NCPI Workmark
Articles in regional publications that pertain to a wide range of North Carolina-related topics.

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3 results for "Melissa McGaw"
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In this article the author is discussing her 30 year long career as a photographer for the N.C Wildlife and Resources Commission. The author discusses the many places their career has taken them in North Carolina. As a Wildlife Resources Commission photographer the author has visited certain sites multiple times to on once and they have had to visit farms, shaded streams, mountain bogs, mines, caves, lakes, and game lands. Some days the author would have to travel from the coast to the mountains of North Carolina. The author says that the best time to take pictures is early morning to when the sun is setting because of the lighting.
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This article is discussing how the author got into photography and who inspired them to do so. The author discusses that their love of nature had come from their mother who was an artist. The author says they studied fiddle crabs and searched the beach for shells when they went with their mother. The author’s first experience with photography was when their grandmother gave them a Kodak instamatic camera after some talk with their mother. The author pursued a degree in photography in college and started their career as helping an advertising photographer. The author found that advertisement photography was not their passion and their mother helped introduce them to a friend that knew the photographer for the Wildlife in North Carolina Magazine. The author said after beginning this new careers they found their passion in wildlife photography and their experience in commercial photography helped them climb the latter in their field.
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In this article the author talks about how there is always something to do when it comes to office work but the time that they enjoyed the most was working out in the field as a photographer. The author states that their job is to photograph the many different subjects and assignments that are in the Wildlife in North Carolina magazine. The author states that these assignments have taken them to many different locations in North Carolina. The different assignments the author has worked on consisted of photographing black bear research projects and the Northern flying squirrel surveys. The author also states that they have worked with many different people in front of their lens, peers helping with taking photograph, and an integration of both. The final statement the author leaves us with is that a picture is not just worth a thousand words but also can show a wonderful career.