Daily Reflector, January 30, 1897

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| 0.4 WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.

TERMS : 26 Cents a Month.


Vol. 5. GREENVILLE, N. C.. SATURDAY, JANUARY 80, 1897. No. 657


APPA eI ee ee ee, PN aa Nala






You could hear these |



oOh, Mamma, buy me

an CTE

oAint they darlings ?�

pene nent

My, where did you
get them Mr.Munford?�

eprint th

oJust the thing for the


oThe ones that will
give wife solid comfort
and stop that tired feel-

ing.� !

cancers tania

oThe only up to date
line that I have ever
seen in Greenville.�

seer eat etenr ghey

oWhy is it that Mr.
MunfordTssalesmen are
soaire anxious to show

them ?�

Mrs. Hardtoplease.---
oBecause they know
they will suit the oid
and the young.�

In High Cuts


We still lead in styles.

No trouble but a pleas-
ure to show them.


Jy) |
fini el ~ |

Py ban eee oo ev ee


Condensed; Reportjcf Proceedings.

: ane . j

The Senate mt at 11 oTclock.
Bills and resolutions were introduced
as tcllows :

Alexander, repealing the purchase
ax so as to prevent paying tax. twice

§ jon the same goods.

Ciark, to repeal act requiring thirty
daysT notice before enacting a private li-
quor protubitory law.

Grant, to extend stock law in

Clark, to prohibit free passes, S90
hat no public officer or person elected
t» pablic office shall dire etly or indi-
rectly ask, demaud, receive or consent
to recriv3 a free pass or transportation
or any franking privileges of railroads,
telegraph or te eplone companies.

Clack, to levy a special tax to build
a bridge over Roanoke river, in Ha.i-
fax aud Northampton counties. "
| Henderson, to establish ~the dispen-
sary law in Vance county.

Alexander, to incorporate the Color.
jed PeopleTs Benevolent und Relief As-

Sharp, to incorporate Boyette, in
Wilson county.

Ramsay, in favor of livery stable
proprictors, giving them the right to
| buld stuck unt! boaT d is paid.

The unfinished business was taken
up, Leing the bill to amend the divorce

An amendment was offered by Sena-
tor Anthony, to make general the law
which was enacted in 1895 to benefit
one persun in Wayne county.

Senator Butler offered a subststute
to repeal the entire law

Senator Abeil took ground in favor uf
tue awcidiments saylug there was no
danger of North Carolia becoming a
Davita or Oniaioma as wo foreigner
had come to this S~ate seekmig divorce
siuce the law bad beer in eifect.

Seratur BuulerTs substitute passed
seconu reading,

Mehator Abell offered as an amend"
sent io the substicute, oPhat both par-
ties toany achion, When divorce has
beea granted uncer tae provisions ol
chapter 6/, acis 1399, be and they are
herevy permitved i) warry again duc
ing the litetime of the other party.�

A roll call was demanded and sus"
tained"ayes, 35 ; noes 9.

Senator Abell offered an amendment
to the sudstitute of Senator Butler
oPhat chapter 277, acts 1890, whicn is
repealed by this act, rem.uin in force
with respect to all actions heretoiore
hegua under its provisions and now
pending in the courts ol this state"
adupted, ayes, 3O ; nos, 6.

~Thereupon Seuator Butler's substi-
tute passed its third reading. It re-
peals the act of 189) relaiing to divorce
tur two yearsT desertion, bub gives. the
parties who have ueretufore secured
divorce the right to marry again.

The house met at 10 o'clock.

Drew to punish wife keaters, provid
ing that justices of the peace who try
such persons shall summon a jury of
six taxpayers and that if convicted the
offender, shall receive thirty-nioe lashes
on the first offense, with ten additional
for each subsequent offens2, and that he
shall also pey all costs,

|. The bill of Sutton, ot Cumberland,
to provide better protection for rail and
ship passengers was taken up.

| It'was unfavorably reported by the
judiciary committee,. There wag also a
rainority report in favor of the bill, It
\" 7

clothed railway officials wit) full powe*
to make arrests of persons who com-
mit any offense, or behave iuproperly
on trains ; that companies shall be liable
for all damages to baggage or freight ,
that raitways shall be liable tor damage
to any passenger who has paid fare for
any failure to make connection accord-
ing to their published schedules, and
it shall be presumed that such negli-
cenceis due to the companyTs tegli-
gence, any violation of this act to be a
~misdemeanor, punishable by a fine or
imurisor ment.

Cuoningham offered an amendment
striking out all of the bill save that
part regarding damage to baggage,
Sutton demandeT the yeas and nays,

vote was"yeas, 033; nays, dJ3 3 so the

on CuuninghamTs amendment.

amendment was adopied.

Huncock introduced a bill to restore
to the state conticl and management. of
tie Atlantic and North Carolina rail-
way and a bill to allow Craven county

commissioners to hold an election

build bridges across Trent and Neuse

rivers, and if the people yote in tavor

of the measure to allow an issue of
$25,000 in bonds and te levy
tax to pav these not to exceed 10 cents
on the $100.

y leave Pearson inteduced a bill to
ineorporate the Commonwealth Fire

lusurauce Company of Wilmington. It

a special

gives the company the mght to he
either mutual or stock, and it can in~
clude life insurance also if Cesired.

Tne bill to charter the Carolina
Cooperage Company, of Wilmington, an
allow it to have branches at Fay~ tte-
ville and other places passed. ~he
charter is a brvad oue and some objec"
tion to it. was made,

Don't Toba 39',and Smoke Your

1. hWOy,
If you + quit tobacco using
easily iis vy be made wool
sirong, wi o.cea.. vall vl mew life and

vigor, tas No-ToeBac, the wonder-
Worker Lics Makes Weak men strong.
Many gain. pounds in ten days.
Over 400,004 cared. Buy No- Lo-ac
trom your own drugzist, who will
guarantee @ cure. Buvklet aud sampie
matled free. Ad, Sterling Remedy Cv.
Uuicayo or New York.

