Daily Reflector, August 30, 1897

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Yheo GREENVILLE, N. C. MONDAY, AUGUST 80, 1897. : No. 840

"$"$$"""""""""" seca Se _:::- I$ AGuouu uma eet


There waa a farmer had two sons,
And these two sons were brothers ;
One of them bought his clothes of 1.

On, Dixie lanT"She ainTt ferg . .
T She ainTt fergotten, |15a@ Chamber of Commerce"One

{jos pynoo

S:ven cents en eight fer cotton, Should be Organized Our neighbor cvugbt the other.
Pick away, ! ere Ai.d now the boy we fited out
. Pick away, Esitor Reriécross.The tawn:.of dhe dapper, neat and obatty ;
Pick away d saith in: Dix'e! (hy | he other"well, itTs hard, but suill
sk away down south in DixTe! sreenville has many advantages not He looks a little oratty.�

He sze wheat rise ter a silver dollar, possessed by neighboring towns, and
En cotton ~low dat heTll up en foller! yet our progress aud improvements

a Pick away, have not been sa~istactory.
Pick away, The faut lies not so much in the
Pick away down adeth ~nn Dixie ! waut of individual enterprise, avin the
_ | Ef cotton rise en rise fum seven, i . sue efor Pataeien basins)
os . . men. The stagnation that has prevailed
: Lake dis worlT in de place er heaven; | in alt saccions and jn woarly every pire
| 2 Fick away, ; pe loath tis
% ink iniy, suit of life for several years is rapidly
) pick andes dain esti iio? passing awa;, and there is a general are all in and the styles are
) beliet that throughout the entire cour- the prettiest ever chown here.
BASE BALL. try there will be a healthy development Come and place your eyes upon
PU . in all industrics. the them, they will catch you
vag To avaii ourselves of the many ad-
\ Games Played and Standing? of | vantages for investinent of capital which oc
G) Clubs. our town end the su:rounding county Oo
ean Offer, there ought to come unlon Tt
© 7 he following is che result of Satur- and concentration of the cnerzy and rare a alia
i pee | inteJigence of our basizess men. Prac- Ww
© fy] Philadelphia, July 28 "Pirtsburg. 6; tical results are. best accomplished | al
Philadelphia, 4 through practical effort, and to that end
CO Brooklyn, July 28"Louisville, 6: a Chamber of Commerc} organized ,
oOo" ; Brooklyn, 5. and controlled by the progressive and |
New York: July 98-"-Chicaco, ¢: business men of our community can |
Ce (N New York, 5 ell rele : aad will acccmphsh more good for :
= te = eighth inniny, Greenville and the country at large, |
=" © 2 Baltimoré, July 28"Cincinnati, 2; than bby other agency which can be t
""". - ol Ralnmore, 7, Simi Will | Hot our citizens {
oo Washington, July 28"St. Louis, 11; interest themselves in this matter and : {
= rm Washington, 16. mike it a success ? A. T. a8 a aoe ae deter- :
= is season |
* Z | HOW THE CLBS STAND. Let Us Have One than ever. If you want rare - i
Cc hy Mot Won Lost Per Cen, A corresponden today calls attention bargains inthis line come and £ 1
CH §5 Baltimore 70 32 66 {10 the needs of a Uham*er of Commerce een oA Mrs. Hopkins Boy.�
ss : ° Boston 73 34 689 | in Greenville. The Reriecror fully |
) See " New York 64 37 634 | agrees with lim and would like to see ~\
= S = Cincinnati 62 39 614 the busincss people of the town take k kh A NX ~ TES () N
= = Cleveland 54°48 529 immediate action in tha matter. A
""" oO = s Chicayo 49 58 458 well managea Chamber of Commerce
= oS Pittabuig 46. 58 442 |r Beard of Trad+ can do more for the | The Kin Clothier
4 va " Louisville 4861 440 advancement of the town and commun- a T]
c is i Philadelphia 47.61 435 ny than could perhaps be accomplished
"_" = " Brooklyn 4 61 495 [im any other-way... No town has ever| CUI Oe ee ay
a = oO Washington 44 60 493 jebreved muca in the way of attracting
"" = St. Louis 37 BU p5y lerterprises and capital witheut putting
3 = as forth some organized effort and it looks |
sa a = like right now is a good time tor Green- e ¥
""_ SG JUST FOR FUN. ville to do something along this line. hi | �"�
- m=: _ , «eas :
rn Tha straw hat is in its last throes. New Firm at Falkland. e ° e
=F ae Shopkeepers ary getting lots of gloves Mr, E C. King and Dr. J, Morrill Are coming In daily and you
ea hind. have associated together under the firm ;
name of King & Morrill for conducting
| It's a hard matter for a blind man a mercantile business at Falkland. ; should see them.
to seize an opportunity. | Mr. King has just been on a tour to
¥ Tier the - intab ckanbitious mronaut the northern markecs where he pur-

chased a complete new line of generat

must occasionally experience a come] | ek 255 I e= ga
paierchaaidiee: He has had eight years

down. : ; ~
expe ience the mercantile business and

Hoax-""oDo you like your new | fully understands the tastes and needs
tailor?� oJoax==oWell, he suits me/ot the people. The firm is composed of

e fi e
es . : . é
about as well as any.� enterprising young mer whose integrity Beautiful line ot
Many people become strangers sim- aud business qualities will insure suc-
ply by becoming too well acquainted |*** to their business.

with each other. _ . |
. Your Chance. ai :

The Shock brothers are pitcher and 3 :

P If bustness booms this fall the men

catcher {or a Kensington baseball club. ives
who adve.tise will get the most ot i,

5 eves en ene Mie? ws they always doin good tines or that-are selling low down, Handsomest line of
~ Enough is as good as a feast, but/dull times, These who ~are after

(ome ge


there isnTt one man in a thousand who|their share of the business, ard as

Yea knows when he has enough. much mote as they can get, are now o
me Never tell a woman that she looks| Making their preparations t9 s2cure it.

well in anew gown. ~Tell her the new To advertise in the most effective, eco"


th ayy
| QO gown looks well on her, It is these nomical and expeditious manner they
ms Pintitiett ~ :.;should secure the services of Tne .
O Oe ee tt lwnuecton u town. We still havea few Summer Goods

Blebbs (at seashore)"oI havenTt
much money, and I feel awfully small
among all these rich people.� Slobbs.

