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2 results for North Carolina--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Naval operations--Charlotte
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A commemorative plaque hangs on the East Trade Street wall of the Downtown Civic Center in Charlotte to honor the naval yard that stood there from 1862 to 1865. Although no ships were ever built there, large numbers of naval supplies and machinery were manufactured and assembled there. The largest steam hammer ever built in the south was engineered there, and a yard workman invented a machine that made perfect spheres for cannon balls and shells. Federal troops took possession of the Naval Yard in April 1865. John Wilkes repurchased the property and established the Mecklenburg Ironworks on it, but it was destroyed by fire ten years later.
The State (NoCar F 251 S77), Vol. 53 Issue 9, Feb 1986, p15, por
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During the Civil War, Confederates established an inland naval yard in Charlotte. In 1862, Union forces threatened to take over the naval base, known as Gosport yard, in Norfolk, Virginia. The yard was engaged in fashioning munitions and equipment for Confederate ships and was vital to the South's war effort. Several new locations for relocating the yard were scouted but eventually, based on recommendations from Captains W. D. Murdaugh and William Parker CSN, Charlotte was chosen for available labor, material, and a functioning railway. The Charlotte naval yard operated from 1862 until the last six months of the war, supplying the southern effort with shells, torpedoes, and shot.
The State (NoCar F 251 S77), Vol. 14 Issue 43, Mar 1947, p3, 36
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