They DonTt Endorse His Course,

During the late contest had in Ral-
eigh over the election of Senator, Col.
tiacry Skinuer, who was resorting to
almost auy measure to secure the re-
election f Pritchard, was reported as
saying in ons of the caucuses that he
wad received a letter trom Populist
County Chairman, J. A. Lang, oi
Pitt stating that all the Populists of
Pitt fully endorsed his (Skinner's)
course in sup orving Pritchard.
Tne Rer..scror asked Mr, Lang
about this aud he says he wrote Col
Me did writ,
Was purely

Skinner no such letter.
, letter ty Sk.nner but it
of a persvual nature and eontuined no
reference Whatever as to what any
Populist teought of SkinnerTs course,
Sheriff W. H. Harrington was in
Raleigh a few days ago, and the News
and Observer reports him as follows:

o Populist Sheriff Harrington, of Pitt,
is here and says the Populisls in that
county are disgusted with the actiou of
the bolters in supporting Pritchard. He
says they condemn Harry Skinner most

Church 8 ervices To-morrow. ,..
Methodist church"Sunday-schvol at
9:30 A. M, Preaching at 11 A. M.
und 7:30 P, M., by Rev. N. M. Watson
Episcopal church."Sunday-school
at 9:30 A, M. |
Baptist church"-Sunday School at
9;30 A, M.. Preaching at 11 A, M.
and 7:00 P. M. by Rev. E. D. Wells.
Presbyterian church"Sanday school
9:30 A. M.





ing fast.

make room for spring
This isa bona fide sale,

ding is in the chewing

sold under guarantee.




we were writing about last
week. The prices are remark-
ably low andthegoodsare go- |
We are selling off : jj
the entire stock of Clothing to.
goods. o\

you need anything, it will be
money saved for you take a
look. The proof of the pud-
bag. Come and see them.


forboys andgirls. Every pair






and if

of the



3 insh Capes worth $5 aud $6
al your own prics.
6 Cloth oapes worth $2 for $1.50
6 Cioth Capes worth $2.50 for

Nota great big lot, but bie values,
8 Trees Patterns, fancy wobair,
worth $4 50 now $3.45.
4 paitoros of brown and blue,
green ard black, worth $8 now $6
Rempauts in wool Dress (roods,
skirt and dress lergths at your
own price.
Ladies Fieece-lined Vest 25 cts
Pants to match 25 cts.

~ JO |) That must be
e: (. NeT sold before Spring.

Lace wurtains, white, 24 vara®
loug, worth 75 cis for 50 cts.
yards long, worth $1 for 72 cts.

5-4 Table Oil Cloth, scld every~
where for 25 cts, you cau haye
for 15 cents.

Linen Collars, la!ext stvles, 19":

Cuts to match 20 cts.

Gents Wool Underwear, $2.90
grade for $2, 82 grade for $1.6.

Drawers to match 8%.

Bovs Suits, allewoo\ $4 sui
for $3. $2.50 suits for $3. &
suits for $1.45.

Big lot ct Cheap Pants at youre
own price.

(~ome and
see at

H. B.

OL, i

~spool) e7ry(X)

"""~shauguryl ~seypoze

i i i ae


PR ERERE SSg seein


~emery - AETERNOON oexcerT SUNDAY).

Sty cored aa second-eluss mail matter.
Se ecm: enn cinanereni
1 ne ye RI, - * av 4 $3.0¢
re month, es - : 25
fme Ver cn sa! ka ona obG
oDelivered in town bye eurriers withou

oar: 4 Cast.
Adve risng rates are liberal and can be

ad on app! ication to the vend or at

the office.
. eee A ere a EL oo
4 . s Wie est avtrie. correspondent at
P © ayory post te in the: county, who will
y ggnd in bai ia Of NEWS as it Occurs
| Ym each neighborhood. Write plainly

aad only on one side of the paper.

Ciwrai Commission on supscrip-

jon sates paid to agents.

. eisai pi ne
ints opto ct et im
panini Sancta acipennt
* pee te




(Fiom Our Regular Correspondent)

\\ ANHINGTON, dan: 29th, 1897.
The Senate did a wise thing when it
defeated the anenément offered to the
Military appropriation till appropriet"
: ing the cost of transportation ot the
| West Point Cadets to ard trom Wash-
wsgton, in order that they ought be
allowed to appear in the Inauguratios.
day parade. In the first place,spendir g y
moncy for such a purpose is an extruv-
agance ot any time and. doubly so.
at this time when, as Senator Stewart
pyiuted oul, roweends of our people
we danced vi ihe actual

life. In the next tise the military
of the government should sot be

necessities of

aliowed to take any part in the Inaugur
ot a President. The presene
United States troops ibi
of these Woo view

of the no de
aids to the picasurc
Sey ough

thie parude, but all tlie seme t

pet tc be there. itisa baa idea, ans

the prec dant of baviug a tee Uvitea
~ y t a4

States troops in the parage to give Tf
niete. wh ch we have been scltlng Ww

mf p generation, May some day be taker
advantage of by unscru, ulous men b,
briuging enough ol them Lo Wushingto:
to forebly inaugurate some wan Whe
has noi gone threug rh the formality ot
being el eed by the pcople. bi sy
- bumble opinion it would be a Wise

for Congress 1 pass a Ui

+ precaution
' | : ~| T } =)
prowbrang wemed trocps, Waele
- gtaie or national, frvin coming busid

di Soe corporate Li ts of Washiugion on
i Tm, auaiion day, ~Lhe madugulation
4 ot: a Presigent isp ~bamul aiT) Lulictivds
a ~snd the muliary sivuld have poly
whatever to do with it.
ThatT arbitration trectyT has not yet
been reported to the Senate trom the
Commitee oh Foreign Relations,
ig nowy ibastanuins ihe public n¢velllgs
e "and showers of te legi ams and letters i
its Bebal& Thefgeneral impression is
: tht the Commitice will recomime: ¢
: SeveralT amendments to the treasy,
: setting forth cearly that it is not to be
; ~allowed to interiere wih our miatite"
-panve of the Monroe doctrine.

