Daily Reflector, July 31, 1897

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ene ane eins chi inant Praetorian an Rte a


D. J WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.


i TO


TERMS: 25 Cents a Month.

Vol. 6.



No. 815

nn nr etn mae





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Everything Ready for the SeascnTs

The Greenville tobacco market opers
the new seasonTs business on Monday,
August 2nd. Kverything on tobacco
row isin splendid shape for business
and a very active season 1s expected.
With four of the largest and best
warehouses in the State, ten large
prizeries, three stemmeries, three hogs-
head factories, « large torce of buyers,
and plency of money to pay for any
quantity of the weed, there is no reason
the Greenville market should not go
right aicad increasing in business, as it
has done every season so far, conse
quently the comiag season is expected
to turpass any former year in the
history of the market,

Lhe warehouses were never in better
shape tor dong business than they are
this all . under
excellent management, have plenty ot

season. ~Lhev ae

room aud ample capital, ~there have
been no changes in propnetors of any
house siuce last season. Thew work"
ing turces for this season are as fol


Evans, Critcher & Co, proprietors,
the firm composed ot L. F. Eyans, A,
H. Critcherand R. S. Evans. H.C.
Cannon is buck with them as book
keeper; d. D. Gwynn, cf Riedsville, is
auctioneer and R. KK. Bynum, floor


Evans, Joyner & Co., proprietors,
the firm being G. F. Evans, O. L.
Joyner and O. Hooker. D. 8S. Spain
cortinues with this house as book
keeper; B. T. Bailey, auctioneer; I. R,
Rucker, floor manager; O. Hooker,


Forbes & Moye, proprietors, the firm
being Ola Ferbes and E. A. Moye.
The same vith this
hoase, W. ~I. Lipscomb, auctioner;
E. O.
McGowan, bork keeper; R. M. Moye,


force continue

Ernest Forbes, floor manager;


Rountree, Brown, Co., proprietors,
the firm being C. D. Rountree, Wiley
Beown, H. L. Coward and T. EF,
this house as book keeper; J. G. Bows
ling, auctioneer and floor manager; ~T.
E. Hooker, cashier.

Church Services 1 0-morroww

Methodist church"Sunday-school at
9:30 A. M.

Presbyterian chureh"Sunday school
9:30 A. M.

Episcopal church."Sunday-school
at 9:30 A. M.

Baptist church"Sunday School at
9:30 A.M. Preaching at ll A. M,
and 3 P. M. by Rev. A. W. Setzer.
Morning subject: oChristian Endeav-
or.� Ephesians 4: 1-3, Evening sub-
ject: oIs not this a brand plucked out
of the fire?� Zee, 3: 2.

South Greenville Suuday-school at
5 P.M. D. D. Haskett, Superindent.
Preaching at 4 P, M. by Rev. B. H.

Did You Know it P |
Couning freight and passenger
trains, the Southern runs sixty five
trains in and out of £Greersboro every

twenty four hours.
The C. F. & Y. V. bandles: about

j twenty, so that in all there are at leust

seventy five or eighty coming in and
going out duily.

Not many towns in the country can
equal this,.Creensboro Record.

W. J. Corbett is again with |

Pase Ball.

Washinzton, Ju'y 29"The Balti-
mores today exhibited good team work
and after King wes compelled to retire
in the fourth, hit the ball quite freely.
DoyleTs hand, which was injured yes"
terday became so painful tha, he was
ob'iged to resign in favor ot OTBrien.
Score. Washington, 2; Baltimore, 8.

Chicago, July 29"The pirates batted
GriifthTs lame delivery all over the
lot in the first, seventh and ninth, and
won a lifeless game hands down. Calla-
hanTs fielding end DonahueTs catching
were about the only signs of Jife on the
part of the Celts. Score,
Pittsburg, 12.

Chicago, 6;


Won Lost Per Cen

Boston o4 24 692 |
Baltimore 0 26 638
Cincinnati 4) 26 653
New York 45° 3i ov2
Cleveland 4334 308
Philadelphia ov AY) 481
Pittsburg 39 AA 470)
Chicago ov 46 446
Brooklyn 34 44 435
Louisville 3546 432
Washington 29 «47 382
St. Louis lo 61 237



ThereTs no flour in the idlerTs


How can watered silk be classed as
dry goods ¢

Sausage ought to ie cheap during
dog days.

The see side isa good deal to the
man blind ih one eye.

Tobacco may be a weed, but it is
one weT] hate to see weeded out.

TTisnTt every man who wants a_ wife
that can find one ready maid.

TTis the baid headed
always Wanting to put on hairs,

man who is
Tbe most appropriate moaument for
a shoemaker would be cobblestone.

If you wish to keep your horse fat
donTt allow any man to get a Ten on
| Lim.

~Lhe true independent in poiitics 1s
the man who takes drinks from a'l the

A woman may be as true as steel,
~but then you know some steel is too
highly tempered.

A henpecked husband never winks
at a pretty girl when his wife is near
"heTs too shrewd for that.

~The best thing a man can do when
he feels like swearing is to pry no at-
tention to his feelings.

oTake care of the pence,T says an
old adage. It is taking care of the
expense that makcs us hump.

The girl who declares she won't
marry anybody but a model man will
have to wed a clothing store dummy.

An exchange shouts; oThe cigar-
ette must go!� Well, isnTt it going
us fast as the manufacturers can make
them ?

One section of the country 18 no
better than the other. Out West they
rob trains"in the East they keep sum-
mer hotels,


oDon't try to drown your sorrows
with strong drink,� says the Manayunk
Philosopher. oThey are swimmers
from tirth.� :

Cholly"oGuesieTs had his tailor
make a pair of courting twousersT for

him.� Williew~What ab they deah
bo?T Choily"oThey wade of this
new bullet p.oof cloth, yT know, with

two thichnesses in the seat, Kick-pwoot,

oe , ~ ee" SA b
oy © Po o4
Y1 : oe
4 q*

e |

s}\ ij }

Now i= Your = Time!

