East Carolinian, July 30, 1961

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

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East Carolina College 1 cv
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k'ss c
onfused second session registration gets off to a smooth start.
Second Term Registration
Tops Previous Sessions
Campers Begin
Full Schedule Of
Music Activities
More than 425 high sar.ool students
from eight states have been registered
! for the lltihl ammual summer music
camp at East Carolina College which
opened a full schedule of activities on
Monday. ,
The music caimp is under the di-
j lection of Prof- Earl Beach, chair-
man of tf EOC Department of Mu-
sic, with Director of Bands Herbert
L. Carter assisting.
IA staff of instructors and counsell-
I ors number 50 persons. Activities in-
1 cb de three bands, two dhoral groups,
an orchestra, studies in art, piano,
J dance, majorette, and drum majors.
Prof. Beach said the students have
registered from all across North
Carolina, and in addition there are
students from South Carolina, Georgia,
Florida, Virginia, Pennsylvania, In-
diana, and Maryland.
Roles were cast Monday night for
Richard N. Nahh's romantic comedy,
"The Rainmaker The comedy is to
be presented the later part of this
session under the direction of Dr.
J. A. Withey, Playjhouse Director.
The play, set in tf'Je '20's amidst a
drought-beset region of the West, en-
volves the Curry family, an unedu-
cated loving family, wtho is faithfully,
and f: opefully awaiting an important
As the play opens, we find a plain
girl's father iand brothers trying to
find her a husband. Lizzie, played by
Dee Jenkins, is uncoy, intelligent, and
.blunt; she is never daunted by fail-
' ures. lizzie is staring spinster'hood
in the face when a flamboyant young
conman Bill Sbarbuck (Jimmy Ro-
berts) blusters into town announcing
that for $100 he can bring rain.
With money in his pockets, Star-
buck spouts pftiilosophy, poetizes, woos
Registration for the second term
tt the summer session began at 8:30
b. ni. Wednesday, July 12, in Wright
Building. Students returning for the
ftecond term and new students con-
.i with their faculty advisors, pre-
pared their schedules, and enrolled
lii course during the day. Classes
(began Thursday morning.
Indications are that enrollment will
exceed previous records for tine same
period of the school year.
The li61 Summer Session will close
August 17.
East Carolina is offering this sum-
mer for the first time an enriched
Curriculum including approximately
eighty courses in the first term and
forty ni the second term which, have
not been previously taught during
(the summer. The aim of the program
I is to enable students to schedule their
courses so that, if they wish, they
may complete their college work with- j
in a three-year period.
Among special events of the second
summer term, Dean of Instruction
Robert L. Holt has announced, will
be the Eleventh Annual Music Camp
in session JuLy 16-29 with an enroll-
ment of 450 junior and senior high
school students; a Choral and Instru-
mental Music Workshop, July 17-28;
A Visual Aids Workshop, July 17-27;
and a Junior Hign School Workshop
July 12-25.
Receptive Audience Receives
Approval Of Basie Group
ihe girl, and teaches her to have
aith in herself, and leaves iher altar
bound with one of the communities
eligible young men when the play
ends. Everybody has been taught a
lesson in love and faith by the young
scoundrel and they eagerly await the
Rounding out the cast of "The
Rainmaker" is Page Shaw as H. C.
Curry, the patient and loving father;
Ray Tolley and Bob Gooden, as Lizzie's,
two brothers, Noah and Jim; Leroy
Collins as File; and Gerald Harrell as
Sheriff Thomas.
Stage manager for the production
is David Thrift, PubiMcity Director
is Dave Nanney, and set manager i3
Ross Thomas.
Plans have been made to take tihe
play to Carolina Beach for a two-week
engagement the last of August. The
present cast of "The Rainmaker" will
travel to Carolina Beach for tihe Au-
goist engagement.
"A more appreciative audience than
we had at Harvard or Princeton
commented Benny Powell, lead trom-
boneist for Count Basie's Orchestra,
as the approximated crowd of two
thousand filed disorderly out of
Wright Auditorium last Thursday
night at 10:15.
At 8:00 p. m. the members of the
in tf'eir maroon dinner jackets, fol-
lowed by the Count himself. There
was instant applause. Basie held up
his hand but tihe crowd continued. It
subsided after five minutes and Basie
could finally speak. He asked for per-
mission for the band members to take
off their jackets due to the heat.
I Again tihe audience endorsed him with
And the
Count Basie Orchestra walked on stage another peal of clapping
concert was off.
SGA Plans Bermud
Discuss M
Jenkins, Pierce
To Speak At
State Conference
President Leo W. Jenkins of East
Carolina College and Prof. Ovid W.
Ii. ue, noted Nouth Carolina author
and professor of English at East
Carolina have been annuonced as
principal speakers at the 19th annual
Umewide summer conference of the
North Carolina English Teachers As-
jforLation to be Iheld in Greenville on
August 4 and 5.
The sessions will be held on the
;campus of East Carolina College, be-
ginning on Friday afternoon, August
14, with the address by Dr. Jenkins.
Following die general session, uTere
prill be group .meetings and panel dis-
cussions. A social hour will be held
I to entertain the visiting teachers.
Prof. Pierce will -be principal speak-
fer at tfe luncheon on Saturday at 12
noon, in North Cafeteria on the college
Improvement of English instauction
I by teachers in schools and colleges is
n4tfJ yf irihe conference.
primary purpose oa w
I Areas of discussion are composition
reading, literature, and professional
Standards. , ,
Book diapays will be provided by
leading publishers of tne
Arrangements for
lare under th faculty members of
the EnelUtu department. Dr. John l.
-bbs chairman; Dr. Mereda N.
osev Dr. Hermine Catraway, Mrs.
,?rilii Miss Jatiie Hardison,
arf Goodm za-
r. Jmes Potodexter, and Dr. Eliza
The regular
meeting of the
SGA was conducted
as a news conference in place of a
business meeting. Announced at this
meeting were pflans to stage an out-
door dance, the consideration of a
.new mascot, and tihe appointment of
several new Senators.
It was announced by the SGA that
plans for a "Bermuda Ball" were in
process. This event will be an outdoor
attraction featuring Ulysses Hardy
md his Mighty Blue Notes Combo.
