Daily Reflector, December 29, 1897

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tere mtorr in "_
neo sontmatrmraninticiae Pancaneo athe tretan

D.J WHICHARD,Editorland Owner. TRUTHIN PREFERENCE T0 FICTION. © ~TERMS 3425 Cents a Month,

| " me-onapaneiintrt chen een ane alana inet ete aan et wept nemesis sAsthrteen

nate enema oe

Vol. 7. _--"-s« @REENVILLE, N. C., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1897. No. 948

as 3 ~en



~here to take an option before proceed- |
Pleyed a Big Game but is Finally |jno to Cuba.
Pulled. _" .
ed | Mr, Higgs wrote the letter as prom- | . a
: rom and armed with his autograph L


There is an old saying that it 1s orand the blank checks Harding was
long lane that has no turning. Equally}

nator peter lett irrneipanesice capipeetptien sat ner etcetera ae ntecitetintbptintilrtywnamrns oe oo a aaa don alegre mm nie oe mer . - rane a

land if satisfactory he would returt.

i h i th it i | k yreaey fon dusiness, SPIER PD IRIS IEEE SRA ARLSES S PSR SESE DLA. eee ene RNP NN al et ale PtP Oe
id 7 �,� �,� ct ry ae ta ~~
= true 1s the asserulon that 1f is a ucky! tere the land matter ended. yet
W hat bine fer bo]seieicon Wn tel piyilanaains |nothing wrong was suspected until
; , T * | . . .
and keep beysnd the clutches of the ~one day an inquiry came from the New .
& } . . .
we | York bank about a certain check deawn
"_ . . i
; Shall if Last July a large, robust, handsome by Mr. Higgs in favor of H. H. Hard-
Ipoking man stepped off the train ating, Mr. Higgs having drawn no such .

-|Greenville. When he gave his name check -at once discovered Hard ngTs
G ® th 9 as H. H. Hasding he was remembered | game, and advised the New York bank
lve em: ak a young man who left Beauiort/that it wasa forgery. The matter was
| cdunty twenty years ago to seek hbis/kept quiet in the hope that Siarding
forlune in the greet west. He repres| iniyit be located and arrested.

genta� that he was a member of the; Nething more was heard xt this end

Colordo Construction Company with'for sometime until Hardiag put in at iC)T i IN
h adauanters at San Francisco, that| South Omaha, Ney., and got off one |

his company had buiit reilroads in this lof the checks ona bank in that city
and tore cotntries, and that he was} He ckipped bctore the forgery was de-
then enpute to Cuba to look after tected. : oe |

for which his company had! Next he showed up in. Seattle, aud solicit your patronage.
coutracted with the Spanish Govern- | Wash., where he put up an $8,000
ment, and rook advan'age of th O))- icheck on a vadk and got $3,00) on it.
portanity to on*8 more visit his vative!As soonas the Seattle bark discoved
seciion of North Carolina by coming ~that the check was a forgery they de-
this way. itermined to bunt Haiding down no

In fashionable _

soine WO

He spent some days here and proved |matter what the cest. The casbier of
of very pleasant manncr, a fluent the bank with a deputy Sheriff get on

alker and an interesiing narrator of {his track, ~cilowed him = over into QO T li | ~euaggso
talker and an interesiing narrator of | ul ine oOo

~neidents connected with his extensive! British Columbia and finally arrested


travels, Nor did he mind letting it; him at RKecina, in the North West
Terntory. Harding fought the extra-

crop out that he had made his fortune

inthe west and had his barrel. He /ditior, bur they managed to have bim |
let it out also that his company wanted held in prison until ch. proper requi-
to purchase 5,000 acres of tobacco |Sition can be obtain-d to have him
land in Eastern North Caroling fur | brought back ac-oss the line and tried.


the PUrpese of locating A colony, and j The cashier of u.the Seattle bank

he had an eye to prospecting for that | wrote Mr. Higys at ones from Regina |


while svjourning in ibis quarter, advising him of Hardin.Ts arrest, 21d

- aan . ae . . |
This lard hunt brougit bim in HOT Was Rot a happler mon i town haven iF been broken anil we can show | you

; on 2 was Whe » etter reache
tact wih Mr. E, B. Higgs, cashier of]. ne was when the I-tter reached

. ; iv 1?

the Bank of Pitt County, who became | hm Monday. a heautiful ne.
; . , yo, DP. . ; Van ia Na 9

interested in ths plausible taik of the; fhe Bank of Pitt Count has lost

t 1 . eS V4 ard Is vive ~ThOC
stranger and in tarn undertook tojhohing oy HardingTs forgeries, but

interest hun on sone Talifax county jtheir blank checks betag ia his pesses" =e We \ f REO ARR ots
: H fy ? �,� | s + ¥ x * ~i } 4 ge *

1 VW Mr Whi {sion bas caused them troub!: and an ae \ mi a % Abad A Bin a Roll
ance Y, . x 5 i ; ; ns fOr ya: PAUSE ; alia ¢ - 1 / \ i i i \ ei wh! ba be i

ands. Har ns: ugh r Higes! Bux Mle Bey hr, A! ol Be B/ éhy Saal) b. 1 ey

rer aware}

several ims at the benk aud hadjPeyauce. .
. Me ~ on Wa) 7 ate tine ife * { } cy ; fa a sata. wo et Oe

Leeialks wah bim. Finally he di- Phe State that gets Havding in its) ws _ =a - me

& f
( 4

enitenhiary ¢ we hie dnowledeae of
Vv Lure a ihe secret that he Was it little penit nfilary CAN Use alls show Cie of

7 . . +t
| A . wy ayy of owes trycrp y . i
siort of eacy cish, hav ng obeen on ranroading to advantage by puting |

ras i" | 1 ot} 4 } ay
the road fors me weeks, ard wauted| hin to work. He i: able bodied


