Daily Reflector, March 31, 1897

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]


= D. J WHICHARD, Editor and Owner, |


TERMS: 25 Cents a Month,


Vol. 5.



. No. 710.



Pa call



ee. U0




AND OLD |...

G. T. M.
is now in the


buying more for the

Come to see us and
save money.

; tead Jones, Eoq., will appear for Mr,


Raleigh, N. C., March 29."'Today
Sovernor Russell and Attorney Gen~
eral Walser had an injunction served
on them and one will be served on each
of the newly appointed directors of the
Atlaitic and North Carolina railroad
restraming them from attempting to
carry out two acts of the general as"
sembly, amending the charter of the
said road, which gives the governor
control of that road. This action is
brought by W. R. Tucker, of Raleigh,
the largest private stockholder in the
road. Ex-Judge Boykin and Armis-

Tucker. The restraining order is re-
turnable before Judge S~monton at
Greensboro April 6th, the day after the
hearing of the North Carolira raiiroad
injunction case.

Governor Russell said he had not
read the papers served on him. He
said ~I will appoint the stateTs proxy
it I choose, and when I choose. I shall
not ask any United States judge, when
I can do so, I have had no occasion to
make any appeintment. Dortch re-
signed six months ago.�" Wilmington

Nominations by the Preident.
Washington, March 29 "Ihe Presi-
dent today sent to the the
following nominations:


Charlemagne Tower, of Pennsylva"
nia, tobe envoy extraordinary and
minister plenipotentiary of the United
States to Austria-Hungary.
Angon Burlagime Johnson. of Colo-
rado, to be consul general of the United
States at Fuchan, China.
William S. Shallenberger, of Penn-
sylvania, to be ~seconi aesistant
postmaster general.
Thomas Ryan, cf Kansas, to be first
assistant secrrtary of the interior.
Heary Clay Evans, of Tennesee, to
be commissioner of pensions.

NoCourt This Morning.

The court caught up with the cases
on the criminal docket Tuesday even-
ing. and when the body met this morn-
ing there way nothing to do. «Judge
Robinson asked it something could not
be done on the civil docket, but as the
calendar as arranged for this docket
does not begin unti] Monday no cares
could be called. Having to wait until
the gtand jury could return some more
bills a recess of the cout was ordered
until 2:30 oTclock this afternoon, rather
than continue in session and be doing

Will Supply Here.

The Baptist church here has secured
Rey. A. W. Setzer, of Wake Forest
Co'lege to supply for them until a pas-
tor is called. Mr. Setzer will arrive
today and remain here all of the time,
instead of going hack and forth. The
prayer meeting services will be resumed
to-morrow night and continue regular
hereafter. A hearty welcume will be
extended this talented young minister
The church is to be congratulated upon


Judge W. 8. OTB. Robinsen is being
considered in connection with the Fed"
eral Judgeship of the Eastern District,
and seems to stand a good show of se-
curing the appointment. He and T. R,
Purnell are now in the lead.

The papers continue to give alarming
accounts of the flocd along the Missis"
sippi river. At many places the levees
have broken submerging miles and
miles of the low country and doing great
damage. The water has climbed above
the danger line at New Orleans and
much of that city is threatened with
snundation. That city is several feet
lower than the river and if the water
breaks the levee there will be immense
damage. All along the river people arg
fleeing to places of safety.

It Was a Success,

The Past and Present Century Par-
ty given in Germania Hall, Tuesday
night, by the Ladies Aid Society of the
Methodist church, was a sucess in
every way. A good crowd was present
and everything was sold out by 10

The hall was divided by screens into
two sectious. The portion representing
the past was dimly lighted with candleg
and was under the management of
Misses Lizzie Blow and Florence Star-
key. Miss Blow was dressed in a past
century costume and never looked more

The present century portion of the
hall was beautifully decorated and bril-
liantly illuminated. This department
was under the management cf Mes"
dames F. G. Jams aid J. B. Cherry.
It was here that most of che young
people ~gathered for their fun. All
present seemed 9 enjoy the oveasion. |

Effects of the Frost.

