Daily Reflector, February 2, 1898

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

g : : : : : %

: »,] WHICHARD, Editor and Owner. ~ ~TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. TERMS: 25 Cents a Month,

(Qareeeteenemtarnntn, semana nt

Vol. 7. GREENVILLE, N. C., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1898. No 971


a a ie casement een m o0 - aaeneenen + muse Cs "" - " :
- ~ oe tener 7 on _ _ a d

B Y P U PROGRAM Send us the News.

2 Tur REFLECTOR would be glad to It Seems Absurd,

hear fram its correspondents oftener.

apr ennaneercecteerpant

A Fire Fighting Dog.


John Foley patted Mary affection- An Interesting Meeting for Thurs-
day Night

ately on the head and remarked, oShe's and also to have items from these ¢ec- - Sellin O OW
the ereatest dog you ever saw. Eh, . = ees Ore _ ae 9"
ar Be J : oe ~rhe meeting of the B, Y. P. U. in| "0S of the county in which we hav $
Mary? ff a call should come in now |
and selling such

: correspondent at preset.
, |the Baptist church Thursday night no correspondent at present
she would be the first one to her post. - os

oe . . promises to be the most interesting and ae
When the fire gong nogs Mary knows}: _ ; - ~

9 entertaining yet held. J. D. Gwynu, Grimesland Lodge Growing. "

President of the Union, handed tag Re- | ,
FLECTOR a copy of the program which

to Captain RajaTs squad, which is T
J uM Is as follows:

it means arun, and she stations her-

self underthe wagon.� Mary belongs The Masonic lodge at Grimesland

had a special meeting, Tuesday night,
to confer the third degree on five mem-

stationed on Poplar street, and she is ,
Song by choir. ; ee

: y » ¢ Greenville Mas 3
as well thought of as any member of Some ot the Greenville Masons

Seripture reading 2
ipture reading, brayed the cold weather and went down

smog Tt con 4 Prayer. to take pazt
many times. Mary has been in the) Cony by choir. , But its reaching the people---the news of

fire servise for about three years. Tler o .
Came to the Right Place. this outbound movement in Clothing for

Music"lForbes Orchestra.

Address by Mr, Ik. E. Uhthard on! They all head for Tir ReriecTor

the squad, as Captain Raja has said

Reading of minutes.

mother; who was known by the name

of Fannie, and whose reign preceded

that of Mary, saw about ten years -
Ys V ut fen years | yon Bunvan. office. A men eame in with a banch of

service on the fire department under

; | keys which he had picked up on the
Captain Raja and she is still to be

Musie"Ferpea Orch stra.

Ri waing" Miss Julia Fo.cy. street, and left the ato he ads ertised,

see at the captainTs eadquarters 7 : - . . . , -
it th iptainTs headquarters. |» yyeai Solo"Mr. Hugh W. Hol-| Fellowmg him came a lady to advertise.

Fannie, tlie boys say, has retird fro c 1: , "
" ) a has reured from tcombe. fora bunel of keys which she lad lost. | fig
active life and is lvirg one pension. oo 7 7 , haa
° Kiecitation" Miss Rosa Tooker. And she foundthe keys right here
Mary goes io every fire that the a a i ..
ary gors row . Music"Porbes Orecestra, waiting for her. An instance where



chemical responds to. in the time gee .
o pol du t au leven an intention to advertise paid,

Reading" Miss Luia White.
ee | oo ! Its to quickly lower the Suit and
Toei | vo pee : Overcoat stock---thatTs the whole

o story. Its our one good reason for
possible for ber to be at their side pured in time for the night passenger | making prices so astonishingly low.

that she has betn a member of tue
chemical squad she had some exciting
experiences and narrow escapes, She
The damave to the railroad bridg. on


Tee at aid ,¥ Wat wel T 7 1} ro ae
ean climb a ladder almost as rapluty as os tS ,
~ ~ Public cordially inyited to attend the

any of the men, and whenever it is Tuesday was ouly shylt and was ri-

there she is, Not long since there Was ee train to eet over. The accident wa :

heis, 2 ¢ since there STATE NEWS. . | | | just
a fire on Market street, When the caused by the nard wind eatehing the| Buyers like prices that way---just
gone rane Marvy took station 1 . . Ldraw, which was being closed after let-! 4- : } - 7 / ;

gong rang Mary took up her station] Ay Jredell man wins the prize. Ue : the stylesthey want---but they never

{ * «

; ting asfeamer pass, acd sending mo te-|

j Went toa lawyer and said ha desired tol . " | "NARI an e447 re ag .
jgether with such foree as to kaoek the | expec J such little pr ices or such big

mmatke an assepmcnun When asked!

under the wagon. She was at the

scene of the fire by the time the wagon

got there. The fire wasin the gerret guard rails several Inehes out of piace, rn aalanr In? : .
! s ! values. Every sale mace is @ Spring

what were his assets he replied: oIwo
; O ! Ldiney ~ sadine f is . } } +

ol the building, and leading to tls} aygtes and eleven eluldren.� rad anoar ¢ + my }

| trade-bringer, that onr share.

garret was a Tedder, The firemen |

quickly ascended this ladder, Mary | Mr. I, Green Tavlor, of Vance town | The Local PaperTs Held. |
5 J a ; ; .
was rieht there with them. When suip. had a mule to die one dav last The attachment of subsertbers to a
they 901 re aly a8) leave they did go, o ors may UE 30 yT als old. fie well-co: duete d nNewsp) ps He is fuliv CON}
put Mary hung haek, Thev tissee hed boen in Mr. Taylor's possession | firmed by 3 ubachers, 9 log as a
: _ : er 4 | , y '
her, and Captain Raja, along 6 ith oe thirty years."Kinston Pree | paper purcues a jut, honerable and
several of his men started in search al PTCSS, judicious course, m eting the want. of
her. hey remembered that she was Suaday at the ~Pabesnacle Baptist |'ts customers In all respoets, the thes ob]
= triendahii Ly f Wopn th ; subse aty , mT | | SRE EERE CTA ALT EE PET ETL TLE PST EET ¥ tere sep SR AH EAP EO
fre, and looked inT there tor her. Tthat excited remarked. In one of th the paper are as hard to break up by an]

. , fey atid ete an the links Hhaoeh !
sif the @ SULTVIVOLrS ot thea Bb tile) CUESICE third pure at tie fnkKS Wica

rl | rarret \ ith hen fic hij J fhe | Sur } chal bogs aA yceper oF a } +t Torys
WwW tne Farrei Witi them Poudtab! uk Cb. Vo 8 CuO [HE i 6 Wil co COLA CIME TL
roy cae Mary. eeratehiags around in|
Chere was Mary, seratehiag arouna my

OO KAAS hs . ©)
. D | . ne ~« tye . 1 . Ly eh PA
- tleahhieh lan! ne for fire end if Pothel Vir I Jy Den dloy AT ay hind old trierads 1a bis mesa (* (oO See:
some old PUNDISH LOOKIN | ba big nad fof aernel-" Vib, de. bbe OFAUicy, shee jo; VIG OK bite wa ASR ED 7
Py, ~ : . a
1 . f ' / 1; ° ae tare {Vea ad lufopte ay Vopaeypapee VEY DT C7 ES
she had uncovered a spark or two! Chas. Ef larke and oIr. Gid Morris. | life. Occasional Gehocts 8h (uhh 'e wn S| DKA "WK AK
| . | AAA. i ,
. . ee ee | T rh, see} ty A yt . | camer Here Overooke WV bya | Tetons ~an nan)
but with her fret she CUCK A eX th , 2: ttle af Be thel, it will be rememe | newspaper are Ovi kk OK¢ a i { } A .
l i | | I } j BAA A AA A AK
an } { . bhyare | cen sonny fol . eliteal WA) are + lav) Tnasent in ~oma thre etl throu i t } pal & Nr 9
TUISieG hem. {i} Peay Vyas cil Heng Lf) HIGH \) Vat, | WoO TAY (*O)i3 eb hk CA ~|
~ a ; i J ; , | Ota fy fash oe
é } 1] veattea wee ft . i] li . }° Ae j ceeyy " + . FoOuUPe bt ati} } * . fs -
One af the most remarkeve traits Of the first s: idier killed mn iine o! battle | perusal for Years. Prey OMI ,