Chanwe at Fee, that are going at sacrifice prices.

"ir. We Ry Whichard, who was in

_ And the longer you nay the shorter | ~he mercantiie business at oWhichard Sp je !
o= you'll. be.� station, has sold the business to his son wth te |
\ H. W. WhichardT The latter has just


aq YIM yor =

For the Snformaton tthe wh Hees oa trip north w purchase new Lf you want bargains that are bargains don't
are thinking ot going to the Klondike'| p00 ds to enlarge the sto ok ) a

it may be interesting to khow that ean eee miss this chance, ;
come muriers have been working the} poo siful line Hiavle: Cape, : Lams Mf :
rivers and creeks. It is sat, however, O'Shanters und Sailors'at Mrs. M. D.
chat: theT) most sucveseful haveT been HiggsT. Also new Linens ~for Centre
~ working 4 blufls - Pieces, Tray Cloths and Doyles.

osfkup MO}B ul:






chit s oe




-_.p, J. WHICHARD. Editor.




apm an

i eee

Gryored as. second-class mail matter.


Se caercseen raion rmccmmrenanrem ner


: * $3.00


One year. « ba *

QOxe month, -

- One week. _
~Delivered in town by carriers without

# xtra cost.

�"� advertisng rates are liberal and can be
ad on application to the editor or at

he office

aa enemies

We desire a live correspondent at
avery postofiice in the covuty, who will
aend in brief items of NEWS as it Occurs
fn each neighborhood. Write plainly
aad only on one side of the paper:




M \NDAY, Avaust 28, 1897.

A naan


~Thera 18 a clause in the new

Tariff law imposing & discrimi-

nating duty of 10 per cent. cn

foreiga goods that come into the

country over Canadan railways.

It is a clause that nobody in

Congress would have sustained
or vcted for if it had been made
the subject of debate. It is in
every way detrimental ana dan-
Tt was not in the bill as origi-
pally drawn. Whether it was
actually in tha bill as passed or
was inserted afterwards nobcdy
knows. Speaker Reed suggests
that it was oclipped in.�

Now, who oslipped inT a clause
of so great consequence ? How
did he slip 1t in? Who paid
him for slipping it in, and how
much was be paid?

These ere questions which
Congress should diligently e1-
deayor to resolve. Its task is tre
easier because the only persors
in the world benefitted by the
clause are the men who control
the Pacific Railroad ocombine.�

The important thing is to find
out how such ptovisiens are
oslipped into� laws which Con-
gress is passing, in order that
such slipping in shall be stop-


The country does not want its,

legislation made by oslipping in.�
It will not excuse Congress it
that body fails to adopt measures
~making it impossible for raxcals
to buy of engrossing clerks and
the hke the laws that they cannot
induce Congress itself to approve.

Ferret out the facts! Find out
who are the razcals!"New York

These oslipping iv� feliows in
Congress must have been taking
lessons fromthe last North Caro-
lina Legislature. Or perhaps
Senator Butler had been posting
the engrossing clerks and telling
~them how his oreliables� down
here at home fixed things.

For the first time in the history
ofthe world a horse has paced
over a mile track in less than two
minutes, This feat was accom-
plished bv Star Pointer, at Read

ville, Mass., yesterday, and was ®&

grand triumph for horseflesh and
the developing spirit of the turf.
This now famous horse paced 1n

~Burden of the Farmer
ie eRe
- As sure as that fellow on his
trip trom Jerrealem to Jerico feil
into the hands of thieves and
robbers, just so sure have the tax-
payers of North Carolina fallen
into the hands of a set of extor-
tioners. We have, ~whereof the
memory of a man runneth not to
the contrary,� had. a law wich
| compels » man to go te the list-
taker and give in his property for
taxation ard swear-to it. But
these Jatter-day reformers and
high tax advocates are wiser than
the old law-makers. Taney now
say that it is notright to take any
marTs oath in the matter of tax-
listing, and to show how little
they belieye what tax-payers Say,
proceeded a few days ago, n the
city of Raleigh, to raise the tax
valuation of horses, oheep, mules
and cows. They raised cows ten
per cent., sheep thirty per cent.,
horses twenty per cent., and old
mules forty-five per cent. If apy
tex payer of this:county wants to
know the tax value of his mule he
can getit by adding 45 per cent.
to what he ~swore the mule was
worth on the first dav of June.
They say its only a little on each
man. A littleon your cow, a lit-
tle on that blin¢e mule, a little on
that ewe lamb, and a little on that
spotted heifer they say ~js so
smali you won't miss it. The
people pay the bills while the re-
formers reform."Lexington Dis-

