Buccaneer 1976

Thumb Index


















Title IX Causes Numerous Policy Changes 12

Trustees Approve Liquor on Campus 14

Students Required to Sign Dorm Contracts 15


Professional Schools Expand 20

Arts and Sciences Add New Programs 92


Diversity Among Organizations 118


Entertainment for Everyone 60


ECU Withdraws From Southern Conference 152

Women's Athletics Achieve Status 194

Participation Grows in Intramural Program 204


Greeks Serve the Campus and Community 246


Serving the Student Body 218

Honeycutt Administration Faces Problems 221

Legislature Investigates Students' Rights 224

Publications Study Independence 234

Residence Councils Publish Directory 242




Greenville, N.C. - A Growing Community 4

Home of East Carolina University 8

Riot Erupts in Downtown Greenville 10

America Revisited at Homecoming 50

Division of Continuing Education 56

Raising Spirit Is Hard Work 210

Newsline 290

After Graduation - Then What? 378


BUCCANEER '76, Vol. 54, East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina, 27834. Printed by American Printing Company, Clarksville, Tennessee. The BUCCANEER is published by students under the auspices of the Publication Board, East Carolina University.



Editor: Monika Sutherland

Greenville, N.C.-A Growing Community

Greenville, North Carolina is a city of 35,000 located in the eastern part of the state. Named after Revolutionary War hero Nathaniel Greene, the city was founded in 1774. Today the southern community is the home of the world's largest tobacco warehouse, the state's third largest university and many new industries.

During the past decade, Greenville has grown with new businesses, housing developments, and public facilities and it continues to grow. The most recent developments include the open pedestrian mall on Evans Street and the completion of the new city park along the river.

As a county seat of a rich agricultural area, Greenville has become a market for tobacco, produce, corn, soybeans, peanuts, and other farm products. Industrial products in Greenville and the surrounding county include textiles, Eveready batteries, pharmaceuticals, brushes, clothing and lumber.

As a city, Greenville has many retail stores and restaurants for its citizens. There are over seventy churches in the city representing more than twenty religious sects. Pitt Memorial Hospital located on the outskirts of the city will be replaced in 1976 with a new 315 bed hospital with an additional wing that will be a part of the university medical school.

Greenville has one daily paper, a television station and four radio stations. Entertainment is provided by three movie theaters, and art center and numerous nightclubs. The climate in Greenville is usually warm and humid. In the winter the temperature fluctuates between 20 degrees and 60 degrees and in the summer it is seldom below 75 degrees. It seldom snows in Greenville but rain is quite plentiful year round.

Below Left: A group of university students enjoy lunch at Jason's a popular restaurant which offers meals, sandwiches and pizza.

Below Right: Construction on the mall in downtown Greenville was completed in December as a part of the city's urban renewal program.

Below: A billboard on 264 By-Pass welcomes travelers to the city and proclaims Greenville as the home of the first Hardee's, a popular hamburger restaurant chain.


The most notable change in downtown Greenville, in the past six months has been on Evans Street, the main street of the central business district. Until August 1975, Evans St. was usually filled with parked cars, heavy traffic and pedestrians. By December the traffic and cars were gone with only the pedestrians remaining. The reason was an open pedestrian mall down Evans St. from Five Points to Third St. The $425,000 mall was the second in a three step plan to renovate downtown Greenville. T.I. Wagner, project manager of the mall said it creates a pleasant and inviting atmosphere for shopping.

During December choirs and choruses from Greenville and Pitt County entertained shoppers with Christmas music. The mall has facilities for group gatherings and displays. Since the completion of the mall, businesses have reported an increase in sales.

Left: The First Presbyterian Church on Elm St. is one of many modern churches built in Greenville in the past few years.

Below: The seal of the city of Greenville adorns trash cans along the new mall.


Above Left: Evans Street as it appeared in ttie Summer of 1975 before the mall was began.

Above Right: Evans St and the new pedestrian mall completed in Dec. 1975.

Above Left: A student purchased a formal from Brody's, a popular store for students and citizens that specialized in women's wear.

Above Right: Two co-eds shop downtown Greenville for Christmas presents.

Right: Jerry's Sweet Shop is one of the many businesses that employee students part time. A Greenville lady purchases cakes and pastries for to serve at a luncheon.

Opposite Page: Above: Students often eat breakfast or late night snacks at the Crow's Nest a popular restaurant open 24 hours a day and situated across from the campus.

Right: Pitt Plaza, Greenville's main shopping center, serves the community with a variety of stores including department, clothing, groceries, hardware, records, stereo equipment stores as well as beauty shop and restaurants.

6 Greenville

Greenville merchants sold over $267 million of merchandise in 1974. It is estimated that student consumers of East Carolina spend as much as $15 million for food, clothing and other items each year in Greenville. Students are not only consumers but also employees. Many students work in local businesses for experience and to support their way through school.

When asked about Greenville, many students felt it is "pretty nice for a college town." Some students felt that there was not enough in the way of entertainment. Others contend that Greenville has much more to offer than their own hometowns, yet some students feel the community leaves a lot to be desired. In the words of one student "Greenville is a nice place to be while in school but I don't want to live here permanently."

Greenville 7

Greenville, N.C. - Home of

In recent years Greenville has become an educational as well as commercial and agricultural city. There are three elementary schools, one junior high and one senior high school. Pitt Technical Institute located just outside of Greenville, has increased its enrollment ten fold in the past ten years.

The most notable institution of higher learning in Greenville is East Carolina University. Founded in 1907 as a teachers training school ECU has become the third largest university in the state and has some of the best fine arts programs on the east coast. The university consists of nine professional schools: Allied Health, Art, Business, Education, Home Economics, Medicine, Music, Nursing and Technology and a college of arts and sciences.

Located in the center of Greenville the campus covers over 600 acres. The 11,000 students add to the community as residents and consumers. As the largest business in the area, the university has a faculty of 800 and employs a staff of about 1,000. Along with the city the campus is also growing. Since 1967 when East Carolina College became East Carolina University the campus has grown with new buildings to meet the demands of the increased enrollment. Tyler Dorm, Minges Coliseum, the Science Complex, Brewster and the Nursing, Home Economics and Allied Health Schools have all been built in the past decade. More recently the Leo Jenkins Art Center, Mendenhall Student Center and an annex to Joyner Library were opened in 1974 and 1975.

In the fall of 1976 East Carolina will expand the school of Medicine to a four year program. The expansion will create new jobs on campus and in the ECU wing of the new county hospital as well as increase enrollment.

8 Greenville

East Carolina University

Opposite Page: Above: Tyler, the newest dorm on campus iS also the largest and is the only female dorm on College Hill Drive.

Below: Mendenhall Student Center began operating in the fall of 1974. The three million dollar structure contains the Student Government and Student Union offices and is a complete entertainment center with a theater, and auditorium, game rooms and a crafts center.

This Page: Above Left: The half of million dollar lights added to Ficklen Stadium in 1975 are seen in the early evening moonlight between Minges Coliseum and Ficklen.

Above: Although the campus continues to grow there are still natural settings where an individual can find peace and solitude such as the small mall behind Rawl.

Left: Snow is not often found in Greenville but when it falls as it did in January, students readily enjoy the beauty and fun it brings.

Greenville 9

October 31, 1975

Riot Erupts In Downtown Greenville

On the night of October 31, 1975, eight students and two policemen received injuries and 57 persons, 30 of which were ECU students, were arrested on charges of failure to disperse and inciting a riot. Damages totaling over $3,000 were done to downtown businesses as a result of the disturbance.

What began as Halloween celebrations ended as a riot which made headlines throughout N.C. and Virginia.

Around 11:00 p.m. Friday the police attempted to disperse a crowd of approximately 400 persons according to Greenville Police Chief Glenn Cannon. The crowd, consisting of ECU students, local citizens and visitors from other cities, had congregated on Cotanche Street between Fourth and Fifth streets, an area where seven nightclubs were concentrated.

Cannon said an order to disperse was given on the corner of Fourth and Cotanch and the crowd was given five minutes to disperse. Witnesses that were downtown in the area said that the order could not be heard by the crowd.

The Greenville Police first used pepper fog, then tear gas to break up the crowd which overflowed from the nightclubs along Cotanche St. Reports of some witnesses said that tear gas and fog were sprayed inside the nightclubs, forcing the occupants out into the streets.

Cannon reported that 27 persons were arrested around midnight for failure to disperse. The persons arrested were on Fourth, Fifth, and Cotanche streets, and some were even a block and a half away. Many came out of the nightclubs to escape the gas only to be arrested by the police with no knowledge of why.

An hour after that first arrest made by the police, a second crowd gathered. In protest of the arrests, the crowd began throwing bricks and bottles through display windows of businesses along Fifth St. Cannon said 29 persons were arrested and charged with inciting a riot.

Everyone arrested was taken to the county jail and charged with one of the two crimes. Most were released around 6 a.m. however some persons were not released until late Saturday afternoon. The persons were kept on the bus for hours while mace and tear gas was sprayed in the windows according to some persons which were arrested.

As a result of the riot and circumstances surrounding it, the Student Government Association (SGA) unanimously passed a resolution to "investigate the facts" of the riot whereas "the confrontation...showed a lack of good judgement and responsibility on the part of those involved ... and a degree of hostility does exist between the students and the civil authorities of Greenville." A committee was formed by the SGA to study the riot and to make recommendations to the legislature when the study was completed.

After several weeks of interviewing persons involved in the riot and studying the evidence, the committee made recommendations to the SGA legislature. The recommendations asked: (1) for the removal of Glenn Cannon from the office of Greenville Police Chief, (2) for activities to begin which would improve student-police relations, (3)that all charges of failure to disperse and inciting a riot be dropped, and (4) that an ECU student have a non-voting membership in the Greenville City Council.

In response to the SGA investigations of the Halloween incident the Greenville City Council met in an open hearing to discuss the riot and the recommendations of the SGA.

It was determined that on the night of Oct. 31, 1975 a riot did occur and damages were done to businesses only after the police had arrested 27 persons for failure to disperse. Some of those arrested testified at the special hearing that a) it was almost impossible to hear the order to disperse over the noise of the crowd and firecrakers, and b) persons were given no outlet by which they may have left the area as the police were everywhere and no one gave any proper directions on what to do or where to go.

City Council members agreed that there was much confusion between the police and the crowd and that in the future steps would by taken to prevent such incidents from occuring. A suggestion was made by Mayor Percy Cox that a town common should be organized for festivities so crowds would not block the streets. The council refused to accept the recommendation regarding Police Chief Cannon and asked the SGA to withdraw it. The council also felt that an ECU student on the council as a nonvoting member would increase communication from the campus and the city.

The SGA called for a boycott of the downtown merchants to begin Dec. 9, 1975, however all charges against persons, both students and non-students were dropped and the boycott was not held.

For weeks after the riot, letters poured into the Fountainhead commenting about the riot. Merchants felt that the police overreacted. Some alumni commented on the incident and they too felt that the police overreacted. One student, Bob Tyndall, felt that the riot was a disgrace to ECU students. Tyndall's letter was met with much opposition, as was a letter printed in the University of North Carolina's Daily Tar Heel declaring that ECU has no "class". There was also a letter from the policemen involved supporting the actions of Police Chief Cannon. Some letters criticized the treatment of the incident in the paper. Although only half the persons involved had been ECU students, the Fountainhead, with the SGA, conducted an in-depth investigation, much more thorough than the Greenville Reflector.

After it was all over, and all the cases were dropped, the incident was still not forgotten. Much of the sentiment on campus was that the police had instigated the riot and had overreacted with the tear gas. Downtown the opinions were mixed, some people praising the police for their actions, other condoning and others condeming the actions. There was one feeling which was predominant everywhere and that was that such an incident never happens again.

Halloween Riot 11



Editor: Susan Bittner

Title IX, the portion of the Education amendments of 1972 forbidding discrimination on the basis of sex, resulted in a flurry of activity at ECU this year as Women administra-officials worked to evaluate school programs, activities, and policies.

Twelve campus subcommittees worked with the Committee on the Status of Women to bring ECU into compliance with the 1975 amendment guidelines by July 21, 1976. Only Athletics was exempt from the 1976 deadline.

In order to eliminate sex-discriminatory practices at ECU, officials re-examined policies in the areas of admissions, financial aid, housing, employment, counseling, dormitory curfews, and atheletics.

One notable change resulting from Title IX was made when campus officials declared that all clubs which meet on campus and receive funds and faculty help must be open to membership to both male and female students. This stipulation caused particular problems for such organizations as Phi Sigma Pi, ECU'S all-male honorary fraternity.

Athletics was perhaps most affected by Title IX provisions. According to Dick Farris, assistant director of ECU personnel, Title IX did not require that the university establish a female football team, nor did it require girls to be allowed on athletic teams where physical contact was involved. Instead, the law demanded that there be comparable sports for women students. The law did not demand equal funding for male sports, but it did stipulate that the funds be sufficient for the operation of all sports.

Residence hall policies for male and female students were under examination for possible discrepancies. One difference found was that the women's dormitories had more full-time counselors and administrators than the men's. Another item receiving attention was dormitory curfews. In order to bring uniformity to campus housing regulations, ECU officials may establish a campus-wide curfew and allow dorms to vote for their own curfews.

Title IX legislation was also responsible for changing the abortion loan to an emergency loan so that it could be used by members of both sexes.


Opposite Page, Left: ECU Chancellor Leo Jenkins.

Right: Robert Holt, vice chancellor and dean of the university.

Below: Administrators confer with Board of Trustees.

Left: Chancellor Jenkins mingles with guests at a showing of his paintings at Mendenhall Student Center.

Below: Col. Charles Ritchie Blake, assistant to the chancellor.


Trustees Approve Liquor on Campus

Above: Trustees and Administrators gather in Mendenhall Student Center to discuss major issues.

Above Right: Board of Trustees Chairman Troy Pate, Jr. looks on while Chancellor Leo Jenkins outlines important points.

Above Left: Clifton Moore, vice chancellor for business affairs, and Col. Charles Ritchie Blake, assistant to the chancellor, listen with interest to reports given at the winter meeting of the Board of Trustees.

A proposal allowing the posession and consumption of alcoholic beverages on campus was passed at the fall meeting of the Board of Trustees. The full Board's approval did contain stipulations, however. Among them were provisions that alcohol could not be bought with student fees and that no drinking would be allowed in Minges Coliseum. Another stipulation was that alcohol on campus could not contravene existing federal, state or municipal laws.

The Board of Trustees set up a committee to formulate guidelines for the ECU athletic program. Subjects under consideration by this committee are ECU'S affiliation with the Southern Conference, actions regarding any decisions the NCAA may make, and the question of enlarging women athletic programs. (see p.152)

Also approved by the Board was a revised outline of tenure guidelines. The new policy states that faculty members must be hired on a probationary basis for tenure. Probation periods is now three years for professors and associate professors and five years for assistant professors and instructors.

14 Board of Trustees

ECU Students Required to Sign Contracts to Live in Dorms

For the first time in ECU history students were required to sign contracts before being assigned a dormitory room. The signing of the contract, which was necessary for all students with 96 hours or less, obligated students to either occupy their dormitory room for a nine-month period or lose their $60.00 room deposit.

Only students planning to student teach, graduate, marry, or who have medical excuses were allowed to break the contract. Others who were dissatisfied with the contract had to present their case to the ECU Housing Appeals Committee.

According to Housing Director Dan Wooten, the contracts helped to maintain a higher rate of dorm occupancy. This year alone occupancy increased three percent and resulted in a gain of $30,000 for the year. The money went back into the general housing fund for dorm maintenance, improvements, salaries for residence hall personnel, and monthly dorm rent payments.

"The contract allows us to take care of more students in a nine-month period, and maintain a lower rent," Wooten said.

"Room rent would probably have increased if the dorm had not been filled during winter quarter," Wooten added. Under the present contract system, room rent will remain the same as long as dorm expenses do not increase more than five percent. The last rise in rent occurred during fall, 1974 when the $5.00 laundry fee was phased out as a separate expense and incorporated in the total room rent fee.

Students have complained that they had no input in the contract system. Commenting on this lack of student participation, Wooten said, "Last year when we were introducing the contract to the Board of Trustees, we had several students on the housing committee review it. These students did not have input into the contract as such, but they did see a rough draft of it. There were no objections from the students on this committee."

"The only thing the contract has done for the Administration is to bring on more work. We are supporting it because it will be better for the student," Wooten added.

Above: Director of Housing Dan Wooten reviews notes on the operation of ECU'S fifteen dormitories.

Left: For some without room contracts in the fall, finding a place to stay was not an easy thing to do.

Housing 15


Right: Provost, John Howell

Below Left: Dean of Admissions, John Horne.

Below Right: Dean of the General College, Donald Baily

16 Deans

Above: Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs, Dr Edwin Monroe.

Above Left: Vice Chancellor for External Affairs, Clifton Moore

Left: Business Manager, Julian R. Vainright

Vice-chancellors 17


Above: Dean of Student Affairs, James H. Tucker

Above Left: Assistant Dean of Student Affairs and Director of Mendenhall Student Center, Rudolph Alexander.

Above Right: Director of Women's Housing, Eleanor Bunting.

Left: Dean of Women, Carol Fulghum.

18 Deans

Above: Dean of Men, James Mallory

Left: Dean of Continuing Education, Dr. David J. Middleton

Below Left: Professor Graduate School, Dean Joseph Boyette

Deans 19

ACADEMICS - Professional Schools

Editor: Susan Bittner

20 Professional Schools

Professional Schools 21

School of Allied Health and Social Professions Expands

The Speech and Hearing Clinic was relocated spring quarter into new facilities built behind the Allied Health Building. The new structure is in addition to several mobile units which have been installed on the Allied Health campus.

According to Dean Thiele the School of Allied Health is not only expanding in physical facilities but also in programs and course offerings.

A B.S. program in Health Sciences with a concentration in statistics was to begin in the fall of 1976. The curriculum comittee approved a new sequence of courses on alcoholism under the Division of Health Affairs. Another sequence of courses was also approved by the committee for the graduate level of administrative services.

The school has employed a Ph.D. specialist, Dr. Paul Mihne, to help departments adapt to a competency-based curriculum.

Dean Thiele looked forward to a lot of cooperative activity with the Medical School which is to open in 1977. Thiele said a "harmonious relationship shall exist between the two schools."

22 Allied Health

Allied Health 23

Several students responded to a survey sent out by the BUCCANEER staff concerning the various departments the student was involved with or majoring in.

Jim Brayn an Environmental Health major feels the relaxed atmosphere of the department aids in the learning process. "The wide range of course study is of the best quality." Jim goes on to comment that "the professors are fairly competent and that they have good methods of teaching." Jim is an Environmental Health major because he feels it is a necessary major and one In which much can be accomplished. "It is a needed course of study in the U.S. and is becoming more so every day. The need is even greater in underdeveloped countries where disease is ever prevalent.

Two students, Sandra Small and Clarinda Kolody majoring in Social Works and Corrections responded to the survey. Miss Kolody replied the "close communication among the professors and students, especially the professors take time to encourage the interactions. I honestly believe the professors and students strive to maintain these one-to-one relationships of which they are extremely proud."

Miss Small agreed saying the thing she liked best about the department was the human relations aspect. "The instructors are very helpful and are always willing to listen and hear what you think and feel."

Both students feel that they are getting a quality education with very competent professors. One complaint of Miss Small was that the course tends to be boring when the students learn alot of theory with no practical experience. According to both students, the professors that expect and encourage student discussion are better classes because they learn more from other students as well as the faculty member.

24 Allied Health

The School of Allied Health and Social Professions received an award of $26,892 to enlarge the BS degree program in environmental health from the U.S. Public Health Service.

According to Dr. Trenton Davis, chairperson of the department, the funds will be used to equip and furnish a laboratory which will function as a teaching facility. The ECU environmental health program is the only accredited undergraduate program in the field in North Carolina and one of only seven fully accredited programs in the nation.

A grant of $62,000 was awarded to the department of Social Work and corrections to support an off-campus program of professional social work education. The fund was from a Title XX grant. The N.C. Department of Social Services awarded the department of Social Work $145,257 to continue the development of its social work curriculum.

The School sponsored the Second annual Research Symposium spring quarter. The School wide conference included guest speakers. The school also sponsored with the Pitt County Mental Health Association a lecture by Dr. Darold A. Treffert a visiting Psychiatrist from Wisconsin.

Allied Health 25

26 Allied Health

Mrs. Ledonis Smith Wright, one of the first black professors at ECU was found in the Tar River on June 19. The cause of death was accidental drowning. She was an associate professor of Community Health in the School of Allied Health and had been at ECU two years. A native of Rockingham, Mrs. Wright worked closely with programs to benefit minority students.

Allied Health 27

There has been much progress made at the ECU Medical School, according to Dr. William E. Laupus dean of the school. The accrediting officials were very positive in a February visit.

The consultation visit requested by the medical school was an informal visit of the committee so suggestions and comments could be made concerning future progress according to Laupus.

"The visit was one of several that we will have," said Laupus. "There is a standard procedure for achieving accreditation. First there is a consultation visit. When the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) feels we are ready they will conduct a site accreditation visit.

"After the site visit the committee will make a presentation to LCME which meets about four times a year. The LCME will make a recommendation for provisional accreditation and will set a date to open the school and establish the number of students to enroll."

"The provisional accreditation rating is standard for all medical schools," said Walter Shepherd, assistant to the dean. "All new medical schools receive provisional accreditation until they graduate their first students. After that the LCME will conduct another visit and then determine final accreditation."

"The consultation members were quite impressed during their recent visit. We had progressed much further than they had thought we could since their visit last year," said Shepherd.

"There are three areas which must be completed before the site visit," said Laupus. "These are the residency training program, our doctorate (Ph.D) program and faculty recruitment. The consultation staff found the facilities quite adequate."

"We had to receive special permission to establish a PhD program as the University of North Carolina Board of Governors had placed a moratorium on all program expansion."

28 Medical School

Medical School Makes Preparations to Open in '77

Opposite Page: Center: Walter Shepherd, assistant to the dean explains the new medical school to Monika Sutherland

Below: Rooms in Ragsdale Dorm have been renovated for the Medical School. This board room was two dorm rooms.

Above: Left: Dr. William E. Laupus, dean of the medical school.

Above Right: Plans for the new hospital include a teaching facility for the ECU Medical School.

Left: Pitt Memorial Hospital nears completion.

Medical School 29

New Faculty Hired for Medical School

"Since ECU did not have an existing program we had to wait until the Board of Governors would approve it before we could establish a program. The approval came in their recent meeting.

"All medical schools must have residency programs. Our first residency program which will be in family medicine should be approved in the summer of '76," said Laupus.

"Once the residency program has received accreditation it wil be possible for us to provide practicing doctors within a year," according to Shepherd. "We have had inquiries from residents who would like to finish up their final year in our program.

"We have hired approximately half of the necessary faculty and expect to have the remainder hired by early summer," said Laupus.

"Because we had a one year program we had a staff of 13. All of those people will be teaching in the new medical school. However we need department heads for each of the 13 department and additional faculty for those departments.

"As these department heads will also be chiefs of staff in their particular area at Pitt Memorial we have had to work with the hospital and local physicians in recruiting the doctors," said Sheperd.

"We will also be using faculty from Allied Health and the School of Nursing for the teaching program."

In the basic sciences six faculty members have been hired. Dr. David L. Beckman, from University of North Dakota School of Medicine has been appointed as Professor of Physiology.

Dr. Edward M. Lieberman from Bowman Gray School of Medicine has been hired as an Associate Professor of Physiology. Dr. R. Frederick Becker, a noted anatomy professor from Michigan State will also be on staff. Dr. John Yeager, also from Michigan State, will be an assistant professor in Physiology.

Dr. Alphonse J. Ingeniot, an associate professor of pharmacology from the Albany School of Medicine, and Dr. Thomas M. Louis, an assistant professor of anatomy from Oxford, will be on the staff.

30 Medical School

Dr. Wilhelm Frisell from the New Jersey School of Medicine will serve as head of the biochemistry department and the assitant dean of the graduate program.

In the clinical departments Dr. Jon Tingelstad will work in pediatrics and Dr. James L. Mathis from Richmond Medical College will be head of the Psychiatry department.

The curriculum for all the departments has already been established and the consultation committee saw no problems according to Shepherd.

Facilities for the medical school are nearing completion. Pitt Memorial hospital is expected to be completed in December of '76.

"We may be ahead of schedule as far as completing facilities," said Shepherd. "Ragsdale, the Science Complex and part of Whichard Annex are the areas on main campus that will be utilized by the school for teaching. In an agreement made in December 1975 with Pitt Memorial Hospital it will be a teaching hospital.

"In the future a Medical Science building is expected to be built near the new hospital and all offices will move there, but that will not be for another three years," said Shepherd.

"When the school is opened we will be able to offer more services to the people of eastern North Carolina. Not only will we be producing more doctors for the state but more physicians will be willing to set up a practice near a medical school and teaching hospital."

"When the legislature gave us the $43 million it was stated tha our medical school would train doctors in primary care such as family and internal medicine, pediatric, obstetrics and psychiatry.

"This medical school is here to help the people of eastern North Carolina by providing them with necessary medical services and with more doctors for the entire state," said Laupus.

Medical School 31

Nursing Offers Twelve Month Practitioner Program

For the first time, the School of Nursing, began a twelve month practioner program. Designed for registered nurses, students spend two days a week on ECU campus, and three days in their hometown. Also started in the fall is a new course for physical assessment for undergraduate students. This incorporates aspects of the nurse practioner program. Eventually, the nurse practioner program will be incorporated in undergraduate and graduate programs rather than continuing as a separate program. The School of Nursing has contracts with the Eastern Health Evaluation Center and other educational centers to provide 28 counties with continuing education programs through workshops, seminars, and other types of courses. During the Fall quarter 1975, the school conducted 44 programs.

32 Nursing

Nursing 33

34 Business

An educational grant-in-aid of $5,000 was given the School of Business by the DuPont Company. The award was used to enrich ECU'S graduate program in business administration. Similar amounts awarded by the DuPont Company in past were used to establish graduate fellowships and support faculty research.

The E.A. Thomas, Jr. Accounting Scholarships were awarded to two juniors, Mary Lou King and Robert G. Brinkley. The scholarships are awarded from a fund established for outstanding ECU accounting students by E.A. Thomas, Jr. of Myrtle Beach, S.C.

In a response to a survey, Susan W. Long, faculty member of the School of Business, commented that, "ECU gives an outstanding undergraduate degree in Business and a perfectly fine MBA," however, "For the academically or research oriented student ECU is weak." Jack W. Thornton, Associate Professor in the Department of Economics, felt that one of the problems facing ECU is "the increasing class size that has been brought on by record enrollments at a time when, financially, we have been unable to increase the number of faculty."

Business 35

School of Education - Largest Program for Teacher Education in State

36 School of Education

"We have the largest program for teacher education in the state," said Dr. Jones, dean of the School of Education, and he continues, "we are continuing to develop a competency-based program."

"Our master's programs is divided into specific areas. We have a master's in elementary education and intermediate education as well as secondary and we are working on a masters program in adult education for people in community colleges and technical schools."

"Our early childhood majors will also be certified in reading. We are the first in the state to do this in an effort to emphasize reading on the elementary level," said Jones.

"Special Education majors will also be doubly certification in the undergraduate level as they will be certified in learning disabilities and mental retardation. We have also began a new program where student and faculty volunteers work with gifted children on weekends. This is a step towards a teacher education program for the gifted."

Through the Division of Continuing Education, the School of Education offers a large number of classes and seminars in eastern North Carolina for principals, superintendents, supervisors and teachers recertification.

Dean Jones is hesitant about changing over to the semester system as it interferes with student teaching. "We will have to work very hard to maintain the quality of teacher education because we will probably have to cut down on the range of courses. I don't believe the semester system is as good as the quarter system for student teaching as it will be a cut from 10-11 weeks to 8 weeks or less.

School of Education 37

38 Home Economics

Home Economics Offers Undergraduate Dietetics Program

Research activities and course offerings continued to increase in the School of Home Economics.

According to Dean Miriam Moore, Vila Rosenfeld, chairman of the home economics education department, used grant funds from the U.S. Office of Education and the American Home Economics Association to develop a curriculum program in food service occupations.

Working with grant funds from the ECU Division of Health Affairs and H.E.W., the Department of Foods and Nutrition concentrated on developing a coordinated undergraduate program in dietetics. Students currently must have a masters degree or internship experience to become a dietitian.

Five new courses appeared in the Department of Foods and Nutrition during the year. These included courses in special problems, dietetics, child and maternal nutrition and obesity, and food management.

For the first time last fall, the Department of Clothing and Textiles equiped a room for testing fibers under temperature and humidity control. Also new in the School of Home Economics was the establishment of a materials center for working with handicapped children. Funds for this materials center were given to Dr. Ruth Lambie as a result of her "Pockets of Excellence" project.

Dean Moore also announced the School of Home Economics was enclosing several corridors in order to provide office space for those faculty members previously located in the second floor of Wright Auditorium.

Home Economics 39

40 Home Economics

Pre-school Labs Prove Rewarding

Ann Dale Gay of Goldsboro, a teacher in the Wayne County Head Start Program, is the first North Carolinian to receive the Child Development Associate (CDA) credential under a new program sponsored by East Carolina University.

The program is co-sponsored by the ECU School of Home Economics and the ECU Division of Continuing Education and is one of 18 established in eight southeastern states, with funding from the U.S. Office of Child Development.

Awarding of CDA credentials to qualified workers in day care and child development centers is done through the Child Development Consortium, a private, non-profit corporation representing 42 national associations with direct interests in early childhood education and child development.

Thirty-four persons received CDA Credentials last July, from pilot programs throughout the nation. Mrs. Gay is the first receipient of CDA credentials in the southeast associated with a child development center not designated a pilot program. Previous CDA's in this region were awarded to interns in a South Carolina pilot program.

CDA credentials, now primarily available to Head Start personnel, will ultimately be open to any qualified employee in a child care operation. Candidates for the credential are evaluated by a team consisting of a trainer, a parent-community representative, a CDA Consortium representative and the Individual candidate.

According to Allen Churchill, director of ECU'S Head Start Supplementary Training and CDA Programs, other Goldsboro Head Start workers are working toward CDA credentials.

The nationall-recognized CDA credential is a professional award earned on the basis of demonstrations of competency in various aspects of child development after a specified period of full-time experience with groups of young children aged three to five.

(ECU News Bureau Release)

Home Economics 41

42 Technology

Technology Offers Cooperative Education

Over 350 students were enrolled in the school of Technology. Consisting of two major departments, the school has 19 faculty members which instructed courses on industrial technology, business education, office administration and distributive education.

Dr. T.J. Haigwood, dean of the school, reported the transfer program from community colleges was operating quite well. He also felt that the change to the semester system would have no problems for the school to adjust to.

Dr. Douglas Krauger received a federal grant for $30,000 to continue work with cooperative education program. In such a program students receive academic credit for working for an industry. The jobs must be related to a student's major and the school must approve the job before credit can be received.

Michael Covington, a junior in the school, and Paul Waldrop, an assistant professor, attended a conference about ocean-derived energy. Oceanographers, biologist, researchers, and civil engineers attended the conference held at N.C. State. Covington and Waldrop were conducting research in the area of wave energy.

Technology 43

Students and Faculty Exhibit Artwork Throughout Country

In addition to exhibitions in ECU's Kate Lewis Gallery and the Mendenhall Student Center gallery, the School of Art and ECU is well represented in art exhibitions throughout the country. Art faculty as well as art students represented ECU in the exhibitions.

The design department in the School of Art was extended this year. About ten new courses were added. It is now possible for a student to concentrate in crafts, textiles, weaving, jewelry, and crafts within a design major. In September 1975, a drawing minor was intiated in the school.

Ranked about 60 in the nation, and one of the best on the East Coast, each year the school sees an improvement in the quality of its students. ECU art students represent many states and foreign countries.

Charles Chamberlin, associate professor and chairman of ceramincs in the School of Art has been named to the 1975 "Who's Who in American Art." On May 14-15 1976 a workshop, "A Fiber and Fabric," was sponsored by the school for persons interested in handcrafted textiles.

Francis Speight, artist-in-residence and receipient of numerous awards including the Max Gardner Award for a faculty member has contributed to humanity, retired at the end of spring quarter. Speight, one of the most celebrated painters of North Carolina has been at ECU for 15 years.

44 Art

Art 45

Above Left: Dean Everett Pittman of the School of Music

Above Right: Charles Moore director the University Chorale during a Christmas concert on the mall.

Above: A piano major practices for a jury.

Center: Guest conductor Karl Husa lectures the conducting class.

Right: Two band students prepare for a performance.

Opposite Page: An organ major practices for her senior recital.

46 School of Music

Music School Holds Clinics for High Schools

The second-floor of the A.J. Fletcher Music Center has a new audio-visual system which will allow a faculty member to supervise the practice of three students simultaneously. The system has been in the works for three years and is just one of several changes within the School of Music.

Recently the pedagogy program has been expanded with emphasis on children pedagogy. Gregory Nagsdage, a specialist in piano pedagogy, was one of five new faculty members hired within the school.

The school of Music sponsored several clinics for high school students. Over a thousand students attended the Choral Festival in February bringing together 20 choirs.

A Band Clinic, also held in February brought students from over 40 different schools. During fall quarter Band Day was held In which marching bands from North Carolina and Virginia competed.

Mr. A.J. Fletcher of Raleigh brought the National Opera Company production of "Cinderella" to ECU Spring quarter.

Also in spring quarter the school sponsored a Fine Arts Festival.

Due to the increase in music majors the school is having to restrict enrollment in various areas as there is not enough room in performing groups. The school has 373 enrolled music majors, with 61 graduating spring quarter.

School of Music 47

Above; ECU Concert Choir under the direction of Brett Watson: Rob Maxon, David Faber, Larry Miller, Larry Carnes, Chris Jenkins, Peter Ward, Steve Walence, Charles Stevens. David Rockefeller, Tony King, Larry Mullen, Herbie Woolard, Bill White, Jeff Krantz, Sam Collier. Zebulon Pischnotte, Bill Barbe, Mike Corbett, Bob Rausch, Bobby Edwards, George Stone, Doug Newell, Sandy Miller, Tom Hawkins, Mary Fritts, Dee Braxton, Lynn Hicks, Barbara Prince, Teresa Clark, Jane Orrell, Susan Linton, Kit Griffin, Jackie Rausch, Jessica Scarangella, Susie Pair, Brett Watson, Director, Jane Harper, Robin Kinton, Debra Stokes, Vickie Spargo, Nancy Beavers, Tracy Case, Cyndy Holton, Terry Leggett, Anne Chevasse, Susan Stockstill (Not pictured - Richard Cook)

Center Right: Herbert L. Carter, director of bands, directs the concert band, Carter was profiled in "The School Musician" as one of the ten most outstanding musical directors in the U.S. and Canada.

Right: ECU Jazz Ensemble in their fall concert.

48 Music

Musicians Perform in Operas, Concerts

Three musical versions of the love life of the beloved Shakespearean character Sir John Falstaff and a whimsical portrayal of life among the Greek mythological deities in "An Evening of Operatic Comedy," was presented by the East Carolina University Opera Theater Feb. 5-6.

A cross section of "Big Band" jazz was performed by the East Carolina University Jazz Ensemble at its fall concert Wednesday, Nov. 5, in the Fletcher Music Center Recital Hall.

Directed by George Broussard of the ECU School of Music faculty, the 20-piece ensemble presented a variety of selections including:

Count Basie's "Switch in Time, composed and arranged by Sammy Nestico; Stan Kenton's "Lonely Boy," composed by Dee Barton; a Bill Mathieu arrangement of "The Meaning of the Blues," featuring bass trombonist Tom Shields;

Woody Herman's arrangement of Herbie Hancock's "Watermelon Man;" a Stan Kenton-style ballad, "I've Never Been In Love Before", Robert Curnow's "Passacaglia," a jazz composition written in the Baroque form; and Les Hooper's Grammy nominee, "What Have They Done to My Song, Ma/", a rollicking arrangement which combines big band jazz and ragtime.

Music 49


Editor: Monika Sutherland

America Revisited at Homecoming

Students participated in a salute to America and the Bicentennial during Homecoming week with the theme "America Revisited."

The traditional festivities of decorations, pre-game parade, crowning a queen, and victory celebrations were combined with something new, including a concert, a movie on the mall, an art exhibit, and post game entertainment.

"We tried to have something for everyone," said Diane Taylor, Student Union President and co-chairman of the Homecoming Steering Committee. "The theme selected was designed to capture the spirit of America and to create an interest in the past and the present." The committee of student, faculty and administrative members planned one of the most successful Homecoming celebrations in the history of ECU.

Fraternities, sororities, and many campus organizations were busy many weeks before Homecoming planning activities, designing floats, and sponsoring Homecoming Queen contestants.

Keeping with the theme and the idea to have something for everyone, many aspects of entertainment were offered during Homecoming Week.

Fine Arts were represented as both artistic and dramatic works were presented. Several paintings by Chancellor Jenkins were on display in Mendenhall during the week long celebration.

Monday evening the Royal Shakespeare Company performed "The Hollow Crown" in Wright Auditorium. Sponsored by the Theatre Arts Committee, the famous company related the life of the Kings and Queens of England through readings.

Musical entertainment was provided Tuesday evening with female vocalist Linda Ronstadt in concert. Andrew Gold, the Goosecreek Symphony, and Ms. Ronstadt performed to a sellout crowd in Minges Coliseum in what has been called "one of the finest concerts ever at ECU."

On Wednesday, "Escape to Movie Orgy" was viewed by hundreds of students on the mall. Sponsored by the Schlitz Brewing Company, the movie consisted of film clips of movies, tv shows, cartoons and commercials. Feelings of nostalgia prevailed for the entertainment of the fifties and sixties.

Below Left: The joining of the east and west with the Transcontenental Railroad was the theme of the Sigma Phi Epsilon float which also represented the meetng of East Carolina and Western Carolina Universities.

Below: With one second remaining in the game, the scoreboard shows the result of the exciting Homecoming game as the Pirates defeated the visiting Catamounts 42- 14.

60 Homecoming

Oct. 18

The Cheerleaders and the Marching Pirates formed a Pep Rally Thursday evening. Starting at the girls' high rise dorms, the spirited leaders and their followers marched across campus and up College Hill where a large assembly formed in front of Belk dorm. Chancellor Jenkins, Coach Pat Dye, and the senior football players delivered rousing speeches to the crowd with promises of a victory over the Catamounts of Western Carolina.

Friday afternoon brought despair as rain began with little hope of clearing up for the weekend.

Left: The wild west was revisited Homecoming at the Kappa Sigma house with a replica of a saloon and jail (not shown).

Below Left: Umbrellas dotted the stands during the rainy Homecoming game Saturday afternoon in Ficklen Stadium

Below: Linda Ronstadt performed her hit song "Heat Wave" in a concert in Minges during Homecoming week.

Homecoming 51

Miss Black ECU Eliminated, Black Candidate Wins Crown

Unlike two other universities in the state that crowned males at Homecoming, East Carolina remained traditional and crowned a female Homecoming Queen. A change did occur however as the steering committee eliminated the Miss Black ECU contest. In the past Miss Black ECU had been crowned at half-time with the Homecoming Queen. The committee felt that one Queen was enough and suggested that the Society of United Liberal Students (SOULS) should enter a candidate in the major competition rather than hold their own. SOULS followed the suggestion and entered Jeri Barnes, a sophomore from Goldsboro, N.C. Ms. Barnes captured the title and became the first black Homecoming Queen at ECU.

Prior to Friday the week had been bright with sunshine, and temperatures were in the sixties and seventies. Groups decorating floats and houses had to compete with the wind and the rain late Friday afternoon. Many decorations suffered damage from the weather as temperatures dropped to the low forties and the rain became increasingly worse.

Despite the weather the Homecoming Parade was held Saturday morning, although it was delayed an hour. Consisting of 15 floats, several bands, and drill teams, the Homecoming court, and some parade horses, the parade was viewed by a few hundred students, faculty, alumni, and Greenville citizens.

Above Right: Parade horses with riders in authentic Indian dress marched down 5th St. in the Saturday morning homecoming parade.

Above: Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity won the float competition in the parade with a Pirate ship boasting John Paul Jones famous cry "We have not yet begun to fight."

Right: A model of an early spinning wheel and an old-fashioned quilting bee in the background recognizing the Souths importance in America's growth won 1st place in House decorations for Cotten Dormitory.

52 Homecoming

Teresa Whisenant escorted by Stan Sams.

Cathy Tatum escorted by Mike Cunningham.

Carol Younger escorted by Chris Manning.

Sunny Davis

Homecoming Quenn-Jeri Barnes

Cathy Yount escorted by Rick Whiteside.

Frankie Carter escorted by Rick Ketner.

Jero Barnes escorted by Joseph Lindsey.

Angela Pennino escorted by Jack Snipe.

Homecoming 53

Organized by the Greeks, the parade was one of the largest in recent years and depicted many aspects of American history through floats and music.

The main event of the week, the game between East Carolina Pirates and the Western Carolina Catamounts began at 1:30 Saturday afternoon. The game ball was delivered to Chancellor Jenkins by two ECU alumni skydiver who landed near the center of the field despite overcase sky.

In the first meeting between the two teams in ten years, the Pirates made this Homecoming a memorable one by defeating the Catamounts 42-14. The delight of the 15,000 spectators was not diminished by the frequent showers during the game.

To aid with the victory celebrations after the game, the Student Union sponsored a musical carnival in Mendenhall. Featuring various types of music from hard rock to bluegrass and sounds of the big band era, the professional and local bands provided atmosphere for clogging, square dancing, and waltzing. The musical carnival drew a large crowd and contributed to the overall success of Homecoming as it offered something to students, faculty, and alumni in the way of entertainment that appealed to everyone.

54 Homecoming

Ike and Tina Turner Cancel

Six hours before showtime the Ike and Tina Turner concert scheduled for 8 p.m. Friday in Minges was cancelled. Official announcement was made late Friday afternoon after the Major Attractions Committee learned that the performers were not keeping the contract. According to Bob Seravia, committee chairman, the concert was scheduled to begin at 8 and last approximately two hours, however the performers planned to send their band to begin the concert. Ike and Tina Turner would appear later and then do only a 15 minute show.

"We cancelled the concert with the interest of all concert-goers in mind. We felt it would be in the best interest of all to cancel the show rather than have any hard feelings regarding its quality."

Many students unaware of the cancellation went to Minges Friday night where they were met with a refund. This was the second year in a row that the major Homecoming concert had been cancelled, and students were not pleased with a second cancellation. However, once students realized the reason for the cancellation by the committee, they were understanding to the situation.

Homecoming 55


Gourmet cooking, parents to be, Sea Grant, workshops, scuba diving, teachers' conferences and night classes---what do they have in common? All are programs of services offered through the Division of Continuing Education at East Carolina.

Headed by Dean David Middleton, the division is an important assest to the university often overlooked by the student body. The division offers off-campus courses at Camp Lejeune, Cherry Point, Fort Bragg, and at several community college and technical schools. Another area sponsors non-credit courses on campus for both students and nonstudents and organizes workshops, conferences and seminars with the various departments and campus organizations. A third area within the division is involved with Sea Grant, a federally funded and state organized operation. Aside from all of this the division also offers various community services such as a speakers bureau and discussion series.

Extension Campuses

Regular classes taught during the year at night and on Saturdays are also available for part time students to take as they work their way through school in the day. ECU has three extension campuses, Camp Lejeune and Cherry Point are undergraduate center for military personnel and other individuals. A graduate program is offered at Fort Bragg as well as one the main campus in Greenville.

Programs are in operation at Beaufort, Carteret Halifax, Johnston and Martin technical schools. They are taught by ECU faculty members either at the schools or from the main campus. Courses offered on the various extension campuses are similar or equivalent to those offered on the main campus in Greenville.

Non-Credit Programs

Non-credit programs are a major part of the Division of Continuing Education and covers a wide variety of topics. Everything speaking, French, and from speed reading to public speaking, French and Russian to beginners piano and preparing for parenthood wre taught in 1975-76. Students range in age from seven to seventy with many retired persons as well as young graduates taking part in the courses. A successful course taught spring quarter was Gourmet cooking which appealed to many women in the community. Young people enjoyed a course in guitar from Michael Thompson when men went out for the baseball officiating course. According to Steve Alexander, director of non-credit services, all that is needed to have a class is ten people. Continuing education will find an instructor and a place to have the course.

Special Programs

Steve Alexander is also director of Special programs sponsored by the division. These include workshops for high school and college students as well as for professionals. Workshops and seminars cover various fields. The largest took place in Winston-Salem and involved over 2000 elementary school teachers. Another annual project that brought people from all over the country was the Tyron Palace Symposium at New Bern. Historians and antique dealers traveled hundreds of miles to the former capital of North Carolina. Other workshops included a journalism workshop, a librarians conference and a sports medicine seminar.

Community Service

On the community level the Division of Continuing Education offers a speakers bureau listing all faculty members that contribute to the program and the various topics that can be covered. A special bicentennial program called "Great Decisions - 1976" organized community groups for discussions of various topics such as foreign policy.

56 Continuing Education


Sea Grant

The commercial fishermen's program received a grant of $56,000 for the Sea Grant program.

One of four grants in the University of North Carolina system, North Carolina Sea Grant is a division of the Federal Sea Grant Program, according to James McGee, Sea Grant director at ECU.

Sea Grant is a national program for fishermen similar to the Farm Bureau.

"The program of working with commercial fishermen provides efficient and economic ways of fishing which not only improves quality but also provides more income for the fishermen," said McGee. "We have two sea agents which work along the coast showing new techniques, equipment and operation to fishermen as a one to one basis," said Herman Phelps, Associate Dean of the Division of Continuing Education.

The program for commercial fisherman has been operational for five years and has made much progress in improving economic conditions along the coast, according to Phelps.

"We use various way sto get the informantion to the fishermen," said McGee. "We hold workshops and seminars as well as work with the fishermen on their vessels."

Since the programs began we have progresses in three basic areas. The first is marketing improvment whereby we aided a group of fishermen in establishing a co-op. The Sound and Sea Fishermens's Co-op collects, packages, transports, and markets the fish in such cities as New York and Baltimore wwithout going through middleman. The fishermen do everything themselves.

"We have also attempted to improve harvesting techniques by introducing new equipment owned by Sea Grant.

"As a third area the program provides new fishing options so fisherman will not be out of work part of the year when the fish migrate."

An example of an option is a special clam and oyster culture, still in the experimental stage. Fishermen are growing the shellfish under protected conditions in an attempt to produce a higher quality seafood will be worth the extra time and effort which it requires," said McGee.

The experiments with the oysters came as a result of a trip to Japan by McGee and the two sea agents Sumner Midgett and R. Hughes Tillett. The men studied Japanese fishing and techniques of oyster cultures in Japan.

Participants learn first hand in a sports medicine conference sponsored by the Division of Continuing Education.

Continuing Education 57

and then came the




Editor: Martica Griffin


If you were to attend all the entertainment on campus brought by the Student Union, athletic department, drama department, or even the downtown bars then there is no way you would have many spare nights to sit around and do nothing. But it is unlikely that anyone would want to attend every form of entertainment on campus because performers and performances are brought to please a variety of tastes.

In looking over the year, these few things come to mind:

The ECU drama department did not have its biggest season this year but that cannot be blamed on the actors, directors, etc. The fault lies with the plays themselves which were not of as high a quality as those plays of past seasons. One of the most exciting things in the drama department was their bringing of the professional group, The Acting Company. This company put on fine performances most notably, The Robber Bridegroom, a bawdy but fun play.

The Student Union enjoyed a good year with a variety of entertainment including concerts, lectures, and art shows. Hats off goes to Diane Taylor, president, for making things appear to students to run so smoothly.

In conclusion, entertainment on campus seemed to go on somewhere every night. But still there are the same old complaints. The entertainment is there, you just have to look to find it.

Below Left: James Taylor in a one man show performed October 26 in Minges.

Below Right: Numerous concerts were presented by the Major Attractions and Special Concerts committees.

Below: The ECU Playhouse presented the premier performance of the "Flight Brothers," a musical about the Wright Brothers.

Opposite Page: Left: Vincent Price presented "Three American Voice" as a part of the Theatre Arts Program.


Friday free flicks provided entertainment as well as controversy for students. Sponsored by the Student Union, the movies featured such recent hits as "The Sting," "Chinatown," "Paper Moon," and "The Great Waldo Pepper." Controversial movies included "Last Tango in Paris," "The Devils." Most of the well known flick were shown before a full house for two showings. Last Tango ran for two days with a good crowd at every performance.

Besides the Friday Free Flick, classic and international movies were shown on Wednesday nights. These included a Clark Gable film festival, the Little Rascals, Superman, Vincent Price, The Misfits, and the 1934 version of "Lost Horizon" International pictures included "Z."


Special Concerts Offer Folk-Rock Performances

Special concerts on campus served to bridge the gap between the coffeehouse and the major attractions, according to Daniel Pravette, chairman of the Union's Special Concerts committee. Major problems included finding the right bands and getting the publicity out to the students. Before booking any group the committee listens to the group's music on record or in person if possible.

According to Pravette, response to the concerts was fairly good even if attendance was not as high as expected. He feels the response by the students is going to improve as they realize they are missing good music.

Special concerts included Susan and Richard Thomas whose style is much like the Carpenters on November 7. The Thomases have released one album, "A Burst of Life," which was selected as a Billboard pick of the week. Tom Rush, a folk singer, performed on November 11 at Wright Auditorium. Although he has released several albums and is well-known in the country-rock world, attendance was low. Another folk-country-rock band, Morningsong performed on February 5. Like the Thomases their record "Listen to a Sunrise" was a Billboard selection.

Above: Morningsong performs February 5 at Wright Auditorium;

Above Left: Susan and Richard Thomas play a medley of their folk songs.

Above Right: Morning Song singer plays an easy listening tune.

Opposite Page: Above: Local singer performs at a concert on the mall in September.

Right: Tom Rush performs on accoustical guitar.

Below: The drummer and bass guitarist provide back up for Tom Rush.

62 Special Concerts

Special Concerts 63

In Concert: Taylor and Ronstadt "Roll 'em Easy"

64 Major Attractions

Linda Ronstadt and James Taylor performed to sell-out crowds in Minges Coliseum on the 15 and 26 of October.

Ms. Ronstadt was accompanied by Andrew Gold, her lead guitarist, and Goose Creek Symptnony. Gold, in solo, followed by Goose Creek warmed up the crowd with over an hour of entertainment.

When Ms. Ronstadt arrived on stage for the Homecoming concert, the crowds cheered. She performed her hit song "Heat Wave", and several other numbers including "Desperado," "Faithless Love," "Love Has No Pride," and "Silver Threads and "Golden Needles."

James Taylor in a one-man show, sung to a much more subdued yet enthusiastic audience than Ms. Ronstadt two weeks earlier. ECU was one of the few stops on the tour of the continental U.S.A.

Since most of his band was currently on tour with David Crosby and Graham Nash, Taylor went on a solo tour using only pre-recorded Taylor harmonies for backup.

Most of his concert consisted of Taylor playing the acoustic guitar and he used an electric guitar and piano for just a few numbers.

Taylor sang such hits as "Fire and Rain," "Carolina on My Mind," and "You've Got a Friend."




During March a variety of concerts were on campus ranging from electric rock 'n roll to solo melodic guitar. Performances included Leo Kottke and Joe Cocker with Styx and Skyhooks.

Brought by the Student Union Special Concerts Committee, Kottke played his Martin 12 string guitar to a fairly full Wright Auditorium. Kottke entertained the crowd with his fine playing as well as a sarcastic monologues. He played such songs as "Louise" and "Yesterday is Gone." Fans of easy-listening music delighted in the performance.

And rock 'n roll fans were pleased with the Joe Cocker concert, most notably with Styx. This group playing out of Chicago brought the crowd to its feet, dancing and clapping. Of the three acts this band was the only one to receive an overwhelming cry for encore.

Playing before Styx was Skyhooks, Australia's number one rock band on their first U.S. tour. The band was dressed in bizarre costumes as part of an act which featured a light show and fireworks.

Joe Cocker seemed to be anticlimatic after Styx's enlivened performance. Much of the crowd at Minges left at the opening of Cocker's show. Cocker himself somewhat inebriated, seemed questionable as to whether or not he would be able to sing. After several numbers backed by an extremely capable band, Cocker straightened up and delighted the sparse audience with such songs as "I Get By with a Little Help from My Friends" and "Give Me a Ticket for an Airplane."


Variety of Concerts Presented Spring Quarter

Opposite Page: Above Left: Skyhooks second lead guitarist; Above Right: Joe Cocker; Left: Cocker's band, Above Left: Leo Kottke; Above Right: Lead singer for Styx; Left: Styx lead and second guitarists; Above: Joe Cocker.

Concerts 69

Five men walk out from the same stage door, branch in different directions, the lights dim, tune up for a few moments, the murmers of the audience dies down. Classical, smooth, happy, vibrating, one string, pitch, perfect, trained in the classical arts, mLsic, all describe the Paul Winter Concert.

Five men running, different directions, the stage, a mass of metal, wood, music. Bells, consort, conversation, bells and drums, rhythm, African, Brazilian, love song, songs of love, solos, reverb, wolves, viola, om, transcend, feelings, God, the eyes close, mad, genius, enlightened, transcendental, earth, music, fall, Winter Consort. Albums on sale during the break, fresh air and a clear head.

Five men sitting in a circle, semi, trailer to move the music home, 12 strings, attached to a drum, clarinet, gold, shining, attached to a wire, electric eonsort, the eyes close in rhythm, spirit marks time, wood, wooden sticks, glide over wooden drums, Africa, copper kettles, cymbals, symbols, applause, Consort.

Five men bowing in humble awe, immense power locked in the brain, behind the hair, behind the clouds, transcend, soft gliding refrains, the earth, eagles fly, moonlit night, triangle bells, misty morn, sunrise, awakening, if eagles dare, time to pack up, move on home, The Paul Winter Consort.

(Special copy courtesy of Pat Flynn.)

Opposite Page: Above: The Paul Winter Consort plays an assortment of instruments at Wright Auditorium; Left: Murray Perahia discusses his views on music before his performance at Mendenhall; Right: Kyung Wha-Chung poses with her famous "Harrison" Stradivarious made in 1692. Above: Two members of the Paul Winter Consort get into their music; Right: Monte Alexander jazzes the piano up in his performance.

70 Concerts

Music lovers of all types got their share of concerts from jazz to classical. Sponsored by several Student Union Committees, the performances ranged from Monte Alexander's jazz to Kyung Wha-Chung's classical violin.

Monte Alexander's Trio brought traditional jazz to ECU with their October twenty-eighth performance. The Paul Winter Consort performed February 19 with music to please all concert-goers in that they were a cross between symphonic and free-form music.

An internationally known pianist, Murray Perahia, performed on March 10. He is the first American to win the prestigious Leeds International Pianoforte Competition. Following Perahia, another classical musician, Kyung Wha-Chung played on campus. Her violin concert captured the audience who repeatedly called for an encore.

Mezzo-soprano Jan de Gaetani originally scheduled to perform in January appeared in Mendenhall Theatre on April 6. Like Perahia and Chung she is internationally known and brought professional entertainment to campus.


Artist Series: Variety of Classic Enjoyment

First class performing artists entertained East Carolina students and Greenville citizens through the efforts of the Student Union Artist Series Committee. In October the committee presented two groups, Lorimer and Zukerman and Tashi. Novermber brought the New York Brass Quintet to campus.

Lorimer and Zukerman, a male, female combo gave a classical guitar and flute concert on October 9. Eugenia Zukerman is regarded as one of the finest flutiests in the world and Michael Lorimer as one of the greatest classical guitarists.

Tashi brought four of the country's most prominant young instrumentalists to ECU. The group included pianist Peter Serkin, violinist Ida Kavafian, cellist Fred Sherry, and clarinetist Richard Stoltzman. Tashi, Tibetan for good fortune, performed on October 30.

The series continued on November 10 with the New York Brass Quintet. The group is the only ensemble of its kind that perform regular concerts. Their unique sound involves a new perspective on Renaissance Chamber music.

The 1975-1976 series is dedicated to the memory of Charles A. White, a longtime supporter of the Artist Series.

72 Artist Series

Opposite Page: Above and Center: the New York Brass Quintet

Below: Classical Guitarist Michael Lorimer.

The Page: Left: Lorimer and Zukerman.

Above: New York Brass Quintet.

Artist Series 73

In reviewing the entertainment on campus for the year, the first thing that comes to mind is the Special Concerts Committee of the Student Union. Their hard work in search of a variety of entertainment produced the finest quality concerts of the year which included Leo Kottke and Morningsong. Leo Kottke's performance has been called the most outstanding oneman show on campus for 1975-76.

Not to be forgotten is the Major Attractions Committee which brought three well-known names to ECU - Linda Ronstadt, James Taylor, and Joe Cocker. Of these concerts, the Ronstadt concert had to be the most popular, Taylor the most relaxed, and Cocker the least attended. The low attendance at the Joe Cocker concert which included the more crowd-pleasing Styx, cannot be wholey blamed on the (continued on p. 75)

74 Entertainment

concert itself but on its timing - between winter and spring quarters when lots of students were at home.

If not for the old faithful Friday Free Flick, a lot of folks on campus would have little to do on the weekends. The Student Union Films Committee brought fine movies to campus including Chinatown, Paper Moon, Last Tango in Paris, and American Graffitti.

Not to be forgotten are all the other Student Union Committees which brought lecturers, major classical musicians, coffeehouse singers, art shows, dancers. In these categories two names come to mind, Paul Winter Consort and Rondo Dance Company. The Paul Winter Consort was not only well attended but was attended by a wide variety in the audience from the very young to the very old. Rondo Dancers worked in the classroom as well as on stage and put on a fine performance mixing old and new.

Opposite Page: Above: The fiddler for Morning Song concentrates on his music; Left: Philosophy professor James Smith makes his point on Marxism in his debate with political science professor John East on "Capitalism vs Marsism;" Right: Styx's bass guitarist comes forward in one of his rare solo moments; Above Left: Susan and Richard Thomas sing a folk song to each other; Left: A member of the Paul Winter Consort waits for his cue; Above: ECU square dancers perform during half-time at a basketball game.

Entertainment 75

MR. ZODIAC presents


76 Lecture Series

Mystics and Politics Subjects of Lectures

Several political and entertaining speakers were on campus during fall and winter quarters. Jerry Paul, the former defense counsel for Joanne Little met with students on January 15 to discuss a class action lawsuit against the city of Greenville regarding the Halloween riot.

Also on that day Bennie Roundtree, a member of the local Southern Christian Leadership Conference spoke at memorial services for Dr. Martin Luther King.

In another political lecture on October 22, Bob Katz presented his views on the "truth" about the murder of John F. Kennedy.

On the entertainment side, Mr. Zodiac presented his program "A Journey Into the Mind" on September 17. Mr. Zodiac made many predictions of personal, national, and international interest. On December 11, Gil Eagles, a psychic, entertained students with his demonstrations of extrasensory perception.

Lecture Series 77

Gene Cotten, W.C. Fields, Lois Lane and Stanton Friedman Entertain Audiences With Music, Comedy, and Science

Opposite Page: Above: Gene Cotton relaxes before his Mendenhall concert; Left: Noel Neill acts with a member of the audience; Right: Murray Solomon as W.C. Fields awaits his April 29 performance; Above Left: Stanton Freidman answers audience questions on UFO's after his lecture and slide show; Above: In full costume, Murray Solomon waves like Fields.

78 Lectures

Ordinarily lecturers tend to talk on the same old ideas and issues. But the Student Union Lecture Committee went out of their way to bring unusual speakers to campus.

Noel Neill, best known for her portrayal of Lois Lane in the popular "Superman" films appeared on campus in January. She described her experiences with the series, answered audience questions, and showed clips from Superman movies. Several people from the audience came on stage and acted with Ms. Neill.

On March 18, Stanton Friedman spoke on "Flying Saucers Are Real." He is the only space scientist in the Western Hemisphere known to be devoting full time to UFO's. "After sixteen years of study and investigation, I am convinced that the evidence is overwhelming that Planet Earth is being visited by intelligently controlled vehicles from off the Earth," said Freidman.

