The East Carolinian, November 14, 1995

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November 14,1995
Vol71,No. 23
????? .m.
The East Carolinian
Circulation 12,000
East Carolina University
Greenville, N C
10 pases
Around tne State
University researcher is looking for
a genetic link to a sometimes
deadly birth defect that is twice as
likely to occur in North and South
Neural tube defects, which can
leave babies mentally retarded,
paralyzed or dead, occur in one of
every l.OC1 children nationwide.
But in the Carolinas, about one of
every 500 children is afflicted.
RALEIGH (AP) - Putting in-
mates to work and getting some-
thing productive from their labors
seems like a reasonable goal to the
state prison system. Pulling its off
sometimes has proved tricky.
Correction Enterprises em-
ploys 1.800 inmates in 24 factories,
farms and laundries throughout
the state, making products rang-
ing from hamburger to paint, li-
cense plates to underwear. It grows
food for the prison system, gener
ates $51 million in annual sales
and even turns a profit.
Around the Country
With every death he helps along,
Dr. Jack Kevorkian holds fast to his
belief that the hopelessly ill have
a right to end their suffering. Did
he make a mistake this time?
That justification was called
into question when an autopsy on
the 26th known person to die in
his presence, a cancer patient,
found that the woman had no vis-
ible trace of the disease. An out-
side expert said however that can-
cer was present in the woman's
The body of Patricia Cashman,
a 58-year-old San Marcos. Calif
travel agent, was found wrapped in
a blanket in the back seat of an
old car outside the morgue on
SANTA ROSA, Calif. (AP) - A
diary taken from a priest accused
of molesting 20 boys at a Catholic
school and summer camp in the
1970s includes an entry saying, "I
am a child molesr according to
court papers.
Investigators searching the
Rev. Gary Timmons' Chicago apart-
ment found the handwritten diary,
notes describing his sexual encoun-
ters with underage California boys
and a letter to one of his alleged
Timmons. 54, was arrested last
week in Chicago and faces 17
felony counts involving two men
who say he sexually abused them
when they were children. At least
18 other men have made similar
accusations, and more charges are
Around the World
BONN. Germany (AP) - Ger-
many renewed a decade-old ban on
the Rev. Sun Myung Moon Thurs-
day, saying the Unification Church
head cannot visit because he is a
threat to public security.
The renewal came two days be-
fore Moon was to travel to Ger-
many for the first time in 23 years
to participate in a rally in Frank-
furt on Sunday.
Proposed fee increases exceed cap
Wendy Houston
Staff Writer
During a special meeting of
ECU's Student Government Associa-
tion Monday night, administrators
and students joined together to de-
bate proposed student fee increases
for next Fall.
Speaker Harry Bray discusses asking the
Media Board to further discuss yearbook.
Ian Eastman, SGA president, led
a debate that proposed an input of a
$43 student fee increase for the 1996-
1997 academic year, exceeding a five
percent cap set by the state.
Mike Hamrick, athletic director,
spoke in favor of an increase of $12
for athletic fees. Last year the ath-
letic department asked for and was
approved S10. However, a reduction
of $5 was officially
passed by the
board of gover-
"This previ-
ous reduction is a
setback for what
the athletic pro-
gram is trying to
do riamrick said.
"We just feel that
we can't take a
step backwards, we
need to show that
we're on strong fis-
cal ground. This
increase will help
us maintain our status as a division
one institution
said the fee in-
crease would
also cover the
costs of infla-
tion and
"We are
a $9 million
business. We
have 19 differ-
ent sports,
and it takes
every penny
we've got to
Hamrick said.
In con-
cluding the re-
Hamrick said the minimum cut that
would allow enough money for the
athletic department to survive would
be an increase of $10. An increase of
$10 was passed with a vote of 13 to
Recreation ServicesDepartment proposalsSGA ProposedPassed by SGA
Athletic fee$12$10$10
Education Technology$5$5$5
Debt Service$8$8 !$8
$43 total SGA recommended Student Tees
"We can find other means of rev-
enue by holding fund-raisers. We re-
ceive a lot of support from students
Hamrick said.
Medical professor
attacked, mugged
One student questioned the use
of revenues received from competi-
tions like the Lib-
erty Bowl.
Hamrick said that
out of the
$750,000 gained
from such events,
only $260-300,000
is brought home to
be used in improv-
ing existing facili-
Brown, vice chan-
cellor for business
affairs, spoke in
brevity the terms
of a $5 increase for
education and
technology. This in-
crease went largely
undebated with
the exception of Speaker Harry-
Bray's question as to whether or not
See FEE page 3
Extra police
officers now
patroling medical
school parking
Wendy Rountree
Assistant News Editor
An ECU medical professor was
attacked last week in a parking lot
while walking to his car.
On Thursday afternoon, at ap-
proximately 4:06 p.m Dr. Irvin E.
Lawrence Jr a full-time professor of
anatomy and cell biology at the School
of Medicine, was walking from the
medical school building in a direction
toward Fifth Street. Lawrence was
heading to a p rking lot for his car
when a man jumped out from between
two cars, hit him in the face several
times, then took his wallet.
The man stole a total of $45.
"He was taken to the hospital,
treated for a broken nose and released
from the hospital said Tom Fortner,
director of medical center news and
information. "He did come to work
last Friday, and I understand he is
doing pretty well now
Dr. Jack Brinn, chairman of the
anatomy and cell biology department
said on Monday that "he is not expe-
riencing any pain at this point" and
is trying to put the incident behind
Though the attack happened so
fast, Lawrence was able to vaguely
describe his attacker.
"Initially, the man Lawrence was
in shock said ECU Police Chief
Teresa Crocker. "He could only give
a general clothing description
The police later built a more de-
tailed composition of the attacker and
hope to find him.
"We do have a few leads that we
are following up on Crocker said.
"Hopefully, we will be successful
One eye witness told police that
the attacker ran off in the direction
of a nearby nursing home. Police have
searched the area a number of times
for the stolen wallet but have not
found it
Crocker said she believes the ap-
proaching holiday season and the de-
sire for money has something to do
with the attack and the increase in
robberies during this time of the ye .
She said it has been about two years
since ECU has had a high rate of this
type of robbery on campus.
In response to the incident, po-
lice have increased security around
those areas.
"We have put more officers in
those lots when people are leaving in
See PROFESSOR page 3
Remembering the vets
Photo Courtesy of Robert Lewis photo by KEN CLARK
(Left) SGA members participate in the Jam-A-Thon to raise funds for the Disabled American
Veterans held Nov. 4 at Carolina East Mall. (Right), Army ROTC members held their second
annual 36-mile Run for Honor to support veterans and recognize Veteran's Day, Friday.
Yearbook debate continues
Board votes
against requesting
fee increase
Tambra Zion
News Editor
A poll taken by ECU'S Student
Government Association (SGA) last
Wednesday had strong results, yet the
media board has declined to request
a proposed $2 fee increase to reinstate
a print yearbook.
Out of 475 respondants, 96 per-
cent answered that they would like to
see a print yearbook revived at ECU.
Ninety-one percent of respondents
stated they would be interested in
purchasing a print yearbook if one
were made available and 89 percent
would support a $2 increase to rees-
tablish a print yearbook.
"It's (the survey) not a random
sample, it's a convenience sample"
said Ann Minton. assistant professor
in the School of Business. "The people
who answered the questions were
obviously interested in a yearbook.
You can't generalize these results to
the entire student population
Minton said 475 answers would
be an accurate sample if the poll had
been taken in a scientific method
rather than through polling sites.
A letter to the editor which ran
in TEC last Thursday expressed one
student's opposition to a fee increase.
Despite the poll results, ECU's
Media Board denied recommending a
$2 fee increase for the reestablishment
of a print yearbook in a split decision.
During an SGA meeting last
night Speaker Harry Bray pressed a
request for the media board to recon-
sider its decision and call another
meeting to vote on a student fee in-
crease of $2.
"I think the poll is an accurate
measure of student opinion said
Bray said. "I feel the (Media) Board
was too conservative on that issue
Media Board Chair Dustin
See YEARBOOK page 2
Speaker to focus on multiculturalism
Marguerite Benjamin
Senior Writer
Due to the efforts of the ECU
Minority Presence Initiative, a re-
nowned speaker from Pembroke Uni-
versity who plans to educate both fac-
ulty members and student athletes will
speak today.
Dr. Joseph Oxendine. chancellor
of Pembroke University and a noted
scholar in the related fields of psychol-
ogy of human movement and aquisition
of motor skills, has made several
speeches around the state on the topic
of multiculturalism. He also served on
a panel here a tew years ago which was
formed to address the topic and explore
the benefits and opportunities that
stem from having a diverse campus.
Oxendine will arrive today to de-
liver two addresses. At 3 p.m. in the
the Pat Draughton Room Ward Sports
Medicine Building, Oxendine will present
"Multiculturalism and Diversity on
Today's University Campuses
"I expect the majority of my audi-
ence for the first speech will be prima-
rily faculty and administrators Oxendine
said. "At that time I will be discussing
the responsibilities and roles of adminis-
trators and faculty members as they con-
front certain issues of multiculturalism
Oxendine said he will also be dis-
cussing the problems that may arise
when one is dealing with the various
members of a diverse student popula-
Later, at 7:30 p.m Oxendine will
deliver a second address in rooms 236
and 237 of the Ward Sports Medicine
Building entitled "The True Value of In-
tercollegiate Athletics
Oxendine has an extensive back-
ground in the field of intercollegiate
sports and physical activities, being the
founding dean of the College of Health,
Physical Education, Recreation and
Dance at Temple University in Phila-
delphia, Pa. He has received several
awards and honors in his field of study.
Oxendine is also remembered as
an athlete at Catawba and as a profes-
sional baseball player in the Pittsburgh
Pirate's minor-league system.
"Having been a former college
and professional athlete myself
Oxendine began, "I find it necessary
to educate college athletes on various
aspects of their athletic careers and
their lives once they have graduated
The members for the committee
of the ECU Minority Presence Initia-
tive consider it a real privelage to have
Oxendine at the university and extend
an invitation to all students, faculty
and community members to attend
these free pesentations.
Waste solutions offered
Marguerite Benjamin
Senior Writer
The detrimental implications of the irresponsible handling and disposal
of hog farm wastes and by-products in North Carolina and surrounding states
has been explored in every possible light. Recently, a biology professor at
ECU offered a few plausible solutions to the problem in his presentation en-
titled, "The Political and Social Implications of Hog Farm Wastes in North
On last Thursday, some concerned students and a few representatives
from area hog farmers gathered in Mendenhall's Social Room to hear Dr.
Clifton Knight impart his knowledge of the situation.
"No, this is not in my particular field of research Knight told TEC. "But
I do feel the topic is worthy of discussion as these farms are coming to affect
almost every aspect of wildlife and natural resources in our area
Knight offered to be a speaker for Pi Sigma Alpha, the National Political
Science Honor Society's Fall Presentation Series and discuss the problems
that have risen because of local swine industries and some possible solutions
to these problems.
According to Knight, many hog farm operators dispose of the wastes
See WASTE page 3
G-Love gets saucypage 5
Who really wants the yearbook?page 4
How to get Liberty Bowl ticketspage 8
Cloudy with rain

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The East Carolinian
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' '
Tuesday, November 14, 1995
The East Carolinian
Q utstanding
Holly Hagey
Staff Writer
Government out of money, time
The School of
Music at ECU is
home of a wide va-
riety of talent dis-
played both by fac-
ulty and students.
James Rees, profes-
sor of broadcast-
ing in the Depart-
ment of Library of
Studies and Education Technology has recognized this talent and
developed a series dedicated to displaying the work of the faculty
and staff.
For approximately the past seven years, Rees has aired a pro-
gram on WTEB 89.3 AM entitled East Carolina School of Music Con-
cert This program highlights recitals by faculty and students in ar-
eas such as solos, ensembles, string and symphony orchestras, cho-
ruses and various other displays of talent in the School of Music.
The East Carolina School of Music Concert is a weekly program
aired every Sunday at 11:30 a.m. The show was previously aired on
Mondays and has moved to the new Sunday timing.
This is just one example of service work that Rees has partici-
pated in at ECU. He has also been performing services such as voice
overs on various tapes and presentations used by ECU for public
relations work as well as voke overs for instructional videos. An-
other area that Rees has worked in is the area of continuing'educa-
tion and workshop instruction.
"I like to teach, adults. I've had a good time teaching off campus
through the Department of Continuing Education as well as teach-
ing groups of people ranging through firefighters and police for the
city of Greenville to family practitioners in the School of Medicine, "
said Rees.
Rees has also taught workshops for various organizations on
how to deal with media who may want information on a breaking
news story.
The Greenville Times recently recognized Rees as Best ECU Pro-
fessor after the result of a student survey. Rees teaches classes in
areas such as radio, production, advanced production announcing
and others. His area of primary interest is broadcasting.
"I love teaching. I've always put teaching first a?d continue to
do so and will continue to do so said Sees.
