Daily Reflector, January 14, 1898

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]



).J WHICHARD, Editor and Owner,

Vol. 7.


TERMS :£25 Cents a Month,

on - " "
enatatan anaemia
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UNCLE TTR ASS TOS Vegi Cy bimem) f ti om JUST FOR bu
VEY | \
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pUsb ceo! OF iit"! \ i , Prefory stad , } | ~ I + |
Nias too of Phe Weste an 1 ; th, ke Wess ei? |
at adson, Clu ' i! T us ! i ~ W ttl '
-. yout . 1
he gt Fly e uf " Whipeaqiat, ! . . :
Journal, Gl i neal, a pubdcsthon dag a] business Phe jotel ini |
ee pony ie the toderret pes ; ; |
held in very high esteem cy tire t Phere hospitable i] keepine with the pudu
. ; a
trade, made a visit to tee Greenvuls identiied with the Teolages tea a rue ; |
. A South stree ele t] WW} |
market aud while beer Wins tii rye fh fda } , Is \ |
un e ChT ay ~ a4 * 2 Lia i v¥ |
, ) rest i fl. |
: i bd: ss . ' | il | |
of the youre men is i firs outside, and vwiedting member I CT :
. T . i | ! } ~ 1) ~ fs ined \A ti |
Home.� Tn the issue e) tos vorronbon Pally put Wy Wi |
oy te T ; 4 1 ; thy
Jan. ted, 1651 Wohi us es) " Wi and W ! } i { i \ 1 i ; 4 ~
Whiehadl « Lali oeaiy ~a oot pant? yl ; ; { ny Polo pyre
pubiisiicd n j i . ee Sat an We er rd | { } C
' i San ith as bo Dag
the GCCUPRIis Cf tht FOR 1 ~ bem CULT | UC Wil t tit COTHY 5 bret |
, j } i~ { rey thy , thig 1 7 ' j
feresting sketch or eal. eroded Che the mest fastehou & WWI 1 J ~ . :
co sry pepeney | 1 Terry {} roy 1 ) ,
courtesy ol it Journ , iii \ i {| I Mie wen ft i {ie p ee |
wernt slary ry ' ; fiat ji he H
pleasus boa i au ee } } \ } th i
7 en 1
& 1 i 1
W pate ft , ! 7
tt . { { 1 _
4 yt Ty
te on Oe I° ry 7
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Greenvil! i i .
} _ o\ 1] ! Pos |
pos: bot tl j - |
who are promi a
~ |
ty - ; | . o4 ; ~ yyo) { if Wifthh |
thie leat toueeco tiferest Gh are (eid Wiehued - . uf |
: ; .
oVy rit a wes hi) Hey teyrny * soit fli { +4
Ville. Che: Si ud hit Dee Pea - iN Vi l nH) i i ; ,
. T ai
¥ a 4 , . ~ paDVTLPEY ep are HS ' i | mrs 7 . i o~ Dh ag it, = eek {hi f
home co utorts, aba quis eplenre Moca dail. Phuresdagy nich rr ( I ~ ~
~ +? 9? i
. 7 . uA, .) al ; } } i iJ | H f \ :
their tusT: Sy decided to co to * Usce aiden the ebocutionts Al Lhe {4 , |
Sets 8 ae were tK i] dy tow ¢ f th tr -
ge Ab ~ 4 in * % La + sr lied
Foaa ened i . j ) i if la Vv | H |
ke pl oO were t | L ti rif ~ \ ( ' \ | |
: . uy 1 See rR uorhtty Why Py |
In their @ase, ts dic many LESS | yo ; . mp) l UiGa i i ei
. fered 1 , epPare PT oe ich! { ) 9°
bein +. th La aval Postadbe t f pines is? do =" } qj 2 \\ Vk
% o ¢ , yea (etl 4 3 a j »ye » bar i 17 ¥Y * e 7 ~ *
necessity becanie the me ther of myven Mr. WaldenTs selections were 3 Nendid, | | Foce terete for PROD�?
. ling ona Wheelless bieycke for LS.
tion, co to speak. the hotels of Greeu-ithe elocution being of » five order, but |

ville affurding no oLome comforts� and HTS Ms
the catezing to the mner man not com. .
Ing up t? thei OX pe cfation, they hay Ce

pooled their domestic knowl due and

Usic We
qoved if the
I Was

rsonly ordinary. ~Phe en 6Qocra alasses cause the downfall ot
1p oliow CO You
i ed, ve]

Hy 242
cutie t

nient would Daye been move en-| many wmap,� satd she.

make that out 7T he mean

the kind

audience had kept quie ollie

the tard nudience Lo you go om for between th

could be found.


keep attt tive thei | acts,
4 {
we ORI eee pee,

catering talent, and evolved out cf it

Unele HiramTs Home.�

TS Ral, OR RCT ee AE NE ett sere ES OE TN Ree

i j . . Ce, a~ A :
| | aa. AAAARASARE SA fbi i i ad af
Phey ar comlortably domiciled in. 4 | O , on
SP epyrp , } ney $) ~ | ro ~ ~ C ~ { r p. (4 2 as
Bix cr seven room house, neatly and ge G ap
] e rm sos . ; , ~ ( y :
comfortably fuinished. Tne cuisine is) a Je 7 :

. . A hl | . . ; ~ 2 I as @ )}
of the best. They were started mght, % s . op i ; G , ba
as the mothe: of one of the youns me) ae gu 0000 G0 WW OO OUT Ove

. Ws w é
from Virginia took an oOld Virgiria� WIV EVI V7 OY, VIVIVY ITV VY

cook with ber to Greenville and stayed
there three weeks to put the oHome�,
to rights, and to teach the vouk how to:
cater to the boysT appetites. |

The hests are H. W. Holeoxrbe |
(who does the cateri.g) who was for}
several years with Dibscli Brother, at,
Danville, Va. H. P. Strause, ot the|
firm of Strause Bros., Henderson, N.'°
C., and a brother of L. L. Strause, of |
Richmond. Va., J. C. Jordan, is a son!
of M, P. Jordan, one of the leading! &\
Levi Tobaccy men of vapville, Va,
QO, P, Smith, is a brother of E, W.
Smith, of Rocky Mouat, N. C., andj
Wm, A. Smith, of Richmond, Va. |:
both of whom do a iarge business, and

a To our friends and cus-
r hanks tomers tor theit kind and
liberal patronage during the past year.
For the coming seasons of 1898 we pro-
pose to offer you the choicest of goods in
General Merchandise at a reasonable
price. During the month ot January we
will self all of our surplus stock ata low
price to make for spring goods.




LangTs Cash E



Now fora clean-up. There
wil be no dull lull here. The
holiday rush is over, but we are

now fixing the store to rights.T

Overcoats thaf must eo. [ts every
mans chance-- 10s a

the hardest earned dollars. The s

lowest of purses were never so po-


pent. For the merehandise--

\ wee

quick moving prices. For the

eustomers--money finding prices,

There's a prize for every comer.


1898. To Our Patrons. 1898!

f~ ~

a rom ¢ a

Ty . 4 om due i ; ; .
We start the new Year w:
7 wteaniy Af Tranae
clean stock of Dress G

LIAM nNgs,

ce j
«- oP


. T ~ F & en,
sho Wy Souls

oUY hermes mcm al met VARIA omc Boormcc ""
Cloaks and ask your Ppatronace.
We wish to thank our man

for their liberaltrade and

i Y
vee a continuance Or the same.


De Turkey RoosT Too High.

Oh, little chillun de worlTs so wide

Dat modders moan anT sigh,

DarTs aturkey roostinT on de odder side

ButTe rcosT too high, too high.

ThatTs the way with most things these days
the price is too high for 5c cotton, but we

| "�"�are determined to sell�

ry Ones, LONI Nal


and have made prices that will sell them. Come




ew sage t |


2 Fis



a |

nnn "


secondeelass mill matter.

