The Teco Echo, February 27, 1943

Having Great Success
Music Department
Number 9
Music Department Staging First Opera
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Annual Varsity Club Dance
To Be Held Next Saturday
Noted Author,
Sherwood Eddy
Speaks On Campus
ai v to the usual time for
lub dance, the sixth
e will he held Satur-
March 6. in the Cam-
�ilding. Due to the fact
era! of the members will
ing into service soon the
is having the dance this
. - for the first time, in-
: in May.
tive Nancy Wynne, of
will reign over the
ia the "Varsity Club
� She was chosen b
in a meeting a few
. Nancy will honor ail
: r the club this year
lead the traditional
the dance.
r the dance will be on
� of the "Y" store

Two audiences heard Dr.
Sherwood Eddy, noted author,
lecturer and student of world
affairs, on the campus. Friday.
February 19. as the guest of the
YW and YMCA; discuss the
present world crisis and the
bases needed for a lasting peace.
He spoke in the afternoon or.
�'The Men of Destiny Who Arc
Making the War and the
and conducted a iorum
Martha7 Being Presented
Again On Tuesday Night
Monday, March 1. through I after each talk.
In the afternoon he talked of
the many great personalities he
has come in contact with.
Characterizing Stalin as one oi
the greatest politicial politicians
of the world, its greatest indus-
trialists, one of its most pas-
sionate believers in justice for
all, but a man absolutely ruth-
less to his enemies. He describ-
ed Churchill as the man w.
his or- WOuld win the war for England,
but not a man who would "win
the peace because of his im-
perialistic ideas. Gandhi was
painted as a combination of
Gautama Buddha, the gentle-
, ness of St. Francis of Assis:
See Author on Page Four
�-day. March 4. No girl will
tted without a date, as
is the only boy-break dance
ar. However, if any
friends she would
to the dance, she
stag bids from ans
� the Varsity club. All
lents in school are in-
� ry club members are
Jean Abeyounis as "Martha and Bobby Pritchard as
Nancy in the famous spinning wheel scene.
If Opera Is Foreign To You
Check Up On Its Lingo
.vill furnish the music
asion. Serving on the
nittees are: decorating
ttee, Billy Greene, Jerome
and Bob Young; re-
� ents, Russell Rogerson
St lart Tripp.
ping this to be the
most colorful dance of
all you ladies invite
mend down for the
-break dance of the
itea Billy Greene, pres-
� :he club.
faculty members art
U. S. Civil Service
Offering Fine Jobs
Historical specialists for
rk In connection with the
preeration o f significant
records for the Nation, are
suught for Federal employment,
the U. S. Civil Service Commis-
D announced today. Salaries
are $2,600 to $6,500 a year.
The duties include determin-
ing what records should be pre-1 sage,
served and methods for pre
�erring them, preparing chron-
ological accounts of the origins,
authorizations, administrative
structures, developments and
other events of possible histori
cal s
With grand opera having a;
current run on the ECTC cam-1
pus it is well to be intelligent I
in your operatic conversations. I
Here are a few tips on the
terms that you will need to use,
what they mean and how to pro-
nounce them.
ria�pronounce this Ah-ree-
ah with the same kind of an
"ah" that you say for Miss
Grogan when you have a sore
throat. If you say air-ee-ar you
ar' just not being operatic.
What does it mean? It is a prin-
cipal song sung as a solo in the
opera. In this opera there are
two very well known arias,
"The Last Rose of Summer"
which soprano Abeyounis will
sing in Act II, and "Ah, so
Pure" which tenor Perry will
sing in Act III.
Score�If you ask one of the
singers about his score, don't
expect to hear him say "ten to
nothing in the third quarter.
The score is the book of music
which will be performed.
Role�noticing the difference
in spelling you will of course
not expect to see Jim White roll
J. B. Christenbury
Navy Lieutenant
Ralph Fleming
Speaks At Vespers

Ralph Fleming, son of Mr.
!and Mrs. R. L. Fleming of
Greenville, spoke at the YW-
jYM Vesper service Sunday
i night. February 21, in the Aus-
tin auditorium.
Wilmar and Illmar Kearney of . ous withparTin a J?lay .
Snow Hill, and Blanch Brooks
sang "Fairest Lord Jesus ac-
companied by Dorothine Mas-
Bey of Pleasant Hill at the
"Living in Christ s Steps
was the theme of Ralph's mes-
sage. We ride in our automo-
biles because we have faith in
their construction, he said; we rnlp0� )at1C�
live in buildings without fear of VOIlCgC VOW
being crushed because we have
faith in the engineer who erect- Emerson
ed them. He brought out that i
Coach John Boyd Christen-
bury has been commissioned a
Lieutenant (jg) in the United
States Navy and expects to gc
on active duty by the end of the
present term. Coach Christen-
burv came to ECTC in 1940 as
head coach and began the most
successful era of sports activity
in the history of the school
which included a perfect foot-
ball season in 1941.
Coach Christenbury expects
to be assigned to the Navy's
physical fitness program anu
has expressed a desire to be
sent to the University of North
Carolina for his preliminary
training. It is with a feeling of
pride at having known him and
of regret at having him leave
that we all join in wishing him
God speed.
Carolina Defeated
By Local Debaters
Receiving the unanimous de-
cision of the three judge,
ECTC defeated Carolina for the
second time this year in a debate
which took place February 17,
in the New Classroom building.
Debating the proposal thai
the United Nations establish a
federal union, the ECTC team
composed of Sophomores Car-
lyle Cox and James Worsley
presented a plan of organization
for a union and gave four rea-
sons for its adoption. E. O.
Brogden and Aaron Johnson,
representing Carolina attacked
the plan by claiming that it
would involve many disadvan-
tages of which the most impor-
tant would be the surrender of
national sovereignty. In order
to avoid this loss of sovereignty
the University team proposed a
union combining the important
features of the League of Na-
tions and the British Common-
wealth of Nations.
In the rebuttal the first
ECTC debaters attempted to
minimize the importance of the
loss of sovereignty by declaring,
"We are not willing to die for
an abstract notion of national
sovereignty! If it can not give
See Debaters on Page Three
Denton Rossell
Donald Perry
Dance Tonight
"Martha" has been given be-
fore two enthusiastic audiences.
School children were dismissed
from school to attend the mati-
nee, Thursday afternoon, and a
successful performance was
given last night. Tuesday night
at 8:30 the opera will be given
again for the last time.
Mr. Denton Rossell is direct-
ing the singers. Mr. A. L. Ditt-
mer directs the orchestra, and
Camille Jernigan is at the piano.
Principles began work on the
opera last October, and the
chorus in January under the di-
rection of Miss Gussie Kuyken-
Jean Abeyounis is giving a
splendid performance in the
leading role. Bobby Pritchard
is singing the mezzo-soprano
part; Donald Perry sings the
tenor role while baritone roles
are being taken by Rudy Wal-
ers, W. B. Harris, and Jim
White. Smaller parts are being
taken by Marv Alice Charlton,
Marie Walthall, Morris Flow,
Elizabeth Bridgers, Lucy NeU
Smith and Mary Blane Justus.
Miss Ellen Caldwell of the
mathematics department assis-
ted with the staging. Miss Cald-
well had experience in numer-
ous dramatic presentation and
received training in dramatics
at Randolph-Macon and Colum-
bia university before coming to
East Carohna Teachers College.
