura Stanley Mildred Stanley Doris Stephenson Ozella Stephenson Helen Stewart Mary Summer Sara Taylor Helen Thompson- Helena Toland Eugenia Tull Ada Tunnell Carrie Tunstall Pattie Lee Tunstall Kate Turner ivadean twiford Mary Underhill

Susie Van Dyke, Margaret Vaughn, Florence Vincent, Edith Walton, Ronella Ward, Lizzie Mae Warren, Maude Warren, Virginia Warren, Grace Watson, Myrtelene Weston, Alma Whealton, Elizabeth Whichard, Annie Walker, Margaret Walker, Kathleen Wall

Lena Waller, Edith Walton, Annie Ward, Mildred White, Mary Whitehurst, Willie Mae Whitt, Frances Whittemore, Iva Wilkinson, Susie Williams, Thelma Williford, Thelma Wilson, Camille Winstead, Mildred Winstead, Sallie Wood, Geneva Woodard

Martha Woodruff, Julia Woolard, Irene Woodard, Annie Worthington, Dorothy Wooten, Vivian Wynne, Nannie Yelverton, Oleva Zahniser

Page one hundred twenty-eight

Idyl Three....Ye Court

The Ladies of the Court

IN days of old the lady of the court teas almost "too high for adoration." For her the knight journeyed forth on perilous quest; for her many a lance was broken in tournament, and many a shield hacked in battle. To win her bright smile the knight sine many dragons and fire-breathing monsters, and the protection of damsels in distress he made one of his strictest vows.

Nor was the lady unworthy of this deep esteem. In Arthur's Court the beauty, the charm, the wit of the world were assembled. Lissome Vivien, White Elaine, Gentle Enid, Guinevere, queen of beauty: where shall we see their like again?

In modern times women no longer live in courts: knights break for them no lances in tourney: there are no fire-breathing monsters to be slain; and, alas, where shall we find a tender damsel in distress? Yet in these latter days those qualities which once made women so revered, so admired, survive. In the modern girl ice see repeated the finer qualities of the lady of chivalry. Beauty, loyalty, sincerity, charm, grace, and wit are ever the same. The modern girl, ice feel, is peerless; and so we pre- sent to you our ladies of the court.

Page one hundred thirty-

Beauty: Martha Floyd

Charm: Virginia Perkins

Loyalty: Emily Smithwick

Originality: Martha Stewart

Best Athlete: Mary Frances Jenkins

Best All Around: Kay Lee Cloaninger

May Queen: Elizabeth Morton

Grace: Evelyn Ewell

Intellect: Lucille Sermons


May Day - 1928

Comencement - 1928

Entertainments for the Year

Paul Whiteman and Orchestra October 11

Suzanne Keener, Prima Donna November 8

Duke Musical Clubs November 20

The Eddy Brown String Quartet .... November 23

The Denishawn Dancers January 30

John Charles Thomas, Baritone February 15

Godfrey Ludlow, Violinist March 22

Richard Halliburton April 18

Entertainment Committee

Miss Gussie Kuykendall, Chairman

Miss Bertolet Dr. R. J. Slay

Evelyn Ewell Clyde Stokes

Thelma Holland

Finance: Miss Ella Wilkes Publicity: Miss Mamie Jenkins Tickets: Beecher Flanagan

Page one hundred forty-fa

Idyl Hour, The Activities


Student Government

Y. W. C. A.

Athletic Association




Student Government Association


Vallie Summrell...President

Evelyn Ewell...Vice-President

Jeanette Sessoms...Secretary

Lucille Cole...Treasurer

Pauline Anderson...Chairman of Campus Committee

Kay Lee Cloaninger...President of Y. C. W. A.

Evelyn Tillman...Senior Class Representative

Elaine Tunnell...Junior Class Representative

Annie Laurie Hunt...Sophomore Class Representative

Irene Jones...Freshman Class Representative

Lucille White...Senior Normal Representative

Nina Compton...Junior Normal Representative

Mary Frances Jenkins...House President, Wilson Hall

Evelyn Mitchell...House President, Wilson Hall

Doris Batson...House President, Jarvis Hall

Olivia Stadler...House President, Jarvis Hall

Mildred Sasser...House President, Fleming Hall

Excie Burton...House President, Fleming Hall

Clyde Stokes...House President, Cotton Hall

Sara Ray...House President, Cotton Hall

Helen Guthrie...House President, Cotton Hall

Vallie Sumrell


President Student Government Association

Jeanette Sessoms, Evelyn Ewell, Lucille Cole, Pauline Anderson, Kay Lee Cloaninger, Helen Guthrie, Clyde Stokes, Excie Burton, Sarah Ray, Mildred Sasser