For the rext. -

thirty days we Yi
will sell our
Sprivg-sunimer = [
stock at a re- "
duced price. |

You are in- |
vited to see our :
complete stock
of Dry Goods,
~Clothing, Shoes 3



and Hats. Sec

the grand dis-
ly play. of Sum- ;
mer Goods. 1





Every Day is a Bar-
gain day at my ~

A nice lot of ,


Are being shoved out of the way at


to make room for fall goods.
These summer goods wilt not be carried over,

and you can get bargains on them.

yT know.�


3 a a


a ea

LY fi

), J. WHICHARD. Editor.

wad acne



Mec yenr. + lel $3.01
@ie month, - i�

ee @ae week.
@xtrs cost.

, Advertisng rates are liberal and can be

7 ~ ad on application to the editor or at

in town by carriers without

We desire a live eorresponuens at
" @rery postofiice inthe covaty, who will
_gpnd in brief items of NEWs a8 it occurs
Fi each neighborhood, Write plainly
{gad oniy on one side of the paper.


ome pene
Reap amecancr oa

SATURDAY, JOLY 31. 1897.



(From Our Regular Correspondent.)

WaASEINGTON, July 30th, 1897.
It would be difficult to find a more
disappointed and disgruntled gang thin
those republicans wh» hoped for some
- gert of aj poinément up to the hour of
Mr. McKinleyTs departure on an ex"
tended vacation. They had expect: d
~that a large number of appointments
would be made as sun a Congress wis
~out of the way, but only a few were
omade and some of tuem were thoe
owhose nominations had tailed to le
acted upon by the Senate. He alded
to their disgruntlement by, ame: ding
tha civil service rule su that n c flice
~holder in the classified service can be
oremcved except for cause and upon
written charges, and then only after
failure to make satistactory defense.
oHe pleased some of the republican
~~ Congressmen by excepting frem. the
civil service rules some of the conti-
dential employes in each of the inter-
nal revenue and customs districts, but
offended others by extending thre
rules to the smaller Custom Houses

that were left out by Mr. Cleveland.

Boss Fianna and Mr. McKinley are
said to be ~on the outs�, and the big
boss left Washington without saying
good Lye to the man he made Presi-
dent and whsm he has been bossing.
There ure different stories as to the
cause of the strained relations, but it
ojs safe to say that they will be patched |
up by the time Mr. McKinley gets to
Ohio, wkere he expects to be curing
the latter part of August. As soon as
he takes time to think, Boss Hanna
will realize that he will need Mr.
McKinley in his busivess before that
Ohio campaign is ended, and if neces
sary will pocket a snub or two to yet
his active assistance, ,

Mr. McKinley appointed T. V.
Powderly to be Commissioner Gener«l
_of Immigration before he left on his
vacation. This appointment was made
necessary vy the failure of the Senate
to act upon PowderlyTs nomination tor
this position, and a bargain made be-
fore Mr. McKinleyTs election. It has
- been hinted by personal friends of Mr,
McKinley that he will be rather glad
than otherwise should, the Senate
reject PowderlyTs nomination next
winter. In giving him the recess
appointment the bargain that put
Powderly on the stump for McKimey
has been lived up to. If the Senate
declines to let Lim stay there, Mr.
McKiniey will have another good ap-
pointment at his disposal.
_ Representative Prince, of Ill, may
find 1% difficult to square himself with
the editor of the republican organ at
Moline. He had endorsed the editor
for the postmastership of the town,
and, according to the rule in vogue at
the» Post, Office department, that
: dor a went should have been equit"
- olent to appointment. Bucthis week
Mr. Prince changed his endorsement
from the republican editor to George
Hi, McKinley, a nephew of Mr. Me:
~Kinley. He stys he was virtually
lied to change his erdorsement,
i es the following as the couver-
took place at the White
tween himself and ; Mr.




| was to be aliowed to die ir the Sena.

| work at $15 per day and boad is not

uF ee
ie a


ofi Saat F
at ed] Regan kod
. w

McKinley; Mr. McK."" oI wish
you would endorse my nephew for the
place, Mr. Prince.� Mr- P-" oBut,
Mr. President, I have already en-
doised Eastman (the editor), and it I
zo back cn him now I will be held re-
spousible politically.� Mr. Mck ""
oWell, cay to them that you endorsed
hin atemy request.� Mr. Prince says
there woe nothing else tor him to do
after that but to endorse Mr. MeKio-
IeyTs nephew, but he may find that the
editor thinks dfferently, and if ~he
enuot saiisfy him. in some way he
may alsy find that he has to pay a big
price for havirg to oblize the President.

A study of Czar ReeaTs committees
uithe House, anrounced just before
adjournment shows that Pendsylvania
and New York, with nine chairman-
ships each, got one-third of the fit-.y-
use committees,

four chairmea of Ho
while. twenty three states got no
1 ~The Eastern States
that the legis-

chairmen at all.
got twenty

When it is remembered
lation of the Hous: ts practically ip
the hands ot the chairmen o- committees
this division is significant of the con-


trolling power.

It pioof were needed that Mr.
McKinley was virtually compelled by
campaign promises to send that
currency commission svecial message
to Congress it is easily furnisked by
the positive statement of prominent
republicau Seuators that no attempt
will be made to pusb the currency
commission bill, which was jammed
through the House, to a vote in the
senate. It has turther become known
that Speaker Reod would not have
allowed the bill to get through the
House had he noi been certain that it

When Mr. McKinley has :paia all his
campaign debts he may possibly do
something because he believes in it,
but it seems that there are still a lot cf
those debts unpaid.