But Little Danger From Light-
Wnitinz on oThe Needless Fear
of Lightning,� Edward W. Bok,
1n the September LadiesT home
Journal, saysthat oit will doubt-
lese surprise the timid to know
that only two hundred deaths a
year occur on an average throug~
hout this entire country from
lightning, or ove verson 1n every
three hundred and fifty thousand
people. Now, in comparison,
fifteen times as many people are
killed each year by fal~ing out of
windows; over twice a8 manv
from being bitten by rattlesnakes:
while twenty-five per cent. more
are killed with ounloaded� pistols.
More people are drowned around
New York City alone every year
thao there are deaths from light-
ning all over the country. Io
fact, more people, by fifty per
cent. are killed by being kicked
by horses iu New York City than
die from bghtning throughout
the whole of the United States.
Tae casualties of the South show
that the dangers of being lynch-
ed and of being killed by light-
niny are abcut the same. The
trolley-cars of our cities kill a far
greater number of people than do
the lightning-storms. Now, these
are fucts"they are strictiv accu
rate avd carefully computed.
Bands of Brothers

The Free Masons and the Odd
Fellows are running a close race
in this country so far as numeri-
cal preponderance is concerned.
there are nearly a million of each.
The Knights of Pythias are next
in the list of fraternal organiza-
tions, the American Order of
United Workmen coming next,
avd the Maccabees being a good
fifth. It is believed that fully

than ths rule. We have not the}


Good Middling 8}

Middling 8
| Low Middling ik

Good Yrdinury «6 15-16

Tone"nrm. ,

Prime | 2

Extra Prime Pt

�"�ancy o4 24

Spanish §60%to 7


burial of the dead, is not looked
after, is now the exception rather |

figures before us, bat it is well
knowa that the yearly benefits
disbursed bv the various fraternal
organizations is a towering sum
It can safely be placed at twenty
million dollers. And every dol-
lar goes where it is Jawfully due

lanta Journal.

Calls on His Party

Same enanll

The Populist Jeaders and office

holders seem to think that they

alone constitute and compose the
Populist party. If any Demo-
cratic speaker or paper dares to
criticise, or expose the rascality
of any Popnlist leader or office
holder, he at oncs raises a most
pitiable howl and calis on his
party to resent it as an attack on
the entire Populist party !

There is a very great difference
between the honest masses of the
Populist party and its unpripci-
pled leaders, who are merely
seeking to advance their own
personal interestr. While prom-
ising all kinds of o~retief� to the
people, these Popvlist leadcrs
seek to obtain orelief� only ~for
the nselves. And when one of
them gets a good paying office he
seems to think thatit belongs to
him foraver and is his own private
property !

The people cannot be fooled
forever anv they are finding cut
that they have obtained no ore-
lief� whatever, even if the office
holders bave obtained orelief�
and have become so osleek and
sassy.�"Chatham Record.

The New York Journai of Com-
merce thinks the estimates of the
amount of money farmers will
make by theadvance of wheat are
in some cases rather exaggerated .
Supposing tne whole crop to be
550,000,000 bushel and that it is all
soldat an advance last year of 30
cents, the gain would be but $165,-
000,00). The gain over low price

cf seqeral years ago is, indeed,
very considerabls, but it must be

romembered that prices las: fall
were pretty well up and the gain
over these latter prices is not so
great a8 SOMe Persons Suppose.
Still, an average gain of 30
cents a bushel aggregates a yery
neat sum whea calculated on a
c.op of half a billion bushels.

en me

R.A. TYSON, ViceePres.
' REORGANIZED JUNE 15th, "1896.


- The Bank of Greenville, |


At the Close cf Business July 23rd, 1897.

just arrived. Comeand




R. L. DAVIS, PresTt. "



or is great'y needed. Some of| Jans and Discounts $50,273.62 § Capital stock paid in $23,000.00
th ties bh ~n fact almost Over Drafts 1,580,18 ; Surptus and Profits 503.19"
e societies have in 18 Premium on Stock 1,000.00} Deposits subject to Check 48,289.50" |
turned life insurance into a Due from Banks ) 4,600.05; 7 to aged en Yai :
: urniture and Fixtures 1,505.00 ¢ Vasnier ecks orfstanding D912
science. Altogether they have-! (024 Items 197815; Time Certificates of Deposit, 55.00
won public confidence, and there | Cash in Vault 14,528.54 ae ra Hie
~ sn) is } omen ee ananeRAOR Ola T e :
are few who wish them ill."At Total 972,796.04

We study carefully the separate needs of our patrons. aud shall be glad to have
your account, promising every accommodation consistent with good banking. J;

Wehave alarge



see us.

16, GBB & SON

Jur vty # WG. bux of cascarets, the
finest liver and bowel regu ator ever

Valuable Property for dale.

qualified as Receiver of the Green-

of settling the affairs of said Company,
I herebv offer for sale the real estate in
and adjoining the town of Greenville
belonging to said Company. This prop-
erty will be sold on reasonable terms in
lots to suit purchasers.

For further information see or /ad-


Receiver Kinsion, N. C,

"" m

Cotton and Peanat,

Below are Norfolk prices of; cottos
and peanuts for yesterday, us furnished

chants of Norfolk + "

~Select Female School,

The next session of this school will
begin on o


by Cobb Bros. & Commissions Mer- 3 oh ~

ville Lumer Company, for the purpose | ~~~





eiibecinmiae (pci eionmie

We have ,utt reveived & new

hearse and the nicest line of Cof"-

tins and Caskets, in weed, metal-
lic and cloth ever brought to:

_ We are prepaxed t {o embalm-
ing in all its forms-

Personal atiention given to co
ducting funerals and bodies ex

trusted to our care will receiye
every mark of respect.