AaryTs character is ber affection: tor

. : ; : i f j. wo fy ope a oe ~A

Leg 1 it %� 1] 3 satietiori eat 1! oy aul yididl \ Aad ~Dp: N F a, AARA

intiye date ws, fellb_Naeigh News | become ( rssatistied With Po OT Gk iiiT | ' ' rn aN ae
~ H a Q i ¥-

. ; } T
ss low bog att whieh hag slipped inte ics | PAE
her mother. Jeannie ts sti} endow dtand Observer. lof something whica has sipped Inte hs) wee
} = H \ J ; - talesuaey if- buts fa ay AASA
with the old time love of adventure | leolumns, aud may stop fasing ifs ety maaias' s

: . ; ° AS | 4 ' mitiaw ahoact : boi | Oey m�"� e4. AAA
and excitement, and brigtess up when: Note of Thanks absence of the familiar she fat Pecan) Ais 6 0 ort Len : i Y ek
* ' be bi ASF | o4 i he ® Ad

i hume Ov ofiies [us a fw Weeks beeoua 3 | an i

; pad
he oler rpnoe rines Juf she no : ' : af Vet
the alarm gong rings, bu Mr. and Mrs, 2. W. More au desire | AD A
. . | . . ] . |. pay A
nnivear a tf ireS, ary 18 ~eSnOn= | . = * 4: sto priv aticn,. d the r conclad LO Lae. | ave) five
longer goes to fires Mary 18 respon 1,0 express their sincere appreciation of | # privadicn, aM )

~ | . . * 1 * . wan | ry A OM» Li ee ~~* , 7 oa ¢ nm f ~
ic agnin. No friendship on eath is! AX Look over our full line of Dress 4
| by [it 28 a WS Goods and Trimmings, Shoos. A
| | many friend theiv recent distress, | Mere 60! start then that ecntracted vy} ae) 1005 &n PIMMIN RS, VLG. AA

any rends om theiT recep ISETCES, | o4

, | | ~ | i i! y ( i ©} 1 P ry yaad | * ¥ Git . a,
ane ch aon ; but shele. J: , i loo der fora journal thet makes an xs Cannon Clothand Percale ju Prk
the hab cf cong to fires, but he Specially will they hoid in orateful re= | a Feadl@! fora jout nai tf nak | ava) Athy ~ a) / J 4 SU in xe5

finally did Mg [ever \ of I cnnte will h ait y4 an 1 4 ai Nest effi t . : 4
6 vl Pest? ~ oe

T1 for this fact. She had a hard + ~
sible for this ta Sh . re tthe many acts or kindness shown

° % r } TE Ln BB
time breaking ber beoved parcnt

membrance Mrs. higgs, Mrs. Ellington, |


ern teovt ¢ ~ , ¢ * " le 1 eed 7) ° � ~ e | ¢4 T o yor sO ial fi a:
get up and start out on arunwith the) yip5 White, Mr. Baley, Mr. Sp in ang {tinued support."Springfield Vie

waves 7 laypwy Tnicps ay* ack | . 5 * to esd cae
wagon, but Mary arives her back.) others who so faithfully atterded the) porter.
~lon dApage ay _} , 4 ; an - 5 ce |
She drags her mother by a limb, and! pod-side of the litle suflerer, and aia

holds her, or runs in front cf her, and} .)) that could be dene for his relief. | Blebbs"Thit fellow to whom i :

barks until the elder Tox returns, eerie nodded will probbly cut me the next OO aaa

Then Mary joins the oque: | Beautiful line ot HAMBERG time he sees me.� «slobbs"oWhy 2� be tl ® Ke 3
Beth Mary and Fannie have de-|} MARTE ANTOINETLE Styles at Blobbs. .oHeTs my barber; and heTs in- A 1e ame.

veloped the wonderful faculry of telling | Panos Cash Hanse, ernally earelesa.� ee

Those who know---those who |

the difference between the exercise bell

and the fire bell. ,At stated hours the) ann I ie aarasaranhr ata J RAAKKANIK i, og fg have beenthe rounds, tell the
sone rings tor the horses to be let out AAAAAIAA AAA AA AAAKAAAAKA IA AKARAAAAAKK AAAA agacamaas . . . 1

gong rige ue | QUIGOOUS OGOUOUGO: eA Oa ey CAA BOO GO) whe, same story---1n ever-1ncreasing num Ots--
of their stalis and tobe hitched to the ¥¥' UA VY YY WY. A A BOS EE

and they come back hereto buy. You will
most likely do the same. For whether the
want be a


6 . n %

sazon, just as though they were going
toa fire. There is no difference be-
tween this ringing and the ringing of


ie) DIU) VI

reading the number therT, and if it is


x Shoes,
Hobson"~t W hat ls GotroxTs income?� co Groceries,
Johnson"o1 donTt know; he always 50 3p ; Har d ware.

a fire alarm, but the dogs have learned 0 3 e
to tell them apart. Mary will glance up | CF . Tn
qc (A o
: ~indicator as though she was | @O3 , Nn te - | (AGG
at the indicator as 3 e: Dry Goods, Al ed I orbes; e

Wl »)

dealer in
General |
Merchandise, #3
Greenville, 3

; N, C. ras

3 j
~4 \

lined he)

simply the exercise bell ringing she
will not move,"Memphis Commercial |



i Ay


"~ wy



thereTs a saving assured if you look for it
here. From first to last through these great





T m= )*
en «

tal Ne ta Tl la Nl ae a

says it's a matter of interest only for | SCO ee: | ,
himself.� te |e 40% (stocks, whatever you fancy most carries

Klnow not only a clearing price, but you'll
find it here, in styles that please you most. |



«The mch and the poor alike follow
my humble calling,� solitcquized the
train announcer as the crowd in the
waiting rcom rushed to board the ac-


ibn am




paar se " eee
~nD J, WHICHARD., Editor.


Biccsin a

th necntaineniteiacesei

2 yored as second-class� mail matter.

| They Lie as They Run.

retro seceme

Friends, fire into the brigands
while they are running and
squealing. We once asked Char-

groaning and despair vver the
sad condition of our old State
since it fell among thieves. We
were for fight, but Charlie said
osive Tem the reins and they'll

oo kill themselves.� Charlie was
acnge THTTON RATES. right aud we were wrong. It 1s
paowen, 2 5 2 + #7.00/easier to let a man kill himself
cut omanth, "+ +), | than itis to kill him. The Pabs
i eae Ain sawp by carriers without are on the run, panic stricken.
agty ras! Pour shot into them as they rua.