Mr. Allen Warreu gives the Rr-
rLECTOR the following results ut the
recent frosts :

Strawberries in bloom, all killed.
They are blooming agaiv, however, and
will produce fair crop. Peaches are
QO. K. Pears and apples hurt, but not
badly. Carden peas badly damaged.
Cabbage also damaged.

Afternoon Marriage.

At 8 oTvlock this afternoon a marriage
tsok place in the office ot the store of J,
B. Cherry & Co. The contracting
parties were Mr. Reuben J. Moore and
Fultord. The ceremony
was pertormed by S. 1. Fleming, Ksq.
The store needed no extra decorations
for such an occusion,as itis always attrac.

Miss Susan

tive enough {.; a wedding to take place
in. The salesmen for the time being
laid aside their yard sticks and scoops and
assembled to do henor to the nuptials.
Joe Moye was usher and saw that the
ReFLecror reporter got a reservedstand
in the corner. John Ricks was best
man, Will Lee was maid of honor,
Clare ice Jones was flower girl and Mr,
Cherry executed the wedding march.

The marriage passed off in good style
and the couple left as happy as two

being able to have him for a supply.

doves in spring time.



_"~ acc Just received a big line of a




NOS! ITV ook INC NW ~et:


3Bor) B
jiod jo

1nd v $




uly» ood jo oyvs ay} aor gsn[ 4804 v.10 ~syUBT JO 4
ouvoul OM yeqM AIO"


uo yyoid ay}
ey} SBY pUB JsaduUO] 9YI SqSP] ~Jsva_ 9U} 1800 ONIHLOIO 190 seqy,

~ajdooa oy Surpooy ut yyoad 10u JOUOY J9yI!0U SI 910T ]
A5y ys ~astead Ayystg Ajoursszxe Surars st oy usyM sfes pry MOT[AT snowvy



*ajhis 48

[JOS 03 JUV 4,UOp 21,

~sn jo souiy) poos Suite:
8 LUN] 94 03 dn oar


Jo oul] ano dn »oBIjIZ OM us sake ~s ApoqAUB UJ





phon ith

| ard:

si Ti |



A magnificent stock of



Goods are extra cheap this season. Our buyer

with his customersT interest in view and the
money to back his judgment he

bought largely in

~s i lal p Dae
seni Fe a

Our store is filled in every department in- all

the new styles and new things that spring rep-
resents. |




piste! Ie %

BBB case's"
Lo | $ ys:

Editor. a ~may be regretted that the case Southern wholesale grocery firm to its t. 5 E
=== was not carried up, because it salesmen herewith quoted are nothing tl , O
NO (EXCEPT SUNDAY). would be interesting to Jearn|2e�"� but are as sound as a good Ameri_ ef hd es
"""- i =| hat our highest court would |� dollar and ring as true: oWe tel] mo 3
red as second-elasa mail mattel. | say on the point. -lthem never to mention a competitor's & ¢ S
Se The position taken by Judge |names never say aoything govt Hyp FA -
i SURSCRIETION RATES. Meares eas smarting ~ ne to the them, fOr " may induce some one to � TQ 3
ees 83 00 atvae aud mothers of Charlotte, trade with them who sas not done so e g
month, 9 tM most of whom were.un der the im- osii never say engshing bed of them B | r | 2
petivered in town by catrierswithout | pression that they and not their|*°* \* woul be Kani i ik _"" Padu ( tis weirs
Ap nied paar | husbands, had the highest night iivery salesman worthy of holding inn + ~ """
Mveing ace tsig pani Who children and its Pal� Mes eR TVSON Veen DAVIS, PRON cea
ioe fies ~| would doubtless take more than|/ 76° ° petitors disgusts REORGANIZED JUNE 15th, 1896. ae
fe Hes one supreme cour decision to buyers and is reactionary in eftect. On STATEMENT OF THE

