Daily Reflector, December 21, 1897

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vw oe



D.J WHICHARD, Editor andiOwner.


~Vol. 7.

om Mi a
Shall i

Give them?

Of all the times in our liyes when men
"" show should calm action, it is at the

(Special to Reflector. ) first sound of an alarm. ~The women
Sprinc Hore, N. ©., Dec. 21l"-jand children would be less afraid and

Fire at Spring Hope,

This town had a fire last night caused!less beside themselves under such 5
by a de~ective flue in the prize house) circumstances. Do this, and when Extends to alia Merry "s1.

operated by G, J. Council & Co., and)you go to a fire if you are not going to
owned by astock company. Their loés|help, then keep out of the way of the
is estimated at $3.00 with insurance|firemen so they can work to better
for $1,700. Aiken & Kelleth loss $1,-/ advantage. It is all they can doT to
800 with $700 insurance. 4i4sa Par-/keep their thoughts and actions in
ham also lost heavily but ~he amountT proper trim.

has not yet been estimated, )

No one who will stop and think for

a moment could expect anything of our
but a full
|conee ntration of all their energizs and
An Interesting Meeting Follow ed. ~efforts during the danger. moments of

by a Banquet.


WITH THE MASONS. noble firemen and active

lan unsubdued fire, It is an undis-


nt G 1 Lodoe, N |puted fact than no town can boast vf a
ig nt Greenvinie Lodge, INO. |

Monday nig ~truer or braver set of firemen, looking

284, A. F. & A. M. had a meeting of)
unusual There were foar
candidates to receive the mysteries o

at them from every standpoint, than!
Greenville. At least

jjerne of the members «

I wimety-five per

a - if the fire com-
the third degree, and cutsiders
well imagine that the members in At"|

obe tter,

ipanies are worth less than $300, and a
large majority of them are tebants
They are
led to.e at company meetings
, the ends of dutv

tendance had informed their
halves� (those who have them)
they mizht be expected home in the

small hours of the night.

Tlsrty six members of Greenville
Lodgs were present, and also visiting
brethren {rom lodges at Grimesland,
Rountrees, Grifton, Robersonvilles
Coroho, Toisnot, Williamston, Wilson
Henderson, Hookerton and Clifton, 8.'
C. The conferring of the degrees was

living in high rent hous~s.

land fires and to serv
iby legislative enactment, being subject

to fine and even indictment for failure.
All this is compalsory on the members,

and their only remuneration is being
exempt from poil tax by the tow1.
They reevive no pay and, indeed, wry
their loss of

There is nothing better Or mcre suitable
than a nice


for a Amas present, or to pick a Sunt of Clothes
from our full line of |

litte encouragement, for
time and damage to clothing.
very interesting and enjoyed by all.

was exactly midnight when the). a
Ae Ni y o is to manage the machinery and trucks,

Those of the members whose duty it

business was completed and the Icdge

losed. The
. ~more or less exposed to the five and
then passed from labor to refreshment|

the nozzlemen and axemen, are all

wembers anc visi'ors

aes if d+mage of clothing and mjury to per.
po ees ae gud repaired to Hotel Macon to partake

son. ~This should be looked upon with
of a banquet.

~This be LO was serv-

} { x6 , | more importance. Had it not been for
f oprietor SkinnerTs best style
f ed in � pres 8S tur ~ (the brave and heroie men of the town in
goof Jay out concisted ef tur Py, 9
hak and the lay ithe several fires thet have visited 4
~a SEN gem Nt ham, oysvers stewed and fred, bread,! Greer

nville in the last twenty years, it

biscuits, crackers, pickles, coffee and c1. | wo
There was no indicatioa' vot excess

Then we have full assortment of Gents Kur"

ald today be a wilderncss of weeds

Bails. linstead of the thrifty town it is : | ;
_ shingTs o select f
» indulgence of these go: d thin 13, | DIShIne CU Tron
Here i the indulzence of He se 8 Preperty owners, think of this mat
ft 4 3 va) 27") LVstlic tt ; .
bit the brethera : ube NYSE ter, and if you will not show your ap- RA % iV ff my
oced as cs pable of dispate ing a feast; . ( 4 ate
pored as ci puble of dispate lng 4 feast) ciation by becoming members and : wo Wg

of this kind as they were at intr duc
recruits to the mManveuver


helping te make our fire department

ng the new
ings attendant-pou coat riding.
The meeting and banquet marked

FN sedi nesses ideichaibeamiian commie

Christmas Coming.

an honor and credit to the town, ther

eive of your means and hefp to ratse
mney to replace the damage and loss

aa Cpoch mn the bistory of Greenville)

of clothing to those who stand in the

© eo that will long be held in) pleas ; .
Hats, Lodges that oee / he ; ; tace of danger and heatT to save vour
ant memory. Lhe lodge here Is 19 a . ee
Cuffs ib MemUry ara property and not their own This is
healthly condition and israpidly adding our common duty, and it is yours to r = ;
Shoes, cood materia! to its membeiship, "_ om Lhe steady, calm We are not reform
ZV0 do at once. YT. trend of our regu- ere. It is not our
Collars, ee ' ee laradvertising self-imposed mis-
C GOOD SUGGESTIONS, takes ap abrupt, sien to correct er-
anes, _ Sociable Tonight. violené swerye to- rors, suppress
Shirts, Exrror Rertector:"In present-| The B. Y. P. U. haye their enter- fe po 1 not � shams, or enligbt-
; . ios . . shocked"do no wv, OrLuce.
Gloves ing an all important subject to the|tainment in the Sunday school room of be orieyed Wo ered teen
public, I do so with the best ot feeling|the Baptist church tonight. An elegant haveTnt changed and industry ate
Hose, and for the very best good of copper and retesimienis wee served the familiar poricy centered upon the
. - : . au rere Wil! De SOMCe eXCeiuLe sic. : . } T
~ ~ a6 Wye +hp ~2 3 t ~i o ot the store. o ne hororeble 0 c am:
Capes, all, especiaily the firemen of both Hope This is the first social meeting of the edle Occup:

Overcoats, ~


Th EPA Ore di

The Undersell Man.


and Kkough & Ready c: mpanies.
In the first place everybody, with

Union since its organization and it
promises to be a very enjoyable even-

and Caps, Furnitare,
chandise. Agent for
Spool Cotton.

Hardware and General Mer-
George A. ClarkTs O. N. T.

rare, coo! genious
that created « con-
servatism. siigma"

are faultless. You

- neednTt examine a

single detail. Our
guarantee covers
everything. Which
eyer one you take
it will satisfy you.

tion of developing
this business ac
cording to the prin

Neckwear, slight exception, goes wild with ing. tized by some as ciples that con-
Underwear, excitement ag soon as a fire alarm is te wah by 80 ale erent tr .. old fogyiem 18 we trolled its original
sounded. This ought not to be so. . ~arly, a6 1D ReuIDE £000 , plan. Get fromus
Umbrellas, ent not to be 80./serve the supper early. Clothing, Dry are Notions, Shoes, Hats, Gents Fur-
- nr - nishing Goods, Overcoats, Suits of Clothes, Dress
Suspenders, aaa ACA ACe Asis ae Gocds, Notions, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Gents Puruishing
House Coats, BAKARAAAAAAA Goods, Clothing, Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes,
. | x Ps Hats, Caps, Dress Goods, Trimmings, Canes, Jackets,
Night Shirts, | Notions, Shoes, Hats, Caps, nh Hand Bags, Mat-
: ting, Carpets, Overcoats, Suits of Clothes, Dress Goods
Macintoshes, ,
, , Trimmings, Notions, Boots, Shcees, Hats, Caps, Gents
Handkerchiefs, Furnishing Goods, Underwear, Umbrellas, Overcoate,
o These Goods are Our Overcoats are
Dress Patterns, not ocheap.� They of the best mate-
Rubber Goods, A 1 Si are exdnuante and ie Melien, long
| new line of Shoes. worthy in eyery re- and fayorably
Sleeve Buitons, A beautiful line of Rugs. a pect Do thi a known for their
; . . quiet colors, satin
A handsome line of Buggy Kobes a8 received.fgCome in Foam. OVEF. Suis pase) OGhore, ts
Fine Business Suits, 1 baw het ie sin Int 4 i chance. It will finish,neither gloss
ai and buy before it is too late flit quicker than ' nor roughness, and
Fine Dress Suits, We also carry in connection with these leaders a complete you can think. Our sana pont aware
Fine Oda Trousers: cf Dry Goods and Notions, Clothing, Capes, Hate, Suit of Clothes ing qualities.Frieg-

es, rough finished
But not nappy,
thick and warm.
Cheviots, soft nob-
by and durable.
You know Kerseys
and Beavers, soft.




Dp J, WHICHARD. Editor.


i anes
Revered os second-class mail matter.

an A sr Raa DRA cE EENND
Omer vesr - « $8, on
@&. month, - - 4
Pre weal. ns - - 1
Jyelivered in town by earrlers bah bli
etre ensT. = *

Ars ey tisrn rates are liber: il and can n be
had «nr apn ination to the editor or at
sworn te

the ofc:

enn erent nt "" nom
° Se POR ORE! FOE Stes iia aia il


awe * noata

tre + (kya egrrespor sal + at
ne inthe county, who will
8G ip brief itor c of NEWS ag if occurs
~ach neighharheod. Write plain ty
-nyarore ide af the pape".

o- Pd



a ott cr 5 earnest I,
ot Oy Be RO AY OS os OI�


Tursriy. DRCEMBFR 91, 1857,


a aeeieel

Ra ee erent

Om cern a ccrenemenraesettaani te
ame resnsnorte SS at

Last Monday morning before day,
Thomas Hogwocd, & respectable and
citizen of Cross Roads

werd working
ent out to

township, in this eounty, W
feed his stork. Not coming back at
the proper time, bis family becomin®
alarmed. he was sent for, and was
found lying at the atable door uncor"

Phvsieians were hurriedly sammon"
ed ard Dr, Chas. E. Moore, of this
ei?y, on croing, found that the whole
top of his head was crushed in ~The
whole frontal bone was removed, and
this being all that could be done, the
poor fellow was left with but little
hope of his life.

It was first thought th
which Mr. Hogwood was then
Bad kicked him. but after
thought those who were present saw
thatat would have been impossible for
this to have occurred. The heavy, old
fashioned up and down bars had been
replaced and the physicians had de.
elsred it impossible for a man hit as
Mr. Hogwood had been to even move
his hands.