Vice President Tommy Mallison re-
ported that Ate dress for the affair
will be either bermuda shorts, tore-
dores, or culottes. The dance will be
staged in the parking area behind
afternoon on Friday, July 28.
No definite move can be made on
tS e procurement of a new mascot for
the school until more information can
he Obtained. Presently there is an
offer to let the SQA use a Great Dane
at special events, and a woman wishes
to give the SGA a Great Dane puppy.
The main difficulty of the SGA lies
now in the decision of whether to ob-
tain possession of a Great Dane on
a part time basis, or to take full
ownership of a dog.
Still in the planning stages is the
annual faculty dinner to ibe staged
during the seconds session. The event
will be fceld at the New South Dining
Rawl Building, from 7:30 until 11:00 HaH bi the college cafeteria. The
I event is an attempt to foster better
WWWS, Campus Radio,
Continues Programing
East Carolina's own radio station,
WWWS, is continuing with its pro-
graming .hours as were observed last
session. Both the AM and FM facili-
ties are programing collegiate en-
.tertainment from 7 a. m. until Li
midnight, Sunday tfirough Thursday.
Station Manager, Jerry Winberry.
reports (that there are positions now
open in programing and production.
Those persons wihk might be interested
in working with the college station
should contact the manager during
fhle afternoon hours at the studios,
located in the library.
The new stag for tihe summer ses-
sion includes manager Winberry, Bob-
by Bradley, Mollie Lewis, Bobby
Lovic, and Bill Stucbey.
Otihe staff memibers for the cur-
rent session are Bill Wrigfrlt, John
Bateman, Hunter James, Jimmie Can-
non, and Kail MaMory.
relations between the students and'
faculty. As Merle Summers stated at
an earlier meeting, "We need dhap-
erones at various events, and this
may make it easier for the SGA and
other campus organizations to get
the services of the faculty
In closing the news conference,
President Strotfcer stated that he
would "appoint qualified students to
fill the positions left vacant by the
representatives who are not in sum-
mer school this sesskmc" These ap-
pointments will be left to tihte ap-
proval of the Stuent Senate.
Count Basie played his old sophis-
ticated jump, with renditions that
ranged from a lafttie less lihan "pro-
gressive" to "funkie" ballads. The
solo performances of Benny Powell,
lead trombone, and Frank Forester,
lead tenor sax, were not the crowd
stoppers that tihe drummer Sonny
Payne gave, even the band got up and
Tf e orchestra arrived from Nor-
folk on- an air-conditioned bus. They
ate a leisurely dinner in the Buccaneer
Room at the College Cafeteria with
members of the SGA. After the con-
cert members stood outside of Wright
talking to interested students for an
ibour. Then tjhey returned to Norfolk
where they introduced Virginia
Beach's tf. tird Jazz festival. The Count
Basie Orchestra is now in England
performting for Queen Elizabeth.
Before the Basie group left East
Carolina, their business manager,
Harvy Snoggrass remarked to Tom-
my MaiMson, co-cihairman of the En-
tertainment Comimititee, that "the suc-
cess of a group depends on the au-
dience. Tonight they projected to us
and we tried to project rigfrft back to
Geographers Visit
Greenville Area
Two East Carolina College pro-
fessors guided a party of six Soviet
geographers on a tour of Eastern
North Carolina on Saturday and Sun-
day, July 15 and 16.
Dr. James W. Batten, associate pro-
fessor of education at East Carolina,
took the party on a visit to a farm
specializing in general crops in Wil-
son county, a peanut farm in Pitt
County and the Speigirt seed farm
near Greenville to observe seed selec-
tion of corn and tobacco.
The party stayed overnight in
Greenville and on Sunday were guided
by Dr. Robert E. Cramer, professor
of geography at East Carolina, on a
tour of the "Wetlands" area north of
the Pamlico Sound in Beaufort coun-
ty, there to observe a reclamation pro-
From the Raleigh-Duaiham airport,
the visiting geographers returned to
WasF.ington, D. C, Sunday night.
Members of the party conducted by
Drs. Batten and Cramer included Pro-
fessor Innokenti Petroviteh Gerasi-
mov, heading the visiting delegation
and director of the Institute of Geo-
p-rapihy, Academy of Sciences of the
USSR; Konstantan Alekseevich, pro-
fessor of cartography, Moscow Uni-
versity, principal cartographer of the
USSR; Professor Feofan Famevich
Davitaia. Professor Viktor Alexsan-
drovi-vjh Krotov, Vladimir Pavlovich
Kovalevskii and Gani Arifkhanovich
Lost between East Cafeteria
and Jones Hall, small nurses
watch. Finder please notify Steve
Harris, Room 163, Jones Hall.
"In an election year, the politicans
can't seem to leave welfare enough
aloneChanging Times.
(left to right) Jimmy Logging and Ward Tutor' Simmons talk with Jan
great, Count Basie, following last Thursday's successful concert.

Pae 2
Democratic Intimidations And
Demoralized Pimples Cause
Demobilized Campus
Pardon us, but what is Democracy? We students have
srrown up in such systems as the public schools that advocate, ghow me a bW flytaB
Three Poem
I. Please, .end m little bit of breew.
Flowers, butbbearflies, a girl's lovely
Ae these all sleeping in to earth?
In the forest lay sprawling,
Is tihe boundless sea sleeping?
The sky is deaf, tftupendously,
And more or less (become blind.
Please, send a little bit of breeze
And1 thougfnl not a florid peacoc,
as one of their many purposes, to "educate students for demo-
cracv " This was accomplished by the educators and members
of school boards by staging bigger and better flag-saluting cere-
monies, the repeating of the pledge-to-allegiance, and tripling
the occasions for singing "God Bless America The constant
drumming of these rote "educational" activities into us from
the time we entered the primary grades through the grammar
grades to the high school level has apparently rendered us emo-
tionally detached from such terms as "America" and "Demo-
cracy And finally these terms are meaningless noise.
Even here at East Carolina these activities are apparent.
Instead of increasing and enlarging the opportunities for day-
to-day exercise of democractic practices, and thereby trying to
develope political insight and maturity of students, our admin-
istrators content themselves with the traditional pattern of pa-
ternal mock-sanctionings while suppresing what can be said
publically by faculty members and students.