Members of the Chi Pi Play-
ers are lending valuable assis-
tance to the music department
in working out and giving the
production. Ophelia Hooks,
president of the organization
and Dave Owens, vice-president
of the players are serving as
stage managers. Hazel Harris
is managing a crew consisting
See Martha on Page Three
Victory Banquet
Liberetto�this word refers
to the book of words which is
sung in an opera. In other
words it is the play to which
See Opera on Page Four
Mrs. Agnes Barrett
Teaching In G.H.S.
Emersons Sponsor
and play, we Jfalf to'show faith I ruar-21, -Kn&ff his or
in the God of kweaji inerey. ��fig the music for
Then he pointed out that there ��- nwasion
fa, a difference in professing th galaL!??rIL a
i Society were hostess at the Col
significance of particular even though we �� " g� dance Saturday night Feb
agencies, recording and de�crib-1 everything we do fa our wortjteg Campug bmld.
ing note-worthy inter-agency
relationships, etc.
Applicants must have com-
pleted all requirements for a
bachelor's degree in a college or
university of recognized stand-
ing. Courses totalling 30 seme-
ster hours must have been com-
pleted in the following subjects:
history, geography, economics,
political science, sociology sta-
tistics, and social anthropology,
at which at least 12 semester
hours must have been in his
Research experience or col-
lege teaching in a social science
field in which the historical and
evolutionary approach was em-
phasized, is required. In general,
for the assitant grade at $2,600
a year, 1 year of such experi-
See CivU Service on Page Three
faith and having faith, quoting
Christ's passage which tells us
how to recognize the faithful,
"by their fruits ye shall know
them M
American's attitude toward
Christ was compared to that of
Sponsors for the dance were,
Nancy Kilpatrick, Dot Starling,
Jane Fisher, Jane Vann, and
Hilda Martin, president of the
societv. The motif for the dance
was in memory of George
Washington. Those in the figure
a'hort who licks"his guest in a formed a V with three dots and
rm whe?e he won't be in the a dash. Decorations were red,
sj�sbe found H�w&�3
2SS? CSS - "K� t �5
in the steps of Jesus and do as
He would do has been a success
Fleming, a junior at the
Greenville high school, is presi-
dent of the Methodist Youth
were: Figure, Jane Fisher;
decorations, Dot Starling; Re-
freshments, Margaret Brough-
ton; Invitations, Zula Newman;
Chaperons, Ruth Spencer; or-
chestra, Helen Flynn.
Mrs. Agnes W. Barrett, sec
retary to President Meadows,
is teaching a course in pre-
flight aeronautics this quarter
in the Greenville High School
She succeeds Clyde Carter who
left recently to enter the Ser-
vice. She has sixteen boys ir
her class, all juniors and sen-
iors who want to go into the
air forces soon after gradua-
The course deals mainly in
navigation, meteorology, and
civil air rules. After six weeks
the class will be turned over to
another person who will teach
"Many of the boys in the
class have had a good back-
ground in mathematics and
physics and are very much in-
terested in airplanes. "I love
everything about flying and
was thrilled to get a chance to
teach this class states Mrs.
Barrett, who took the C. P. T.
course when the College offer-
ed it two years ago.
A similar course may be of-
fered in the College soon for
seniors and teachers in near by
high schools so that they may
be able to instruct their high
school students in the funda-
mentals of aeronautics.
Victory, as the theme, and a
military motif were the key-
note in the program and decora-
tions at the YWCA-YMCA ban-
quet at the college February 18,
for all members of these two re-
ligious organizations on 1'n
Serving as toast mistress was
Miss Clarine Johnson who had
arranged the program. Toasts to
the YW and YM were made by
J. C. Shepherd and Mabel Wat-
son, followed by responses from
Charlotte Shearin, YW presi-
dent, and Samuel Crandell, YM
president. In giving a toast to
the faculty advisers, James
White began with the question
"Have you ever been a faculty
member?" and went on to ex-
press his deepened understand-
ing of the responsibilities that
rest on a teacher and his appre-
ciation for the contributions
made by the faculty advisers.
Responding, Miss Louise Wil-
liams, the YW faculty adviser,
expressed the pleasure being
an adviser affords. She said
that she liked sitting down with
individuals or groups to think a
problem through, and that any
time a former "Y" member
stood for the best wherever he
happened to be, his advisers
were well repaid for any time
and energy they had shared
with him. "We will never claim
the credit for you ideas or ac-
complishments she said, "but
we will rejoice in them
"General" Hildrup, Dr. R. L.
Hildrup, a YM adviser, closed
the program of speeches by his
"Decalogue for Victory in
which he suggested ten points
for victorious living.
Included on the program
were several songs led by
Miriam Sexton, accompanied by
Wilma Lewis at the piano, as
well as several impromptu songs
by guests.
General Chairmen for the
banquet were Anne A. Steven-
son and Douglas Eley.
Ending the gala events for
the month of February the sen-
ior class will honor the sopho-
mores with a dance in the gym
tomorrow night at 8:30 P. M
Under the direction of Joyce
Dunham, president of the senior
class, the committee chairmen
have made splendid plans for
the occasion.
Chairmen of the committees
are: decorations, Jane Fisher,
figure, Frances Robertson; re-
freshments, Clellie Mae Croon;
invitations, Louise Averette; or-
chestra, Lois Greene; chape-
rons. Margie Hollowell.
Music for the occasion will be
the well-known Oak Ridge or-
chestra. The class of '44 has
been outstanding in all its un-
dertakings and the dance to-
morrow night will be no excep-
Students To Act
On Committees
Of Faculty
At a recent faculty meeting
the faculty granted representa-
tion to students on several im-
portant standing committees of
the college.
Two student members will
become additions to the Com-
mencement, Homecoming, Li-
brary, and Beautification of the
Grounds Committees. Also stu-
dents will have sub-consulting
committees for the Course of
Study committee and the Sched-
ule Committee.
The faculty further recom-
mended to the B o a r d of Trus-
tees that students be allowed
visiting members on the Disci-
pline Committee.
'Lucy The Laundry Cart7
Appearing In Local Opera
For several years the ECTC
laundry cart has faithfully ser
ved to pick up laundry from the
dormitories, and to assist in a
life of routine and drudgery.
Perhaps in its youth it dreamed
of a career on the stage, and
perhaps even in recent years it
dreamed of being elevated from
its drab existence; but it is
scarcely believeable that it
could have dreamed of one day
going into grand opera and be-
ing elevated to the fly gallery
between acts, there to remain
while prima donnas and pretty
chorus girls paced the score of
"Martha" on the stage below.
When "Martha" is staged at
the Metropolitan a real live
horse wearing special leather
boots which cost fifteen dollars
apiece comes onto the stage at
the end of the second scene and
serves to haul Nancy and Har-
riet away in a carriage. Obvi-
ously the stage of Austin audi-
torium is a trifle small for a
show and besides horses some-
times misbehave in opera as did
one when Helen Hepson and
James Milton were singing
"Martha" in Cincinatti. On that
particular occasion the horse
started prancing and became so
enmeshed in the reins that an
emergency curtain was neces-
sary to bring that scene to a
premature ending. In staging
the local production of
"Martha" the directors were
confronted with the problem of
horseless transportation for the
two girls who are purchased as
farm maids and carried away
by Lionel and Plunkett to serve
as their domestics. Th1 oppor-
tunity had come. "Lucy the
Laundry Cart" could see her-
self behind the footlights. It
had been years since she had
vocalized but one day as she
passed director Rossell on the
campus she just squeeked her
very best little squeek and was
engaged with an opera com-
pany. Now, wearing a skirt of
Richmond stripes and bedecked
with a canopy of red, white,
and green she defies recogni-
tion and realizes a life long am-
bition. Each morning she re-
turns to her regular duties at
the laundry but until her wheels
squeek flat she will retain the
memory of performance in
grand opera and the loving re-
membrance of carrying the
prima donna off the stage.