Oor prices are 1ower than ever.

Ne do not want monopoly but
suivite competition.

_We can be found at apy and all
times in the Joho Flanagan
Buggy CoTs building.


W. M. Bond. J. L. Fleming.

uf 1

Greenville, N. C.

Practice in all the courts.






Can be found below Five Points.
next door to Reflector office,



Patronage solicited, Cleaning, Dy eing
and Pressiagt Gents Clothes a specialty



Special attention given to cleapin.
Gentlemens Clothing.


Male eaten

The nesc session of the sebuol will

open on

MONDAY SEPT. 6, 1897




ing their yearTs supplies will find
their interest to get our prices befere pua
chasing elsewhere. Ourstock is complete
u allits branches.(7 0 S:

Wibia hMalaemddnnndeevntehis 5 em. oo


and continue for 10 months. *

The terms are as follows.

Primary English per mo. $2.00
Intermediate ~* o o $2 50
Higher et etapa oat $3.00
Languages (each) ** =o $1 0)

The work and disclpline of the seho »!
will be as heretofore.

1 We ask a continuance of your pas:
liberal patronage. . be


4. LITTLE, CashTer�

the wonderful time of 1 minute The terms are*as follows: Wiea

eel «ey

one half of the fourteen millions

597. seco : iz : | :
. R. pie legal ere: of voters iu this country are ree Pabedan fee, RepOm oo bk hha ia
enrolledin the fifty leading or-| Higher eile 93 00| ALWAYS AT LOWEST MARKET PRICE;

pionship pacing record of 2 min-
utes and one half second by one

ee are (each) ~ $1 00
Music including useof nstrument,§3 00

No deduction for :oss time except in

gauizations of this natnre.
These societies exert a force

Tobacco, Snuff &c,

we buy diroc) from Mavulactui.. en

d one-quarter seconda. (ith-

the mile pacing record has been

only a little oyer half a decade

that has not perhaps been fully
measured"in part social,in part
educational, and in part beneyo-

case of sickness of as much as one
weeks duration. ea

The instruction is thorough in al its
branches. ~he moral tone and intel-

linz you to bay at ome protiit, A eo.
cle stock

8 lowered from DirectTs 1891
of 2 06, the successive cham-.

lectual influences are unsurpassed, The


lent. The Jast named feature has


ie f late | discipline ig mild but positively firm, ©

ions being | of late been greatly developed ; For fu r particulars see or addreas, | | ,

stad Lib 1 a00b apd an order in which the strong] " WRG RUPRED FORSES, "| the tmes. Our goods areall booght and
i drive ' _ @reenyille, N,C. | sold for CASH , having no 1 isk

40 nor help the weak, in which

the care of the ailing and the we sell at # close margin.

M SCHULTZ Greepville N

to run

July, 21, 1897,


: x *
0 : f

" Aflantic Coast Line. | **°ezur rs" | DIRECTORY. )


. .

When bilious or ccenme, Ent a Cas- |

, Ss ~$1 caret, candy cathartic, cure guaranteed
s 5 " 9 ; Ried 10¢, 2de! . a ie "
ba : ; F 8 » : s i.
: Schedule in si Aug. 16th, ea North Corolina bas had a little CT ROS, = " ee
Be. apap eee wie experienc?. Soop after the wal).
5 : i

O60 Om oe OS
00 AGAKAU DNVINALS ~1 ¥ ~945 Jopyoog puverd

dias Jaaou

vdpjsues Jo asta

/ DAILY No 48"Passenger"Due Meg- it passed through the terrible

9,35 a. m. nolia 10.50 au.Warsaw 11.10|ordeal of reconstructiva and ea ee phil ses
a OT a Rey pant carpet bag tule and the grand |Thutsday evening. Rev A. W. Setzer,

S 330 A, M.
3 1.20 p m. Tarboro 2.58 p �"�,| old State suffered untold horrors, fey aero s fe ni eo M
: Weldon 3,39 p m, Petersburg) 1 itt tho native white men rose| love :
Agim, eemond 7) be i ; : _ CATHOLIC"No regular services.
Norfo.k 6.05 p m, Washing-| up in their maj sty and threw off !
am, Phi'adelpia 3:43 4 m, a ' day, morning and evening. Lay ser-
New York 6.53 am, Boston The Stace then en ~ered uponT vices second sos eb ogy on
00 pm. an era of great prosperity and its | Greaves, Rector. Sunday schoo! 9:
. i *
DAILY No 40"Pas-enger"Due Mag lit . bai Bg sina unlices ( M.. W. B. Brown, Superinter.dant.
7.16 p m. noiia 8.55 p m. Warsaw 9,10 poltcs was Clean, T

i 8 il j ild METHODIST"Services every Sun-
= pm Sone BO 10-8 uotil it fell u90n the eyil days of day, morning and evening. Prayer



