Daily Reflector, September 14, 1897

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of + me

Val.-6. | GREENVILLE, N. C. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14,1897. No, 852.

a ee

satan s eat oe ~

BETHEL : | Haptic | EERE
: ISH ALWAYS SHIM I) f Lerner, N.C., Sept. 13th, T97, Wuicaarb, N, ., Sept. 13th °97,
se J. Moore went-to Kinston Sat" A very large crowd attended the
Bune night and returned this morn yearly meeting at Briery Swamp yes- a 2
5° terday. enn 3
} J a
~Robert Salsbury, of HassellTs wag in| Ths warm, dry weather is causing at
? town Saturday, co.ton to open rapidly. "
] ete
Kinchen Taylor, of Beaufort county, | Ernest Whichard who has beon very Om /
spent teday here with his son, Jas, A, | fick with fever is improviug. bn
Taylor, Miss Jennie Warren is very sick. BD
9 S. T. Carson has opened a_ stock of Charley Bradley, A. C. u. f gent at bye ct ty ene
goods in his ~ . . os =o
: goods 10 his new brick store on! main Pactolus, gave us a pleasan? call this} © 5 e =) ooh
street. morning, = a oO tna
2 peeok
Rev. A. §. Ishida preached and lec~ | Miss Cot.ie Hearne, of Greenville, Oo er ® e OD
ured to a large crowd in the Methodist spent last week with relatives near (Rs | toh e a nm S
a ? church Sunday morning. here. R ao ry 02 oo
We have the largest! ~ | eo SHOOSH
| . Delila Bernis, the infant chiid of| Miss Ella Wilsor, of Beautort coun- = pe oho 5 fm B ayy
and most complete Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Nelson, aged (6 | ty, is visiting relatives here. oe a @ ble
: i mMontns, died last Friday morning at 2 Miss Mary Whitehurst who bas. (Re Po 5S of i ht
igck GE Hull. lea ee weet a Go : mmo OB eo
8: OCK O all oefoek, 4t Was buried in tue ceme"| haon teaching near here has closed her we fa
: tery Saturtay evening, Funeral ser" sshvoi tor the present. ep a ct co fonts] ful
x and Wip- vices. were ¢ ndie | ~av | re S 2 = o
A ~ es. were cond.eted at the grave by ; . ; ~ ty So.8
3 be ae Misses Stella Ward, of Greenvélle © Sad he
7 | Rey. B, B. Culvreth, oe REN LO
a ter and Odessa Rawls, of Robersonville,| &, id © :
a : Roy, the only child of Mr, and Mre. | are visiting Mrs, H. $. Congleton. @y i Sty fe} v8 aca
4 V a ey Hl ema
a Ww. W. thomas, aged 2 years and 3 Weare glad to know that J. L, re o yo fet Qu ~ : j
2 | days did Saturday ut 2 o'clock: P. M Porking is improving. | re ow br] wu Ahora tm
a \ Funeral services were held in the b=] q & c O° P ped
. whedie Gis ak Ric. J.J. Mason left this morning to} em. Om me
a | Methcdist chuen Surday evening at 4 i - oA 2 09 Op Ss
: | o'clock P. M. by Rev. B. B. Culbreth | 8¢cept a position at Grimesland. po os Bes (qe) grim) =
4 acter which it was buried in the ceme | ©. L, Whichard, ot Norfolk, spent | Sa� top GS & Op
i tery, a few days at his old home last week: ig 3 | aA) CD
2 uC : a) e
= We extend our svmpathies to the The Oak Grove Sunday School bad eo2do = . fod
' bereaved parents of the above named a pienic at Kee'sville last Friday, We: OSS"
children. hear it was a success.
) | The dry weather has greatlydam- J. g, Mooring will retuin to Chapel

agcd the crops in this section. Hill tomorrow.


. Tit ae | -rints Inaccurate Market
| Rocupare, N. C,,Sept. 13th, T97. ALE A Tee Dencurate Marke


~UMOYS Taha ~sou


The siound is yet dry and dusty and

fater 1s a ine fi - fp o a 2
a bar re PRP teres the tape o: The Danville Tobacco Journal ic FRA NK WILSON The Kir &
SHO mn S en niving netes from corresnondeats on | T Clothier.
J AA Kd y " is

BR. A, Willoughby lost a sheltez used the various tobacco markets, under the;

to gin cotton under, Thursday, by fire, ~head of oGreenvilla, N. C � dated Auz.

wie k MDD ck J. F. Allen and B. ¥. Crawford Jost} 21.prints the follow ng cs oreported by !
all of their ginning m.achinerT except" EK. 1. Morgan � |

jing the engine. Mrs. Pattie F, Smith| oFarmers very busy cuttirg and

�,� ako lost a half bale of eotton in the cuving this week. Offerings with us a
ie e, sv tar have been mostly first primings, ere pee
Everett Exsan and John Walston, | plices. for which have been satistactory if have a e * l
eon near Snow Hill, were visiting in| ution: ~The suiey Warehouse here es : 4 'P Cl |
tna Sica being built and will be completea soon,
ever brought to our town Sunday, & I

With fine crops, ample tacilities for

Greenville | Miss Louse Brand way, ot Ayden,! ha-dling and a good corps of buyers, Depa rt rrhie th) ts,

returned to her kome today, after a two we are bound ty havea govd market.TT»
or three days visit over this way. If other reports in the Journal are

W. L, Cobb | is having a nice picket | a8 inaccurate as this, it 1s not giving

tee wall built around his front yard. He is| its readers information that is worth a DRESS GOODS. CLOTHING.

NAAN Narain em Awe!