Rees has been with ECU since the fall of 1966 when ECU was
still East Carolina College before the passing of the university sys-
(AP) - President Clinton and con-
gressional leaders scheduled a last-
gasp meeting Monday night at the
White House to attempt resolving a
budget showdown as the government
braced for a partial shutdown.
"We're willing to go down and
talk to the president about how to
keep the government open House
Speaker Newt Gingrich, R-Ga said
Monday night "He set no precondi-
tions. We set no preconditions
Earlier in the day, Clinton had
vetoed one budget bill and prepared
to reject another. It was uncertain
whether the late talks might avert a
shutdown when most of the
government's spending powers were
to elapse at midnight Monday.
White House press secretary
Mike McCurry said Senate Majority
Leader Bob Dole and Gingrich had
"reached out to the president"
"They must have something new
to say McCurry said.
Also to attend the 10 p.m. EST
meeting at the White House were
House and Senate Democratic Lead-
ers Dick Gephardt and Tom Daschle.
The Senate was recessed until 11
p.m. in anticipation of some devel-
McCurry said the meeting would
take place in the Oval Office after
Clinton vetoed a temporary spend-
ing bill. Also invited to the meeting
were House Democratic Leader Dick
Gephardt and Senate Minority
Leader Tom Daschle.
Citing GOP budget priorities
that would "rob the American dream
from millions of Americans Clinton
vetoed emergency legislation that
would extend the government's abil-
ity to borrow money beyond its ex-
pected expiration Wednesday. Trea-
sury Secretary Robert Rubin imme-
diately took steps to raise cash and
prevent a first-ever default, which
could cause financial tumult
The Senate, by voice vote,
passed and shipped to Clinton on
Monday a separate stopgap bill fi-
nancing agencies through Dec. 1.
That too, was destined for a veto.
Knowing that congressional leaders
planned to keep the House and Sen-
ate in session until midnight or later
in case the president and Republi-
cans could find middle ground. But
first, they said, Clinton would have
to contact them, not vice versa.
"We'll be available if the presi-
dent gives any indication he doesn't
want to shut down the government"
Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole,
R-Kan told reporters.
But with most agencies' power
to spend money set to expire at the
start of business Tuesday, failure to
break the political deadlock meant
that 800,000 federal civilian employ-
ees - 40 percent of the workforce -
could be sent home, the first fed-
eral shutdown in five years.
Alice Rivlin, director of the Of-
fice of Management and Budget, told
heads of federal agencies to have
their employees report for work as
usual Tuesday morning. If it looks
like a temporary budget measure ac-
ceptable to the president will clear
Congress on Tuesday, agencies will
operate normally. If the prospect for
such legislation is dim, the White
House will initiate the partial shut-
In any case, air traffic control-
lers, meat inspectors, prison guards
and others with crucial jobs would
keep working, as would military per-
sonnel and the Postal Service. But
national museums and monuments
and the IRS and Social Security
hotlines would be among the federal
operations closed.
Both bills contained provisions
Clinton opposes, such as higher Medi-
care costs for the elderly and restric-
tions on future anti-pollution rules.
The president pledged to block those
items, despite the havoc it would
wreak on federal services and bor-
rowing plans.
"Ordinary Americans don't like
pressure tactics, and I would be
wrong to permit these kind of pres-
sure tactics to dramatically change
the course of American life Clinton
said as he vetoed the borrowing leg-
islation. "I cannot do it and I will
not do it"
YEARBOOK from page
It's as
easy as
to advertise
fe: with us.I
Bennett denied Bray's request
"A proposed fee increase has
already been settled by the media
board Bennett said following the
meeting. "I don't see any need to vote
again on something that's been de-
cided on. There's no need to rush in
light of the fact that no scientific
study has been done to determine
interest in having a yearbook
Bennett expressed these reasons
for his decision and advised SGA
members to get copies of media
board minutes from the Nov. 9 meet-
ing in order to examine the entire
reasoning and discussion behind the
board's decision. He also cited a need
for qualified ?taff to fill the jobs a
yearbook would create.
With the help of Interfraternity
Council President Justin Conrad,
Bray hopes the debate over a printed
yearbook will come to light in a fu-
ture media board meeting. Conrad
holds a vote on the media board and
abstained during Thursday's meet-
"I was concerned about a com-
promise for students who wouldn't
be able to have access to the year-
book Conrad said. "I think if we can
have a compromise, then we wjll be
able to pass it and the yearbook will
be back
Despite a lack of funds, the pos-
sibility of a print yearbook remains
on the drawing board.
"I think it's worth taking a look
at" said media board Adviser Paul
Wright "I feel there is a necessity to
have a publication which chronicles
the school year - that is something
we currently lack at the university.
That doesn't mean I support a tradi-
tional yearbook, there are a lot of dif-
ferent forms
Several schools are opting for a
magazine-type yearbook instead of a
traditional, hard-back copy. Editions
could be published throughout the
year. A media board sub-committee
has been established to examine the
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Eaet Carolina University
"The committee is looking at
options that would fill the purpose of
chronicling the year Wright said.
He said reinstating such a large
project would require start-up fees of
around $36,000, the amount a fee in-
crease would bring. In addition,
Wright estimated a print yearbook
would cost $125,000 to produce 3,400
One SGA representative said that
student fees allocated to the media
board were not decreased when the
yearbook ceased publication and said
there might be a need for reallocation
of funds. Wright responded by saying
the media board has not received a
fee increase since 1988, and took a
voluntary $1 decrease during last
year's SGA budget trimming.
"It would seem that the student
body, even though we didn't have a
large number vote, we did have a sig-
nificant number vote, would like to
see the print yearbook revived SGA
President Ian Eastman said. "The is-
sue is not finished, we're also talking
about a possible interdepartmental
SGA members remain optimistic
about the possibility of a printed year-
book on ECU's campus.
"I think we're going to pursue the
issue it's something we've put a lot
of effort into Bray said. During
Monday's meeting, Bray stressed that
the time is right for the board to re-
quest the increase, so any sort of
project decided on by the subcommit-
tee would have funds available rather
than having to wait an additional year.
Wright said money from the video
yearbook and other sources would be
adequate in getting printed yearbook
efforts off and running.
(game not televised in this area)
(tickets split between groups and individuals)
(student ticket pick-up begins Tuesday at 9:00 am at AthleticTicket Office)

The East Carolinian
Tuesday, November 14,1995
WAa 1 mIi from page 1
from their farms in open lagoons that
have become the source of many prob-
lems for many people from
homeowners to area fishermen.
Knight said that anyone who lives
near a hog farm can bear witness to
the fact that the odor from these op-
erations is a real nuisance.
Homeowners consider moving to new
locations which gives hog farmers
more room to expand. Knight said the
smell from a hog farm of moderate
size can cover an area of five square
miles or more.
"First of all, these lagoons are a
real environmental health hazard
Knight said. "Some of the more seri-
ous problems include the production
of ammonia rain, the increased appear-
ance of the round worm parasite and
an over population of algae blooms
in our water resources
He said the effects of ammonia
rain are numerous. Precipitation with
an elevated amount of ammonia is
detrimental to crops and revenue
yielding animals such as beef cattle,
who feed from these contaminated
crops. People also suffer the effects
of eating ammonia-contaminated
The round worm parasite has
become a major concern since hog
farms have become more and more
prevalent. Because of open hog waste
lagoons, round worm cysts have
formed in soil in some areas, and the
parasites are actually airborne in some
The round worm parasite causes
a continual infection of the digestive
tract and the respiratory system in
humans. There is no known cure for
such an infection. Removal of the
parasite would .???????????????????.
blooms have on the fishing industry
Knight said, adding that the blooms
create an environment in which fish
and other aquatic animals find it im-
n possible to thrive.
result in the
death of the pa-
The prob-
lems that arise
when algae
overpopulate in
bodies of water
such as area lakes
and streams af-
fect fishermen and consumers alike.
"Any fisherman who depends on
our water resources to make their liv-
ing understands the dire effects algae
"First of all, these
lagoons are a real
health hazard
? Dr. Knight Clifton
Knight said
he approaches the
issue of hog farms
as a neutral party.
Still, he feels there
are measures
which can be
taken to remedy
many of the prob-
lems such farms
have caused.
"I am not supportive of or in op-
position to swine operations Knight
said. "Bu. there have been recommen-
dations made that 1 feel have merit
A list of solutions to the problems
included some changes in irrigation
and disposal methods, redesign of
waste systems and the incorporation
of more wastewater treatment systems
like the one adopted by farms in
nearby Beulaville.
According to Knight, wastewater
treatment facilities are relatively small
but very effective. Wastewater is, in a
way, recycled at an on-site system and
used to clean the water which is later
used to wash hog quarters. Knight
said the odor of treated water is mini-
mal, and the process reduces ammo-
nia rain.
"If local and federal governments
are serious about reducing pollution
Knight said, "they should visit the
plant in Beulaville and take notes
at 4
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PROFESSOR from page 1
the afternoon Crocker said. "We
didn't have anybody in that lot or
around that lot at the time
Also, ECU's bike patrol is adjust-
ing its schedule so it can monitor the
lots more often, and the 12 medical
school security guards (11 security
guards and one permanently assigned
officer) will watch the lots.
Crocker said the department
needs more officers and that this has
been an ongoing problem.
"I don't have a lot of people
Crocker said. "We need more people
out there
To make the numbers stretch,
more officers are placed on campus
during peak times students and faculty
will be out
Brinn said students and faculty
members have become highly con-
scious of their surroundings but also
said things are starting to get back to
"I think the sense of apprehension
is going down Brinn said. "However,
there is heightened caution through-
out the school. People are watching
what is going on in the parking lots
Even so, a number students on
campus seem to feel safe.
"I feel safe said Jennifer Kineisly,
a sophomore nursing major from the
Washington D.C. area. "I have never
had strange people around me
Brad Fink, a sophomore business
major, agreed with Kineisly.
"I feel safe. The area is pretty lit
However, other students are more
wary of their surroundings.
"I don't take night classes because
I don't think it's safe said Shonise
Miller, a sophomore elementary edu-
cation major. "They need more light
over by the freshman parking lot (at
the corner of Fourth and Reade
Lawrence has been a faculty mem-
ber at ECU since 1964 when he was
associated with the biology department
and later became involved with lhe
medical school.
"He is definitely one of the origi-
nal faculty members at the medical
school Fortner said.
rHJC frontpage 1
the university would begin complete
funding of a computer lab in
Mendenhall. Brown could promise
only partial funding of the lab, but
said the university would more than
likely be able to consider the facility
a university lab beginning next year.
"Our computer network is the
best, fastest state-of-the-art in the
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country Brown said.
ECU's computer network is to
be financed for more than 10 years
with a total of $13 million . Currently,
it is funded by state bonds and rev-
The largest amount of time was
consumed with the debate of a rec-
reational service fee. Dr. Al
Matthews, vice chancellor of student
life affairs, and Nancy Mize, director
of recreational services, were the ad-
ministrative voices.
"A resolution to the graduating
seniors fees has not completed de-
tails, but they will be refunded $10
during the Spring semester
Matthew said.
Throughout the semester, SGA
executives have raised concern over
fees currently paid by students who
will never be able to use the rec cen-
"The original thing we were
looking for was a $10 refund for ev-
ery student (to reimburse this year's
rec center fee) Eastman said in an
earlier interview. A compromise was
made and seniors will be exempt from
paying the current $10 this Spring.
"It's really encouraging that the
administration was willing to work
with them (an SGA sub-committee)
on this Justin Conrad, senior class
president said. "It was the right thing
to do, it was the only fair thing to
Questions remain as to how rec
services will continue funding the
mammoth project.
"We are dealing with not know-
ing all expenses Mize said. "There
is a fear from not knowing expected
costs. We can, however, live on a $20
increase. We are attempting to make
the fees as low as possible
There is an estimate of a $2.5
million operating budget declared for
the unfinished rec center. No money
was gained from the liquidating dam-
East Carolina Playhouse
p results
New Yorl Bsl
Frank McGuinness
November 10. 11, I .land 14, IWiit
November 12, 15 al 2:00 p.m
General Public. S 8.00
HCl Students: S 5.00
Children: S 5.00
ages received from the bankruptcy
of previous contractor, Lott Con-
struction Inc last Spring.
Matthews said there is no guar-
antee that the center will open on
time. But that there are hopes for
the new July 15 opening date.
Brown addressed the last fee pro-
posal, in recognition of the debt ser-
vice fee. Because of ECU's recent con-
struction woes, the state has granted
flexibility in compliance with a five
percent cap on total student fee in-
creases. The debt service fee is money
already owed by the university.
Brown said an increase was neces-
sary in order to develop the newly
acquired Blount intramural complex
behind on the corner of Greenville
Boulevard and Charles Boulevard.
"We are allowed up to $100, last
year we used $40 for our mandatory
and debt service fees Brown said. "If
students do not supply the $8 fee, we
cannot do this
The current intramural sports
field will be unusable once the sta-
dium has finished its expansion.