@i03 0}






be ~





tal at ai tal ts

Offers his services to tke

*ad1i3 10

citizens of Greenville and the

2 i
; ; ; T ~ cfm j
6.45 am. Rocky Mount 11 57 Batlerism and fusion. Kither aren Puster ae Set 3 38 public ge nerally. x 2
pm, Weldon 1 o* oe bP Populism of Republicanism were 9:30 4. M. A.B. Ellington, Superin- ae ROOFING, GUTTERIYG, »
$94 m, Richmond 4.20a m,|Pad enough single hauded, but | zenaent. | 9888 "Spouting ard Stove Work,?
Wastin gion itis si, Bald, | when: they combioed, the poor! perspyTERIAN"Services third | $22 a specialty
more 9.''5 4 m adeiphia . S ; d evening. Rev.| $728 sfacti caranteed 0k 2
11,25 am, New York 2.02 p old State Kos phe Worsk of poll 7B. Morton, {Tastor. gusta� school 7229 T een we ~tahabos . ,
m, Boston 8.30 p m. and its sufferings have been ter-)5'39'4 My. &, B. Ficklen Superinten- oie a0 fab ai page Shep
SOUTHBOUND, rible. ent. size » in season,
DAILY No 55"Passengor Due Lake| py, sat bo dnother politi- eS Fe on Dickinson Avenue. oe
40 pm. Waccamaw 4.55 p m, Chad. on © ¥ po" ~LODGES. | za
bourn 5.40 pm Marion 6 43 p| cal revolution in North Carolina sa6 0

* ») | in Fi F . ~
re ee ie sa da ries und the indications are that 1t is
ry oka 9 *

m, Denmark 6,20 a m, August|soon coming."Richmoud Times-| A, F, & A. }.."Greenville Lodge No. | 7

to 8.20 am, Macon 11.30 4a m, 284 meets first and third Monday even- 9

Atlanta 12.15 p m, ~Charles- """"" ing. J. M. Reuss W. M. L, I. Moore, Coa eR SEE TH AT TORING
ton 10.20 pm, Savannah 2,49 Sec. * 4

a m. Jacksonville 8.20 a m : 3in the Collection
St... ugustine 10.30 um.Tam pnabcars I. 0.0. F."Covenent Lodge No. 17
pa 6.40 pm. eee Meets every Tuesday evening. J. V.

ARRIVALS At WIUMINGTON"| There was genuine activity at) Johnson N.G. L. H. Pender, Sec.

= FROM {HE NORId. thecolored camp meeting at Latta| K. ot P."Lar River Lodge No. 93,

DAILY No. 49."Passenger-"Boston : jvity | meets every Friday evening. H. WwW
640 P.M. 1.03 jm, New Yark 9,00 pm,|E2Fk lust night, and au activity | Wiedoee, C.C. A. B. Ellington K.- of
Philadelphia 12.05 am, Baiti-| tbat shook the arbor and «rattled | R. ands.

more 6,50 am, Washington the benches, bat not entirely R. on vance Couucil No. 1696 Gobeelelc hat Is It bs eebekick

4.30 am, Richmond 9.06 am,

T : ivi 1 : h Ps 7 ' rs 7 aning. W. 2b. ° e

Vetersburg 10.00 am, Nor-|spiritual 1n ite nature ee Ty eR Leos, Gee. It is a picture ot tae celebrated �"� ~
Weldou 11.50 am, Tarboro} Gome designing youths drop- ilson, h, M.-H. £, Sec.
12.12 m, Reeky Mount 12.44

| V; o1s . 1 collec-| K-.of H."Insurance Lodge No. 1169
pm, "i gon? a pm, Holes. ped rubber snakes in the mente ovo Friday evening.� Jobe 7
ene Mag Pea fall 4.02,!tion plate when the basket came|y{anagan, D. Henry Sheppard, R. t
» Magnoli pm, . .
DAILY No. 41."Passenger"Leave around. This was not noticed A.L of H, Pitt Council 236 meets | 3



al POI ra ee aes a2 pp es
raf SSI saa MAW ay aS Iwi OP PARKER

2 9.30 A.M, Boston 12.00 night,, New/unbl the deacons poured the every Tharadey api oh B. Cherry
: . York 9.30 am, Phitadelpl : A . B. Wilson. See. ° .
12.09 pm, Baltimore 225/pun, ;CoUection out on the table. The). cone Rest in use The outfit ot no business man is
Washington 3.46 pm, Rich-|8nakes wriggled around as if complete without one.
mond 7.30 pm, Petersburg) aij
B12 pm. Norfolk 220 pm |® ive and it looked for some COLLEGES.

Weldon 9.43 pm, Tarboro|/minates as if there would bea

6.01 pm, Reeky Mount 5.45 | nik@ véwie inthe camp. The
am. Leave Wilson 6,20 am, | 8°" Le panic in th p

Goldsboro 7-01 am, Warsaw excitement did not subside for |. The University.

lL esa ee

The Reflector Book Store

7.53am Magnolia 8.05am. |quiteawhile"Charlotte News. a has a nice assortment ot these Fountain Pens
DAILy No. 61"Passenger---Leave TEACHERS, 413 SfUDENTS, also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold Pens,
except New bern 9.20 am, Jackson- aa ais see aatalas Aq :

Sunday _yille 1042 am. This train ~Scmmer ¥chool 158), total #49, Boara| YOU Will be astonished when you see them and

12.40 P.M.acrives at Walnut street. The Nows and Observer fays 3.00 a month, three Brief Courses, earn how very cheap thev are.
FROM THE SOUTH. over 1,000 pew applications for|+hree Full Courses, Law and Medical

DAILY No, 54"Passenger"Leave| pensions have keen received| Schools and School of Pharmacy.

