East Carolinian, February 8, 1963

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East Carolina College
Number 28
Area Hosts "Voice Of
Murrow, Congressional Delegation
nspect, Formally Inaugurate Plant
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a total
eq tivalea I
I F.S. cam-
:s Shoose
advising will
nja the period
February 16
ith the follow-
period, each
s advisor
al i lass Sche-
showing the
n next t( rm.
ent musl tnke the
Schedule to the
Iffice immediate-
ing and
ffice will be
M. to 4:30
? r, despite the
advisor has fill-
is schedule,
istered un-
r the schedule
rtrar's Office.
?nshing to make
of major during the
r must do so be-
ruarj i to February
student senate, failing
ft a quorum for the
consecutive week, ad-
J Monday evening with-
takmsj any official action.
sn1 meeting will be
ol I hfbruary 11, at seven
p in the Buccaneer
cial radio stations.
Greenville facility doubles
twave broadcasting power
? e U.S. Information Agency's
radio network which is
known to millions around the work!
as "The Voice of America The
Greenville installation is the most
important single component of a
program to strengthen the Voice
of America and to make it more
competitive in broadcast signal with
Radio Moscow and Radio Peking.
To inspect and formally inaugu-
rate the $23,273,000 radio complex,
Edward R. Murrow will fly from
Washington to Greenville with a
i Congressional delegation.
The Voice of America is current-
ly broadcasting by shortwave in 36
lang lages 740 hours per week.
Forty-eight transmitters in the
United States range in power from
25 to 500 kilowatts. Ovrseas, U.S.
Information Agency has 55 trans-
tiers ranging in power from 35
? 1,000 kilowatts. These facilities
ure strategically located in all im-
portant target areas of the world.
I'adio Moscow broadcasts 1.205
hours and Radio Peking 787 hours
Before Pearl Harbor the United
States was far behind the other
ijor powers in the field of inter-
national broadcasting. By early
1942 the Axis was broaoVasting to
the world over some 75 high power
transmitters. The United States
sessed a dozen short wave trans-
mitters operated by five commer-
cial companies. These formed the
nucleus of the Voice of America's
network when it began broadcast-
ing on February 24, 1942. In the
ensuing 21 years, the Voice has
come of age.
The U.S.I.A. used all means of
communication to the people of the
world, including the printed word
in newspapers, .pamphlets, maga-
zines, and books; visual material
such as photographs, displays, ex-
hibits, motion pictures, and tele-
vision; and direct personal contact
through some 900 officers work-
ing out of 223 offices in 101 coun-
I ries.
Each medium of communication
has inherent advantages; all are
important, But radio is unique in
that it cannot efectively be stopped
at national boundaries, even by
"jamming it is relatively inex-
pensive, and reaches tremendous
audiences instantaneously.
"Jamming" is the name for the
Communist attempt to blot out in-
coming radio programs by putting
their own transmitters, various
forms of unpleasant noise, on the
same frequency. The Communists
use about 2,000 such transmitters
against Free World broadcasts in
Soviet and Bloc languages. A sim-
ilar effort by us would cost over
$150,000,000 yearly. The annual
operating cost of the entire Voice
of America totals some $22,000,000.
This forest of antennae, many of them 400 feet high, beams Voice
of America broadcasts from Greenville directly to Europe, Africa,
and Latin America, as well as to VOA relay stations overseas. In
turn, these relay stations speed the Voice of Americo programs with
added strength to cover the globe.
(Photo by Douglas Chevalier, Washington Post.)
Band Plays Winter Concert
Tonight In Wright Auditorium
The Winter Concert of the East 2" by Dr. Martin Mailman, and "La
Carolina Symphonic Band, directed
by Mr. Herbert Carter, will be
held tonight at 8:00 in Wright
In their first formal concert of
the year, the band will present a
varied program which will include
both classical and contemporary
pieces. The concert is given in con-
nection with the All-State Band
Clinic (Eastern Division) which
will be on campus today and to-
The pieces that the band will
perform are: "Come Sweet Death"
by Bach, "Tancredi Overture" by
Rossini, "Handel in The Strand"
by Percy Grainger, "Four Pieces
for Band" by Bartek "March
With Trumpets" by Bergsma, "In-
termezzo" from the opera Vanessa
by Samuel Barber, "Geometries No.
Fiesta Mexicana" by Dr. H. Owen
Dr. Martin Mailman, the compos-
er-in-residence at East Carolina
School of Music, will be the guest
conductor and will conduct his own
piece. This will be the first per-
formance of his work "Geometries
No. 2 for Band
"La Fiesta Mexicana" by Dr.
H. Owen Reed is a picture in music
of a Mexican fiesta. Dr. Reed
studied for a year in Mexico while
he was wrriting the piece. "LaFies-
ta" -portrays a Mexican religious
festival. It shows the two faces of
the fiesta which are both festive
and solemn. The piece starts off
witih an Aztec Dance. The attention
centers around the dancers who
dance in an ever increasing frenzy.
A gong sounds and the scene is
shifted to the Mass. The people
must not forget that the fiesta
has a religious meaning The toll-
ing of the bells is heard and one
cam imagine the people going into
one of the churches. Next comes
the Carnival with all of its gaiety.