. . 5 my 1], ars a rile ¢ } j rea PTY ~
t. aevesit a echieek wich the bank, get alensuzh to do heavy work and carry a

Hats, too bacdred-delacs on it and leave the ball and chain at the same time. No}
o hhee is creli MT. jdcubt be is a forger of luny standing
. Cuffs; Deiacte hee to his cre lit, but Mr. : a
, Hices Wis too shrewd to be taken in We learn that while oC Was
Shoes, that way. in Greenville he algo teed te work
Collars, While Harding never got any his game Cn Cashier J. L, Little, of the i
Canes, | money hereT he cot something else Bank of Greenville, but wae sues ,
thet later served his purpose as wel!,/©ess: a8 our banks are officered by too
Shirts, iui laa slipped a package of " blank shrewd besiness men to be evughy that
Glover, coshierTs checks ona New York bank] V@Y: .
aie » Rank He Clronnty iss ere Ps
Hose, of which the Bank of Pitt County is a a : ]
correspondent. etore leaving he| Velocipedes, wagons, oye doll ovbics,
Capes, notified Mr. Hig s that he was going}tire works, vases, figures, cups and | 7
Overcoits, " to Washington, N. C., for a few daye}svucers, at 5, M. Schultz. :
at which place he would lke to re- . . ; . : ;
Neckwear, ~~ Bo . For Rent."New six room dwelling }- The Xmas trade has left many Jots that must be
U d wear Civea letter giving some additions house, all convelences, desirable loa: closed out, This week will he A bargain week
wwe ifcrmation about the Uelitax landsT tion, Apply to, J. W, HiaGs. with us. Eyery Department particularly offers
pply t p
Uwbrellas, great values. .
g F - ions ntetprenneangyenaranaemeeeee crane tre Buyers are abroad in the town. Early and late
eeu they cowe. This storeTs share is daily increas-
H Coats KA AAAAAAAAAA @ \AAMAAAAARA ing. he equare methods, the worthy merchan-
ouse UOdAats, oo Sp | oa B : b bh cptat
Ss Ope -@ 5 dise, the incomparable values, the complete
Night Shirts, gc 2 pa es stocks and the thorough service are the vital
ntos! « Shoes. 3 EG Rugs. 35 elements that contribule to our growing suc-
Macintoshos, oe ~ ro ee cess: ~ Mere words in the papers canTt impress
» Handkerchiefs, } . s MO oo oOO te you properly. For deep inspiration, visit the
i (eRe) ' . . �
: VOY LVVY VV VY. WII store. The glow of activity; the intensity of
�"�¥ ee vy é WE AVYAY 4 )
Dress Patterns, | the moyement; the crowd of buyers speak more
emphaiically than we can write.
Rubber Goods, ° ;
A new line of Suoes
Sleeve Buttons, A beaui.tul line of Rugs.
Fine Business Suits, A handsome line of Buggy Kobes just received. Come in '
, as 2 | and buy before it is to late. |
Fine Dress Suite, We also carry in connection with these leaders a complete & % a
Fine Oda Trousers. . cf Dry Goods and Notions, Clothing, Capes, Hate, | |
, and Caps, Furnitare, Hardware and Geneyal Mer- . |
oos chandise. Agent for George A. ClarkTs O. N. T. ;
U | Spool Cotton.
Munitord. | :
4 }
fThe Undersell Man. ULV,
! /



Dp J. WHICHARD. Editor.



tacaanitonnapenes emacs anointnnan ottn mine

""_ eo

@pwred as second-class® mail matter.



screenees ti

vesr, © * © ° $3.0"
~ ~we mont b , * � bead 4 i
Wwe weet
Delivered in town dy carriers withou
aztre cosT.

Advertisng rates are liberal andcan he
had on application to the editor or at

tre affier

We dectre : Iv? eorresporuent at

@ ery postottee inthe ecovaty, who will

(in brief items of NEWs as If Occlrs

= .ach neighborhood. Write plaints
a env on one side of the paper,


8 a wees eee een Pa 9 i EP ete "

"" enn eee
Wepnesvar. DECEMBER 29, 1897,

pier 2)


Hon Adlai E. Stephenson. late
yice president, has accepted an
Znyitation to be the orator at the
moveiling of the monument fo the
signers of the Mecklenburg dec-
Taration of independence at Char-
fotte on May 20th next.

oa "

North Carolina now has the
anly colored man in Congress,
and, thanks to the good offices of
Senator Pritchard, we are to be
wpresented in the diplomatic
gervice by a ocullud gemman.�
His name is J. H. Smythe, he
galls himself Professor, lives in
Wilson, and is to go as Minis-
ter to Liberia. Thisis the onlv
yepresentative in the diplomate
gervice that President McKinley
besanpointed from this state."
Charlotte News.

ASet of Rules for Conqeering the
Worrying Habit.

ree oDonTt Worry� movement
Was started in New York city,
avd already has attracted con
giderable attention, particularly
among church people. oDon't
Worry ,,circles are being formed
adT over the country.

The originator of the move-
went, Theodore F. Steward, has
drawn vp a set or oKules for Con-
quering the Worry Habit.� Here
they are:

1. Consider what must he in-
wolved in the trath that God is
@firite and that you are & part oF
Bis plan.

9. Memorize some of the Scrip-
ture promises, and recall them
when the temptation to worry

8, Cultivate a spirit of gratitude
fcr daily n @ries

4. Realize worrying a8 an
evemy which destroys your hLap-

5. Realize that it can be cured
Er persistent effort.

¢. Attack it definitely as some-
@ ing to be overcome.

7 Realize that it never has
dove and never can do the least
good. It wastes vitality and im~
pris ~he mental faculties.

8 Help and comfort

9, Korgive your enemies and
4() quer vour aversions.