" : also making other improvements on his| ¢eut. In the first place thare is no EK, Tk

4 fiead. L. Morgan in Greenville. Aui Green- ave more pat erns My line of clot!

: ; , "es Se
.. We bought a large Miss Alice Smith, of Greenville, }s ne Neale ous enim and more bolt goodsT. 5
a t k d : there- visiting relatives aud friends up this house more than two years ago, and 18 much more complete
.. StOC au ee tbe every one ~f them is doing a big busi- than ever before. In} |

| way.

T fore Nea sel Walter Barrett and wife, from near rei pbb pages ie a ue the latest colors both|ane I se suit Aid Ip
oo ~|Greevile were ving te. teaty | eae He osshtonng Saw be plain and fancy. Trim-{clay worsted, c..eviots,
f see ; bes on

ee om mneR tO match intwid' haa

a 2K. Jas, L, Smith, Sunday. | paper. 1S vy plaids froth

| braids, sets velvets,}$3.00 to 15.00. Spec-
" ~ |Silks, and Jet. ial orders taken.

b If you want gooo ea Ae : |

q stylish goods come and ALPRED FORGES. | Ck ee


4 see us. It is no trou- wa Pe pot al ~ che ~ ~

3 ble to show goods and Dry Goods -:- and -: Notions, Prices from .75 to} i bave hats trom .59

| we take pleasure � SO CLOTBING, oka tic igh 0

Oh ies

dee ; Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, guarenteed. Mens $3,/*tifl, any style, crush,

eae FURNITURE, H ARDW ARES Shoes guaranteed. Ajalpine, stiff, and broad

| | lspecial lme of babyibrim. A big line of.
C. Ty, GENERAL MERCEENUDISE shoes. ~ Caps: and Tam oshanter

a POL 4

, , , Ifyou want td ~save money trade with us. adil
Tl Agent for George A. ClarkTsSpool Cotton [oy aU

, : : i sl : Ul a a Lime and Builders;Material a Specialty. | iH. M. H ARDE. : |

Give us a call mn we will do our best to

Why She Married Him.

rena ai E

It was their first quarrel, says
The Bostsn Post.
oWell, I dcnTt see how I came
to marry you,� she snapped:
~Same here,� he re~urned,
oWhat ever could 1 see in you,�
she continued, bitterly. oAll
men are the same, as lovers, but
as husbands, itTs different, you

_ * 3.2 wat CHARD. Editor.







Suered as gecond-lass mail matter.





Cheyer $3.00 know.�

One co, te ee i0| oOb, ho, all men are the same
Delivered in town by earriers without as lovers. Then you had a lot of

extrs cost. lovers? Thanks for your extra-

Hberal and can be

I always
the editor or at ordinary candor! I way

thonght you were a flirt, but now
you have spoken the words out of
your own mouth.�

oOut of my owz mouth! Can
a person speak with some one
elseTs mouth, you ninny? Why
doaTt you try to be logical, as
well as insulting? {[ suppose itTs
too much to expect from cone
whose brains are in his wustache,
or in bis clothes, or in his pretty
feet. Ob, donTt whins, I know
vour faults, to a dot.�

oWell, since you do,� headded,
oT will be frank with you and say
that I married you to give you
the opportunity to tell me my
faults, so that I could in time
approach your own angelic stan-
dard of perfection.�

oIndeed, and I marriea you
because you were such an expert
at repairing a bicycle tire.
DonTt you remember how vou
carried your jiffy outfit around
with you? You were so expert !�

oYou used to tell me you mar-
ried. me because you loyed me.

oWhata silly answer that was 1g

oThen you are a liar, too, eh ?�

o] say I married you because
you were such an expert tire re-
pairer. Wheni quit riding the
bicycle, I'll have no mote use for
you, do you hear? Go out in the
shed and clean my wheel and let
me hear no more out of you for a

Acdvertiang rates are
ad on application to
che ofiieT

Se incarnate eee


We desire a live correspondent at
avery postoffice in the county, who will
~eend in brief items of NEWS a8 It occurs
dn each neighborhood, Write plainly
and only on one side of the paper.



~ 6

cestesntomrenaic ~a


Thirty persons were killed and

185 wounded in a Colorado rail-
road wreck on Friday.

emer ncntnn monn

A bornble butchery occurred
near Hazleton, Pa. when the
Sheriff ordered a company of
deputies to fre on & band of
striking miners, killing 23 and
wounding 40 more. The affair
caused great excitement and
wuch indignaticn against the

The government expert physi-
cian sect to Ocean Springs, Miss.,
deciares the cases of fever there
to be yellow fever, but of a mild
type. The yellow fiag is raised

in New Urleans also, there being

several suspicious cases 10 that

TS """"
Everybcdy Says So.

Swan Quarrer, N. C., Sept 10 °97

EDITOR OF Rer.ector :"The
rews bas come down here that
there 18 to be a fourth party.
They say that this party is to be
led by Sevator Butler, ex-Judge
Avery, Judge Clark, Gov. Rasae)! |
and his oniggers.�

There is nothing said about
their taking Josephus Daniels,
butit is to be hoped they will get) -
him too. Their invitation ex-
tended to the worst elements of |
all parties, is: oCome unto us and
we will give you rest"and an
office.� It is vaid thev are
against rail roads, against capital,
against laver, against che earth
they say, otne old machiue is out
of fix any bow.� (Wonder if any
body thinks that quartet could fix
it?) In fact itis said the motto
of these leaders is, oagin every-
thing but us.�

We donTt like any such plat-
form down here and don't think
it would amount to wuch with ue
but donTt how it would strike the
ignorant people up in the West:
ern part of the State"it might
do some harm up there and we
want you to use your influence
sgaipst it. If you will we know
something will drop"we sware
by the Reriecror here.