Doris Batson, Olivia Stadler, Mary Frances Jenkins, Evelyn Mitchell, Evelyn Tillman, Elaine Tunnell, Annie Laurie Hunt, Irene Jones, Lucille White, Nina Compton

Student Council

Kay Lee Cloaninger Kinston, NC President Young Women's Christian Association

Y. W. C. A. Cabinet


Kay Lee Cloaninger...President; Doris Batson...World Fellowship

Catherine Hill...Vice-President

Emily Smithwick...Secretary

Clyde Stokes...Treasurer

Evelyn Jennings...Under Graduate Rep.

Lucille Cole...Reporter

Catherine Whitehurst...Social Service

Thelma Holland...Music

Ruth Lemmond...Publicity

Frances Darden...Storekeeper

Evelyn Heilig...Social

Olivia Stadler...Religious Education

Y. W. C. A. Choir

Student Volunteer Band

Interior of Y hut.

Athletic Association


Mary Frances Jenkins...President

Willie White...Vice-President

Louise Gurley...Secretary

Irene Kahn...Business Manager and Treasurer

Jame Gold Hardee...Tecoan Representative

Nancy Poole...Teco Echo Reporter

Athletic Association

Winning Basketball Teams


Kay Lee Cloaninger, Jessie Morris, Elizabeth Matthews, Madeline McCain, Rochelle Willis, Cleo Brendle


Janie G. Hardee (Capt.), Grace Whitley, India Bateman, Julia Cogdell, Grace Whitley, Frances Murray


Louise Gurley(Capt.), Willie White, Lucille Kilpatrick, Doris Batson, Esther Mae Tilghman, Louise Thompson, Mary Lassiter, Mary L. McCormac, Sara Faircloth,

Class Basketball Teams

The Athletic Association awards a monogram to each member who, by participating

in various forms of athletics and by observing certain health rules,

makes five hundred points.

Cheer Leaders

Flora Griggs...College

Eartha Mitchell...College

Elizabeth Allen...Senior

Eloise McArthur...Junior

Jeanette Sessoms

Lucille Kilpatrick...Senior Normal

Sarah Ray...Senior Normal

Dora Ham...Junior Normal

Sara Porter...Sophomore

Emily Reese...Freshman

Eloise McArthur...Emerson Society

Dorothy Gardner...Lanier Society

Lanier Society Song

Tune: "On the Mall"

Let us sing a song of praise to our Society,

Hail to thee, O Sidney Lanier!

Loyal members ever proving your sobriety.

Though our fun to us will e'er be dear.

Then let us to our banner each a tribute pay,

Let us ever our motto uphold,

Always faithful, true, and loyal to thee, night and day.

Hurrah for the Green and Gold!

Lanier Society


Julia Minor Wood...President

Clyde Stokes...Vice-President

Lucille Kilpatrick...Secretary

Bessie Grissom...Treasurer

Page one hundred sixty-seven

Lanier Society

Emerson Society Song

Tune: "Clayton's Grand March"

Oh, Emerson Society,

Dear old White and Blue. For you our hearts beat merrily.

As ice sing this song to you; For when we see our colors there.

Blue and White, everywhere, We knoiv that they mean only yo,

And all you hold so true. So here we are. the Emersons,

Boosting for our clan. Oh. Emerson, oh, Emerson,

For you we'll always stand.

Emerson Society


Mamie Bartholomew...President

Willie White...Vice-President

Excie Burton...Secretary

Grace Whitley...Treasurer

Excie Burton...Teco Echo Reporter

Annie Shields Van Dyke...Tecoan Representative

Page one hundred seventy

Emerson Society

Poe Society Song

Oh, Edgar, oh, Edgar Allan!

We are the Edgar Allan Poes.

We are the society,

We are the variety,

Oh, Edgar, ok, Edgar Allan!

We are the Edgar Allan Poes.

March on! March on!

Beneath the Red and White,

For we will conquer all our foes,

And we're sure to win in every fight.