10. Induce others to join the
D v't Worry movement.



Afact That is Sometimes Over-

We shoold not make the life cf
@ prisoner too rosy. Chromos
were never intended to go with a
sentence for lawbreaking, A
panishment that does not punish
# to be avoided by all means."
oTattler� in Asheville Citizen.

streams run in different channels
without quarreling or throwing mud
ato each other, Why not men do
ikowise. :



Beruet, N. C.. Dees 28, 1897.

Miss Effie Grimes returned home

Thursday evening from the Normal and
Industrial College at Greensbore to
spend the Christmas holidays.

Miss Mollie Bryan is visiting rela-
tives vere.

Miss Lizzie Howard, of Coneto, spent
Christmas here with her sister Mrs. D,
S. Harper.

Miss Lou Council, of Conoho, is vis
iting Misses Effie and Mollie Grimes.

Miss Ela Wainright returned ~from
Tarboro Thursday,

Dr. Mayo, of Jamesville, spent
Chrismas and Sunday with his parents
Mr. and Mrs; T. L. Mayo.

G. H. Holliday and wife, ot Everetts,
spent Christmas with friends here.

Mit Long, of Nortolk. is spending
the holidays here.

vp, C. Moore went to Conoho on
business last Wednesday.

John M. Lloyd, who has charyze of
the A. C. L. painting force, returned
home Friday night to spend Christmas
with his tamily.

Miss Mattie Grimes and M. C. 5.
Cherry went to Tarboro Thursday.

Rex. B. B. Culbreth returned lest
Thu sday looking very much improved.
His many friends are glad that he will
be with them another year. He heid
seryices in the Methodist church Sat-
urday, Sunday morning and night, and
preached very able and interesting



Rev. D. B. Pickard held his regular
monthly servic? in the Baptist church
has changed his appointment here from
the first to the fourth Sunday in each

here Sundry morning and night.


Burt Purvis the httle negro boy who
was accidently shot about two weeks
azo died | st week with lockjaw.

Mrs, J. O. Uiehsmith is spending
the bolidays with hee mother, Mrs,
Warren Andrews. at ~Tarboro.

Mrs, W. C. Nelson and children are
Visiting relatives at Tarboro,

i. C. Wynne and wife; of Rocky
Mount are spending the holidays here
with relatives.

Mis. Samuel Baynor left Sunday
evening foc Williamston.

Dr. J. D, Bullock and T. P. Builock
spent Sunday at Ccnecoe.

We were glad tu see Robt. Bryan
and S. L. Peal, of


Tarboro, in town

The young people had a oChristmas
tree at the Academy Friday might.
There were many bandsome presents
on it.

There was a party given to the
Methodist Sunday schocl at o*Carsons

Vall�? Christmas night, which was great

ly enjoyed by the little ones and all

um Se

wear "e_!

Made by Orange Va., Observer.

Men who doubt never achieve suce
cess, °

Be ware of everv man who 1s_ honest
only because it is his best policy.

Example has done more to educate
than preaching, although preashing
formulates example,

Is it pretty hard to raise aT child
without losing your tempr occasionally.
Che same applies to a car window,

New Postal Cards,

Washington has received a car-
load of the new postal cards.
They differ but slightly from the
old card the material change being
in their size, which is about one-
quarter of an inch less in width.
This was found recessary 1n view
of the numerous complaints that
the old cards would not goin an
ordinary envelope. There is a
slight change also in the printing,
which is, in effect, neater. The
cards of a much finer texture
than the old ones."Washington
Star. :

. years


& cummins

Oax ey, N, C., Dec, 28, 1897.
Christmas has come and gore, and
no accidents that we have heard of.

J. A. Roberson is quite sick with

J. L. RobersonTs little son Oscar, is
very sick with typhcid pneumonia.

T. F. Nelson is all smiles. It is a
fine boy. .

Mrs, J. E, Hines and little sop
gordon, of Rocky Mount, are visiting
her parents Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Wil-

Migs Verna Little is visiiing triends
and relatives in Williamston.

Gn Dec. 22nd, at the home of J. L.
Ross, J, L. Perkins and Miss Della
afew of the intimate friends of the
contracting parties being present. W.
. Willams, eq, officiated,

Roberson were quietly married.

May they have along and Lappy life
with vo clouds of sorrow to aarxen thst


No More Saturday Christmases
for 12 Years.

Prof. Justus Scheffer, writing
in the Hagerstown, Md., Mail di-
rects attention to the fact that
after this year 12 years will
elapsa before Christmas will
again occur on Saturday. The
next time will be in the vear 1910.
In considering this matter Mr.
Scheffer says :

oHistory, this greatest of all
dramas, has taught the serious
lesson that in the space of twalve
the most stupendou-
changes may take place in the
condition of nations, families and

individuals. What great events
may not the next ten years bring
about! Great fortunes have
been made orsweptaway. Many

», perssn who now in the -plenti-
tude of health and happiness
does not think of the ravages of
time, will have lost that which 1s
dearest to his soul. How many
cherished hopes will be shattered
at the end of that pericd of 12
years! How many of those whom
we cherish and love will, by that
time have been called away by
the angel of death, H[uped for
sueecess will have proved utter
failure, the radiance of happi-
ness changed iuto the gloom of

hipaa ttm

Mistakes of the Woman of Small

~Sometimes a wife settles down
into a dreary Comestic routine,
honastly believing that until her
vusbandTs financas improve there
is no other course for her to pur-
sue,T writes Heilesn Jay in the
January Ladies Home Journal.
oIn this matter, a3 in many
others concerning home lifr, the
false standard of money obtains
rather than the simple law of
common-sense. The very fact
that taany people can aftord
elaborate entertainments does
not imply that they cannot enjoy
sipple ones. Novelty is the
charm of Ifa, as variety ig its
spice, aud very often the guests
who come from luxurious homes
ure the most easily pleased.
Competent housekeepers . are
generaily tha most generous id
their estimate of the efforts of
others, and the young housewife
who through fear of criticism
velases to invite her richer or
more experienced friend to her
home issimply cheating herself


sel AR ia 4p a yal re ree Ml na
; :