Mr. Hogwood was (nce a member of
the whitecap organization which has
torn that end of tne county so badly
bur withdrew several years ago, ind
has often expressed himself as sorry
for his course, at times even erving.
When E. T. Luess was whipped, and
subsequent developments made public
gome of the atrocious ects of this awtul

at the mule


organization, Hogwood was needed as
a witness at court against this gang
but got out of *t. Since then, living as
he did, in the midst of some of the
most rowdy of their set, he could
ha-dly hope to escape their vengeance
So Monday morningTs tragedy was but
a fitting climax to a career of crime
and ontlawry which will be # perpetual
stain upon anv county.

It is a significant fact that Hogwood,
although voting the Third party tick«t
at the last election, has since chengeT,
and the whitecaps, with only one exe
eeption, are Third partyites,

Later"Mr. Hogwood has since died
ae the resuit of his wounds."Wilscn


Everybedy Says So.


Cascarets: Candy Cathartic, the
most wonderful medital discovery of
the age, pleasant and refreshing to the
faste, act gertly and positively on
Ridueys, liver and bowels, cleansing
the ertire system, dispel colds, cur

headache, fever, habitual constipat on,

and biliousness. Please buy ard try a

Box of C C. C, today. 1, 25, 50
eents. Sold and guaranteed to cur

by all druggists.

For the Orphans.
Mrs. Florence Dancy is getting up| m
@ Christmas box to eend to the Thom-
asville Orphanage. She requests that
all who haveTpromised donations and
all others willing to give anything,
send their donations to her tomorrow.

anne "_"_]

Juet try a 1c. box ot cascarets, the
@aest liver and +») :egu ator ever
male: ,


Personals And Other Items
Beruen, N. (., Dec. 20th, 1897.
Miss Effie Walston, of St. Louis

Eagecombe county, who has been stay
ing with Miss Alice Carson during the
tall returned home last week.

Mrs. Charlotie E, Mangum, of South
Caroling, arrived Saturday night to
spend a while here at her former homes

Prof. D, W. Cory, of Gindool, bas
taken a position with Blount & Bro.

Robeit Staton made a business trip
to Tarbore, today,

D. C. Moore made a business trip to
Grimesiand last week.

Diep"On Thursday morning, De-
eember, Ith 1897., Mrs, Emily House,
at the home of her husbaud, B. A.
House, Sr. She was buried Friday
following near Beargrass church in
Martin county at Elder John Rogers,
who held turneral scryices there oyer
her remains. We extend our sympath
to tre bereaved husband.

On Wednesday, December the 15 at
4 oTclock P. M. at the brideTs fathe:,
Mr. W. W. Heuse, Mr. L. L. Brown
wis happily married to Miss Viola
House, Elder Samuei Moore officiating.
Tne attendanis were Miss Mary Brown
with Thurzton House, Miss Viola
House with Luke Ward, Miss Nannie
Jimes with J. C. Brown, Miss Doa
Brown with Milton Highsmith, Miss
Hattie Jam's with D. A. Moose, Miss
Mattie Whichard with Edward Keel,
Miss Nannie Ward with M. C. S.
Cherry, Miss Huldah Brown with R,
H. Keel, A reception was held at the
groomTs father, Mr. *. L. Brown where


extend to them our best wishes for a

al! partook of a bounteous supper.



Interesting Notes from Over in
OrMoNDSVILLE, N. C., Pee. 20, 1897.

Rev. A. L. .f N.C. Con-

ference, and family are visiting relatives


at this place.

Miss Olga Turnaze came howe Fri-
day from LittTeton Female College.

Misses Barnes and Biount, of Snow

Hill, are visiting Misses Lena and

( Abbia Carr near Willow Green.

W. W.
and Thursday in Newoern.

Rev. [rank of
3urlington, and Miss Myrtle Taylor, of

Ormond spent Wednesuay

Taylor and wife,

Hugo, were here Sunday.

Marvin Ormaid and Allen Grady |8
spent Saturday in Greenville.

Rey. L. J.

Methodist church here Sundav,

Holden preached in the

John Johnston, of Greenville, came
over Friday to visit his aunt aad sister,

Mr. Spain, of near Greenville, spent
Seturday and Suncay with friends near
our town.

Mi.s !.ucy Hodges and brother, ot
Kinston, and Louis Turnage and sister.
of Institute, speat Saturday and San-
day with their uncle Elias Turnage.

enh pm ne atin te

Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your
Lite Away.

If you want to quit tobacco using
tor be made
strong, magnetic, tull of new life and
take No-~To-Bae, the wonder-
worker that makes weak men strong.
Many gain ten pounds in ten days
Over 400,000 cured. Buy No To-Ba.

rom your own druggist, who will
guarantee a cure. Bookiet and sample

mailed free.. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co
Chicago or New York.


easily ~and well


The Reflector Book Store has a few
teacherTs Bibles, elegantly bound.
The price is astonishinzlv low.

rece seE g
The Baptist Sunday school will
have their Christmas tree in the
church on Fiiday night.