�- � � � �
s -
The Teco Echo
Published Biweekly by the Students of East
Carolina Teachers College
Entered as second-class matter December 3,
1925' at the U. S. Postoffice. Greenville,
X. C, under the act of March 3, 1879.
Rosalie Brown
Margie Dudley
Louise Thomas
Maribelb Robertson
E'd'itorirr -chief
Charles Craven
Harold Taylor
Marv Sue Moore
Evan Griffin
Margaret Lewis
Conelia Beems
Ray Sparrow
Flovk Woody
James Worsley
Betty Edwards
Keyhole. Korrespondents
Sports Editor
Sports Rettorter
H vrk1! Jarvis Business Manager
Dorothy Pearsall Pat Edwards
Helen James Charles Cushman
Rachel Dixon Betty Batson
Bernice Jenkins
Cathv Hester
Helen Page Johnson
Jean Goggin
Cathy Hester
Lois Grigsby
Beecher Flanagan
Sherman M. Parks
Proof Reader
Alumni Reporter
Editorial Adviser
Ba sin ess Ad riser
Teenical Adviser
Mi mber
North Carolina Collegiate Press
ftssocided GoUe&kite Press
Distributor of
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publiibtm Ruprttentativt
�420 Madison Ave New York. N.Y.
Turn About Fair Play
Tonight the student body, and faculty
of ECTC and the people of Greenville will
have an opportunity to witness the first
grand opera ever to be attempted by stu-
deiis of ihe music department on the cam-
pus. This is not only an opportunity but a
rare privilege! Students will see and hear
their classmates in roles that have not been
witnessed before, -litterbugs, athletes, prac-
tice teachers, and all types of students will
sing the gav choruses from Flotow's opera
This performance has been anticipated
by many for some time. It is a reasonable
guess, however, that there are students who
have not given much thought to opera Per-
haps they do not care for opera, but if that
is the case then it must be because they do
not know enough about opera. Don't let the
mere word, opera, frighten you. All operas
are not tragic, in foreign language, or high-
ly technical. To the contrary this opera is
light, easilv understood, comic, and very
colorful The plot is "The Same Ole Story
boy meets girls, boy looses girl, boy gets girl
back. Between those three happenings the
gayest and most interesting is sung bv ex-
cellent student voices. Music students sup-
port other acivities�enjoy sports, plays,
etc. Here's tc all the other students support-
ing them in their most important and ex-
citing undertaking!
Watch Out Girls, Marriage
Isn't A Meal Ticket
bl Associated Collegiate Press
Mrs. Alexander Thomson, president of
Western college, Oxford, Ohio, warns col-
lege girls against looking upon marriage
life merely as a meal ticket. "Marriage is
one of the most normal, natural and desir-
able experiences that anyone, man or wo-
man, can achieve declares Mrs. Thomson,
who is the mother of four grown sons, some
of whom are married and have children.
"Yet daring wartime, marriage must face
perplexing problems, the solutions to which
are not always indicated by precedent or
clearly marked courses.
"First, marriage can no longer be re-
garded as a purely personal matter. The fact
that so many war marriages are hasty ones
will only add to the general instability of our
country after the war is over.
"At that time there will be so many fac-
tors contributing to our general unrest and
unhapiness that for any group to add to
them is of almost national significance
"At the very core of the national stabil-
ity we are fighting for is the stability of the
home. By jeopardizing the one, we are equal-
ly placing the other in jeopardy.
"Young women can no longer regard
marriage as a meal ticket. In the new post-
war economy, both men and women will
have to work�marriage can no longer be a
solution to the economic problems of making
one's living. Young people should be advised
to consider all these factors before making
their choices and decisions.
"Marriage is not a status quo; it
changes from day to day. People separated
by time and space and experiences are run-
ning serious risks of growing apart rather
than together in their marriage life.
"A successful war marriage demands
that man and women have unusual knowl-
edge of each other, not only of themselves as
they are but of their possibilities and capa-
bilities so they can come back with the �ame
WhoVWho In 'Martha'
Some people think music majors and
opera singers aren't iust like anyone else.
Contrary to that belief are the students and
faculty who have been working on the opera
"Martha These students are unusual in
ability, interests and nature. We would like
for you to meet them, these young opera
"stars and more experience directors.
Jean Abeyounis, Greenville lyric so-
prano, has the lead as Lady Harriet and
"Martha She finished her voice major
course at Christmas and is doing farther
study this quarter with Mr. Denton Rossell.
For four years Jean has given a concert here
in the spring. This year she will give an-
other and probably her last one here, as a
student. She hopes to study voice in New
York in the near future. In high school Jean
was outstanding in glee club. She sang the
soprano solo in the State contest one year,
and in the trio one year. Also she had the
lead in the "Gypsy Rover Since she has
been a student here she has been very active
in many campus activities. She was a mem-
understanding with which war duties may
now separate them.
"Many very practical economic ques-
tions now enter into thepicture. Is the girl
fitted to support herself and possibly her
children? Has her family agreed to the
match and is it willing to assume added
burdens? Is she herself fully aware of the
complexities the war situation may develop?
"There are many questions and impor-
tant questions, but in spite of them and the
serious implications they mav hold, let
again reiterate my faith in the institution
marriage and the future of the home
College Does Pay!
by Associated Collegiate Press
Does a college education pay?
now that question is uppermost in
American minds, more than ever before. In-
dustry and business seem to be offering un-
usual opportunities to persons with little or
no training, and those who have had higher
education apparently have no better status
than unschooled workers.
From a practical standpoints, however,
actual statistics lead to a different conclu-
sion. Men and women with college educa-
tions not only have more prominence in their
vocational fields, they make more money.
This statement is supported by a survey of
positions and salaries of graduates of the
school of forestry of Montana State uni-

By The Keyhole Korrespondent
ber of the Junior Orchestra one year, the
band one year, Chi Pi Players one year and
the Glee club every year. Jean plays the
baritone horn, trombone and piano; has
studied the clarinet and violin. "My ambi-
tion is to be a concert singer I wouldn't
.mind getting into the Metropolitan if I
thought I could, of course Although Jean
j is very, very femimine she enjoys sports.
I and likes to swim. "One of mv greatest am-
bitions is to ride horse back. T can't think of
i anything I'd rather do She loves to cook.
I admires originality, and likes to design
j clothes. She is fend of art, particularly
i crafts. "I am very, very fond of modern
; music. Glenn Miller, and dancing Jean
"JJ loves the "Nut Cracker Suite" by Tschaikow-
sky. "Symphony in D Minor by Franck,
and Puccini's operas, especially "La Bo-
heme She prefers fancy clothes and "sports
clothes, in their place Along the line of
reading she likes historical novels, "without
too much history. "I like original hair-
dos�fixing them myself, people, and
crowds "I have had one of the grandest
thrills working in "Martha" and am expec-
ting a terrible let-down when it is over
with Jean came to ECTC the first year
that music was offered as a major and has
to say. "1 feel that this department has pro-
gressed more than any other one in the past
four years
Lorraine Pritchard, who is playing the
part of Nancy, is better known on the cam-
pus as "Bobby She is from Sebaoard.
