[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]
praesent ea Pi Ion a
crate ome page isa runs ne sare: wie Ra
D. J WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
TERMS: 25 Cents a Mf
Vol. 6.
No, 860
Weal d
Viner ele
We the
and most complete
sock of Fall
and Win-
9) thy
"AND ~~
AentsE urnishing:
ever brought to
We bought a "large
stock aud there-
tcre can sell
~fyou want good and
347lish goods come and
see us. It is no trou-
dle to show goods and
we take pleasure in 80
Ps Ge
ek ne ata
tus iat? od fli
bernet, N.C. Sept. 20th, T97
Jas. R. Gaskiil, of Tarboro, was in;
town teday on business,
F. B. Knight, John Mayo,
Beverly, J. T.
Whichard ere
Greenville this week,
Mrs, S.
Williamston this moruing,
B. A.
Nelson and J. M.
A. Gainer retureed from)
where she:
had been relatives the pas sf |
Mrs Virginia Gurkin end childzen,
of Jamesville, are visiting
Mrs. J. R. Jenkins.
i WV. A. James, of Asheville, arrived
Saturday night to spend a few days
} ad!
| les.
with bits fatbe and friends.
' Bethel y
Wiis well y It p: SELLE d 0 the
yt arly ineetings af st
oe ( 3 . .
i VOnelor. SUNGAY thre Te Were large
i . 4 T .
; CPOWGS ds VObL plates.
| t . 1
i brick and lumber
and W. a. Taylor ar
hauled toe
| » ry
large brick store next to S. T.
sr wegmas
Oak ry, N.C., Sept.
Mors. J. Ie.) Hine:
~Gordon, et Roe ky Mount, are spending
some tine here Visiting ber
| Mr, nod Mes. W. 1.
| Z. ¥,
om with typboid a. his motherTs. Mis.
parents, |
Higbsunith, of Dethel,
| M. dbehemith, near here.
spent saturday night here
hamaly ct W, H. Williams
eady mecting at Hickory Grove
Quite a number of our
| sunday, peo-
Pepe et
j ple attended,
| time.
J. L. Ferkias has been
We are v
| quite Sick |
with typhoid.
ji8 fast Imptoving*
To the Ladies
li you have lace curtains that need,
Goous sent off every
aundering send them to me.
00 cents a pair.
Wednesday morning, and deturned
Saturday evening.
C. B, WHicHarD,
| Agt. Wilmingtcn Steam Laundry,
Two Good Runs.
EK. E. Griffin went over
Monday. He made the kome run, 37.
miles, in 44 hours.
G. J. Wocdard hed some importan,
business in Tarboro, Monday, and
2 hours and 40 minut:s.
Taking the sandy condition of the
roads into consideration these were
both good runs.
court at!
her sister, |
cho y (rrove and
beild a
Carson, |
20th, 1807, {
ttle sen!
Is Very)
Capt. d. BE. Pines, of Rocky Mount,
. {
ae the
a pleasant:
fad io KNOW he!
10 Wilsen, |
Sunday, on his wheel and returned |
made the rup over there, 25 miles, in|,
|e ases Tried on the Crininal Dock.
{ s
Henry ~Vatt, failing to list faxes,
{ ry
~pleads guilty, Judgment suspended upou
payment of costs.
Luther Joyner, tailing to list taxes,
pleads guilty, jadgment suspended " up.
~on payment of costs, \
Wilham Lucey, failing to list taxes,
pleads guilty, judgment suspended up-
lon paymens costs.
Jolin Kirtreli, fling to list
pleads gt
ulty, jadgment suspended upon
payment of casts,
BoM. W.
and James Keel. affray nlead guilty,
James, Chester Jatres
judgment suspended upon payment of
Hattie Savage and �,�. J. Jonson,
Jolson guilty,
larceny receiving, Savage
J. FF, Carraway, lareeny aod reeciy-
ing, not guilty.
M, A. James and R. W. King, aT
ray, submit, judgment suspended upon
payment of costs.
John L. Stocks, assauit with deadly
weepon, pleacs guilty, judgment evs
~pendea upon payment of costs,
John Mannivg, failing te list taxcs,
~not guilty,
Sim Page and Bryant Andrews, al-.
fray, Page net guilty, Andrews juilty.
Doe Move,
hou, not wullty.
assault with deadiy weap-
J.B. Pittiaan, eruelty to animals,
vot culty,
Sete iietadiiinadl
arte cemenen
A young man walked all the
{ron Waynesville ts Capel Hill to
the University.
Ou Sunday Rev. N. Harding c-m-
pleted ris 24th year as Rector of St
| PecerTs Epise ropal eburch av Washing
The News says it is against the law |
ito Keep pigeons in Elizabeth City
Friday night,
Four build-
jing 8 were S.rucK by lightning.
| A siovm ac Beautort,
~cid considerable damauye.
~Tie negroes arg nsing politically in
Saturday night im solemn
to cut loose
conclave they resolved
trom Ke; ublican apron strings and be
thei* cwn men and their own
They denounced hiazry Skinner out of
reach "Elizabeth City Economist.
A letrer to the Durham Sun says
~lust Wednesday evening Turner B.
Morgan, who lived seven miles from
Chapel hill, was oat wich bis gan and
iy jumping across a ditch, he allowed
the gun to slip trom his grasp. It tell
in such w way as to cause it tobe dis
charged, and the load toot: effect in his
lett side, some of the shot passing
through the heart. Death resulted, of
course, almost irstantaneously.
le thats stn mamta s
8 19.
