Daily Reflector, February 14, 1898

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9 . 7 �"� ee eee ;
uniieennen aN | oe
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Vol. 7. GREENVILLE, N. C.,. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1898. ; No 981
" ° Dee enn as eterna a . : es aomaneaie ~ - . @ .
Business Maxims. Another SurperannuateTs Plea, POINTED PARAGRAPHS. ; | " =
Sonatina **
An impatient clerk may undo half} Yes, place me with the worr-out} An easy lesson in bookkeeping" rene
his best work. 6 preacherg, donTt lend them. ste wece
23¢t me on the shelf to iest T, . : ed settee eee
Ore shelf of lass yearTs goods may Pa - ° - o tO TEEt; The hair on a horseTs neck is his oe aeehesnsorcese
~or this hectic flush at evening eo i
adda stale flavor to the store. o! bis Nine | Mane protection. | TASTER ee eee eee ees | ao
Brings a .aessage to my breast ane ~hs ne eee ween eee ceeeuccucn _
What your rivals do oyou should Meney is useful as a servent, but 4
. | felling of another conference rrannical a8 am: LO / i
rncw; not far comment, but for in- ~ tyrannical as a master. ( ; f . :
, In a land ot perfect Light. , . m
struction. ate Lazy men are dead to the world, but] s+++ ++ sree re reee rere ees a
; ra TN) wf ams Y OS p IE DIES ooeeneeneve ~
a citar, ke dl 7 Where*the worn-out"yes, the feeblest they remain unburied. Sono apes o
The business instizct, like the poets} Are all welcomed with celiehi. ; - | cece cece ee eeee . 4
gift, is partly bern; but diligent study . | Woman is the fairest creature on; ccc een eee, 4
5 the] ar j .
improves it. Where they find r burdens Lifced, | earth---also the unfairest- ooe cece
An advert ; t mad : As they cateh the P ud new sone, | You canTt judge a manTs character by aaa a 5 2s
n advertisement ig not made meTe- | ~Whers they oe: } ¢-eee ==
j bj It het Where they can preach and shout for- ; the high standing of his collar. o ey ee =
to say things. ought to convinces a | .
ay ; 7 ~] 7 ever, ; Whena wife makes pcor coffee her .
ie reader that they are true, NT: . Ahiteerobed conference | a
¢ A Mid that white-robed conference | husbard has cood rounds for divorce. We like to live at peace with all the world
To make your customer feel that he throng. | Noman would be willing toswearto| ANd free trom ~ entangling alli ances,� as
eo oe, o 1D aa « * * . ' Ser eee . ; ; . ; waa hen
has made 9 pleasant visit, as well as 8) Pop their paing and cares are oveT, -evervtbing he says during courtship. Father Georg e said. Neverthele ess, we :
* * . | mn . . . | ry * o . . hed a
~good trade, is a pay'ng investment, When they sce their MasterT3*aee, | Ube trouble mark-t is easy and it} consider it " business to sell a
. . vy o Lo alwave ha hawwawac a : a
DonTt think you have found it all| When He gives each preacher welcome, | can always be borrowed at Jow rates. 4
out in one year of experience, for some And assigns him to his place. | Ambiticn offen raises a man up fol | O10, r T
noe VC ~er thouebt of will oecur i the purpose of giving him a good hard avn! RL o4 4
hings you neve thought of will occu Yes. a place amone the worhweout | fai}] i giving him a Bo
{ : ; fal.
later, {for a little while at best, | 47
ra } ce VTS ra th. 9 er 7 Na Si
B os r but be not | Soon J xpect t fake a transfer | A eym weal baehe.or says tha. a wid- low c£nan anybod LY else, This makes a qi ulte a
Je reasonably cautious, buf be not) so expect to fase a tralistes Po . ape .)
. 7 fe) vou | To the conference of the Blest 'ow should be ether married, buried or) lot ~of Cc listurbance with the others, but as 4
overeautious wo omove ubti ~ 3 Phe Caonte7ence Q) It y1CS., | leva . ees . a
ncolately certain, is to dismiss all . shut up in a convent. | the public 1s on our side we are ready to
are avso O Cry ceTta *9 S wv Mas ao ae be fe WAS eeeet ( KE e's iF {? ola = ' ya] * et 3 +( )
| : It germs hard to see oneTs hie plans | Narure cannot jump trom winter ¢ ~o stand and fight it out. Here you will find 4
ro Rud ene's ndeat honyes decay ; ¢ a
pront. "" hh ; for de; { a pers 4 iV, summer witecut By spring, nov� sv miner not only ¢ Clot ale Dut ;
Some peopk sell well who can not | But to kaow that Ged 1s leauing ito winter without a fall. \ :
* co be aay » 1) (apa 67 avata) ~ay 1. vp hh i 1 o a
buy well, and vice versa. In a wise Urincs peace and comfort day by day. | Producers of poultry should refrai n| 4
partnership ihe two functions = ae) bad dreamed of years ot labor, from enumerating their javenile fowls |
. . j . . ee * | w
divided, ! Peavcd for seryice in the field ; luntil after the period of incubation has! | :
| TY i ' a
* 4 | 1,4 H 47 ~ 1 . . ! TYT +¥ at (ing eer eye NY UKE E j i
Do nut Vie ld to pec yishmess or sare | ut fie Masters yo.ce¢ recalled ne, | EXPITCG.""Ai HICAIO NCWS. | 4
casm over a customers erificism.| +} ul to This will P gladly yield. i : a | 4
r . +} aeaNnter my ay logdi. ro , | } ee . j 4
Your side cf the counter must be dedi-| [ had thought to die im harncss | JUST FOR FUN | a
cated te politences. | In the thiekest of the strife | a | 7
1 res ¢ + ! ¥ ¥ a | 24
It used to be said: oOf all ships : Would surely be the sweetest closing | Somewnat springee« | 4
a ay 7 re t 1 ? { , | a
avoid pertrership.� Bat that depends} Of a tant! oreacherTs Tit . The Froetawn Kid want: ow if! Z
}e * Ae | | oys Ww : :
on your own pecular cents, and youl Pu I tind 7 ; Lovelit e chaneing, i boneset tea is J broken ») | 8 Ol ne & at t i
selection of a partner. | § tha checows neater polls� ' oo Vv Wmon 4
; oe - aa ma ve"KV PEM, TQS OMe a Teva fi zy
A cle o| ry ho [oes 1h { ky OW from | i rt Vas ~ | sont v T Af 1 . S ! | an 4
day to Gay jus! how his business ; | ~I [Is ~ rf ~ vil Vy aT q: Wy 9 | ea . y 3 7
: ~ .- | , ji ~
oERNE tS oJRe i copia ho ts Jonorane | ; } a
i | lt So give | P a as vo, Maud, denr, we do not know) 9 fs
Of navigaui9en Wee A Vesst. tv | ; : i .
of a UVF A , } | } { i \ * VI { cur cor eval ine v tt | ! ch | 4
Pome was Hof bt g HOE | . | .
Wy One, Uiliess 1 be CNY in a Wills | : :
potel. :
ICT, Uo 6 J J | oa Nene song _
| nee Cen 4 ~ , 7
low Leern to 14 i t » | IX ' ~ Ld mit f t } i inye | .
| | | oo aie lis anitit f mother tone! SC SAAWAAA
Well t i } \ an i a | ss
; ito many ¢ C pee] re) ae VE nthy sad new Uncle Sami ae Ag
Pie colloqueat cavertiser | a ~ aon ee:
. iifs it] wy: t known aad a" �,� 14 iil : we \ kia | bat
read rfecl that he is Hersui iy N= | : Bo . . es i Fe ~4
1 sot med Co omnlty Lloved fk: {twas written by dvev. dg.) Balen, an aes
HOE "bid, FO Tike { ne ¢ aa i hashiam | } 1p. ute Fectow
aressced, aHhG@ NOt (Gh t S tre MJ + iy bing Lover \ } |, b {¢ re ~ 2 ¢ Ww | % fitecory SS i f
tude brisk tolk is theresore |" oo hoses - | Hoax"ST hear your friend Itillem) aC 9 �"�
ne | ¢@ bets death and published ip the Christian | I naw t oe al SANE PHD :
% 42 nf {{ GUC Saba t ~ rl 1 ! . rmot y dit til UniTV LOW] ¥ vu
� . " | , : { Le j { } ee tu } t i ¥ 4� i . | ag aK
i ( ~ i! ey S| Rus (Oi ( towhT- leo aC PB Apis ven ere , fs
not av A i u \ Fi j 2 o 1! ty OT w 1 ~] : EY EVES ( } . is
alline the very best ec ds ever known | * ' 3 oy 4 , | , a a im. BS GF 2 1 R yy
8° Hl bas ban Ve o eCat nee vit hey DO CE Cck ed vy tint Y¢ at tite | ¢hi ) 1 tte, ou " rs f7 | ac ft ie ie ae ; Pd
tt] y lowest prices ever ellerec., are vie eee ao Sr AS te 2 ac mlramac
we very PWeEL PRICES Ces - Mae . oa sation } if | . ~ ne | fe ty eas i if % » oe a ve
: _ it is better t ere yek, CONSUINpHION, , Te ML only physician, drugeist end undertaker | 40 fy Ny vat ei y: ACTS nd | Uo.
ans 7 *e 1% 1 ; et er . : . ie ~ U . a me : de We pa a ne Oh ys,
Perhaps you are, but it is peller 00) ontiment of hig verss express What }in que nlsee.� | eae is al 4 i Ly ~
+7) zi 5 VWeoT Wr hable | . ; 7 . LY 7" DS 3 eI 4 uy t - 44
make your claims seem more provavie. | fiis hepes in labor ! ad been, yet shown | x Portion Ip
/ oe . a 7 oe oo New) a) wwe f think ta naleo a vata ~ det See i ! asd 2
The two wost sce: sstul men oO be Ae et resignation (0 fe wil ol ine | New Pop [think Til make a con | oa a
; boy | luced Tlic entmy hag cone to that | @ector of my baby when he grows tp.� | 4g
; Dusiness tus COUnLTY as pre PUCEC piaste. Lals Spirit as cor uy Cake tah owe . nes . ge ai ; ; | Pe
| , : at Krend"oShows a venias im that direc- | ge

