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ANRC A MAE iia atillbee ebe
Seer ery a
TERMS: 25 Cents a Month,
7 """a
No. 867 ~
To have you visit our
~store. Our mag-
aud Wi
¢ % Ce
i@ lt Rn &
ea hoe Det? ret Nba y
nist Urnishines
aggregating | $50,000
is now ready for your
We have
exercised the most scru-
pulous eare in its se-
lection, We have col:
lected § Merchandise
from every quarter of}
the globe, and with
our superior purchas-
ing advantages we
know of no house in
America that can make
andtake a look through
lower _ priees.
~cy eS
jin this State and was editor of the
Epiror Rerrector :"The people
of Pitt county are highly pleased at the
He Passes~Away Tuesday.....;
The REFLECTOR, regrets exceeding,
ly to héar ofthe death of Rev. J. L.
Wirfield,. which occurted at his home
WashingtonT on ~Tuesday. Mr.!
Winfield wag ope~oF the most opromi-|
nent ministers ot the Christian ° church
and decided manner. m_ which. Judge
Timberlake bas dispensed justice simce
the present session. of the court, began.
It is the universal opinion. of. all
who have come under the court obser-
vation that he 1s a fitting and highly
Watch ~Lowery the organ of his de-!propsr man for the place he sv emi-
nom~nation. He was held in high es-|nenily fills.
tician before he came upon the bench
Not having been a poli-
tgem by lus church and among the
people, and his death will prove a loss.|""-bhe has many of the highest
This writer knew Mr, Winfield well,|qualificutions. that go to make
Judge has ever been upon the bench in
having bad intimate business relations
with him during the three years that
he had the mechanical work of the) Pitt county that-will.2o.away carrying
up and adorn the judicial ermine.
Watch Lower done in the ReeLector| more of the genuine good will ot. the
office, prior to his last moving to people than will he, and no Judge has!
Washington. He was always promprjever done more business in a more
in his dealings, exceedingly pleasant! plessant, easy, aignified and satisfactory
and courteous in his manner,T and was|manner, than has been done by him
lat the present term. mercy,
'digmty und kindliaess has characteriz"
jed his administration of the law. It
has been ube pleasure of the writer to
a true, warm hearted friend, Justice,
ome mamentendl
ohear many, very many expressions «f
The dumb but succulent clam is! iis splendid manner and uprightness
taking a much needed rest. las a Jadge and a high toned,honorable
The State aud the dis-
itict have just cause to feel proud cf
| gentleman.
There is some talk ot mounting the|~
college football teams on bicycles.
~hn as an officer who sits upon the
nay yo to Klondike or st ay | leige ts, liberties and lives of her citi-
]:. either case you may take (zene, and the people of Pitt county
your pick. rejoice that he will retura again in
Daremben to try the crowded cavil
docket that confronts him, cnd whic)
prctane every time he mentions his |
18a menace vo litigation
It is Hugo Tell.
iene ot the rights of the
A downtown man canTt hb Ip
and the ad-|
num 2.
choir all say he is a splendid Judge.
has a new
HeTs a dry goods clerk.�
Wigwag"oA counter tenor, I sup-
pose.� | BASE BALL.
oThatTs the handsomest bereau J
ever lid my eyes on,� remarked the
old maid as she carefully put aside
Games Played and Standing of
her Clubs.
glass optic before retiring,
oThereTs something about that girl Pittsburg, Seot. 28"Pittsburg 14;
of mine that I donTt like,� said the Chicago lo.
young man when he saw another fel- HOW THE CLNBS STAND.
lowTs arm vround her waist, Won Lost Per Cen.
dignified bearing and courteous, firm |}
Nell_oHe called me a peach.?; Boston 9i 33 708
elle"Yes, and afterwares be asked] B stimore 8738 65 |
me if I had noticed what miscrable|New York 382 4 b3b |
things this yearTs peaches were.� C.ucinnati 720095 OG
. toe Cleveland 67 = ad 532
Be"l understand Seribbler_ has Brooklyn 60 G9 465
made a big hit with his novel. I didnTs : . a
know he was clever.� she-"He isnTt| Washington ~ o 40%
clever, heTs shrewd. . His character Pittsburg el mv av
donTt talk about anything but bicycles.� Chicago ops +1
Philadelphia 54. 78 419 |
The Butt End of a Goat Louisville ob (6 We
St. Louis 79. 8S 22%
A prominent Odd Fellsw went home|
frem lodge Tuesday night, wearing a| stent cie
black eve, The only explanation hisT The miltinery opevings today were |
wife could get was that he was helping, ~centres ef attraction tor the " ladies,
to hold the goat ter a preacher to ride Inany of whom went to inspect the new
and the guat butted him, | goods.
" ~~
3 Great Specials.
Bay sas things S190 up.
Handsome Buggy Robes
from $1.20 up.
Mogquette Rugs, 52x27, for
$i 70.
Othe? goods in- proportion.
We open Autumn activities
this week in- earnest: The.
stock..is im ideal readiness.