Page one hundred seventy-two

Poe Society


Elizabeth Deal...President

Christine Belle...Vice-President

Clara Lee Spruill

Viola Scott...Treasurer

Poe Society

Geneva Lou Franklin, Flay Gaddy, Lena Lineberger

Society Debaters Christine Bell and Sonia Bell Lamm won the cup for the Poe Society in 1928.

Hilda Sutton, Kinston, N. C. Chief Marshal, Lanier Society

Page one hundred seventy-six


Evelyn Ewell, Julia Dixon Blount, LUCILLLE White, Rebecca Alexander, Rosalie Rives

Page one hundred seventy-seven

Kathleen Britt, Mamie Bartholemew, Margaret Ross, Hilda Ross, Evelyn Kemp

Poe Society Marshals

Evelyn Jennings, Ertha Mitchell, Alma McGinnis, Ruby Lee Campbell, Christine Bell

Poe Society Marshals

Inter-Society Committee


Dorothy Gardner, Lanier Society...Chairman

Helen Guthrie, Emerson Society...Secretary

Faculty Members

Mr. Adams...Poe Society; Mr. Deal...Poe Society; Miss Alexander...Poe Society; Mr. Slay...Lanier Society; Miss Turner...Emerson Society; Mr. Hollar...Emerson Society

Student Members

Julia Minor Wood...President of Lanier Society, Lillie Mae Jones...Lanier Society, Helen Hoggard...Lanier Society, Dorothy Gardner...Lanier Society, Elizabeth Deal...President of Poe Society, Hazel Batson...Poe Society,Bennie Ward...Poe Society, Mamie Bartholemew...President of Emerson Society, Frances Darden...Emerson Society, Helen Guthrie...Emerson Society

Page one hundred eighty

Phi Sigma Officers

Annie Shields Van Dyke...President

Louise Carr...Vice-President

Helen Butler...Secretary and President

Mr. R. C. Deal...Faculty Member

Page one hundred eighty-one

Phi Epsilon

Colors: Gold and Black Flower: Black-eyed Susan

Motto: "I do"


Carrie Lee Spruill President

Evelyn Caldwell Vice-President

Eliza Walters Secretary

Grace Gardner Treasurer

Evelyn Tillman Tecoan Representative

Members of the Faculty

Miss Betty White, Miss Catherine Cassidy

Miss Grace McGuire Mr. R. J. Slay

Mr. Keech

Members in Class of 1929 Ada Allen Viola Scott, Clara Lee Spruill

Lilyan Colson, Emily Smithwick, Hilda Sutton

Irene Kahn, Sudie Harriett, Rosalie Rives

Julia Lancaster, Mary Frances Jenkins, Clyde Stokes

Evelyn Ewell, Evelyn Tillman

Members in Class of 1930: Cleo Brendle, Sonia Belle Lamm

Evelyn Caldwell, Madeline McCain

Marcella Deal, Mildred Sasser

Eliza Walters

Members in Class of 1931 Grace Gardner, Hannah Turnage

Helen Moseley

Page one hundred eighty-two

Page one hundred eighty-three

Delta Omicron Sigma


Eliza Walters President

Sudie Harriett Vice-President

Eva Scott Secretary

Grace Gardner Treasurer

Sara Fussell Teco Echo Reporter

Ada Allen Tecoan Representative

Page one hundred eighty-jour

The Classical Club


Bonner Swindell President

Agatha Leuwenburg Vice-President

Ruth Lemmond Secretary and Treasurer


Rebecca Alexander, Eula Livingston, Agatha Leuwenburg, Bonner Swindell,

Catherine Hill, Ruth Lemmond, Katie Patrick, Evelyn Jennings,

Rachel Mackey, Bessie Ferguson, Lucille Stroud, Eloise Hyde

Page one hundred eighty-five

Mathematics Club


Alice Foley...President, Evelyn Jennings...Vice President, Dorothy Richardson...Secretary and President, Julia Lancaster, Madeline McCain, Addie Pinnell

Members: Myrtie Cooper, Mary Ella Cutler, Alice Foley, Evelyn Jennings, Claire Jones, Sonia Belle Lamm, Julia Lancaster, Madeline McCain, Lillian Madry, Mabel Menefee, Sarah Ogletree, Addie Pinnell, Dorothy Richardson, Eloise Scott, Viola Scott, Clara Lee Spruill, Hannah Turnage, Dorothy Williams