. ae)


ae meatal

The Salisbury ~Truth says:

We publish in another column a
ietter from our old triend, C. C. Ram-
say, who is now und has been for
several yaars, in the great State of
Washington. This letter, though
brief, gives one a fairer idea of the pola
craze in that ssctian than any we have
yet seen.

Mr. Ramsay is a son of Dr. J. G.
Ramsay, of Rowan, and was at home
on» visit about a yeut ago, during
which he spent a day in Charlotte.
The letter above referred to isuddressed
to Mr. Wm. H. Stewart, editor of the
Truth, 1s dated Seattle, Wash., July
19, and reads as follows :

Friend Stewart: ~Thinking
would like some news authentic and
duect from the great gold discoveries
of Alaska, I enclose herewith some
extracts that will interest our home
people. Some of these stories read
like fairy tales, but knowing the men
as I do, seeing them leave here eighteen
months age with barely enough mony
to land them in Alaska, and then see
them return, many werth $10,000,
otiers $50,000, and aot a few over
$100,000, itis no wonder the whole
Pacific coast is wild with excitement.


This is no guess work, for these men
brought back the dust, and it took two
big express wagons, guarded by eight
men with rifles, to haul the gol¢ from
the boat to the express office, The
next boat down is expected to bring
about $2,000,000. Every one in
Seattle has gone crazy, andthe
steamers cannot begin to handle the
business. Understand our old friend
Scott Lindsay is interested ina claim,
so he need not worry much about the
future. I expect to go into the Yukon
next spring myselt, and if I am not
fortunate enough to locate a claim,

bad, you know, All along the Yukon
river and its tributaries gold is found
in great quantities, and I have yet to
mect a miner from alaska, who would
not tell you that concerning the gieat
riches of the Klondike the halt has
never been told or dreamed of by

mortal man. Certainly nothing in
the ~history of the world equals it even



now where it has orly been washed
down the river from some fountain
source, and when that is discovered it!
will simply revolutionizs the financial
system of the United States if not the
civi'izea world. With my best wishes
for you personally, and kindest regards
to my Rowan friends, I remain,
Yery truly yours,
Craup C. Ramsay,



Writing Deeds.

The Record has been requested
by one of its subscribers to ex-
plain the law, passed by the last
legislature, forbidding persons
to write deeds &c., without pay-
ing a license tax. This law docs
not forbid a man to write his own
deed or mortgage, a8 come
persons have erroneously thought
but applies only to those per-
sons who write deeds &c, for
other people and receive pay-
ment tor such work.

The law referred to is found
in section 36 of the new orevenue
act,� which levies a license tax
on every practicing lawyer, and
says that oany and all persons
who shall write deeds, mortgages,
conveyances cr other legal
instruments for a pecuniary cor-
sideration shal! be deemed as
practicing law and subject to the
tux imposed by this section.� |

Some magistrates and other
persons have been in the habit
of writing deeds and mortgages
fortheir neighbors und receiving
pay for their work. But now
they cannot do this without pay-
ing the special lawyer's license
tax. If they do, they render
themselves liable to fine or im-
prisopment."vrittsboro Record.

Twin babies, born May 30th, and
together weighing but two pounds
eleven ounces at birth, are at the
West Pennsylvania hospital, Fittsburg.
The babies were kept at home for
fourteen days. ~T'uen the mother and
children were ta en to the hosputal.
The babies were unable to generate
enough heat t» keep them alive, o7ng
to their small bodies, so they were
placed un a bellow rubber blanket
filled with bot water, and covered with
blankets. ~They were fed every half
hour trom a medicine drovper holding
twenty drops, and are now 80 far
uiong us to give grouad for the beliet
that they wall live.
gained One ounee since birth.

We learn wnat Mrs. J. U, Trexler,
ot the county, while milking, last week,
was badly gored in her side by the
COW. Nine tuken
by the doctor who was called in. ~The
wound is not thuught to be serivus."-
Salisbury Sun.

stitches were

Cottin ane Peanut,

Below are Norfolk prices of cottu.
and peanuts for yesterday, us furnished
by Cobb Bros. & Commission Mer-
chants of Norfolk -

Good Middliug 84
Middling 8
Low Middling i
Good Ordinary $36 15-16

Prime !
Extra Prime PP
�"�ancy 23
SpanishT 60 to To
Tone"quiet, ate


Select FemaleSchool.

The next session of this school will
begin on

The terms are as follows:

Primary Eng ish, per month $2.00
Intermediate *~* * $2 50
Higher . " $3 00
Languages (each) = * $1 00

Music including use ofinstrument $3 00

No deduction for 1oss time except in
case ~of sickness of as much as one
weeks duration. "

The instruction is thorough in all its
branches. ~lhe moral tone and intel-
lectual influences are unsui , Tie
d'scipline is mild but positively firm,
For further particulars see or addreas,

July, 21, 1897, ae

They bave each

sold for & (air therefore, elie
close veal
_Greepvalle N. O


R. A. TYSON, Vic-eP




Loans and Discounts
Over Dratts

Due from Banks ,
Furniture and Fixtures
Current Expenses

Cash Items


Premium on Stock 1,000.00
Cash on hand 28.088,15
Total $85,566.34

We study carefully the separate needs


The Bank of Greenville

Atthe Closeicf Business May 14th,71897.

PresTt. : |
: Jc L. LITTLE CashTerT
JUNE 15th,"1896.