W.C. Fields was recreated on campus by Murray Solomon, impersonator of the great comic genius. "An Evening with W.C. Fields" was a full program which incorporated some of the classic comedy material that helped establish Field's reputation.

On another entertainment note, Gene Cotton appeared in concert on March 24. His music has been called the music of the people and he is known for his easy-going manner on stage. His appearance was courtesy of the Special Concerts Committee.

Lectures 79

80 Rondo Dance

Rondo Dance and N.C. Dance Theatre Perform

Opposite Page: Above Left: Rondo Dance Company professional holds a still position during the classroom performance for the drama department; Above Right: In action, a dancer for the Rondo Company leaps off the ground; Left: Free form dancing typifies the New York based Rondo Ballet.

NC Dance Theatre 81

Award Winning Theatre: "The Hollow Crown" and "1776"

One of the world's best known repetory companies and the winner of the New York Drama Critics Circle Award and Tony Award for best musical were on campus as a part of the Theatre Art program under the Student Union. "The Hollow Crown" and "1776" highlighted the 1975 portion of the theatre arts series.

"The Hollow Crown" performed by the Royal Shakespeare Company on October 13, was a collection of speeches, poems, and songs, of the kings and queens of England. The style of the presentation was dissatisfying for much of the audience as they continued leaving throughout the performance. The actors read the material and the audience was provided with a brief outline of their lines.

The company itself is a distinguished group brought to Eastern North Carolina and ECU by the permission of the Governors of the company at Stratford-Upon-Avon, England.

Highlighting the theatre portion of the bicentennial at ECU was "1776". Winner of many awards, the musical attempted to capture the wit as well as seriousness of the country's forefathers. The action centered on John Adams and his efforts to persuade the Congressional delegates to declare America free from British rule.

The play is by Peter Stone with music and lyrics by Sherman Edwards. The ECU performance on December 8 at Wright Auditorium included many from the original cast.

82 Theatre Arts

Theatre Arts 83

An original musical and a modern comedy marked the first playhouse productions of 1975-76. "The Flight Brothers" and "Who's Happy Now" opened the play season with questionable scripts but fine acting.

"The Flight Brothers," a new musical by Bill Ries, Hub Owen, and Frank McNulty, was mildly received by the ECU-Greenville audience. The play, written to musically and historically portray the lives of Wilbur and Orville Wright, was called poor to inexcusable by local reviewers. It was the script and music, not the actors or the directing which was criticized.

Sandy Miller and Rodney Freeze played the Wright brothers. Their performance was supported by Barbara Richardson as their sister, Katherine and Dan Nichols as Charlie, the Wright repairman.

Plans for the play included a summer run and hopefully, Broadway, but these ideas were put aside after the poor reception at ECU. Performed in McGinnis Auditorium, the play ran from October 28-November 1.

Following what could be termed the "October disappointment" the playhouse produced Oliver Hailey's "Who's Happy Now." This modern comedy concerned a bizarre boyhood in Texas. Cast in the key roles were Constance Ray, Mick Godwin, Rosalie Hutchins, Terry Pickard, and John Robbins. Their actings was extremely fine and sensitive claimed reviewers. This claim was supported by the audiences as the Studio Theatre sold out for the entire seven-day run. The play was December 10-13 and 15-17.

84 ECU Playhouse

Flight Brothers

Original Musical Begins Season

Opposite Page: Above: Rosalie Hutchins, Mick Godwin, Constance Ray, and John Robbins carry on in a Texas bar in "Who's Happy Now;" Left: Constance Ray slings ketchup in anger over life; Right: In "The Flight Brothers." Dan Nichols points his wrench at Sandy Miller as Barbara Richardson and Rodney Freeze laughingly observe; Above Right: The scene turns to frolic and dance in "The Flight Brothers;" Above: The Ohio townspeople make fun of Will and Orville for their flying machine idea.

ECU Playhouse 85




February 9-i4 8:15


'The Contrast' Adequately Titled

88 Contrast

Reviewed by Sue Ellen McCloud

Royall Tyler's play, "The Contrast", if nothing else is adequately titled. The play is an entire plot of contrasts which vary in method, presentation, and context. The opening prologue creates a medium for the contrasts which is maintained throughout the production.

One particularly delightful medium Tyler employs for his contrasts is found in the music and lyrics of Don Pippin and Steve Brown. The conception of colonial Americans singing their "hearts' desires" to the rhythm of the cha-cha and the old soft shoe is ridiculous to the point of hilarity. One of the better scenes using this technique occurs between Jonathan, Dan Nichols, and Jenny, Mary Ann Franklin. The two servants become acquainted in the parlor of a proper colonial home, and by the end of the scene, perform a hoe-down on stage.

The costumes, designed by Carol Beule, gracefully reflected the contrasts between the flamboyant social vanities of the continent and the practical colonists.

The quality of the production as a whole was found lacking, with definite problems in unity and characterization. There were some notable performances, however, given by Rodney Freeze, in the role of Jessamy.

The play lacks unity and does not flow as smoothly as it could. With this lack, and the low level of character work, the comic episodes worked well, and the result was a very entertaining show.

Contrast 89




Three New Programs Began in Arts and Sciences

ACADEMICS - College of Arts and Sciences

Editor: Susan Bittner

Preparation for the conversion to the semester system was the major concern of the eighteen departments and the Institute of Coastal and Marine Studies in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Dr. Richard Capwell, dean of Colleges of Arts and Sciences since 1969 and a professor in the Department of English, reported that becauses of the conversion efforts, there was a moratorium on all new courses. According to Dean Capwell, committees in all departments worked to meet the fall, 1977 deadline for the switchover. Responses by faculty to the conversion have been varied, but overall professors have been enthusiastic over the prospect of having more time to spend in teaching their courses.

Major developments within the College of Arts and Sciences during the the year included the formation of a dance major in the Department of Drama and Speech, a minor in Coastal and Marine Studies, and a minor in comparative government and international relations in the Department of Political Science.

According to Dean Capwell, enrollment in the College of Arts and Sciences remained stable overall, with some increase noted in the Department of Foreign Languages.

Some highlights of 1975-76 in the College of Arts and Sciences were a series of seminars on environmental topics by the Biology department; a panel discussion on Unidentified Flying Objects by members of the physics and English departments; a panel discussion of women in literature by English faculty members, and women in foreign literature by faculty in the Foreign Languages department and a debate on Marxism between Dr. John East and Dr. James Smith of the Political Science and Philosophy departments, respectively.

Also significant in the College of Arts and Sciences was the replacements of Col. Earl D. Bruton with Lt. Col. Ronald F. Henderson as head of the Department of Aerospace Studies, Dr. Robert E. Cramer with Ennis L. Chestang, as the chairman of the Department of Geography. In the Department of Chemistry Dr. Donald F. Clemens served as the acting chairman for Dr. Robert Lamb who was granted a one-year absence.

92 College of Arts & Sciences

In the Department of Foreign Languages seven Saudi Arabian students completed an intensive, specially-formulated six-month program in the English Language. Dr. Joon Ho Kim of the Mathematics faculty completed a lecture tour of his native Korea, and Dr. Donald Lawler, chaired a seminar on Kurt Vonnegut at the Modern Languages Association's national convention in San Francisco.

The Department of English suffered a great loss when two professors died in less than two months. Paul Farr died in Las Vegas, Nev. over Christmas holidays and Russell Christman died as a result of a car accident in February.

Opposite Page - Bottom Left: ECU students participating the ECU-Costa Rica program masquerade at a Halloween party in Heredia, Costa Rica.

Right Center - Dr. Richard Capwell, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.

Below Center - Biology students study notes during a three-hour laboratory session

Opposite Left - ECU students perform in the premiere production of "The Flight Brothers".

Below - Social studies students enjoy an informal classroom discussion.


Aerospace Studies

Cadets in the AFROTC program worked to serve the campus and the community, according to Lt. Col. Ronald F. Henderson, head of the department.

Over $3,000 was collected for the March of Dimes by ECU cadets in a March-a-Thon. The AFROTC Drill team marched in the Pitt County area to raise the funds. Cadets also sponsored a blood drive for the community.

Five cadets received two-year scholarships under the AFROTC program. They were David Ruffin, David Koponski, Jack Bradley, Gary Beachum, and Timothy Frazier.

Eight students were recognized for being Distinguished Military Cadets. According to Col. Henderson the awards is the most important received by cadets. Recipients included Glenn Harmon, Gary North, Kerry Bowers, Roy Rogers, Leonard Smith, Scott Murphy, Deborah Baker and Eugene Powell.


Cadets Responsive to Teaching Methods

Enrollment in the four year program which includes twenty-one girls, has doubled according to Col. Henderson, and efforts are being made to improve the quality of the students recruited. Col. Henderson feels that his students are motivated but he has a problem of getting students to improve their average. "Students are definitely more serious and interested than before. Because of this we need to continually improve our courses."

Cadets are responsive to teaching methods used in the department according to responses from the faculty. "After getting over the initial shock of active participation, the students' response is quite favorable," said Capt. Ashley Lans who requires oral reports in his class. "Because of this I have noticed a definite improvement in students' confidence, communicative skills and overall performances."

Capt. Richard Rowan commented that students also respond well to seminar classes and are serious and motivated. Capt. Allen Tinkham also agreed that students were receptive in class. None of the faculty members felt there were any major problems within the department, however Col. Henderson felt the student-advisor program could be improved.

Col. Henderson returned to active duty in 1976 after serving a year as chairman of Aerospace Studies. He replaced Col. Earl D. Bruton Jr. who retired in 1975.

Opposite Page: Brigader General Brickell visited the ECU AFROTC program and met With the ROTC leaders.

Below: Cadets take a mid-term exam.

Above Left: Lt. Col. R.J. Henderson, chairman of Aerospace Studies.

Above Right: Tsgt. Hammond, a member of the ROTC program.

Left: ROTC sponsored a blood drive Fall quarter for the Red Cross.



Symposium on Science in Court

Chemistry Professor Dr. Donald F. Clemmens was appointed interim acting chairman of the Department of Chemistry as of December 1, 1975. Department chairman Robert C. Lamb requested a leave of absence from his administrative duties beginning with the Winter quarter, 1975. Lamb will return for the 1976-77 school year. The department sponsored a symposium on the role of scientist in a court of law in April.

Research reports by two of the departments chemists were accepted for publication in scientific journals during the year, also.

96 Chemistry


Biology Students Attend Seminars

The Department of Biology was well represented in biological seminars and conferences throughout the country this year. Students and faculty members attended conferences and seminars as far away as San Diego, California and New Orleans, Louisiana. While in attendance at the conferences, ECU faculty and student biologists prepared papers and other reports on their research. Several grants totaling $186,000 were awarded to the Department of Biology.

The department sponsored a series of seminars on environomental topics last fall. An increase in enrollment in the department is due to the ECU School of Medicine. The med school has provided more areas of research and more course offerings. Many biology students and faculty members are working on regional problems in water pollution, beaches, and maritime forest.

Biology 97


98 Drama

Rondo Dance and The Acting Company Instruct Students

Members of the Rondo Dance Theatre and The Acting Company appeared on campus for three days giving public performances and instructing drama classes.

The Rondo Dance Theatre appeared winter quarter and instructed students in the rapidly growing dancing program. A third faculty member, Michelle Minett, began teaching dance fall quarter, since dance has become a new major within the department.

The Acting Company performed three broadway plays including the Tony-nominee "The Robber Bridegroom." Brought to ECU as a cooperative effort by the National Endowment for the arts, the N.C. Arts Council, the ECU Foundation and the SGA' actors of the company instructed advanced acting classes.

Black drama students performed "Purlie" winter quarter in cooperation with a Black Theatre Symposium.

Five major productions, including an opera, were performed during the year. The "Flight Brothers" premiered fall quarter as the first show of the season. A musical about the Wright Brothers, the play will be performed at Kitty Hawk in the summer. Following "Flight Brothers" was "Who's Happy Now," "The Rimers of Eldritch," and "The Contrast." "La Traviata," Verdi's masterpiece was produced by the Drama Department and featured students in the School of Music. (see pages 84-91)

Drama 99

Author in Residence Retires - Ovid Pierce to Reside at Plantation

By Rudy Howell

For Ovid W. Pierce, writer-in-residence at East Carolina University, retirement means the return to a long-lost love the country.

"Part of my sense of well-being depends on my life outdoors." explained Pierce, who admits that he finds it hard to live in an urban atmosphere.

After teaching at Tulane and Southern Methodist Universities, Pierce joined the English department at ECU to teach courses in creative writing and the novel.

His career in writing began as a painful but necessary experience, recalls Pierce.

"It's an apprenticeship that you've got to serve," said Pierce. "Writers have to serve an apprenticeship just as other performers do.

During his tenure at ECU, Pierce has had three novels published "On a Lonesome Porch" was published in 1960, "The Devils Half" in 1968, and "The Wedding Guest" in 1974. In 1969 he was awarded the North Carolina Award for Literature.

"I was naturally oriented to the Southern field," said Pierce, who said he admired the works of Eliot Glascoe, James Boyd and Junior Pedican while at Harvard.

When asked about his plans for the future, Pierce readily admits looking forward to his reunion with the country.

"The country means a lot to me. I'm happy to get back and refresh contact with the world," said Pierce, smiling.

When Pierce is not writing, he usually is engaged in some kind of work around the "Plantation," his home, which he has restored to its original colonial design.

"The "Plantation" enables me to increase my own sense of awareness," said Pierce. "The exposure to the open world is important for me as a writer."

When asked for one word to describe his experience at ECU, Pierce shose "rewarding."

"One of the most rewarding experiences of my career was teaching. Sometimes, in later years, indirectly, you get the effect of the influence you've had. Those things mean a lot to you," said Pierce.

"Our only comfort is knowing we did what we had to do and did it with our best energy," said Pierce. "The pleasure is sometimes in the doing itself."

100 English


Retreat Successful

The second annual retreat of undergraduate, graduate and faculty members of the English department was a great success. Over forty attended the two-day beach retreat and several positive actions resulted. One was a departmental newsletter published bi-monthly by the English honor society. Another was monthly meetings at the home of faculty members. The meetings enabled students and faculty to get to know one another outside the class room on an informal basis. Another suggestion was under study was the possibility of opening a student-faculty lounge. A group also made proposals for course topics for the seminar classes.

A symposium fall quarter discussed women's roles in literature, as characters and as writers. The response to the symposium was overwhelming. In spring quarter topics of two seminar courses centered around women, as they were portrayed in literature and the literature written by women.

A new course offered winter quarter, Classical Mythology, will become a regular course in 1977. Open to all majors, students studied mythology as portrayed in literature art and music as well as being a religious and scientific topic.

Dr. Sally Brett, a graduate of Florida State, began teaching English and journalism courses fall quarter. Two faculty members, Mrs. Mary Sorenson and Mrs. Erma Glover retired spring quarter.

The English department also lost two professors winter quarter - Paul Farr from illness and Russell Christman in an accident. Students organized and presented a memorial service spring quarter for the two which was attended by both families and over fifty people within the department.

Opposite Page: Author-in-residence Ovid Pierce addresses the SGA legislature. Center Left: Class projects by English majors tor the mythology class. Below: Students and faculty attended a symposium on Women in Literature presented by Norman Rosenfeld, Alfred Wang, Dorthy Mills, Marie Farr, Sally Brett and Janice Faulkner. Above: Erwin Hester, chairperson. Center Right: Paul Farr and Russ Christman at a student faculty picnic fall quarter.

English 101

Foreign Languages

Language Students Win Awards in Dionysia Drama Competition

The Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures is one of the first departments at ECU to take advantage of the ECU Cooperative Education program. Through the program, three language majors were given traineeships or Internships with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington D.C.

French, German, and Spanish majors won high awards in the annual Dionysia Drama competition at Clemson University during the Spring. The ECU department of foreign languages hosted a symposium on Women in International Literature, The International Festival, and the Eighth Annual Latin American Symposium during the year. A series of Saturday classes in German and Russian were sponsored by the department for Greenville school children.

The faculty was quite active in outside work, as faculty research flourished during the past year. Publications including books, articles, and short stories with some being facilitated by research grants were accomplishments of the faculty's research. Dr. Nicole Aronson of the department addressed an international gathering of French teachers and scholars in New Orleans in January. Her talk was published in a special bicentennial issue of the French Review in May 1976. Professor Thomas A. Williams had a new book published which deals with the occult literature.

102 Foreign Languages

Foreign Languages 103


The success of the ECU Costa Rica program probably overshadows the other services of the Department of Geography. However, all services of the department are valuable to its 135 majors. The department operates a Map Library which included over 40,000 maps produced by United States government agencies. The maps include nautical charts, topographic maps of the United States Geological Survey, and maps produced by the Department of defense Mapping Agency.

Career counseling is a special service offered to students to advise them on different courses in Geography. Students interested in special areas of geography are contacted and informed about the job requirements in their special interests.

Dr. Ennis Chestang, chairman of the Department of Geography, addressed a session of the Association of American Geographer in New York on April 15, 16, 1976. Professor James Stembridge represented ECU in the first annual conference of the Coastal Society, a new organization dedicated to the wise use of coastal environment. The conference was held in Washington, D.C.

104 Geography


Due to the trend in resources and enviornmental research more students are going into geology. Dr. Michael O'Connor, chairperson of the department notes that there are more majors than in the recent past. "Because of the national interest there are more job opportunities than before," said O'Connor.

Dr. Jean Lowry has noticed an improvement in the quality of students within the department and sees the seniors as being much more motivated than in the past.

There has also been an increase in the graduate program and a number of students working for an M.S. degree are working on projects on coastal North Carolina. Dr. Lowry feels that the graduate students have gained self-confidence and "there is no holding them back." She feels the success of the students "is largely due to what the students have perviously learned in my collegue's courses."

The department had a very successful retreat to Nags Head in March. Over 40 students attended and geologists from Illinois, Texas, Florida and Virginia attented as guest lecturers.

Dr. O'Connor feels there is a very close relationship between the seven faculty members and the students within the department both on a professional and social level, the social relationship was exemplified on the retreat and at the spring picnic.

Charles Winkler, a geology major agrees with Dr. O'Conner. "In my opinion the geology department is one of the best on campus . . . the best aspect being the excellent relationship between students and faculty. The faculty is willing and available to work out any problems the students may have.

Four geologists - Dr. O'Conner, Richard Mauger, Scott Snyder and B.A. Bishop received $4,000 grants by the Institute for Coastal and Marine Resources.

106 Health and P.E.

Physical Fitness for Faculty Members Offered Health and Physical Education

A physical fitness program for East Carolina University faculty and staff members was sponsored by the Department of Health and Physical Education during spring quarter. The activity, coordinated by Richard A. Lauffer, involved one-hour classes at noon each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in Memorial Gymnasium. ECU gymnastics coach Stevie Chepko was the director for a gymnastics program for children which was also sponsored by the Department of Health and Physical Education.

The Driver and Traffic Safety Education Division of the Department of Health and Physical Education received a grant of $101,400 from the Governor's Highway Safety Program Office for the Driver Education teacher certification project.

The Drug Education Program received two grants totaling $78,696.

Parks and Recreation 107

Alvin A. Fahrner

Dr Alvin A. Fahrner (Right) has been one of the students favorites at the university. He was receipient of the Robert Jones Teaching Excellence Award in 1972 and has received high marks on all student evaluations. His classes are so large that some students have to be sent to other classes.

Fahrner lectures his classes as they are usually too large for discussions. "I would like very much to be able to teach smaller classes, not that I mind working for my pay, but because I could give more individual attention and could vary my teaching method." Despite the large classes, Fahrner feels that students accept his teaching very well.

His outlook on ECU is encouraging as he feels the university "will continue to prosper as the years go by, and will gain prestige with age. Fahrner has enjoyed his association with the students of East Carolina and hopes to continue his relationship with students for several more years.

108 History


Two Graduate Students - Recipients of Brewster Award

For the first time two graduate students in history at East Carolina University have been named recipients of Brewster scholarships for the same year.

The 1975-76 Brewster Scholars are Stephen M. Russell of Kinston and Phillip Stanley Skeen of Winston-Salem.

In addition to being named Brewster Scholars, both Russell and Skeen hold teaching fellowships at ECU.

The Brewster award, carrying a $1,000 Stipend, is the highest recognition of scholarship in the ECU Department of History. Recipients are chosen by a committee on the basis of proven scholarship and potential.

A department official said both Russell and Skeen ranked "unusually high" in the top two per cent nationally on the basis of Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores.

The Brewster Scholarships were established in 1972 by Dr. Lawrence F. Brewster, retired professor of History.

Eleven history professors attended the fall meeting of the Association of Historians at Methodist College in Fayetteville. Dr. Fred D. Ragan appeared on the program and Dr. William N. Still served as president. The spring meeting was held at ECU.

Opposite Page: Above: Black history class. Below: Alvin Fahrner. Above Left: Herbert Pashcal, chairperson of History Department.

History 109

Library Expands

The department of Library Science with an increasing graduate enrollment each year went through an expansion program on the second floor of the original Joyner Library building almost doubling their floor space.

An entirely new heating and cooling system along with new classrooms, student lounge, and faculty offices made it possible to better provide for their two graduate degree programs and a certification program at the undergraduate level.

New faculty were added to help prepare librarians/media coordinators for community colleges and technical institutes, senior colleges and universities, public libraries and school media centers.

Dr. Gene D. Lanier, chairman and professor in the department (Top Right) completed his term as president of the North Carolina Library Association.

A summer federally funded institute was held for librarians from three states as well as several one-day workshop covering problems in the profession were well attended. More and more people are now entering this exciting profession as the "information explosion" continues.

(Copy by Gene Lanier, chairperson)

110 Library Science


Professor Receives Grant of $1875

Fifty-nine majors in the mathematics department were instructed by 25 full-time faculty members. Dr. John R. Crammer of Clemson, S.C. joined the department fall quarter as an assistant professor.

Dr. Lokenath Debnath, professor of mathematics was awarded a grant of $1875 by the Marine Science Council to support a study of problems related to natural hazards such as hurricanes, tornadoes, thunderstorms, and earthquakes.

In response to a survey both Dr. Milam Johnson and Frank Saunders felt there has been little if any change in the quality of students during the past decade. Both men also believe that mathematics majors have good job opportunities. Dr. Johnson sees the outlook of ECU as being good whereas Saunders sees it as getting brighter. However, Saunders has encountered a problem at ECU: "the waste of time in committee meetings listening to radical liberals trying to change and meutralize our administrative authority.

Mathematics 111

Faculty Concerned With Energy Problems - Seek Solutions


The faculty of the physics department are concerned with the energy problems the nation is facing according to Dr. Byrd, chairperson. Several faculty members are working to develop solutions such as exploring ways solar energy can be used domestically.

Within the curriculum the department developed major areas for undergraduate students to concentrate in for several quarters.

New equipment has been added in the accelerator laboratory to compliment the present data acquisition system.

The department created a cooperative program with area high schools to develop a resource center here at ECU. The center maintains an audio-visual library, an equipment lending program and sponsors in-service programs for secondary teachers. The department also sponsors workshops on the metric system and energy programs for school teachers.

Dr. Loren Winters was added to the faculty to bring expertise in the area of atomic physics and acceleration.

112 Physics

Political Science

New Programs Developed

New programs are in the works in the Political Science department. A minor in international relations was approved and a Bachelor of Science in Political Science has also received approval. The B.S. degree would be semi-professional with more emphasis on preparing for jobs and on computer science.

The department is also investigating the feasability in establishing a Master of Public Administration and is involved with an MA in political science at the Fort Bragg campus.

There has been an increase of political science majors, both on the graduate and undergraduate levels with students showing more interest in professional careers according to Dr. William F. Troutman, chairperson.

In April the department hosted the N.C. Political Science Association which brought around 175 visiting political scientist. The department co-sponsored a debate on Marxism between Dr. East in Political Science and Dr. Smith in Philosophy.

Above Left: Dr. William F. Troutman, Jr. chairperson

Above Right: Dr. Endorf gives a visiting foreign official a tour of campus.

Above: The Smith vs. East debate on Marxism

Political Science 113


Faculty Attend Psychology Workshops

Over two-hundred and thirty students were majoring in Psychology with 75 graduating spring quarter. The department has 24 faculty members.

John Childers, director of testing, was selected to participate in a course at the University of Maryland. The course topic was aging and human development and special attention was given to the interaction between aging individuals and their environment.

Dr. Charles Moore attended a human sexuality workshop organized by Masters and Johnson. He also attended a behavior therapy workshop in Mississippi.

114 Psychology

Professors Give Bicentennial Speeches

Since 1976 is America's Bicentennial, many philosophy professors have been involved in bicentennial discussions and speeches. One such program was "The American Experiment," a community symposium in which three professors discussed the topics, "The American Idea," "The American Reality," and "The American Agenda," During winter quarter, the philosophy honor society in conjunction with the political science honor society presented a debate involving a faculty member from each department.

Philosophy 115


Archeology Students to Study Atlanta

Dr. David S. Phelps, coordinator of the archelogy lab within the Sociology and Anthropology department, received a grant from the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Authority. The $4,388 will be used to support an archaeological and historical survey.

"The area now occupied by the city of Atlanta has been inhabited for about 15,000 years," said Phelps, "so we expect of uncover some interesting artifacts left by the early inhabitants.

Dr. John R. Mario, chairperson of the department, was invited to chair a session at the annual convention of the American Sociological Association in New York.

Dr. Robert Bargu, coordinator of African Studies, attended the organizational meeting of the N.C. Conference on Black Studies. Plans were made at the conference to organize scholars in the field of black studies and to encourage N.C. colleges and universities to present more black studies.

Dr. Yooh Hough Kim, was killed in a traffic accident over the Easter holidays.

115 Sociology/Anthropology

Ajmera, Ramesh - Physics

Baker, Ira - Journalism

Boyette, Joseph - Graduate School

Brown, Co - Institute Development

Colcord, Marshall - Accounting

Cullop, Charles

Downing, Clinton - Education

Downes, Sheldon - Rehabilitation

Everett, Grover - Chemistry

Fahrner, Alvin - History

Gill, Louis - Library Science

Gross, Dawyer - Philosophy

Gross, Tennala - Mathematics

Grossnickle, William - Psychology

Guise, Benjamin - Library Science

Gunn, Ann - Librarian

Gulati, Jimesu - Economics

Haidwood, Thomas - Technology

Hammond, Albert - AFROTC

Hayes, Mary - Psychology

Hendenson, Ronald - AFROTC

Hill, J. A. - Business Administration

Holmes, Keith

Hoots, William - Industry

James, Kenneth - Accounting

Johnson, Luci

Jose, Baro - Foreign Languages

Kelly, John - Industry

Kerns, Richard - Economics

Lambie, Ruth - Home Economics

Lane, Ashley - AFROTC

Langely, William - AFROTC

Lanier, Gene - Library Science

Laugher, Mane - Education

Leith, Robert - Industry

Li, Chia-Yu - Chemistry

Little, Laura - Home Economics

Long, Clayton - Economics

Long, Susan - Accounting

Lowe, Nash - Family Relations

Lozuist, John - AFROTC

Maiolo, John - Sociology/Anthropology

Neel, Francis - Art

Pendered, Norman - Industry

Perry, Marguerite - Foreign Languages

Phillips, Caroline - Nursing

Pierce, Eldean - Nursing

Rowan, Richard - AFROTC

Rawls, William - Administration

Saunders, Frank - Mathematics

Saunders, J.B. - Mathematics

Sayetta, Tom - Physics

Scott, Blandy - Industry

Staton, Lois

Stevans, D.B. - Political Science

Sugg, Howard - Political Science

Tinkman, Alan - AFROTC

Todd, Richard - History

Webber, Edith - English

Editors Note: Of the over 700 faculty members at ECU these had their pictures made for the yearbook.

Faculty 117

Faculty Members Form Union - Join

On May 13 an informational meeting concerning the American Federation of Teachers was held in Mendenhall.

Phil McKeany, executive director of the North Carolina federation addressed the forty faculty members that attended.

Affilliated with the AFL-CIO the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) is a national organization with active chapters in every state. The AFT has over 450,000 members, of which 45,000 are college teachers.

According to Dr. Paul Dowell of the English department, ECU has approximately 30 members, mostly from the English and math departments. Dowell expects the total membership to reach forty during the summer, at which time a local chapter will be chartered.

Dowell is serving as president and Robert J. Hursey of the math department is serving as treasurer until the charter is presented and new officers are elected.

Some faculty members at UNC- Charlotte and Western Carolina have both joined AFT and the faculty at UNC-Greensboro were considering joining.

"Everything we do is done for teachers."

McKeany described the organization as being "quite different" from other educational organizations such as the National Association of Educators (NAE) and the American Association of University Professors (AAUP).

"We have no administrative members in AFT," said McKeany. "Everything we do is done for teachers. We are the only independent voice of teachers.

We make the biggest contribu- tion to education. Therefore, we should be heard."

According to McKeany, one of the most effective aspects of AFT is the collective bargaining contract.

"Our immediate goal is for a collective bargaining law from the federal government. Either we want a new law or we want to take the state law, which prohibits state employees from collective bargaining contracts, to court."

"We want teachers to have more freedom in the classroom, to have input into the subjects taught and the materials used. We want the non-professional educators (trustees and administrators) out of the classroom. By giving the teachers better conditions and more freedom we are freeing them of financial worries which prevent them from teaching 100 per cent effectively. AFT is a definite benefit for education because it allows the teacher to be free to teach, and therefore, do a better job," said McKeany.

"In order to get better conditions, better salaries, and no discrimination we must have collective bargaining."

Professor Donald Lawler of the English department asked McKeany where the AFT stood on the differences among various schools within the same system regarding salaries and benefits of faculty members. An example cited was UNC-Chapel Hill and East Carolina.

McKeany said that the money should be distributed equally when allocated by the N.C. Legislature which is not the case now.

"We want to be sure the money goes where the legislature says it should go. Somewhere someone is skimming the money off the top and spending it to increase salaries and benefits before distributing the remainder to the other schools. We want this stopped," said McKeany.

"In order for any changes to be made it must be done through collective bargaining contracts," he continued.

The AFT does not support closed agency shops said McKeany in response to a question of whether everyone had to join the union once it is established. An agency shop is where a teacher must pay dues in order to teach but is not a member of the union.

"Our collective bargaining contracts would represent non-members as well," said McKeany.

Another professor asked why the dues, $84 annually, were so high. McKeany replied that they were necessary because of the benefits of AFT. Two dollars and sixty-five cents of the monthly dues of seven dollars goes to the national office, two dollars to the state office and the remaining two dollars and thirty five cents to the local group.

The dues cover the cost of an automatic life insurance policy in an accidental death and a $500,000 occupational liability policy. The AFT also has a legal contingency fund and sponsors lobbyists in Washington, D.C. and various state capitols.

"...a free education should be made available to everyone."

Another question raised was who would be paying for the additional benefits and the increased Salaries? Would students have to pay an increased tuition?

"The AFT feels that a free education should be available to everyone. Therefore, we try to keep tuition as low as possible. Whenever we introduce a pay increase, we always include various ways that the state can get the money, such as removing the ceiling from state taxes. In no way do we want tuition to be raised," said McKeany.

McKeany was also asked to comment on the concept of strikes by teachers.

"The AFT has been involved with strikes in the past, but so have the other educational organizations. In 1973-74, of all the strikes by teachers, about one-third involved AFT. The other 67 per cent were backed by NAE and AAUP.

"We were Involved in the recent teachers strike in Pittsburgh. (see p. 290) The strike was caused by an inexperienced board of education which did not know that putting teachers in jail would only agitate matters not stop them.

118 Faculty

American Federation of Teachers

"We want teachers to have more freedom in the classroom, to have input into the subjects taught and the materials used."

The strike forced negotiations with the board of education and resulted in improved educational benefits. We feel that negotiations could have been conducted without the strike had the board been experienced in handling problems," concluded McKeany.

Another question was, would the union protect incompetent teachers? McKeany's reply was, it would be the administration and not the union. Although the union was not completely a professional union as the AAUP, it is a union for all teachers that want to join.

Dr. Dowell said many college and university administrations have expressed opposition to unions. This has not been the case at ECU. Dr. Dowell said the administration at ECU was not opposed to such an organization.

Chancellor Leo Jenkins stated in a telephone interview that the faculty have "a perfect right to pursue membership in the AFT and it is strictly faculty business."

Faculty 119

The desire to impart knowledge should be inherent in any university, just as genuine interest in receiving knowledge should be present in its students. Although the classroom is the fundamental place for the transmission of facts in the various fields of learning, the academic organizations are proof that diversity in setting can provide atmospheres more conducive to learning along with unique opportunities that classrooms cannot offer.

By giving students opportunities to be in on different events, whether it be a beach trip, a banquet, or simply listening to a speaker in the field of the particular organization, a setting outside the classroom has the potential to make students more receptive to what is being offered. Too, many academic organizations are to a great extent for the purpose of giving recognition to students who have made outstanding achievements in their respective fields of study.

The promotion of fellowship among students who have like interests is another purpose of academic organizations. It is an invaluable one since many great achievements in the world have been made by the combination of intellect. The fraternal aspect of the organizations indirectly enhances their value.

The academic organizations, then, perform an important function in the university community by providing students with different atmospheres in which to learn, through academic presentations which cannot otherwise be made, by recognizing academic achievement, and by fostering fellowship among students. The good accomplished by the academic organizations is invaluable to the students, to the university, and to society.


Editor: Rob Benton

Diversity Among Organizations


EDITOR'S NOTE: Coverage of academic and honorary organizations is based on the cooperation of the organization to notify the staff of any activities and to provide this staff with information concerning activities, awards, officers and members. Over 100 organizations were contacted twice through letters and calls. The response appears on the following pages.



Those cadets who excel in drill and military bearing compose the Drill Team. It participates in parades, fund raising for charity, and anything else that will bring credit to ECU and enhance the leadership of the cadets. During the past year, the Drill Team gave a halftime performance during the VMI basketball game on January 24, and participated in the March-a-thon for the Pitt County March of Dimes. The Drill Team also performed in Wright Auditorium January 27.

Officers: Marty J. Parrish, Commander; J.L Svoboda, Administrative Officer; J.M. Basile, Supply Custodian; R.C. Teal, Assistant Commander.

Members: Charles Brackenoff, Walter Hooker, Rick Jones, Beth Kimball, Bernard Lambe, Patricia Newman, Jonathan Plott, Edmund Pruden, Gloria Sipfle, Douglas Toppin, Marsha Weaver, William Biggers, David Devoe, Linda Fehlner, Ken Yoakum; faculty adviser: Captain Ashley H. Lane


Air Society and Angel Flight Win Honors at Conclave


Five members of ECU'S General Chennault Squadron of the Arnold Air Society attended the Area B-2 Commander's Call at Myrtle Beach Air Force Base, S.C. October 25. Squadron representatives met at the Commander's Call to discuss problems and new developments during the past year. The General Chennault Squadron also was represented at the Area B-2 Conclave at N.C.A. & T University at Greensboro, N.C. in February, where it received two awards, the Honor Squadron Trophy, which is given to the most outstanding squadron in the Area; and Brother Gene Powell was given the Annual Arnie Award. The Arnie Award is a local award given to the Brother who best supports his Angel Flight. Other activities in which the Arnold Air Society participated were the 1976 March of Dimes March-a-thon January 31, and the ECU 600 AFROTC Basketball Tournament March 19-20.

Opposite Page: Above: Officers: Eugene H. Powell, Commander; Gary L. North, Vice Commander; Scott A. Horn, Admin.; Leonard W. Smith, Operations; Kent A. Hobson, Comptroller; Janice W. Warren, Information; Captain Richard A Rowan, faculty advisor.

Members: Jerome E. Fonke, Henry S. Murphy, Ronald C. Stewart, Michael M. Wright, Charles G. Duke, Michael P. Hunter, Marty J. Parrish, Gerald A. McNair, John M. McAllister, David W. Ruffin, William R. Reichstein, Timothy M. Frazier, Raymond L. Martin, Lydia M. Galfo, Wayne S. Goodman, William K. Johnson, Lewis E. Shroyer, William M. Pryor, Marion T. Barns.


A honorary organization for women associated with AFROTC, Angel Flight is sponsored by the Arnold Air Society. Among the activities in which Angel Flight participated was an Area Conclave held in Greensboro, N.C. in February. The highlight of the gathering was the banquet and Military Ball held Saturday, February 7. At this banquet, the area awards were presented with ECU receiving most of the honors. Angel Flight won two awards, the Best Scrapbook Award and the Samuel E. Anderson Award, which is given to the Angel Flight that best supports the Arnold Air Society Mission.

Other activities in which Angel Flight participated were a car wash on February 14, and a National Conclave in Philadelphia, April 16-19.

Below: Officers: Dawn Bledsoe, Commander; Rita Whaley, Executive Officer; Ginger Hudson, Operations Officer; Dianna Batchelor, Administrative Officer; Pat Hunter, Comptroller; Gloria Sipfle, Information Officer; Captain Allen T. Tinkham, faculty advisor.

Members: Norma Hughes, Blanche Sutherland, Cindie Wilson, Sarah Barnhill, Deborah Baker.

Pledges: Sandra Carraway, Melissa Crisp, Dawn Dixon, Linda Fehlner, Susan Lee, Kim Poindexter, Deborah Wrenn.


The cadets of the Color Guard represent the U.S. Air Force and ECU at many parades and ceremonies in the area. Among the events in which the Color Guard participated during the year were basketball game opening ceremonies in January, the Pitt County March-a-thon for March of Dimes, and a performance in Wright Auditorium on January 27.

Members: Cadet John M. Narron, Commander; Charles Chappelear, Barry Lee, Mark Fisher, Sherrie Hawk, Patsy Stanley, Wayne Goodman, Benny Bailey, Rickey Matthews, Lewis Shroyer.


Sigma Tau Delta Prints Newsletter

In September and again In May, ECU'S Omicron Theta Chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, national English Honor Fraternity, held cookouts for its members. Other activities of Sigma Tau Delta included a presentation on the history of rock music, a presentation of blugrass music, a program on movies in literature, and a program on critical approaches to literature.

Sigma Tau Delta also held a memorial service on May 9 for Mr. Russell Christman and Dr. Paul Farr. On May 13, Ovid Pierce, noted novelist, appeared before the group for a question and answer session.

The Omicron Theta Chapter was represented at the Sigma Tau Delta National Convention by Barbara Hall, southeastern representative for Sigma Tau Delta. An English departmental newsletter was also begun by Sigma Tau Delta.

Above: Officers (September-February): Barbara Hall, President; Steven Jones, First Vice President; Patricia Fountain, Second Vice President; Marie Farr, Third Vice President; Arthur Mayfield, Secretary; William Cotler, Treasurer; Elaine Berry, Historian; Dr. Douglas McMillan, Faculty Sponsor.

(March-May): C. Jackson Harrill, President; David W. Trevino, First Vice President; Gail Robin Cox, Second Vice President; Dr. Ben Bezanson, Third Vice President; Sue Ellen McLeod, Secretary; Teri V. Hill, Treasurer; Vicki Shaw, Historian; Marie Farr, Faculty Sponsor.

Members: Joyce Acree, Diane Aycock, Kathy Batchelor, Rob Benton, Elaine Berry, Elizabeth Best, Susan Bittner, David Brown, Kenneth Carpunky, Leslie Cobb, William Cotter, Paula Deffenbaugh, Anita Driscoll, Evelyn Fitzgerald, Michawl Futch, Robert Glover, Jr., Mary Grover, Jackson Harrill, Kay Hembree, Teresa Hill, Patsy Hinton, James Hobart, Rose Hopkins, Rudy Howell, Deborah Jackson, Cole Jones, Jack Lail, Beth Lambeth, Michael Landin, Francine Martin, Art Mayfield, Marybeth McAlister, Sue Ellen McLeod, Richard Allen Miller, Rudy Morris, Leigh Price, Elmo Riggs, Vicki Shaw, Mary Smith, Sandra Stillman, Monika Sutherland, David Trevino, Eva Tyndall, Christine Waters, Martha Wood, Helena Woodard, Gino Abessino, Carlene Boyd, Frederick Byrer, Robin Cox, Leigh Duque, Wanda Edwards, Barbara Evans, Jill Fitzgerald, Pat Fountain, Susan Gordon, Barbara Hall, Daniel Hall, Sonja Haney, Joel Huddleston, Stephen Jones, Norris King, William Murphy, Teresa Speight, Feroza VagPaiwalla, Kathy Whaley, Faculty: Mr. Ira Baker, Dr. Bezanson, Dr. Bloodworth, Sally Brett, Dr. Ellis, Mrs. Eutsler, Mrs. Farr, Mrs. Faulkner, Louise Hamilton. Dr. Hester, Mrs. Jones, Dr. Lawler, Dr. McMillan, Mrs. Mills, Dr. Motley, Mr. Munns, Dr. Rosenfeld, Dr. Sanders, Dr. South, Dr. Stephenson, Dr. Ward, Mrs. Webb, Dr. Wright.

124 English

Alpha Phi Gamma Sponsors Workshop

The principal activity of Alpha Phi Gamma, honorary journalism fraternity, was the sponsoring of a journalism workshop in October. The workshop included sessions conducted by faculty members and other authorities in the various areas of journalism. It was attended by representatives from twenty eastern North Carolina high schools. In May, Alpha Phi Gamma merged with another collegiate journalism society to form the Society for Collegiate Journalists. The society in May, under its new name and with many new members began making plans for another workshop to be held in September 1976.

Officers: John Evans, President; Tom Tozer, Vice President; Monika Sutherland, Secretary; Brandon Tise, Treasurer; Ira Baker, faculty advisor.

Members: Betty Hatch, Sydney Green, Jim Dodson, Helena Woodard, Pat Flynn, Susan Bittner, Patsy Waters, Dennis Leonard, Franklin Barrow, Kenneth Campbell, Patricia Coyle, Richard Michael Drogos, James Elliot, Charles Jackson Harrill, Janet Lynn Hoeppel, Barbara Mathews, Robert Craig Maxon, William Patrick, Samuel Rogers, Jeff Rollins, Larry Wheeler, James Williams, Teresa Whisenant, Rob Benton, Sam Collier.

Journalism 125

Language Students Win Awards in Drama Competion


The purpose of Phi Sigma lota is for the recognition of outstanding ability and attainments in Romance Languages and literature; the stimulation of advanced work and individual research in this field, and the promotion of a sentiment of amity between our own nation and the nations using these languages.

Above: Officers: Diane Harris, President; Charlene Daniels, Vice President; Mary Moore, Secretary/Treasurer; Mrs. Esther Fernandez, faculty advisor.

Members: Betty R. Buck, Mark Bunch, Frances Gibbs, James P. Lewis, Whit McLawhorn, Barbara Jean Lyons, Robin Stancil Sweesy, Fernando Cruz, Janis Skoda.

Faculty Members: Luis Acevez, Nicole Aronson, Michael Bassman, Manolita Buck, Grace M. Ellenberg, Esther Fernandez, Joseph A. Fernandez, Helga M. Hill, Rachel T. Manning, Francoise M. Papalas, Marguerite A. Perry, Gunter Strumpf, Relly Wanderman, James R. Wright.


Officers: Diane Harris, President; Pat Coyle, Vice President; Charlene Daniels, Secretary; Francoise Papalas, Michael Bassman, faculty advisors.

Members: Edith Landon, Francoise Roux, Mickey Terry, Pam Diffes, David Owens.


An ensemble of 12 Spanish students under the direction of Raquel Manning of the Spanish faculty performed "Teatro Feminista" at the Dionysia drama festival at Clemson University. First prize for best actor went to Jeff Rollins (pictured above).

126 Foreign Language

Geology Club Has Retreat

The principal activity of the Geology Club was its retreat at Nags Head, N.C. the weekend of March 5-7. The group attended seminars held at the North Carolina Marine Resources Center in Manteo. Six speakers from various parts of the country were heard. Informal talks and discussions were held the night of March 5 and all day March 6.

A field trip was taken March 7 to study the dynamics of the high energy coastal and estuarine environments. The group investigated major geological systems at Oregon Inlet, Jockey's Ridge, and Coquina Beach, as well as shorelines and the salt marshes along Roanoke, Albemarle, and Croatan Sounds. In May, the club held an all day social affair in Washington, N.C.

The purpose of the Geology Club is to stimulate interest in the field of geology; to reward scholastic achievement; to initiate and carry out research projects; and to foster a closer relationship between the membership and faculty.

Above: Officers: Cornelis Winkler III, President; Jim Coble, Vice President; Becky Clement, Secretary/Treasurer; faculty advisor: Dr. Stanley R. Riggs.

Members: Dr. Michael P. O'Connor, Dr. B.A Bishop, Dr. C.Q Brown, Dr. Jean Lowry, Dr. Richard L. Mauger, Dr. Pei-lin Tien, Dr. Scott W. Snyder, Steve Benton, James E. Coble, Duke Carlson, Scott Hartness, Bill Kane, Bonnie Bullard, Jeff Bullard, Dave Ratcliffe, Pat Barns, Tom Moorefield, Richard Spruill, Mark Ayers, Tony Duque, Dan Gall, Don Foley, Scott Hardaway, Sandy Cofer, Bill Alexander, Sarah Greer, Paul Cobb, Becky Clement, David Hunt, Ernie Holzworth, Jonathan Blount, Bob Van Gundy, Tom Hodgin, Ray Anderson, Monya Balch, Dave Apple, John Simpson, Paul Albertson, Kelly Scarborough, Paul Tyndall, Mark Katrosh, James Harrison, Michael Indorf.


The threefold purpose of the Beta lota Chapter of Gamma Theta Upsilon is to further professional interest in geography; to strengthen student and professional training by exploration of subjects other than those of the class and laboratory; and to advance the professional status of geography as a cultural and practical subject for study and investigation.

Officers: John Bogatko, President; Susie Mayer, Vice President; Lynn Quinley, Secretary/Treasurer; Faculty advisor: Dr. Robert Cramer.

Members: Georgia Arend, Linda Askew, Laura Roxbury, T.E. Austin, Eric Crissman.

Geology/Geography 127


Honor Society in Library Science

Officers: Olive Vaughn, President; Nelda Caddell, Vice President; Helen Lashua, Treasurer; Elizabeth Brown, Recording Secretary; Mary Lee, Corresponding Secretary; Candy Butler, Parliamentarian; Deborah Ballinger, Historian/Reporter.


Pictured below; No information available


The newly-formed organization for Physical Education majors, among its activities, prepared a club room at Minges Coliseum for its members. The club also attempted the dedication of a room at Minges for Dr. Jorgonsen. A retreat for faculty and students was held the weekend of February 14-15. Formed in April 1975, the main purpose of this club is to bring the students together in a professional atmosphere.

Officers: Richard Byrd, President; Libby Smith, Vice President; Faye Manning, Secretary/Treasurer; faculty advisor: Dr. Lauffer

Members: Brenda Baker, Gwen Ball, Linda Christian, Barbara Brantley, Susie Garber, June Gaston, Angie Griffin, Linda McLean, Faye Manning, Becky Melcher, Vickie Loose, Teresa Neal, Ginger Parrish, Debbie Phelps, Donna Sawyer, Libby Smith, Velma Thomas, Donna Woodard, Betsy Johnson, John Archibald, Dave Applegate, Rick Byrd, Cameron Dew, David Denning, Gary Evans, Dave Fonke, Don Hughes, Steve Gaylor, Ken Gentry, Ceba Jackson, Henry Joyner, Arthur Miller, Kenny Mizelle, Fred Olson, Donnie Owens, Tim Russell, Byron Schulken, Tommy Sexton, Jimmy Sugg, Sam Williams, Bill Wulzyn, Rick Grant.



Fund raising for the Guatemala Relief Effort was one of the activities of this organization. It was also responsible for bringing in Symposia speakers Dr. Irwin Press, medical anthropologist; and Dr. Gordon J. Dorenzo, political sociologist. The organization was reestablished this year from a defunct organization, and its purpose is to promote a better understanding of Sociology and Anthropology and to allow for more faculty-student interaction.

Officers: Bob Davis, President; Mary Hartman, Vice President; Jennifer Day, Treasurer; Bill Herring, Secretary; Mary Kopczynski, Media Secretary, Faculty advisor: Dr. Robert Bunger.

Members: Manny Albright, Mat Albright, Bill Anderson, Ron Anthony, Karl Barbee, Linda Bost, Robert Bonger, Bob Cande, Connie Carpenter, Cecile Carnes, Jennifer Day, Bob Davis, Jade Gorman, Ronald Haak, Lynn Harold, Toni P. Harris, Bill Herring, Jerry Hilliard, Yoon H. Kim, Rise Long, John Maiolo, Ann Matthews, Jeff McAllister, Steve Mehan, Kermit Motfitt, John Nash, Kathy Noble, Janet North, Jeff Packard, Lenny Peaden, Mike Pencola, Kathy Poe, Dave Prewett, Art Richard, Christa Rieser, Ellen Schrader, Paul Tschetter, Doug Weber, Joyce Wilkerson, Ken Wilson, John Zimmerman.


Holding monthly colloquies at regular meetings was one of the activities of the honor society in Philosophy. A service rendered by the Alpha Chapter of Phi Sigma Tau was the provision of student advisors for General College preregistration. The purpose of Phi Sigma Tau is to provide an atmosphere of scholarly endeavor to students and to further their philosophical education.

Members: Paul Keith Riggsbee, President; Tom Simmonds, Mark Howard, Faculty Members: Alan Gibbson, Nick Georgalis, Ernest Marshall.


Representing ECU'S Delta Chapter at the Pi Mu Epsilon national meeting at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo in November were Lynn Lakin Mineo, who spoke at the meeting; Mitzi Congleton Woodside; and Robert Woodside, faculty sponsor of the ECU Chapter. The purpose of Pi Mu Epsilon is to promote scholarly activity in mathematics among students.

Officers: James Mackey Lewis, President; Marcia James, Undergraduate Vice President; Ray Jernigan, Secretary/Treasurer.

Members: Marcia K. James, Barbara Hardison, Don Axelrod, Carolyn Barnes, Deborah Bethauser, Pam Boswell. Carole Cameron, Margaret McGrath.



The student affiliate chapter of the American Chemical Society at ECU was selected for special commendation by ACS's committee on chemical education. The ECU chapter was one of only 92 of the 609 affiliate chapters in the nation to be rated above average for the 1974-75 academic year, according to committee officials. Among activities for which the commendation was made was a free tutoring service provided by the local chapter for any student enrolled in chemistry courses at ECU.

130 Chemistry


The purpose of the organization is to promote interest in science and to give recognition to scholarly attainment in science.

Officers: Beth Hall, President; Joseph Chan, Vice President. John Shelton, Secretary; Wayne Stephens, Treasurer; Bill Gradis, Historian;

Faculty advisors: Dr. T. Sayetta and Dr W. Allen.

Members: Bill Martin, Laddie Crisp, Jr., Tom Koballa, Mary Strickland. Den Aung-Din, Roger Dubey, Bob VanGundung. Craig Zamuda, Kingley Holman.


PT Club Raises Memorial Funds

Associated with the School of Allied Health, the Physical Therapy Club conducted fund-raising activities for the Linda Arrington Memorial. It also held a social gathering in the fall to welcome new majors, and another gathering in the spring. The club was formed as a mechanism to serve as spokesman for Physical Therapy majors, to improve the welfare of Physical Therapy majors, to disseminate information on Physical Therapy, and to conduct activities which will further develop and support the Memorial Scholarship Fund for Physical Therapy majors.

Above: Officers: James Denning, President; Leo LaBranch, Treasurer; Carol Curtiss, Secretary; Dan Vaughn and Bobby Thigpen, Publicity; Faculty advisor, Mr. Dennis Davis Members: Walter Kim Cleary, Carole Rae Curtiss, Dorothy Jane Day, Dorothy DeMouy, James Denning, Beverly Garrison, Leopold LaBranche, Mrs. Wanda Nunn, Barbara Price, Kimberly Simpson, Scott Stanas, Barbara Thigpen, Sherry Troutman, Daniel Vaughn, Brenda Philips, Deborah Bragunier, Karla Edwards, Brenda Francisco, Anne Ingram, Cynthia Johnson, Neal Lipke, Mary Metz, Marsha Murphey, Carmen Poteat, Richard Sibley, William Whiteford, Janelle ZumBrunnen, Rosalynn Strowd.

132 Allied Health

Environmental Health

Pictured Above; No information Available

National Student Speech, Hearing, and Language Associotion

Officers: Kathryn E. Straw, President; Johnnie Sexton, Vice President; Rebecah Hand, Treasurer; Faculty advisor: Dr. Daniel.

Allied Health 133

Accounting Society Volunteered Income Tax Services

Associated with the School of Business, the Accounting Society conducted a volunteer income tax assistance program and held a year-end party. The purposes of the organization are: to create an interest in accounting as a profession; to broaden a student's insight through contact with those already active in the accounting profession; to give students a forum for expressing ideas concerning the Accounting Department and curriculum at East Carolina University; to promote student initiative in accounting as a major; to familiarize students with the actual climate of professional working conditions; to further leadership qualities; and to promote a better professional and social fellowship among the students and faculty.

Above: Officers: Gary Evans, President; Dana Outlaw, Vice President; Tom Davis, Secretary/Treasurer; Greg Howell, Corresponding Secretary; Faculty advisor: Miss Gwen Potter. Members: Gary Allen, Louis Barnes, Warren Buchler, Lynn Cargile, Clay Carter, Leonard Daughtridge. Stanley Daughtridge, Tom Davis, Pat Dodge, Michael Edwards Kent Ernst, Pat Fetner, Can Frazier, Suzanne Garber, Richard Hall, Greg Howell, Stephen Humble, Lendel Ivey, Kent McCullough, Rick Meadows, Jan Morgan, Susan Murray, Craig Norfolk, Jean Packer, Gwen Potter, Martha Procter, Gary Rabon, Keith Ricks, Mark Tanner, Byron Smith, Steve Swann.

LAW SOCIETY (not pictured)

Officers: Walter Clark, President; Stan Sams, Vice President; Tom Barwick, Second Vice President; Teresa Whisenant, Secretary/Treasurer; Faculty advisor: Dr. David Stevens Members: Chris Borti, Mike Boose, Greg Pechman, Jay Chambers, Guy Taylor, Fred Mallory, Ray Hudson, Stevenson Weeks, Gerry Wallace, Jeanie Robertson, Nicky Baylos, Tom Burgess, Les Miller, Bobby Little, Steve Benjamin, David Trevino, Corey Duber, Gregg Boykin, Micky McLean.

134 Business


The objectives of Omicron Delta Epsilon, honor society in Economics, are to confer distinction for high scholastic achievement in Economics, to stimulate and promote student interest in all aspects of Economics, and to publish an official journal.

Below: Officers: David Childs, President; Stephen White, Vice President; Gail Gray, Secretary/Treasurer; Richard Meadows, Program Chairman; Faculty advisor: Dr. Jack Thornton, Jr. Members: Dr. Louis Zincone, Dr. William Collins, Dr. Clayton Long, Willie Creech, Terray Suggs, Christine Beaman, James Parisher, Bobby Hoams, Charles Edwards, Tommy Nowell, Mark Branigan, Kay Stephenson, Gail Weaver, Wilbur Davenport, Norbert Butler, Vanessa Henderson, Barry Simmons, David Ruffin, Keith Stallins, Horace King, Jr., Russell Womble, Jean Packer, Martha Proctor, Wayne Peedin, Paul Matthews, Kathy Lowery, Gary Evans, Nancy Broadway, James Crissman, Jan Morgan, Marian Ensor, Michael Edwards, Ronald Cook, Wilburn Ernst, Robert Rabon, Garry Vass, Betty Jones, Stephen Humble, Ronald Worley, William Smith, Gerald Thomas, Lynn Schubert, Lawton Mikell, Craig Spengeman, David O'Neal.


Officers: Prof. R. B. Keusch, President; Vernon Lee Conyers, Vice President, Prof. T. D. Willcox, Secretary; Prof. R. L. Jones, Treasurer. Members: Tom Davis, Larry Baker, Bobby Harris, Keith Huskins, Robert Newburn, Margaret Stevens, Luther Bailey, Marlene Dunbar, Barbara Ela, Marian Ensor, Patricia Fetner, Ellen Heath, Garry Keech, Larry Keech, Kathy Lowry, James Miller, Jan Morgan, Susan Murray, Nancy Packer, Martha Proctor, Lynn Schubert, Gail Weaver, J. Hilton Barrett II, Frederick Furland, Dorothy Gleason, Frederick Richardson, Hal Tolan, Mark Branigan, Ronald Cook, Michael Edwards, Ray Rogers, Stanley Sams, Blanche Sutherland, Christine Beaman, Vernon Conyers, Doris Huggins, Horace Mewborn, Jr., Kenneth Myers, Donald Shumaker, Joann Bell, James Bearden, Dorothy Brandon, Charles Broome, Marshall Colcord, Harold McGrath, William Collins, Albert Conley, Kenneth G. Dannalley, Joseph Hill, Danny Hines, Kenneth James, Ray Jones, Richard Kerns, Tora Larsen, Gorman Ledbetter, Oscar Moore, Ross Piper, Gwendolyn Potter, Jack Thornton, Louis Zincone John Summey, Umesh Gulati, Frank Close, Clayton Long, Jerry Hunt, Michael Brown, Frances Daniels, William Durham, Max Joyner.

Business 135


(pictured at right)

Phi Beta Lambda, ttie honorary business fraternity sponsored the fourth annual business symposium with guest speakers from all over North Carolina. In conjunction with the Pitt County Social Services the group organized a food drive. Tom Ivey Davis II received the award for the highest overall average in accounting with his 4.0 average. Monthly dinner meeting featured various guest speakers which talked about different business fields.

Officers: Jaime Austria - President, Debbie Lukawecz - First vice president, Pat Jones - Second vice president, Elaine Pope - secretary and Landis Bullock - treasurer. Advisors were Dr. Ross Piper and Dr. Ray Jones. Dean Bearden, Dr. William Durham and Dr. James Waite were initiated as honorary members of the honor fraternity. Other members include: Cynthia Brannock, Sherran Brewer, Patricia Bullock, Robert Cansler, Robert Clark, Jenny Dempsy, Patricia Dodge, Wayne Edmonds, Gene Graziosi, John Gunnell, Bill Harwood, Lynne Hewett, Susan Horton, Jill Howard, Fay Jones, Kelly Joseph, Ricky Kepner, Robert Lea, Richard Llewllyn, Blye Matthews, Mike Meadows, Chris Nalley, Jean Parker, Sharon Perry, Gary Rabon, Ronnie Rose, Lynn Schubert, Vern Strother, Margaret Stevens, and Maxwell Taylor.

136 Business


Honorary Business Education Society

(not pictured)

Officers: Anita Whitehurst, President; Diane Mills, Vice President; Nellie Westbrook, Secretary; Lu Ann Chappell, Treasurer; Linda Smith, Historian; Faculty advisor: Mrs. Thadys Dewar. Members: Ginger Arnold, Peggy Boyette, Vivian Brock, Karen Barbae, Gay Canuette, Helen Edwards, Wayne Edmonds, Charlene Ferguson, Jean Fornes, Annette Franke, Sondra Kite, Phyllis Blalock, Leona Lilley, Diane Mills, Teresa Meyers, Carol Ann Russell, Linda Smith, Liz Sparrow, Joe Whaley, Phyllis Witherington.


(not pictured)

The activities of SAM during the year included dinner meetings, tours of local Industries, and panel discussions with local business leaders. The basic function of SAM is to expose the Business student to current management problems and policies.

Officers: Eddie Coleman, President; John Cannady, Vice President; Bill Walters, Treasurer; Sherry Tew, Secretary; Faculty advisor: Dr. Tilton L. Willcox.