The tentative schedule stated
construction on the new intramural
complex will start at the end of next
summer, Brown said.
This is SGA's second year in in-
volvement in recommending an input
for a student fee increase. After the
proposals were made by the adminis-
trative heads, SGA voted in agreement
to pass $10 in athletic fees (a reduc-
tion from $12 proposed), $5 remain-
ing for education and technology fees,
$20 to remain the same and avoid
sabotage for recreational services and
an $8 debt service fee increase to de-
velop the new intramural fields.
The proposal will be given to
Chancellor Eakin, he will make his
recommendations to the board of
trustees on Dec. 8, and it will then
proceed to the general administration
of the UNC-system. The board of gov-
ernors makes all final decisions en any
student fee increases.
Last year, a proposal for a $55
increase passed by SGA and was rec-
ommended by Eakin and the board
of trustees, but was later reduced to
a minimal $40.
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Tuesday, November 14,1995 The East Carolinian
itfm 1 &
ITie ?osf Carolinian
those that
thousands of
dollars, can't
be made
overnight. If
rushed, the
end result will
only be
Relax, good
things come
to those who
There seems to be some confusion with regard to an important
campus issue. It seems that some SGA executives are hog-wild about
the idea of a print yearbook- but what they don't realize is how
much time and money are essential in creating such a project Their
argument, that students want a print yearbook, was heard by the
media board, but the board still chose to vote against a $2 fee in-
The media board subcommittee had less than a month to deter-
mine what type of medium shouid fill the gap left when The Bucca-
neer departed the world of ECU student media and just how much
money was needed to do so. Because of such time constraints, the
board voted against the increase. The media board adviser warned
against making the same mistake of printing an inadequate publica-
tion twice.
Granted, we all want something to chronicle the past year, at this
point, we just don't know what
The most important point toTEC is who is going to design this
yearbook? We know just how difficult it is to recruit writers for our
publication, so we can only anticipate the problems which will arise
when forming a yearbook staff.
Although the media board voted against the fee increase, they
did decide to continue working on reestablishing some form of yearly
TEC ran a news story last Tuesday where SGA execs polled
students concerning their thoughts on reviving the printed annual. A
spokesman for SGA stated, "I've heard since I was a freshman that it
really stinks that we don't have one The same speaker said the
establishment of a print yearbook would improve ECU's respect and
help restore school spirit
Coach Steve Logan was a little disappointed with the student
turn-out this weekend at the Tulsa game. Perhaps there is a correla-
tion here.
Maybe a printed yearbook will restore school spirit we'll fill Dowdy-
Ficklen and everyone will be purple and gold and happy. And to
think all this time all we needed was a book.
The poll taken by SGA overwhelmingly supports a print year-
book and TECs "Pirates on the Street" report had the same positive
result But these are not scientific tests and results. In last week's
survey, 475 students voted. That's 475 students out of more than
17,000, who favored the idea of a printed yearbook. In response to
the SGA poll, the media board said it was not scientific and would
like to see a poll taken randomly over the phone.
Some media board members questioned who would buy these
books (for $3040 each) when in years past they couldn't even be
given away. The yearbook spokesman said they would try to market
the books to students' parents. We at TEC believe this would work
for the freshman, but most of us pay our own bills now and don't
think it's likely our parents will throw in $30 for a yearbook. But hey
- it was a good suggestion.
Last night the issue was once again brought up at the SGA meet-
ing. This time the group voted to ask the media board to meet again
despite the fact that the board had debated the issue for nearly two
hours. The media board chair spoke to SGA and addressed why the
board voted against the increase and also told the group that the
decision was final.
The yearbook spokesman continued debate and after about five
minutes of discussion, half of the voting legislature filed out of the
room. The debate finally ended when a member of SGA questioned
why they were discussing an increase when they had already voted
on the maximum amount of student fee increases (that's another
whole story).
If so many students at this school want to see ihe print yearbook
reinstated, why weren't they at the meeting yesterday? Why were the
SGA members leaving the room as quickly as they could? Why did
only 475 students vote on this issue? Why aren't these interested
students knocking on the door of the media board saying they want
the experience of producing a print yearbook? Until these issues are
addressed the print yearbook will remain null and void.
To the Editor:
Recently, I had a conversation
with my best friend from high school,
and a recent ECU grad, that had just
arrived home from his summer rock
climbing job in British Columbia. He
seemed really excited about the fact
that people e met there were talking
about the sport of ultimate frisbee,
and actually knew about the ECU
team, the Irates.
Well, since I have played for the
Irates the last three seasons, I too
was very intrigued. But then I began
to think, "Wow, that's strange that
people in a different country are
more knowledgeable about ultimate
and the Irates than are people here
at ECU I decided we needed some
publicity here on our campus, so my
logical thought was The East Caro-
linian, Right? Wrong! I thought
that if I wrote an article on our team
winning their second consecutive
national college championship at the
University of Illinois this past sum-
mer, and turned it in with a couple
of pictures, that The East Carolin-
ian could find some time this semes-
Ultimate Insult
ter to actually print the article silly,
silly me.
After several blatant lies from the
editor in chief and the sports editor,
both face to face and over the phone,
winter is upon us and our season over
this past weekend. And still The East
Carolinian, and it'sfsic incompetent
staff has failed to print one word about
the Irates and our two national cham-
pionships all semester.
Now, I know I may have some bias
because I play for the Irates, but it
seems like with over 600 teams play-
ing ultimate in the U.S. and ECU be-
ing 724 over the last two years that
this would actually be news-worthy.
Instead, we have been upstaged by
ridiculous articles as "Yum, Yum, Con-
testants Chow Down on Hot Dogs to
Win Two Free Tickets to This Week's
Game (complete with three by five
picture), and "Soccer Fields Wet With
Rain now that's news!
Also, we were promised (For at
least the fifth time) that an article
about our national championship and
our home tournament (that just oc-
curred this past weekend) would ap-
pear in the Nov. 2 edition. Instead, an
article about the "Super Ho's" win-
ning intramural flag football champi-
onships was printed. Now, Don't get
me wrong I have friends on the "Su-
per Ho's" and they deserve their
props, but couldn't their article have
been run the following Tuesday, and
ours been run on Thursday (like we
were promised), before our tourna-
ment, instead of later when our tour-
nament and season is over? Common
sense is such a valuable thing.
Okay, I'll step down from the
pulpit, my point has been made. For
all of those who have supported the
Irates and come out to see us play
this semester, a thousand thank
you'ssic. For those of you who are
still unfamiliar with the sport of ulti-
mate, and one of the best college
teams of the 90's, your very own ECU
team, maybe you should book a flight
to Canada because it's obvious you
won't hear about us here on campus.
Ungratefully yours.
Sean Howe
ECU Irate Ultimate Team
Tambra Zion News Editor
Wendy Rountree, Assistant News Editor
Mark Brett, Lifestyle Editor
Brandon Waddell, Assistant Lifestyle Editor
Amanda Ross, Sports Editor
Craig Perrott, Assistant Sports Editor
Paul Hagwood, Staff Illustrator
Ertka Gohde, Production Assistant
Jeremy Lee, Production Assistant
Stephanie Lassiter, Editor-in-Chief
Crissy Parker, Advertising Director
Celeste Wilson, Production Manager
Kami Klemmer, Production Assistant
Ken Clark, Photo Editor
Xlall Yang, Systems Manager
Rick Lucas, Copy Editor
Patrick Hinson, Copy Editor
Lani Adkinson, Copy Editor
Paul D. Wright, Media Adviser
Janet Respess, Media Accountant
Deborah Daniel, Secretary
Serving the ECU community since 1925. The East Carolinian publishes 12.000 copies every Tuesday and Thursday. The lead editorial In each
edition is the opinion of the Editorial Board. The East Carolinian welcomes letters to the editor, limited to 250 vLs lich maVoe ediS
?JST ? ?Carolinian-Publkations Build,n9-ECU'Creenw,l,e'NC 2785W353- E225355
Middle class malarkey
I thought I'd heard it ail when ? tfram rpHlirHnnc . if - ???
I thought I'd heard it ail when
State Rep. Henry Aldridge said that
women who are raped cannot get preg-
nant Well, I heard something equally
stupid the other day. Republican Rep.
Fred Heineman, who is in the 4th con-
gressional district (which includes
Raleigh), was quoted as saying fhat
his $180,000 income does not place
him in the middle class. He is further
quoted as saying middle-class incomes
range from $300,000 to $750,000.
Democratic Rep. Rosa DeLauro
said Wednesday, "By these new GOP
calculations, Newt Gingrich might
qualify for food stamps I'm sure you
all join me in feeling sorry for poor
people like Mr. Heineman, who makes
a measly $133,600 a year in congres-
sional salary and another $50,000
annual pension from the Raleigh Po-
lice Department.
Conventional wisdom says that
the middle class is usually around the
$30,000 to $50,000 range. Mr.
Heineman, if your $180,000 salary
isn't middle class, then this country
Larry Freeman
Opinion Columnist
if $749,000 a
year is middle
class, then i
wonder what he
is in serious trouble. I guess all us stu-
dents better apply for welfare now,
since we don't make that minimum
salary of 180 grand a year.
In an era where the poor are get-
ting hammered in the name of balanc-
ing the budget, this shows how out
of-touch some of our friends in Con-
gress are. With this new budget that
the GOP is proposing, half of the pro-
gram reductions would hit the poor
est fifth of American families. Another
25 percent hits the next poorest fifth.
The wealthiest five percent of
the population would receive addi-
tional tax breaks that are, on aver-
age, about as big as the cuts facing
families with children, according to
the Office of Management and Bud-
get As if we didn't need more proof
to show how insane all of this is, one
of the most vocal republican fresh-
men moans about his nearly 200-
grand a year not being middle class
If $749,000 a year is middle
class, then I wonder what in the
world he considers wealthy. I gueso
the whole damn country is under the
poverty level except for Bill Gates and
Donald Trump. Well, I better go back
to my cardboard box now. Let me just
say that I hope none of you are ever
put in the awful position of earning
a solary of $180,000 a year. If you
are, give oP Fred a call. Maybe he'll
buy you a drink, if he can spare a
first-person politics
The only difference between a con-
versation about politics and a three
hour night class is that you can sleep
through the class. My least favorite
thing to spend time thinking about is
politics, however, occasionally I can
muster enough composure to spit out
an opinion.
I will attempt to make this a little
less painful by splitting up the com-
ments. Right now, say a little prayer that
you can make it through this entire
article. Ready, go okay.
On the tube and in the conversa-
tions that sometimes pop up, I have
heard things like, "Is Colin Poweli go-
ing to run? If he does, he might sabo-
tage the socioconomic spread desig-
nated for each candidates approval rat-
ing. His mere presence in the race might
create a sort of reverse Ross Perot syn-
drome and sway all of the undecided
votes in a direction that they will surely,
in the long run, not be pleased with
Can you guys believe that we beat
Army? Our football team deserves a
round of applause. Not only do they
provide a service to this campus by en-
tertaining our students on Saturdays,
but they also are one part that can
change peoples' attitudes about this
school. When they go across the world
and win games, they place ECU in the
heads of all of the people watching.
Thanks to Logan and the crew.
First of all, if I hear another opin-
ion about what will happen if so and so
runs, I will be quite ill. The fact is that
most people have opinions that are un-
informed. This is not to say that because
I have opposition to their explosions of
rhetorical nonsense that I am any more
informed, ifanything, I attempt to keep
Patrick Ware
Opinion Columnist
erenot a
human on this
planet that
wields as much
information as
they say they do.
a foothold on reality. I don't know about
politics. Most people don't and most
people don't vote because they do not
feel that their opinion or their vote will
This week I did something that I
have been wanting to do for a long time.
Don't laugh, but I got the Disney Chan-
nel. I have been wanting to have regu-
lar doses of "Fraggle Rock" for months
now, and it wasn't until yesterday that I
got up the courage. Not only did I get
the Disney channel, but I facilitated this
new acquisition by trading in two other
channels: Showtime and Cinemax. I now
understand why the university got HBO
for its students and not these other
channels. All they show is skin movies
and not-so-good feature movies. I got
"Fraggle Rock Jealous?
Uninformed opinions are the basis
for the realities that people create in
their lives. The sad thing is that most
administrations create their own opin-
ions about the body which they act over.
These opinions are just as uninformed
as the ones spouted for the man on the:
street or from your friend who watched -
one 15 minute segment of C-SPAN to
discover that aliens were taking over the
world only to find out later that it was
the world of computers, and the aliens
were just a term used to describe some
new technology.
Even though I have made this a
little random, my point is simple: 1) If j
you are going to have an opinion on
anything and are going to teU it to some-
one, be humble. There is not a human !
on this planet that wields as much in-
formation as they say they do or as they
really feel that they do.
2) Be aware of the commitment;
that our football team makes on a dairy :
basis. Many of them may have missed !
out on many times of just hanging ?
around because they were in the weight
room or they were on the field. They ?
do have the privilege of representing ;
this school in a national forum but they
are also students just like us.