Other. goos
Bay State Shoes $1.30 up.
Handsome. Buggy Robes
from $l 20 up.
uette Rugs, 52x27, for
in® = proportion.
the choicest and best things in Suits,
\Underwear and Furnishing Goods. Ideal styles
inte Serhan nite int nha ieneistninSea._ ssbdihdanli einai aire einen ohfe nit eens Sm me o=
deinen a ee
Men and Boys |
Fine Clothing. ~
Know the
The lingerino days of September are sul-
try, but therising mercury doesnot inter-
tere with the wholesome intere:t that
in our Clothes selling. We are daily
supplying needs of the near future.
have justreturned from their summer vacation,
who are entering school, young fellows
who are going away to college area con-
spicuous among those who come here to secure
in Clothing atlow prices are the attractions.
I have 4 special
ballad Meealineda de ted ssa a
ead Ne iedinetinedsinde dh tn oo ne tT
1 have more patterns: My line of clothing
and more bolt goods}.
much mo
than ever i In more complete
the latest colors bothiau L can suit vou in
plain and fancy ''r ae iay worsted, caeviots,
mings to match t injand faney plaids trom
bra.ds, sets velvets, $3, 00 to 15.00. Spée-
silks, and Jet. cial orders taken.
PPL LANL Ny PLINY a ih hh kaa LLLP AIL EP Wee all
Prices from .75 : . have hats rom 50
Ot Ny
Mens $3,
shoes guaranteeT Ajalpine, stiff, sp
esta line (9° or bere ~Abe: line e
shoes. _ [eaps and Te amosha
$2.50 ladies
yuarenteed, "
Give us a call and we will do out. ~baa é
satisfy you.
eee | ow i a i nee i fa
o RARDIN aw 2 een i
All classesT
of buyers arerallying in our aisles. Men who
men who are preparing to travel, boysT
$4. Hamilton Browns to $3,00 in felt ana
stiff, any style, crush,
bo som ae
ne. mere
siiy. red In town by carriers without
reitisng rates are liberal andean be
voppteation to the editor or at
We ceshe x Wo corresponvens at
gee y postofiice in the county, who will
gend in brief itews Of NEWs as it occurs
~& each neighborhood. Write plainly
gad ony oy one side of the paper: ;
Tuxrspay. SEPTEMBER 21, 1897.
Yhere has been nO littie talk
~emione eome Republican and
Populist ~eaders that the last
A Legislatare diu not pass any law
to fine andT imprison people fa
the non-paymenT of texes. All
the same muny sheriffs and tax
collectors have given notice that
all wko are delinquent after the
first of November will be guilty
of a misdemeanor and will be
reported to the solicitors for
prosecutin. Read chapter 168,
sections 52 and 53 of the laws of
1897 and you will seo whether
such a law owas passed or not
avd all the contradictory state-
ments cf the aforementiosed
leaders cannot explain it away-
That vasa pathetic story re-
_printed from a New York paper
w the ()bserver of : yesterday.
Maggie McMahon lived with her
parents on East One Hundred
ard Sixth street. She was 15
year: old, Her father never had
avy luck and was out of work.
Her wother went out to work
when she could. Maggie had the
care of her five younger brothers
and sisters and worked out be-
sides. All her lifeshe had been
an old wowan, She got up early,
dressed the younger children, |
gave them breakfast and atarted
them to schoo!. Then ske went
to herown work. Thres months
ago sbe lost her job and for three
months sought in vain for anoth.
er. The other day she said to a
neighbor, did this old child.
oThe dead are better off than the
living.� Wednesday they found
ber ina .com apart from those
occupied by the other members
of tne fawilv, a small vial clutch-
ed in her hend. She had gove to
to be with the dead.
The story is one of many. Life
bad brought to this child none of
its pleasures, Noue of GudT:
"gocd gifts haa come to her. She
worked and fought with poyerty
until she realized that sho was
engaged in an unequal contest.
The burden became intolerable
end she resolved to lay it down.
Her last state may be worse than
her first, and yet who knows? At
all events, she wus willing to
chance the change. There was
- pothing fcr her here;
yonder. She knows now.
he mirdTs eye runs over North
8, its ri
nge"the barbaric
|reared high in alr ; no churches |,
the evidences of wealth. But,
~cought Mr. McAdoo, Taking
4 there
ert be something, there might
9 rest, for instance, for her, over
Cerolina ; its townn, its cities, its
Sountry districts, its sea-washed
vers, valleys and
. cs, and we think of
» who inhabit this
id and then think of
i We haye here none
) lings which made up
New York finds no
buildings, with marble front, |
whose spires touch heaven; no
miles and miles of dazzling
streeis, betraying to every glance
thank God, we have simple plen-
ty and every man is his neigh-
borTs neighbor. Nong of us can
starve to death, nor take our
lives through fear that we mav
starve to death. Hach of us has
friends and~ neighbors. who we
know will see that we do not need
to. And this iscanse for grati-
tude. Weare not rich. We do
not need to be. Perhaps it is
better that we are not. We have
onough, and that is better. And
there are no Maggie McMahons
among us." Charlotte Observer:
neta ARL NEE
A Klondike Find.
~,is fiiends have been having
eonsiderabie fan ont of Mr.C. N.