Give it to oem� Dave!

Sioma Tav.
[As isthe past cur friend will
find the REFLEcToR ready to hit
anything that is not Democrat-

ani nate

Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the
mo:t wonderful meui al discovery of
the age, pleasant and refreshing to the
iaste, act gertly and poritively on
kidueys, liver anu howels, cleansing
the entire system, dispel colds, cure
headache, fever, habitual constipat on
and biliousness. Please Luy and try a
box cf C, U. C, today. 19, 25,. 50
cents. Sold and guaranteed to cure
by all druggists.

Living at Home.
lf the people of the State will
tive at home, raise their own sup-
plies, use the products of their
own manufacture and live with a
reasovpable econony, they can
live well in good times or in bard
times, and can be independent of
the rest of the world. We can
raise every bushe! of corn and
wheat, and every pound of meat
that ws consume and can raise it
more economically than we can
buy it. [f we vaise our own food,
the money that comes in from
cotton, tobacco and other crops
and products is clear money, and
will constitute an annual surplus
that willin time make the State
rich and enable us to develop her
great resources. We now manu-
facture into yarn nearly every
bale of cotton that we produce
and a large part of our enormous
tobacco crop is made into the
finished product and gold in the
State. Roller mills are dotting
the country and we are grinding

into flour practically all oar
wheat crop. We are manufac~
turing a large amount of furni-
erie yon $8 there are numerous
other industries springing up in
the State. users

North Carolina is making grat-
ifying progress along these lines
and the outlook is encouraging."
Chazlotte News.

~ ~The desigr cfa monunens to
_the late Bevator Z. B. Vance, at
_ Asheville, N. C., has been decid-
_ edupon. It will be ashaft about
« T2feet high, the core of which
- will be of brick. and the surface
_ It will stand in the
are in front of the
"Baltimore Sun.

Cascarets stimulate liver, kidney and
bowels. Never sicken, weaken or

gripe. 10c.

| ville.

DonTt Tobaceo Spt and Smoxe Your

late Away.


aay te

If you want to quit tobacco using
easily andT torevsr, be made. well
strong, magnetic. full of new life and
vigor, take No-To-Bae, the ~wonder-
worger that makes weak men strong.
Many gain ten pounds in ten days.
Over 400,000 cure?, Buy No-To-Ba
rom your own druggist, who will
uaranteea cure. bookiet and sample
mailed free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co.
Chicato or New York.

HesterTs Cotton Report.

New Orleans, Sevt. 3 "Sec-
retary Hester's New Orleans
cotton exchange annual report
was issuedto day, Mr. Hester
puts the commercial yalae of the
crop at $3676 per bale, against
$41.09 last year, and $30 in 1894-
T95 and the total value $3:21,925,(00,
against $294,045,000 last year,
pearly $28,000,000 wore than for
the period last year. The past
crop cost growers less than any
yet produced.

~The total spindles in the Scuth
is 3,351,9 1, an increase of 158,753.
The tctal number of milis is 482,
an increase ot 7. Mr. Hester says
that while the season had not
been favorable to American mills,
final results indicate the extent of
the depression has been decided.
ly overstated in the puplic prints
ani otherwise. The takings.
North and South, during the
pa-t year, have been exceeded
but twice in the previous seyen
yeare. The mills of the North
haye worked up as much cotton,
while those of tke South used
138,000 bales more tha. last year.
Imports of foreign cotton amount-
ed to the equivalent of 106,000
bales. Secretary Hester places the
worldTs visible supply of cotton
to day at 984,000 bales, against 1,-
035,000 last week. Of this 771,000
is American against 803,000 last
week. The total visible supply
shows a decresse compared
with last year of 333,000.

W. M. Bond. J. L. Fleming.


Greenville, N. C.

Practices in all the courts.

~ een ee

Shingles! Shingles!

Heart Hand Made Cypress Shingles,
$3.15 per thorsand delivered at Green-
Apply 'o
Ayden, N.C.


Lumber Yard at Greenville with
w. R. PARKER as Menager. Orders

left with him.
Kinston, N.


On Monday, Sept. 6th, I wili open
my school for giris and small boys in
the new schoo: building on Mr- W. B.
WilsonTs lot, in South Greenville.
Terms, etc., made known on sxpplica-



Fall Session Opens Sept. 14.

Instruction thorough. For terms, &c.
apply to
Gr eeuville, N. C

Valuable Property {or Sale


o9 mslites a Bpoe\res of ni Green-
ville Lum m or the purpose
of settling the aftidirs rf said Chapan
I herebv offer for sale the real estate i
stesene arki ante

onging Jompany. 8 pro

erty will be sold on reasonable semen n
lots to suit purchasers.

For further information see or ad-


Receiver. Kinsion, ma Ge

for Lumber, Rough or Dressed can be}: +e

R. A. TYSON, Vic-ePres.


IR. L. DAVIS, PresTt.

oJ L. LITTLE{CashTer"


The Bank of Greenville,


At;the Closejcf Business July 23rd, 1897.


oans and Discounts $50,273.62 $ Capital stock paid in $23,000.00
Over Drafts 1,580,18; Surplus and Profits 503.19
Premium on Stock 1,000.00 Deposits subject to Check 48,289.50°
Due from Banks © 2,630.55} Due to Banks 795.23:
Furniture and Fixtures 1,505.00 ; Cashiers Checks ortstanding [153.12
Cash Items 1278.15 } Time Certificates of Deposit, 55.00
Cash i ] 14,528.54 armenian

ash in Vault, Dis. Total 972,796.08

Total $72,796.04

We study carefully the separate needs of our patrons, and shall be glad to have
your account, promising every accommodation consistent with good banking. CH]

R. R. FLEMING, Pres.

ran CHERRY, j Vice Pres.