This is the time of entertainment
with the circus, market, bull fight,
and town band all being heard in
the music. Then come the "cantin-
as" with their band of "Mariachis
The whole piece shows gaiety and
The band will take most of the
program on tour with them next
week as they travel through the
Piedmont section of the state.
This year the Symphonic band
officers are: president, Dale Black-
well; vice president, Ed Jones;
secretary, Sandra Porter; and
treasurer, Miachel Keziah.

Page 2
The SGA was first organized at East Carolina in
November, 1920. It has been in continuous service since
that time. There seems to be a general lack of knowledge,
if not lack of concern, as to what the powers of that body
are and where it derives them. Our feeling is that if the
students understand the purposes, powers and limita-
tions of the SG'A they can better benefit from it. The
following is an explanation of the derivation and powers
of the East Carolina SGA. It is the working information
employed by the senate members.
There is more to EC student government than the
experience gained in managing che affairs of fh.e students.
There is mere to it -ban knowledge gained from working
with other people on the many committees involved. Our
SGA acts as a buffer between the students and other
college forces. More important, each year the student
legislature has complete control in spending the $120,000
income from the student activity fee. This is more money
than that handled by any other student government in
the state; with two or three exceptions, it is more money
than is handled by any student governments in the entire
It can assume, however, only such administrative
and legislative duties and responsibilities as are dele-
gated to it by the President of the college and other admin-
istrative officers. The Board of Trustees, at its meeting
in May, 1945, passed a resolution reaffirming the re-
sponsibilities of the college administrative officers with
respect to the student government. The resolution passed
by the Board is as follows:
"The President of East Carolina College, the admini-
strative officers and the entire staff are charged with
the responsibilities of conducting the affairs of the col-
lege in the interest of the people of North Carolina in
accordance with the best educational principles and
practices of colleges of its kind.
Student organizations in the College, including the
student government association, may be founded and
operated only with the permission and under the super-
vision of the President of the College.
A, student government organization in the College
may be discontinued by the President at any time, and
any part of the constitution and by-laws of the student
government association that is found to be inconsistent
with the official administration of the College may be
revoked, and should be revoked by the President of the
Fri. 8?Eastern District Band Clinic.
?Movie: "Swinging Along with the Ray Charles Singers,
Austin, 7:00 p.m.
?Annual Winter Concert by EC Symphonic Band, Wright,
8:00 p.m.
Sat. 9?Eastern District Band Clinic
?Movie: "Swinging Along with the Ray Charles Singers,
Austin, 7:00 p.m.
?Concert by State High School Clinic Band, Wright, 7:30 pjm.
Mom 11?CU Bowling League, Hillcrest Lanes, 4:00 pjm.
?Duplicate Bridge, Wright Social Room, 7:00 jpJn.
-HFaculty Recital: Oarl Stout, Organist, Austin, 8:15 p.m.
Tues. 12?Beginners' Bridge, Wright Social Room, 3:00 p-m.
?Lost 'n Found Sale, sponsored by the CU, TV tRoom, 8:30 p.m.
Wed. 13?Red Cross Bloodmobile, Wright, all day.
?Geography Departmental Meeting, Flanagan 317, 7:00 p.m.
?Basketball Game: EC Frosh vs. Edwards Military Institute,
Gym, 8:00 pjn.
Thurs. 14?.Red Cross Bloodimobiie, Wright, all day.
?Beginners' Bridge, Wright Social Room, 3:00 pjm.
?Chapel Services, T Hut, 6:30 p.m.
?Debating Club Organizational Meeting, all interested persons
invited, no experience necessary, Rawl 130, 7:00 p.m.
?Foreign Film: "The Last Bridge" with Maria Schell, Austin,
7:00 p.m.
Pri. 15?Movie: "Satan Never Sleeps" with William Holden,
Austin, 7:00 p.m.
?Freshman Class Dance, Wright Auditorium, 8:00 pjm.
Published semi-weekly by the students of East Carolina College,
Greenville, North Carolina
Carolinas Collegiate Press Association
Associated Collegiate Press
editor i junius d. grimes m
business manager keith hobbs
Offices on second floor of Wright Building
Mailing Address: Box 1063, East Carolina College, Greenville, North Carolina
Telephone, all departments, PL 25716 or PL 2-6101, extension 264
Subscription rate: $2.60 per
Friday, February
,? 11 wjWi'i'i'i'iVh i ii 'i 'i'i'i' ?-t-hAA-? ? i?fc?
in i.ii.iimii
Did you know that yoa
bitious? Everyone fa t0 a
decree. However, veryou
not possess the j?am??

ambition, and everyone'
is not directed toward tie
Ambition is defined a "an
or inordinate desire for prefer
honor, superiority, power,
tainment Therefore, accord
the definition a priori, TTiji ?
ambitious because teryone hal
eager or inordinate danr for
?r more of these items. The rm
tive MU'lflff in the juagla is ?
bitioufl in that he wan . ,
as a great hunten- or warrior.
drunk on the street ii ambits
in that "he wants more wi
The athlete is Nribitiooi m (W
wants to be a better a'hlete. aae
the student is ambitious
he wants to learn more.
de Gaulle
When Gen. de Gaulle succeeded
in blocking England's entry into
the Common Market, this renegade
Machiavellian managed to deal
England the heaviest blow since
Dunkirk, to hand the free world its
most disadvantageous loss since
the Battle of Pork Chop Hill, to
set up a block in the Geneva Con-
ference's progress toward disarm-
ament, to set back by decades any
progress made towards a Confed-
eration of Europe, and to make
a sham out of the NATO Alliance.
