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4 results for "Messmer, Catherine Campani"
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Charlotte's standing as a business and financial center received a large boost when Royal Insurance, a company that has been in New York City for 135 years, decided to relocate its headquarters there. Among the reasons were the high cost of doing business in New York which necessitated the need for a more economical location and the desire to provide a better quality of life for its employees. Royal will complete its move to the new $30 million headquarters on September 1.
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Jim Christopher, president and CEO of Concord Farms, Inc., is on a mission to convince Americans to eat more duck. In 1987, the farm plans to process eight million ducks, a doubling of the number processed in 1985. The company can process up to 24,000 a day. The finished product is then sold in all fifty states and abroad. Duck feathers sold for jackets, comforters, and pillows account for 10 to 20 percent of company revenues, which were estimated at over $41 million in 1986.
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John Lemmon of John Lemmon Films of Charlotte makes clay animation commercials. At the 1986 Houston International Film Festival he received top awards for his commercials. There are five companies in the nation that offer clay animation, but only Lemmon and one other company work exclusively in the technique. Since each commercial can take from six to eleven weeks to prepare, he takes only four to six jobs a year. Messmer describes the process.
Business North Carolina (NoCar HF 5001 B8x), Vol. 7 Issue 6, June 1987, p82-83, 84-85, il, por Periodical Website
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This article discusses how business lawyers win cases and are successful. The lawyers presented in this article focus mostly on tax law and issues with the Internal Revenue Service.