3) If you happen to subscribe to .
Cinemax or Showtime trade them in. ?
Their programming is not as good as !
their commercials or their pamphlets.
The Disney channel is much more ex
citing. They have cartoons on all the
time and cartoons are good.
4) Be a good listener.
Thanks for going all the way ?
through this. I hope it was not as pain- :
ful as it might have been. If you read ;
my articles you'll know that they are
most often not this heavy. Don't worry, :
next week I'll be back with more ran-
dom and joyful excursions into the iand
of non-political writing. Any suggestions
for topic on articles should be sent to
the office. Thanks
Letters to the Editor
Entrance Exam
To the Editor:
I strongly suggest that the fol-
lowing entrance exam replace the cur-
rent SAT exam for all 1996 incoming
students at ECU. A perfect score is
required for admission.
1) Jeff Blake is a professional
athlete in which sport?
a. WWF Wrestling
b. Tennis
c. Ice Hockey
d. None of the Above
2) Which of the following is a
former ECU football coach?
Lonnie Baker
Pat Riley
Pat Dye
Pat Nixon
ECU is a member of which
football alliance?
Major Independent
Big Ten
Big Eight
Big Twelve
ECU plays it's sic football
games in which stadium?
a. William Brice
b. Carter Finley
c. Dowdy Ficklen
d. Jack Murnhv
5) In 1991 and 1995 ECU par-
ticipated in which bowl games?
a. Rose and Oyster
b. Blue Bonnet and Blue Berry
c. Orange and Citrus
d. Peach and Liberty
Since it's obvious that the cur-
rent student body doesn't know or
care about it's sic own outstanding
football program, you may consider a
transfer to UNC-Chapel Hill or N.C.
State where they don't plav football.
Bill Watkins
ECU Graduate 1973

Tuesday, November 14,1995 The East Carolinian
reads of a
poetic life
tPi4Uffou4e evtet
Shackles never quite
restrain "Someone"
Jennifer Coleman
Senior Writer
There should be a support group
for people who have seen the East
Carolina Playhouse production of
"Someone Who'll Watch Over Me
From the very beginning, this
play attempts to touch every human
emotion known to man and is over-
whelmingly successful in its endeav-
ors. At the end of the show I was ex-
hausted by the emotional workout and
yet not ready for the play to be over -
a true testament to ability of the cast
to make the audience love their char-
So many questions were left un-
answered in this play. Why were the
men captured? Were they held by the
government or a rebel militia group?
Even questions about the characters
themselves remain. Was Edward's wife
waiting for him? Was Michael's
mother alive? Did Michael ever get
released? These questions and many
others have kept me thinking of this
play long after I left McGinnis The-
The cast of "Someone Who'll
Watch Over Me" was nothing short
of phenomenal. Anthony Slade
seemed born to the role of Edward,
the Irish journalist. Christopher
Photo courtesy East Carolina Playhouse
Chris Haywood (left) and Jeff Hirsch rehearse a scene from
"Someone Who'll Watch Over Me The play's successful
run ends tonight at 8 p.m. in McGinnis Theatre.
Haywood brought a necessary intelli-
gence and sensitivity to the charac-
ter of Adam, the American doctor. Jeff
Hirsh gave an extremely impressive
performance as Michael, the impec-
cable English professor. Special rec-
ognition should go to Slade and Hirsh,
as well as to their dialect coach, Carol
Pendergrast, for their accents. I can't
think of a time when I noticed either
Slade's Irish or Hirsh's English accent
I was most impressed by the fact
that these three actors were able to
keep the audience enthralled for over
two hours despite their limited move-
ment Because they were shackled to
the wall, they were forced to confine
their movement to a small space. Or-
dinarily this would make for a boring
See SOMEONE page 7
Dale Williamson
Staff Writer
"After Experience
taught me that all the
ordinary Surround-
ings of social life are
futile and vain; I'm
going to show you
something very Ugly:
someday, it might save
your life
These lines from W.
D. Snodgrass potently
express how one's life
experiences can be in-
gredients for great art
and inspiration for oth-
ers. With this in mind,
Greenville will be privy
to the life and works of
the accomplished and
anthologized poet W. D. Snodgrass
when he reads his own work at ECU
this Thursday night.
Snodgrass has been referred to
as one of the founders of "confes-
sional" poetry, despite the fact that
he disassociates himself from such
labeling. Regardless what school of
thought you try to place him in,
Snodgrass has definitely had an im-
pact on the poetic world. His first
collection, Heart's Needle, won the
Pulitzer Prize and helped validate
confessional writing, writing which
dares to explore hidden, repressed
pains and desires.
Born in Pennsylvania and raised
in a Quaker household, Snodgrass
carried his writing interests into the
university. After receiving his B.A.
and M.A he went on to earn his
M.F.A. at the State University of
Iowa in 1953, where he was trained
in such modes of poetry as the sym-
W.D. Snodgrass
bolist metaphysical traditions.
While Snodgrass may be aca-
demically trained in more traditional
poetic styles, his work speaks on a
highly accessible personal level. His
poetry draws from his own life, in-
cluding his family life. Heart's
Needle (published in 1959) incorpo-
rated poems dedicated to his daugh-
ter. In fact, Snodgrass used the tur-
moil he suffered through his mari-
tal life as subjecLs for his first two
Success may have come too fast
for Snodgrass, however. Not only did
his first book win the Pulitzer Prize
in 1960, but it also earned the Brit-
ish Guiness Award and helped him
receive a National Institute of Arts
and Letters Award in the same year.
After receiving such high acclaim,
Snodgrass dropped out of the lime-
See SNODGRASS page 7
CD. Reviews
Alice In Chains
Alice In Chains
Subliminal Plastic
G-Love has the sauce
Jay Myers
Staff Writer
Eric Bartels
So, the rumors weren't true.
Alice In Chains is still together.
It seems that when Alice's lead
singer, Layne Staley, decided to do
a side project called Mad Season
with his pals Mike McCready (from
Pearl Jam) and Mark Lanegan (from
Screaming Trees), the death knoll
of Alice In Chains was rung by
some avid rumormongers. The
members of the band, seemingly
enjoying this controversy, would
neither confirm nor deny any
On their new self-titled record,
they haven't printed the lineup of
the band on the outside. If s still
hard to tell if the original band is
together, even though they've re-
leased a new album.
Well, I'm here to tell you that
nothing has changed, and 1 mean
that in more than one way. The
band membership of Leyne Staley
(vocals, guitars), Jerry antrell (gui-
tars, vocals), Mike Inez (bass), and
Sean Kinney (drums) is securely
intact Unfortunately, the sound of
the band hasn't changed either.
Alice In Chains has a pattern
of delivering a full-length album
that is harsh and commanding,
then following that up with a
See CHAINS page 7
Is this Matthew Sweet?
It took me a few seconds, but I
finally realized that this Self album
I was hearing uses more samples
than Vanilla Ice.
Self is really a fitting name for
this band. Matt (there's the correla-
tion) Mahaffey, who hails from the
same region as Sweet (Kingsport,
Tenn.), wrote, produced and played
almost every instrument on Sublimi-
nal Plastic Motives. His versatility
in producing his own album for the
new partnership between Zoo Enter-
tainment and Spongebath reco. d la-
bels saved both companies some
So we've got a complete album
where Mahaffey and his brother Mike
were the only two performing musi-
Mahaffey takes the Self listener
on an excursion into slacker-world
lyrics sung to Matthew Sweet bass
lines and rhythms. Contemporary
alternativeindie fans will enjoy this
Some of Self s lyrics and songs
are excellent because of their
rhythms and alterna-pop patterns.
The lead-off song on
See SELF page 6
The young artist
discusses the trials
and tribulations of
being an up-and-
coming rock star
Kyle Gustafson
WZMB Radio
Special to The East Carolinian
Although I had heard of them
last fall, I never actually heard G-Love
? and Special Sauce until I started
working as a DJ at WZMB. I received
daily requests for "Baby's Got Sauce"
and "Cold Beverages" this summer
and I knew why when I took the al-
bum home to listen to it
The group's hybrid of jazz, blues
and hip-hop influences are infectious,
to say the least Their first album, sim-
ply titled G-Love and Special Sauce
has sold 200,000 copies to date and
almost 1,500 copies a week more
than a year after its initial release.
The band is currently touring the
country in support of Coast to Coast
???mi Hi iinwiiii?a??
Motel, their second full-length album.
This tour brought G-Love and com-
pany to the Cat's Cradle in Chapel
Hill on Nov. 7, where I had the
chance to conduct a short interview
prior to the show.
Two people attended the group's
first gig on Feb. 18,1993: "The sound
man and a bar-
tender who was
waiting for his girl-
friend G-Love
said, munching on
TosTidos and salsa
Things swiftly
went uphill for the
young band. "We recorded about half
of the first record in seven months
G-Love told me. "We finished it in
about one year and it was released
in May of '94
Okay, let's get the obvious ques-
tion out of the way. Why the name
G-Love and Special Sauce? "We were
kind of struggling for a name, and I
was like 'Duh, it's right in front of
us said G-Love.
But what does Special Sauce
mean? "It's a Philly term. Early on
people either loved it or hated it, but
I think it's a great name because no
matter what you think of us our
name stays with you
GLove doesn't split hairs when
talking about the success of his first
album. "Iti a great record he said.
"Honestly, I listened to it yesterday
for the first time in a year, and it
sounded really cool. I really like it
The people
I just want my
music to be real,1
? G-Love
seem to really
dig it Everyone
sings along to
all the words
during. the
The jazz
and blues influence in G-Love's mu-
sic is obvious, but he cites other in-
fluences that help round out his
sound. "Well he said, "the New
Orleans grooves come from Jeffrey
(the drummer), and me and Jimmy
(the bassist) love the blues. I used to
listen to a lot of hip-hop, though.
"Mostly I listen to old-school
hip-hop like KRS One and Boogie
Dow Productions, the Guru, De La
Soul, EPMD, The Pharcyde and The
Low End Theory by A Tribe Called
See G-LOVE page 6
t7ftuACe eviecv
Ike Shibley
Senior Writer
Rob Reiner's Stand by Me, based on a Stephen
King short story, serves as a model of how to effec-
tively film a tale of adolescence. Reiner captured the
magic of the King story about four boys making a
daylong trip to see the corpse of a boy hit by a train.
Richard Dreyfus made a credible appearance at the
beginning and end of the film as the narrator of the
story. His storytelling added poignance to the memo-
rable tale. The journey of the boys served as the cata-
lyst for the beginning of their maturation into men.
A new film, with the unoriginal title Now and Then,
strives to desperately catch the emotional resonance of
Stand by Me. Instead of four boys, Now and Then en-
tails the journey of four girls. Instead of a journey to
see a corpse, in Now and Then the girls make a trek to
a library in another town to solve the mystery surround-
ing the death of a young boy. Instead of a junk yard to
serve as a testing ground for the boy's maturity, a cem-
-? -
story drains Now and Then
etery serves to test the girls' maturity. And instead of a
heartfelt remembrance filled with small moments, Now
and Then forces a contrived story with several artifi-
cial moments from an unbelievable premise that the
promises made by 12-year-old girls would be honored
20 years later.
Now and Then begins with the meeting of four
friends (Rita Wilson, Demi Moore, Rosie O'Donnell and
Melanie Griffith) in the "now" part of the story. The
friends reminisce about how they acted in the "then"
part of the story. The "then" roles are filled by Ashleigh
Aston Moore, Gaby Hoffman, Christina Ricci and Thora
Birch. This gathering of the four friends takes place
because Wilson's character is about to give birth.
Though happily married, Wilson's character claims
that she needs her friends around her. When the friends
were 12 they promised that they would all get together
whenever one of them was in need. No explanation is
proffered as to why Wilson's character needs her friends,
so I decided it must have been to make this ridiculous
See THEN page 6
"A Drop in the Bucket" is
just what it claims to be: a very
tiny drop in the great scream-
ing bucket of American media
opinion. Take it as you will.
Mark Brett
Lifestyle editor
MTV rot in Hell! Die die die
die die!
Ah, that's better. Maybe now
1 can make some sense.
Initially, I was going to write
a big review of Friday night's
REM concert at the Dean Dome
in Chapel Hill. I planned this re-
view weeks ago, scheduled space
for it here on the Lifestyle page,
and really looked forward to the
Then I went to the show.
Now, don't get me wrong.
REM is one of the best rock
bands walking the earth today.
They put on a really amazing
concert, playing an unprec-
edented six unreleased tracks.
They delved briefly into music
from the days before they were
international superstars and
worked that huge arena like it
was a club the size of the Attic. I
have no gripes with REM; they
put on a fantastic show.
But I didn't enjoy myself at
REM was once my favorite
band, but I didn't have fun see-
ing them. This was most likely
the last concert I'll ever see them
give, and I spent most of it feel-
ing dissatisfied. Now that it's
over, I've got to wonder why.