Even though we of the newspaper are not "crusaders"
for any cause; we feel that at least we ought to have the right
to express our opinions on any contemporary issue. We are ad-
vised to "watch" our use of the word "integration Here in the
South the word "Integration" is not an abstraction, but a verbal
magic. It can cause disruption of schools. It can cause violence
of inhumanity. It can cause moral, emotionaj, and ma-
terial setbacks. It is important. It is and will influence all
Americans. We are advised to "watch" our criticism of our col-
lege. Nevertheless, we, the student above all, should be con-
cerned with whether we are receiving the proper education, not
only to make a living and to fit ourselves into the vast machinery
of the world's work, but also with living itself and with shaping
the work of the world so that it builds closer to man's desiring.
Yet, we are advised not to be publicly conscious. We may
arouse discussion. We may arouse feelings. We may arouse dif-
ferences of opinions. We may be a participator in actual exist-
ing issues that will eventually become history.
Not only the Ea$t Carolinian, but the other organs of
student expresson and movement (SGA, Buccaneer, the Rebel,
WWWS, are confronted with these restrictions and reactions of
archaic conservative quietism, of Fear. (These restrictions can
not even be made public).
Even so, this coercion is just a manifestation of the at-
titude of us students. We believe we halve no control over our
education, thus we tend to withdraw from any emotional alliance
with education, indeed with any alliance with anything. Like
a concentric circle we have less and less control over "circum-
stances and less and less confidence in ourselves to be able to
institute control. "No wonder we end up without emotional ties
to do what we do, for it is no longer we who do it, but some limited
part of ourselves, playing a role. Not recognizing that we in some
measure have done this to ourselves, we attribute to organizations
the power and the primacy we have lost. And then we strike
back, not directly, but by a kind of emotional attrition in which
we lend to our work willingness with out enthusiasm, conscien-
tiousness wthout creativity. (David Riesman)
Or ahake an ajpple-branclh now and
Or, by any means, I implore,
Please, f&bw me things living
Which are truly living.
II. Fainted, am I?
Fainted, am I?
When I
Touched on your eye's sunny brink
lArnd on your throbbing (hleart in flame
And on one of ilhe fruits there ripen-
Fainted, am I?
O Flower!
Lay me down
On the margin of your smile
And rub my heart wWhi your pollen.
III. The wall is . . .
The wall is coming walking.
The old ptagodatree is coming walk-
A (headless doll is coming walking.
(Coming, from wlhtere?)
In Notre-Dajme Monastery,
On the wall of its corridor
A .bronze-clock is striking
An o'clock in the dead of night.
somewhere in the bottom of a marsW
A leech is weeping;
Piling up on its tears
Red, red petals are falling.
This week thj
rorv in the SGA
Sat on of mixed
fhat is your o?ug
L,ires mixed (
the Pave Brubeck)
'ttMEMgee APflSfc 1H' MCVlg cwtlst him talk yol
"North to Alaska"
This northwestern, geared toward
intellectual trends, is a Klondike
comedy in a reseting of the Tristram
legend. Ts Alaskan Trisram (John
Wayne) is bound ihtame to Nome with
a load of mining machinery. Enroute
Wane picks ujp a package (Caipucine)
prospecting pal (Stewart
Composed by Ohoonsu Kim for his
Translated by Younggull Lee i Granger), and in spite of temptation,
THE lAiRGUS Wayne reaches Nome with tine pack-
Foreign Languguage College of Korea age unopened. Wayne has barricaded
Liberal Libertines Lacerate Library
For the last two weeks our
library has had a "young adults
book" exhibit. It was a touring
display of 423 books produced
by Books-on-Exhibit, a company
that specializes in just exhibit-
ing books, not the sale or pro-
curement of books but to ac-
quaint people with available
In the company's nine years
of providing such services the
problem of having books "miss-
ed" has only amounted to one-
half book per exhibit. East
Carolina acquired the roving ex-
hibit from Rocky Mount where
they had no books missing. At
East Carolina, when the display
was packed up, there were elev-
en books unaccounted for.
Among the titles of the miss-
ing books were"The Believer,
This why the SGA has trouble with elections. This is why the Life and Story of Mrs.
lecture and entertainment series are sparsely attended. This is Henry Ford "Nina Grant, Pe-
why teachers lecture instead of holding discussions. This is diatric Nurse "John Kennedy,
why, not only do we begin to question what is democracy, but Political Profile "Baseball Is
students cannot check these
books out when they are not
there, and they cannot use the
materials when they have been
Just A Little Bit About Jazz-
Musical, Social, And Thoughtful
It has been speculated that ment question is not just limited
what is he value of this newspaper, the East Carolinian! News
can be distributed cheaper with mimeographed sheets. Events
can be publized with posters. Miss Mary Greene and the News
Bureau can handle everything. The purpose of an editorial page
is t express individual opinions and reactions in order to
indicate a certain amount of awareness of our surroundings.
But we are not even pimples on the posterior of progress.
We have been squeezed and covered with cold cream. J.A.W.
Published by the students of East Carolina College, Greenville North Carolina
North State Conference Press Association
Associated Collegiate Press
Monty Mills
Gwen Johnson
J. Alfred Willis
. Dave Nanney
Richard Boyd
Jim Kirkland
Managing Edtor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Feature Editoru Suzzane House
Cartoonists Gale Hammond, Ken Meredith
Columnists . J. Alfred Willis, Larry Blizzard, and Dave Nanney
Reporters Sue Sparkman, Larry Blizzard, Monty Milk, Jim
Kirkland, J. .Alfred Willis, Dave Nanney, Sandra Phillips, Miiton Crocker
OFFICES on the second floor of Wrght Building.
Telephone, all departments, PL 2-6101, extension 284.
a Funny Game and "Nine
Planets The whole eleven books
amounted to $53.85.
These books were written
especially for "young adults
but apparently they were above
the heads of East Carolina stu-
dents, for some of our students
took the books out of the library
to have plenty of time to wade
through them.
This is just the latest example
of library books becoming lost
with the aid of human hands.
The Periodical Room is full of
bound copies of magazines con-
taining neatly cliped spaces
where an article had been, and
often chewing gum has been
stuck between the pages of
books and magazines.