The house this week passed Immi-
gration bill as repurted from the Con"
ference commitice.

4 Senator Daniel made a speech against
. - the Nicaragua Canal bil this week,
opening with this dramatic language :
*SThe bill is dead. The speech ot
J eviator Turple killed it, and Miviste:
iwuez bas aa its eurpse in the
ic «omorgue.� He " expressed
bus t whether the canal would

if it were aad hd declared
: sed the eh ty would in

He farkbee pointed
} pouring, the pete

speech of Senator Dal | as ms
after Senator Morgan had. introdu

Rodriguez in behalt of Nicaragua. Itis
generally believed ia Washington that

�* | Senator Daniel was right when he


declared the bill dead.
Some of the Senators appear to have
taken second thought about the bill
authoriziny the President to appoint
representatives to an inte*national
monetary conterence, whieh it was at
first sunposed was to go through just
as it was reported, Seuator Cannon
has offered an amendment directing the
President to call a conference, and
Senator Stewart hus offered another,
providing that the United States gov
ernment shall, in cast. the conference
fails to reach. an agreement in favor
of international bimetallism, within
thirty days after the adjournment ot
the conference open the mints to the
tree coinage of all goid and silver pre~
_ The semi official announcement that
McKinley bas already selected his
friend, William F. Hale, of Ohio, to:
be U. S. Marshal of the District of

* *
Columbia, has aroused much resent-

ment amoag Washington republicans,
who gave liberally of their time ane
money to help elect McKinley and wh:
believed that he would live up to the
home rule plank of the St Louis piat-
iorm, notwithstanding a hint dropped
by Mark Hanna some wecks ago inti-
mating that the Federal offices in the
District of Columbia wou!d be given to
voters instead ot non voting residents.
The resentment is as yet. quiet, but it
cannot be kept so it McKinley fils the
offices with carpet baggers.
Ez-Congressman.and ex-ov. Long
of Massachusetts, is about to find hin
self in the same class with Bliss of New
York, who after having virtuaily
cepted a Cabinet puoltifollo Was com"

pe ~lied, by tue red hot op} posit ion to

let himself dows easy by snying it wa
MS: nator


gn gevount of bis witeTs health.

sachus.tt; men headed by

en Long, and

- ss
iloar are MaKe

; re aprer a eae AAT at 1
erds of every oObHeT aNCW 4&4

raan who bas cabicet hankerings are

wre tuat ail tis will be tco much tor
Lnii ig and he Wul svoa be letting him-

self down easy.

Brother Married te Sister.

The villags of Mulvane, a fev
miles south of here, 1s sthred up
over Giseosutes Diought to Peit
tn the o¢caston of the the thirty-
ointh we daing anniversity of
Peisr Wilson and wife & few days
ago. ~Tueir uiue chilidren
several graudcliiren were pres-
eui, with many neigho. rs,
lu the compa y was iseac
Ashton, foster fither of Mrs. Wil-
sun, Who was en route to Oklahe-
mu, aud kK bert Wilson, foster
fucher of Peter Wilson, who lived
iu a neighbormg county. The
wen were Heiguvors 40 years
azo, but had wou seen each otaer
Their remidiscsnt talk brought
out the fact that im 1838 Alexan-
der Taylor, his wife and two
children located in Richmond,
Tod, having moyed there from
Noble county, Ohio. Taylor
went as a volunteer to the Fiori-
da Indian war, and died while on
the expedition. Mrs. ~Taylor died
soon atierward leaving her ebild.
rev, Peter and Rachel, six and two
vercs old respectively, to the care
of Mag whe

+ Ashtopaod Rovses Wil-
so. ud bees} ffisuuds of the
Taylors. Astton adopted Rachel
and Wilson uopted Peter Tuylor.
Ashtou " meted to Towa soon
afterward, auit ~Wilson went to

al) northern Missouri: They never

spoke to the children of» their

| Yar otbhe'

nt t0 8 oux City,

ia., to tsarn si carpiaber's sisted

[amendments to thé Canal bill intended |
~to meet objections raisedTby Minister

lum, to re ~call his acceptance and try tc |

ni Iping it along, and prescm ind ations |

Bud |


mud end ata ~enijorance aneng i
met Rachel Ashton, ~who

visiting her foster aunt.
~becanie awoetlearts and threeT
years later were married. 7

They settled in ~Sumner county,
Kan., where they have always
heen highly respected. They
have nine children. Three ot the
children are deaf mutes and two
others are deformed. Al! ars
married except one of the deaf

mutes, and two of the younger

Peter Wilson swooned when tis

heard the old neighborsT talk,
and for a time he was thought to
be dead, bot he was revived. He
aad his wife are almost crazed
with grief "Wichita, Kan., 118-

! benny

Cotton an& Veanut.

Below are Norfolk prices of ,cotto.
and peanuts for yesterday, as furnished



to cure any case of constivation. Casearets are the Ideal

ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED tive. never crip or gripe. bat cause essy maturairesults, Sami

ple and booklet free. Ad. mips REMEDY CO., Chicaco, Montrea!, Cau., or New York.