prosperous and happy voyage through,

Down in Georgia.
Colonel Leonidas Livingston is
at Washington and has submit-

Here are some of his views on
the situation: |
oThere is no use denying the
fact that in my section of the
country money is most uncom"
fortobly scarce, said Hon. Le-
onidas Livingston the well known
Georgia Congressman at the
Riggs. oI donTt know when the
~olmighty dolarT has been 80
scarce a3 it is uow in the south.
The chief cause is the low price
of eotton. Our planters are
forced te sell a great part of their
crop as low as 44 cents a pound,
which is below the coat of pro-
duction. Even at 5 cents, which
they get only for ~middlingT
erades, it is impossible to make
both ends meet. It would be
very hard to conyince an audi-
ence of Georgia farmers that the
McKinley administration had
brought anv prosperity their way.
oAbout the only thing it bas
brought them is low prices for
their chiet product and cclored
eran saa
Thought There Were Three
He is the Jast one of the old
school of doctors, says the Chi-
veago Times Herald, very bland
and polite, but also very absent
minded, except where his medi-
cal practice is concerned, ard he
was called one morning recently
to a Prairie avenue home, where
there 1s already one small son in
the family, to introduce another:
Going to the house telephone,
he called 1p the head of the
house at his plice of business.

| oHello! Hello! Is this Mr.
oYes. What is wanted ?�

oThisis Dr. Blank, I wish to
inform tou that you haye another
fine son. Congratulations |�

ben he rung off the telephone
without waiting to hear what Mr.
Dream had to say, and busied
himselt in professional duties
until ten minutes later, when he
again stood before the telephone
trying to remember who he
wanted and what he had to com-
municate. Then he rung up Mr.

Dream again.

oello! iiello! Is this Mr.
Dream ?�
oYes. is this you. Dr. Blask?�

oTt is, aud I wish to say that
you havo another fine son.T

Tbis time the doctor was not in

such a hurry, aud he waited to
hear what Mr, Dream had to say.
After a long sileuce thers came
from the other end of the tele-
phone wire a teeble wail.

~Another? Good heavens,
doctor, donTt call me up again. I
"I[ will come home and face the
music Jike a man.�

And great was his relief when
he found that the doctor had
complicated matters by repeating
his first message.

on ene

Wehave alarge .




just arrived. Comeand
see us.

1 Only,


ted himself to the interviewer,



Qos Oe Oe O-PS ES

toe cure 5 any case of constipation. Cascarets are the Ideal Laxa

tive. never grip or gripe. but cause easy naturalresults. Sam

apie aud booklet free, Ad, STERLING REME DY MEDY CO.) Chloe, NOxtren, ie: eee acne Chicago, Montreal, Can., or New York. ( 217



The Bank of

every favor consistent

o Me 3 tam HENR HARDING,
G. J. CHERRY, i Vice Pres. " AssTt Cashior)

CAPITAL: Minimum $10,000; Maximum $100,000.
Organized June l1st,,1897.

Pitt County,


Nel ees Neg Nal

TRS Bank wants yourtriendship and a shar, '
if not all, of your businesss, and wll grant

with safe anda soune

banking. We invite correspondence ot a per;
sonal interview to that end.


teas gay

R. A. TYSON, Vic-ePres.



fuoans and Discounts $56,792.58

Premium on Stock 1,000.00
Due from Banks 20,865.30;
Furniture and Fixtures 1,507. 25%
Cash [tems Cheat, 8. 619.05 ¢
Oash in Vault 95,189.49
Total $113,923.67 |

jR. L. DAVIS, PresTt.

JcL. LITTLE. CashTer


The Bank of Greenville,


Atthe Close cf Business Oct, 5th, 1897.


Capital stock paid in $23,000.00
Surplus and Profits 1,462.09
Deposits subject to Cueck 67,507.02
Due to Banks 607.90
Cashiers Checks ortstanding 241.66
Bills Payable 17,500.00
Time Certificates of Deposit 3,605.00

Total $113,922 6%

We study carefully the separate needs of our patrons, and shall be glad to hav ry
your account, promising every accommodation consistent with good banking. CkG}


Meet Sy Te ec ee
F o




ine cagir yearTs supplies will find
their 1n.vcest to get our prices befere pua

chasing elsewhere. Ourstock is complete
0 allits brancnes


Tobace, Snufi &c.


. 4 } ~

» Bh
eo u

we buy diroc) from Mas
cce stock of


always on hand and soldat prices to suit
the times. Our goods are all bought and
sold for CAS! therefore, having no 1isk
to run we sell ata close margin.



exten J erevcsisinss




cane nccea () saeeeenene 9

We have iutt reveived & new
hearse and the nicest line of Cof-
fins and Cesgets, in wooed, metal.
lic and cloth ever brought te

We ate prepared to fo embalm-
ing in aii its forms,


Personal atiention given to'con=
ducting funerals and bodies en-
truated to our care will receive

every mark of respect.

Our prices are Jower than ever.

Ve do not want menopoly but
invite competition.

_ We can be found at any and all
times in the John, Flavuagan
Buggy CoTs building.



ale Aeademy,

Ane ecnaRiN: eget ot tpaeteeoeene




Can be found below *Five Poiuts.
next door to Reflector office,



Patronage solicited. Cleaning, Dyeing
and Pressiag Gents Clothes a specialty

The next session of 'h3 achool wit

open or
MONDAY SEPT. ¢, 1897

jand ecntinue for 10 months.
| The terms are as. followg
| Primary Knglish per mo, 4200
\Intermediate ** ~ sf $2 5
Higher a ai tai $3
Languages (each) ** ° * $1 00

The work and disclpline of the sehou
wil be as heretofore.
We ask a continuance of your
liberal patronage,


T A handsomely illustrated book o
200 pages descriptive of Texas anc
E the resources ef that great tat

will be mailed to any address oe
receipt of eight cents to cover post-
X x2ge. D. J. PRICE,

G, P.& T. A. L &G, N.B. R,


Special attention given to cleanin,

* Gontmens ClothT:

Pa'estine, Texas,
East Texas lands are attracting
considerable attention. Mention
this paper.




ie 4 Ti
7 4 : ie Pos
ui Riit LG i A


Schedule in Fffect Nov. 29th, 1897,
Departures from Wilmington.