; = eperrepy tt! ALL
Pret tin CULATE a pnucaists :
ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED {2 cute 207 caver cre ut suse easy natural results, Sam
ile and Pook !st freer�"xdy STERTING REMEDY C0., Chicago, Montreal, Can.yor New York, (917-0


09-9 -D 2-2-8 2-98 OOD Tt


JR. L. DAVIS,2PresTt. i
R. A. TYSON, Vic-ePres. ; J L. LITTLE, CashTer


The Bank of Greenville,


Atthe Close cf Business Dec, 15th, 1897.

.oans and Discounts $42,904.84 Capital stock paid in $23,000.00
Over Drafts 1,650.6" § Undivided Profits 8,797.27
Premium on Stock 1,000.00} Deposits subject to Cueck 103,294.89
Due from Banks 44,598.00 § Due to Banks 199,07
Furniture and Fixtures -1,515.25? Cashiers Checks outstanding 867.38
Current expenses 2.1 6.575 Time Certificates of Deposit 960 00
Oash Items 7,857.51 eee eee
Cash on hand 30,156.17 § Total $132,118 61
Total $132,118.61

We study carefully the separate needs of our patrons, and shall be glad to have
your account, promising every accommodation consistent with good banking,




We have ust received a uew
hearse and the nicest line of Cof-
fins and Cesgets, in weed, metal-
lic and cloth ever brought te

_ We ara prepaved t- {7 embalm-
ing ig a its forma.



Personal atiention given to con-
ducting fueerals and bodies en-
trested to our care wil! receive
avery mark of respecT.

Onr prices are tower than ever,
Ve do not want mconupoly but
wvit® Competition.

We can be found 24 any and all
~Imes in the Joho H'lanagan
Buggy CoTs building.


ale Academy.

The next session af ¢%
open on


iig c.ciryearTs Supplies will ting =,
their 1. uecest toget our prices befere pu
chasing elsewhere. Oursteck is complete
i allits brancues


Seer ee

T05320, Snut &3,

we buy diroe) from Maeda tu... eb
lim ov» tg DYE DO L jeu
¢ e stock of


scnool wit

MONDAY SEPT. ©. 1897
always on hand and soldat prices to suit Whe tetan fo ae rag aths.
the times. Uvr goods areall bought and] , . A nelict oad
sold tor CAS! therefore, having uo 1isk | | youu if Pee ner mo. See
to run we sellat a close margin. eee an

Higher o_ * « Ri
Languages (each) ** * $1 00
The work aad diselpline uf the senou
Wi: be as heretofore.

| Weask a contlauance of vour
[libecal, patronage, .



W. B. Rodman. W. Demsie Grimes,
Washington, N.C. Greenyille,N.C.
Greenyilie N.C. |
Practice wherever services are desire.




© + erence en


A handsomely illustrated book o
200 pages descriptive of Texas anc
the resourees cf that great tat
will be mailed to any address oe
receipt of eight centsto cover post-
UZ. D. dé PrRi 'E,

G,P.&T. A, 1 & GN. R. R,



Can be found below Five Points. Pa'estine, exas,
next door to Refleeto: office, Fast Texas lands are attracting
a erent considerable attention. Mention

this pap: r.


te ema
eC, Ds BLOOD ~gl | 5 AK

Patronage solicited. Cleaning, Dyein;
and Pressiag Gents Clothes a specialt

A SPECIALTY. Primary, Second:
ary or Tertiary Sypillis permanently

: eured in 15 to 85 days. You can be
a treated at home for the same price un-
Potion attention given to cleanin der same guaraoty. If you prefer to
- come here we will contract to pav rail-
Cctton and Peanut, road fare and hotel bills, and no charge

. if we tailto eure. If you nave taken
and pesanee so tyactad tg Stone mercury, iodide potash, and still have

yy, |aches and pains, Mucous Patches in
chante of Norfolle . aoe apne cee mouth, Sore Throat, Pimples, Copper

Colored Spots, Ulcers on any part of




4; . «3 the body, Hair or Eyebrows fallin
of much pleasure. 1n fact, the Miding : oF out, it is this Syphilitie Bioed Pebon
real breaks of social intercourse] Low Middling 5 1-18 ote We guarantee to cnre. ~ me ant
are quite as apt to come from] ood Ordinary 43 ht mht eda ce . cs

| v" Tone"steady Id for a case we cannot cure,
self-depreciation on the part of wuiaweens bel peed te jel tae skill
the woman with the small income} ,,.._., q 00 capital behind carT uncowditional
as from any feeling of snperiurity | Extra Prime 9} guaranty. Absolute proofs sent sealed
on the pars of her more wealthy | oB2cy z 2 mph pee cpap gba eg ater oa
T i 9 | ebanigh | - 60 to 75 EDY Cd,, 480 Masonic Temple, Chica-
~friends. * Pone"quiet. "gy ly |


Cotton Weed, per bvshel

~Atintic Cuiss Nine;

fo laaieemenaiall

Schedule in Effect Nov. 28th, 18!..
Departures from Wilmington-


DAILY No 48"Passenger"Due Veg-
9.35 a. m.. nolia 10.52 am. Warsaw 11.10
4m, Goldshoro 11.58 am, Wil
son 12.43 p m, Rocky Mount
1,40 p m, Tarboro 2.50 p m,
Weldon 4,23 p m, Petersburg
6.28 pm, Richmond 7.15 pm.
Norfolk 6.05 p m, Washing-
ton 11.30 pm, Raltimore 12.43
am, Philadelphia 3°45 a m,
New York 6.53 am, Boston
3,00 p m.