Faculty Member

Miss Marie D. Graham, Miss Ella Wilkes, Dr. Rebarker

The English Club


Bonnie Swindell...President, Carrie Smith...Secretary and Treasurer


Rebecca Alexander, Grace Bazemore, Christine Bell, Hortense Boomer, Louise Carr, Margaret Carter, Hester Davenport, Lucille Dixon, Elizabeth Deal, Mildred Everett, Bessie Furgeson, Velma Hardy, Odessa Hillard, Catherine Hill, Sarah Hinson, Selma Grey Hooks, Mary Frances Jenkins, Irene Kahn, Beulah Lassiter, Agatha Leuwenberg, Catherine Lemmond, Ruth Lemmond, Lina Lineberger, Eula Livingston, Mildred Mangum, Alma McGinnis, Elba McGowan, Jessie Lee Morris, Rosalie Rives, Grace Rouse, Martha Stewart, Gertrude Styron, Elaine Tunnell, Betty Uzzell, Emma Watson, Bennie Ward, Carrie Mae Ward, Mary E. White, Catherine Whitehurst,

Faculty Members

Miss Hooper, Miss Jenkins, Miss Turner, Miss Greene, Miss Miller, Mr. Meadows

Page one hundred eighty-seven

The Elementary Educational Council


Myrtle Mason President

Julia Minor Wood Vice-President

Floy Brewer Secretary and Treasurer


Elizabeth Allen, Janie Gold Hardee, Helen Pate, Clara Stroud,

Mary Belk, Ida Holland, Ruth Pierce, Value Sumrell,

Julia D. Blount, Ruth Hunter, Ernestine Parham, Clyde Stokes,

Ella Lee Boomer, Lucy Lane, Mary R. Pitman, Emily Smithwick,

Floy Brewer, Annie Mallison, Edith Quinerly, Jessie Tharp,

Ruby Brite, Myrtle Mason, Jeannette Sessoms, Hazel Umstead,

Julia Cocdell, Eloise McArthur, Alida Swindell, Lillian Williams,

Dorothy Gardner, Martha Moseley, Elma Sullivan, Julia Minor Wood,

Helen Guthrie, Frances Murray, Margaret Womack,

Faculty Members

Dr. Adams, Miss Faison, Miss Nulton,

Miss Browning, Mr. Holla,r Miss Rainwater,

Miss Charlton, Miss Johnson, Mrs. Savage,

Miss Coates, Miss McGee, Miss Whiteside,

Mr. Fort, Miss McRae, Miss Wahl,

Miss Newell,

Page one hundred eighty eight

Page one hundred eighty-nine

Glee Club


Miss Gussie Kuykendal...Director

Thelis Brown...President

Emily Smithwick...Secretary and Treasurer


First Sopranos

Mary Hooker, Rosa Burkhead, Pauline Ratcliff, Lucy Best, Winifred Clarke, Evelyn Ewell, Mildred Sasser, Evelyn Heilig, Thelis Bowden

Second Sopranos

Nina Compton, Fannie Goddard, Louisa Covington, Ruby Creech, Miriam Canaday, Martha Martin, Louise Petty, Thelma Holland


Elizabeth Wood, Ann Coleman, Louise Bowman, Myrtle Peacock, Camille Winstead, Treva Porter, Ethel Shelton, Lila Culbertson, Emily Smithwick, Nelle Hendricks.

Edgecombe County Club

Colors: Yellow and White, Flower: Daisy


Sarah Stallings...President

Pauline Anderson...Vice-President

Mrs. Emily Bullock...Secretary

Mary R. Pittman...Reporter


Pauline Anderson, Velma Boykin, Louise Bartholomew, Louise Brake, Mrs. Emily Bullock, Ethel Calhoun, Ida Cobb, Bettie Crisp, Louise Crisp, Undine Denson, Mamie Evans, Esther Mae Griffin, Della Lawrence, Lillian Madry, Ella Moore, Lucile Moore, Millie Moore, Mary R. Pittman, Reba Proctor, Elizabeth Savage, Ethel Shelton, Rebecca Short, Sarah Stallings, Viola Walker.