Bobby studied voice for two years before
coming to ECTC, and was in several plays
while in high school. She is a straight music
major. She was in the band for two years,
and has been a member of the glee club. La-
nier Society and MSA for four years. She
has been a marshal, and treasurer for her
society and this year is Chief Marshal.
When Bobby was a sophomore she was the
i Teeoan representative for her class, and hall
j proctor that year and this year for the
Every dog has his day, but the dog with
his tail cut off has a week-end . Speaking
of week-ends, well, if the Marines can land
and take over Tokyo as easily and as quick-
ly as they did ECTC�the war is as good as
Of all the unmarried people I've ever
seen. Charlie "Nose" Craven seems to be the
most "hen pecked He has to ask Jeanie
when he may go to the library to study�We
wonder if Margaret Butler lives down that
way ?
Buddy Murray seems to have acquired
the skill of the Marines even before being
called to Quantico. His objective was a cute
little package in Jarvis named Molly Blalock.
From all reports he has the situation WELL
in hand.
Romeo "Kid" Greene has gotten so pop-
ular since severing relations with one Mad-
drey, he has to duck up back campus to get
home without breaking some gal's heart.
However, most of the time Charlotte is wait-
ing for him to make a break toward the dark
back campus.
Doug "Bear Bouncer" Eley has finally
decided to give the girls a break. Your Key-
hole Korrespondent is proud to announce
that he was seen no less than six times last
week with one Sarah Richardson. It is funny
what a few Spring-like days will do to a guv
at ECTC.
There is no proof to this but�it is
rumored that "Nick" Zuras is "hog wild"
aboue Jane Hardy. If this is true we would
like to congratulate the Greek. For further
information consult Floyd Woody, "Nick's"
roommate, he knows all!
Marine, Bob Bricker seems to be doing
all right around Virginia Cooke's way. What
do you say about it Cooke?
We wish "Woody" Jones would make up
his mind and either leave Sarah's picture on
the dresser or the girl's from Portsmouth.
He changes every other day . . disgusting
isn't it?
Brant Waters and his stooge Jenkins
sure made a, blunder last week in several of
the comments so this week we want to re-
port to you the truth as stated by the wise
ole owl in the old oak tree in the Arbertum.
From all reports, this column is read
more by the students and the faculty than
other thing in the paper! Must be sometin'g
to it We would like to take time here to
congratulate the Emerson Society on the
execution of their figure at the dance last
Saturday. It was a good job and well done,
your reporter is proud of you. Where is all
the rest of the orginality on the campus?
Well, girls the Varsitv Club dance is but
one week off. Better get busy, there are a
few members still on the make. The girls
that get to go to that dance are tops on the
campus. So manicure those nails, wave that
hair, pluck those eyebrows, powder that nose,
turn on the glamour and get those guys!
Your Korrespondent saw in the town
paper the other day where "Big Fish" was
summoned before the gasoline ration board;
seeing that he was acquitted I asked him
how he did it. Fisher explained that his night
work was strictly business. Nice work, if
you can get it.
This is your Keyhole Korrespondent
signing off until next issue. We remain your
reporters 'til the wise ole owl falls out of the
old oak tree
On Wednesday night the Tau chapter of
the Phi Sigma Pi Fraternity of East Caro-
lina Teachers Colege initiated twelve new
members. This year the Fraternity is taking
in freshman for the first time due to the de-
creasing number of boys enrolled in school.
The boys are as follows: Belvin Beck, Fran-
cis Coiner, Charles Cushman, Beverly Cut-
ler, Z. W. Frazelle, Harry Jarvis, Clyde
Mann, Robert Martin, Robert Morgan, John
Murray, Leon Ray Sparrow, and Nicholas
Zuras. Initation ceremonies are always held
in the strictest secrecy.
WSGA. This year she is a member of the En-
tertainment Committee and chosen for
"Who's Who Her hobbies are; music, writ-
ing�feature stories and bits of philosophy.
She likes to read but, "I don't get much time
for it now She likes novels, poetry, bio-
graphy of hero and heroines "in any field
Bobby prefers dressy clothes, and nice
jewelry. Her onyx ring is her favorite piece
of jewelry. Her "secret" ambition is to live
in New York "for six months and reallv en-
joy the city life, and to cruise to the south
seas She also likes "all types of music,
swing and anything except Hill-Billy
When quizzed about sports she replied, MI
never excelled in any, but bowling is my
favorite She likes to sing, read, and see
tragedy, but has a very sunny disposition
and a grand sense of humor' "I like to see
an occasionally comedy, to make me feel
better She loves crowds, "in my off moods,
though, I like to be alone to think about the
things I don't talk about She loves twi-
light 'of course a pretty moon can't be
sneezed at Aspiring to grand opera as a
career, she replied to the question if she
would enter Metropolitan if she had a
chance, "so fast I wouldn't even stop to
dress Bobby hates monotony.
Donald Perry, junior from Washing-
ton, N. C, is playing the male role opposite
"Martha as Lionel. He has a lyric tenor
voice and studied voice only
one year before coming to
ECTC. He is majoring in
Music and Commerce. "My
first teacher here told me I
was a monotone for two
weeks says Donald laugh-
ingly. He has sung in the
Choir for three years, and
has been the president for the
past two years. This year he is treasurer of
his class, and secretary of the Chi Pi Play-
ers of which he has been a member for
three years. Last year he was in the State
contest play. He will enter the army im-
mediately following the opera. After the
"duration" he wants to finish at ECTC, "if
Mr. Rossell is stiil here but isn't sure what
he wants to do after that. "That part of the
future seems so far away He knows that
he will follow some phase of music, however,
working in 'Martha " "T. Dorsey is my
working in 'Martha "T. Dorsey is my
favorite band He is one of he best dancers
on the campus, and loves popular music.
Donald likes swimming, popular novels, and
"Now Voyager He saw that picture five
times when it was here one week-end. "That
was the most perfect movie I have ever
seen in acting, music, and plot
James White of Scotland Neck plays
the part of Plunkett, a wealthy farmer. He
attended Mars Hill college for two years be-
fore coming here. While there
he was a member of the BSU
council. In the two years that
he has been at ECTC he has
been outstanding in activity.
A member of the YMCA,
Choir, Commerce club, and
Chi Pi Players. Last year he
played in "Double Door" and
the Easter pageant. Jim's
hobby is going to movies, reading "good love
novels and taking pictures. His favorite
song is "Just As Though You Were Here
Of course you can guess he is a music major,
too; his other major is commerce. Jim plays
the piano, "a mean clarinet, and a stinking
violin His ambition in his own words: "I
want to be a model teacher. Yes, I really do
He is doing his practice teaching this quar-
ter as he says, "If practice teaching is a
sample of teaching I'll certainly love it be-
cause I love practice teaching He teaches
a class of all girls so maybe that has some-
thing to do with it, how about it Jim? Last
summer Jim worked with the FBI in Wash-
ington. He is expecting to go into the army
in April. Jim was voted "best-all-around" by
the seniors.
Ingram Walters, better known as Rudy,
plays the part of Sir Tristram. Rudy is best
known, other than by his fine personality,
for his piano playing. He says
he has been studying piano
for twenty years, and in-
tends to continue doing so.
When asked if he ever studied
swing playing he replied,
"No, I picked that up bv plav-
ing with dance bands Rudy
entered ECTC in 1938, bring-
ing an entire band with him.