J. W. HIGGS, Pres, j. $, HIGGS, Cashier " Maj. HENRY HARDING, Ass't Cashir



Rae Phere we

D. W. Hardee Higgs
Greenville, N. C.

RapresentingTa Capital of More Than a Halt
Million Dollars,

Wm. T. Dixon, President National

br Wdey

by Cobb Bros. & Commission Mer | Exchange Bank, Baltimore, Md. We respectfully solicit the accounts _
chants of Norfek - The Seotland ~Neck Bank, Scotland of firms, individuals and the general
Ge COTTON. Neck, N. C. oublic,

a banter 7h Noah Biggs, Scotland Neck, N.C ¢ ecks and Account Books furnish
Low Widdline ; a R. R. Fleming, Pactolus, W, ¢. ed on application.

Good Ordinary

P ime 2
Extra Prime 23
ancy 23
Spanish 69 to 75

Greenville Warket.
Corrected by S. M, Schultz.
Bntter, per Lo 1 to 2
Western Sides 43 ty 3
Sugar enred tiams 10 to 12
orn 40 to §
Corn Veal 50 So $3
four, Family 5.5 ta 6.2:
Lard 64 tol
Oats 35 £0 '¢


Sugar 4 to -
Coffee 13 to 24
Salt ser Sac 75to1 5.
Chiekens 10 to 2�
E gs ver ~oz 19
Nees vax. pes :


For Three Years He Suffered " Could

Hardly Breathe at Night"One Nostril
Closed for Ten Years.

Mr. A. M. Ramsey, of De Leon, Texas,
was a suiferer from Catarrh in_ its
worst form. Truly, his description of
his sufferings seem little short of mar-
velous. Instead of seeking his couch,
glad for the night's coming, he went to
it with terror, realizing that another
long, weary, wakeful night and a
struggle to breathe was before him.

Messrs. Litpman Pros,, Savannah, Ga.,

GENTS: [have used nearlyT four bottles of
P. P. P. Uwasafilicted from the crown of my
head to the soles of my feet. Your P. P. P.
has cured my difficulty of breathing, smother-
ing, palpitation of the heart, and has relieved
me of all pain. One nostril was closed for
ten years, but now I can breathe through it

I have not slept on either side for two years;
in fact, I dreaded to see night come. Now I
sleep soundly in any position all night.

Iam so years old, but expect soon to be able
to take hold of the plow handles. I feel glad
that I was lucky enough to get P. P, P., and I
heartily recommend it to my friends and the
public generally.

Yours respectfully,

County of Comanche, |
Before the undersigned authority, on this
day, personally appeared A. M. Ramsey, who,
after being duly sworn, says on oath that the
foregoing statement made by him relative to
the virtue of P. P, P. arieamsee ta is Lyge
T Sworn to and subscribed ~ivlots m* this,

August qth, 1891.
meee" 7M LAMBERT, N. P
Comanche County, Texas,
(LippmanTs, Great Remedy) where all
other remedies failed.

.WomanTs weakness, whether nervous:
or otherwise, can be cured and the
system built up by P. P.-P. A healthy
woman is a beautiful woman,

Pimples, blotches, ecgema and all
~disfigurements of the skid. are removed,
and cured by P, P. P.

P. P. P. will restore your appetite,
build up your system and regulate you
in every way. P. P. P. rémoves that,
we bree ot

or blotches C)
tine katte pimples,on the

Ladies, rh salieal and thorough
organic regulation, take
man's Great. ener Ae


| , salty reds )

ils un ava ah

5 12-16

cut got well |

R. A. TYSON, Vice-PresTt. J. L. LITTLE. CashTr,


R. L. DAVIS, PresTt.


: ill

The Bank of Greenviile,
@ e222 2
Statement of Condition December 17th, 1896.
Loans and Discounts $40,456.36? Capital paid in $23,000.00
Due from Banks 38, 263. 3: Undivir Ted Profits 3,045.54
Furniture and Fixtures r 500,005 Deposits 81,787.59
Current Expenses 1,764.75 Ine Banks 1,131.87
Premium on Stoex 1, ~0. 0,09 ¢Time Certificates 1,255.00
Cash [tems 7,792.60 § Cashiers Checks 1,480.59
Cash 20,923.58 § er
smi ican Total $111, 700.6
Total $111,700.89 $

Accounts Received. oorrespondencs Invited.

yates | Notices,

ut 2 Np
Gis RE oON We hereby give notice that a petition

.evislature to
the Lown of

will be peesented ro the
change the chaner of

Frey 1 INES,

ASrECh ALTY Primary Seo

ee! ondary ors n
~ \A BLVUOD POLSON permanently
emcured in 15t035 days. You canbetreatod ay
pete HOMO for same prive uncer seine ;Rarans
Bi Rty. Ifyou prefer tocome here Wo Willcom
nippy ies lrcadiarennd hotel billa and
we failtocere. If you have tak

tide pe taken mers

J.G. M YE,

J.L. LIV tLe,

Kh. A. TYauN.

¢ury, io
ains, Mucous Pf
imples, Cupper Colored Spots, Uleers on

stash, and still have aches and
tchesin mouth, Sore Throat,

any part of the body, Hair or Myobrows fa

ont, it is this Secondary BLOOD POIsG.

we guarantee tocure. We solicit the most obsti-«

nate cases and chalienre the world fora
ase Weoannotcure. This disease hag always
afied the sicill of the most eminent physi-

Gen WANTED"Ko: War. in
huba,, by Sena* of 2 iesada, Cubaa

cians. $500,000 capital behind our uncondés | represent tative at Veshinetan. En=
tional guaranty. Absgo mi : I o

popliontion. Address ate Rreots of3 se MnDY Coe dorse by Cuban vatrio. x. In tremen-
$09 Masonic Temple. onieacg », ILL dous demaind., A bonanza for agents.

Only $1.40. big book, big commissions,
Everybody wants the ouly endorsed, re-
liable book. Guititsfiee.. Credit given
Freight paid. Dropail trash, aud ~inake
$300 # wouth wit: War in (nba. Ad-
dress today, THE NATO AL BOOK

CONCERN, 852-356 Dearborn St,



Patronage solisited. (leaning, Dyeing

and Pressing Gents Clothes a specialiy
a eee EDMUNDS.

