Daily Reflector, August 14, 1897

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+ B40) r oie








a =a peed They Dig a Well 22 Feet Deep. es

| = © ot Handsome Wheels and Beautiful
| , a wa Mr. Fred) Phillips lives up near Riders"Cake Walk,

| ia = Falkland, He has two .boys, aged

| a ma oO about 8 and 10 yaeis respectively, who The bicycle carnival in the Eastern

CP ~ have proven themselves smarter than Warehouse, on Friday night, under

é the average boys of their age. Besides the auspices of the LaidesT Aid Society
being a good farmer Mr. Paillips is of the Christian church was an occasiun
considerable of a turkey raiser, ands of unusual interest, Being an enter-
|since the young turkeys came on the tainment ot a different nature from any
busin2ss of these boys hes been to take that has occurred here a Large crowd

care of the turkeys. Every day the | was attracted to it, and all were well

boys weuld drive theturkeys to a range repaid for attendli.g. Ren aes SA

and take them back to the house in| ~he chiet attractiou of the evening 7

the evening. wa3 the bicycle drill. ~This was partic- |
This wert on for two or three weeks |'ipated in by the tollowing couples:

"j} when Mr, Phillips concluded one day; R. M. M ye and Miss Clara Bruce
tbat he would go and see what the| Forbes,



boys were doing. He discovered that} W. I. Pender and Miss Kate Harvey.
ithey had been occupying their spare; J. M. Moore and Miss Dot Flana-

time m digging a well. They dug it} gan.

in a place where the clay was very hard Phil Crawford and Miss Pat Skmner.
and had ~ieached a cepth of 16 feet.) L. O. Pender and Mrs. Kk. W. King.
They had almost a verfectly round Raymond Tyson and Miss Sarah

And the price of our
Summer Clothing has

hole and the work was done as neatl | Hooker.


declined with the ad-

as ~it expert well diggers bad been 10 ~The wheels were handsomely deco-


i, 8 charge of the job. rated and the riding very graceful. es
| o Mr. Phillips decided net to disturb | Many beautiful movements were exes vanceof summer. We'd
: the boys in their work but let them go cuted in perfect order. ey
on and see how deep they would go. A prize was offered to the rider hav. rather sell Summer
on a They kept on digging Geeper every day {ing the bes. decorated wheel. The ;Clothes at a loss than
" ge = until they struck water at 24 feet. Mr, | committee sected to make tho award" to kee them _
me Phillips then put a curb in the wall| R. W. King, J. L. Littie, C. M. Jones eep emover. .
""" oD and fitted i 3 and D. J. Whichard"decided thi | Eg.
+ and fitted it up for use. al . da lichard"decided that
" oy All the tool the boys bad for the! Miss Clara Bruce Forbes was entitled Whatever you want
= a work was a piece of shovel, and hey jf the prize. ne that Mrs. R. W, Wing we have probably got
PP drew the louse dirt from the excayation | and Miss Dot Flanagan were deserving 6 :
A ys with a tio bucket and light rope. It | of special mention for the beauty ot iat for less than cost. A
_ = was aremarkable piece ot work for two | cl meet loss at this time is ql-
5 = tmell boys. Ihe prize was presented by W. M,
O oc _ Bond jn a speect that bristled with most as good as a profit
me rEOXaT x a bY . P Mi» PandTo fret: § ® ;
es = rWO OF A KIND. humor, It was at Bona 8 first ap earlier.
" o "_" pearance b.fore a Greenville audience
S om One Thief Squeals on Another " and he acquitted himsIf handsomely.

Both in Jail. ~The.e were seyeral other riders pres- my Ff é, EN
"" * , iv
ent who did not enter tor the przez. Re} a ars a ' :

Some months ago some one stole | i, Moye and David Jaines had the
ry Tt: 3 : » La : . - .

Mr. E. B. HiggsT bicycle trom 418} prettiese wheels of tie uae rides. THE KING CLOTHIER
house just west al otown. He made Thre was anuthee contest that af- , ,
diligent search tor it, but not hide Lr to .ced po little amusement. Lbis was

air of itor ratter, rm or spoke of - - ee " : root tema "
hair of it"or ratker, : an vld fascioned cake walk, pavticipa-

it"could he find anywhere. He found

ted in by about fifteen couples. ~i he
it pretty not tramping to town, but had

walkie was simply immense. ~lwo
erm and bear it, and hope of ever


prizes were up on this contest"one tor
finding his wheel was abandoned.
However, the ar.est of Frank John-

son for stealing Mr. I. M. Heoker's

the must graceful couple and one fer


jooys TOULUTeUL Ino

| the worst walkers. Lhe judges, R. W.
King, J. L. Wooten ana L. b. Ficklen,
awarded ihe first prize to Maj. W. %.
Bernard and Mis Maud Blow, and it
was presented by {R, W. King. The
booby price, two ginger snaps and two

snur Aoy) ~Way} UT 9J

wheel is abeut to.clear up the whole
mystery. When Mr. Hooker was called



np to identity his wheel he did so very

readily but said the saddle had been

changed. Mr. Higgs heard of this and; "
oe ae cigarettes, Was awarded to George

Woodward and Preston Cotten and
presented by E, B. Fickien.