anhvince them oftheir errorT the other hand, many think it politic to

ewe desire a sive correspondent at The Bank of G r ee nville,

_gvery postofiice inthe ae Begguotoe While we are obliged to concede sen word of praise when ® house in | 2
otend age tao NEW rite plainly that according to the ancient eir line is menhoned in their hearing. GREENVILLE. N. 0.
oand only on one side of the paper. Gian ot te common low, Judge | Deter Keep silent; when appealed to At the Close of Business Maxoh, 6¢h,'1897
as -___"_-""""= | Mears was undoubiedly right, yet |!" " °Pinion, Fae gt sm ~ai RESOURCES. LIABILITIES,
| : are representing only the concern that | : : :
: : a 31, 1897. |Weare bound to believe that, ac-| a 1 d Discounts | 1,761-193 Capital stock ~
WEDNEEPAE Bare _leording ~to ~the... tendensy, of Pe 7° It should be the only| over Drafts es 753,973 Sarpics ag eee . 339,88
= , Gmiaren,|modern decisions, the court one in the business to you. You are| Tretyi gg 38567, 54 Den to Be CO abe
se hi n. ee P . . UKS vik dads
WiteTs Right to Punish Her would now hold that the wife had not advertising others, either directly Furniture and Fixtures 1,500.00; Cashiers Checks ortstanding one a
Le 2 aces ee equal authority with the husband |" indirectly. The best firms advise anh Expenses oad Time Certificates of Deposit 355.00
Ta the anials of the! eriminal punish the chilaren."-Chatlotte | ~l* #4 reanire © of their salesmen. | Gash on hand 25,875.38 Total «112,974.50
prosthel oe Reser sy Observer. | ""__"_" Total $112,974.50
«Pr 4 ee) oe
: : ~ = We study carefully the separate needs of our patrons, and shall be glad to have
. oe ore aaecyiper: ope Prayer Saved a Church. Tims me she ee your account, promising every accommodation consistent with good banking.
Bhat presen bee erases mutants ls
. Pe ; enema . qn: He Mla :
interesting gi of " The power of prayer will never again | sage has said that the world : , | Fido gag near 2 sg
Aaining to odomestic re nag be doubted by the members of the ii oe telgie today iat will make Coen " " AS 3s 3g 0°93 ° oS a fo)
than the case of nite f: » 80! Corman Lutheran. Evangelical Free|® manTs word as good as his note; that] C5 yg) =, as Bt 2 28 g Sb bs SG
indictment for assau't and bat-| ouch, at Myrtle and Troop avenues, will make its maker pay 100 cents on} Men v0.79 5 UO Be = ae Pe
tery. The facts in that case Brooklyn, ~They tried that great and the dollar, sell 16 ounces to the pound, CoS =e 58 c2 5 Zas 7 38
_ briefly related were a8 follows : sovereign remedy yesterday and God 36 inches to the yard. 4 pecks to the hd " = Geen go a? a8 g ¢ 43 ta js)
_H. and T. were neighbors, T. be- 4 thei 6 Of th bushel and 128 cubic feet to the cord; == q " " I2388 saSatadus Pg hee cA
: | Site answered their petitions. that they , Pe : CO & fin ro Rae ® go*ga-* ams ca
ing a married man and having 8)... assured that will make a workman doa full dayTs | Comsliamd come 2 AG we aa°o » ee 3 od
gon about 8 years old. T, was : work fora full da.Ts pay, whether the fated | 4 q Ses 28 33 Hu bd eer .0 =
, ! | Only a day or two ago the members ea "" ' a ~ao 22 896° 2842� w
~absent from home for two weeks, cos tks Ray eye of his employer ison him cr not;} CaaS _"" si on 83 g Beez Lp Saat ~oO o}
| : ane arned that one of the ° , =x _
_and during ~his absence, Mrs. Fs ote i. eae. shat will make capital disgorge the yon 3 ; pa 24 See 2 ¢ 5. 9 ane
pad great difficulty in controlling, a Mictnes were Pe nde i lionTs share of the profits and divide eS =) "" of a a 08 £23 t o2om BR ~Q
the son, who appeared to have] vere shed iia ade them equally and justly with tabor3|} Coes are Esa oF ames SOR sEguO
which tears were she? and hard words) that will cause the manufacturer to Sa25 2 cio & 5a

been a very unruly boy. One

uttered. It seemed too cruel. It Was) oease from adulterating his goods, the

ohusbard, Mrs. T. requested H.,

day during the absence of her

her neighbor, to take her

like taking oneTs home away. They
could not bear the thought of losing
the old church in which they had

clerk from robbing his employer and
the official from embezzling the funds
committed to his trust; « religion that



