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3 results for "Shrimp fisheries--Bycatches"
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Bycatch is a hotly debated topic among fishermen involved in inshore shrimping, individuals, and state agencies. Bycatch is the amount of non-targeted catch that fishermen net along with their intended catch. Inshore shrimping nets can scoop up valuable commercial and recreational fish, such as croaker, spot, gray trout, and flounder. If large numbers of these fish end up as bycatch, their populations will decline and affect sportsfishermen and other commercial fisheries. A North Carolina Fishery Resource Grant project assesses the bycatch generated in North Carolina's southeastern shrimp fisheries.
Coastwatch (NoCar QH 91 A1 N62x), Vol. Issue , Early Summer 2005, p16-19, il, map Periodical Website
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A problem facing shrimpers when the nets are pulled in is bycatch, or unintended catch. Once the shrimp are brought onboard, shrimpers have to sort through them, and having bycatch, which has to be returned to the ocean, slows down the process. Lee reports on the research of John Broome, a Wilmington-based shrimpers, to create new gear that would allow shrimp to be culled faster and return bycatch to the water faster.
Coastwatch (NoCar QH 91 A1 N62x), Vol. Issue 5, Holiday 2012, p13-16, il Periodical Website
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Fishermen call it trash fish; fisheries resource managers call it bycatch. Either way, the loss of unintended fish catches (or bycatch) has been a serious fisheries problem in North Carolina. Thus, North Carolina Sea Grant researcher as developing new trawling methods to reduce the number of juvenile fish caught in shrimp nets.
Coastwatch (NoCar QH 91 A1 N62x), Vol. 17 Issue 7, Aug 1990, p3-6, il, f Periodical Website