In addition to these amusements the
ladies sold retreshments and made

took alook at the saddle and reco, niz~ from the North where I have purchased 5
ed it as the oue that was on his wheel

large stoc 0

when stolen,
This brought on further inquiry, as

5 it was evident the man arrested knew

Ald) 9

something about both wheels. Johane something over $43 off their entertain F ll d VF

son waa interviewed and told that Joel ment. ~dhe ladies deserve much credit a An inter (Joods :
Patrick, another darkey, stole Mr, for ve success of the occasion. ,

HiggsT wheel, and that efter he (John-
son) took Mr. HockerTs wheel they Richmond Excursion.

traded saddles. A warrant Was af] yo. hive oniy two days more ti
once issued tor Patrick and he was &-) wiieh to make up your mind atout

These wil! soon be coming in,and [ want. all
Spring and Summer Goods still on hand out of |


secretary of Committee,

�,� rested and placed in jail. going on the Richmond excursion, It y mT. cl :
a SS ee oe cab ia oly 84:88 fate Gres the way. ~To remove these I will for the next
Ms : , art age A oe . ville andreturn, and a whole day can ave we e8 ue a
: D a Register of Deeds Eerie issued | 44 spent in Richmond. ~Train leaves lew day a have ine Cala
license to five couples this week, tW0} rigs day mornirg ard returns Wed. an a
a white and three colored. - nesday evening. : ae
H. D. Mcuawhorn and Lula M :
1° Swith. Public Schocl Opens Sep.ember 67h.
R. R. Nichols and Mattie A. Davis. Vie Greenville Pablie School known
© COLORED. as White District No, 66, will pe |
- J HL Little and Phedonia Daniel, | opened cn Monday Sept, Oth, 1697. ee "
Damiel Little and Isabella Little. Competent teachers have been em- e=
John J. Daniel and Mary Fleming. | ployed ie ae vee this school on
: an equal footing with any private] " th nate
Ve ana uc ianate Gr aaely. lf you want bargains thatare bargains donTt
. "a : ~ os in ry ° 8: , J. Waite, Chairman. ° i ! ~
eee , While Mr. Calvin. Mills, of Chicod re ES miss, this chance. a
iat is nl township, was out hunting a rattle noes mes ee

sake bitT hisT dog. Almost: instandy
~The dog*was taken with convulsions and
4 died within: halt av hour, alter. being Several persons lettT on, steawer

aki ~bitten, Mr. Miils killed the snake and Myers today for Ocracoke, vut wel .

= e ,
: = ai
tS =

4 a4
: gee Se

ie oe



§ Lill | has a a rex vt 4 on . k a , eye gerry V a ~ f eur we x hd ,
ee he Ee we aS aren found that a hed twelve rattles. : | could not ges their names,
ec ie RR eR M OMEN Revere ee és T i me
i oe


he ee ~ i
ba \
a 5 i An
Bape F '


"Ya each neighborhood.

: a:

i a me


of mered as second-class mail matter.

a amen


On me +: Utell BE

an way et OS

Delivered in town by carriers without

ra COSt.
eadvertisng rates are liberal and can be

sad on application to the editor or at
- the office,

""" "
w e desire a live corresponder:s at
avery postottice in ov. hae acs
send i ft items of NEW

ons Write plainly

aad only on one side of the paper. .


SaTuRDAY, AUGUST 14. 1897.



_ (From Our Regular Correspondent.)


WASHINGTON, August 13th, 1897.

Is Jobn Sherman losing his mind?
It certainly begins to look that way.
He bas had conversations one day with
well known gentlemen, and the next
day denied «very wore that he said to
them. Mr, McKinley must have his
doubts, as he has issued orders to
State Department officials to see that
Mr. Sherman does not get the country
into some new foreign ertanglement,
and especially to Keep him from med-
dling with the Unban question which
Mr. Day has trom the first had cxclu"
sive charge of. Mr. Sherman isnTt
such un old man"his : ext birthday, if
be lives, will be his seventy-fifth"and
if bis mind has really broken down it
is probably because of the humiliation
heaped upon him by che Hanne-Me-
Kinley-Day combine, |

The xbsuidity of allowing the Span-
ish minister to send officials of the
Customs service off on all sorts of wild
goose filibuster vhbases was accentuat"
ed this week when he had Customs of -
ficers seize a steamer at Bridgeport,
Conn., that had on toard a lot of am-
munition belonging tu the U.S. gov-
ernment, whici was being moved un-
der orders from the War Department.
It would be funny, if the matter wasnTt
too serious to be joked about.

A system of spying on the clerks «f
the Treasury Department has been put
in torce that is causing much dissatis"
faction among these who believe thi t
meu aid women do not become ilavis
W..en they enter government emp'oy.

Mr. Benjamin Butterworth, Comw-
missioner of Patents, has gone farther
than any of his prederessors have dared
to yo in regulating the practice before
the U.S. Pate.t Office, in the new
regulutions he has issued providing the
qualitications of patent solicitors. ~he
evidence in the hearings in the case ct
Johu Wedderburn & Co., who are un-
der charges and are trying to shew
cause why they should not be disbarr-
ed, shows that Mr. Butterworth has

not gone too far in these regulations.
It bas been shown by that evidence
that of the more tian 3,700 applica-
tions filed for pacents by Wedderburn
& Uo. during the last two years, more
than 1,800 have veen rejected as con-
taining nothing patentable, and ct the
remainder only afew, probably not
2)0, have sufficient value to justify ue
@ipense of a patent. Notwithstand.
11g these fects, the deluded applicants
hive in many instauces been persuaded
to apply for European patents, paying
the attorneyTs tee Ip advance, and to
pay John Wedderburn & Co. ~tor ade
vert'sing for sale worthless and fully
anticipated inventions.
It is learned that Minister Woodford
hus been instructed to take his time in
traveling to Madrid to an even greater
extent than was contemplated when he
left Washington. It is statea that ae
administration prefers in the unsettled
condition of affairs in Spain, sinse the

