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3 results for St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Edenton, NC
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St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Edenton, NC, organized in 1701, has the distinction of being the second oldest church in North Carolina and the only colonial era church in use. Work began on the church in 1737 and it was only complete enough for the vestry to meet in the building in 1760. Interior woodwork was replaced and the steeple added in 1806-1809. In 1949-50 fire destroyed the galleries, roof and steeple. The building’s interior was then stripped to the brick walls and renovated. The church cemetery was established in 1722 and there are nearly 700 unmarked graves in the cemetery.
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Robert Brent Drane, a native of Wilmington, NC, was ordained an Episcopal Priest in 1876 in Tarboro, NC. He was rector of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Edenton, NC from 1876 to 1932. He served numerous churches in the Edenton community and played a part in establishing the Church of St. Andrew’s-by-the-Sea in Nags Head, NC.
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"For three year, the Kneeler girls of Chowan County gathered each week in the parish hall of historic St. Paul Episcopal Church in Edenton to stich symbols of faith into pillows of grace." Martha Blythe, Debbie Boyle and Kathy Bubby's needlepoint project replaced cushions used at the altar of the church that were 40 years old. Annette Wright was a part of the group but passed in September 2023.
Our State (NoCar F 251 S77), Vol. 91 Issue 12, May 2024, p174-178, il Periodical Website