~ Kvery department responds to,
the present and future need of
men and_ boys dress. Cooler
days are not far off. The wis:
will anticipate this. .Intelli igen
and ~ unpreju liced : criticism.
places our assortment of
at the top. Tt you.keep in touch with our to
ings, vou [now that experience, study, thou!
skil', capiial aad care controlled our § Lateottois
and purchases. For prooi, you are invited to
~thoroughly inspect quality of fabrics, colors,
pattcrns, stvies, tailoring, fit. Prices correct.
Bri liant Fabrics.
-"# from ."
Twe Hemispheres,
i em
wns mois hin a
and Boy
Oe ii
wireless =
hy bel.
Dress toods, Minthine
The Autumnal Textiles are in radiant. pro-
0 Fim.
aro hil Pad
, Hats,
fasion on ur counters. No store in the South
ever exhibited so much exelusiveness and ele-
vance ~I'.ere are gorgeous groups of strils
from Paris, Vienna, Picardy, Roubaix, Glui-
chau,Gcra, Bradford, Leeds, Glasgow and other
famous trans-Atlantic manufacturing cities. We
selected the best that the makers of France,
Germany, Austria, England and Scotland have
produced, and you are invited to examine
them while they are yet in their exquisite
state of freshness and beauty. There are mul-
titudes of plain makes in mono-colors, and an
ageregation of fancy effects in multi-colors
showing designs and combinations that are too
kaleidoscopic for any advertising pen to d :
scribe. Price is no object with us.
op.d. WHICHARD. Eéitor.
cinema le
Shy red as second-rluss mail matter.
a eae 5 es a +
- *
Pee ES,
Ore yeur. fet -, sao�
ia moe, =. 5. * |? 225
One week. * a - - 10
Delivered in town by carriers withouT
@xtr cost.
*o. Avertisng rates are liberal andcan be
ad on application to the editor or at
o~~ offices |
Ave desire » live corresponuen: at
ry postoffice In the county, who will
gend in brief items'of NEWS 88 it occurs
4a each ueighborhood. Write plainly
4ad oniv on one side of the paper.
cities icenanatt
Wepwespar. GEpTEeMBER 29, 1897.8
The price of cotton is very dis-
couraging to the farmers, espe~
"eially in the face of a small crop.
The etaple is now lower by fully
@ cent in the pound than it was
avearego. This 2008 to show
that here is nothing in a Repub-
lican administration favorable to
the people of the South. Just
~now we are haying to pay nearly
~double price for flour and get &
much lower vrice for cotton. All
the promises made by the Re-
publicans when campaigning
stand for nonght, and arthing is
heard now of the 15 cents for
cotton that a North Oarolina
Convressman was reported two
campaigns ago as saying the
people. would get when he and
his crowd got in.
memati cecumtiaat taal
McKinley says the dissutisfac-
tion in the South at the appoint:
ment of negro postmasters will
not prevent him appointing more
wheu competent ones can be
found. There are negroes in the
north and west fully a8 compe-
tent as in the South, and the fact
that negroes are appointed to
federal office only in the South
shows tbat it is intended to bu-
miliate the white people of the
South."Kinstoa Free Press.
ememmmmme mente nace cial
Lincoln, Nebraska, trots out
the cheekiest embezzler on rec-
ord. He was formerly Republi-
can State Auditor, and got away
with $280,328 of the State's money.
He aamita taking the money, but
insists that it should have been
paid to the State Treasurer in-
stead of to him, and that it is 4
matter he has to settle with the
insurince companies who paid
the fecs embezzled, and not with
the State. They paidthe money
to the wrong man. They certain:
ly did pay 1t to the wrong man."
Wilmington Star.
The country newspaper manTs
real friends are those who pay
every year. His best friends are
those who pay at the beginning
of each subscription year; or, if
that 1s inconvenient, when the
time of rsceiving it is half oat ;
or, it any are unfortunate and
have vot the money then, before
_ the year closes. Thecity news-
paper's friends are all real, for
ae the publisher thereof will send
_- -go papets aoless he gets his pay
a ia adyance. That's the differ-
_ enee between having friends who
2 will trast you; and confidence
should nos
at i
a : ; , The Pistsburg Times estimates
that the etrike in that district hae |
~ involyed a loss to the mivers
uring. the eight weeks of its
gether st. has dcaé. the
the Pittsburg listrret"
o| who
be abased."Press and
fee." | men think 40 per cen:. of the crop
| was uncut when the frost came.
of $2,500,000, and
stéd"not less than $5,000,000 to
$7,000,000. It is too soon to fully
measare tie ccet of the strike in
the middle coal field, though ils
terrible cost in haman: life has
been very nearly sumed up: but
ommercial world in
if to the loss of waves: be added,
the trad losres, the destruction
of property gnu the pay of the
deputies and militia dt will be
geen that the total cost of miving
atrikes in this Stare since mid-
summer will foot up the propor-
tions of wu great ~catastrophe.
Viewing the questicn ip # purely
economic sense the query srise®:
Can the State de pothing to cut
down this great waste 7 Are
there no better rem dies tor in-
dustrial ware than contests of
endurance? If there be, why not
preferably spend a part of the
millicns now wasted in a test of
methods more in consonance
with the laws of civilization aod
bumanity ?"Philadelpbia Rec-
Otho Will a Tale Unfold.