A new edition of Collier's En-
cyclopedia was placed in the
Reference Room in April, and
Volume 6 is already gone. The
Encyclopedia of Social Sciences
has four volumes missing. Most
of these are not stolen permen-
ately but are just in use else-
What does this mean? It just
means that some of the students
are inconvenienced for the bene-
fit of those with sticky hands
and cunning thievery. Perhaps
those students guilty of "tak-
ing" the books have not intended
to keep them, but their thought-
lessness has inconvenienced the
Jazz is the only American con-
tribution to world culture. The
Greeks had democracies. The
Hellenistic Age saw monopolistic
stuctures built upon capitalistic
systems. We have made many
technological improvements: the
radio and television (which are
more efficient than shouting),
the automobile and airplane
(which are more efficent than
walking). But what is uniquely
American and not just an in-
ovasion is Jazz. No roll call of
the monumental musical ex-
pressions (the Gregorian Chant,
the Lutherian Chorale, the son-
ata, the symphony, etc.) would
be complete without the inclus-
ion of American Jazz.
"Out of poverty and oppress-
ion, out of broken homes and
chain gtangs, out of the city
slums and tenant farms came
the Negro blues shouter, the
to "getting what the people
want" (which is vague enough)
and to aethetic values (which
a recontroversal in themselves)
but to moral, ethical, and social
values completely unrelated to
music appreciation. Mr. Tommy
Mallison, co-chairman of the
Entertanment Committee, has
not only the problem of ob
ing enertainers, but has to cope
with the Music Department
the attitudes and policies of ne
Administration, and the alway.
possible condemnation of us.
studentson the whole, a vw
delicate burdensome difticui
situation. . flt?pll
There is a reason though,
for our public officials concn
over "integrated &
ment The Negro blues cafl
from social, economic, and v
tical conditions which the wm
Americans have never
ro knows more about
ness and danger of life than w
white, it is probable that u
Negro can win his equality.
will possess a potential sujj
street singer, the itinerant gui
tar picker Often these "mu-1 fenced at first hand. Norm
sicians" would gather and form'Mailer, for all of his seJL.
little street orchestras. Their alism, observes, "Since the w
instrument would be the ever- imnwa mrre about
present guitar, fiddles, accor-
dions, harmonicas, jewharps,
washboards, and anything that
produced a sound. Then a sort
of informal organization began iority, a superiority so f
to take place, the piano displaced that the fear itself has wj0
the guitar as the central instru-
ment and the whole outfit moved
indoors. A reinstrumentation
took place and the brasses and
woodwinds came in and formed
a Dixieland band. Thus, Jazz.
Jazz is an expression of a
way of life; or perhaps, an in-
dividual reaction to a way of
life, whether it is the modified
jazz of Count Basie (far re-
moved from the itinerant street
singer) or the raw sounds of the
Doug Clark Combo (which is as
spontaeous a reflection of the
times as King Oliver was). Jazz
is also Entertainment. And here
Lynda Creech, Sr
anything wrong with
iperformers Some colj
Lhite performers .
entertainment, you
i races
himself himself against the darnu
otf Caipucine, who is obviously ia j
with him.
Granger's prospecting ventures ftf
.to uncover paydirt and so do those of
his little brother (Fabian). In the euj
there is a standard ballroom brail
and Wayne gets tf girl. (Tuesday
July 25.)
"Esther and the King"
A love story from the Rible features
i.be beautiful Jewish Queen Esther
(Joatn Collins) and her masterM
King Ahasuerus (Richard Egaa),
Egan picks Collins, tfhe fairest of &
virgin damsels, to be his queen and
co-ruler. When crafty government of-
ficials scheme to rid the land of
Egan's rightand man and one of
(the more prominent Jews, Collins
steps into the scene to save the &J
and to endear herself even more will
I the smitten King. (Tuesday. July 27.)
Betty Ferguson, J:
have some qualms al
seeing Colored and
OK with tfrJe group
went over well, wij
had a chance to brj
campus leaders, ii
to be narrow in
needs common sens
. v,v,w i iS oiw jurciiuuumeiH. adq nere
rest of the student body. The at East Carolina, the Entertain-
ihe underground drama of
mestic politics. . rLXBi
The word "nigger" is stoJ
being displaced in polite sol
usage, and the traditional P
terns of behavior toward w
to which it was applied arei sw
ly changing. Now we are tw
ing in terms of "coloured F
pie" and capitalized Negro
are not sure of what to to
them. This is a hopeful
is a
for our
As an old Negro blues -
goes, "Ain't it hard to sti
when yoo've got no V
High S.
East Carolina
ior High School I
July 12, with Di
Jones of the del
lion as cooxdinatoj
continue through
Because of the
the importance
school in public
ipected that the
with an
teachers, school
Dr. Jones ha:
number of educat
them will be J
high school su
marie, and now
culum and supei
serve as visiting
sultants during
ment of Public
Dr. William Sel
tendent of Wii
Annie Mae Mi
East Carolina.
Till act as insti
ten Workshop
July 17.25. M
from 9 a. m, to
ant Presbyteru
The event,
totte and M
Association, isj
"workshop to
&ram this year
Miss Murrai
f tile kindergi
CoHage since ll
eral years she
allege w
afcicm ia
" been
! primary-
"e area in

yAY, JULY 20, 1961
iMlf aaiast the d
wfco Ls obvously in lo
ventures ftj
1 and o do those of
r (Fah!aR).lntiweBi
tandard ballroom brnrl,
firl (Tuesday,
the Kin"
y from the Bible featum
Jewish Queen Esfttr
ins) ami her masterM
isuenis (Richard Egaa),
oil ins. te fairest of the
K to e his queen is!
en crafty governments
e t rid the land of
and one of
?minent Jews, CoIUbk
scene to save the &j
imt herself even more witfc
K bssj. Tuesday. July 27.)
ut Jazz-
Jtjon is not just limited
bir what the people
biich ifl vague enough)
Lthetie values (which
Lversal in themselves)
ral. ethical, and social
mpfcetely unrelated to
reciation. Mr. Tommy
co-chairman of the
lent Committee, has
he problem of obtain-
Liners, but has to cope
Music Department
bei and policies of tje
at ion, and thealway
mdemnationof us,io
U,n the whole 11 very
burdensome drfticu
a reason though even
Lie officials eog
L Nepro blues
L economic. $,
It ions which ML.
, all of his S"W
U "Since he
more about the
win his equ .