All this is for the country which
has just gained economic stability
since the apparent success of the
Common Market. All this for the
country which has not had over
two generations of stable govern-
ment since Napolean. All this is
for the country which, less than
one year ago, was forced to un-
shackle Algeria from the chains
of colonialism, thus, (putting an
end to France's one time call to
glory?the French Empire. This is
the man and this is the country who
now wish to take the leadership of
an independent Europe void of in-
tertangling alliances with England
or tihe United States.
There is an idea gaining momen-
tum in the complexities of mid-
century?a dictator is an asset to
solve the problems of a newly de-
veloped or chaotic government.
This is a gross error! ! ! True, in
some instances a dictator may
seem like the only means to bring
any semblance of order. But this
ate far too clear cut an answer.
This problem, like all problems of
mid-century, has no simple answer.
There is no one man with all the
answers. No matter what the ethnic
group is based upon?race, creed
or nationalism?there is no simple
(thesis or antithesis. Rather, the
whole story of the evolution of man
is based upon the evolution of man's
institutions. And the story behind
these institutions has been one of
constant synthesis. All the peoples
of the world desire tpeace, whether
they be American or Russian,
Chinese or Indian, French or Afri-
can. It is only when a dictator
usurps enough power, from
what one author teirmed a
'faceless republic' tihat war
is possible. When or if a so
called benevolent dictator (The
very term in nonsensical) comes
to power, this individual has the
potential of becoming another Hit-
ler, and sets a dangerous prece-
dent for future government. Can
one be sure how benevolent his suc-
cessor will be? Where can the
usurpation of power stop? Can the
judgement of one man, no matter
what his genius or moral standing,
be trusted? The idea that the dic-
tator will one day turn the reigns
of power over to the people is ri-
diculous. The most obvious mani-
fastation of this is communism.
Yes, a dictator might be the simple
solution in the short run: but in the
long run a dicator will pose more
devastating problems than he
solves. Can a comparison be made
between Hitler and De Gaulle?
Hitler was obcessed with parti -
otism. He was vehement in his ob-
jections to the way Germany had
-been treated by the terms of the
Versailles Treaty. De Gaulle also
is obsessed with patriotism. He is
vehement in his denunciation of
England and the United States. He
feels that France has been slighted
by these two tpowers. De Gaulle
reasons that England's interests lie
outside of Europe with the Com-
mon market and in the direction
of the United States. Thus, Eng-
land is not ready for entrance into
the Common Market. It is interest-
ing to note tihat in 1954 the French
National Assembly turned its
thumbs down on the then-proposed
European Defense System. The
chief reason for this: Britian who
had been France's ally in two
world wars was not a member.
Gould the reason for this slighting
of France by Britian and the "Unit-
ed Spates be skepticism of an un-
stable government. Did they forsee
the possible chance of a De Gaulle
who, like Hitler, dreaimed of a
United Europe under Germany,
now dreams of a United Europe
under France.
De Gaulle desires to set France
up as a buffer state between the
free world and the communist
world. He has not yet learned the
lesson that the wise old man from
the East, Jawaharla Nehru has
learned. Who, as one historian put
"? ? gave an early evidence of
an interest in Marxism, and later
talked like Jefferson. . ?) A
country in the complexities of mid-
century carmot ossify itself be-
'tween Communism and the Free
r k tuuty is there
Different poop poa i i -
amounts of ambition. Wr-rl
person will not rest u I
fulfilled his ambition, another pg. I
son is satisfied to tal 1
attaining the roals he has $: k I
himself. Both of these people ail
indicate a high degi -
they just have different nefct I
of attaining their goai-
By hate they rose to flashbulb
Slory and the roar of cowed
multitudes, police sirens shriek-
Mtle the lead: the abject mik?
JuUischar of their pcm.
-Tohn Boa Paaaoa
mer may attain his mm
quickly and move on to other ??i
but in many cases haste vm
waste. The Latter has the s
t-age of taking the time to '
job right" but he may not accoa
lish as much. Thev two ex:
of high degrees of ambition?
contrasted with the ,4?oo'
who has a low dearree of ar
He is the one who a ways tub
something and never gtto at
thing. The reas-r. be astu
fills his ambition is secaaa
either too stuped or too hi ?
neither of these little sta
incurable. It is no among
to have the eager ' ?' "
desire; a person m ill a
ing to back thig desire up ?!
some mental and physical e.