The Bank of

if not-all, of your


banking. W
sonal interview

every favor consistent with safe an
We invite correspondence r a per-
to that end.

E. B. HIGGS, Cashier,
AssTt Cashier:


CAPITAL: Minimum $10,000 ; Maximum $100,000.
Organized June 1st,1897.

Pitt County,


PLease aes el,

rHIS Bank wants your triendship anda share:

business, and wllgrant


Wehave alarge ®








"" ()

We have ,utt reveived & new
hearse and the nicest line of Cof"
fins and Caskets, in weed, metal-

just arrived. Come and
see us.


School For Girls, And aS



ing their yearTs supplies will tind
their interest toget our prices befere pu
chasing elsewhere. Ourstock is co rapleti
nallits branches.




Tobacco, Snuff &c,

we buy direc} from Mar-.lactu.. ) en
ling you to buy at ce protit. A eouw -
cle stock of


always on hand and soldat

mmr tt . fore, havi

sold for ' the) having no 1 isk

regis naenees peppy pel Retrie.
8. M SCHULTZ Gerville N

lic and cloth ever brought to
Gtreen\ ills.

We ate prepssed io {0 embalm-
ing in all its form»-

Personal atientiou given to co
ducting funerals and bodies
trested to our care will rece)
every mark of respect.

Oar prices are lower than 6ver..

Ne do not want monopoly but.
savite competition.

_ We can be found at any and alb
times in the Joho Flanagan
Buggy CoTs building.


Old af 8 tO suit ?
areall bought and|



ee ee




Can be found below Five Poiuts.
next door to Reflector office,



Patronage solicited. Cleaning, Dj eing
and Pressiag Gents Clothes a specialty


Special attention given to cleaning


Male Academy,

The next session of,'the school will

open ony

MONDAY SEPT. 6, 1897 -

and continue for 10 months.

The terms are as follows.

Primary English per mo.
Intermediate ~*.~*... ** $2 50
Higher ayes ec atta 93.00
Languages (each) **

liberal patronage. png Foe pet




Atlantis Coist Line. | Greenville Market. |. DIRECTORY. \ t=

oe, ae : Corrected by S. MW. Schultz. : i
~Schedule in Effect. Aug. 16th, 1855, a. ae a | o
~tnres from Wilmin: seats Der 1 ae CH RC (es, ,
Departures from Wilminzton. Waders thes 5b 408 y | ~i
NORTHUKOUND Sugar enred Ham~ ~ 10 to 124 | : » * re va Y ue
DAILY No 48"Paszenger"Dee Vee- orn % 4") to BF Kop : : S| |G eee a /
9,35 a. mw. nolia 1°.59 itt. Warsaw 11.10 Corn eal 45 So 60 cil ooh enti Pracee penne : ee Se ea ee ee r $s i vs
Oe a | Roar. Panely )* te oe Thursday evening "Rev A. W.setzer,; ¢ as CURE CONSTIPATION :
3.20 sui Frarboro 2.58 hig Lard 5} to 10/ Pastor. Sunday school 9:30 A. M. } a 3 Se .
Weldon 3,39 p m. Petersburg | Oats : 35 to 49} C, D, Rountree, Superintendent. 10 ¢ REGy VER: yu é
bet ~7 * a pig age st aie Sugar 4t05) CATHOLIC"No regu~ar services. 25¢ 50¢ LATE THE B oa DRUSGIoTR $
Horie hie. it: Washing. |. 17 to 20 toe stination. Casearets are the hen! Lay
ot en note 12.58 ste 710169) . EPISCOPAL"Services fourth Sun- ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED tive, never trip ie iii, 6) tee oooh nce 7
am, Fhi'adelpnia 345 a m, | Salt per Sack " day, morning and evening. Lay ser-| ¢2l@and booklet free. Ad. STERLING REMEDY 00s. Chica, Montreal. Can.. or New York, 417,
New York 653 am, Boston | Chickens '" to 20 vices second Sundav morning. Rev.A. See ee aa i a pene la agtt i eigatten dees ps :
ee 00 p ni. Eggs per ~loz * to 15 | Greaves, Rector. stg li . : "e '
Pe . ir ae -enge mm [) Mag B eSWAX. DE: 4 A, M, Ww. Bb, Brown, uper pter. ant. F \ MAAK F ~wo va)
" p m, Goldsboro 10.10 p m. TAXES ing and evening. Prayer _ " reps 2. aon. corer ~Jet
Wilson 11.06 p m. Tarbors ' MoMAE Woanatley Sekine. Bes of. SOeho sae. ae | S88
ie Pa - ay ® 4 » Loyd 4 ie!
ba gleich hi mi I will b: in my office during the|N.M. Watson, Pastor. Sunday school]! 90 2 & = ° 2 5 2 = be ed
a 10.5.0 Arghyro | Months of Sep ember und November, |/9:30 A, M. A. B. Ellington, Superin- Be SS, Sm * 2 to by "_" o =
folk 1.0 a in, Petersburg | oe vou will fitd a Deputy therg for the | iendent a 5 a3 S po Za "= 8
Bae @, Richmond 4.26 am, | ore et oclleatiae Taree ee epee nwa "" ET -
: an et se O ev i ~ i ads perl ~
Wasbiogton 7.41 am, Baiti, | Pye in visit the ates velow for the| PRESBYTERIAN"Services " third Phy SB Ef: es) O fae z %
more 9'5 4 m, Philadeipnia : the dav jur-|Sunday, morning and evening.. Rev.| JR »° 5B� 2 aOF8 % dE a Sa
11.5 am, New York 202 =| S#me Purpose. on the days stated, aur T ~astor. Hand hool 2 238 sodT ss | pena wont _ : oa
osthe 4.30 | ing the month of October, viz: J. Morton dastor. Panay webols a ra ee eq 3.4. a ed mem
as reeves © a0 Pat. Greerville, Greenvilie township, | 9:30 A. M. E. B Ficklen Superinten- r$ gay Ho} Blew C oes ga
SOUTHBOUND. Weduerday, Oct, 6th 1597, "}aent 4 | Hes roe 7a Se er =
DAILY No 55"Passengor Due Like} Black Jack, Chicod township, Turse eS ¢.8 az 2.0 °° a St ! 8
o0p m. Waecamaw 4.55 p m, Chad | day Oct 7th 1497, LODGES. Pa ape gy �"� =xJ "==. & |
_ bourn 6.40pm Marion 6483p} BurneyTa X Roads, Swift Creek town- pond 26 Fa fs = ys a
m, Florence 7.25 p m, Sum"| ship Friday Oct ~th 1897, $e 3764 . eo "" . 5
te: 8.42pm, Columbi: 10.05| Falkland, Falklaau township, Tues- . . : ( 000 A o
! m, Denmark 6,20 a m, August | day Get 1_t: 1997. jot FB & Ae ee Lodge a0 ACARI iT PP ee Pw ow po eee vy | 4
* to 8.20 am, Macon 11.30 am, Farmville, Farmville township, Wed- 284 ineet3 first and me l Moor i
Atlanta 12.15 p m, Charles-| nesday Out 13th 187. ing. J.M. Reuss W. M. L. I. Moore,