ogon to the field with him and

give her some relief from the fporaipped tor ao mary years. will make men upright, honest, pur¢| Raia A SPECIALS Y csasry ore or ee
constant worry of trying to keep What was to be done? They knew] and trustworthy in all the walks ot lite 5) § tiary FeCl POLSON permancati
cured in 151085 days. You can betreated a} W O O 1) VA R D

home forsame price under same guaran:
ait ty. If youprefer to come here we will con:
tract to pay railroad fareand hotel bills,ang
nocharge, if we fail to curc. If yon have taken more
cury, iodide potash, and still have aches and
ains, Mucous Patches in mouth, Sore Throat,
imples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on
an7 part of the body, Hair or Eyebrows fallin

out, it is this Secondary BLOOD POISO

we "" tocure. We solicit the most obsti-
nee obs Ee Shallenre the world fora

otcure. This disease

baffled the skill of the most rier edie pha
cianse $500,000 capital behind our uncondie
tional guaranty. Absolute prect sent sealed on
application. Address COOK REMEDY CO

303 Masonic Temple. CHICAGO, ILL, "

a religion that not only makes men
happy, but righteous.
Newspaper Waifs.

~um out of mischief. oH. objected | the answer. Work and pray. hey
upon the ground that the boy was| vowed, those good people, that they
unru'y and would give him would net cease praying until the sum
trouble. Thereupon Mrs. T.| Was raised to cancel the debt. While
begged H. to take the boy,. and |some were praying in the church, others
told H. that she gave bim ~tull would be out canvassing. among the
authority to whip the boy if he}banks and trust companies to see it a
was not obedient to H. im every loan could not be negctiated.
respect. H. then agreed to take} Allday Thursday the prayers con-
the bey upon condition that he |tinued. All that evening up to midnight
be allowed to chastise him if he | the faithful remained upon their knees.
saw 4t. Ina short time the boy | But still there came no Answer.
began to throw tocks at his} «Brethren,� said Pastor Bernard, oI
horses, and refusedto stop after) shall spend the night in my clos:t
commends and threats. There-| praying to the God who answers pray-
upon H., relying upon the au-| ey,�
thority granted by Mrs. T, pro-) «ang 1, and I, and [,� from many
ceeded to chastise the boy mod- parts of the congregation.
erately with a switch. Upon the
boyTs return home the made no

and can furni h Wood at the shortest
notice. Buys Wood by the car load. 34
Your patronage solicited.



Dr, Talmages ~The
Earth Girdled.�T or his famous tour
around the world,a thrilling story of
savage and barbarous lauds. Four mil-
lion TalmageTs books sold, and ~*The
Earth Girdled� is his latest and grand-
est. Demand enoromous, Everybody
wants this famous book, only $3.50. Big
book, big commissions. a gold mine {or
workers. © Credit giyen, freight paid,
outfit free. Drop all trashfand sell the
king of books and make $300 4 month.
| Address for outfit and érri ory, The
Vominion Company, Star Buildiug. Chi-

Home Rule "o~Joe keeps his wife
and mother-in law mad at him half the

oWhat vexes them so?�
oFe calls them his board of lady
managers.�"Chicago Record.

oWhat made Johnson get so huffy
when £ quoted that saying about the
man who awoke to find himself fa-}
mous 2�

oHe thought you were hintiug at the

time he went to bed on the front stoop.�
"Indianapolis Journal.


Yesterday morning, hollow-eyed, but} ick "oAnd how did you proceed ??
- eomplaiut, but on the next day a unwilling to give Mel the congre-| Fred"oWhy, I jast went up to her At
: the father returne d and hearing gation gathered again. The time was j aod asked ber it she would. marry me.�
wi oo approaching when their prayers must Dick"* Without first telling her. how
c of the affair, became very, SOREN be answered or they would know that much you love her, and all that sort of
and proeededTto have H. arrest: eat d at hing?T
« 6d for assault and battery on the Fred"«Ot course ; I did not want to
~~ Boy. Upon the trial of the case " her judgment.�"Household
before Judge Meares~the attor- rds.
ney for H- scught to justify the
" gscanit upon the greund that Mrs.
~T! had given him perwission, but
the solicitor for the State urgued
that the wile had no right to give
another person aathority to whip
her child"that the husband alone
had such power.
The cuse ~was argued at great
length and the law us to respec�

gonsy A. SMITH,
Patronage solicited. Cleaning, Dyeing
and Pressiag Gents Clothes a specialty