McAdoo. He has a small farm
not many milés from Greensboro,
upon which a tenant resides and
looks after the tilling of the goil.
Yesterday afternooa this tenant
came to town out of breath, and
him to one side he confided his
secret to him. In a second Mr.
McAdoo was ali excitement, and
bouncing on the back of bid fast
saddle horse, be struck out for
the country.
Exactly how it leaked out 18
not krown, but it was soon learn-
ed that something unusual was
on baad and bis friends were vot
long in ascertaining what caused
the excitement. His hired map
nad been plowing avd while he
was plowing be all at once turned
up an old iron pot, deep down in
the ground. The man scraped
the dirt out, saw what he thought
was some gold at once came to
town and told his story.
The pot was opened by Mr.
McAdoo when he got there but
it wes a small jack pot"it con-
tained nothing but dirt."Greens-
boro Record.
DonTt Tobacco Spit ana Smoxe Your
Lite Away.
If you want to quit tobacco using
easily and torevsr, bo made well
strong, magnetic. tull of new life and
vigor, take No-To-Bac, the wonder-
worker that makes weak meA strong.
Many gain ten poundsT in ten days.
Over 400,000 cureT. Buy No-To-Ba
rom your own druggist, who will
guarantee a cure. isookiet and sample
mailed free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co.
Chicago or New York
It ie G@afficult to grasp the full
meaning of an arrav of figures.
For instanca, we do not get a fal!
conception of what is meant when
we are told that the United States
pays annually for pensions one
hundred and forty million dollars.
We come nearer, perhaps, taking
in the enormity of the amount
when it is figured out that this
som is equal to four hundred
thousand dollars a day, or fifty
thousand dollars an bour for the
eight-hour working day. The
Louieville Post, which presents
the matter in this light, says:
oThis 18 quite a lot of money,
but it is only ten doiiars a year
for every family in the United
States, and just think wuat an
effect it has in keeping the Re-
publican Party solid.�-Winston
cations are that Orange county
and dollars from their apples.
A gentleman near Winchester
has sold his crop for $6,000 while
a farmer in Albemarle refused a
cash offer of $15,000 for his crop
of pippins. A number of Albe-
marle farmers have sold their
apple ctops for from $3,000 to
age stamp is soon to be changed,
aa will be sen from the following:
ury and the Postmaster General,
aiter consultation with the Pres~|
ident, have decided to change the
color of the curren}
postage staiap from carmine to}
green of the shade now used on
covernment notes. The ten-cent
postage stamp which is
printed ip green, will be changed
to some other color,
green is @ more desirable color
than carmine, besides saving the
government about
difference iu cost between the
two inks.�
knows. She proves her case in
The LadiesT Home Joarnal for
This seems to be a golden year
for apple-growers, and the 1odi-
farmers will realize many thous-|
Green Postage Stamps "
The color of the two-cent post-
oThe Secretary of the Treas-
two cent
25+ 50¢
eS ee See
ease of constipation. Cascarets are the Ideal Laxa-
erip or zripe. but cause easy naturalresuits, Sam-
ple and booklet free. Ad. STERLING REMEDY CO., Chicago, Montreal, Can., orNew York, " 217,
| ns
It thought that
$10,000 in
She gives twenty-one
your account, promising every accomm
R.� A. TYSON,. Vic-ePres.
The Bank of Greenville,
R. L. DAVIS, PresTt.
Jee. LITTLE, CashTer
UNE 15th,"1896.
rae " AtjthejClosejcf Business July 23rd, 1897.
» Ten Dollars a Week fer Eight. RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. °
" Joans and Discounts $50,273.62) Capital stock paid in $23,000.00
lt does not seem possible that) Over Drafts 11580,18 Surplus and Profits 503.19
th t | | fo toht Oo le can be Premium on Stock 1,000.00 Deposits subject to Check 48,289.50
ihe table for elght peop Due from Banks 2630.5) $ Due to Banks 795.28:
provided for tun dollare, a week.| Furniture and Fixtures 1,605.00; Cashiers Cheat ee eee
Dat Mrs. Rorer, the most famous j Vash Ivemaa . ATBAES Pie Uoreiioare®® ON ee
2 a ; Oash in Vault 9°". 0) 14,528.54) me ao "
cock in America, says it can be ci ion Votal 2 872,796.04
She has tried it and Total =~ $72,796.04 of
We study carefully the separate reeds of our patrons, aud shall be glad to have.
odation consistent with good banking. CH
menus covering a week's ~meals,
and gives fall, prac~icai directions
br which any woman can make
as attractive meals as Mrs. Rorer
explaine, for thiy swall sum of
ten dollars.
They Stole the Chnrch
Itis not an uncommon thizg to
hear of a Bible baing stolen out
of a church. Now and then 4
communion service is the subject
of thefi, but a special to the St.
Louis Globe Vemocrat shows
that Texas goes all pievious ras-
cality one better.
is from Kauffman,Texas, and says.
The church, also used as a school
building, on SpideTs Prairie,
eleyen wmi'es east, was stolen
bodily and moved ten miles,
Residents in the neighborhood
are incensed over the matter, and
money is being raised to prose-
cute the thieves.
Everybody Says So.
Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the
most wonderful medival discovery of
thé age, pleasant and refreshing to the
jaste, act gertly and poritively on
kidueys, lizer ana bowels, cleansing
the entire system, dispel colds, cure
headache, fever, habitual constipat on
and biliousness. Please buy and try a
box cf GC. u. C. todav. 1f, 25, 50
cents. Sold and guaranteed to cura
by all druggists.