~ ' , avlias he Rae
never made their plans public, To conference of the blest which the poem

opy . ae tion, does he ?TT?: Newpop "* Yes ; since | 3
teli your plans in advance will either 'so beautifully pictures, and-there he ean . . vewpop . 7 | Fe
iis virth he has contracted ail kinds of | Se
let others get aliend of yuu, oF Mane | praise his Savior more perfectly than | ° Wien | o contracted a Nn |
oo . ' ,.� | things, princivally colds, coup, indiges- | 3
the plans worthless. ever if he ied been spared te a long
: ° tio Mn and the like �?
life ot service here, " ReFLECTor.


Mark ~iwain says you may put all

your epgs in one bas sket, in sp'te ot the ""



provers ; but oyou musi watch that R. L, Humber bas recent'y been Mrs. J. S Tunstall & Ce., have 7] . & 6
basket.� This means, whether there | making improvements bout the work moved their stocT of millinery ~¢o the H |

is ore basket or more than cne, that rooms of his machine shops, new store next co Brown and Looker

caretul watching 1s imdis spensible {0 AMZ are Eam i SWORN t if

successful business.
_~J.8. in PrinterTs Ink.

"~ Week to our Immense stock of thew

Library Festival s TONNE {hy \

A POWAY, Way AOA WA a) ~ ha ater


A VA AAA AA AA ti GinGlarere) AAA

Don't forget the'Library Festival in
Germenia Hall Tuesday night, by the

John KellyTs Bris: ie :

Oy )
ladies of the Presbyterian church. It pipe nena : John KellyTs fi: :
will be instructive and entérteining. A : DA bf MA ies vA + yT nae
handsome book will be presented as a Xe ; '
. prizeyto best represented character. Ad-| Se RARAAR te wi 4
misiiun 10 cents. ~ penne ALFRED FORBES, ADA guA Whe 4
SC AARARA Dealer in WARAAK for


Greenville, N. C.. wees

All Liked It.

The new organ at the Bapust church vA ik . en and omen 4
was used in the services Sunday morn- veneer III OI ITI ION oe 2909 i AN oe ee ei te en and omen 4
and night and the large congregations ) WU Ne, oe 7 en and omen .

Linh 1048 ys ae LOSS NMOS TSN NTO TN wy
present seemed delighted with it. Mrs: OH DOULA IOO COLI OUTED Hew
* Ollen E. Warren, who is skilled in tae $ \
use of twp manual pedal base organs, i

plavea ati beth seryices and brought.

ay 8 ye TY YY rir ere res aes ea r ;
~ Ee
out the gapd qualities of the instrument |
with spen d effect. . os | ee ane a a e

en and omen 4
Can fit anybody, can suit anybody, your :
gia as wellas your feet.







D J, WHICHARD. ~Editor.


bo oo


nearness antag anaina ttc CNet
rms enstamgnsneesysonameat


Entered as Second-Class Mail Matter |

emeanermne e ortememnrtenen e


One year. $3.00
One month, 25
One week, 10

Delivered in town by ~carriers withe
out extra cost.

Anvertising rates are liberal and can
be had on application to the editor or at

" oo

We desireTa live correspondent at
every postoffiee 1 the county, who will
send in brief items of news as it occurs
an each neighborhood. Write plainly
and only on one side of the paper

oo accent science ts PITA Nt See

Monvars. Benrvary 14, 1898.


The Romance Ended.

Ourreaders remember the ro-
mantic marriage, last fall, of Mr-
James Gilliam, ot this township,
to a widow from New York, who
had advertised in a newspaper for
a husband. Well, just as might
have heen expected, this roman-
tic marriage has ended in a sepa-
ration, for, on Jast Tuesday, Mr.
Gilliam returned to her Nerthern
home. And there was quite a
contrast between her coming and
going"betweer her arrival apd
departure. When she arriyed
here Mr. Gilliam, with all the

joyousness of an expecta't
groom. met her at Moncure
and escorted her from there

to this place and hired a carriage
to take her to his home, about
three miles from here. But whep
she departed she walked alone
from his house to this place"
Chatham Recerd.

Post-Office Boysotts.

Congress is occupying itself
with the question of a remegly for
the increasing frequency of boy-
cotts against unpopular postmas-
ters in small towns.

It might help matters somewhat
f{ the Post-Office Department
would quit removing competent
and satisfactory postmasters for
the purpose of giving jobs to
political hacks.