442,153.81 § Capital stock paid in » $23,000.00"
895,29 Surpius and Profits 3,042.54
Deposits subject to Check 58,812.55
Cashiers:Checks ortstanding 148.10:
} Due to Banks 7 508.15
, Time Certificates of Deposit 55.00
Total $85,566.34 :

of our patrons, and shall be glad to have

your account, promising every accummodation consistent with good banking. Ci}

Wehavealarge o




just arrived. Comeand



1. GORD & OUh






We havo ,utt received @ new
~hearse and vue nicert line of Cof-
fins and CesxKets, in wood, metal-
lic and cloth ever brought to

We aie prepaied to Lo embalm-
ing in ali its forms.

Personal atiention given to co
ducting fuzerals and bodies e n
trusted to our care will receiye
every mark of respect.

Our ynrices are lower than ever.

Ne do not want monupoly ba

site competition. an

_ We can be found at any and all
times in the Joho Flanagan
Buggy CoTs building.


Just try a 10c. Lux cr cascarets, the
finest. liver and bowel jegu ator ever


Valuable Property for Sale.

qualified as Receiver of the Green-
ville Lum er Company, for the purpose
of settling the affairs of said Company,
I herebv offer for sale the real estate in
and adjoining the town of Greenville
belonging to said Company. This prop-
erty will be sold on reasonable terms in
lots to suit purchasers.
For further information see or ad-



Receiver Kinsion, N. C.





ing their yearTs suyplies will find
their interest to get our prices befere pua
chasing elsewhere. Ourstock is coraplete
n allits branches. oe




Tcdbacco, Snuff, &c,

we buy diroc} from Manufactu... 9 eh
ling you to buy at one projt. A eos
cte stock of...


always on hand and soldat to suit

to run we seliata
ye tk SCHUTT



W. M. Bond.

J. L. Fleming

Greenville, N.C.
Practice in all the courts,



Patronage solicited. Cleaning, Dyeing
and Pressiag Gents Clothes a specialty



Special attention given to cleanin:
Gentlemens Clothing,




The next session of the school will

open on}

MONDAY SEPT. 6, 1897


and continue for 10 months.

The terms are us follows.


. 8200

Primary English per mo.

Intermediate ** ~ ~ $2 50
Higher� $3.00
Languages (each) ** o' $1 00


The work and disclpline of the sehoo!

will be ag heretofore. o
We ask''®. continuance of your ~past

liberal patronage.




BOIAL. Y cos

) eect Fumi .
ak yb HiS perMase tly CUP ie
days. You can betreaced at hor
EatLho samo price unders:me Suc ..
youpmfor te come here we witl Gymtrcct
Tailrond fare and hotel bills, and no

cba 1 fall to cure. If zou bsvo taken mer-
cury, lodido-potash, and still have ches ord
pe ucoUS Patches ia mouth, So.

out, it

wo nt
6 \ i . i,t
4 ) , ~= U ~
cation. A¢ :
. ai a . T
b ff &
ge omy é



+ a re ¥ a ree Nene ag one: eal eee suse aanly pao
a ~ ; : : 3 : i ; oe
2 f hd


@:) +e OROO

peeearen Ce daa della t cisely shah thebib . - o * + * tan a, a a ecialty.
ther queeuliness wit! never lose; PRESBYTERIAN"Seivices " third pecialty
Sunday, moraing end evening. Rev. |

J. B. Morton taster. Sunday sehool

$= : owk @© Satisfaction guaranteed or 3p
oa ger Crown, Cc ) aC no charges made. Tobacco *
a fl ' © o

o440 | Mey 420 oUrs °
UBS o$i Nsetpcanqend {sve oss jnq*adiss 10 dia

WLMINGTUN & WELDUN R. Ri] Tra.hs T-1d im a Few Words, Di R ECTORY : \ FE ; 4 | When bilious or CULE, Cat a '
OND BRANCHES. " : , a: 2S a curet, candy cathartic, cure guaranteed
~ A ebtldTs respect for its parent | ce pe 10¢, 2d¢ foe.
AN) FLORENCE Rail KVAD lis net secured by over leniency CHURCABS. | at ~ _"___""
E Ld ie oe : : { o et fe : he: j o.9.4. ce Oe
3 Cencuaand sxnedule any more than by Over séve rity. |. fet Sie ae BARARARAAKAA ARAAKA
a : A daughter should aever seek : ve aps
re ae : ~ re APTIST"NServices every Sunday,| {2 == aw
- : o ss� her| BAPTIST"Services every Sunday, | ¢:
i APA y le See eye ne -eobesias bien ) : moring znd evening. Prayer meeting | 1 a5
is 3 5 mother. ine every fami: y the Thursday evening. Rev A. Ww. Setzer, = = TH Cr i
- DatedT cf f1 mether should be the Best uress"| Pastor, Sunday school 9:30 A. M./ = i : C aa )
ee Vay wi " = | ed wember ~C. D. Rountree, Superintendent. 16S io ac ie T de
Me Star: eS 4 . ss : ; oS 3 | Be She
: isi, call CATHOLIC"No regu.ar services, Ria = rn ¢@ we PRACTICAL | a
= oo la. M. (- |, y | Whe discarded finery of a A PISCOPAT.Servines fourth Bar ter "! a} kX rep
at Hi at o1 ; * ri ty . £ ao, ileal Ls 1 Sen F : { \ j at »?
oe rage aber - £0. | deughter should neyer constitute day, morning and evening. nee ae 5 =J 2) i 1! oe
. At. Rocyk Mt |) 12 52 , N vices second Sunday morning. Rev. A. is 2 5 | o-
4 | | a motherTs wardrobe. No one|' me aoe ;
- ai | a ss her : a ; Greaves, Rector Sanday schoo! 9 3%) ts é of o~ Gi WORKER. IS):
a = i ~a feels especially dignified in the A. M. W. B. Brown, Superinter dant. : 2 rt : nal SNA ands bik
fv Tarboro | i2 12. : : | : : : fe.
- ~iy | presence of one whose old clothes METHODIST--Serv ces every Sun- rs r cy mn Offers his services to the
B Gv Rocky Mt ;| 12 52) 6 45|#he 1s wearing, and a mother day, morning and evening, ares iz a ~ es oe citizens of Greenville and the &
Eran ES 1 | FF should at alt times preserve her] ueting Nedoosiny, ewotng, Ber FEED ct am Sf pulc zeny :
i ~Liv Selma 290) ws . N.M. Watsou, Pa-tor. & BY SCHOOL) Eak? errs (|
luv FayTtteville 4 161 67) dignity : before ~her children. 9:30 A. M. A. B. Ellington, Superin- | i 2 w © = : ROOFING, GUT PERING, ~ +
ar. Florence 6 55 The mother who wever {oses| endent. sy =a ; » o Spouting ard Stove Work,� ,
3 4 man
. enone

