NCPI Workmark
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2 results for "LGBT community"
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Summer camp has been redefined in the North Carolina towns of Asheville, Greensboro, and Durham through Queer Oriented Radical Days of Summer. A response to the Same Sex Marriage Amendment passed in 2012, offers a place for creative expression and community building for queer and trans youth. Activities include Safe Sex and Consent and music lessons, as well as traditional summer camp activities like canoeing and nature walks.
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In this article the author is discussing different topics like Pride being canceled for a Jewish holiday and confederate statues. The author discusses that canceling pride events for religious holidays sets a dangerous precedent. Where many Jewish LGBTQ+ community members argue that they want to participate in these events but they conflict with one of their holidays. In regards to confederate statues the argument is that there is no need for them and that they are not worth keeping up. One argument made was that they do not have statues of Nazi soldiers in Berlin so we should not had statues of confederate statues in America.
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