If a person is going to be am-
bitious, why not direct the ac-
tion toward some useful W
Is it not just as easy to
useful goals as useless one;
the whole matter is on of !??
choice? Yet, every day o?
look at people around hint and
them Turning their lives bed
?they have set foolish goals. A
sic examples are found in tfteW
who is wasting both his time a
money by being in college j?t
the fun of it or in the pri
cannot concentrate on her ?
because her thoughts are wrap!
up m the number of bofs e j
"snowed If the boy wants o
fun, he should get out of ?
and get a job which will tford
the time and the money. If t
is wrapped up in "snowi
boys, she should get out
so her studies will not
with her social life. Noth?T
be said about the person
set useful goals; all that & ?WjJ
is that he work to attain th?
on the vmy to their ?71
should set intermediate goals, j
cam act as a progress chart
source of encouragemeat
individual on the way to m
And if a person happeas to ,
his final goal a little early,
always ralae his sights to ??H
Still Needs Bel

K?truary H, 1963
Pate t
Empty Hands
Difficult Art Provides
sicai exercise
McDonald (right) of Southern Pines, d
of Sanford.
emonstrates a snap kick to the mid-section
one two
ie deadliest
.? known
Most of the karate practice in
Greenville ran be traced no the
instructions of tw0 EC students.
M Donald ami Tommy Wayne
B -i' ' ho hold the Brown and
V lite Belts, respectively. They are
ng courses in beginning and
advanced karate. Their 'class-
room" is located behind Bodkin's
Music Store,
There are several misconceptions
4 self-de
every possi
? ? pur-
about karate which should be
cleared iv One concerns the vul-
nerability of anyone who claims
to know karate. Mary people have
mentioned stories aboiut people
who claimed to know karate but
were badly beaten in actual fights.
The statement "I know karate"
is meaningless without some in-
dication of the decree karate is
"known A person who learns
the scale on the piano can be said
. arring,
? 1 ocked is
f ;


McDonald's seiken (forefist punch) is prevented by Bridges' knife
hand block. Bridges delivers a shuto to the neck area.
fro kirk from a standing backsUnce is
"know the piano but he
would be badly defeated if he at-
tempted to play Tchaikovsky's 1st
Piano Concerto.
It takes years of practice to
perfect karate, and there are few
'xperts in the United States. These
p? ople are not those found in
bars openly broadcasting their
knowledge of karate.
Many people think that karate
is nothing more than striking with
the edge of the hand instead of
the fist. That is not true. It should
also be pointed out that condition-
ing the hands, making it possible
to break boards or bricks, is not
essential to the practice of karate.
Howevt r, it does illustrate the
remarkable effectiveness of karate
Karaite is often criticized as a
brutal practice which should be
outlawed. As Hidetaka Nishiyama,
head instructor of the Japan
Karate Association, has pointed
out, if karate is practiced only for
self defense, why not go to a store
and buy a weapon, saving many
hours of strenuous practice. Ed
Parker, one of the top karate men
in the U. S. has said, "As a stu-
dent progresses and his knowledge
of karate increases, so does his
respect for the rights of others
In this light, one realizes that
any criticism of karate should be
directed at the misuse of it, (which
Is, unfortunately, not without oc-
demonstrated by ourence) and not at the practice
of it
A "shuto" (side of hand blow)) is delivered by McDonald through six
one-inch boards.
Copy by
joe McDonald
Photography by
?? ?? ?:?;??? '?:? - - ? ? ??? :?'?;? :??;
Bridges takes preparing stance for karate action.

?'tir? h
Formal Rush For Sororities
Winter Q
BC haa a record enrollment for
? . mmrterotf 5,410 students
iV vi inter quai u r ' ,
the caan us, accord
the off' '
As a part of formal rush, the Delta Zeta Sorority entertained rushees at its Wednesday night party.
i this party the rushees were entertained with a skit. Each of the other seven sororities also held
rush last week.
Men's Glee Club, WC Choir
Present Joint Feb. Concerts
The Men's Glee Club of East
Carolina College and the Womons
( ege Choir from Greensboro will
appear in joint concerts during
F tary. The first program is
: for Sunday, Feb. 10, at
8 p.m. at Aycock auditorium at
EC certs are open to the
Q will dir .t the t1i-
e from Womon's College; an 1
Charles Stevens, the E.C. glee club.
program will include selec-
? y each of th two c i ?
5. Two numbers which v
I by t he combined or-
ris are "Hov Lovely Is
Thv Dwelling P by Brahms
and the Coronation Scene fro n
M sky's "Boris Godounof
Pa il Hickfang, row a faculty
member at Women's College, will
turn to EC, where he taught for
years, as soloist in the
3!ouss(? rg-sky number.
Jane Murray of Roxboro, grad-
Psychology Dept.
uate assistant in the KC School of
Music, will appear as soloist with
the Men's Glee Club in Brahms'
"Alto Rhapsody for Alto and Male
Accompanists for the concerts
will be Mary Ida Hodge of Womon's
College and William T. Gossett and
Terry Coley, students in the School
of Music at EC.
ing work on uie
to a report (mm
rar Fr:m;m D. G ??
por the 1962 ?nrtter qaartei
5.028 men and women were reg
u rej for courses taught
ee. The 1963 report .
nclude students regi to r in ?
ey scheduled by the I ' r'
f the college ilt lh'
Branch College at Camp
Point Ma-
! ? ?
rlo .
vision o
? arolina
Lejune, Seyroi i
Force Base Chen,
Air Station; at Freshman O ?
at Washington, Kinston, and V
Bern; and a- various looalit ?