12,15 P. M. Tampa 8,00 am. Sonford1.00| 7. " Graduate Courses open to Women.| You may never
pm, Jadkannvitte 635 pm, within the last month by the} summer School for ~leachers. . Schol- But should ou ever }@amece
Savanna 12.50 night, Chacles- | State auditor. There are already | arships and Loans for the Needy. y ee

ton 6.383 am,( otumbia 5.50 Address, PRESIDENT ALDERMAN.

am, Atlanta 8.20 am, Macan| 2°? 9000 pensiouers un the roll. Chavel Hill. N. C. bo be
9.30 am, Augusta 3.05 pia, If @ majority of the aew appli- an O YIn 1n i
Lenmark 4.69 pm. Sumpter :

cants are added, as probably will

ie am, Florence 8.55 an, be d haa th : board North Carolina
arion 9.35 am, Chadbowrn| 0e GOne When the pension vo0al °
10.35 am, LakeT Waccamat'| meet next month, the amouut go-| COllege ot Agriculture "=~= Come to see us, =

Trait on Scoti: 2 Neck sranen Roa |'98 to each pensioner will be very and Mechanic ee piaeiaiie
oe pies a rae peg e Halifax ass materially decroased from what it Will open Sept. 9th, 1897 NAA AANA

be . NOCK at 5, r : : : VOW YOK

»., Greenville 6,57 Pp. ma. Kinston 7 68 has been heretofore. Thorcugh academic, scientific and tech- ?

.m, Returning, leav o Kinston 7.0 nical courses. Experienced Special-
&.m., Greenville 8.62 a. m. Arriviny | """""""= ists in every department.

Hali x at 11:20. m., We'don 11.40am| This hearty talk aiong the | Expenses per session, including board.
daily exeept Sunday. : ~ atrai For County Students 8 93 00) oe

newspapers of making a straight | 1°! ye 0.
I'rains on Washnigten Branch lev for all other Beudents 123 00 | Sa WUOOOCOK

Washington 8.20 a, m., and 1.00 p.m} #&bt next year sud making the} Apry for Catalogue to ;
arrives Parmele 9.10@. m., and 3.40 p|188ae the record ot venality, ¢or- ALEXANDER Q. HOLLADAY, LLD.

m., Tarboro 9.45 a. m., returvingleaves| taleigh, N, C. President. ;
Tarboro 3.30 p- ., Pacaete 10.08 a. m,| Papen and incompetence of Reh ae Anything from Ga
gp lal p. m,, arrives Washington | Fusion rale, does one good. it}~ ~ ~
i) & m., and 7.20 p. m. Daily ex-| 4s, as we have contended always RINITY COLLEGE
ept Sunday. Connects with trains on}. .T . pe . ways, T . Wi "
Scotland Neck Branch. \¢he cnly:way to.win and had this isitin S Card
Train leaves arora, Af C, via Albe-| plan been pursued last yeurt Next Session Opens September 8. ~
rip a di. Sane vn we, North Carolina would not have tie sre " e oene Large TO A
: ertive Plymouth 7.40 P. M., 6.00 p. m.|been lost to Democracy "Lia" | RUM Cr O elecitve sre eT clneges
i. ing; ; saanT English. Women admitted to all classes | =
as Dene ne nage: cally except coln Journal. ~One Hundred andone Thousand Do'lars Full Sn. 2 et "~Oseor
es ; ° ° *9 ° es ae

arrive Tarboro 10.15 a.m and ll. 4h pas SEEN tia added to the endowment during . the

present year. Only male literary college
Train on Midland N. C. braach leaves h lina that is located)ih.a
Goki8boro daily, except Sunday, 6.05 a| 12 ~ost curious thing about NEE CAS Oe


: . CaLy- hag TT D R fi )
m. ariving Smithfield 7:30 a, w. Re-|the insane rush to Alaska is that| ~he. best business course offered in 1�,� ally �,� ector.
turning leaves Smithtield 8.00 a. m,, ar- :

; the state. Send for album and catalogue.
rives at Goldsbors 9,30 a, m. the proportion of fools in the rest Address JNO. C. KILGO, G ives th e home news
coe Trains on Lata branch, Florence R| Of the world does not seem to be Durham, N.C.

2., leave Latta 6.40 pm, airive Dunbar
7.50 pm, Clio 8,05 p m. Returning

feave Clict6.10 am, Dunbar 6.30 a m, Tribune. Be
se Latta 7.50 a m, daily except Sun- P t AC ce

materially decreased."New York

every afternoon at the
small price of 25 cents a

Scie === month. Are yuu a sub-
uClintou Branch leaves Wat- 1 y ; é
rote fone ratty oad except Suuday, LUMBER IN STITUT Rak th C. ~ seriber 4 It nut VOU,
Merde Guitoh as 70bar ie dann od ~ Excellent buildings and beautiful oucht to be ~
se ee 002. m. O01, m, y E HAvE ESTABLISHED A |groundsin a Healthful Location with - | ~
; Weldon 0.78 makes close connection Lumber Yard at Greenyille with | splendid climate. Stands at the very 7
itaheuine 1 Pigs agen daily, allrail via} w. R. PARKER as Manager. Orders | front in Female Education, ~Thorough

Rovky Mount with . o : . High its S
Worfolk.and-Varolina & b obit Ma for Lumber, Rough or Dressed can be jin its Courses. High in its Standard

=, ee, a
2. eS
2 *

Sennen eniiiitnenmanemeaieentoed

" tenon emminoe ss e

lett with him. . Unsurpassedin It's INTELLECTUAL
he all poiuts North via Norfolk. HINES BROS. LUMBER CO. |aNDSOOIAL INFLUENCES.
JOHN ¥F, rte or dd Kinstoa, N.C. Luby dtaoere = and i eachors.
es Greener u Veryretsonable prices. Send tor cat-
I, M, EM £RSON Watts Manager. Mt fb o Jas. DINWIDODILE, M,jA.
J. K. KK NLY. ren?) oauger, ccm " emi, gw ott |
Greenville Market. The Eastern Reflector.