Granted, the atmosphere
didn't help. The Dean Dome has
a slaughterhouse mentality archi-
tecture that I find vaguely fright-
ening. The seats are built into
solid concrete decks, slanted at
a vertiginously steep angle. The
steps leading to those seats are
perilously narrow, leaving half of
your foot hanging in empty air
as you try to maneuver your way
Once you get to your seat,
you find that it's tiny and made
of some torturously hard plastic.
Squeezing into this tight space,
you then realize that there's also
barely enough room for your
knees. If you shift to get more
comfortable, you bump bone
against the back of the head of
the person seated in front of you.
It's all very much like a giant
veal-fattening pen.
This wasn't my first trip, but
it will probably be my last.
But even the utter agony of
the Dean Dome (and the crappy
seats I paid 30 bucks for) wasn't
enough to make me so ill at ease
with this show.
Nor was the crowd, com-
prised mostly of teeny boppers
and Johnny-come-lately fans who
didn't even know "South Central
Rain While their lack of knowl-
edge about any REM stuff prior
to 1988 was irksome, their en-
thusiasm for the music they did
know more than made up for it.
In fact, one of the few mo-
ments of pure joy I experienced
Friday night was when an East
Carolinian movie reviewer (who
shall remain nameless) took off
his shirt and danced around like
a big goofball. It does my heart
good to see people enjoying
themselves as much as this crowd
The problem might be that I
was stuck sitting near a really an-
noying guy who kept making fun
of everybody who was having a
good time. But no, even this
lame-ass didn't get on my nerves
enough to make me dislike an
REM show.
No, it takes a huge, demonic,
evil corporate entity to do that
And since I can only think of one
huge demonic evil corporate en-
tity with the kind of power it
would take to turn me off Stipe
and the boys, I must blame MTV.
MTV boil in your own fester-
ing, rotten bodily juices!
Ahem. See, this is a problem
I've been grappling with for some
time now. Despite the fact that I
think the last three REM albums
have mostly been well done, lit-

Tuesday, November 14,1995
The East Carolinian
tfrivia Qui
THEN from page 5
This Week's Topic:
The Simpsons
1. What is the Simpsons' street ad-
2. Name Homer's long-lost brother.
3. What band played at Mr. Burns'
birthday party?
4. Name Krusty the Klown's side-
5. What is Mr. Smithers' first name?
6. Name Homer's two best friends
from the nuke plant.
7. What treasured object did Mr.
Burns want from Maggie?
8. Name Grandpa Simpson's nurs-
ing home.
Answers in Thursday's issue'
Natural life I ?
"The number of people who die every day from cigarette
smoking is the same as if two jumbo jets crashed each day and "yssj;
not a single person walked away alive ?ISSHBI-
-C. Everett Koop
This message has been brought to you by Recreational Services and Housing Services.
film. The friends even follow the
mom into the delivery room. I imag-
ine every father would like three of
his wife's friends to horn in on such
a private moment.
The story in the "then" portion
of the film is slightly more believ-
able than the "now" section, but
not much. Instead of focusing on
the friendship and on the develop-
ment of the girls, the film wastes
time with scene after scene of the
girls at home. Thus, no time is left
to develop the special bond that de-
velops between friends in early ado-
Each friend has problems with
her respective family that no one
else could possibly understand.
One's mother died, one's parents
are never home, one's mom is over-
protective and one's parents are
getting divorced. These family prob-
lems serve as the only real charac-
ter traits of the girls. The family
crises define the girls and deter-
mine their fates in later life. The
girl whose mom died grows up to
be a doctor to save other lives
(O'Donnell), the girl whose parents
are never home craves attention
(and boys) and thus grows up to be
a famous movie star (Griffith), the
one whose mother is overprotective
grows up to be an overprotective
mom and the girl whose parents di-
vorce finds solace in the supernatu-
ral and grows up to write super-
natural thrillers and wear black ev
eryday. Now and Then's story
would lead one to believe that the
personality traits of a person at 12
dictate their entire life.
Though a few scenes may re-
mind viewers of their childhood,
looking at old photo albums would
be more highly recommended. The
contrivances in Now and Then used
to tell the transparent story sap
what little real emotion was initially
present. The feelings left in the film
have all the integrity of a greeting
Now and Then succeeds every
now and then, but much of this film
is too simplistic for even a 12-year-
On a scale of one to 10, Now
and Then rates a five.
G-LO VE from page 5
Between shows, however, his
tastes run into different areas.
"Mostly i listen to Bob Dylan,
Johnny Cash, Lester Pratt, Earl
Scruggs and Lightnin' Hopkins.
Sometimes we listen to demos that
people give us at shows, but they're
usually not any good and we throw
them out the window C-Love said
i just want my music to be
real he said. "I'm not here for all
Yolll (
the music biz hoopla. MTV won't
touch us with a ten foot pole and
neither will FM radio. Man, we've
made five videos
I told him I'd never seen any of
them. "I don't care he said. "I be-
lieve in gigs, not videos
G-Love and Special Siuce tnve
been getting a lot of positive press
lately, with a piece in Rolling Stone
among other places. Does th band's
leader enjoy being a critical success
or would he rather sell a million
dllljf4 from page 5
"Borateen really lays it all out for
the listener. The song opens with a
wailing guitar reminiscent of a Beck's
"Mt. Dew Rock From here it goes
into a Nine Inch Nails "March of the
Pigs" riff.
Some of Mahaffey's lyrics are clas-
sic, especially in "Lost My Senses
"Marathon Shirt" and "So Low "Lost
My Senses" reveals a restriction of
one's senses, as revealed in the cho-
rus: "I don't wanna touch, taste, feel
I don't wanna touch, taste, feel I
don't wanna touch, taste, feel All
gone to waste
If "Marathon Shirt" isn't sup-
posed to be that favorite shirt that you
have in your closet that you've had
forever and never want to get rid of,
then I'll go out and by a "Magnum
P.I shirt just to prove it This song's
lyrics are amusing also. "I've had it
since I was twelve and I wear it like
hell Wash it when it gets worn, dirty,
tattered, torn Fell in love with me
and wears me with pride We bathe
in Ultra Tide when I start to fee!
"So Low" is definitely a Gen-X
song. There is no doubt in my mind
where it's going - all the way to the
top of the "Loser" Top 10 charts. In
this one, a bullet in the head is the
safest way to live. "I'm so low that I
wish I was dead With a knife in my
chest and a bullet in my head I'm
so low that I wish I was dead Must
I go on? Sold all my friends today
Move over, Matthew Sweet! Look
out, alterna-pop stars! Self is moti-
vated to cruise into unchartered wa-
ters of success.
"Sooner or later it's bound to
happen, whether it's six months from
now or six years from now. We seem
to have come along at the right time.
I just try to stay focused on the mu-
sic. A million kids dream about mak-
ing a record and I've made three
Successful or not, G-Love hasn't
been able to avoid comparisons to
some strange people. "After the first
record, we used to get a lot of com-
parisons to Beck, which was kind of
annoying. I mean, I respect him and
I think his music is cool, but it really
doesn't have all that much in com-
mon with what we're doing. I think
comparisons are really detrimental to
an artist. They're themselves and
there shouldn't be any comparisons
to anyone else.
"I admire anyone who has been
together longer than we have. We've
been together for three years and
there are a lot of things that can
come between you and your music.
It's hard to keep focused. As far as
Rock 'n' Roll superstars, I would have
to say (I respect Bob Dylan, because
nothing about him is full of shit.
When you go and see him perform,
whether it's horrible or great, it's him
that night. I'm not interested in FM
radio, and I don't care for all the rock
'n' roll bullshit John Hammond, Bob
Dylan on tour, that's real music and
that's what I respect"
The recording proces was a
little different for this record, as com-
pared to the last one. "We recorded
the first record in Philly G-Love
said. "The new record was recorded
in three different studios in New Or-
leans. We played to each other more
on this record. There were more over-
dubs on the first record, but I think
this one is more solid. If you liked
the first album, then you'll definitely
like the new one because it has more
of a live feel
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The East Carolinian
Tuesday, November 14,1995
The Color
Of Your
For Only
vH.jt1.JNo from page 5
shorter release that is more laid-back
and acoustic: Facelift, Sap, Dirt, Jar
of Flies. It comes as no surprise then,
that the new album, Alice In Chains,
is a return to the driving, determined
music of Facelift and Dirt. In the
past, though, the band made some
progression musically. Dirt was a
better album than Facelift, and Jar
of Flies was an improvement over
Sap. Such is not the case with this
new album, however, and that is dis-
No matter how good Alice In
Chains has proven to be in the past, it
is regrettable when any band becomes
repetitive. Every other song on Alice
In Chains sounds like every other
SOMEONE from page 5
song on Dirt In fact, two of the tracks,
"Grind" and "Head Creeps are such
a step back for the band that they
sound like lost demos from Facelift.
There are some notable excep-
tions. "Heaven Beside You" provides
a perfect blending of Alice in Chains'
musical talents, moving from emotive
ballad to throbbing power chords and
back again.
"God Am" (with the lyrics, "Dear
God, how have you been then? I'm
not fine, fuck pretending All of this
death you're sending Best throw
some free heart mending") provides
more insight into the religious ques-
tioning that has been an ongoing
undercurrent in all of the band's al-
And it is appropriate that they
close the album with the lengthy
musical journeys, "Frogs" and "Over
Now which are full of extended jams
and changing tempos, because they
recall the range that Alice In Chains
has shown before and hopefully will
show again.
Although this new album is only
a passable attempt for Alice In Chains,
it does show some inkling that their
greater talent, much like the band it-
self, is not dead. If the band ever learns
to fully combine their hard edge and
their soft touch on one album, rather
than keeping them separate, there's
no telling how far they could go.
SNODGRASS from page 5
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light for about ten years, with the
exception of a few anonymous po-
ems (under the name S.S. Gardons)
that were published. Receiving the
Pulitzer seemed to have placed a
great pressure on him to turn out
only poems that were worthy of that
Finally, in 1968, Snodgrass re-
leased his second collection of origi-
nal poems, After Experience. While
the book received its criticisms, it
only furthered Snodgrass's stature
as a worthy poet. As a result,
Snodgrass was inducted into the Na-
tional Institute of Arts and Letters
in 1972. The next year, he became a
Fellow of the Academy of American
Even after his second book,
Snodgrass was still seen by many as
a confessional poet While he does
not belittle such poets, he feels to
fully comprehend such works, sig-
nificant biographical information on
the poet is necessary. His poetry, as
personal as it may be, survives on
its own without knowledge of
Snodgrass's history.
As biographer Jeffery
Helterman notes, "Most of
Snodgrass's finest poetry deals not
so much with the recreation of
events of the past as it does with
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the discovery of images that objec-
tify the emotional crises he has been
Labels aside, Snodgrass had
published an impressive resume of
poetic works, including The Death
of Cock Robin (1989) and The
Fuehrer Bunker: The Complete
Cycle (1995).
W. D. Snodgrass will read at AJ.
Fletcher Recital Hall, School of Mu-
sic, on Thursday, Nov. 16 at 7 p.m.
Hearing Snodgrass read his
own works is a rare opportunity.
Anyone taking a contemporary po-
etry class may very well find him on
the class syllabus. You've read the
works, now see the man and sup-
port Greenville's growing poetic
show, but the movement they did use
was more than enough to keep the
audience focused.
There were a few moments
throughout the show that made this
play for me. The fact that the actors
remained onstage for intermission was
fantastic! I watched closely, but saw
no breaks in character. 1 also found it
fascinating that the door to their "cell"
would sometimes be open and some-
times be closed. It was as if they were
being teased with freedom - although
when the door was open they could
not leave because of the shackles. I
did wonder why, in the second half,
Edward and Michael were only
chained by one wrist
The most chilling part of the
show for me was when Edward was
finally beaten; he broke down crying
and the light came on. My heart actu-
ally skipped a few beats. This was a
wonderful effect and worked ex-
tremely well.
I loved the rabbit impersonations.
Slade and Hirsch were hilarious! I also
loved their rendition of "Chitty Chitty
Bang Bang Both of these comedic
moments helped to expel some of the
pent-up tension and created the nec-
essary relief for the audience.
"Someone Who'll Watch Over
Me" might have had minimal costume?
and lighting, but the set was nowhere
near minimal. It seemed perfect down
to the last detail. A few times I thought
Haywood would break out of his
shackles, but they remained in the
wall due to their careful construction.
I believe this play is one of the
best I've seen at East Carolina. The
combined efforts of the director Don
Biehn, the designers, the crew and the
cast made "Someone Who'll Watch
Over Me" a delightful experience.
On a scale of one to 10, this show
rates a 10.
from page 5
erate pieces of rock art, I haven't
really enjoyed them all that much.