Page one hundred ninety

Robeson County Club

Motto: "Pep in Every Step" Flower: Honeysuckle


Willie Powell...President

Marie Floyd...Vice-President

Nellie McDonald...Secretary and Treasurer

Marjorie Floyd...Tecoan Representative

Annie Bullard...Teco Echo Reporter

Members: Annie Bullard, Martha Floyd, Sallie Pate, Sarah Cobb, Katherine Gaitley, Willie Powell, Mary Amanda Davis, Esther Grimsley, Ethel Thompson, Sarah Faircloth, Maggie Inman, Mary Kate Webster, Marie Floyd, Edith Mitchell, Martha Traynham, Marjorie Floyd, Mary Louise McCormac, Ethel Williams.

Union County Club

Motto: "Union Suits Us"


Floy Brewer...President

Edith Belk...Vice-President

Mary Belk...Secretary and Treasurer

Mildred Crenshaw...Teco Echo Reporter

Emma Jean Cox...Tecoan Representative


Floy Brewer, Florella Carroll, Grette Little,

Mary Belk, Mildred Crenshaw, Ruth Lemmond,

Edith Belk, Emma Jean Cox, Katherine Lemmond,

Essie Mae Belk, Mabel Duncan, Nell Marsh,

Lelia Ellen, Belk Flay, Gaddy Madeline McCain,

Bernice Burns, Merna Lee, Atha Redfern,

Cleo Biggers, Janie Lee, Ruby Stewart,

Hallie Lee,

Page one hundred ninety-tv:o

Johnson County Club

Colors: Yellow and White Flower: Daisy


Mozelle Lee President

Rena Grant Vice-President

Selma Grey Hooks Secretary

Grace Watson . . Treasurer

Mary Parker Teco Echo Reporter


Lucile Allen, Rena Grant, Mary Parker,

Sadie Atkinson, Elva Lee Hardee, Lucielle Stanley,

Wilma Ruth Bagley, Jewel Hinnant, Lucy Upchurch,

Myrtle Blackman, Selma Grey Hooks, Grace Watson,

Hazel Brown, Wilhelmina Johnson, Mattie Whitley,

Lela B. Cooke, Vada Lawhorn, Geneva Woodard,

Cora Creech, Mozelle Lee, Irene Woodard,

Ruby Creech, Mildred Outland, Rena Woodard,

Erma Parker,

Page one hundred ninety-three

Albemarle District Club

Flower: Water Lily


Elizabeth Hooker President

Evelyn Jennings Vice-President

Mary Davis Westcott Secretary and Treasurer

Katherine Whitehurst .... Trco Echo Reporter

Flora Griggs Tecoan Representative


Elizabeth Hooker, Helen White, Sara Williams,

Mary Davis Westcott, Lucile White, Rosa Sivills,

Isabel Lennon, Gertie Sawyer, Dorothy Richardson,

Katherine Whitehurst, Lela Whitehurst, Ludenna Jennings,

Miriam Riggs, Lillian Squires, Evelyn Jennings,

Mary Gordon, Etta Baum, Ruby Brite,

Courtney Abbot, Ronella Ward, Maxine Hopkins,

Courtney Gardon, Virginia Harrell, Lucile Gregory,

Marie James, Louise Dail, Flora Griggs,

Angeline Morrisette,

Rena Charlton,

Page one hundred ninety-four

Pitt County Club

Motto: "The elevator to Success is not running; take the stairs." Flower: Ragged Robin, Colors: Blue and Silve


Elba McGowan Presidei

Evelyn Wright Vice-President

Elizabeth Deal Secretary and Treasurer

Elizabeth Mayo Tecoan Representative

Page one hundred ninety-five

Hertford County Club

Motto: "Smilin' thru", Colors: Yellow and White

Flower: White daisy


Helen Hoggard President

Mary Sumner Vice-President

ANNE Newsome ... Secretary and Treasurer

Bessie Ferguson Teco Echo Reporter


Lillian Carter, Louise Matthews,

Bessie Ferguson, Anne Newsome,

Bessie Grissom, Lottie Moore,

Bernice Harrell, Lois Newsome,

Helen Hoggard, Elsie Taylor,

Jessie H. Mitchell, Mary Sumner,

Page one hundred ninety-

Washington County Boosters

Mollos "Excelsior", Colors: Black and Gold

Flower: Yellow jessamine


Vera Mizzelle President

Myrtle Peacock Vice-President

Mildred Hufton Secretary

Edna Earl Nurney Treasurer

Lucy Pritchette Teco Echo Reporter

Hester Lee Davenpo Tecoan Representative

Members: Mildred Hufton, Lucy Pritchette,

Sadie Davenport, Elizabeth Davenport,

Minnie Pritchetie, Edna Earl Nurney,

Edna Mizzelle, Vera Mizzelle,

Myrtle Peacock, Hester Lee Davenport,

Page one hundred ninety-seven

Carteret County Club "The Land of Enchanting Waters"