Special attention given to Cleaning
Gentlemens Clothing

they were futile. At 11 oTclock a. m.,
a man rushed into the church. He was
so excited that he did not not'ce that
the pastor was engaged in prayer.

oAll is well!� hesbouted. oThe mon
ey to pay the mortgage is forthcoming.
At noon today the nian who has been
crowding us for it will be paid to the P
last penny.�
«Qur prayer has been answered,TTsaid
Pastor Bernard, and he led the way in
a prayer of great rejoicing.
oLet us raise Old Glory on the


Mr. Bankhead-"~~One of the deacons
of your church called on me today. He
wanted a subscription in aid of your
society tor the relief of the deserving
oor. How isthe society coming on ?�

Mrs. Sunbeam"oSplendidiy! WeTve
been organized only a year, and in that
time our receipts have been nearly
enough. to pay the cflicersT salaries.� ".

J. A, Burexss, Mer.
Washington, N. C,

This Hotel has becn thoroughly reno
vated, several new rooms added, elec,
tric bells to every room. attentive ser
vants. Fish and Oysters served dailyT
Patronage of traveling puulic solicited�




tive rights and powers of the church,� said Pastor Bernard when | Sega BAN® 308050 SOOO AO Saks» | FARMERS ANI MuEKUHANTS BUY Z
Musband and wife in the family the meeting broke up,,. The suggestion | iy oOg | ing their yearTs supplies will ting Oe aa,
Meee cihape: fgets tliten menage eet Seen sane, Sone oa yy ae ety ners roger toatecoapee| GREENVILLE
~ancient times was ¢ -nsidered. younger men got hold of the bell rope, | oe nallits .cuuches. . :
After hearmg the argument, |®"4 fee Le an horr it clanged wild « | ; ; | |
Jndgo Meures, who was admitted |J0Y "HO the Sars of dwellers in the | sf RA re 28 hh 4 |
cage sides io be 4 most admiri- Eastern district. a0 r OTICAL 3 F LOUR,COFF EE, SUGAR * | aul
, shat the wife had nu right to ~au | whe loaned the money to build the | ae TW OULLE. UI & ? a
eae ae ec ee ae ee ey, |church,and who after leaving it, notitied| ge = WORKER e | casi
another to whip. ii Tag M, Motitied | Sh Un. ALWAYS AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES
pith ashi id ones) : The next session of ~the abool will

eee ghd 0)
a a

. C Offers his services to the 2
© citizens of Greenville and the ¢

ee a Hae nee ae, public generally. .
Co.uzpaby which came to ar Py Be ~Se ©

th fact, he told the jary that |e ~rustees that they must pay ap or
Q, T jary oLhe would foreclose,

| night to chaatise ber child herself; | : It was the Br oklyn Surety and Trust

"except by the consent of her has-


open on;

~| Tobacco, sr~ ff &c.

we buy diroc) from Manufavtu.. 4 en

MNDAY SEPT. 7, 1801

ce again ial eh SNe See Aaa wah ~ : af 3 . you e protit, A eo u- fs
opanid, acMpal: or implied. In the]? ria, and, tarnished the money 10/39. Spouting and Stove Work,» a Me eat. aii) | Sadoontiune or 10 mpnths, |,
~ judgeTs view the husband was the satisty BruchauserTs claim. ~The mem-|@p aspecialty. | CLAY pe er apiareemiae. ti o$200
rn Hoan si ee be vey i 4 oe Ae i 8 r » i a Oy 8
masa head of the household, | °°? m7 ~at they. will now take sieps|@® Satisfaction guaratiteed or OB : termediateT o o _. 9250
ot as he alone to raise she money to pay off this debt, | ge no charges made. Tobacco. | te ee 8 08
| pan: a RRS en the German a Flues made in season. Shop R | oD ese Bde

