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99 results for "Politics--North Carolina"
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Recapping the 1989 NC legislative session, the author imagines the legislators as characters in The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Topics that are addressed by the characters are those addressed by NC lawmakers. The issues of public transit in the Triangle area, excessive spending, public health, and morality standards, among others are discussed. The legislators are generally mocked for their actions and portrayed as not representing the citizens of North Carolina.
Independent Weekly (NoCar Oversize AP 2 .I57 [volumes 13 - 23 on microfilm]), Vol. 7 Issue 23, August 10-23 1989, p6-8, 10 Periodical Website
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Democratic Speaker of the House Joe Mavretic’s committee appointments are being criticized. Mavretic campaigned on promises to make the appointment process fairer, but critics say he not fulfilling those promises. Mavretic has been accused of rewarding his supporters and punishing his critics and Mavretic has admitted to rewarding “friends.” Mavretic has also experienced some controversy over comments he made to another representative about the Holocaust. Mavretic believes he is the victim of racist politics by his opponents.
Independent Weekly (NoCar Oversize AP 2 .I57 [volumes 13 - 23 on microfilm]), Vol. 7 Issue 41, December 14-20 1989, p6-8 Periodical Website
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North Carolina’s judiciary is rapidly becoming a comprised branch of government as new legislation has significantly changed the branch. Several laws passed by the General Assembly have changed campaign financing laws for judges, changed the review process for determining whether a law is unconstitutional or not, and stripped the Judicial Standards Commission of most of its regulatory ability. The North Carolina Bar Association has asked the governor to veto some of the legislation and commentators worry that the new changes will make judges partisan as they are influenced by large campaign donations.
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With Mitt Romney’s loss to Barack Obama, the influence of the white male vote and white male politicians is fading. The number of women in office is increasing and while that should indicate a change, in North Carolina, it hasn’t. The women in office in NC are just as conservative as their male counterparts. The sex of politics is changing, but not the points of view.
Indy Week (NoCar Oversize AP 2 .I57), Vol. 30 Issue 1, January 2013, p15-17 Periodical Website
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Paul Coble is the nephew of former US Senator Jesse Helms of North Carolina. Coble is the chair of the Wake County Board of Commissioners and is running for the 13th congressional district seat. Coble’s history in politics and his conservative views are explored and several of his political views are compared to those of his uncle, Jesse Helms.
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NC state lawmakers have voted to override Governor Perdue’s veto of the state’s fracking bill. The vote needed to make the veto official came as Democratic Rep. Becky Carney mistakenly voted in favor of the veto. Carney attempted to make her mistake known, but was ignored by House Speaker Thom Tillis. The state will now allow fracking and Carney has gone on record making her mistake public and expressing her regret.
Indy Week (NoCar Oversize AP 2 .I57), Vol. 29 Issue 27, July 2012, p7, 10 Periodical Website
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Democrats did not do well in the 2012 elections in North Carolina. The reasons for the likely Republican victories began two years ago. The Republicans' 2010 victory happened as a national census ensured newly drawn voting districts, and from the large increase in campaign donations in support of Republicans. With the money and control of the map, Republicans easily kept control of state politics.
Indy Week (NoCar Oversize AP 2 .I57), Vol. 29 Issue 45, November 2012, ponline Periodical Website
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Clarence Bender, a Democratic state Senate candidate from Nash County ran for election from a prison cell. Bender was arrested on the first day of early voting for allegedly selling drugs to an undercover police officer. Bender’s history and experience as a local politician is explored. Currently a town commissioner in Castalia, NC, Bender has been described by several as a con-man and by others as a well-respected leader in the community.
Indy Week (NoCar Oversize AP 2 .I57), Vol. 29 Issue 47, November 2012, ponline Periodical Website
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The impact Bob Sheldon and Internationalist Books and Community Center have had on the community in Chapel Hill is explored. A former manager of the bookstore describes its place and importance in the community. Sheldon founded the store as a place for political activism and radical literature from authors whose works push the boundaries of political and cultural understanding. The center serves as a meeting place and place where ideas are exchanged, events organized, and relationships formed.
Independent Weekly (NoCar Oversize AP 2 .I57 [volumes 13 - 23 on microfilm]), Vol. 28 Issue 8, February 2011, p7, 11 Periodical Website
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State legislators are preparing to change North Carolina’s medical malpractice laws. The new bill would put a cap on the amount of money individuals can be awarded as a result of pain and suffering caused by an accident. Also, the bill will put a tougher standard on proving malpractice in emergency cases. Legislators say this will save money and make health care more affordable. There are questions whether part of the bill would be considered unconstitutional if challenged in the courts.
Independent Weekly (NoCar Oversize AP 2 .I57 [volumes 13 - 23 on microfilm]), Vol. 28 Issue 12, March 2011, p9, 12 Periodical Website
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House Bill 129 was passed by the Senate recently and it prevents local governments from creating their own broadband services by making it financially impossible. Local governments cannot not use tax dollars to build their own systems , would have to pay the state if they decided to try to create their own service, and hold referendums before attempting to create a service. Watchdog groups question the influence of telecommunications companies’ campaign donations on lawmakers who proposed the bill.
Independent Weekly (NoCar Oversize AP 2 .I57 [volumes 13 - 23 on microfilm]), Vol. 28 Issue 18, May 2011, p9-10 Periodical Website
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North Carolina US Senator Richard Burr is one of the most vulnerable Republican senators this election. Three NC Democrats are looking to unseat Burr this fall. Elaine Marshal, Cal Cunningham, and Ken Lewis are the three most likely to do so. All three are profiled, but all three are similar in their political views. The only thing that separates the three is gender and race.
Independent Weekly (NoCar Oversize AP 2 .I57 [volumes 13 - 23 on microfilm]), Vol. 27 Issue 13, March 2010, p5-7 Periodical Website
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The North Carolina House rejected a bill that would have prevented cities and towns from providing their own broadband services. The bill was passed by the Senate. Rural areas and small towns are often not provided high-speed internet by telecommunications companies. Cities and towns can now privately complete projects instead of having to wait for companies to install the technology in their area.
Independent Weekly (NoCar Oversize AP 2 .I57 [volumes 13 - 23 on microfilm]), Vol. 27 Issue 28, July 2010, p7 Periodical Website
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Currently, Democrats are not serving the working people, the poor, and spreading their ideals like they used to. Democrats lack the passion and vision when compared to their Republican opponents. Because of this, Democrats in North Carolina are struggling to get elected and Republican ideals and policies dominant in the state. The essay looks at how Democrats have lost their way and calls for a new type of progressivism to rise up.
Independent Weekly (NoCar Oversize AP 2 .I57 [volumes 13 - 23 on microfilm]), Vol. 27 Issue 42, October 2010, p20-23 Periodical Website
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The discount stores owned by Art Pope and the cheap merchandise he sells at them are detailed. Pope’s stores target minority individuals in low-income areas. Pope’s family history, business model, his millions of dollars in political contributions, and his ultra-conservative political philosophy are also discussed in depth. Seven toys and clothing products from which Pope makes millions off of in his store are shown and connections are drawn between them and Pope’s political views.
Independent Weekly (NoCar Oversize AP 2 .I57 [volumes 13 - 23 on microfilm]), Vol. 27 Issue 44, November 2010, p5-7 Periodical Website