+7 ayttane rates re Mheralandecan he
» application te the editor or at

n Mas
= SS
e Aestre haa parrespordent of
yts 4
se xr pasta®ee in the enpety, wea il]

in brief itowe of ww as if Orenrs
ach nolghbarhcad. Write plainly
Tene nm ene cide of the paper,


sett ne

= Loe 20)
Wepwesoir. Fesrvary 2, 1898.


peewee SUNN we

For more than two weeks the Ten
nessee Leaislature has beex balloting
fora United States Senator, and an
election seems no nearer now than af

the begitining of the ccntest.

The Teller resolution met wih a
ditterent fate in ihe House than that

accorded it by the Senate, When the

measure was up before the latter body
it was adopted by a gocd majority, but
when it went over to the House it wes
defeated by a majority of 50, Party
lines were closely deawn, This all
goes to show that nothiny looking to
financial refora may be expected from

election the people will take a hand in

the present Congress. the next

the matter.

W. TT. Ricbardson, of Denison,
Texas, has brought suit for divorce
from his wife on rather unique grounds.
They were married in 1857, and lived
fogether untii 1895, when she left him.
Her reasonter going wes that before
o8 are) arr Tohim gs] » hed | red ar ther
she marrie? him she hed loved ano

whe had cied. The longer she had

Tived with Richardson tle more con-
winced she had become that one who
had loved once could not love again,
and she left her husband, after thirty-'
@icht years of marriage, or this account.


Beaufort a Harbor of Refuge.

Congressman IJlarry Skinner
has received a favorable report!
from the War Department for an
appropriation to make Beaufort
harbor a harbor of refuge. The
War Department recommends an
appropriation of $1,500,000. for
this purpose. Mr. Skinner will
go before the River and Harbor
eommittee and urge that this item
be placed in the riyer and harbor
appropriation bill. Should it fail
tn the House, the North Carolina
Senators will no doubt gee to it
that the appropriation is tacked
on it inthe Senate in the shave
ef an amendment."News aud

nn ment at ane oe mene emanate

First fime in North Carolina

The woman's board of foreign

~missions of the Methodist Episco-

a! Church, South, bolds its an
aual meeting the last of May or
éarly in June. This year tne

meeting will be the held in Greens�
boro and will be first time the

board has metin North Carolina
It is composed of the executive

officers of the society and the
corresponding secretaries of the
Mrs. F.
M. Bumpass is corresponding
Secretary of the Western North
Mrs. F, D. Swindell holds the

same position in the society of
the North Carolina Conference."

45 conference societies.

Carolina Confhrence

Charlotte Observer.


Giyethem what Gen. Taylar told
Capt: Bragg to give the Mexicans
in the Mexican war, obell.� They
lie eg they run."L-City Keono-


a ae

Will Visit Europe.
Yesterday morping at the
tsession of the Sunday school of
the Raleigh Baptist Tabernacle
Mr, Needham B. Brcughton was
unanimously elected a delegate

to the International Sunday
gchoel which wil! meet in London
~next June. |

The school not only elected Mr.
Broughton a delegate but in con-
sideration of his long energetic
and active service for the school
decided to pay his expenses to
this convention. oot cnly isth®
Tabernacle school to be congra-
tulated but the Sunday school of
the entire State is glad that the
Sunday school work will have
sucn achampion at the conver-
tion "Raleigh Press Visitor.

One of the Reasons we are Kept
An old citizen of Raleigh, writ-
ing of that city fifty years ago,
says then the farmers brought
their pork to Raleigh and carried
home the cash, now thev bring
their mortgages and carry home
western meat. Is this not true
of other sections than Wake?
Tootrrve is Warren like Wake in
this respect. Western meat and
horses come into the state in
creat quantities and commercial
fertilizers by the train load, for
all of which thecash must be paid
either spot or on time. ~Io raise
this cash cotton and tobacco are
raised and said and when the
debts are paid nothing remains
at home to circulate as medinm
of exchange."Litt/eton News he-


Tobacco asa Hardy Plant
Secretary of Agricuiture Wil-
son has authorized the issue of a
preliminary. illustrated report
upon the soils of the principal
tobacco districts in the United
Stutee. It says that tobacco can
be grown in nearly all parts of
the courtry, even where wheat
and corn cau ror be economically
produced, the flavor and
quality of the leaf are greatly
influenced by. the conditions of
climate and soul. From 1879 to
1889 the vereage and yisid of
the cigar tobaccas haye been vary
considerably increased.


sonnet enn mri

The Legislature of the States of
Georgia and Mississippi have
adopted statutes providing for
the establishment of textile
schools. These schools when

they shall have had time. to p~o-
duce results, will be moreeffectiye
promoters of competitive manu-
facturing thaa any form of
industrial effort upon which the
Southern pedple have adventured,
With a supply of skilled labor in
these manufacturing operations
for which the Southern States
have advantageous natural facil
ities they will be able to defy the
'world."Philadelphia Record. "


: ~
lie Aycock what to do in our

Civil Service Examinations.
The following is the schedule
of general civil service examina-
tions tor the spring, except for
the postoffice and internal reve-
nue departments: .
Richmond, March 16th.
Ricumond, April 25th.
Lynchburg, April 220d.
Greensboro, March 18th.
Asheville, March 18th.
Wilmington, March 21st.
Wilmington, April 21st-


eon: eet iN
Divorced atthe Age of 92 Years,

Butler, Ind., Jan. 31"To-day
Andrew Casebeer, 92 years old,
was granted a divorce from his
wite, Mary Jane Casebeer, but a
few rears younger than himself,
who now lives with a daughter in
Chicago. Mr. Casebeer to-day
walked a long distance through a
blinding blizzard to be present at
the trial, He is hale and hearty.

A petition has been presented
to the Rhode Island Legislature
by a number of clergyman re-
quosting a reduction of the fees
for marriage licenses, which are
larger in that State than in
neighboring Commonwealths.
As aresult of this condition of af-
fairs licenses ere obtained and
marriages contracted by many
thrifty Rhode Islanders out of
the State, to the detriment of the
petitioners, whose income have
been greatly lessaned in conse-
quence of the practice. This seem3
to be another intsance where a
high tariff faiis to protect home

Men with modern
methods are the ones that build
up atownand diaw to it. Take
the bustlers and advertisers out
of any town and. it wouldnTt be
twelve months until it would be
inhabited by bats and owls. If
you hava been a drawback to
your town in past years, try to
get out ofthe old ru: during the
year of 98. You wil! make more
money and will be worth some-
thing tothe town asd commuvpi-

ty that supports you."Salisbury

tatives can jump on the ~Teller
resolution and stamp it to deaih,
of course. It has the richt to do
so, by virtve of the rule of the
majority. But the people have
the right to chcose a sucecassor to
the present House thatwi't be of
different mind, and thev will pro-
bably do this very thirge next
fal]l."Richmond Dispatch.

Millions of Joecusts in South
Africa are being destreyed by
incculting afew hundred insects
and setting them fres to poison
the others.


Spiders have played important
parts. It is said when Mohammed
fled from Mecca he hid in a cave and
a spider wove a web over the en-
trance. When bis pursuers came
thither, they saw the web and be-
lieved no one was there. It is said
a spider performed the same kindly

ing him.

The Chinese wear a skirt, knee
breeches, cap and sandals, As win-
ter comes.they increase the number
of garments rather than their thick-
ness, so that the circumference ofva
Chinaman in midwinter often ex-
ceeds his height.

The favorite drink in Nubia is
made from fermented dhurra bread.
It is called ombulbul, because it
makes the drinker sing like the
~nightingale, o

The proportion of people in Nor-
way who speak English is larger
than in any other country of the

Wives are bought and sold in
China, and the average price is $250.