fon 10 20m, Savannah 24)] Cobbs;store Beaver Dam township, | See.

am. Jacksonville $20 a m,| Thursday Oct 14 4 1897. I. 0.0. F."Covenent Lodge No. 17 SHE THAT ? 0
St... ugustine 10 30 2m.Tam ParkewTs Scho | House, Belvoir town- Meets every Tuesday evening. J. V. s . ; Nd

ae |

pa 6.40 pm, shiv, Tha s'av Oct 19ta 1897. "~- . , Sec,
AKRIVALS At WILMINGLON"| _ Bethel. + thel township, Wednesday ronan Rese eee
FROM VHE NORTH Oct 2th 1897. K. ot P." Lar River Lodge No, 93, Ot As tne
_e le apd eds sokes, Carolina towuslup, Thursday | meets every Friday evening. H. W. TET os ety Ul Ko oS ree etn | AREER
DAILY No. 49,"Pas-enger-"Bosten Oct Bist 1897. Whedbee, C, C. A. B. Ellington K. of } BAS a eo das SR Gite ORR WN. a ae 4

9.49 P.VW. 1.03 1m. New Yerk 9.00 po Pactolus. Pactolus township, Find 1s
~ JN 9, mn, : . ctolus ship, Friday | R, and §,
Philadelphia 12.05 am. Belti- Qer 22nd 1897. #

pore 5,50 am, Washington | Grifton, Coutentnea township, Tues-| BR, A."Zeb vance Conucil No. 1696 W )
4.39 am, Richmond 9 05 am, div 2th 1897 » meets every Thursday evening. W. Bb. Para rahe hat Is It i Bhiekice
Vetershurg 10.00 am, Nor- Avd n, Contenf nea township, Wed-| Wilson, R, M.R. Lang, Sec. | | ,

Weldou 11.50 am, ~Tarboro nesday Oct 27 h 1897,

12.12) m, RB cky Mount 12.45 W. H HARRINGTON, K.of H."Insurance Lodge No. a Itisa picture ot tae celebrated a

pm, Wison 2:14 pm. Golds- Sheriff, |meets every Friday evening.

: boro a pm, Warsaw 4.02, Flanagan, D. Henry Sheppard, R. r
~ pm, Maguolia 416 pm Reet i ie : a ont :
: ~ A.L of H, Pitt Council 236 meets
DAILY No. 41."Passenger"Leave ~ry I ivht. J. B. Cherr AKER FOUNTAIN Pr ik
_ 9.30 A.M, poston 12.00 night, ~New Land Sale. every Thursday atl ay y | :

rork 9.30 a, Phitadelphia By virtue o! the power veste? in me ° : . 7
17.09 pm, Baltimore 2.25 pu, | by a certain over made by E, A. Moye |Best in use. The outfit ot no business man is
Washington 3.46 pm, Rich- clerk, ina special proceeding pending complete without one

mond 7.20 pm, Vetersburg | in Pitt county wherein J. L. Ballard et
- Weldou 9.43 pm, Tarboro! eg als are defendants, I wii offer for Th R fl t B k S
. 6.01 pm. Ri eky Mout 5.45! gale before the court house door in . e e ec or OO tore

Wels Norfolk 2.20 pm, ~a8 are plaintiff's and John B. Worsley COLLEGES.
a he Wilson 6.20 am, | Greenville on Monday, the 20th day of | ~~~�

moll 8bOr0 7°UL alu, Warsaw | Se tember. the following described tract : |
7.53 am Magnolia &.05 am, of tant to-wit. Siturted in Beaver Dam has a nice assortment ot these Woamatati; es

DAILy No. 61"Passenger-- Leave |tow ship, Pitt county, adjoining the fig also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold Pens.
except New Bern 9.20 am, Jackson- | laads of Moses Joyner, Renb'n Kinsaal, : You will be astonished when you see them and

Sunday ville 1042 am. This train | Cleimma Allen and others, and eontat .-

2.40 P.M. arrives at Walnut street, | ing 69% acres, more or less. which ~said IN STITUT for Young LawJies varn how very cheap thev are.