I've spent a lot of time wondering if
it was because their style has
changed, or that my tastes have
changed, or if it's just that they re-
ally suck and I couldn't admit it to
But as I was sitting there lis-
tening to REM live, not at all moved
by the stage antics or soulfuUy ef-
fective performance, I realized what
the problem was. I realized why I
liked new REM albums at first, but
It s as easy
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burn out on them so fast As I heard
those six new, unreleased songs and
enjoyed them quite a bit, enlighten-
ment struck.
I don't hate REM, I hate MTV.
MTV! MTV! Gaaaaahhhhhh!
See, the reason I find Auto-
matic for the People nearly
unlistenable these days is that I've
heard half the songs on it a million
times. And why have I heard them a
million times? Because MTV won't
fing stop playing them, that's
MTV! Hate rend mutilate
M T V!
In their efforts to strip-mine the
music industry, see, MTV plays a hit
song until its every note is not only
stuck in your head, but is in fact per-
manently branded onto your cere-
bral cortex. They take anything that
even smells like it might be success-
ful and, in their desperate, clutch-
ing search for "The Next Big Thing
they shove it down our consumer
throats until we choke on it
I don't even watch MTV, and
I've noticed. Just in flipping hastily
by it or catching snippets of it at
friends' houses, I've figured this out
And even if you avoid MTV,
you're still stuck with their evil in-
fluence. You can't turn on the radio
without hearing the same songs
MTV plays, ad nauseum. You can't
walk ten feet without encountering
the power of MTV. It's enough to
make me hate just about anything.
And that's what's happened to
REM: MTV has played them to
death. As a friend of mine has said,
"Everybody Hurts" is a great song,
but if he doesn't hear it again for
another five or ten years, he'll be
one happy white boy. Ditto "Losing
my Religion Ditto "Star 69
And will they ever stop playing
"Black Hole Sun?"
Anyway, MTV has basically
turned REM into Led Zeppelin.
Sure, they're a great band, but if I
hear that "Stairway to Heaven" crap
one more time, I'm gonna kill some-
MTV has made me hate my fa-
vorite band.
I hope they burn in Hell.
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Tuesday, November 14, 1995
The East Carolinian
Hello, is anybody out there?
Rain or shine fans
should support
their team
Amanda Ross
Sports Editor
After watching the Pirates defeat
Tulsa, I wondered where everybody
I realize Mother Nature was of
no help, but come on Pirate fans,
sometimes rain is part of the pack-
age. The players, coaches, band mem-
bers and cheerleaders have to be out
there and so should you, if not for
the entire game at least part of it If
ECU is to try to get into a confer-
ence it is important that fans, espe-
cially students, pack the stands rain
or shine. We all walk to class in the
rain, so what's so bad about cheer-
ing our football team onto victory
through rain?
Maybe people don't want to get
their pretty little outfits wet or their
hair messed up, but buck up folks
it's a football game. It's not the time
to gossip and find out the latest so-
cial news at ECU.
The Pirates played their hearts
out Saturday, and it paid off in a big
way. They will be spending part of
their Christmas break in Memphis
playing in the Liberty Bowl for the
second consecutive year. It would
have been nice if more people were
there to see a game in which they
played hard and aggressively all four
Now some of you are saying you
just couldn't make it to the game be-
cause of the rain, I understand that.
I'm not trying to get anybody sick
with a cold or the flu. So here is an-
other example. Against Temple, I saw
people leaving towards the end of the
third quarter. It was a bright, sunny
day with not a drop of rain falling to
the ground. The student sections
were half full by the middle of the
fourth quarter and virtually empty
toward the end of the game. In my
eyes there is no excuse for that
But hey - who cares about foot-
ball when you can tailgate, drink till
you pass out and never even make it
to the game. The whole point of tail-
gating is to have fun, hang out with
good friends and get pumped up be-
fore you go, yes go, to the game. If
everybody who tailgated made it to
the games, the stands would prob-
ably be more crowded than I have
seen them lately.
In coach Logan's weekly address
to the media before the Tulsa game,
See TULSA page 9
Liberty Bowl ticket information
SID-ECU has announced guide-
lines for purchasing tickets to the
1995 Liberty Bovrf on Dec 30,1995
in Memphis, Term.
It is important that all ECU fans
order their Liberty Bowl tickets
through the ECU Athletic Ticket Of-
fice. ECU fans should oider their Lib-
erty Bowl rickets by mail or by phone
toll free in N.C 1-800-OAL-ECU or
(919) 3284500. Bowl ticket order
forms are being maileii on Monday,
Nov. 20 to the following groups: Pi-
rate Club members, football ticket
holders and selected alumni This will
include detailed ticket information
(including seat locations) and official
Pirate Club travel information Pirate
Club members who meet the Nov. 30
priority ticket order deadline will re-
ceive first priority on seating, assign-
Any fans who do not receive or-
der information can order Liberty Bowl
tickets by calling the above phone num-
bers or by sending their name, address,
daytime phone number and the quan-
tity of tickets requested on a sheet of
paper, along with payment in form of
a check. Mastercard or Visa to the ECU
Athletic Ticket Office, Greenville, N.C.
278584353. Liberty Bowl tickets are
$30 each plus a $3 postage and han-
dling service charge per order (not
Pirate Club members will receive
first priority in ticket assignments by
meeting the Nov. 30 deadline. All other
orders will be assigned on a first-come,
first-serve basis after the Pirate Club
member priority orders are filled
Bowl ticket policy goals will be based
upon the priority system and avail-
ability to as broad a distribution as
possible to all supporters. Ticket lim-
its will be adjusted according to al-
lotted ticket availability.
Student Ticket Information-
A block of Liberty Bowl tickets are
being held for ECU students. These
tickets will be made available to the
ECU students beginning Dec. 1.
ECU Students can purchase Liberty
Bowl tickets during this designated
day on a first-come, first-serve ba-
sis. Students must present their
valid ECU ID to be eligible to pur-
chase these designated tickets. Lib-
erty Bowl tickets can be purchased
at $30 each.
Women drop exhibition opener
Amanda Ross
Sports Editor
For the firrt time this year, Anne
Donovan's Lady Pirates took to the
court for their first basketball exhibi-
tion game of the season against Latvia
Women's TTT Club.
The starters for ECU were all ex-
perienced players from last year's squad.
They were junior guard Justine AUpress,
senioi guard Danielle Charlesworth, se-
nior guard Belinda Cagle, junior forward
Tracey Kelley and senior forward
Tomekia Blackmon.
Blackmon started the scoring drive
for the Pirates after getting ECU's first
four points off two baskets underneath
to begin the game. At the 7:28 mark,
Charlesworth hit a three pointer to put
the Pirates up by eight, 22-14. ECU's
biggest lead came after a Beth Jaynes
basket when she was fouled. The fresh-
man forward nailed the free throw and
put ECU ahead by 10 points, 29-19.
Going into the half, the Lady Pirates
had the lead, 30-25.
The first half of play saw the
Pirate's aggressiveness and ability to
move the ball welL One problem they
did have was the play down low in the
paint Because of Latvia's size, it was
hard for the Lady Pirates to get points
down low and score. They did score in
the paint but many times Latvia would
converge on whoever had the ball down
low, which was usually Kelley. However,
the team ran the floor well, and after
the first half Cagle led all Pirate scorers
Belida Cagle, a senior guard, drives around her opponent to
score in the Lady Pirate's first exhibition game of the year.
with seven points.
But then came the second half.
Latvia came out strong and allowed
ECU only 19 points the whole half. The
Pirate's scoring came slowly. Kelley's 10-
foot jumper would prove to be the only
score from the 17:13 mark until the
1309 mark in which Allpress made a
lay-up and was fouled. After shooting
one shot she made the score 35-39.
The Pirates saw the lead they had
at halftime slowly disappear. At one
point they were down by 10 with 8:29
to go, but then came charging back to
cut Latvia's lead in half, after a Mary
Thorn three pointer and a basket by
Kelley underneath to make the score
45-50. But ECU couldn't hang on, and
a visibly frustrated Donovan saw her
Lady Pirates drop their exhibition
opener, 49-57.
There were a lot of strong plays and
many notables for the Pirates. Blackmon
led the ECU scorers with 10 points and
eight rebounds. Charlesworth and
Allpress both paced the Pirates with eight
points and four and five rebounds respec-
tively. Cagle contributed seven points
while Kelley finished with six points and
eight rebounds.
The Lady Pirates will host their sec-
ond exhibition game tomorrow night
against Athlete's in Action. Tip off is set
for 7:30 at Williams Arena.
Memphis, here we come
ECU receives early"
. According to
second consecutive Brown- e Pirates
I i ? i were concerned
bowl bid
Craig Perrott
Assistant Sports Editor
ECU braved the elements and
even weathered a Golden Hurricane,
as the Pirates defeated the University
of Tulsa 28-7 before a rain-drenched
home crowd Saturday afternoon.
The victory, coupled with a Cin-
cinnati loss to Kentucky, has guaran-
teed ECU a spot as the host team in
the 1995 St Jude Liberty Bowl.
It is the second year in a row that
the Pirates will have competed in the
post-season game, and senior defensive
tackle Walter Scott is looking to avenge
last year's 30-0 shut-out by Illinois.
"We're going bowling, and we've
got some unfinished business to deal
with said Scott "Last year we were
nationally embarrassed
To clinch the Liberty Bowl Alli-
ance Championship and the bowl
berth, the Pirates had to first get past
Tulsa. According to Scott, the players
didn't have any trouble getting moti-
vated for the contest
"I wanted to humiliate Tulsa
Scott said. "Last time they came down
here in '93, they humiliated these se-
niors. It was the same atmosphere:
rainy, muddy and they were success-
ful. Today we went out there and ex-
ecuted well and came out on top
"We came out real intense said
linebacker Carlos Brown. "A couple of
people said we weren't aggressive
enough on defense. Tulsa has been a
good team, coming back on teams this
year. We wanted to break their spirits
with themselves, not
any outside forces.
"We weren't
counting on Cincin-
nati to lose Brown
said. "We wanted to
go out and take care
of the business we
had to do. We
wanted to come out
and win these last
two games
ECU started
out strong, holding
the Golden Hurri-
cane to three downs
and out, and then
embarking on a
scoring drive that
would end with a 3-
yard Jerris McPhail
run up the middle.
McPhail had 41
yards Saturday.
The Pirates'
second possession
of the opening quar-
ter was marred by
two false start pen-
alties, a call that
would plague ECU
the entire game.
Tulsa Head Coach Dave Rader did
his best impression of Steve Logan in
the second quarter, sending in a fake
punt call on fourth down. Tulsa punter
Mark Delozier connected with Asher
Ladner to pick up the first
The play was kept alive by a drive
that saw Tulsa QB Troy DeGar account
for the Golden Hurricane's sole score
of the day on a 4-yard keeper.
ECU faced a fourth down situa-
Photo courtesy of ECU SID
Quarterback Marcus Crandell, continues
to break records for ECU, as he broke
another one Saturday against Tulsa.
tion of their own with 2:04 remaining
in the first period of action. A hard
snap count by Marcus Crandell, and a
quick snap by senior center Kevin
Wiggins when the Tulsa defense
jumped, equaled an offsides penalty
against the opposition and an easy first
The Pirates capitalized, and
Crandell scored with :32 seconds left
on a 5-yard run.
See MEMPHIS page 9
Basham steps up play to gain
basketball victory over Latvia
Dill Dillard
Staff Writer
Ugly, but it's still a win. That best
describes this past Saturday's 87-77
exhibition victory over the Latvia Se-
lect Team. This was the Pirates' first look
at the zone defense this season which
caused glitches in the execution of first
year Head Coach Joe Dooley's plan.
"Well it just doesn't get much ug-
lier, hopefully anyway said Dooley. "We
saw a situation that we had not played
against zone and it was painful, it was
painful tonight We just didn't play East
Carolina basketball Dooley added.
Despite the sloppy play by the Pi-
rates, the story of the night was junior
fat .vard Tim Basham. Basham, the most
experienced player on Dooley's squad,
led the Bucs in scoring with 22 as well
as lighting up beyond the arc with sue
three pointers. In the first half, Basham
also led the way with 11 of the Pirates
35, including the Pirates first three
points of the ball game.
"Timmy showed up tonight he re-
ally stepped up and did things to help
us win the game Dooley commented.
In the midst of all of the confusion
with the spread outlook, the Pirates may
have found a leader on this young
"He was smart tonight he huddled
everybody up and kept them organized
said Dooley.
It had been said before that it was
the young players who needed to step
up on this team that features only two
seniors in Von Bryant and Vic Hamilton.
Well the Pirates' coaching staff found
one in the 6-foot-5 Basham.
"My main role is to step up and
average 15 or something like that and
be a team leader said Basham.
Last season Basham started every
game and averaged only 10.6 points per
contest but shooting improvement was
shown Saturday night with the junior
shooting eight for 13 from the floor with
10 of those attempts coming from the
three-point line.
Senior forward Von Bryant, goes up and overto score
two in ECU's win over Latvia of Russia Select.
"I've been working on my shot the
last couple of practices said Basham.