~soon as the animal was killed.

eo I nn dy wee

ideas and


A Valuable Little Book Sent Free
for the Asking

Medical books are not always inter_
esting reading, especially to people en-.,
joying good health, hut asa matter of
fact scarcely one person in ten is per-
fectly -healthy, and even with such,
sooner or later sickness must come.

It is also a well established truth
that nine-tenths of all diseases origi-
nate with a breaking down ef the
digestion, a weak stomach weakens
and impoverishes the system, making
it easy for disease to gain a foothold.

Nobody need fear consumption,
kidney disease, liver trouble or a weak
heart and nervous system as long as
the digestion is good and the stomach
able to assimilate plenty of wholesome

Stomach weakness shows itself in a
score cf ways and this little book de-
scribes the symptoms and causes and
points the way to acure so simple
that anyone can understand and ap-

Thousands have some form of stom-

ach trouble and do not know it. Tuey
ascribe the headaches, the languor
nervousness, insomnia, palpitation, con-
stipation and similar symptoms to some
your digestion on the right track and
the heart trouble, lung trouble, liver
disease or nervous debility will rapidly

other cause than the true one.


This litle book treats entirely on
the cause and removal of indigestio
and its.accompanying annoyances.

It desciibes the symptoms of Acid
Dyspepsia, Wervovs Dysrepsia, Slow
Dyspepsia, Amylaveous Dyspepsia,
Vatarrh of Stomach and all affections
of the digestive organs in plain language
easily understood and the cause 1e-

It gives valuable suggestions as to
diet, and contains a table giving length
of time. required to digest various arti-
cles of food, something every person
with weak digestion should know.

No price is asked but simply send
your name and address plainly written
on postal card to the IT. A. Stuart Co.,
Marshall. Mich., requesting a little

~Lhe present Houses of Represen- |'

act for David when Saul was hunt- |

The Egyptians cooked meat as


look on Stomach Diserses and it will
be sent promptly by return mail.

Cction and Peanur,

Below are Norfolk prices of cotto.
and peanuts for yesterday, as furnished
by Cobb Bros. & Commission Me
chants of Norfolk +

Good Middling

Middiing ds
Low Middling 551-14

Good Ordinary 43
Prime 2
Wxtra Prime 24
maney 24
Spanish 60.t0 75

pte mt eer net,

Greenville Market.

Corrected by S, M. Schultz.

Biter, per ib 15 toZ
Western Sides 5t t0 6
Sugar evred Hams 10 to 124
Corn 40 to 5

Corn Meal

| 50 to 60
Flour, Family

4.75 to 5.75

Vard 54 to 10
Oats 35 to 4,
Suga 44 to

Coffee 84 to 25
Salt per Sack 65t01 9
Chickens 123 to 20
Eggs per doz 123
Beeswax.per 20)
Cotton Seed,per bushel 19 to6


Male Academy,

The next session of th:
Open ony

achool Ww i

MONDAY SEPT. ¢, 1897

and continue for 10 months.

The terms are as follows,

Primary English per mo. 3200
Intermediate **: * *. $2 Gi
Higher ety, heed $4

Languages (each) **. o $1 00

The work and disclpline uf the sehow
wil be as heretofore.

We ask a continuance of your
l eval patronage,




BAPDI5iT"Services every; Sunday,
moring and eyening. Prayer ~meeting
thursday evening. Rev, A. W. Setzer,
Pastor. Sunday school 9:30 A, M.
C. D. Rountree, Superintendent,

CATHOLIC"No regular services.

EPISCOPAL"Services fourth Sun-
day, morning and evening. Lay ser-
vices second Sunday morning. Rev.A.
Greaves, Rector. Sunday schoo! 9 30
A.M. W. 8B. Brown, Superintendant.

METHODIST"Services every Sun«
day, morning and evening. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening. Rey.
N. M, Watson, Pastor. Sunday school
9:30 A. M. A B. Ellington, Superin-

PRESBYTERIAN"Services " third
Sunday, morning and evenirg. Rev.
J. B. Morton, Pastor. Sunday school
9:°0A M. KE. B. Ficklen Superinten-


A. F. & A. h.."Greenville Lodge No
284 meets first and third Monday even-
ipg. J. M, ReussW. M, L. I. Moore,

I. 0.0. F."Covenent Lodge No. 17
Meets every Tuesday evening. J. V.
Johnson N.G, L. H. Pender, Sec.

K. ot P."Tar River Lodge No, 93,
meets every Friday evening. H. W.
Whedbee, C. C. A. B. Ellington K. of
R. and §,

R. A."Zeb vanew Couucil No. 1696
meets every Thursday evening, W.b.
Wilson, R, M.R. Lang, Sec.

K.of H."Insurance Lodge No. 1169
meets every Friday evening. John
Flanagan, D. Henry Sheppard, R.

A.L ot H, Pitt Ccuncil 236 meets
every Thursday night, J. B. Cherry

wry, Wilve see.


BOK ~� y ¥.. ~ e @

at hol
a | ; :
0) ] OE
| WORKER. »%
of e) �
Q q ~ . te
ac Offers his services to the Sp
mo citizens of Greenville and the QB
gc public generally. OP
MO. Serpe an? |.
Qc Spouting and Stove Work, 3
QO a specialty Da
aC oo oI ) 2
ac Satisfaction guaranteed or es
ac no charges made. ~Tobacco 4
�,�C Vlues made in season. Shop Qe
a ©) sia
on Dickinson Avenue. fe)

-@ Q


W. B. Rodman. W. Demsie Grimes
Washington, N.C. Greenyille,N.C.
Greenyilie N.C.
Practice wherever services ace desire.



Can be found below Five Poinis,
next door to Reflector oflice,


Patronage solicited. Cleaning, Dyeix,
and Pressiag Gents Clothes a specialty


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Free UponT

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and the LadiesT Gardener and Adviser
The only one containing ful! Descriptions and Diree«
tions for planting and culture + so comprehensive, con
densed, classified and indexed that . i
He Who Runs May Read. 3 gay iMustrationg
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tiums, Tuberoi.s Begonias,.Golden Day Lily, Cactug
Dahlias, Daybreak Asters. Beautiful! y embossed cover:
120 large pages completely filled with honest illustrationg

JAMES VICKS SONS, Rochester, N. Ye!

i cb
(for the postage) Vick's MonTuy..... Magazines

The Famous Gardening Authority, ee

Is & veritable mine of information about Flowers, Vege
etables and Fruits, and how to grow and care for them
successfully, The price of Vick's Illustrated Monthly
Magazine is Fifty Cents per year. but if you will ree
turn thie coupon with six twoecent stamps
the magazine will be mailed to you regularly for six

W H.RAGSDALE, | months iortrial, Write at once to

ry 4





i a



Schedule mn Tffeet Jan. 17th, 18%..
Denartnves fom Wilmineton-


DAT LY No 48"Pacsenoer"Dne Mow
9.25 4.1. nolia 11.09 ain, Wareaw 17 1F
am, Caitshoro 19.03 am Wi
son 12.59 n m. Rocky ofount
1.499 m. Tarboro 2.45 pm
Weldon 4,°3 nm, Petersbure
6.22 dm, Pjiechmond 7.15 nm
Norfotk 6.95 p m, Washing:
fon 11.39 pm, Raltimore 1.06
&m, Philadelphia 3°59 a m.
New York 6.53 am, Boston
3,90 pm.