FROMTHE SOUTH. an is on ede the par- Receian wind Raleigh, N. ve

DAILY Pane _ Slut ~Cee GINg ~ xcellant§ buildings an eautifu

12,15 PM. Facey Seles to aerms Of sale, Cash, ; grounds in a Healthful Location with
pm, Jacksonville 6 35 an J A. LANG, splendid climate. Stands at the very] YOU may never,

eh hoa Comiissioner. | front in Female Education. Thorough =.
0 BEE a igh Charles August 16, 18.7. in its Courses. High in its Standard But should you ever
am, Atlanta 8.20 am, Macan |� " | Unsurpassedin I'S INTELLECTUAL


« x ; .
conean, apy i mrs pm. Execution Sale. ~I'wenty-une officers and teachers
arena pm, eumpter ._; Veryretsonable prices. Send for cat ,

40 : ~lorence OO AN.) NWN oRpH CARULINA,) Lu the Super ior alog:: 0 Jas. DINWIDDIE, M. A

Marion 9.35 ain, Chudbourn Pits County. Court. � |

10.35 am, Lake Waccamaw

11.06 am. Callie Langston. (row Cullie Joyner) | _ ""wCome to see us, a

Trait ou Scoty i Neex ranch Roa exux. of B,J. Lungs.ou /
eaves Weldon 4.10 pP.m., Halifax 4,28 Vs. RINITY COLLEGE.
. "os onic ne Neck at 6.10 p | Tie Greenville Land an? Improvement

he Rovaret oe Pe my Kinston 7.65 Company ind P, B. Talliaferor

) im. Returning, leaves Kinston 7..( . i
a. m., Greenville 8.52 a. m. Arriving Ry virtue of an execution directed to

Mali x at 11:20 a. m., weld p (the undersigned from the Superior | ~Lhree full courses of study. Large | ac
daily except Sindav. » Werdon 11.40 am Court of Pitt County in ~he above enti |number of electives. Two full chairs in a

ee Nal Nae ei a gg!


at dob Printing Ui 3 �

Se LA a ee


oN "|

Next Session Opens September 8,

' ' ted ae'iou, T will,on Monday, the 20th | English. Women admitted to all classes Re
sind B ajuniton Branch leav day of Neutember 1897, a¢ 12 oTc:ock M., | One Hundred and one Thousand Dollars
arrives Dattiete ota. and 1.00 PM at the Court Honse door of said county, |added to the endowment during the

DAS oe aise and 3.40 p sell ro th h'ghest bidder for cash, to | present year. Oaly male literary college

m., Tarboro 9.45 a. m., returningleaves ' tt , ;
2 oDet� satisfy said execution. all the right, title }in North Carolina that is located in a
Tarboro 3.30 p- m., Parmele 10.20 a. m. and inte:est whici the said Greenviile | city.

iL renee oe a cg Land and improvemeat Compiny, de-| The bes; business course offered in Anything from iq
. ° o4 . * ~ oxe A : 4 = j ? a) P ; o¢ NU °
ept Sunday. Connects with ing on | endant, has in th: tollowing described | the state. Send for album and extalogue

. -wit. °*: f land ia Address JNQ.C. KILGU
Scotland Neck Branch real estate, t -wit. A tract 0 Jand | , |
suit Greenville township. Pitt Coun'y. Durham, N.C. wl ei
Train leaves turoore, N \, Via \lve-| known as the William Moore trat of | vin a Carcd

martle & Raleigh KR. k daily except sun. | jan¢ adjoini he | t B. F. Pat-
of, : joining ~he lands of Bb. F. ra
day, at 5 60 p, m., Sunday 495 P, M; rick, A. M. Clark, C.F. Manaing and | " ~ ""TO A""
pale A le med bes P, 9 6.00 p, m. | others, and being the tract of land oon.
ip 2aves E'lymouth daily except | yeved by deed from D. E. House to sai |

Sundsy, 7.50 a, m., Sunday 9.00 a n., Gresavitle Land and [mprovement Cotton anG Peanut, . Fut. Shae et a ISsOor
arrive Tarboro 10.14 9 m and 11, 45 Company,and upon which the mill plant ;

Train on Midland N.C. branch leaves |of ~ne Greenville Land and fmprove- rg mh Pi ones bape oor Aighed ; |
GolcTboro daily, exce t Sunday, 6.05 a! ment Company was situated, being that | and peanuts for | ercay, she fl t
m. atriving Smaithtiel 7°30 a. i. Re-| part of eaid land now owned by the by Cobb Bros. & Commission Mer- 1e ally e e�,�C Or,
turning leaves Smithfield 8.00 a. m,, ar-| Greenyille Lumber Compay aud lying | chants of Norfolk - P