The Farmer and the Press
~Gov. Mount, of Inciana, in a
little talk to the old settlers of
the Hoosier State the otier day
surorised iia rural aaditors by a
passing enlogy of the press.
The Governcr grew up on 4 farm,
and passed the larger part of his
life there. He confided to his
compatriots that all that he knew,
all his success in life, he attribut~
ed to the diligent reading of
newspapers."Philadelphia Bul-
letin. ae ee
iba sities
The Fayetteville Observer says
the cotton crop will not exceed a
two-thirds ayerage crop in Cum-
berland county, and the farmers
are greatly disappointed at the
small crops. " eae
Jus. ry « M.. bux of cascarcts, the
finest liver and :
maut |. . : f ; © aes
eM a
Se gt Ri ae ee
wat ie '
ao. f , : ue
Gresaviitbe lO!!! fun
Wehave alarge
The telegram|jyst arrived. Come and
gee us.
1. Tg
tor ge ee an
. } bay 4 trom Mamuactua. en
bewal segu ator ever Tine co buy at exe profit. A eou -
J..L, Fleming. |
1 HED 1875
their yearTs supplies will ting
; ie rinvterest toget our prices before pu
ngelse where. Qurstock is -oraplete
' fs T Q- meneame
% # ~
if A
coo, Snuff é&°,
he a
~eee: . i ~
~) :
Ph, �
if sr
y OF those massiy
Me oe Le
|$5,000."Orenge Va., Observer.
ei i \ : f i ~ « "
ics ne i
: id iy, HS sh ba
a On
Ht )
We have .utet received & new
hearse and tre nicest line of Cof-
fina and Caskets, in weed, metal" .
lic and cloth ever brought to
(Green tle.
We ar? s8aprese sc smbalm-
ing in &. its forias
Personal attention given toc
ducting fuzerals and bodies ©
~ltrested to our care will recei
every matk of respect.
Our prices are lower than ever.
Ne do not want monopoly but
wivite competition.
_ We can be found at any and alk
times in the John Flanagan
Buggy CoTs building.
Can be found below Five Points.
next door to Reflector office,
ye © A, SMITH,
Patronage solicited. Cleaning, Dyeing
and Pressing Gents Clothes a specialty
| Special attention given to cleaning
ak Academy,
The next session of; {the school * will
open on}
MONDAY SEPT. 6, 1897.
aad continue for 10 months. i ey
The terms are as follows.
Primary English per mo. 82 00
Intermediate ~** ~* $2 50
Higher . oe i $300
Languages (each) ** 41.00
The work and disclpline of the schoo)
fro agg gene oo ge a le
sna mora te eor wanes mtene Toe TET
me acess in nis
~~ i ages ramen: meats
in * .
Beef, Ox Tongue.
~Torsatoes, Corn, Garden Peas, Baked Beans, Mustard.
» DAILY No 55"Passengor Due Lake
(hh) 1)
Apples, Asparagus,
CANNED GOODS. Apricots, Cherries,
Pears, Pie Peaches, Table Peaches, Pie Pineapples,
Sliced Finearpler, Deviled Crabs. Lobsters, Salmon,
Mackerel: Oysters, Sardines, Sliced Beef, Tripe, Corned
Potted Ham. Tomatoes, Okra aud
PPP I ll et
Ant ami Tak Uy
Pickles. sou" and sweet,
in any shape, Olives, Horse
Radish, Worcester Siuce, Schipps Cocuznut, Gela-
te, Tapioca, Nuts, C ndy, Cakes, Mixed Cakes,, Nic
N. cs, Orange Wafers, Graham Wafers, Banquet Wafers,
Java Cocoanut, Sumatra Fruit, Soda Crackers, Lune
Crackers, &c.
QUINERiuUY, Green ville, IN.
, IN Vegetables in
Lye, Potash, Matches, Brooms, B
Cigars, Tobocco, ~LTinware aod Crockery, iu f
thing kept ina first class Grocery Store. G
liveree free of charge. Give me a trials
» $ goll you good Groceries as cheap as aay one
The clamTs egys are carried by tiv
mother on her gills. When there
are fish in the water with them, the
mother clams discharge the eggs,
which soon hatch, but if there are
no fish they carr§ the eggs until
they decay. The reason of this
strange behavior is this: When the
ggs are set freo in the water, they
soon hatch, end the little ones swim
about until they find some fish vo
which to attach themselves. They
live for a time on the mucus of the
fish and then drop off, sink to the
bottom and form burrows for them-
selves. This curious semiparasitic
lite is no doubt a reversion to the
habit of some ancient ancestor,"
Margaret W. Leighton in Popular
Science Monthly.
, Atlantic Goast Line.
Schedule in Effect Aug. 16th, 1865,
Departures from W iimington.
DAILY No 48"Passenger" Due Meg-
9.35 a.m. nolia 10.59 am, Warsaw 11.10
am, Goldsboro 11.58 am, WN
son 12.48 p m, Rocky * ount
1.20 p m. Tarboro 2.58 p m,
Weldon 3,3) p m, Petersburg
5.f4 pin, Xichmond 6.50 pm,
Norfo k 6.05 p m, Washing-
ton 11.10 pm, Raltimore 12 58
am, Fhi'adelpnia 3°45 a m,
New York 6.53 am, Boston
y00 pm.