Eastern North Carolina
North Carolinians enrolled in
courses baaight on the EC
.hide 4,617 men and wo ?
,ut 85 of tl ? total. They c
Comm. Studiei
Student Tad
.f t'K.
from ninety count e
he report indica? Ir. ? -
? ? ? . ?? Count! '?'? '
has the largest repn ? ratal
followed by W i ? ? 1 i
? with 163, W.
('raven with 153 Lenoir
St ? ? - from 34 other st
NTorth Car er 777
Virginia's 429
Next largest are 57 fr i Ne ?
Jersey, 49 from New V 48
from Pennsylvania, and 43 f
Dr. Clinton R. Prewett, Director
of the Psychology Department, nn-
n unced that two now courses will
offered in the Spring Quarter.
These courses. Projected Method
Ps. 485) and Personality Theories
(Psy. 475) will be part of the two
year procrra-m leading to a Masters
Decrree in Clinical Psychology
which was recently activated bv
the Psychology Department. Pro-
ject? Methods will be tauarht by
Dr. John Clark, a Clinical Psychol-
ogist from the University of Ten-
nessee. Person-ality Theories will
he taught by Dr. Gillis, a Social
Psychologist from the University
of Colorada.
There are two students in the
Psychology Department who have
just completed their Theses. Mrs.
Dorothy Lenley has completed a
Thesis entitled "Teeth and Threat-
ening Look in the DPA (Irraw-A-
Person test) As Related to Ag-
gression and Educable Mentally Re.
tarbed Pupils This Thesis was
directed by Dr. Albert V. Griffity.
The second is "The Related Influ-
ence of Several Perceptual Differ-
ent ion Factors in Verbal Learn-
ing by James Carlin who was
directed by Mr. Robert Graham.
21 Great Tobaccos make 20 Wonderful Smokes!
CHESTERFIELD KING tastes great, smokes mild. You get
21 vintage tobaccos grown mild, aged mild and blended mild,
and made to taste even milder through its longer length
Tobaccos too mild to filter, pleasure too good to miss!
Z?.SZ?ZZS:? 7?.Acco
rfriwmn i
t" M
mat i
tot!9?r length means milder ta?t?
The smoke of a Chester
mellows and softens as J
through longer lengtn
?? smooth and gentle to y?4"

February &, li3
Buc Beauty
Page I
? ??? i:xV
tHK Bac Beauty, Judd Gray from Durham, is a sophomore in
i- school of Art. She is a member of Sigma Sigma Sigma and lists
ante sports as horseback riding and water skiing.
Play To Present
New Historical Play
The next production by the East
Carolina Playhouse will be the
premiere performance of a new
play by noted author Kenmit Hunt-
er. Dealing with the life of Thomas
Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson, the
play is concerned with the vital
events of the general's life from
1853 to 1863 when he was killed
in the battle of Chancellorsville.
The first performance of the
four night run of the play will be
March 13 in McGinnis Auditor-
ium. Director of production will be
Edgar Loessin. Tryouts for the
eighteen speaking parts will be
iheld in McGinnis Auditorium on
Monday, February 11 at 7:30 and
on Tuesday, February 12 at the
same time. Roles in Playhouse pro-
ductions are open to all students,
faculty and residents of the Green-
ville community.
In announcing auditions, Mir.
Loessin said that he hopes there
will be a large number of people
Bone And Miller Lead Bands
n Concerts This Weekend
r Division of the All-
c will bring to
: . : lay and tomorrow,
musicians ami 50
rs for an intensive pro-
n, rehearsal, and
- of the clinic will be
East Carolina Sym-
u at 8 p.m. and
home and Con-
c v night at 7:30
rams will be in
a:id will be
' ' '?
student musi-
rganized when the
morning. Allan
.n of the Depart-
Duke University
' the Duke Sym-
? Orchestra, will direct the
H English student teachers
Wexpect to do student teach-
n?the spring quarter?1963?
1! meet with Dr. Utterback
3 Tuesday. February 19 at
? P.m. in Austin 108. Ten-
e assignments will be
Iade at this time.
Classified Ad
NALE -1961 Valiant?2 door
?P. Floor shift transmission?
Si Walls. Telephone PL
Clinic Symphonic Band. This en-
semble is composed of high school
instrumentalists chosen because of
marked talent in preliminary audi-
tions in Eastern North Carolina.
Thomas W. Miller of the East
Carolina School of Music, who has
acted as Director of the East Caro-
lina Varsity Band and Assistant
Director of the Boston University
Symphonic Band, will conduct the
Clinic Concert Band.
Robert Nagel, trumpet soloist
and faculty memeber of the Yale
University School of Music, will
act as clinician tomorrow at a meet-
ing of ail students and directors.
As soloist with the Clinic Sym-
phonic Band at (Saturday's concert,
he will appear in Clifton William's
'Dramatic Essay for Trumpet and
Senate Considers Giving
Authority For Bookings
The student senate will con-
sider a reccommendation Monday
evening to give the Entertainment
Committee authority to begin
booking artists now for next year's
series. Under the present set-up,
only the new committee, which will
be appointed after spring elec-
tions, can make commitments for
next year.