Js a potential su
Superiority so
ear itself has
tround drama oi
ptics. . owly
fd "niKger w
laced in j J.
the traditional
-havior toward
was appiie0 jil'
U Now we are
e ?f r ttS 5
is a nLkj88
ve got
Campus Canvas: Entertainers
This week the Campus Canvas deals with a rPon
cnvl,v b, the SGA and Entertainment CommitUTthe
nation of mixed entertainment. The question this wedc L
hat is your opinion of staging entertainment events which feal
BAST C A R O T. t W f a m
Page 3
t ij, v.v -r- o -v. wuuuciu events winch fpn-
, mixed (intgrated) races far performer. (Anmmrie
e Dave Brubeck Quartet.) v example
Gary Meeka, Jr Leaksvilie, N. CWhen you are
h-oking for entertainment, you are looking for nothing
but the beat. Race should not enter into this . . . whether
rhey are White, Colored, poka-doi, or pinstriped, if they
Art Dep
ew rroressors
Added To
are good, get them!
lnda Creech, Sr Wilmington, N. C"I don't see
wrom witn integrated groups, if they are good
aen Some colored performers are better than
performers . . . When you go to something Hot
ment, you aren't really concerned with their
Charlie Howie, Soph Greenville, N. C.
snow really what to say . . . but I think it's foolish . . .
they have had entirely Colored groups, so why not let us
have mixed groups
Bettj Fergaeea, Jr. (at UNO, La Grange, N. C"I
lVe some qualms about it I have funny feelings about
Being Colored and White mixed on the stage, but if it's
with 1 group (performers), then it's OK with me
H. Thelbert Leary, Sr Durham, N. C"The best
entertainment events are those events which will bring
the most entertainment to the most students, regardless
of whether they are integrated, segregated, or what
have you. The people who are in charge of placing enter-
tainment under contract should have the insight to gage
the entertainment to fit the needs and wants of the stu-
dents as a whole, regardless of what they (committee)
think is what the students need or do not need. In the
past, there have been integrated groups and these groups
vti well, with a big crowd. Really, it upsets me to know that they
jhad a chance to bring big names here who were integrated Only when the
campus leaders, including people who are in administrative posts, cease
ltu be narrow in their thinking on subjects such as entertainment, which
need- common sense thinking behind it, will ECC grow in anything besides
Four new members have been ap-
pointed to the faculty of the Depart-
ment of Art at East Carolina College,
bringing the number of teaching per-
sonnel to thirteen in this division, an-
nounces Dr. Wellington B. Gray, di-
Most prominently known is Francis
Speight, Bertie county native, who
joins tihe staff as a visiting professor
in painting. Weil known in North
Carolina and 'the United States as a
producing realistic painter, Mr.
Speight 'has exhibited in tire North
Carolina State Art, Gallery in Raleigh,
where he rad a one-man show last
winter. He comes to East Carolina
from the Pennsylvania Academy
where he 'holds seniorty on tihe teach-
ing staff. Only recently Mr. Speight
jieceived the coveted gold medal
awarded for Ms contribution to art
in the United States. He is repre-
sented in the collections of the Penn-
sylvania Academy, the Metropolitan
Museum of Art in New York City,
the Detroit Institute, Nortih Carolina
State Art Gallery and other well-
known collections
Virginia Art Alliance.
Mrs. Nanene Engle, assistant pro-
fessor in art education, comes from
Evansville (Indiana) College where
she has been an instructor in art
uod art education. Mrs. Engle holds
the bachelor's degree from Evans
College and her Master of Art Teach-
ing from the University of Indiana.
She is a member of many professional
ait and education organizations and
has been an exhibiting ceramist and
jeweler in the mid-West, also pro-
ducing jewelry and ceramics on a
professional basis in her own shop.
Also coming to East 'Carolina's Art
Iepartment as assistant professor is
Miss Betty E. Petbeway of Charlotte
and Jacksonville. A graduate of Wo-
man's College in Greensboro, (holding
the Bachelor of Fine Arts and the
Master of Fine Airts in Airt Educa-
tion, from this institution, Miss Pette-
way most recently has been a member
of tf.te faculty in Charlotte's Grainger
High School. She has studied at New
York University and Rochester School
for American Craftsmen. Her major
interests are painting, serigraphy,
ceramics, and jewelry. She has taught
at Queents College, Charlotte, and
Woodbridge, N. J. public schools.
Nursing School Adds To Staff
Members Begin Their Duties
TT. tree new instructors have joined
the staff of the School of Nursing at
East Carolina College. Dean Eva War-
ren has announced that Mrs. Bonnie
Evans Waldrop, Mrs. Mary Snyder
?Steele, and Mrs. Ruth J. Broadihurst
have begun their duties for the sum-
t mer session and will continue as fa-
Miss Ruby Claire Ball, joining the j culty members during the 1961-1962
staff as assistant professor in art term.
education, takes a position vacated
by Dr. C. Bruce Carter who resigned
tc accept a commission to paint murals
or the city of Narvik, Norway. Sihe
Mrs. Waldrop attended tihe Uni-
versity of California at Berkeley and
holds the B. S. degree from the Di-
vision of the University at Berkeley.
will be supervisor of student teachers ! Sihe ih(as had experience in medical
for the Department of Art. She has surgical nursing at DePaul Hosrpitail,
tauglt at Winona State College, Norfolk, Va Mercy Hospital, Ur-
Minnesota. She has the Bachelor of i bana, Iillinois; and Rex Hospital,
Arts degree from Berea College and j Raleigh, N. C. She has also been con-
the Master of Education degree from nected with tlhe Institute of Social
trie University of Virginia where she I Research of the Univerhity of Michi
has done her doctoral studies. Her
teaching experience includes positions
in Harlan, Ky. public schools, East-
ern Kentucky State College, and the
University of Virginia and shte holds
membership in many professional
societies, lias published articles on
the arts and education in professional
Journals and has been a trustee of tftie
Kan, dtoing social research in Pitt
County, N. C, and witfn. the Pitt
County Chapter of the American Red
She is a life member of the Alpha
Xi Delta sorority.
Her husband Paul E. Waldrop, an
East Carolina alumnus, will join tihe
member of the industrial arts depart-
Mrs. Steele is a graduate of Bryn
Miawr College in Pennsylvania; holds
the master of nursing degree from the
Yale School of Nursing at New Haven,
Conn and bee done graduate work
at the University of North Carolina.