Motto: "Sailing; Not Drifting", Flower: Water lily

Colors: Green and White


Gertrude Styron President

Jessie Lee Morris Vice-President

Sarah Nichols Secretary

Susan Rumley Treasurer

Members: Miss Annie L. Morton, Sarah Nichols, Violet Arthur, Julia Parkin, Daisy Bell, Susan Rumley, Louise Hudgins, Rochelle Willis, Lena Lineberger, Emma Watson, Edna Earle Mason, Myrtle Mason, Jessie Lee Morris

Page one hundred ninety-eight

Gaston County Club

cOLORS; Pastel Shades, Flower: Sweet Pea


Elizabeth Martin President

Frances Craig Vice-President

Lucile Nichols Secretary

Members: Ruth Adcock, Thelma Wilson,

Frances Craig, Lucile Nichols,

Geraldine Ford, Elizabeth Martin,

Annie Dameron,

Page one hundred ninety-

Granville County Club


Betsy Baird President

Virginia Howard Vice-President

Patsy Montague Secretary and Treasurer

Clyde Hobgood Teco Echo Reporter


Claire Jones, Verlon Dean, Minnie E. Sanford, Ruth M. Sanford, Mary Bell Clarke, Eugenia Husketh,

Patsy Montague, Carolyn Dean, Virginia Howard, Hazel Umstead, Minnie Dunkley, Dorothy Shotwell, Willie Lee Hobgood,

Emily Clarke, Lucy Williford, Louise Dean, Clyde Hobgood, Ernestine Parham, Betsy Baird,

Halifax County Club

Motto: "Don't be a crank; be a self-starter", Flower: Goldenrod. Colors: Green and Gold


Louise Inscoe President

Elizabeth Lawrence Vice-President

Edna Tickle Secretary

Winifred Clark . Treasurer

Velma Hardy Tcco Echo Reporter


Mary Hooker Marjorie Lewter

Ethel Mooney Thelis Boyd

Bertha Bunting Margaret Byrd

Iona Williams Mabel Powell

Edna White

Northampton Club

Motto: "Pull together", Colors: Blue and Gold

Flower: Aster


Doris Woodaru President

Lena Joyner Vice-President

Mary Lassiter Secretary and Treasurer

Beulaii Lassiter Reporter


Kate Turner, Jessie Parker, Hazel Futrell,

Ruby Hughes, Mable Collier, Meeter Harrell,

Mary H. Johnson, Roselyn Grizzard, Florence Vincent,

Josie Liverman, doris stephenson, elizabeth stephenson,

Helen Guthrie, Eliza Woodruff, Lucille Kee,

Evelyn Griffin, Elsie Lee, Josephine Grant,

Ozella Stephenson, Lily Spivey, Ella Marie Futrell,

Josephine Harrell,

Lois Vann,

Page two hundred two

The "Capital " County Club

Motto: Awake, you should smile.

Kiss me and I'll tell you


Evelyn Tillman President

Lucille Paitishall Vice-President

Geneva Lou Franklin Secretary Johnson Teco Echo Reporter

Thelma Flowers Tccoan Representative


Evelyn Tillman, Annie Delle Upchurch, Vivian Croom,

Geneva Lou Franklin, Miss Lois Gorrell, Revie Medlin,

Thelma Flowers, Miss Mamie Jenkins, Mary Beth Mitchell,

Mary Helen Clark, Mrs. Mamie Bradsher, Anna Johnson,

Lina Johnson, Geraldine Andrews, Laura Hunt,

Lucille Pattishall, Julia Griffin, Mary Hartfield,

Julia Ella Knott, Irene Kahn, Oneida Siler,

Isabelle Hunt, Ella Mae Sallinger, Marjie Pruitt,

Page two hundred three

The Teco Echo

HE TECO ECHO, the bi-monthly publication of East Carolina Teachers' College, had its beginning in 1925. At that time the college had no newspaper edited by the stu- t body. Since, however, a desire for college news pub- lished by the college community was felt, a special vote of the entire stu- dent body provided for the establishment of a semi-monthly newspaper.