Special attention given to cleaning .
Gentlemens Clothing,


J. A, Buraxss, Mer.}
Washington, N. C,

This Hotel haT been thorourhly reno
vated, several new rooms added, elec.
tric bells to every room. attentive ser°
vants. Fish and Oysters, seryed dailyT
Patronage of traveling poulle itigitod�




ing their yearTs supplies will tind
their interest toget our prices befere pua
chasing elsewhere, Ourstock iscoraplete

u allits branches. :




The next session of the school will
open on* nf ie

Tobacco, sr-ff &o, a :
MADAT Pr 1, 18%



we buy diroc) trom Manufactu.. 3 én.

bling you to buy at one prollt, A eo'n- ' *
hae " , and a cenclne for 10 months.
terms are'as follows.

Pity 2" os Ohcy. me

Le ohy i We o*

Wa he ete

: cena

ivr ia


JN & WK) : be : os | to be that mney Ehourl Ba, adeve'aD
" aNpBRancaxs, | PORTUGAL'S. NEWSPAPERS. | things @tse, vivacious, and it is for}
ee Pee They Are Fow and Have Odd Titles and| this reason perhaps that Weekly
AND FLORENCE &aiL ROAD ! Primitive Methods. © ""_"{ papers are at a discount in Portugal, |
; ~Sengensea senedule There are fewer than 50 newepa-| the favorite ~planT being to divide |:
os : : bers published in the entixe king. what would be in the United States
| CRAING Goix@ SOUTH. ~| dom of Portugal,-the population of| the contents of a weekly paper into
. seo NY tal which is nearly 5,000,000, or about] sevenths and publishing it om the
oDated a the same as that of Pennsylvania, | Mstallment plan, so to speak, every
Noy. Jith [3 3 in which the total number of news. day, and excluding from its col-/
1896, Ao papers published is 1433, Journal. umni, so far as poasible, anything
: ola MoM A. w |#8m in Portugal is conducted on a|so sensational as what is called ~the
Leave Weldon | 11 55] 9 44 somewhat primitive plan, and ~the| uncorroborated news.� A fair and
| Awe Rocyk Mt | 1 00/1039 newspapers of Portugal have not| proper substitute for news is found
5: aN CRS [a bony a primitive aspect, but some- in jocose and harmless allusions to
Lv Tarboro wi. what primitive titles as well. The/ the appearance of individuals, such
i He a weekly newspaper having the lar-j}aS are contained, for instance, in
Ly Rocky Mt | 1 00/10. 5 45 | gest circulation in the kingdom is| The Voz do Povo (The Voice of the
Ly Wilson 2 04/11 6 2'| The Pontos Nos II, which means lit-! People). In Lisbon thero is publish.
ye nay py , erally in English, ~~The Dot on the, ed a journal called The Public Inter-
v FayTtteville} 4 86) 1.7 pga nig :
An Florence | 7 28/3 4 Eye.T" Itis published in Lisbon. An-| est, which makes a feature of book
| -"| __|__ |__| other Lisbon paper is called The Is. reviews. The Lisbon Circle is a po-
Sp land, though why it hasa geograph- | litical organ of the more radical op-
4 93 ical dosignation is not altogether ponents of the local government.
a ")|""|__ | _.| ____ | clear. The medical journal of Lisbon Another daily paper in Lisbon is
P.M, |A.M | iscalled The Contemporary Surgeon. | *»lled O Seculo."New York Sun.
Ly Wilson 2 08 6.20 | The city of Oporto, better known to!
cr * potadaahg ; re many Americans than Lisbon, the: Why Sec Did Not Start.
Ar Wilmington| 6 45: 9 45 cigs sash rled het brag ae A lazy ae : seldom . very lazy H ; ~
IP. M.| A.M » ERO chi�,�i one of Which is Actu- as not io be able to invent s902nd @x- 3 ' : rat thi .
~|alidade, a Pcrtuguese variation of cuzo for his inactivity. HarporTs ere 18 an opportunity lo get this excellent
TRAIN the sort of journalism represented Round able tells a story in point. . . |
ear Seca eicdetal these by the well known phrase, olf youT Patvic: was the capiain of a/ Magazine for little money.
Dated oy) 3 =, |Seeitin The Sun, itTs so.� Itis not schooner that plied between New |
Nov.1, pee ae -= |theonly Oporto journal with a ve--York and ilaverstraw on tho Hud-
, 1896, ZA Z; 7a culiar name. There isanother daily, ~son. One day his schooner was load- W e Wi Sg
"_ rere sien, | mm claiming a circulation of 20,00, the el with bricks, ready to start for . ll d th CO ~
Ly Suwanee Aah . title of which is Des de Marzo, New York, but Patrick gave no sign en : C ~O8SMO
Lv Fayetteville! 1] 10| 9 40) _ | which is Portuguese for the 11h of of any Intention to get under way. ° oe
'y Selma 12.327 | March. Still another daily paper of Instead of that, he sat on deck politan and the Eastern Re-
Ar Wilscn 1 20)11 35 Oporto is called The Prime:vo de BmObINg a pipe. . gcd | 2
oSerer fee] | tie be ea the Ist ° Jan: The owner of the arenvand, who flee to bo
tc ary. 7 Humorous paper of Operto was also tho owner of the sc ooner, y th Vy fi +»
Ze | i O forvete (The Sherbet), and and who had reasons for wishing : i one ear ~or
Sa a pt nad ed chree other daily papers of the same the bricks landed in New York at .
eit tewtaeton A. a e x. city are know n ag A Lucia, 4. Pala. the eurliest possible moment, came $1 ; 75.
Ly Magnolin | 10 59| « ie vara and eT uSteR, otherwise The hurrying on board and demanded of
oWV Goldyboro | 12 01 9 36 Light, The World and Justice. Phere the captain why he did not set sail.
or eres 1 00 10 z7| 18 One daily paper published ai Vo. oShure, your honor,� said: Pat-
ee. farboro 248 ; lencia, in Portugel, called The Coun. rick, ~~thereTs no wind,�T 7
wel = in, try, and ene in Lisbon called The oNo wind! Why, what's the mat- O ) A r i we
se ~ = Atlantic. In Coimbra, one of tlie cld- ter with you? ThereTs LawsonTs L Cc will send the Cos-
7 aes eat of sph tiene erties and long schooner under sail, going down the . by
a a | Known as the seat of a university river now.� " : \a
be wiles z . ae ih M, | founded in 18, there is one daily oYis, I've been watchinT her, but mopoiitan and The Dai ly
Ar Rocky Mt | 2 17 12 14] yy yr | Paver, called The News. . itTs no use my gettin under way. a
~ """_. |__| The theory upon Which Portu- Bhe's got the wind now, and, faith, R fi i,
Gites, | oe ) | Eats cre contacted a: 2» 8, thuza isnTt enough of it for two.� "| EWC ector, both, & whole
rH Hooky Mi | 217 119 7% ; 1 ~
Ar %cidon i oe ~ erg OY { 3 BO
pod a | e SW? J year or $ « )
fal On Scotle | Week ranch Boa NS BEANS
eaves Weldon 3.60 pti, Halifax 4.10 eee oon oT
Pym.) afrives Scotland Neck at 45. me Lice bia, tn
@., Greenville 6,57 p.m., Kinston 7.45 } Va es) SNS NARI ORANG
% md. Returning, teawag Kinston ~7.2 I V y ee)