DAILY No 48"Passeneer"Due Meg-
9.35 a. m. nolla 19.52 am. Warsaw 11.10
am, Goidshoro 11.58 am, Wil
son 12.43 p m, Rocky Yount
1.49 p m, Tarboro 2.50 p m,
Weldon 4,23 p m. Petersburg
6.28 p m, Richmond 7.15 pm,
Norfolk 6.05 p m, Washing-
ton 11.30 pm, Raltimore 12,53
am, Philadelphia 3:45 a m,
New York 6.53 am, Boston
3,00 pm.

DAILY No 40"Passenger Duc Mag
1.15 pm. nolia8.55 p m. Warsaw 9.10
pm, Goldsboro 10.10 p m,
Wilson 11.06 p m. Tarboro
6,45 am, Rocky Mount 11.57
pm, Weldon 1 44am, Nor=
folk 10.30 a m, Petersburg
3.24 a m, Richmond 4,20 a m,
Washington 7.41am, Balti,
more 9.(5 4 m, Philadeipnia
11.25 a m, New York, 2.02 p

m. Boston 9.00 p m.

DAILY No 55"Passengor Due Lake
~40 pm. Waccamaw 5.09 p m, Chad.
beurn 5.40 pm Marion 6 43 p
m, Florence 7.25 p m, Sum-
te: 8.42 p m, Columbia 10.05
0, Denmark 6,30 a m, August
to 8.20 a m, Macon 11.30 am,
Atlanta 12.15 p m, Charles-
* ton 10.20 pm. Savannah 2.49
a_m. Jacksonville $.20 a m,
St. Augustine 10.30 am,Tam
pa 6.45 pm.



DAIT.Y No. 49,"Passenger"Boston
§.45 P.M. 1.03 pin, New York 9.00 pm,
Philadelphia 12.05 am, Balti-
more 2,50 am, Washington
4.30 am, Richmond 9.05 am,
Petersburg 9.50 am, Nor-
Weldou 11.50 am, Tarboro
12.12 pm, Roeky Mount. 1.00
pm, Wilson 2°lz pm, Golds-
boro 3.10 pm, Warsaw 4,02,
pm, Maguolia 4.16 pn,
_ DAILY No. 41."Passenger--Leave
¥.00 A.M, Boston 12.00 night,
York 9.30 am, Phifadelphia
12.09 pm, Baltimore 2.25 pm,
Washington 3.46 pm, Rich-
mond 7.°0 pm, Petersburg
8.12pm. Norfolk 2,20 pm,
Weldon 943 pm, Tarboro
6.01 pm. Recky Mount 5.45
2m. Leave Wilson 6.20 am,
Goldsboro 7-0! am, Warsaw
7.53 am. Msgnolia 8.05 am.

DAILy No, 61"Passenger.---Leave
xcept New Fern 9.20 am, Jackson-
urday "yille 10.42 am. This train

"40 P.. arrives at oalnué street,

DAILY No. 54"Passenger"Leave
12,15 P. M. Tampa 8.00 am. Sonford 1.50
pm, Jacksonville 6 35 pm,
Savanna 12.50 night, Charles-
ton 5.80 am~ olumbia 5.50
C am, Atlanta 8.20 am, Macon
9.30 am, Augusta 3.05 pm,
Denmark 4.55 pm, Snmapter
f.45 am, Florence 8.55 am,
Marion 9.35 am, Chadbourn
10.35 am, Lake Waccamaw

11.06 am, |

_ Train on Scotie dt Neck Branch Road
saves Weldon 3.55 . m., Halifax 4,30
9. m., arrives Scotland Neck at 5.20 p
®., Greenville 6,57 p, m., Kinston 7.55
yim. Returning, leaves Kinston 7.50
%.m., Greenville 8.52 a. m. Arriving
Hali x at 11:18 a. m., We'don 11.33 am
daily except Sunday.

{rains on Washuigton Branch leave
Washington 8.20 a, m., and 2.20 p.m
arrives Parmele 9.10 a. m., and 4.00 p
m., Tarboro 9.45 a. m., returningleaves
Varboro 3,30 p. m., Parmele 9.35 a. m.
~nd 6.20 p. m,, arrives Washington
11,00 a. m., and 7.20 p. m, Daily ex-
"t Sunday. Connects with trains on
~eotland Neck Branch. °

Train leaves saroory, N ©, via Albe-
@arle & Raleigh R. R. daily except sun-

ay, at 5 30 p.m., Sunday 405 P. M:
#crive Plymouth 7.40 P. M., 6.00 p. m.
Xeturning ieaves Plymouth daily except
Sundsy, 7.50 a. m., Sunday 9.00 a �"�.,
srrive Tarboro 10.05 2. and 11. 00,,

~ Trainon Midland N.C. branch leaves
troldTboro daily, except Sunday, 7.1) a
m. arriving Smithfield 8.30 a. in. Re-
turning leaves Smithfield 9.00 a. m,, ar-
r'vez at Goldsbors 10.25 a, m.