The name for the publication was chosen by a contest. A reward of five dollars was offered to the student submitting the best and most appro- priate name. Miss Christine Vick, at that time a member of the Senior Class and president of the student body, won the prize. The name was derived from (Te)achers (Co) liege with the "Echo" added.

In 1926, the publication was admitted into the North Carolina Colle- giate Press Association, and has had two representatives, the editor and the business manager, at each meeting of the organization since that time.

Since 1926, the Teco Echo has been a member of the Columbia Scholastic Press Association of New York City. The two members of the staff previously mentioned are sent to each of the annual meetings. The Teco Echo won fourth place in the contest of the C. S. P. A. in 1928. Those who have represented the publication are Frances Smith and Deanie Boone Haskett, Zilpah Frisbie and Catharine Clark, Bessie Willis and Margie Caldwell, and Rebecca Alexander and Irene Kahn.

The faculty advisers are Miss Mamie E. Jenkins for the editorial staff and Mr. M. L. Wright for the business staff.

Page two hundred fo



Teco Echo Business Staff

Lucille Sermons Business Manager

Marcella Deal Editor

The 1929 Tecoan

Member of North Carolina Collegiate Press As

Editorial Staff

Marcella Deal Editor

Frances Darden Assistant Editor

Eliza Walters Associate Editor

Mildred Sasser Associate Editor

Marcaret Carter Emily Smithwick Cullie Stafford

Evelvx Caldwell Katherine Lemmond Grace Whitley

Pauline Ratcliffe Evelyn Mitchell Annie S. Van Dyke

Edna Thomas West Madeline McCain

Miss Mary Greene Editorial Adviser

Dr. R. J. Slay Business Adviser

Business Staff Lucille Sermons, Business Manager Julia Lancaster Julia Cogdell

Tecoan Staff

Idyl Alive...Ye Dreams


Freshmen Unofficial Statistics

Snap Shots

Cullie Stafford (Freshman): "Miss White asked us what is a parasite."

Second Freshman (eagerly): "I know what a parasite is. Something you jump out of an aeroplane in."

Lucy Lane (on Friday) : "Where i funny paper?"

Lib Poole: "This is not Sunday. I told not to take that hath last night."

Miss Maguire, science teacher, gave a test, and one of the questions and its answer was as follows:

Question: "In what three states may water be found, and how may it be transformed from one to the other?"

Answer: "Water may be found in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, and may be transformed from one to the other by pumping."

Katherine Lemmond: "What do you call a man who is an eye specialist?"

Lucy Best: "Have you been at E. C. T. C. two years and haven't learned that? An optimist, of course."

Miss Rose: "Who assassinated Lincoln?" Bright History and English Major: "Wilke Booth Tarkington, ma'am."

Letha Newton: "You know, Nannie Ester,

you look just like spring-time."

Nannie Ester (timidly) : "How you flatter!" Letha: "Not at all. You are so fresh and


Mary Kate Webrter, who had been he ing her father in his store, went to Dento one day, and asked for a box of powc When the clerk brought it to her, she swee smiled and asked, "And now what else v you have?" The astonished clerk answe her: "Nothing."

"A Freshman went to Hades once A few more things to learn ; Old Satan sent him back again, He was too green to burn."

Mildred Tingle threw open the windo\ letting in a snowy draft upon Delia La\ rence.

Delia: "Shiver my timbers."

Mildred: "Do you think I got the heat:

Katherine Lemmond: "Mr. Meadows, can 1 person be punished for something she hasn't done?" Mr. Meadows: "Of course not." Katherine: "Well, I haven't done my mem- iry work."

Mary Louise (to Janie Hunter, who had changed tables) : "Say, Janie, you've changed your abode, haven't you?"

Janie (feeling her hair) : "Yes, I thought this bob would suit my type better."

Helen Blackmore: "I made a hundred vo subjects. Isn't that grand?"

Margaret Carlton: "Sure thing! How di 3U rate that?"

Helen: "Just fifty on each."

Page two hundred seventeen


Jennette: "Is there any art in kissing?" Jimmie: "None except 'Art thou willing?'"

Mrs. Bloxton: "How can you keep fish from smelling?"