Business 137



Officers: F. Peter Hiltz, President; David Pharr, Vice President; Vic Jeffreys, Secretary; Teresa Whisenant, Director of Publicity; Bob Brewster, Parliamentarian; Faculty advisor: Dr. Bruce N. Wardrep Members: Timothy Dew, Harry Miller, Gary Price, William Thomas, Carl Ealy, Cranford Jones, Robert Corbitt, Paula Culbreth, John Dildy, Wray Gillette, Robert Hagan, Marvin Hanford, Willie Harvey, Danny Hinnant, John Hunter, Claude Jones, John Kearns, Tyre Moore, Stanley Sams, James Whitley, Russell Womble, Daniel Wright, Vivian Pierce, Robert Braxton, Charles Creech, Jack Gunnells, Wayne McNairy, Robert Neff, David O'Bryant, Larry Peedin, Paul Reavis, William Shreve, Dan Talbert, Jethro Whaley, Jacob Winstead, Fred Alcock, Robert Blackburn, William Chase III, James Chrysson, Guy Dixon, Johnny Edwards, Steve Evans, Thaddeus Gerard, Michael Hammond, Rodney Haswell, Janice Hatchell, Jerry Jones, Robert Jones, Clifton Kirby, Robert Lea, Jeffrey Mangum, Fred Mezias, Dana Outlaw, Robert Alexander Walters, Alexander Williams, Elwood Salter.

138 Business

Business 139


Above: Officers: Mary Lai Jarvis, President; Mary Lou Thornell, Vice President; Julie Jordan, SEcretary/Treasurer; Faculty advisor: Dr. William B. Martin. Members: Toni Braxton, Margaret Price, Diane Smith, Frances Rogers, Mary Lou Thornell, Karen Kirby, Leslie Moore, Robert Melton, Nancy Deanes, Ernestine Outlaw, Pam Thompson, Linda Compton, Katfiy Tew, Naomi Ballance, Debra Chesson, Teresa Barnes, Bonita Perry, Diane Letchworth, Phyllis Hooten, Phileria Evans, Vicki Franklin, Mary Jablonski, Linda Gosnell, Roxann Post, Lois Fay Cooper, Robin Hendrix, Ann Kelly.


An affiliate of the National Rehabilitation Counseling Association, the purpose of this organization is to aid in information dissemination about recent developments and research in the field of rehabilitation.

Officers: Cindy Maultsby, President; Steve Barber, Vice President: Eldean Pierce, Secretary/Treasurer; Ruth Perry, Social Director; Faculty advisor: Dr. Paul Alston. Members: Ray Hernandez, Lu Mendenhall, Ken Tilt.

140 Education


An honor society in nursing, the Beta Nu Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau has as its purposes: to recognize achievement of scholarship of superior quality, to recognize the development of leadership qualities, to foster high professional standards, to encourage creative work, and to strengthen commitment on the part of individuals to the ideals and purposes of the profession of nursing.

Officers: Bettie Hooks, President; Kathy Williams, Vice President; Virginia Payne, Secretary; Judy Garrison, Treasurer: Nancy Sumner, Historian; Facult advisors: Mrs. Nancy Stephenson and Mrs. Bonnie Waldrop. Members: Barbara Adams, Diane Aldridge, Sandra Alphin, Edith Averette, Carolyn Barnes, Frances Bennet, Claudia Benzon, Audrey Biggers, Ruth Broadhurst, Tresa Burt, Donna Cederburg, Helen Chamblee Donna Dorsey, Sarah Green Flanery, Lana Foushee, Beebe Frazer, Faye Freeze, Ida Gaskill, Lanette Getsinger, Peggy Griggs, Louise Haigwood, Rachel Hall, Bettie Hooks, Valinda Isenhower, Dorothy Jenkins, Estelle Johns, Jackie Jones, Jeanette Jones, Sue Jordan, Frances Krom,

Judy Kuykendall, Elaine Laffiteau, Therese Lawler, Phyllis Martin, Inez Martinez, Dottie McGee, Katherine McKinley, Valerie Miller, Ida Modlin, Ellen Morton. Lenore Morton, Edith Myers, Diana Nelson, Peggy Nelson, Linda Noel, Nancy Odham, Jean Owens, Barbara Oyler, Frances Parker, Virginia Payne, Mallie Penry, Evelyn Perry, Eldean Pierce, Sarrah Pike, Frances Porter, Deborah Price, Karen Price, Cathy Prince, Lona Ratcliffe, Robbie Riddle, Chris Riley, Emily Rivenbark, Linda Schmehl, Susan Shaw, Sylvene Spickerman, Elizabeth Starling, Karen Tillwick, Joyce Turnage, Judy Viereck, Bonnie Waldrop, Sharon Walker, Patsy Wallace, Eva W. Warren, Patricia Wenkman, Alta Whaley, Elizabeth White, Martha Sue Wolfe, Pat Worthington, Jeannie Yount, Patricia Yow, Arista Zangas, Ellen Adams, Rebecca Allen, Linda Best, Sharon Bradley, Carol Britton, Debra Bryant, Chris Clemmer, Debra Cobb, Nency Ennis, Amy Feher, Nancy Isenhour, Peggy James, Wanda King, Susan Lancaster, Janice Leggett, Sandra Lindelof, Eleanor McGinnis, Esther Moss, Sylvia Nethercuff, Audrey Noble, Sue Pennington, Caroline Phillips, Michael Phillips, Mitzi Reece, Elizabeth Reeves, Donna Russ, Judy Sasser, Maxine Sasser, Rosemary Saunders, Deborah Taylor, Mary Thurlow, Jane Turbyfill, Roberta Vick, Jane Williams.



Nursing 141


Below: Officers: Marilyn Bottoms, President; Daphne Jones, Vice President; Gail Riggs, Secretary; Susan Manning, Treasurer; Melissa Brantley, Historian; Rose Wiggins, Parliamentarian; Jane Woodley, N. C. Association State President; Faculty advisors: Ms. Thelma Snuggs and Ms. Rosalie Splitter.

An organization associated with the School of Home Economics, the Student Dietetic Association participated in a Food Show-Exposition in Charlotte, N. C. in March. The purpose of the organization is to provide a framework for meaningful student involvement and to stimulate interest in the professions of dietetics and food service.


Officers: Donna Roberts, President; Linda Tart, Vice President; Lisa Gerretson, Secretary; Connie Dameron, Treasurer; Charles Morrow, Historian; Faculty advisors: Ms. Marilyn Steele and Dr. Lewis Forrest. Members: Lori Baker, Judith Beavers, Renne Beringer, Robin Beyer, Sharon Brown, Cathy Burtt, Cathy Butler, Michael Calvert, Vickie Casey, Jan Cobb, Karen Cooper, Shirley Dickerson, Betty Ewan, Susan French, Jane Griffin, Jane Hollingsworth, Terra Hurley, Cynthia Johnson, Ramona Jones, Holly Lancaster, Ervin Leonard, Carolyn Mansfield, Elizabeth Massey, John McBeath, Maria Melts, Susan Moore, Debra Murray, Patricia Neely, Staris Newsome, Barbara Paul, Sharon Parr, Pamela Plant, Patsy Riggs, Catherine Rubel, Cathy Sanders, Beverly Sanges, Catherine Shaw, Cindy Sherman, Karen Silverman, Norma Smiley, Pamela Solomon, Melanie Stout, Sue Taylor, Wanda Temple, Berry Welch, Polly Wellons, Mary West.

142 Home Economics


Two speakers heard by Phi Upsilon Omicron, an honorary Home Economics organization, were Ms. Sarah Dickson from the Pitt County Health Department who spoke in January on food laws and health regulations; and Evelyn Spangler, who spoke in March concerning clothing. The organization also held a cookout in May. The purpose of the organization is to advance Home Economics and be of service to the profession; to organize a group of persons with similar ideals and professional interests; to aid them in becoming effective leaders; and to establish lasting friendships and foster high professional ethics among the members.

Above: Officers: Debbie Metzger, President; Lyn Stewart, Professional Vice President; Carolyn Mansfield, Membership Vice President, Sheila Carpenter, Recording Secretary; Nancy Higginson, Corresponding Secretary; Jane Woodley, Treasurer; Susan Gross, Chaplain; Gretchen Heid, Historian; Susan Manning, Reporter; Connie Dameron, Librarian; Faculty advisors: Dr. Janis Shea and Geneva Vadav. Members: Joyce Anderson, Susan Blalock, Marilyn Bottoms, Joan Bowie, Sally Bradsher, Nancy Byrd, Sheila Carpenter, Linda Charlier, Myra Cooper, Connie Dameron, Julie Dickinson, Lynne Dodds, Pam Eargle, Debbie Easterling, Barbara Egerton, Caria Edwards, Joanne Erber, Jan

Folsom, Debra Gamlin, Melanie Gibson, Lisa Cerretson, Susan Gross, Denise Hackney, Susan Harris, Gretchen Heid, Nancy Higginson, Ginny Hubard, Daphine Jones, Diane Joyner, Jena Johnston, Joy Klutz, Gail McAllister, Valerie McKinney, Ann McLaughin, Debra Manning, Susan Manning, Carolyn Mansfield, Sharon B. Meiggs, Cindy Miller, Louise O'Shea, Laura Owen, Margaret Ann Parker, Pam Plant, Jeanne Pearson, Lisa Privott, Dae Rountree, Ebbie Rogerson, Beverly Sanges, Sandra Sayer, Peggy Scharbach, Henrietta Sellers, Elaine Shook, Carol Short, Marky Smith, Nan Smith, Amy Dunn Simmons, Effie Sparrow, Carolyn Stewart, Mary Strickland, Callie Sugg, Carole Taylor, Sherry Troutman, Mollie Wilkerson, Donna Wilkins, Rose Winters, Jane Woodley, Carol Vance, Sharon VanHoy.


In May, members of the League completed a special course in "Early Craftsmanship of the South" in Winston-Salem, N. C. During their visit, the group toured the 15 period rooms at the Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts and other buildings in the village of Old Salem. Earlier in May, the League sponsored a campus exhibition of housing and management majors' portfolio work in the Mendenhall Student Center. The objective of the League is to provide for the professional development of ECU's Housing and Management majors and minors; and to share enthusiasm for the field of interior design with other students and with people who have attained recognition in the design profession.

Officers: Sheila Carpenter, President; Jeanne Pearson, Vice President; Lois DeNunzio, Secretary; Betsy Bennet, Treasurer; Willie Faye Bobo, Hostess: Faculty advisor: Mrs. Diana Carroll. Members: Suzie Halstead, Donna Wilkins, Nancy Byrd, Margaret Daniel, Nancy Darden, Julie Dickerson, Laine Englehart, Liz Gurlie, Rose Marie Jackson, Karen McNeiL, Deborah Morand, Libba Narron, Nancy Neil, Ann Owen, Lisa Privott, Dae Rountree, Becky Sheidy, Helen Turner.

Home Economics 143


The ECU chapter of Phi Mu Alpha honor society in music was one of 35 campus chapters in the nation selected to receive the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Triennial Province Merit Award. The award consisted of a minimum scholarship grant of $200 to be given an outstanding student in the School of Music. It was presented at the Phi Mu Alpha regional convention in Atlanta in November.


An honorary music organization, Pi Kappa Lambda sponsored the School of Music Awards Assembly and also held its annual spring banquet. The organization's purpose is to further music in education and education in music through selection and recognition of outstanding students in music.

Officers: Prof. Robert Hause, President: Rosalie Haritun, Vice President; Ellen Reithmaier, Secretary; George Broussard, Treasurer.

144 Music



Below: Officers: Mary Susan Williams, President; Jean Parrett, First Vice President; Barbara Plummer, Second Vice President; Deborah Trull, Recording Secretary; Cathy Conger, Corresponding Secretary; Rhona Katz, Treasurer; Faculty advisor: Miss Ellen Reithmaier. Members: Amy Boyce, Lucy Brown, Carol Cherrix, Linda Clark, Carol Edwards, Deborah Fales, Mary May Fritz, Jane Harper, Barbara Hill, Denise Hodges, Ethel Norris, Gail Ramee, Kay Sloppy, Susan Stockstill, Tricia Sullivan, Debbie Trull, Janet Watson, Susan West, Leah Wiggins, Nancy Atkins, Sally Helton, Janice Whitfield.


Officers: Tom Barker, President; Mike Arny, Vice President; Jane Harper, Secretary/Treasurer; Faculty adviser: Ralph Shumaker. Members: Elizabeth Addleman, Rolanda Allison, Annette Ayers, Lynn Baynard, Stan Benton, Anita Bowman, David Briley, Sherry Broussard, Lee Brown, Tracey Case, Gary Cassedy, Anne Chavasse, Carol Cherrix, Heather Clardy, Linda Clark, Roland Colson, Cathy Conger, Gail Davis, Donny Dial, Robert Dickie, Carol Edwards, Robert Edwards, Deborah Fales, Surrie Farmer, Charles Ferguson, Jack Fetner, James Gilliam, Mary Griffin, Christy Griffin, Billy Grimmet, Mike Haithcock, Karen Harloe, Andrea Harman, Jane Harper, Mary Harris, Dennis Hart, Don Hartlaub, Sally Helton, Keith Henry, Frances Hickman, Lynn Hicks, Barbara Hill, Harry Hipps, Carlton Hirschi, Denise Hodges, Cindy Holton, Denise Jackson, Phillips Johnson,

Alan Jones, Sheila Kurle, Mark Laing, Larry Lambkin, Kent Love, Tim Love, Maria Loudem, Alan McQuiston, Norman Miller, Penny Miller, Steve Natrella, Robert Nelson, Laurie Nicholson, Lee Parks, Jeanne Parrett, Ron Parrish, Curtis Pitsenberger, Yolanda Pitt, Barbara Plummer, Barbara Prince, Gail Ramee, Bill Reinhart, Barry Robinson, David Rockefeller, Gail Rutledge, Lisa Schnurr, Kay Sloppy, Janet Sossamon, Vickie Spargo, Cindy Staley, Lynn Stanley, Charles Stevens, Susan Stockstill, Debra Stokes, Fletcher Stubbs, Marshall Swing, Phil Thompson, Terry Thompson, Deborah Trull, Jerry Walters, Richard Walters, Teresa Watkins, Janet Watson, Bill White, Larry White, Jan Whitman, Leah Wiggins, Jay Williams, Mary Susan Williams, Greg Woolard, Joan Woolard.

Music 145

Gamma Beta Phi Presents Scholarship

An honorary organization, Gamma Beta Phi manned polls for the Student Government Association elections, sponsored a homecoming representative, and presented the William Van Middlesworth Scholarship. The organization's purpose is to recognize academic achievement and to service East Carolina University and the surrounding community.

Officers: James Mackey Lewis, President; Frankie Carter, Vice President; Elaine Berry, Treasurer; Carla Phillips, Secretary: Bonnie Brookwell, Historian.

146 Honor

League of Scholars Sponsor Scholarship Weekend

An organizational meeting in September began the year for the League of Scholars. This was followed in October by a reception in the Home Economics living room in order for the members to become acquainted. In November, Harry Stubbs spoke to the group on the subject of graduate school at ECU. Dr. David C. Lunney of the Chemistry Department talked to the league in December and presented a slide show. In January, the organization heard Dr. George Weigand, director of the counseling center at ECU, who spoke on the services offered by the counseling center. Dr. John Ebbs, The group's faculty advisor, spoke concerning international fellowships and scholarships. That same month the group was honored by a reception at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Leo Jenkins. Mathematics professor Mrs. Tennala A Gross spoke to the group on the subject of the Equal Rights Amendment and the history of the women's movement. In May, the League of Scholars held its annual picnic. Services provided by the League of Scholars included helping General College students pre-register, supplying tutorial services wherever necessary, and contributing money to the Pitt County Department of Social Services to provide Christmas gifts for a foster child. In May the League worked with the Scholarship weekend Committee on Scholarship weekend. The purpose of the organization is to promote an atmosphere conducive to the stimulation of intellect, and to the consciousness and appreciation of learning opportunities offered outside the classroom or major fields.

Officers: Pam Fisher, President: Frank Saubers, Vice President; Susan Young, Secretary; Renee Sims, Treasurer; Jay Rogers, Reporter: Faculty advisors: Dr. John Ebbs and Dr. Thomas Williams. Members: Elizabeth Addelman, Emily Bray, Carol Casey, Susan Cheston, Sheila Craddock, Edith Dixon, Frederick Glisson, Alan Holley, Suzanne Stearn, Mary Stevens, Danna Alligood, Vickie Bass, Laura Ebbs Benjamin, Steve Benjamin, Pamela Boswell, Marilyn Bottoms, Steve Burgess, Karen Campbell, Robert Carraway, Gale Chamblee, Marie Chamblee, Mark Clark, Julia Cleveland, Ruth Copley, Cathy Cowart, Patricia Coyle, Ginger Crews, Elizabeth Crooks, Robin Daasch, Allen Daniel, Suzanne Deese, Bruce E. Field, Pam Fisher, Eric Haas, Andrea Harman, Robert Harrell, Candice Hayes, Deborah Holloman, Kenneth Hubbard, Ann Hudgins, Marcia James, Mike Kegerreis, Jeff Krantz, Beth Lambeth, Robin McKee, Alan McQuiston, Barbara Mathews, Art Mayfield, Deborah Moore, Pam Radford, Lillie A. Rich, Francis Robinson, Jay Rogers, Connie Rose, Frank Saubers, Paul Tyndall, Robert Van Gundy, Marc Walter, Susan Young.

Honor 147

Phi Sigma Pi - Tau Chapter - Outstanding in Nation - 10 Years

ECU'S Tau Chapter of Phi Sigma Pi honor fraternity was awarded the "Outstanding Chapter in the Nation" Award for the tenth consecutive year at the national convention in Washington, D. C. on September 26-27. Tau Chapter's official delegate to the convention was its president, Steve Banjamin. Tom Barwick, a member of Tau's delegation, served as parliamentarian for the convention, upon the invitation of National President Vaughn E. Rhodes. The Tau Chapter participated in several regular service projects, including a Christmas party for local underprivileged children, the Cerebral Palsy Telethon, and fund-raising for the Todd Scholarship program. The organization also conducted a raffle in order to raise money for the Richard C. and Claudia Pennock Todd Scholarship Fund.

Steve Benjamin, President; Faculty Advisor: Dr. Richard C.Todd

148 Honor


Acting as University representatives at Commencement exercises and on Alumni day; and serving as ushers for the Artists Series, Drama productions, and concerts are the duties fulfilled by the University Marshalls.

University Marshalls: Susan McClintock, Chief Marshall; Rita Kathryn Whaley, Assistant Chief; Martha Ellen Brown, Pamela Claire Campbell, Connie Sue Carpenter, Thelma Carol Crodkett, Thelma Lynne Dodds, Gloria Mane Fisher, Debra Ann Hines, Carolyn Gray Hodges, Anne Marie Ingram, Thelma Diane Letchworth, Wanda Lynn Lewallen, Margaret Jo Safty, Lynn Marie Schubert, Amy Dunn Simmons, Marilyn York Willis, Jane McInnis Woodley.

Marshalls 149

Phi Kappa Phi Holds Symposium on World Hunger

One of the activities co-sponsored by the local chapter of Phi Kappa Phi was the symposium on world hunger held January 14-15. On April 15 the honor society initiated 227 new members at Mendenhall Student Center Theatre. The ceremony was followed by a reception at the home of Chancellor Leo Jenkins. Dr. Douglas McMillan, professor of English at ECU, was chosen president-elect of the honor society. He will assume presidency of the chapter in the academic year 1977-78.

Officers: Dr. Ione J. Ryan, President; Dr. Frederick Broadhurst, President-elect; Mr. George Broussard, Secretary; Dr. Young-Dahl Song, Treasurer; Directors: Dr. Warren Bezanson, Dr. Richard Capwell, Dr. Douglas McMillan; Dr. John Ebbs, Public Relations. Members: Linda Anderson, Henry Marshall, Kathleen Brown, William Clark, Fernand Cruz, Charlene Daniels, James Denning, Thelma Dodds, Randy Doub, Frances Doyle, Brenda Ernest, Pamela Fisher, Janet Gaino, Debra Gamlin, Eric Haas, Larry Keech, Susan Lanchaster, Nina Leach, Linda McClain, Adrian Lineberger, Arthur McAbee, Susan McClintock, Gail Ramee, Jo Roberts, Terry Sinclair, Scott Stanas, Mary Stephens, Cheryl Adams, Mary Akers, Emily Andrews,

Kathy Bailey, Deborah Baker, Larry Baker, Sarah Barnhlll, Debra Basden, Linda Bass, Norma Beaman, Walter Bennett, Margaret Berry, Susan Bittner, Susan Blalock, Elizabeth Boyd, Marion Britton, Martha Brown, Jane Buehler, Florence Bunting, Donna Burdett, Christopher Burti, Richard Carlson, Mike Carney, Sheila Carpenter, Jennifer Carr, Robert Carraway, Tony Cafes. Barbara Cole, Dwight Collier, Linda Compton, Catherine Conger, Linda Conner, Judy Cook, Terry Cooksey, Thelma Crockett, Roberta Crosbie, Rebecca Crosier, Henry Crowson, Annette Daley, Mary Daughtridge, Anetta Davenport, Deborah Davis, Terry Davis, Tom Davis, Sheilagh Dixon, Sandra Dobbins, Judy Donders, Jennifer Duzan, Lu Dudley, Beatrice Edwards, Sue Edwards, Mary Evans, Deborah Fales, Suzanne Garber, Martha Giddings, Mary Gidley, Martha Gore, Colene Graham, Kathryn Griesedieck, Barbara Hall, Nancy Hall, Lynn Hanold, Marion Hart, Betty Hatch, Rhonda Hatcher, Diane Hauck, Christopher Hay, Ellen Heath, Gretchen Heid, Jeryal Heimlich, Sally Helton, Judith Hesselberth, Patsy Hinton, Beverly Hogshire, Harriet Holden, Susan Holmes, Phyllis Hooten, Margaret Howell, Priscilla Hudgins, Julie Hulsey, Keith Huskins, Mary Jablonski, Laura Jackson, Ann James, Betty Jones, Michael Jones, Rhona Katz, Jonathan Keathley, Mary Keel, Karel Kiefer, Clarinda Kolody, Janice Lassiter, Mary Lee, Nancy Leggett, Thelma Letchworth, Wayland Linthicum, Neal Lipke, Rise Long, Maria Loudon, Kathy Lowry, Cheryl Malone, Sharon Markle, Anna Marshburn, Alice

Mathern, Margaret McDougall, Robert McFerrin, Nancy McKenzie, Elizabeth McMullan, Debra Metzger, Marcy Meurs, Duana Mikels, Daniel Miles, Anna Modlin, Glenn Moore, Ricky Moore, Jan Morgan, John Morgan, Barbara Morse, Jean Mowrey, Brenda Murray, Connie Nanney, Brenda Naylor, John Newton, Audrey Noble, Janet North, Beverly Osborn, Hal Peck, James Phillips, Barbara Prince, Martha Proctor, Robert Qualheim, Elizabeth Reeves, James Rhodes, Linda Roberson, Jena Robertson, Carl Robin, David Rockefeller, Robert Roman, Sherre Rowe, Maxine Sasser, Patricia Sauls, Loretta Sawyer, Mary Shannon, Mark Simpson, Matt Smartt, Deborah Smith, Jane Smith, Teri Smith, Elizabeth Sparrow, Margaret Stevens, Carolyn Stewart, Debra Stokes, Mary Strider, Nancy Sumner, Blanche Sutherland, Steven Swann, Carole Taylor, Wendy Thomas, Max Thompson, Phil Thompson, Barbara Thurber, Sherry Troutman, Robert Vangundy, Roberta Vick, Elizabeth Wallace, Martha Walters, David Wang, Maria Way, Gail Weaver, Dana Webster, Nellie Westbrook, E. A. M. Wetherington. Patsy Whitby, Linda Sue Whitley, Lee Wilkinson, Kathenne Williams, Mary Susan Williams, Nancy Willis, Lola Wilson, Jane Woodley, Debra Wynn. Graduate Members: Robert Boys, Sherry Broussard, Carol Collins, Robert Fulghum, Pell Fulp, Joseph Gutierrez, Nelson Jennings, Sherry Miller, George Moore, Frank Oddis, Pamela Parrott, Ivan Peacock, Charlotte Pierce, Edward Proffitt, Richard Scroggs, Robert Seligson, Phillip Skeen, Deborah Speas, Robert Twilley.

150 Honor


The purpose of the honorary art fraternity is to recognize outstanding students in art, and to promote functions which exhibit and award student work. It also serves as a synthesizing factor within the art body.

Officers: Barbara McPhail, President; Joan Lester, Vice President; Mary Lou Strider, Secretary; Faculty advisor: Elizabeth Ross

Art 151


Editor: Jaime Austria

ECU Pirates Leave Southern Conference

At the Board of Trustees meeting on April the ECU Board of Trustees approved a resolution which included plans for the school's withdrawal from the Southern Conference in 1977.

With the University of Richmond leaving the conference as of June 1976 ECU followed suit as part of a five-part plan that also called for the expansion of Ficklen Stadium's seating capacity to 35,000.

The five-part plan dealing with ECU athletics also called for a continuation in the improvement and increased funding in women's athletics, the continued growth of the entire athletic program and the research into the possibility of ECU joining a new athletic conference once its affilation with the Southern was ended in 1977.

The plans of withdrawal called for the school to notify the conference of its intention to withdraw as of June 1, 1977 and that was done at the conference meeting held in Greenville in May.

Stadium expansion was included to help upgrade the football program at the university in an attempt to push the ECU program to greater levels. A fundraising drive was setup to raise funds to finance the stadium enlargement, which is scheduled to be completed in time for the 1977 football season.

The principal reason given for East Carolina's withdrawal from the conference centered around the football program. With ECU seeking a big-time football program and the NCAA threatening to reclassify ECU into a second division status if it remained in the conference, the ECU officials believed that withdrawal from the conference was necessary in order to prevent a lowering in classification of the ECU program when it met in the fall of 1976.

It was announced in late June that ECU had been named one of the 97 Division 1 Football Institutions designated by the NCAA. All ACC schools and Only William and Mary of the Southern Conference were classified Division 1. Shortly after the announcement of classification, William and Mary, VMI and Davidson all announced their withdrawl from the conference as of June 1977. Plans were being discussed with various other schools to form a new conference.



154 Football

Pirates Upset Two ACC Teams

Although the Pirates finished with a winning season there was more to the '75 football season than eight wins and three losses. First, there was the building of a sound team from a group of individuals mixed with youth and experience. Next, there was an horrendous start that threatened to send the ECU team to one of its worst seasons in history. Finally, there was the regrouping which brought the ECU team full circle and resulted in the season-ending six game winning streak, which included wins over North Carolina and Virginia.

The season started out on a sour note with losses to N.C. State and Appalachian State. Playing before the largest crowd ever for an ECU-State game, the Pirates were convincingly beaten in the opener 26-3 by the Wolfpack. The 7,500 ECU fans were treated to quite a show in the first half as time and again the ECU defense rose to the occasion. The offense wasn't totally ineffective as it put together drives of 45 and 73 yards. ECU'S only score of the game came on a 26 yard field goal by Pete Conaty with just 29 seconds left in the half.

In the second half, the Pirates managed only 39 yards causing Pat Dye to replace starter Mike Weaver with Jimmy Southerland. Southerland however, could not do better for the East Carolin offense. The defense played well, intercepting State quarterback Dave Buckey' passes three times in the first half.

Football 155

Defense Complements Wishbone Offense

Right: ECU Runningback Willie Hawkins (33) forces his way past the Wolfpack defense.

Below: Quarterback Mike Weaver (9) throws an incomplete pass at the N.C. State game.

Below: Hawkins gained 8 yards in a run against State.

Opposite Page: Left: Hawkins heads down field after a hand-off from Jimmy Southerland (11) in the Homecoming game.

Right: A player from Western Carolina makes a futlie attempt to block a pass by Southerland (11) to Gallaher for 64 yards.

Below: Referees cautiously check the goal line before announcing a Fourth touchdown by ECU in the first minute of the final quarter against Western Carolina Catamounts.

156 Football

After losing to N.C. State, the Pirates were trounced by Appalachian by a 41-25 score. The only thing which saved the Pirates from complete embarassment were three second half scoring strikes from Pete Conaty. Conaty hit Terry Gallaher on two of the passes, 59 and 77 yard scores and added a pass by Clay Burnett for the final ECU score. Before Conaty's performance rallied the team, ECU had fallen behind 41-7. Gallaher's set two school records in the game scoring three touchdowns and gaining 218 yards on three receptions. The other touchdown by Gallaher came on an 82 yard pass from starter Mike Weaver.

Little else could be said for the Pirates, though, as Appalachian ran up 546 yards total offense against the Pirate defense, 394 of them on the ground. All ECU coach Dye could do after the game was praise the Appalachian offense: "... no doubt tonight they were a far superior team," said Dye. "I never would have thought their offense would be that good. I think it was a combination of them playing super and us playing poorly."

Dye did not have to make excuses for the next two games, though, as ECU beat William and Mary 20-0 and Southern Illinois 41-7 to even the season record at 2-2.

Against William and Mary, Dye said that "the defense came of age and played more aggresively" and against Southern Illinois Dye noted that the Pirate offense "was still making too many mistakes, but was becoming more effective."

Football 157

The next week, the ECU football season took a turn for the worse as a fourth quarter Richmond score pushed the Spiders, eventually the conference champions, past ECU to a 17-14 win. This loss not only put a damper on the Pirates hope for a conference title but also ended an 18 game home winning streak which had dated back to 1971. What was worse was that ECU blew a 14-0 first half lead and allowed the Spiders to win. The winning Richmond score came with 9:57 left in the game, but ECU failed to came back.

After the game, Dye stated that "We're in a situation now where the season can turn two ways. The players can buckle down and try and improve or we can just keep on going in the direction we are and let ourselves fall apart. Right now, I would say that this team has no character. We haven't played like we can or beat anyone we shouldn't have.

"The coaching staff and myself can only do so much. If our players aren't hungry to win or to excel then we can't help. The winning attitude has got to come from the players."

Whether or not Coach Dye's comments motivated the team, the Pirates turned around and played the remainder of the games the way everyone thought they could play. This resulted in six consecutive wins and a final 8-3 record.

The first of the six wins was probably the hardest fought game of the season for East Carolina. The Pirates travelled to Charleston, S.C. to take on the Citadel Bulldogs, who at the time had the ninth best defense in the nation.

158 Football

Dye called the victory "the hardest hitting defensive game that I've ever been involved in since coming to ECU." and praised the team by saying "tonight the players showed real class because they played a Citadel team which can really play defense. I have been talking all year about the unlimited ability this team has, and tonight we saw some of it."

The next weekend. October 19, ECU celebrated Homecoming with a 42-14 rout of Western Carolina University. The Pirates intercepted seven Catamount passes and blocked a punt. Jim Bolding led the defense with three interceptions as Gallaher grabbed two touchdown passes of 64 yards each by Weaver and Southerland. Weaver, returning to his first string role led ECU to four scores.

The pirates then upset the North Carolina Tar Heels (see page 160) for the third straight win. After the Carolina game, Dye said "everything that has happened since the Richmond game has to be credited to the players..what happened in Chapel Hill as a great win for East Carolina and was made possible by many people,"

The football team won three more games to round out the season, but the really big win of those three was the 61-10 win over Virginia, which was coached by former ECU coach Sonny Randle. In the Virginia game, ECU set records for total offense 690 yards and rusing offendse 633 yards. Bolding intercepted two more passes working towards becoming the number one pass interceptor in the nation. In all ECU set eight records in the game, including four team records and four conference records. The longest scoring play of the day for the Pirates was Eddie Hicks' 87 yard touchdown run in the fourth period.

By the end of the season, ECU could have very easily had the "best team in the state," despite the early season losses to State and Appalachian. In the Southern Conference, the Pirates finished second to Richmond with a 5-2 record.

Although no bowl bid was forthcoming for the Pirates, as many had anticipated, there were some honors for the Pirates as Jim Bolding was named the AP All-American Second Team. Bolding finished as the nation's leader in pass interceptions. -John Evans

Football 159

Pirates Ram Carolina 38-17 in Blue Heaven

It took the Pirates' four long years to beat the boys in Baby Blue, but it could not have happened at a more appropriate time.

With Stasavich's death the day betore hanging in the minds of everyone, both on and off the team, the Pirates went onto the Kenan Stadium turf and ran over the "boys from up the road."

Dale Carnegie would have been proud of the positive attitude displayed by the Pirates in beating the Tar Heels, but not as proud as the over 5,000 ECU fans that followed the team to Chapel Hill for the game.

The master of the win was quarterback Mike Weaver. Weaver said after the game, "You've got to give a lot of credit for this win to the man who passed away yesterday. He had so much to do with us being able to reach this point. It's just a shame that he wasn't here to see it."

ECU led 21-7 after the first period, as Eddie Hicks scored a 53 yard run for the Pirates. The ECU offense raced to three scores in three minutes.

Carolina fought back to a 21-17 deficit, but the Pirates ran away with the game in the second half as Willie Hawkins, Kenny Strayhorn, Clay Burnett and Strayhorn again added to Hicks' touchdown run with scores of their own.

The defense star of the game was Jimmy Bolding. Bolding intercepted two passes and recovered a fumble to lead the ECU defense.

It was a team effort, one which everyone could take pride in. The ECU fans loved it, too. In the words of one fan, "We won more than a football game today. We also won respect, power and prestige from the people at Carolina. We finally made up for all these years of hearing nothing but Carolina." - John Evans

Below: Mike Weaver throws a bomb for a completion

Below Right: Eddie Hicks begins a 53 yard run.

Below Left: Hicks completes his run with a touchdown.

In Memory of a Great Man"

On October 24, 1975 Clarence Stasavich died of a heart attack. His death came less than 24 hours before what has been called the greatest football victory in the history of East Carolina, the 38-17 over the University of North Carolina.

Stasavich had been Athletic Director at East Carolina since 1963, during which he had built the school's athletic program up to Division One caliber.

He was also known as a great football coach. At East Carolina, "Stas" compiled a record of 50-27-1 in eight years. In those eight years there were also three post-season bowl appearances.

Clifton Moore, the faculty chairman of Athletics at ECU said of Stasavich's death: "We did not always agree, but whatever his feelings were you knew they were from the heart. The likes of 'Stas' do not come our way often ..."

Perhaps the greatest tribute to Stasavich could have been that victory over Carolina the next day, for it had been Stasavich who had worked so hard and diligently to get the Tar Heel's on ECU'S schedule.

All those who knew the man, know that Clarence Stasavich would have loved it. -John Evans

Two Players Make All-Conference Teams

162 Soccer

Suffering through the season with injuries and inconsistent performances from its players, the soccer team finished with a disappointing 3-6-3 record.

"Even though out records do not show it, our kids played well." said Coach Curtis Frye.

The season began with high hopes for the Pirates, but early season ties with N.C. State and Campbell College took much of the wind out of the pirates sail.

While ECU had defeated all three ACC teams on it's schedule the year before, the team could manage only to tie with state this season. They lost to both Duke and North Carolina by 2-1 margins.

In the conference, ECU could only beat Richmond. The pirates beat the Spiders, 4-0, as Tom Tozer scored three goals. The other wins were over Pembroke, by 9-0 and 6-0 scores.

Two players were named to the All-Conference teams, Pete Angus to first team and Tom Long to second. -John Evans

Soccer 163

164 Soccer

"Even though our records do not show it, our kids have really been playing well."

Opposite Page: Left: ECU played Duke. Right: Tommy Long kicked to Tome Tozer in an effort to score against Duke. Below: Players and Spectators watched an interesting game between the Pirates and the Blue Devils. Left: Coach Frye watches the action from the sidelines. Below: (Sitting) Jeff Karpovich, John Gwynn, Keigh Wilson, Lloyd McClelland, Tom Tozer, Danny O'Shea, Harry Hartofelis, Rick Johnson, Jeff Kluger, John Keener. (Kneeling Wayne Varrow, Tommy Long, Jim O'Boyle, Curtis Winborne, Tony Isichei, Jay High, David Wasiolek, Charlie Hardy, Bob Poser, Steve Edding, and Jim Hines; (Standing) Coach Frye, Alfred Micrimmon, Pete Angus, Dawn Williamson, Laurie Wolcott.

Soccer 165

Rugged Defense Gives Clubbers a Winning Season

Featuring a rugged defense the club football team completed its season with a 6-4 record. The impotent offense, however, resulted in low scoring games.

Coached by Ernie Wruck, the pirate clubbers played against Ft. Bragg, Duke, Rock Hill, American University, St. Paul and Piedmont College.

The first win of the season came as a result of "outrageous play" according to Wruck against Duke. At the end of the 16-0 match, Wruck said the team "finally put everything together."

The essential purpose of the team was not so much whether they won or lost, but the fact that they got to play. The true fellowship of athletics for "the fun of it" was displayed by the club football team.

Standouts for the clubbers were Terry Ramps, John McMillian, Yank Pew and Bruce Hall.

166 Club Football

Cross Country Has 0-8 Season

Above Left: ECU's top distance runner Jimmy Dill.

Left: Coach Carson, Charles Avery, Bill White, Jim Willett, Al Kalamaja, Jim Dill, Jim Green, Doug McKeel.

Cross Country 167

168 Basketball

This Was Just One of Those Years"

In 1974-75 the Pirates basketball team set the Southern Conference on its ear by rolling up an impressive 19-9 record and playing in the National Commissioner's Tournament in Louisville, Ky. Prior to the opening of the 1975-76 season, the ECU roundballers had been picked as co-favorites to win the conference title.

It did not turn out that way, though. The ECU team suffered a horrendous start, losing its first four games by an average of 27 points, and seemingly the ECU team never recovered.

"This was one of those years, said ECU coach Dave Patton following the season "It was like we could never put two games together back to back, or for that matter, two halves together back-to-back." The Pirates suffered all year. First from a lack of leadership and then apparently from just plain hard luck and bad bounces.

The Pirates travelled to College Park to open their season against the University of Maryland, which at the time was the third-ranked team in the nation in the preseason polls. Also the first game for the Terrapins, ECU was mauled by the Terps by a 127-84 score. The Terps point total was a school record for them.

The next game was not much better when the Pirates were soundly defeated by a tough North Carolina State Wolfpack team, 117-81, as State ail-American Kenny Carr drilled in 34 points to lead the rout.

Next the Pirates travelled to VMI's Fieldhouse and, again, they were soundly defeated by the opposition. This time the score was 73-56.

A loss to Duke University followed and after its first two weeks of play ECU found itself standing with an 0-4 record, not having been in any of the games past their first half.

Over the next six games, though the season began to look up as the Pirates won five of six games to pull their record even for the only time during the season.

Basketball 169

East Carolina returned home to beat UNC-Wilmmgton and Davidson, then travelled to the Citadel to take a close conference win over the Bulldogs, 68-67.

With a 3-5 record, ECU played in the Tangerine Bowl Classics in Orlando, Florida and were downed in the first round by Rollins College, 96-73, before rebounding to beat Marshall 70-67 for the third place spot in the tournament.

Returning home, ECU took another win over the Citadel Bulldogs, this time by an 81-76 score, to pull the season record even at 5-5.

ECU shortly stayed at the .500 level as it lost to Old Dominion, 95-70, but defeated defending conference champion Furman by a 72-68 count.

In the regionally televised Furman game, ECU was led by freshman whiz Louis Crosby. Crosby came off the bench to score 22 points and earn himself a permanent starting berth in the Pirate lineup. Senior Earl Garner also scored 21 points.

But the Furman contest was probably the highlight of the East Carolina season, as the Pirate basketballers dropped five of their next six games to fall to 7-11 on the season.

There were three straight conference losses, to Richmond, Appalachian State and William and Mary, in which the Pirates played poorly in losing.

A brief respite hit the ECU season when the Pirates, buoyed by an emotional uplift resulting from media criticism, put the axe to the Richmond Spiders with an 85- 75 romp in Minges Coliseum. The Pirate win was led by Earl Garner, who scored 28 points, and Larry Hunt, who grabbed 18 rebounds.

For the moment at least it seemed that maybe ECU, now 7-9 might turn the corner.

The next two games, though, saw the Pirates return once again to the unemotional brand of basketball the team had been playing most of the season, as the Pirates lost to the eventual conference champion VMI Keydets and St. Peter's University of New Jersey, both by 14 point margins.

With a 5-5 conference mark, ECU was now fighting for a home playoff spot and no longer for the first-place spot they had been predicted to fight for prior to the season.

During the next four games on their schedule, the ECU team played possibly its best four gamestretch of the year, but in keeping with the tone of the season, the Pirates could only win two of those four games.

The Pirates began with a win over Davidson on the road. The Davidson game found Garner turning in the best single-game individual performance of the year for a Pirate player, as he scored 31 points on 13 field goals and five free throws.

In addition to Garner, Wade Henekel played his best game up to that time, scoring 22 points. Over the final third of the season, Garner and Henkel were probably the most proficient of the irate players.

Against William and Mary, the Pirates lost a heartbreaker when the Indians sank a last-second shot for a 56-54 win over the ECU team.

After the game, ECU coach Patton summed up the defeat, and possibly the story of the entire ECU season.

"You have to play 40 minutes of basketball to win and we didn't. That has been the story all year long. One game we're up and the next game we're down. If I could figure it out we would fix it, but I can't."

In the game ECU had led by nine with only 14 minutes to play, but William and Mary came back to tie the score with five minutes to play before both teams went into the showdown. William and Mary got the last shot, though, and won the game.

Ten days later, the Pirates rebounded from the William and Mary lost with an avenging 84-66 rout over Appalachian State in Minges. The loss evened the score with AUS for a 50-48 loss in Boone earlier in the year. The Pirates played 40 minutes of good basketball for a chance and the playoff was a chance at a first-division finish in the standings and a home playoff berth.

170 Basketball

The Pirates' joy was shortlived though, as two days later the Furman Paladins avenged their early season loss to ECU with a 83-76 win over the Pirates.

Against Furman, the Pirates played well, but the Paladins' shot 64 percent in the second half to overcome an eight-point ECU lead and down the Pirates. The Paladins were led by all-conference selections Jim Strickland and Ray Miller.

For all intent and purposes the Pirates season ended after the Furman game, ECU won two of its final three games during the regular season, but none of them in outstanding fashion, to finish the season at 11-14.

ECU also earned a home playoff berth' by tying for third place in the conference with a 7-7 record, but it came against Appalachian State. ECU lost to Appalachian by a 79-72 score. The story' of the game proved to be at the foul line, where ASU outscored ECU by 17-0. ECU never took a shot from the foul line - a factor that left East Carolina coach Dave Patton disgusted after the game.

Nevertheless, it was not in the cards for the East Carolina Pirate Basketball team to play well in 1976. The loss of four seniors the year before took much of the leadership away from the team and erratic playing of the young ECU team outweighed the leadership offered by Garner over the final half of the season. -John Evans

Basketball 171

Wrestlers Win Fifth Straight Southern Conference Title

172 Wrestling

The only disappointment for the East Carolina Wrestling team at the end of the season was the low finish in the NCAA competition in Tucson, Arizona, despite sending six wrestlers to the competition.

As for the rest of the season it was the best season in years for Coach John Welborn and the ECU wrestling program. The highlights of the season was the fifth straight conference title as the Pirates took five firsts and five seconds to win the tournament.

ECU'S champions were Paul Osman, at 126 pounds, Tom Marriott at 142 pounds, Phil Muelller at 167 pounds, Ron Whitcomb at 177 pounds and Mike Radford at 190 pounds.

The second place finishers were Wendell Hardy at 118, Tim Gaghan at 134, Paul Thorp at 150, Paul Prewett at 158, and D.T. Joyner in the heavyweight division.

As a result of the great season Welborn was named Southern Conference Wrestling Coach of the year for the fifth straight time. East Carolina was disappointed in the NCAA playoffs though as only Radford could advance as far as the quarterfinals.

During the regular season, ECU ran to a 10-2 record losing only to nationally-ranked LeHigh and Oregon State. The Pirates' ten wins included wins over North Carolina, N.C. State, and Conference foes Richmond, Citadel, Appalachian State and William and Mary. The wrestlers also performed well in several tournaments including the Wilkes Open and the North Carolina Invitational. In the latter Phil Mueller was voted the Most Outstanding Wrestler.

In winning the N.C. Invitational, Mueller pinned all four of his opponents in route to the title at the 167 pound level.

Wrestling 173

The four seniors on the team made major contributions to the team's overall success.

The leading performer of the four was Ron Whitcomb. Whitcomb at 177 pounds was 29-2 overall for the Pirates and 11-0 in dual meet competition. He also won four tournament titles: the Southern, the N.C. Invitational, the Neptune and the Monarch Open.

Mike Radford was the second leading wrestler of the seniors. Radford at 190 was 27-4 for the season and won tournament titles in the same four events as Whitcomb.

Tom Marriott compiled a 19-5 record at the 142 pound level and won his fourth straight conference title at that level. Marriott also won the Monarch Open and finished second in the Neptune and N.C. Invitational tournaments.

The final senior of top caliber on this year's squad was Paul Ketcham. Ketcham finished the year with an impressive 17-6 record but did not qualify the Southern Conference tournament.

From the rest of the team, junior Phil Mueller and sophomores Paul Thorp and Paul Osman were the top competitors. Mueller finished with a 25-3 overall record and a record of 11-0 in dual meets. Thorp was 25-8-1 on the year and Osman was 23-9. Osman was also voted the Outstanding Wrestler in the Neptune Open early in the year.

Three freshmen, D.T. Joyner, Wendall Hardy and James Kirby had winning records for the Pirates. Joyner showed improvement and was 9-7 on the year. Hardy finished 12-9 on the year and Kirby was 9-6.

Radford won his third straight Southern Conference title in his senior campaing as Whitcomb and Thorp each won their second title.

On the team's disappointing performance in the NCAA, Welborn commented, "It just goes to show you how tough the competition is in the NCAA. Eight wrestlers that defeated guys on our team placed in the tournament, so I really can't be too disappointed with them." -John Evans

174 Wrestling

Seniors Win Nine Tournament Titles

Opposite Page: Above: Two wrestlers prepare to begin a match.

Middle: ECU's Ron Whitcomb holds his opponent from Old Dominion before pinning him.

Below: A referee check to see if the Old Dominion wrestler has been pinned by Whitcomb.

Above Left: ECU'S Paul Osman grappels with his opponent.

Above Right: Tom Merriott is caught from behind by a wrestler from Old Dominion.


Southern Conference Champs for

The East Carolina swim team swam to its eleventh straight Southern Conference championship and finished second in the Eastern Regionals to highlight its 1975-76 season.

The Pirates, who were 9-2 in dual meets during the year, also swept meets from Maryland and Duke to round out a very fine year.

In the conference tournament Ross Bohlken was named the Outstanding Swimmer as he won two events on his own and swam on two relay teams. Scharf, however, was unreasonably shunned by the conference for Coach of the Year honors.

ECU sent four swimmers to the NCAA finals in Princeton, N.J. but none of them performed well enough to place very high. John McCauley competed in the 50 and 100 yard freestyle events and three other members of the team, Bohlken, Billy Thorne and John Tudor, in the 800 freestyle relay.

At the Eastern Invitational in University Park, Pa. the Pirate swimmers placed behind only Pittsburgh among some of the finest swimming teams in the East. During the three-day meet, the Pirates broke eight varsity records and four frosh records and qualified its four swimmers for the NCAA Nationals.

McCauley won the 50 freestyle and 100 freestyles and swam on the winning 800 yard freestyle team.

During the season, McCauley, along with Steve Ruedlinger, Tudor, Stewart Mann, Bohlken and Doug Brindley led the ECU swimmers to what may have been its most successful season in years from an achievement basis.

In the conference meet, ECU won 13 of 16 events to sweep past the field and continue its comination. At the conference meet, only ECU'S poor diving showed through as a weakness. John Evans

176 Swimming

Eleventh Consecutive Year

Above: Thomas Palgren. a native of Finland, was recipient of the Michael L. & Victoria S. Bunting Scholarship in swimming. Seven time national champion in his native country he set four varsity records at ECU.

Above: Samuel Sox prepares to dive in the Diving pool.

Right: The swimming coaching staff Ray Scharf - head coach: Jack Morrow - diving coach; and Mike Bretting, Don House and Paul Schiffel - assistant coaches.

All photos and Information courtesy of ECU Sports Information.

Swimming 177

178 Rugby

Rugby - ECU'S New Sport on Campus

After being turned away by the Intramural and athletics department, the East Carolina Rugby Club become sponsored by the SGA. Under the leadership of Kieran Shanahan, the club began to take shape as over fifty persons showed interest in the new sport. Of these fifty participants, only two had ever played the sport before. After weeks of training and conditioning the Club leveled off to about thirty members.

Opponents consisted of such established Clubs as North Carolina State, Hampden-Sydney, and Camp Lejune. Leading the scrum in every match was Mark Burroughs. The club accomplished an impressive 6-4 record and became accepted as members of the North Carolina Rugby Union.

At all times, the players considered themselves not as a team, but as a family. Rugby became an organized, established, and respected club at East Carolina.

Opposite Page: Above: Shanahan. takes ball from scrum to wing to start play.

Center Left: McGovern runs openfield to make a pop-kick.

Center Right: Brownlow makes an openfield tackle.

Below: Shanahan goes for a fly.

Above: ECU players maul on a loose ball

Team members were: Steve Walters, Billy Perkins, Joey Shanahan, Chris Herman, Eric Johnston, Billy McLanahan, Joe Tanahey, Mark Burroughs, Jeff Kincaid, Scott Vanderlinden, Charlie Brownlow, Doug Reed, Wiley Betts, Frosty Sheppherd, Bob Davis, Stan Spence, Charlie McGovern, Jim Bowman, Pat McKinney, Rick Barrett.

Rugby 179

Pirates Finish 22-7 Season Best in E.C.U. History

1976 was a strange year in many ways for the ECU baseball team. Although the team finished the season with its best record since 1967, the Pirates finished a dismal fourth in the conference.

ECU had an overall record of 22-7 for the season, but when it came to winning Southern Conference games the Pirates had trouble. ECU won only seven of its 13 conference games and finished behind Furman, Richmond and the Citadel in the standings.

And to top it off, the Pirates got a new coach at the end of the year. George Williams, who had coached ECU to its last Southern Conference baseball crown in 1974, stepped down at the end of the season after a three-year stretch as head coach and seven years as an assistant coach. Williams said his reasons for retiring was to spend more time with his family. The 37-year old compiled a 56-34 record during his three-year stint at the helm of the Pirate ship.

Williams was replaced by Monte Little, who had served as an assistant coach under Williams for three years, as well as soccer coach during the 1972 and 1973 seasons. Little, Like Williams was a veteran of the professional ranks and the fact that he came from within the university kept a feeling of familiarness in the baseball camp.

Perhaps the biggest accomplishment for the baseball team during the 1976 season was its 7-0 record against teams from the Atlantic Coast Conference. In compiling its perfect seven-game streak against the ACC, ECU beat North Carolina State twice, Duke twice, Maryland twice and North Carolina once.

180 Baseball

Baseball 181

America's Favorite Pastime in Action

The North Carolina game was probably the most exciting of the games for ECU as the Pirates beat the Tar Heels at home by scoring two runs in a ninth-inning rally after two men had gone out.

Within the conference there were few bright spots, but eight ECU players received conference honors of one kind or another. Steve Bryant, second base, and Joe Roenker, leftfielder, were named to the SC First team and Bob Feeney, a pitcher, and Sonny Wooten, a first baseman, were honored on the second team. Four Pirates; third baseman Geoff Beaston, catcher Howard McCullough, pitcher Dean Reavis, and shortstop Rick Koryda, were all named to the Honorable Mention team.

Koryda finished as the Pirates' leading hitter with a .414 average and Roenker blasted five home runs and batted in 31 runs to lead the team in slugging. On the mound, Pete Conaty was 5-0 with a 1.21 ERA, but Terry Durham (6-1) and Dean Reavis (4-2) were the real Pirate workhorses on the conference's best pitching staff. Feeney. somewhat of a surprise pick to the AII-SC second team, lost his first game ever at ECU during the season but finished witha 3-4 record and a 2.57 ERA.

Beaston set four career records on a late season hitting tear that saw him finish the year with a .376 average.

Despite the poor SC season then, ECU still had a good year to talk about in 1976. -John Evans

182 Baseball

Baseball 183

Southern Conference Champions

First Time in Ten Years

184 Track

Many years of frustration ended for the ECU Outdoor track team in 1976 as it returned from the Southern Conference meet as champions for the first time in ten years.

Having finished second to William and Mary for eight years, the Pirates finally turned the trick with their balanced performances in the running and jumping events.

In the 100, 220 and 440 runs, the Pirates placed three or more runners in the top six to roll up valuable points and ECU did the same in the long jump, triple jump, shot put, discus, javelin and hurdles.

For coach Bill Carson it ended a year of frustration that saw the team suffer many injuries which hampered its performance prior to the conference meet.

Qualifying for the NCAA's for ECU were Carter Suggs, Calvin Alston, Marvin Rankins and the 440 relay team of Al Washington, Suggs, Maurice Huntley and Alston.

Starring in the SC championships for ECU were Tom Watson, who won 21 points in four events for the Pirates; Suggs, who won the 100 yard dash and ran on winning 440 relay team; Rankins, who won the 120 high hurdles; Alston, who won the 220 and ran on the 440 relay team; George Jackson, who won the long jump; Charlie Moss, who won the 440 and ran on the winning mile relay team; and many others.

Carson was voted Coach of the Year in leading the Pirates to the title and although no ECU performer won the MVP, 22 of 27 members of the team that went to the championships qualified for points toward the title.

ECU also competed in the Pitt Invitational and the Furman Invitational during the spring season and sent 10 performers to the North Carolina-Virginia Meet of Champions in Williamsburg, VA.

Track 185


Debbie Freeman


A pacesetter for her fellow athletes Debbie Freeman tied for honors as ECU'S Athlete of the year.

The 5'8", 155 pound sophomore was an all round athlete who combined speed, strength and agility to compete and win in several different sports. She played basketball, volleyball and track for the Women's program and made the NCAIAW and the Greensboro Daily News' All-State teams in Basketball.

In her most outstanding sport - basketball - Freeman led the state's Division One scoreres by averaging over 24 points a game during the season and was third in the state in rebounding with a 13-rebound a game tally.

During the year she set single and season records for scoring average, rebounding average, rebounds and field goals, field goal attempts and rebounds.

She fell only two points short of the women's single game scoring record with a 34 point performance. During a three game stretch, Miss Freeman scored 100 points.

In track, Ms. Freeman competed in the discus, javelin, shot put and 440 relay to help form a foundation for the team in its first year.

She was a leader in a different way for the ECU women, too. She was one of the seven women to be awarded the first athletic grants for women at ECU and her competitive spirit is a trademark of the women's program.

Catherine Bolton who coached Debbie in basketball and volleyball said of Debbie that "she is one of the finest natural athletes I have ever seen." She is definitely what one would call a year-round athlete."

Laurie Affiants the track coach commented, "Debbie does what she does mostly on desire and strength."

Ms. Freeman was honored earlier in the year by the Greenville Sports Club as Female Athlete of the year.

186 Athlete of the Year

of the Year

Jim Bolding

A second-team All American defensive back, Jim Bolding led the nation in interceptions and set nearly every one of the school's records in that category.

A junior from High Point. Bolding tied with Debbie Freeman as Athlete of the Year. Bolding broke nearly every ECU career and single-season interception records in 1975 and his 10 interceptions in 10 games made him the leader in the nation. It also made his career total 19, ten shy of the NCAA career record.

He tied a school and conference record with three interceptions against Western Carolina and he already holds career records for punt returns, punt return yardage, interceptions, most interceptions in a season, interception yardage, and career interception yardage.

All this and Jim Bolding still has another year remaining in his college career. In his three years at ECU, he has started in every game but two and has been named to the All-Confernece and All-State the past two years.

Football coach Pat Dye said of Bolding that "he has an uncanny ability to read pass routes and break on the ball. His recognition and positioning as a defensive back is truly outstanding. He does so much on the field that it can't be reflected in statistics. There is no doubt in my mind that Jimmy Bolding was an All-American last year as selected.

Bolding, like Freeman was honored by the Greenville Sports Club as Athlete of the Year at ECU.

Athlete of the Year 187

Karate Club

Above: Danny Artis takes a leaping front kick.

Right: John Legget (green belt) and Quincy Gardner (brown belt) practice sparring.

Center: George Frankee (green tips) attacks John Legget with a flying side kick.

Opposite Page: Sylvia Daniel and Brenda Brown placed first in the southeastern tournament in Tampa, Florida. Daniels won first place in fighting and second in form, and Brown won first in form.

Below: ECU Karate Club: George Frankee, Chris Doubet, Doug Groome, Danny Artis, Ed Dupree, Angelo Suggs, Johms Gunderson, John Leggett, Sylvania Daniel, Diane, Jeff Sutton, Dayvid Hays, Brenda Brown, Bill McDonald - Instructor, Walter LaRogue, Mary, Polly Fussell, Quincy Gardner, and Linda June - instructor.

188 Karate

Members Win First Place in Tournament

Karate 189

William (Bill) Cain became the ECU Athletic Director on November 1, 1975 after the sudden death of Clarence Stasavich the week before.

Chancellor Jenkins made the announcement following the unanimous recommendation made to him by a special committee set up to look into naming a successor for Stasavich.

In making the decision, the university selected an ECU graduate instead of going outside the immediate university administration. In announcing Cain's selection, Jenkins spelled out how the selection was made.

"After the tragic death of Clarence Stasavich, it became our responsibility to find a successor. We appointed a committee to recommend what procedure we should folow, whether to search within the program or to go outside and search the country for a new man."

The committee decided to stay within the system, leaving the way open for Cain as the new Athletic Director.

Chancellor Jenkins supported the committee's recommendation of Cain by saying, "The committee unanimously voted to promote from within and I think they have made an excellent choice in Bill Cain."

Cain is not only a graduate of the university, but he is a man who has been connected with the ECU Athletic Department since 1968. He has been the Assistant Athletic Director since 1972.

Cain referred to Stasavich when speaking about his new role as Athletic Director.

"Coach Stas laid the foundations for us to build on. Now I will carry on this tradition and continue to build. I will do all I possibly can to build for our students, alumni and the university in general." -John Evans

Above: New Athletic Director Bill Cain reported to the ECU Board of Trustees at their winter meeting.

Right: Mrs. Earline Leggett serves as business manager of the Athletic Department.

190 Athletic Department

Athletic Department Is Headed by New Director

John Welborn, head wrestling coach at East Carolina for the past nine years, has been named Assistant Atheltic Director by Bill Cain.

"With his success in athletics, he will be a great asset to our program in this new capacity. He is well known in athletic circles and has made a name for himself," Cain commented.

Welborn coached the wrestling team to the fifth straight Southern Conference championship and sent six wrestlers to the nationals. He was also named Coach of the Year.

His duties, primarily concerned with the non-revenue sports programs, will not prevent him from continuing as head coach of the ECU Wrestling program.