4 nyered


".."". SSS SS


One vear. : - . $8.00
One mon : - - o30
One week. . - - ~

~vered in town by carriers without

Vie ;
axtr: ens". devil holds his training school for
everticne rates ave beral ande: an be | b
ad oh appieation to the edites or at | Such characters, and would be-

0 of cloud eyenthe sun itself: If he
wee ee gsueeceds in wounding he has ¢
We aya eatresporaern? at diabolic Iaugh and gloats oyer

(ey s \ =I . . . .
\e pastatec inthe earrty, wl o oili the pain he has caused, as the


ng aft NEWA AS it

yh jet ite

aes nelghborboad,
stde af the paper,

vo ene
Broa y. PANT AGS 14, THER
""" an

Christ revealed to men that
Godis their Fathe, which was
the expressed purpose of His
coming: and He not onty reveal-

ed the broteerhood men, but,

commanded us to be brothers.
Herein is the last preblem of
bumanity exploded. Can one

conceive oppression, of cheating
of trusts and monopolies, and
bribery, of race problems, or any-
thing of~he kind in a world of
brotbers?"Biblical Necorder.

Neen or not the Joint Com-
mission of Federation appointed
by ie Methoais} Episcoval
Churches, North and South, and

eee Eve. And so the writer of
aronvmous letiers sneaks behind
the disguise of a changed chiro--
eraphy and sails under the false
name of an ounknown.� Coward-
ly assassin that he is, he tries to
wound the feelings of others, to
stab the reputation of better than
hs is, to maketroublo between
friends and to cause sorrow and
mortification. His language
smacks of the place where the

vulture toys with is prey.
Nothing in this world is 8c des-
picable, nothing that so much
deserves the bitterest condemna-
tion.-"Durham Sun.

sahil teat md

The Pistol Ww ent Off

Mr. John Hovis, ot Lincoln
county, dvoye to town yesterday ,
morning and stopped his wagon
very near the square. As he
wert to get out of his wagon, he
struck the hammer of a ristol he |
had in his pocket on the wagon,
the pistol went off, startling
every one who was passing.
Officers Overcrash and Cunning-
ham were on the sqare at the
time. Thev heard the shot, but
on looking vround, saw no excite-
mentof any kind. They spied,
however, swoke coming from
Mr. HovisT pocket, and arrested
him for carrying conv2aled wea-
pons: He gave bond."Char-
lotte Observer.

now in sesion at Baltimore, shall
succeed in cicsing the breach |
whick occurred it the Chureh
over ithe slavery question in ISd4,

A false idea of economy often) pre-

vails amone business men and. officials,

A dull season is frequently made all

tho spirit°of the movement 1s to
be commended: Perhaps 1)
accomplishment of the eud desir-|
ed will ve lefuto the rising
eration; indeed, the fraternizaticn
of the young people at Epworth
League conventions, and the
healivg hand of time may be de-
upou to become move

ocy =

potent intlaeness toward union
than would be any number of
fcrmal resolutions. SEUNG
the meeting of the Joint C ommiss |
sion is inters sting as aD

tion that the cld bitternesses
antagonism between the churches


haveheen well-nigh obijiterated.

"Philadelphia Reeord.


Vo-day, Jan. 135, is the date,
set by Mr. Prank FE. Ormsby, a|
Chicago student ofthe stars, for
the beginning of a prenounced
revival in business, aud all
eause Jupiter is in a good humor:
This is ¢] Mr,
Ormsby, ok ich voverns atlairs of
a busitess nature, and when if
what is called a mental
influence undisturh- |




planet, explains

sien with its
ed by
propitious for
ity. Every f

January, 18 a

conjunetion with
& wave Of prosper-
wrth wonth, beeim-

Dine with mental

Sich. lor many years Jupiter
has not entered a mental sign

havine been worried }:
eichbors. but will en-

by pesky n
ter the sign to-day in good shape.
~herefore. Mr Ormsby argues
that good results will follow. It
is to be hoped that this Jupiter
wave will be an improvement on
the ~McKinley wave. At any
rate, all will be in favor of giying
Jupiter a tair charce"Chariotte
Observer, 13th. |

The anonymous letter writer is
a pupil of the serpent who enter-
ed the Garden and whispered
poisoned words into the ears of
our first mother. He sneaked
around the garden, hiding his
slimy coils in the beautiful fol-
iage of that,till then, perfect


1) preyent

business isa constant unswerving at" |
telupt to get down to hard work and
creater effors. Prospects cf a dull

been aimany and great, 2 satishaction
and contentment of these should net!
suffiee fo be of suflieient excuse for a
laek of effort following up " these
elievements. We should net be
satistied with the past nor should we
content to abandon our good work to
trust to fate. ~Phe oflicial whose de-
yetion to the proper diseharge of Ts
| oftice Spurs him oa to greater ne
nobler deeds SCES sucCons ahead and
will eventuaily have his zeal nehly
Froywarded. ~Lhe business man who
keeps plodding ou, never levaine, will
reach the top ot the ladder. T)
'merechant who coustantly keeps his

everything 1g | Idea

the duller beeause of the lack ot effort

~Phe only safe way

it) Tn ike if lively 5
spasmodic tluetuations im

le should stimulate to ere ater efforts.


Soeermb to the benetul influences of
poor or discouraging outlook and ina
litle time actual detriment will be ex"
oT chere

of prosperity. and achievements haye

porlonec has been a season

general and of far greater importance
than were those of 13897,

In addition to the choic2 of a
House cf Representatives of the United
States Congress and of Legislatures i:
several of the States which will elect
United States Senators, Governors and


State ollicers will be elected 1a Alabema
Arkansas, California, Colorado, Con-

necticut, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas,
Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Min

nesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hamp-
shire, New Jersey, New York, North
Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhoce
Island, South Carolina, South Dakota,
Vermont, Wiscon"

Ternessee, Texas,

-in end Wyoming.

Thess elections cover every part. of
the country and will be rational in their
character. Being the first general

el-etions since the coming into power
of the new administration they will be
taken as an expression of the sentiment
of the people tuward the par'y in power.
The election tor Congressmen


will be

as contest

of especial interess

will be waged between the friends of

silver on the one hand and th» single

gold advocates of the a ministration
on the other, They will show to the

world whetber or vot the ofree silyer

icraze�T is dead er dying outT? ag the}


endvocates lave so ofte. elaimed

in the past year,"Lumbe:ton Rob- |


How Chinese Paper Tieir Houses,
The Chinese at Amoy do not pa-
per their walls much, but they often
paper Mys, partitions, ete,
that a large quantity of wall paper
Is consumed in that district. This |
paper, besides being used for artifi-
cial Howers, is used for clothing the
human effigi

cell SO

eral throughout China, the amount Chiekens

of it constumed is Considerable. This
paper is also used for covering card-
board boxes for roy jewels,
Sundries, -

edl- |
meipes, buttons and Chicas |
eg Chrowedle.

An Esidiio

ith is qualified to
Marry when he has sueceeded in |
Kling a polar bear unaided, this:

feat being revarded as proof that he
iscapabieof providing forthe wants |
ota family, He starts forth at night
to secure a wife, Winch he hy
the first girl he can surpyi




a . |

In Fiji th

value be

e colnage Chiefly consist
teeth, these

ine dyed red,

of of ereater
oGO white teeth for one
id soverelen,


ne, as the eXChun Ge

sill@s Tor

An authority states that the gold

in the shape of coin and ornaments
noarded by the natives of India
oy 4 ys eo. }

aqiwounis to the ehormous sum ol |

L250, C00, 000,

in some parts of
are convicted «
the comunity.

It is
pan re
jority Vote o}


wid that


y i

Ma Ma

before the ceneral public is

the one rets the
The v ~s

} ¢
ithan tiat of

orient T

trade inthe Jone

oi ho

rull- Hao Wore eFLONeoOUS

advertising only an

There 1s

does not e¢

; spe if jal SCUSOTLS. not « store

in the city which ory

ritable to all os




* 1
Mm stock ¢

and in demand at titnes. is

to the


well as

ImMpertant to him as

general put lic that he sbould heep

| people advised ot his,stock, prices and |

bargains, Tf he neglects this he may
naturally expect his trade to Jag and
drift eisewhere, At the end of the

vear he will be surprised to find that
his trade
competitors have prospered and aug-
mented their : of
tlieir success lies in the fact that they

has fallen off and possibly

assign no reason for jt. His

~rade, The secret
have pursued the progressive course.
His failure may be properly ascribed

to his negligenze to be aggressiye."