W898 4O4 2 Oe Veco]

wna ennai - 0:30 A.M. E. B. Fieklen Superinten- =p RB Flues guide in waren, Site Pa
| | Preventable misfortunes con-|' 7, | | ae aC Flues made .
P. M4! A.M) . . o3 men a j= we iniear of 5 and 10 cent store.
~vv Wilson: 2 08: 0 betst, chiefly, of manifold things, opie 2 x
itv Galgsboro 4). 4 Hf ¢ [tittle todo, but tmmense things portant eek in ® Cue oo oc agoC Up guCO MMOD
~iv Mayyolia 4 j 71 | ~ POON OOOO e ¢ AAS ADA IIOF BOF On
~Ar Wilmington] 5 45) 9 45 "te have done. : sith ata cei Terre wer mend
P. M.| A.M) , rae
~| The man whe eurns ove dollar 4.'F & A. \."Creenville Loaze No- :
| PRAINS GOIN NOTRE. fFeod spends twa, and the man (394 meets ose tad eu Monday even" | [i 2 iy in Sh h) THAT 9 coy unin ~) a
---- who earns two, and spends Ont. | 2: W M.King W.M. 1.13 + | a - Yh x
pated (2m) B +, |i stands on eitzer side of the hair|* «i uodea Nine 22 ig
lay yy & { o ~e Spm t ° . . 5 amas S�,� ta AI u Be ° 4
Mey 21th, | 2 ai ° Par 'Kpne between heedlessness andT vicreosery Vuendar eveding,. D. W.
erie aia ane i Le " |" ~discretion, betaeer ruin and Hardee N.G. L. H. Pender, see. : wiiitid MB), epee ea a enes RES RENE ok SNE ERE
~ \A. MAPM. i safety | ry ~ ~ , r ~ ;
o kk = : : i K.ot P."War Riser Lodge No, 98,
BY puuenere : 1. meetsevery Friday evening, UH. W.
Ly-Selma t| 12 37 | Parents generally recewve that) wiedwee, C.¢. Frenk Wilson, K. of ff 1g 4 6 What Is It ? eG
a: Wilscn i 1 2011185; }measure ef Glial respect JM ands, Bleue a S Be ¢
" | ""'"".- | deserve"not al ways, perbaps, but} 2. a."Leb vanee Conucil No. 1696 .
re | lhe . tmreteevery Thursday evening. W. B. " 1 |
oe | very generally. | Wilson, R. M.R. Lang, Sec, " Itisapicture ot tae, celebrated � "
me 7 When a moiher allows hes K-of H."Insurence Lodge No. 1469 : 3 ; ,
a sda ha. M. P. M.{augbter toaprropsiate her wraps | mects every Friday evening. John
3 wilnguolia [cll Pe : a gloves, veils. er other articles of | t/smagan, D. Henry Sheppard, R.
| av : ~ ¢ i =, ® : ~ ~ 5
Lv-& oldeboro 1 On 9 36 }ersonal atttre;she begins a policy | A.L of H, Pitt cone) ae isp :
a arWilsen 1 00; 10 27\.ef familiarit 7 feveny Thursday might. J. Be Cherry
: . a 1 an! y whieh soover or)" ; ;
6 Ly farboro * '1 4b 4 ° Cy W. B. Wilson. see. . . |
a Scr """"||___ dater breeds contempt A respect Best in use, The outfit of no business man is
: nS | 49 ~for oneTs belongings engenders @ | """"_""---_-"__""" complete without one.
e Pete oq jwespect for otheir possessor." COLLEGES
; aoe POST | gil st Maes oHowe Jourosi , The Reflector Book Store
) ae Bet Sco ws -
re feoky. Mi 22 33) | it 1s ; The University. . | .
TP. uj """ FS Fobacoe Gert ana Smoxe Your has a nice assortment ot these Fountain Pens
Aten | Miu tte Away. om mma cuepe aia eprnewns, also a beautiful line of Pearl Handl: Gold Pens,
V tai borc | the | (77 TEACHERS, 413 STUDENTS, : : th
Lv Recky Me Ji) 31" i - 0 You will be astonished when you see them ana
Ar Weldon | | It you waa: to quit tobacco usmg Ve uendaintelirty val ae ites amr dy varnhowvery cheap they are.
oa peesily and foreso2, De made wall! shree Full Courses, Law and Medical | :
14 rong, magnetic. tul ow li schools aad school of Pharmacy. �"� Serer ere rae
Trait on Scctiaui Neck Hranch Roa a ones pact tut of BEN Se aad Gedasta Contact open to Wamen.
eaves ® eldou 4.10 p.m., Belifax 4os|weor, take No-To-Bae, the wonder- Summ.rSechorl for ~Teachers. Sehol- You mav never
. Gauilie ripe met ee aha pA worker that mekes weak men stron. barships and Loans for the Needy. CX But h y d ow ever a
o9 Sq hiheg . 4 F | . . , 5 mNT y . ' ar ~
in. seturning,deaved Kaxston, -09| Many gain wu pounds in teu daps,|-AMiress, Presrst Apsara: | But should y eS
A. Mey @reenvilbe 8.52 a. ua. Arriving |.Qycr 400,006 eureT. Bey No-To- Be te e
Hali sect 11:20 a. an.;Weldec: 11.40 am | - a ;
daily except Sunday. jrom your own druggist, who will | a ;
Lraingon W ashinigeon Breech leny p guarantee a cure. booklet and sample North Carolina oo} :
Washington 8-20 dB. and L400 p.m | mailed tree, Ad: Sterling Remedy Ci, Gollege ot Agriculture Obiia to ace ts
atrives fermele 9.00.2. m.,ae13.40 p ig: . a m "_P-
. m., Terbero 9.45 a. m,, returningleaves Cleign go or New ~York. and Mechanic Arts, ,
ae Dp. Mi pratt aera a. m0. | eee Will open Sept. 9th, 1897, ei iia ta ale teeta:
2 an Ue 99 FRes ag lington Gr ata cnt . Vite Ce ee , re
i) . ~| {Thercugh acadeaiic, scientific and tech- AAA AAA BOA . aa
pear Leng iy meary es part ex-| An Eighteen Found jmby Sora. | ahical courses. Experienced Special- oe) RARAM RAAAAAAAAAAB AAA AA AA AA 4
: rotland Neck Brasoh. 00 x . ists in every department. ' ' .
Tramn ieaeee aces aa a Matteawan, N. Y., Judy 28, "" Am! Lxpenses per-seseion, including board, ( iit lf | aes
arOaKy,cN C, via Albe-| a � Wor y Students q ey
santo tltccigh ely Guage uty: 8 gutnd boy 41 ovine athe HO Geunts Students) 9.98 0 s
ot ae ary ; - M;|hemeot Mr. and Mrs. Patrigk Grainey | App y for Catalegue ta : J
ihe» ; ere be Be | ass ni: . ~Iq | ALEXANDER. Q. HOLLADAY, LUD. | 6FRQOORCCOC OCC) JO) OK) 6) 00 OO OY OO OO ODF,
~Rlewuruingszaves Plymouth daigexcep: lass .vizbt. It is ithe heawiest chile Ne Q. HOLLAI Pitene, Se VINNY ONY WF Aree ew WAAAY IY A TNk
undey, 7.60%. m., Sunday 9.00 a. n.,| ewer bern in this gown. Mather andi ~ - : :
weecive Tarbero 10.15 a.m and 1. 45 d fa Re . o ee OO ee Anything from 3a
frainon Mitland N.Gannehdewes | ne ~PRINITY COLLEGE. |-y7 =
' Crainon Miland N. C.iheaneh Je ives ~T - . : ;
ey A aay, Some Sunday, 6.04 a = �"� " ! 1S1tin SS Car ro |
" UN.xE TT 7 ng t e@ 7°30 a. in. .Re- Ae: 2 « . | N . i t | { | sommmmatee IT)
ty ub uiing leaves #mithfield 8.00 &. Wa ate aitLous2 noid MV ecsssity . Nextpession'Gpens September gi A
a vaé ut Goldsrers 9,30 a.m. Cascars's Cundy Gathartic,¢he most} oAhree.full courses of study, Large! :
a Teal wondertu! medical digonery afehe ave, | Humber of electives. ~i'wo full chairs in! 5" ull Sheet Mg Oster
, alison Lata branch, Rerence R 1 and refresh , | English. Women admitted to all classes!
+. wi. leave Latta6.40 pm, aanive Dunigar | Plearant. an ae the eee m, One Hundred and.one Thousand Dolars| one
3 Yh) p a Clio 8.05 p m@. Returning | gently and positively en kidneys, liver added to the endowment during the °
: pee pe ari, Dunbar 6.80 a ax0,| and bewelgcleansing éhe entire gystems preseamt year. Only male literary college: The Dail Retle t
~ ee attu 7.50. m, daily exoegt Sui dispel ealds, cures headache, tever, ha"|in Nerth Carolina that is located in al V C Or,
; bitual conspypation and _ hiliqusness | City:

Train onClintex Branch leayes War-
saw for Clinton easily, except SuaJay

i lyon (yn The best business course offered in!
: hs ? WV « ay ( ed T /¢ : ,
| Please buy.and try a of CG. © the state, Send for album and catalogue.

Gives the hore Ne@\Vs

:000 a,m.and 8.50 p, m- oReturnmciPay 10, o24, 5 cexts, Sold and Addaess JNO. C. KILGO, :
_ gaves Giatonl at 7.00 a.'m. and 3,00 : an guaranteed to cure by ali draguiste. Durham, N.C. every alternoon at thie

: a Train Xo.78 makes close econneetion | SE yose aR _-

& Weldon forall poims daily, id via. ~
cfehmone. alse at Roky 4g reengeore Winer bihious or costive, eat a Jas,
Norfolk and Carolina RK for Noa 9 Fiartic. eure covstiien
ne all poloda North Wa Nortetic wager cunt, candy cathartic, care constiya

JOHN ¥. DAVINE, = | ton,
i : General Sups |
~ T. M. EMERSON, Trafte Manager.
© d, R.KENLY. Gen~! Magacer.

small price of 25 cents a

PEACE month. Are you a sub-

1 rm ~for Young Ladi seriber ? [ ¢
IN STITUT Raleigh, N i a NOF Vayu
oa | Excellent buildings and� beautiful ouvht to be.
grounds in a Heaithful Location with ;