tives at Goldsbors 9,20 a. m. east of Railroad. COTTON. G ives the ho me news
Trains on Latta branch, Florence R| ~This the 20th day of August :897, : :
t., leave Latta 6.40 p m, atrive Dunbar W. H. HARRINGTON, Good Middling c every afternoon aut the
: 7.50 pm, Clio 8.05 pm. Returning) =. Sherift Pi't County. | Middling of As ~
i Jeave Cliot6.10 a m, Dunbar 6.30 a m o| Low Middling 6% ; small price of 75 cents 7
arriye Latta 7.50 a m. daily except Sun- Guod Ordinary 5 11-10 ~ *
mr 3 ~ | oe month. Are you a stul-'-
Train onClinton Branch leayes Wai - ELON COLLEGE. PEANUTS; .
eaw for Clinton caily, except Suuday, Prime ty | seriber ? It not vas
10 00 a. m. and 8.50 p, m:° Returning NORTH CAROLINA. Extra Prime 24
~vaves Cinton at7.00 a.m. and3,00, a. . ancy | 24 ouvht to be.
i Train No. 78 makes close connection | Situated on Soutien Railway, in Spanish 0 to 75
7 at Weldon forall points daily, all rail via|Pielinont section; very best water ; Tone"quiet, E |
a HKiehmone, alse at Rowky Mount with | healthiest locatity, property of Curis- : P a
Norfolk and CarolinaR R for Noniolk | tian church, non-sectarian ia spirit and ae

Qe all poiuts Norch via Norfolk. teaching, hi,hest moral tone, elegant
JOHN F. DIVINE, | ~puilding, jmiis laboratories, eoc., facul-

YM. EMURSON, Genera! Sups. | ty of specialist. cv edudsational, curri- Select Female School. 4 ey un a ~

rittiv Manager. culuta equa! of best arale college, three
J. R.KEVEY. Gant asa degree cou'ses, uss liberal terms, best

; aie ike : i
My Add J.0, ATKINSON, Cnairman, ; ' . er Aes
THE MORNING STAR| (oeon College NG. | bein on e Lastern heflector.
: is , ana ee A RENIN 2 RL MONDAY, 6th OF SEPTEMBER,

The Oldest
Haity Now paver in| oa


The terms are as follows; � ° 2 a
Dears Bor tae per marth $2 00 | 3 ~8 Only $1 om: ys ar. io
Intermediate 82 20] ° de iba oe eS
Higher ~6 te $3 00 : Ccontalns : the ngs ON. rr fe ar

Languages (each' ~ $1 00

~ ' a eM ee Music including use of nstrumensg3 00 week y and gates # fOrifi |
3 stato. ~No deduction for soss time exeept in|! 2 tj the ta rites
ort hg lua. onany LE tof the body aro case of sickness of as much ~one 100 to the far wept. Pd
Ct oe et te 1) Paniaee Pel Gechilie thet tion, ic Ig ny Ts) yp ook
7 Vesa hae Mosby wie guarantee t ure, We l deit the pow a "The instruction de fo . o it F : : specially tk Ose 4 | bis i
ated TiseNallowT Tasic! Hhallongo ary (be werld for a ence » . heT mora ntel- : | iy 2 meet) 1?
_ The Onl a ive-Dollar Dailv PST ee ae N Stes pireien leatual in lunees ar R ot rp : d.'The tobacco, t at, af On bh in
o,f er: CL. ath Sease TLE. E a Y. iscipli u itly rm, in te na r ieee
its Class inthe State aves i yn TO RS . Fort arther partionlarsaes ov address, , many twumes. :

I a: Greenyille, N, C. oe cue subsei t
" July, 21, 1897, = | al 7


DAILY KEELECTOR. | kg a gare
soi a "| Printed Points That Pertain to ~ J aS '
a People. , pees EE Ma gE AEE EEO smmshchicd tanateaiieaniss cic lebithing, seen nibienttan path ibiads
2 We have opened up the largest line of
ene J.C. Robertson, cf Robersonyille, a ane : : ae
rair tonight and Wednesqay. spent roday bere. 1 I 7 an oy ~APHS !
. eae LA rigs = C :
SS : oe | ae Lijie Wilson returned Monday ve
KLONDIKE SCRAPS. eveniag trom Coneto. for Falliand Winter wear ever shown here.
x oe oe Dr. RK. L Carr returned Moicay

; There is Gold in Some of, These. |e yetmrg frem Uartoro.
Vi e extend to our; "~~ i :
friends and the aden J. HW. Peebles returned Monday
pubi.c ven erally, @Spe-| Ezys and chisk-ns at S, M. Sebultz | evening trem Gates county.
Gey the ospinset a Ee My new goods are ariving. Calland} Miss Mary Alice Moye left this
' ial invitation Oo vis *\ see them. Mrs M. D. Hiees. | morning tor Wilsou te attend school, -

ourstore and examine a
our o= In today "Fresh N. Y. State But- Misses Minnie and Pattie ~Lucker

» t raid Cheese at S. M. Schultz. leit today tr Tarboro to attend schosl.

Le » be en placed in the office cc aad :
A phene bas been piace A. C. Watson letl Monday evening

Ge | of L. 1. M ore, and R, By Smich. It 'tor Ayden to buy cotton in that town.
t fut is No. 40. | :

. : | Mrs. G. P. Fieming and ~children
The Ladies Aid Society of the Bap-| . . me

] * cs * * .
; ; ; jand Miss ~Stella Fleming, who have
list church will have a lawn party inthe | y uivae an ec Wil }
'been visiting Miss Wannie Wilson, leit
i Academy grove Wednesday tight. : win ek ,
| Monday evering for Kinstor.
pirs. L, G. BernardTs school at Ma |
~ ~ | p well Yoncille. w ae
lsonie lodge opened today for the tall | W. L. Hazell, of Danville, who bas
term. She has an enrolliaent of 26! been apending a day or two oh this
Lupils lrobaceo market, left tday, He ts a
; | Se auctioneer ang displayed bus skiil We bou ght We have all
Fresh Oysters received evry day; ! :
ov 7 | ae the warehouses Monday. di int tAy L :
apd se ved inany style by Old doe | | 1re nf, TrOoOm atrzle 5, sizes
E ; . ~ : r ted . - ° T
7. Forbes, the best cook in the State; W. T. Lee, accomparied by his; the ma!
5 . �,�e makers ~nd vri
j ° nt as ; ad 1ceSs.