Winston Journal. ¢

ney pate r


If some men possessed clear titles to
mansicns in the skies the first tling
they weuld try to do would be to mort-



W. M. Bond T,

N. C
Vractice in all the eourts,


es - neat eet

Wehave a large




iust arrived. Come in

~gage them."Chicago News, ~




c- "r3



i. erring. |

es that are burned at | Cotter
and, this practice being gen- | Salt per

Flour, Family 4.75 ta 8.75
ard 34 TO 16
QO: ifs =) to 1G
Sugar 14 fo |

t no 6 -t

Sack Gito ] F4

| ia te

Hoes per doz i

| Beeswax per 7
| Cotton Seeder busnes 10 toT


EPISCOPAL"Serviees fourth Snuv-
| day, morning and evening. bay ser-
ivices sccond Sunday morning. Rev. A.

iA, M.

PRESBYTEREAN"Serviees third
| Sunday, morning snd evenivng. Rev.
J.B. Morton. Pastor. Sunday sehool

PorO A ML 2.


| Whe she e, C.C. A.B.

Pmeets every



} cured in

the oStorm .and
period of the seventh and
eighth decades of the Jast century.
Out of that mov
the great classic period of German
literature, with Goethe and Schiller
as its leaders. Out of the present
movement there bids fair te come a
second period of rare literary pro-
ductiveness, in which, according to
all present indications, Wildenbruch,
Sudermann and Hauptmann will
take first rank.
posterity may assign to these three

ways similar to

writers in the literature of their | �,�

position in contem- | 3

country their
porary literature at least is assured,
for,in the drama, wherein they have
achieved their greatest
they stand head and s
all competitors, It is w ith increased
pleasure that the lover of geod lit-
erature sees the younger pel |
in Germany fulfilling the ohopes to
Which Ibsen gave rise,


reratii ii

ane ta

Cctten ang Peanut,

felow are Norfolk prices of cotto:
and pennuts for yesterday, as furnishee
by Cobb Bros. 7 Commission Mere
chants of Norfolk -
Good Middling , |
Middling a4
Low Middling 3 1-14
Good Ordinary 43
Tone"steady |
rime ?
Extra Prime 2t
m�"�aincy o24
Spanish 80 to 75

T one"quiet.

oe nner oe

Greenville NVarket.
. M. Schult?

Correecfed by S

Bitter, per tb 1) fo 2
| Western Sides Sle yer
Sugar ecred Hans lWete lay

» ey orf

orn {1
Corn Meal 50) to FO |

Went Was evolved

Whatever position | ¢

shoulders above | 3

a. : RR RENE een een eens a " ~ - = - " Oo wa -
HT aited hisT Chis YearTs Elections Literary Revival Ia Germany.
; IA {] \ RE FLECTOR ee ant i oa ee -_" The movement in contemporar;
a tb) DOP at � |tunity to falsify the words of the The electionsT for 1808 will be more| Ge!Man literature, says d. rman
t ~ . a 4 8 ef , . : _ A . 4
. """""| Creator to the 1unocent and con- . . Coar in The Atlantic, is in nyany


N AND nt


services to the
and the


citizens of Greenville
public generally.

Spouting and Stove Work,

a specialty.

guaranteed or


no charges made.
Flues made in season.
on Dickinson Avenue.


eee on

To Sain Flesh, to Sleep Well,fto
Know What Appetite and Good
Digestion Mean, Maketa Nest
of StuartTs Dyspeps:a
Interesting Experience of an Indianape
olis Gentleman,

epee eee

No trovble is more Common or more
misunder-tood than nervous dyspepsia.
People having it think that their nerves
ave to blange and a ¢ surprised that they
are not eured by nerve medicine and
spring remedies; the real seat of the
mischief is lost sight of. the stonineh
the orgin to be looked after.


Nervous dysrepties often do not have
any pain whateverin the stomach, nor
perhaps any of the usual svmptoms of
stomach weakness. Mervous dvspep-
sin shows itself not in the stomach so
rauch as in nearly every other Orgar, in

come erses the heart paty.tates and. is
irreontar. in others the hidneys are

afiected, in oihers the bowels are cone
stinated, with headaches, still others are
troubled with loss of flesh and appetite,
With accumulation of gas, sow risings
and heartburn.

Mr A W Sharper of No G. Prospect
St [ndianapolis, Ind., wrifes.s follows:

Di RE a oa oR

every Sunday,

Praver meeting

RAPTI51"" ns Ss
lmoring and eventmy.
i Thu a weevening, Rev A.W. Setzer,
roe Sunday scheal Oro A,
i, Rountree, Superintendent.



SPTHOLIC"No re ou iY

schao! 9 8a:
ter dant. ,
every Suh-



(grenves. Reetor
WooB. Brown.

day. morning and evening,
meeting ~Wednesday evening,
Vetson, Pastor. Sunday

be D H YY } at 5
Path A. ME. OWN OD. line MY, ty


B. Fieklen, Superiten-

| A motive of pure gratitude prompts me

ito write these few lines regarding the
Yew and valvable medieine. StiuartTs

Dyspepsin ~TRablet: I hove been a
sufferer from nervous dyspepsia for the
last four heye used various pate
ent imedicines and other remedies
withont anv favorable result, They
sometimes give t mporary relief until
the effects of the medicine wore off. J
attreboted this tomy sedentary habits,
being a bookkeeper with tittle poy steal


exercise, but Tam glad to state th. ; the
teblets hive overcome all these obsta-
J isd . *

eles for ] haye gained in flesh, slee p
better and am better in every way.

The above is written not fes notormety
bat is bused on aetttal faeT
fully yours,

A.W. sharper,

Indianapolis, Ind.
It js sufe to say that taartT. Dyspep-
Tablets will cure any stomach
weiknest or disease exeept caneer of
stomseh. They ere sour stomach, as,
of sh and aupetite, sk NOSS.
palpitation, ho artburn., cone

Send for valuable
stolnach diseases by ou
Co Marshall, Mieh.

All drugei oifn

y = +

at fO cents,

61 Prospect St.,


eV ees

puto nnd


little book



T ¢ 1, & Wa)
~TL sive ] piek3g es


BF. & A. di Greenville Locge No
third Monday even-

M, L. 01M

Xe a mee U3 5 a st and t
in J. M. Reuss W,



Lodyve No,
evening, A. ¥,

Meets every Tuesday
fe son N, ]L.. H. Pender, see.

2 Ot ary River Lodge No, 95,
meets every Friday evening. Th W.
EMington Wh. of





Can be found bel
next dour to Petleetor


mw Five Poias.

R. an
R.A. eb vance Conucil Non
Thursday evening.
son, Ro MLR. Lang, See.
H."IJnsuranee 1 ode
every Friday evening
van, D. Henry She pid.
of HW. Pitt Ceuneit 236
Phursday nivht, oo. B









Primary, Second
Tertiary Sypillis permanently

ary ar
15 to. 35 days. you can be
treated at home for the same price un
der same guaranty. If you preter to
come here we Will contract to pay rail-
road fare and hotel bills, and no charge
ifvwe fail tocure. If you nave taken
mercury, iodide potash, and_ still have
aches and pains, Mucous Patches in
mouth, Sore Throat, Pimples, Copper
Colored Spots, Ulcers on any part of
the body, Hair or Eyebrows falling
out, itis this Sypbilitie Blood Poison
that we guarantee to cnre, We solicit
the moet obstinate cases and. challenge
the world for a case we cannot cure,
This disease has always bafiled the skill
of the most eminent physicians, 3500-
00 capital: behind our uncouditional
guaranty. Absolute proofs sent sealed
on application. Addreas COOK REM-

EDY Co., 480 Masonic Temple, Chica-


- | ~and Pressiag Gents Clothes a specialty


tae oy


Cleaning, Dyeing

| yaw

Patronage solicited.


Special attertion given ro cler nim,



Male Academy.


The next fessicn of sachOol Wis

open on*

MONDAY SEPT. *. 1897
and eoitinue for 10 months.
The terms are us follows
Primary English per mo. 2I¢
Intermediate** ~ o $2 5C
Higher i gO.
Languages (each) ** $1 00

The work and diselpline of the sehou!
wil be as heretofore.
We ask a continuance of your

liberal patronage.




