NCPI Workmark
Articles in regional publications that pertain to a wide range of North Carolina-related topics.

Connections To The Past: Archeologists And Private Artifact Collectors Study NC's Earliest Societies

Record #:
"In 1951,at the age of 10, Ron Harris found his firstarrowhead. Featuring a pointed tip, flaked scars and composed of fine-grain rock, he immediately knew what lay in his palm. Today, Ron, who lives in Taylorsville and is a member of EnergyUnited, has a vast collection of Native American artifacts--some discovered, some traded and some significant, like his collection of stone Clovis points dating back 100,000 years, whichdenote the earliest inhabitants of present day North Carolina.?
Carolina Country (NoCar HD 9688 N8 C38x), Vol. 54 Issue 9, September 2022, p10-11