The reason given for the pro-
posed change is that many of the
big name attractions are often
completely booked a year or more
in advance. By waiting until the
spring of the year, the committee
often fitids itself having to settle
for second, third, or fourth choices.
Besides giving the committee a
wider selection of performers
earlier bookings sometimes re-
sult in reduced rates.
If the recommendation is ac-
cepted, the piresent Entertain-
ment Committee would not plan
the entire series for next year,
but would book those artists who
are in such demand that early ar-
rangements are required. The new
committee would then complete
the series according to its own
wishes, and in turn could begin to
make plans for the following yar.
In effect, this change would give
the present senate the authority
to appropriate part of the funds of
next year's budlget. In addition,
the senate would have to make
available money for advance pay-
ments which were not included in
this year's budget.
y?vy?V??VVVVVV? "
interested in working with the
production. "It should be the out-
standing theatre offering of the
year he said, "and will un-
doubtedly attract state and na-
tion wide attention for the college
and the Playhouse. There are many
excellent roles to be cast
"The play Mr. Loessin added,
"is written in a new and original
style, taking great liberty in terms
of time and place. Using flash-
backs and very frankly theatrical
Directory Lists
Summer Jobs
For All Students
The 1963 "Summer Employment
Directory" contains a comprehen-
sive list of 1,485 organizations
throughout the United States which
want to hire college students this
summer. Specific jobs with salary,
name of employing official, and
suggested (procedure for making
application are given.
The jobs are found at summer
camps, resorts, national parks, sum-
mer theatres, hospitals, ranches,
restaurants, pools and beaches,
various departments of the govern-
ment, business and industry, and
other places. There are jobs for
all classmen, freshmen through
graduate; in addition, juniors, sen-
iors, and graduate students can
find summer jobs in their field of
The new "Summer Employment
Directory" may be obtained by
sending $3 to National Directory
Service, Dept. ?, Box 32065, Cin-
cinnati 32, Ohio.
means, it covers most of the sig-
nificant forces in the life of Stone-
wall. Although dealing with es-
sentially serious material, the play
is not without comedy. I am espec-
ially pleased with it also because
of the fact that it does not adhere
to the life of Stonewall in rigid
biographical fashion. Out of the
story emerges a more universal
figure, a figure of a very para-
doxical man of great religious
convictions and yet a man who
was a killer, if you will, a shrewd
and cunning general. Althjough
Kermit Hunter is best known for
his large outdoor dramas, this
work is more in the standard play
form in terms of size and pro-
duction style
The Playhouse was able to se-
cure production rights for the play
primarily through Mr. Loessin's
long association with the author in
numerous outdoor productions. Mr.
Hunter's most famous play is "Un-
to These Hills" performed each
summer in Cherokee, N. C. Since
its opening in 1950 it has played
to over two million people. His
other works include "Horn in the
West" in Boone, N. C, now in its
12th year of performance, "Honey
in the Rock in Beckley, W. Vir-
ginia and many others. In ad-
dition to being the author of
some twenty-five plays dealing
with historical subjects, Mr. Hunt-
er is a popular lecturer and a pro-
fessor of drama at Hollins Col-
John Sneden, Playhouse designer
and technical director, will design
the rapidly changing and numerous
scenes. Costumes for the pro-
duction will be done by Eaves of
New York. The play also uses
music in both choral and instru-
mental forms.
Friday Night - 2 Folk Music
Cover Charge: 50c Per Person
Saturday Night - Couples Only
8:00-10:30 p. m-
"ST - ?
PITT Theatre

There's more than fabric superiority in Gant. In addi-
tion, "needled-into the ways and woof of every Gant
shirt" ? there's flair-fit-show ? three vital inner-
ents that make all the difference when a man wears
a Gant
We chose Gant because they take shirt making seri-
ously. They're hard to please (like we are) when it
comes to fit of collar, its roll, its profile?how much
it shows above the suit collar. They're fastidious
about the way the body of the shirt drapes and folds.
All must integrate to achieve that viable ingredient
which gives comfort and aplomb. In substance, Gant
shirts are keyed to the discerning tastes of well
groomed men who appreciate quality. These men are
our customers.

Page 6
Friday, p,
Those of you who did not attend last weeks basketball
game with Atlantic Christian missed the last chance that
you will have of seeing Lacy West on the Pirate home court.
Lacy made his last appearance a memorable one as he hit 32
points on 13 field goals and six free throws. Two other
Pirates made their last appearance along with West. They
were Dwight Frasier and Mai Boyette.