Her experience includes work at
itihle S. C. Baptist Hospital School of
Nursing and the Columbia Hospital
School of Nursing, both in Columbia,
S. C, and the Rex Hospital School of
Nursing in Raleigh, N. C.
Mrs. Broadihurst received her train-
ing as a nurse in St. Louis, Mo at
St. Luke's Hospital Scfool of Nurs-
in and at Washington University,
from which she holds the B. S. de-
gree. For the past year she has been
assistant director of nurses at Pitt
County Memorial Hospital in Green-
ville. Previously she was connected
for eight years with Jefferson Bar-
racks Veterans Administrition Hos-
pital in St. Louis.
Her husband, Frederick L. Broad-
hurst, is a member of the industrial
East Carolina faculty this fall as a arts department at East Carolina.
-Pihotos by Jim Kirkland
High School Workshop Begins;
Jones Serving As Coordinator
East Carolina College's first Jun-
ior High School Workshop, began
l.luh 12, with Director Douglae R.
Jones of the department of educa-
on u coordinator. The program will
continue through July 25.
Because of the growing interest in
the iimportance of the junior high
l m public education it ie ex-
bed that the workshop will meet
pith an enthusiastic response from
(teachers, school officials, and others.
Di Junes has announced that a
Dumber of educators in the state will
them will be Joe Cashwell, former
fcagh school superintendent in Albe-
le, and now supervisor of ourri-
culum and suervision, State Depart-
Mrve as viaiting lecturers and con-
pukants during the workshop. Among
meat of Public Instruction Raleigh;
Dr, William Self, assistant suiperin-
fent of Winston-SaJem schools;
Vivacious Blonde Instructs Majorettes;
Holds Many Honors In Particular Field
Murray Instructs
Annie Mae Murray, director of the
East Carolina College Kindergarten,
v-ill act as instructor of a Kindergar-
ten Workshop in Charlotte, N. C,
July 17-25. Meetings are scheduled
from 9 a. m. to 1 p. in. in the Coven-
ant Presbyterian Church of tihe city.
The event, sponsored by the Car-
lotte and Mecklenburg Kindergarten
AttsodetioA, is the second annual
workshop to be offered in Charlotte.
Participating in the workshop pro-
gram this year will he more than 100
Miss Murray has acted as director
f the kindergarten at Eewt OaroMna
Allege since 1948. For the p ?-
eral years she has conducted at t
cllege a workshop in Directed Ob-
servation in the Kindergarben wtiicb
tas been attended by kindetarten
wd primary-grade tedien from a
de area in tihe
Mrs. Ellen Carroll, supervisor in the
Greenville city schools; Dr. Lloyd
Thayer, director of instruction in the
High Point city schools; and Dr.
Vester M. Mulholland, director of ed-
ucational research in the State De-
partment of Puhlfic Instruction, Ra-
The workshop will carry three
quarter hours of graduate credit, Dr.
Jones has announced. Classes will meet
from 9 a. m. to noon. Time will be
available in the afternoon for dis-
cussion of special problems suggested
by those enrolled.
Topics to be considered include Or-
ganization and Administration of the
Junior High School, the Junior High
School Principal, the Junior High
School Teacher, the Junior High
School Curriculum and its Implemen-
tation, Auxiliary Services of the Jun-
ior High School, and Guidance and
Further information may be ob-
tained from Dr. Douglas R. Jones,
Department of Education, East Caro-
lina College.
Tsk What Spelling
'''if' ''J ''
Recently there appeared a series of
po'ttsedvising the
tw store hour, of the Booand Stat-
new BW . reported by an
ionery Stores.
oSicial of the Bookstore the error m
oinciai w rt Was made by
pelling of stationAry w
a student.
(Editors Note: Tlhe following fea-
ture appeared in the August 4, 1960
issue of the BAST CAROLINIAN,
following last years Summer Music
Camp. We reprint this at the request
of the students who have asked about
Miss Kaiser and her past activities
as a twirl instructor.
"Corps! TenrHup was the cry
from the rear of Wright Building
during the past two weeks while the
Summer Music Oamp was underway.
Leading the cries was Karen Kaiser,
miajorette instructor, one of the many
instructors in their specialized fields
which participated in the camp.
Miss Kaiser, a "sort of messed-up
blonde" and blue eyed young lady
(Vlas captured the hearts of students
an admirers in twelve separate
states during the past five years.
Karen has instructed the advance
majorette group at EC's camp for
the past three years. TCis versatile
lady operates a studio of baton and j
strutting in her hometown of Grand
Rapids, Michigan, during the winter
montlhis, (then takes to the road dur-
ing the summer to instruct at the
various music camps across the
Karen's twirling experience began
at the age of four. Karen said, "I
started- early and grew to enjoy the
art of baton, (but while learning I
broke my arm tihlree times, so my
mother put me in dancing school
Karen aittributes her gracefulness
in strutting to her early training in
dance school.
Along with traveling, and operat-
ing a studio in her home town, Karen
ihas appeared in Disneyland and
made several TV appearances. She
appeared on, the "Pinky Lee Show"
("That's a stupid program says
In 1958 Karen ended her national
competition as an individual. It was
during the 1958 competition she won
the title of "National Strut Champ
Since then she has entered her stu-
diio members in competition. The
"Kaiser Red Wing made up of 38
mem bens, have won two second place
awards in the "Corps" division in
national competition.
Before Karen stopped individual
competition, she had won 92 tropheys
and over 150 medals for her versa-
tility in- the baton arts.
She competed in five divisions, one
baton, two baton, ensemble, make up
of Herself and her brother and sis-
ter, flags, and strutting during the
eight year period she was entering
the national competition.