BP in teat of 5 and 10 cent

nd such
oT ry lee hag tg
child by whip-|

his nh

man Lutherans start

; yo
wit ON


Rehendamhe: WAG AL oe ree

ee 8

viet a San yr in
F | |


~On ee first Soar ie Bouse there is
to be beld,. in every gounty in the
Statey�an electionT for the scleetion of
mewibers of the county boards of educa
jion. and aleeady steps are being taken
yroking te the agitation of the matter
amcng tke present county educational

The s1yerintendent ot public instruc]

} tion hits just prepared a circul ar letter

which be will wethin the next ten days
~send out to thecounty school trustecs.
Tt, is self-explanatory and is as follows ;

_ *] wish to cai your attention te the

.| important election to take place én yeur

conuty on tle first | onday in dane of
this yeer, insaccordance with section 6
of the scavol Jaw as enacted wt ¢he last
'General Assembly.

oT trusttthat the greatest wisdom will
be used in selecting the county board
of educatwon. Let mn be eelected for
their quatifications to digcharge the im-
portant «duties members of the
county board of edneation. J sincerely
hope th. politics will have nothing $4
alio'do with the selection of these
m:n. Li: men be selected who have
the educational interests of their county


iat heax.

oMen who will not be actuated ty
@y pecty prejudice, ~but men who wil]
at all times and ender all-e@rcumstances
j keep the school interests asan incentive

Dated = , ~nf
Noy. Woh fs Bl
- 1896, Ae
- 1A, M. PM. J A, )»
Leave Weldon | 11 4&3) 9 24
Ar. Rocyk Mt.| 1 0010 9
LyTarroro | 1212) | |
Lv Rocky Mt | & 00/10 645
Ly Wilson 2 05/11 @ yt
Lv Selma 2 53
Ly FayTtteville| 4 36) 1 7
Ar. Florence { 7 2
| 4Q
P. M, a.M
Ly Wilton 2 08 "
Ly Goldsboro | 3 10 ! 5
Lv Magnolia 4 16 } )
Ar Wiknington| 5 45 Y 945
r. M. A.M
Dated ge b eS ! °
Nov. 1 sail 6. diss
1896. ZA al |7é
" \"_
. M.
Ly Fivrerce (7 40
Lv Fayetteville) 11 10 40) ~
v Selma 412 87
ar Walscn 1 20|11 3%
Ke}, -
ae a aes
Ly, Wilmington} 9 26 7 WW
L.v Magnolia | 10 62 8 30
Ly Gokisboro | 1201; 9 46
ar Witsen 1 06 , 10 27
Ly Tarboro 248
= " ~aeiiectnvanenie wee
Be Be
3 ees
oe es | |
2, M. 7 P, M,
Ly Wilsen 1 1 20 1) x2
Ar Rocky Mt | 2 17 1b
Ar Tarboro 400 a .
Lv Tarbonc ; i |
Lv Rocky Mu | 2 17 cae
Ar Weldon

Train on Seetland Neck Brunch ion
eaves Weldon 3.55 p. m., Halitss 4.10 |
p. m., arrives Scotland Neck at 4.55 p/|
D., Greenville 6,57 p,m., Kinston 7.45
2m. Returning, leaves Kinston 7.27,
a.�"�., Greenville 8.22 a. m. Arrivin
Balitax at 11200 a. m., We'donii1,20 am

except Sunday.

Trains on Washnigton Branch leave
Washington 8.60 a, m., and 3.00 p.m,
arrives Parmele 8.50 a. m.. and 4.40 p.
m., Tarboro 9.45 a: m., returningieaves
Tarboro 3.30 p. m., Parmele 10,20 a.m.
and 6.20 p. m,, � arrives W; ushington
_ 11.60 a. m., and 7.10 p. m. Daily ex-

ept Sunday. Connects with trains on
Scotland Neck Branch.

Train leaves saroory, N ", via Albe-
marle & Raleigh R. KR. daily oeept Sun-
day, a5 450 p,m., Sunday 38 00 P. M;
altive Plymouta 9.00. P. M., 5.25 p. in.
Returvin igaves Plymouth daily except
Sundey , 6,00 a. m., Sunday 2. 30 @ Ty
arrive farboro 10.25 am and il. 18

Trainon Midland N.C. branch leaves
*Gold3baero daily, except tunuay, 6.05 a
(mM. arriving Smithtield 7°30 a, m. Ree
~turning leaves Smithfield 6.00 a. i, ar-
itives at Goldstors 9.30 a, na.