Athletic Department 191


Season record: 8-3

Conference record: 5-2

Conference standing: Second

Coach: Pat Dye

Opponent ECU

N.C. State 26-3

Appalachian State 41-25

William & Mary 0-20

Southern Illinois 7-41

Richmond* 17-14

Citadel 0-3

Western Carolina 14-42

UNC-Chapel Hill 17-38

Furman 10-21

Virginia 10-61

VMI 12-28

*ended 18 home-game winning streak


Season record: 3-6-3

Coach: Curtis Frye

Opponent ECU

UNC Wilmington 4-1

Pembroke 0-9

N.C. State 3-3

Richmond 0-4

Pembroke 0-6

William and Mary 3-1


Season record: 0-8

Conference standing: Seventh

Coach: Bill Carson

Opponent ECU

VMI 27-29

Richmond 16-43

Appalachian 19-39

Davidson 26-29

William & Mary 15-50

N.C. State 15-50

VPI 18-45


Season record: 11-15

Conference record: 7-8

Conference standing: Third

Coach: Dave Patten

Opponent ECU

Maryland 127-84

N.C. State 117-81

VMI 73-56

Duke 93-74

Davidson 82-85

UNC-Wilmington 52-64

Citadel 67-68

Rollins* 96-73

Marshall 67-70

Citadel 76-81

Old Dominion 95-70

Furman 68-72

Richmond 71-88

Appalachian State 50-48

William & Mary 65-58

Richmond 75-85

VMI 74-60

St. Peters 83-67

Davidson 82-88

William & Mary 56-54

Appalachian State 66-84

Furman 83-76

Mercer 86-68

Georgia Southern 85-91

Western Carolina 62-75

*Tangerine Bowl Classic

Southern Conference Tournament

Appalachian State 79-72


Season Record: 9-2

Conference Standing: First

(1st in SC for 11th year)

Coach Ray Scharf

Opponent ECU

Appalachian 36-77

University of Main 49-64

UNC-Chapel Hill 82-32

Richmond 39-74

Furman 49-64

Maryland 36-77

John Hopkins 47-66

N.C. State 70-43

Virginia Commonwealth 43-68

Duke 43-70

Eastern Invitational - Second place

192 Scoreboard


Season record: 11-2

Conference Standing: First

(1st in SC for 5th year)

Coach: John Welborn

Opponent ECU

West Chester 3-41

William & Mary 3-36

Richmond 2-40

Oregon State 30-15

Lehigh 26-13

Campbell 0-47

Appalachian State 3-42

Indiana State 16-30

Citadel 4-42

UNC-Chapel Hill 13-24

N.C. State 18-22

Old Domionion 0-50


Season Record: 22-7

Conference standing: Fourth

Coach: George Williams

Opponent ECU

Maryland 0-3

Maryland 2-3

Furman 4-3

Furman 12-6

Western Carolina 1-5

N.C. State 6-1

N.C. State 3-1

Davidson 0-3

Davidson 3-2

Duke 1-4

UNC-Chapel Hill 2-3

Campbell 3-5

Atlantic Christian 1-5

Atlantic Christian 1-4

Appalachian 2-3

Appalachian 1-11

Pembroke 2-4

William & Mary 10-9

UNC-Wilmington 7-2

Citadel 7-8

Richmond 7-6

William & Mary 1-6

Pembroke 5-1

VMI 0-11

VMI 1-11

Richmond 3-2

Atlantic Christian 4-6

UNC-Wilmington 2-11


Season Record: 7-11

Conference record 2-4

Opponent ECU

Salisbury State 7-2

William & Mary 4-5

Atlantic Christian 6-3

Richmond 7-2

Bloomsburg State 9-0

UNC-Wilmington 2-7

VPI 7-2

Pembroke 0-9

N.C. State 8-1

Pembroke 0-6

Appalachian 8-1

Old Dominion 9-0

Furman 9-0

VMI 0-9

Davidson 9-0

Campbell 1-8

UNC-Wilmington 0-9

Atlantic Christian 8-1

Southern Coast Tournament: Seventh Place


Pinehurst Collegiate Invitational--Tenth as a team

Camp Lejune Collegiate Invitational--Third as a team

Furman Intercollegiate Invitational--17th as a team

Southern Conference Tournament--Second as a team


Southern Conference Champions ECU Invitational--First place

Furman Invitational--Third place

Scoreboard 193


Achieves Status

Women's athletics is a new program at ECU and has been in existence just over two years. What began as clubs in the sixties has grown into a full scale athletic program.

Catherine Bolton, the coach and director of women's athletics has initiated seven sports for women: field hockey, tennis, volleyball, basketball, gymnastics, swimming and golf.

With an increased budget, a Sports Information and Promotion Program was added to the program. For the first time in the history of ECU seven women students were awarded athletic scholarships.

Since the program has improved and increased in size two new coaches have been added to the staff, Laurie Arrants and Steveda Chepko. All events are presently scheduled in Minges rather than Memorial Gym.

Ms. Bolton feels the women's program has made good progress in the few years it has been in exisitence and she anticipates increased growth in the future.

"Now that we have a staff to work with, we hope to make some advances so that we can compete against schools with larger programs.

"We plan to schedule more home games in the future. Basketball and gymnastics draw good crowds.

"Although technically we are still a 'baby program' compared to schools with higher budgets, we are growing and can compete against these schools now and provide good competition.

"More important than a winning season is pleasant atmosphere for the participants," continued Ms. Bolton. "The players will give their best because they want to and not because they have to."

Works Towards Title IX Compliance

by Diane Taylor

The ECU Athletics Department faces numerous problems in moving toward Title IX compliance by the July 1, 1978 deadline.

One of the biggest difficulties facing the athletic administratiors iS money. Of the total $934,900 athletic budget for 1975-76 only $51,375 went to women's athletics. This will not be enough to begin moving toward Title IX compliance in the coming year according to Catherine Bolton.

"In 1974-75 Title IX was a real 'weapon'" said Bolton. "It was realized our position of leadership in competition was slipping." (1972-73 the ECU women's basketball team won the state championship and participated in the nationals. The gymnastics team was third in the region and the women's swim team went to the nationals.)

"Some remarkable changes have aleady been wrought, but right now we are in the process of trying to correct that lull from 1972-74 when everyone else was growing and we weren't" said Bolton.

The athletics department is confident of making improvements and meeting Title IX standards with a minimum of problems.

"There has been a readiness on the part of the coaches and athletes to comply" said Bill Cain, athletic director.

"If we are going to meet Title IX we're going to have to get more money." said Bolton.

"We are in bad need of equipment purchases," said Bolton. (Continued on p. 195)

194 Women's Athletics

Awards 7 Scholarships - First Time in ECU History

by Diane Taylor

Seven scholarships were awarded to women athletes this year for the first time in ECU history. The scholarships were awarded in four of the eight sports and the addition of two scholarships is forseen in the near future.

The scholarships were awarded to girls with outstanding careers in high school and superior performance in their college careers.

Debbie Denise Freeman, a P.E. major played volleyball, basketball and track. She was a sophomore from Jacksonville, N.C.

April Ross, a freshman from Bath, N.C. played volleyball and basketball and is a P.E. major.

Donna Jean Williford was awarded a scholarship in track. A freshman from New Bern, N.C. she set state records in 1974.

Beverly Osborn, a senior from Winston Salem, N.C. was awarded a scholarship in swimming. She qualified for the national swim tournament.

Frances Swenholt played field hockey and basketball. A senior from Falls Church, Va., she made the Deep South All Star hockey team in 1975 and was chosen for the Southeast Hockey Team.

Gail Betton, a music therapy and education major from Millsboro, Del. played field hockey, basketball and Softball. She was also named to the Deep South and Southeast teams in 1974.

Clair Albrittain, a native from Arlington, Va. swims for the lady pirates and qualified for the national swim tournament.

Although the scholarships are beneficial to the recipients they are problems for the administration.

Cathermie Bolton explained that along with offering scholarships women's coaches would have to begin a recruiting program and often the recruiting program is more expensive than the scholarships.

If a full recruiting program is to evolve there must be more women's coaches, according to Bolton. "And that takes money."

Title IX continued

"Until women's sports develop enough to get receipts sufficient to support a scholarship program then it's difficult to philosophically support it." said Bolton.

"I don't think women's sports will ever generate a substantial amount of revenue," said Cliff G. Moore Vice chancellor of business affairs.

Bill Cain, athletic director, expressed strong doubts that women's sports would ever achieve a large audience support.

Title IX regulations require that scholarships must be proportionate to the number of male and female athletes in a college program. There are seven women athletes on scholarship compared to 200 male athletes.

"By right of Title IX, 25 percent of all scholarships should go to women," said Bolton. However it is not clear if the percent should be on the number of scholarships given or the total amount of money spent, she explained. There is obvious discrimination between male and female athletics in facilities, in equipment and in privileges.

"Title IX means changing in two or three years. Without it the changes would take 20 years."

Cain replied, "If we are going to have women's programs, I want to have good ones and we're going to do what's right by the women." Ms. Bolton summed up the feeling for Title IX, "Thank God for Title IX or we wouldn't be where we are now."

Women's Athletic 195

The women's volleyball team was not very happy with their season record of 7-13. However, the season was not a total disappointment since the team was asked to participate in the North Carolina Association of Intercollegiate Athletics for Women volleyball tournament which was held at Appalachian state in November.

Members of the volleyball team (Below) were Lori Calverly, Gale Chamblee, Marie Chamblee, Kim Clayton, Debbie Freeman, Corny Frye, Gail Kerbaugh, Charlotte Layotn, Vicki Lee, Kim Michael, April Ross, Rosie Thompson, Connie Wagoner, Donna Woolard, Coach Catherine Bolton, trainer, David Maddox and Manager Velma Thomas.

Members of the gymnastic team (Opposite Page Below) were Cathy Splain, Tess Hammonds, Betsy Atkins, Vickie Witt, Lynn Utegaard, Sally Birch, Cyndi Tower, Lari Browning, Sherry Rape and Coach Steve Chepko, manager Betsy Johnson, trainer Nancy Johnson.

196 Volleyball

Volleyball Team Competes in State Tournament


Field Hockey Team Faces Tough Competition

Field Hockey is one of the fastest growing women's sports at East Carolina. Despite the fact relatively few schools in North Carolina sponser programs, the ECU team has increased it's schedule from a nine to an 18 game schedule.

Playing most of their games against teams from outside North Carolina, the Lady Pirates final record was not that good. The women did take two of three matches in the Deep South tournament. ECU'S wins were over Campbell College, 2-1, and High Point, also by 2-1.

Two ECU players, Frances Swenholt and Gail Beeton were selected to the Deep South All-Star team. These two were also awarded scholarships in Athletics. They were two of only seven women athletes to be awarded scholarships in 1976.

More important to the team than winning is the goal of promoting the game of Field Hockey in the state of North Carolina. East Carolina's team does a good job of doing this -John Evans

198 Field Hockey

Opposite Page: Above Right: Shannon Cooley and Patti Cooper went for an aerial ball.

Below Right: Goalie Delores Scalfaro cleared the ball from the goal.

Below Left: Ellen Garrison, Denise Stell, Frances Swenholt, and Moria Devlin scrambled for the ball.

This Page: Above: Linda Christian (Right) dribbled toward Frances Swenholt.

Below: Marion Hart (Left) prepared to drive the ball.

First Row: Frances Swenholt, Beth Beam, Sue Saltzer, Denise Stell, Moria Devlin, Beth Praskac, Jane Gallop, Donna Brinkley.

Second Row: Ellen Garrison, Patti Cooper, Liz White (Trainer) Linda Christian, Sally Birch, Montaine Swain, Laurie Arrants (Coach); Gail Betton, Carlene Boyd, Delores Scalfaro, Marion Hart (Manager), Shannon Dooley.

Field Hockey 199

Lady Pirates Exert Over-all Team Play

The opening of the season proved disappointing to the Lady Pirates when they dropped their season opener to West-Chester State College. But a strong over-all team effort and freethrow accuracy kept the pirates in the game and made them a challenge to all their opponents.

The tendency to play "like a team" came forth again and this time spurred the women cagers on to a 74-65 win over Madison College. The Cagers showed a strong defensive surge in the game, and the overall team play never left a doubt about the outcome.

The Pirates faced stiff opposition during their season especially when they battled both N.C. State and UNC-Chapel Hill in the same weekend. Despite the fact that the Lady Pirates conceded both matches to the opponents, they fought as they had shown they would, and kept State's victory score to only one point higher in overtime.

Strong defense and team effort came to the rescue again when the team traveled to Elon College and took the Championship of the Invitational Tournament.

Throughout the season the Lady Pirates effort was aided by several outstanding players: April Ross and Debbie Freeman who are on full scholarships, Rosie Thompson, and Susan Manning. Manning team captain, was an invaluable leader and helped pull the team together and co-ordinate the full team effort. Freeman was at one time top woman scorer in the state, and both Freeman and Thompson were ranked among the five top rebounders in the state.

Team coach Catherine Bolton praised the team for the hard work and fine performance shown during their season.

Opposite Page: Above Right: Rosie Thompson added another rebound to her total.

Below Left: Rosie Thompson, freshman forward #10, blocked West Chester player.

Below Right: Debbie Freeman jumped for ECU.

Above Left: Super sophomore Debbie Freeman took the ball down court.

Above Right: Freshman guard April Ross scored for ECU.

Below Left: Susan Manning, team captain, added to her free throw total.

First Row: Debbie Freeman, Ellen Garrison, Marie Chamblee, Susan Manning, Brenda Dail, Frances Swenholt, Evelyn Fitzgerald.

Second Row: Lori Calverly (Manager), Kathy Suggs, Gale Kerbuagh, Rosie Thompson, Joni Horne, April Ross, Corny Frye, Catherine Bolton (coach).

Women's Basketball 201

Front Row: Left to Right: Sharon Parr, Mary Thomas, Judee Groff, Dorcas Sunkell.

Back Row: Left to Right: Susan Helmer, Becky Melcher, Vicki Loose, Marie Stewart, Cathy Portwood, Ellen Warren -- coach

Not pictured: Cindy Arnold, Tisa Curtis, Sara Casey, Ginny Gainey, Joyce Johnson, Delores Ryan, and Sue Thornton.

202 Tennis



Season Record 7-14

Opponent Match Score Game scores

UNC-Greensboro 1-2 ECU (15-0;15-1;15-8)

UNC-Chapel Hill 2-0 (15-13; 15-12)

High Point College 0-2 (16-14;16-14)

Louisburg College 1-2 (15-11;15-13;15-7)

UNC-Wilmington 2-1 (16-5;15-12;15-10)

UNC-Chapel Hill 2-0 (15-13;15-7)

Chowan College 0-2 (15-3;15-12)

Wake Forest 2-0 (15-13;18-16)

Western Carolina 0-2 (15-11;15-7)

UNC-Greensboro 2-1 (15-11;15-13;15-11)

Appalachian State 2-1 (15-10;15-13;15-8)

Wake Forest 2-0 (15-9;15-12)

Elon College 2-1 (15-9;15-11;15-1)

Duke University 2-0 (15-4;15-13)

High Point 2-0 (15-5;16-14)

University of South Carolina 1-2 (15-8;15-11;15-12)

High Point 2-0 (15-5;16-14)

Appalachian 2-0 (15-11;14-12)

Chowan College 0-2 (15-10;15-5)

N.C. State 2-1 (15-9;14-12;16-14)

UNC-Chapel Hill 2-0 (15-9;15-4)


Season record 3-4

Opponent ECU

Atlantic Christian 4-5

UNC-Greensboro 5-4

UNC-Chapel Hill 9-0

Methodist College 2-7

Duke University 9-0

Atlantic Christian 3-6

St. Mary's College 9-0


Overall record 13-10

Duke University 79

Appalachian State 74

East Carolina 45

Meredith College 34

East Carolina 74

N.C. State 94

East Carolina 33

UNC-Chapel Hill 90

East Carolina 31

Duke Relays-East Carolina Fifth Place

NCAIAW Tournament-East Carolina Fifth Place

Field Hockey

Season Record 5-7-2

Opponent ECU

South Carolina 2-0

Winthrop College 2-0

Furman 0-1

Appalachian State 3-0

Coker College 0-6

Duke University 2-1

Wake Forest 0-2

N.C. Club 4-0

UNC-Chapel Hill 3-3

UNC-Greensboro 3-0

Duke University 1-1

Catawba College 0-2

N.C. Club 3-1

High Point College 1-2


Season record 12-6


Campbell 57-62

Western Carolina 67-74

Elon College 63-69

UNC-Chapel Hill 69-50

Madison College 58-63

Old Dominion 83-70

St. Augustine College 69-50

UNC-Greensboro 61-68

Longwood College 59-83

UNC-Greensboro 63-63

Elon College 71-64

Western Carolina 81-69

East Tennessee State 53-77

Universoty of South Carolina 64-74

University of Tennessee 82-81

Campbell College 64-85

UNC-Chapel Hill 74-70

Longwood College 65-68

NCAIAW Tournament

Appalachian State 74-82

Western Carolina 71-62

Wake Forest 83-73

AIAW Reion II Tournament

University of Tennessee 84-57

Union 81-72

Women's Scoreboard 203

Participation Grows in the

204 Intramurals

Intramural Program

With the beginning of fall quarter, student fees increased five dollars per quarter for intramural activities. The fees have gone a long way in improving the intramural program.

Wayne Edwards has been employed as the Director of Intramurals at ECU. A central intramural sports office controls both men's and women's intramural activites.

The student fees were used to purchase new equipment for the program for all sports. Edwards said that the old equipment for football, basketball and Softball was in bad shape, therefore new equipment was purchased.

Edwards feels that the new equipment was a good use for the student fees.

"I think that we are using the student fees the best way we can. We are very careful how we spend the money."

Edwards also believed that the five dollar fee for intramurals is the best investment they make.

Not only was new equipment purchased but improvements were also made on the intramural fields. The fields which were in terrible shape and dangerous to play on according to Edwards were reseeded and resurfaced.

Intramurals 205

Men's Fall Champions

Touch Football: The Pack

Team Tennis: Bitterweed Gang

Horseshoe Singles: James Blanchard

Horseshoe Doubles: James Blanchard/Mike Martin

One-On-One Basketball Under 6'l": Dave Applegate

One-On-One Basketball 6'1" & Over: Cedric Dickerson

Volleyball: Pi Kappa Phi

Women's Fall Champions

Speedaway: P.E. Majors

Tennis: Leigh Jefferson

Racquetball: Ellen Warren

Volleyball: Alpha Xi Delta

Co-Rec Program Champions

Tennis Mixed Doubles: Gilbert Hensgen/Debbie Morrill

Racquetball Mixed Doubles: John Archibald/Ellen Warren

Co-Rec Carnival: Phi Epsilon Kappa

Inner-tube Water Basketball: The Sinkers

Men's Winter Champions

Basketball: Heb's Superbs

Racquetball Doubles: Tim Frazier/Leonard Smith

Free-Throw Shooting: Jim Scitz

Bowling: Tri G's

Arm Wrestling: Paul Osman/Jeff Kincaid/BlaKe Camp/Dick Kline

Swimming: Scott Dorm

Women's Winter Champions

Basketball: Granny's Greats

Bowling: P.E. Majors

Free-Throw Shooting: Pam Warren

Racqyetball Doubles: Rene Piersee/Ann Lowermilk

Swimming: Sigma Sigma Sigma

Co-Rec Champions

Badminton: Kenny Misselle/Faye Manning

Intramurals 207

208 Intramurals

It was an important year in intramurals as the program was expanded, new equipment was purchased, and a permanent director was set up with an intramural office. All of this was possible because of two things, the first was that students were spending five dollars more per quarter for intramurals than in the past and the second was that more people were getting involved in what the program could and did offer.

At the end of the year the P.E. Majors Club and Sigma Sigma Sigma had scored the highest tally for the women's program and Scott Dorm, P.E. Majors, Herb's Superbs and Kappa Alpha had the highest totals in the men's divisions. According to records over 4000 students were involved in some type of intramural activity in winter and fall quarters which was over a third of the school population.

Intramurals 209


Raising Spirit is Hard Work

The cheerleaders and the Marching Pirates, a total of over two hundred students, spend hours practicing and performing to raise school spirit of the spectators, to support the athletic teams in times of victory or defeat and represent the ECU student body at other campuses.

Unlike the athletic teams, these two groups do not draw crowds nor make thousands of dollars in gate receipts for the university, yet they are very necessary. Without the dedicated individuals that work for nothing who would encourage the team, who would entertain at halftime, and most important of all, who would promote school spirit?

Supported by the athletic department the cheerleaders accompanied the athletic teams to all football games, all home basketball games and most important athletic events. With many new members and new uniforms, the squad performed new and better cheers, according to Pat Kinlaw, head cheerleader.

"Our cheers are similar in style as those done by ACC (Atlantic Coast Conference) cheerleaders. With a larger squad we can perform better cheers, work up good routines and do more difficult stunts," said Kinlaw.

Selected in the spring by a judging committee of ECU coaches and cheerleaders from other universities, the 16 member squad began practicing during the summer for football games. The eight males and females and the alternates had workouts weekly to perfect the routines.

One major change that the student body noticed after the first home game was the lack of the loud speaker which had been used in past years.

"We felt that we really didn't need it. Students complained in the past because they couldn't hear the announcements from the press box. Our squad was larger and with megaphones we could still be heard," said Kinlaw.

Between the fall and winter quarter, the squad faced a problem of training new members for basketball season as several former members graduated or quit. "Despite the turnover we had a good squad winter quarter," Kinlaw commented. "Both squads worked hard at promoting school spirit."

Below Left: To inspire the team and the crowd the cheerleaders raised a banner just before the Richmond game.

Below: The Homecoming float designed and built by the cheerleaders proclaims that the "Pirates shall overcome the Catamounts" of Western Carolina

Opposite Page: Left: Two members of the squad prepare to encourage the team as a game begins against William and Mary.

Below: Pirate Mascot Tim Russell runs around the field after a touchdown.



Long Practices Prove Rewarding

Band members arrived on campus a week before fall quarter registration to start practice for the season. Practicing six to eight hours a day in hot humid and evem rainy weather, the Marching Pirates put together a half-time show for their premier performance of the year in Raleigh's Carter Stadium. From 182 individuals, including over 60 non-music majors, the Pirates developed into a precision unit that demostrated both musical talent and skill during the game between the ECU Pirates and the Wolfpack of N.C. State.

212 Cheerleaders/Marching Pirates

Football Squad: Judy Barnes Basketball Squad: Leigh Davis

Patrick Kinlaw Leigh Davis Patrick Kinlaw Edna Privott

Larry Buchanon Teresa Ruiera Larry Buchanon Dawn Williamson

Larry Huston Dawn Williamson Larry Huston Patty Russell

Randy Alford Edna Privott Randy Alford Marilyn Bass

Kenneth Lanier Patty Russell Kenneth Lanier Rose Marie Zumbo

Jody Fountain Brenda Hathaway Jody Fountain Judy Burch

Bryan Sibley Marilyn Bass Mark Lewis Debbie Phipps

Mike Aycock Rob Walters

Kate Welch-injured at State Game

Pirates Receive Standing Ovations

Describing his students as delightful to work with, band director George Naff feels the band has improved in quality during the past three years. Not only has the band grown in number at the rate of 20 a year, it has also grown progressively better.

Funded by the Athletic Department and the Student Government Association, the band attended two away games along with all home games. Performing arrangements of "If," "Make Your Own Kind of Music," "For Once in My Life," and "This Could Be the Start of Something Big," the Marching Pirates received a standing ovation from the spectators in Charlottesville, Va. at the University of Virginia Game. After the halftime show Chancellor Leo Jenkins and Pirate Club President Ira Norfolk commended the band for "being such a fine representation of East Carolina students."

At home games the band played both pregame and halftime shows and added such songs as the alma mater and E.C. Victory to the shows. The most complimented song of the season was an arrangement of the "Star Spangled Banner" by Naff. The National Anthem brought applause and cheers after every performance.

Football games were not the only places the Marching Pirates performed. On the way to Charlottesville, the band put on a demonstration for a Virginia high school. The band also performed for high school students and their directors from North Carolina and Virginia at ECU Band Day. Sponsored by the Pirates, Band Day allows high school bands to enter competition against other schools of equal size. Judging was by specialists, including Pirate assistant directors Carl Rohleder and Jack Fetner, and covered such areas as music, marching, color guard, majorettes, percussion, and drum majors.

Above Left: Head Majorette Regina Bulluck in one of the new maiorette uniforms performed a routine to an original arrangement by the percussion section.

Above: Individual band members constantly gave encouragement to the team demonstrating support off as well as on the field.

Below: The ROTC Colorguard accompanied the Marching Pirates' colorguard at the first home game of the season against William and Mary.

Opposite Page: Above Left: Mike Wobel, Bill Frazier, and Walt Cooper complete an arrangement of "If" on trumpets.

Above Right: Feature Twirler Lynn Williford was first runner up in the Majoretie Queen of America competition for 1975-76.

Right: Led by drum majors David Rockefeller and Julee Gilbert, the Pirates marched down Fifth Street in the ram for the Homecoming Parade.

214 Marching Pirates

Marching Pirates 215


Christian Fellowship was experienced by inundreds of students through active involvement with various campus religious organizations. Activities went beyond worship to include dinners, concerts, lectures, volleyball games and much more. Spring quarter the campus ministers along with some ECU professors organized the "Interfaith Celebration of Religion and the Arts." The celebration included singing, discussions, art presentations and plays by students.

Above: Members of the Forever Generation prepare a song for the celebration.

Left: Students at the Wesleyan Foundation enjoy The Harvest, performances by students in a coffeehouse atmosphere.

Right: Students at the Baptist Student Union enjoy a delicious meal before going out for volleyball or sottball.

216 Religious Organizations


Above: Members of the campus ministry: Father Charles Mulholland - Roman Catholic, Rev. Bob Clyde - Baptist, Rev. Bill Hadden - Episopal, Rev. Graham Nahouse - Luthern, Rev. Dan Earnhardt - Methodist, Rev. John Miller - Presbyterian.

Left: Bill Hadden counsels a student.

Right: The Neuman Club: Sister Lucy, Dr. Carl Adler, Sister Edmund, Julie Gilbert, Dr. Pat Dogherty, Tom Fradsen, David Mayo, Marie Maxik, Fther Mulholland, Stan Little, Sister Dorothy, Carol Busam, Sister Angela Marie, Mike Moise, Mrs. Difaleo, Sister Ann, Amie Marsh, Lisa Williams, Dita Massey, Julie Brown, Norma Knapp, Bill Vann, Joyce Kohrman, Susan Haggerty, Bridget Haggerty, Genine Blake

Religious Organizations 217


Editor: Sherry Williams

Serving the Student Body

There are over a hundred organizations on campus to which a student can belong. The purposes of the groups vary from academic and honorary to athletic to greek and to service. Thoses that fall into the latter group all work to serve the student body.

Service organizations include the Student Government, the Student Union, the Residence councils, the honor council, the campus media and special service groups such as the Veteran's club, NCSL, and Real House volunteers. Each of these groups contribute their time and efforts for the student body.

Not only has the student government passed laws and appropriated money, they have also sponsored departmental retreats, investigated student's rights, worked on revising the dorm contracts, held symposiums and much more. The SGA is a group of concerned students that made decisions for what they felt was the good of the entire student body.

The residence councils were another governing group that worked for the students. The MRC and WRC offered programs for the dorm students including dances, dinners and contests. Jointly they published a campus directory. The MRC maintained a study hall, a games room and offered athletic equipment. The WRC recognized a hundred outstanding women students during women's awareness week.

The student union, composed of student volunteers, planned entertainment for the student body. All aspects of programming from concerts to lectures to films were accomplished by students with the assistance of program directors. Vincent Price, James Taylor, Disney World, Last Tango in Paris, W.C. Fields were just part of the wide variety offered to the student body through the student union.

The staffs of the campus media produced two newspapers, (Fountainhead and Ebony Herald), a literary magazine (the Rebel), a yearbook (the BUCCANEER), and radio shows for the benefit of the students as a means to keep them informed about the campus.

Many of these groups work together to serve the students especially during campus wide activities such as homecoming and elections. At times it seems they are working against each other as do publications and the SGA but each is doing their own job and they must be carried out despite the conflicts with others that serve the students.

Below Left: Student government president Jimmy Honeycutt. Center: Mendenhall Student Center is the location of the Student government and student union offices and serves as the meeting place for many of the other organizations. Opposite page: A campaign banner urges students to vote in the student government elections. Right: A cameraman films the economics lecture to be broadcast to students in class.


Student Government--

Officers 220

Offices 222

Legislature 224

Student Union--

Officers 228

Committees 230

Campus Media

Pub Board 234




WECU 240

Residence Councils 242

Service Organization 244


Right: Secretary Katie Kennedy.

Below Left: Vice President Mike Brown

Below Right: Treasurer Larry Chesson

Opposite Page: President Jimmy Honeycutt

220 Student Government Officers

Elections, Cabinet Members, Finances

Honeycutt Administration Faced Numerous Problems

The first coalition to run tor student government offices faced problems within the administration.

The Honeycutt, Brown, Chesson coalition came into office in May of 1975 amid cries of election violations. It was discovered that President Honeycutt's fraternity brothers had not only manned the ballot boxes but also counted the votes.

At the beginning of fall quarter the spring elections were forgotten as fall elections for class officers and legislative seats were charged with violations. The judiciary committee of the SGA had rewritten the election laws after the Spring election. After the fall election was over it was announced in the Fountainhead that the new rules had not been followed and the elections "were carried out in a shoddy manner." Ballot boxes were not placed in the specified locations, poll tenders were uninformed as to voting procedures and often gave voters wrong information, names were left off ballots, and some poll tenders were reported to have been campaign workers.

Many candidates filed protests with the Elections committee when it was possible as complaints had to be made within 24 hours of the elections and the results were not known until after that time.

President Honeycutt praised the election workers for a job well done and commented that elections "can't be perfect down to the last detail." A run-off election was held in the case where a name had been left off the ballot but all others were ignored. Honeycutt called one complaint invalid and from a sore loser. The candidate lost the office by only 18 votes and as a P.E. Major felt that the elections were not fair as there was no voting box in Minges as stated in the election rules.

Comments continued all year about the elections and students wondered how the Spring officers election would be conducted. Learning from experience the Elections committee had ballot boxes in every required location with informed and unbiased poll tenders. All candidates were informed of the election rules and some were disqualified prior to the elections for violation of the rules. Three presidential candidates were charged with violations but without an attorney general no ruling could be made. None of the candidates which won had over 50 percent of the votes (except the office of secretary) When the Attorney general was appointed he declared the candidates with the most votes the winner of the presidential race before the election, the legislature would have to impeach the president-elect as he could not be disqualified.

In early September the student government treasurer announced a surplus of $148,000 in the SGA treasury which had accumulated over the past three years. Three months later it was announced that there had been a mistake made and that the SGA had $95,000 less than previously reported. In a report made to the legislature by the Appropriations committee Larry Chesson was blamed for the mistake. Chesson worked all year keeping track of appropriations and incoming activity fees and mistakes do happen but Chesson failed to consult advisors which could have corrected the mistake sooner according to the committee report.

Another problem of the Honeycutt administration was the frequent vacancies of cabinet officers. A new Attorney General had to be appointed each quarter and in the case of Spring quarter there was not one to rule on the election charges until after the election.

Vice President Brown dropped out of school fall quarter and there was no replacement made although the constitution requires a vacancy to be filled by election within three weeks. A ruling was not made until January about filling the office and by then it was decided to wait until Spring elections.

In other actions the Student Government had a productive legislature (story on p. 224) and worked in other ways to benefit the students (Story on p. 222).

Student Government 221

Refrigerator Rentals

Consumer Program Publishes "Food for Thought"

In its second year of operation the Consumer Program published a guide to restaurants for students. The program is under the SGA's Student Welfare and tried to give students helpful hints on consumerism.

"Food for Thought" was a booklet about most of the restaurants in the Greenville area and some in other nearby cities. The guide is helpful by indicating the kind of food served, the hours of business and whether or not checks are accepted. The guide was distributed to all students during fall quarter registration.

The consumer office is working on a similar guide to apartments in Greenville as over a third of the student body lives off campus.

The office also offers pamplets with consumer tips which are made available through the U.S. Government. It serves as a consumer bureau as students who have complaints about Greenville businesses can go to the consumer office and report the complaint. If possible the complaint is investigated.

222 SGA

SGA Bus Involved in Accident

Special From Fountainhead By Dennis Leonard

In a pre-Christmas mishap, an SGA transportation bus scraped the side of ECU student David Aman's car while it was parked at the intersection of Ninth and Charles Streets.

"The right rear of the bus swung around and hit the left front bumper of the parked car," said Greg Davis, SGA Transportation Director.

The driver of the bus who struck Aman's car left a note attached to the windshield giving instruction on reporting the accident. Aman went directly to the SGA Transportation office and was assured that he would receive the restitution from the SGA.

"Greg Davis informed me to get two damage estimates and return them to him and I would receive payment," said Aman. "During the Christmas break I rode around for four hours trying to get two estimates that came to $139.00 and $144.00.

"When I returned the estimates to Greg Davis, he said he couldn't believe the estimates and would offer me $50.00 for restitution," said Aman. "I felt that I couldn't accept that for fixing my car and Davis referred me to Jimmy Honeycutt, SGA President.

"Honeycutt told me that he would uphold Davis' decision and if I wanted any more money that I would have to take them to court.

"The next time I went back to meet with Davis, he told me that I was illegally parked and that the SGA would not pay for the damages. During the three weeks I was dealing with Davis he never mentioned that I was illegally parked.

"I next went to see Dr. Tucker, dean of Student Affairs, and he said that it was not up to Davis and Honeycutt to come up with an arbitrary figure like that for restittution and it did not matter if I was Illegally parked or not.

"Dr. Tucker postponed our meeting until January 27th. The second meeting with Dr. Tucker was not any clearer than the first.

"Dr. Tucker said that he did not realize that the value of my car was so low and referred me to Joe Calder, director of ECU Campus Security. Now through almost two months of meetings and red tape, I still haven't reached a settlement with the transportation department.

"Greg Davis also added during one of the many meetings he preferred a cash settlement to keep the SGA insurance from going up.

I feel that there has been an injustice served against me because I was promised restitution and so far have received nothing," said Aman.

Greg Davis explained that there was a line item expressly set aside in the transporatlon budget for making restitutions in minor accidents. "The line item amount is approximately $1,000 to cover any accidents that may occur, and is there to keep our insurance rate down," said Davis.

"I feel the $50,00 restitution is more than a fair amount due to the age of the car, the extent of damage, and the circumstances involved," said Davis. "First of all the car is a 1964 model, secondly, the extent of damages was two scraped places on the fender and a dent in the bumper, and finally the guy was illegally parked.

"Aman is trying to take advantage of the SGA and is actually trying to take money from the students in a sense," said Davis. "I feel it would be unfair to other students if Aman was given full restitution for the slight damage on his car."

Eventually after much response from the student body the SGA did agree to pay David Aman $150.00 to cover damages however Aman could not be located.

Transit System

A new program on campus under the SGA was operating successfully in the second-year of existence. The transit system funded by SGA through student fees operates buses for student use.

Gregg Davis is manager of the bus system and is a student as are all drivers. That is one of several benefits of the system-that students can be employed.

Another benefit is that the buses provide a means of transportation to other campuses, Minges and Allied Health, and to the apartment complexes. This enables students to get to and from class if they live off campus without driving so there is more parking spaces for other day students that must drive.

The SGA operates two buses five days a week, ten hours a day. One bus goes to apartments and the other goes around campus. The buses are available to student organizations or weekends for retreats and field trips.


Legislature Investigates Students' Rights

The legislature of the Student Government Association (SGA) consisted of approximately fifty full-time students who met weekly to govern the student body.

The major accomplishment of the legislature in 1975 was the establishment of the Organization for Student Rights (ORS) as a result of the Halloween Riot in Greenville. Because of the in-depth investigation conducted by a legislative committee headed by Tim Sullivan, charges against most of the riot victims were dropped. The SGA legislature investigated the matter much more thoroughly than the Greenville Press. Of the 56 persons arrested, only 12 were bound over for trial and eventually those people also had their charges dropped.

224 student Government Legislature

Legislative Committees


Craig Hales - Chairperson

Ron Payne

Don Rundle

Maurice Huntley

Nan Goodwin

Steve Nobles

Tim Dew

Nancy Moore

Frankie Carter

Kim Taylor

Dean Jones

Phil Arrington

Kevin McCourt

Valerie Chaffen


Dean Jones

Ricky Price - Speaker of the House

Katie Kennedy - Secretary


Mindy Skelly - Chairperson

Ginger Flye

Heather Claidy

John Calhoun

Jenni Harrison

Joey Sanders

Susan Wyant

Denise Violette


Don Raines - Chairperson

Paula Meirill

Tim McLeod

Terry Stallings

Susan Young

Sammy Hicks

Cindi Whitaker

Larry Zaky

Frankie Spoon

Karen Harloe


Teresa Akers - Chairperson

Tommie Thomas

Mike Cunningham

Allen McRae

Jim Hooper

Don Sanders

Fred Proctor

Kim Campbell

Beth Batten

Frankie Pope


Ray Hudson - Chairperson

Rhonda Ross

Page Rutledge

Judy Burch

Laura Morrison

Kaye Norris

Geogina Langston

Cathy Gentry

Carol Younger

As a result of the riot, the legislature organized the ORS which will study the rights of students in any future legal matters on or off campus. The legislature also worked with Jerry Paul, a well-known criminal attorney, on the possibility of suing the Police of Greenville for violating individual rights.

A major outcome of the riot was a non-voting seat on the Greenville City Council for an ECU student.

Of over 60 bills which went through the legislature on appropriations, judiciary, academic affairs and student welfare, the most controversial bill was the appropriation of funds to campus publications. The battle between the press and the government raged for several weeks. The outcome was a compromise for both groups. The campus publications receive money to operate on, but not enough in some cases. The Rebel, the campus literary magazine was only published once, rather than the usual three times because of "lack of student interest" according to the legislature. The Publications Center was denied a secretary to work for all publications and the Fountainhead, the campus paper turned over all ad revenue to the SGA funds. Although the legislature did allocate operating funds totaling over $142,000, one third of the overall SGA budget, some felt that was not enough.

As a result of Title IX and because it is an "old conglomeration of amendments and differing ideas," according to Speaker of the House Ricky Price, the legislature undertook the task of rewriting and updating the SGA constitution to make it efficient.

The legislature operated on a budget of over $300,000 and spent much of it on campus organizations and departmental retreats. The retreats were begun in 1975 by the legislature as a way to improve relations between students and faculty within the departments.

Opposite Page Above: Speaker of the house Ricky Price explained the legislative procedure to the legislative body before they passed a bill. Below: Dorm Student Representative Tim McLeod expressed the opinion of his constituents during discussion of the appropriations bill. This Page Above Left: Members of the Legislature respond to a revote on a bill by standing. Left: Legislators Don Sanders and Nan Goddwin listen to Price's explanation of why President Jimmy Honeycutt vetoed a bill.

Student Government Legislature 225

NCSL Receives Honorable Mention at State Convention

The ECU delegation of the North Carolina Student Legislature (NCSL) received honorable mention recognition last month during the state convention of NCSL in Raleigh.

Steve Nobles, chairman of the ECU delegation at that time, was elected Speaker of the House during the convention.

The honorable mention recognition means ECU had one of the top two delegations at the convention.

Over 30 North Carolina colleges and universities are represented in NCSL.

Legislation introduced during the recent state convention ran the gamut.

ECU's bill concerned "euthanasia" (mercy killing). It was one the most debated and controversial of the bills.

ECU'S secondary bill pertained to voter registration by mail.

Bill topics from other schools included malpractice insurance for doctors, compensations for victims of crimes, and modifications for the "steel jaw" (animal) traps to make it more humane.

Also, there were bills dealing with sex and crime, alcohol and taxes.

Honor Council

Harry Severance Jr., Robert B. Harrell, Lynn Schubert, Pamela Campbell, Michael Redman, Bob Poser and Carl Cobb, John Fletcher Jones - public defender and attorney general - Dennis Honeycutt (Fall) John Shelton (Winter).

226 NCSL/Honor Council

College Republicans Reorganize

Due to the decline of interest in political parties the College Republicans prepared a rebuilding campaign. It was their purpose to stimulate interest In the government and to encourage people to vote. The club tried to inform people of the Republican party's platform.

Members of the club included are Billy Epps, Bob Murrill, Ricky Smith. Ron Hughes, Jeff Johnson, Mendy Skelly, Ray Fodrie, Ted Warren, Marion Ellis, Mark Burnette, Toby Rogers, Nancy Rountree and Scott Bright. Officers were President Robert L. Smith, Vice President Buzzy Johnson, Secretary Debra Epps and Treasurer Greg Dickens, Advisor was Dr. Thomas C. Herndon.

Young Democrats Acquaint Voters With Candidates

President - Pamela Makrs

Vice-President - Kathy McRorie

Treasurer - Mary Burnette

Secretary - Mary Carter

The Young Democrats Club objectives are to stimulate in young people an active interest in governmental affairs and to help acquaint voters and potential voters with the issues and candidates. At ECU, we try to meet these objectives by presenting programs and guest speakers that will be of interest to tne student body.

Political Groups 227

Student Union Provides Campus Entertainment


Above: The Program Board composed of all chairpersons meets weekly with the president and advisors to discuss plans of entertainment and costs. Above Right: Diane Taylor, Student Union President (on phone) with her secretary Clara Worthington. Right: Program Board Members: (Standing) Willie Harvey-lecture, Pam Campbell-film, Becky Bradshaw-travel, Zoe Davidson-minority arts, Charolotte Cheatham-theatre arts, Ken Strayhorn-coffeehouse (Kneeling) Bruce Whitten-recreation, Steve Jernigan-video tape, Barry Robinson-artist series, Bob Serviva-major attractions, Daniel Prevatte-special concerts, and Brent Funderburk-art exhibition. President Diane Taylor reclines on the floor.

228 Student Union

the entertainer

Over 100 students work in the Student Union programming entertainment for the student body. The students compose a programming body which considers all forms of entertainment from travel and recreation to pop concerts and cultural performances, according to Diane Taylor, union president.

Operating on a budget of $145,000 the union offers free flicks weekly, major attractions such as James Taylor, special concerts such as Michael Murphy, trips to places like New York and Florida, lectures, theatrical productions such as "1776," and many other forms of entertainment.

As an independently governed body the Student Union of East Carolina has one of the "most unique and most admired organizations in the country," in the words of Ms. Taylor. "We also have one of the largest budgets of any university."

The union is funded through a percentage of activity fees ($6.00 per student per quarter) which enables students to attend most performances free. Some big name acts, however, require ticket sales to both the student body and the public.

The union consists of twelve committees which are responsible for looking at possible means of recreation and performances. All committees are students which are selected by chairpersons appointed by the president. The union has a board of directors in ultimate control. Program Directors Ken Hammond and Tana Nobles contact the booking agencies after a committee makes some decisions. After contracts are approved by Rudolph Alexander, associate dean of student affairs, a date is set and the performance is scheduled to appear on campus.

The only problem faced by the union in 1975 was the cancellation of the Ike and Tina Turner Concert. The union lost over $2,000 on publicity and ticket sales. According to Alexander, the union has filed a claim with the American Federation of Musicians for reimbursement as the performers failed to keep their part of the contract.

Each committee is involved with a special aspect of entertainment and the members work together to schedule programs which will meet the wide interests of the student body. (For coverage of activities mentioned see pages 60-89.)


A new style of entertainment was introduced in 1974 by the Video Tape Committee. A variety of films, sports events, old tv shows and concerts could be seen on the video tape machine located in the recreation center of Mendenhall.

The committee was plagued with mechanical failures in 1975 which prevented full time operations. The video tape usually ran one show for a week thus supplying students with something to watch other than the soap operas and game shows on commercial tv. Programming which drew large crowds included Amos and Andy, Heavyweight Championship Fights and Jim Croce.

The committee members (Right) were: Steve Jernigan-chairperson, Michael Landin, Sandra Sayer, Stephanie Beauchaine, Steve Huggins, Romona Meachum and Kathy Wells.


Special Concerts committee tried to bridge the gap in entertainment between the Coffeehouse and Major Attractions. They scheduled bands on their way up that would be in a higher price range in a couple of years.

Tom Rush, Susan and Richard Thomas, Morning Song, Michael Murphey, Monty Alexander, Leo Kottle and Gene Cotton all performed at ECU as a result of the Special Concert Committee. A major event of the year was the Bluegrass Festival.

The committee members (Below Left) were: Daniel Prevatt-chairperson, Sara Miller, Mac McKee, David Quinn, Julie Cappettini, Jeff Judy and Coni Muble.


Cultural and musical attractions presented at ECU are the result of programming by the Artists Series Committee. Artist series performances provide cultural education and entertainment with a wide variety of events. Various ensembles, a concert pianist, a vocalist, a flutist and guitarist performed this season under the Student Union Artists Series Program.

The committee members (Below Center) for 1975-76 were: Barry Robinson-chairperson, Mike Arny, Jack Miller, Curtis Pitzenburger, Gail Ramee, Peter Tackas-faculty member, Greg Wollard, and Rudolph Alexander-advisor.

230 Student Union Committees


All recreation on campus outside of the intramural and athletic programs are sponsored by the Student Union Recreation Committee. Ice Cream Bingo, Octoberfest, the Annual American College Union International Preliminary Games are regular events programmed by the committee.

A soap-box derby, a flea market, frisbee ralleys and a kite derby were introduced to the recreational program in the spring.

The committee members (Below) for 1975-76 were Bruce Whitten, Chairperson, Loretta Adams, Bob Clark, Sue Cook, Linda Davis, Richard Drogos, Fraysure Fulton, Keith Gray, Marion Moylette and Advisor Lindsay Overton.


The newest committee in the Student Union began in the fall of 1975 with a new gallery donated by the class of '75. The committee selected the logo "lllumina" to represent their exhibits "which enlighten" the viewing audience.

Exhibits included the "Sunday Afternoon Dabler" featuring the work of Chancellor Jenkins, contemporary posters, "Indian Images" featuring photos of American Indians from 1850's-1930's, modern sculpture and much more of both students and professionals.

Committee members (Below Right) were Brent Funderburk-chairperson, Jean Angel, Lynn Daniels, Loretta Russo, Barbara McPhail, Gina Langston, Pat Flynn and Tana Nobles-advisor.


Low cost trips for ECU students and faculty during Thanksgiving and Easter breaks are organized by the travel committee.

Over the Thanksgiving holiday 46 students traveled to New York. Disneyworld was the destination during Easter.

The committee members (Below) were: Becky Bradshaw-chairperson, Carol Dickens, David Harrill, Teri Hill, Bill Martin, Patricia Peebles, Frank Saunders-faculty member, and Rudolph Alexander, advisor.

student Union Committees 231


Providing a quiet atmosphere for students to enjoy music was the objective of the Coffeehouse committee. The music, far removed from contemporary comercial music was performed in a unique atmosphere. The small room in the Recreation center of Mendenhall created an intimacy between the audience and such performers as Sally Spring, Tim Bays, Mike Thompson and many talented students.

The committee members (Above) were: Ken Strayhorn - chairperson, Leah Durner, Zane Katisikis, Molly Petty, Ruth Morris, Rene Edwards, Anne Brent, Robin Sazana, and Cathy Cox.


Selecting popular films for Friday night and international and classics for Wednesday night was the task of the Films committee. The selection of Friday movies was so popular that three and sometimes four showings were given rather than two. Some of the movies were "Last Tango in Paris," "Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice," "The Great Waldo Pepper," "2001" "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" "Paper Moon," "Airport." and "The Reivers." Classics included Clark Gable, Superman, Vincent Price and The Little Rasclas film festivals and Macbeth. The committee was pleased with student response to the movies as almost all were shown to a full house.

The committee members (Above) were: Ram Campbell - chairperson, Dave Haggerty, Reed Warren, Mike Shain, Katie Kennedy and Chris Cheek.


Lois Lane, Bob Katz, Mr. Zodiac and Gil Eagles were among the performers brought by the Lecture committee. The committee was also responsible for presenting Travel-Advanture film series such as Mark Twain in Italy.

The committee members (not pictured) were Willie Harvey - chairperson, and Susan Bittner.

232 Student Union Committees


Linda Ronstadt and James Taylor were two highlights for the Major Attractions committee. The committee' selected and promoted major concerts at ECU. The last minute cancelation of the Ike and Tina Turner concert scheduled for Homecoming was a problem for the committee but eventually they were reimbursed for expenses. Other concerts included Joe Cocker.

The committee members (Left) were: Bob Seraiva - chairperson, Mike Taylor, Tom McQuade, Dan Wright, John Evans, John Whitlow and Nancy Moore.


Devoted to the promotion and presentation of professional theatre the Theatre Arts committee sponsored "1776" the award winning broadway musical, Vincent Price in "Three American Voices" and the Royal Shakespeare Company in "The Hollow Crown."

The committee members (Left) were: Charlotte Cheatham - chairperson, Rebecca Boiling, Steve Finnan, Chester Hardison, Rosalie Hutchens, Susan McIntyre, Linda Thompson, Day Washington and Clarence Williams.


The Minority Arts committee was responsible for selecting and promoting minority arts programs to meet the needs of minority students on campus.

The committee members (Left) were Aldriche Z. Davidson - chairperson, Betty Ellis, Helena Woodard, Grover Cooper, Mildred Ramsey.

Student Union Committees 233

Publications Study Independence

Due to the many problems the Publications Board faced, a study was conducted to consider alternative means of funding campus publications.

The problems of the board centered around its involvement with the Student Government. Although the board was an objective body composed of seven voting members (all students) of which three were legislators, it was not respected by the rest of the SGA. The legislature from the beginning considered the board biased in favor of publications because two of its members were former editors. Because of this attitude all actions of the board were attacked by the legislature and had to be reviewed again.

Such was the case of the Publications by-laws. When they were introduced to the legislature they were treated like any other campus organization. Eventually someone discovered that the Board was a SGA committee which meant that the by-laws need only be amended. Amendments were passed by the legislature and vetoed by President Jimmy Honeycutt, not because of the proposed changes but because of a clause guaranteeing financial support. The clause was a part of the original by-laws which date back to 1970.

After the by-law amendments were vetoed, the board continued to operate under the old by-laws which the legislature ignored although the Pub Board by-laws are SGA by-laws. The SGA refused to accept the proposed publications budget because in the opinion of SGA members, the board had not done an adequate job of cutting the budgets. As a result, after the editors were cross-examined by the appropriations committee several times as well as the legislature, publications were denied several items. Two denials were in direct conflict with the by-laws and concerned advertising revenue of the Fountainhead (by-laws required money to go to the publication not to the SGA), a second issue of the Rebel (by-laws require three), and a full time secretary for the Publications Center to answer the phone and take messages when the students are in class.

The by-laws were further violated when the legislature appropriated money to the Ebony Herald a black newspaper without the board's approval. The Herald was the topic of many discussions concerning the board's by-laws. At one point the Herald Staff was considering petitioning the board for membership but when the new editor was selected this proposal was dropped as the Herald was satisfied with being independent.

One action was taken by the legislature, however, and that was to turn over the responsibility of the photography lab and the photographers from the SGA to the board. This action put a committee in charge of equipment in the lab and prevented theft and mis-use of university equipment.

The study conducted concerned other schools in the North and South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee and Kentucky area. Through a survey it was determined how publications were funded on various campuses, who sold ads, how much publications cost the students and how the media board, if any, was composed.

The study indicated that most schools the size of ECU operated publications and other campus media seperate from the student government with a controling board of students and faculty.

As a result of the study, independence of campus publications was a major issue in student body elections. Of the 2,500 students that voted, two-thirds voted for candidates supporting independence and one third voted for those opposed.

Tim Sullivan the new student body president is completely opposed to the media seperating from the SGA. He feels that the board should remain under the SGA and become stronger.

At the end of spring quarter, publication by-laws were rewritten by the legislature and passed out favorably. The by-laws had been submitted in January with amendments by the board. Most amendments were disregarded and the legislature rewrote the by-laws giving the SGA more control and publications had no say in the issue. For that and several other reasons the new by-laws were vetoed by Sullivan and hopes were that by fall of '77 a completely new system could be organized and put into effect.

234 Publications Board

The Rebel

Campus Literary Magazine Unsuccessful in Goal for Two Issue:

The Rebel Staff fought numerous obstacles in their effort to produce the campus literary-art magazine. Condensed to only three people in an effort to save money the staff fought unsuccessfully for two issues.

"A couple of year's ago The Rebel was published each quarter and was accepted by the students," Jeff Rollins, editor, told the SGA when he asked for two issues.

"The Rebel, serves as a vital and communicative link between the creative forces on campus and the rest of the students and faculty," according to Rollins and "it is not as the SGA claims a production of the English department and the School of Art as students from every field contribute."

Rollins said there was enough creative work to demand two issues and sponsored a contest to prove it. The response was overwelming and due to limited space all of the material could not even be considered for publication.

When the budget was up before the legislature, Ovid Pierce, ECU'S writer in residence, addressed the governing body on the need for good campus publications. Mr. Pierce received a standing ovation from the floor but a few minutes later one freshman co-ed cried out that "I don't know what a Rebel is and I don't care to know because I'm not going to vote for it anyway."

When the vote was called the legislature forgot that the Rebel has won All American awards for the past four years and they forgot the words of Mr. Pierce they had applauded earlier.

Not only was the Rebel budget cut in half so only one issue could be published but the salaries were cut back to only half an academic year because the SGA felt with only one issue the staff did not need to work longer than four months to produce the magazine. Then salaries were also cut in amount.

Despite the SGA and the suggestion to dissolve the publication completely a Rebel was published.

Above Left: Art Editor - Danny O'Shea, Managing Editor - David Bosnick and Editor-in-chief/Business Manager - Jeff Rollins. Above Right: Jeff Rollins explained to the SGA the need for two magazines.

The Rebel 235


Above Left: Bernard Smith, academics staff. Above Right: Susan Bittner, academics editor. Above Left: Sherry Williams, Service organizations editor. Above Right: Guy Lucus and Robin Hammond, sports staff. Right: Frank Barrow Photographer.

Opposite Page: Above Left: Stan Little circulation manager and Patsy Waters, typist. Above Right: Mary Modlin, general staff. Center Right: Rob Benton, academic organizations editor. Below Left: Renee Edwards general staff. Below Right: Ray Tyndall, general staff. Below: Monika Sutheraland, editor.


Not pictured: Mike Bright, business manager; Martica Griffin, activities editor; Kay Williams, activities staff; Polly Fussell, classes staff; Ann Leonard, classes staff; Richard Drogos, Greek editor; Jaime Austria, sports editor; Larry Surles, assistant photographer; Kathy Dixon, typist; Cedric Barksdale, academics staff.



The campus newspaper doubled in size compared to the FOUNTAINHEADs of the past. Publishing two 24-28 page papers per week the all student staff worked hard to cover all that was happening on campus.

In coverage, the Fountainhead and the SGA conducted a thorough investigation of the Halloween riot. Other important stories covered included ECU'S withdrawal from the Southern Conference, SGA elections, the death of Athletic Director Clarence Stasavich, the progress of the medical school, publications independence, rape and more.

Not only did the Fountainhead inform the students of the activities on campus, it also saved the students thousands of dollars. The advertising revenue for the paper was over $30,000 which went back into the SGA budget. The Fountainhead also received some new machines valued at $11,000. The machines were a gift to the university and saved the campus paper several thousand dollars by not having to rent similar machines each year.

The paper celebrated its fiftieth anniversary with a special issue noting the changes in ECU since the Tech Echo (the original name of the paper) was founded. The paper also took on a new logo "serving the East Carolina Community for over fifty years."

The staff met with objections from the student body when they tried to changed the name of the paper. Editor Mike Taylor said Fountainhead was no longer relevant to the paper or the campus since the paper had moved from its office from above the fountain to the publications center.

The majority of the students that voiced an opinion felt otherwise, to them to change the name of the paper was to change tradition.

Another controversy arose over the April Fool's issue of the paper, the Fountainblah. One eastern North Carolina editor claimed it was "a source

238 Fountainhead

of embarrasment" for those who attended ECU and called it "a disgrace to the institution" in an editorial. The editor went on to say that he would not hire anyone who was associated with the campus paper.

The staff was surprised at such comments because they were from someone not related to the campus. Little criticism was heard by those the paper ridiculed on campus. The Board of Trustees even discussed the obscene photo on the front page but took no action against the paper.

Opposite Page: Above: Fountainhead staff - Teresa Whisenant - business manager (on sign). Lynn Calverly, Miriam Ocaio, Elizabeth Kennedy, Tom Tozer - managing editor, Jimmy Williams, Pat Coyle - features editor, Dennis Leonard - assistant news editor, Jackson Harrill - features writer, Pat Kulis, John Evans - sports editor, Mike Thompson - advertising editor, Brandon Tise - entertainment editor, Mike Taylor - Editor, Jim Elliot - news editor.

Center: Janet Pope works on page layout.

Below: Pat Coyle and Ken Campbell discuss SGA elections.

Below Left: Russell Pogue, photographer.

Below Right: Alice Leary, typesetter.

Below Left: Mike Taylor - editor.

Below Right: Pat Coyle lays out the feature page.

Fountainhead 239

Executive Staff: Kennen Williams - general manager, James Burke - music director; Larry Crocker - business manager; Carl Griffin - PSA; Mac Mackee - progressive; Greg Pace - sales manager; Cain Penderton - chief announcer; Craig Faulkner - top 40; Keven Laugents - album director; General Staff: Jeff Blumberg, Sam Collier, Frank Burns, Wayne Davidson, John Deaver, Renee Edwards, Jeff French, Dennis Hart, George Hawkins, Scott Hovermale, Bryan Hyland, John Huggins, Linwood Jackson, Betsy Kersinger, Chuck Lee, Dave Lael, Paul Luas, Nora Mansour, Clay Mayo, Rob Maxon, Winston Prenn, Art Richards, Jeff Kluger, Kathy Etta, Ken Poindexter, Erik Sieurin, Tonay Smith, Randy Stalls, Ben Ward, Jeff Williams, Steve Williford, Brian Wilson, Ordean Watson, Rick Walthall, Jessica Scarengella.

240 WECU

Closed circuit tv crew: Rob Benton, Jimmie Brown, Mark Burnette, Sam Collier, Wayne Davidson, David Glasgow, Tern Holland, Teresa Johnson, George Laws, Robin Lilly, Sandra Rich, Joseph Sanders, Ried Strickland, Garrett Tharrington, Jean Walston, Mitch Whitley.



242 MRC and WRC

Residence Councils Publish Student Directory

The living environment of dorm students was the major concern of the residence councils. Consisting of dorm representatives, the residence councils sponsor programs and provide entertainment facilities for all campus residents.

The two groups worked together to publish a campus directory listing names, addresses and phone numbers for all students, faculty and offices. The directory was a project of the Student Government but was dropped a couple of years ago. The directory costs over $2700 and was paid for through the social fees of dorm students and advertising.

The Women's Residence Council (WRC) coordinated many activities for women students including some socials with the Men's Residence Council (MRC). Both groups worked together to raise money in February for the Heart Fund.

The WRC sponsored Women's Awareness Week in April. The major event of the WRC recognizes outstanding women students in each department on campus and awards certificates at a special ceremony.

A Horn of Plenty Dance was held just before Thanksgiving by the WRC. Another project of the women's council was a speaker's forum which brought speakers from various fields to talk on such topics as rape, fashion, decorating, study habits, and careers.

The WRC also sponsored a Maid of Cotton representative. Ms. Lynn Yow from Umstead dorm was selected to represent ECU and went on to become one of the top ten finalists.

One project of the WRC does not involve ECU students but represents them. The WRC sponsored an orphan in the Phillipines by sending money, letters and gifts.

The MRC gave a dinner on College Hill after the Homecoming game for all men dorm students. Another successful project was the establishment of a study-hall in the basement of Jones dorm. Student used the hall regularly and hours had to be expanded winter quarter to accomondate all residents on the hill.

A proposal was made by the MRC to name the streets on campus so directions could be followed more easily. The council also hoped to begin a traditional UMOC (Ugly Man on Campus) Contest and give all proceeds to charity.

Students can check out sports equipment from the MRC for individual or group use. The equipment included footballs, basketballs, softballs, canoes, ping pong paddles and balls, the MRC maintained a games room in the basement of Aycock and provided pinball and football machines and ping pong tables. The council also maintained the color tvs, ice machines and Christmas decorations for each dorm.

The MRC and WRC not only provide educational and social activities for dorm students but also represent them in student affairs. Both councils have an executive board of officers and an advisor. The councils are composed of the excutivies officers and two representatives from each dorm which head up each individual house council.

Opposite Page: Above: WRC advisor Dean Nancy Smith and members Tricia McCoy and Virginia Root from Clement, Ann Matthews and Sophia Wilson from Cotten, Gena Overby and Mae McDowell from Fleming, Patricia Jones and Debra Evans from Fletcher, Winston Prehn and Marthe Hewett from Garrett, Elizabeth Wilson and Toni Britt from Greene, Nelle Manning and Jacqueline Robin from Jarvis, Ann Finley and Cindy Towner from Tyler, Deborah Rouse and Gloria Fisher from White, Debbie Boyce from Slay and Lois DeNunzio from Umstead.

Center: MRC Executive Council: Vice President - Robert Wilson, Jr., President - Danny Hinnant, Treasurer - Benjamin Barn- hill.

Below: The MRC met in Jones to discuss programs for spring quarter.

Left: WRC Executive Council: President - Sheila Scott, Vice President Candace Chappell, Secretary - Karen Rowe, Treasurer - Shelia Bunch, Reporter - Tricia Vaughan.

MRC and WRC 243

Delta Sigma Theta

Vets Club

Ludford Creel, Dwight Harper, Mike Wall, Rex Quinn, Reid Strickland, Rog Rodgers


Gamma Sigma Sigma Raises Funds for Charity

A service sorority designed to join college women together in a spirit of humanity, Gamma Sigma Sigma held numerous fundraising drives. The various community organizations served included the Heart Fund, the Eastern Lung Association, the Cancer Society and the Special Olympics.