DAILY No 40"Passenger Due Mag
7.15 pm, nolia8.55 p m, Warsaw 9,10
p m, Goldsboro 10.10 p m.
Wilson 11.06 p m. Tarboro
6,45am, Rocky Mount 11°57
pm, Weldon 1.44am, Nor-
folk 10.30 a m, Petersburg
$.24.a m, Richmond 4,26 a m,
Washington 7.41am, Balti,
more 9.15 4 m, Philadeipnia
11.25 am, New York 2.02 p

ms Boston 9.00 p m.


DAILY No 55"Passengor Due Lake

o40 p a. Waccamaw 5.09 p m, Chad
beurn 5.40 p m Marion 6 43 p
m, Florence 7.25 p m, Sum-
te: 8.42 p m, Columbia 10.05
0, Denmark 6,30 a m, August
to8.20 am, Macon 11.80 am,
Atlanta 12.15 p m,, Charles-
ton 10.20 pm. Savannah 2.49
a m. Jacksonville 8.20 a m,
St. Augustine 10.30 am,Tam
pa 6.45 pm. |



DAILY No. 49."Pasacuger"Bosten |

$46 P.M. 1.03 pin. New York 9.00 pm,
Philadelphia 12.05 am, Balti-
more 2,50 am, Washington
4.30am, Richmond 9.05 am,
Petersburg 9.50 am, Nor-
Weldou 11.50 am, Tarboro
12.12 -m, Recky Mount. 1.00
pm, Wilson 2°lz pm. Golds-
boro 3.10 pm, Warsaw 4.02,
pm, Magnolia 4.16 pn,
DAILY No, 41."Passenger--Leave
§.50 A.M, Boston 12,00 night, New
York 9.30 am, Phitadelphia
1209 pm, Baltimore 2.25 pm,
Washington 8.46 pm, Rich-
mond 7.20 pm, Petersburg
8.12pm. Norfolk 2.20 pm,
Weldon 9.43 pm, Tarboro
6.01 pm. Reeky Mount 5.45
2m. Leave Wilson 6.20 am.
Goldsboro 7-01 am, Warsaw
7.53 am. Magnolia &.05 am.

DAILy} No, 61"Passenger.---Leavgp)

) 2

New Fern 9.20 am, Jackson-
ville 10.42 am. This train
cyyiver at Malnué street.


DAILY No. 54"Passenger"Leave
12,15 P. M. Tampa 8.00 am. Sonford °0
pm, Jacksonville 6 35 pm,
Savanna (2.50 night, Charles-
ton 6 90) am! olumbija 5.50
am, Atlanta 8.20 am, Macon
9.30 am, Augusta 3.05 pm.
Denmark 4.°5 pm. Sumpter
"45 am, Florence 8.55 ain.
Marion 9.35 am, Chadbourr
10.385 am, Lake Waccamaw

11.06 am,

Train on Seotiand NeckBraneh Ro: d
faves Weldon 3.55 p. m., Halifax 4,3
P.m., arrives Scotland Neck at 5.20 |
w., Greenville 6,57 p, m., Kinston 7.55
yim. Returning, leaves Kinston 7..(
a. m., Greenville 8.52 a.m. Arrivin
WaliT x at 11:18 a. m., We'don 11,33 a
daily except Sunday.

Irains on Washnigton Branch leave
Washington 8.20 a, m., and2.4 p.n
arrives Parmele 9.10 a. m., and 4.00 }
m., Tarboro 9.45 a. m., returningleave:
Carboro 3.30 p- m., Parmele 9.25 a. m
ond 6.20 p. m,, arrives Washingto:
11,00 a, m., and 7.20 p. m. Daily ex.
nt Sunday. Connects with trains or.
scotland Neck Branch.

Wi Train leaves varoorv, N C, via Ait
murle & Raleigh R. R. daily except sur.
~ay,at5 80 p.m., Sunday 405 P. VW

arrive Plymouth 7.40 P. M., 6.00 p, in
Weturning ieaves Plymouth daily excey
Sandgy, 7.50 a. m., Sunday 9.00 a

arrive Tarboro 10.05 a.m and 11. 00

*- Train on Midland N. C. branch leaves
Golc%boro daily, except Sunday, 7.1) +
m. arriving Smithfield 8.30 a. in. Ke.
turning leaves Smithfield 9.00 a. m,, ar.
fives at Goldsbors 10.25 a, m.

~rains on Latta branch, Florence R
&., leave Latta 6.40 pm, aarive Dunba:
7.50 pm, Clio 8.05 p m. Returning
leave Clioté.10am, Dunbar 6.30 a m.
aN Latta 7.50 a m, daily except Sun-


Train on Clinton Branch leayes War-
saw for Clinton daily, except Sunday,
11 20a.m.and 4.15 p, m: Returning
~eaves Cinton at7.00 a. m. and3,00 , m,

Train No. 78 makes close connection
at Weldon forall points daily, all rail via
Riehmone, alae at Rovky Mount with
Norfolk and CarolinaR RK for Nonolk
£29 all points North via Norfolk,

GenT) Pass, Agent

T. M. EMM#RSON,Traffie Manage ~
1, R.KENLY. Gen"? Manager,


Greenville Market.
Corrected by 8, M. Schultz. :

» Butter, per Ib i5 to 2
Western Sides 54 to 8.
Sugar exred Hams 10 to 124
Corn 40 to Bt
Corn Meal 50 to 60
Flour, Family 4.75 to 6.75.
Lard 5} to 10
Oats 35 to 4"
Sugar. 44 to 6
Coffee 3} to 20
Salt per Sack 65 to 1 £0
Chie oo 12} to 20
Regs per dos 124
Beeswax.per |


19 to

'Not a Patent Medicine, Kut a Safe Cure

What Is Year?