Trains on Latta branch, Florence R

» &, leave Latta 6.40 pm, arrive Dunbar

7.50 pm, Clio 8.05 pm. Returning

leave Cliot6,10 am, Dunbar 6.30 a m,

arive Latta 7.50.4 m, daily except Sun-

Train on Clinton Branch ieayes War-
saw for Clinton daily, except Suuday,
1120 a.m.and 4.15 p, m* Returning
léaves Cinton at7.00 a. m. and3,001 m.

Train No. 78 makes close connection
at Weldon forall points daily, allrail via
ichmone, alse at Rovky Mount with
Norfolk and CarolinaR R for Nonolk
fhe all points North via Norfolk,

GenT) Pass, Agent
T. M. EM&KSON,Tratlis Manaye~
TT, RKENLY. Gen] Manager.

The Oldest
Hail) Aewspaper in

North Carolina.

The Onl� Five-Dollar Daily
ae State |





The State Guard.

Tho report of the Adjatant
Genera!, now in the hands of the
printers, will say that the State
Guard has been called ont eight
times doting the yeary 1897, to
prevent lynchings snd riots:
Twice they were. called ont at
Henderson, twice at Raleigh,
twice at Rockingham, cnea at
Asheville and once at Elizabeth
City. The National Guard has
not been called into service ag
often during the year.


Cascarets stigulate liver, kidney and
bowels. Never sicken, -yeakenu or
grins, 10,

EEE. ie ee

When bilious or ecgt7e. eat a Care
caret, candy cathartic, care guaranteed

Tf, ae

A SPECIALTY. Primary, Second-
ary or Tertiary Sypillis permanently
cured in 15 to 85 days. you can be
treated at home for the same price un
der same guaranty. If you prefer to
come here we will contract to pav rail-
road fare and hotel) bills, and no charge
if wefailtocure If you nave taken
mercury, iodide potash, and still have
aches and pains, Mucous Patches 1n
mouth, Sore Throat, Pimples, Copper
Colored Spots, Ulcers on any part of
the body, Haie or Kyebrows falling
out, itis this syphilitic Blood Poison
that we vuarantee to enre. We solicit
the most obstinate cases and challenge
the world for a «ase we cannot cure.
This disease has always baffled the skill
of the most eminent physicians, 3400-
00 capital behind our uncouditional
gvaraney. Apdsolute proofs sent sealed
on application. Address COOK REM-
EDY Cv., 480 Masonic Temple, Chica-

£0, lll,

onjy is possible, whether as a test of ex- |
cellence in journatism, or for the meas-
urement oluquau, timevalues

and .

? hiladelphia

after a Career os nearly twenty years of
udinterrupted growtn is jusiitied in
Claiming that the standard tirst estab-
lis ed 2y its fouuders is the one true
jest of

A. Perfect Newspancr.

~ YL : {

To publish all the news promptly and
znd succirtly and in the most read-
be form, without elision or parti-
san bias, to discuss its significance
with frankness, to keep AN OPHN
to give besides a complete record
of current thought, fan ies and dis-
coveries in all departments of bu-
man activity in its DAILY FDI-
TIUN of frum 10 to 14 PAGES,
and to provide the whole for its pa-
trons at the nominal price of ON
CEN I'"that was from the outset,
and will con~*inue to be tie aim of
fy « EUORD.

The Pioneer

ene ¢ nt morning newsdaper in the
United states, THE RECORD still
LOW, i


Witness its unrivaled average daily cir-
culation exc: ediug 160,000 copies, and
and au average exceeding 120,000 copies
for its Sunday edicions, while imitatious
of its plan of publication in every im-
portant city of the country testify to the

truth of the assertion that in the quar-| #

tity aud qua'ity of its contents, and in
he price at which it issold THE REC.
ORD has established the standerd by
wh'ch excellence in journalism must be

~the Daily Edition.

of THE RECORD will be sent by
mailto any address for $3.00 per
year or 28 ceuts per month,

The Daily and Sunday

editions together, which will give

its readers the best and freshest in-

to: mation of all that is going on in

the world every day in the year

including holidays will be sent for

$4.00 a year or 35 cents per month


' Record Buildirg,

Phils elphia, Pa

Is COAL is)


Phone No. 10.





BAPTIs51"Services every Sunday,
moring and evening. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening. Rev A. W. Setzer,
Pastor, Sunday school 9:30 A, M.
©. D. Rountree, Superintendent.

CATHOLIC"No regular services.

EPISCOPAL"Services fourth Sun-
day, morning and evening. Lay ser-
vices second Sunday morning. Rev. A.
Greaves, Rector Sunday schoo! 9 30
A.M. W. 38. Brown, Superinterdant.

METHODIST~"Services every Sun-
day, morning and evening. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening. Rey.
N. M. Watson, Pastor. Sunday school
9:30 A. M. A B, Ellington, Superin-

PRESBYTERIAN"Sarvices third
Sunday, morning and evenirg. Rev.
J. B. Morton, Pastor. Sunday school
9:20 A M. E. B. Ficklen Superinten-
dent, rid


~ALF. & A. Mi"Greenville Lodge No
284 meets first and third Monday eyen-
ivg. J. M. ReussW. M,. L, I. Moore,

I. 0.0. F."Covenent Lodge No. 17
Meets every Tuesday evening. J. Y.
Johnson N.G. L. H. Pender, Sec.

K. ot P."Tar River Lodge No, 93,
meets every Friday evening. H. W.
Whedbee, C. C. A. B. Ellington K. of
R. and §,

R. A."Zeb vance Coaucil No. 1696
meets every Thursday evening. W.b.
Wilson, R, M.R. Lang, See.

K.of H."Insurance Lodge No. 1169
meets every Friday evening. John
Flanagan, D. Henry Sheppard, R.