Le assassinatic n of the Spanish Prime
Minister, that Mr. Taylor, our ola}

anish Minlster,who is presume] to be
better posted on the condition of affairs
han a néw inyn would be, should con.
tinue for a while to represent the Unit- :

'| administration wants to see which way

the Spanish cat is going to jump be
fore showing its Cuban policy to the
government of Spain, 3

Boss HannaTs fight. fur election © to
the Senate is being aided by the ad-
ministration wherever possible, Mr.
George F. Hamlett, ot Ohio, who. was
recently made Chiet of Post Office In-
spectors, was given that place as @ re-
ward tor what he is expected to do for
Hanna. There are nearly 100° post-
office inspectors, and the chief cau or-
der as many of them into one particn"
lur State as he may be pleased to have
there, The programme is for Mr.
Hamlett to keep enough inspectors in
Oaio to see that all the postmasters in
that State give Hanna all the help they
can, and any one of them who fails 0
meet expectations in that line will ke
likely to find that the inspectors will
discover semethiag wrong in the way
he conducts his office. Oh yes, of
course, this ~sa civil service reform
administration"between campaigns 10
which it is interested.


ea """

Don't Tobacco Spit ana Smoke Your
Lite Away.

If you want w quit tobacco using
easily and torevsr, be made well
strong, magaetic, tull of new life and
vigor, take No-To-Bac, the wonder-
worger that makes weak mea strong.
Many gain ten pounds in ten days:
Over 400,000 cureT. Buy No-To-Ba
rom your own druggist, who will
guarantee a cure. hsookiet and sample
mailed free, Ad. Sterling Remedy Co,
Chicago or New York.


The baseless ramor that tke
statue of William Penu which
surmounts the City Hall tower
had been struck by Jightning on
Tuesday night last has developed
the interesting information that
8 ich a casualty is@ physical im-
possibility, as the statue rests cn
continuous mass of iron work
running down tothe sub-basement
aad is practically the ornamental
top piece of a great lightning rod.
William Penn, like another Ajax,

It remains to be seen, though,
whether the statue cau withstand
the cycloneTs fury and the earth-
quakeTs shock. " Philadelphia

Shoes 16 Years Old

Miss Rebecca Cuatham, who
lives down on the head waters of
Hunting Creek, was in town last
week. Shc was wearing a pair of
shoes which see bas had for 16
years. She has worn them for
Sunday, and other important
occasions for these 16 years aud
there ig Lot a break or bole in
them yet. ThatTs a record in the
shoe line that canTt be beat. The
shoes cost only $1.10.~"Wilkes-
boro Chronicle.

ccording (0 statistics, the
number of yearly telephone
conversations in the United States
is 75,000,000; of telegraphic
messag 9s, 65,000,000, of arc lights
1,000,000; of invandescent, 15, 000,-

1000 and several hundred thousand

electric motors. There are 1000
electric railways. It is estimated
that to 2,600,000 perscns in this
country electricity contributes
means of livelihood.
cena I

A busLel of corn makes four
gallons of whiskey, which retails
for $16. Out of this the Govern-
ment gets $3, the railroads $1, the

manufac.urer gets $4, the vendor
$7, the farmer forty cents and the

drunkard -gsts the delirium


" Ey
- Lumber and railroad, ties are

being shivped from the Pacific

coast for building the Siberian


may therefore, defy the lightning. |

|pay 10, 25, 50 cents. Sold
| guaranteed to cure by all uruggists.

oThe McKinley prosperity will come
in the sugared subsequently,

Take care of the poor Indians, and
the poor Indians will take hair of

The question is will it be a coal
day when the striking miners get

A great many men who begin the
day by rising with the lark, end it Ly
going off on one.

The White Sulphur is now being
used for making matches by those who
can afford it.

Life isa crazy quilt made up of
jagged and uneven patches of every
day experience,

If a body kiss a body on the sly at
dark,need a body tell abody that theyTve
got a ospark ?�

A smile of approbation from one we
love tints earth with all the exquisite
colorings of celesual beauty.
EverybodyTs smilinT sweet, donTt
care tur a dollar or for dime; big meet-
insT in the ~bushes, and its watermil ion
time !

Spend as much time in counting
your blessings as you do in worrying
over your troubles, and you'll be much
happier. |

sn read


caiea cecal

Where You Can Worship Tomor-

Methodist church"Sunday-school at
9:30 A. M. Preaching at 11 A. M.
and 8 P. M. by Rev. N. M. Watson.

Presbyterian chure*h"Sunday school
9:30 A. M.

at 9:30 A. M.


Baptist church"Sunday School at
9:30 A. M.

South Greenville Suuday-school at
5 P.M. D. D. Haskett, Superintendent

A Housenoid Necessity.
Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most
wonderful medical disconery of the age.
pleasant and retreshirg to the taste,act,
gently and positively on kidneys, liver

dispel colds, cures headache, fever, ha-
bitual constipation and _ biliousness
Please buy and trya box of C. C. C.