he fQ., Greenville 8.22 2,
Bali x at 11:00 a. m., We
except Sunday. |

rains on Washnigton
Washington 8.00 a, m.,
arrives Parmele 8.60 4.
0., Tarboro 9.45 a. Das, returning leaver
Tarboro 3.30 p. m., Parmele 10.20 a. i,
and 6.20 p. in,, arbives Washington
11,50 a. m., and 7.10 p, m, Daily ex-
ept Sunday. Connects with trains on
Scotl nd Neck. Branch. .

Train leaves ~Larporo, \
marle & Raleigh K. i. daily
day, at 450 p. m., SundayT
arrive Plymouta 9.00 P. ¥.
Returning -saves Plymouth

Me Arriving

~don 11,20 aw

Branch lene
ond 3.00) p. an,
ti., and 4.40 p.

C vis Alpe.
except sun. .
30 PLM,
» 5.25 p. ma.
laily exeep

sand y, 6.00 a. m., Sunday 4.30 4 om.
Wve Larvoro 124 ao and It, .§

Train on Midland N 0

- branch |
Gold3boro daily, exce Ch leaves

f Stnday, 6 05 «

? ¥
Nee li



If you waut a good magazine and a good
home naper, this is vour cheace. Compare

he Jospr es ites: yi ;
the Cospmopolitaa with the $4 mayazineg

a bits cae



oIf only one magazine cen be taken, we would susvest the
REVIEW OF RE! TES, as courine nIOVE growid then

HIS magazine is, in its contributed and cenartmental
features, what its readers, who include the moct noted

names of the English-speaT:ing world, are pleased to call

any other macacine.�"Doard of Library Commissioners
oabsolutely upT to -date,""thoroughly abreast of the times,� fi

M. arriving Smithtield 7-30 & Mm. Re.
turning leaves Swithtield 8 06 a.m, uar-
tives xt Goldsbors 9,30 a, m.

Trains on Latta branch, Florence
d., leave Lazta 6 40 pm, aurive Duut Bal
7.50 p ma, Clio 8.05 p w. Returning
leave Cliot6.10 am, Dunbar 6.30 9 m
we Latta 7.50.4 m, daily except Sun:

Train onClinton Branch leayes War-
eawier Ciinton caily, except Suuday,
~e Va. m. and 8.50 P, M* Returnirg
exves Clinton at7.00 a.m, and 8,00 1m.

Train No. 78 makes close connection
at Weldon forall peints daily, ail rai} via:
Rishmone, alse iat bya! Mount with
Norfolk and CarolinaT B for Noriolk,
He all points North viaNorfolk,

General Supt.
T. M. EMERSON, Drape Manager.

J. R. KENLY, Geni M annger,

Daily Newspaper ia

~telClass inthe State, |


epee: as ee a ois ; ~ «54 29 Ee =
. 4 j y 4 £ : ft one PA atten is : » \ 1 ] 1

Best in

of New Hampshire, 1&oh.
oinvaluable,� and oindispensable.� It is profusely illustrated Hl
with timely portraits, v:


WS, s

and cartoons,

Its original articles

A nh in eens.

are of immediate interest, by the best autiorities on their respect-
ive subjects. The EcitorTs oProgress of the World� gives a
ciear, rightly proportioned view of the history of the human
. race during the current month. The o Leaoing Articles of the
Month " present the important parts of the best magazine a. u.es
that have been written in every part of the world. The newest
and most important books are carefully reviewed. Indexes,
_ Chronological recorcs, and other departments complete the
certainty that the reader of the Review
or Reviews will, miss. nothing of great
significance that is said or written or cone
~throughout the world.
i a


THE REVIEW OF REVIEWS CO., 13 Astor Place, New Yorle
\ Single Copy, 2c. 2 ) Year, £2.40.