The sorority also supported sunshine girls, offered a tutoring service to students and adopted a house which they painted.

Member of the sorority: Gisele Easters, President, Vicki Shaw, 1st Vice President, Debbie Chason, 2nd Vice President, Karen Harloe, Treasurer, Liz Bridgers Secretary, Susan Corda, Historian, Robin Stover, Angie Brickhouse, Pam Plant, Kathy Major, Carol Sharpe, Laura Morrison, Casey Parsons, Garla Spain, Kathy Sampson. Jeanie Hagan, Alice Mathern.

Real House Volunteers

Real House Volunteers were a group of students that give their time helping those in trouble. Many of these students answered phones when people called in with problems. Their desire to help led to inolvement with Real and the Greenville hot-line. 758-HELP.



Editor: Richard Drogos

Greeks Serve Campus and Community

In the past couple of years the various Greek organizations at East Carolina have contributed their time and efforts to bring about many changes on campus as well as in the community. Every fraternity and sorority has some type of project that gives food and clothes to the needy, assistance in Big brother/sister programs, and money to various international funds. Whether it be rocking in a chair for three consecutive days or standing on a street corner ringing the Salvation Army bell at Christmas time or donating blood to the blood bank a Greek has always been willing to lend a helping hand.

On campus the Greeks' influence has been felt for as long as the Greeks have been here. The SGA is over 50% Greek and other campus committees and organizations have their share. Every facet of East Carolina's lifestyle has active Greek participation.

Many people are not interested in the Greeks way of life and have found many other opportunities that the university provides to fulfill their needs and time. The Greeks are no different than anyone else and they will be the first to admit it. They become a Greek to meet their own needs and desires as individuals.

That is the key to Greeks. Time is essential to everything and one must be ready to devote time and effort for a rewarding cause. For individuals that feel a desire to be close to someone and to help people and also have a good time the Greeks are a way of life for them.

Some people say that Greeks are nothing by hellraisers and that all they do is have socials. Greeks work hard for the community as well as the campus and socials are their own rewards. When socials and other parties are sponsored by the Greeks the members go all out just as they do for a worthwhile cause.

The most rewarding facet of Greek life is the lasting friendships that are made. Being a Greek means constant involvement with new and different people. Greeks form a permanent relationship of brotherhoods and sisterhoods for its members. Greeks which live in houses are closer than the average dorm students because they are more actively involved in so many activities. Greeks have become a standard part of campus life and ECU wouldn't be the same without them.

Left: The Greeks held a Christmas party tor underpriveleged children at a fraternity house. Right: An Alpha Delta Pi sister expresses her feeling about Greeks. Center: Hundreds of girls met on the mall for candlelight rush fall quarter. Left: The White Ball Queen Mimi Whiteside. Below: A pledge is informed of her acceptance into a sorority.



Above Left: The Easter Bunny poses with the winners of the Jr Panhellenic annual Easter Egg Hunt.

Above Right: Sharon Summons, Chi Omega President received the Panhellenic Scholarship Trophy.

Left: Over a hundred girls attended the annual banquet. /

Right: The Panhellenic Council.

248 Panhellenic Council

Panhellenic Council Recognizes Outstanding Sisters With Banquet

Over thirty awards were given to outstanding girls and sororities at the annual Panhellenic Scholarship Banquet.

Mrs. R. M. Palmer, National Panhellenic Council area advisor was the guest speaker. Mrs. Palmer (Left) who has been a part of the Greek system for over twenty years delivered an impressive speech which challenged the sisters to continue to strive for their goals.

Entertainment was provided by Nourhon Mansour, a talented Alpha Omicron Pi singer.

Twelve girls were then initiated into Rho Lambda the honor society for Greeks.

Lise Turner presented the scholarship awards which included: most improved sorority scholarship went to Delta Zeta, the Panhellenic Scholarship Trophy to Chi Omega, (Opposite Page Top Right) the highest overall average to Margaret Stevens and the Highest Pledge Average to Robin Hammond, a Delta Zeta.

Perhaps the most important award went to a very special person. The Hera award for the most outstanding alumna went to Miss Velma Low, the housemother of Chi Omega.

Twelve girls became members of the Greek Hall of Fame. Paula Culbreth received an award for being the Outstanding Greek Sister. Tamma Flarety (Below) was given special recognition as was Pam Holt (Below Left).

Nine girls were recipients of the Artemis award which is given to sisters who are dedicated to sisterhood as a way of life. They were Jaime Pucket - Alpha Delta Pi, Sheila Bunch - Alpha Kappa Alpha, Marsha Murphy - Alpha Omicron Pi, Sheila Seymour - Alpha Phi, Debbie Harrington - Alpha Xi Delta, Tamma Flarety - Chi Omega, Paula Culbreth - Delta Zeta, Cathy Gentry - Kappa Delta, and Lise Turner - Sigma Sigma Sigma.

Panhellenic Council 249

Inter-Fraternity Council and Co-Greek Council

Editors Note:

Each sorority and fraternity was given one free page with the option to buy a second page, therefore some greeks have more space than others. Also each group was given the opportunity to have a picture made by a professional photographer which explains the difference in some group pictures and why some groups have no picture. Some groups failed to submit necessary information by a given deadline which resulted in no rosters or activities listed.

250 Co-Greek/IFC

Alpha Delta Pi

Intramurals, field days, the blood drive, and homecoming were some of the campus activities Alpha Delta Pi sorority participated in. Off campus the sorority supported the APO Rock-a-thon and White Ball, they worked for the Heart Fund and Operation Santa Claus and gave special support to the Wilson school for Speech and Hearing.

Allyson Andrews

Bettye Boyd

Jorja Brown

Lynn Cargile

Laurie Cole

Tish Daniel

Denise Duncan

Susan Edwards

Terry Elks

Kay Etheridge

Kathy Evans

Janet Ferebee

Jackie Gay

Terry Harper

Dawn Hewett

Nancy Higginson

Janie Hodges

Lori Hooper

Diane Hutchins

Nancy Kolb

Donna Lewis

Ellen Lewis

Beth Lockamy

Arlyne McCarthy

Jody Mann

Jeanne Newman

Jamie Puckett

Kay Rivenbark

Martha Ryder

Nancy Saunders

Mary Beth Smithwick

Susan Temple

Teresa Tuttle

Kim Woodlief

Mary Carter

Lilly Chadwick

Chris Crosswell

Holly Faucette

Dodi Luber

Dewey Bryant

Marsha Lynch

Karen Phipps

Pam Bridges

Mary Mac Williamson

Sue Smith

Betty Johnson

Catherine Joyner

Ginger Blackwell

June Hollingsworth

Cindy McDowell

Janet Moore

Martha Moore

Terry Watkins

Cindy Hill

Freda Smith

Diane Gunn

Robin Clark

Alpha Beta Pi 251

Alpha Kappa Alpha

Sheila Scott, president of Alpha Kappa Alpha was inducted into the Greek Hall of Fame and another Alpha Kappa Alpha sister, Sheila Bunch, was recipient of the Artemis Award at the Panhellenic Banquet. This was AKA's first year in the Panhellenic Council and it is the only black sorority in the council.

Alpha Kappa Alpha

Shelia Bunch

Cynthia Henley

Linda Clark

Joyce Barnes

Janet Jones

Gloria Fisher

Sheila Scott

Barbara Lyons

Janice Parker

Tunya Gaither

Nelda Caddell

Rolanda Allison

Zoebella Davidson

Arthine Saunders

Pat Caddell

Delcia Harper

Vanessa Henderson

Sharon Jones

252 AKA

Alpha Phi - First Runner Up at Homecoming

The first runner-up at Homecoming for float decoration went to Alpha Phi sorority. The sorority was third runner up at Pi Kappa Phi Field Day and at the Alpha Pi Omega White Ball and was also a winner at Alpha Xi Delta All Sing.

Alpha Phi's worked with cardiac aid as their philantrophy project and had the pledge class with the highest average. The Jr. Panhellenic president Sheila Seymour was a member of Alpha Phi and a recipient of the Artemis Award.

Alpha Phi

Anita Bass

Sydney Ann Bass

Aliecia Baucom

Stephanie Beauchaine

Bonnie Boyle

Julie Capetini

Gail Cousins

Gail Conoly

Carol Dean

Jenny Dempsey

Lauri Fish

Karla Fuller

Pam Grant

Debra Griffin

Tern Haverty

Pat Krauss

Cynthia McNeill

Sherri McCuiston

Ramona Meachum

Lynne Mitchell

Susan Mooney

Debbie Moye

Janet Odum

Jennifer Privett

Lenora Reeves

Sandra Sayer

Peggy Scharbach

Marcie Selepes

Sheila Seymour

Leila Smith

Elizabeth Underwood

Peggy Upchurch

Roszlynn Stroud

Kathy Charlton

Patty Hile

Candle Marcellus

Jenny Warren

Betsy Adkins

Beck Bittner

Janet Bode

Rosie Castillo

Kim Doby

Jenni Harrison

Saundra Hoftner

Marsha Martin

Janet Mathews

Robin Maxwell

Donna Rogers

Dewana Scearce

Merrily Standley

Ann Thompson

Christy Williams

Sheila Wilson

Ruth Yearick

Alpha Phi 253

Alpha Omicron Pi Places Second in APO Rock-a-thon

254 Alpha Omicron Pi

Second place was a common award for Alpha Omicron Pi sorority. Participation in APO Rock-a-thon and Pi-Kappa Phi Field Day resulted in second place awards. The sorority also participated in the blood drive, philanthropy projects and Lambda Chi Alpha's clothes drive.

Opposite Page Top Left and Right and Bottom Left: sisters perform in Alpha XI Deltas All Sing. Below Left: A rush party at the AOPi house fall quarter brought girls interested in Greeks. Below Right: a sister at field day and Bottom Right: another scene from All-Sing.

Alpha Omicron Pi

Beverly Barnes

Beth Beam

Angie Britt

Myra Cooper

Deborah Corey

Lisa Corey

Wanda Cox

Mary Ann Edgerton

Diane Dean

Barbara Floyd

Sue Luiz

Charlotte Marshburn

Vickie Miller

Beverly Reid

Rhonda Ross

Jane Schiller

Cher Shepard

Tommy Thomason

Janie Weiss

Patti Kulis

Marsha Murphey

Leigh Williams

Faye Holyfield

Barbara Maloney

Peggy Harbold

Nora Mansour

Elizabeth Torres

Jo Anne Edgerton

Donna Lawson

Leslie Jones

Undine Miller

Alpha Omicron Pi 255

Alpha Phi Omega Sponsors White Ball

Alpha Phi Omega

Don Smith

Tim Smith

Dough Davenport

Stacy Evans

Larry Bissette

Al Bentz

Al Beasley

Forrest Suggs

John Bogatko

Greg Pace

Ron Barnes

Rusty Krainiak

Jerry Johnson

Bob Furci

Don Wagoner

N.J. Thomas

Dave Ross

Tom Jamison

Shelton Bailey

Bob Braxton

256 APO

APO 257

258 Alpha Xi Delta

Alpha Xi Delta Sponsors Greek All Sing

Alpha Xi Delta annually sponsors All-Sing an interesting event in which members of each sorority and fraternity perform original skits, often accompanied by music. The sorority also sponsors the Most Outstanding Fraternity Award and and the Greek games and track meet in Greek week.

In Intramurals the sorority was the all-campus volley-ball champs and also champs of the Arm-Wrestling contest. Alpha Xi Delta placed second in Lambda Chi Alpha's Field Day and was the 75-76 winner of the Campus Miller Pickup.

The sorority participated in the blood drive and serves as foster parents to a Phillipine orphan.

Debbie Harrington, an Alpha Xi, received the Artemis Award and Melanie Gibson was inducted into the Greek Hall of Fame.

Alpha Xi Delta

Jean Anne Ansell

Pam Baird

Leah Boyd

Tonya Burch

Anna Carson

Janne Cockerham

Elaine Crandell

Lynn Daniels

Pam Eargle

Rhonda Edwards

Debbie Fauklner

Winnie Gay

Melanie Gibson

Kathy Greene

Nancy Harris

Terre Henry

Linda Hoff

Janette Iman

Moli Jones

Laura Johnson

Ellen Kelly

Katie Kennedy

Mary Leisy

Kim Martin

Jan Masters

Nancy Moore

Anna Mooring

Paula Noffsinger

Laura Normandy

Susan Parsons

Mary Pemberton

Margaret Phoenix

Susan Propst

Robin Pulzone

Rebecca Robinson

Nora Strayhorn

Terry Taylor

Sue Thornton

Lynne Truluck

Dale Wilson

Nancy Wiman

Kay Wiman

Elaine Woody

Stacy U'Ren

Pratt Peace

Beth Sleillman

Debbie Harrington

Nancy Sellars

Alpha Xi Delta 259

Alpha Phi Alpha

260 Alpha Phi Alpha

Chi Omega Receives Outstanding Awards

Chi Omega sorority receiveid two of the most important awards which are given at the Panhellenic Banquet. The sorority received the Panhellenic Scholarship Trophy and the housemother Miss Velma Low received the Hera Award for being the most outstanding sorority alumna. The sorority also received the award for the outstanding pledge class.

Chi Omega was first place winner in Homecoming Decorations and second place in Pi Kappa Phi Field Day. They also won at the White Ball.

Community projects included aiding the Salvation Army, sponsoring a patient at Cherry Hospital, holding a Christmas party for underpriveleged children and collecting for the heart fund.

Chi Omega

Teresa Akers

Lee Atma

Donna Baise

Pam Barnes

Pricilla Blackford

Sherran Brewer

Bonnie Brockwell

Jane Bumgardner

Pat Bullock

Cathy Callihan

Kim Campbell

Kyle Campbell

Frankie Carter

Kathy Carter

Ginger Culbreth

Kathy Davis

Michelle Davis

Nancy DeMeter

Tama Flaherty

Ginger Flye

Nan Goodwin

Lynne Hershey

Ann Holland

Gini Ingram

Susan Ipock

Julie Jordan

Kim Kuzmuk

Suzanne Lamb

Maria Melts

Betty Merritt

Laurie Moore

Leslie Moore

Denise Moseley

Liz Nelson

Kaye Norris

Cathy Portwood

Heather Pringle

Jean Ramey

Kati Ray

Page Rutledge

Karen Sanders

Betsy Sendall

Sharon Simmons

Lynn Stegall

Maraget Stevens

Mary Charles Stevens

Jean Trenathan

Jeanne Turcotte

Vickie Walker

Rita Waring

Mimi Whiteside

Joanne Wilfert '

Beth Worth

Susan Wurmstitch

Susan Wyant

Chi Omega 261

262 Delta Sigma Phi

Delta Sigma Phi

Delta Sigma Phi 263

Delta Zeta - Most Improved Sorority

At the Panhellenic Scholarship Banquet, Delta Zeta Sorority was the happy receipient of several awards including the Most Improved Sorority Scholarship Award and also had the honor of the Highest Pledge Average Award which went to Robin Hammond.

Paula Culbreth, was recognized as the Outstanding Greek Woman and was also a receipient of the Artemis Award. Two sisters Jan Hatchell and Lynn Shubert were inducted into the Greek Hall of Fame.

The sorority placed first at the APO Rock-a-thon and at Pi Kappa Phi Field Day. They won second place at All-Sing and with their Homecoming Decorations.

In intramurals the girls took first place in basketball, first and second in badmiton and bowling. They were second in soft-ball and third in Volleyball and speed-away.

Their philanthorpic projects includes adopting a needy family and provided them with food and clothing, presenting favors to children at Pitt Memorial. The sorority also sponsors the Galludet College for the Deaf.

Delta Zeta

Loretta Adams

Judy Burch

Susan Benner

Linda Blackwell

Lynn Brady

Lynne Clark

Sue Cook

Paula Culbreth

Mary Lynn Dawson

Kathy Dixon

Karen Faser

Jo Ellen Fox

Jane Gallop

Kay Gibson

Caren Gwinn

Faye Hall

Robin Hammond

Jan Hatchell

Lynne Hewett

Diane Kyker

Glenda Layden

Pat Lookadoo

Blye Matthews

May McDowell

Cheryl Moss

Kathy Myslinski

Chris Nailey

Robin Nydell

Millie Parker

Carol Perkins

Leslie Robinson

Ann Rochelle

Ann Rollins

Kerry Ross

Lou Scaggs

Lynn Shubert

Debbie Stancil

Rosemary Stocks

Susan Stockstill

Susan Thorne

Susan Ward

Jann Whitman

Doris Wilson

Susan York

Karen Younes

Carol Younger

Sally Hand

Jayne Hatcher

Jayle McCracken

Georgia Ann Stogner

Kathy Maneso

Lee Ann Wilkinson

Nancy Baker

Lisa Blackwell

Robin Williams

Susan Woodall

Terry Eloshway

264 Delta Zeta

Opposite Page: Above Left: Sisters at Field Day. Center: Jan Hatchell is inducted into the Greek Hall of Fame by sister Paula Culbreth. Right: The Delta Zeta Chorus line won second place at All-Sing. Above Right: Delta Zeta Rush Party Left: DZ House Decoration's at Homecoming,

Delta Zeta 265

Kappa Alpha

Frank Acker

Monty Alphin

Lyman Austin

Ross Bagly

Dennis Bailey

Richard Bilbro

Tommy Bland

Rick Byrd

Jay Carter

Mike Carter

David Diehl

John Grahma

Robbin Greenwood

Robert Guy

Kevin Hendon

Doug Henry

Marty Holmes

Phil Hoft

Trip Holmes

Mark Hurley

Randy Ingram

Leonard Jones

David Knight

Tom McKay

Ernie Massie

Phil Nichols

Herb Paschal

Sandy Peel

Vann Powell

Fred Proctor

Steve Reeves

Mike Roberson

Doug Rodman

Bill Russ

John Stauffer

Bert Stewart

Jimmy Todd

Dorsett Ward

Joe Ward

Mike Warren

Kappa Alpha Psi

The Eta Psi chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi stesses scholarship and service and the calender year 1975-1976 was a success. The brothers sponsored a Christmas party for a group of children in the area, a sickle cell anemia education program, and participated in the keep Pitt County beautiful campaign. The brothers also were involved in Greenville's city council elections by passing out candidate information at polls. The Eta Psi chapter also joined the Pitt County Mental Health Associaton.

Kappa Alpha Psi

Nick Bullock

Jimmy Clarke

Groover Cooper

Richard Daniel

Joseph Durham

Ray Everette

Donald Ferguson

Brian Kelsey

Thomas Lee

George Lewis

Tony Morris

Dexter Murray

Curtis Newby

Steven Smith

J. Ira Thorne

Michael Taylor

Kappa Alpha Psi 267

Philanthropic Award Goes to Kappa Delta

The Philanthropic Award to the sorority who does the most service tor the community went to Kappa Delta sorority. The sorority helped needy families at Christmas, sponsored a prenatal clinic. They also participated in the Lambda Chi clothes drive.

Cathy Gentry received the Artemis Award and was inducted into the Greek Hall of Fame.

Pam Baird

Amy Beman

Lynda Best

Jane Biddix

Lari Browning

Valerie Chaffin

Wanda Clontz

Ginger Crews

Kathy Sheehan

Wendy Foust

Debbie Moran

Deborah Dawson

Kathy Edinger

Gretchen Fahrenbruch

Kathy Fahrenbruch

Charlene Ferguson

Dodie Frander

Rosanne Gallagher

Cathy Gentry

Wanda Gunter

Nancy Tountree

Jan Pope

Jeanie McLellan

Patrice Myers

Donna Riggs

Mindy Skelly

Barbara Luciani

Liz Hamby

Lisa Hopkins

Martha Marsh

Wanda Royal

Kim Taylor

Wanda Suitt

Mary McWarner

Jan Overman

Susan Hedgepath

Deborah Hickman

268 Kappa Delta

Kappa Sigma

Ken Adams

Karl Andersen

Bob Averett

Ed Batson

David Bond

Phil Bost

David Bradley

Kirby Bryson

Don Childress

Carl Cobb

Harrell Crawford

Gary Davidson

Dalton Denson

Tim Dew

John Epperson

Chuck Freedman

Mike Forte

Robert Fowler

Art Graepel

Bobby Harrell

Steve Hart

Wayne Hill

Jimmy Honeycutt

Lucien Hutcherson

Mark Jeanes

Rick Ketner

Ben Lanier

Charlie Lingenfelser

Mike Mathews

Ken McGee

Allen McRae

Gary Morgan

Ron Morrison

Mike Nicholson

Jeff Patton

Grant Ralston

Chuck Robbins

Greg Rouse

Don Rundle

Don Sanders

Joey Sanders

Bob Spillers

Norfleet Stallings

Don Swaim

Maxwell Taylor

Raymond Tripp

Roy Turner

David Walser

Don Williams

Kappa Sigma 269

Omega Psi Phi Has Moratorium

A special moratorium program for Dr. Martin Luther King was sponsored by Omega Psi Phi fraternity. The fraternity participated in the Vista Volunteer Program and supplied volunteers for the Afro-American Cultural Center.

Other activities included sponsoring a group of boys from the Boys Club, raising funds for curtains for the Afro-American Cultural Center and a housepainting project.

270 Omega Psi Phi

Pi Lambda Phi

Pi Lambda Phi

Bibb Baugh

Joe Biddell

Jaye Blake

Andy Brewer

Steve Broadhead

Stan Chambers

Tom Crawford

Jim Dickson

Hal Finch

Gene Freeman

Rob Harris

Bob Keller

Randy Lockemy

Terry Lucas

Dave McDonald

Brett Melvin

Fred Myers

Ronnie Mills

Pat Minges

Dave Petrilak

Dade Sherman

Chuck Shipley

Bill Shreve

Clyde Spear

Wayne Stephens

Dodson Tippette

Ken Turner

Jake Pierce


272 Lambda Chi Alpha

Lambda Chi Alpha Holds 17th Annual Field Day

Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity sponsored its 17th annual field day festivities fall quarter with all Greeks participating. The all day event has various games and activities in which sororities and fraternities compete.

The fraternity also sponsored the second annual raft race down the Tar River.

In the fall blood drive, Lambda Chi donated more blood than any other greek organization. Other activities included collecting funds for the Lions Club and the Heart Fund.

Lambda Chi also sponsored three clothes drive in which all Greeks contributed. The clothes drives gather clothes for needy families.

Lambda Chi Alpha

Doug Doyle

Den Dickerson

Richard Drogos

James Ingram

Jaime Austria

David Jarema

David Gies

Steve Boyette

Vern Strother

John Thomas

Fraysure Fulton

Stuart Gaines

Jim Owens

Tim McLeod

Bruce Whitten

Joe Kasmark

Tom Underwood

Sammy Hatley

Bill Burnett

Jim Beachum

Robert Teiser

Scott Horn

Bob Clark

Keith Gray

Mike Sloan

Thad Gerard

John Worth

Tony Wilder

David Chernaga

Doug Strickland

Dennis Hart

Keith Adkins

Greg Arrington

Bill Jones

Tim Leonard

Chuck Ferguson

Steve Sharp

Phil Barbee

Kevin Johnson

Charles Teague

Richard Williams

Mike Ross

Rich Meadows

Jim Hardy

Lambda Chi Alpha 273

Phi Kappa Tau

Bill Benson

Lemwood Brown

Ken Cannon

Jeff Conrad

Gary Craddock

Tommy Durham

Mike Flinn

Ed Foushee

Fred Holbrook

Don Ingold

Randy Lane

Len Leggette

Kirby Lashley

Butch Long

Keith McKinney

Danny Murphy

Ken Smith

Jack Snyper

Terry Stallings

Thad Thornton

Bruce Terrell

Ken Tysinger

David Wright

David Johnson

Kim Dudleck

Bill Flinn

Jim Dunn

John Barber

Ricky Barts

Ed Birdsong

Bill Bugbee

Mike Delacourt

Chris Judy

Dennis Kettles

Ed Murray

John Muskgrow

Steve Sharpe

Chip Vaughn

Paul Stallings

David Rippy

Mark Phillips

Gene Summerlin

Tommy Payne

Ricky Roberts

Mike Turner

Rich Wynne

Andrew Wheeler

David Plyler

Jim Duke

Blain Rice

Garry Stone

274 Phi Kappa Tau

Phi Kappa Tau Places First on Field Day

Phi Kappa Tau won first-place at Lambda Chi Alpha Field Day, first place in the Miller pick up contest. First runner-up in Alpha Xi Delta All-Sing the fraternity placed second in the blood drive and third place in Pi Kappa Phi Field Day.

Service projects included selling tickets to the annual Shrine Fish-Fry, gathering food and clothing for the Pitt County Health Dept, donating to Operation Santa Claus, and raising money for the Salvation Army.

Fraternity members raised money for APO White Ball collected for cerebal palsy, and supported the Special Olympics.

Opposite Page: Phi Kappa Tau was first runner-up at All-Sing with their singing groups.


Pi Kappa Phi

Mike Auten

Mike Bass

Lenny Blakely

Bob Brewster

Landis Bullock

Bradley Clapp

Stewart Cloer

John Coble

Ed Congleton

Sonny Crater

Tim Edwards

Kirk Edgerton

E.J. Ehle

John Evans

Mark Fackrell

Jim Forshaw

John Gunnells

David Hall

Steve Harris

Bill Harwood

Billy Haynes

Ton Henson

S.T. Hicks

Larry Houston

Dennis Huggins

Doug Jahn

Richard Llewlyn

Phil Mann

Wayne Osborne

John Parker

Chip Parrish

Harrell Pittman

David Quinn

Dennis Ramsey

Steve Ridge

Colin Rooney

Sam Rogers

Pat Ruisill

James Scott

Charles Stevens

Jerry Thomas

Eric Walker

Mark Walser

Hank Wylie

Rainey Gossett, Rose Queen

276 Pi Kappa Phi

Pi Kappa Phi Sponsors Field Day; Wins Homecoming Float

Pi Kappa Phi 277

278 Sigma Phi Epsilon

Sigma Phi Epsilon

Sigma Phi Epsilon

Paul Aycock

Robert Brinkley

Thomas Brown

Tony Burden

Phil Campbell

Bob Ealy

Steve Evarts

David Fields

Charles Friddle

Roger Goodwin

Bobby Haithcox

Mark Hampton

Ian Hollander

Chris Holloman

Joe Hutton

Birdie Johnson

Richard Lee

Chris Manning

Rich Mayberry

Ron McCoy

Benjie Minton

Jim Oberlies

Dewey Preast

Paul Provost

Richard Stultz

Eddie Tew

Danny Whitehurst

Steve Williams

Rany Wynne

Mike Roper

Matt Boykin

Scott VanDerLinden

Doug Edge

Clint Cooke

Calrk Johnston

Wayne Conyers

Terry Yeargan

Sigma Phi Epsilon 279

Sigma Sigma Sigma Campus Softball Champs

The all-campus softball-champions was Sigma-Sigma-Sigma sorority. The sorority also won first place at Lambda Chi Field Day and second place in the Miller Pick-Up contest.

The sorority actively participated in the campus blood drive and the White Ball. The group contributed to the Children's Memorial Ward at Chapel Hill and Cardinal Glennon Hospital in St. Louis Missouri.

Lise Turner, the Panhellenic Scholarship Chairperson was recipient of the Artemis Award and was inducted into the Greek Hall of Fame.

280 Sigma Sigma Sigma

Sigma Sigma Sigma

Carol Baronowski

Jan Bass

Monica Benbenek

Lu Ann Brantley

Regina Bullock

Nancy Byrd

Jennifer Carr

Sarah Casey

Conchita Caunter

Jane Conyers

Cindi Deal

Carole Deardoff

Malone Dickens

Debbie Finley

Robin Good

Marcia Goughnour

Cindy Hantis

Kay Hembree

Kathy Hollowell

Ginny Hubard

Robyn James

Margaret Jean

Nancy Jones

Diane Joyner

Cindy Kale

Jayne Key

Leighn Knox

Randy Langston

Susan Linton

Kathy Luce

Sharyn Marion

Susan Moore

Marion Moylette

Sandy Peterson

Cindy Pettus

Allison Plaster

Susan Quinn

Shauna Rooney

Debbie Rutherford

Delores Ryan

Carol Saunders

Debbie Scott

Sloan Spence

Donna Starling

Linda Strickland

Kathy Tedder

Shan Thompson

Lise Turner

Cathy Walls

Teresa Whisenant

Donna Williford

Janet Wright

Margie Wright

Rose Marie Zumbo

Sigma Sigma Sigma 281

Tau Kappa Epsilon

Robert Adams

Paul Alar

Kirk Bass

Eddie Batchelor

Jack Bradley

Brain Brantley

Jim Burnette

Tim Clancy

Collin Cooper

Matt Cooper

Kevin Culler

Bob Curlee

Chuck DeCourt

Bob Devenny

John Dow

Stan Garrett

Byron Haddock

Mike Hall

Duanna Ingram

Eddie Jackson

Charlisle Jennings

Joe Johnson

Tedd Jordan

Pete Katsikio

Jim Kevil

Richard Leagan

Don Lewis

Mike Landen

Gleen Lowe

Al Meeks

Dennis Newman

Tom Norman

Mike Piniaha

Terry Purkerson

Joe Selzer

Mike Sexton

Matt Simnor

Darryl Smith

John Tobin

Don Troutman

Bill Van Horn

Marshall Warren

Kennen Williams

Russell Wilson

Glenn Wood

282 TKE

Tau Kappa Epsilon Holds Boxing Tournament

In cooperation with AAU Boxing Commission sponsored the Annual Boxing Tournament in which students participated.

The fraternity contributed to St. Jude's children Hospital and was recognized by Danny Thomas for their contributions and sponsored the Red Carnation Ball.

Below Center: Don Lewis, TKE President, presents Kevin Johnson, the unlimited weight class champion, his trophy for two outstanding fights.

Below Right: (Left to Right) Mark Jones, Light Weight class champion, John Leggett, Light Middleweight class champion, Paul Osman, Feather weight champion and Most Outstanding Boxer of the Tournament, Jerry Leggett, Middle weight champion.

(not shown) Robert Spizzo, Light welter weight champion, Clay Scott, welter weight champion, Mark Davis, Middle heavy weight champion, Harold Randolph, Heavyweight champion.

TKE 283

Sigma Nu Rechartered

On March 6, 1976 Sigma Nu was rechartered at East Carolina. Sigma Nu was reorganized in 1975 atter being inactive for several years.

The fraternity collected $800 for the Heart Fund and sponsored two children at Christmas by purchasing clothes and toys.

In the intramural program Sigma Nu won first place in tennis.

Above Left: Mike Cunningham presents the commander's speech.

Above Right: Sigma Nu Officers

Right: Dean Jones and David Duling display the new charter.

Sigma Nu

Randy Bailey

Taylor Barkley

Paul Britton

Richard Cole

Michael Cunninghan

Blane Darden

John Dowless

David Dulin

Fred Eagan

Craig Hales

Kirby Harris

Carlton Hirschi

Dean Jones

Mike Lord

Chip Mayo

Frank Pope

Ricky Price

Barry Robinson

Robby Rogers

Tim Sullivan

Dave McKenzie

Lawrence Young

Kenny Brandon

Burton Robinson

Dan Blank

David Rogers

David Helms

Larry Zaky

Mike Foye

Nick Howell

David Denning

Tom Barwick

284 En

Greek Week - Festivities, Fun, Awards

GREEK GAMES: Fraternity Division - Kappa Alpha

Sorority Division - Alpha Xi Delta

TRACK MEET: Fraternity Division - Kappa Sigma

Sorority Division - Chi Omega

LXA RAFT RACE: Fraternity Division - Kappa Alpha

Sorority Division - Alpha Omega Pi

SERVICE AWARD: Alpha Phi Omega

Kappa Delta


Kappa Delta

BLOOD DRIVE: Sigma Sigma Sigma

Kappa Alpha

Greek Week 285

286 Field Day

Lambda Chi Alpha and Pi Kappa Phi Field Days

Field Day 287

288 Field Day

Field Day

Field Day 289

Summer of '75

"We have opened a new era in the history of man." U.S. Astronaunt Thomas Stafford.

On July 17 the Apollo and Soyuz space crafts linked in space as a symbolic gesture between the U.S. and U.S.S.R. to cooperate in Space exploration. U.S. astronaunts Thomas Stafford, Vance Brand and Donald Slayton met with U.S.S.R. cosmonaunts Aleksei A. Leonov and Valery N. Kubasov for two days in space. Both space crafts returned to earth safely.

General Robert E. Lee, commander of the Confederate forces in the Civil War was restored U.S. citizenship on July 22, by Congress 110 years after he applied. Lee's file had been misplaced and was not discovered until 1970.

It was disclosed in mid-July by the Rockefeller Commission in their report of CIA activities that the CIA had conducted LSD experiments in the fifties.

The former president of Kent State and 27 Ohio National Guardsmen were acquitted on Aug. 27 of all responsibility of the Kent State shootings of 1970.

Locally, Joan Little was acquited by a Raleigh jury on Aug. 15 on the charge of 2nd degree murder in the Aug. 1974 stabbing death of Beaufort Couny jailer Clarence T. Alligood, Ms. Little had been accused of killing Alligood to escape from jail where she was awaiting trial for breaking and entering.

Federal judges ruled the North Carolina use of the National Teacher Exam unconstitutionally discriminatory on Aug. 28. The state was ordered to give liscenses to those persons qualified to teach but failed to score the N.C. required minimum of 950 on the test.

The movie and book "Jaws" created a shark craze along the east coast. As a result the N.C. tourist trade increased along the coastal region and Outer Banks as fisherman came from all over to try to get a shark.

The worst single aircraft disaster in U.S. history occurred June 24 when an Eastern Airlines jet crashed at Kennedy airport in New York killing 113 and injuring 11.

Deaths of prominent persons during the summer:

Ozzie Nelson, 68, a band leader and star of the "Ozzie and Harriet," tv show died June 3 in Cal.

Lefty Frizzell, 47, country singer died July 19 in Nashville, Tenn.

Gen. Anthony C. McAuliffe, 77, who replied "Nuts" to the German untimatium to surrender in 1944 died Aug. 11 in Washington, D.C.

Vladimer Kuts, 48, Soviet gold medal winner in 1956 Olympics died Aug. 16 in U.S.S.R.

Mark Donohue, 38, winner of the 1972 Indianapolis 500 died Aug. 19 in Austria.


September 4 was registration day at ECU and over 11,000 students enrolled fall quarter yet 700,000 students stayed out of public schools due to teachers on strike in 10 states. The worst areas were Pennslyvania, Illinois and New York as 40,000 teachers across the nation went on strike to protest wages, class size, textbooks, and benefits.

Public schools continued to be in the news as busing created problems in Louisville and Boston. Over 500 persons were arrested in Louisville and 50 were injured while extensive property damage was sustained in anti-busing demonstrations. The Kentucky National Guard was called in to stop the violence after busses were burned on Sept. 5. Over 100 were arrested in Boston on Sept. 8 for disorderly conduct as the busing program began in an effort to integrate the school system.

Four women were ordained as Episcopal Priests on Sept. 7 in Washington. Over 1,000 people attended the ceremony in the Church of St. Stephen as the four became the first female priests in the Episcopal Church.

290 Newsline

Seven days later on Sept. 14 Pope Paul VI canonized the first U.S. born saint, Mother Elizabeth Bayley Seton of Baltimore, Maryland. Mother Seton who died in 1921 established the Sisters of Charity of St. Joseph's, the first native American Catholic order.

On Sept. 19 a Tsgt who has been awarded a Bronze Star and the Purple Heart was discharged from the U.S. Air Force for being unfit for duty. Leonard T. Matlovich was discharged because he was a homosexual. A panel of Air Force officers made the ruling although they felt Matlovich "had no physical or mental defects."

Patricia Hearst, daughter of Randolph Hearst of the Hearst Newspaper Chain was captured by the FBI in San Francisco on Sept. 18, just 19 months after her kidnapping by the Symbonese Liberation Army (SLA). Hearst paid over $2 million in food for the poor in ranson for his daughter. Three months after her kidnapping Patty announced she had joined the SLA. Miss Hearst was put under $1 million bond and faced both state and federal charges for bank robbery, kidnapping, armed robbery.

San Francisco was the scene of another important news story on Sept. 22 as the second assasination attempt on President Ford occurred. The first attempt had been by Lynette "sqeaky" Fromme, 26, in Sacremento on Sept. 5. Fromme, a devoted follower of Charles Manson pointed a gun at the President outside the California Capitol. She pleaded not guilty as she did not actually fire the gun but a federal jury found her guilty on Nov. 27 and sentenced her to life imprisonment.

The second attempt was also made by a female, Sara Jane Moore, 45. Moore shot at the President outside San Francisco's St. Francis Hotel (Below). On Sept. 21 the day before the attempt the secret service had questioned her and confiscated a gun, but she was not arrest because she was a informer for the police and the FBI. Moore pleaded guilty to the charge.

A major earthquake hit eastern Turkey on Sept. 6 killing over 2300 persons and injuring 3300 others. The quake completely destroyed the city of Lice and occurred just nine year and one month after another quake had killed over 2000 in the same area.

Greenville and much of North Carolina was diluged with rain for over a week as a result of the aftermath of Hurricane Eloise. The hurricane with winds of 130 m.p.h. hit the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico Sept. 17 killing 25 and destroying over $40 million of property. The hurricane continued to move north until it reached the Florida panhandle where it delivered flooding and tornadoes which moved throughout the southeast.

Deaths of prominent persons in September included:

Sir George Thomson, 83, a British physicist and Nobel prize winner died Sept. 10 in London.

John McGiver, 62, an American character actor on stage, screen and tv died Sept. 11 in New York.

Pamela Brown, 56, a British actress of stage and screen died Sept. 18 in London.

St. John Perse, 88, French poet and Nobel prize receipent in 1960 died Sept. 20.

Bob Considine, 68, journalist, syndicated columnist, and tv commentator died in New York on Sept. 25.


North Carolina faced a near crisis in early October as many of the state's hospitals and doctors were without malpractice insurance. Doctors were forced to take a vacation and temporarily close their practices until insurance could be purchased. The Holshouser administration closely examined the state's insurance laws to find a way to solve the problem. Although rates were increased, doctors and hospitals were eventually insured.

Andrei D. Saknarov, a Soviet physicist, was awarded the Nobel Peace Price on October 9.

After over a year's separation Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton were remarried. The ceremony took place on October 10 on the plains of Africa with the only guest being the native wildlife.

President Ford was involved in a car accident in Hartford, Conneticutt on October 15. Fault was given to the Hartford police for failing to block an intersection. As the presidential limosene drove through a red light at the intersection, a car hit the presidential car. No injuries were sustained.

Newsline 291

The Cincinnati Reds won the World Series, over the Boston Red Sox on October 22. The first win for the Reds in 35 years, Cincinnati won the series by one run, 30-29. Over 71 million viewers watched the series and were thrilled and outraged by the controversial play in the tenth inning of the third game (above). The ruling by umpire Larry Barnett gave the game and, according to some, the series, to Cincinnati.

In other sports news, the World Football League dissolved after a year of existence. East Carolina beat UNC 38-17 on October 25.

On October 22, an unmanned space craft from the Soviet Union landed on Venus and sent the first pictures from the surface of the planet to earth.

Three days later on October 25, Americans were evacuated from Beirut, Lebanon as fighting continued.

Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat arrived in the United States on October 26 for a ten-day visit seeking military and economic aid for his country.

October was a month of bombing in the western world. On October 23 a bomb exploded outside the home of London parliament member Hugh Frasier killing cancer specialist Prof. Gordon Fairly. Frasier and his houseguest Caroline Kennedy were uninjured.

On October 27 bombs went off in New York, Washington, D.C., and Chicago, however no injuries resulted from the actions of a Puerto Rican separatist group.

Another bomb went off in London on October 29 injuring 18 persons. The London bombings, credited to the Irish Republican Army had killed 5 and injured a 100 persons since mid-August.

On the education front the Education Office in Washington announced on October 29 that 23 million U.S. adults were illiterate. Other figures released in the fall indicated that college freshmen lacked basic grammar skills and the SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) scores were down 18 points on the average from 1973 scores.

Prince Juan Carlos de Borbon became chief of state in Spain due to the ill health of Generalissimo Franco on October 30.

Fifty-six persons, including 29 ECU students were arrested in Greenville on Oct. 31 in what has been called "Greenville's Second Annual Halloween Riot."

Two planes crashed within five days killing a total of 127 persons. All 55 persons were killed October 25 when a Bolivian Air Force plane crashed in the Andes. On October 30, 72 persons aboard a Yugoslavian charter jet died when the plane crashed near the Prague, Czech, airport.

Deaths of prominent persons in October included: May Bundy, 88, the first woman named to the Tennis Hall of Fame and the first American to win at Wimbledon in 1905 died Oct. 4, in Calif.

Claire L. Egtvedt, president of Boeing Co. died Oct. 19 in Seattle.

Hugo Zacchini, 77 created the human cannonball act for the circus died Oct. 20 in California.

Arnold Toynbee, 86, British historian wrote "A Study of History" in 12 volumes died in England on Oct. 22.

Clarence Stasavich, athletic director of East Carolina died October 24 in Greenville.


With the presidential elections a year away, candidates began announcing their decision to run. On November 3, Vice President Nelson Rockefeller announced that he would not be a running mate on the Republican ticket. A week later Alabama governor George Wallace announced he was running for the democratic party adding his name to a list that included Georgia governor Jimmy Carter, Arizona Congressman Morris Udall, Duke president Terry Sanford.

292 Newsline

Government agencies underwent investigation as the CIA, FBI and the IRS was investigated by each other and by the Vice President's special committee. The results of the investigation showed that two of the agencies used illegal practices, that the CIA not only aided but has instigated political revolt in foreign countries and various other illegal operations and assasination attempts.

Supreme Court Justice William 0. Douglas retired on November 12. Douglas, who served on the bench longer than any other justice in history, retired due to his health which has been poor since he suffered a stroke in December of 1974.

Disasters hit California and the mid-west in late November. Over 20 homes were destroyed in Los Angelas by fire on November 25. Within a few days massive snowstorm killed 18 in Nebraska and Kansas.

Greenville had its own minor diaster as the town's only McDonalds burnt down on Thanksgiving day. Hundreds of college students were at a loss as to where to eat until the business could be rebuilt.

Deaths of prominent persons in November included: Ross McWhirtter, co-editor of the Guiness Book of World Records was murdered on November 27 in London. Authories suspected the Irish Republican Army who was also thought to be responsible for numerous bombings in and around London.

Generalissimo Francisco Franco, Spain's chief of state, died on Nov. 30 after a long illness.

Graham Hill, British racing driver who won the Indianapolis 500 in 1966 died Nov. 30 in England.


In an effort to save New York City from bankruptcy, congress with the approval of President Ford loaned the city enough money to last through the winter with the understanding the city would return the loan plus interest later.

On December 10 Judge W. Arthur Garrity ordered a federal takeover of South Boston High School due to problems of racial integration. The court action was met with fire blasts, fighting and walk-outs by both black and white students.

Temperatures in Greenville and eastern North Carolina peaked in the high seventies on December 12 only to drop to below freezing four days later. The unstable weather brought snow to the mountains and colds and flu to the campus.

Joan Little who was found not guilty in August of murdering her white jailer was found guilty of the original charges of breaking and entering. She was released on a $15,000 bond.

A bomb planted in LaGuardia airport in New York exploded on December 29 killing 11 people and injuring over 50. Various groups claimed the responsibility for the bomb including the PLO. Several other international airports received phone threats and evacuated as a safety precaution.

With inflation and the cost of living increasing, so must postage, from 10cent to 13cent on Decmeber 31.

Deaths of prominent persons in December included:

John S. Knight, editor of the Philidelphia Daily News was murdered in his home on Dec. 7.

Eulle Gibbons, naturalist who praised eating wild nuts and berries died on December 31 of a heart attack at the age of 64.

Thorton Wilder author of Our Town and The Bridge of San Luis Rey which won him Pulitizer Prizes died on December 7 at the age of 79.



North Carolina narcotics officers made national headlines for the second time in a year on January 12 as federal and local agents seized 25 tons of marijuana in Bayboro. Just over a year ago over $2.5 million of heroin was seized in Goldsboro. Federal narcotics agents believe North Carolina coasts to be the center of drug traffic.

Raleigh policemen went on strike for a pay raise. They also marched outside City Hall demanding not only a 10 percent pay increase but also the dismissal of Police Chief Robert E. Goodwin.

Snow covered North Carolina in January 17 for the first time in several years for the eastern part of the state. Students thoroughly enjoyed the fun and beauty brought by the white flakes that covered our campus.

Civil warring forces in Lebanon relaxed temporarily during a cease-fire began on January 22. Political factions worked towards peace to no avail as fighting resumed after bombings.

Teachers ended a two month strike in Pittsburgh on January 27. Over 34,000 public school teachers had been on strike demanding salary increases.

Former North Carolina governor Terry Sanford withdrew from the presidential race in January due to ill health. Sanford, who was admitted to Duke soon after his return from New York campaigning, aided Carter the faction by withdrawing.

Deaths of prominent persons in January included: Chou En'Lai died on January 8 at the age of 78 in Peking. He was China's premier.

Agatha Christi, famous mystery writer of hundreds of books, many with causes of Inspector Trousseau, died on January 12 from a sudden illness. She was 87.


in the Winter Olympics in Innsbruck, the United States and West Germany tied for third place with a total of 10 medals each. Russia was first with 37 followed by East Germany with 19. Gold medals were won for the U.S. by Dorothy Hamill, 19, a figure skater, Shelia Young, 25, a speed skater and Peter Mueller, 21, a speed skater. Young became the first American to ever win three medals in the winter games as she won a gold, silver and bronze.

A major earthquake devated most of Guatemala killing over 15,000 and leaving 200,000 homeless on February 2. Many Americans and organizations gave financial as well as physical aid to the small central American country. Two geography professors of ECU who had studied in Guatemala began a relief fund for the homeless victims.

In the first of several important primaries, President Ford edged by Reagan in the New Hampshire primary on February 24 with Carter winning majority of the democratic vote.

Unemployment went down in February according to government reports with 125,000 more people employed than in January. This put the unemployment at the lowest point since 1974.

A flu epidemic hit eastern North Carolina the latter part of the month closing some public schools. The virus made an impression on the college campus too emptying classrooms and overworking the infirmary personel.

Deaths of important persons in February included Percy Faith, a famous composer noted especially for theme songs, died on Feb. 9 of cancer at 67.


After a two week delay because of illness, the trial of Patricia Hearst continued in San Francisco lasting 39 days. Defended by F. Lee Baily, Ms. Hearst pleaded not guilty to charges of armed robbery, two years after her kidnapping by the SLA. She testified to threats and torture from the SLA which forced her to commite the crimes against her will. The jury was taken to her prison during the kidnapping and viewed a tape of her robbing the bank while holding a carbine. After listening to 71 witnesses testimonies, the jury found Patty Hearst, alias Tanya, guilty as charged on March 20.

294 Newsline

On March 3 five bodies were found in a shallow grave in Columbia, N.C. The bodied were later identified as members of the family of Bradford Bishop, Jr. of Washington, D.C. It was believed that the wife, mother and three children were killed in their Washington home and then brought to North Carolina in the family car where their bodies were burned and buried. Bishop, a State department official disappeared after the slayings leaving no trace.

Disaster was the word for March as three separate incidents killed over 70 people. Two separate gas explosions in a Kentucky coal mine killed 26 miners in two days. Fifteen died on March 9 with the other 11 dying while investigating the mine. Also on March 9 a cable car fell in Italy killing 42 skiers. Twisters killed several people and demolished millions of dollars of property as they raged through seven states on March 27.

One Flew Over the Cockoo's Nest came away from the Academy Awards on March 29 as the best picture of the year with stars Jack Nicholoson and Louise Fletcher as best actor and actress. The movie won two other Oscars to capture the top five awards.

President Ford visited North Carolina prior to the primary along with Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter. Ford lost his first primary to Reagan which surprised everyone. Carter won over George Wallace which had been favored in 1972.

In British politics, Harold Wilson, the Prime Minister of Great Britain resigned at age 60 due to his age.

Ms. Ruby Murchison of Goldsboro, N.C. was selected as the Teacher of the Year on March 16. She went to Washington to select the award where she met President Ford.

Deaths of Prominent persons in March included: Chief Red Fox, Sioux Chief and the last living person of the Battle of the Little Big Horn died on March 1 at the age of 105.

Field Marshall Viscount Montgomery, British top field commander in WWII died on March 24 at 88.


Truckers in the teamsters union went on strike throughout the country the first of April and North Carolina farmers felt the results as produce didn't get to market. Picketing several terminals in North Carolina the truckers demanded a raise from $7 to $9 an hour. Trucks began rolling again on April 4 as negotions were reached.

Howard Hughes, the mysterious billionaire recluse died on April 5 of a stroke at the age of 70. Hughes, whose life was kept secret although he was often put in the spotlight because of his assets and $2 billion fortune. Several wills were found after his death and one gave the major part of his fortune to a young Neveda family that saved his life in the desert.

2700 acres of forestland was burned in early April as forest fires blazed across North Carolina. Fires raged out of control for days in various parts of the states causing firemen from Arkansas to aid our fire fighters in the battle. The fires were fanned by high winds and dry conditions which turned into a drought. Rain arrived on April 30 but it was too late to save the forests and some of the early crops.

To celebrate the bicentennial new $2 bills were released on April 13, the birthday of Thomas Jefferson who is pictured on the front. The reverse side of the bill portrays the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

(May Newsline is on page 397)

An American Airliner jet crashed in the Virgin Islands on April 27 killing 38 persons. Blame was placed on the runway which pilots claimed was too short.

As Georgia hopeful Jimmy Carter continued to win the Democratic primaries. Ford and Reagan split the Republican votes. On April 30 Hubert Humphrey announced he would not enter the race in the already crowded democratic field.




Allow me to introduce myself. I'm E.C. Pirate. Some people call me the spirit of this university. Others simply think of me as a mascot. I prefer to think of myself as an integral part of this institution of higher learning. I am not a member of the student body, faculty or administration yet I am a part of each.

My presence is felt everywhere, in the dorm, in the classroom, on the mall, downtown, at the C.U. That brings me to the purpose of this story. I think it is time someone put down in writing how life goes on at a university. Because I am everywhere and therefore see and hear all that occurs, I take it upon myself to tell the world about life at this university.

So here is my story.

It all began on September 4, 1975 when 11,725 individuals arrived at East Carolina for registration. They came from 19 countries and 41 states. They were in all shapes and sizes and had 11,725 opinions on how things should be done on campus. They waited in line for hours, (an requirement of all college students that doesn't end until graduation is over). There were lines for registering, for phones, for room keys, for tuition, for everything.

The mass that invaded the university from 11,725 worlds had one thing in common at the end of the day, all were students at East Carolina University. They were united because they shared a goal - to learn.

The first week was a flurry of activity. Students began to settle in their rooms, make new friends, reassociated with old ones and to get familiar with their new surroundings and Greenville which would be "home" for four years. After spending a fortune for text books that could not be resold, students adjusted to the routine of classes. Due to the thoughtfulness of instructors, students discovered they were a week behind on the first day of class and quickly got settled down to the serious business of studying.

Studying may be important to students and it is certainly necessary on a college campus, but so is relaxing. Students are only human and can't study all the time so it didn't take long for individuals to discover various ways on avoiding the books. Others not having the leisure time to spend on the mall found another common pastime - drinking.


Class of '79 300

Class of '78 320

Class of '77 334

Class of '76 350

Who's Who Graduates 378


298 Student Life

Life at the university iS classes, professors, dorms, parties, friends, headaches, and laughter. It is a good life full of experiences from which students can learn. College is not just a place to get an academic education. It is also a place to learn about life and the great experience of living. (My story will continue on the following pages with photos of life at the university and my comments concerning life at ECU.)

Student Life 299

A co-ed awaits the opening of Drop-Add on the steps of Wright. Drop-Add is a procedure all students end up going through before graduation.

Adams, Brenda

Adams, Mirta

Adams, Vicky

Adcock, Ida

Alcock, Phyllis

Allen, Gayle

Allen, Patricia

Allgood, Betsy

Allison, Ricky

Alston, Beverly

Ammermuller, Carol

Anderson, Anita

Anderson, Buddy

Ange, Ghurman

Anthony, Belinda

Arnold, Karen

Arnold, Melissa

Asten, Eddie

Atkinson, Gary

Austin, Lyman

Auten, M.

Averette, Cynthia

Babian, Rita

Bagley, Perry

Baker, Mari Anne

Baker, Nora

Baker, Sherman

Baker, Sharon

Banks, Wayne

Barbee, Judith

Barbee, Joy

Barber, April

Barber, John

Barbour, Donna

Barbour, Terr

Barham, Lou Ann

Barker, Eleanor

Bardsdale, Cedric

300 Class of '79

Class of 79

The Class of 79 was one of the largest classes of first year students ever enrolled at the university. Over 3000 freshmen enrolled in September. Most of these people will graduate in 1979 with degrees in areas that many have not yet determined. Their first year was marked by constructions all over campus as the Art Center, the Medical School and the Library were either being built or renovated.

Barnhill, Robert

Barns, Barbara

Barnes, Pamela M.

Barnhardt, Roberta 0.

Barnwell, Kathy L.

Barrow, Frank

Barrow, James Kirk

Bartlett, Nancy A.

Bartlett, Patricia

Basile, Jeff

Batchelor, Carolyn

Beaman, Vanessa G.

Beard, Susan

Beasley, Cheryl E.

Beaver, Josey A.

Beasley, Robert

Beck, S.G.

Bedsole, E.A.

Bessley, Pamela E.

Belangia, Elizabeth

Belcher, Kay

Bengel, Steve Lee

Benner, Linda S.

Benson, Cindy A.

Benson, Kimberly Athena

Bernard, Beverly L.

Best, D.L.

Beverage, T.G.

Biddix, Jean

Bishop, Rhonda

Bittner, Rebekah Ann

Blackwell, Glenda

Blalock, Alice

Booth, Kathy F.

Boswell, Debra C.

Bove, D.A.

Bowser, Gwendolyn

Boyd, C.D.

Boyd, Linda S.

Brackenhoff, Charles R.

Braddy, Linda R.

Bradley, Neal R.

Bradley, S.C.

Bradshaw, Donna L.

Bramble, Cindy

Brammer, Carol L.

Braswell, D. Ronald

Braswell, L.D.

Braxton, Susan

Class of 79 301

Bray, Emily Jo

Brendle, Jr. Kent Fleming

Brickell, Jennifer

Bridges, Pamela L.

Briley, David

Brindley, D.R.

Brinkley, K.A.

Briscoe, Sheila K.

Britt, Linda

Britt, Nancy J.

Britt, R.A.

Britt, T.E.

Brittle, Ann

Broome, Cynthia L.

Brown, Carl Ray

Brown, Douglas Wayne

Brown, Lezlie V.

Brown, Mary F.

Browning, Lari D.

Brugnolotti, L.

Bryan, Linda Lou

Bryant, Carolyn C.

Bryant, Debra M.

Bryan, Linda

Bryant, Teresa

Buchanan, Lauren J.

Buffaloe, Kimberly Z.

Buhram, Rodney L.

Bullard, Karen M.

Bullard, Meyl

Bullard, Lynn R.

Bullock, William M.

Bunce, T.L.

Bunch, Donna Leigh

Bunch, Janet

Bunn, Anthony Glenn

Burch, Tonya J.

Burgess, Linda D.

Burnett, Mary

Burnette, Vicki

Burns, Susan L.

Burroughs, Barbara

Burrus, M.C.

Studying is done all over campus - in the dorm rooms, on the mall, at the student center, and even in the library. An upperclassman took advantage of the warm-sunny weather and read his assignment outdoors.

302 Class of '79

Burton, Beniamin

Burtt, Cathryn

Bush, J.

Bush, J.

Butler, Mark

Byrd, Katie

Byrum, Kathy

Caddell, Robin

Cam, Devita

Callicutt, D.

Campbell, Melinda

Campbell, Susan

Cannady, Elizabeth

Cannon, Sandra

Capps, Teresa

Carawan, Kathy

Carlan, Carey

Carr, Carolyn

Carr, Mary

Carraway, Sandra

Carroll, Daivs

Carter, Addie

Carter, Ann

Carter, Donna

Carter, Robert

Carver, Portia

Caton, Deborah

Caudle, Eddie

Caverly, Lynn

Ceruzzi, Brenda


Challenger, Geoffrey

Chamness, Morri

Chaplin, Karen

Chapman, Randy

Chappell, Deborah

Chase, Carol

Chavis, Valdez

Cheek, Mitzi

Chenoweth, Catherine

Cherry, Karen

Cheston, S.

Civils, D.

Clark, Dolly

Clark, Victoria

Cline, Dara

Cline, Wade

Clyde, Martha

Coats, J

Cobb, Terry

Cockerham, Janne

Coggins, Hallie

Coker, Leanne

Colenda, Mary

Collazo, Marlene

Collevecchio, Donna

Collie, John

Collier, Karen

Commander, Suzanne

Cone, Debra

Connolly, Henry

Conyers, Jane

Cook, Debbie

Cooke, Andrew

Copeland, Ervina

Copeland, Myra

Corbett, Carroll

Corbett, Mitzi

Corsbie, J.

Cotten, Rhonda

Class of 79 303

Cox, Becky

Cox, Gay

Cox, Hardee

Craddock, Sheila

Craft, Edith

Crawford, Lois

Crawford, Marty

Creech, Judy

Creech, Mary Jo

Creech, Nicola

Crisp, Susan

Crotts, Christine

Crummey, D.

Crumpler, Sheila

Crumpton, Landon

Currie, Joan

Dail, Teresa

Daniel, Margaret

Daniels, Bonna

Daniels, Sandra

Dansley, Lisa

Darden, Charles

Davidson, Jacqueline

Davidson, Mildred

Davis, Carolyn

Davis, Rita

Davis, Vicki

Davis, William

Dawkins, Randy

Dawson, Billy

Deal, Libby

Dempsey, Grace

Denbleyker, Nancy

Denton, Cindy

Devoe, David

Dezearn, Judy

Dickens, Mary

Dickens, Shelia

Diffee, Scott

Dillard, Pamela

Dinger, M.

Ditto, Lew

Dixon, Barry

Dixon, Edith

Dixon, Lu Anne

Doby, Kimberly

Donohoe, Rosanne

Doss, Starla

Douglas, Betsy

Douglas, Patricia

304 Class of 79

Arm-wrestling matches were held February 3, in Minges during half-time for a Pirate basketball game. The matches were judged by an official referee according to established rules.

Downie, John

Duber, Corey

Dudley, Christine

Duffer, John

Dunber, Shirley

Duncan, David

Duncan, Vera

Dunn, Joyce

Earnhardt, Kimberly

Edens, Wesley

Edmondson, Kathy

Edmundson, Catherine

Edwards, Allen

Edwards, Carol

Edwards, Edna

Edwards, Judy

Edwards, Sharon

Ehle, Ellis

Elcock, William

Elliott, Sarah

Ellrod, Lisa

Elmore, Debra

Etheridge, Dawna

Etheridge, Patricia

Eury, Richard

Evans, Anita

Evans, Frank

Evans, Rita

Evans, Thomas

Everette, Julie

Everette, Martha

Everette, Willie

Fairfield, Hilda

Falconer, Tami

Faldenberry, Donna

Farlow, Carmen

Farmer, James

Farmer, Lynda

Farren, John

Faust, Marlanne

Fehlner, Linda

Ferguson, Melody

Fergusson, Alan

Ferrel, Melody

Feudale, Susan

Finger, Alice

Fitzsimons, Sharon

Flanagan, Lee

Fleenor, Mary

Fleming, Billie

Fleming, Michael

Class of 79 305

Flowers, Jerri

Flowers, Mary

Floyd, Cheryl

Flynt, Marcia

Ford, Karen

Foster, Darls

Foushee, Karen

Fowler, Karen

Fox, Edwina

Fox, Jo Ellen

Francis, Baylus

Frazelle, Mary

Freeman, Pamela

Fulcher, Donna

Fussell, Polly

Fux, John

Gainey, Elizabeth

Gardenhire, Gay

Gardner, Robert

Gibbs, Karen

Gibson, Sarah

Gibson, Tom

Gilgo, Debra

Gilmartin, Maureen

Ginn, Lynette

Gleiberman, Jeffrey

Glenn, Douglas

Glisson, Rita

Glover, Connie

Glover, Paula

Godard, Paula

Godwin, Glenda

Goelz, Beth

Goldman, Sandi

Goodman, Sandy

Goodwin, Kaye

Gore, Miriam

Gough, Catherine

Goughnour, Marcia

Graham, John

Grant, Kathy

Gray, Nancy

Green, John

Green, Dale

Green, Rebecca

Greenhouse, Valerie

Greer, Steve

Gregory, Patricia

Grey, Carol

Griffin, Billee

Griffin, Carl

Griffin, Catherine

Griffin, Vicki

Griffiths, Nancy

Grimes, Deborah

Grimstead, Cindy

Gurganus, Chatles

Gurganos, Sonya

Haas, Carolyn

Hafele, Meriam

Hagan, S.