Restaurant near Market Louse. brother, Virgil, left this morning for

Clarksville Va, Where the former will andtherefore |
'ba mcrried temurrow evening lo asiiss
jbought very

send it to me in time tor WednesdayTs | we
j pes : i Etta Drake, of that iown. The bridal
shipment, Packages always ready for | ; ere ; °
jparty wail return te Greenville hurs-|low and will
| .
i dny eveniby. |
{ t 1 F X
| iselllow. The @

| ' pw 7s

| BASE BALL. prettiest line
| " ;we ever saw.

Anything for.a Change


i'Games Played and Standing -ot!
Observer Olen Warren, up at the| ay é ~ g

i why] $34 tak *
| aeaneinn op | Clubs. | ~ | ones
weether station, is in favor of discontin. | (2 of? %) , ag p Led ¢ Fal ip T
, ; +H, } fer ef}
, uirg reports until solve kind of a change | " | eda d iw ed °° \aed & 7] Ls se e

We are de-
termined to
sel more of
pthem than
: any firm in
the State.

it vou want your laundry dune right,

jelivery Saturday eveniag,

Agt. Wiimingte Sream Laundry,



ak es we Pye edt ides. Lhey | Oe ae agg og
tukes place. Pretty good ides. Phey: Washington,Sept. 13"Cincinnati,2;,
wave been coming asmostir the same) Washington, 1.
wo.ds fcr so long that they are growing) ,, + ges |
New York, Sept. 13"Broskl yn, 3; |



I. : ""

| New York, 8. Game ealled end of 9:h



monotonous. ;
in the town. The as- See ee Eee ge innins on acctunt ot darkness,
sortment of Fine Wool- THE FIREMEN,



Baltumore, Sept, 13"Chicago, 2:!
Baltamore, 4. |

ie oe a full line ee
of staple and ~o~up-to- ; ceive

. Make Preparation to Receive the
date� Novelties such as Steamer.

Second game""Baltimore, 11; Chi
cago, 4.


cement ore |

y '
RAD If Ik COVERT CCT There was a large attendance of | Pittsburg. Sept. 13"Pittsourg, 2;
C ania members at the regular meeting ol : Louisvi'le, 7.
Sith anc! Vool Otto- Hope Fire Compary Monday might, | Cleveland, Sept. 13"Cleveland, o3
mans, © atii Tle Chine, and three new mveniber were ae St Louis, 6,
Si:ik }Jeano EBRenriettas Chief A. J, Goffin announced that

he had been noticed by the manufac- HOW THE OFTRS STAND.

Serges,FancyBrocades Se die aw | Won Loat Per Cen] |
and Plain Silks and|turers tha: the steam are nae nT alt AES awide? opie ge me De
; sot NS ¢ shipped on the 10th, and that as soon Baltimore 80 38 COB} ae py� 5 Mee 6, Ay orl ae a a OR ~
y , Satuns and many other~! tet rin a9 35 rol 2 Peg pee So RIN RO) , i)
- new and stylish fabrics |i arrived an expert would be sent to ee a vu a ae ) Sas / wa SRP) Pinal!
. put it up and ~test it, A special meeting | * eons 3 40) 652 e Q i
one of the company was ordered at the)~ "enn uP "= a70 0 2, 5
time the engine is tested. i baila Hf bad #04 0) q = :
The line of W. I. Pender was elected Chief En- W anbington a et 465 0
yineer; R. L. Humber, Assistant Engi- | Chicago 53 4 453 = oe.
neer; H. C. Hooker, Fireman. Philadelphia a ee 436 B a o" ~ aa ~ p |
After the adjournment of the meet- Brooklyn aoa se mM Wear UT yi se) 4
i a 0 é of wi Re.
ing two of the new members, John M Pittsburg 49 M0 45 E i 1, O o|
sett �,� 5 ALA Mp ¥, Paes
a Cheek and Paul Metrick, furnished re- ig ai 8 ss a 7 = HE ¥ S e
. ae St. Louis ~ 239 | tend { é
are beautiful and up to | freshments to the c.mpany. 5 ii :


j organize one.


Cotton : bei oe


dite. Every piece be- The engine arrived on todayTs freight,
_ ing selected with the Ought to Have it | "
| greatest care. NO CURE"NO PAY. We continue to hear people say that | i i
, ~hat is the way all druggists _ Greenville ought t» have a Chamter of * ~ |
eeeaniiente CROVES TASTELESS CAILL TC i ~ r ~
a iC for Chills, Fever and all forms of eee oc Hoard tf Trade. And cq

Malaria. It is simply Iron and Quinine | 80 tt oug t, but the busivess men do bd

The line of in a tasteless form. Children love it} not seem to be coming together fast to a

oat Adults prefer it to bitter, nauseating sl




* a 4
~i 3 i 3 |
G OO DS ~ :

arenew and stylish and

stylish and especialiy

desirable for Fall and
- Winter wear. |

¢ Fall Fabrics. |
= The latest effect in the


A look and you are

f Lanes CasH House. 3 a ~ SS Ss
wi rat Tan want Ta Ladies areinthe lead. Every warra nted,


* Accept our invition,
Make usavisit. It will)
a ave us pleasure to
+ ; show you through.


r ¥



Daily Reflector, September 14, 1897
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - September 14, 1897
September 14, 1897
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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