Superficial observation has de.
fined fear as that characteristic of
living creatures which teaches them
to avoid danger and thereby protect
themselves from injury or death.
But if our study of mature is|ex-
haustive we will find that fear does
not protect limb or life. Indeed na-
ture has furnished one class of liv-
ing organisms strictly as the prey
of another. There are multitudes
of creatures that feed upon other
forms of animal life and rarely in-
dulge in a vegetable diet. In a state
of nature these animals and insects
hunt their prey. Itis thereforea
logical inference that if fear were
given asa protection to life many
of these living things would be with-
out the means of subsistence. A
number of scientists, prominent
among whom was Darwin, have
given profound study to the psycho-
genesis of fear and found that it has
only a most imperfect relation to
the self preservation of the creature
that experiences it. It is supposed
that the attitude of kneeling, Which
is the posture associated with sup- \
plication and terror, originally came ,
from the inability of the muscles of
the legs to support the weight,
thereby causing the individual to
sink to the ground. Dogs crouch
und whine when frightened, and
horses become so tremulous that
their legs can scarcely sustain them.
"New York Ledger..

Plenty of Church Room.

Some one has said, ~If on any
Sabbath morning every person of
suitable uge should attend public
worship, not more than one-fourth
could be comfortably accommo-

In the eleventh census of the
United States, for 1890, in the vol-
ume on ~Statistics of Churches,T
page 17, the total number of church
sittings is given as 43,564,863; add to
these, sittings in halls, school-
houses, etc., used as places of pub-
lic worship, a total sitting for
2,450,858, and there is actually pro-
vided a grand total of 46,000,000 of
sittings at any one hour of public
worship for a population of 65,000,-
000. If now the aged, infirm, chil-
dren, infants, nurses, etc., be placed
at the low estimate of 20,000,000,
then there was abundant provision |
in 1890 not to seat ~one-fourth of the
population, but there was a seat for
every one who would come up to,
46,000,000. This ratio has not chang-
ed materially."Homiletic Review.

ae ieee Se ed


Phitts"Ha, old fellow! How are
you? Just heard that you have gone
into the newspaper business.

Bitts"Yes; just bought acountry
paper. :

Phitts"That so? Why, you can
give me an occasional puff, then.

Bitts"Certainly. What are you
busy with now?

Phitts"I am in the clothing busi-
ness"ready mado clothing.

Bitts"Ha! Then you can give me
an occasional suit of clothes.

Phitts"Well, dunno about that.
It costs money to manufacture cloth-
ing, you know.

Bitts"-ThatTs true, and it costs
nothing to manufacture newspapers!

Then they part."PearsonTs Week-



Gratifying Results.

cnet n me coe,

Interesting Expe:l-
ments With the
New Stomach


fo all Forms of Indigestion.

The resuts of ecent

indiges ion and stomach troubles; it is

ce mposed of th digestive acid yess,
bi-wuth, Golden Seu and sim iss s oi
achics, prepa ed iu the form of © r in

loge nes, pleasant to the taste. Convene
jent to curry woen traveling, hurmles
to the must delicate stuma h, end pro-
bi biy the sitest, . ost effeciuad cure vet
discovered for indigestion sou stomach
loss of appetite anc flesh nausea $ eck

headaches, palpitation of heert, an: the P.

Many symp.oms arising from imperfect
digestion of food.
they cause the food to ve promptly and
thoroughly digested before it has time
to soar, fermeut and poison the blood
and nervous system

over s1X thousand people in the state |

of Michigan aioue in 1894 were cured of
s'o nach troubles vy otuutTs Dyspepsia

Full sized packages may be found at

all druggists ac 5Uc or sent by vail on
receipt of price from Stuart ~~o Mor

inve-tivation |
have established, b \ond question, the} %
great value of the pew prepiritiv for]

Lhey cue because | Oe

0 | Shall, Mich Send for free book on stom- J

wel diseases.


CHURC i**,

BAPTIpi"services every Sunday,
moring and evening. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening. Rey A. W. Setzer,
Pastor. Sunday school 9:30 A, M.
o, D. Rountree, Superintendent.

CATHOLIC"No reguiar services,

EPISCOPAL"Services fourth Sun-
day, morning and evening. Lay ser-
vices second Sunday morning. Rev. A.
Greaves, Reetor Sunday schoo! 9 30
A.M. W. B, Brown, Superinterdant.

METHODIST"Services everv Sun-
day, morning and evening. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening, Rey,
N. M. Watson, Pastor. Sunday school
9:30 A. M. A B. Ellington, Superin-

PRESBYTERIAN"Services " third
Sunday, morning and evenirg. Rev.
J. B. Morton Pastor. Sunday school
A M. E. B. Ficklen Superinten-


A. F. & A. M."Greenville Lodge No
284 meets first and third Monday even-
iug. J. M, ReussW. M, L. I. Moore,

I. 0.0. F."Covenent Lodge No. 17
Meets every Tuesday evening. J. V.
Johnson N.G. L. H. Pender, Sec.

K. of P."T'ar River Lodge No, 93,
meets every Friday evening. H. W.
Whedbee, C. C. A. B. Ellington K. of
R. and 8.

R. A."Zeb vance Council No. 1696
meets every Thursday evening. W. Lb.
Wilson, R. M.R. Lang, Sec

K.of H."Insurance Lodge No, 1169
meets every Friday evening. Jobr
Flanagan, D. Henry Sheppard, R.

A.L of H. Pitt Ceuncil 236 meets
every Thursday night. J. Bg Cherry
W. Bb. Wilson. See.