In other words, if tha Post-
Office Department would cease
treating the postal service the
loot and spoils of a foray, and
would manage it according to the
piaim requirements of honesty
and common sense, such a thing
as a post-Office boycott would be
npknown. /

There is unfortunately littie rea-
son to expect that the Department
will rise to this very low lavel of
reasonable sagacity."N.Y. World


ay HK

Concerning Crowse

Ina conversation ~a few cays
since with Col. T. G. Waltoa, who.
by the way. talks intelligently on
any subject, we learned that
erows are a blessing instead of 4
eurse. The colonel says that he
will not allow his tenanis to have
Ascare-crow in their fields of
corn. Thepurpose of the crow
is not to destroy corn but worms,
and that when they do pull up
corn, it will generally be found
that there is a worm at the core.
He argues ~if crows were really
destructive to corn they would be
worse than an army with. banners
for by their numbers tiey could
lay waste every corn field in the
land. In view of the tact that Col.
Walton has often won the pre-
largest yield of corn per acre
and atthe WorldTs Fair for the
best corn, we are impressed with.
the force of his argument in
behalf of crows."-Morganton
FarmersT Friend.


at different fairs for the

The Little Ones.

i pe

To Sehd the children happy to
bed should be one of the motherTs
most/ ordinary tasks. No little)
one should dread the bed time,
nor fear the dark, nor be al-
lowed to go to rest under a sense
of disgrace or alienation trom
household love. Whatever tha
childTs day time naughtiness may
have been, at night he should go
to rest with motherTs kiss on his
ips, and her tender voice in bis

Hardly anything can be worse
for a young child than to be scold-
ed or punished at bed time. The
mother does well to be a little
blind at some things, remember-
ing thata good deal of childish
culpability is superficial oaly, and
washes off almost as easily as does
the dirt which the evening bath
removes from the skin.

The main thing with children
is tohave them well started with
good principles, which they will
carry through life. Obedience,
truth, unselfishness, purity, are
essentials, and these can bo lov-

in the right home atmosphere.

When the nursery brood is un-

dressed and in bed, the lights
turned low,the room quiet for the
mother, or nurse, or kind auntie,
who is still found in some fortu-
nate houses, shou'd have a little
fund of stories on which to draw
for the smal! listenersT pleasure
befoke they embark onthe train
for dreamland.
-Tmagization is very active in
litle children, and occasionally
one meets a mother who does net
understand the childTs world hav-
ing forgotten her own early days
and their illusions, or who is
afraid that fancies and imageries
will lead her child into deceit.
While the most exact and rigid
truthfulness should be practiced
in our dealings with childrep, and
they themselves should be taught
to shun equivocation end every
form of lying, still we need not
fear to let imagination give them

Lhey early learn to discriminate
between the false and true "or
perhaps it would be better to say
they learn to find the truth wrap-
ped inthe husk of thestory. The
same stories with variations, have
in allages and climes, been taught
to enildrer, and they have their
origm in the needs and
heert oftherace. Children thrive
on stories, and are the better able
to grasp other literature if early
fed onT these. ~ Philadelphia
Times. |

~Ag well expect tc be able to
shoot off the horns of the moon
with a popgnn as to make a
Southern negro voluntarily vote
the Democrats ticket,� said Con-
gressman Linaey na speech on
the floor af the House this week.
Mr Linney has probably correctly
stated the case. The coiored man
votes the Republican ticket blind-
ly. Half the Republican party ts
opposed to every interest he has
on earth. Bat the colored man
stili votes the oatraight ticket,�
as if he were a machine. It is
not a
principles are not considered. " It
is nota matter of reward, for, after
the negro has cast his vote, the
white Republican has no further
use for him."Charlotte News.

soe iieinensderniieeinstngpinahiiiapein
Ae eran: enum

ALong Journey.

A men passed through this
place, on last Saturday, travel-

Syracuse, in the State of New
York, to Southern Pines, in this
State. Ho left Syracuse on the
23rd of last October, His vehicle
was like an old army ambulance,
but longer, and was arranged so
that he could eleep comfortably
in it, if he found no convenient
stopping place at nignt. His
only companion had bean a dog,
and that died a few days before
he Vaart here."-Chatham Reé-

ingly cultivated, and will flourish '

matter of principle, for,

ing ina one horse vehicle Nowk" has Gone,


From Dyspepsia and Stomach

antes v f

Instantly relieved and permanently
cured. A New Discovery, but not a
Patent Medicine.

Dr. Dedwel! relates an interesting
accunt of what he considers 3 remark-
able cure of acute stomach trouble and
chromic dyspepsia by the use of the
new discovery, StuartTs Dyspepsia

He says. The patient was a man
who had suffered tomy knowledge for
years with dyspepsia, Kverything he
ate seemed to sour and create acid and
gases in the stomach; he had pains like
rheumatism in the back, shoulder blades
and limbs, fullness and distress after
eating, poor appetite and loss of flesh;
the heart became affected, causiug pal-
pitation and sleepless ess at night.

I gave him powektul nerve tonics
and blood remedies, but to no purpose.
As an experiment I finally bought a
fifty cent peckage of StuartTs Dyspep-
sia Tablets at a drug store and zave
them to him. Almost immediate reliet
was given and after he had used four
boxes he was to all appearances fuilv

There was no more acidity or sour
watery risings, no bloating after meals
appetite was vigorous and he has gained
between 10 and 412 pounds in weigh«
of solid healthy flesh.

Although StuartTs Dyspepsia Tap-
lets are advertised and sold in drug
stores yet I consider them @ most val-
uable addition to any: physicianTs line
of remedies, as they are perfectly harm-
less and can be given to children or in-
valids or in any condition of the stom-
ach with perfect safety, being harmless
and containing nothirg but vegetable
and fruit essences, pure pepsin and

Without any question they cre the
safest, most effective cure for ingiges-


tior, biliousness, constipation and al
derangements of the stomach however
slight or severe. |

StuartTs Dyspepsia Tablets are sold
by druggists everywhere at fifty cents

or fuli sized package.

Mrs. Jefferson Davis.

Many Southern people have criti-
cised airs, Jefferson Davis for making
her home in the North. That she has
} wood reason for aking New York her
place of residence is very evident from
an interview with Edgar S. Davis, a
friend of the widzw of the president of
the Confederacv, published in th
Meco, Ga, Telegran. It reads as

oMrs. Davis tcld me,T said Mr.
Wilson. othat the plantation at Beau-
voir did not afford a living for herself
and daughter, on account of freshets,
floods, the low price of cotton, ete., and
that it was necessary for her to work
for a living, ~The work best suited to
both of them is of a Jiterary character,
and when they began to look tor
purchasers of their productions they
only found them inthe North. ~They
have made repeated efforts co dispose
ot their work to Southern purchasers,
but ~ave found the demand very 8 pall
for it, tuere being practically mo mar-
ket-for high class literary work inT the
Scuth, ali uf the biy publishers and
newspapers that are ab'e to pay for it
baing in the North; consequently it
became necessary to move to one of the
large cities, and they selected New
York. There they finda ready mar-
kettoe all of their productions, and
the income thus derived, together with
the small income from the literary
work ct Mrs, Davis and Miss Winnie
last year was $2,000, Mrs. Davis
earning $800 and Miss , Winnie $',-

Mr. wilson said he thought these
people who had criticised Mrs, Dayis
should know the circumstences, so that
each could think of himself in her
place and decide if he wouldnTs do as

at al

Mrs. Sallie Hinton, of Turkey
Foot Precinct, Ky., is the mother.
of twelve chilaren, all aliye and
married. She has fifty-seven
grandchildren and twenty-two
great-grandchildren, all of whom
live within a few miles of her.
Mrs. Hinton is seyeuty-one years

old, does all her own housework,

Golden Seal.

Primary English per mo. 6200
Intermediate **.. o o�"�* $2 5
Higher relent $3

Languages (each) ** °* $1 00

wil be as heretofore.