* 20, Uh


3! . . Tine,

Schedule im offeet Nov, 29th, 1S°.-

Departu'es ~rom Wilmington.
oDAILY No 48"Passenger "Due Veg-

nolia 10.52 am. Warsaw 11.10
am, Goldsboro 11.58 am, Wil
son 12.43 p m. Roekv Mount
1.49pm, Tarboro 2.50 p m,
Weldon 4,23 p m, Petersburg
6.28 pm, Richmond 7.15 pm,
Norfolk 6.05 pm, Washing-
ton 11.39 pm, Raltimore 12.55
m, Philade pile 3-45 a m,

New York 6.53 am, Boston
3,90 pm.

rAILY No 40"Passenger Due Maz
7.15 pm. noiias.55 pm. Warsaw 9.10
» m, Goldsboro 19.10 p m
Wilson 11.06 p m. Tarbore
6.45 am, Rocky Mount 11.57
pm, Weldon 1.4fam, Nor=-
folk 1 G50 a om, Petersbure
3.24am, Riehmond 4.26 a m,
Washington 7.41 am, Batti
~nore 905 4 m, Phik ideiphia
11.05 am, New York 2.02 p
�"�. Boston 9.00 pan.
QAILY No 55"Passengor
Ap va.

9.5 a.m.


Due Like
Waccamaw 5.09 p m, Chad
pony 5.40pm Marion 6 48 p
. Florence 7.25 p m, Sum-
vo 8.425 m, Columbin 10.05
1m, Denmark 6,30 am, August
to 8.20 am, Macon 11.30 am,
Atlanta 12.15 p m, Charles-
fon 10.20pm. Savannah 24)
~aom. Jacksonville $.20 a im,
St. Augustine 10.30 am,Tam
pa 6.45 pm,


DAILY No. 49." Passe noer-"Boston

S45 PLM, 1.08 pin, New York 9.00) pm,

Vhiladelphia 12.05 am, Belti-
more 2,450 am, Washington
4.49 am, Richmond 9.05 am,

Petersburg 9.50 am, Nor-
Weldou 11.50 am, Tarboro

P?.12 sm, Roeky Mount 1.00

pin, Wilson 2°12 pn. Golds
boro 3.10 pm, Warsaw 4.02,
pm. Vognolia 4.16 pna,
_ DAILY No. 41."assenger--Teave
BO ALM, Boston 12,00 night, New
York 9.30 : UN, Phiiadelphia

12.09 pm,
Washington. :
mond 7.20
8.12 pm,

sultimore 2.25 pm,
46 pm, Rich-
pm, Petersburg
Norfolk 2.20 pm,
Weldon 9.4% pm, Tarboro

© 6.01 pm. Reekv Mount 5.45
am. Leave Wilson G20 nM,
woldgboro 701 sm, Warsaw |
7.953 4am. Magnolia &.05 aim,

PwWwith its very d:


There Are Said 'to Be Health and Long
Lifo In Its Use.

A pound of honey will go as far
as a pound of butter, and if both ar-
ticles be of the best aa the hon-
ey will cost the less of the two.
Often a prime article of extracted
honey, equal to comb honey in evy-
ery respect except appearance, can
be obtained for half the price of but-
ter, or less. Butter is in its best
only when it 1s o~fresh,TT while hon-
ey, properly , kept, remains indefi-
nitely good"no need to hurry it out
of the way for fear it may become

Sugar is much used in hot drinks,
as in coffee and tea. The substitu-
tion of a mild flavored honey in such
use may be avery profitable thing
for the health. Indeed it would be
better for the health if the only hot
drinks were what is called in Ger-
many boney tea"a cup of hot wa-
ter with one or two tablespoonfuls
of extracted honey. The attainment
of great age has in somo cases been
attributed largely to the hitelong tse
of honey tea.

Many people think ohoney is hon-
ey,T ali just alike, but this isa great
mistake. Honey may be of good
heavy body, what beekeepers call
owell ripenedT and weighing some-
times 12 pounds to the gallon, or it
may be quite thin. It may also be
granulated or candied, more solid
than Jard. It may be almost as col-
orless as water, and it may be as
black as the darkest molasses. The
flavor of honey varies according to
the flower from which itis obtained,

It would be impossible to describe in

words the flavors ef the different
honeys. The different flavors in
honey are as distinct as the odors 11
flowers. Among the lighter colored
honeys we white clover, inden (or
basswood), suse, sweet Clover, alfa
fa, Willow herb, ete., and among the
darker are found heartsease, may
nolia (or poplar), horsemint, ~kk
Wheat, ete.

Tastes differ as to honey as in all
other things. White clover
generally preferred to buckwheat,



ik color and strong




How dewelers Cleverly Paint and Join
Broken Jewels.

It seems truly like painting the
lily and gilding refined gold to at-
tempt to embellish and increase the
and beauty of the precious
stones"diamonds, rubies, emeralds
and sapphires"which have taken
nature centuries of labor to perfect
in their pristine charm. So fastidi-
ous, however, has man become that
he is no longer satisfied with the
delicate shades and hues inthe gems
of natureTs own making, and he
must improve upon them and adapt
them to prevailing tastes and fish-

A process frequently used to im
prove the appearance of precious
stones that are faulty, dull or of an
ordinary hue is that of burning,
Blemishes are removed by this proc-
ess, or the color and hrilliance of the
stone are enhanced. Ve ry often the
color of the gem is entirely changed.

Even the delicate turquoise must
occasionally resign itself toartiticial
embellishment. Many sensitive tur-
quoises become bleached and taded
from exposure to the sunhght. Am
monia and fatty substances are ap-
plied to restore the original blue col-
or, but such treatment does not ac-
complish lasting results. By anoth-
cr process the faded turquoise is im-
pregnated with prussian blue. ~The
pigment does not penetrate very
deeply, however, and may easily be
gC raped 0 ff with a knife. Such arti-
ficial coloring is casily discernible by
which transforms the
into an unsightly


delicate shade

Artificial methods are adopted also
torender gems colorless, The yellow
tinge of Cape Miamonds obscures
their Juster and cheapens their val-
ue, It is therefore found profitable
them of the vhs etionable
tint, and the method is very simyple
The yellow diamond is placed in a
violet colored Chemical liquid) and
after being dried is found covered
With a very thin scale of the violet