He kept the band for two years until he
dropped out because of sickness. Billy
Knauff took the band over and still has it.
Last year he was in the senior play, "Vivaci-
ous Lady demonstrating his dramatic
ability. He has been a member of the mixed
chorus, band, and orchestra every year that
he has been here. Rudy studied voice for
only two years, but has studied piano every
year. He understands all instruments well
enough to play them a little and plays the
clarinet, trombone, and trumpet fluently.
He is Historian in the men's fraternity Phi
Sigma Pi. "I like all music, and think there
is a place for all of it in the world states
Kudy. His main interest is modern music,
but "not necessarily swing Other than
playing the piano Rudy is more interested
in writing his own compositions. He has re-
cently finished a modern classical composi-
tion which will be included on his spring re-
cital in April The seniors voted him the
most talented senior, and "best dressed"
2yV Smce they did vote me th' most talent-
ed 1 hope that every member of my class will
try to be present at my recital When asked
how much piano writing he has done he
answered "Oh, a number of things, includ-
ing band and orchestra arrangements
Rudy fee s that his work is just beginning
He has already registered for the Eastman
Conservatory in Rochester, N. Y and will
enter there in June to begin work on his
M. A degree. When asked what he wants to
do with his ability he answered, "Fill mv
place somewhere in the music world
Camille Jernigan is due a "star in her
crown" thinks the entire company for her
wonderful cooperation and work as accom-
panist for the opera. She has
studied piano for eleven
years, A sophomore majoring
in Music and English, she
is well known on the campus.
Last year she was accompan-
ist for all of the spring re-
citals, and will also be again
this year. "It is rather indefi-
� ff to what I will do by
tni' Tlf,ates �&�me in regards to her fu-
ture. 111 probably teach school Her hob-
bies are, yes, playing the piano, and listen-
ing to tenor sax solos in swing bands. That
is her favorite instrument besides the
piano. Like all the others, she enjoys popu-
lar novels. "I like literature better than
composition. She is a member of the Eng-
lish club YWCA, Poe Societv, WSGA t-eai
ur?r; �ud ,a marshal- Her weakness is red
hair! She loves basketball and football, seri-
jOua shows. While in high .school she played
j with a swing band two year Her ambition
I is to "play with a band: I know Mr. R,
I won t think much of that, though s.b-
very interested in opera, could eat her
weight in cheese, and enjoys "Moon Rivei
better than any other radio program Ca-
mille comes from Aulander. Mr. Rosgel!
she was a good pianis1 when she came here
but month by month she becomes a
one. Recently she gave a recital in chapel,
and can be heard playing often on the litl
balcony just outside the dining hall. I-
hard to keep her away from the piano but
she does not neglect her other work, a
opera rehearsals it was a common thing
see her sitting at the piano accompaning
singers while she studied from a text book
in her lap. She would play pages withoul
ever looking at notes or piano. (Sh- was
quite surprised to learn that Mi. R
knew she was doing that.) She stayed �
for rehearsals when she would have ;
home for the week-end. and missed only
rehearsal since October . . . that tirrt-
was in the infirmary.
W. B. Harris, a Greenville student,
I usually known for his athletic prower�
I in "Martha" he makes his debut as a n
cian. He is a member of the
Varsity club, YMCA cabinet.
Chi Pi Players, and president
of Phi Sigma Pi. He plays
basketball and baseball. Un-
like the rest of the cast. W. B.
is not a music major. Fie is
majoring in Science and
i Physical Education. He is a
candidate for an A. B. de-
; gree. W. B is a member of th
jsame as Donald. "I like
j his simple but emphatic statement. W.
I says "hich-hiking" is his hobby. He used ti
be ambious to play major league baseball.
he says not anymore however.
Mr. Denton Rossell came to this cam
!in the fall of 1940 as an addition to the
music faculty. Since his arrival both piano
j and voice students have pro-
i gressed rapidly under his
1 training. He was graduated
from the University of Wash-
ington as an English major.
; While there he played cham-
pionship golf. He continued
study at Columbia university
where he received his M. A.
degree. Mr. Rossell is an
artist as well as musician. He has had
private exhibitions of his pointings but
not recently. He has sung in opera,
I and played in summer stock com
panies. As a boy soprano he gave man con-
certs, but the boy soprano has now turn in-
to a lyric tenor. While in college he concen-
trated on piano and gave concerts. He is
known on the campus bv most students as a
fine concert singer, but often his music stu-
dents ask him why he doesn't give a piano
1 recital, for he is a master of that instrument
las well as a master of singing. Mr. Rossell
loves to fish and climb mountains. He once
had the experience of climbing a glacier
caped mountain which required climbing
straight up He has truly been an insoiria"
tion to the young singers on the campus ami
I always willing to help them get ahead Hi-
, popularity was demonstrated when he came
I back stage at the end of the opera las nio-ht
The principles were urging him to tke a
curtain call with them, and the chorus was
applauding vigorously When he refuse
someone simple pulled the curtain and tere
he was before the audience. During re-
hearsals the weary cast continuouslv got
encouragement and inspiration from the
man behind the baton. Denton Rossell "It
has been a thrill to see the students develope
the opera and to witness the fine reception
in which Greenville has given grand opera
by college students states Mr. Rossell
Mr. A. L. Dittmer. Head of the Music-
Department, has been working with the or-
chestra for sometime on the overtures and
special accompaniments for
the opera. An accomplished
violinist he played with the
piano in accompaning the
soloist throughout the opera,
adding a fine touch to the
beautiful melodies. Mr. Ditt
mer has been expressing a
desire for better music for
the students for sometime,
and sets very high standards for those stu-
dents majoring in music.
Jli� Guss,ie Ku'kendall is the director
of the Woman s chorus. For several weeks
she has been holding daily rehearsals of the
girls who make up the color-
ful chorus of the opera. Miss
Kuykendall has long been ad-
mired by the townpeople and
college having given numbers
of successful concerts. For
the past two years she has
directed her chorus in sing-
ing part of the beautiful
Easter music in the annual
pageant Although she has remained behind
scenes throughout the preparation and pre-
sentation of the opera, she has been in-
dispensable to the company
��i�JliM ?lle� Ca2dwe11 has given valuable
assistance to Mr. Rossell in the staging and
directing the dramatic parts of the opera
Not connected with the music department
being a mathematics teacher, she has never-
the-Iess joined the company and worked end-
less hours. She has had dramatic expedience
before coming to ECTC. Her keen eyes were
Throku.h0thH r in Stae STons6
Si 22� 1k e ,0n hours of ni�ht rehearsals
�lfe n -y "3? ?ve her dirtions with a
smile. During the two performances she was
back stage seeing that the singers were in
their places, helping with scene changes and
giving last minute encouragement

i� How many coownera of a
Bond can there be?
A. War Bon.1 mar be is-
sued in the names of
onlv two individuals as
coowners, and the reg-
istration must be in the
alternative, lack as
"John X. Smith or Mr
Mar Smith without
an qualifying words or
q If a peron who already
hohls X ar Savings Bond- up
to the limit for the run. � t
ear should inherit addi-
tional Bonds, could they be
registered in his Baste?
A. Yes.
Q. How can I be sure that I can
get ui money hack if I buy
� War aings Bond?
By Gib Crocket
A. The full faith and
credit of the United
Nates Government are
pledged for payment of
both principal ami in-
terest. Your Bond is
jut as sound as the
lk�ernment itself.