ENG. kh. 4. LER,



Every where to show sample pages and
getup clus.


Money ean be made rapidlv, avd a vas
amount of good done in circulating
one of the noblest historical
works published during
the past quarter of
ace iturv.


Some of our best workers are se'ing

Mr. AG Williams, Jackson ~county,
\to., worked four davs and a half and
s cured 51 orders. He seils the book
t» almost every man he meets. Dr. J.
J Mason, Maseovee county. sold 10
copies the first five days he canvassed
HC Sheets, Palo Pinto, Tex , worked a
few hours and sold 16 copies. mostiy
moroceo binding. JH Hanna, traston
county, N. C., made a monthTs wages
in three days canyassing for this book.
5 M White. Callahan county, Tex., is


selling books at .he rate of 144 copies a_

week Pi

}¢ Work Contains Biozrap 11721

of : ll the Leading GeneraTs, a vast
amouat ot H scorical Matter, and a
alge number of Beautiful Full Page
[}usteations. itis agrand book, and
lad an} gentlemen who can give all
of th -ir time to the canvass are bound
~Oo prake immense sums Of money hand-
Hing Ir. +�


showing the differen styles of binding,
sample pyges, and all material neces-
sary to work with, wil be sent on re-
eept of 50 cents. Tois magnificent gal-
lery of portraits, alone, in the pvespee-
t:sia worth doable te money. We
firnish it at far less than actual cost of
ma facture, aud we woul! advise you
to order quickly, an get exclu-ive
control of the best territory, Addr ss


Lithand Main Sts, Richnond, Va.





Offers his services to the
~citizens of Greenville and the QF
public generally. (SS

Spouting and Stove Work, &

a specialty.
"G Satisfaction guaranteed or OF
2 no. charges made.. Tobacco
© Flues made in season. Shop
, on Dickinson Avenue.

"= It is a picture ot tae celebrated =



\Best in use, The outfit ot no business man tig

complete without one.

The Reflector Book Store

has'a nice assor':uent ot those Fountain Pens

also a beautiful ii::e of Pearl Handle Gold Pens,

You will be asto1:ished when
Mi ou see
varn how very cbheapthey are. wen and

You may never,
But should you ever}@=s-:-

Want Job Printing

o~~ Come to see us.








i e)
Seema mee� dal

Anything from a}@===

Visiting Card

eae a ) eens

EGull Sheet Pos er.

The Daily Reflector

Gives the home news
every afternoon at the
small price of 25 cents a
month. Are you a sub-
seriber? If notT you
ought to be. ,

. :
: :

*/The Eastern Reflector.


Is only $1 a year. I
contains the news. everyT
week, and gives informa-
tion. to the farmers, es-
pecially those growing
tobacco, that is worth
many ~times more than

the subscription; price:
bn athrintionnesy





Passenger and mail train gowg
north,arrives 8:52 A. M. Going
south, arrives at 6:57 P. M.

North Bound Freight, arrives
9:50 A. M., leaves 10:10 A. M.

Scuth Bound Freight, arrives

9.00 P. M. leaves 2:15 P. MT?

Steamer Tar River arrives from
Washington Monday, Wednerday
and Friday, leaves for Washing-
ton Tuesday. Thursday and Sat-


Oreates many anew business,
Enlarges many an old business,
Preserves many a large business,
Revives manv 8 dull business,
Rescues many alost Lusiness,
Saves many a failing Lasinese.

Secures success to any [.a°1nese!

To oacyertige judiciously,� use
the cotumps of the Reeireror,

~Saharan BISSETT


Weather Bulletin.

= .

Probably fair tonight and Thursday,

(etapa em mae nna

A NR LR RA EN Ae RE NN tn mee tn A ee

James & Wiley Brow nTs Elmwocd)
Dairy filled orders for 74 gallons of!
eream Christmas day, It speaks
for the capacity of their dairy to be.
able to fill orders for so much cream at!
one time. Itisan advantage Green|
ville people will enjoy.


~seed, carts, wagons &c.


Enea Fragments Gathered Out of
the Explosion.


Tournament at Grimesland tomois

Services in the Methodise church

30 barrels Red Apples, cheap, at %.

Many of the merchants are busy
~taking inventory of their stocks.

Several business changes will take
place with the beginning of the new

J. Q. Smith & Co., are opening in
the corner store of the new Bernard

Work has commenced on the new
building on the Danev property on

| evans street.

Call at the Reflector Book Store for
ledgers and day books to start your
new yearTs businegs,

Riverside Nurseries bas had white

h-acinths during the holidays,
ito the joy of some of our fair inhabi-




' Won't you need stationery to begin
Lec Tre Re-
|FLECTOR J job office fill your crders it
{you want nice work,

| Mr, J. B. White bas purchased the
stock of general merchandise of his
brother, Mr. W. H. White. The
latter will live in the country next

The showing made by the Bank of
iGreenville at the of business,
Dee. 15th, is the best in the history of
the You find the
financial statement of its condition on

the new year wii?


institution. can

second page,

Notick=«=Will be sold

~residence, the Rountree farm near

at my late

| Greenvill e, on Friday Dee. ist, 1897,
i lot of farm imvlements mules, cattle,
shoe, corn, fodder, hay, peas, cotfen
Terms of sate
I. A. Sua.




for the

and §


1 their




Your Patronage

in the


SS apnie=-

A complete stock of



to select from.

ud. B. CHERRY %.CO

And See if Any are Missing Since
the Holiday Rush.

T. M. Shaw returned to Ederton

W. S. Greer, of Baltimore, is in

Miss Addie Hines, of Ayden, 18 visit
ing Miss Emma Harris.

Mrs. N, E. Smith returned Tuesday
eveniny from Halifax.