Highly ingenious

and dec ptive 1s |

DAILy No. 61"Passenger---Leave} ly marked flavor, that buckwheat the art of JOBS precious rons
XC] Pern ae 11 Ipper and under Jayers are fre-
ah en o ae ume Tacks honey always rules lower in price | Upper and under layer re
] t le O,92 a This yarn | . . . 7 » v fastener 1 yactil J this
ee hi 7 tra n| than white clover, yet there are! qu ntly fastened with ne tic in thus
~ youu ~ 7: ~ aitliitos CUCL. ~ 1 # i! , \ ~ +( Ge AVEerIV ] ».
° FROMTHE Soren ee | some Who pret r buekwheat to any | fash n,and so clever o) ts ers
j . oik wa. . . i reve a Ger 2) way LY IVE ve) iar
WAGs | other honey. aan what fortunate. ;C@lve even the experienced eye.
JATILY INO. )4"Passe nger "Leaye | ly Yoined stones are quite Commo! }, for
W105 P.M. Tamp 8.00 am, Sonford 1! 50} 2? one generally preters the honey |
~ oY ~ e OOP TOL! et o" + . | » eT . 3 ( fy) ~oO
pm, Jacksonville 635 9 pm to which he ds most accustomed, A jin lee oee . rn hirgt
ey T ; . solitaire diamot * ( ry gem Is |
Savanna 12.50 night, Charles. | Califormian thinks nothing equals | solit ure diamond or other g¢
ton Ael am.Columbia 5.50 White sage, while a Pennsylvanian | far more costly than two smidi
am. Aflanta sS.20) ; geo | oe Has . : aad 1 OUCS
i 30 am nian rust amy macon thinks White clover far ahead | � ee
oT AM, AUDUSTA ofl) yn, 1 +) " | Che ar aa I o'? os Carrie
Genmark 4.55 pm. Som a In these days of prevail adult) 40" tu en ve Mig Ar eal mc
15 pT OMT] sation. when so often othins to the extent of making false doub
AD am, Florence $5 am. teration, When so oftei (hiles 1: i] c
Marion 9.35 amy, Chadbourn ; Hot M hat they seem," it is aee: Tete, which SS VSB Leh Manta
toe am, Lake Waceamaw) fort to know that when one lu tured at sheht cost when inierior
~£57 am { , st ( ye T } 5 4) 7G) wy
Trair Stent ty 7 lcomb honey he may know with: | Stones or Mtallon Ones ees ds
ee ection? Meek Braneh aoad | out question he is getting the pome doublets are colpaoscd of an
gives Weldon 3.55 pn. 3 Halifex 4.7) | 08 Mesto pettus the! .
PEREON G29 De Mes PATHE Ag Hy Stories | Upper portion of colorless glass 61
»?. M., Arrives re itland Neck at 5.20 p| CenuUuiie ariicie. Li Rll SLOPIOS | a ; ; i
m., Greenville 6.57 p,m., Kinston 7.55) scen trom time to time in the Blouutarn en stall and an under por. |
pm. Returning, leaves Kington 7.50 papers about artical combs bene ition of colored glass. Tire latter lin
&.m., Greenville 3.52 2. m. Arriving HI Te with elucose and deftly st aloud oparts its hue to the former The et |
Mali xatdledS a.m. Wet eet a ae IIIA UIE bed
daily oxre TS a.m., Weldon 71,33 am ~op with a hot ir Wawel on 1. feet is also cbtained by placme
aly oxeent Suiday. rover With a hot Ion Nave Not the .
rae Je n ' ee iy Yraer tty ~ Ye an ny
slichtest foundation in faet. Mon layer of coloring inatte between
Vout Sok - +} 7 , ry T \} nie wi PIC) 1] Aj ~ 1° or roy ey nt
ee Vashhigton Branch leave} yours there has been astancding of ) WO © farless porUodis, or Using abn
Viog + ey. . a : i . 1 nt vo ¥F yr gitey a ) evorberty
eee eon ~ ae m., and 2.20 P.M) for by Gne whose financial respons of teat metal or tinted gelatin,
~rives Parmele 0.104. mo, and 4.00 944 9-,0 ogy PVhore are also hollow doublets
i, or} TO Q 4 y A, m., returninglerve ! | a | it pues tic med of ap Ht (3010) lor} : . i . T
Sf . . } q r reste yer ~yes 1) *� J {
varboro 3.30 p.m., Parmele 0.35 a, m, | tS!) opmtile feomb bone prado tl! Ok an ioaorelk ve
aN . y ye } . - / 8,7 } { 417 )) ot di cdl daenaiid
h , 6.20 D. m,, arrives Washington; w ithe Gut the intervention of bees, | Ee eee |
2a. me. : ft 7.20 ~ a 1 4: : i shy ! ral i 1¢' iyi} le* |
MMe. ane e220 Ge om. Daily ex-| dhe offer romeins untaken and w te i) PRdeers eee
nt Sunday. Conneets with trains on | rqjewele 1 the die at |
ceotland Neek Branch | 1% hably remam so, for the bighe me
ey . rr piste s. Where the setting ds tot an |
part of man can never Compass suede | a oad
Train leaves warooru, N ©, via Al! ea delicate w rkmunushipas the skill of }ORO O8e a ne HV TOS GS BE ROTC |
wmatle + Raleigh RR. daily except San | the hee accomplishes. bivar metal, opportunity ds given fox,
ay, 4655). m, Sunday 105 P.M: . 4 lgnany shrewd devices to enhance the
rive Plymouth 7.40 5 £., 6.0) p, ~| With extracted honey the ease is) ty ihe eee
. Le ) Peet re �,� = . fy A RE eat ti rewel. Con i {
teturoing igaves Plymou thdaily eyeoy | difterent. When you see in the gro.) {els | a . 4] . oe |
ryyys Mees (UTS my ane ~+ }
Sundgy, 7.50 a, m., Sunday 9.00 a ue, (cery a tumbler of quid honey with |o ns a
' c POY 7 4 t t4 t Vif) rea? |
strive Tarboro 10.06 um and 11.00 [2 small piece of Comb boney in thie pigment . CH OF BUNCE TONS |
; ae] attr « fy, dnd mia In Colnmonly applicd to |
eenter, VOU MAY He PRELLTY SuUTe Thre a |
Train on Midland N.C. braneh leaves, a ee | ome the surface of the metal set |
wolehoro daily, except Sividay, 7.1) a! hquid honey 1s not honey at all, but! |
0G 7 5 * a) a , } ~ j w ref ? a . "
mM. ariving Snaithtield $8.30 a, in. Re-| pure glucose, Uf uot familiar enough ue | uo 7 yu |
mrning leaves Smithfield 9 0U al m., are) with honey to detect it by taste, , © oe pu OE CIN Ge ad
Eves at Groldsbors ) ~ . . ; 10 H SOS TW NVec1ok ere Pdi
1 isbors 10,23 a, Mm. , your only Sage Course is to buy ol nents _ : ~ ' |
5 : . } i sie rig? " } Mi tf {
Wrains on Tatta brane), Florence i! the producer direct or of some one ii oa a | |
; A Ty 5 OPreihce Y ! : ; j . ; + ere! t rio of thy T : hj ei '
&., leave Lactx 6.40 pm, aarive Dunbar | who knows a tolts source and upon | - | UNE TA ATO
23) p m, Clio &.05 pm. Returnin »| Whose honesty you can rely. Loo 7 the Chapin Tah
7a (1 s« ~ 7 , Hh ve Treqientins ]
bra i mM, ye fo a om, Aside from its useinan unchanged Ev n more frequently thin bits |
atta 7.00 am, daily except Sun- ; » Gold, silverecevper or zie tow, ve
day , y except Sun state as a direct accompaniment of HUT Raby | 7
: ) : : weeneeeen t ej i i] i) ~
bread or biscuit, honey is used by 7 Unley NS | |
nn epeath the r
Jraln on Clinton Branch jeayes Wai-, bakers inmanufacturing their choice. 7" ae | .
, 5 , »hriudant Wad. di i Lh
112) 0 ofatten cally, except Suuday, | est wafers. An advantage of using MO! a ul . ) ; oe
ane In . 7 ; . 7 COl New ~ kf otaimercial
ives Cinton at7.00; 2 ny a Ling | honey for any thing in the line of ©0173 T a |
é ~ ane ee . i ; a
tM. | cake isin its keeping qualities. Even |
Give Tim a Chance,

Train No. 78 makes close
at Weldon forall points daily, all rail via
Richmone, also at Ro. ky Mount with |
Norfolk and CarolinaR R for Noniolk | |
Ene all points North via Norfolk.)

GenT) Pass, Agent

K MGS! INyieati2 Manay ~-;
. LH NL lant Manager


A handsomely illustrated book o
200 pages descriptive of Texas anc
the resources of that great ~tat
Will be mailed to any adéress oe
receipt of eight cents to cover posi-
ge. D. J. PRICE
G,P.& T. A. 1 & GN... a.
East ~Texas lands are attracting
considerable fattention.g Mention

eri ev

this paper, "

eT '

col nnectiont if the cake should become dry, close |

it up ina bread can fora time, and |

its freshuess will return."Bee Cul.
A Medieval Bill of Fare.

An old chronicle preserves a bill

fare fora council dinner in the
year 1592. For the first course there
were capons, steamed beet and old
hens, black game, prepared with vin
egar; second course, steamed carp
served with spiced sauce, sauerkraut


with mutton and pastry; third
course, roast veal, birds, fried. fish,
cheese, fruit, nuts, chestputs and

waters. The wine and gaine were
furnished by the court. The host re-
ceived 15 farthings from each per-
son,"'~~Stuttgart,TT by Elise J. Al-
len, in HarperTg Magazine.

yr 4 , rye ] , ae
A Way reddhad i DLV: Cll Teihill

thit eUrLy 1) Vel ae {

Where die was Joecnted there resided
an eidcrly physiclan who was als |
Ways 1 addy tO pive him wholesome |
advice. One mormuing the young!
practitioner was called to visit a
man Who was very sick, On his

way he happened to meet Tis old
friend, the ductor, and, as usual, he
had something
He drew it cut so long, however,
that the younger man grew impa
tient and finally said; oDoctor, you
will Wave to-excusdme. I am on my
way to visit a gentleman who
said to be dangerously ill.T
oOh,� was the unexpected reply,
ogive the man a chance,T and the
old fellow resumed the subject he
was discussing.-"-Chicago News.


of Importance to say, |

| ¢



oeset What Is It
Gage 2 at Is a

"_ It isa picture ot tae celebrated


Best in use The outfit ot no business man ig
complete without one.