Cottcn ang Peanut,

Below are Norfolk prices off cotton
and peanuts for yesterday, a8 furnished
by Cobb Bros. & Commission_, Mer-
chants of Norfolk -

Select Female School,

The next session of this school will
begin on 5)


The terms arefas follows:

Primary Eng ish, per mouth $2; 00
Intermediate ~ i $2 30
Higher ot ty $3 00

Tanguages (each) o* 0 $1 00
Music including use of nstrument{$3 00

No deduction for toss time except in
case of sicknes; of as much as one
weeks duration. |

The instruction is thorough in a'l its
branches. ~Ihe moral tone and intel-
lectual influences are unsurpassed, The
discipline is mild but positively firm,
For further particulars see or addreas,
July, 21, 1807, :

Lumber Yard at Greenyille with

W. R. PARKER as Manager. Orders
for Lumber, Rough of Dressed can be
left with him, | , ;

Kinston, N. ©

and bowels,cleansing the entire systems | dr


Good Middliug 8}
Middling y
Low Middling 7
Guod Ordinary 6 15-16
Touce"nrm. ,

Prime 2
Extra Prime 2t
�"�ancy 24
Spanish} 60 to To



~ o" . , cn ote . . ent = - oa am nes ry i pe a ee ; a: vo
ed States at Madrid. The fact is, he 5 aaa gan Si ~~ "|R. A. TYSON, Vic-ePres. J L. LITTLE CashTer

The Bank of Greenvile,


At the Close cf Business July 23rd, 1897.

Loans and Discounts $50,273.62 ¢ Capital stock paid in $23,000.00
Over Drafts 1,580,183 Surpius and Protits 503.19
Premium on Stock 1,000.00; Deposits subject: to Check 43,2¢9.60
Due from Banks 9,630.55 Due to Banks 795.23
Furniture and Fixtures 1,505.00 { Cashiers Checks ortstanding 153.12
Cash Items 1,278.15 ? Time Certificates of Deposit 55.00
Oash in Vault 14,528.54 POOR RIE
cat SE total = T $72,796.04
Total we 2,796.04 ] i

We study carefully the separate needs of our patrons. aud shall be glad to have
your account, promising every accommcdat:on coasis ent with good banking. CH)

Wehave alarge~*+



just arrived. Comeand
see us.

_" 4 Sita!






Litman, () Kieavionvenn

We have ,utt received a new

hearse and vue alcert line of Cof-

tins and CesKets, in voed, metal-
lic and cloth ever drvught to

_ We ara prepu.od © {9 em balm-
ing ic wal its forrire

Personal atéention given to co®
ducting funerals and bodies an
treated to our care will recelye
every mark of respesi.

Our prices are lower than ever.
Ne do not want monupoly but

suvite competition. "
_ We can be found at any and all
times in the Joho Flavagan

Buggy CoTs building.

Are thas = mall, a ery lle

Jur. zy WM .. bux of cascarets, the
finest liver and bowal 1egu ator ever

Valle Property for Sale

qualified as Receiver of the Green-

of settling the affairs of said Company,
I herebv offer for sale the real estate in
and adjoining the town of Greenville
belonging to said Company. This prop-
erty will be sold on reasonable terms in
lots to suit purchasers.

For further information see or ad-


Receiver Kinsion, N. C.




ing their yearTs supplies will tind
their interest toget our prices befere pu.
chasing elsewhere, Ourstock is ,omplete
n allits branches. : 7


cael 0 en
we buy diroc) from Manufactur. en

ling yoi te buy at one profit, A eow-
cle stock of se


ville Lum er Company, for the purpose) ".."


W. M. Bond.

J. L. K leming.

Greenville. N. C.

Practice io all the courts.

Fag amnim ay




Can b: fond below Five Points.
next door to Reflector office,

ames A, SMITH,

Patronage solicited. (leaning, Dyeing
and Vressiag Gents Clothes a speeialty

stim seni menue aap +


ee ee ee,

Special attention given cto eleaving


always on hand and soldat pricestosuit ¢
the times. Our areal] boughtand =
sold for C 3 no 1isk

ale Acadeay.

The nex. s:stiou of othe school will

open on

MONDAY SEPT. 6, 1897

and continue for 19 months.

The terms are as follows.

Primary English per mo. $2 00
Interinediate ** ~* o $2 50
Higher Neo� $3.00
Languages (each) ** * $1 00

The work and diselplime of the soo!
will be as heretofore.

We ask a contlauance of vour «pass
liberal patronage.






fy 108. 10. (Summer Schouwlt158), total 549, Board
~| Cleveland, August 12""The iIndians ies a mon~h, es Lda os
Train. on Scctiand Neck Branch 2 yPbunched their bits in the tard and | Neola aad NebelT om� Phar miaey: Bop cnenia son ever a
ia? - ' eck Branch 40a! as . ae ences.

be ~keeventh ienings today while Powell|Graduate Courses open to Women.

ae ears Weldon 410 p.m.» Halifax 4.28 ° y Sunmer School for ~eachers. Schol-

pos Sloan one dootland Neak at 6 0p ~kept the visitorsT hets scattered. That. | archips and Loans for the Needy.

: ; we *
ae 3.0. Returning, leaves Kinston 7.50 telTs the stesy. Seckalexis wae: on the! Address, danas em gine \ A } ant Job Printin
a 8 a. &,, Greenville �,�.52 a. m. Arriviag).coaching liecain wanéform aad de will) iad ee