4 & : eee
: ae
fe i ed oll en - ete tae ee ce. OF pga . i : wt tf
Qerssses ¢ mBSSsssoF aoe 86h
pesanee 8 besssoaes RNs | Bee
~o~MmssSegea 5.3 25 OO Re eo
ro Nea so" 24-05 96 oy eee :
Occ =275 on art oe pe - cn
RSsezese 38 Meozeiacce % Case Eee
SST lee a | BYSEORZS mm AF
SSP Team WEFS3sic. og oc. |
=~� be | os i] fs % 5
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ame ne 8 me Ost asl eek owe | eee
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sadee es S| Mass Bse5 Set | SBS
O22 882k | geet ees ORE locas SS
PReSe3gee | Me bem oe | oases
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Bat AOR BOG Wests... ae, COL HE: Sawn
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Ps £m oO Mase 2rendX& @ CR
NSen'@35R Ape See� Roe o Wises! wi
S¢cm4ae p G Geto ooGeOCHimsie . §
m foeeege SH | Pes ee epeb IE ses eh
O st_ass Ee: OSeShs cee i fa 222s ms
el] ROASTER B's U yO = ~ ace aad 2 i}
SOUS ay 4 Tass gs hh po Maoh a
MoEssseoe BR Bakege Fibs? RGZE ooh
WMePsdsoG pw FERHEES SERB te Zosn MS
* Se 4" Go Sees" E SEROSS SlGZ my
oRez os 22" 2 Kata ts § fat we
ZeSasse B Ler Zs sees pis
~ Goae B 2eeGg8 Seeaks sis u
Megdzes EF cases Sante ez. 9
peegee SP Senate FP 5 ota B
\ -
BAPTIs1"services every Sunday,
moring and evening, Prayer meeting
" , |Thursday evening. Rev. A. W. Setzer,
Pastor. Sunday school 9:30 A, M.
T ©, D. Rountree, Superintendent.
CATHOLIC"No regular services.
EPISCOPAL"Services fourth Sur-
lday, morning and evening. . Lay ser-
4 e vices second Sunday morning. Rev. A.

Better and more attractiye than ever.

New Features Throughout

Fine = Racing.

Purses Aggregate
$4,000 ==

Liberal Premiums in ail departments
The exhibits of Fish, Oysters, Game.
Live Stock, Poultry and Agricultural
Products will be the finest ever dis-
played The Ladies Department is un-
usually large

The Greatest of al Altractons

Free! Free!!


Greaves, Rector. Sunday schoo! 9:30
A.M. W.B. Brown, Superintendant.

METHODIST"Services every Sun-
day, morning and evening, Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening. Rev.
N. M. Watson, Pastor. Sunday school
9:30 A. M. A B. Ellington, Superin-

PRESBYTERIAN"Services " thira
Sunday, morning and evening. Rev
J. B. Morton, Pastor. Sunday schoo!
9:20 A M. E, B. Ficklen Superinten


A. F. & A. M."Greenville Lodge No
284 meets first and third Monday even
ivg. J. M. Reuss W. M.-L. I. Moore,

I. 0.0. F."Covenent Lodge No. 17
Meets every Tuesday evening. J. V.
Johnson N.G. L. H. Pender, Sec.

K. of P."T'ar River Lodge No, 93,
meets every "riday evening. H. W.
Whedbee, C. C. A. B. Ellington K. of
R. and 8,

R. A."Zeb vanee Couucil No. 1696
meets every Thursday evening, W.b.
Wilson, R. M.R. Lang, Sec.

K.of H."Insurance Lodge No. 1169
meets every Friday evening.
Flanagan, D. Henry Sheppard, R

A.L of H, Pitt Counci! 236° meets
every Thursday night, J. B Cherry

WV Wilee See,

ieee aan,


Cctton ang Peanut,
Belaw are Norfolk prices of cotton
and peanuts for yesterday, 28 furnished
by Cobb Bros. & Comwission Mer-

Hippodrome and Wild
West Shows. |


A thrilling and realistic exhibition of
Wild Frontier Life, enacted by Genu-
ine Western Cow Boys and Girls with
the ponies, mustangs and trappings o!

every day life in the far West. The

formation address the Secretary |




(treenville Warxket.

Corrected by S. M. Schultz.

id to 20}

Bitter, per lb
~ |
5t tO 4

Western Sides
Sugar ecred Hams

Corn Meal

Flour, Family 4.75 to 5.70


ete tet setae, m,.
wvutaietetonawincen |



The next session of th; school wi:
open on:

MONDAY SEPT. ®. 1897

and continue for 10 months.

The terms are as follows:

Tne work and disclpline of the sehou

race track every afternoon during the},
fair,and is absolutely free. DonTt miss) ©

seeing it For premium list or otherin-| 9 2

10 to 1204 ¢
40 C0 5? | ae
50 to 64 °



|O . oe
12}. 0 15) LOO Ke
210 1) Nn

/W. B. Rodman.

wed 5s to 16!
Oats 386 to 40! fc
Sugar 44 toT
Coffee 83 to 0.
Salt per Sack 65 to 150]
Chickens ©
Eggs per doz 2 |
Beeswax. per 7|
Cotton Seed,per bushel 10 to |

Male Aoademy,

Bai ber shop in town conducted by white

chants of Norfolk -

Good Middling oif
Middling 53
Low Middling 5 1-16
Good Ordinary 4%

Tone"stead yT'

Prime 24 to 23
Extra Prime 2k
~Fancy i § to 23
(Spanish 55¢ bu



entire performance takes plaice on the holt

e ~



Offers his services to the dg
T citizens of Greenville and the Q&
public generally. ob
Spouting and Stove Work, a
a specialty.
Satisfaction guaranteed or ¢
Tobacco 4p
Shop e):

qa no charges made.
Flues made in season,
on Dickinson Avenue.

W. Demsie Grimes
Washington, N.C. Greenyille,N.C.
. ireenyilie N. C,.

Practice wherever services are desire 1.




On Fourth street near Postofiice Only


Can be found below Five Points,

[next door, to Reflector office,



Patronage solicited. Cleaning, Dyein;
and Pressiag Gents Clothes a specialtv

We ask a continuance of your *
ideral patronage.

ana enjoys the very best of health. *




W H.RAGSDALE. " spee~e) attention given! to cleanug

J oh Q :


pa: : + event ;

"e ain OF - | A QUEEN OF THE SEAS. r ana
Atlantic Coast Line { CASTING OFF A LINE oe fipsneh Es es thee CORR OR SEE THAT ?: OREO |

. Fir. Glimty Neets With a Little Expe
Old Red Jacket.

sence « T viento Ga a New York Wharf, % P '
Schedule in Fff¥t Jan. 17th, 189. | . oITm afraid thereTs one towhoat| In Maine they dwell with pride
Departnres om Wilmington. captain whe would not give me aj} upon the performance of the Red
NORTHBOUND. | © {job if I should apply,� said Mr. | Jacket, built in Rockland in 1853 by : fed Ay
oDAILY No 48"Passenger"Due Veg- | Blimby, oand that is the man whose | Deacon George Thomas, The Red : a peecerenenae

.35 a.m. nolia 11.02 am. Warsaw 11.15] line I cast off in South street the| Jacket made the run from New
am, Coidshoro 12.05 am, Wil} other day. The tug was lying along | York to Liverpool in 13 days 1 hour |

son 12.55 p m, Rocky Yount 9K mi : : ,
1.40. mn. Tarhor, 9°45 nee the end of the wharf, hanging by a] and 25 sisted - the month of PaeaaRaRa a What Is It ? ~ bh. .
Weldon 4,23 p m, Petersburg | single line, with the loop around the January, 1854. This was the best Gi
6-22 p m, Richmond 7.15 pm, head 6f aspila and the other end| trip up to that time, and it probably

Norfolk 6.05 p m, Washing- , vy ¢ 10ueh
ton 1.30 p�"�, Raltimore 1.05] Maade fast around the forward bitts | Rever has been beaten, although a

am, Philadelphia 3°50 a m,{ aboard the boat. The captain was| faster trip, by a few hours, was o Itis a picture ot tae celebrated
ary ork 6.53 am, Boston} in the pilothouse, and he called to] claimed for the Boston ship Light- |
#90 p.m. the deckhand that he guessed theyj ning. When the Red Jacket started