5 splendid climate. Stands at the very
Green ville Market. front in Female bigs Thorough
0 : .M, ? in its Courses. High in its Standard
"" Uueurpassed in IfS INTELLECTUAL


a Western Sides 5t t56 SL adesaalbaa ponte ase ar yeageon 3 a 7.
a x : * ~ ry Teasonadie pilcc8. ei, oY ool aw; AP TRS,
The Oidesi ie oysl idl ena M9 to 124 | logue to. Ja. DINWIDDIE, M.A. | ae :
me Oldest leone ta The Eastern Reflect
Corn Meal ~ *- 48 to 60 A, t , Tr fl
| Plans "smily ico 19| Lae State Normal Cc stern ne ector,
Rane , -, | Oats % © 40/and Industrial School l |
: i , | T 3 OI
Sugar as re ! 8 only a
» why Newspaper in Coffee -11t920| GREENSBORO, N. C. ; Set Bla your,
' aim t gs 1 Offers the ToUng wonien of the State cgntaius the News eviry
| ) thorough prof. ssivnal, literary, clussi- POP SO ea og
Sori Carol Mh bags per sigs 7 to 16 | cal, selentitic and industria! education week, ¢. id gives Infornia-

Annual expenses $0 tu $130. Faculty
of 25 members. More than 4.0 regular

oon 3 in } stents, Practice school of 126 pupils
LUMBER. for teachers, Moretkun: 1,200 matricu-

im E HAv ESTABLISHED A lates representing e\ ery county In ihe

| The Onl 4 ive-Dollar Daalv| W"yunver Yardat Greenville with |Stateexcept three. Corie:pundence in-

toe ee SS WOR PARKER as Mimager. Orders| Vited from those desiring competent | ""

Oa : or Lumber, Rough or Dresszd can be | rained vas Pi To osdcure ~in

a itsClass intheState {ie ~wishin dormitories all' free tuition applications |

: | | HINES BROS; LUMBER CO. must be made before A�gnsti1sts For

tion to the farmers, «s-
speciaily those growi:
lobaceo, that is worth
many times more. thi,

~te subseription. price,

falalt + OOMtaglehie| 1 ~| tatalogue and information, ag
1 Heinstoa 6 | President OH ARLES Dy MelV ER,


' i . . 4 j ~~ j
~i Perma at NE EN tem em | ty ae
~. 2 ae u

Your every
"Udant supplied

ikl I
Smet Cul


This will be an extra-
ordinary bargain week
long to be remember-
ed by wide-awake buy
ers and watchful shop-
pers as a momentous
money saving occasion

faeces nserere StS Ae

Wash Goods

U nmercifuily cut.

1250 yards beautiful
Dress Ginghams to go
at5 cts a yd.

A big stock Light
Wash Material com-
prising new colorings
in Breezy Fabrics to be
sold at 8c and4c per yd


2000 yards of White
Goodsat bargain prices

Ladies Ruffed Shirt
Waist Sets all colors at
15 cts Sets.)

In our
Shoew�"� |

we can fit both your
foot and purse.

Ladies Oxfords worth $2.50
Swept down to $2:00.

Ludies Oxfords worth $2 00,
Swept down to $1.65.

Ladies Oxfords worth $1.50, |
Swept down to 91°29,

Ladies Oxfords worth $1.00.
Swept down to .75.

Misses ard childrens reduced
in same proportion.

A depleted stock cannot supply
your wants, realizing this fact we
are acding to our alreadr large
stock of seasonable goods. daily,
such as

Laces, Ribbons, Em-
broideries, Handker-

chiefs, Collars & Cuffs,
Belts, Ladies Ties, Ho-
seiry and many new
and siylish things.


Our stock of
Groceries, Furniture,
Ha: dware, Crockery,
and Gents Furnishings

is large~and complete and we
- wonld take pleasaie in showing
yon through ard posting you in
pricesT Remomber now 1s the
~time and ap oo, eee to find
- # mammoth outborsi of bargains.

Your friends,



ae ll,



rertes nany a new business,
Knlarges many an old business,
Preserves many a large business.
Revives many a dull business,
Rescues many a lost business,
Saves many @ failing business.

evnmres oft. REVLEOTOR.



K ping Coustantiv at it Brings Specess


Passenger atc mali train going
Nerth, arrives 8:52 A. M, Going south,

arrives 6:57 P. M
Steamer Tar River arrives from Wash-

| ington Monday, Wednesday and Friday

leaves for Washington Tuesday, Thure-,
day and Saturuagy ,

Generally fair temzht and Sun-

day, continued warmer.


Much orilittle to Tell" You Find
it Here,

_ =~

Last day of Jaly.
August begins tomorrow.

The teiephone line hus been extend-
ed to Pactolus.

New Mallets, UreamUbeese and But
er at S. M. Schuttz,

Genuine Faber and Simpiex iead
pencils at Refigctor Kook Store.

Col. A, Onley will deliver a lecture

at 4 oTelock.

All the world loves a lover with
the pessible exception of the particular
girl in the case,

Good Tea, sold for 40 cents els-
where, our price 25 cents to close out.
Z. Moore & Bro.

A new paper, the Journal, has been
started at Ayden by J. W. Taylor and
A. L. Harrington.

Ladies wanting nice statiunery can
find it at Reflecter Book Store. Very
latest styles.

The N. Y. Clothing House has
again opened business here, th*s time
on the corner near the postoffice.

Only one mairiage license issued by
the Register of Deeds this week. Th,
totul number tor July was eight, four
each for white and colored couples,

The enjoyment of what you have de-
pends a good deal on how you gei it.
A stolen kiss, for instance, ia sweeter
than one thatTs handed out to you ona
silver plate.