Semen eeenl
i cad
Winston, Sept. 27.--S. Otho
Wilson, of the North Carolina
railrcad commission, who was
tarned down by Gov- Russell a
few days ago, came here today
and made a contract with Stewart
Bros. to publish bis paper, oThe
Hayseeder,� which will be reviv-
ed next week. The editorial
office will be in Raleigh. Mr.
Wilson says his paper will be red
hot: He claims to know a great
eal about the status of affairs in
the political arena of North Caro
loa, and he proposes now thaé
the dear people shall haye the
benefit of it. He says that one of
the first uuties he will perform
with the columns of the oHay-
aeeder� will be to kill Senotor
Botler with the charges that have
been made against him (Batler)
by Governor Ruseeil, and also to
kill Gov. Russell with the charges
made against bim (Russell) by
Senator Butler. Atlthis red hot
oshot and shel� which Mr.
Wilson bas stored away for bis
arch allied enemiesT vestruction
ia composed of things told him
by Rossell and Batler before
they became such affectiouate
political bed-fellows."Chariotie
Damage to Kentucky Tobacco
Cincinnati, Sent. 25."A special
to~the Commercial! Tribune, from
Louisville, Ky, says: The ex-
tent of the damage causadto the
tobacco crop iu Keniucky by
froetis greater than was a! first
supposed. In the weekly reyiew
of the leaf tobacco market which
the Loutsyille tcbacco Ware-
house Association as just is- ued
an estimate of the burleyv crop 18
made. This review is prepared
by Mr, Henry Glover, president
of the association, a tradg author-
ity whose responsibility is aal-
versally rec ganized. Mr. Glover
also mentions, in a general way,
the damage by frost. He pute
the burley crop at only 50 per
cent. of last yearTs crop, which
was very much belo ~he avorage.
He estimates that oaly 3) per
cant. of the crop was uacat Mon-
day, and that one-third of this
was more or less frosted. Some
of this was killed and some was
only biackened. Tobacco in the
but on the uplands it was unbart.
The lowland tobacco was the best
of the crop. Some warehouse
Yellow Jack Preventative.
Guard against Yellow Jack by
keepin x the system thorougly clean and
tree from germ breeding matter, Cas~
earets Candy Cathartic will cleanse
the system and kill oall contagious
disease verms,
low grounds was generally killed, |
Rg ae aay
pose seldom deserts his colors.
ItTs the biggest kind of an
money a8 @ bribe.
The Klondike har isnTt confining
oTimes never get 80 good that
the fellow who doesnTt intend to
work cau find a steady job-
~@eieuce hns done much to
lessen tne percentage of death
from yellow fever, by improved
methods of treatment, but it has
not been able to lessen the fright
in the Vicinity of a case of the
The Connecticut widow who
wept for four years on the grave
of another man, believing 10 that
of her dead busband, is probu-
bly quite disgusted enough to
entertain a proposal uf marriage
from the right man.
Tema canna
Most Too Scary of Burglars
Asheville. Sept. 25."Last nizh',
Mrs. McMinn, living on Vance
street, feeling ill, arose and
atarted through the hallway for
some object, when her brother,
Fred Johnson, hearing the noise
and supposing that it was a burg-
lar, opened the door to his room
and fired into the hall. The
bullet struck Mrs. McMinn in the
mouth, knocking out several
teeth, and ranging downward,
lodged. The woundis wot coa-
sidered dangerous. " Charlotte
Ubser ver.
Society the Best Teacher of Eti-
The best book of etiqaétce is
that great one, the best society.
Uf you feel awkward or uncertain
watch those people whose man-
pers show that they are conver-
sant with all thet is best. In im-
itating them you will not be apt
to make mistakes. The average
American girlis quick at recog-
nizing her mistakes and seldom
repeats one after she realizes her
error. She is kind of heart and
sympathetic, and because of har
quick wit and these two virtues
she will always bea geutlewoman
in the ie 9 sense of the word."
October LadiesT Home Journal.
No Pay Dirt There
A very ragged and, very unvvhole-
some looking tramp stopped et the
back door of a smalT house in Avondale,
and addressing himself te the house~
wife who appeared in respons to his
knuck he said: oMadam, perhaps
you have heard of the great gold
strike on the Klondike river ?�
oJ donTt believe Ouily
strike ITve heard of is the one about
I have.
oYou donTt know, then, madam, that
the gold fairly sticks to on»Ts clothes,
und] it can be taken out with a curry
«] donTt believe any such ~hing.�
oNevertheless, it is quite true. A
man who lies down to sleep on the
_round wakes in the morning with
chunks of gold siuck to his coat like
T The woman looked at him very
oYes, maTam. I suppose that chese
tlothes of mine, if assayed properly,
would yield about $12,000.�
The women renained silent,
oBut what madam, is gold to me"
little dabs of it like that? I have
made my pile up there and am inde-
pendent, I donTt need to bother about
such little things. What I was going
to say 18 that, feeling a large sympathy
for striving toiks, 1 would be willing to
trade you this ciatend these trousers
for your husbandTs Suaday euit, allow~
ing you the benefit of whatever ore
you find in assayiog.�"Tho Chicaro
oA man ~with ~an aloghol-tinted |»
insult to offer a small sum of}
his efforts to describing gold).
a » :
25¢* 50¢
¥ oe =
a on
ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED $9.27 327 coo" comin oteey natural resulta, §
gle and bonkiet free. Ad. STERLING REMEDY
CO., Chicago, Montreal, Can., orNew York. _ 311.