The coaches have been working with
Another glimmer of light in the
sloppy Pirate performance was Pirate
newcomer Morris Grooms. Grooms, a
junior college transfer out of Pompar.o
Beach, Fla. aided the Bucs' effort with
11 points of his own along with five
rebounds and one blocked shot
"Well, Coach liked what he saw in
me at junior college and expected to
see it here, so I was expected to come
in and produce said Grooms.
The Pirates also managed to al-
low most of the squad to see playing
time with few exceptions.
"The intensity was there, but we
were not playing to our potential said
Dboley. "We have to wcrk on 'us' the
next few days in practice and see where
we are
Dooley's Pirates came out of the
exhibition season at 2-0, but the next
one will be for real when ECU will take
on the Fightin' Christians of Elon Col-
lege Nov. 25 at Williams Arena.
SID-The ECU volleyball team fell in straight games
to American University 15-7, 16-14, 15-12 Friday Nov. 10
in the nation's capital. Although the Pirates lost, Tuesday's
victory over UNCW gave them a winning season in 1995,
something that hadn't happened since 1989.
Carrie Brne led ECU with 15 kills and eight digs,
while senior Tara Venn, ranked 15th in the nation in indi-
vidual blocking, added seven total blocks.
"We didn't play very well tonight said ECU Head
Coach Kim Walker. "We need to pick up our game for
tomorrow afternoon's match with George Mason
The Pirates (19-17. 3-3 CAA) dropped their second
match in two days, falling on Saturday afternoon to CAA
leading George Mason University in straight games 15-4,
15-3, 15-7. The Patriots' Virag Domokos, who ranks sec-
ond in the nation in individual attack percentage, hit .813
against the Pirates, with 13 kills in 16 chances. She made
no hitting errors. As a team. Mason registered a .427 at-
tack percentage, while ECU hit .128.
Junior outside hitter Brne led ECU with eight kills,
while senior outside hitter and team captain Melanie
Richards added five. Freshman defensive specialist Kristen
Meninger led the Pirates with seven digs.
"We had a tough road trip said Walker. "Now we've
got a week to ready ourselves for the CAA tournament
and whomever we'll play in the first round
ECU will shoot for their 20th victory of the season
this weekend when they participate in the CAA tourna-
ment from Nov. 17-18.
SID-The ECU cross-country teams traveled to
Greenville, S.C. mis weekend to race in the NCAA qualify-
ing meet. Freshman Suzanne Bellamy placed 60th over-
all, leading the Lady Pirates with a time of 19:40. Sopho-
more Karen Reinhard and freshman Kerri Hartling placed
86th and 93rd, respectively.
On the men's side, Jeremy Coleman led the Pirates
with a time of 34:02. giving him a finish of 110th. Jamie
Mance (163) and Michael Marini (218) were also top fin-
ishers for the Pirates.
North Carolina State won the women's meet and
Tennessee took top honors for the men.
See SID page 9

iiiWiTln i i ?
The East Carolinian
Tuesday, November 14, 1995
Editorial Board
Thursday at 5 p.m,
from page 8
While you wait
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SID-Under frigid and snowy
conditions, ECU claimed its first ever
Colonial Athletic Association Tour-
nament victory on Nov. 8, shutting
out UNC-Wilmington 3-0.
Avenging a regular season 1-0
loss in Wilmington, the no. 9 seeded
Pirates dominated the match on both
sides of the ball to taste victory for
the first time since the tournament
began in 1990.
"This was a total team effort
said ECU Head Coach Will Wiberg.
"The defense played outstanding,
and, offensively, we put a lot of pres-
sure on UNCW's defense
ECU scored at the 25:06 mark
when junior Chris Padgett fired in a
goal past Seahawk goalie Adrian
Powell. The Swansboro, N.C. native
scored the goal when senior Marc
Mullin's shot struck b? post and re-
bounded to Padgett who fired in the
The two teams battled through
the half and midway through the sec-
ond period before the Pirates put the
game out of reach with two late
goals. The Pirates final two goals
came from the bench as sophomore
Kyle England found both Kevin
Johnson and Bret Altheiser for
ECU's second score came at the
73:25 mark when England served a
pass in front of the UNCW goal.
Johnson, a junior from Wilmington,
N.C. leaped in the air and headed
England's pass into the Seahawk
The Pirates closed out the scor-
ing in exciting fashion when freshman
Bret Altheiser (Greensboro, N.C.) took
a pass from England at the 82:42
mark, rambled 40 yards down the field
and beat the Seahawk goalie one-on-
one for his fourth goal of the year.
The victory celebration was short-
lived for the Pirates as they faced
number-one seeded William & Mary
on Nov. 8. ECU was on the receiving
end of a 5-0 loss to the Tribe in the
quarterfinals of the CAA Tournament
The Tribe controlled the game
through 90 minutes, outshooting
ECU 23-7 and taking five more cor-
ner kicks than the Pirates.
William & Mary got on the board
early at the 9:12 mark when Billy
Owens scored the first of his three
goals on a direct kick from 18 yards
out Owens scored again at the 19:07
and 26:48 minute marks.
Mike Botta and Waughn Hughes
each scored a goal, while Paul Grafer
and Scott Powers split time at goal
for the shutout
The loss ends a productive sea-
son for the Pirates under Wiberg. ECU
(4-18-0) matched its win total from last
year at four and posted its most con-
ference wins at two.
Are you looking for a hairstylist ?
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Deborah Pretty 321-8842
p.s. 10 discount to full-time students
JL U JLdA. from page 8
he pleaded that the students come out
and support the football team. I find
it ridiculous when the head coach has
to plead to the students to come out
and cheer for our football team, who,
at home, is undefeated.
Before I go any further, let me
commend those who have stayed for
entire games throughout this year.
Bravo, to those who stayed through
the rain on Saturday. Even those fans
who stayed for part if not most of the
game against Tulsa, deserve credit too.
Those are the type of fans who real-
ize a ball game is never fully over until
the clock reads zero on the scoreboard
at the end of the fourth quarter.
With one more home game left
for the season, 1 would hope every-
one would want to come out and see
our Pirates play Memphis this Sat-
The Rebel Magazine Art Show is now
up in Mendenhall Gallery. The show
represents the winners of an open
competition of undergraduate and
graduate students. The show will be
up until Thursday, November 16th.
An invitational reception will take
place in the spring semester.
Brent Piper
1 Brandon Askew
2 Terry Baugh
3 Kimberry A. Payne
HM Brandon Askew
1 Ron Bennett
2 D'jean Jawninner
HM Danny Hodges
1 Jacob Stephenson
2 Eric Terry
3 Trevor Van Meter
1 Lynn Winters
2 Felicia Szorad
3 Lauren Lampe
HM Lynn Winters
1 Jerry Jackson
2 David Silberhorn
HM Neil Everette
1 Javier Marque?
2 Marcia A Sanders
3 Angelia Lau
HM Catherine Broadhead
1 D'jean Jawrunner
2 Phillip Ashe
3 David Scott Lemon
1 Jeanne Brady
2 Erica Cimson
HM Anna Krauss
1 Lynn Winters
2 Albert Crivelli
1 Amanda Love
2 Tina Catoe
3 Neil Everette and Doug Grindstaff
HM Nell Everette
1 Thomas DeVries, Eric Terry, Bryon Hutchens
2 Jon Ostrander, Raine Morgan, Jonathan Peedin
3 Todd Robert
urday. True, it is right before Thanks-
giving break, but couldn't you leave
right after the game? Kickoff is set
for noon, so the game will end ear-
lier than the two o'clock kickoff
Coach Logan wants to see the
stands packed for the Memphis game,
and according to him, he doesn't care
if it is "sleeting sideways" everyone
needs to be there cheering on the
My challenge to all ECU students
is to get your tickets this week and
pack the stands for our last home
game of the season. This will be a
wonderful way to send off the foot-
ball players and coaches to the Lib-
erty Bowl.
So get loud, be proud and shew
your true spirit and I'll see you at
Dowdy-Ficklen this Saturday.
MEMPHIS from page 8
"The whole time they were tim-
ing up on the snap count" Wiggins
said. "They were coming off of the ball
hard, and that makes it tougher on us.
After that play, that kind of slowed
them down because they weren't sure
of the snap count"
On the other side of the ball, Tulsa
seemed to move the ball at will in the
first half, pushing around the Pirate
defensive front
"Army was pretty successful in
running the option on us, so they came
out there and tried to pound it on us
Scott said. "At halftime, the coaches
changed up some little things
The adjustment made by the Pi-
rate coaching staff obviously worked,
as Tulsa was held scoreless in the sec-
ond half.
It was another game in which
Crandell rewrote the history books.
Crandell, who is already ECU's all-time
passing leader, has now captured the
record for total offense, surpassing yet
another Jeff Blake mark. Crandell now
has 5,788 yards of total offense, while
Blake's total was 5,618 yards. His next
target is touchdown passes. Blake
threw 43 in his tenure at ECU, while
Crandell currently has 41.
On the Pirates' second possession
of the first half, another record was
broken. Crandell connected with H-
back Mitchell Galloway on a swing pass,
and Galloway scooted 85 yards for the
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score, making it the third longest pass
play in ECU history.
"One of my goals as a wide re-
ceiver is to catch the ball short and
make things happen Galloway said.
"If you make one guy miss, then some-
thing can happen, and uhafs what I
did. I was kind of tired on the way there,
but I finally made it and we got six on
The final points for the Pirates
came in the form of a 9-yard Crandell
TD run with 11:33 left in the fourth
Crandell finished the day 17 of 33
passes for 290 yards, and had 22 yards
on the ground.
Redshirt freshman fullback Daryl
Jones, who moved up second on tie
depth chart this week due to a Scott
Harley shoulder injury, stepped up for
the Pirates. Jones had 41 yards against
the Golden Hurricane, equaling starter
Jerris McPhail's total.
"I just executed what Cch
wanted done; just to control the ball,
and keep moving. Thats all I tried to
do Jones said.
With Jones, Harley and Raymond
Mabry all contributing as redshirt
freshmen, the future of the Pirate
backfield looks bright
"Ifs going to be a tough battle
for the top spot" Jones said. "By the
end of these five years one of us will
be very, very good because we'll have
to battle off the other tw
Jones is looking to contribute to
the cause in the Liberty Bowl this year.
"My birthday is the 31, and last
year it wasn't too pleasant I hope this
year I can help us win and make my
birthday a little better
9:00 am - 7:00 pm Nov. 13 -14 M-F
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persons to take over lease in January on
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lease on a spacious two bedroom, 1 12
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Water, sewer, cable included in rent Please
leave message at 752-7585
share 2 BR townhouse, 12 rent & utili-
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with free water, free cable (Beside Tar
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sette. Safety inspection Exp. 896. $1500
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instruction manual, $220; excellent
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CONDOMS! Wide selection! Shop from
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for energetic, hardworking person to run
errands and general office work. Trans-
portation needed. Call Kellie Jones at Dr.
Gary Michels 752-1600.
needed. 20 - 24 hours a week. Learn valu-
able merchandising skills. Call 1-800-999-
0904 ext 75213 for information about t his
exciting job.
11 Wanted
Motivated individuals needed
for security position at the
Glaxo - Wellcome Plant in
Greenville. Earn $6.50 per hr.
FTPT. Flexible schedule, good
benefits for full-time employ-
ees to include tuition assis-
tance. Apply in person to:
Employment Security
Commission 3101 Bismark St.
Largaat Library of Information In U.S. -
all aubhacta
Ordor Catalog Today with VIsaMC or CO
Of (310)477-8226
HELP WANTED: Waitstaff davtime and
night shifts available. Must be able to work
at least two weekday lunch shifts. NO
CALLS, please apply in person between
8am and 10am or 2pm and 4pm, Profes-
sor O'Cools Winn Dixie Market Place.
5TH STREET BREWERY is now taking
applications for experienced wait staff and
bartenders. Come by 207 E. 5t h St or call
551-6755. Ask for Matt
available on Saturdays 6pm to 8am at the
Greenville Community Shelter. $5.00 to
start kA great resume addition to those
with or needing human service back-
ground. No calls. Apply at 207 Manhat-
tan Ave. between 12-7pm weekdays.
WANTED Individuals, Student Organi-
zations and Small Groups to Promote
FREE TRIPS. Call the Nation's Leader,
Inter-Campus Programs, http:
www.icptcom 1-800-327-6013
up to $25-45hr. teaching basic conversa-
tional English in Japan, Taiwan, or S.
Korea. No teaching background or Asian
languages required. For information call:
(206 632-1146 ext J53622.
to $2,000month working on Cruise
Ships or Land-Tour companies. World
travel. Seasonal & full-time employment
available. No experience necessary. For
more information call 1-206-634-0468 ext
Luxurious hotels are now hiring seasonal
positions. Lifeguards, food service, house-
keepers, hosthostess, and front desk staff.
Call Resort Employment Services 1-206-
632-0150 ext R53621.
how hundreds of students are already earn-
with America's 1 Spring Break company!