| (THR MORNING STAR! |... cays vce \'The State Normai
eal ~g 3 Corrected by 8. NM, Schult� "__|and Industrial School,

Mia oif Bitter, per lb 16 to 25 GREENSBORO, N. C. ° '
; The 8 at if Western Sides Bt to 6 ey ly only $1 4 year. l
: Re ain ie Sugar cured Hamy 10 to'124 es oni ~ps ane ge be of the hohe : : *
Badia algal adh oh ins da ' aay thoroug Of: ssivnal, literary, Classi- our
daily Newspaper in Corn a yt eal, selontths 4d {Gdustrint education contains the news ever
A Corn Meal 45 So 60! Annual expenses $40 tu $130. Faculty week and ives informa-
ue ee a | Plour, Family 25 to 5.75 | of 25 memaners,, Mage rhs 7 ~a hy Sarl T 5 ee
+) iss eee : al stu ents. Practice schoo] of 126 pupils 1 | an .
Nort h arvilaa. ani i pe we teachers, 6 papa aie 19 mate tion to the farmers, 7 US- .
o~ | dates representing every couaty In the =» M ea gt ES, EARS
j 1 FE aerate oe : Sugar a eb a sat except thie. Corte: pynden ) in- 4 | specially. those STOW I
The Only sive-Bollar Daily | sor", sac BB ene tealned teachers To, sects board in tobacco, that is worth
7 ; oon 4 ' it eee + dormitories all free tuition apphcations . ade hy
~its Glass in ate Chickens | to 20) aust be made before A gust Ist, For many times more, thiaa wali
its U f inthe Sta | Egaspersion ls | Tt Rinlocue andiaboriin ton: address y tithe isel y ERK Sy

NU TUC Ce ERD poem President OH 4 BLES D, Mel VER. | o | tue subse pion piive.

\ 9






This will be an extra-
ordinary bargain week
long to be remember-
ed by wide-awake buy
ers and watchful shop-
pers as a momentous
money saving occasion


Wash Goods

Unmercifully cut.

1250 yards beautiful |
Dress Ginghams to go
at 5 cts a yd.

A big stock Light
Wash Material com-
rising new colorings
in Breezy Fabrics to be
sold at 8c and 4c per yd


- 2000 yards of White
Goodsat bargain prices

Ladies Rufted Shirt
Waist Setsail colors at
15 cts Sets.

In our

Shoe�"� "

we can iit both your
foot and purse.

Ladies Oxfords worth $2 50
Swept dcwn to $2 00.

Ludies Oxfords worth $2 00,
Swept down to $1.65.

Ladies Oxfords worth $1.50, _
Swept down to 31°25,

Ladies Oxfords worth $1.00.
Swept down to 79.

Mixses ard childrens 1educed
n bawe proportion.


A depleted stock cunnot supply
your wauls, realizing this fact we
are acding to our alreadr large
stock of seasonable gouds daily,
such as

Laces, Ribbons, Em
broideries, Handker-
chiefs, Collars & Cuffs,
Belts, Ladies Ties, Ho
seiry and many new
andstylish things.

Our stock of
Groceries, Furniture,
Ha dware, Crockery,

and Geuts Furnishings}

is Jarge and complete and we
would take pleasure in showing
avd posting you in
momber pow 1s the

ml tithe'daa hereT i» the place to find

, mammoth outbnret of bargains.
Diss Yoor friends, he




1 De

see Some Coming, Some Going.


Dr W. H. Cobb returned t Whit-

akers today.

Cr. H. O. Hyatt came over fiom
Kinston this morning.

~yevtes Inany « new business.
inlarges many an old Dusiness,
Preserves many @ large business.
Revives many a dull business,
Rescues many a lost business,
Saves many a failing business.

He: trierds et bome will regret to
learn that Miss Salle Lipscomb is sick
at Raleigh.

~Mrs, M. D. Higgs leit this morning
for Bult more to purchase her fall steck

Secures success to any business


of millinery.

R. E. Lee, of Wison, came in Sua-
day morning on his bicycle aud spent

~To oadvertise udielously,TT use tne
evumns of tu. REVLECTOR.

the day with his mother, Mrs. S.. D.



Keepiny Constantly at it Brings Spccess

Harry P. Hardmg {ett Sunday icr

Ormondaville where be takes charge

of the high school which opened to"

| day.

W. A. White and wife, of Rowan
county are visiting the famiy of S. P.
Eiwi., father nt Mrs, White, 1° Bea-
Mr. White, was

in Greenville today aad paid the Rr-

oe OP

train going

Passenger and matl
Going south,

Nerth, arrives 8:52 A, M:

~ 8 °57 .] , ~
arrives 6:57 P. M ver Dam township.

Seamer Tar River arrives from Wash-
ington Monday, Wednesday and Friday
leaves for Washington Tuesday. Thurs.
day and Saturdag

FLECLOR a call.


a enemrcnetnitie ©

Only Two
The Register of Deeds issued only
week, one
for whites and one for The
whites wete D. F, Thomas and Lilly

two merriave licenses last

oem HDI

Generally fair, preceded by showers colored.

on the coast, cooler Tuesday night.

enema POO ih ete

SHORT TALK, The Top Figure

civ ingu The Greenville Warelivuse had a

big sule te day and streck the highest

Much Expressedin Few Words.
figure vhat the market has reached

: this season, making a sale for D. W.
Kags and chickens at S. M. Schultz Clark at $40.

mmr ell



* oF. F.% q ~

New fall
and winter

Tess pods, bat


Shoes, Notions, &e., &e.



are in all and we ask you to call and inspect
them. We bought large and offering bargains


. FLEMING, Pres, E. B. HIGGS, Cashier,

R. R
G. 3. CHERRY, j Vice Pres. AssTt Cashier

GAPITALT: Minimum $10,000; Maximum $100,000.
Organized June 1st,1897.