, WAILY No 40"Tassenger Due M-g{| would go up to pier 919. I was/|~on her trip, the record was held by ,
16 pm. poites sor eet 9-10! standing on the end of the wharf, | the ship Sovereign of the Seas, built
vileon Ir 06 re m. oWarbors and when the deckhand began cast-|in East Boston by Donald McKay"

6.45 am, Rocky Mount 11.57}ing the line off from the bitts I] 183 days 19 hours. |
pm, Weldon 1.42am, Nor-| started for the spile to cast it off} The.Red Jacket was 234 feet keel,
folk 10.30 a m, Petersburg] there, 44 feet ? inches beam, 16 feet lower

3.14.0 m, Ri 60 j oe as eal hnia R fact hatwe ea 99% fac i | . |
Washo gtcumond mS Bat I like boats, and ITve loafed| hold, 8 feet between decks, 225 feet Best in use The outfit of no business man is~

nore 9.3 4 m, ~Philadeiphi, along South street a good deal, and over all and measured 2,500 tons, complet .
11.95 am, New York 2.93 a] ITve seen a million men cast off | making her the largest ship afloat pie e without one.
ms even 9.00 pm. lines, but itTs a funny thing I badj|at that time. There was great ex- .
JAILY 80 TTHBOUND, never cast off one myself, but I was|citement, both in New York and in ;
~ 4V NO 55"Passengor Due Lake going to now. All the men I ever| Liverpool, over the first trip of the \

4n �. Ww Aur 4 + % A c :
_ bourn Bll ve Mario we saw cast off a line just took hold of | Red Jacket, for it was known all " :
t tha WEE a 4° p . waa ° : cy . . h . ~iti ~Id that 3] y Q . a
in, Florence 7.25 p m, Sum-|it and lifted it right off, easy. I}over the maritime world that she t k St os
te: 9.10 p m, Columbia 10.30| took hold of this one with perfect | had been built expressly to beat the e e ec or OO ore
1, Denmark 6,12 a m, August confidence, but the first thing I| record of the Sovereign of tha Seas.

ta7.55 am, Macon 11.15 am, | 3 S] so to se :
~ . ¢ , ~ 1e was also to set a mark for -the
Atlantal2%5 p m, Charles. knew it sagged down and stuck on

am... ack vi 7 ~ lid he same hin again W ] | la d a t é b ¢ ut the Sal et pal Q, and for . e ° ; v un ain ens
; J kson ile 7.30 a m, did t a thy 8 gal hen _ pe enn "_ also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold Pens

St. Augustine 10.30 am. m | tried, which I dfd somewhat hastily | several others. Large amounts of Y .
A pa 8.25 pm. from another point. It didnTt come| money were wagered on the result ou will be astonished when you see them and
KRIVALS AT ILMINGTON" off easily at all, and finally I had to| of her passage. . varn how very chenp they are,
FROM THE NORTA. take hold of it with both hands and} _, The Live Yankee had a hard pas- "_" |
DAILY No. 49,"Passenger"Boston lift it up carefully clear of the spile, | Sage a 2G nowhere near the
5.50 P.M. 1.02 nm. New York 9.0 pm.| While the captain, looking out of Red JacketTs time.
Philadelphia 12.05 am. Ralti.| the pilothouse window, and the] «As illustrating the shrewdness of Y
pans 2,50 am, Washington | deckhand, standing by the bitts and| Deacon Thomas, it is related that, ou may never, ~
#) am. Richmond 9.05 am, | jooki ck, | hearing that several other builders
Petarshure 1( vu | looking up at me from the deck, ; 2�,�aring that severe 1
etersburg 10.00 am, Nor- smiled good humoredly at my clum- | Were about to construct ships on the But should you ever

Weldou 11.52 am, Tarboro] ©! ee _ _ ~
12.12 m, Rocky Mount 19.47] Siness. By that time I hdd discov-| Same lines as the Red Jacket, he al-

nm. Wilson 2°37 pm. Golds-| ered that in casting off a line, as in{ tered his molds slightly, putting in

pore te) pm, Warsaw 4.1" | most other things, a man must learn | five extra frames amidships. This , @ x
DAILY N,. daalin gs ats 7 : how to do it before he can do the probably helped the speed of the ant Job Printin a
6.30 A.M, Boston 12.00 Richt, New work well. But the worst was yet} Red Jacket. At any rate, in that . oe
York 9.30 am, Phitadelphia to come. respect she differed from her rivals,
12.09 pm, Baltimore 2.23 pm.| o~I had always observed that when} A Rockland man, who was in Liv-
Washington 3.46 pm, Rich-] a man cast off a line he hung on to|erpool when the Red Jacket arrived o" Come to see us ApS aco
oe Te: fe onna moment and walked along vane gives an porereene Jeeo ~ .
Weldon 9.43 pm, Tarboro the wharf till he was somewhere | ° kor ea) lal entry ua Oo % 10
6.01 pm. Reeky Mount 5.49] near abreast of the man who was great English seaport. The excite- RR
am. Leave Wilson 6.22 am.; taking it in aboard and then gave it} ment was intense"scarcely less ~
~rol dsboro 7-01 am, Warsew] a little toss, so as to keep it out of| than in New York. A day before
DATLy oS fe Mignolia R05 au the water, keeping it dry to make it the Yankee clipper was expected to
0. Ol"Passenger.---Leave last longer and make it easier and; arrive the American steamer came

except New Rern 9.09
| } 3 0.00 am, Jackson- } In é oepor ) ship as jus
Sunday Ville 10.26 am. This train BST ACE OLD eta Ys KU Fa min a few hours the Red

12.15 P.M arrives finally got this line off, I held on to! outside, and in a few hours the Red

oat'Valnine street,

FROMTHE Sour it and walked with it toward the|Jacket appeared at the harborTs
. 0s -s the 5 aboar mouth. Hundyeds of cheering sail- | ®é
DAILY No. 51"Passenger"Loave boat to toss the loop aboard, but I t 8 RO).

. . . . @ . Fa OM; pwr Qo a " a . a 7
loan . ee . . el -| ors had boarded her, and tWo tugs ! @#alQUUCOQUOGQ0 OD OU OG OUOG
20P.M. Tamp2 8.10 am, Sonford3.o7| BOticed that the man on deck took Ȣ 88) Ores ey hahahah ah hos ,

B adlaalaalodaaadadadadacamscdacasccctc.
pm. Jacksonville 7 10 pm.]| Up the slack very promptly and ful- had lines to the. ship, although her

Savanna 1.45 night Charles! ly asI came along. He didnTt give; Speed was so great that they could

ton 6,293 am.Columbia 6 00 , os __s . t l Ya tl 1} boone t S] , .
Ss a 6.00} me credit for knowing anything; R0t Keep the haweers taut. She n |
am, Atlanta 8.20 am, Macon _ eis anys flving up the harbor with ev Anythi £ from aXG= "=
9.90 am, Augusta 3.39 pm about keeping the line out of the, came ying up the Darbor with ev- :
ort ~ ty UO e edardi . . 7 + on T; 74 M ~ "TC T
Penmark 4.25 pm. Sumpter} Water. He was prepared to see mej ©FY stitch drawing in a brisk north-

8.08 am, Florence 9.58 am,| just simply drop it when I struck) Wester, and, greatly to the astonish-

Marlan 79 90 n . . . Fy Lay a a o a

ue 1936 mm, Chadbourn the string piece, and he was taking | ment of the natives, instead of com- WY isi a: a: oS ¥

12:09 am. Lake Waccamaw up the slack short so that he could| 1g to an anchor and being laid up et OR CAI OL
canpyee, | keep it out of tho water himself! to the pier head by tugs, she came

Train on Seotie o!
2 scotie | Neck Sranch Roid about ohrew her vards har lr
aves Weldon 3.55, m,. Ifalifax 4£.9)| When I let go. about,threw her yards hard aback |