R. L. DAVIS, PresTt.
*A. TYSON, Vic-ePres.
The Bank of Greenville, ~'
J L. LITTLE, CashTor
JUNE 15th,'1896.
Atithe,Closejof Business July 23rd, 1897.
We study carefully the separate needs
your account, promising every acco
J.oans and Discounts ,273.62 3 Capital stock paid in $23,000.00
Over, Drafts 1,580,18 Surpius and Profits 503.19
Premium on Stock 1,000.00 Deposits subject to Check 48,289.50
Due from Banks 3'630.53; Due to Banks 795.25
Furniture and Fixtures 1,505.00, Cashiers Checks ontstanding 153.12
Cash Items 1.278.153 Time Certificates of Deposit §5.00
ash in Vault 14,528.54 I. ""ee
time ~Thilo $72,796.04
Total $72,796.04 wane HD eo fam
of our patrons, aud shall be glad to have
mmodation consistent with good banking.
their interest toget our prices befere pui
chasing elsewhere. Ourstock is coraplete
u allits branches.
always on hand and sold at
the times. Our 3 a
eold for CASH therefore, bovine no risk],
Wehavealarge =,
just arrived. Come and
see us.
i OD 6:
ing their yearTs supplies will find
Tcbacco, Snuff &c,
we buy dirocy from Mar iactu,. en
lin: you to bay at or profit, A eow -
che stock of oe
run we sellety slose argin. |
CTs k ae ae af i
eee) eee
woe () ee
We have ,utt received & new
hearse and ihe nicest line of Oof-
tina and Caskets, in weed, metal-
lic and cloth ever brought to
: GentlemensClothing
We ate prept.vd to Jo embalm-
ing in ali its forte
9 Personal atiention given toc
ducting funerals and bodies
treated to our care will rece
every mark of respect.
Our prices are tower than ever.
Ne do not want monupoly but
uvite con. petition.
We can be found at any and all
times in the Johu Flanagan
Buggy CoTs building. .
Can be found below Five Points,
next door to Reflector office,
Patronage solicited. Cleaning, Dyeing
and Pressiag Gents Clothes a specialty
Special attention given to cleanins
The next session of, the school will
open on
MONDAY SEPY. 6," 1897
and continue for 10 months.
The terms are as follows.
Primary Bnglish per mo. $2 00
oIntermediate ~* "= o $2 50
Higher inal $3 00
Languages (each) ** o 4100
The work and diselpline of
the schoo!
2 gg Nie gig OE Sed
Atlantis Coast tang
he in rire
Schedule in Effect Aug. 16th,'186S,
ee from W Ymington. »,
_ Kor HBOUND.� hd
DAILY No yea SNE na sti:
9.35 a.m. nolia 1.59 ain. Warsaw 11.10
am, Goldsboro 11.58 am, Wil
+: 12.8 he
1.20) m. arboro 2.58 p
«Weldon 3,3) p m. Paterebute
5.f4 p m, Richmond 6.50 pm,
Norfo.k 6.05 p m, Washing-
ton 11.10 pm. Raltimore 12.53
am, PhiTadelpnia 3°45 a m,
New York 6.53 am, Boston
,00 p m.
DAILY No 40}"Fassenger"Duc Mag
7.15 p m. nofia 8.55 p m. Warsaw 9.10
p m, Goldsboro 10.10 p m
Wilson 11.06 p m. Tar bora
6.45 am. Rocky Mount 11 47
pm, Weldon 1.442 m, Nor-
folk 10,30 a m, Petersburg
$8 24a m. Richmond 4.26 a m,
Washington 7.41.m, Balti, |"
more 95 4 m, Philadeiphnia
11.25 am, New York 2.02 p
Boaton §.30 pm.
DAILY No 55"Passengor Due Lake
AO p m. Waecamaw 4.55 p m, Chad
bourn 5.40 pm Marion. 6.42 p
m, Florence 7.25 p m, Sum-
te: 8.42 p m, Columbia 10.05
m, Denmark 6,20 a m, August
to8. 20 a m, Macon 11.30 am,
Atlanta 12.15 p m, Charies-
ton 10.20 »m. Savannah oa
a m. Jacksonville 8.20 a
St. Augustine 10.30 am, Tan
pa 6.40 pm.
