NCPI Workmark
Articles in regional publications that pertain to a wide range of North Carolina-related topics.

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5 results for "Cumming, William Patterson"
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Sent to England from the Roanoke Colony, sometime after initial arrival in 1585, a crudely drawn map, located in the British Public Records Office, has recently been identified as the earliest known detailed sketch of the North Carolina Coast.
The State (NoCar F 251 S77), Vol. 25 Issue 17, Jan 1958, p10-11, 22, map
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This article gives a description and analysis of the earliest colonial settlements in North Carolina, with an emphasis on Nathaniel Batts and his community. Included is a copy of one of the earliest maps of the Carolinas.
The State (NoCar F 251 S77), Vol. 22 Issue 25, May 1955, p20-21, 23-24, map
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This article examines the history of the name \"Carolina\" through an historical study of nomenclature as well as a study of the colonization of the land south of Virginia and east of the Mississippi.
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This biographical essay looks at the life and turbulent career of colonial figure Captain James Wimble, who lived in Sussex, the West Indies, Boston, and North Carolina. Wimble worked as a mariner, trader, distiller, landowner, colonizer, map maker, and privateer. His careers and experiences were heavily marked by the public relationships between England and America, the American mainland and the West Indies, older New England and young North Carolina, and especially between England and Spain.
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This article examines the early 18th century maps made by cartographer and mariner Captain James Wimble, as well as period cartography of the Carolina coast. References to other cartographic efforts, both previous and contemporary to Wimble, of this geography is included, as well as specific study of Wimble's maps. A fold-out print of Wimble's 1733 and 1738 maps of the Carolina coastline measuring roughly 12.5\" x 22\" is also included.