WLMINGIUN & WE .DON R, | BASE BALL. DI R ECTO RY | Ewe When dilious or ccet: ¢, cut a Cas" ~ A ;
AND BRANCHES. aa 7 2S oS caret, candy cathartic, core ae oo
, Games Played and Standing of 3 Sue 10c, 25¢
Ccauensea senedule " in .
- Washington, August 12."TndayTs ~ Se Waeet Sund =
. A "pdervices ever unday,| @ i :
TRAINS GOING SOUTH. game, like that of yesterday, resulted moring and evening, soldat spores tae D
" ! in @ shut out for the visitors. ~he Sen- } Thursday avons. es te rigs a rT 2.
t 2% . ~ i. Pastor, Sunday schoo S CQ 1c )
cs ny : 2 ve y : " wipe age: C. D. Rountree, Superintendent. 4 | ci-) TC le ~ae
I 1897; ea Pee tune intervals an eir fielding was re sciane ee Bol
ao i " Ss better than that of the Biooklyns. The CATHOLIC"No regular service 52 a pi PRACTICAL , , $
| teaye Weldon | 11 80 "| visitors could not buach taeir hits. on Se reate, ts hyo S38 a. oO I AN} \) ft] IRON 5
AY. Rocyk Mt 12 52 Score. Washington, BS Brooklyn, (). te second Sunday morning. Rev. A. $3 rt po (G 2
| za 7 a Philadeiphia, Augus! 12"Baltimore | Greaves, Rector. Sunday schoo! 9 30 ree = pn WORKER. 4
a 2 fats . : Soy is A.M. W.B. Brown, Superinterdant. r ! | : ~
| Lv Tarhero 12 12 ise | efeated Philadelphia today in a game wecuniian. divin ie oe Bae mM o Fs (o Ohare hs piles © 1s 3
i ae * 45 | Which was unnecessarily drawa out on " | 9°38 a cg HW :
i Lv Rocky v: | 12 52 | 6 45|% : day, morning and evening. Prayer; 9meg Bes S citizens of Greenville and the
" ab ocgy re ; 4 #20 ROEIUN OF AG excessive wrangling of eg Tete: gi pes eas | ae S as public generally.
. ~Lv FayTéevie} 415) 67, the visting player, three of whom 9:30 A, M. A.B. Ellington, Superin- He pel CD e ROOFING, GUTTERING,
Ar. Florence | 665) | - , | were sent to the bench. Bot teams | cendent. gil 4 Spouting ard Stove Work, P -3
sie camemammenc © Up Mt o~~ j= | played poorly in the field, but the er-| pepe ira Shee a apecialty
Gb | \P ' PRESBYTERIAN"Sarvices third af
i , rors of the locals were the more dam- |Sueday, morning and Ate: ae Re o Satisfaction guaranteed or
i 1 cy | res i. Ae _ 4 |J. B. Morton Pastor. Sunday schoo on. harges made. ~Tohacco
i = ZQ sd ace 2 aging in their reguite. McGraw wrench- 9:30 A.M. E. B. Ficklen Superinten-; 3p oe made in season, ShapT a
| P. M. | A.M |ed bis ankle, sliding into tbiid in the|aent, Pes Ae xi Dickinson Avinte:. P 4
| Lv Wilson =|; 2.08 || © \first inning and had to retue. Score. ~ sis |
a Lv Goldsbere | 3 10 5 ; sa *1,0DGES. a
| Lv ep | 416; | | ¢ | Philadelphia, 7; Baltimore, 1d. \ oe z
| Ar WilmingtonT ipaT | : a ~Louisviile, August 12--The Colts. ecoroooo : coeceer.
| ovm o| looked like winners today uatii the A. F. & A. N.Greeuville Lodge No:
| TRAINS GOING NOTRE. pinth nning when three hits, a sacrio, 284 ineets tirst-and third Monday even- SEE TH A fk 9 cy
fice.and two etrocs gave the Colonels, See J. M. ReassW. M. L. I. Moore, . |
q | . | Sec.
| Dated 12m) 3. +», || three runs andthe game. Decker and ~
| M t siti] oe | eT oo hee afi{ [+ 0.0: F."Govenerns Lodge No. 17 .
| ay auth, | S32 C | le a) made osensational catches ot Meets every Tuesday evening. J. V.
| Beisel, pub, lorgshits, Seore. Louisville, 6; Chi-'{ Johnson N.G, L. H, Pender, Sec.
| A. M.. P.M: cagd,-d. K. '
; ~y T ot P." Lac River Lodge No, 93,
JE Feveionnd 120 ao] ||| New York, atagun 12-"The Boston een) Fy sits ~What Is It pbebbh
| oe e
. dnl | 4 a ei | won two gam-s*rom the Giaats today. | p. and 8. ing :
| _| The first was characterized by good R. A."ieb Vance Conucil No. 1696 o== It is @ picture ot toe celebrated ee
| oe ~A playing ard was in doubt uot the.last meets every Thursday evening. W. Bb.
| |? if New Yorker-bad gone to thedat in the | Wilson, R, M.R. Lang, Sec. r
i et i ~ oa "!|____ | swelfth inning. SullivanTs easy lookmg{ K.of H."Iasurance Lodge No. ie [
» My P.M. ; 1s, . meets every Friday evening. Johr
i Ly Wilmington ~9:06 oO outshoots gave.the Giants a great deal HIunagan, D. Henry Shepperd, R.
1 Ly Magnolia || 41 50 , || 6 30| Of trouble anc Meekin was nearly .as ALL of H.Pig Lane. meeta
~) ' i ie Se ae 3 -L Of hy, ouncil 23 . .
| ee | 100 | 0:38 | effective as theBoston man. In ~the Jevery ~Thursday mizht. J. B. cherry |Best in use The outfit of no business man is
; |Ly Tarboro 1 42 : | ~~" ~second game the New Yorkshad:thiags | C. ~ W. B. Wil:on. Sec. complete without one.
i ' ee eet going their-way-until the seventh when |
= Sob | ° = Seyraazr took.one ot his «trips ~up |~ ee Th R fi t r Book Store
Sa) =
ZA: | in the airT? and allowed six run} to COLLEGES. �,� C eC O
| - = P.M, (P, Mm, }Come in, tour ol them being forced. | ~|has a nice assortment ot these Fountain Pens
' Q 110 298 y o Mi iv: :
i ~Ar ooky Me | 2 3% mn oe a� MikeSullivan replaced bins | (The University. |alsoa beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold Pens,
i ee eg P.M ig ae tae shey. oSoore. - Now | You will be astonished when you see them and
ig ar Tarboro fl '| York, 4; Boston, 5. on
R ~hv Rooky Mu | au} fi |) Secorfi.gamemeNew York, 2 ~Bos-|4,7 TEACHDRS, 418 STUDENTS. earnhowverycheapthevar2, =" 4%
I: a Ar Weldon i Nace ee