DAILY No. 49."Passenger" Boston
9.45 P.M. 1.03 pm. New York 9.00 pm,
Philadelphia 12.05 am, Balti-
more 6,60 am, Washington
4.30 am, Richmond 9.04 am,
Tetersburg 10.00 am, Nor-
Weldou 11.50 am, ~Tarboro
12.12 -m, Reeky Mounr 12.45
pm. Wirson 2:14 pm, Golds-
boro 3.10 pm, Warsaw 4.92,
pm, Maguolia 416 pm,
DAILY No, 41."Passenger"Leave |
9.830 A.M, Boston 12.00 night, New
York 9.30 am, Phitadelphia
12.09 pm, Baltimore 2.25 pm,
Washington 8.46 pm, Rich-
mond 7.30 pm, Petersburg
8.12pm. Norfolk 2,20 pm,
Weldon 943 pm, Tarboro
6.01 pin. Recky Mount 5.45
am. Leave Wilson 6.20 am.
Goldsboro 7°01 am, Warsaw
7.53 am. Magnolia &, 05 am.
DAILy No 61"Passenger"- ~Leave
except New Bern 9.20 am, Jackson-
sunday ville 1042 am. This train
.40 P.M. arrives at Walnut street.
DAILY No. 54"Passenger"lLeave
"12,15 P. M, Tampa 8.00 am. Sonford 1} .£0
pm, Jacksonville 6 85 pin,
Savanna 12.50 night. Charles.
ton 5.88 am.Columbia 5.50
am, Atlanta 8.20 am, Macan
9.30 am, Augusta 3.05 pm,
Lenmark 4.°5 pm. Sumpter
40 am, Florence 8.55 am.
Marion 9.35 am, Chudbourn
10.35 am, Lake Waccamaw
11.06 am,
Traic on Scctle i Neck Sranch ava
eaves Weldon 4.10 p,m., Halifax 4.28
9. m., arrives Scotland Neck at 6.10 p
»., Greenville 6,57 p, m., Kinston 7.55
m. Returning, leaves Kinston 7.50
a. m., Greenville 8.62 a. m. Arriviayg
Hali x at 11:20a. m., We'don 11.40 am
daily except Sunday.
I'rains on Washaoigton Branch leav
Washington 8.20 a, m.,and1.00 p.m
arrives Parmele 9.10 a. m., and 3.40 p
m., Tarboro 9.45 a. m., returningleaves
Tarboro 3.30 p. m., Parmele 10.20 a. m.
and 6.20 p. im,, arrives Washington
11.40 a. m., and 7.20 p. m. Daily ex-
ept Sunday. Connects with trains on
Scotland Nock Branch.
Train leaves ,arooru, N C, via.Albde-
marle & Raleigh R. KR. daily except Sun-
day, at 5 50 p. m., Sunday 405 P. M;
artive Plymouth 7.40 P. M., 6.00 p. m.
Returning .saves Plymouth daily except
Sunday, 7.50 a. m., Sunday 9.00 a 1.,
arrive Tarboro 10. 16am and ll. 4
Train on Midland N. C. branch leaves
ole%boro daily, ex i Sunday, 6.05 a
m. atviving Snaithtield 7°30 a. wn. Re-
turning leaves Smithfield 8.00 a. m,, ar-
rives ut Galdsbors 9,30 a, m.
Trains on Latta branch, Florence R
&., leave Latts 640 pm, asrive Dunbar
7.50 p m, Clio 8.05 p wm. Returning
leave Clicté6.10 am, Dunbar 6.30 a m,
hig Latta 7.50 a m. daily except Sun-
Train onClinton Branch leaves Wai-
saw for Clinton caily, except Suuday,
¥ |
m. Rocky os m, | fitty. dollar & mouth maunr. * Is
ie Wanted to Be Exclusive
wce gre cotedt iad, with a sabued : : vo
morning, oS ge i &
*-Good morning,� responded the
official with a cheerful, hundred aud
there avything we can do tor you this
morning 2� :
o] donTt iow. really, sir,� crooned
the caller suttly. To know if you
cau is the cbject of ay visit this morn-
oVery well, state your case, and it
we can do anything for you. you muy
rest assured it will be done.�
The visitor cleared his throat pretty
much us it be were yoing to deliver a
sermon. pe
~I think,� he said slowly and with
hesitation, oif I zisiake not, that I saw
@ plutement in some one of the public
prints to tne effece that tLis offize would
not issus a patent ou Sunday. Is that
trus, sir?�
oQuite trust does uot.�
oWiy is that, ei. it I may ask 7�
oIt is agaiast thé rules of the office
sall I know.� !
oWill it issue one on eny other day
of the seven, sir ?�
oCertainly it will, That ia what it
is bere for � \
oOh, thank you, how nice!� twite
tered the visitor, taking a large madcas
handkercu firem bis coattail pocket,
shakiug it cut and wiping bis brow
with it, oThat being the cese, if you
will be kind enough to let me have
one or Tuesdy, s.r, you will do me a
g eat perscmal favor. You see, sir,
~Tuesday is my birthday, and 1 want a
patenton itso no one can use it for
birthdsy purpos.s, sir, except myself.
-" Washington Star.
W. M. Bond.
Box & FuEMING,
Jv. L, Fleming.
Greenville, N. C.
Practiee is all the courts.
(treenvilie Market.