If the owner of a War Sav-
ings Bond dies, how is col-
lection made?
A. In the absence of a CO-
nvner or beneficiary
in the registration, the
bond will form a part
of the registered own-
er e-tate. and will be
paid to persons entitled
to share in the estate
under local laws as pro-
vided in the regula-
Remember�the longer
yo� keep "War Bonds,
up to 10 ear the more
valuable the? heroine.
Q, In what denominations are
U'ar Savings Namps avail-
A. Savings tamps are i �
-ued in denominations
of 10c, 25ft, S0& SI,
and $5.
Q, Ij the registration of War
Saving! Band a matter of
. lie record?
A. No. Records of owner-
ship of ar Saving
bonds are confidential
and information is giv-
en only to tho-e per-ons
whose right to it is fully
ij. Where i an I buy a War Sav-
ings Bond?
By Gib Crockett.
At I nited States post
offices of the first, sec-
ond, and third clas-e
and at selected post
ofhcea of the fourth
class, and generally at
classified stations and
branches; at Federal
Reserve Banks and
branches; at most com-
mercial banks, savings-
associations ; credit
unions; other financial
institutions: many re-
tail stores, theaters, and
other official sales
agencies; or through a
Pay-Roll Savings Plan.
You may also buy them
by mail direct from any
Federal Reserve Bank
or branch, or from the
Treasurer of the United
States, Washington,
D. C
hat is the limit of owner-
ship of ar Savings Bonds?
A. There is an annual limit
of $5,000 maturity
value, a $3,750 cost
price for each calendar
year, of bonds origi-
nally issued during that
year to any one person.
Remember�the longer
you keep War Bonds,
up to 10 v ears, the more
valuable they become.
Q. Does an album filled with
Stamps automatically be-
come a Bond that will ma-
ture in 10 years?
A. No. It must be ex-
changed for a Bond,
and it will bear no in-
terest until it is ao
Q. Can payment of a War Sav-
ings Bond be made to the
receiver or trustee in bank-
ruptcy of the estate of a
registered owner?
A. Yea, -when bankruptcy
or insolvency has been
adjudicated and re-
quest for payment has
been duly executed.
Q. Can I authorize my em-
ployer to set aside portions
of my salary each pay day
until enough is accumulated
to buy a War Savings Bond?
By Gib Crockett.
A. es, if your employer
has installed a Pay-Roll
Savings Plan. More
than 24 million wage
and salary earners are
saving their money this
Q. Can I invest a lump sum in
v ar Bonds and receive
from the investment a return
in the nature of an annuity?
A. "o. The purchase of
each War Savings Bond
is a separate transac-
tion. Each Bond is
dated as of the finst of
the month in which
payment for it is re-
ceived by an authorized
issuing agent, and ma-
tures exactly 10 years
from that date.
Remember�the longer
you keep War Bonds,
up to 10 years, the more
valuable they become.
Savings Stamps
uould be lost, stolen, or
destroyed, can they be re-
A. No. They should be
kept in a safe place and
exchanged for Vt ar
Savings Bonds at the
earliest opportunity.
When do War Savings Bonds
A. Ten years from the
issue date.
Q. Can a Bond be issued in the
names of two persons as co-
By Gib CroeketU
A. Yes, but only individ-
uals may be so named.
Corporations, associa-
tions, churches, and
lodges may not be
named as coowners.
Q. What steps should be taken
when a Bond is lost, stolen,
or destroyed?
A. The Treasury Depart-
ment, Division of Loans
and Currency, Mer-
chandise Mart, Chicago,
111 should be notified
immediately, reference
being made to the se-
ries, year of issue, date,
denomination, and se-
rial number of the
Bond, and the name
and address of the reg-
istered owner. Instruc-
tions as to proof re-
quired wiU then be sent
Remember�the longer
you keep War Boikds,
up to 10 years, the more
valuable they become.
i' ach John Christenburv
apilal To Campus
n Associated Collegiate Presz
Wa and the Faculty�
The U. S. Office of Education
ij�s the war toll figures on col-
re faculties now. It says 8,000
I campuses in the last year
r armed services, government,
war industry, or other fields.
Faculties shrank by about 5
per cent, with numbers of men
teachers dropping 7.5 per cent.
Replacements increased the
numbers of women teachers by
1.3 per cent.
Stirred by the exodus, some
schools have boosted salaries
and retained staff members be-
yond retirement age. Close to
100 schools have abolished such
non-teaching functions as re-
search a n d supervision of stu-
dents activities.
History in Class J-A �
Alexander Meiklejohn, auth-
or of "Education Between Two
Worlds" and educator with
ideas of his own, sides with
those who approve the Army-
Navy college training programs
in these words:
"I am not saying that a young
man will get a good education
by going into the hell of war. I
am only saying that, if he is fit
to fight, he will get a bad edu-
cation by staying out of it
Work to be Done�
An "urgent" call has come
from the Civil Service Commis-
sion for college women to take
federal jobs as junior engineers
,i $2,600. Tuition-free, govern
ment sponsored 10-week train-
ing courses, now underway at
many colleges. i 1 1 qualify
those without engineering
The government also can use
college-trained women as ac-
counting and auditing assis-
tants at $2,000, economists and
statisticians at $2,600 and up.
Wart iin Wash ington�
The new man on the OPA hot
seat. ex-Senator Prentis Brown
of Michigan, should chalk up a
good batting record. At little Al-
Coach John Christenbury
To Enter U. S. Naval Reserve
Birdseye View
Continued from Page One
of Ruth Bostian, William Stan-
field Johnson, and Joe Lasiter,
Charlotte Elliott had charge
of the chorus costumes. Mary
Sue Moore is serving as cos-
tume mistress. Hilda Moore,
Mozelle Hooks and Floriedel
Kennedy are in charge of pro-
perties. Ben Miller worked out
the lighting problems and is
electrian for the production.
fied persons are asked to apply
immediately. Applications and
complete information may be
obtained at first-and second-
class post offices, from civil
service regional offices, and
from the Civil Service Commis-
sion at Washington, D. C.
Applications are not desired
from persons already using
their highest skills in war work.
War Manpower restrictions on
Federal appointments are giver:
in Form 3989, posted in first-
and second-class post offices.
"The Ladies Store'r
Continued from Page One
ence is needed. Six months of
this must have been in Ameri-
can historical research invol-
ving the use of government oi
business documents or admini-
strative records, which resulted
in the production of one or more
reports demonstrating a
thorough knowledge of histori-
cal research methods. Graduate
study may in some cases be
substituted for experience. Ad-
ditional experinece of higher
quality is required for positions
which involve increased respon-
Appointments will be to posi-
tions in Washington, D. C, and
other cities in the United States.
There are no age limits and no
written examination will be
given. Applications will be ac-
cepteu at the U. S. Civil Service
Commission, Washington, D. C,
until further notice, but quali-
bion college in his home state,
he played baseball for foui
years, topping the team in hit-
ting. He went on to play semi-
pro baseball in the Upper Penin-
sula leagues.
Washington�(ACP) � The
editor and publisher of Who's
Who in America says "Con-
trolled Brainpower is just as
essential for America as con-
trolled strategic materials
Wheeler Sammons, of Chi-
cgao. publisher of the reference
volume, told a committee of con-
gress that present training pro-
grams of the army and navy
threaten extinction of the small
American liberal arts colleges.