7 WAILLY No 40"Passenger Due Mao
T165 pm, notia8.55 p m. Warsaw 9.10
nm, Goldshoro 19.10 p m
Wilson 11.06 n m. Tarhoré
6.45 am. Rocky Vount 11.57
pm, Weldon 1.42 4 m, Nor-
folk 10,°0 a om, Petershnre
3.14 am, Richmond 4.60 a m,
Washington 7.412 m, Bilt
onore 9.°3 4 m. Philadeiphi,
11,°5 2m, New York 9.08 4
m. aston 9.99 nm.
. ee xe 5) "Passengor Due Lake
" bourn Bl i Matton 6.43
. ~ 343 p
In, Florence 7.25 p m, Sum-
ter 9.100 m, Columbia 10.3
yn, Denmark 6,12am, August
ta 7.55 am, Macon 11.15 am,
Atlanta 12.25 p m, Charles.
fon 10.501m. Savannah 1.50
am. Jacksonville 7.30 a m,
St. Auenstine 10.30 am.Tam
pa 5.25 pm,


7M y TR nm, New York 9.00 pm
Philadelnhia 12.05 am. Rati.
more 2,50 sam, Washington
ne am, Pichmond 9.05 am,
etersbure 10.00 am. Nor-
Weldou 11.52 am. Tarboro
12.12 =m, ReekvVount 19.47
DM, Wilson 2°37 yn. Golds-
boro 2.20 pm, Warsaw 4.1°
. pm, Magnolia 4.24 pm,
yr yy
. Boston 12.00 night, New
York 9.30 am, Phiiadelphin
12.09 pm, Raltimore 2.95 nn,
Washington 2.46 pm. Rieh-
mond 7.°0) pm. Petersburg
8.12pm. Norfolk 2.99 pm.
Weldon 943 pm. Tarhora
6.01 pm. Reeky Mount 5.49
am. Leave Wilson 6.22 am
old] ghoro 7-01 sm, Worsaw
7.53 am. Magnolia 8.95 am.

DATLy vO. d1"Passenger.---laave
8 ceent New Rern 9.00 am. Jackson .

Sunday ville 10.268 am.

12.15 PW ame This train
4101, .. arrives atiVa]

Niece street.

120 P.M,

No, 5t"Passenver"T aya

Tamoo 819 am, Saiiford 3 27
pm, Jaeksonville 7 10 nm
Savanna, 1.45 night. Charles
fon 6.93) am.Columbia " 6.90
am, Atlanta 8.20 am, Macon
9.99 an, Augusta 3.30 pm.
Denmark 4.25 pm. Semopter
8,93 am, Florenee 9.58 am.
Marton, 19.36 am, Chadbourn
TLA8 am, Lake» Waceamaw
12.09 am,

Train on Seotien i} MaekMraneh 2a q
savas Weldan 3.55 0,m.. Halifac 4 3"
a.m. . ATTives Seotlana Nank ite 5.29
N.. Greanville 6.57 p, m., Kinston 7.55
%.�"�, Returning, leaves Kinston
R.M., Greenville 8.52 a.m. Arrivin
a x af 11:18 a. m., VFa'don 11.33 am
dailv axcenf Sunday,

Trains on Washnigton Braneh Jeave
K ishingten 8.20. a m., 2nd 2.29 p.m
crives Parmele 9.109. m.. and 4 ie
N, Tarboro 9.45 a. m., retarnineleayes
Varhoro 3.30 p.m., Parmele 9.35 a.m
ond 6.90 p. om,, arrives Wacshineton

11.00 9. m., and 7.20 p.m. Daily ox.
nt Sunday. Conneets with traing ay
«otlond Neek Branch. oe

~Train leaves va .
mr aves warooro, N Cy via Albe-
Wi aleich N. Rn . dnily except Sun.
-ay.a65 3) p.m... Sunday 475 P, ¥-
2trive Plymouth 7.40 P. M.. 6.19 p,m
eee i2aves Plymouth daily except
Ant O¥s 7.50 a, m., Sunday 9.00 a om,
atrive Tarboro 10.05 9.m and 11.00

Trainon Midland N.C. b
au N.C, branch lea
told ~boro daily, exeent Sunday, 71's
M. arriving Smithfield 8.30 a. in. Re
turning leaves Smithfield 9.00 a. m,, ar.
tives at Goldsbors 10.25 a, m.* °

Trains on Latta branch, Florence R
%., leave Latta 6.40 pm, arrive Dunbar
7.50 pm, Clio 8.05 pm, Returning
Jeave Cliat6.10am, Dunbar 6.30 a m,

scrive Latta 7.50 a m, daily ex .
ann y except Sun-

�"� Train on Clinton Rranch leayes War-
se for Clinton daily, exeept Suuday,
pb am.and 4.15 p, m: Returning
saves Cinton at7.00a. m. and 3,00 Lm,

Train No. 78 makes close connection
: Weldon forall points daily. all rail via

ishmone, also at Rooky Mount with
Norfolk and CarolingR R for Nonolk
~ae all points North via Norfolk,

GenT! Pass. Agent

- EM&RSON, tras oa
RSD, 2 Manage =:
T KENT. Qenm Vanaror


A handsomely illustrated book o
200 pages desvriptive of Texas anc
the resources of that great otat
will be mailed ~te any adé@ress o°
receipt of eight centsto erver post-
age. D. J. PRICE
G,P.&T. A.1. &G. NR, a.
Pa'estine, Texas,
Fast Texas lands are attracting
considerable attention. Mention
this paper- :

| As Exemplified In the General Customs

. ~A soused child dreads water,T ~Once


at a West Virginia Hotel.
o*As burned child dreads the fire,T

burned, twice shyT"these are three
proverbialavays of saying that one
finger is enough to lose in learning
that a bnzzsaw may be moving
though it seems to be standing still.
There are more ways than there are
proverbs of exemplifying the inher-
ent truth of these proverbs, and each
way is interesting, if not immediate-
ly, yet in the long run"and the
run is not necessarily so long.

oDown at H"", W. Va.,�T said
the man who knew about proverbs,
~~thereisa hotel. This is not strange
to you, byt probably you haven't
been in H"". I have been there.
By way of digression, let me remark
that in allthese small country towns
.of Virginia and its coparcener states
it is astonishing how easy it is to
arrive and how hard it is to depart.
At whatever hour you may have ar-
rived, you are certain to take the
train after midnight and before 6
o'clock, This arrangement effectual- ;
ly spoils the night for sleeping pur-
poses or for amusement, but, then,
there is no amusement.

oTo resume, I reached H"" at
some seasonable hour and put up at
the hotel, did what I had to do and,
as I had been up most of the preced-
ing night, turned in about 9 oTclock,
leaving word at the office to be call-
ed at 1 oTclock, as the train left
shortly before 2 oTclock.

oTn time Iwas called, so I dressed
quickly, paid my bill, seized my bag
and hurried to the ~depot,T about a
block, away. Half along the block I
happened to look at the hotel and
saw that every lamp in it was out
and the house was as dark as pitch.

oAt the station I found a police
man, who scemed pleased to see me. |

~Haw soon is the train due?T i
asked by way of opening a short

~*¢ Bout a hour anda half,T said
he pleasantly.

~What!T Lyelled. Then T looked
at my watch. It was just iv:.0.

oThe policeman watched with ju,

dicial amusement while I made cer-
tain remarks about the hotel people.
When I ended"I tovk my time"he!