Corrected by 8S. M. Schultz.
Buiter, per 1b 14 to 26
Western Sides 34 506]
Sagar cured Hams 10 to 124
Corn 40 to 50
Corn Meal 15 So 60
Flour, Familv 4.25 to 6.76
Lard 54 to 10
Oats 35 to 40;
Sugar 4 to 5
Coffee 17 to 20!
Salt per Sack 76 to 1 50!
Chickens 10 to 20;
Eggs per oz 7 to by
Beeswax. pes
Situated on Southern Railway, in
Piedmont seeticn; very best water:
tian vhureh, non-sectanan in spirit an:
teaching, highest moral tone, elegant
building, halls laboratories, e
ty of specialist, ev-educational, curri-
culura equa! of best male college, thre~
degree courses, muss liberal terms, bes
advantages, catalogue on application
Address J. +), ATKINSON, Chairma.
Clon Callege, N. C.
mn .
7 ,
j Ad gitaihanie phy ae rts mettre gy Tete nt ig ea Mee
do Ss Wea ~sy,
healthiest locality, property of Cbris-| ;
etc., facu'- |
fs R'T ~
BAPTlon -~ervices every , Sunday
moring : 19 evening.
Thursday evesing. Rev A. W. Setzer,
Pastur. Sunday school 9:30 A. M
C; D. Rountree, Superintendent.
.CAT!'0 IC"No regu.ar services.
vices 8 cond Sunday morning. Rev. A.
Greave-., Rector Satilay 8
A.M. °. 1. Brown, Superipter. dant.
day, morning
meetin: ~Ved.esday eveuing.
N. M. oSeteen. Pastor. Sunday schoo
9:30 A. ~I.
Sunday moraing aid evening. Rev
J. B. Motos tastor.
9:30 A. M. K.
Meets every Tuesday evening. J.
Johnson N.G. L. . Pender, Sec.
K. oi ?."tar River Lodge No, 93,
meets ver iriTay evening. H. W.
R. ands
mectievery Thursday evening.
Wil on, R. M.R. Lang, Sec.
K of 1t."Insurance Lodge No. 1169
every Friday evening.
D UJenry Sheppard, R.
mie: is
evry thersdav nivht, J. B.
Prayer. ~meeting
oEPISCOP \L"Services fourth Sun- |
day, morning and evening. Lay ser-
schooT 9:30-
METHODIST~"Services every Sun-
and evening. a veel
\. B- Ellington, eee
Sunday school
& Ficklen Superinten-
A. F & A. \.."Greenville Lodge No.
284 nieet: first and thiid Moaday even-
J. M, Reuss W. M. L. I. Moore,
I. 0.1. &,"Covenen: Lodge No. 17
_ A.B. Billington K. of
\."j.ub Vance Coaucil No. 1696
W. B.
A... of TT. Pitt C uncil 236 mects
vf shee
igi ie
ott Seaxgy
HIS Bank wants. yourt Tl and a ~cows :
if not all, of your business, pre wl! grant
every favor consistent with safe ana ~ound ©
banking. We invite ye nanepeg apa l ot a per.
sonal interview: to that end.
he ery
Seeaaa =What Ist? yt: pki
eee Jt is a we ot tae celebrated a
Bestin use The outfit of no business man is
complete without one.
The Reflector Book Store
has a nice pancetta unt ot these Fountein Pens
C. W_&. Wil-on, See.
_ __l\also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Go. Pens
See atch and Pounce You will be astonished when you see th».n and
ae er eras varnhow very cheap they are.
beiw ate Nortvik prices of cottor
Bn: eninne tor vesterdiy, a8 furnished |
by eh eee &cneniesion Mer) - You may never,
aivarON. ~But should you ever}
Goo! widdling 6 |
Law alia 58. nan +4
ow Wlad iayg ~6 Ww
cot oWant Job Printing
reat "-OU
Pie T "="= Come fo see us,"
: White a to 75 See ata aa he ~
Shingles! Shingles !
cae i
ville. Apply to
Ayden, N.C.
W R. VARKER as Menager. Orders
~or }unber, Rough or Dressed can be
dett with him.
xinston, N.
lfkart Hand Made Cypress Shingles,
er thovsand delivered at Gresn-
Lumber Yurd at babel with
Anything fron je
Visiting Card
ocog PENCE
Exeellant buildings and beantiful
oun in a Healthful Location with
splen tid climate. Stands at the very
ifr utin Female Edueation.
Vin jor e ourses. High in its Standard
1 '
fo tyeuue officers and
Very essouable pues.
Me oc :. 0 Jas. DINWIDNIE, M. A
| *
numer of electives.
pissecin It ry INTELLECTUAL
Seid for cat
eee eln + shins en enema snatmmninien mcanemetiet
Next Session Opens September 8.
~invee full courses of study. Large
Two full chairs in
"_""TO A""
F'ull Sheet FP 73
The Daily Reflector
Gives the hore sews
every afternoon at the
small price of 25 ets a
month. Are yen a -ub-
seriber? It vu
ought to be.
