Minutes of the Staff Meeting of the Psychology Department, November 6, 1972

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Psychology Department
November 6, 1972

The Psychology Department held its November meeting in EP 104 at 4 o'clock,
November 6, 1972

PRESENT: Grossnickle, Hayes, Higgins, Corwin, Tacker, Roberts, Mitchell, Childers,

Long, Stapleton, Castellow, Graham, Martoccia, Moore, Means, Lao.

to the fact that Dr. Mitchell had to be present at a University Committee,
Grossnickle presided.

minutes of the last meeting were approved as distributed.
following items of business were discussed:

Dr. Grossnickle announced that Mr. Wilbert Ball of Guidance and Counseling had
asked that he be permitted to attend a staff meeting in order to familiarize
the staff with the activities of the Counseling Department. It was the con-
sensus of the staff members he should be invited to attend a forthcoming

Dr. Grossnickle reminded the staff of the importance of maintaining office
hours and stated that the Faculty Manual required that at least five hours per
week be scheduled when students could be sure to find the staff member in his

Dr. Grossnickle announced that the Department had no funds for refreshments to
be served at the monthly colloquia sponsored by Dr. Means. Suggestions were
asked for as to how this activity could be financed. Dr. Moore moved that each
staff member donate 50? the first month of the academic year and 25? per month
thereafter to Psi Chi for the purpose of establishing such a fund. Motion
passed with no dissenting vote.

Dr. Grossnickle put on the floor for discussion the revision of syllabi. It
was thought that professors involved in teaching specific courses in their area
might want to look at the syllabus on file in the Departmental Office for that
particular course and determine if they felt it was current or if it should be
revised. After a full discussion it was decided to refer the matter to the
Departmental Curriculum Committee for recommendation.

Dr. Tacker announced that last year the Southern Association revised its guide-
lines for off-campus graduate courses deleting the stipulation that no more

than one-third of the required hours could be taken off campus and also deleting
the statement that correspondence courses were not acceptable for credit on a
graduate degree. No requirement for length of residence would be in effect.

Dr. Tacker asked the staff their wishes as to how he should vote when the issue
comes up to the Graduate Council. The staff instructed Dr. Tacker to oppose
this revision.

Dr. Grossnic kle announced that the professors ask one of the office secretaries
to do any copying they desired to have done on the copying machines rather than
try to use them themselves.

The staff was urged to be sure and check student classification on the IBM cards
before admitting a student to their class. There have been several instances
recently when a student was permitted in a class in which he should not have

& been registered and this has come to the attention of the Administration at a
time when it was too late to do anything about it without penalty to the student.

8. The staff was urged to remind any students they have taking the readings
courses in the Department to leave the course card in the Departmental Office,
along with the signed slip showing who will be responsible for directing the

9. Dr. Means announced that Dr. Martoccia was the speaker for the November
colloquium to be held Monday, November 13 at 3:30 in Home Econ. 205.

Dr. Means also put on the floor for discussion the possibility of each staff
member being willing to purchase a psychology journal and contributing it to
the Psi Chi Library. In this way he felt that Psi Chi would then have a very
worthwhile library for graduate students as well as the undergraduate. Dr.
Moore moved that this be done and the motion passed without a dissenting vote.

10. Dr. Means spoke about the fact that the University had only one typist for
manuscript typing and he had tried several times during this quarter to get a
manuscript typed and was always told the typist was typing a book for a
professor and would be unable to do his typing. Finally he did get one manu-
script typed when Dr. Howell instructed the typist to stop typing on the book
at the next chapter break but he did feel that that was not the purpose of a
manuscript typist for the University. It was the feeling of the group that any
professor having a book typed should bear the expense of that typing and not

ee be able to tie up the University typist for long periods of time to the extent
that no one else would be able to get typing done. Dr. Lao was asked to place
this on the Chancellor's Advisory Council agenda for action.

11. Dr. Lao announced that the minutes of the Chancellor's Advisory Council would
be placed on the staff bulletin board so that interested professors could be
aware of the actions of that Council.

12. Dr. Grossnickle announced that in order for a professor to give a student an
exam early it required permission of the Provost. Also, to change the time
for an exam requires Departmental Chairman's permission as well as Dean
Capwell and Dr. Williams.

13. Dr. Mitchell reported on the Committee he and Dr. Corwin attended-~-Teacher
Education Committee. The certification of school psychologist was on the
agenda and they were expected to be present. After discussion it was decided
that they did not know if this was the proper committee for this to be con-
sidered and this would be determined and it would be scheduled at another time.

14. It was announced that the course bank passed the Faculty Senate and that there
is a deadline of December 1 for undergraduate courses to be put in this bank.
The Curriculum Committee of the Psychology Departments recommends that
Psychology 290: Comparative Psychology and Psychology 314: Motivation and
Perception be placed in the bank. Motion made and passed with one dissenting
vote that this be done.

eS During the discussion it was brought out that if this was not done and the
course was not taught during the year it would be dropped from the curriculum
and this was not felt to be desirable.


For the graduate courses, pending final instructions by the Graduate Council,
the Committee recommends that the following courses be put in the bank:
Psychology 307G: Psychology of Language, Psychology 326G: Group Testing,
Psychology 360G: Instrumentation for Behavioral Research, Psychology 403:
Seminar in School Psychology, Psychology 444: Theories of Adolescence,
Psychology 465: Advanced Developmental Psychology, Psychology 472:
Psychology of Cognitive Processes. Motion made and passed unanimously that
these courses be placed in the bank at the appropriate time.

Dr. Tacker moved that the Departmental Curriculum Committee be asked to look
into the problem of courses that presently have small demands to determine

why this is so. Dr. Mitchell asked that staff members furnish the Curriculum
Committee with recommendations for specific courses to be studied.

Dr. Mitchell announced that a member of the Southern Association Self Study
Committee had visited with him and had also met with several other staff
members and he felt that there had been a significant exchange of information.

The meeting adjourned at 5 o'clock.

J Wave r Esnossonivch S

' William F. Grossnickle, Ph.D.
Presiding Officer

Minutes of the Staff Meeting of the Psychology Department, November 6, 1972
Faculty meeting minutes from the Records of the Department of Psychology (UA25-11) - November 6, 1972
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