Send to Cents
in Stamps for
Specimen Cupy |

err eee ore


weno gee

OR tg

a Ne
$4 US 2

¥ : of Hiss re ee |
Trial (five montis),

T rn * Lie Ncae 7 Vey » Lee
1 pith yee : Ht tal 1. dee hanT +e
! red
% 4

ya ee
a" PAu. :

wo ® dt ¥ ; oa t
wd ya. ae ey i WA
RP shee teh ris fo 3% Sto ip pein

(ae aes mf
* he i a4 rk

yd ~
l { if "
soa Pe bi ~
Mes hs ~
hae ae"
a ;

use. T: "outii


a eC Me OTT� ee Bee ae ]
Favors Limited Free Coinage ol comp ete
LA w pn Silver. anda *arc Pei ivaeyow = Ft. |
(ea fel eill Gs nd ee Ee Due TL
of the Ten; Gen Tax on| | oth'7 Ae eT.
mt Mig pee hy | i: - bn Pik. os oak dal Siem Ges a a
month.� ~Weekiv' St 00. pe lalvd & Dealtit
ear: ony ; "t . ; . D N i» °] ee 7 ue" we 7 . a ; ree
: ® aoe on f wins ¥ F \ * ; Dd Gacesatinds i ba
nm bi ~ a C
a ie ews Ok


and ~t is the equal of

bur Work and Prices Suit: Our Pa:

aly of them,

Send your orders to the Reflector,


Don't iorget the
zveflecio. . Office,

WE Aavy amMprr FAGIDIT



""""-~ arti


*) a « par

Oe ' \, as 4

7! es ~ae bei

ie i t Thy P ve od mh Vik

a hele

2 A Seid Regi yet?


a 2

«2,8,818 1

* A
& 2 .®:

aes sone SR NEST
RSe eT ee IS 4 ;
agen oma ~ih a } 7 ~
' + ©¢ +. ¢ 8 o Y ei *) fy
: 4 5 mn
a j
oa «




Jur energies
have never -
laxed. Our ef-
forts have never
ceased to give
you the best se-
ected stock of


| ;

from which to
se.ect your pur-
chases. Wecon-
fidently believe
and unhesita-
tingly claim
thut ours is the
storeof allstores
in our county
from which to


for the comingT
year. Goods are
soldon time and
at close credit
prices tO CUS-
tomers Of ap-
proved credit.


Goods sold for
cash at figures
that tell of the
wonderful influ-
ence of gold, sil-
ver or green-
backs. When
they enter mto
our possession
they are again
converted into

we can buy for
the benefitofour
many friends
and customers.
Du not hesitate
or be led away,
but come back
to your friends,
who wilt take
care of your in-
terest and work
the harder to
make of you a
er and better
friend of stright

. forward, honest

man andman.
~We are the
friendofthe rich
man, poor man,
-ot you all. Bee
us and be treat-
ed right at the

PeopleTs Store. ;

ss a. Ee.

Creates many ~a new business,
Enlatges many an old business,
Preserves. many a large business.
Kevives many a dull business,
| Rescues many a lost business,


c lumne of the REVLECTOR.


Saves wany & failing business.
S-scures suctess to any business

To oadvertise judiciousiy,�T? use tne

$ | Keiping Constantly at it Brings Nocvess

os ~People Who Have to Be Out Think

Rice Gwynn went to Scotland Neck
to lay.

Chos. McGhee lett this morning for ) )
Goldsboro. a een = | :
J.B. Cher.y, dr., returned home : | }

i ed ¥ xf z ~ T hoes a: f y
W. H. Grimes returned trom Raleigh AILETHULE ~ , AS

Friday evening.

H. W. Whedbee
Hertford Friday evening.

returned © from



Miss Mamie Hooker weut to Ayden



magne OS
Passenger and mati

rrives 6:57 P.M. ,

day and Saturday


train going
evth, arrives 8:22 A. M. Going South. ,

teamer ~Sar River arrives from Wash-

|}; ton Monday, Wednesday and Friday
BP | yes for Washington Tuesday, Thure

anaemia catia a ty,

Friday evening to visit ficods.

C. W. Piiddy and wife, of Norfolk,

arrived Friday evening to visit the tame

"z |

Theao three is what we believe to be the just
portion due every customer of ours. ~nese

tbree we shall sive as long as we are 1D
business. In our several departments

"yeu wiil find complete lines of "

ly ot F. G. James.

Miss Addie Johnson, of (rilton,
cime up, this morning to visit her sister,

Mis. C. D. Rous tree.




By Teiegraph.)




Notions, Clothing, Hats.


A. McLeod, who has been working
on KingTs Weekly some monthe, ieft

this worning for Carthage.

C, W, Kidder, advancs agent of

ae oe ; A fine line of Ladies, Misses and childreus
Armstrong Family of Swiss hell Ring- . ,


ers has billed the tewn today for the | ?

