NCPI Workmark
Articles in regional publications that pertain to a wide range of North Carolina-related topics.

The Year the American Revolution Should Have Ended

Record #:
When England went to war with its American colonies, it was at a distinct disadvantage--3,000 miles of ocean separated them. Communication to and from England could take as much as five months, and there were 1,200 miles of shoreline along the coastal colonies. Cheatham presents six events that should have, for all intents and purposes, prove to King and Parliament that the war was over at the end of 1776. These include the Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge, the British evacuation of Boston, the Declaration of Independence, and Washington's surprise attack on Trenton, New Jersey in December of that year.
Recall (NoCar F 252 .R43), Vol. 15 Issue 2, Fall 2009, p1-3, il