1000 a.m. and 8.50 p, mT Returnirg se MOHOOONSAGNCON WWOONGOG : l
eaves Cinton at 7.00 a. m, and3,00 1 m.| 4% of ce | Ls Ont bandied aod cis thoaand polars
Train No. 78 makes close connection | oa 3 » added to the endowment during the
.t Weldon forall points daily, allrail via | g@ fe | present year. Only male literary college
= pi ag ned wed - 3 Prete Wh e in North Carolina that is located ina
orfolk and Carolina or Nou0lk | Ss i city.
one all points North via Norfolk. eg eh i 1 e's The bes; business course offered in
JOHN F. DIVINE, ai PRACTICAL the state, Send for album and oto
General Supt,
1, M. BMEEBUON,Trafic Manage. "_ | Jae Hl ANT SHEET IRN
J, R.KENLY. Gen} Moveger.
Ne | Offers his services to the
me XG citizens of Greenville and the
Addres JNO. C0, KILGO,
_, Durham. N. C..
old: | ?
The Eastern Reflector.
is only $1. a vean.? y 14
contains the news every
~ BU ARR. ae
ba é public generally. 1 WR aan af
i 1S Wal ROOFING, GUTTERING. Mo spa oif week, and gives mMorm:-
peas | = a: ee a bag BPO a. tion to the farmers, ¢s-
Saya S| + Ebi od pecially thogm, ghoiring
{M-nocharges made. Tobace 2) 0
may times oegiit ee opay ,
its Class inthe State |
the subscription. We we ~
. : wi i / \ ~ en : : :
Sask ( i i i d
" , . 7 ye
a : : ig ee &.
- ~Winter wear.
en :
Fake . +
e extend to our
me pene: and the
public generally, espe-
| giany the ladies, a cor-
dial invitation to visit
our store and examine
ae ay
4g :
fk tt
; oP.
~ ee
e 4
i *
aOR ~
which is.the
Peet t hele!
ek PSG Pe pore i
% PLA MD tbs SR e
P as
intho town... The as-
gortnient of Fine Wool-
en includes a full line
of staple and oup-to-
date� Novelties such as
Silk and Wool, Otto-
mans, Satin De Chine,
Silk LleanoT Henriettas
and Plain Silks and
Satins and many other
new and stylish fabrics
eer ean ae SEI
The line of
are beautiful andup to
date. Every piece be-
ing selected with the
greatest care.
The line of
arenew and stylish and
stylish and especialiy
desirable for Fall and
eee eek ye Aaaoed Fy�
41 Creutes many a new business.
~~ Spparn AND BOAT SCHEDUL 'S. pop |
; ee ee who has been vis'tiig her brother. Dr.
1 od TW. H. Bagwell, returned home today
,. | Nerth, arriver 3:52 4,
| ingtoti Nonudy GW 7 a-2
leaves fo Waele off - endity« thurs:
ba a
sents ennoneerenar tte
Mies a
4 i
. ~Accept our invition.
Make us a Noel It will
give us pleasure to
ou through.
ur friends,
, . i if i 5 a 9 " Bilt
Giilarges many an old business,
Tye To Ain Or ii.
Preserves many @ large business |
Revives. many adull business,
i be Ee ae 4 Be a ci. wa
Rescues many alost. business,
ee ee kk et oo toe
°* Saves many a failing business.o
Soc ures svenzes to-any business
thaw Se
S| Ske
_ poe
To oadvertise o'udiclously,�� wee; tre |
columns of tu. REVLEOTOR.
ping: Constant at it Brings Succes
nee OO Ace Pons het / rt
vot opi tram going
M; Going South.
arrives 657 P.M *
Steamer ~Tar Kiver arrives from Wash:
day and sata ee *
waters |
act hn miata aan
Fair tonight end; Pharsday except
showers ov the toush warmer.
" Pri ay
© a ii *
' None. are Attaghed to Reading
Evgs and chickens, at Ss. M. Schultz.
The bill posters have put up: advet-
fisements for the show.
For nice fresh cystersy in-any tye,
call on Old Jue Forbes.
L. Hvoker is baviug another buiid-
ing pus up on fhe Dancy iot.
Iu toduy-"Hresb N.Y. Stave Bute
ter vad Cheese at 5. M. schultz.
Tne Academy boys have put aside
tnebatand now play toot ball.
[have returned to Greenville and
um again ready to serve ull havang any
dressiraking to dv. ~Lhe patronage ot
my former customers, us weli us O-hers
will be appreciate |.
Miss Lizzin Lewis.
There were fifty-tive appleants he-
lore the Supreme Cours on Monday
for licens to practice bw. Every one
ot the class passed without a single
taiiure among them
Two of the inmates of the SoldiersT
Home had a quarrel and a tight a day
One struck the other and
with a stick,
or tWO UO.
nearly broke lis ari
Both were iminediaiely dismissed.
Seyeral Mecklenburg county iar-
mers uré holding their cotton in the
secd and say they wi'l net have it
ginned until the price 1s better.
In the Wake county chaingang there
are now forty-two men, Last Sunday
the request was made that all who had
been accustomed to gumble stand up.
the premises.