DAILY No 40"lassenger"Due Mag
7.15 pm, noiia 8.55 p m. Warsaw 9.10
p m,.Goldsboro 10.10 p m,
Wilson 11.06 p m. Tarboro
6.45 am. Rocky Mount 1157
pm, Weldon] 44am, Nor-
folk 1. 0 a m, Petersburg
324a m, Richmond 4.26 a m,
Wasmogton 7.4lam, Baiti,
Y more 9:5 4 m, Philadeipnia
11.5 am, New York 2.02 p
m. Boston §.30 p m.
A Porststent Du
An aged iady complained ton Lani
don magistrate that because she was
a little behind in, her rent her land-
lady followed hor to church and
asked for it there. The landlady
came into a pew alougside of her
and when she was joining in the re
sponses was constantly whispering
to heraboutthe rent. When itcame
to the response, ~Incline our hearts, �
the landlady would add, ~'To pay
our rent.T The magistrate said that
it was very annoying, but there was
nothing illegal im it.
neni thneninntaint tite: OO A ACG AAR A
~s;reenvile Market.
Corrected by S. M. Schultz.
40 p m. Waccamaw 4.55 p m, Chad
bourn 5.40 pm Marion 6 42 p
m, Fierence 7.25 p m, Sum-
te: 8.42 p m, Columbia 10.05
m, Denmark 6.20 a m, August
to 8.20 am, Macon 11.80 am,
Atlanta 12.15 p m. Charles-
ton 1020 pm. Savannah 2.4)
a m. Jacksonville § 20 a m,
St... ugustine 10.30 am,Tam
pa 6.40 pm. |
DAILY No. 49."Passenger-"Boston | y,,; B
-"Passeng Os I Butt rl 15 to 25
9.40 P.M. 1.03 1m, New York 9.002. green ray pe 54 196
Philadelphia 12.05 am, Balti- estern Sides ~
more 5,50 am, Washington | Sugar enred Hams me 124
de to Be
Corn Meal
4.39 am, Richmond 9 04 am,
Vetersburg 10.00 am, Nor- 4d so #0
Weldou 11.50 am, ~larboro - 3 t0 5.78
12.12 m, Reeky Mount 12.44 Flour. Family ae - ~ on
pm Wison2 lz pm. Golds- Lard 4 ~0!
boro 3.10 pm, Warsaw 4.02, | Oats 35 to 4!
pm, Maguolia 416 pm, Sugar Stat
5 pay No. 41."Passenger"Leave | Coffee 17 to 20
80 A.M, Boston 12.00 night, New|, a @ 75 5
York 9.30 av, Phitedelphia| ot/t Pet Sack sae
12.09 pm,. Baltimore 2.25 pm, Chickens cee
Washington 846 pm, Rich-| Eggs per (oz 7 to 16
mond 7.20 pm, Vetersburg| Beeswax.pe: y
8.12pm. Norfolk 2,20 pm,
Weldon 943 pm, Tarboro __ "
6.01 pm. Rieky Mou st 5.45 .
am. Leave Wilson 6.20 am. ELON COLLEGE.
Goldgboro 7:01 am, Warsaw
7.53am Megnolia 8.05 am.
No, 61"Passenger---Leave
except New Bern 9.20 am, Jackson-
Sunday ville 1042 am. This train
2.40 P.M arrives at oWalnut street.
(i. .
DAILY No. 54"Passenger"Leave
Pielmort section; very best water ;
healthiest locality, property of Chris-
tian vbureh, non-sectarian ia spirit and
teaching, highest moral tone, elegant
- puilding, halls laboratories, e.c., facul-
12,15 P. M. Tampa 8.00 am. Sonford 1/0 {ty of sp eialist, ev-edieational, eurri-
~ing, J. M. Reuss W. M. L. I. Moore,
Situated on Southern Railway, |
cara ccnrenern na tes
BAPTIo."services every Sunday,
moring and evening. Prayer meeting
~Lhursday evening. Rev A. W, setzer, |
Pastor, SundayT
CATHOLIC"No regu_ar services.
EPISCOPAL"Services fourth Sur-
day, morning and evening. Lay ser-
vices second Sunday morning. Rev. A.
Greaves, Rector Sanday schoo! 9 30
AM. W.B. Brown, Superinter dant.
METHODIST-"Services every Sun-|
day, morning and evening. Prayer
meeting Wednesday eveving., Rev.
N. M. Watson, Pastor. Sunday school
o:30 A. M, A. B. Ellington, Superin-
PRESBYTERIAN"Services " third
Sunday, morning and evenirg. Rev.
J. B. Morton Pastor. Sunday school
9:30 A. M. KE. B. Ficklen Superinten-
A. F. & A. Greenville Lodge No-
284 yieets firat and third Monday eveu-
1. 0.0. F."Covenen. Lodge No, 17
Meets every Tuesday evening. J. V.
Johnson N.G. L. H. Pender, Sec.
K. ot P."Lar River Lodge No. 93,
meets every Friday evening. H. WwW.
Whedbee, C. C. A. B. Ellington K. of
R. aud 8.
R. A."zeb vance Coaucil
m-ets every Thursday evening. W. b.
Wilson, R, M.R. Lang, Sec.
No. 1696
K.of H."Insurance Lodge No. 1168
wieets every Friday evening. Johr
kinnagan, D. Henry Sheppard, R.