The swimming team is still doing an excellent job in
representing sports at EC. Coach Ray Martinez's charges
have displayed some fine athletic ability in the meets they
have participated in this year. The Pirate team scared the
trunks off States highly touted Wolfpack. The State team
has five All-Americans on it; however, the Wolfpack found
that having these exceptional swimmers was not going to be
enough unless they could have some excellent swimmers to
back them up. State did not have this material. The State All-
Americans took several first place finishes and set some
new pool records, but usually the second and third place
positions went to the Pirates. Second and third place count
as valuable points. State found out how (valuable these points
were as the Wolfpack found themselves going into the final
event with only a TWO POINT LEAD even though they
had taken seven first place finishes to the Pirate's two. The
mighty Wolfpack had been unable to get a second place
finisher and had only finished third three times. After nine
events State led 45-43. State managed to pull the meet out
of the fire by taking the last event?he 400 yard freestyle
relay by only one and nine-tenths of a second. The final score
was 52-43. There should be a moral in this, and the only one
that we can think of is the following: Don't put all of your
eggs in one basket or rely on 5 swimmers to win a meet for
The college looses not only Lacy West this year. It also
will be hunting for another diver to take the place of national
champion Bob Kingrey. Bob is a senior from Norfolk, Vir-
ginia, and is one of the best divers in the South. Kingrey
has given the swimming team many of the points that are
necessary to win against the rugged competition that they
have been facing this year. Right now, the bright spot on
the swimming team is Paul Donahue. Donahue finished
second in the State meet. Since he is only a freshmen, there
is plenty of opportunity for him to improve to take over
Bob's place next year.
Wolfpack Tops Pirates
In Swim Meet, 52-45
West Is High Scorer In
Home Game Hits For 32
The Pirate swimmers lost a
tough meet to N. C. State Wednes-
day, Jan. 30. The final score, 62-
45, was no indication, however, of
how close the meet turned out to
be for State.
Sttate has one of the finest
swimming teams in the South.
That can be proven by the na-
tional ranking that they constant-
ly hold. State came here to find
what was to be its most diffi-
cult meet of the season.
The meet itself was highly suc-
cessful in the fact that it broke
numerous records, both team and
pool. Five team records were set
by the Pirate swimmers and six
pool records were set by the Wolf-
pack finmen.
With a team stocked by All-
Americans, the State team set
new records all over the gym
pool. The first event also yielded
the first two records of the day.
State received a record time of
3:51.4 in the 400 yard Medley Re-
lay. The Medley is composed of
four swimming strokes?the back
istroke, the breast stroke, butter-
fly stroke, and freestyle. The Pi-
rates set a new team record in
this event?3:54.6.
Records continued to be smashed
as McGinty of State broke the ex-
isting pool record with one of his
best efforts of the year. He swam
the 200 yard freestyle in 1:56.8.
In this event Sober of EC set a
new team record of 1:57.4.
A third straight pool record fell
in the 50 yard freestyle as Ellis
of State set a new pool record at
Bob Kingrey took one of the two
first place finishes that EC on-
joyed in the meet. Kingrey was the
top diver of the day. Second place
honors in diving also dropped tnto
the Pirates den as Paul Donahue
jrarnered the number two position
Another pool record and team
record combination was set in the
200 yard butterfly. Spencer of
State went the distance in 2:06.1
and Bob Federici set an EC team
record by finishing second in 2:12.0.
It proved to be pool and team
record again in the 200 yard
breaststroke. Fogarasy took first
place for the Wolfpack with a re-
cord time of 2:24.0. Marasco set
EC's new team time at 2:27.1.
The last event of the meet added
another two records. State took
the 400 yard freestyle relay with
a time of 3:27.0 for a new record.
The Pirate four man team set a
new team record at 3:29.1.
400 yard Medley Relay?Poletti,
Forgarsay, Spencer, and Senter
(S) 3:51.4
200 yard Freestyle?McGinty (S),
Sober (EC) and Roberts (EC)
50 yard Freestyle?Ellis (S),
Barefoot (EC) and Senter (S)
200 yard Individual Medley?Fog-
arasy (S), Zschau (EC), and
Hensen (EC) 2:15.0
Diving?Kingrey (EC), Donahue
(EC), and Morrow (S)
200 yard Butterfly?Spencer (S),
Federici (EC), and Pursen (EC)
100 yard Freestyle?Ellis (S),
Hewes (EC), and (Sober (EC)
200 yard Backstroke?Pooletti
(S) Zschau (EC), and Nor-
wood (EC) 2:12.5
500 yard Freestyle?Hensen (EC),
Gaffney (EC), and Hayman (S)
200 yard Breaststroike? Fogarasy
(S), Marasco (EC), and Sufcton
(EC) 2:24.0
Lacy West played his last home
game for the Pirates against At-
lantic Christian's Bulldogs last
Saturday night. The 6-5 senior
?scored 32 points as the Pirates
came from behind in the last two
minutes of the game to win 79-78.
West was the game's high scorer
with 32 points on 13 field goals
and 6 free throws. Bill Otte scored
26 points in aiding the Pirate
10 Minutes of Mayhem
The first ten minutes of the
game resembled organized basket-
ball only in the sense that both
teams wore uniforms. The Pirates
were the first to recover anjything
that resembled poise with seven
mdnutes gone by in the first half.
EC started hitting the basket with
regularity and built a 19-9 point
lead with 9:55 remaining. Atlantic
Christian started back up the scor-
ing column on the shooting ability
of Fugate and Johnson. Fugate
hit 12 of his 14 points in this
period. The AC team kept close
to the Pirates and finally moved
to within two points at 29-27 on a
jump shot by Johnson with 2:53
remaining in the first half.