= a 2
2 a4 ia
but Your Name Can be Pasted
today here,
on business.
from Richmond,
ing from Raleigh. ;
evening tr: m: Snffolk. 9
to relatives at Rocky Mount.
Miss Nannie Bagwell, vf Raleigh,
Mre. Jalian Timberlake, of Raleigh:
who has becn visitvig her father. R. R.
Cotten, in this county, took the train
he ethis morning for ber home. a
tire at Hines BrosT Mills "
Atatew minu'es, to 6 oTclock yee-
terday atternvuon, the . fuel rocm : of
ered ina bright blaze. It is not know
how it caught. ~T's room 1s constructed
of brick and iron, and inside was a
sectbing mass of flames of the sawdust
and chips,- ~Phe splendid fire depart-
ment nt the finely equipped mills saved
the day. Ina few minutes three large
| streams of water were being thrown on
the fire trom the large donkey pump on
}t was a terrible fire
but was under control within fifteen
minutes and Way put out in, half aa
hour. The damage is very slight."
Kinsion Free Press.
A New Definition-
A little Geor via school -girl was ask-
ed fur a cemposition on oThe Confed-
she handed in the following :
that fought and bled and died for his
country. He is sometimes. on one
leg (nd sometimes om two. The State
builds a home and sells the home
before he can vet in it. My pa says
he isa veteran. He was wounded by
having a leg sawed off in a confederate
saw mill while making coffins to bury
soldiers ir. Uhe state donTt help my
pa much, pnd he says damn the state.�
" Augusta | hronicle.
Robert Wilson, ihe infant son of
Mr. and Mrs W. H. Ricks, sged 6
months and 11 days, died at 9 o'clock
this morning at their home in South
Greenville. It was their only child
and our people sympathize with tne
bereaved pa ents mn the sorrow that
bas visited their home, May they
receive comfort from Him who said
«Suffer litt's children to come un o
The burial takes place Thursday
morning at the Tatt grove 7 miles enet
ot town, services being held at the res-
idence about. 8 oTclock, just befcre
leaving tor the country with the re"
Thirty-eight stool up. Forty suid they
were habitual drinkers.
To the Ladies
It you have lace curtains that need
laundering send them to me. Price
50 centsa pair. Goods sent off every
Wednesday morning, and returned
Saturday evening.
Agt. Wilmirgten Steam Laundry.
~That is the. way all {druggists sell
i) for Chills, Fever and sll forms ot
Malaria. It is simply ron and Quinine
in a casteless fom. Children love it
Py ¢ ta ea ry Ea
} i 4 ~
~a J i My :
ee mh
ay cee
( ®
| Adults prefer it ~to bitter, nauseating |
|'Tonics. Price, 600. ot
Pure, sweet mik delivered at your
dooz, morning and evening, at 30 cents
per gailon. With ten yeare experience
in the dairy businessia Greenville we
deem it unnecessary to say more.
sills Lines oat Company.
of settling the affairs ot
I herebv offer for sale the real estate
erty will be sold on reasonable terms
lots to suit purchasers,
For further informat:
dress | %
n see or ad
Receiver, Kinsion, N.C,
You See Your Face and'Forget it, |
J.N. Gorman, of Richmond, spent]
_ B.G. Pearce went to Hasselle today
H. P. Strause returned Tuesday)
R. Williams returned Tuesday evens}
+ Burwell Riddick returned Tuesday |
J) J! Cherry, Jr., returned Tacsday |
F ; i Ds bs 4
evening frem Richmond,
~8, M. Schultz and wife and ebiidren |
returned. Tuesday evening froma visit
Hines Bios,T Lumber Mills was disvov-| -
erate Veteran.� A few days thereafter
oThe Coufederate Veteran 38 one,
Yau Property fr Sale
alified as Receiver of the Green-
for the purpose
said casey
and adjoining the town of Greenville | ~~
belonging to said Company. peek ong # :
The new stock is ready. It is rich with novel
and handsome styles that artistic and exclu-
sive manufacturers have produced. We urge
youto examine every detail of them. Subject
materials, patterns, colors, fit and workman-
shiptoany test. ~The goods reflect every ele-
ment of elegance and excellence. Our best ef-
forts were centered in the selections and every
enery we could command was applied to the
work of getting rices right. The result will
satisfy the most fashionable and frugal. ;
= Bs
* ae
~ » ae ;
3 ~
ee ee ee
in You want the newest, prettiest and
Dress most stylish
| Goods DROSS : GOOD =.
A vain ~our Autumn stock isnow ready and
This {surpasses any we have ever shown.
Longa, TheM ost Attractive Forsen Fabrics.
a The latest domestic novelties. No
Come ~other house shows such a line.
nq | vangTs Cash House.
We Met with Such Success
last season in handling this noted Heater and
have received so much encouragement
this season that we bought heavy and are go-
ing to make the prices. accordingly. Wewill
have all sizes on hand.all the time and we can
suit We have secured the services of Mr.
Valter I. Pender, an experienced Stove Man,
who will put them up and see that they give
tisfactionbeforeleaving: "s.