SJA.L of H, Pitt Council 236 meet;
every Thursday night. J. B.j Cherry
C, W. B. Wilson. See.

Cctton and Peanut,

felow are Norfolk prices of cotton
and peanuts for yesterday, as furnished
by Cobb Bros. & Commission�"� Mere
chants of Norfolk «

Good Middling ne
Middling ~Of
Low Viddling 5 1-14
Good Ordinary 4
Prine 2
Kr'oa Prime 2+
a 24
Spo ish 80 to 75
Too + ~quiete

reenville Market.
Corrected by S. M, Schultz.

Batter, per lb id to 2
Western Sides 54 006
Sugar cred Hams 10 to 124
orn . 40 to 50
Corn Meal 50 to 60
Wour, Family 4,75 to 6,75
Lard 54 to 10
Oats 36 to 49
Sugar 4} to 6
Coffee 34 to 24)
Salt per Sack 63 tol £0
Chickens 123 to 20
Regs per doz 124
Beeswax. per 0)
~otton Seed,per bushei 1) to

a ey ee mm




Offers his services to the Ps

2° citizens of Greenville and the Q®/
ve fe)

public generally.

Spouting and Stove Work,
a specialty.

Satisfaction guaranteed or
m no charges made. Tobacco Fy
x Flues made in season. Shop @
© on Dickinson Avenue.


med (beet Peer ia
ee a F)

FE es ee
*. ee : Ssh Pe ete

mises = What Is It? phhbbh

It is a picture ot tae celebrated =


| Best in use, The outfit ot no business man ig

complete without one.

The Reflector Book Store

has (a nice assovtment ot those Fountain Peng
also a beautiful ii'1o of Pearl Handle Gold Pens
You will be astoT. shed when you see them and
evarnhowvery ci ..ap they are.

ae me

You may never,
But should you ever4@er=".

Want Job Printing:

o=~ Come to see us. a

f .


Oe Doi Bum A.


Visiting Card
oe ""TO "

Enuali SNeoct Bo ger,

The Daily Reflector,

Gives the home news
every afternoon at the:
small price of 25 cents a
month. Are you a sub-
seriber? It not you
ought to be.

The Eastern Reflector.


Is only $1 a year.


pia pecially those. growin
""" tobheed, that is omort
many times� moreT t
othe ssubsertpti


I, @
contains the qews every « ~7
week, and givesanforman:





�.,� tion -to. the farmers; :eg# 2 |





Are you ready for it? It
you want


to help in your celebration
come to my store. I have

a full line of Sky Rockets, Roman
Candles, ~Torpedoes, Whistling

Bombe, Cannon Crackers, Pop

Crackera, &c., that will be sold
cheap. When it comes to Fruits

and Confections for Santa Claus]. .
- May prices canTt be beat.

I also
have a nice line of Groceries, Tc-
bacco, Cigars, Crockery, &.

Let me fill your Xmas orders.



On Dickerson Avenue. A nine-room
house, with kitchen, pavtry, buttlerTs
pantry, smoke house. woo! house, sta~
bles. barn, buggy house, two gardens,
andagood well of water, For terms
apply to W. H. WHITE.

Weather Bulletin.

_ Rain tonight and Wednesday.



In Which Every Reader is Se

Buck Wheat Flour, 4¢, av J. B
W iteTs.

This 1s the end of autumn and be
ginning of winter.

weather will not continue.

J.S. Tunstall is im the front rank
with Christmas eatables, and Fireworks,

Today is only 9 hours and 24 mins
utes long, and is the shortest day ot the

Odi Fellows meet tonight,
have work in the initiatory and third



Notice"I am back at my Shoe
Shop in J. R. Corey's store, ready to
do any reparing on boots and shoes.
Give me yourwork, J.J. Coney.

WEN, a eT

Correct Store

Irs ZZ

~LangTs Cash House.

an aN

Too busy now to write ads.
Plenty room, come on.


Sells Cheap.


4 :

by JP

Ort PAIN Wo ie

~ Xmas - Greeting. we

say peters od AQP a V¥
Oe x

/ Fess.

wy \ mas is rapidly anproach- w

ing, only a short while w
and the eventful day ishere, ;
prepation musf, be made that
it may be one of joy and glad
Seetoit that youhave °
supplied yourself with some "

of the many useful, servicea-
ble and substantial things of life that can here
be found in such great variety and abund-
ance. If there isagirl or lady that has not been

supplied with a

Jew Christyas £


they should come now


while our shelves are

filled with Joos ae and Nettie

It may be the children

need Shoes,


Handkerchiefs, Gloves or
Neckwear. Someroomin

the house a

new Carpet,

Rugs, Curtains and Chairs
The bed may bein want
ot some all wool Blankets
and Marsailles Counter-

In fact you may want and need many other

things that yon have been oputting off� long
enough. Xmas isa good time to bring the mat-
ter to a close. Come look through our ~Stock
seme you want to buy or not.