The Reflector Book Store

has a nice ass~ i ment ot thcse Fountain Pens
also a beautifu: lie of Pearl Handle Gold Pens
You will be astc:.;shed when you see them and
varnhow veryc! cap they are.


eee ee feReeR

You may never,
But should you ever*@==-




Want Job Printing

"e- Come to see us. =


* e

Anything from a%@== ~**-

Wisitins: CAYr a

conan ~| *( )

= ca


1241 sinheet


nero wr

et ee EY ETE ace 7° 2 ere we) we ee ek SORTS LY AR. OUT E: ae ee

~ne Daily Reflector

Gives the home news
every aiternoon at the
small price of 25 cents
month. Are you a sub-
senber If not you
ought to be.

The Eastern Reflector


Is only $l a year. I
contains the news every
week, and gives informa-
tion to the farmers, es-
pecially those growin
tobacco, that is wort
many times more than

the | subseription price,�
: ?

r eee ~


be een ees em oe veo ct nientaeanntsiie miata ttle NTL ACCC OT AAA! AA
soa castors seftminieereinemera"iesttoneingaanttt scspeucelineipninsnerinsinertare siriart ate a _

"t caer eereeeconenenineannrennsiener

Te ras - re aa wEWws COME INTO COURT R. L. oDAVIS, PresT t.

DALLY REFLECTOR, oe R. A. TYSON, Vice-Pres. J. L. LITTLE, CashTer!

_ REORGANIZED JUNE tsth, 1896.
~~ , "| | These People Called Court at-The


a re | ~The Reflector Gives What You Are . . : ; . T
JUNTCG ATS ADVERTISING. Looking kor oe NadleiaM : The Bank of G r �,� nville,
__ " . GREENVILLE, N. C. .

" Donnell Gilliam, et Tarbore, is here
Good Farm Lots to rent, apply to Atjthe Close cf Business*Dec, 15th,71897.
at court.

\Hinoe Brag . @

Creates many 2 new business. [eats . a oe , ;
Jolin H, Small, of W ashington, IS} Juoans and DiscountsT $42,904.84° Capital stock paid in 9
Over Drafts 1'650.67$ Undivided Profits $23,000.08
ie Dratis Stock 7 es 17$ Undivided Profits 3,797.27
_« | ~ ~ | ae 1 ¢ SLOCKh UO 00
tp business, cheap at S. M, Schultz. . . | Peni a vcs Deposits subject to Check 3,291.8
Preserves many & large UEIDOSE I ~ Re.. C.J. Woodson. of Gatesville, is Due from coe a) Due to Banks . 105,251.89
: tar none , oo, . , . & ourniture and Fixtures 15.2: . y a
Revives manv 6-dull business, | ~The colder weather this morning | in town today. Current ext id Elzture ] eos Cashiers Checks outst: inding 867.08
| g : urrent expenses 2,136.57 3 Time Certificates of De
Cash Items 7.8357.5 : eposit 960 LO

Enlargos many an ald business, | (Cotton eed Meal and Seed Oats, hers at court

Resenes many alost | usiness, ~was an acreeable change, ee
o T © | J. R. Liliery, of Tillery, spent Thurs: | Gag) | shoe nm
| : Cash on hance 30,455.77 Total 99-170


a ee ee ee

. t ify La t Q] ES, | ~ 1 T \ :
Saves many A failing ba: Ine |: resh Country putter every day nt ; day niglit here. =
Total s1U2,118.61


We study caretuliy the separate | ecds of our patrons, and shall be glad to have
Thursday weht here. | your secount, promising every aceo:nmodation consistent with good banking

" rare ema yang aan tae anette pnanerenrenesamansaae,


TRAIN AND BCAT SCHEDULES: ~Phone 1d. -{ Thursday right in town.
{ oe :
a | ~The first shad of the : Miss Jul'a Hussey, of Tarboro, is] |
LG Si shad o. the season Was 10 Hiss Juba Hussey, ol arbord, IS) The ~lanace 43
attend eon View [ec ee | The John Managan Bugey Comte
tea oy a arket teaay. It was om up on Ung Mass Dessie darvis, | panyTs New Factory Ready Lut
T ¢ % ue COOlD ; 7
6 eceycear ee mati (Vi in $ Jtli ye fb . 7 . : an . t Jag] i) ~tr
I \ 2 ¢ - - - a feamer from W: Ais shingt ne Bruce Suge, wio has been sick tor | tO begin Work
nerth.arvives S:02 A. M. Going; . a
dV to be out. | |

6657 P.M. ' Phemerchant who, for the sake of nearly a month, 1s abe
ri ry
ar Ur fll


Secnres success to any 2S71DESS imwoos iry hone 1¢ ~ fo oy . : 7
secures { Elmwood Dairy, Phone 14, J. M. Edwards, of Wilson, spent!

eee RN A Rich Cream in any quantity on}

| iand at any time. Elmwood Dairy| T. S. Jones, of Weldon, spent


th. arrives : 4
south. arr 6A hard worktne mu canTt be

ec nomy would refuse te light up his W. 5. Rodman, of Weshingtor, whol, _
. : idowaned

hes been hese at count, returned home; j.....

. | ~Phis is the remuck inide tothe ear


~ Dani Ye nroht RYTTVES co f T . :
North Pound Preioht, arrives: store alter aurk is ona par with one