Haitcock, Kiva

Hale, David

Hall, Gerald

Hall, Helen

Hall, Susan

Hardee, Beverly

Harling, Jane

Harper, Anna

Harrell, Dorothy

306 Class of '79

Harrell, Patty

Harrell, Samuel

Harrelle, Gay

Harriett, Ramona

Harris, James

Harris, Kimberly

Harris, Toni

Harrison, Anne

Harrison, Jenni

Harrison, Tom

Hartkoff, Al

Harvey, Tracey

Hawk, Sherrie

Hawkins, Lorena

Hayes, David

Hayes, Roderick

Hedgepeth, Richard

Hedgepeth, Susan

Helms, David

Helton, Kathryn

Henderson, Panny

Hendrix, Jill

Henson, Debra

Herring, Beth

Henson, Rebecca

Hershey, Denise

Herzog, Stephen

Hester, Dawn

Hewett, Deborah

Hewitt, Lynne

Hewitt, Martha

Hicks, Susan

Hill, Barbara

Hill, Wanda

Hillenbrand, Kim

Hilmer, Vivian

Hinson, Steven

Hoenig, Susan

Hoesten, Susan

Hoffner, Sandra

Holland, Jeffrey

Hollar, Kathy

Holliday, Deborah

Deciding on which courses to register for winter quarter was quite challenging to students who had not yet decided upon a ma|or.

Class of 79 307

Hollingsworth, Ted

Hollman, Grechen

Holmes, III, James A.

Holmes, Vicki

Holsonback, Timothy C.

Holt, Deborah

Holt Jr., George William

Holt, Susan

Honeycutt, Charles

Honeycutt, LeAnn

Hooks, David

Hooper, James Edward

Hoover, Pamalia A.

Hounshell, Elizabeth

Howard, Sharon J.

Howe, Mark Jeffrey

Howell, Vickey M.

Hudson, Richard

Hugo, Paul

Hull, Randy

Humble, Pamela

Humphries, Joe R.

Hungate, Ann Blair

Hurley, Charles Mark

Hurst, Evelyn G.

Hutchins, Monte

Hyman, Jennifer K.

Ivey, S. Braxton

Jablonski, Brenda

Jackson, Vida Kay

Jackson, William Jr.

Jahn, Doug

James, Carl M.

Jernigan, Dora

Jernigan, Libby

Johnson, Brendalyne

Johnson, Cynthia A.

Johnson, Donald

Johnson, Jeffrey Gray

Keener, John

Johnson, Kathryn M.

Johnson, Laurie J.

Johnson, Robert J.

Mike and Linda, two blind students adjusted to campus life and have little trouble getting to classes.

308 Class of 79

Johnson, Sherry

Johnston, Jessica

Johnston, Steven

Joines, Sharon

Jones, Fay

Jones, Joey

Jones, Nancy

Jones, Remona

Jones, Rhonda

Jones, Terrie

Jordan, Jeri

Judge, Sheila

Kale, Cynthia

Kehoe, Daniel

For some students, studying can be a very tiring experience, as this co-ed shows.

Keleher, Leslie

Kelly, Milas

Kiger, Will

Kilmartin, Kathy

Kim, Unhwa

Kincaid, Michael

King, Jennifer

King, Jimmy

Kluttz, Ann

Knotts, Garrett

Kramer, Garde

Ladd, Bobby

Laing, Mark

Lambe, Bernard

Lamm, Jenny

Lammert, Jim

Lancaster, Robin

Landingham, Martha

Lane, Faith

Laughter, Robert

Lawrence, Cathy

Lawrence, Delight

Lawson, Jeri

Lawson, Lynne

Leary, Susan

Leathers, Mickey

Lee, Barbara

Lee, Dottie

Lee, Emily

Leggett, Debbie

Leggett, Teresa

Leonard, Drusilla

Leonard, Timothy

Lewis, Barbara

Lewis, Martha

Class of 79 309

Lindell, Kathy

Lineberry, Terry

Lingerfelt, Bobby

Little, Cindy

Little, Marrette

Little, Stan

Longnecker, Rachella

Lorick, Patricia

Luber, Doreen

Lucas, Guy

Lynch, Sandra

Long, Patricia

Madaria, Pamela

Mallernee, Catherine

Mallison, Lynn

Maners, Cheryl

Maness, John

Maness, Karen

Manley, Ruby

Mann, Susan

Manning, Caria

Two creative co-eds experiment with art in their dorm room.

Marshburn, Ladonna

Martell, Patricia

Martin, Antigo

Martin, John

Martin, Marsha

Martin, Timothy

Mashburn, Valerie

Maskery, Therese

Mason, John

Massey, Elizabeth

Matthews, Janet

Matthews, Mark

Matthews, Sandra

Mattox, Gayle


Maxwell, Robin D.

Mayfield, James

Maynard, Grace A.

Mayo, David Harold

Mcadams, Deborah M.

Mcbroom, Kathy

McCourt, Kevin

McCracken, Margaret

McCullough, Constance

McCullough, Kent Robert

McDavid, Phyllis R.

McDonald, Deborah L.

McDonald, Jane

McDonald, Scott

McDuffie, Kirk Williams

McGee, R. Ken

McGee, Vanessa

McKee, Guy V.

McLamb, Jackie S.

McLaurin, Rose Marie

McMiken, II, Albert I.

McPherson, Barbara

McVeigh, Janice M.

Meacham, Deborah L.

Meacham, Tina

Medbury, Elizabeth S.

Meeks, Melody L.

Meiggs, Linda A.

Mercer, Ann

Meroney, Glenda F.

Merritt, Cynthia K.

Merritt, Kathyrn A.

Mertz, Jon

Midgett, Lucy

Miles, Brenda Leigh

Miller, Anne C.

Miller, Bertha L.

Miller, Carolyn

Millerr, Karen L.

Miller, Patricia

Miller, Randy

Mills, Lisa

Misenheimer, Ron G.

Mizelle, William

Monette, Vicki

Monroe, Gloria A.

Monroe, Lera J.

Moody, Rex

Moore, Charles

Moore, Clifford T.

Moore, Cynthia G.

Moore, Glenn W.

Moore, Janet R.

Moore, Katie L.

Moore, Susan

Moore, Virginia S.

Morris, Lucinda Jean

Morris, Marianne

Morris, Robin

Morrison, Haven

Morrow, Benjamin

Morrow, Susan

Morse, Michael

Moseley, Karen D.

Mourning, Joyce

Mourning, Joyce A.

Mouzon, Sandra L,

Mowery, Phil Thomas

Mozingo, Buddy

Mullen, Larry Keith

Classof '79 311

A co-ed tries to discipline a playful pup, one of many which can be found running free on campus.

Murray, Gina

Murray, Karen

Murray, Teresa

Murrell, Helen

Musolino, Jodie

Myrick, Nancy

Nance, Julia

Nelson, Vicki

Nethercutt, Randy

New, Chuck

Newell, Lucinda

Nixon, Joan

Nokes, Cindy

Norris, Patricia

Oakes, Sandra

O'Brian, Marsha

O'Bruan, Patrick

O'Donnell, Joan

O'Neill, Mary

Osborne, Wayne

Owen, Kirk

Page, Susan

Page, Susan

Painter, Donna

Painter, Michael

Palmer, Arther

Palmer, Glenda

Parker, Angela

Parker, Johanna

Parker, Terry

Parnell, Mark

Parnish, Susan

Parrott, Cynthia

Parrott, Lisa

Pass, Deborah

Patton, Eleanor

Pearce, Mattie

Pearson, Nancy

Peel, Henry

Peele, Annette

Pendergrass, Karen

Perkins, Carol

Perry, Marvin

Perry, Sharon

Pesce, Lea

Peterson, Brenda

Phillips, Bertha

Phillips, Penny

312 Class of '79

Phillips, Spencer

Pickette, Douglas

Pierce, Beverly

Piland, Donald

Pipkin, Derrie

Pitt, Robert

Pittman, William

Platt, Loenetta

Pogue, Russell

Poindexter, Kenneth

Poindexter, Kimberly

Poole, Dawn

Poole, Gail

Poole, Kathy

Pope, Connie

Pope, Nell

Poplin, Luanne

Porter, Ruth

Porter, Trudy

Porter, Vickey

Potts, Susan

Powell, Carolyn

Powell, Leigh

Powell, Teresa

Powers, Sandra

Powers, Steve

Propst, Brenda

Provost, Nancy

Pruett, Walter

Pugh, Jan

Pulliam, Jams

Purser, Barry

Quinn, Marshall

Ray, Doug

Rebella, Doreen

Rector, Romie

Redman, Michael

Reed, Dooglas

Reeves, Steven

Reichstein, Kurt

Reid, Lisa

Reynolds, John

During the Movie Orgy on the Mall, sponsored by Schlitz Brewing Company, hundreds of students received free souvenirs, which included hats, signs, and mugs.

Class of 79 313

Rhew, Susan

Rice, Becky

Rice, Cheryl

Rich, Anquinette

Rich, Sandra

Richomnd, Anthony

Ridenhour, Sherry

Riggs, Rebecca

Riley, Janice

Riley, Sara

Rimmer, Susan

Ritter, John

Roberson, Ann

Roberson, Lisa

Robinson, Ronald

Roebuck, Donna

Rogers, Samuel

Rogerson, Terry

Roseborough, Josie

Ross, April

Ross, Kerry

Rouse, Cindy

Rowe, Wanda

Royal, Wanda

Ruddle, Ann

Rufty, Betty

Russ, Deborah

Rynum, Teresa

Saltzer, Sue

Sampson, Larry

Sanders, Karen

Sasser, Barbara

Satterfield, Mark

Sazama, Julie

Scalfaro, Delores

Scales, Roberta

Schadt, Karen

Schaub, Josephine

Buying books, even used ones can be quite expensive as this student discovered. Students often spent hundreds of dollars on textbooks each year which cannot be resold.

314 Class of 79

Schultz, Linda A.

Scott, Gordon

Selby, Phillip Ray

Sellers, Jo Anne

Sexton, Clifton Wallace

Shackelford, Rebecca

Shannonhouse, Pamela A.

Sharff, L.K.

Shaver, J. E.

Shaver, Joan

Shaw, Charlie

Shea, Julie

Shearin, Marie

Shelton, B.A.

Sherrill, Lonnie S.

Shirley, John K.

Sholar, Danny Craib

Sholar, S.T.

Showers, Mary Lynne

Simmons, A.G.

Simmons, Charlott

Simmons, J.M.

Simmons, Cynthia A.

Simnor, Matthew James

Simon, B.J.

Simpkins, Ruth A.

Simpson, Robert E.

SIpe, Scottie Sue

Sipfle, Gloria

Slaughter, Debra A.

Sloan, A.E.

Small, Becky

Smith, A. V.

Smith, B.L.

Smith, B.G.

Smith, B.J.

Smith, Carolyn M.

Smith, Charlene L.

Smith, Julie P.

Smith, June Ann

Smith, L.A.

Smith, L.I.

Smith, Marsha J.

Smith, Phylis F.

Smith, Richard W.

Smith, Richy

Smith, Thomas Charles

Snider, Terri C.

Snyder, Felisa M.

Spell, Ruth

Spivey, Rose

Spooner, David

Staley, Steven M.

Stallings, Kenneth Lamont

Stanley, Patsy P.

Steigerwald, Cynthia A.

Stephenson, Jimmy

Stevens, T.

Stewart, Don Keith

Stilley, Kathy D.

Stocks, Patricia

Strayhorn, Brenda Joyce

Strickland, Alvia

Strickland, Joey

Strickland, M.S.

Sullivan, S.B.

Sugg, Mary E.

Suggs, Cynthia

Suggs, Linda

Summerlin, Jr. David Lee

Class of '79 315

Sutton, M.

Swindell, Margaret

Sykes, Lu Ann

Tabb, Blondelle

Tanner, Shirley 0.

Tart, Carolyn

Tart, Deborah J.

Taylor, Emily L.

Taylor, Gail

Taylor, James E.

Taylor, R.A.

Taylor, Sharon L.

Temple, Bonnie K.

Tetterton, P.W.

Thomas, Bonita C.

Thomas, Cathy

Thomas, C.L.

Thomas, Linda K.

Thompson, E.C.

Thompson, Nora A.

Thoni, Steve

Between classes students gather on what has come to be known as Student Street. The street located between Rawl and Wright is a central point on campus for friends and even groups to meet.

Threadgill, Sharon

Tice, Carol Lynn

Tindal, Melanie

Tindell, Rhonda K.

Tolar, Deborah Jean

Tolbert, Amy Lee

Torres, Liz.

Townsend, Patricia

Townsend, Sammy

Trogdon, M. Darryl

Troutman, Donald H.

Trull, Jr., John Kenneth

Turbyfill, Ron

Turner, Cathy

Turner III, George Macon

Tyer, Edward

Tyner, Marshall

Tyson, Bryan

Tyson, Nettie

Tyus, K.E.

Underwood, Frank Wallace

316 Class of '79

Uren, Stacy Ann

Vance, Arlene E.

Van Dusen, Sharon

Vann, Vernon

Varner, Sybil A.

Vaughan, Samuel

Venable, Oney C.

Vick, Amy L.

Vick, Marianne

Vogue, Cindy L.

Walence, Jr., Alfred S.

Walker, IV., John Cusworth

Walker, Marty

Walker, Mildred D.

Wall, Shamra

Wallace, Gerry Gray

Walston, Janet W.

Walthall, Rick

Walton, Connie L.

Warren, Bailey

Warren, Michael Lynn

Students are always on the go, hurrying to or from class, hoping they are not late.

Warren, Ronald Ray

Warren, Ted K.

Waters, Harvey

Watkins, Grady

Watson, Donald N.

Watts, David

Weatherman, Pamela J.

Weaver, Wendy D.

Webb, Nikita T.

Wedel, Janice

Weeks, Donna M.

Weiss, Janie

Wells, Mitzi Lou

West, Mary

Westbrook, Jeff

Westbrook, Susan H.

Westbrook, Victoria

Weston, Robin E.

Wetherington, Wanda

Wetherington, Wendy M.

Whatley, Edith

Whichard, William B.

Whisenhunt, Jackie

Whita, Lisa

White, Sheree A.

Whitfield, Deborah

Whitfield, Douglas Delion

Whitford, Susan

Whitley, Cynthia D.

Whitley, Luann A.

Whitley, Mary

Whitley, Pam

Classof '79 317

Whitton, Susan P.

Willetts, Joann O.

Williams, Brenda L.

Williams, Cindy C.

Williams, Dennis Dean

Williams, Donald Carroll

Williams, Kay M.

Williams, Jeannie

Williams, Lea Ann

Williams, Lisa P.

Williams, Myra

Williams, Robin

Williams, Ronald

Williams, Sherry A.

Williams, Wanda M.

Williford, Donna

Willis, Dianne L.

Willoughby, James Curtis

Wilson, Keith V.

Wilson, Pamela

Wilson, Rodney

Wilson, Sharon L.

Wilson, Sopfia

Winston, Delores

Wittenauer, Cathy

Wood, Amy

Woody, Elaine A.

Wooten, Mary C.

318 Class of '79

Worlds, Mary J.

Worley, Genemarie

Worley, Ronnie David

Worsham, B. Lynn

Worth, Isabel E.

Wrenn, Deborah A.

Wrenn, Roger J.

Wyllie, Kevin Main

Yancey, Mabel

Yarbrough, Annie L.

Yarbrough, Sandra

Yeargan, Terry Kevin

Yearick, Ruth A.

York, Annette

Zills, Donna

Class of '79 319

Adams, Boniys

Adams, John II

Adams, Loretta

Albertson, Dennis

Aldredge, Leon

Alford, Randy

Alligood, Donna

Allison, Rolanda

Allred, Sandra

Allred, Sharon

Allsbrook, Lynn

Anderson, Elizabeth

Anderson, John

Andrews, Cora

Ange, Debra

Armstrong, Candy

Armstrong, Michael

Arnold, Kathy

Atwood, Melinda

Avent, Catherine

Aycock, Carol

Aycock, Michael

Ayers, Patricia

Bailey, Debroah

Biley, Judy

Bainbridge, Jessica

Bainbridge, Sarah

Baker, Lesa

Baker, Olive

Banks, Cheryl

Bannerman, Ronnie

Barbour, Ellen

Barnes, Beverly

Barnes, Gordon

Barnes, Jeri

Barnes, Judy

Barrick, Renata

Barrow, Wayne

Barrow, Letitia

Barwick, Michael

Bass, Betsy

Bass, Linda

Bass, Linda

Battaglia, Fred

Batten, Starr

Baxley, Lawrence

Beacham, Deborah

Bean, Virgil

Beard, Larry


The Class of '78 or Sophomores as they are commonly referred to around campus have completed one half of their college education. They entered the university in the fall of '74 amid many changes on campus such as the opening of the first co-ed dorm, the Jenkins Fine Arts Center, Joyner Library and Mendenhall Student Center.

320 Class ot '78

Bearinger, Katherine

Beddingfield, Glayds

Beeman, Randy

Bell, George

Bell, Rhonda

Bell, Teresa

Bell, Willye

Bennett, Beth

Bentz, James

Berg, Melody

Beroth, Edwin

Biggs, Keith

Blackburn, Janet

Blackford, Priscilla

Panty raids, a traditional part of college life, have their place in a list of many extracurricular activities at ECU.

Blakley, Dexter

Balnk, Daniel

Bobblit, Betsy

Bolin, Paul

Bondurant, Thomas

Booth, Chuck

Booth, Wylene

Bowman, Gay

Boyce, Debra

Boyd, Judy

Boyette, Douglas

Boyette, Douglas

Boyette, Robert

Boyette, Tony

Boykin, Jo Anne

Boykin, Matthew

Bradley, Sherman

Brandt, Kevin

Brannan, Mitch

Brantley, Lu Ann

Braswell, Pam

Braun, Michael

Bray, Stewart

Brett, Kathy

Class of '78 321

Bridgeman, Karen

Bridgers, Elizabeth

Britt, Angie

Broadway, Jan

Brown, Betsy

Brown, Carolyn

Brown, Elyce

Brown, Judith

Brunson, Bonnie

Bryan, Sylvia

Bryan, William

Buckmaster, Michael

Bullock, Patricia

Bumgarner, Fil

Bunch, Pamela

Burge, Sandra

Burgess, Kathy

Burgess, Steven

Burgess, Thomas

Burnette, Judith

Burney, Linda

Burns, Mary

Burrough, Jane

Burroughs, Mark

Burt, Bessie

Byrd, Jean

Caballero, Ivan

Cahoon, Albert

Cahoon, Belinda

Campbell, Kyle

Campbell, Mark

Candler, Angelo

Canipe, Cindy

Capettini, Julie

Carawan, Toni

Cargile, Lynn

Carlisle, Linda

Carlton, Courtney

Carr, Alan

Carroll, Bonita

Carter, Carla

Carter, Denise

Carter, Dusty

Carter, Lisa

Cartrette, Anthony

Caskey, Dennis

Cathey, Pamela

Caunter, Conchita

Causby, Toni

Cavanaugh, Deborah

Chadwick, Lillie

Chason, Debbie

Chauncey, Mary

Cherry, Elizabeth

Childs, Pauleen

Choplin, Cindy

Christian, Linda

Clancy, Tim

Clark, Marcia

Clark, Robert

Clark, Susan

Clark, Vicki

Clarkin, Mary

Cleary, Brad

Clegg, Jennifer

Cobb, Peggy

Coker, Steven

Collier, Karen

Collier, Sheila

Conyers, Desiree

322 Class of '78

Between classes, students frequent the Croatan for refreshments and conversation

Cooper, Judy

Cooper, Nancy

Cooper, Theodore

Costin, Debra

Cowan, Karen

Cowan, Sallie

Cox, Jeannine

Cox, Linda

Craig, Elizabeth

Creech, Harold

Crisp, Melissa

Cromartie, Sherry

Croom, Doneil

Crosswell, Christy

Culbreth, June

Culbreth, Wanda

Curtis, Ellen

Daniel, Jerri

Daughtridge, Leonard

Davis, Angela

Davis, Barbara

Davis, Carolyn

Davis, Cathy

Davis, Etta

Davis, Leigh

Davis, Linda

Davis, Luanne

Davis, Mary

Davis, Pamela

Dawson, Mary

Deal, Cindi

Dennis, Ron

Deratt, Laura

Dickens, Lou

Dickens, Matalyn

Dickerson, Debbie

Diehl, Robin

Dionis, Lora

Dixon, Kathy

Dixion, Mark

Dorrins, Jill

Dodge, Patricia

Dolacky, Diana

Donaldson, Diane

Dough, Bob

Downs, Susan

Duckenfield, Melvin

Dudley, Robert

Class of '78 323

Dunn, Donald

Durham, Beverly

Dutton, Robin

Ealy, Ron

Earnhardt, Sarah

Easters, Gisele

Eastwick, Alan

Eaves, Cheryl

Edgerton, Kirk

Edmondson, Mary

Edwards, A.

Edwards, Randy

Edwards, Timothy

Efird, Lilly

Equez, Jean

Elliot, Faye

Eloshway, Teresa

Englesby, H.

Evanovich, David

Evarts, Steve

Evans, Mildred

Ezzell, Melba

Faison, Henry

Farmer, Surrie

Faucette, Susan

Faulkner, Gary

Fearing, Sophia

Felton, Valerie

Ferguson, Donald

A group of friends stop enroute to class to make plans for a weekend at the beach.

Ferrell, Dottie

Fisher, Dawn

Fiske, Beverly

Flaherty, Debbie

Flanigan, Patricia

Formy Duval, Pamela

Foster, William

Fowler, Robert

Franke, George

Frederick, Cynthia

Freeman, David

Freeman, Phil

French, Edward

Fritsch, Barbara

324 Class of '78

Gaither, Tunya

Gallagher, Rosanne

Garner, Nancy

Garnes, Theresa

Garrett, George

Garrett, Virginia

Gaskins, Brenda

Gaylor, Stephen

Geller, Katherine

Gentry, Linda

George, Theresa

Gibson, Barbara

Gibson, Vickie

Gill, Teresa

Gillespie, Martha

Glascock, Kathy

Glasgow, Jim

Glover, Deborah

Godfrey, Helen

Godwin, Gail

Goff, Robin

Gooding, Cathy

Gornto, Paula

Gower, Paul

Grafton, Debbie

Grandy, Johnnie

Grant, Pamela

Grant, William

Green, James

Green, Walter

Greene, Otis

Groff, Judith

Grogan, Pamela

Gulledge, Mable

Gupton, Susan

Gushlaw, Tina

Hales, Donald

Hall, Claudia

Hall, Donna

Hall, Johnie

Hammond, Robin

Hammonds, Tess

Hancock, Patricia

Hanes, Jimmy

Hanna, Sallie

Hardesity, Sandra

Harding, Cynthia

Hardy, Susan

Harlow, Julie

Harper, Rhonda

Harper, Rose

Harrell, Beverly

Harrell, Gail

Harrell, Lee

Harris, Mary

Harris, Timothy

Harrison, Melody

Hartis, Cynthia

Hartis, Gary

Harvey, Marion

Hayes, Candice

Hayes, Deborah

Hayes, Deborah

Hayes, Kevin

Helmer, Susan

Hennecy, Patricia

Hepler, Ann

Hershey, Anna

Highsmith, Mary

Hight, Joseph

Class of 78 325

Hill, Barbara

Hill, Cynthia

Hiller, Keith

Hinshaw, Gwen

Hodges, Francesca

Holloman, Penelope

Holt, Sheila

Horne, Joyce

Horner, Holly

Horton, Susan

Howard, Pamela

Howell, Anna

Hoyle, Beth

Hudson, Billy

Hudson, Ginger

Hudson, Jenell

Hudson, Joy

Huffman, Celia

Hughes, Marshall

Hughes, Mary

Hunsucker, Elizabeth

Hunt, David

Hutcherson, James

Hylton, Martha

Idoll, Candy

Inman, Alfred

Inscoe, Don

Isnard, Algin

Jackson, Velma

Jean, Margaret

Jernigan, Vickie

Johnson, Cynthia

Johnson, Laura

Johnson, George III

Johnson, Mike

Johnson, Terry

Johnson, William

Jones, Cynthia

Jones, Deborah

Jones, Debbie

Jones, Jennie

Jones, Kathy

Jones, Keith

Jones, Sharon

Jorgensen, Eva

Jorgensen, Gloria

Joseph, Thomas

Joyner, Catherine

Joyner, Donna

Joyner, Sarah

Judson, Robbin

Kane, Mary

Katzman, Graig

Kay, Kimberly

Keith, Donna

Kelsey, Lawrence

Kemp, Carol

Kennedy, James Jr.

Kennerly, Kim

Kidney, Chuck

Kilpatrick, Carolyn

King, Connie

King, Mark

Klem, Pat

Knight, Cheryl

Knopp, Sarah

Knott, Vivian

Kornegay, Claire

Kovalchick, Terry

Kyker, Diane

326 Class of '78

Ladd, Duke

Lael, Dave

Lamb, George

Lamb, Teresa

Lamm, Larry

Lamm, Sandy

Landreth, William

Lane, Bettie

Lane, Mary

Langley, Alice

Lashley, Kirby

Latham, Linda

Latham, Sue

Leake, Thomas

Leake, Zane

Leggett, Deborah

Lemly, Laura

Levings, Karin

Lewis, Don

Lewis, Rita

Lewis, Susan

Lickamy, Nancy

Liggins, Deborah

Lilley, Daniel

Lisane, Fostina

Lisk, Donna

Little, Rebecca

Long, Karen

Ludwick, Holly

Lynch, Catherine

Mackey, Brenda

Maloney, Barbara

Maney, Anita

Manning, Bonit

Manuel, Rhonda

Marchetti, Terry

Marsh, Martha

Marsh, Rhonda

Martin, Benjamin

Massenburg, Claudia

Matthews, Larry

Maynor, Kayron

Mayo, Linda

McArtan, Kenneth

McBride, Kyle

McCain, Rita

McCanless, R.

McClenny, Kathy

McClintock, Sara

Class ot '78 327

McCoy, Patricia

McCoy, Susan

McCoss, Anna

McCullen, Jo

McDonald, Miram

McGee, David

McKaughan, Carter

McKenrick, Jane

McKisson, Dorttiy

McLaughlin, Ginny

McLellon, Constance

McPhail, Norwood

McSwain, Grady

Medlin, Pearl

Melts, Florence

Melville, Alice

Memory, Patricia

Merritt, David

Merritt, Jo

Middleton, Myra

Mikeal, Marcia

Miller, Donita

Miller, Kevin

Miller, Kimberly

Mills, Karen

Millsaps, Karen

Misenheimer, Chris

Modlin, Mary

Moody, Sandra

Moore, Nancy

Moore, Troi

Morefield, Gary

Morris, Rudy

Morrison, Laura

Mozingo, Gilbert

Mudlin, Cynthia

Murphy, Cynthia

Murphy, Scarlet

Murphy, Sharon

Murray, Theresa

Napier, Linda

Narron, Bonnie

Narron, Paula

Deciding upon a major a common task for sophomores, takes a lot of careful thought in a quiet place.

328 Class of '78

Nelson, Jacqui

Newlin, Cynthia

Newton, Cathy

Norcross, Sue

Nordstek, Paul

Norris, Becky

Norris, Becky

Novak, Cheryl

O'Briant, Douglas

Odom, Charlton

Ogburn, Jackie

Ogburn, Jackie

Oldham, A.

Olson, Pamela

Olson, Teresa

O'Neal, Debra

Orrell, Rowena

Osborne, Vickie

Osman, Paul

Paderick, Carolyn

Page, Beverly

Parker, Brenda

Parker, Nancy

Parks, Bum

Parris, Pamela

Patterson, Ann

Pearce, Randolph

Peoples, J.

Peoples, Jackie

Patrick, Herbert

Perdue, Nancy

Perkins, Berky

Perkinson, Sallye

Perry, Danny

Phillips, Susan

Pinkston, Pamela

Pitt, Yolanda

Popkin, Yale

Powell, Frank

Powers, Teresa

Prehn, Ann

Price, Allen

Price, Connie

Price, Donna

Price, Larry

Price, Mary

Price, Mary

Prince, Teresa

Pritchard, Cathy

Privett, Jennifer

Privott, Edna

Pruitt, Julie

Pruitt, Shirley

Pulley, Bill

Quinn, Susan

Ragland, James

Rawls, Lee

Rawls, Marty

Ray, Robin

Ray, Robin

Redman, Marsha

Reed, Sharon

Register, Connie

Reid, Jim

Reynolds, Gilbert

Reynolds, Teresa

Rhodes, Kathy

Rhodes, Keith

Richardson, Amy

Rickie, Rose

Class of '78 329

Ridenhour, Carroll

Ridenhour, Debra

Riggsbee, Arnold

Riley, Jackie

Roberts, Carol

Roberts, Tom

Roberts, Virginia

Robertson, Nancy

Robertson, Verna

Rogers, David

Rogers, James

Rogers, Lesa

Rogers, Sara

Rollins, Jeff

Rooney, Shauna

Roper, Margaret

Rose, Beverly

Rose, Constance

Rose, Serena

Ross, Charlotte

Ross, Diana

Rouse, Deborah

Rowe, Karen

Russell, Patricia

Ryals, Marsha

Ryals, Patricia

Ryan, Dolores

Sampson, Bonnie

Sanders, Helen

Sauls, Sandra

Sawyer, Donna

Sawyer, Karen

Saylor, Lori

Schaffer, Leon

Scheib, Joseph

Schlosser, Sandra

Sclhrader, Ellen

Seagroves, Lynn

Sharp, Julia

Shaw, Joseph

Shinn, Bobby

Sholar, Christy

Sidelinger, Michael

Friends are an important aspect of college life as they are constantly needed to help each other through rough times and to relieve the tension brought on by studying.

330 Class of '78

Sietz, Timothy

Simmons, Don

Sinclair, Jerry

Slack, Jeffrey

Slate, Barbara

Sloan, Thomas

Small, Timothy

Smith, Beth

Smith, Cindy

Smith, David

Smith, James

Smith, Kathryn

Smith, Norris

Smith, Tommy

Snipes, Carelyn

Snyder, Mark

Soles, Laura

Sorrell, Mike

Sosnik, Mark

Southern, James

Spain, Garla

Sparks, Reba

Sparrow, John

Spencer, Olive

Splain, Catherine

Spriull, Steve

Staley, Cynthia

Stancil, Debbra

Stankus, Martha

Staton, Christine

Stegall, Alysl

Stephens, Mary

Stevens, Bonnie

Stevens, John

Stiller, Skipper

Stotler, Vickie

Streater, Danette

Strickland, Rosetta

Strong, Richard

Stroud, Steve

Suber, Anne

Sullivan, Dorothy

Sullivan, Paula

Sumner, Barbara

Sutton, Wanda

Swaim, Howard

Swane, Cheryl

Swanger, Tamela

Swope, Karen

Sykes, Terry

Talbert, William

Tanner, Mark

Tapscott, Bonnie

Tart, Andrea

Tatul, David

Taylor, Deborah

Taylor, Kimela

Taylor, Maxwell

Tedder, Katherine

Temple, Deborah

Temple, Teresa

Thomas, Robert

Thomas, Diane

Thompson, Jack

Thompson, Regina

Timons, Jim

Todd, Jeffrey

Truss, Ollie

Tschantre, Kimberly

Tucker, Sharon

Class of '78 331

Turnage, Deborah

Turner, Donald

Turner, Helen

Turner, June

Tyler, Helen

Tynes, Norma

Tyson, Deborah

Underwood, Tommie

Upchurch, Belinda

Utley, T.

Vann, Debra

Vaughn, Vicki

Veach, Allison

Vines, Cynthia

Walker, Cindy

Walker, Donald

Walker, Peggy

Walker, Sarah

Wall, Randy

Wallace, Twilla

Waller, Burgess

Walker, Stanley

Walters, Tom

Ward, Ben

Warner, Mary

Warren, Doug

Warren, Janet

Warren, Louis

Warren, Pamela

Warren, Teresa

Waterman, Susan

Waters, Mesta

Watkins, Teresa

Watkins, Terry

Watson, Frances

Watson, Suzanne

Watts, Randy

Watts, Randy

Weaver, Pamela

Webb, Linda

Welborn, Edward

Wells, Kathryn

Wernle, Catherine

West, Oteria

West, Willard

Westbrook, Nancy

Wester, David

Whaley, Sandra

Wheeler, Sandra

Whichard, Wanda

White, David

White, Karen

White, Kaye

White, Marcia

White, Robert

White, Shannon

White, Tena

White, William

Whitfield, Angela

Whittord, Jimmie

Whiting, Gary

Whitlark, Julie

Wilkinson, Judy

Williams, E.

Williams, Marie

Williamson, Sue

Williford, Katherine

Wilson, Debra

Wilson, Doris

Wilson, Marie

332 Class of '78

Wilson, Elizabeth

Winborne, Linn

Winstead, Debra

Womble, Janet

Wood, Jo

Wood, James

Woodall, Kay

Woodring, Ricky

Woods, Elizabeth

Wooten, Ronnie

Wright, David

Wright, Ed

Wright, Margie

Wyant, Susan

Wyatt, Jackie

Wysocki, Annette

Yale, Rebecca

Yogodzmski, Jeanne

Young, Susan

Yow, Lynne

Zickler, Connie

Zigler, Randal

Zubrickas, Bobbie

Class of '78 333

The Class of '77 will be the last class at East Carolina University to graduate on the quarter system. Most of these students entered in the fall of 1973. Others transferred this year from junior and community colleges. All have decided on a major field of study and many have an idea about their future. The Class of '77 experienced the streaking craze their first year on campus and several policy changes regarding curfew and dorm regulations.

Class of '77

Acai, Mary

Acree, Joyce

Adams, Dale

Adams, Jeannette

Adcock, Jennifer

Adderton, Jerry

Albea, Eleanor

Aldridge, Stephen

Anderson, Linda

Allotey-Jordan, Faith

Ansel, Jean Anne

Applegate, Patti

Armstrong, Dottie

Arrington, Gloria

Ashley, Ricky

Atma, Lee

Avera, Cynthia

Ayers, Annette

Bailey, Robert

Bailey, Roxanne

Baker, Brenda

Baker, Cathy

Baker, Della

Ballance, Naomi

Barfield, Marcia

Barlow, Charles

Barnes, Ron

Barnwell, Belinda

Barrett, Janet

Barrett, Judy

Bartlett, Elizabeth

Batchelor, Diania

Batten, Herbert

Beauchaine, Stephanie

Beck, Martha

Bell, Jeffrey

Bell, Lauren

Bell, Terry

Bell, Willie

Bennett, Mark

Benson, Glenda

Benton, Darlene

Benton, Gary

Benton, Rob

Best, David

Best, Pam

Biggs, Bailey

Bird, Tommy

Bishop, Mary

334 Class of '77

A class gathered on the mall and conducted a group discussion during the warm weather of winter quarter.

Blackmon, Wanda

Blackwell, Ginger

Blackwood, Lu Ann

Blalock, Victor

Blanton, John

Blizzard, Valerie

Bodo, Willie Faye

Boham, Kenneth

Bolling, Rebecca

Bonna, Bear

Boyce, Lisa

Boyd, Maureen

Boykin, Betty

Bradley, Millie Lou

Brami, Christopher

Brammer, Cynthia

Brannan, Stephen

Branch, J.

Brannon, Frankie

Brantley, Melissa

Braxton, Toni

Bridgers, Benita

Bright, Scott

Brinson, Lloyd

Britt, Mary

Brown, Al

Brown, Debra

Brown, Jimmie

Brown, Patricia

Brown, Travis

Browning, Robert

Bruton, Laurie

Bryan, Carol

Bryant, Johnnie

Bryant, Randall

Buchanon, Larry

Buck, Scott

Bullock, Brenda

Bullock, Cynthia

Bullock, D.V.

Bullock, Sharon

Bunch, Sheila

Bunn, D. R.

Bunting, Flo

Burch, Barbara

Burgess, Tom

Burroughs, Deborah

Buzzellie, Nancy

Byrd, M. L.

Byrum, Sheila

Cahoon, Maude

Cain, Larry

Caison, M. R.

Class of 77 335

Cameron, Cheryl

Campbell, Donna

Campbell, Pamela

Cannady, John

Cannady, Renee

Cannon, Ramona

Cannon, Ruby

Cansler, Robert

Carter, Foster

Carter, Mary

Cartwright, Janet

Carver, George

Cassedy, Gary

Chestnut, Sylvia

Clapp, Bradley

Clarke, James

Clarke, Vickie

Clayton, Sheliah

Clifton, Julia

Cobb, Kitty

Coleman, Robert

Coleman, Ted

Coles-Coghi, Alexander

Collier, Sam

Collins, Paula

Coltrain, Sharon

Conlyn, Dons

Cook, Deborah

Cooper, Faye

Cooper, Grover

Cortez, Sandra

Cotten, Brenda

Courtney, Loyd

Covington, Ginger

Coyle, Patricia

Craddock, Constance

Craft, Jan

Craig, Herman

Creech, Randy

Crews, Rhonda

Crissman, Bonnie

Crocker, Larry

336 Class of '77

Croom, Joan

Crowe, Debra

Crown, Audrey

Culpepper, Cathy

Curtis, Carole

Curtis, Charles

Cuttino, Cathe

Dail, John

Daily, Thomas

Daniel, Allen

Daniels, Janet

Daniels, Richard

Daugherty, Terrie

Davenport, Toni

Davenport, Wilbur

Davis, Anita

Davis, George

Davis, Janet

Davis, Richard

Davis, Wanda

Dayberry, John

Delamar, Mary

Delano, Sondra

Denning, David

Denunolo, Lois

Dickens, Greg

Dickens, Carol

Dickens, Wade

Dickinson, Julie

Dixon, Dawn

Dixon, Di

Dixon, Guy

Dodson, Annette

Doub, Randy

Dowdy, Richard

Driver, Amy

Driver, Gwendolyn

Dudley, Frances

Dudley, William

Durham, Maria

Dyer, Nancy

Edwards, Carol

Class of '77 337

A couple discuss their future plans on the steps of Jarvis Dorm.

Edwards, David

Eller, Debra

Elliott, Kay

Elmore, Cathy

Emry, Martha

Englesby, Brenda

Ennis, Nancy

Evans, Carolyn

Evans, Debra

Evans, Kathy

Evans, Phileria

Eversole, Catherine

Faison, Helen

Fales, Deborah

Falk, Thomas

Faulconer, Cynthia

Faulkner, Debbi

Fehrs, Robert

Ferguson, Steven

Fields, David

Fisher, Linda

Fisher, Pam

Fitch, Teresa

Fitzgerald, Evelyn

Floyd, Wilbert

Flynn, Helen

Forbes, Robin

Foust, Kathy

Frander, Doris

Franke, Annette

Frazelle, Debbie

Freeman, John

Freeze, Freda

Fry, Barbara

Gamlin, Debra

Garren, Beverly

Gaylor, Wanda

Geczy, Ava

Geer, Jennifer

Geiman, William

Ghant, Joyce

Gillette, Wray

Gilmore, Robert

Gilmore, Vicki

Godley, Shelia

Golightly, Linda

Gravely, Mary

Greene, William

338 Class of '77

Greiner, Deborah

Griffin, Jane

Griffin, Martica

Grimmett, Billy

Guin, Jaime

Gunter, Wanda

Gunderson, Neil

Gwinn, Caren

Hagen, Jeanne

Hardison, Deborah

Harloe, Karen

Harper, Dwight

Harper, Jane

Harper, Mardie

Harper, Ramona

Harrell, Cynthia

Harrell, Ray

Harrill, Charles

Harrill, David

Harris, Deborah

Harrison, James

Hatch, Eddie

Haynes, Janet

Heath, Anita

Heath, Ellen

Hedgepath, Jerry

Helbic, Janet

Helsabeck, Dawn

Henderson, Jay

Henderson, Vanessa

Heyward, Mary

Hickman, Deborah

Hicks, Anne

Higgins, Helen

Hight, Ellen

Hill, Chet

Hill, David

Hill, Gwendolyn

Hill, Marjorie

Hill, Nannie

Hill, Sylvia

Hill, Terri

Hines, Debbie

A frisky pup begged for some lunch from a co-ed having a break between classes.

Class of '77 339

Hinton, Jan

Hobbs, Joseph

Hobbs, Rebecca

Hobbs, Sybil

Hodges, Helen

Hodges, Carolyn

Holland, Teresia

Hollen, Mary

Hollingsworth, Jane

Hollis, Tawny

Hollister, Saly

Holten, Cynthia

Horne, Ruth

Howe, Ben

Howie, Max

Huff, Linda

Hufford, Susan

Huggins, Dennis

Hughes, Julie

Humphries, D.J.

Hunter, Michael

Hutchins, Mary

Ingram, Glenda

Inscoe, Thomas

Ireland, Wendy

Isenhour, Nancy

Ivey, Ledel

Jackson, Rosemarie

Jarma, David

Jenkins, Kathy

Jirva, Josephine

Johnson, Katherine

Johnson, Michael

Johnson, Mona

Jones, Ava

Jones, Chlora

Jones, Daphne

Jones, Diane

Jones, Freda

Jones, James

Jones, Patricia

Jordan, Julie

340 Class of '77

Jones, Nancy

Jones, Patricia

Jones, Robert

Jones, Sandra

Jonges, Mike

Jordan, Donna

Joyner, Beverly

Joyner, Henry

Joyner, William

Kanipe, Helen

Kanoy, Caroline

Katz, Rhona

Kearns, Barbara

Keech, Garry

Keech, Larry

Keeter, Stephen

Kent, Lynn

Ketchum, Margaret

Kincaid, Jeff

King, Cynthia

Kingsland, Glynda

Kinton, Robin

Kluttz, Debra

Knowles, James

Kraus, Brian

Kramer, Charles

Kwiatkowski, Eileen

Lalanne, James

Lancaster, Susan

Lane, Linda

Latham, Richard

Lawrence, Cecila

Lea, Robert

Lee, James

Leggett, Amy

Levi, Kathy

Lewallen, Wanda

Lewis, Cynthia

Lewis, James

Lewis, Mike

Lewis, Teresa

Linville, James

Hordes of students wait to purchase books for Spring quarter. The supply store hires extra people to handle the rush of students and to avoid long lines. Despite this many students stand in line for an hour or more holding a fortune in books.

Class of '77 341

An upperclassman looks up the SGA constitution in the student handbook.

Lloyd, Mark

Lloyd, Sheila

Long, Betty

Long, Tommy

Lucas, Stanley

Lyon, Terrie

Maccubbin, Deborah

Mackenzie, Patricia

Major, Kathy

Mangum, Jeffery

Mansour, Nourhan

Maraki, Patricia

Marlowe, Wanda

Marks, Pamela

Marshburn, Ernest

Martin, Brady

Martin, Martha

Martin, William

Mashburn, Arlene

Maskery, Suzanne

Mason, Constance

Matthews, Michael

Maultsby, Paula

May, Ricky

McAdams, Laurie

McClain, Linda

McDonald, Connie

McDowell, Cynthia

McDuffie, Gregory

McDuffie, Mary

McIntyre, Jim

McKenzie, David

McKinney, Valerie

McLaurie, Debbie

McLaurin, Sean

McLeod, Sue

McNeil, Karen

McNeill, Joyce

342 Class of '77

McPherson, Vicki

McQuaid, Mary

McQuaid, Thomas

McRorie, Kathy

Meadows, Ricky

Medhus, Eric

Medlin, Seth

Meehan, Patricia

Melville, Alice

Merrit, Dare

Mezias, Fred

Michaels, Stephen

Miller, Janet

Miller, Sara

Mitchell, Louis

Moody, Janet

Moore, Dianne

Moore, Helen

Moore, Kim

Moore, Mary

Moore, Nancy

Moore, Patsy

Moore, Renee

Moore, Susan

Moore, Terri

Moore, Wesley

Morrow, Mary

Motley, Robin

Mozingo, Mike

Mull, Jane

Murray, Bruce

Murray, Terry

Murray, Nancy

Murray, William

Musgrove, John

Myers, Teresa

Myslinski, Kathy

Nance, Raymond

Nash, David

Newby, Cynthia

Newby, Curtis

Newsome, Staris

Norris, Ethal

Northcott, Dale

Nunn, Wanda

Nunnery, Sherry

Odom, Amy

O'Neil, Brian

Outlaw, Janet

Packer, Jean

Pardue, Steve

Parker, Janice

Peaden, Robert

Pearce, Allan

Pearman, Margaret

Pearson, Jeanne

Pendergraft, Wanda

Pennell, Vann

Peoples, Pamela

Pergerson, Mitchell

Perkins, Janice

Peterson, Joan

Phillips, J.

Piddington, Susan

Poe, Kathleen

Pollard, D.

Pollock, Jane

Polsson, M.

Poole, William

Pope, Dale

Class of '77 343

Pope, Frank

Pope, Sylvia

Powell, Carol

Powell, Robert

Powell, Ted

Powers, Julia

Price, Barbara

Price, S.

Pridgen, Mary

Pritchard, Terry

Privott, Lisa

Proctor, Sandra

Purvis, Paul

Queen, Mary

Quinn, Marilyn

Quinn, Rey

Rabens, Edwin

Ragan, Phyllis

Ramee, Gail

Raper, Teresa

Ray, Linda

Raybon, Betty

Rebello, Laurie

Reep, Roxanne

Reynolds, Cindy

Reynolds, Janice

Rhodes, Deborah

Richardson, Bennet

Ricks, Debra

Riley, Melinda

Rivenbark, Pansy

Robb, Jeff

Robinson, Barry

Rockefeller, David

Rogers, David

Rogers, Frederick

Rogers, Judy

Rogers, Vicki

Rollins, Ferrell

Rose, Ronnie

Rose, IsShimine

Ross, Billie

Rountree, Nancy

A co-ed peers over the balcony of Cotlen to see the crowd during a panty raid.

344 Class of '77

Rouse, Lisa

Roxbury, Laura

Ruffin, David

Safy, Margaret

Samoriski, Pat

Sanders, Kathy

Sanges, Beverly

Satterwhite, Marian

Sauls, Diane

Sause, Michael

Sawyer, Johnny

Scarangella, Jessica

Schubert, Lynn

Schultz, D.

Scott, Sheila

Sellars, Anita

Shank, Barbara

Sharpe, Richard

Shipley, Linda

Shipman, Carolyn

Shull, Linda

Silvers, Linda

Simmons, Amy

Simmons, Eric

Simpson, Leonard

Sipe, Sherry

Smith, Bruce

Smith, Lee Ann

Smith, Linda

Smith, R.

Smith, Rebecca

Smith, Melody

Smyre, Jan

Snipes, Mary

Sossamon, Janet

Class of '77 345

Spargo, Vickie

Sparrow, Effie

Spear, Clyde

Spence, Ellen

Spengeman, Craig

Spivey, Windy

Spruill, Wanda

Stainback, Marty

Stancil, Michael

Stanley, Barbara

Stanley, Deborah

Stapleford, Anne

Steele, Mary

Stell, Denise

Stell, Dexter

Stewart, Jeffery

Stockstill, Susan

Stone, Janne

Stover, Robin

Strannahan, Jacque

Strickland, Deborah

Strickland, Jackie

Stubbs, Fletcher

Stuber, Steve

Summerlin, Gene

Swain, Jay

Swanson, Debbie

Swinson, Jesse

Sykes, Stephanie

Tanton, Vicki

Taylor, Debra

Taylor, Marian

Tedder, Judy

Temple, Susan

Temple, Wanda

Tew, Sherry

Thigpen, Barbara

Thomas, Judy

Thomas, Mary

Thomas, Richard

Thomas, Velma

Thompson, Melinda

Thompson, Pat

346 Class of '77

Dorm rooms serve as home for students who equip the rooms to provide entertainment, food and a place to rest.

Thompson, Rose

Thompson, Susan

Thornell, Mary

Thorton, Rebecca

Thorp, Barbara

Toliner, Carroll

Topping, Debbie

Turner, James

Troutt, Patricia

Truluck, Teresa

Tully, Terry

Tyndall, Ray

Umphlett, Sheila

Van Nortwich, Erik

Vaughn, Ronald

Vernon, Debra

Violette, Denise

Vivo, Teresita

Walker, Harry

Walker, Patricia

Wall, Sarah

Waller, Helen

Walters, Robert

Warren, Ann

Warwick, Ira

Waters, Betty Jo

Watson, Janet

Weitz, Kathleen

Whatley, Amy

Whisenant, Teresa

Whitaker, Cindy

Whitaker, George

White, Miriam

White, Tom

Whitehurst, Marie

Class of '77 347

Whitfield, Susan

Whitford, Mary

Whitley, Ella

Whitley, June

Wiggins, Lucy

Wiggins, Wanda

Wilder, Jeffrey

Willer, Sarah

Williams, Clarence

Williams, James

Willis, Marilyn

Wilson, Glenda

Wilson, Sharon

Winslow, Michael

348 Class of '77

Winstead, Linda

Wood, Roy

Woods, John

Woolard, Cora

Wrenn, Beverly

Wurmstich, Susan

Yager, Daniel

Yelverton, Alton

Yezarski, Linda

Yopp, Audrey

Younger, Carol

Yount, Cathy

Zabran, Joe

Class of '77 349

Adams, B.R.

Adams, Cheryl

Adams, Donna

Al-Awar, Samir

Anderson, Susan

Andrews, Allyson

Andrews, Emily

Archibald, John

Ashinhurst, Sheila

Austria, Jaime

Bailey, Stephen

Bailey, Vicky

Baker, Brenda

Baker, George

Baker, Jennifer

Baldwin, Edward

Ball, Gwendolyn

Ballinger, Deborah

Banks, John

Banks, Michael

Banks, Robert

Barbee, Bonnie

Barefoot, Terry

Barker, Thomas

Barnes, Edward

Barnes, Freda

Barnes, Karen

Barnhill, Mike

Barnhill, Sarah

Barr, Constance

Bartlett, Patricia

Battle, Scott

Batts, Willis

Beacham, Clarence

Beaman, Norma

Beaston, Geoff

Beavers, Nancy

Beddard, Jim

Bembridge, Faye

Berry, Elaine

Best, Elizabeth

Betts, Bill

Biggerstaff, Teresa

Bishop, Beth

Bishop, Margaret

Bittner, Susan

Blackwood, Sandra

Boggs, Karen

350 Class of '76


The graduating seniors in 1976 have spent four long and hard years working for their degrees be it a teaching degree or a Bachelor of arts degree. The class entered in the fall of '72 amid the Presidential campaign and the Watergate scandal. They witnessed the first Homecoming win in five years and it was a victory over the N.C. State Wolfpack.

Also on the following pages are the outstanding seniors recognized by Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities.

Boles, Terry

Bosnick, David

Bottoms, Marilyn

Bowen, Diane

Bowers, Kerry

Bowie, Joan

Boyette, Ethel

Boyette, Peg

Boyette, Peg

Boykin, Patricia

Bradshaw, Becky

Branigan, M. W.

Brown, Alex

Brantley, Pamela

Braswell, Frederick

Braxton, Carolyn

Brent, Ann

Brett, E. J.

Brodsky, Mark

Brown, B. A.

Brown, Debra

Brown, Martha

Bruce, Richard

Bryan, Lynwood

Bryant, Phil

Buchler, W. A.

Bullock, Cindy

Bullock, Regina

Bunn, Debbie

Bunn, L.

Burdett, Donna

Burnette, F.J.

Burnette, Robin

Burti, Christopher

Butner, Frieda

Butler, H. L.

Class of '76 351

NORMA ANN BEAMON, from Snow Hill, N.C majored in Sociology.

Butler, Mary

Byrd, Nancy

Byrd, Nancy

Byrd, Richard

Cameron, Carole

Campbell, Kimberly

Coppage, Jesse

Campen, Mary

Carpenter, Connie

Carpenter, Danny

Carpenter, Sheila

Carter, Clay

Casey, Rose

Castleberry, Susan

Caudell, Holly

Chamblee, Gail

Chamblee, Marie

Chappell, LuAnn

352 Class of '76

Chavasse, Anne

Clark, Felicia

Clark, Mark

Clark, Walter

Clemons, Elred

Cobb, Dave

Cole, Barbara

Collier, Dwight

Collins, Debbie E.

Collins, Jenny

Comby, Blake

Compton, Linda

Conner, Linda

Cook, Ronald

Cooper, Kenneth

Cooper, Patty

Council, Mary

Cowart, Cattiy L.

GEOFF BEASTON, a native of High Point, N.C. majored in Business Administration. Active in sports he was a member of the Baseball team.

Class of '76 353

Cox, Jerry

Cox, Mary

Creef, Ludford

Crissman, James

Crockett, Thelma

Croom, Aaron

Crosier, Rebecca

Crutchfield, Denise

Cunningham, Robert

Currie, Kathy

Cyrus, Gerald

Daley, Annette

Dameron, Connie

Daniel, Lettitia

Daniel, Sylvia

Darby, Marshall

Davenport, Carolyn

Davenport, Donald

Davenport, Martha

SUSAN J. BITTNER majored in English. A native of Morehead City, N.C. she was involved with Sigma Tau Delta, Kappa Delta Pi, Alpha Phi Gamma and Phi Kappa Phi honor societies. She served on the Executive Committee of the English Department and as secretary of the Student Union Lecture Committee. Interested in journalism, Susan was the Academics editor of the '75 and '76 BUCCANEERS. She also participated in the English Honors Program.

354 Class of '76

ELIZABETH CARLENE BOYD majored in English. She was a member of Sigma Tau Delta and Alpha Phi Gamma honor societies. Active in athletics Carlene played on both the Field Hockey and Basketball teams and worked as a Sports Information assistant for Women's athletics. She was co-editor of the '75 BUCCANEER and a hall advisor. A native of Pinetown, N.C. she was recognized as an Outstanding Woman Student on Campus in 1975 and graduated Sigma Cum Laude.

Davidson, Aldriche

Davis, Gennie Lee

Davis, Jennie

Davis, Kimberly

Dean, Rhonda

Deanes, Nancy G.

Demartino, Elaine

Dement, David

Dickens, Greg

Dickens, Sandra Lee

Dickerson, Dennett

Dickson, Walter

Dorsey, Walter

Doss, Cecile

Dotson, Kaye

Drake, Kathyrn

Duckett, Jo

Durham, Charles

Durham, Danny

Durham, Lucretia

Earley, Juanita

Eason, Richard

Eason, Steven

Edmonds, Edward

Edwards, Charles

Edwards, Bea

Edwards, James

Edwards, Karla Mae

Edwards, Michael

Edwards, Nancy Jo

Class of '76 355

Elesha, Mary

Elkins, Sadie

Elliott, Sharon

Ellis, Linda

Ellrod, Dorothy

English, Betsy

Ernst, W. Kent

Eubank, Cheryl

Evans, Gary

Evans, John

Evans, Mary

Evans, Stacy

Evans, Victoria

Everett, Gilda

Everett, Lou

Fahrenbruch, Kathy

Farina, Bradley

Feher, Amy

Feldstein, Michael

Fender, Susan

Ferguson, Charlene

File, Nancy

JOSEPH CHAN majored in Biology in the Pre-Med Program. A native of Hong Kong he was a member of the International Students, the Pre-Med Society and the American Chemical Association. He was vice-president of Chi Beta Phi, treasurer of Alpha Epsilon Delta and a member of Phi Sigma Pi, Chan wrote the best undergraduate biology research report of the N.C. Academy of Science and the best Sigma Xi undergraduate research paper.

356 Class of '76

LARRY GRAY CHESSON, a native of Roper, N.C. majored in political science. He served as SGA treasurer in 1975-76.

Finch, Jacqueline

Finley, Anna

Fisher, Gary

Fisher, Gloria

Flint, Brenda

Floyd, Barbara

FolKS, Joyce

Ford, Horace

Fowler, William

Franklin, Betty

Franklinton, Vicki

Freeman, Beverly

French, Jeffry

Fulton, Fraysure

Gainey, Connie

Gallop, Jane

Gardner, Scott

Garger, Suzanne

Garris, Vickie

Gassaway, Ann

Ghent, Ginna

Ghazal, Shafeele

Gibson, Melanie

Giddings, Martha

Gidley, Betsy

Gentry, Catherine

Glasgow, David

Glenn, Deborah

Godwin, Betty

Goff, Virginia

Class of '76 357

WALTER FOY CLARK majored in hitory. He was a member of Phi Sigma Pi and Pi Kappa Phi fraternities. He served on the Model UN and as president of the Law Society. He participated in the ECU Rome Program and the History Honors Program.

Goodson, Barbara

Gosnell, Linda

Gray, Barbara

Gray, Karen

Griesedieck, Kathyrn

Griffin, Angie

Grimes, Mary

Groover, Patricia

Guirkins, Eleanor

Gurley, Mollie

Guthrie, Brenda

Hager, Barbara

Hahn, Jimmy

Hall, Barbara

Hall, Nancy

Hall, Ray

Hammond, E.L.

Hanable, Alice

Honold, Lynn

Hamer, Nancy

Hanford, Marvin

Hardy, Carolyn

Harmond, David

Harrell, Connie

358 Class of '76

Harrell, Charles

Harrell, Deborah

Harrell, Karla

Harrington, William

Harris, Celia

Harris, Diane

Harris, Margaret

Harris, Rebecca

Hartis, Marsha

Harton, Robert

Hartel, Victoria

Hartofelis, Harry

Hartsell, Debbie

Hatcher, Rhonda

Halley, Samuel

Hawkins, Alan

Hawkins, Sharon

Hawley, Donna


Class of '76 359

JOHN PENHALLOW EVANS III, a native of Bethesda, Md., majored in History and minored in Journalism. John was president of Alpha Phi Gamma and secretary of Pi Kappa Phi fraternities. He served as treasurer of the Men's Residence Council and on the Student Union Major Attractions Committee. Interested in athletics he played club football and was Sports Editor on the FOUNTAINHEAD for two years. He also worked as Reviews Editor.

Hearne, Jan

Heid, Gretchen

Helms, Brigitte

Helton, Sally

Hembree, Beverly

Henderson, Donna

Hendrickson, J. W.

Hendrix, Robin

Hendrix, Steven

Hepler, David

Hermann, Mary

Herring, William

Higginson, Nancy

Hilbert, Sheila

Hile, Patricia

Hill, Betty

Hill, James

Hines, Tanna

Hinnant, Danny

Hinton, Patsy

360 Class of '76

THOMAS BRENT FUNDERBURKE majored in art with an emphasis in painting. He used his artisitic talent to be a cartoonist for the FOUNTAINHEAD. Brent served as chairman of the Student Union Films Committee and Art Exhbition Committee and created their logos "Cinergy" and "Illumnia." He was also a member of Delta Phi Delta art society. He won First place in a Greenville art show and second place in an ECU show.

Hobbs, Gladys

Hobbs, Willie

Horson, Kent

Hogshire, Beverly

Holloman, Debbie

Holmes, Susan

Honeycutt, Dennis

Hooten, Phyllis

Hopmann, Chris

Horn, Scott

Horner, Cynthia

House, Cheryl

Houston, Gerald

Howard, George

Howell, Donna

Howell, Gregory

Hudson, Larry

Hudgins, Ann

Hughes, Don

Hughes, Emily

Hunike, Nancy

Hurdle, Adrianne

Hutchins, Paula

Hux, Velna

Class of '76 361

JOHN WILLIAM HARWOOD, a business administration major, was involved with the Student Union Board of Directors, and the Inter-fraternity Council. He was head of both groups and was president of Phi Kappa Pi fraternity from which he received the Bob Hood and Richard Scott Awards. He also served on the Homecoming Steering Committee and the Pi Beta Lambda business fraternity.