Trains.en Latta branea, Florence RB
is, leave Latta 6.40 pm, wrive Dunbar
4.50 pm, Clio 8.05 pw. Returning
feave Clio#G.10 am, Dunbar 6.30 a m,
arrive Latta 7.50 a m, daily except Sun-

bd oi |

Train om�,�dinton Brauch |eayes War-
awfor Clinten caily, eset Sauday,,
10a,m.and 8.50 p, m: Returning
aves Clinton #t 7.00 4. ay and3,00 4 a.,

Train No. 78 makes close connection:

at Weldon forali points daily, ail rail via}
Richmone, alse at Rovky Mount with
Norf@k and CavelinaR h for Nonolk!
, ne ald points Nerth via Norfolk, ~
General Supt. |
T. M. EMERSON. rathie Manage-
Jo R. KENLY. Geni Mareger.

~The Oldest

Daily Newspaper in
North Cacolina.

The Only Five-Dollar Daily
its Class in the State

wii * fin

el N.

| minister,

ito wise and prudent action on their
put. Yours, very truly,

oG, H. BMecBane,
oSiate a merionae Pablic Schools?
" Rak igh Tribune 4



DenTt Do Is.
Bill Nye oace said: oDo bot
attompt to chestao edy or out of

ly yeudTs subseription to his puper,

or auy viher sum. JJheat the
cheat anybody and
everybody, bat 1i you wave any;
regard ivr fataie coun quences,T
dunTs foul the editer. You will be
wut up for vifice somedine,
Want some public devor for yoursT
seif or your frieuds, wud when,
your duck is a thing ci keauty,. a |

| joy forever, the editor will openy

on you, and knock your cast kes:
into.e cocked hat at the first fize.!
HeTl] subdue you, and then yc o'll!
cuss your stupidity for a drivrel-
ing idiol, go hire some man to
knock von down and kick ) ou.
for falling.�



~tual Benefit Life Insurance Co. of


meets clas year in oWilmington, N. ges

Southwest. DonTt be fooled into ma~--
ing your arrangements watil you have
consu!*ed one of the Seaboard Air Line
agents, who always esteem it a pleasure
to serve you. B. A.Newland, Generel
Agent Passenger Department, 6 Kim-
ball haouse, Atlanta, Ga., will be glad
o write you or call oa you, or you can
upply toiny ot the representatives of
theSeaboard Air Live m any town or
city. This 1s the oficial routé. Do
)ou want to go with yuur friends ?


Your best judgment requires
you to make au immediate pro-
v-sions for your family.

| By insuring today, your estate
ds increased in value at once. |

Twas Ever Tous.

A few days sinc? an iusurance agent
accepted an invitation to inspect a new
snd beautiful house built by a fiiend.
After tuking a peep at the whole estab-
lishment trom top to bottow, inquired"

~+House insured?�


~What do you énsure it for?�

o*Beciuse 1b MIGHT burn.�

~Not SURE of it, are you ?�

oNo *?

oIs your life insured ?�

. ~No,�T

oDi, won't you ?�


~Sure ???


oThen why net insure your life as
well as your house?�

matter justin éhat light before, and will
give it early -ettention.� " Travelers

in: the Mu-:

Best tine to desure :
Best Company tu inswe

Newark, N. J. uRepresented by ~~ Lt
Sugg, Greenville. N.C.


MADE. agi nts wanted in every
-ocality for For, W. ~J. BryanTs great]
and ouly book, ~Lhe First Battle.� The
~best selier ever produced. Agents are
taking as many as 260 orders per week: |
eware of fraudulent imitations. Send |
for outtit and begin work at onee, W.

~341 Dearbern Street, Chicago.

B. CONKEY COMPANY, Publishers, |





as¢ 50 ¢
ABSOLUTELY diaiatter

to careaia


LP pnd iy WDicy
abberial | ~in| RN ee eh
Se i Te . "


Best in use,

or es ~Weskly $1 00


cae sree Canonrets ¢ are the Ideal ft
tive. never grip or ceipe. bul cause eagy nadaral re sulis. Sa

nle and booklet free. Ad. STERIANG NEMEBY « V.. Chicago, Montreal, Can... ond ew York.
YVreee ce per Pere es

acme ee a OE ne ea ERUPT a


ay Whats It ?