aise aes en Soe

Aali x at 11:20 m., We'dow 11,40 aw,

ee *k sin the game. Squre.
+ daily except Sundey. neon be back in the g mMiure
: Glevland, 9; iBittsbucg, 2. Worth Carolina
Pratns oh Waeialgton Branch leav , (eviand, 9; dittsburcz, 2 Coll tA it "=ay=" Come to see US, a" :
|: Wasliington 8.20 a, an., and 1.00 p. cow seta Ohana Stix ollege ot Agriculture
es arrives Parmele 9.104. m., and 3. 40 p Dp | - ». and Mechanic Arts, panna SSS .
i | = Teething 9.45 a. . A returningleaves oVaer Lost Pee Con
i : arboao p- m., Penmele 10.20 a. m : | Will open Sept. 9th, 1897. wan edna sal nari
1 | ro nee p. ay greece Washington | Boston 64 28 ~O30 /Phorough academie, scientific and tech- | SOR AIAG KARABEAA SARA - ARAMA
| ept Send rn ee "ith ial �,�X-| Cgnsinnati 58 Ba 619} -aical courses. Kxperieneed Special- | a
1 .. p y. wi rains on Le _ 5 ae ists in every depart ment. Gi
| Seotlané Neck Branch. Baltimore O8 380 120 |. ; ; ~ . :
. . ; : ~Expenses per session, inelading board. | 3
Tram beaves 1arpore, N C, via Albe- | New York 52 36 JIL) Ror County Students 8 93 001 5@C 2p
oer ere gh aren prospered crs Clessland 47 = 45 a27 | For all oer r Students 123 00) A Dd.
ay, at p. mM., Sunday 405 P. M; ae ~ = =, Ap*:y for Catalogue to 5 Gay JOYOO VOOOOO reterets®
artive Plymouth 7.40 P. M., 6,00 p,m. | Chie» bee 404) , UR ANDER Q. HOLLADAY, LLD. | 5608 SP PAT WW WOW ORO Oe men, Freon Peep st

Returning jeaves Plymouth daily exept Philadelphia 42 dl 452 )|Raleigh, N, C. President,
Sundey, 7.60 a. m., Sunday 9.00 a m., 43 33 448) anything from ee

arrive Tarboro 10.15 asm apd ll. 45 Louiswille __

Train on Midland N. C. éaranch leaves Pittebng a of 446) TRINITY COLLEGE. Visitin S Card

@iold8boro deily, exc ept Suaday, 6.05 a} Brookign 3882 422) wiaviiatin OS pwvenine
m. arriving fSwaithtield 7°30 a. wn. Re. Washiagtoa 30 ae 389 | \
tugning leavee, Smithfield 80 a.m,, ar-| . | 70 DER | Next Session Opene September & , =k es :
. st. Louse AF] 263 | | ] ~
gives at Goldekors 9.30 a. m. st eo. 4 | ~Lhree full courses of study, Large 11 eet Poser
jnumber of electives. ~I'wo full chairs in
; i etes biome le ga gael " Kaglish. Women admitted to all classes
4 1,80 pm, Clio 8.05 p m. ReturningT One Hundred and one Thousand Dollars *
~ jeave ()1i0%6.10' 2.00, Dunbar 6.30 a m.| When talious er osstive, eat a Cas rl te ne ring. the The Daily Reflector
5 : aw , vac - | present year, Ooly male literary college e
Ae aaa ag 7.608 m, daily exeept Sun-|carct, canay catuartic, eure eonstipa~|in Norih Carolina that is located ina |
tion. city.
i ca Ltaix onClintox Branch leaves War- The best business course ~offered in Wes
i taw for ee a eet sonlay, " the state. Send for album and catalogue. Giy CS the home NEWS
q and 8. » m sys : ~ . C. KILG
i eee mene Fi PME 9 Sey sie in re aa. atsenlting cad eda othe ohange ie every afternoon at the
i his wife with a koife at Lawinia °
al ...Train N@, 78 makeé close connection , . i ~ ct
we walon ps aie yeep hehe via| Tex.T Gas Timer was shot and . sna Drie of 20 cents aL
: siehmone. alse at Ruwky Mount with | 1,. i ~
i Worfolk and 1 Nor & for Notsol killed by his gon. PEACE month. ; Are Yuu a sub-
a 7 ne all points North via Norfol
a ~ JOHN F. DIVINE, eee eeiamenamel INSTI TUT j~for Young La.ties seriber : If not YOu
General sup:, . Raleigh, N. C. Ou? ht to be
i oe Sl elusive : @ Bdandiver:T There are now in the United| Excellent buildings and beautiful :
| T.M.E 18 q ~Tra ger.; States five huadred cities with grounds in a Healthful Location with
: J. R.KENLY. Gon'l Maneeer, /, splendid climate. Stands at the very

pies nati Ra aR

| a popuiation of over eight thous: | front in Female Education. Thorough

ub'Ted {tn its Courses. High in its Standard
|and, the number haying doubTe Unsurpassed in Il's LN'TELLECTUAL

in the past fourteen vears. One! ,np sociAL INFLUENCES,
THE MORNING BI4R handred years ago there were ~Ewenty-oue ofticers and teachers,
Phe Oidest

gene rena

: ; ; Very reasonable pric-s. Send for cat-
only six with that population. sinus tO JAS, DINWIDDLE, M. A.