A.L of H, Pitt Council. 236 meets
every Thursday nicht. J. B. Cherly
Ww. RB. Wilson. nec.
Cotten and Peanut,
Below are Norfolk prices of cotton.
and peanuts for yestei day, as furnished
by Cobb Bros. & Commission Mer-
chants of Norfolk °
pm, Jacksonville 635 pm, | culums equa! of best male college, three
Savanna 12.50 night, Charcles-! degree courses, Mus- liberal terms, best
ton 5.88 am,( olumbia 5.50) gdvantages, catalogue on application,
am, Atlanta 8.20 sm, Macan Address J. 4), ATKINSO NV, Coairman,
9.30 am, Augusta 3.05 pm, Sion Co'lege, N. ©.
Lenmark 4°95 pm, Sempter
40 am, Florence 8.55 am.) -"
Marion 9.35 am, Chadbourn ;
1035 am, Lake Waccamaw
1'.08 am. New Secret Remedy Absolutely Unknown to the
1 es ae pe ? ' t Cures in 16 to 36 days. We
Train ou seut. i Neek branen 2oa ot ar pion MES pw y noel cure. Youcan be treated at
eaves Weldon 4.10 p, m., Halifax 4,28, homeforthesameprice FARM Ons ine verre there wo
. ~ $ i i 0 y 2 t ~
Pp. m., arrives Seotland Neck at 6.10 p | test ontract to cure @ ecg thein or pay expense of
.. Greenville 4.57 p, m., Kinston 7.55 /°o�"�1¢, a ""r pee cae ont
. Baie leaves Kinston 7.40; Make no Bl O00 & ia Charge, if
a. m., Greenville 8.52 a. w. Arriving YS fell to Wi vay pp Tate ONT
. . T * vou have taken mer § cury, lodide potashand
Hali «x at 11:20 a. m., We'don 11,40 am stil! have aches and i poet Macoss Deve
j T ~ . jr th, § mples, Copper-Color-
daily excert Sunday. oa pate, Uloera eet, oy rot the bouy waalror
Padad of tastvil (cation flee gat BE yh ane
shni eel ondary or ~tia i |
airing, weniden rand low arctan ean ee
: o6V Ay Ul, 4 OU p. Mie cases and ehallonge meagre tac worT orn cane WO
i ~ | cannot eure. This dis- ease has always bafie
arrives ENED dt a. a. and 20 p | the skill of the moxt eminent. physicians,
., Tarboro 9.45 a, m., returningleaves | Porwany years we neve io
5 4 i
; | treating this disease with our O¥ PHELE
Tarboro 3.30 p. m., Parmele 10,20 a, Mm, | have $500,000 capital behing our, unconditional
i ; ~ naran * us tor
11.40 a. m., and 7.20 p. m. Daily ex- $07 Masonic Temple, Chicago, Milinois.
ept Sunday. Connects witb trains on!
Seotland Neck Branch,
. Train leaves sarooru, N VU, via Alve- |
marie & Raleigh R. 4. daily except sun- |
day, at 560 p. m., Sunday 405 P. M;|
attive Plymouth 7.40 P. M., 6,00 p. m. | GO
Returning .zaves Plymouth daily excep" | »
Sundoy, 7.50 4, m.. Sunday 9.00 a m.,, a
arrive Tarbore 10.15 am and Ll. 45,
Train on Midland N. 0. branch leaves | #
Golé%boro daily, except Sunday, 6.05 a &
m, arriving Snaithtield 7:30 a, um. RewT ax
turning leaves Saithtield 8.00 a. m,, ar- #
rives at GoldshPors 9,30 a, m.
Trains on Latta branch, Florence R| ac
Sa leave fact Hah Ryeiys | Dunbar |
«7660 p m 05 p w. turning x
leave ( 028,10 a m, Dunbar 6.30 a 4
a Latta 7.50 a m, daily except Sun-
Offers his services to the 3
citizens of Greenville and the 2
public generally.
_ Spouting ard Stove Work,
eats 4 specialty ry in
Satisfaction guaranteed or ¢
? no charges made. ~Tobacco 9
40 Flues made in season, Shop
Se on Dickinson Avenue, " | Se
* | ee a)
. ~Drain onClinton Branch leayes Wai~-
saw for Clinton caily, éxcept Suuday, | @
10.00 a.m. and 8.50 p, m- Returning | (
-eaves Cinton at7.00a. m. and3,001 m.| &
Train No. 78 makes close connection | %
at Weldon forall ead oy all rail a a
Hiehmone, alse at Rovky Mount with | a
Norfolk and CarolinaR RK for Nontolk
-ne al) points North viaNorfolk. "s_ ||
; Supt.
and absolute
Good Middling . 6}
Midulieg 6g
Low Middling 63 I6
rand Or dine ¥ og
Poime 2
xtra i eie a4
*aney y
Spanish gata TS
hane-- quiet
NTN! for Young La.iies
Excellent buildings and beantiful
grounds in a Healthful Location with
splendid climate. Stands at the very
front in Female Edueation. ~lhorough
in its Courses. High in its Standard
Uneurpassedin 11S INTELLECTUAL
Twenty-one officers and teachers
Very etsonable piies. Send for cat
flog :2,0% JAS. DINWIDDIE, M. A
Next Session Opens September 8.