The Kaiser family is also inter-
ested' in Karen's ihohby, which turned
professional. Of her three brothers
and four sisters, five of them are
baton experts. Together tihey have
won 360 tropheys and "gosh knows
how many medals
When Karen was asked about tlhe
approximate salary during a camp
period, she said, I take home around
$250 per week during the summer
She quickly added, "I have a Cadil-
lac just 'like Mr. Beadin's (Head, Mu-
sic Department), except it isn't air-
Karen stated, when asked about
the music camp in general, "I
woudn't have come for three years
in a row if I didn't like it. The ma-
jorettes seem to appreciate tihe work
you do here more than any other
place She continued, "There's mu-
sic all over tfrte place . . . the camp-
ers are all interested in each other's
activities at other camps it's all
band or majorette, but here it's all
together, and that makes for a whole
'hearted camp

Eight Teams Compose SoftbaULeag
Intramural Highlights
A new session is currently in fold and so is the new
Intramural Softball League. A successful first half of com-
petition concluded two weeks ago with Lambda Chi, under the
coaching of football star Nick HilgeUt, winning with a 7-1 cham-
pionship mark.
There were some strong teams and few weak ones in the
league. Interest was strong at times, but it was also lacking at
other times. The competition was not very keen at the sitart, but
in the end the competitiveness was much stronger than at the
start. This was to be expected since the players from the respec-
tive teams were not use to playing as a unit.
However, the second half of action is expected to offer
better (teams, keener interest, and should be again well organized
under he capable leadership of Student Director Jack Jones of
Winston-Salem. Eight teams answered the first round call this
week in the softball loop which concludes with the winners of
Leagues A and B playing for the campus championship.
Softball is not the only sport in the news in the Intra-
mural program. Basketball and tennis share the sportlight.
Jones hopes to oganize a basketball league at night and continue
individual tennis play as well. Incidentally, it was Wilber Castelo
who defeated Bent Stafford for the tennis championship last ses-
sion. In last week's sports page the cutline read Stafford over
Cfestelo under the two performer's pictures. I wish to extend my
personal apologys to Mr. Castelo.
While on the subject of the Intramural program, Student
Director Jones wishes to extend the right of any individual to
step up and say what he thinks about the program whether good
or bad. Jones also felt that the faculty could add to the program
with some participation. "Why not have a faculty league in soft-
ball, horseshoes, tennis, or most any competition the outspoken
director stated.
Women Should Be Able To Compete
Mr. Jones does have a good point to bring to the attention
of the facility. But there is also a perhaps stronger need for a
first class Women's Summer recreation program at ECC. It
seems tha three service courses which are in the requirements
for gradution are not sufficient in the Women's recreation ac-
A women's recreation league with strong competition
should be encouraged if enough women would sign a petition de-
siring to be able to participate in such activities as softball, ten-
nis, golf, badminton, volleyball, etc.
Why could not a Women's, softball league be a success?
The men's competition has always been a success. There are
probably many young ladies who really want to engage in their
particular sport, but who do not have the opportunity to do so
since the college is lacking in the program.
Ping Pong Winner
In last week's EAST CAROLINIAN table tennis made the
head lines thanks to a terrific 'ping pong' player named Charles
Holliday. The Union Champion deserves all the credit in the
world for his fierce play and his winning display of table tennis.
The competition saw four state champions involved.
Cain Assgmes New Head
Coaching Duties This Fall
While participating as a player
Cain was known for this ability as a
standout defensive end for the Bucs.
It was Cain who was responsible for
aiding in making the holes for
Jim Speight and Glenn Bass to run
through. Besides these brilliant ef-
forts Cain was an excellent pass re-
ceiver under Coach Jack Boone.
The new coach is married and re-
sides iai (Suffolk. Whale attending EC
this summer and doing graduate work,
tihte ex-star end is a member of the
"Ha Beens" softball team, in the In-
itiamunal Softball League.
Second Session
Play Features
Five New Teams
The second half of Intramural play
featuring eight teams 'had its begin-
ning Tuesday of this week. Five new
softball mines in addition to three
heldover teams from the first Sum-
mer Session compose the loop.
Intramural Student Director Jack
Jones of Winston-Salem has an-
nounced that the league will be oper-
ated in a different manner duriner the
second half of play. The program is
divided into two leagues wfrich are
called A and B. The winners of the
two leagues will play at the end of
the session for the Intramural dhaim-
The teams composing the A. and
B leagues in the Intramural softball
competition are as follows: League A
is represented by the Has Beens, the
Rebels, the Outlaws, and the Over
the Humps; league B will be composed
of the Lambla Chi nine, the Un-
knowns, Pi Kappa Alpha, and the
The first half of softball play was
won by Nick Hilgert's fraternity nine,
a strong Lambda Chi team which
ended the season with a respectable
7-1 mark. The hard (hitting fraternity
'team defeated Brock Ridige's RougJh
Riders in the final game for the
In Intramural tennis competition
last session it was Wilbur Castelo the
ex-EC star third baseman who dis-
played his talents over EC's star varsi-
ty tennis (player Bert Stafford. Jones
announced that (there will be anotiher
individual tennis this iStwnniea invol-
ving any person wh wants to parti-
In addition to the softball and tennis
competition' Jones also announced that
there will be a basketball league or-
ganized to be played at night if any-
one wants to participate. Jones wishes
that these prospective players see
ih&m immediately, or see Facility Di-
rector Wendell Carr.
Student Director Jones hopes tihat
he can create more interest in intra-
mural ,pAay. He was quoted as saying,
"Any individual who has any ideas
or say what is good or bad concerning
the Intramural program do not fail
to do so
The defending champion Lambda
Chi nine will be the favorite to win
seconl half (honors in the softball com-
petition. However, the otter seven
representatives should hold their own.
The interest for this second half pro-
gram should surpass that of the first
THE ROUGH RIDERS received second place honors behind LaabdI
in last session playoffs.
Intramural Softball Schedule
Former East Carolina football star
Bill Cain will assume tthe duties as
thead footibal coach at Suffolk High
School in Suffolk, Virginia this Pall.
Cain was a star end for the Pirates
from 1956-59. The 6 205 pounder is
currently at EC working towards a
Masters Degree.
The ex-EC player expects to finish
bis MA. this summer. Besides head
football coaoh for the '61 campaign,
Cain is also the head track mentor
for the Virginia school.
Suffolk participates in the tough
Group I ranks in Virginia, therefore
the ex-Pirate end will probably have
his hands full since tihe Red Raiders
have a small student body. Cain is
expected to assume his duties on the
gridiron late in August.
25Movie: "North to Alaska John
Wayne, Fabian, S. Granger, Aus-
tin, 7:30 pjn.
26'Bingo-Ice Cream' Party, College,
Union, 7:80 p.m8:30 !p.m.