Hyland, Rebecca

Ingram, Cecile

Jackson, Ceba

Jackson, Jerry

Jackson, Susan

James, Glenn

Jarvis, Mary

Jefferson, Barbara

Jennette, Charlie

Jernigan, L. E.

Johnson, Donnie

Johnson, Jerry

Johnson, Pattie

Johnson, Tommy

Jones, Stephen Courtney

Johnston, Jo

Jones, Freda

Jones, Vicki

Jones, Vickie Sue

Jordan, Linda C.

362 Class of '76

BARBARA JEAN HALL, a native of Virginia Beach, Va., majored in English. She served as president of Sigma Tau Delta. Active in sports she was captain of the field hockey team and a member of the tennis team.

Joyner, Alice

Kalameia, Alan

Keenan, Debby

Keel, Patricia

Keistler, Joey

Kelly, Madeline

Kennedy, Katie

Kennington, Debra

Kerby, Cliff

Ketner, Ronald

Kimmel, Frances

Kirby, Karen

Kolody, Clarinda

Kopcynski, Mary

Kupke, Kathyrn

Lamm, Marianna

Lancaster, Holly

Landin, Michael


Lassiter, Janice

Lau, Nancy

Lawhon, Brenda

Lawrence, Robin

Laws, George

Leary, Mary

Lee, Mary

Lee, Melissa

Leith, Robert

Letchworth, Thelma

Lewis, Elizabeth

Lewis, George

Lewis, James

Lewis, Mary

Li Sui Ki

Linn, Reid

Little, Robert

Lockamy, Sara

PATSY ANN HINTON, a Rocky Mount native, majored in English. She was a member of Sigma Tau Delta, Kappa Delta Pi and Alpha Phi Gamma. Interested in journalism she was a staff writer for the FOUNTAINHEAD.

364 Class of '76

Lockemy, Robert

Loftin, Patsy

Logsdon, Joan

Long, Rise

Longworth, Nancy

Lucas, Terry

Lukawecz, Deborah

Lundy, Larry

Lynch, Kinny

Lyons, Barbara

Lyons, Margaret

Ma, Huuquan

MacGregor, Elizabeth

Malloch, Elizabeth

Malpass, Judy

Mann, Deborah

Manning, Lena

Manning, Susan

Manning, Terry

Mansfield, Carolyn

Marcellus, Candace

Marett, John

Marion, T. K.

Markle, Sharon

Marshburn, Susan

Mayfield, Arthur

Mayo, Deborah

McAteer, Timothy

McCormack, Doug

McCrae, Deborah

McDonald, Gail

McDowell, Robbin

McFadyen, David

McKeithen, Patricia

McKeel, Emma

McKenzie, Nancy

McLawhorn, John

Mclean, Mitchell

McQueen, Judy

McPhatter, Alvin

McRae, Jane

Melcher, Rebecca

Melton, Robert

Merideth, Milly

Metzger, Debra

Miller, Jeffrey

Miller, Penny

Mills, Diane


Mitchell, Fredic

Mitchell, Lynn

Mitchell, Mary

Modlin, Anna

Moll, Gregory

Mooney, Susan

Moore, Charles

Moore, Jeanne

Moore, Laurei

Moore, Marsha

Moore, Mary

Moore, Tyre

Moren, Debra

Morris, Elizabeth

Morris, Jeannie

Morrow, Charles

Morse, Barbara

Mosley, Michael

Moss, Cheryl

Motteler, Larry

Murphy, Henry

Murray, Douglas

Murray, Susan

Myers, Valory

Nalley, Christie

Naylor, Brenda

Neal, Teresa

Neff, Robert

Newell, William

Nichols, Victor

JIMMY HONEYCUTT, a native of Clinton, N.C. majored in Political Science. He was a member of Kappa Sigma fraternity and was SGA president.

366 Class of '76

KIM G. KUZMUCK from Washington, D.C. majored in Political Science. She was involved with the SGA, Chi Omega sorority and worked on the BUCCANEER in 73-74.

Minges, Libby

Nicklay, Katherine

Noble, Audrey

Nobles, Walter

Norman Jr., H. P.

North, Gary

North, Janet

Nowell, Tommy

Nowosielski, Cynthia

Nydell, Robin

O'Conner, James

Odette, Robert

Oettinger, Vickie

Olchovik, Marie

Oliver, Teresa

Olson, Fredric

Osborn, Beverly

O'Shea, Daniel

Outlaw, Dana

Outlaw, Ernestine

Owens, Miranda

Parker, Henry

Parker, Margaret

Parrish, Michael

Class of '76 367

Parrish, Rose Marie

Parsons, Lesley

Partin, Isabelle

Patterson, Roslyn

Paul Melba

Peace, Pratt

Peaden, Lenny

Pearce, Richard

Pearman, Stella

Peay, Connie

Peedin, Larry

Penney, Evelyn

Peoples, Barbara

Perkins, Brenda

Perry, Bonita

Perry, Derek

Perry, Julia

Phelps, Ann Marie

Phillips, Gary

Phillips, Randall

Phillips, Samuel

Pierce, Terry

Pike, Larry

Pinyoun, Kathy

Pittman, Angela

Pittman, Susan

Plummer, Barbara

Poindexter, Randy

LARRY BLANCHARD LUNDY majored in psychology. He was a member of Phi Sigma Pi and Psi Chi fraternities. Active in sports he played football for three years and made the Academic All Conference in 1974 and 1975. Larry was the first Rhodes Scholar nominee from ECU.

368 Class of '76

GARY NORTH, majored in Business. He was a member of Pi Sigma Phi, Arnold Air Society, and President of the National Parachute Instruction Club. He was an advisor in Scott Dorm. Gary was named Outstanding Cadet in 1974, Outstanding Officer in 1974, Outstanding Senior in the Parachute Club, the Rote Commander and recognized as the Outstanding Commander in 1975.

Pond, Samuel

Porter, Anne

Post, Roxanne

Poteat, Carmen

Powell, Eugene

Powell, Georgia

Poyner, Catherine

Powell, Ruth

Price, Margaret

Price, Roger

Priddy, Betsy

Prince, Barbara

Procopio, Theresa

Proctor, Deborah

Proctor, Ronald

Propst, Elizabeth

Provo, John

Pugh, Barbara

Pullen, Patricia

Radford, Pamela

Raines, Jean

Rambo, John

Ramsey, Mildred

Ratcliff, William

Class of '76 369

Ratledge, Nancy

Rayford, Blanche

Rayrin, Jacqueline

Reavis, Paul

Reece, Mitzi

Reed, Jo Anne

Reynolds, Kay

Rich, Dana

Ricks, Keith

Riddick, Joyce

Riddick, Robert

Ridenhour, Joel

Riggs, Gale

Rigby, Thomas

Roberson, Johnnie

Rogers, Lydia

Rogerson, Ranae

Rolison, Jerry

Rollins, Julia

Rosenbaum, Gary

Rountree, Dae

Rouse, Linda

Rowe, Sheree

Rassos, Nick

SAMUEL B. POND, III, a psychology major, was a member of Phi Kappa Phi, Psi Chi, Chi Beta Phi, and the pledgemaster of Phi Sigma Pi. Active in athletics he was on the football team for two years.

370 Class of '76

HARRY SEVERANCE, JR., majored in Biology. He was a member of Chi Beta Phi, Phi Kappa Phi and the Honor Council. Harry was president of the Pre-Med society.

Ryan, David

Ryherd, Rhonda

Salser, Barbara

Salter, Elwood

Sauls, Dean

Sampson, Kathy

Schlosser, Gail

Seaton, Alyce

Sellars, Daniel

Sellers, Henrietta

Sellers, Nancy

Severance, Harry

Sharp, Carol

Sharp, Willis

Sharpe, David

Sheek, Camilla

Shell, Jeannie

Sherman, Jeffrey

Shoffner, Katherine

Siler, Darren

Skelly, Frances

Skiles, Gwendelyn

Smith, Beverly

Smith, Deborah

Class of '76 371

MONIKA LEA SUTHERLAND, an English major with a journalism minor, was a member of Sigma Tau Delta and the secretary of Alpha Phi Gamma. She was a member of the BUCCANEER staff and served as editor for three years. She was a hall advisor and worked on the staff for the English department paper. She was recognized as an outstanding woman on campus for two years. A native of Goldsboro she was program director of the ECU Journalism Workshop.

Smith, George

Smith, Joyce

Smith, Marky

Smith, Melanie

Smith, Mary

Smith, Melisa

Smith, Robert

Smith, Sandy

Smith, William

Spain, Robert

Spear, Danny

Spence, Deborah

Spruill, William

Stallings, Keith

Stallings, Gayle

Stefureac, Susan

Stephens, Cecil

Stevens, Margaret

372 Class of '76

DIANE TAYLOR, a native of Goldsboro, N.C. majored in History with a journalism minor. She was a member of Alpha Phi Gamma and Phi Alpha Theta, the Athletics Advisory Committee and the Title XI subcommittee. Interested in journalism, Diane was News Editor for the Fountainhead before becoming Editor-in-chief in 1974-75 and she served as chairperson of the Publications Board. A Dean's List and Honor Roll student she also was an ECU Marshall. She was Student Union President in 75-76 and co-chairperson of the 1975 Homecoming Steering Committee. For all her accomplishments Diane was recognized was an Outstanding Woman on Campus for three consecutive years.

Stewart, Carolyn

Stewart, Julianne

Stillman, Sandra

Stith, Mabel

Stocks, Donna

Stokes, Susan

Stokes, Susan

Stout, George

Stowe, Floyd

Strain, JoeAnn

Straw, Kathryn

Strawbridge, Nancy

Strayhorn, Kenneth

Strickland, Alice

Strickland, Mary

Strickland, Reid

Strickland, Sandy

Styron, Mary

Sullivan, Robert

Summerlin, Elizabeth

Sumner, Nancy

Sutherland, Blanche

Sutherland, Monika

Sutton, Prudence

Swan, Steve

Talbert, Katherine

Tart, Linda

Taylor, Debra

Class of 76 373

Taylor, Diane

Taylor, James

Taylor, Mary Jo

Taylor, Mary

Taylor, Mike

Teiser, Robert

Tew, Margaret

Thomas, Gerald

Thompson, Michael

Thompson, Nora

Thompson, Pam

Thornton, Chris

Tingle, Linda

Tippette, Burton

Tise, Brandon

Todd, Cindy

Toler, Ben

Tripp, Charlotte

Tripp, Marvin

Tromsness, John

Tucker, Dale

Tucker, Janie

Turo, Jean

Turlington, Neale

Turner, Cheryl

Turner, June

Turner, Victoria

Tuttle, Teresa

Tyndall, Betty

Tyndall, Ted

MICHAEL RAY TAYLOR majored in Social Work. He was a member of Alpha Phi Gamma honor fraternity. Interested in serving the students, Mike was an SGA representative and worked as News editor for the Fountainhead and became Editor in-chief for 1975-76.

374 Class of '76

Tyson, Karen

Umphlett, Wanda

Vail, Mary Anne

Vance, Zelma

Vangundy, Robert

Van Hoy, Sharon

Wagner, Susan

Walizer, William

Walker, Ronda

Wallace, L.

Walter, Martha

Walters, R.

Walters, William

Ward, Vera

Warren, Lundie

Watford, J.

Watkins, Larry

Watkins, William

Wellons, Kathryn

Wellons, Polly

West, Marsha

Weston, Billie

MARY MARGARET WHITESIDE majored in Clothing and Textiles. A native of New Bern, N.C. she was president of Chi Omega, a Kappa Alpha Little Sister, a member of the Co-Greek and Panhellenic Councils. Mimi also was an active member in the SGA and was crowned White Ball Queen in 1976. She was a member of the American Home Economics Association, a member of the Advisory Committee to the Dean of Home Economics and was recognized for being the outstanding woman in clothing and textiles.

Class of '76 375

Whaley, Jethro

Whaley, Lucy

Wheeler, Linda

White, Stephen

White, William

Whitehurst, Anita

Whitehurst, Douglas

Whitford, Linda

Whitlark, Richard

Whitley, Phyllis

Whitten, Bruce

Wilder, Tony

Wilholt, Gary

Williams, Brenda

William, Jacqueline

Williams, Jane

Williams, Linda

Williams, Mary

JANE MC INNIS WOODLEY, a Home Economics Education major, is a native of Creswell, N.C. She was President of the N.C. Home Economics Association and served as treasurer of Phi Upsilon Omicron. She was also recognized as an ECU Marshall

376 Class of '76

Williams, Ronnie

Williams, Steve

Williams, Steven

Williams, William

Wilkins, Donna

Wilkinson, Lee Ann

Williford, Katherine

Wilson, Joe

Wilson, Keith

Wilson, Kathy

Wilson, Laurie

Wilson, Susan

Wimberley, Catherine

Winch, Joanne

Winstead, Merlyne

Wisdom, Larolyn

Witt, Vicki

Woodard, Helena

Woodley, Jane

Woody, David

Woolard, Betty

Woolard, Marshall

Woolard, Patsy

Worthington, Gail

Wyatt, Deborah

Wynn, Debra

Yarboro, Pamela

Yokley, Glenn

Zumbo, Rose

Zumbrunnen, Janelle

Who's Who Students which are not pictured include: Ronald Dean Payne, Mark Lyman Clark, Gloria Marie Fisher, Connie Sue Carpenter, Louis Allen McRae Jr., Paula Faye Culbreth, Anne Marie Ingram, John Albert Sheldon Jr., Jayne Gray Key, Henry Scott Murphy, Kenneth Strayhorn, John Woodley Walton, Kenneth Michael Barnhill, Rosalie Conrad Hutchens, James Mackey Lewis, Susan James Manning, Susan Hill Pair, Joe Wilson, Laura Ebbs Benjamin, Connie Moore Nanney, Paul Ray Cobb, Marilyn N. Bottoms, Lea Mary Kemezis, Phil Thompson, Clyde Neal Lipla and Steven David Benjamin.

(The yearbook staff was unable to contact these students for photographs. Many graduated fall quarter and recognition was not made until winter quarter.)

Class of '76 377

Graduate School - Is It Worth the Cost?

by Dawn Bledsoe

Today, a student getting a Master of Arts degree faces a new and common problem, that of over-qualification.

It used to be that any sort of higher degree made the graduate more desirable to the prospective employer. Now, however, with the present economic situation and the variety of degrees available to more and more people, a graduate student could find that he has spent at least one year of his life and $1750 of his money to get miseducated

Because of the Increase of college graduates, and fewer job openings, finding a job is difficult for someone just out of college with little or no experience. Many students have found that a Bachelor of Science or a Bachelor of Arts is all that is necessary to get a job. A degree that is more specialized than necessary such as a MA may be the reason the student doesn't get the job he wants.

Mr. Furney K. James, director of the placement office at ECU, suggests that students work for a year or two between receiving the B.A. and going on for the M.A. as the work experience would make the degree more relevant.

Another factor to consider is the economic situation of the day. Even if some companies would prefer someone with an M.A. degree, they may hire someone with a B.A. because the lesser degree does not require the higher salaries. This could prevent a qualified graduate from getting a potentially good job, simply by being "over-qualified."

In spite of the problems involved, most graduate students and professors feel that a Master of Arts degree will make the graduate more employable and better prepared for his future job.

Aycock, Merry

Bacham, Patricia

Brady, Gentry

Branch, Kay

Brown, N.K.

Canonizado, Gloria

Carlson, Diane

Cates, Tony

Childs, David

Clifford, Wilfred

Coleman, D.V.

Crammer, Jotin

Creech, Willie

Crissman, D.E.

Dickens, Barbara

Durham, David

Edmondson, Michael

Fernandez, Ray

Flo Gleman, Lisa

Foley, Don

Frazelle, Nancy

Funderburk, T.B.

Gautier, N.K

Green, Marsha

Hargrove, A.B.

Huk, Zynovia

James, Marcia

King, A. P.

Knott, Diane

Maultsby, Cindy

378 Graduate School

McDowell, Daivd

Murchison, James

Murphy, W.H.

Nazmi, Ansari

Parker, Lois

Paul, J. P.

Payne, R. D.

Peacock, Ivan

Perry, R.M.

Prescott, D.A.

Price, Jewell

Purinai, Joseph

Rich, L. A.

Scott, R.L.

Slifer, Cynthia

Smith, E.D.

Southern, Mary

Trent, C.B.

Walters, M.H.

Warren, Nancy

Watson, David

White, K.F.

Williams, Deborah

Williams, Karen

Graduate Students Have No Student Benefits

by Dennis Foster

Graduates students in ECU are considered students only while in the classroom and have little or no access of campus facilities and campus oriented activities.

Phil Arrington, a graduate student in English, said lack of infirmary care is one problem.

"Those of us in the grad school live through the winter in constant fear that we'll contract flu, or some other sickness, and be forced to spend our food money on medical bills," said Arrington.

"Since the majority of grad students are classified as part time students, the infirmary will not treat them," said Arrington.

This means that they must seek medical attention off campus at a much higher cost.

"Of the 1,500 students currently enrolled in graduate programs at ECU, 1,300 are considered part-time students. A part-time student isn't allowed to pay activity fees whcih means they have no voice in the SGA." said Arrington.

Other drawbacks of being a part-time grad student include paying full public admission price for all concerts, Playhouse productions, athletic events and other campus sponsored activities, and being barred from the free films and guest speakers.

"In relation to anything sponsored by the school, we are treated as the general public," said Arrington.

"The SGA is currently considering the placement of a graduate student representative within its framework," said Arrington.

"I think grad students should be allowed to vote in campus related matters or have a full-time graduate student representative in the SGA," said Arrington.

Graduate Students 379

Dr. Lloyd Elliot Addresses 2,842 Graduates in Minges

The threat of rain forced commencement exercises to be held in Minges Coliseum for the first time in several years. Normally held in Ficklen Stadium the ceremony of graduating from college was witnessed by hundreds of family members as 2,842 students received their degree from East Carolina on May 30, 1976.

Dr. Lloyd Elliot, President of George Washington University delivered the address. Elliot told the audience that the federal government was trying to take over the process of education. He warned that "some governmental groups are working on new regulatory measures which are taking away most of the intellectual freedoms of today's colleges and universities."

Elliot said that "educational formulas were better off being left in the classroom than in the halls of government. He is admittedly worried about "federal legislation that has taken away the autonomy of colleges and universities."

"Learning is a highly individualized matter. It remains for all of us to preserve it for all Americans," he concluded.

380 Commencement

Commencement 381

382 Commencement

After the ceremony was over many students were happily congratulated by parents and friends. The day was an important one for all persons involved as it marked the end of school and a new beginning for the graduates.

One often asks after an important event is over "Where do I go from here?" For the over 2800 persons that graduated on May 30 the answers are varied. Many will seek jobs in their particular field, others in another field. Still others will return to school for the Masters or PhD. Others, less fortunate however, will be again standing in a line - the unemployment line - as the job market fails to produce enough work for the ever increasing number of qualified graduates.

The graduates varied in age from 22 to 54, some were single, some married with families and some stepped across the threshold of matrimony shortly after their graduation.

After Graduation - Then What? you may ask. Then comes the rest of a lifetime - short or long, good or bad, hard or easy, happy or sad - but at least a life that will grow and learn from experience. It will be a life like the thousands that came before and the thousands that should follow with a definite past and an unsure future.

Each individual is a minute part of the world yet each has, is and shall be a life that will contribute some part of himself or herself to this land so that America, "the land of the free" may survive another two hundred years.

After Graduation - Then What?



ACADEMICS 20, 21, 28, 29, 30, 31,

38, 42, 43, 92, 93

Academic Organizations 120-151

Acai, Mary 334

Accounting Society 134

Acree, Joyce 334


Adams, Bobby 350

Adams, Bonita 320

Adams, Brenda 300

Adams, Cheryl 350

Adams, Dale 334

Adams, Donna 350

Adams, Jeanette 334

Adams, John 320

Adams, Loretta 320

Adams, Mirta 300

Adams, Vicky 300

Adcock, Ida 300

Adcock, Jennifer 334

Adderton, Jerry 334

ADMINISTRATION 12, 13, 14, 15,

16, 17, 18, 19

AFROTC 94, 95

Aerospace Studies 94, 95

AFROTC Drill Team 122

AFROTC Color Guard 123

A.J. Fletcher Music Center 47

A.J. Fletcher 47

Ajmera, Ramesh 117

Al-Awar, Samir 350

Albertson, Dennis 320

Albrittein, Clair 195

Alcock, Phyllis 300

Aldredge, Leon 320

Aldridge, Stephen 334

Alexander, Rudolph 18

Alford, Randy 320

Allen, Gayle 300

Allen, Patricia 300

Allgood, Betsy 300

Allied Helath 8, 22, 27

Alligood, Donna 320

Allison, Ricky 300

Allison, Rolanda 320

Allotey-Jordan, Faith 334

Allred, Sandra 320

Allred, Sharon 320

Allsbrook, Lynn 320

Alpha Beta Alpha 128

Alpha Delta Phi 251

Alpha Kappa Alpha 252

Alpha Kappa Delta

Alpha Omicron Pi 254-5

Alpha Phi 252

Alpha Phi Alpha 260

Alpha Phi Gamma 125

Alpha Phi Omega 256-257

Alpha Xi Delta 258-259

Alston, Beverly 300

Alston, Calvin 185

Alvea, Eleanor 334

American Chemical Society 130

American Home Economics Assoc.


