Parker's Ginger Tonic

Parker's Ginger Tonic
The front of this card depicts a black & white drawing of two men. The one on the left is an elderly gentleman wearing a robe and nightcap, sitting in an armchair and saying to the younger man "Oh, that I had your health and appetite". The younger man, wearing evening clothes with a large napkin around his neck, is sitting down with a plate of food in front of him while holding onto a medicine bottle and a small glass. He is saying "I was miserable as you until Parker's Ginger Tonic cured me. An occasional dose before eating keeps me well." At the top of the card it states "Parker's Ginger Tonic, the Great Health and Strength Restorer". In the bottom right of the card it states "Does your system need cleansing, Parker's Ginger Tonic is the best blood purifier you can use." The reverse of the card makes a comment on Parker's Hair Balsam: "This economical hair dressing is highly esteemed everywhere for its excellence and superior cleanliness. It never fails to restore the youthful color to gray hair, is elegantly perfumed and is warranted to remove dandruff and prevent falling of the hair." Parker's Ginger Tonic, made of Ginger, Buchu and many of the best remedies known, cures disorders of the bowels, liver, kidneys, nerves, lungs, and is the best cough cure and strength restorer. Ii is also for female complaints, wakefulness, rheumatism, and dyspepsia. "Floreston Cologne - it's rich and lasting fragrance has made this delightful perfume exceedingly popular. There is nothing like it. Hiscox & Co., New York.
Original Format
trade cards
11cm x 7cm
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Laupus Library History Collections
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