Radio disc jockey

Radio disc jockey
A man working in a radio station is adjusting knobs. Date from negative sleeve.
July 12, 1958
Original Format
10cm x 12cm
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Location of Original
East Carolina Manuscript Collection
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James B Kirkland Jul 09 2012

The person in the photo is Lawrence Behr who was a high school student at Greenville HS. He was the radio station engineer. Lawrence Behr became principal owner of Lawrence Behr Associates in Greenville, NC -- a world wide broadcast construction company.

James B. Kirkland - ECC '62 Nov 11 2009

This is a student DJ at the ECC Campus Radio Station,WWWS-FM 91.3 FM. (Named after Librarian Wendel W. Smiley) The studios were located on the second floor of Joyner Library. The FM transmitter was located in a room behind the control room. The large studio seen through the glass window in front of the control room was used for music productions. It was later converted into the closed circuit TV studio used for teaching large lecture classes on campus (mostly Freshman level).

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