This, he said, would be "an ir-
reparable loss
He warned against total em-
phasis on technical training
during the war period, and said
"Liberal education should not
be a war casualty
He said denial of liberal edu-
cation to the thousands of 18
and 19-year-olds who are being
drafted will rob the nation of
its reservoir of potential pro-
fessional men. and emphasized
the need for "controlled brain-
power to assure an adequate
This year has been marked by
many changes in the sports pro-
gram of many colleges and pro-
fessional leagues caused bj-
transportation difficulties and
a shortage of players as a result
of the war. Many small schools,
like our own, have been forced
to abandon their intercollegiate
program entirely and substitute
intramural program instead.
The basketball season just
ending has been characterized
by upsets and leaves no team
undefeated. Many of the pre-
season favorites lost their stars
and have had only a mediocre
team. Play in the Southern Con-
ference has been dominated by
the Blue Devils of Duke and th;
Colonials of George Washing-
ton with Duke the top-seeded
team in the tournament to be-
held in Raleigh next week. In
the Ivy League the play has
been dominated by Penn State
and Dartmouth with Penn
State, on the strength of its 13
game winning streak, favored
to merge as conference champs.
The strong University of Ken
tucky team has dominated play
in the Southeastern Conference
j and is almost certain to take the
j title there.
Many of the minor leagues in
j baseball have already voted to
� s ispend play until after the
ur.ati n of the war as they are
i unable to get players and the
J major leagues themselves are
I not so sure of their stand in re-
gard to material.
Spring is in the air and a
! young man's fancy turns to
tennis. This is a little different
from the old saying but is,
nevertheless, true. The editor
wonders when some effort will
be made to put the courts in
shape so that tennis aspiranto
will be able to begin play. Many
people have been heard to ex-
press a desire to play a set or
two but because the courts were
not ready had to postpone their
desired match. We are not
criticising anyone but merely
wish to ask that the courts bo
made ready for use earlier than
usual this year as the unusually
warm weather offers an oppor-
tunity for playing.
In perhaps what is the last
sports page to be issued in the
Teeo Echo for the duration of
the war, we the students and
athletes wish to pay tribute to
the man who has done much to
put ECTC on top in the athletic
realm. We all know Coach
Christenbury and perhaps also
know of the fine athletic teams
which he has turned out during
his stay here as physical educa-
tion instructor and heard coach,
but nevertheless they will bear
Coach Christenbury came
here at the beginning of the fail
quarter of 1940 and took up his
duties as coach. In his first year
here he lost only three of the
nine football games played with
one of them going to the ivory
studded State freshmen team.
His basketball team was highly
successful and made one of the
best records ever made here,
his baseball team enjoyed
Continued from Page One
us peace and a chance to live we
do not want it The local team
continued by attempting to
show that the Carolina plan foi
union would fail in its purpose
of preserving peace.
Judges who rendered the 5-0
decision were: Mr. J. H. Wa
drop. Mr. K. T. Futrell and
Judge Dink James of Green-
East Fifth Street
After the debate President
Cox of the Jarvis Forensic club
which sponsored the clash, de-
clared that the possibility was
being considered of scheduling
a second series of two debates
with the University during the
Spring quarter.
Greenville, N. C.
that Sta4U . .
Appfy All-Day FoiwrfoWoa . . . hides
tiny blemishes, gives a radi-
ant g low (8 shades) 1.00
finiih wM Blixabtt, Ar4m Pan rWoW
mist-fine ever-so-clinging
. . And how It flatters! .
175 and 3.00
Two Powder Box
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Evans Street
14 Books�All For One Amazing Price
Rubber Aprons
Stationery Store
"Where The Gang Eats"
success by winning
half of their games.
During the fall of his second
year here Coach Christenbury
was able to realize what is the
dream of every coach, that of a
perfect season. His talented
football team won all of their
contests, including victories
over the strong outfits of Ber-
gen College of Teaneck, N. J
and Erskine College of Key
West, S. C, and establishing a
record which will be pointed at
with pride
This season because of the
transportation difficulties caus-
ed by the war it became neces-
sary to drop interscholastic
sports, but Coach Christenbury,
realizing the importance of
sports activity to the individual
students, worked out a program
of intramurals which was high-
ly successful and of great bene-
fit to the students
In a parting gesture of tribute
to the man who has done sc
much for athletics here we the
students join in giving fifteen
Rahs for Coach Christenbury
who has been commissioned a
Lieutenant (jg) in the U. S.
Navy and soon joins with
others in the fight for victory
so that people may once again
enjoy the thrills of a sports
contest in a world of peace.
Palace Barber
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Watches � Jewelry � Silver j
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l-� r I ' L�
t. �� 1 I U

ris Fly the�
Miss Iris Flythe, since 193C
has been superintendent of Pub-
lic Welfare of Northampton
County, will join the staff of
the State Board of Charities
and Public Welfare, a s field
social w ork representative.
She was 1 (resident of Northam-
ton East Carolina Teachers Col-
lege Alumni group. In 1939 she
was vice-president of this
Miss Flythe graduated from
East Carolina Teachers College
with an A. B. degree in 1933.
Since her graduation she has
done graduate work at the Uni-
versity of North Carolina and
Pennsylvania School of Social
Work. Philadelphia. Until June,
1936, she was with the Emer-
gency Relief Administration as
a social case worker.
While at this college she was
very interested in athletics and
dramatics. In 1933 she was
awarded a medal for being the
best all-round athlete in the
college. Miss Flythe was amem-
ber of the Young Women's
Christian Association cabinet
and of the Emerson Society.
She is the daughter of Mrs.
-T. E. Flythe and late Mr. Flvthe
of Pendleton. N. C.
Lieutenant and Mrs. L. Cecil
Willis write from Oklahoma
City expressing their apprecia-
tion of the Teco Echo.
Lieutenant Willis, who as a
history-science major received
his A. B. degree from East
Carolina Teachers College in
1940. is a member of the 21si
Observation Squadron, at Will
Rogers Field in Oklahoma City.
His home was in Vale, N. C.
Mrs. Willis, who was Lucille
Edge from Lumberton. was also
graduated in 1940. in the fields
mathematics and French.
She is now teaching in a junior
high school in Oklahoma City,
and is delighted with her work.
She commented on the ease with
which, on the basis of her train-
ing at ECTC, she secured her
Oklahoma State Teachers Cer-
tificate and also on the vast dif-
ference she finds between teach-
ing in rural schools and in a
city school.
First Lieutenant James C.
Dempsey. who took his prelimi-
nary flight training with the
CPTP here at the Greenville
airport, is in the news again.
This former student who, not so
many months ago, brought his
Boeing B-17 (Flying Fortress)
sick from a bombing mission
with the tail assembly almost
completely demolished, is none
the It-ss spectacular in his latest
Four famous movie stars�
Kay Francis, Carole Landis,
Mitzi Mayfair, and Martha
Rave�were transported in a
bombing plane by Lieutenant
Dempsey from London to Al-
umm news
giers to entertain the American
troops in North Africa. On the
first leg of the flight they stop-
ped at Gibraltar, and there a
party was given for the stars
and the flier at palace of the
governor general of the "Rock
After safely transporting the
celebrities to Algiers, Lieuten-
ant Dempsey then returned to
London where, for the past six
months, he has been stationed
as a bomber pilot, flying almost
daily over German-occupied
The following alumni have
recently received commissions:
Brandley DeLoatch is an en-
sign at Notre Dame, South
Bend, Indiana.