Parham Leads AC Comeback
The Bulldogs added 6-4 Tom
Parham to their lineup for the
second half. Parham responded
with two jumpers from outside
to sipark what proved to be a
Bulldog rally. The AC team hit a
hot percentage for the next six
minutes to push within two points
of EC at 48-46. A cold streak by
both teams enabled AC to catch up
on a jumper by Parham to tie
the score at 48-48 with 12:32 re-
West Hits For No Avail
Lacy West continued to pour
points into the basket. He gave
the Pirates a short-lived 50-48
lead only to have Parham tie the
score again at 50-50 with 11:39
remaining. That was Parham's last
basket of the evening, so Lawson
and Rodgers took over AC's scor-
ing duties. Lawson put AC into
the lead for the first time with a
fall-away jump, 52-51. The Pirates
managed to pull within one point
of the Bulldogs at 55-54 on Bill
Brogden's shot from the corner.
Rodgers hit two field goals to
give AC a 59-54 margin. Johnson
hit a one-hander to give the Bull-
dogs their biggest lead of the
evening, 61-54.
Pirate Rally
The Pirates led by West, Otte,
and Brogden started to rally at
this point with 7:59 remaining.
Otte hit for two and West for
three to narrow the AC lead to
63-61. Baskets were exhanged for
the next four minutes until West
tied it up at 69-69. AC's Smith hit
to give the visitors a 71-69 lead
until Otte hooked one in to tie the
game up again at 71-71 with 2:14
left. Otte and West teamed up to
give the Pirates a 77-72 lead.
Exciting Bulldog Rally
The Bulldogs were not going to
give up easily as 6-2 guard Eugene
Stinson proved. Stinson sunk two
straight to cut the Pirate margin
to ONE point, 77-76 with twelve
seconds showing on the clock. The
Pirates called time out to collect
themselves for the task of bring-
ing the ball back up court against
the tight Atlantic Christian full-
court press. A long pass from
Brogden to West gave the Pirate
star an easy layup to give Be a
three-point lead with four seconds
on the scoreboard. Stinson brought
the ball back upcourt and launched
a long one-hander that cut through
the hoop ahead of the final horn
to cut the Buc win margin to 1
point, 79-78.
(Author of i Wa a Teen-age Dwarf M7"fe ym
Loot of Dobve GtUit t
As was pointed out last week, one would think that with &H
the progress we have made in the education ga
might have been done by now about roommates. B it no
roommate picture has not brightened one bit since Ethan
Goodpimple founded the first American college
(Contrary to popular belief, Harvard was 1
Goodpimple started his institution some 75 yean eai
quite an institution it wa.?, lot me tell you' Mr. I
built schools of liberal arta, fine arts, denustr
He built a lacrosse stadium that seated 102
on campus was emblazoned the stirring Latin ra tfc
MUSSi? "Watch out for moose The student
a bowling alley, a clock, and a 16-chair barber
iL ?: &
ctedffr 4ra? tityiiJJl
(It was this last feature ?the barber shop-tl it,
brought Mr. Good pimple's college to an early end. 1
body, being drawn from the nearby countryside, was
chiefly of Pequots and Iroquois who, alas, had r
barber shop. They braid their hair instead of cutting it, arid as
for shaving, they don't. The barber, Tremblatt Foil:
grew so depressed staring all the time at 16 empty
one day his mind finally gave way. Seizing his vibrato!
outside and shook the entire campus till it crui
This later became known as Pickett's Charge,)
But I digress. We were discussing wavs for you I
roommate to stop hating each other. This is
cult but not impossible if vou will both bend .
I remember, for example, my own college d
My roommate was, I think vou will allow, even
than most. He was a Tibetan named Ringading
customs, while indisputably colorful, were n :
?S'u you' I didn mind so nmch thp ?
t a-a?T ?r the strin" of fir?ckers he set off on I
1 didn t even mmd his singeing chicken feather
daybreak What I did mind was that he singed ti.? I in ??? hafc
lo be fair, he was not totally taken with souk
wur7-eSpeClalIy my hobfc)y ? collecting water. I l&
at the time and just had to stack the water any-old
Well sir things grew steadily cooler between R :
me, and they might have gotten actually ugly had we not esch
happened to receive a package from home one day. R
opened his package, paused, smiled shyly at me, and offered
me a gift. p J
;Thank you I said. "What is it?"
Yak butter he said. "You put it in your hair. In Tibet
Well now, that's mighty friendly I said and offered him?
rrK?mJny Page. "Now you must have one of mine'
?Mfiy0U he Baid- 'What ? this called?"
HS?.SrgM5M l teid "d bdd a match for him.
?OrPC?K: Wo7! he d. "Thissure beat, chicken feather
Mariboro y0U C?uld nama?" l iaid? bghtmg my
Mariblm Jh g(ther ? )OJ? fine ?d
rood MnlS?500' P Marlboro filter, a rt?"
WIL?" ?Ver U8- ??? eviction thtt "J
Sglgfl 7; t! f P?ud to say that Ringading and I i
2d ii?widra7' " we ??? cardi each Chn
?m e?a Fourth of July, nreackwT ?
InZtFLZ l "?? ntmw b-n any
5fcdMiJ???' ?r ?n9 ?late of the V
StfMtte ??? l? tobacco coun
ate or tn L"? -
tobacco counter?"

East Carolinian, February 8, 1963
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
February 08, 1963
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