. 1 rar . and actrnalle Je: horcalf
DP. m., arrives Srotland Neok at §.20 » And so they sailed away, per- | @UG i muady liad herself up! "" T'()"
' ar 4 rs wpe yo 3 * Adjout 9 vear afteorwar [ 1 Cn
seal nel au} m., Kinston 7.55| fectly good natured about it, but) -4vCle a jeu aiterward the clip-
we bale we urhning, eaves Kinston 7 Pty ' 7 - 1 ] oer ; 7. er Ff by j o }t yr wt Sy Ke } i] "
. oy é U i dsuoTT eit 7eryv hs ta a r ak y 1a 7 ¢ ci kLLL] dal 2 } hive Wes i} t by
8.m., Greenville 8.52 a.m. Arrivin: very evidently taking me for a/l }

MaliT xat 11:18 a. m., e'4on 17 3° landlubber just down from tho|Povald Mefay at Rost Boston for Ee qt j
« oid the Tilve oye 334m | Mayeolich ak £791 44) . a5 " ED -
oe an WUull sheet 3 OrLcgter.

daily except Sunday. hills.�T"New York Sun. ab Dae Hen LOY (he express pur-
. ; Bore ot beating the Red Jacket's

tan on by ashnigton Branch leave Some Samples of Smelling. time between New Yors and Liver-
ashington 8.29 a. m., and 2.20

o.mj{ A Jersey City drug@®t is making; peo! end it wes chumed that she

Trives Parmele 9.10 : .
MNS e ks ve a. m., ane 4 Of ) es f ~ ; 3 ava rylaedigced | ~ foxy ay
n., Terborn 9.45 a. m retaneta@e a collection qf the quéer orders he} Heck © ph fo tke feat by a few
Yow oA . te hw UNAE Fi�,�Aves s . 5 oF - ; ; } valle Lo, 1 eseer arcs aise CU nN Ae
Carboro 3.39 p. m., Parmele 9.25 4. m. | receives from people who send chil how», bat the claim has always o_ ted
wn « : i. a a . 4 d) : gt laeypntod o} ~ " 74 lileeday lof
M100": i ay arrives Washington | dren to the store for things they | been Cisputed, and it is Hkely that
a Vy - M.,.fAtne 2 Wo} , - - a : . - ova | jeryel ; ql yeoileiie 43 ;
mt Stnday. Ce 0p. m. Daily ox-| need. Hereare a few samples ct/tbe ~ ddackctstili holds the record, °
imt Sunday. Connects with trains an | at. " Red Jacket never ~eturned 4
Croat To pants HH tsi hey 2 wooo Lhe Daily Reflector |
- oThis child is my little girl, }| this country updcy the American} 4 © �"�o tl ~
4 « . . ; L T 4 ~ : { Seve yeyaea vy cy Ly - {| . 4 . :
maftin leaves rarooru, N C, via Albe-| Sent you five cents to buy two sit- | fiag, having been sold almost as :
& Ral ~ sé to / Pi pees , . . a al namie + . _ . 4 ~ :
ty. i Renee a. R. daily exceptSun-| less powders fora groan up. aduii s00n as sue arrived on the otherside 4
AA 3 PI ov p. M., Sunday 415 P. M:! who is sike,�T : | for $150,000 to an Australian packet
a Te month 740 P. M., 6.19 p,m. Another reads line. Extensive alterations were G Wed t] }
'Urnineglaay py A ; AnotHer ads; dat, dah LOGE SN ALE LchbOlis Wwele TVe i Q
7 , + 1g eaves E lymouth daily except UTanw 3 4 / . 6 ; _ ade i "" oat ; h .macde e 41 FV CS J 1e liome news
+ 09, 7,50 a, m., Sunday 9.09 a m Dear Dochter, ples gif barer five ; Mace In her to suit the needs of the
+-Tive Tarhora 10,95 om and 11,0) | Sense worse of Auntie Loxyn for to | pakscuger und ire ig ht business be- C Very afternoon at the
~ gargle babi's throte and obleage,� | tween Liverpool and Melbourne, and yrs
Trainon Midlanc avasi A. ce ; ay c l| 1Ge f y 5 ;
Goldkboro pears Gene ah An-anxious mother writes: she mado iiuny fast passages in that sma pi Ice O 2 cents a
; 58 i, ihe bait taal eo de. Ja 4a UT ve it 5 4 LAP vTCe i i 4eOS 0 fy cre } i
m. arriving Sraithfield 8.30 a, rh Re You will pleas give the lettle boi | Service. Hho was aguin sold when month Are Ou a sub
: + . a ¥ : * T vey + 4 4 Lt ys , 14 , 7 - ws
ee ea Tss Smithfield 9.00 a. m,, ar.{ five cents worth of epicac for to her rate ran out to Henry Milvain . y �
1S § a Tol * y= a o . 2 , + + , £ 2G ~ he 4 . men | ; ~ + a . ,
rives at Goldsbors 10.25 a, Mm. »| throw up in a five months old babe, }Ot Neweas: le, kngland, and ended scl iber ? It not you
- N. B."T abe has a sore stum-| her days asa lumber lugver- between . OS °
~rains on Latta branch, Florence R Ee Hee HBS Sores auam Ouebex and th Unit a Kinodom - ~ ought {oO be
., leave Latta 6.40 pm, arrive Dunbar | 2° �"� Ry HE NEE ABE ETO MS DALOG IST GOL], " et a ee o
7.50 pm, Clio 8.05 pm. Returnine| This one puzzled the druggist: Lewiston Journul.
mare Ferg m, Dunbar 6.30 a m,| ~I have acute pane in my childTs rae
sl atta 7.50.4 m, daily except Sun-| diagram. Please give my son som¢ . pample Language,
a . _ | thing to release it.� a Simplo language is on all accounts
r j ? ~ a War : ; | preferable neh sounding words
saw for Ctinten ae eraact leaves War-| Another anxious mother wrote: | Preferable to high sounding words
a? a) * * AY 4 whanau �,� tars ore Adsense.
ll 99 oi and ~ " y, except Sauday, oMy little babey has eat up its W hen ore J matters are Giscuss
. ~oO Pp, m* Returning ed. We wish. that. young people

leaves Cinton at7.00a 2 0 fatherTs parish plasther. Send an| oo
aaa } oMm. and3.00 , m_ antedote quick as possible by the lcould be taught that it does not add | ~

rain No, 78 makes close connection er ae pd 3 a foot to the stature of a house to : os

t Weldon forall points dail ction | enclosed little gir], senna db @ Manat oan 1 ahce o ate. Cf, R fl t , }

Xichmone, alse at Rovky line win The writer of this one was evi-|@l! it a oresidence;� that a church �,� as ern �,� : eC or. phd

orfolk remene antly in nein: or evena meeting house is as vener-
N and CarolinaR R for Nonolk) dently in pain:

~ne all polats North via Norfolk} a aaa say mance fe nn mote genteel 9 tay retina?
parson ate Em Samet ond tor 0 tan ts thd egret | Nee ER oe
AEE ee eee ee ee Bre cata n | quickly trayed out slong the pave Is only $l a ~year. I
es | Hae y pleas" NeW York Set, [A omenade cocina,� fost it need "" gontains the news every =