: |
said: |
o «Well, now, things sirike people |
differently, donTt theys &:
month ago there was a felier down
to the hotel"had two bags, aresuiar
drummer. He left word, eaincs
you, to be called for the train and
then turned in. But they forgot him
"didnTt eall him till after 2; train |
on time that night too.
o*We-ell, when they remembered |
they was ina feeze. First of all, the |
elerk"smart chap, that clerk; guess |
hotel clerks hez to be smart"the |
clerk, he set the clocks back; made
about. 1 o'clock |
~stead of after 2. Then he called |
the drummer. The drummer, ho!
dressed quick, paid his bill, sumeTs |
you, grabbed his two grips, one in|
each hand, and hurried over here, I)
vas here, just as I am tonight, and |
carefully, soTs not to excite him too |
much too quick, I let him know that |
he was an bour behind the train and |
that heTd have to wait another 12 |
hours or so, just as I let you know,
onTy for a difference of time.

oWe-ell) whatTs that drummer |
do but pick up his grips, one in each |
hand, walk back to the hotel and, |
goin up to the window of the office, |
pitch them two grips right through
the glass, smash! The first one hit
the clerk, knocked him down; sec-
ond one hit on his head as he lay |
there. ~Guess ITm even on the
~game,T said the drummer.

~* oSince then"T bouta month ago"
theyTve called evTry onea hour ahead
of the train, and they put the lights
out soonTsa feller leaves the hotel
"miatter of precaution, you know.T

oThat's why I started with a
proverb, TT"Chicago Inter Ocean.


~em seem to be

Mr. Billtops and Franky.

~Pop,T said little Franky Billtops
to his father, ~~will you give mea

oWhy, certainly,TT' said Mr. Bill-
tops, and he reached in his pocket
promptly and handed Franky over
a cent.

~You know you~ owe me two
now,� said Franky, still standing
by. re:

oWhy, howTs that?� said Mr, Biil.

~Twice before when l asked you
you didnTt have any,TT said Franky.

This demand was rather bewilder
ing. Mr. Billtops was dimly con-
scious that " unconsciously, of
course, on FrankyTs part"he was
being made the victim of a sort of
domestic fiimflam, but to avoid fur-
ther compli: :tions he paid the mon-
ev."New \ :: Sum, 7


order and then drew comparisons

| be and portrayed as being by some

nit sas

' officers.

_works the persecution to which, in

The ero? dad,


= a


An English Writer Draws Comparisons Be-
tween Him and His American Compeers.

Admiral] Sir Vesey Hamilton pub-
lished not long ago an interesting
conversation Which he had with an
American admiral, wherein the lat-
ter spoke with the warmest admira-
tion of the manner in which he saw.
our young midshipmen handling
their boats and keeping their men in

between them and his own ~~fine
gentlemen,TT most unflattering te
the latter. His young gentlemen,
he said, knew how it ought to be
done, but ours knew how to do it.

The difference is great. The Brit-
ish midshipman is brought up in his
professicn, and when he finds him-
self suddenly in a tight place he
knows what to do instinctively With-
out waiting to reason about it. He
does the right thing at once, and as
rapidity of action is one of the most
important faciors of success In nau
tical matters he generally gets out
of his tight place with credit to
himself and his profession. Thus
he gains confidence at every step
and prepares himself for more im-
portant commands. On _ what
grounds, then, of logic or of com-
mon sense are we about to altera
system which has produced such ex-
cellent practical results? |

It is only fair, however, to see
what can be said on the other side
of tho question, and thus we would
frankly acknowledge that our naval
officers are the worst educated in
Europe, taking the word ~~educa-
tionT? in the sense in which it ir
generally used. It is only quite nat-
ural and reasonable that they should
be so, for reasons which we have al-
ready sufficiently indicated. For our
own part we do not think they are by
any means such utter ignoramuscs
as they are sometimes supposed to

self constituted critics.

For instance, a well known civil-
jan writer on naval subjects, mas-
querading under the title of Nauti.
cus, published lately a violent diz-
tribe on the gross and deplorable
ignorance of British naval officers.
He described them as being alto.
gether behind the times, as com-,
paring most unfavorably in point
of general knowledge with the offi-
All European nations as well
h those of the United States.
ey were held up to scorn for not
being ~~men of the worldT and foi
not being able to ~~shinein socicty,�T
in consequence of their faulty edu-
cation, and it was further stated
that they were not sound scientific
It is quite possible that al:
three accusations might be true"
the third modified"and yet that
ours might be the best naval officers
in the world. We say the thir
modified, as it depends a good dea. |
upon what we understand by %
sound scientific officer. It is proba
ble"nay, almost certain"that, s«
far as abstract science is concerned
our naval officers are surpassed by
those of most other countries an
certainly by those of France an
Gecraany, but when it comes to the
preetical application of such scien
tific or other knowledge as the offi-
ect. of the different nationalitie:
pos oss it has been proved a hun
drcu times over that our officers ar¢
ahead of all. Ten thousand horse-
power which cannot be applied is
not so good for propulsive purposes
as 5,000 horsepower which can be |
applied."BlackwoodTs Magazine.

Quakers and Their Hats.
There has been told in various

commonwealth times, George. Fox,
the founder of the Society of Friends,
and his fellow Quakers were sub-
jected because of their refusal to re-
move their hats in presence of the
civil magistrate, but the blame for
this would seem to have lain upon
the local justices rather than tho.
central power. Cromwell perceived
that it was easier for stupid or zeal-
ous magistrates to send Quakers to
prison for this refusal than to get
them out again, for Fox and his
Friends had almost to be implored
to leave the jails into which they
considered themselves to have been
unjustly thrast.
It was this continual persecution
of the Quakers, in the west of, Eng-
land particularly, that at length
moved the council to emphatically
interfere on their bebalf. In No-
vember, 1407, a remonstrance, sign-
h sends, was presented to
adally complaining of
the persecu sos anid Len-
ry Lawrence the president of. the

ed by five

if LyXetel ~

council, at otopwerded a letter
4 4 # eure . wir 1
to the justu Hew Deb OMmy
in Dewou, ¢ f dea}
T yt ead |
Y iw @



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The Eastern Reflector. ~ »


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" 5)




© We Could | Only Thaw. Out This
: . ee "| The Reflector Gives What You;Are , Many. 7
JUDTCCTS ADVERTISING. Looking{k or " We wish to inform our sag Pande Mr. ee E. L. CRENSHAW. skilled
" . ee @ R, L. Davis, of Farmville, was here and patrons that the capacity of J ]
Creates many anew business; | "_" today Elmwood Dairy has just been very airynean, Who was recently with the
| : much enlarged andT improved. We State experiment farm atT Raleigh, .

Tuesday night was the coldeat of the

Enlargos many an old business, winter Mrs. U. bh. Rytiin left this morning | are now prepared to promptly y fill all

orders at the following prices, goods}now has charge of our Dairy and

Services in the Methodist church} oy. aroGee left this morning for delivered at your door: ill serve yuu promptly a So

Chomas McGee left this morning for! Fymwood Butter,..25 cts a pound} will serve yuu promptly and satis

. . for Wilson.
Preserves many a large business,
Revives manv a dull business,

south, arrives at 6:57 P. M.
North Bound Freight, arrives

, ia Tata en ee Mr ives i® Mucky that we get only ashort month) yy, turned hume tod
t 7 . B. Brown, returned hume today.