Charles Clark received his
commission from Craig Field,
Selma. Alabama and is now an
instructor there.
Joe Staton graduated from
here in 1942 in English and
Science. He has received his
commission and is now station-
ed at Quantico. Virginia.
Sam Bass, who is stationed at
Victorville, California in the
V. A. F. S received his com-
mission recently.
Bill Davidson has received his
commission as an ensign in the
Navy Air Corps and is stationed
at San Diego, California. He
took preliminary course in avia-
tion at the Greenville Airport
whiie at this college majoring in
I mathematics and physical edu-
I cation. He was active in the col-
lege activities and graduated
with an A. B. degree in 1941.
Bernard B. Roper�
A recent visitor on the cam-
, pus was Lt. Bernard Roper who
j was a 10-day furlough and was
en route to his home in Bath,
N. C. He graduated with an
A. B. degree from nere in 1941.
He received his commission
from Officers Candidacy School
in Grinnell. Iowa and prior to
going to Grinnell he spent sev-
eral months at West Point, New
James W. Thomas�
In a recent letter Lt. James
W. Thomas, who is stationed on
one of the islands in the south-
ern Pacific, wrote of the beauti-
ful scenery and how much he
enjoyed going in swimming
He is a graduate of this col-
Vance Chadwick�
Vance Chadwick graduated
from this college in 1940 with
an A. B. degree, majoring in
mathematics and science. He is
now at Camp Consau Consoli-
dated Aircraft Corporation,
San Diego, California. On ac-
count of the grave illness of his
father, he wa srecently given a
17-day furlough.
While here he was active in
college activities, being presi-
dent of the mathematics club,
Phi Sigma Pi and an active
member of the Men's Student
Government Association and of
the Young Men's Student Gov-
ernment Association.

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rangernent of the accompani-
ment for an orchestra.
Cadenza�this is pronounced
kah-den-tsah and refers to a
florid run for the voice just be-
fore the end of a certain piece.
Lorranine Pritchard sings a
nice one at the end of her fourth
act duet with Jim White.
Continued from Page One
Continued from Page Two
the music is set.
Buffo�pronounce this boo-
foh. It refers to a mocic charac-
ter in the opera. Rudy Waiters
in the role of Tristram Mickles-
ford is a buffo.
Orchestration�. Don't call
this orchestra ration as the local
express boy did when he de-
livered the orchestration for
"Martha They haven't start-
ed rationing orchestras yet!
(Compliments to the OPA.)
The orchestration is the or-
and the Revolutionary spirit of
Thomas Jefferson�"a man who
has found God if any man has
He presented Roosevelt as one
of the five greatest presidents
of the United States because of
both his foreign and his domes-
tic policy�he went on to point
out the relation of each of these
leaders to the war, and to com-
ment on the difficulties in the
way of their winning the peace.
He was introduced by Miss Loi"
Grigsby, the YMCA adviser;
Sam Crandell of Stokes, YM
head, presided.
At night, with Miss Charlotte
Shearin of Rocky Mount, presi-
dent of the YW as presiding of-
ficer, Dr. R. L. Hilldrup, YM
adviser, introduced him as a
speaker who had "thrilled the
hearts of college students on
many campuses. Dr. Eddy dis-
cussed the four corner stones
that any new order that is to be
lasting must have�Righteous-
ness, Justice, Brotherhood, and
Peace. He brought out particu-
larly the injustice worked by
race and color prejudice and the
danger of such prejudice for
both the world and the white
race itself, and the injustice in
the top-heavy distribution of
wealth and opportunities in the
United States.
He praised the Culbertson
plan for world federation, but
expressed doubt of its being ac-
In closing, he told of the
fervor with which the dying
German salutes his leader and
his country, the zeal that makes
the Japanese soldier willing to
tie high explosives to his body
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The entrance requirements are in-
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The annual tuition of $100.00 covers
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writing to:
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and hurl himself on Allied
tanks or redoubt to make a
breach for his advancing
troops, and the devotion to the
ideals of the party that fires the
atheistic Communist with am-
bition to serve at any cost. He
called on his audience partic-
ularly the students in it, to
realize what the United States
too, must face in the way of
sacrifice before the war and the
peace are won, and to train
themselves to meet it.
Use The Daytime
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For The Best Always Insist On
Peanut Butter Sandwiches, Salted Peanuts, Candy
Spring Clothes,
Dresses and Costume
Now That You Can Buy Play Shoes
WITHOUT Your Tickets Come To
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Some questions and answer of Interest
to every patriotic college woman
First of all, is the WAAC really needed
Emphatically yes! Already the President has authorized the
Corps to expand from 25,000 to 150,000. The Air Forces
and Signal Corps have asked for thousands of WAAC mem-
bers to help with vital duties. Both Ground Forces and
Services of Supply are asking for thousands more. Members
of the WAAC may be assigned to duty with the Army any-
where - some are already in Africa and England.
Cam the WAAC really help win the war?
The whole idea of the WAAC is to replace trained soldiers
needed at the front. If American women pitch in now to help
our Army (as women in Britain, Russia and China do), we
can hasten Victory � and peace.
The drilling mounds so strenuous�I
Nonsense! The most beautiful women in America today
are the girls in khaki! Some calisthenics and drilling are
vital to general good health, discipline and tuned-up reflexes.
After a few weeks at Fort Des Moines, Daytona Beach or the
new Fort Oglethorpe training center you'll feel better than
ever in your life.
Maybe I wouldn't lihe the work?
People are happiest doing what they do well. Every effort
is made to place you where your service will count most
toward final Victory. You may have some latent talent that
will fill a particular need for work interesting and new to
women �such as repairing the famous secret bombsight,
rigging parachutes, operating the fascinating new electronic
devices �or driving an Army jeep over foreign terrain.
Then I have a chance to team something new?
Yes, indeed. And the list of WAAC duties grows constantly.
The training and experience you get in the WAAC may
equip you for many stimulating new careers opening up
for women.
cam mm college education contribute?
College training is important equipment for many WAAC
duties too long to list. Cryptography, drafting, meteorology,
laboratory work, Link trainer and glider instructing, for ex-
ample. If you are a senior you may enroll at once and be
placed on inactive duty until the school year ends. See your
WAAC faculty adviser for more details.
nty chances of promotion?
Excellent. The Corps is expanding rapidly and needs new
officers, both commissioned and noncommissioned. Those
who join now have the best chances. All new officers now
come up through the ranks. If qualified, you may obtain a
commission in 12 weeks after beginning basic training.
What is the age range and other requirements?
Very simple. You may join if you are a U. S. citizen, aged
21 to 44, inclusive, at least 5 feet tall and not over 6 feet,
in good health � regardless of race, color or creed. But the
Army needs you now � don't delay. Total War won't wait!
M lice comfortably am WAAC pay?
There are few civilian jobs in which you could earn clear
income, as WAAC enrolled members do, of $50 to $138 a
month �with all equipment from your toothbrush to cloth-
ing, food, quarters, medical and dental care provided. WAAC
officers earn from $150 to $333.33 a month.
tAmauist needed. If yon speak and write Spanish,
Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, French, German
or Italian, see your local Army recruiting office now! You
are needed for interpreting, cryptography, communications.
A�" A-
om� jMrmy juxili�ry lorp
Wmr farther Infermatt
�ee ymmr aeatreat
the .
tici) J

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The Teco Echo, February 27, 1943
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
February 27, 1943
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