Yours to please,



Che merchants are hoping this bad|-

| hose, all
A" tion. Apply to,




Some Coming, Some Going, and
all Talking Christmas


Rev. Mr. Ticknor left this morning
for Edenton.

Richard Edwards returned to Suffolk
this morning.

C. L. Barrett has moved his family

{to Farmviile.

W. H. Cox came over from Kinston
and spent the day here,

Mrs. E. H. Taft went to Rocky
Mount to visit relatives.

Miss Lenz King went to Golds2oro
this morning to visit relatives.

H. P. Strause left this morning for
Henderson to spend the holidays.

D. D. Gardner and wite left this
morning for Hamilton to spend the

P. H. Gorman went to Richmord
this morning to spend the holidays
with relatives.

Miss Pat Skinner has returned
from schoel at Salem to spend the
holidays at home.

W. R, ~Whichard, Jr.. and wife, of
Whichards, spent Mondey night here
with the family of the editor,

Maj C. T. Lipscomb, of Clifton,
S. ©., is here to spend the holidays
with his father, W. T. Lipsvomb, and

For other locals see second page.
Fine land made canaies at PenderTs.

30 barrels Red Apples, cheap, at S-+
hh. Schultz.

Beautiful line of new Pictures just
received at Mrs, Georgia James,

The Improved Order ef Heptasaphs
will be organized tonight in Masonic

For beautitul Christmas presents in
sterling silver and gold go to J. B.
Cherry & Co:

Velocipedes, wagons, toys, doll babies,
fire works, vases, figures, cups and
soucers, at S, M. Schultz.

A Christmas present suitable for
everybody at Mrs. Georgia James.

My entire stock of Christmas Goods

% | must be sol4 this week. Get mv prices
5px | before buving, Mrs.


For Revt." New six room dwelling
conveiences, desirable loca-

J. W, Hiacs.

Fine French candies, nuts, raisins
oranges, apoles, bananas,cocoanuts , figs,
dates, chocalate, gelatine, citron, at 5.

M. Schultz.

Go to J. B. White for holiday
groceries, fruits, confections, cigars and
fre works. Full line and everything


Yo: donTt wanTt to overlook what
D S. Smith has to say about his
Christmas goods. He has a large
stock of fire works, fruits, confections,
cigars &e,

Cigars make a nice Christmas pres=
ent, provided they are good ones, D.
S. Smith has the Nickel King, a
delightful smoke, in boxes of 25. Just
she right size for a present.

Params! Pass! Paums! It you
went to make your wife, mother, or
sweetheart a nice Christmas present,
cali on Al'en Warren & Sen, and buy
a nice palm, Price reduced for the
hotiday trade.

You help a goed cause as well as
spend a deligh ful eve ning if you attend
the concert in Germania hall, Wednes-"
day night, tor the benifit of Hope Fire
Tickets at WootenTs drug

store. a
Prompt Settlement,
H. A. Wuire, Agent,
Greenville, N. C.
DEAR Sir :"Pleas? express our
thanks to The Palatine Insurance
Company tor their very prompt and
just settlement on buildings used for
the carriage factory made with us this
21st day of Dec. 1897,
Ropert GREENE,
W. H. Cox.

That is the way all droggists sell

Malaria. It is simply Lron and etnias
in a tasteless form. Childre� love it

~fonics. Price, 50c.

10 for Chills, Fever and all forme of}.

PLP ee Na ll Ns ll al Ll I Ne ee aN a le.

~The Store is Quick With


The merchandise in
tere ts here chime in





times. Our stock is in
c thorough accord with

$your , practical needs
~and the service 1s $0
5 aa that mistakes
and delays ~are rare.
Of course, tawdry paint
ed things are absent
irom our collection of
attractions, but if your
taste and preference in-

Ze 1



iy a ate

hy a ~ eae
: = any a
Pa . :
NX = ~ = "

~ *


How very cheap, how very choice,
The people all are crying 5
They prai:e our goods with cheer-
fu! voice
And back it up by buying.

ba Mi Md a a Ned a Ma a al Nad eg Mil hs Pl Pl ld ld al PM

cline to usetul and practical articles for gitts we

can supply them at the least possible demand
upon your purse.

With thoughts of

Christmas Thoughts yy 45 comes t oughts
of giving, and what a

l) DressGoods. wie pleasing gitt

than a handsome Gress with all * . little acces
gorise. The costume need not be expensiveT


Will! be the order of things this week. We
realize that 1897 will soon be numbered with
the past, and January, with its trade dullness,
wil! take the place of brisk Oecember, You
will find many of the best and most stylish
garment here, |

A forcible lesson m economy
is taught you in the prices of
our shoes. Every pai.sold is
an advertisement to the depart-
ment. As good in stvle, wear
and quality as any made, but
abig saving to you in price

Neon Suits and OQvercoats.

We have a great factory at Baltimore that is the center of fine

art tailoring. Every Suit and Overcoat we produce is the creation |

of workmen whose skill, genius and ability cannot be surpassed in
the land. Not to know our facilities and reputation is a blemish
upon your personal knowledge of Ciothing history. Giving better
satisfaction and grandeur values now than ever before. |


Adults prefer it to bitter, nauseating |


i ~ ee :

harmonious smoothness
with the spirit of the

w' n
5 f
3 ig

Daily Reflector, December 21, 1897
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - December 21, 1897
December 21, 1897
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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