The Eastern Reflector.

y The State Normal
1 oan ee Greenville Market. ~and Industrial School,
}. aly Newspaper iil Corrected by S. M. Schultz. : GREENSBORO, N. C. : ls only $1 a year, Lt
Bitter, per Ib 15 to zh |, Offers the young women of the State : h .
1Y Western Sides it 20 8 eA gelenaie aot iadusttbt education COMAINE AR MERA Bxery
4 ae : Nor th Carolina. ee cured Hams» gy Annoal expenses $20 to $130. Faculty . week, and gives infornia-
) : 5 $0 60 Se aam Coda wok ot ee tion to the f
3 ass aia slat a 435 0 6.7 PR nahrhte habesr 1,200 i gi b On " \ © farmers, Cb
1 re presenting ever ~
oe bg 3 ae 40 sate except tee, Correspondence fr specially those . growls
| : 6 | vite those ~desiri om petent ~ of , 1
The Onl� krlve-Dollar Daalv Sugar ira ined nc a secure baud ela tobacco, that is worth
ae aah. t all free tu cation ) ! .
its Class inthe State | bo aa l mee ay és 0 pep bs made before A� rirudt Int. For ee many times more ; th un
A Bans per dos i 7 to 1 sataloyue and information, address ospe nee ~he subscription br lov.


oly i: B, BeRANARD ) Beouwax.per :! President CH REES D. Mcl VER.


Jarre :

: ; tS eae
i of pt
ny a ro e
~ oe aa :
ay iat ~er

This will be an extra-
ordinary bargain week
tong to be remember-
ed by wide-awake buy
ars and watchful shop-
pers as a momentous
money saving occasion


eel a

lll tel

Wash Goods

Unmercifully cut.
1250 yards ~beautiful

Dress Ginghams to go

at5 cts a yd.

A big stock Light
Wash Material com-
rising new colorings
n Breezy Fabrics to be
sold at 3c and4c per yd

2000 yards of White
Goodsat bargain prices

Ladies Ruffed Shirt
Waist Sets all colors}at
15 cts Sets.

In our

Shoe�"� "

we can nt both your
foot and purse.

Ladies Oxfords worth $2.50
Swept down to $2.00.

Ledies Oxfords worth $2 00,
Swevt down to $1.65.

Ladies Oxfords worth $1.50,
Swept down to 31°29,

Ladies Oxfords worth $1.00.
Swept down to 75.

Misses and childrens reduced
in tawe proportion.

A depleted stuck cannot supply
your wants, realizing this fact we
are acdiug to our already large
stock of seasovable govds daily,
such as

Laces, Ribbons, Em
broideries, Handker-
chiefs, Collars & Cuffs,
Belts, Ladies Ties, Ho
seiry and many new
andsiylish things.

Our stock of

Groceries, Furniture,
Hai dware, Crockery,


4 \ 4 i
Heh }
T ;
i i



and Geuts Furnishings

~is large and complete and we :
would take plearuie in showing
you through and posting you in ) |
~Remomber vow 1s the ® ~ Ye

Recurn18th, 24 hours)
Solid pleasure in the
city.. Tickets on saleat
J. A. AndrewsT store or).

time and bere i» the place to find
@ mammoth oulburst of bargains.




restos uany a new busibess,
Kiilarges many an old business,
Preserves many a largT. business.
heyives Many a dull business,
Rescues nany a lost business,
Saves many a failing business.
S-cures suceees to any business

eee REST

To oadvertise judiciously,� use tne
coluines of ti. REVLECTOR.



bt nasal

Keepina Constantly al it Brings Soccess

sacha ni inna ot


_Pussenger and mai train going
N th. arrives 8:52 A.M. Going South,
arT ves 6357 P, M

Steamer Tar River arrives from Wash-
ington Monday, Wednesday and Friday
leaves for Washington Tuesday, Thurs.
day and saturdag.

neice tensa acetate ee


ea NT

Generally fair tonight and Sunday.

FPP eee

cca tones ja ame = AGO: 9M

Much Expressed in Few Words.
House team"a baby carriage,
Football hair will-soon be growing.


| * . . é -
Picnic cheese, 2 pounds for 2 cents
at J. &. TunstellTs.

Fresh woday"Gov. Carr Buster in 1

ib packages. S. M. ScuuLtz.
| 4
There was a swell dance in Germae
nia Hall Friday night.

Genuine Faber aud Simplex iead
penciis at Refizetor Book Store,

Ladies war~? Lice statlunery can
find it at Reflecter Book Store. Very
latest styles.

The sweet potato and pea crops are
all right. With plenty of these no one

ned staive.

~The oyster will taxe advavtage ot
of the wave of prosperity and open for
business next month.

Sunday flyer on the Atlantic rod !
tram Goldsvoro to Morehead will be
discontinued after tomorrow.

Wantep"Doub'e Doored Iron
Sate and Letter Copying Press.
Address P. O, Box 155, Greenville,
N. C. :

Public Schoo] Work,

On Saturday, 21st inst., the County
Board of Education will hold a special
meetirg at the Court House to discuss
matters looking to the improvement of
the public schools. They desire all


os und chi:kens at S. M. Schultz. |



Reflector Readers Want to See
Who is on Board.