ALL ABOUT gn of Charles I the Brit- | 2°t bring a blush to .the fair cheek | week, and gives informa-

of even Mr. PopsnapTs young person

T A handsomely illustrated book o . ervice carried 1,500,000 ein ah 3 . pa
EB nt pages deneciptive of Texas anc | ually, in the reign of . Bay eS inate Fe limb," when . tion to the farmets, es-
@ resources Of that great otat 8,000,000, and in 1894'ag | #65 38 Meant, tha 1@ fupper at an : ° ~*
will be mailed to any adéress oe 300.000.000 evening party is not o~the entertain- pecially those oTrowing
xX receipt of eight centsto erver post- kits ceive onee 8% ment,TT and that there are well . to 18M h
ge. D. J. PRICE ioe he ahtdeligaa ie tke cee tobacco, that 1s wort
~ G, P. & TT. A. L & G. Ny kk. ie . opine islands ha Te §, 000, - ar eee 0 yee siete to the URS of er ) Ko ll
. A : - Palestine, Texas, ants, of whom 1,000,000 nicely as an adjective describing . manv times more: ° than
- Kast Texas lands are attracting nountains and ref~se a]. | oneTs health."New Qileaus Times- | wen, o ee ~nih
S . considerable attention. Mention sem Pm noeat : , , . the subscription price.
this pan rv. : ' i. Py tg eh iar a ~ { ~ ae
tng 4 he : : , } * ~ fe 4 , ~ / a i . ~ i ; ~ i aa ~ : |
We ae . : ee ' | Lage ee : | * : : ; : i 4 sama goat a ne : ie i ip ns .
mth oitn, Q " i : : a at See, j ee oe y 5 ue le | eas pa oe . ;

) @ 44 es eps re gee
» : r & i: %
eres :
e ma
* 4
a bs ae
i - ©
. y
Be _
' 1 .
Hea eee enemas nate OL aad Cs, eae


9 conse,


i; inl


= : =

The Reflector Gives What You Are
Looking kor

~epee "_

Two big FTs this me rning"tog and


Creates mranv anew business,

Fnlarges manv an old business, 7 .
Jesse Speight left this morning for a


Preserves manv a large business) oo
3 trip to Virginia.
Revives many a doll business, oe

Hope Fire Company meets tonight

Recenes many alost Eumsiness, lat new engine house.

: «a fail einase. ; . . .
Saves mony a failing bnsine Cotton Geed*s Meai and Seed Oates

Seerres snecess to anv oasiness cheap,at 8. M, Schultz.

PrattTs Peultry Food makes hen
For sale by J. S. Tunstall.�

! lay.

TRAIN AND BCATSCHFDULFS: 1 About 6.000 Ibs well cured Fodder,
in bales, at $1 per hundred, for sale by
i Sohf Flanagan. ,

Passencar and mal train coming) Q
It you want to see a pretty line o

wived R259 A. M. ing

north. arrives 8:52 A f. Going jhox papers and tablets call at Reflec-
rrr enialis

tor Boek Store.

rc SP

south, arrives at 6:57 Pp. M.

The Improved Order Heptasophs
will meet tonight at 7:30 eTclock. Mem-
bers ure requested to be present.

North Bound Freight, arrives
9:50 A. M., laaves 10:10 A. M

Senth Pound Freight, arrives)
i a | Our Leader-24 four sheets writing
Ja ~i " m4 bs oe Hi - Mi i i -
2:00 P. M. leaves 2:10 ipeper and 24 envelopes, in nice box,

Steamer Tar River or.ives from all for d cents, at Reflector Book Store.

é ; ¢ Taney qr La agin seeds rf : .
Waehington Monday, ¥ ecnes dey] flave your laundry ready to go off

and Friday, leaves for Washing-) V cdnesday morning, You get .the


ihest work done the Wilmington

ton Taesdey. Thursday and Sat |.

7 Steam Laundry.
urday. W. I. Prepzy, Agent.
George Grimes, a colored man liv�
° use ling near dacGowanTs school hou.e lost
jhis barn by fire Wednesday night.
The fire was'caused by taking a lighted
lamp in the barn." Winterville Heme

Curtis li. Brogder, of Goldsboro, the
only living Republican ex-Goyerrar of

the State, puolishes a card rencunemns

v ae de attica IN ereAanal
To oadyertizce Juaicrousiy,

a ;? a)

the cotuniya ef fhe . 1 FLECTOR,

fant @

o ~iy oo
vues otf i *

ie ia ~* a

1} Henderson.


Names of veorle You Know


"L A. Cobb, of Grifton, spent today
here. }

Miss Julia Castex, of Goidskoro, 18
visiting Miss Luly White. :

CM. Bernard came home Saturday
. ot :
even'ng from Wilson court.

Miss Mary Bovd weat to B'ack
Creek ¢cda? to visit relatives,

W. M, Bond end son, Ed, returned
Saturday evening trom Edenton,

Hi. P. Strause lett this morning for
He has closed his tobacco
business here for the present season,
but will te buck with the boys next

Mrs, HM. R. Tang lett this morning
to be away sever-1 weeks. She will
ston first at Norfolk to spend a few days
with relatives ana then spend sometime
in both Philadelphia and New York.
While in the latter cities she will also
select the spring and summer stock for
Mr, LangTs store here, Her long
familiarity with che trade will enable
Ler to scleet just the class. and styles ot
goods best suited to the tastes cf our

Board of ~Trade and bkactories.

The matter has beer often referred

to inthese columes but will bear repeat- |

ing, thet Greenville needs tuctoriese

oa wt ae} fy ~ eye i T

These van be secured, but Tuc Re- |
FLECTOR does net belicve they are s0-
ing to eae simply be individual effort.

It the town l da


cood Board of Lreue

and woulT werke the ecneerted move-

ment mech could be accomplished.
Matters have receathy been -ealled to
our attention that fend te theolteg that |
a factory eouid be easily secured if tie}
town will show that if wan's such an]

enterrrix:. ohere are nuuibers ef pec


your secant,

We wish to inform our many friends }

and patrons that the capacity of §
Elmwood Dairy has just been very

Mr. R.E. L. �,�ERENSHAW.a skilled

dairyman, who was recently with the

much enlarged andT improved. We; State experiment farm at Raleigh

are now prepared to promptly fill all

orders at the following prices, goods } now has charge of our Dairy ant

delivered at your door:

~ Elmwood Butter,..25 ets a pound
Sweet Milk,.. ....25 ets a.gallon.
Sour Milk,.......+-9 ets @ quart. °
Pure Cream,....--29 ets @ gaart.§


will serve yuu promptly and satis
factorily. We solicit your patronage
Dairy Phone 14. Residence Phone 98

WILEY BROWN, Proprietors.

Fi aS

° quan TE

R. A. TYSON, Vice-Pres. ~

- R, LRUAVIS, PresTt.)

4, L. LITTLE, Cash er;



The Bank of

Greenville, /


Atthe Close cf Busines

s Dec, 15th, 1897.


Loans and Discounts £12,00484} Capital stoek paid in $23,000 0
Over Drafts 1,699 6.3 Undivided Profits 8,797.6 .
Premium on Stock 1,060.0" Deposits subject to Check ":108,294.+
Due from Banks 44,598.0 Due to Banks 199.
Furniture and Fixtures 1,515.25! Cashiers Checks outstanding ="" 867.8
Current expenses cep Time Certificates of Deposit 960,00
4,901.0 eee

Cash Items -
ae 1 Pa) 4 aiwhel
Cash on hand 30,455.77

2132, 118,614

ITT .¢5;}
Tot Mi

We study carefully the separare needs 0

promising every accommodation consistent

Total $1 32,118,461

f our patrons, and shall be glad to hive
with good banking,

ata ch CE OO ET mL ;


4A8 Reported bY

~utton Buyers


Wholesale Grocers

Co~ton sold in Greenviile. 5 6-16







eo eas one
= ied

ps fae

mite ravelved & ve"