We will send the Tue DatLy RE-|
Sp | FLECTOR, the Cosmopolitan Magazine

perfor manee


have been added to their prograacme

OPENTG. HIGHT ST. LOWTST. CLOSS. appearance of his company next ~Thurse
eA Pe rm mah ny rr (2 lay meht, :
[Mar 7.00 7.05 7.00 7.08 [1% " As pretty 2 line of shoes as you ever saw.
S) May (7.1300 7.17 7.12 7.15 ee .
, CHICAGO M BATAND GRAIN. ~Tomorrow is the last aay in Jaru-! RICKS & : AFT.
we) Wiurat" ary:
|) May 75h 754 753 754 It does i ut looT like the cold spell is :
POKK" done yet. eS
~iay 7.90 7.90 7.824 7824 ~ oal Ri
mal 2 : E. H. Sbelburn bas bought another ,
ree : | bus. It is the nicest one. here.
May 4.02 4.05 4,024 4.024 :
The boys have been having much
sport this week shootin. black birds =e -
» WEATHER BULLETIN. over on the Harrington place, just east a
pe | eo 8 Co ®
J . ut tuwh. - foun weed Pe
2a a ere . Fool is
Se Fair till womorr. w P. M-,followed by aj toe in bowed e 5 ~ a T
Qe | showers, nut se cold. ; - a wees ee sie M O oI o
ogether by the chains of continuity. al |
ae | * J nulty| We have opeved up on our farm es 6 o
" | Your ad of yesterday adda an additional te f Gr sti p ny S
Os | IAbUARY JAX ye one wile exst of Greenville a a ~re 8
ae J influence to your ad of today, and your __-firet-claes " a a be. QO 2
ae | : ad of today lends an increased force to own o " Q
i ~e, . o ' . ©
ag: | A Fresh Mixture,Served Every Day your ad of tomorrow. Each ad forms © ps bi " °
se, | _ ~ \ ,w ene ter j et fe)
Se | Another supply ot ledgers and day but 8 part of owie ewe * a. ei AIRY (If WEHTY (Ws = R a = ra Lo
a) bouks at Reflector Book Store. bad grees atriat a ° edger mtop- tT] Q . atte 4 e
9 | pingT our advertising then 1s breaking g ty So on
a Fresh Carr Butter 4 pound pack ges, off righi in the middle of the story, And pie venenner to are (Nn of a 7 na Q
az at S. M. ~Schultz. which will surely weaken the influence town and community wi 8 a gor 3 {T)
| ®
2B | Apples cheap, ?@ oants a peck at S of all former chapters."PrT fitabie Ad- "_THE BEST TERSEY" ve 3 wh rc) oo
a : : . * si + Pd =
3p | M. Schultz. vertising. oY 28 O ey Le)
Pes | 4 ota
Oe | Whien bilious or costive, eat a Cas- - = a "S 3.
OMe | . d herti d Coming Next Week. T T " He] i
aret, candy cathartic, cure guaranice ; . . ; 2 pean :
: : ao a 6 The Armstong Family of Swise Bell at your door every morning al 5 5 ona A (fn
SB | 10c, 25e. Boll Ringers will give a perforanee in reasonable prices. Give us one oo OQ ou
Sf! For sule or rent une six rvom house hal ons perioranes [trial apd you will be our custom" ay es e = oa]
$e | and lot J.J. OxeneyT jC Hall on ~Thursday sight of| gr, For prices apply to the pio-| = 52 == §
2g an next week, Feb. 4th. This is among] prietors or manager. Orders ieft j 3 © "_ ©
a | Just try a 10¢. box of Cascarets, the | the best entamim: ne companies. on the with either will have prompt at ooenennany Ss a
finest liver and bowel regulator ever | road and you will be well repaid in go- tention. (T "" =
= made. ing to hear then, The same company Jan i) Wiley Bwa Props eo 8 I ST a (Tl
. . ~ph a.
ry an cn scan was in Greenville eighi years ago and ' : cu oA ® * |
7 * 2
8,00 For $5°75. ~ople were delighted with their : Yow 2 on
as $ $ our people a ghted with their R. M. Kennedy, MW or.
5 Several new attractions ' \

aid LesliesTs Illustrated Weekly


offer may be withdrawn.


A HousT ho!d Necessity.

bitual constipation

Please buy and try a
today ; 10, 25, 51 cents.
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.

box of (. C.

wiole year for $5.75. Did you cver
hear ot a better offer? The regular
price of the three publications is $8.00
Better get them while you can"this

Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most
wonderful medical dis.onery of.the age,
plearant and iefreshirg to the taste, act
gently and positively on kidneys, liver
and bowels, cleansing the entire system
dispel colds, cure headache, fever, ha-
and _ biliousness.

Sold and

a | since then.


Marrriage License.
During this week Register of Deeds
Perkin issued licenses for seven cou-
ples, six white and one colored.
Fred Haddock and Millie Sutton.
John E. Gurganas ana Margaret
Jeese Herrell and Ruth Parker.
D. Seymour and Lizzie Hart,
Guiltord; Evans and L. Haddock.
A. L. Briley and Annie Stocks.
Noah Nobles and Addie Carr.
The total number ot licences for the

Fd. H.Shelburn&Co

All goodsfresh and ofthe best. An up-to-date


you with


a and Oysters. I have nice Malage
| " Grapes, Oranges, Apples, :
Ti: Nuts, Figs, do
& h ~Leading brauds of Cigars.
Wee! Fresh Uandy every day:


at my same place ready to serve

Frnits, Conbetions, Cigars,

Let me grate your Cocoapats.


month of January was 45, of which 27
were for whites and 18 for colored.

Bakery in connection and you can always get

: fresh Bread. |
CERMANIA HALL. | ee "_""
get ie GONG

ARMSTRONG'S \: \4gn4J)
At cosi to close out present stock :

ry i A,
Benefit orphan st

Doors epen 7. Commence 8.] : |

Such a chance will never occur agvin.

% 5
i \ . yy A ~
ey, ~ re " ry J
art ~ Ws
P , f By A ry, ay ]
i 4 ~ i . pas y y
. i
" s ts F ~.
* + j -. 72 © T 4 ~ bi |
A , 1 a ~ 4 i 1 ¥
pe iy a ' f � & | i é
" E if . ° i
* a ; + i! ut fg ; | bi i
T mt i " Se oer eg Re Piss) j i ) 4 ce Watt) a :
Pyle GS Ste Pad 4 * m
eke ee a et me G Le ae wy i
: iat |) 4 « ine i e
} y ~ é s A i f 4 * 4
f oai a { zi ay rik A ie
m M,. a F ie

Daily Reflector, January 30, 1897
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - January 30, 1897
January 30, 1897
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
This item has been made available for use in research, teaching, and private study. Researchers are responsible for using these materials in accordance with Title 17 of the United States Code and any other applicable statutes. If you are the creator or copyright holder of this item and would like it removed, please contact us at als_digitalcollections@ecu.edu.
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