M, L. Starkey went to Norfolk to-

J. Hug! Perbam went to Raleigh
J. D. Bullock returned to Oxtord
H. P. Strause went to Henderson
CT. 71. Bernard returned home Fri-
uay evening.
B. E. Parham returned this morr-


S. F. Maultshy returned from Fay -
etteville Friday evening.

ing trom Kiu.ston.

Henry Sheppard reiurned from Wil-
mirgton Friday evening.

Rev. D. B. Clayton left on th. south
tound truin Friaay evening.

Ds. J. Merrill and E. C. King, of
Falklan¢e, were in town today.

H. W. Watkins, of Danvitle, spent!
today with the tebacco boys here.

Mrs. H. ©. Hooker returned this
morning trom a visit 10 Goldsboro.

- Miss Susie Crabtree, of Goldsboro,
arrived Friday evening to yisit Miss
Lula White.


ringion, returned home ~oday.

Mrs. J. Sorsby and Mrs. M_ E, Fort,
who were visiting Mrs; W. J. Mats
thews, returned to Rocky Mount to-

W. H. Cox aud daughter, Miss Lucy,
of Kinston, passed through Friday
eventiug returning home t:um New
York. |
J.B. Tripp and his fatner, J. C.
Tripp, went down to Ayden Friday
evening to spend afew days with rela-

tives in that section.

Two Borrowed Personals.
Alex. Gary left last week for Green.
ville, where he he will locate and buy
to the tender care of the pretty girls of
that town. So far as the men are
ceoncarned he can look ont for himself.
"Henderson Cold Leaf.

Col. I. A. Suge, ot Greenville,


We commend the young man

through Saturday on his way home
from a visit to Texas and the Nashville
Expocition. He went as far es Galves.
tovyand says while he was greatly im-
pressed wita whathe saw and admits
Texas is a great Steere jie would not
exchange old North Carolina for Tem
all. Genial and wholes uled gentle-
man that he is it was a pleavure to see
and chat with the Colonel even for a
little while.x"Henderson Gold Leat.


On Wednesday evening 11th, inste
at the home of Mr. Charl-s E. Davis
ic Farmville township, his dau hter.
Miss Matiie Davis and Mr. R. R
Nichols were married by B. M. Lewis,
Esq. A splendid supper and enjoyable
dance followec. the ceremony. P,

school committeemen in the county to
meet with them.




at depot. )

How can you endure flabby linen in
th's hot weather? If you want to look
neat have good laundry. Bring your
bundle for Wednesday morning ship-
ment. C. B. WHICHARD,
Agt. Witmington Steam Laundry,

School For Girls And

every favor consis
~sonal int

is in the Northern
Markets purchasing
Fall and Winter Goods
and in the meantime
we are Closing out all
Summer Goodsat great
ly reduced prices.



Mrs. Jobn Jenking, of Durham, who e COX, ite
was visiting the family of W. H. Har-|G. J. CHERRY, j Viee Pres.

AssTt Cashier

CAPITAL: Minimum $10,000; Maximum $100,000.
Organized June 1st,1897.

The Bank of Pitt County, ;


SPALL LS Ae Ne le led,

oe Bank wants yourtriendship and a share
_ ifnotall, of your business, and will grant

tent with safe and sound
We invite correspondence or a_per-
erview to that end. |

it is not necessary to go to

ema ss


KLONDIKE to stirke a gold:
mine. Goto LangTs Cash House

and invest in the great bargains of

Summer Goods, such asFans Parasols,
Slippers, Sbirt Waists, Lawns and Organdies,

which must go before the Fall stock

taking suck a long trip.

comes in and you will be satisfied
you strucka gold mine without

LangTs Cash Housr,
Lang Sells Cheap.

A High Grade College Preparatory

houl the South.

Fitting School in
the times.�T «For



On Mondag, Sept. 6h, I will open
my school fo: girTs aud small boys in
the new schou: building on Mr. W. B.
WilsonTs jot, in South Greenville.
Terns, ete., Made known on applica-


Fall Session Opens Sept. 14.

Inetructiont horough.. For terms, &c.
apply to

That is the? way all druggists vell
iC for Chills, Fever and all forms of
Malaria. It is simply Iron and Quinine
in a tasteless form. Children love It
Adults prefer it to bitter, nauseating

| Tonics, Price, 50c.




Situated on Southern Railway, in
Piedmont section; very pest water;
héalthiest locality, property of Chris-
tian church, non-sectanan in spirit and
teaching, hizheet moral tone, elegant

| puilding, hulls. laboratories, etc., f b

ty of specialist, cv-educational, curri-

jeulur equa? e
degree courses, Must liberal

sexi lhe G:cenville, N. C

advantages, catalogde On application.
| Addrees J.«), ATKINSON, Chairman,
Elon College, N.C,

of best male college, three
easias, best}. +

pe years under present principals.

and Telegraphy-
Location healthful and beautiful.

beautiful new catalogue
Profs. J. A.

eee EEL




994 students attended last year,
School, with special departsments of

~Terms to suit

& M. H. HOLT, Oak Ridge, N. C


We have placed a large Refriger-
ator in our market to keep all our
meats cool and free from flies.
When yor want fresh

The Largest and Best Equipped " }

Beef, lTork or Sausage :

send us your orders and you will
pet something nice, clean apd

fresh, every time. Phone 41:



gto & Carll,

Daily Reflector, August 14, 1897
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - August 14, 1897
August 14, 1897
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
This item has been made available for use in research, teaching, and private study. Researchers are responsible for using these materials in accordance with Title 17 of the United States Code and any other applicable statutes. If you are the creator or copyright holder of this item and would like it removed, please contact us at als_digitalcollections@ecu.edu.
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