The Reflector Bock Store ias just
received the prettiest line of box papers
and tablets ever brought to Greenville.
Elegant cream ard peach high finish
papers in pound packages. ,

Nobody has started trom Greenville
io Klondike to hurt for goid. They
can find plenty otf tue yellow nearer
home by going to the tobacco ware-
bouses Monday.

How can you endure flabby linen in
thTs hot weather? If you want to look
neat have good laundry. Bring your
bundle for Wednesday morning ship~
ment. C. B. WHICHARD,
Agt. Wilmington Steam Laundry,



Situated on Southern Railway, io
Piedmont section; very best water;
healthiest locality, property of Chris-
tian vhurch, non-sectanan in spirit and
teaching, highest moral tone, elegant
building, halls, laboratories, etc., facul-
ty cf sp2cialist, cv-educational, curri-
culut equa! of best male college, three
degree courses, must liberal terms, best
advantages, wo i on application.
Address J. «), ATKINSON, Chairman,
Elon Coliege, N, C,

- $ és
Secures suceess to any business

~To oadvertise judiciousty,TT use tne

Fred Forbes js on the sick list.

W. H. Barnes went to Su®olk


was here today,

Miss Lizzie Lewis left this morning
for a visit to Henderson.

F, S. Maultsby returned Fritay
evening from Fayetteville.

Rice Gwynn fassed through here
last night on his way to Kington.

Wyatt Barber returned yesterday


Mrs. J. C. Lanier and children Jeft
this morning for a visit to Rocky Mouit
and Wilson.

Sheriff W. H. Harrington, wife and

head City.
J.J. Perkirs and wife returned this
mo ning from a pleasant sojourn it
Morehead City.

Mizs Emuaa Harriigton returned
this morning from a pleasant trip te
Morebead City.

Jas. ~T.

county, spent yesterday hee and went


Dupree, of

to Ayden last night.

J. G. Bowling earived Friday even-
ing from Ox:ord to resume work with
the Star Warehouse.

Solicitor C. M. Bernard, wife and
children returned this morning fiom an
outing at Morehead City. °

Rev. E. D. Brown came over from
Kinston this morning to fill his
appointment at Falkland tomorrow.

Mrs. J. B, Edwards and children
returned from Morehead this morning
and are visiting at her fathersT Sheritt


rived from Edenton ¢nd taken rooms
at Hotel Macon. They are to make
Greenville their home and our town is
fortunate in adding such excellent
people to her population, Mr. Bend
engages in a law copartnersHip with

J. L. Fleming.

Greenville the Winner,
The 2nd rine of the colorel Green"
yille base ball club returned th~s
mornTns from Kinston where they

) 8,
plavee nonatch cwame yesterday. The
score resultT din 16 to 3 in tavor ef


That is the way all druggists +ell
10 for Chills, Fever and all forms of
Malaria. It is simply lron and Quinine
in a tasteless form. Children love it
Adults prefer it to bitter, nauseating
Tonics. Price. 50e. ~



a music gradoate of the
Mary Baldwin Seminary,
Staunton, Va, desires to se-
cure a limited number of
music pupils Instruction
will be thorough aud by the
latest method. Terms mod-
erate. For further particulars

apply to


We huve placed a large Refriger-
ator jin our market to keep all our
weats cool and free from flies.
When you want fresh

Beef, lTork or Sausage

gend ue your orders and you will
get something mice, clean and

fresh every time. Phone 41.

; Woathington & Ctuhrall

J. W. Wiggins returned last night. gC

sla as ave ee ae
nf a = ayn) YP A ia yf i m= o~~ ~ re .
ry eee im VEO ie 1@ ese), U
{ y j
i ~ Ms
M, ; n ay : J
% 4 +
: - T ~
» 4 T

this | 2 C

Pr.t. W. E. Mewborn, of Farmville, [330

from a pleasant visit to Greene county. | 40

Mrs. S. A. Peebks left this morn. | @é
ing fur a visit to relatives in Wil+j

son returned this worning from More"|'


4 Fim ALL OF OUR en
# Summer Stock
: |

Greatly Peduced Prices.

SPP A Ae yeas Ms Nas Ns

A Chance of a Life Time.

Ca ml { | an ~t
SR aa ae Side |


. a
Emporium of Spring Fabrics.



R. R. FLEMING, Pres, E, wine Ca
G. J. CHERRY, j Vice}Prcs. AssTt Cashier

CAPITALT: Minimum $10,000 ;'Maximum $100,000.
Organized June 1st,18977.

The Bank of Pitt County,


Se i

Lay Bank wants your triendship anda share
if not all, of your business, and will grant

in the Court House Sunday afternoon] W- H. Harrington, in East Green- every favor consistent with safe and sound

banking. We invite correspondence or 2 per-

W. M. Bond and family bave ar- sonal interview to that end.



war OOF __ emt


Consisting of Lawns, Dimities, Organdies
Linens, etc. Alsoour entire line or


at greatly reduced prices.


There are two classes of Bicycles, Columbias

and others.
And chief among the others is the famous

Hartford Bieycle.
We have on hand Columbias for renitng.

All kinds of repairing done on Bicycles,
Tinware, and Stoves.

S. E, Pender & Co.



weet -two years under present principals. 224 students attended Jast year.
A High Grade College Preparatory School, with special departsments of

| Book-Keeping, Short-Hand, and Teiegraphy- . ~The Largest and Best Equipped

Fitting School in the South. Location healthful and beautiful. ~Terms to suit

the times.� For beautiful new catalogue address,
« Profs, J. A. & M. H. HOLT, Oak Ridge, N. C.

Af ect tine
Ta Sa EH ASS ee


Daily Reflector, July 31, 1897
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - July 31, 1897
July 31, 1897
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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