If February is to keep on this way it Jobn Ames, of Portsmouth, oeu The Bank of G reenville,

been cn a brief yisit to lis sister,

tonight. ~ a
Rescues many a lost business, ight Goldsboro. Sweet Milk,.. ....25 ets a gallon. s factorily. We solicit your patronage:
Saves many a failing basiness.. a 7 ; ; Sour Milk 2 ete a quart. '
Secures success to any baainess Cotton Seed Meni and Seed Oat! R, R. Fleming, of Pactolus, was 1n Wynn ee enes st que } Dairy Phone 14. Residence Phone 98
as Succes Y wAAINeEB) CL eamat §. M, Schul Pure Cream,......25 ets @ qaart.$
ee . JAMES & WILEY BROWN, Proprietors. "
en | | aS roprietors
TRAIN AXD BOAT SCHEDULTIS. The cold did not need a search war.| W.M. Moore, of Grimesland, was T p .
. : | rant to find you last night. in town today. "" 5 ee + aaa
" . a X. £. D/ , PresTt. . .
Paccenger aod mail train oomng| Two dates this month-St. Valen- Ola Forbes went to Grifton last night a. A. TYSON, eal ee ANIZED JUNE 15th 8656 ee EIT sae
1 a é M y of } ¥ . ° . ae J e
north, arrives 8:52 A. M. Goins 'tineTs day and W ashingtonTs birthday. and returned this morning. REORG sth, 1890

2:00 P. M. teaves 2:1; 5 P.M jor it. |
oLs, wr on ay ) ln 3 if | os oa "
o@Steamer Tar River ar? ives from! Grand Secretary B, H. Weodell, of, Atthe Close cf Business"Deo, [15th,11897.
. t Tne lodge of the Daughters of Rebekah Raleioh. arrived this morning to orga? | 2
Wachington Monday, Wednesday! 1 be oreanized vonight at Oad Fel Raleigh, arri lis merning to organ. | Be TSOURCES ; LIABILITIES
twill be orga dio i: s]-]. ; De Eis dul . ue
and Friday, leaves for Washing- ize the lodge of Daughters of Rebeoal. | Joans and Discounts $42,904 8! Capital stock paid in $23 000.00
+ ~ ] | . . : ¢ pus wy 4 ~ doit °
ton Tuesday. Thursday and Sat | lowsT hall. TI Huaving, of Kinst jpver oes bn O73 Undivided Profits 3479727
: | bomas Huegins, of Kinston, came) p, Staal: 83,7972
urday. | Monday the Senate confirmed ~ | oe a a8 1,000.0" Deposits subject to Check 103,294.59
. | On one ly Lhe enate COMMrmMed | over this morrinys to taike H pe SILOM | e rrom Banks � 2 WA } Due to Banks 199.09
} HoUDe oryre } = & Ware Cyt
ithe nomination ot C. M. Bernard as] with the John Flanagan Buzzy Co | oy . and Fixtures : he 20, Ci ashiers Checks outstanding NO7SS
oe J ; Mine, , ~rent expenses whole 2 i
wen ocayertie judiciously,� NRE! li-triet wccormey 1 Cn a. 8} ". re 57 1h Time Certificates of Deposit 960 UC
: . { hve 3° cbs Td MS Ga lat
| t eeepc Seay
mmane aft MeprecTaR | hOash ou tian SV 45577 | . ~
the CC ~| tO Fi ¢ f the ih ] Ti ¢ ror, . ML - , - | ash OU oi und Ve teed. d s Total $132,118,61
PRCA SP CE CT Paul Mitrick. the talor, now has his Attention is ealied to the notice. 10, Ie j 6129 4148 61
H iu DA Pai y A Ls,01¢
ishoo im one of the new rooms put Up! eeditors by D. 8. Spain, adminaistreto. ! .
~ * Saad =p %; iw ai * t 1? Bee bow bg cede il} ~ j arr . \ . . ~a 7
ae Weath er Bulicrin. iby I,, Hooker on the Daney preperty . Ty a | We study carer ly the separate needs of our patrons, and shall be glad to have
aw: | yoo# ue ne s7ancy ple perry, ot Je td. beck | your secount, pr omMising every accommodation consistent with good banking.
remem i a ~ * WV 4G TENEN ¢ * ire j Oo . "~ aoe " -
| Pont fail to get a bottle of Marstel-| | Grand line eof WHITE GOODS, and |
. . : baa ,; 1 Ary res WARK ta
Increvsing cloudiness and possibly :lerTs Piaro, Organ and Furn:ture Pol-} VAL. LACS, just acrivedd al Lites) TO-DE! AY'S MARI Eis.
light snow Thursday, not q' lite so ¢ old.) ich. Cluaranteed to keep the case trom | Cashof louse. o |
{ ee i
~Tyy *yy ry 1
" en ne, The agent will cali on you, ; ; - |
7 ccheeki i ¢ agent will ca you Never mina the weather so tie wind |
. ns on iF ull directions with each bottle. Price Voaete Pde rs . yond but AS wweported by
Not the Same Everywhere ",- . don Llow. Todas ny very ced bu
iZod Conte oa alean : vNR® a2 Me Ice . ceewr es vy oes
While this section was having pretty the absence of wid made it more 8) he GREENVILLE SUPPLY al
. , : | avexre fon eere Le Syma: 4h . durabls. : l¢
spring weather a week or so ago the} | have taken the agency for the | U't® Cutton Buyers
Pe] { 4 a - . nd A , ; . |
west was having snow storms and bliz-| Wilmineton Steam Laundry and solice I. A Move, Clerk Superior Court, and"
ad . , * \s lho ys * aa ee G) +} ga ve ne POO: . : : . } "* o
yards. Now we down this way are! the patronane of those wanting good publishes a noticeT to creditors i the | |
about to frez3 while the people of! Iwork, Shipments made every Wed-] aioe of J. D. Cherry & Co. ~ngains" | OSE
~ 7 on Vice rrilyi! we "he .: rday . : F . |
Australia are dying ot sun stroke, and| phosday mnorpiag, return do Saturday | fesse Canna, admivetratur of 4 hee! "
. ( io }? a ~ aan 1 1 j
houses aré actually eatehine on fire! vening. We PREDDY. | yhitus Slued, di
l (Coston eold in Cereenvinle I
from the intense heat. Change abl ley """" Coitor sold in Greenvale, de We I I
| emu wa rs) Lave ime f Bee & Le
world we are in, anyway. | Darochtera nf Rebeka oo So | VEW YOR.
| | Daughters of Rebekah ROUCHDALS ITEMS. | | hearse end tre nicest line af Co
{ Ve ravep : Naya) ART NT A? {3,00 T
~ i All whe bave apy plied to join the ce Corton. Operimeg NOOO, jose | fins anil Cesk eis, 12 wood, meta!
sf AVY i232 T Y ! ~ : , oy . 4 | ~ ; a a mo oS mS we ane ai 1 é Whror .¢ ¢
NO CUPK NO DA (Rebekah Lodge as charter members Rocupate. N.C. Feu. Ist, 1Ods. | Mare. G0 WA ot24 lic and . cioth ever Drounns ©
j ies i a wa EY .
Th at je the 41} ee ~ } a 1 . Atoin¢ of, 5 fC gopmaAte rare olixy | ixf | \I . » we lal ~ Oy (freen\ . 7 :
Phat is the wel drogetets se] | wi ill present themselves at the hall of Mest of cue farmers Were Dusy ja | ALY OT oa) v.50 ry .
GROVES TASTEL] As CHILL TON! ae I ly - _oo| We ars prepascod © £990 bs
IC foi Cw 1, ~ ry | 1] ~Al 7 ot {© ovenal t Lode ], (), (), I, \ ¢ dnes- WeCK pre 1) reer LOUACCO b iis. Aneust. ono th 7.3) 5.89 : a - i i y
. i i i, re | BST aH } - | i ne Pa cals ba Life
Malaria. [tis simply Hey and Quinine [day eve ine at 7:30 as the lode will be Bt A pe .
: Rite ane ene | o rs whe Little Ketural: iysoa fias been very | HICAGO. Dray alat ; :
in a tasteless fom Ch trer love ittincttnted that meht by Grand Sea . a ae . Personal attention given to ccn=
1 . . a Jo Pe Cr j it k} tr rit (i LONE . 1 ; a . 1 . ; . - , : +3 o5 ; 5 . a : . . =
Adults prefer it fo Bitter, Weusentin | yes _ sick of pnucumenta, OUR Is BIW Tes) Wiese Opening, Neo, Close, dactlog fuvorals and bedies en"
La mY Party roi te y HR i 3 ' ~ - :
Tonics. Price, oe, tary B. T. Woodell. covery, rapidly. I Aaay Pas N54 oo) | UR. sted te Our CATO will receive
Qe mace tara ar price NRA SET 5 JT RDA, ga 5 Ts LS EAE LEE NILE, LL LIES, oo Fa : : - ,OVEry mar: ros .
Mors. Pattie . Smith bas a seveve| NEES, . "
i PY F7ICHS GE away fran r
ORE: WT peri oise of crysipelus tn her face | iny Ist ove o01 a8 Prichs are Lower thal OV CEs
(1 i i WI ~ eo So fo 3 . Vo do not want mrenupoly bat
| | \\ i | A | il obvi 9 t \ th ll, til t ~ ORK. } sav 100 com petition
, 1 ie y ;
ie i pik } t x) ts Ball k i! t a } i
f I imi hy , i 1 iit vith oh ihistiy : ~ A ; , id o
~ ahs nd f r ~ LS, FS Litt R
J. \. 4 FOry , bt
: | Oe
Y "ea ] * . Vides rade Moy tty 4 LE aya. | } . f is) oe 9 ~3
hew vou atour store. Wehave] is ie Sms Hace) Tal ~BOB GRE"WE & CO
e/ e ; ~ ~ , tur 4 4 yi) ~�"� © 7 ais ©:
ae 14 ft \W Hi iT y ye! We es this Mee hoordoaed, Sho Waist) get | v7 Ee nave a ai se ; ee a
1 dey iO! Qk ; wy DODS, a ol OC a =.
i } { (\j 1 | \y + 4a dy _ re eg ~ Boo" 5 Fy ots
#54 42 { d f it t fn t acl ) 1 i\ . ; , ; i wield We ~K ( te,
SUC as Da Te Liou, AUNT Ud, SHICS Cf Nan pou SYD, le FOOD SSonarky, M4 rEAD \ Dk \
sook are 1 p T Vr Pad {if | yay YO a | Messe Eyvson and De sort! ve | . a
+ ) wa E tf Wy ), UC, 4 r¢ ou mihi At a Iss remat| ij Sale PesT Schad valdad hire ~ abil iba . ox ~
~3 ; ¥ mn : _¢ Prefurned Geom at pacts iat Visit ig Uitekr is a | FICE. WHEPA RARE | § os ee
Poiut sraperie and Lace Curtains LT PAUL TAI TPP | F
re] I cae . cousin, . L. ivsen, at Ayden at TE i bit bd ab
\ . . ) , 8 te a iy i ba }
ww Window Shades in White and all the lead HHL ANE WN
New Window Shades in \.hite anda 1@ (ead- eee eee eet oe | ik li u TEER a
tiie We Mog Bik {
ine colors. (6 and feet lone) beautifully RIG tt |
. = i Ria \ ai hi 4 U u A xm } oAN a ul i\ f ANTED"U! Ria ¥ [' an | frit . | on i. Fa w i H
_ | o | We . : ood 4 NT We » OD Mee, ;
{r oad | avr nattare ~ ye ful gentlem en o Jal! es tc navel oy % f % yi re
rr c gd ih new pati Cris. for responsible, es itched house = ~~ i