hea AT Ingarag war { ; YF lv Fae } 4) a5 ~
9. 0 A. M eas 10:1 } A. athe who forthe same reason refuses fo today, | .
lorie ¢ ioygas u om | ae | ~ y
] * ry jrer ¢f Cte RierLes LOR by Mv hk
| 7 1 : eddyvertice fis Wares... rhiters Ink, VJ \ io EY | oO . | . Os , } /
Santi Pond fFeretohf, Arrives Miss Joanie biardrie, oF tery Yop . st a Pi
South } : a ni (Pur, Or CHLOPVELe. | Cry Pho, Wanaver of the John HY pagan o pone No. 10.
9 DM Vnanvag 151M f Vo dinct Dy a po ey } TY ms TOT o Sate the fariile bp RX . .
oA0 k » We PRAVOS Let , Or ii pest foutter vet tue veo ri\ | th til Hes to Visit Hee Wiha UIT O., OU Ele tierhiing ot Dur
. ; * . nantes 1, 35 ~ a 1g ma) . . at hays iy, ; ~ ye . . ,
ry TH. . Peon | ,OUG Phe oy sie Crensbaw at! Lis) I ETS ~~ VEL dacu. ihe wishe Defore, the east.
Steamer tar River ° WE y ERA sy oe | i .
Mh irnowoed Walr »�, pant. . svi ti , Wii | 4 bvsieniat of Hannanoroniner Tpenall Tneeionn allel se
r . aX a tt U om ae cio |) CBRE AORFALL og aut? Lits CT VOUT { | . Wi hidhes af F \j Mest 1 if ~ sands COMP Ray Bad b Ch acest
Washing on Monday. pi Nerece yy 7 } ] ! ~ Hithade: fda JM. aD | CluUrn oe . i J ~
a Plo re ff a Phareday A / yt ef r fies aaytailiyer op) lo af
: Wetliw Isavoc far oi aspitie- a "" ed Lhursday CVCTHEnY T. 0th Osford, i °° J ° ftedidiee ak gers OF
and rie mye, (BAVEL TE I 1 ¥ T i nv
; . ion loyartigagys ft ~ j ' hie foaeaed . + atUOyV hhh Dats ery ve Sueno .
Mooadanw Mhureday am ped WPogas RPpopae aes ; ! mere They bea gen atlenalng the es 2 BRONTE Ge est
ton bauesaey. cin Ci - Der Reriecrorn returns thanks tor, : , ae ~
ol . ] 1 R ty i orrand Lodve oO] NMa- dhs, fsbadO el ith Hic i Cha i) y ida
Maas. Hie \ | LeCOTU TOP COPY OF be ;
a Cilt biti yet ti] ; SCNT big
1) ~ fo, , . 7% | | b o i i }
cose 4 ui Q i] Phi for | ~I \, if Ix i st e a. pour tadh, OPOPALZer al | Hoty. |
i 9 qe ert ~ febor dts th Cit Tait {
141: I diow ; } ; , 2 i
Very rie ful pn MICRON ontalpy oy Getane nt Reanket tho Kni hts of Py- 1: . 7
1: x 3 lei , ora disaster that pe wil not be down
"Pe thie arr mate pe nasty, VEO rc atisdes Cl fuck vaine. fColas, Was Geer frere Cais Week. Odarie |
7 i . } it Wits tue pyorgnimT afte thay { nf aie ane o4° a ge cee ge
nn ethene ater the we) UNDERTAKER
1s . li.g . | ' { ad
the COM hos 1 Pia | a numbel oft tie mbeHEbol � at iqit hh) Longe at ; pp , | a ay wl Se dn. Da 4 3
: ee lh LEE A AE SE, . Coat adi ty i. 1,4 ie 1 rot ! { lh re
| iat thi. plac Puta aQppiucathon tor Nice Nt, | rit f . r .
Mr. J P Elliott Dead beac? OMT. rece TO ftearik eOni thie oF ih ag ~
aT EI IEEE CO | . Psurance ti the rank. T i o4
- | i } : : His pudios for the Tu i] fe tse mat } bs
His meny friends a Greenville _ _ ttl o8
. * ; A conn oamine ee Se OAL Geman oer Pot the above qaotauon und tol |
Wreooat yw i aytlerin recrent very much to dearn of the | . | TWRATWR
wy . ~ - - Whee ! ae i r * +4 ty 5 s% Peegi ye , t., wn rill df al } ~ id 5, i-4 RS
death { Vi Tesen] Pp ~Tora if Mileage ana 3 aliuation ol} Qur Rati- Hume atiés steps Would be tukci oO Pus | ad ACE, 23 L ha ivt via Wy Med ®
{gc elt di Ca aval. a US pul Ielaotr ( \
titan 1: roads build ta lant, that ib weed bo lavser
~" Baltimore, whieh occurred about moen : | " - {)
oleae atte 14 , | The pegart at the 3 7 J) ud av thamevor, ane omy ao stone ~ 7
todey after abrief illiess with pneumo~ Phe report of tu railway COUMQISS GE | ~
yy . ' fant } : ~ , ; ' canoatifanea spy pot] . 1 | KT, Y
top foppei md Sa btrcay . T , ieolroywe 7 thy 7 rotie (1 ] plea Pit oilat rehigyer | Gta e ys Wolild | Ve VVe WS b reese vi 1 &
I aur tod . , | . atu ay . Rid, are Wes th Wem pe: ot the fim, SHOWS That fate eutlal Lie (rust haghe has | I i JERE UM { 2 vurides i , CO 0 MS AN 6 f Ve d a OG.
i _ . . : { ; , : haaran onrt t nireaat 1,
ue } .t : . 7 loprea feom t! (,s � hnearse oh re | v has 1g ty iD a ?
ot ON t Bros ; " ho have laree real | 1729 Wille S 1 NOrth Merger Bas V2_UeB ' vyse@ Gro dl wad Las~ {¢ Le ? Cc bat: 7) iw of ve
(eee nrre HS Seer cenenr . a : eee | = tr bob Creeue is always a busy, hucte | 288 Sad Ceskets, in wood, metaT.
estate ferorts 7H lie fown | 1 RANT hasty io JOE : vatue re) rollinT stock | i J APOC ME Ts hiv by soe MUN, oe Oe 1: . Ay.
\ Vth 1 tos LOWER ana CUn" | 4 4 i t i . fic and eloth ever brought ta
a ogeryy ¢ 48 | t yryte | Qe) } . elope . bar OV.) 7 | i 441} a ~oO Hii LEV fips by T ~ .
ct roo pa Gy FAY iy. Mr. féthott was an excellent man So26 COI, other peOperty SEQ? OO. Hig man, vul Wot Cat | by lo Lilt: iif (treeny iia,
aa . \ . ryse ~ | : 2. ¢ i
13 : lia corr 3} lyoserorret 14 : 1 oy a Sant 1 Age Panny } ind : ft dbs surpassed CVO. i183 tOpmer seu r . ;
ta os . oey er OAIET nl Wand ereat'y liked by everyone. | Phe Seabourt Air Line has 6700 miles, | hn l Her sells Wy aya orann.ad = £9 -mbalme
GR ES TTANTE mets Cb SON | : aaa ie . Nay : : ' ; at 1 . ° 4,2 A
: soe ee ratue ~sy hy Wee poh I} ff {er renee rs, MOVING Fal Lae wie ye) fas ein a} bes mye ens
a +4 . ar . Vilitié SOAP! yi} * POLLEN & | i [e ciladibtig GON clal baa elibltT, A hei s 33 f 2 1E8 £5 te
IC for C hy hoy od ever sid id fo7 in of acne sree, senna, -tenn a ok ; POLL | ) LMG | 4 bar TLS :
Malaria. leas simpy fren ened Qhiptsgyy PUM dtr, other prop ty SPLOs ; Ti | tol allowed a Wchlent ys lost on | Por onal atiantic viV ~» nn
inatasteless fom, Ch? tree dove yf Heit wasnTt for the weather a creat: hand \s soon ee duimbor evald oe wvenmen even to_2on
Adults prefer if to bitter, naisenting), Tes! 1] j Hen OU ronds hha we pe MME, Vat ~ - ~ tethog@ Pa Oras a rl bodie: en=
rw ~ " : . . PEt pre yyy Cys reg Wort {Pave no Eexeuse Pp A Wives ~ : ; . ; : ro ; "hears ce 7 . Law esi ft} ;
Ponies. Tries Ase, yes fon peo Qos 407, rolline stock rade Secu wis Cleared. OF Guatis TYG sted to onr care will recelve
remaining in the business ; 7 1 ' cal VEYV ae r
; , : Jother property 3160,000, Tre Sough (and busy hands sef to work of a tes avery mars of respes
WEN eR ORR POR Qu erp eee SN Go a . j | . ~ .
" . �"� " o" Ss GA SATS SRLS a al eT rte a � . { . , } . { ne ean ho, aA WAY ay a . #tyy } . . anvaar - 7 ; oor
itll teeth hdmi pCrn rmalwayv fias £.100 mutes, valle o.- Dail. ch inaost ibae WiniC willis wOUse | Onyx pyrjesas are tower than aver,
. Cy ! y
' ' ; - , i j : a nee Va don not want wala tetany se
OOP. MAAAL AA id Ad A GG].000. palfere stock os lle 0d, | fous of SUUDE, and today, tess tira ¥ © do not W4ul mo wpOly be
7 * ey, Tadd & , ay re f' A Ay ny f | * } - " fee 9 a » Aw os { o aS
- et� tvs tee | a MABAAD ay Ps ean fon) a HA BABA AR A NARADA AAA | 7 iv 1 vty Py) | oT nth ae Hua fi aay a auvite BOE sti ti 1Oh.
: & Lz ) iit . yea (PE ws ya FH. H . ) galt Ai TPGibs Uakt t 5 4 clay ~ a T fe Oa c * ri
a ohy pee cs \ ; , We eau be fjand ..t way and &
~ ty Nino See Mronvieut a f Ld 4,
.) | tale AE. taPeene slabed tlie TheOW . . v1
ca 7 & 7 us | , | times in tho Jolin Flanagan
, a: , j wes pire mena ds 028 woe | eg sty. beget ya cd Vyapeiare co Bu . oy4s
we Gla ia any 4 bg | ferry to muer larrer and bate that) Bugey CoTs building.
| (og ) | i + f 7 os : T '
rund f he # 4 1 I(t f 2 Lan t . f° ,'F { ry sepa Atty { T * j yiy 2 Vep Teyest Poys she dive th es! 1, | " go ce dies _* oy .
¥ i a 4 ~ AQT lhivens of Greenville i ft. it pty Hib bee PR Bs tan Beat svt aad Be = Vp TAT Tt OP Gy
i i 4 uk anh. 1 ) | Tore & 5 Oo] NViil itt . Crs Gane ere: ny AZ C a
& i ik ~i 4 Bf : i , i } } ' | foadpra) t top dis DUsbiicss Hed de sSaves-al
¢ sf i ay t ety i if ye j AAS There See E {} to be oa ny} andle = om tdadl al eish tae , .
ay % & oh REAPER Ee UE? f } | 7 . ot -_|[_~-- nena err neem