WY a ¢ =
r¥@ have

that pay, saylag it is Goomedin Norin .
4 « » % ey 2 4 * $F sew, ~ a Aa : ar os JLT . + H
General fair foment and ~buesdaye ae Ore he ; : . Je here wills co take stoek, an + _ fava
Ys Carolina: thet it represents the bond- pie Bere wares nese es ui a . . hearse and tbe nicest line of Co:-
. 4 ANY Pee -pepoeype { vy pe nioneed fe Vey mopnpye ca) SS 0 ® . : i:
[holders and will be repudiated. Inany is etre Sai ae Corros Gjering Noon, olose-) fing and Canxets, in weed, meta
= o= sdetails siatinmmenncenaivead ~ make yvesinea ere. : thee type | . A = : 5 aerket
[noes SCNT | +01 [| | t ond , Bat the Wet) stare 5.98 6.029 = 99!lic and cloth ever brough: t+
| a el ETE FO that siotid be tatwen ts fo orearigs { flLenanyell:
ory Pe Wee tar i i a7 (POODV Ae
0 EU vee NO pry. Ces ees a Board ef de and start tue mov _| HLS 6.04 6.05 5.04 7 o 5 | |
Vays TED"UPRIGHT and faith- ment int . oo rear . C. C18 O17 We @iccpreantiios t° "oT4q bay
. . , : : , a ; 1: en? roouey Ssaage. suoWhae tbhah aint OUSt Ue Py at ° : : - eee oe
That is the wes ail drcevgints sel) WW fui gentlemen or ladies te travel : . in Proper SHAD, BAOWEI tists cub | ao T es Ripa
o | ie Pore 4 ¢ = YN i iat - ry 1~ es Sonne 4 * o ° Pyryain . t i, , ¢ apr: . . . | } { NA ie ~ San La
GROVES TASTELESS CHILD "PON for responsible, established house In the business of the town as Tiferseton| CHICAGO
IC for Chilis, Fever snd oy} focins of | North Carolina. Monthly ¢65.00 and Let vs have cae board of ~trade and sec! oe a ; Persona! atisntion given toc =
Malaria., It is simply Irey ond Guinine| expenses, Position steady, " Refer- What can be dane. | Witmae 2 Apeaurs » Chose ducting funerals and bodies en-
ina tasteless form. Ch ter «love ~ti ence., JEnclose self-addressed stamped | _ _ lento d ta ¢ ee
: mee kb i we { i (4 OQ, i reer Lo £4 try ane? ER WEY $ | raveT
5 . 5 ; . = oe 7 So ks } - Soya , tb Gadd 44 Ris Ose Cb fy
Adults prefer it to bitter, naitecatipg ernyelope. The odominion Company, 12h ar Jas dg) Hl | Ae iit recalve
* Dts MY i 4 he . ; Yat , - ee es nye VET mar y feast o~
Tonics, bree. es, Dept. KR. Chicag LOVING AND GIVING, { AED Se ~ es
| ' ra: . ~ 4 ry fas as PB - r
" - Sonia | _ - 550 oeq | Prep yds LTC fOower thab ever
= 1 i ; - H cy } z 4 it . IyOlY rien
1 Us teach, laerd. tne | nol} . Pork. . a beac poly be.
) ~ TA TiTeT | pueven iy nob eli Ce na] ~ ( ( :
Bt tik 8 a | re) +4 - } i744) it Lge wen Looe 7G Ua mg Odd uh WHY VOU ke
Ae ee Rae (O fecu eae Gees aye TEES canon a 7 Tear |
A Whi plap eo deristhy edit | aa cade 1b iauagaR
: vA we 4 v v Bie y E 4 i
| i i ay ~i : TE whe o { aa ere ee TY aks :
: 4 4 ey | = 4 ay | x , + \ . 1] t | -
dh eke de ti fut iN fry | { med wit he ; i TD me eT ae ee a tao
a The lee a See nee A ne hewa ata e BOB ook ONE @& GO,
Then ae HE BSR ES TEs IVYONRVE a-alst \-
i wey Load ae Bis ViS 4 ihe vty : t """" an reer st
and Pretiv tG shaw . yu 6 { oo it) t a. rat is) o4 lke a a 4 i 3) Lc Olhé | Cl | sy
AMA A sLWY We a Vy \ Oise abd OUP S Ore. WW | 1aVE au We 1 {eur pra r We Oi
t a a: ~ & d "i ¢ % gy! ' ~
i » ef } A i
7 1 4 14 ef WY imny' Tay atnte| oid lous the dossen of iv: - ~ U :
at i at 7. &) rae eee F ty 4 a ; ~ oS . o ° oo : -! veh, b
just received a new lof 01 WHITH GOODS) ee he as tue ery next thin |
i indi ( pis tue very Hexe Cus; a
fj ft ¥ e,* . Oar lor should afways be chowine wary 2 8 cer | - ri
such ac pauiste Cloth, Dimilies, GNeCKeG Nabe) 8 er cltemeg she tines bes bebe beet) ERR | T | :
0 %% OC yee? # - \Pa S {
i | { i} 1 0 PR i+f YO? Miere are many who know not thy tt rill : i a
(HO lke sais MON ae) Oa ry) Soe | Be vy suum an Hewes PRG * a
& } an ; a ; 4 4 De = * i .
BOOK, . Gia Ae Aty aC. BCAULLUL wat tele: Ane Merey, a rd
E rey . OC & . ~ = of 4 fy f *
datnt DE i TY . 1 nN . Phere are milions in Warf anda 1 "ee =o ay j
: Qn tt oPONAPTOG ~ a 1 ~ , f 7 5 - | ~ 4 ;
Point DTEspritt Draperics and Lace Curtains. we 5 Wt 7, |
Gur prayers aud our wifis are aul -
] \ lod - T to»
POA Uy a e * . C G .
just arrived. Come in|

New Window Shades in White and all the lead-
fing colors, (6 and 7 fee

fringed in new patterns.



i long) beautifully

~very Pair Guaranteed.

a .

. a ' ;
hething, We bnow
- Selected

4 lati pun «
Aid Gai Can GO se

me Sa ee ey


as tS uyg
House nnd Lot. Six rooms, dining

room and kitchen attuched Good well

Annmarie bgp eae: NI oily

water on lot
i) a

Pon oat


50000 LBS MRA,
3000 LB3 LARD,


Best Wear.

sot A1S 1893BT


Always on Hand.

Our China and Glassware department has taken
on new life this month, We have just received
peautiful Decorated China mm new tints and odd
shapes. Japanese designs and English Bonn-
~ware, Glassware in the best Cut Grass patterns.

See our Deorated Condiment Sets, they are
beauties. ON Se en el



100 © *pownzrs,




We also have in stock Sugar, Butter,
Cheese, Canned Goods, Suuff, Wrapping
Paper and Bags and many other things
to numerous to mention. Send us your
orders. Mail orders receive prompt at-
tention. Agents for Standard Oil Co..

The Cnle Suply Ch

gee us.

od All °
I wish to inform my many patrons and

the public that they can noW
""«find me in the-"""""


where I am ready to cater to ~all their
needs inihe way of


Lkeep the best Fresh Meats, Sausage,
Fresh and Salt Fish, nice Groceries, &c.
Send me your orders, Goods delivere
promptl& anywhere in town.

E. M. McGOWAN. |

{Phone dl. ee

~_ 7



"Desrierjii" .

Pork, Sides, ~Shoniderse

Farmers and Merchants buying |the! +
yearTs supplies will find it to their intver-
est to get our prices before purchs or*
elsewhere, Our stock is ecompleco in
alfits branches, Ee

| com
Flour, Sugar, Coffee __
Always at lowest market prices.
Tobacco, ~Snuff, Cigar *,
ag we buy direct {from manufa ~turers
ag ®

A complete stock of


always on hand and sold. at prices te
suit the times. Our goods are all bought
and sold for CASH therefore, having ne ,
risc to run We sell at.aclosemargin,



Daily Reflector, February 14, 1898
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - February 14, 1898
February 14, 1898
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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