Sell only 15 trips and travel free! Choose
Cancun, Bahamas, Mazatlan. or Florida!
TRAVEL (800) 95-BREAK!
ATTENTION LADIES: Greenville's Old-
est and Largest Escort Service is now hir-
ing due to our expanding Business. Ear n
up to $1,500 plus per week, Escorting in
the Greenville and surrounding areas. You
must be at least 18 years of age, Have own
phone and transportation. We are also
hiring Male and Female Dancers for Pri-
vate Parties, Call Diamond Escorts Inc.
at 75808 or Emerald City Escorts at
757-3477 for an Interview. Est 1990.
$1750 WEEKLY possible mailing our
circulars. No experience required. Begin
now. For info call 301-306-1207.
broke, want to get paid everyday, Call
Playmates Massage, Snow Hill, NC 747-
addressed stamped envelope to OMNI
Enterprises: Weight PO Box 2624
Greenville NC 27836-0624
MAKE $1,000'S weekly processing mail
orders at home. Send self addressed en-
velope to OMNI Enterprises PO Box 2624
Greenville NC 278360624.
quired for fast paced growing credit re-
porting business. Only hard workers need
apply. Hours flexible. Morning hours pre-
ferred. Apply in person at 206 Charles
Blvd. Ask for Chris or Angela.
play in Acoustic Band at BW-3. Can make
up to $180 in one night Call Mike 758
PACKAGE SYSTEM is looking for PACK-
AGE HANDLERS to load Vans and un-
load Trailers for the AM and PM Shift's.
Hours 4:00am to 9:00am. $6.00hour,
tuition assistance available after 30 days.
Future career opportunities in operations
and management possible. Applications
can be filled out at 104 United Drive,
Greenville, 752-1803
" Offered
THING MORE? Wax Revolver DJ Services
is your ANSWER! We have the best selec-
tion of music in Greenville. Call 7585026
ask for Sean and Book your Party Now!
available. Billions of dollars in grants.
Qualify immediately. 1-800-243-2435 (1-
HAVING A PARTY? Calling for rain? Rent
a canopy! Two peaked-roof canopies for
rent $65.00 each per day as is or $100.00
each per day set-up and delivered. 752-
5533. Leave message.
NEED A BABYSITTER? College student
exp. with all ages. Available at various
hours and on weekends. Please call
Courtney at 3287875.
HILL this weekend? $10.00 round trip per
person. Leave Friday around noon, return
Sunday evening. Call 413-9099 and Leave
ment only. Call Saturdays 1-800289996.
THE PARTY IS ON! Your party ain't
thump'n until MMP is pump'n. Mobile
Music Productions is "the" disc jockey
service for your party or social function.
Widest variety of any disc jockey company
in Greenville. Specializing in the needs of
ECU Organizations and Greeks. Dates are
filling fast so call early. Ask for Lee 758
sentation. Typing, Word Processing, Re-
sumes. Fast Accurate, Inexpensive. Heidi
321-8282. If No Answer, Please Leave a
Message. Your Call WILL be Returned.
WANTED 100 STUDENTS To lose 10-
30)bs Next 90 days. New Metabolism
Breakthrough Guarenteed. $35.50 visa
mc 1-800-221-6382
NEED TYPING? Campus Secretary offers
speedy, professional service; campus pick-
up and delivery. Familiar with all formats.
Low rates. Call Cindy at 355-3611.
terested in professional nails at reasonable
prices call Linda at 83O0639. Nail tips
$25.00, nail art fill ins, and over 100 col-
ors choose from. All done by a Professional
Cosmosologist. Call Day and Early
Evening - leave message
SINGLE GUYS ? GIRLS: Meet someone
special on The New Date Line leave &
retreive messages 24 hrs a day. 1-900-255-
8585 ext 7726 2.99 per min ute. Must be
18 yrs Touch Tone Phone Required Seru-
UK619) 64S8434
in private sector grants & scholarships is
now available. AH students are eligible
regardless of grades, income, or parent's
income. Let us help. Call Student Finan-
cial Services: 1300-263-6495 ext F53623.
Spring Break!
Bahamas Party Cruise
It's Better In The Bahamas
15 Meal ? 6 Parties
Cancun $3591
Jamaica $4191
7 Nights Air & Hotel! Parties &
Honda $1191
SPRING BREAK, Bahamas or Florida
Keys. Spend it on your own PRIVATE
YACHT, one week only $385.00 per per-
son. Including food and much more. Or-
ganizers go for FREE! Easy Sailing Yacht
Charters. 1-800-783-4001. See us on the
Party in Jamaica, Cancun. Bahamas,
Florida, Padre. Guaranteed lowest prices.
Organize Group, Travel Free! Call for free
information packet! 1-800426-7710.
Book Now! JamaicaCancun $359, Baha-
mas $299, Panama CityDaytona $129.
Sell Trips, Earn Cash, Go Free! 1-800-234-
lost and
SPECIAL DIET. 830-3842
away, so enter now. November 16 at
KAPPA SIGMA at 9:30. Any questions?
Call Michelle 931-0207.
Sound interesting? Want to Know More? Guest
lecturer - Thursday, November 16, 1995 from
10:00am to 12.00pm in School of Nursing, Room
202. All are invited and encouraged to attend. Spon-
sored by ECANS.
Support Junior Panhelienic and their March of
Dimes fundraiser, buy a button sometime during
the week of November 13th thru the 17th. The
buttons will cost one dollar and they say "I'm wear-
ing blue jeans for babies" Buy one from 10-2 in
front of Wright Mon, Tues, and Wed. The but-
tons will be worn on Friday 17th. Help Support
this event1
The first organizational meeting will be held on
Wednesday, November 15 at 9O0am at Minges
Coliseum Pool. Please bring health insurance in-
formation: Name of Company, State issued in and
Policy number. For more information contact
ScrevenJones at 328938.
There is a mandatory meeting tonight at BW3's at
8:00. Anyone interested in joining SPAN encour-
aged to come. Members bring dues or answer to
The next meet ing of the National Collegiate Middle
School Association will be held Tuesday, Novem-
ber 14 in Speight Room 308. Our guest presenter
will be Mr. Jeff Henley from Career Services. He
will be conducting a workshop from 4pm-6pm cov-
ering resume writing networking, and interview-
ing skills. AD middle grades majors are encouraged
to attend.
The East Carolina Native American Organization
will meet on Wednesday, November 15 at 7pm in
MSC room 14. We will be discussing the rest of
this year's programs & our guest speaker. All mem-
bers are encouraged to attend. If you have any
questions, please call Nikki Epps at 752-9042.
You to The Smiking Gun Fair, Wednesday, Novem-
ber 15th from 10am til 2pm in front of the Stu-
dent Store. The fair will be held in the first floor of
the General Classroom Building in case of rain.
The Smoking Gun Forum that was scheduled for
Tuesday nijht in Mendenhall has been can celled.
Please attend the Smoking Gun Fair on Wednes-
day to test your knowledge, skill and win prizes.
November meeting and Contra Dance at the Bap-
tist Student Center. Saturday, November 18,730pm
FREE! Live music by Elderberry Jam: caller from
Greensboro. Come alone or bring a friend.
The Wesley fellowship dinners are Wednesday
nights, at 5:15pm, Met.wdist Student Center, 501
East Fifth Street
For November 14 through November 20: held at
A. J. Fletcher Recital Hall and FREE: unless other-
wise noted in the announcement TUES, NOV. 14
- - FACULTY RECITAL, Henry Doskey, piano
ENSEMBLE, Peter Mills and Paul Tardiff, Direc-
tors (8:00pm) THURS, NOV 16 - - SYMPHONIC
Carter and Christopher Knighten, Conductors
(WRIGHT AUDITORIUM, 8O0om, Free). For addi-
tional information, call ECU 6851 or t he 24-hour
hotline at ECU4370.
The following students won prizes donated by the
ECU Student Store at the MajorsMinors held
November 1. Sweatshirts: Stephanie Hartis, An-
gela Lee, Kristin Patton. ECU Sports Pacs: Betty
Carmon, Meianie Mense.
Hit the slopes for some after exam relief during
Recreational Services Ski Vacation at Snowshoe
Mountain Resort in West Virginia. Participants will
spend five nights and six days in a mountaintop
house on the slopes. Fifty slopes and trails cover
this winter wonderland with adventures ranging
from the beginner to the advanced skier. The dates
of this ski adventure are December 15-20. Inter-
ested individuals will need to register in 204
Christenbury by December 1. For more informa-
tion call Recreational Services 3286387
Take a break from studying and relieve some stress
at this year's Natural life Exam Jammathon on
Friday. December 1 at 8pm in Christenbury Gym.
Baskeball, volleyball, water aerobics, a rest and re-
laxation dass. open weight room, martial arts dem
onstrations, food, and prizes will all be on hand
during this night of fun. For more information call
Recreational Services at 3281570.

Congratulate the following people for be-
ing chosen as Greeks of the Week for last
week and this week: Zeta Tau Alpha: Sh-
annon Peterson, Susan; Delta Zeta: Sarah
Ihne, Jenne Sevilla; Pi Delta: Tammy
Dewesse, Renee Hester; Alpha Phi: Tristan
Lee, Jessica Gibson; Alpha Xi Delta:
Stephanie Cecich, Amanda Beasley; Chi
Omega: Laura Partin, Jessica Ennis; Al-
pha Delta Pi: Julie Tanner, Erin Dilley;
Sigma Sigma Sigma: Alysun Singletary,
KAPPA PHI, thanks for the great social
Thursday. We're looking forward to next
time. Love, Delta Zeta
1996 Exec Jessica Ennis - President; Leslie
Roseman - Vice President; Darcie
Reasoner - Secretary; Niki Sears - Trea-
surer; Stacee Diener - Pledge trainer;
Heather Carroll - Personel, and Mary
Marshall Harris - Panhelienic.
are doing a great job. Keep up the good
work and remember - "Only the Best are
SUSAN AND STEFANIE - Good luck for
Panhelienic elections! We're behind you
100! Love, your Zeta Sisters and New
KA ? Us Zetas reckon that social ya'll had
over yonder for us was more fun than
rednecks winnin' a tractor pull! Thanks
guys - it was great! Love Zeta
SIGMA PHI EPSILON, Thanks for the
get together on Thursday! It was good to
hang out again. Love Alpha Delta Pi.
PI KAPPA ALPHA, Thanks for the So-
cial. We all had a great time! Love, Alpha
Delta Pi.
LAMBDA CHI ALPHA, Thanks for hav-
ing us over to Support the Pirates! Love,
Alpha Delta Pi.
that participated in the new member scav-
enger hunt on Saturday. Love Sigma New
for the roses and the social. It was fun.
We're "Pi Kappa Phi girls Love, Sigma
New Members.
SIGMA wants to thank those that par tici-
pated in our scavenger hunt
THETA CHI, Thank you for such a won-
derful time a Candy land. Love the Sigmas.
NEW OFFICERS: President: Nicole
Federinko; Vice President. Tracey Maurer;
Secretary: Jo Matish; Treasurer: Julie
Farm; Education: Lorie Tew; Rush: Jill
The ECU bloodmobile is sponsored by Alpha Xi
Delta on November 27, 1995 in Mtr.Jenhall Stu-
dent Center, Monday from 1200 - 600
Trie next Gamma Beta Phi meeting will be on Tues-
day, Nov. 14 at 500 in MSC room 244. Come here
about the state convention and get ideas for those
final service projects. Also, do not forget to think
about officers for next semester.
Interested in voicing your opinion regarding stu-
dent policies and procedures for the new Student
Recreation Center? Get involved with this student
leadership opportunity and join the SRC Policy
and Program Committee through Recreational
Services. Call Pat Cox at 3286387 for the upcom-
ing meeting We need your voice.
Will be having our first social ever at the Final
Score on Thursday, November 16th at 6.00pm. If
you have any questions please contact one of the
Invites you to attend it's annual Wine and Cheese
social on Tuesday November 14 from 5-7pm Join
us in the General Classroom Building on the 3rd
floor lobby. Please bring an ID if you plan to drink.
The Video Yearbook Staff encourages any students
interested in working on the video yearbook to
register for Comm 3271 Video Magazine. The
course provides great communication experience.
It is not necessary to be a Communication Major.
Any questions call Comm office 3284227.
A talk on "Why I am a Buddhist An Introduction
to Tibetan Buddhism from a Western Viewpoint"
will be given by Lama Yeshe Gyamtso at 7:30pm.
Thursday, November 16 in the Unitarian-Univer-
salist Church, 131 Oakmont Dr ive (across the street
from the Greenville Athletic Club). Lama Yeshe
was bom in Canada and has completed two tradi-
tional three-year retreats. He has also served as
translator for many distinguished Tibetand lamas.
The talk is sponsored in part by the Buddhist Medi-
tation and Study Croup of ECU. Call 7568315 for
more information.

The East Carolinian, November 14, 1995
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
November 14, 1995
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