27-Movie: "Esther and the King
R. Egan, Joan Collins, Austin,
7:30 p. nu
28Combo Dance, College Union,
8:00 pjnll:00 p.m.
29Classes held.
81Duplicate Bridge Session, Col-
lege Union, TV Room, 7:00 p. m.
League "A"
Has BeensRobert Moore
RebelsPhil Taylor, Jones 209
OutlawsRon Shoup, Jones
Over-the-JJumpsJJaUas Foseue,
Jones 158
League "B
Lambda ChiNick Hilgert
UnknownBeasley Jones
Pi Kappa Alpha
VirginiansBob Menefee
Tuesday, July 18, 3:00
Rebels vs. Outlaws 1
Unknowns vs. Pi Kappa Alpha 1
Tuesday, July 18,4:30
Has Beens vs. Humps 1
Lambda CM vs. Virginians 1
Wedneslay, July 19. 3:00
Unknowns vs. Virginians 1
Lambda Chi vs. Pi Kappa Alpha 1
Wednesday, July 19, 4:30
Has Beens vs. Outlaws 1
Rebels vs. Huanps 1
Thursday, July 20, 3:00
Outlaws vs Humps 1
Lambda Chi vs. Unknowns 1
Thursday, July p0, 4:30
Pi Kappa Alpha vs. Virginians 1
Has Beens vs. Rebels 1
Monday. July 24. 3:00
Rebels vs. Outlaws 1
Unknowns vs. Pi Kappa Alpha 1
Monday, July 24, 4:v0
Lambda Chi vs. Virginians 1
Has Beens vs. Humps 1
Tuesday, July 25, 3:00
Has Beens vs. Outlaws 1
Lambda Chi vs. Pi Kappa Alpha 1
Tuesday, July 25, 4:30
Unknowns vs. Virginians 1
Rebels vs. Humps 1
Wednesday, July 26, 3:00
Pi Kappa Alpha vs. Virginians 1
Lambda Chi vs. Unknowns 1
Wednesday, July 26, 4:30
Outlaws vs. Humps 1
Has Beens vs. Rebels 1
Thursday July 27, 3:00
Rebels vs. Outlaws 1
Lambda Qha vs. Virginians 1
Thursday, July 27, 4:30
Unknowns vs. Pi Kappa Alpha 1
Has Beens vs. Humps 1
Monday, July 31, 3:00
Has Beens vs. Outlaws 1
Lambda Chi vs. Pi Kappa Alpha 1
Monday, July 31, 4:30
Humps vs. Rebels 1
Virginians vs. Unknowns 1
Tueshiy, Aug. 1, 3:00
Lamgda Chi vs. Unknowns 1
Pi Kappa Alpha vs. Virginians 1
Tuesday, Aug. 1, 4:50
Outlaws vs. Humps
Has Beens vs. Rebels
Wednesday, Aug. 2, 3:00
Rebels vs. Outlaws
Lambda 0i vs. Virginians
Wednesday, Aug. 2, 4:38
Unknowns vs. Pi Kappa Alpha
Has Beens vs. Humps
Thursda, Aug. 3, 3:00
Virginians vs. Unknowns
Lambda Chi vs. Pi Kappa Alpha
Thursday, Aug. 3, 4:30
Humps vs. Rebels
Has Beens vs. Outlaws
Monday, Aug. 7, 3:00
Outlaws vs. Humps
Pi Kappa Alpha vs. Virginians
Monday, August 7, 4:30
Lambda CM vs. Unknowns
Has Beens vs. Rebels
Tuesday, Aug. 8, 300
Rebels vs. Outlaws
Lambda Chi vs. Virginians
Tuesday, Aug. 8, 4:30
Unknowns vs. Pi Kappa Alpha
Has Beens vs. Humps
Wednesday, Aug. 9, 3:00
Has Beens vs. Outlaws
Lambda Chi vs. Pi Kappa Alpha
Wednesday, Aug. 9, 4:30
Hunitps vs. Rebels
Virginians vs. Unknowns
Thursday, Aug. 10, 3:00
Lambda Chi vs. Unknowns
Outlaws vs. Humps '
Thursday, Aug. 10, 4:30
Pi Kappa Alpha vs. Virginians
Has Beens vg. Rebels '
August 14, Monday, and Tuesday,
August 15 will be utilized for rain!
cut games.
Wedensday, August 16PLAYOFF
between the two top teams for
FOC Summer School Championship.
I In case of rain, the championshi?
tone, seven (7) inning game) willbt
iplayed Thursday, August 17.
(Schedule changes will be made be-
tween the team managers and t
Air Conditioned
Corner W. 9th & Dickinson
The Student Body of
is invited to a
Bermuda Ball
Featuring the music of the
Dancing from 7:30 till 11:00
Friday, July 28
Rawl Parking Let
Volume XXXVI
w,J '
photographer Jimmy
Sharon McKean, Mar
staffers check final di
In Maw
Wtien Dr. Leo W
Carolina College pres
the stage of the Wa
on Roanoke Island
former in "The L
Saturday, August 5,
12th member of the
this symphonic drai
tfcte 1961 production.
August 5 is the dat
lina College night a1
ony" and a large
dents, faculty and
pected to be in att
event. The delegaitioJ
nized in a sfrtort pi
mission. It is expecj
President Fodie H.
President Otis Strotl
President Jenkins in
Appearing in roles
this season are the;
College people:
Peter Jdhi, iplayii
the male lead; Tc
Amnanias Dare; Ns
waiting Edward
role of Fatlher Mj
Brown, Jr playing
-Marilyn Singleton,
and Bob Tilley, memj
Colony choir. Larry
tecfrmicaan and Mai
her 21st season as
Clifton Britton,
On 'Under
Final feature on
Session Entertainm
a dramatic productk
Pfcy, "Under Milky
MeGhinis 'Auditorium
August 2, at 8:15 p
Presented by Kail
paratively new th
jn a variety of seU
by leading writers,
t Bast Caroljm C
as possessing "e
"Under MiIfcwo
Piece completed
to before hm trai
li a moving and
of a sprt day in a
This dtoamwti
fbed by The
th Hohest and
fience of tife
?. CotP taa
East G.
. . . . r

East Carolinian, July 30, 1961
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
July 30, 1961
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
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