W. H. Ricks end wife returned today
~rom a visit to Grimesland.

L. I. Moore Jeft this morring for
Eutaw, Ala, on legal business.

Ben Cowell, of Washington, is spend-
ing the week with his parents here.

J. S. Jenkins returned Tuesday evens
ing trom~his holiday trip to Virginia.

the Oud Fellows, returned to Raleigh

~nivht with Mrs. Zeno Moore and went

cut to Farmville Tuesday.

Mrs. T. B. Wilkinsen and children,
of Raleigh, arrived ~Tuesday night to
visit her tather, W. T. Lipscomb, and
family. |

Mrs. R. BR. Whitehead, of Wilson,
who has been visiting her parents near
Falkland, took the train here thi.
morning for hume.

Mrs. U.S. Critcher and J, L. Criteh-
er, of Roxboro, mother and brother of
A. HH. Critcher, who has been here on
@ viit to lis family, left today tor their

Geo. J, Woodward, of Greenville, is
here spending the holidays with home"
f..ks. He is lookmg exceedingly well.
George is arising voung wan in the
east." Durham Sun.

Prof. W. H. Rogedele left this morn-
ing for Raleigh te attend a meeting of
the excculive committee of the State
Teachers Aassembiy He has been a
member of this com. r.tee for three yeaT
ind is also a vice- President of of the Aww

oNever Tetched Me.�
The rain or snow promised by the
weather report tor last night and
today did not put in an appearance
down bis way, but we gct some bright,
cold weather, with a big fros: this mor -


amma NR retermare atctaoe

WonTt You?
Felks tell us they were
Tne Datzy ke LECTOR
div. Our brie shee:
tring in the world, but the tact that i:

re .
Yio fo cel

aga ~TPoes-
ix not the bive «4
i. misscd whine taking bolid y tor only


two davs slows that ifs yisits sre

peecrated, Noting woulT please us
better than for this appreciation .0
extend fay enoash for every fanily in

cow todet us sad them the

during L898.


Bernard is the Winner.
£7 "= The

distriet at~crneyship was settled today-|

Washingten, Mec.

Senator Pritchard ard Representative

White made a final and ae appeal
for Cook. The
the appointment, saying. with
some show of Irritation, that be hed
desided to appoint Mr. C. M. Bernard.

There is ro appeal, sad Senator Pritgh=


ard teenight, fro. this decision, Evie

. Pe .
-|denuy the President was very mach in

eyruest about the matter.

Odd Fellows Election and Banquet F.

Covenaut Lodge No. 17

had an interesting meeting ~Puesday

night ard large attencance. ~The follow:
ing officers were cle cted for the ensu-
ing term:

N. G."L. H. Pender.

V. G"W. F. Burch,

R. S."E. E, Griffin.

F. S."W. R. Packer.

Treas."D. W. Hardee.

After the election Grand Secretary
B. F. Weodell, of Raleigh, delivered
an entertaining lecture to the Lodge.
At the close rt the meeting the Odd
Fellows went in a body to the residence
of Mr. J. White where 4 sumptuous
banquet awaited them. The lay out
was un elegant one wad the evening was
greatly enjoyed by the tripple link


That is the way all droggists sell
iC for Chills, Fever and all forms of
Malaria. It is simply Ire» and Quinine
is a tasteless form, Chtrer love it|


B. F. Weodell, Grand Secretary of | �,��,�

Miss Alice Hines spent Monday}:

"~»~ We Return�

Many Thanks

for the large

We enjoyed.

We stillhave a splen-
did stock to select frcm

LangTs Cash House.

I aN

We return thanks for the large trade we
had Christmas and solicit your patronage for
the New Year.

Lang Sells Cheap.

tt cnt
encase AE AC ee ee

R. R. FLEMING, fre.

A.G.COX, iv; |

Gy CHERRY, § Vice Pres: AssTt Cashlee:
CAPITAL: Mininum $10,000; Maximum $100,000.

Organized June Ist, 1897.

The Bank of Pitt County,

Nel Ne NN al Ne Nal Nel MS,


evstern |

Pressdent refused to!

Report of tha Condition at the Close of Business December lath, 1897.9



' Lon: -s, Discounts and Bil \s Capital Stock $10,000.08

| receivable $16,769.94 ~ Deposits s subject to Cheek 20,806,680
Sue from Banks 0,925.8) ashiers Cheeks out-tanding 77,17
Cash in Vawit }0,442.25 cries Checks 186.05
Over Drafis jz 02 Time Certificates of Deposits 1,793.2%

529.7 )s Surphas and profits less expenses
"""" } and taxes paid 1,016.64
9.77 § $33,829: 78

Furniture and Fixtures


Correct attest: I. E. B. Higgs, Cashier of the above

7 COX,
-" ees bank, do ce rtify that the above state«
Dr, W. H. BAGWRLL. mens is correct. E, B. HIGGS.
iat easel 7 men - AY opium ee

Let your fist new year resolution tel Wehave a lacge

0 re t ON I HE REF LEC FOR lst cI



On Diekerson Avenue, A nine-room
house, with kitchen, pantry, buttlerTs

ust arrived. Comeand
see us.

pantry, smoke house, Wo! hoyse, Stam
bles, barn, bugey house, two dardens,

| omef QUMALTY

annie ta W. H, WHITE.

" |



Phone No. 10.

Adults prefer it to. bitter,T nauseating /
g lonics. Price, 50e,



Daily Reflector, December 29, 1897
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - December 29, 1897
December 29, 1897
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
This item has been made available for use in research, teaching, and private study. Researchers are responsible for using these materials in accordance with Title 17 of the United States Code and any other applicable statutes. If you are the creator or copyright holder of this item and would like it removed, please contact us at als_digitalcollections@ecu.edu.
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