North (arolina. Nronthly Be 1
YG . . VDC SES, Position sted ly. i efare | +
ee y Rete 'just arrived. Uome In

ATG: enee. Enclose selt-nddressed stm]

a 9 Lb
= 0. atl

OY Eat th ~yi BEA
od eee Ne envelope. ~Lhe Dominion Compa ty. |
bent. K. Chieass | |See us. |
Every Pair Guaranteed. -
Notice to Creditors. (NAYS Hi
~he Clerk of the Superior Court of | Ha
Pitt county having iss ed letters of 2d-| "_

ministration to me, the undersigned on

the 8th day of Jannary., IS898 on the oe
estate of J. H. Peebles deceased, notice oS" v

Baty MA A! »y ITY r Fe
is hereby given to all persons indebted ESTABLISHED 1875
ty tne Estate to make immediate pay- y if | | 1
ment to the undersigned, and to all SAM Vi SCHULTZ
creditors of said estaTe to presert their | 1] 7 4 JL) J Wa, BYU Es a
claims properly� ee tO the ( (' (IRR \ AN
| T "Deaier i"

undersigned, within tw elve months af-

ter the date of this notice», or this notice
will be plead in bar of their recovery. ; - }
This the 24th day of Jan. 1898. Park. NI (e i, Cyouiders.
unt: on she estate of J. H. Peebles. : ~ Farmers and Mere hants buying ther
F. G, James, Atty. All yearTs supplies will find it to their inter

ee Sule

ee ome |


est to get our prices before purehs:*
elsewhere. Our stock is completo
al its branches.

ema eell


State of North Carolina, J In the Spu- _

; Pitt © cane ferior Court. | 1 wish to inform,my many patrons and Fl
Rs Cherry, R. Moye and J. G. the public that thev can now .
| Moye, t: ading as *'J.B.Cherry & Co. """~ tind me inthe our, Sugar, Coffee
in their own behalf and all other cred. Always at lowest market? prices

a o itors of Theophilus Bland, Jr., dee'd. T b :
o 1 �,� Ve ~ V8. * 0 acco Sn x di 4
Her China and Glassware department has taken] jesse cannon, saur. of Theophilus NW MARKEL HOUSE sac diol ae es
y direct} from manufacturerg

n new life. this mont Bland, Jr.
0 0 ith. We hav e jus st received The above entitled action having been | where Iam ready to cater to all their phe

~beautiful Decorated China in new tints and odd [commenced in this Cours or the ist needs inthe way of
day of Feb. 1898 for a settlement of the A complete stock ~of
estate of Theophilus Bland, Jr., decTd , i

shapes. Japanese designs and English Bonn- ae ot oN.C. 1 F ; 1
under Chap 33 of the Code o | ABI K S| PPI IES.

Notice is |
ware, Glassware in the best Cut Gass patterns.|rine said ~Theopnius. Bland Jt
appear before me on or before the 21st

L keep the best. Fresh Meats, §
See our Deorated Condiment Seis, ey aT'o | day of March, 1893 and file tne evidence Salt Fish, nice Groveries, de

Fresh and Salt Fish, nice Groceries, &e. | always on hand and sold a
ity COE» t prices t
Send me your orders. Goods delivered | suit the times..Our goods are itl roa

of their claims.
beauties. Your friends, 4 This Feb, Yet. 1996, pon promptlé anywhere in town. oni gold tag CASH therefore, having n@
Aad rise to run We sell at a close margin,
Clerk Superior Court of EM county E. M. McG OWAN. wi Rae z

F. G. James, Atty. {Phone 4l, i



he Se

Daily Reflector, February 2, 1898
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - February 2, 1898
February 02, 1898
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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