Tnree full courses of study, Large
number of electives. Two full chairs in
English. Women admitted to all classes
One Hundred and one Thousand DoT lars
added to the endowment during the
resent, year. Only male Jiterary college
in North Carolina that is iocated in a
The best business course offered in
the state. Send for album and catalogue.
Address JNQ.C. KILGO,
Dorham, N.C.
S| rt Ble thal
cable Newseaoer ta
ty will (ary.tila.
Che Onie Five-Dollar Daily
we ie \
- its Class in the State.
oYM. BMERBONsTee r Menage |
J RKENLY. Gen"! varbeers .
school 9:30 A. M.! 7 |
©, D. Rountree, Superintendent. Biecleoce
ej i Rk
pasa i. ¥ age ul a
; 4 eu? ? 4 wht ce
What Is It ? Ww
= It isa picture ot tae celebrated a . a
Best in use. The outfit ot no business man Is
complete without one. :
The Reflector Book Store
has a nice assortment ot these Fountain Pens
also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Goid Pens
You will be astonished when you see them and
earnhowvery cheapthev are. a
You may never,
But should you ever3@==-
oWant Job Printing
== Come to see US. a
tel d
Pt ae ls ad Se
Redector dob Friaung |
Anything from a@===-
owe eres
Wisitins Card oh am
one ('() A --"""
Full Sh-oct Poser
The Daily Reflector
Gives the home news
every afternoon at the
small price of 25 cents a
month. Are you a sub-
seriber? If not von
ought to be.
The Eastern Reflector. "
| only $l a year, 1
" oCntains the news every
pines a pecially those�
: tobacco, . that, is,
mapy times more
the. subseription,
hasanabi tbe
A extend to our
~YY friends and the
lic generally, espe-
ly the ladies, a cor-
vitation to visit
greoreroc: ADVERTISING
Les BhIBY a DEW Dusiiess, "
Midarges we Hy an old business,
~You See Your Face and Forget it,
but Your Name Can be Posted ©
wichowan wert to Geldsbore
vod .
this for
reserves wany a large business.
i evives many a dull business, -
Kescues-tialv a lost business,
Saves many a failing business. E
Seeures sueress to any busine 88 |
To oadvertise udiciously,T� use tne
e'laumps of ti. REWLSOCTOR, .
K :ino Cousteaily at it Brings Soocess
wet rpateigy GETS
tram wongT
Going mouth,
nase ng
rives 6;
arrives 8:62 A.
Ay P. M
Seamer Tar River arrives from Wash-
nytan Monday, Wednesday and Friday |
ijeaves for Washington Tuesdny, Thurs.
fay ouapel marieT
, ee he
Rain tenight and Wednesday.
inthe town. . The as-
sortment of Fine Wool-
en includes a tull line
of staple and ~oup-to-
date� Novelties such as
Silh and ~ool Otto-
mans, Sai: Do Chins,
Siik Liean v sienriettas
and Plain Silks and
Satins and many other
new and stylish fabrics
line of
TR 1)
re b autiful andup to
dante. very piece be-
ing sclected with the
great 33f care.
The line of
DREsS cy
arenew andstyl
stylish and eepedtaly
; irable for
be ter wear.
None are Attached to Reading
Eves ane chi kens at S. M. Schultz.
~There was a large evowd in tow� to-
There are 435 students ot the Uni-
When bilious ww 572, ent a Gas
caret, candy cathartic, cure guaran (eed
L0e, 2dc4
The traig donTt come unt after
night now.
Hams. rre scarce and demand a
good price.
The trees have commerced shedding
their leaves,
O-ercoats are returning trom) their
guaimer vaea~lo
Work in the
Od Fellows tonight,
jaittatury degree.
ion nice fresh oysters, in any style,
exil on Old Joe Forbes.
1c did not miss much being cold
enough for frost this morning
Court week is making heavy travel
b-ween here and points down the road,
In today"Fresh N. Y. State But-
ter aad ( beese at S. M. Schultz.
My new ,oods are arriving. Call and
see them, Mus, M. D. Hees.
Cascurets stimulate liver, kidney and
bowels. Never sicken, weaken or
grive. 10¢.
The Jatest ara vretiiess styles in
millinery can now be seen at Mrs. M,
i) ivr.
LD. Higg:
Fresh oysters received every wight
und surved in short no~ice,
W. C, HINEs,
According ~0 the calendar tall is due
on the 22ua, but this time ib came
along & day or two ahead.
Shivering thisT morning? Well, a
tew days ayo you were compl ining
that the weather was too hot.
There was enough whiskey drunk
in Greenville yesterday and today to
float a canoe, if the number cf inioxi-
cated people isa ood index.
Everybody looked this morning like
there was something wrong with tbeir
necks, all necks baving the oppeatance
of being drawn up ay tach or two,
Loses Part of His Thumb
|; Mr. KE. B, Higgs, cashier of the
Bank ot Pitt County, met with a pain-
-|right vhumb caugh: between the chain
} |and the sprocket whe |. His thumb
ful accident this morning. He was
cle: ning his bicycle and juss as he gave
the tear wheel a turn the end of his]
~ening teem Henderson.
spent last bigat here With wdrs,.
KR. L, Sinits: lef mora
Rie hinoud,
Mis E.R. Aiken and tittle sou left
tiis morning for Wilmington,
H. PV. Strause returned Monday
Hi. B. Hardee, of the Ruceigh News
acd Observer, is in town,
Weatherwise folks are baffled. The barometer.
gives no encouragement. When will it
turncold? We *re waiting and
prepared. Thecompletest
and finest stock of
vflice building on the Blow lout.