The Bank of Pitt County,

-none week more the schools will
open. Military Ball.
ne he Rercector acknowledges an]
Scuppernong grapes are beginning tO) invitation to the annual ball of the

Kinston Division Naval Reserves, on |
Weduesday, Sept Sth. Capt. J.T.
Smi.h of the Pitt County Rifles is one

appear in markets,

Nice tine of Visitirg Cards just re-
ceived at RerLEcTorR office.

_, of the honorary mianageTs.
Cotton 1s opening fast and several

farmers have started the pickers.

| What the Greenville Does.
You get value for your money when
you advertise in the RerLeEcTOR.

ning at $20, $13.50, $8.75, $10.00,

Genuine Faber} and Simplex lead
penciis at Refiector Book Store.

$18.75. And for George
ford at $22, $27, $15.50. $13.-
50, $17, $5.80, $6 and $9. Thisis the
way the Greenville Warehouse doves,

Fresh ioday"Gov. Carr Butter in 1

Ib packuges. S..M. Scuu.tz.

Nice line of Tam OTShanters, as-
sorted shades, and SailorTs, at very low
Mrs. 3. S, TUNSTALL.

lo ks our for those who seils on its

prices. | floor and vets the highest market price

; ; itor their yeobaeco.

For Rext"Dwelling house on Co- vans. Curtcuer & Cor

tanch street. next tu Dr. BrownTs. Six

Good water. Apply to
Mrs, M. L. RounTREE.


Big Breaks"Prices Up
� This week startea out fine on tebac- |
co row, ald the warehouses had one,
of the best Monday sales that have yet
taken place. The offerings aggrecated
66,000 pounds, and th9 bulls seemed
to take possersion of the market and
We heard people say

Ladies wanting rice stativnery can
find it at Reflecter Book Store. Very
latest styles.

I am north after new millinery
goods. My stock this season will em-
brace the very prettiest and tmos* tash-
ionable styles on the market.

Mrs, M. D. Higgs.

tess prices up.

in two years. One tarmer wished
that he bad had every pound of his
crop on that exle. Prices took a range
well sbove any figures previously reach-
ed this season,

If you want your laundry done right,
send it to me in time for WednesdayTs
shipment. Packages always ready for
delivery Saturday evening,

Agt. Wiimingtcn Stean Laundry,

Kinston has hid a new bale of cot-



That is the way all druggists vell
10 for Chills, Fever and all forms of
Malaria. It is simply Jron and Quinine
in.a.tasteless form, Children love it
Adults prefer it to bitter, nauseating
Tonies. Price, 506.

The Sanford Express last weex be-
gan its twelfth year, It is an ably

edited paper.

The Du-ham Daily Sun has entered
its ewhteerth volume. Editor Robin-
| son is macine the Sun one ot ~the
brightest alt--» ong papers in the State:


Situated on Southern Railway, in
Piedmont secticn; very best water;
healthiest locality, property of Chrig-
tian vburch, non-sectarian in spirit and
teaching, highest moral tone, elegant
~building, halls. laboratories, etc., facul-
ty of specialist, co-educational, curris.
culum equa! of best male college, three
degree courses, must liberal terms, best,
advantages, catalogue on application.
Address J. 0, ATKINSON, Chairman,


Thisis to notify all opersons that my
lands are posted, and all ~persons are
forbid A eapirg, ~upon the ~same with
gun or dog or for any 8 gM ag
ever under the penalty of the law.

~Said lacds areT known as | theT Roun-
tree lands. two miles above Greenville,
on Fouth side of Tar River camel
the lands of O. L, Joyn«r, JAlfr
Forbes. Zack Allen~and LC. Roun-

foday the Greenville Warehouse | a
sold a load of tobaccco for W. A. Man- | ee

$14, $25 and $34, aclean averzge of};
Vander. |T

they had not seen tobacco sell so well


NLA tN Ne halls al a i Nin,

ry HIS Bank wants yourtriendship and a share
. ifnotall, of your business, and will grant
every favor consistent with safe and sound
banking. We invite correspondence or a_per-
sonal interview to that end. :


Tiseqgee years under present principals. 224 students attended last year,
A High Grade College Preparatory School, with special departsments of
Book-Keeping, Short-Hand, and Teiegraphy- ~the Largest and Best Equipped
Fitting School in the South. Location healthful and beatiful. oTerms to suit
the times.� For beautiful new catalogue address,

Profs. J. A. & M. H. HOLT, Oak Ridge, N. C


We have placed a large Refriger-
ator in our market to keep all our
meats cool and free from files.

When yor wantfresh |

School For Girls And

On Mondas, t, Gih, I will open
my school for girls and small boys in
the new:schoo: building on Mr- W,
Wilson's Jot, in South Greenville.
Terme, etc., made known on. applica-

GN ach

Fall Session Opens Sept, 14.

Beef, JTork or Sausage

send us your orders and you will
~| get something ©1Ce, | clean and
Instruction thorough. For terms, &c. ~ shh! avai Fuene ar.


Elon College, N. C.

tree, deceased, and lyinz onT Tar river,

4 ~,

ee Pa eee |

ply to
Greenville, N. C

gi & Cadre,

Daily Reflector, August 30, 1897
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - August 30, 1897
August 30, 1897
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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