; ot gay te | ; | + j | |
a we A OST Ter Py -_ VTS ad o | ofan 2 lin ~ry A | hye ! ~ | eos ~ biden \t ve r/
tty fA Som Se FF GE be " TT 3" yo: Pentercunbrent das. went) Wien if Webs ~ ~ %.
( WCRI OO WEL wd Uh ® 2» | " . | 7 | _
| } ¢] } ut f T s ae
bs jnotover, and 1 t silenion ol Pit Phere is 7,000] =
« ow 2 { } _
~ & i~ | rf lieet vio ns are! nys: x
brs noe , . ' }*} } ta { } i pay
Re 8 a4 j ¥ af Hh ck fi d . Pa 54 j every { Poet in ol i apy pve one
+ at Ow if Su fa 8 4 ig { % eae *
et ( j ae new i 4 i? | ~ te ye ivy 4] 1 { " I \ vow ~| en) Fis
an a tw ia \ t RR : Crhcssee) was 3 | Vee Ogee yh \ .
SHUR RRRE Cd NG ait ies | : | =
f ry aE Bok bade : Aa S| Dia thi ¢ ! { te id \) liv | t | we
8 Be is eee MF Ey f ip { POPE OL set Paine FO tain the ~ c { . sy oT
Ji Boo AS b \ phe : "i is a aN 4 ¥ i | ] 1 ¥ | | i a) ab
FE -i VIR AS Ipeople for this cou | to | : bos | _ *
7: \ i . T o) hi
{ . i. i ~ 1 ¥ .
i , . ih hi 1 OL l ] thiti \ yet by? | 4
i Ap Ut fi ti ; \ li ria itp 9
ao ~ d
( } pr lf reclliis Willy a ) oh} a i . |
( t { i PPriee CO rr | t . so ( facet '
| thoy) S . | a |
| } Wy aii nil Ovisthh POULIN i . - A ii abi ~ s Xu Veet aa
5 i ' i f | . ae | ane Hl \ » an ta} T
janet o ~ oe Pborreov, G@esie fo teuank Vou ror yours « bOeHVile, Abi We COULTAUMLE Mia
itn 2 ; i }
ws Sde Prem wet cee wetland a Loyyys ; » 4 } | (yreene WoOk {iat si] o3 thacet ics |
7 Pap Ove a ligGw.g GEG Sibel remenpoor ZOU bXh. a) iT? i
wm | ~ i rk! wbedeva ~
jones = 4 a "Ta wes fo , ferowued his uacertibings
mecAD cahoe extttenn gat fualy clitta Spel Wi l i you, mad 1 j
as i | | |
yy ~? ; : | * thy, { i . i� } . { "" enero AG AERA �"�
j / / . +4 an j a7 pp T Lee vil sos Pl CALLEN t ris cl ~ ry, ~ft tilt ate a gnnannne a coe
Whi! OPES Filie' MUcCi rel@xed aD frying f4 C04 thre neonle the hest!* i Cladit tile Poit has Oi gel | ap i | }
ith F ) Bien oe ; ; ; } . ; ; "4g a : ; ved } . i mE . ~~ {
and ain } ) if } Pig de) ily Vel Tity mre 4 vig brag] ti .y09 Hy 479 7 fil . i corel \\, hye ~ Yorivy yo9\ SOLVE a | TO � bey fiT Tv � n) pra }
, ] y : 7 _ WG CEL Ci ff ~i Ll il i ¢ | . " a5 . aes : wos CO # At ~f \ why nde |
newed ef fe) fo make our store the Populi fape. pasa) wo dy y | Ar |
shu f - AC Utr oti CFE ] Peel Mare, GX Wl Lite started Lops VOU toa Duress, alll thaf ae ny |
} wz
out wri 4
hw kw tb * Shr y * ) 7 . ~uy a rs JW
kine | POVIGENEL May ble rol) You, As | hey porter d by j rie
lw nine

GILBERT WALDEN. | Cutton Buyers

""" " ANd """


Sider iCly, 1") whe GREESVILL E SU PPLY CO.,

Our stock in fine y NC ESTABLISHED 1575.
\\ ( i()] m j C ~ T ee Wholesale Groce) s
a EN I) IN Rh ») GOODS a 1 this I | " SA Mi. Mi SCH HULL LTZ

sr amet

1S not ©} i bur G but COM] T T aN A 1
4 CY ER PC sl HUERG NANY Sl tyle iS ul CON hy aOVernor D. L. Russel! was among], . a o a
aations thebere rreh in qu by super) i 1 vt ; =| (oitan sold in Greenviils, 3 3- 16 to 5-16,
me OEE PMY $1 erd in beauty and low ii 1 price, tie arrivals in the city ~Poesday morn- . 4
NEW yor"s. | "Deaier in

ing at 0:30 oTeTock by the Atlantic

' * - | e ;
onecial Sale Price tor January . : � " : } . : - Corton Opening Nooh, olose . .

J» ° Coact Line. He eame trem Raleigh vey a a Park. Niles, Caldas:

January O02 O00 wil \ :

mn by way of Goldsboro. When the |, 5 8, "
1.00 . . Maret deel 040 o4t3

" «©

AS nex i), ~4 ] 1 \
Soro Patterns Reduced to $7
)() Po eonduetor was passing through " the M sa a9 aay Farmers and Merenants buying tivete
oi. \ , + away | ickets Bay . " ~| yearTs supplies will find it tot ieir inter
: "{ ~hing tickets, he came across - _
itterns Re duc C cl to $0.00 train punching tickets, he came ACHOSs | Ase, 0.94 DOA 5.%3 | est to get our prices before purchasing
- ~elsewhere. Our stock is complete im,

the governor avd stopped to loox at his! CHICAGO.

6.00 Patterns Reduced to $5
) al N Reduce Us to qi 0) ),Q) () pass. W AEA f Opening. Noon, Close.

all. its branches.

onto eet,

| 86.00 Patterns Reduced to 84.75 Governor Russell, however, asked) Jaquary ol
' ) a . the conductor waat the tare was. May 902 905 90 Flour Sugar Coftee.
$0, 00) P; afterns Reduced to o , ( 3) oWhy,� you've got a pass, haven't Rips , Bar,

_ Always at lowest market prices


s4 HO Patterns Reduced to 3} )() you, governor?� said the " ticket) January
: | . puncher. May 472 470 y72| Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars,
z Veivets, Silks ; Laces and Braids to match and suit almost anything. Special oWell, yes,T Governor Russcll! Pork, : as we buy direct from maoutactucer

gale of Fine All Wool . | replied, but Vm tired of the d"n_ pass Janurry 930 9 hee e . :



BI } D BL business ?� May 9421 \
ANKETS. Governcr RusseliTs remark caused a} | / A complete stock of

$8.00 LAMB WOOL BLANKETS REDUCED TO..... _. _ | laugh all round, and whea the conduc- | .

$6.00 CALIEURNIA WOOL BLANKETS REDUCED TO......... 84. 75 | tor told him what the fere was, he FOR RENT. I; URNITU RE
AL ~URNA W eee ee gg ; , . SK a] : a pe , .

$4.00 us OOL BL ANKE I's REDUC ED TO. seieeececs 83 .00 jocularly asked if there was any excess On Dickerson Avenue, A nine-r00m atwigt ob band and ld a weed te

gals miss this rare opp rtenity. Your friends, Russel! is a large man and he was pantry, smoke house, wood house, sta and sold for CASH fherefore, h aving no
bles, barn, buggy house, two_ gardens, ! rise to run We sell at a close snargin.

having some fun ebout his own size. | and a good well of water. For terms
0. | He pard his face-"Wilmington Mes- {apply 9 bal He WEEP od S. M. SCHULTZ. |.
senger, | | | .

8 : . :
(9 ~ |

oI to
tom Me

Daily Reflector, January 14, 1898
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - January 14, 1898
January 14, 1898
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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