Mildred Sasser: "Cut off their noses."

Kay Lee Cloaninger (looking in at the Coffee Shop): "My, I can taste that dinner right now."

Lillian Summerlin: "That's fine. We can stand right here while you eat all you want."

Lilyan Colson (Senior): "How do you like my room as a whole?"

Rachel McKey (Freshman): "As a hole, I like it all right; as a room, not so good!"

Elizabeth Mathews: "My roommate has been gone home a week today."

Betty Czzell: "I noticed that your room had not been swept lately."

History Teacher: "What happened in 1914 that affected even the people of this town?"

Blanche Clarke: "The Greenville Laundry was established."

Miss Miller: "Are you sure this is a per- fectly original theme?"

Pauline Ratcliffe: "Well, not exactly- you might find one or two words in the dic- tionary."

Mr. Deal: "How many of you liked the first -.election rendered by the Dennishawn dancers?"

Every hand went up.

Mr. Deal: "Ted Shawn said it didn't take much thinking to enjoy that."

Dr. Meadows (to Miss Sammon, who is keeping the library desk) : "There's a "Faerie Queene" at the desk, is there not?"

Miss Sammon (blushing) : "Oh, Dr. Meadows, you flatterer, you!"

Eliza Walters (drawing a house plan): "Which is the largest room?"

Janie Gold Hardee: "Room for improve- ment."

Page two hundred eighteen

Junior Program

THIS IS STATION E. C. T. C. broadcasting from East Carolina Teachers College, Greenville, North Carolina. Tonight's program is under the direction of the Class of 1930 of this college. We were unable to get in touch with all the celebri- ties of this class and we consider ourselves indeed fortunate to secure a number of these noted artists which will come to you at this time.

The first number on the program will be 3 piano selection by Mme. Scaronoff, who will be remembered by many of you as Janie Ewing.

You have been listening to a piano solo by the world's greatest syncopated artist, Mme. Scaronoff, who is on the air from station E. C. T. C, tonight's program being featured by the Class of 1930 of East Carolina Teachers College, Greenville, North Carolina. The next number on our program is a reading by the renowned Mariah Credle Speakright, who is also one of the distinguished members of the Class of 1930.

This is station E. C. T. C. featuring a program sponsored bv the Clas that you have heard was by Mariah Credle Speakright, the noted reader.

While tonight's program has been going on, numerous telegrams have come in from some of the celebrities who could not be with us tonight. I'm sure these will be of great interest to those of the Class of 1930 of East Carolina Teachers College.

Metropolitan Opera House. New York City Sorry could not appear in tonight's program. Best regards to the Class of 193 - MILDRED SASSER.

Here is one from Paris:

Sorry we could not appear tonight. Have signed contract with Bergere Follies.

MAYO TWINS. Here is another one: Kalamazoo

1930. Best wishes to all. KAY LEE CLOANINGER. Chief Executive.

The concluding number on the program will be a violin solo by Senorita Katrina accompanied by Miss Evelina Jenningski at the piano.

More telegrams have just come. Here is one from Iola Tankard, director of physical tion at Washington Collegiate Institution.

Sorry but the draw-bridge is open. Too far to swim. This one from Dorothy Ward, dietitian at the Ritz Hotel in New York:

Best regards to the class of 30! Here is one congratulating one of our speakers of last night:





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<3he Qineteen Dwenty.nine Oecoan



RALEIGH, N. C. Official Photographer for the Tecoan



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Now you have come to the end of the 1929 Tecoan. We hope that you have enjoyed your first acquaintance with the book and that every picture has brought to your mind some cherished memory of happy hours at East Carolina Teachers College.

Annuals are not made for only one reading, however; they are friends which become more precious with the passing years. We believe that you will pore over these pages many times in the future. As the days depicted here creep further and further into the past, we hope that in this volume you will find that which you most wish to remember about your college life. We have made the book, hoping that it will be a lasting joy to you. May you find it so.

The Staff


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The Tecoan 1929
1929 Tecoan, yearbook of East Carolina Teachers College. The first yearbook published by the students of East Carolina Teachers College, The Tecoan, debuted in 1923. The name of the yearbook changed to the Buccaneer in 1953. The Buccaneer suspended publication from 1976-1978 and 1991-2005, finally ceasing in 2018. It was superseded by Anchors Away in 2019.
Original Format
school yearbooks
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