Ammermuller, Carol 300

Anderson, Anita 300

Anderson, Buddy 300

Anderson, Elizabeth 320

Anderson, John 320

Anderson, Linda 334

Anderson, Susan 350

Andrews, Allyson 350

Andrews, Cora 320

Andrews, Emily 350

Ange, Debra 320

Ange, Ghurman Jr. 300

Angel Flight 123

Angus, Pete 163, 165

Angel, Jean 334

Anthony, Belinda 300

Appalachian State 155, 157, 170,

171, 173, 196

Applegate, Patti 334

Archibald, John 350

Armstrong, Candy 320

Armstrong, Dottie 334

Armstrong, Michael 320

Arnold Air Society 123

Arnold, Karen 300

Arnold, Kathy 320

Arrants, Laurie 194-198

Arrington, Laurie 194-199

Arrington, Gloria 334

Art, 8, 44-45

Artis, Danny 188


Ashinhurst, Sheila 350

Ashley, Ricky 334

Astin, Eddie 300


Atkins, Betsy 196

Atkinson, Gary 300

Atlantic Coast Conference 180,

155, 160

Atma, Lee 334

Atwood, Melinda 320

Austin, Lyman 300

Austria, Jaime 350

Auten, Michael 300

Avent, Catherine 320

Avera, Cynthia 334

Averette, Cynthia 300

Aycock, Carol 320

Aycock, Michael 320

Ayers, Annette 334

Ayers, Patricia 320

Babian, Rita 300

Bagley, Perry 300

Bailey, Deborah 320

Bailey, Judy 320

Bailey, Robert 334

Bailey, Roxanne 334

Bailey, Stephen 350

Bailey, Vicky 350

Bainbridge, Jessica 320

Bainbridge, Sarah 320

Baker, Brenda 334

Baiker, Brenda 350

Baker, Cathy 334

Baker, Deborah 94

Baker, Della 334

Baker, George 350

Baker, Ira 117

Baker, Jennifer 320

Baker, Lesa 320

Baker, Mary 300

Baker, Nora 300

Baker, Olive 320

Baker, Sharon 300

Baker, Sherman 300

Bailey, Donald 16

Baldwin, Edward 350

Ball, Gwendolyn 350

Ballance, Naomi 334

Ballinger, Deborah 350

Banks, Cheryl 320

Banks, John Jr. 350

Banks, Michael 350

Banks, Robert 350

Banks, Wayne 300

Bannerman, Ronnie 320

Barbe, Bill 48

Barbee, Bonnie 350

Barbee, Joy 300

Barbee, Judith 300

Barber, April 300

Barber, Donna

Barber, John 300

Barbour, Donna 300

Barbour, Ellen 320

Barbour, Terry 300

Barefoot, Terry 350

Bargu, Robert 116

Barham, Lou 300

Barham, Patricia

Barker, Eleanor 300

Barker, Thomas 350

Barksdale, Cedric 300

Barlow, Charles 332

Barnes, Barbara 301

Barnes, Beverly 320

Barnes, Edward 350

Barnes, Freda 350

Barnes, Gordon 320

Barnes, Jerri 320, 52-53

Barnes, Judy 320

Barnes, Karen 350

Barnes, Pamela 301

Barnes, Ron 334

Barnhardt, Roberta 301

Barnhill, Mike 377, 350

Barnhill, Robert 301

Barnhill, Sarah 350

Barnwell, Belinda 334

Barnwell, Kathy 301

Barr, Constance 350

Barrett, Janet 334

Barrett, Judy 334

Barrett, Rick 179

Barrick, Renata 320

Barrow, C. Wayne 320

Barrow, Frank 301

Barrow, James 301

Barrow, Letitia 320

Barrow, Wayne 165

Bartlett, Elizabeth 334

Bartlett, Nancy 301

Bartlett, Patricia 301

Bartlett, Patricia 350

Barwick, Michael 320

BASEBALL 180-183

Basile, Jeff 301


Bass, Linda

Batchelor, Carolyn 301

Batchelor, Dianna 334

Battaglia, Fred 320

Batten, Herbert 334

Batten, Starr 320

Battle, Scott 350

Batts, Willis Jr. 350

Baxley, Lawrence Jr. 320

Beacham, Clarence 350

Beacham, Deborah 320

Beachum, Gary 94

Beamon, Norma 350, 352

Beam, Beth 198

Beaman, Vanessa 301

Bean, Virgil 320

Beard, Larry 320

Beard, Susan 301

Bearinger, Katherine 321

Beasley, Cheryl 301

Beatson, Geoff 350, 353

Beaver, Josey 301

Beavers, Nancy 350, 48

Beauchaine, Stephanie 334

Beck, Martha 334

Beck, Susan 301

Becker, Frederick 30

Beckman, David L. 30

Beeton, Gail 198

Beddard, Jim 350

Beddingfield, Gladys 321

Bedsole, Emily 301

Beeman, Randy 321

Beesley, Pamela 301

Belangia, Elizabeth 301

Belcher, Kay 301

Bell, George 321

Bell, Jeffery 334

Bell, Laureen 334

Bell, Rhonda 321

Bell, Teresa 321

Bell, Terry 334

Bell, Willie 334

Bell, Willye 321

Bembridge, G. Faye 350

Bengel, Steve Lee 301

Benjamin, Laura Ebbs 377

Benjamin, Steven Daivd 377

Benner, Linda 301

Bennett, Beth 321

Bennett, Mark 334

Benson, Cindy 301

Benson, Glenda 334

Benson, Kimberly 301

Benton, Darlene 334

Benton, Gary 334

Benton, Rob 334

Bentz, James 321

Berg, Melody 321

Bernard, Beverly 301

Beroth, Edwin 321

Berry, Elaine 350

Best, David 334

Best, Donald 301

Best, Elizabeth 350

Best, Pam 334

Betton, Gail 195-199

Betts, Bill 350

Beta Gamma Sigma 135

Betts, Wiley 179

Beverage, Thomas 301

Biddix, Jean 301

Biggerstaff, Teresa 350

Biggs, Bailey 334

Biggs, Keith 321


Bird, Tommy 334

Birth, Sally 196-199

Bishop, Beth 350

Bishop, Margaret 350

Bishop, Mary 334

Bittner, Susan 350-354

Bishop, Rhonda 301

Index 385

Blackburn, Janet 321

Blackford, Priscilla 321

Blackmon, Wanda 335

Blackwell, Ginger 335

Blackwell, Glenda 301

Blackwood, Lu 335

Blackwood, Sandra 350

Blake, Charles Ritchie 13, 14

Blakley, Dexter 321

Blalock, Alice 301

Blalock, Victor 335

Blank, Daniel 321

Blanton, John 335

Blizzard, Valerie 335

Board of Trustees 13, 14, 152

Bobbitt, Betsy 321

Bodo, Willie 335

Boggs, Karen 350

Boham, Kenneth 335

Bolding, Jim 159-160

Boles, Terry 351

Bolin, Paul 321

Boilings, Rebecca 335

Bolton, Catherine 194, 195, 196

200, 201

Bondurant, Thomas 321

Bonner, Bear 335

Booth, Chuck 321

Booth, Kathy 301

Booth, Wylene 321

Bosnick, David 351

Boswell, Debra 301

Bottoms, Marilyn 351, 377

Bove, Debra 302

Bowen, Diane 351

Bowers, Kerry 351, 94

Bowie, Joan 351

Bowman, Gay 321

Bowman, Jim 179

Bowser, Gwendolyn 301

Boyce, Amy 89

Boyce, Debra 321

Boyce, Lisa 335

Boyd, Carlene 355, 199

Boyd, Cynthia 301

Boyd, Judy 321

Boyd, Linda 301

Boyd, Maureen 335

Boyette, Douglas 321

Boyette, Ethel 351

Boyette, Joseph 19, 117

Boyette, Peggy 351

Boyette, Robert Jr. 321

Boyette, Tony 321

Boykin, Betty 335

Boykin, JoAnne 321

Boykin, Matthew 321

Boykin, Patricia 351

Brackenhoff, Charles 301

Braddy, Linda 301

Bradley, Jack 94

Bradley, Millie 335

Bradley, Neal 301

Bradley, Sherman 321

Bradley, Steven 302

Bradshaw, Becky 351

Bradshaw, Donna 301

Bramble, Cindy 301

Brami, Christopher 335

Brammer, Carol 301

Brammer, Cynthia 335

Branch, J. 335

Brandt, Kevin 321

Branigan, Mark 351

Brannon, Frankie 335

Brannon, Mitch 321

Brannon, Stephen 335

Brantley, Lu Ann 321

Brantley, Melissa 335

Brantley, Pamela 351

Braswell, D. Ronald 301

Braswell, Frederick 351

Braswell, Laura 302

Braswell, Pam 321

Braun, Michael 321

Braxton, Carolyn 351

Braxton, Dee 48

Braxton, Susan 301

Braxton, Toni 335

Bray, Emily 302

Bray, Stewart 321

Brendle, Kent Jr. 302

Brent, Ann 351

Brett, Edwin 351

Brett, Kathy 321

Brett, Sally 100, 101

Brewster 8

Brickell, Brigader General 94, 95

Brickell, Jennifer 302

Bridgeman, Karen 322

Bridgers, Benita 335

Bridgers, Elizabeth 322

Bridges, Pamela 302

Bright, Scott 335

Briley, David 302

Brindley, Douglas 302

Brinkley, Donna 199

Brinkley, Kathy 302

Brinkley, Robert 35

Brinson, Lloyd 335

Briscoe, Shelia 302

Britt, Angie 322

Britt, Linda 302

Britt, Mary 335

Britt, Nancy 302

Britt, Ramona 302

Britt, Toni 302

Brittle, Ann 302

Broadway, Jan 322

Brodsky, Mark 351

Brody's 6

Broome, Cynthia 302

Brown, Al 335

Brown, Alex 351

Brown, Betsy 322

Brown, Brenda 351, 188, 189

Brown, Carl 302

Brown, Carolyn 322

Brown, Co 117

Brown, Debra 351

Brown, Debra 335

Brown, Douglas 302

Brown, Elyce 322

Brown, Jimmie 335

Brown, Judith 322

Brown, Lezlie 302

Brown, Martha 351

Brown, Mary 302

Brown, Patricia 335

Brown, Travis 335

Browning, Lari 302, 196

Browning, Robert 335

Brownlow, Charlie 179

Bruce, Richard 351

Brugnolotti, Liz 302

Bruton, Laurie 335

Bryan, Carol 335

Bryan, Linda 302

Bryan, Linwood 351

Bryan, Sylvia 322

Bryan, William 322

Bryant, Carolyn 302

Bryant, Debra 302

Bryant, Johnnie 335

Bryant, Phil 351

Bryant, Randall 335

Bryant, Teresa 302


Buchanan, Lauren 302

Buchannon, Larry 335

Buchler, Warren 351

Buck, Scott 335

Bruckey, Dave 155

Buckmaster, Michael 322

Buffaloe, Kimberly 302

Buhram, Rodney 302

Bullard, Karen 302

Bullard, Meyl 302

Bullard, Robbi 302

Bullock, Brenda 335

Bullock, Cindy 351

Bullock, Cynthia 335

Bullock, D.V. 335

Bullock, Patricia 322

Bullcok, Regina 351

Bullock, Sharon 335

Bullock, William Jr. 302

Bumgarner, Fil 322

Bunce, Toni 302

Bunch, Donna 302

Bunch, Janet 302

Bunch, Pamela 322

Bunch, Sheila 335

Bunn, Anthony 302

Bunn, Debbie 351

Bunn, Dolan 335

Bunn, Lauralyn 351

Bunting, Eleanor 18

Bunting, Flo 335

Burch, Barbara 335

Burch, Tony 302

Burdett, Donna 351

Burge, Sandra 322

Burgess, Kathy 322

Burgess, Linda 302

Burgess, Steven 322

Burgess, Thomas 322

Burgess, Tom 335

Burnette, Clay 157, 160

Burnette, Freida 351

Burnette, Judith 322

Burnette, Mary 302

Burnette, Robin 351

Burnette, Vickie 302

Burney, Linda 322

Burns, Mary 322

Burrough, Jane 322

Burroughs, Deborah 335

Burroughs, Mark 322

Burroughs, Barbara 302

Burrus, Margaret 302

Burt, Bessie 322

Burti, Christopher 351

Burton, Benjamin 302

Burtt, Cathryn 303

Bush, Joyce 303

Business 8, 34-34

Butler, Howard 351

Butler, Mark 303

Butler, Mary 352

Butner, Freida 351

Bynum, Teresa 303

Byrd, Mariam 335

Byrd, Nancy 352

Byrd, Jean 322

Byrd, Katie 303

Byrd, Richard 352

Byrum, Kathy 303

Byrum, Sheila 335

Burroughs, Mark 179

Buzzelli, Nancy 335

Caballero, Ivan 322

Caddell, Robin 303

Cahoon, Albert 322

Cahoon, Belinda 322

Cahoon, Maude 335

Cain, Bill 195

Cain, Devita 303

Cain, Larry 335

Caison, Mariam 335

Callicutt, Donald 303

Cameron, Carole 352

Calverly, Lori 196-201

Cammeron, Cheryl 336

Campbell College 163

Campbell, Donna 336

Campbell, Kimberly 352

Campbell, Kyle 322

Campbell, Mark 322

Campbell, Melinda 303

Campbell, Pamela 336

Campbell, Susan 303

Campen, Mary 352

Candler, Angelo 322

Canipe, Cindy 322

Cannady, Elizabeth 303

Cannady, John 335

Cannady, Renee 335

Cannon, Glenn-Greenville Police

Chief 10

Cannon, Ramona 335

Cannon, Ruby 336

Cannon, Sandra 303

Cansler, Robert 336

Capettini, Julie 322

Capwell, Richard 92

Capps, Teresa 303

Carawan, Kathy 303

Cargile, Lynn 322

Carlan, Carey 303

Carlan, Carey 303

Carlisle, Linda 322

Carlton, Courtney 322

Carnes, Larry 48

Carpenter, Connie 352, 377

Carpenter, Danny 352

Carpenter, Shelia 352

Carr, Alan 322

Carr, Carolyn 303

Carr, Mary 303

Carraway, Sandra 303

Carroll, Bonita 322

Carroll, David 303

Carson, Bill 185

Carter, Addie 303

Carter, Ann 303

Carter, Carla 322


Carter, Clay 352

Carter, Denise 322

Carter, Donna 303

Carter, Dusty 322

Carter, Foster 336

Carter, Frankie 53

Carter, Herbert 48

Carter, Lisa 322

Carter, Mary 336

Carter, Robert 303

Cartrette, Anthony 322

Cartwright, Janet 336

Carver, Portia 303

Case, Tracy 48

Casey, Tracy 48

Casey, Rose 352

Caskey, Dennis 322

Cassedy, Gary 336

Castleberry, Susan 352

Caudell, Holly 352

Caudle, Eddie 303

Caunter, Conchita 322

Causby, Toni 322

Cathey, Pamela 322

Caton, Deborah 303

Cavanaugh, Deborah 322

Caverly, Lynn 303

Ceruzzi, Brenda 303

Chadwell, Gail 303

Chadwick, Lillie 322

Challenger, Geoffrey 303

Chamblee, Gale 352, 196

Chamblee, Marie 352, 196, 201

Chamberlin, Charle 44

Chamness, Morri 303

Chan, Joseph 356

Chancellor 12, 13

Chaplin, Karen 303

Chapman, Randy 303

Chapman, Randy 303

Chappell, Deborah 303

Chappell, LuAnn 352

Chase, Carol 303

Chason, Debbie 322

Chauncey, Mary 322

Chavasse, Anne 353

Chavis, Valdez 303

Cheek, Mitzi 303

Cheerleaders 212, 213, 51

Chemistry 96

Chenoweth, Catherine 303

Chepko, Steveda 194, 196

Cherry, Elizabeth 322

Cherry, Karen 303

Chesnutt, Sylvia 336

Chesson, Larry 357

Chestang, Ennis 92

Cheston, Susan 303

Chevasse, Anne 48

Chi Beta Phi 131

Childs, Pauleen 322

Choplin, Cindy 322

Christian, Linda 322

Christian, Linda 199

Christmas, Russell 95, 101

Churchill, Allen 41

Citadel 158, 170, 173, 181

Civils, Darlene 303

Clancy, Tim 322

Clapp, Bradley 335

Clark, Dolly 303

Clark, Felicia 353

Clark, Marcia 322

Clark, Mark 353, 377

Clark, Robert 322

Clark, Susan 322

Clrk, Teresa 48

Clark, Vicki 322

Clark, Victoria 303

Clark, Walter Foy 353,


Clarke, James II 336

Clarke, Vivkie 336

Clarkin, Mary 322

CLASS OF '76 350-400

CLASS OF '77 334-349

CLASS OF '78 320-333

CLASS OF '79 300-319

Clayton, Kim 196

Clayton, Sheilah 336

Cleary, Brad 322

Clegg, Jennifer 322

Clemeens, Donald 92-96

Clemons, Eldred 353

Clifton, Julia 336

Cline, Dara 303

Cline, Wade 303


Coats, Jeanett 303

Cobb, Dave 353

Cobb, Dave 353

Cobb, Kitty 336

Cobb, Paul Ray 377

Cobb, Peggy 322

Cobb, Terry 303

Cockerham, Janne 303

Coggins, Hallie 303

Coker, Leanne 303

Coker, Steven 322

Colcord, Marshall 117

Cole, Barbara 353

Coleman, Robert 336

Coleman, Robert 336

Coleman, Ted 336

Coles-Coghi, Alexander 336



Collevecchio, Donna 303

Collezo, Marlene 303

Collie, John 303

Collier, Dwight 353

Collier, Karen 303

Collier, Karen 322

COLLIER, SAM 336, 38

Collier, Sheila 322

Collins, Debbie 353

Collins, Jenny 353

Collins, Paula 335

Coltrain, Sharon 335

Comby, W. Blake 353

Commander, Suzanne 303

Compton, Linda 353

Conaty, Pete 155, 157

Concert Choir 48

Concerts 68-69, 70-71

Cone, Debra 303

Conlyn, Doris 335

Conner, Linda 353

Connolly, Henry 303

Contrast 88-89

Conyers, Desiree 322

Conyers, Jane 303

Cook, Debbie 303

Cook, Deborah 336

Cook, Ronald 353

Cook, Richard 48, 97

Cooke, Andrew III 303

Cooley, Shannon 199

Cooper, Faye 335

Cooper, Grover 336

Cooper, Judy 323

Cooper, Kenneth 353

Cooper, Nancy 323

Cooper, Patty 353, 199

Cooper, Theodore 323

Copeland, Ervina 303

Copeland, Myra 303

Coppage, Jesse 352

Corbett, Carroll 303

Corbett, Mike 48

Corbett, Mitzi 303

Cprsbie, John 304

Cortez, Sandra 336

Costin, Debra 323

Cotten Dorm 52

Cotten, Brenda 336

Cotten, Rhonda 303

Courtney, Loyd 336

Covington, Ginger 336

Covington, Michael 43

Cowan, Karen 323

Cowan, Sallie 323

Cowart, Cathy 353

Cox, Becky 304

Cox, Gay 304

Cox, Hardee 304

Cox, Jeannine 323

Cox, Jerry 354

Cox, Linda 323

Cox, Mary 354

Coyle, Patricia 336

Craddock, Constance 336

Craddock, Sheila 304

Cramer, Robert 92

Crosby, Louis 170

Cross Country 167

Crow's Nest 6

Cullop, Charles 11

Cunningham, Mike 53

Dail, John 337

Dail, Teresa 304

Daily Tar Heel 11

Daily, Thomas 337

Daley, Annette 354

Danials, Lynn

Daniel, Allen 337

Daniel, Jerri 323

Daniel, Littitia 354

Daniel, Margaret 304

Daniel, Sylvia 354, 189

Daniels, Bonna

Daniels, Janet 337

Daniels, Sandra 304

Danley, Lisa 304

Darby, Marshall 354

Darden, Charles

Daugherty, Terrie 337

Daughtridge, Leonard 324

Davenport, Carolyn 354

Davenport, Ronald 355

Davenport, Martha 354

Davenport, Toni 337

Davenport, Wilbur 337

Davidson, 170

Davidson, Aldriche 355

Julie 337

Davidson, Mildred 304

Davis, Anita 337

Davis, Angela 323

Davis, Barbara 323

Davis, Carolyn 304, 323

Davis, Cathy 323

Davis, Etta 323

Davis, Gennie 355

Davis, George 337

Davis, Janet 337

Davis, Jennie 355

Davis, Leigh 323

Davis, Linda 323

Davis, Luanne 323

Davis, Mary 323

Davis, Pamela 323

Davis, Richard 337

Davis, Rita 304

Davis, Sunny 53

Davis, Vicki 304

Davis, Wanda 337

Davis, William Jr. 304

Dawes, Kimberly 355

Dawkins, Randy 304

Dawson, Billy 304

Dawson, Mary 323

Dayberry, John 337

Deal, Cindi 323

Deal, Libby 304

DEANS, 16-17

Dean, Rhonda 355

Deanes, Nancy 355

Delamar, Mary 337

Delano, Sondra 337


DeMartino, Eliane 355

Dement, David 355

Dempsey, Grace 304

DenBleyker, Nancy 304

Dennigg, David 337

Dennis, Ron 323

Denton, Cindy 304

DeNunzio, Lois 337

Deratt, Laura 323

Devlin, Moira 199

Devoe, David 304

Dezearn, Judy 304

Dickens, Carol 337

Dickens, Greg 355

Dickens, Lou 323

Dickens, Matalyn 323

Dickens, Mary 304

Dickens, Sandra 355

Dickens, Sheila 304

Dickens, Wade 337

Dickerson, Debbie 324

Dickerson, Dennett

Dickenson, Julie 337

Dickson, Walter 355

Diehl, Robin 323

Diffee, W. Scott 304

Dillard, Pamela 304

Dinger, Marcia 304

Dionis, Lora 323

Ditto, Lew 304

Dixon, Barry 304

Dixon, Dawn 337

Dixon, Oi 337

Dixon, Edith 304

Dixon, Kathy 324

Dixon, Guy 337


Dixon, LuAnne 304

Dixon, Mark 323

Dobbins, Jill

Doby, Kimberly 304

Dodge, Patricia 324

Dodson, Annette 337

Donaldson, Diane 323

Donohoe, Rosanne 304


Dorsey, Walter 355

Doss, Cecile 355

Doss, Starla 304

Dotson, Kaye 355

Doub, Randy 337

Doubet, Chris 188

Dough, Bob 324

Douglas, Betsy 304

Douglas, Patricia 304

Dowdy, Richard 337

Downes, Sheldon 117

Downie, John 305

Downing, Clinton 117

Drake, Kathryn 355, 359

DRAMA 98-99

Driver, Amy 337

Driver, Gwendolyn 337

Duber, Corey 305

Duckenfield, Melvin 323

Duckett, Jo 355

Dudley, Christine 305

Dudley, Frances 337

Dudley, Robert 323

Dudley, William 337

Duffer, John III 305

DUKE 163, 164, 169, 180

Dunbar, Shirley 305

Duncan, David 305

Dunn, Donald 305

Dunn, Joyce 305

Durham, Beverly 324

Durham, Charles 355

Durham, Danny 355

Durham, Lucretia 355

Durham, Marcia 337

Dupree, Ed 188

DuPont 35

Dutton, Robin 324

Duval, Pamela

Dyer, Nancy 337

Dye, Pat 51, 155, 158, 159

Ealy, Bob

Earley, Juanita 355

Earnhardt, Kimberly 305

Earnhardt, Sarah 324

Eason, Richard 355

Eason, Steven 355



East, John 12, 113

Easters, Gisele 324

Eastwick, Alan Jr. 324

Eaves, Cheryl 324

Edding, Steve 165

Edens, Wedley 305

Edgerton, N. Kirk 324

Edmonds, Edward 355

Edmondson, Kathy 305

Edmondson, Mary Nel 324

Edmundson, Catherine 305

EDUCATION 8, 36, 37

Edwards, Allen 305

Edwards, A.M. 324

Edwards, Bea 355

Edwards, Bobby 48

Edwards, Carol 305

Edwards, Carol 337

Edwards, Charles 335

Edwards, David 338

Edwards, Edna 305

Edwards, James 3355

Edwards, Judy 305

Edwards, Karla 355

Edwards, Michael 355

Edwards, Nancy 355

Edwards, Randy 324

Edwards, Sharon 305

Edwards, Timothy 324

Efird, Lilly 324

Eguez, Jean 324

Ehle, Ellis, Jr. 305

Elesha, Mary 356

Elcock, William 305

Elkins, Sadie 356

Ellen, Debra 338

Ellis, Linda 356

Elliott, Faye 324

Elliott, Kay 338

Elliott, Sarah 305

Elliott, Sharon 356

Ellrod, Dorothy 356

Ellrod, Lisa 305

Elmore, Cathy 338

Elmore, Debra 305

Eloshway, Teresa 324

Emrey, Martha 338

Englesby, Brenda 338

Englesby, Steven 324


English, Betsy 356

Ennis, Nancy 338


Ernst, W. Kent 356

Etheridge, Dawna 305

Etheridge, Patricia 305

Eubank, Cheryl 356

Eury, Richard 305

Evanovich, David 324

Evans, Anita 305

Evans, Carolyn 338

Evans, Debra 338

Evans, Frank 305

Evans, Gary 356

Evans, John 360, 356

Evans, Kathy 338

Evans, Mary 356

Evans, Mildred 324

Evans, Phileric 338

Evans, Rita 305

Evans, Stacy 356

Evans, Thomas 305

Evans, Victoria 356

Evarts, Steve 324

Everett, Gilda 356

Everett, Grover 117

Everett, Lou 356

Everett, Willie 305

Everette, Julie 305

Everette, Martha 305

Eversole, Catherine 338

Eversole, Catherine 338

Ezzell, Melba 324

Faber, David 48

Fahrenbruch, Kathy 356

Fahrner, Alvin A. 108, 117

Fahrs, Robert 338

Fairfield, Hilda 305

Faison, Helen 338

Faison, Henry 324

Falconer, Tami 305

Fales, Deborah 338

Falfenberry, Donna 305

Falk, Thomas 338

Farina, Bradley 356

Farlow, Carmen 305

Farmer, James 305

Farmer, Lynda 305

Farmer, Surrie 324

Farr, Marie 101

Farr, Paul 95, 101

Farren, John 305

Farris, Dick 12

Faucette, Susan 324

Faulconer, Cynthia 338

Faulkner, Debbi 338

Faulkner, Gary 324

Faulkner, Janice 101

Faust, Marianne 305

Fearing, Sophia 324

Feher, Amy 356

Fehlner, Linda 305

Feldstein, Michael 356

Felton, Valerie 324

Fender, Susan 356

Ferguson, Charlene 356

Ferguson, Donald 324

Ferguson, Melody 305

Fergusson, Alan 305

Ferrell, Dottie 324

Ferrell, Melody 305

Feruson, Steven 338

Feudale, Susan 305


Fields, David 338


Fields, W.C. 78-79

File, Nancy 357

Finch, Jacqueline 357

Finger, Alice 205

Finley, Anna 357

Fisher, Dawn 324

Fisher, Gary 357

Fisher, Gloria 377, 357

Fisher, Linda 338

Fisher, Pam 338

Fiske, Beverly 324

Fitch, Teresa 338

Fitzgerald, Evelyn 338

Fitzsomons, Sharon 305

Flaherty, Debbie 324

Flanagan, Lee 305

Flanigan, Patricia 324

Fleenor, Mary 305

Fleming, Billie 305

Fleming, Michael 305


Flint, Brenda 357

Flowers, Jerri 305

Flowers, Mary 305

Floyd, Barbara 357

Floyd, Cheryl 305

Floyd, Wilbert 338

Floyd, Cheryl 306

Floyd, Wilbert 338

Flynn, Helen 338

Flynt, Marcia 306

Folks, Joyce 357

FOOTBALL 154-161

Forbes, Robin 338

Ford, Horace 357

Ford, Karen 306



Foster, Daria 305

Foster, William 325


Foushee, Karen 305

Foust, Kathy 338

Fowler, Karen 306

Fowler, Robert 324

Fowler, William 357

Fox, Edwina 306

Fox, Jo Ellen 306

Francis, Baylus 306

Frauder, Doris 338

Franke, Annette 338

Franke, George 325

Frankee, George 188-189

Franklin, Betty Lou 357

Franklinton, Vicki 357

Frazelle, Debbie 338

Frazelle, Mary 306

Frazier, Tim 94

Frederick, Cynthia 325

Freeman, Beverly 357

Freeman, David 324

Freeman, Debbie 195, 196, 200, 201

Freeman, John 338

Freeman, Pamela 306

Freeman, Phil 325

Freeze, Freda 338

Freeze, Rodney 84, 89


French, Edward 324

French, Jeffry 357

Fritsch, Barbara 325

Fritts, Mary 48

Fry, Barbara 338

Fry, Barbara 338

Frye, Curtis 163, 165

Fulghum, Carolyn 18

Fultom, Fraysune 357

Funderburke, Thomas Brent 361

FURMAN 170, 171, 180

Fussell, Polly 306, 188, 189

Fux, John 306

Gaghan,Tim 173

Gainey, Connie 357

Gainey, Elizabeth 306

Gaither, Tunya 325

Gallaher, Terry 156, 157

Gallagher, Rosanne, 325

Gallop, Jane 357, 199

Gamlin, Debra 338



Garber, Suzanne 357

Gardenhire, Gay 306

Gardner, Robert 306

Gardner, Scot 357

Garner, Earl 170

Garner, Nancy 325

Garnes, Theresa 325

Garren, Beverly 338

Garrett, George 325

Garrett, Virginia 325


Garris, Vickie 357

Garrison, Ellen 199, 201

Gaskins, Brenda 325

Gassaway, Ann 357

Gay, Ann Dale 41

Gaylor, Stephen 325

Gaylor, Wanda 338

Geczy, Ava 338

Geer, Jennifer 338

Geiman, William 338

Geller, Katherine 325

Gentry, Catherine 357

Gentry, Linda 325




George, Theresa 325

Ghant, Joyce 338

Ghazel,Shafeek 357

Ghent, Ginna 357

Gibbs, Karen 306

Gibson, Barbara 325

Gibson, Melanie 357

Gibson, Sarah 306

Gibson, Tom 306

Gibson, Vickie 325

Giddings, Marth 357

Gidley, Betsy 357

Gilgo, Debra 306

Gill, Louis 117

Gill, Teresa 325

Gillespie, Marth 325

Gillette, Wray 338

Gilmartin, Maureen 306

Gilmore, Robert 338

Gilmore, Vicki 338

Ginn, Lynette 306

Glascock, Kathy 325

Glasgow, David 325

Gleen, Douglas 306

Gleiberman, Jeffrey 306

Glenn, Deborah 357

Glisson, Rita 306

Glover, Connie 306

Glover, Paula 306

Godfrey, Helen 325

Godley, Shelia 338

Godwin, Betty 357

Godwin, Gail 325

Godwin, Gienda 306

Godwin, Kaye

Godwin, Mick 84

Goelz, Beth 306

Goff, Robin 325

Goff, Virginia 357

Goldman, Sandi 306

Golightly, Linda 338

Gooding, Cathy 325

Goodman, Sandy 306

Goodson, Barbara 358

Gore, Miriam 306

Gornto, Paula 325

Gough, Catherine 306

Goughnaur, Marcia 306

Gosnell, Linda 358

Gower, Paul 325

Graham, John 306

Grant, Kathy 306

Grant, Pamela 325

Gravely, Mary 338

Gray, Barbara 358

Gray, Karen 358

Gray, Nancy 306

Green, James 325

Green, John 306

Green, Paul

Green, Rebecca 306

Greene, Nathaniel 4

Greene, William 338

Greenhouse, Valerie 306

GREENVILLE, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11




Greer, Steve 306

Gregory, Patricia 306

Greiner, Deborah 339

Grey, Carol 306

Griesedieck, Kathryn 358

Griffin, Angie 358

Griffin, Billee 306

Griffin, Carl 306

Griffin, Catherine 306

Griffin, Jane 339

Griffin, Kit 48

Griffin, Martica 339

Griffin, Vicky 306

Griffiths, Nancy 306

Grimes, Deboara 306

Grimes, Mary 358

Grimmett, Billy 339

Grimstead, Cindy 306

Groff, Judith 325

Grogan, Pamela 325

Groome, Doug 189

Gross, Dawyer 117

Gross, Tennala 117

Grover, Patricia 358

Grossnickle, William 117

Guin, Jamie 339

Guirkins, Eleanor 358

Guise, Benjamin 117

Gulati, Jimesu 117

Gunderson, Neil 339

Gunn, Ann 117

Gunter, Wanda 339

Gurganus, Charles 306

Gurganus, Sonya 306

Gurley, Mollie 358

Guthrie, Brenda 358

Gwinn, Caren 339

Gwynn, John 165

Haas, Carolyn 306

Hafele, Mariam 306

Hagan, Jeanne 339

Hagan, Stephen 306

Hager, Barbara 358

Hahn, Jimmy 358

Haigwood, T.J. 43, 117

Haithcock, Kiva 306

Hale, David 306

Hales, Donald 325

Hall, Barbara 363, 358

Hall, Claudia 325

Hall, Donna 325

Hall, Gerald 306

Hall, Helen 306

Hall, Nancy 358

Hall, Ray 358

Hall, Susan 306


Hammond, Albert 117

Hammond, E.L. 358

Hammond, Robin 325

Hanable, Alice 358

Hanes, Jimmy 325

Hanford, Marvin 358

Hanna, Sallie 325

Hamer, Nancy 358

Harold, Lynn 358

Hardee, Beverly 306


Hardesty, Sandra 325

Harding, Cynthia 325

Hardy, Carolyn 358

Hardy, Charlie 165

Hardy, Wendell 173, 174

Harling, Jayne 306

Harlow, Julie 325

Harmon, Glenn 94

Harmon, David 358

Harper, Anna 306

Harper, Dwight 339

Harper, Jane 339, 48

Harper, Mardie 339

Harper, Ramonia 339

Harper, Rhonda 325

Harper, Rose 325

Harrell, Beverly 325

Harrell, Charles 359

Harrell, Connie 358

Harrell, Cynthia 339

Harrell, Deborah 359

Harrell, Dorothy 306

Harrell, Gary 325

Harrell, Karla 359

Harrell, Lee 325

Harrell, Patty 306

Harrell, Royal 339

Harrell, Samuel Jr. 306

Harrelle, Gay 306

Harriett, Ramona 307

Harrill, Jackson 339

Harrill, David 339

Harrington, William 358

Harris, Celia 359

Harris, Deborah 339

Harris, Diane 359

Harris, James 307

Harris, Margaret 359

Harris, Mary 325

Harris, Rebecca 359

Harris, Timothy 325

Harris, Tony 301

Harrison, Anne 307

Harrison, James 339

Harrison, Jenni 307

Harrison, Melody 325

Harrison, Tom 307

Hart, Marion 199

Hartel, Victoria 359

Hartis, Cynthia 325

Hartis, Gary 325

Hartis, Martha 359

Hartkopf, Al 307

Hartofelis, Harry 359, 165

Harton, Robert 359

Hartsell, Debbie 359

Harvey, Marion 325

Harvey, Tracey 207

Harwood, John William 362

Hatch, Eddie 339

Hatcher, Rhonda 362

Hatley, Samuel 362

Hawk, Sherrie 307

Hawkins, Alan 362

Hawkins, Lorena 307

Hawkins, Sharon 362

Hawkins, Tom 48

Hawkins, Willie 156, 160

Hawley, Donna 362

Hawley, Donna

Hayes, Candice 325

Hayes, Cynthia

Hayes, David

Hayes, Deborah 325

Hayes, Deborah 325

Hayes, Kevin 325

Hayes, Mary 117

Hayes, Roderik 307

Hays, David 188

Haynes, Janet 339

Hearne, Jan 362

Heath, Anita 339

Hedgepeth, Jerry 339

Hedgepeth, Richard 307

Hedgepeth, Susan 307

Held, Gretchen 362



Helbig, Janet 339

Helmer, Susan 325

Helms, Brigette, 362

Helms, David 307

Helsaberk, Dawn 339

Helton, Kathryn 307

Helton, Sally 362

Hembree, Beverly 362

Henderson, Donna 362

Henderson, Jay 339

Henderson, Penny 307

Henderson, Ronald 92, 94, 95, 117

Henderson, Vanessa 339

Hendrickson, John 362

Hendrix, Jill 307

Hendrix, Robin 362

Hendrix, Steven 359

Henekel, Wade 170

Hennecy, Patricia 325

Henson, Debra 307

Henson, Rebecca 307

Hepler, Ann325

Hepler, David 359

Hermann, Mary 359

Herring, Beth 307

Hershey, Anna 325

Hershey, Denise 307

Herzog, Stephen 307

Hester, Dawn 307

Hester, Erwin 101

Hewett, Deborah 307

Hewitt, Lynne 307

Hewitt, Martha 307

Heynard, Mary 339

Hickman, Deborah 339

Hicks, Anne 339

Hicks, Eddie 159, 160

Hicks, Lynn 48

Hicks, Susan 307

Higgins, Helen 339

Higginson, Nancy 359

High, Jay 165

Highsmith, Mary 325

Hight, Ellen 339

Hight, Joseph 325

Hilbert, Sheila 360

Hile, Patricia 360


Hill, Betty 360

Hill, Chet 339

Hill, Cynthia 326

Hill, David 339

Hill, J.A. 117

Hill, James 360

Hill, Marjorie 339

Hill, Nannie 339

Hill, Sylvia 339

Hill, Teri 339

Hill, Wanda 307

Hillerbrand, Kim 307

Hiller, Keith 326

Hilmer, Vivian

Hines, Debbie 339

Hines, Jim 165

Hines, Larry

Hines, Tanna 360

Hinnant, Danny 360

Hinshaw, Gwen 326

Hinson, Steven 307

Hinton, Jan 340

Hinton, Patsy 360, 364


Hobbs, Gladys 360

Hobbs, Joseph 340

Hobbs, Rebecca 340

Hobbs, Sybil 340

Hobbs, Willie 360

Hobson, Kent 360

Hodges, Carolyn 340

Hodges, Francesca 326

Hoenig, Susan 307

Hoesten, Susan 307

Hoffner, Saundra 307

Hogshire, Beverly 360

Holton, Cyndy 48

Holland, Jeffrey 307

Hollan, Teresa 340

Hollar, Kathy 307

Hollen, Mary 340

Hollett, James

Holliday, Deborah 307

Hollingsworth, Jane 340

Hollingsworth, Ted 308

Hollis, Tawny 340

Hollister,Saly 340

Hollman, Grechen 308

Holloman, Debbie 360

Holloman, Penelope 326

Holmes, James III 308

Holmes, Kieth 117

Holmes, Susan 360

Holmes, Vickie 308

Holsonback, Timothy 308

Holt, Deborah 308

Holt, George, Jr. 308

Holt, Robert 13

Holt, Sheila 326

Holt, Susan 308

Holton, Cynthia 340



Honeycutt, Charles 308

Honeycutt, Dennis 360

Honeycutt, Jommy 366

Honeycutt, LeAnn 308

Hooks, David 308

Hooper, James 388

Hooten, Phyllis 360

Hoots, William 117

Hoover, Pamela 308

Hopmann, Chris 360

Horn, Scott 360

Horne, John 16

Horne, Joyce 326

Horne, Ruth 326

Horner, Cynthia 360

Horner, Holly 326

Horton, Susan 326

Horinshell, Elizabeth 308

House, Cheryl 360


Houston, Gerald 360

Howard, George 361

Howard, Pamela 326

Howard, Sharon 308

Howard, Susan

Howe, Ben 340

Howe, Mark 308

Howell, Anna 326

Howell, Donna 361

Howell, Gregory 361

Howell, John 16

Howell, Vickey 308

Howie, Max 340

Hoyle, Beth 326

Hudgins, Ann 361

Hudson, Billy

Hudson, Ginger 326

Hudson, Janell 326

Hudson, Joy 326

Hudson, Larry 361

Hudson, Richard 308

Huff, Linda 340

Huffman, Celia 326

Hufford, Susan 340

Huggins, Dennis 340

Hughes, Don 361

Hughes, Emily 361

Hughes, Julie 340

Hughes, Marshall 326

Hughes, Mary 326

Hugo, Paul 308

Hull, Randy 308

Humble, Pamela 308

Humphries, Deborah 340

Humphries, Joe 308

Hungate, Ann 308

Hunike, Nancy 361

Hunsucher, Elizabeth 326

Hunt, David 306

Hunt, Larry 170

Hunter, Michael 340

Hurdle, Adrianne 361

Hurley, Charles 308

Hurst, Evelyn 308

Hutchens, Rosalie 377

Hutcherson, James 326

Hutchins, Mary 340

Hutchins, Monte 308

Hutchins, Paula 361

Hutchins, Rosalie 84

Hyland, Rebecca 361

Hylton, Martha 326

Hyman, Jennifer 308

Hux, Velna 361

Idoll, Candy 326

Ingeniot, Alphonse J. 30

Ingram, Anne Marie 377

Ingram, Cecile 361

Ingram, Glenda 340

Inman, Alfred 326

Inscoe, Don 326

Inscoe, Thomas 340

Ireland, Wendy 340

Isenhousr, Nancy 340

Isichei, Tony 165

Isnard, Algin 326

Ivey, Braxton 308

Ivey, Ledel 340

Ivey, S. Braxton 308

Jablonski, Brenda 308

Jackson, Ceba 361

Jackson, George 185

Jackson, Jerry 361

Jackson, Rosemarie 340

Jackson, Susan 361

Jackson, Velma 326

Jackson, Vida 308

Jackson, William Jr. 308

Jahn, Doug 308

James, Carl 308

James, Glenn 361

James, Kenneth 117

Jarema, Davis 340

Jarvis, Mary 361



Jean, Margaret R. 326

Jefferson, Barbara 361

Jenkins, Chris 48

Jenkins, Kathy 340

Jenkins, Leo 12, 13, 14, 50, 51

Jennette, Charlie 361

Jernigan, Dora 308

Jernigan, L.E. 361

Jernigan, Libby 308

Jernigan, Vicki 326


Jirva, Josephine 340

Johnson, Betsy 197

Johnson, Brendalyn 308

Johnson, Cynthia 308

Johnson, Cyntha 326

Johnson, Donald 308

Johnson, Donnie 361

Johnson, George III 326

Johnson, Jeffrey 308

Johnson, Jerry 361

Johnson, Katherin 340

Johnson, Kathryn 308

Johnson, Laura 326

Johnson, Laurie 308

Johnson, Luci 117

Johnson, Michael 340

Johnson, Mike 326

Johnson, Mona 340

Johnson, Nancy 197

Johnson, Patty 361

Johnson, Robert 308

Johnson, Rick 165

Johnson, Sherry 309

Johnson, Terry 326

Johnson, Tommy 361

Johnson, William 326

Johnston, Eric 179

Johnston, Jessica 309

Johnston, Jo 362

Johnston, Steven 309

Joines, Sharon 309

Jones, Ava 340

Jones, Chlora 340

Jones, Cynthia 326

Jones, Daphne 340

Jones, Deborah 326

Jones, Debbie 326

Jones, Diane 340

Jones, Fay 309

Jones, Freda 340

Jones, Freda 362

Jones, James 340

Jones, Jennie 326

Jones, Joey 309

Jones, Kathy 326

Jones, Keith 326

Jones, Nancy 309

Jones, Nancy 341

Jones, Patricia 341

Jones, Patricia 340

Jones, Ramona 309

Jones, Rhonda 309

Jones, Robert 341

Jones, Sandra 341

Jones, Sharon 326

Jones, Stephen 362

Jones, Terrie 309

Jones, Vicki 362

Jonges, Mike 341

Jordan, Donna 341

Jordan, Jeri 309

Jordan, Julie 340

Jordan, Linda 362

Jorgenson, Eva 326

Jorgenson, Gloria 326

Joseph, Thomas 326

Jose, Baro 117

Joyner, Alice 326

Joyner, Beverly 341

Joyner, Catherine 326

Joyner, Donna 341

Joyner, D.T. 173, 174

Joyner, Henry 341

Joyner, Sarah 326

Joyner, William 341

Judge, Sheila 309

Judson, Robbin 326

June, Linda 188

Kalameja, Alan 363

Kale, Cynthia 309

Kane, Mary 326

Kanipe, Helen 341

Kaney, Caroline 341

KARATE 188-189

Karpovich, Jeff 165



Katz, Rhonda 341

Katzman, Craig 326

Kay, Kimberly 326

Kearns, Barbara 341

Keech, Garry 341

Keech, Larry 341

Keenan, Debby 363

Keel, Patricia 363

Keener, John 165

Keeter, Stephan 341

Kehoe, Daniel 309

Keith, Donna 326

Keisterl, Joey 363

Keleher, Leolie309

Kelly, John 117

Kelly, Madolin 363

Kelly, Miles, Jr. 309

Kelsey, Lawrence 326

Kemezis, Mary Lea 377

Kemp, Carol 326

Kennedy, James 326


Kennedy, Katie 323

Kennerly, Kim 326

Kennington, Debra 363

Kent, Lynn 341

Kerbaugh, Gail 196

Kerby, Cliff 363

Kerns, Richard 117

Kerraugh, Gail 196

Ketcham, Paul 174

Ketchum, Margaret 341

Ketner, Rick 53

Ketner, Ronald 363

Key, Jayne Gray 377

Kidney, Chuck 326

Kiger, Will 309

Kilmartin, Kathy 309

Kilpatrick, Carolyn 326

Kim, Joong Ho 95

Kim, Unhwa 309

Kim Yooh Hough 116

Kimmel, Francis 363

Kincaid, Jeff 341, 179

Kincaid, Michael

King, Cynthia 341

King, Connie 326

King, Jennifer 309

King, Jimmy 309

King, Mark 326

King, Mary 35

King, Tony 48

Kinsland, Glynda 341

Kinton, Robin 341, 48

Kirby, James 174

Kirby, Karen 363

Klem, Pat 326

Kluger, Jeff 164

Klutty, Ann 309

Klutty, Debra 341

Knight, Cheryl 326

Knopp, Sarah 326

Knott, Garrett 309

Knott, Vivian 326

Knowles, James 341

Kolody, Clarinda 363

Kopczynski, Mary 363

Kornegay, Claire 326

Kopanski, David 94

Kovalchick, Terry 326

Kramer, Charles 341

Kramer, Garde 309

Krantz, Jeff 48

Krauger, Douglas 43

Kraus, Brian 341

Kupke, Kathryn 363

Kuzmuck, Kim 367

Kwiakowski, Eileen 341

Kyker, Kiane 326


Ladd, Bobby 309

Ladd, Duke 327

Lael, Dave 327

Laing, Mark 309

Lalane, James 341

Lamb, George 327

Lamb, Robert 92

Lamb, Teresa 327

Lambe, Bernard 309

Lambie, Ruth 117

Lamm, Jenny 309

Lamm, Larry 327

Lamm, Sandy 327

Lammert, Jim 309

Lancaster, Holly 363

Lancaster, Robin 309

Lancaster, Susan 341

Landin, Michael 363

Landingham, Martha 309

Landreth, William 327

Lane, Ashley 95, 117

Lane, Bettie 327

Lane, Faith 309

Lane, Linda 341

Lane, Mary 327

Langley, Alyce 327

Langley, William 117

Lanier, Gene 110

Lanton, John

LaRogue, Walter 188, 189

Lashley, Kirby 321

Lassiter, Janice 364

Latham, Richard 341

Latham, Linda 327

Lathem, Sue 327

Laugher, Marie 117

Laughter, Robert 309

Lau, Nancy 364

Lawhon, Brenda 364

Lawler, Donald 95

Lawrence, Cathy 309

Lawrence, Delight 309

Lawrence, Robin 364

Laws, George 364

Lawson, Lynne 309

Lawson, Jeri 309


Layton, Charlotte 196

Lea, Robert 341


Leake, Thomas 327

Leake, Zane Jr. 327

Leary, Mary 364

Leary, Susan 309

Leathers, Micky 309


Lee, Barbara 309

Lee, Dottie 309

Lee, Emily 309

Lee, James 341

Lee, Mary 364

Lee, Vicki 196

Leggett, Debbie 309

Leggett, Deborah 327

Leggett, John 188, 189

Leggett, Teresa 309, 48

Leith, Robert 364

Leith, Robert 117

Lemly, Laura 327


Leonard, Drusilla 309

Leonard, Timothy 309

Levi, Kathy 341

Levings, Karin 327

Letchworth, Thelma 364

Lewallen, Wanda 341

Lewis, Barbara 309

Lewis, Cynthia 341

Lewis, Don 327

Lewis, Elizabeth 364

Lewis, George 364

Lewis, James 341

Lewis, James 364, 377

Lewis, Martha 309

Lewis, Mary 364

Lewis, Mike 341

Lewis, Rita 327

Lewis, Susan 327

Lewis, Teresa 341

Li, Chia-Yu 117

Li, Sui 364


Lickamy, Nancy 327

Lieberman, Edward M. 30

Lilley, Daniel 327

Liggins, Deborah 327

Lindell, Kathy 310

Lindsey, Joseph 53

Lineberry, Terri 310

Linn, Reid 364

Lingerfelt, Bobby Jr. 310

Linville, James 341

Linton, Susan 48

Lipla, Clyde 377

Lisane, Fostina 327

Lisk, Dann 327

Little, Cindy 310

Little, Laura 117

Little, Marvette 310

Little, Monte 180

Little, Rebecca 327

Little, Robert 364

Little, Stan 310

Loyd, Sheila 342

Lockemy, Randall 365

Loftin, Patsy 365

Logsdon, Joan 365

Long, Betty 342

Long, Clayton, 117

Long, Karen 327

Long, Patricia 310

Long, Rise 365

Long, Susan W. 35, 117

Long, Thomas 342, 163, 164

Longnecker, Rachelle 310

Longworth, Nancy 365

Lorick, Patricia 310

Louis, Thomas M. 30

Lowe, Nash 117

Lowry, Jean 105

Loquist, John 117

Luber, Doreen 310

Lucas, Guy 310

Lucas, Stanley 342

Lucas, Terry 365

Ludwick, Holly 327

Lundy, Larry 365, 368

Lukawecz, Deborah 365

Lynch, Catherine 327

Lynch, Kenny 365

Lynch, Sandra 310

Lyons, Barbara 365

Lyons, Maragaret 365

Lyons, Terrie 342

Ma, Huuguan 365

Maccubbin, Patricia 342

MacGregor, Elizabeth 365

Mackenzie, Patricia 342

Mackey, Brenca 327

Madaria, Pamela 310

Maddox, David 196

Major, Kathy 342

Maiolo, John 117

Jallerenee, Catherine 310

Mallison, Lynn 310

Malloch, Elizabeth 365

Mallory, James 19

Maloney, Barbara 327

Malpass, Judy 365

Maners, Chrye 310

Maness, John 310

Maness, Karen 310

Mangum, Jeffrey 342

Manley, Ruby 310

Mann, Deborah 365

Mann, Susan 310

Manning, Bonita 327

Manning, Chris 53

Manning, Carla 310

Manning, Lena 365

Manning, Susan 365, 377, 200, 201

Manning, Terry 365

Mansfield, Carolyn 365

Mansow, Norham 342

Manuel, Rhonda 327

Maraki, Patricia 342

Marcellus, Candace 365

Marchette, Terry 327

MARCHING PIRATES 51, 212, 214,


Marett, John 365

Marion, Thomas 365

Markle, Sharon 365

Marks, Pamela 342

Marlo, John R. 116

Marlowe, Wanda 342

Marriott, Tom 173, 174

Marsh, Martha 327

Marsh, Rhonda 327

Marshburn, Ernest 342

Marshburn, Le Donna 310

Marshburn, Susan 365

Martell, Patricia 310

Martin, Antigo 310

Martin, Bemjamin 327

Martin, Brady 342

Martin, John 310

Martin, Marsha 310

Martin, Martha 340

Martin, Timothy 310

Martin, William 342

Mashburn, Arlene 342

Mashburn, Valerie 310

Maskery, Suzanne 342

Maskery, Therese 310

Mason, Constance 342

Mason, Constance 342

Mason, John 310

Massenburg, Claudia 327

Massey, Elizabeth 310


Mathis, James L. 31

Matthews, Janet 310

Matthews, Michael 342

Matthews, Larry 327

Matthews, Mark 310

Matthews, Sandre 310

Mattox, Gayle 310

Maultsby, Paula 342

Maxon, Rob 48

Maxwell, Robin 311

May, Ricky 342

Mayfield, Arthur 365

Mayfield, James 311

Maynard, Grace 311

Maynor, Kayron 327

Mayo, David 311

Mayo, Deborah 365

Mayo, Linda 327


McAdams, Deborah 311

McAdams, Laurie 342

McArtan, Kenneth 327

McAteer, Timothy 365

McBride, Kyle 327

McBroom, Kathy 511

McCain, Rita 327

McCanless, Robert 327

McClain, Linda 342

McClelland, Lloyd 165

McClenny, Kathy 327

McClintock, Sara 327

McCormack, Doug 365

McCoss, Anna 328

McCourt, Kevin 311

McCoy, Patricia 328

McCoy, Susan 328

McCrae, Deborah 365

McCracken, Margaret 311

McCullen, JoEllen 328

McCullough, Constance 311

McCullough, Kent 311

McDavid, Phyllis 311

McDonald, Bill 188-189

McDonald, Connie 342

McDonald, Deborah 311

McDonald, Gail 365

McDonald, Jane 311

McDonald, Miriam 328

McDonald, Scott 311

McDowell, Cynthia 342

McDowell, Robbin 365

McDuffie, Dirk 311

McDuffie, Gregory 342

McDuffie, Mary 342

McFayder, David 365

McGee, David 328

McGee, David 328

McGee, Ken 311

McGee, Vanessa 311

McGovern, Charlie 179

Intyre, Jim 342

McKaughan, Carter 328

McKeel,Guy 311

McKeel, Emma 365

McKeithen, Patricia 365

McKenrick, Jane 328

McKenzie, David 342

McKenzie, Nancy 365

McKinney, Pat 179

McKinney, Valerie 342

McKisson, Dorthy 328

McLanb, Jackie 311

McLanahan, Billy 179

McLaughlin, Ginny 328

McLaurin, Debbie 343

McLaurin, Rose 311

McLaurin, Sean 343

McLawhorn, John 365

McLean, Mitchell 365

McLellon, Constance 328

McLeod, Sue 343

McMicken, Albert II 311

McNeil, Karen 343

McNeill, Joyce 343

McPhail, Norwood 328

McPhatter, Alvin 365

McPherson, Barbara 311

McPherson, Vickie 343

McQuaid, Mary 343

McQuaid, Thomas 343

McQueen, Judy 365

McRae, Jane 365

McRae, Louis 377

McRorie, Kathy 343

McSwain, Grady 328

McVeigh, Janice 311

Meacham, Deborah 311

Meacham, Tina 311

Medbury, Elizabeth 311

Medhus, Eric 343



Medlin, Pearl 328

Meehan, Patricia 343

Meeks, Melody 311

Meiggs, Linda 311

Melcher, Rebecca 365

Melton, Robert 365

Melts, Florence 328

Melville, Alice 328

Melville, Alice 343


Memory, Patricia 328


CENTER 8, 13, 44

Mercer, Anne 311

Merideth, Milly 365

Meroney, Glenda 311

Merrit, Dare 343

Merritt, Cynthia 311

Merritt, David 328

Merritt, Jo Ann 328

Merritt, Kathryn 311

Mertz, Jon 311

Metzger, Debra 365

Mezias, Fred 343

Micrimmon, Aldfred 165

Michael, Kim 196

Michaels, Stephen 343

Middleton, David J. 19

Middleton, Myra 328

Midgett, Lucy 311

Mikeal, Marcia 328

Miles, Brenda 311

Miller, Anne 311

Miller, Bertha 311

Miller, Carolyn 311

Miller, Donita 328

Miller, Janet 343

Miller, Jeffrey 365

Miller, Karen 311

Miller, Kevin 328

Miller, Kimberly 328

Miller, Larry 48

Miller, Patricia 311

Miller, Penny 365

Miller, Randy 311

Miller, Ray 171

Miller, Sandy 48, 84

Miller, Sara 343

Mills, Diane 365

Mills, Dorothy 101

Mills, Karen 328

Mills, Lisa 311

Mills, Patricia 365

Millsaps, Karen 328

MINGES COLISEUM 8, 14, 170, 194

Minges, Libby 367

Misenheimer, Christina 328

Misenheimer, Ron 311

Mithchell, Fredie 366

Mitchell, Louis 343

Mitchell, Lynne 366

Mitchell, Lynne 366

Mitchell, Mary 366

Mizelle, William 311

Modlin, Anna 366

Modlin, Mary 328

Moll, Gregory 366

Monette, Vicki 311

Monroe, Edwin 17

Monroe, Gloria 311

Monroe, Lera 311

Moody, Janet 343

Moody, Rex 311

Moody, Sandra 328

Mooney, Susan 366

Moore, Charles 46

Moore, Chares 311

Moore, Charles 366

Moore, Clifford 311

Moore, Clifton 14, 17

Moore, Cynthia 311

Moore, Diane 343

Moore, Glenn 311

Moore, Helen 343

Moore, Janet 311

Moore, Jeanne 366

Moore, Katie 311

Moore, Kim 343

Moore, Laurel 366

Moore, Mary 366

Moore, Mary Lu 343

Moore, Marsha 366

Moore, Miriam 39

Moore, Nancy 328

Moore, Nancy 343

Moore, Patsy 343

Moore, Renee 343

Moore, Susan 311

Moore, Susan 343

Moore, Terri 343

Moore, Troi 328

Moore, Tyre 366

Moore, Virginia 311

Moore, Wesley 343

Moran, Debra 366

Morefield, Gary 328

Morris, Elizabeth 366

Morris, Jeannie 366

Morris, Lucinda 311

Morris, Marianna 311

Morris, Robin 311

Morris, Rudy 328

Morrison, Haven 311

Morrison, Laura 328

Morrow, Benjamin 311

Morrow, Charles 366

Morrow, Mary 343

Morrow, Susan 311

Morse, Barbara 36

Morse, Michael 311

Mosely, Karen 311

Mosely, Michael 366

Moss, Cheryl 366

Moss, Charlie 185

Motley, Robin 343

Motteler, Larry 366

Mourning, Joyce 311

Mouzon, Sandra 311

Mowery, Phil 311

Mozingo, Buddy 311

Mozingo, Gilbert 328

Mozingo, Mike 343

Mudlin, Cynthia 328

Mueller, Phil 173, 174

Mull, Jane 343

Mullen, Larry 48

Mullin, Larry 311

Murphy, Cynthia 328

Murphy, Scarlet 328

Murphy, Scott 94

Murphy, Sharon 328

Murray, Bruce 343

Murray, Douglas 366

Murray, Gina 312

Murray, Jerry 343

Murray, Karen 312

Murray, Nancy 343

Murray, Susan 366

Murray, Teresa 312

Murray, Theresa 328

Murray, William 343

Murrell, Helen 312

Musgrove, John 343

MUSIC 8, 46, 49

Musolino, Jody 312

Myers, Teresa 343

Myers, Valerie 366

Myrick, Nancy 312

Myslinski, Kathy 343

Nalley, Christie 366

Nance, Julia 312

Nance, Raymond 343

Naney, Anita 327

Nanney, Connie 377

Napui, Linda 382

Narron, Bonnie 328

Nash, David 343

Naylor, Brenda 366

Neal, Teresa 366

Neel, Francis 117

Neff , Robert 366

Nelson, Jacqui 329

Nelson, Vicki 312

Nethercutt, Randy 312

New, Chuck 312

Newby, Curtis 343

Newby, Cynthia 343

Newell, Doug 48

Newell, Lucinda 312

Newell, William 366

Newlin, Cynthia 329

Newsome, Staris 343

Newton, Cathy 329

Nichols, Dan 84, 89

Nichols, Victor 366

Nicklaw, Kathleen 367

Nixon, Joan 312

Noble, Audrey 367

Nobles, Walter 367

Nokes, Cindy 312

Norcross, Sue 329

Norman, H. Jr. 367

Nordsiek, Paul 329

Norris, Becky 329

Norris, Ethel 343

Norris, Patricia 312

N.C. State 155, 157, 163,

North, Gary 367, 369, 94

Northcutt, Dale 343

Novak, Cheryl 329

Nowell, Tommy 367

169, 173, 180, 200

Nowosielski, Cynthia 367

Nunn, Wanda 343


Nunnery, Sherry 343

NURSING 8, 32-33

Nydell, Robin 367

Oakes, Sandra 312

0'Boyle, Jim 165

O'Brian, Marsha 312

O'Briant, Douglas 329

O'Bryan, Patrick 312

O'Connor, James 367

O'Connor, Michael 105

Odette, Robert 367

Odom, Amy 343

Odom, Charlotn 329

O'Donnell, Joan 312

Oettlnger, Vickie 367

Ogburn, Jackie 329

Old Dominion 171

Oldham, Alvis 329

Oliver, Teresa 367

Olson, Frederick 367

Olson, Pamela 329

Olson, Teresa 329

Olvhovich, Marie 367

Omicron Delta Epsilon 135

O'Nell, Brain 343

O'Neill, Mary 312

Orrell, Jane 48

Orrell, Rowena 329

Osborn, Beverly 195, 367

Osborne, Vickie 329

Osborne, Wayne 312

O'Shea, Daniel 165, 367

Osman, Paul 173, 174, 329

Outlaw, Dana 367

Outlaw, Ernestine 367

Outlaw, Ernestine 367

Outlaw, Janet 343

Owens, Miranda 367

Packer, Jean 343

Paderick, Carolyn 329

Page, Beverly 329

Page, Susan 312

Painter, Donna 312

Painter, Michael 312

Pair, Susan Hill 377

Palmer, Arthur 312

Palmer, Glenda 312

Pardue, Steve 343

Parker, Angela 312

Parker, Brenda 329

Parker, Henry 367

Parker, Janice 343

Parker, Joanna 312

Parker, Lois

Parker, Margaret 367

Parker, Nancy 324

Parker, Terry 312

Parks and Recreation 128

Parks, Buni 329

Parnell, Mark 312

Parris, Pamela 324

Parrish, Michael 367

Parrish, Rose 368

Parrish, Susan 312

Parrott, Cynthia 312

Parrott, Lisa 312

Parosn, Leslie 368

Partin, Isabelle 368

Pass, Deborah 312

Pate, Troy 14

Patrick, Hervert

Patterson, Ann 329

Patterson, Roselyn 368

Patton, Dave 169, 171

Patton, Elanor 312

Pau, Susie 48

Paul, Melba 368

Payne, Ronald D. 377

Peace, Pratt 368

Peaden, Lenny 368

Peaden, Robert 343

Pearce, Allen 343

Pearce, Mattie 312

Pearce, Randolph 329

Pearce, Richard 368

Pearman, Margaret 343

Pearman, Stella 368

Pearson, Jeanne 343

Pearson, Nancy 312

Peay, Connie 368

Peedin, Larry 368

Peel, Henry 312

Peele, Annette 312

Pembroke 163

Pendered, Norman 117

Pendergraft, Wanda 343

Pendergrass, Karen 312

Pennell, Vann 343

Penney, Evelyn 368

Pennino, Angela 53

Peoples, Barbara 368

Peoples, Jackie 329

Peoples, Jennifer 329

Peoples, Pamela 343

Perdue, Nancy 329

Pergerson, Mittchell 343

Perkins, Becky 329

Perkins, Billy 179

Perkins, Brenda 368

Perkins, Carola 312

Perkins, Janice 343

Perkinson, Sallye 329

Perry, Bonita 368

Perry, Danny 329

Perry, Dereck 368

Perry, Julia 368

Perry, Marguerite 117

Perry, Marvin 312

Perry, Sharon 312

Pesee, Lea 312

Peterson, Brenda 312

Peterson, Joan 343

Phleps, Ann 363

Phelps, Davis S. 116

Phi Alpha Theta

Phi Beta Lambda

Phi Epsilon Kappa

Phi Kappa Phi 150

Phi Kappa Tau 274-275

Phi Mu Alpha 144

Phi Sigma Iota 126

Phi Sigma Pi 12, 148

Phi Upsilon Omircron

Phi Sigma Tau 129

Phillips, Bertha 312

Phillips, Caroline 117

Phillips, Gary 368

Phillips, Judith 343

Phillips, Penny 312

Phillips, Randall 368

Phillips, Samuel 368

Phillips, Spencer 313

Phillips, Susan 329

Philosophy 115

Physical Education Club 128

Physical Therapy Club 152

Pi Beta Lambda 136

Pi Kappa Lambda 144

Pi Kappa Phi 52

Pi Lambda Phi 271

Pi Mu Epsllon 129

Pi Omega Pi

Pi Sigma Alpha

Pickary, Terry 84

Pickette, Douglas 313

Piddington, Susan 343

Pierce, Berveryl 313

Pierce, Elden 117

Pierce, Ovid 100

Pierce, Terry 368

Pike, Larry 368

Piland, Donald 313

Pinkston, Pamela 329

Pinyoyn, Kathy 368

Piplin, Debbie 313

Pischotle, Zebualon 48

Pitt Memorial Hospital 4, 20, 21,


Pitt, Robert 313

Pitt Techanical Institute 8

Pitt, Yolanda 329

Pittmar, Angela 368

Pittman, Everett 47

Pittman, Susan 368

Pittman, William 313

Platt, Leonetta 313

Plummer, Barbara 368

Poe, Kathleen 343

Pogue, Russell 313, 398

Poindexter, Kenneth 313

Poindexter, Kimberly 313

Poindexter, Randy 368

Poisson, Martha 343

Police 10

Political Science 113

Pollard, Dorice 343

Pollock, Jane 343

Pond, Samuel III, 369, 370

Poole, Dawn 313

Poole, Gail 313

Poole, Kathy 313

Poole, William 343

Pope, Connie 313

Pope, Dale 343

Pope, Frank 344

Pope, Nell 313

Pope, Sylvia 344

Popkin, Kuanne 313

Popkin, Yale 329

Porter, Anne 369

Porter, Ruth 313

Porter, Trudy 313

Porter, Vicky 313

Poser, Bob 165

Post, Roxanne 369

Poteat, Carmen 369

Potts, Susan 313

Poyner, Catherine 369

Powell, Carol 344

Powell, Carolyn 313

Powell, Eugene 94, 369

Powell, Frank Jr. 329

Powell, Georgia 369

Powell, Leigh 313

Powell, Robert 344

Powell, Ruth 369

Powell, Ted 344

Powell, Teresa 313

Powers, Julia 343

Powers, Sandra 313

Powers, Steve 313

Powers, Teresa 329

Praskac, Beth 199

Prehan, Ann 329

Prewett, Paul 173

Price, Allen 329

Price, Barbara 344

Price, Connie 329

Price, Donna 329

Price, Larry 329

Price, Margaret 369

Price, Mary Ellen 329

Price, Mary Lewis 329

Price, Roger 369

Price, Samuel 344

Price, Steven

Price, Vincent 60, 61

Priddy, Betsy 369

Pridgen, Mary 344

Prince, Barbara 48, 369

Prince, Teresa 329

Pritchard, Cathy 329

Pritchard, Terry 344

Privett, Jennifer 329

Privott, Edna 329

Privott, Lisa 344

Procopia, Theresa 369

Proctor, Deborah 369

Proctor, Ronald 369

Proctor, Sandra 344


Propst, Brenda 313

Propst, Elizabeth 369

Provo, John 369

Provest, Nancy 313

Prouett, Walter 313

Pruitt, Julie 329

Pruitt,Shiley 329

Psychology 114

Pugh, Barbara 369

Pugh, Jan 313

Pullen, Patricia 369

Pulley, Bill 329

Pulliam, Janis 313

Purser, Barry 13

Purvis, Pual 344

Queen, Mary 344

Quinn, Marilyn 344

Quinn, Marshall 313

Quinn, Rex 344

Quinn, Susan 329

Rabens, Edwin 344

Radford, Mike 173

Radford, Pamela 369

Ragan, Phyllis 344

Ragland, James 329

Raines, Jean 369

Rambo, John 369

Ramee, Gail 344

Ramsey, Mildred 369

Rankins, Marvin 185

Rapes, Sherry 191

Raper, Teresa 344

Ratcliff, William 369

Ratledge, Nancy 370

Index 393

Rausch, Jackie 48

Rausch, Bob 48

Rawlo, Lee 329

Rawlo, Marty 329

Ray, Constance 84

Ray, Doug 313

Ray, Linda 344

Ray, Robin 344

Raybin, Jacqueline 370

Raybon, Betty 344

Rayford, Blancee 370

Reavis, Paul 370

Rebella, Doreen 313

Rebello, Laurie 344

Rector, Ronnie 313

Redman, Marsha 329

Redman, Michael 313

Reece, Mitzi 370

Reed, Douglas 313, 179

Reed, Sharon 329

Reep, Roxanne 344

Reeve,s Stevens 313

Register, Connie 329

Rehabilitation Counseling Assoc.


Reichstein, Kurt 313

Reid, Jim 329

Reid, Lisa 313

Reynolds, Cindy 344

Reynolds, Gilbert 329

Reynolds, Janice 344

Reynolds, John 313

Reynolds, Kay 370

Reynolds, Teresa 329

Rhew, Susan 314

Rho Epsilon 138-9

Rhodes, Kathy 329

Rhodes, Keith 329

Rhodes, Deborah 344

Rice, Cheryl 314

Rice, Becky 314

Rich, Anquinette 314

Rich, Dana 370

Rich, Sandra 314

Richardson, Amy 329

Richardson, Barbara 84

Richardson, Bennett 344

Richmond, Anthony 314

Ricks, Debra 344

Ricks, Keith 370

Riddick, Joyce 370

Riddick, Robert 370

Ridenhour, Carroll 330

Ridenhour, Joel 370

Ridnehour, Sherry 314

Riggs, Gale 370

Riggs, Rebecca 314

Riggsbee, Arnold 330

Rigsby, Thomas 370

Riley, Jackie 330

Riley, Janice 314

Riley, Sara 314

Riley, Melinda 344

Rimmer, Susan 314

RIOT 10-11

Ritchie, Rose 329

Ritter, John 314

Rivenbark, Pansy 344

Robb, Jeff 344

Robbins, John 84

Roberson, Ann 314

Robertson, Johnnie 370

Roberson, Lisa 314

Roberts, Carol 330

Roberts, Tom 330

Roberts, Virginia 330

Robertson, Nancy 330

Robertson, Verna 330

Robinson 344

Robinson, Ronald 314

Rockefeller, David 344, 48, 212, 215

Roebuck, Donna 314

Rogers, David 330

Rogers, David 344

Rogers, Frederick 344

Rogers, James 330

Rogers, Judy 344

Rogers, Lisa 330

Rogers, Lydia 370

Rogers, Roy 94

Rogers, Samuel 314

Rogers, Sara 330

Rogers, Vickie 344

Rogerson, Ranae 370

Rogerson, Terry 314

Rolison, Jerry 370

Rollins, Ferrell 344

Rollins, Jeff 330, 165

Rollins, Julia 370

Ronstadt, Linda 51, 64, 65, 67

Rooney, Shauna 330

Roper, Margaret 330

Rose, Beverly 330

Rose, Constance 330

Rose, Isshimme 344

Rose, Ronnie 344

Rose, Serena 330

Roseborough, Josie 314

Rosenbaum, Gary 370

Rosenfeld, Norman 101

Ross, April 194, 196, 200, 201, 314

Ross, Billie 344

Ross, Charlotte 330

Ross, Diana 330

Ross, Kerry 314

Rossos, Nick 370

Rountree, Doe 370

Rountree, Nancy 344

Rouse, Cindy 314

Rouse, Deborah 330

Rouse, Lisa 345

Rouse, Linda 370

Rowan, Richard 95, 117

Rowe, Karen 330

Rowe, Sherry 370

Rowe, Wanda 314

Roxbury, Laura 345

Royal, Wanda 314

Ruddle, Ann 314

Rugby 178-179

Rufty, Betty 314

Ruffins, David 94, 345

Russ, Deborah 314

Russell, Patricia 330

Ryals, Marsha 330

Ryals, Patricia 330

Ryan, David 371

Ryan, Dolores 330

Ryherd, Rhonda 371

Rynum, Teresa 314

Safy, Margaret 345

Salser, Barbara 371

Salter, Elwood 371

Saltzer, Sue 99, 314

Samonski, Pat 345

Sampson, Bonnie 330

Sampson, Kathy 371

Sampson, Larry 314

Sams, Stan 53

Sanders, Helen 330

Sanders, Karen 314

Sanders, Kathy 345

Sanges, Beverly 345

Sasser, Barbara 314

Satterfield, Mark 314

Satterwhite, Marian 345

Sauls, Dean 371

Sauls, P. Diana 345

Sauls, Sandra 330

Saunders, Frank 111, 117

Saunders, J.B. 117

Saue, Michael 345

Sawyer, Donna 330

Sawyer, Johnny 345

Sawyer, Karen 330

Sayetta,Tom 117

Saylor, Lori 330

Sazama, Julie 314

Seales, Roberta 314

Scalfara, Delores 199, 314

Scarangella, Jessica 48, 345

Schadt, Karen 314

Schaffer, Leon 330

Schaub, Josephine 314

Schief, Josephine 314

Scheib, Joseph 330

Schlitz Brewing Co. 50

Schlosser, Gail 371

Schrader, Ellen 330

Schubert, Lynn 345

Schultz, Donald 345

Schultz, Linda 315

Science Complex 8, 31

Scott, Bandy 117

Scott, Gordon 315

Scott, Shiela 345

Seagroves, Lynn 330

Seaton, Alyce 371

Seitz, Timothy 331

Selby, Phillip 315

Sellars, Anita 345

Sellars, Daniel 371

Sellers, Henrietta 371

Sellers, JoAnne 315

Sellers, Nancy 371

Severance, Harry 371

Sexton, Clifton 315

Shackelford, Rebecca 315

Shakespeare Company 50

Shanahan, Keran 179

Shank, Barbara 345

Shannon, Pamela 315

Sharff, Lisa 315

Sharp, Carol 371

Sharp, Julia 330

Sharp, Willis 371

Sharpe, David 371

Sharpe, Richard 345

Shaver, Joan 315

Shaw, Charlie 315

Shaw, Joseph 330

Shea, Julie 315

Shearin, Marie 315

Sheek, Dawn 371

Sheldon, John 377

Shell, Jeannie 371

Shelton, Beverly 315

Sheppherd, Frosty 179

Sherman, Jeffrey 371

Sherrill, Lonnie 315

Shinn, Bobby 330

Shipley, Linda 345

Shipman, Caroyln 345

Shirley, John 315


Shaffner, Katherine 371

Sholar, Christy 330

Sholar, Danny 315

Sholar, Sheild 315

Showers, Mary 315

Shull, Linda 345

Sidelinger, Michael 330

Sigma Alpha Iota 145

Sigma Nu 284

Sigma Phi Epsion 278-79

Sigma Sigma Sigma 280-81

Sigma Tau Delta 194

Sigma Theta Tau 141

Silver, Darren 371

Silvers, Linda 345

Simmons, Alice 315

Simmons, Amy 345

Simmons, Charlotte 315

Simmons, Cynthia 315

Simmons, Don 331

Simmons, Eric 345

Simmons, Jerry 315

Simnor, Matthew 315

Simon, Barbara 315

Simpkins, Ruth 315

Simpson, Leonard 345

Simpson, Rovert 315

Sinclair, Jerry 331

Sipe, Scottie 315

Sipe, Shirley 345

Sipfle, Gloria 315

Skelly, Frances 371

Skiles, Gwendolyn 371

Slack, Jeffrey 331

Slate, Barbara 331

Slaughter, Debra 315

Sloan, Albert 315

Sloan, Thomas 331

Small, Becky 315

Small, Timothy 331

Smith, Anthony 315

Smith, Bernard 315

Smith, Beverly 315

Smith, Beth 331

Smith, Bobby 314

Smith, Bobby 315

Smith, Bruce 345

Smith, Carolyn 315

Smith, Charlene 315

Smith, Cindy 331

Smith, David 331

Smith, Deborah 371

Smith, George 372

Smith, James 92, 331

Smith, Joyce 372

Smith, Julie 315

Smith, June 315

Smith, Kathryn 331

Smith, Lee 345

Smith, Leigh 315

Smith, Leslie 315



Smith, Linda 345

Smith, Markey 372

Smith, Marsha 313

Smith, Mary 372

Smith, Melanie 371

Smith, Melissa 372

Smith, Melony 345

Smith, Norris 331

Smith, Phyllis 315

Smith, Rebecca 345

Smith, R.G. 345

Smith, Richard 315

Smith, Richy 315

Smith, Robert 372

Smith, Sandy 372

Smith, Thomas 315

Smith, Tommy 371

Smith, William 372

Smyre, Jane 345

Snider, Terri 315

Snipe, Jack 53

Snipes, Carolyn 331

Snipes, Mary 345

Snyder, Fellissa 315

Synder, Mark 331

Soccer 162-164

Society for the Advancement of

Management 137

Sociology/Anthropology 116

Sociology/Anthropology Club 129

Soles, Laura 331

Sorrell, Mike 331

Sosnik, Mark 331

Sossamon, Janet 345

Souls 52

Southerland, Jimmy 155, 156

Southern Converence 14, 152, 159,

169, 173, 185

Southern, James 331

Spain, Garla 331

Spain, Robert 372

Spanish Club 126

Spargo, Vickie 48, 346

Sparks, Reba 331

Sparrow, Effie 346

Sparrow, John 331

Spear, Clyde 346

Spear, Danny 372

Special Concerts 63

Speight, Francis 44

Spell, Ruth 315

Spence, Deborah 372

Spence, Ellen 346

Spencer, Olive 331

Spengeman, Cragi 346

Spivey, Rose 315

Spivey, Windy 346

Spooner, David 315

Splain, Catherine 197, 331

Spruill, Steve 331

Spruill, Wanda 346

Spruill, William 372

Stainback, Marty 346

Staley, Cynthia 331

Staley, Steven 315

Stallings, Gayle 372

Stallings, Keith 372

Stallings, Kenneth 315

Stancil, Debra 331

Stancil, Michael 346

Stankus, Martha 331

Stanley, Barbara 346

Stanley, Deborah 346

Stanley, Patsy 315

Stapelford, Ann 346

Staris, Particia

Stasavitch, Clarence 160, 161

Statan, Christina 331

Statan, Lois 117

Steele, Mary 346

Stefureac, Susan 372

Stegall, Alys 331

Steigerwald, Cynthia 315

Stell,Denise 199, 346

Stell, Dexter 346

Stephens, Cecil 372

Stephens, Mary 331

Stephenson, Jimmy 315

Stevens, Bonnie 331

Stevens, Charles 48

Stevens, D.B. 117

Stevens, John 331

Stevens, Margaret 371

Stevens, Tony 315

Stewart, Carolyn 373

Stewart, Don 315

Stewart, Jeffrey 346

Stewart, Julianne 373

Stiller, Skipper 331

Stilley, Kathy 315

Stillman, Sandra 373

Stith, Mable 373

Stocks, Donna 373

Stocks, Patricia 315

Stockstill, Susan 346, 48

Stokes, Debra 48

Stokes, Susan 373

Stone, George 48

Stone, Janne 346

Stotler, Vickie 331

Stout, George 373

Stover, Robin 346

Stowe, Floyd 373

Strain, Joeann 373

Strannahan, Jacquelynn 346

Straw, Kathryn 373

Strawbridge, Nancy 373

Strawbridge, Nancy 373

Strayhorn, Brandy 315

Strayhorn, Kenneth 160, 373, 377

Streater, Dannette 331

Strickland, Alice 373

Strickland, Alyia 315

Strickland, Debroah 346

Strickland, Jakcie 346

Strickland, Jim 171

Strickland, Joey 315

Strickland, Mary 373

Strickland, Myron 315

Strickland, Reid 373

Strickland, Rosetta 331

Strickland, Sandy 373

Strong, Richard 331

Stroud, Steve 331

Stubbs, Fletcher 346

Stuoer, Steve 346

Student Government Association

11, 70, 218, 220-225, 234

Student Union 60, 74, 218, 228-233

Styron, Mary 373

Suber, Anne 331

Sugg, Howard

Sugg, Mary 315

Suggs, Angela 189

Suggs, Carter 185

Suggs, Cynthia 315

Suggs, Linda 315

Suitt, Wanta

Suillivan, Dorothy 331

Sullivan, Paula 331

Sullivan, Robert 373

Sullivan, Sonny 315

Summerlin, David J. 315

Summerlain, Elizabeth 373

Summerlin, Gene 346

Sumner, Varbara 331

Sumner, Nancy 373

Sutherland, Blanche 373

Sutherland, Monika 28, 124, 125,

237, 372, 373

Sutton, Jeff 188

Sutton, Miriam 316

Suttom, Prudence 375

Sutton, Wanda 331

Swaim, Howard 331

Swain, Jay 346

Swain, Montiane 199

Swan, Steve 373

Swane, Cheryl 331

Swarger, Tamela 331

Swanson, Debbie 346

Swenholt, Francis 195, 198, 199

Swimming 176-177

Swinson, Jesse 346

Swindell, Margaret 316

Swope, Karen 331

Sykes, LuAnn 316

Sykes, Stephanie 346

Sykes, Terry 331

Tabb Blondelle 316

Talbert, Katherine 373

Talbert, William 331

Tanahey, Joe 179

Tangerine Bowl Classic 170

Tanner, Mark 331

Tanner, Shirley 316

Tanton, Vicki 346

Tapscott, Bonnie 331

Tart, Andrea 331

Tart, Carolyn 316

Tart, Debroah 316

Tart, Linda 373

Tatum, Cathy 53

Tatum, David 331

Taylor, Deborah 331

Taylor, Debra 346

Taylor, Debra 373

Taylor, Diane 373, 374, 228, 234

Taylor, Emilty 316

Taylor, Gail 316

Taylor, James 60, 64, 65, 66

Taylor, James 374

Taylor, James 315

Taylor, Kimela 331

Taylor, Marian 346

Taylor, Mary 374

Taylor, Maxwell 331

Taylor, Mike 238, 239, 374

Taylor, Renee 316

Taylor, Sharon 316

Tau Kappa Epsilon 282-283

Technology 8, 42, 43

Tedder, Judy 346

Tedder, Katherine 331

Teiser, Robert 374

Temple, Bonnie 315

Temple, Deborah 331

Temple, Susan 346

Temple, Teresa 331

Temple, Wanda 346

Tetterton, Phillip 316

Tew, Sherry 346

Theatre Arts 82-83

Theatre Arts Committee 231

Thigpen, Barbara 346

Thomas, Bonita 316

Thomas, Cathy 316

Thomas, Carol 316

Thomas, Diane 331

Thomas, E.A. 35

Thomas, Gerlad 374

Thomas, Judy 346

Thomas, Linda 316

Thomas, Mary 346

Thomas, Richard 346

Thomas, Robert 331

Thomas, Velma 196, 346

Thompson, Dora 374

Thompson, Ellen 316

Thompson, Jack 331

Thompson, Melinda 346

Thompson, Michael 374

Thompson, Nora 316

Thompson, Pam 374

Thompson, Pat 346

Thompson, Phil 377

Thompson, Regina 331

Thompson, Rose 196, 200, 201

Thompson, Susan 347

Thoni, Steve 316

Thorton, Chris 374

Thorton, Jack 35

Thorton, Rebecca 347

Thornell, Mary 374

Throp, Barbara 347

Thorp, Paul 173, 174

Threadgill, Sharon 316

Tice, Carol 316

Timons, Jim 331

Tindal, Melanie 316

Tindell, Rhonda 316

Tingelstad, Jon 31

Tingle, Linda 374

Tinkman, Allen 95, 117

Tippette, Burton 374

Tise, Brandon 374

Title IX 12, 195

Todd, Cindy 374

Todd, Jeffrey 331

Todd, Richard 117

Toler, Ben 374

Tolbert, Amy 316

Tollner, Carroll 347

Topping, Debbie 347

Torres, Liz 31 6

Tower, Cyndi 197

Townsend, Patricia 316

Townsend, Sammy 316

Tozer, Tom 163, 164, 165, 239

Track 184-185

Tripp, Charlotte 374

Tripp, Marvin 374

Trogdon, Darryl 316

Tromsness, John 374

Troutman, Donald 316

Troutt, Patricia 347

Index 395

Trull, John Jr. 316

Truss, Ollie 331

Trulock, Teresa 347

Tschantre, Kimberly 331

Tucker, Dale 374

Tucker, Janie 374

Tucker, James 18

Tucker, Sharon 331

Tully, Terry 347

Tufo, Jean 374

Turbyfill, Ron 316

Turlington, Neale 374

Turner, Cathy 316

Turnage, Deborah

Turner, Cheryl 374

Turner, Donald 332

Turner, George II 316

Turner, Helen 332

Turner, James 347

Turner, Jane 374

Turner, June 332

Turner, Ike and Tina 55

Turner, Victoria 374

Tuttle, Teresa 374

Tycer, Edward 316

Tyler Dorm 8

Tyler, Helen 332

Tyndall, Betty 374

Tyndall, Ray 237, 225, 398, 347, 215

Tyndall, Ted 374

Tyner, Marshall

Tynes, Norma 332

Tyson, Bryan 316

Tyson, Deborah 332

Tyson, Karen 375

Tyson, Nettie 316

Tyus, Kevin 316

Underwood, Frank 316

Underwood, Tommie 332

University of Maryland 169, 180

University of North Carolina 159

160, 161, 163, 173, 180, 190

191, 200

University of Richmond 152, 158

159, 163, 170, 173, 180, 190,


University of Virginia 159, 190

University Marshalss 149

Upshurch, Belinda 332

U'Ren, Stacy 317

Stegaard, Sally 197

Utley, Teresa 332

Vail, Mary Ann 325

Vainright, Julian 17

Van Bullock, Darryl

Van Dusen, Sharon 371

Van Hoy, Sharon 375

Van Nortwich, Eril 347

Vance, Arlene 317

Vance, Zelma 375

Vanderlinden, Billy 179

Vangundy, Robert 375

Vann, Devra 332

Varner, Sybil 317

Vaughan, Samuel 317

Vaughn, Ronald 347

Vaughn, Vicki 332

Veach, Alison 332

Venable, Oney 317

Vernon, Debra 347

Veron, Vann 317

Vick, Amy 317

Vick, Marianne 317

Vines, Cynthia 332

Violette, Denise 347

Virginia Military Institute 169, 170,

190, 191

Vivo, Teresita 347

Vogue, Cindy 317

Volleyball 196, 197

Wagner, Susan 375

Walence, Alfred Jr. 317

Walizer, William 375

Walker, Cindy 332

Walker, Harry 347

Walker, John 317

Walker, Marty 317

Walker, Mildred 317

Walker, Patricia 347

Walker, Peggy 332

Walker, Rhonda 375

Walker, Sarah 332

Wall, Randy 332

Wall, Sarah 347

Wall, Shamra 317

Wallace, Gerry 317

Wallace, L. 375

Wallace, Twilla 332

Waller, Burgess 332

Waller, Helen 347

Walston, Janet 31

Walter, Stanley 332

Walters, Martha 375

Walters, R.

Walter, Robert

Walters, Tom 232

Walters, William 975

Walthall, Rick 317

Waton, John W. 377

Walton, Connie 317

Ward, Ben 332

Ward, Vera 375

Warner, Mary 332

Warren, Ann 347

Warren, Bailey 317

Warren, Doug 332

Warren, Janet 332

Warren, Louis 332

Warren, Lundie 375

Warren, Michael 317

Warren, Pameal 332

Warren, Ronald 317

Warren, Ted 317

Warren, Teresa 332

Warwick, Ira 347

Waterman, Susan 332

Waters, Betty 347

Waters, Harvey 317

Waters, Hesta 332

Waters, Patsy 167

Watford, J. C. 375

Watkins, Grady 317

Watkins, Larry 375

Watkins, Teresa 332

Watkins, Terry 332

Watkins, William 374

Watson, Donald 317

Watson, Frances 332

Watson, Janet 347

Watson, Suzanne 332

Watts, David 317

Watts, Randy 332

Weatherman, Pamela 317

Weaver, Pamela 332

Weaver, Wendy 317

Webb, Linda 332

Webb, Nikita 317

Wedel, Janice 317

Wedel, Jancie 317

Weeks, Donna 317

Weiss, Janie 317

Weitz, Kathleen 347

Welborn, Edward 332

Wellons, Kathryn 375

Wellons, Polly 375

Wells, Kathryn 332

Wells, Mitzi 317

Wells, Vicki

Wenkle, Catheine 332

West, Marsha 375

West, Mary

West, Oteria 332

West, Willard 332

Westbrook, Jeff 317

Westbrook, Nancy 332

Westbrook, Ssuan 317

Westbrook, Victoria 317

Wester, David 332

Weston, Billie 375

Weston, Robin 317

Wetherington, Wenda 317

Wetherington, Wendy 317

Whaler, Lucy 376

Whaley, Jethro 376

Whaley, Sandra 332

Whatley, Mary 347

Whatley, Edith 317

Wheeler, Linda 376

Wheller, Sandra 332

Whichard, Wanda 332

Whichard, William 317

Whisenant, Teresa 347, 53

Whisenhunt, Jackie 317

Whitaker, Cindy 347

Whitaker, George 347

White, David 332

White, Karen 332

White, Kaye 332

White, Lisa 317

White, Marcia 332

White, Miriam 347

White, Robert 332

White, Sheree 317

White, Stephen 376

White, Stephen 376

White, Tena 332

White, Tom 347

White, William 332

White, William 376

Yager, Daniel 349

Yale, Rebecca 333

Yancy, Mable 319

Yarboro, Pamela 377

Yarbrough, Annie 319

Yarbrough, Sandra 319

Yeazer, John 30

Yeargan, Terry 319

Yearick, Rught 319

Yelverton, Alton 349

Yezarski, Linda 349

Yogodzinski, Jeanne 333

Yokley, Glenn 377

Yopp, Audrey 349

York, Annette 319

Young, Susan 333

Young Home Designers League 143

Younger, Carol 53, 349

Yount, Cathy 349

Yow, Lynne 333

Zahran, Joe 349

Zickler, Connie 333

Zills, Donna 319

Zubrikas, Bobbie 333

Zumbo, Rose 377

Zumbrunnen, Janelle 377




Earthquakes and storms made headlines in May as both killed hundreds and caused thousands of dollars in damage. An earthquake shook half of Italy and six other European countries, killing over 300. Although many things were damaged the country's famous art treasures survived. Another quake hit Italy three days after the first on May 10 leaving over 800 dead and 150,000 homeless. A week later another quake shook the Soviet Union and was reportedly several times larger than the Italian quakes.

In North Carolina tornadoes, hailstorms and torrential rains bringing floods killed four children and caused an unknown amount of damage to home and crops.

As Reagan and Ford continued to battle it out in primaries, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger announced he will resign no matter who wins the presidential election. The Secretary was one of the major attacks by Ronald Reagan. Reagan went one to defeat Ford in three primaries after trailing behind since the beginning of the primaries.

Ten passengers were killed as the result of a hijacking of a Philippine Airlines jet by six Moslem rebels, three of which were killed on May 22. Twenty-two other persons of the 93 aboard were injured and the plane was a total loss after government troopers opened fire.

The largest scandel to hit West Point in its 174 year history occurred in May when hundreds of cadets in the junior class were accused of cheating. The incident began when an instructor noted similarities in the answers on a take-home exam. Forty-nine were charged by the Honor Committee for cheating while 49 others were exonerated. Cadets then came forward with lists indicated that over 400 cadets had cheated at some time and that the Honor Committee was also in violation of the "respected" code of the academy. The Secretary of the Army was asked to conduct an investigation. Over half of the junior class remained at West Point after graduation. If all were found guilty as charged the cadets faced automatic expulsion.

Tragedy united the small community of Yuba City, California when the high school choir went on a bus trip to nearby San Jose. The bus didn't reach its destination however as it broke through a guard rail and fell 30 feet killing 28 of the 53 students aboard and leaving the others seriously injured. The campus was closed in mourning as students broke down in the halls upon hearing the news. Many of the students were seniors. The tragedy occurred one week before graduation.


Printing Specifications

The 1976 BUCCANEER was printed by American Yearbook Company in Clarksville, Tennessee under contract with the Publications Board of ECU. Seven thousand copies were printed with 400 pages.

Cover: Two color transparencies taken by staff photographer Frank Barrow were reproduced as a Tru-life cover with a border of gold on lithograph material.

Endsheets: Curry Gold

Paper stocks: pages 1-384 is 80# gloss double coated enamel: 385-400 is Curry gold 85# contemporary matte.

Type: News Gothic and News Gothic Bold - 10 pt. copy with 8pt. captions.

Headlines: News Gothic and News Gothic Bold in 14, 18, 24, 30 and 48pt. size.

Formatte acetate type was used on the cover and pages 1, 4, 8, 50, 60, 194, 210, 212, 214, 246, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 300, 321, 334, and 350.

Photography: all black and white photography was printed as halftones.

Color photography: All color reproductions were slides or prints taken by the staff photographers with the exception of drama pictures.

Special effects: p. 3 - screen used in the darkroom: 5-art conversion in blue and green; 156-line screen in purple: 176-photo printed in purple ink only; 215-photo printed in purple ink only; 247-art conversion in purple; 384-screen used in the darkroom.

Any questions about the printing specifications of this book will be answered if addressed to BUCCANEER editor. East Carolina University, Greenville, N.C. 27834.

Artwork Credits

Artwork on the following pages 55, 76, and 82 was from publicity posters from the Student Union. Art on pages 61 and 229 courtesy of the ENTERTAINER, the Student Union Publication. Poster on pp. 86-87 courtesy of the Drama department. Sports artwork on page 192-193 is from the BUCCANEER files as is the pirate on page 296.

Copy Credits

Copy on page 41 from the ECU News Bureau; p. 70 from Pat Flynn; p. 89 Sue Ellen McLeod; 110 by Gene Lanier, Chairperson Library Science Department; 194-195 Diane Taylor; 194-202 by Robin Hammond and Virginia Gardner; 378 by Dawn Bledsoe and 379 by Dennis Foster; 223 SGA Bus Accident by Dennis Leonard and 100 by Rudy Howell.

Special thanks to John Evans for writing most of the sports copy and to Sports Information for swim- ming coverage and the scores.

Information about Greenville (P. 4-8) courtesy of the Greenville Chamber of Commerce.

Information about the Halloween riot (p. 10-11), Title IX (p. 12-13) and graduation (p. 380 came from FOUNTAINHEAD stories.

Much of the academics copy was supplied by interviews with de- partment chairpersons or deans of the various schools. In some depart- ments such as ROTC, History, Geology and Foreign Language and in the Schools of Business, Music and Education faculty members responded to surveys which were sent to all campus departments. As only a few faculty members re- sponded we printed only what we had available.

All other copy was written by either the section editor, a general staffer within the section or the edi- tor.

Staff Members

Editor: Monika L. Sutherland Business Manager: Mike Bright Circulation Manager: Stan Little Academics Editor: Susan Bittner Academics Staff: Bernard Smith

Cedric Barksdale Activities Editor: Martica Griffin Activities Staff: Kay Williams Athletics Editor: Jaime Austria Athletics Staff: John Evans, Tim

Edwards, Guy Lucus Womens Athletics: Robin Ham- mond, Virginia Gardner Greeks Editor: Richard Drogos Greeks Staff: Judy Burch, Pam Holt Classes Staff: Anne Leonard,

Polly Fussell, Mary Modlin Organizations Editor: Rob Benton Service Organizations: Sherry

Williams Typists: Patsy Waters and Kathy

Dixon General Staff: Renee Edwards,

Dawn Bledsoe Editor's Assistant: Ray Tyndall

Photo Credits

Class portraits and Greek group shots were taken by Stevens Stu- dios of Bangor, Maine.

News photos in Newsline were ordered from World Wide Photos of New York (pp. 290-295)

Drama photos of productions (pp. 84-93) were taken by Albert Pertalion of the ECU Drama De- partment.

Photographs of the N.C. State Game (p. 156) and a cheerleader (p. 213) were taken by Joseph Mil- lard of Miami, Florida.

Cheerleading (p. 212-213) group shot was by John Banks and was used from FOUNTAINHEAD files.

Swimming photographs (pp. 176- 177) and the color photo of Clar- ence Stasavich (p. 161) were from ECU Sports Information.

Religious groups (216-217) were taken by Rev. Bill Hadden and David Hunt with the Newman Club by Pat Flynn.

Photographs of Sigma Phi Ep- silon (p. 282) are from the fraternity scrapbook.

Photographs of the Geology de- partment (p. 105), beach retreat (pp. 120-121) and the Geology club (p. 127) were by David Hunt.

ECU Concert Choir (p. 48) was by Rudy's Studio in Greenville, N.C.

Randy Benson photographed football on 154-161, soccer on 162- 165, club football on 166, cross country on 167, Homecoming on 50-55, James Taylor and Linda Ronstadt concerts on 64-67, con- certs on 73 and 83, cheerleaders on 210-213, marching pirates on 212-215 and candids on 296-297, 298, 299, 300, 302, 313, 314, 321, 324, 328, 341, and 349.

Larry Surles photographed the Hardees billboard on the Presby- terian church on p. 5, Gotten hall on p. 9, all snow pictures, and candids on pages 22-27; 32-33; 34, 38, 60, 93, 316, 317, 330, 335, 337, 348, 356, 357, 358, 362, 369, 371, 270 253, 267,96, 97, and 111.

Russell Pogue photographed the concerts on pages 62-63, 68-69, and the candids on 304, 312, 336, and 345.

Diane Kyker took the photograph on p. 333

Tim Chalmers took the color photo of the tennis courts on page 9.

All other photographs were by Frank Barrow of the BUCCANEER staff.

398 Acknowledgements


May our future surpass the achievements of the past 200 years of freedom!

"I look forward to a great future for America, a future in which our country will match its military strength with our moral restraint, its wealth with our wisdom, its power with our purpose. I look forward to an America which will not be afraid of grace and beauty, which will protect the beauty of our natural environment an America which will reward achievement in the arts as we reward achievement in business or statecraft. I look forward to an America which commands respects throughout the world not only for its strength but for its civilization as well. And I look forward to a world which will be safe not only for democracy and diversity but also for personal distinction."

President John F. Kennedy Address at Amherst College October 26, 1963

Bicentinnial 399

Buccaneer 1976
1976 Buccaneer, yearbook of East Carolina University. The first yearbook published by the students of East Carolina Teachers College, The Tecoan, debuted in 1923. The name of the yearbook changed to the Buccaneer in 1953. The Buccaneer suspended publication from 1976-1978 and 1991-2005, finally ceasing in 2018. It was superseded by Anchors Away in 2019.
Original Format
school yearbooks
Local Identifier
Location of Original
University Archives
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