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2 results for Red Banks Primitive Baptist Church (Pitt County)
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Record #:
In 1758, Reverends Thomas Pope and Joseph Willis were sent by the Primitive Baptist Association in Philadelphia to Pitt County to establish a church. The first church was known as Red Banks Meeting House and it was located on the north side of the Tar River. The congregation outgrew the building and a new church was opened in 1802. Another new church was built by 1837. Numerous groups splintered from this church to form various Baptist groups throughout Pitt County. The congregation moved south of the river and had a church built there. In 1863, Red Bank Church was burned down by Union forces and a new one was built. A new church building was built in 1893 which is still standing today. The Church celebrated its 200th anniversary in 1958, and was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2002.
Record #:
Constituted in 1758, records from 1758 to 1790 for Red Banks Church have been lost. The surviving record book contain a good number of intersting facts. Elder Jeremy Rhame was the church's first pastor.