Mixon Fas moved inty the |
Capt. J. d. Bernard, ct Raleigh, one
Greenville buy, io bere on a visit
Mrs. N. &. Smith left «his morning
a8 | a
to vistt er di | eran Lalitax county. 4
at daughters oulT for men, women and children ever shown be-
Mrs. &. D. Bagley, ot
ViSLUI Mrs. Mu Lat, in West Gieen-
~t "i
*'neath a southernreof. Anything, everything,
! and at prices that surprise
ail. Thevalues here
Mrs. J. A. Dup rey ruiuined Dhon-| are lar rer than weT ve cisyn biaved during any pre-
Gay evenly {roll a Visie vo WM ULTT EE ~S~
burs |
Ariss dess.¢ livhiday, of biuan, is)
Visiig Mrs. J. 5. dembins in W roe a
Mis. L. Cleve returned Monday |
~Vetihig trous a Visit to Mliudeiplila, !
Balumore aud Lichmoud. |
Miss Nellie Moye, of Wilssa, whe |
her i.
Moye, recurued bome today.
Has ben visiting urcle,
Ki. R. Cotten took tue train bere this |
S {
ing of ine penlentiary directois.
Miss Winnie Uicks, ct Goldsboro, |
~Luvs. |
wocGee aud lett tuday for ¥astilugion. |
athite J. W.
relurved lume Muuday
AOr gu Budd little ou
CVCuilis lruin |
1 :
Gicenvilie, aun. Lier sister, Murs. J.
LL. iialcowm, avcompanied hes home ter
wv Vasil Dere.
Mr dJutn Planagau says be has the
heaviest crop or shucks over at oHard |
Surabble� that he ever raisea. He
tancs luis as all liwicatiua tor hard
Weather the cOainy winter.
merc mgannmeiisnet tint, nae |
Coon are out for the warriage ut |
Mined. dt *¥esurook and Miss aes
Petinais, ae Wh iditatetesreOid, Ont Tours sda
sowe cime In Green ViiT
ibsuth these youus peopie spent |
and haye a
namber of trieuds here.
oe |
iiTsdry weasner (5 a daugercus
time for fires, and psople should be
very caretul about starting a fire these
cold moraings in stoves and chimneys
was 80 badly mashed that the end of it
| ceding season.
tur haleivin Lu atcend a miect" | sae
R. R. FLEMING, Pres,
AG. COX, ive emcee
G. } CHERRY, g ViceT Pass.
CAPITALT: Minimum $146,000 ;
E. B. HIGGS, Ceshier:
AssTt Cashier
Maximum. $100,000.
Organized June ist,1897.
The Bank of Pitt County,
sonal interview
favor consistent
HIS Bank wants yourtriendship anda shar
if not all, of your business, and wil grant
with safe ana sound
We invite correspondence oi a per-
to that end.
the nail.
J had to be taken off dywn to the root of
thht have been in a@isuse fur some
7 months, : 7 "" ~
In the cisma) swamp, it is said, the :
BASE KALL. forest fires are now driving wild ani- RIVERSIDE I) AIRY,
mals, birds, reptiles and every living :
ae thing before them, sending volumes of R. M. KENNEDY, MTgr.
Games Played and Standing ot} .yoke towards No.tolk, Portsmouth
Clubs. and surrounding country. eins
HOW T#% CLUBS STAND. Shingl es! Shin gl es! Pure, sweet mi.k delivered at your
Wou Lest Per Cen doo., morning and evening, at 30 cents
Baltimore 86 34 117 Heart Hand Made Cypress Shingles,
Boston v7, 8b 707 wie ~ ape angie mee | per gallon. With ten years experiener
aay TH & BRO.
New York ss 44 688 a4 , Ayden, N.C. in the dairy business ia Greenville we
Cincinnati v8 a3 562 |
Cleveland 68 39 516 ~~ | deem it unnecessary to svy more.
Wasist toa 5665 463 LUMBER.
rou yes a6 67 455 W.., Haye ESTABLISH ED A
Pitsburg ba... 67 451 mye ~ard at Greenville with alla Property {Or Sl
P 7 WwW. R. PARKER as Menager. Orders
Chicayo 5568 447) toe la Rough or Dressed can be
hie eee 22] left with hin. AVING BEEN X
Notts ded tata os 3th 423 oe HINES BROS. LUMBER ~co. qualita a4 APPOINTED and
LouisvilleT ol 6 411 ~ pate N. um der ero hs for the purpose
si. Louis 3� «46 229) ; Vibe - ot teettiing the affairs Of anid hema
. Bett elena ane a the real estate in
and adjoining the town. eae
as x0 Pay. Bchool For Girls And panne 10.308 Compas mabe bin bvep-
RE . ~ Boys. ; * me to suit purchasers. woh
What TAs ty ts sell}, o| For " n eee Or: ads
GROVES 2 LSS Ch iL TON] on Monday, ba og 6th, ~I wat opab lon
10 Os Cathe pet ms of| my school f itis and oo boys in .
pgs 1: my tr ron and ¢ cg She no's oiota. Sout on Mr. W.B. et
in a tasteless. mi Childreh love i LADD 9. aha.) cb pr a. | re.
Pootes mgt a bitur, oauseating| Siew: Kinsion, N 2G
. i {
. * } (