"~8x It is a picture ot tke cotsbraea "�

SSR owe

7: &eoeee

~ ea



The outfit, ot ~no business mansit
ommlapenen at # Ofte, Po) | &

Butter bs: 15 to 25

May 8th. Now, you want to go to this toned ere 5t ty 6
convention, and you also wa~t to go at cured Hames J oe
style and c mfurt. ~There is only one] Corn Meal 45 20°60 |
good firstclass line from the South and dead, Painily 4.95 0 6.75 |
Svuthwest to Wilmir.ctin, and that line | Oars to 4"
is the Seaboard Air Line, whieh iuns reed H Rag
the finest and fastest trains in the South sate ber Sack 15 hy BB
and makes the lowest rates ot any | Chickens 10 to .

railroad ranning from the South or Exe ca 7 to 6

oWeil, really, never thought of the

~Do you Want the

; Corrected iby 8. M, sack.

Cotton and Peanut,

Below are Norfolk prices of cotton
and pennuts for yesterday, 28 furnished
by Cobb Bros. & Commissiou® , Mer-
chants of Norfelk -
Good Middling
Low Middling
Good Ordinary


Extra Prime
spanishT tO ta Th


Prime ie

Both atT shel o
jective points for a Winter .
~ trip that itTs perhaps hard for
_ you to decide where te go.

Let us Help You toT
a Decision.

~A trip via New Or'eans wid :
the Scathern Pacitic to either |
oMexico or the Pacitic Coast is.
oue you | will uever forget.

ItTsa Transition from
Frost to Flowers. -

And the service is so luxati-
ous that peop. whe have
texted oSui: ratte the e
it incowmpurr i

Ifyou are Thinking of
Going, Write Us.

We have a bork entitled
oThrough Suurvinud to Sub
sat Sras,� al: Auto) avaulime
of 205 pages, fully i Jastr ~ee,
whieh we will send on tc ceint:
of 10 cents in stamvs te cuver
postage. We also buvea Je-
lightfal little guide to Mexi-

Finds my place well supplied the
"very choicest of"

Fruits, Contactos, Cigars

Every bousekeepe: should try

my select Dried Pears.

I also have Malaga Grapes,
Dates, Figs, Oranges, Apples,
Nuts, &. in great abundance.

Cheapest place iu towa.
Leading brands of Cigare.
Fresh Candy every duy-
Let me grate your Cocoanuts.


co, which we will seud ov
receipt of 4 cents to ccver
cost of mailing.

You Really Ought to.
Read them Both.

Shall we put vou down for a
copy! Ifso, or if yon want
any xpecial information, it
will ba cheerfully farnished

hy add ressing,

Loe MORbE,

General Passenent and Ticket



$1. 70.
Or We will


{Here is an opportunity to get this excellent
~magazine for little money.

We will send: the Cosmo-

politan and the Eastern Re-
flector both one year for

send the Cos-

mopolitan and The Dai'y
, |Reilector, both, a whole
; year for $3.50.


If you want a good magazine and a sod
home naper, this is vour chance.
the Cospmopolitan with the $4 MpsuZines
ana .t is the equal of any of them.
Send your orders to the Reflector.


aaa ea eed

You may never,


| But should you over encs

Job See

RP heir 4 to 800 Us. Mer, :

serena RO

We iy that money |
because we have a fair
equiva~ent to offer for
it. Our goods are the

~right kind atthe right

We have just received
a new stock ofthe Cel-
ebratedand Famous

for Men and Boys, i in ae
the newest sha Spehie and and
colors, for §
~Summer. Our Ox Jone


suprcrous ADVERTISING ~

ocreer crs ~4 ¥

Creates many a new business,

Khlarges'many an old business, A
Preserves many 4 large business.
Revives many a dull business,
~Rescues many a lost business,
Saves many a failing business.
Szcures suecess to any business ~

seer ran et

~To oadvertise judiciousiy,�� use tne

~ columns of tu. REVLECTOR.

Kopin Cnty ait Brings Soe


Passenger and marl train going
Nevth, arrives 8:52 A. M. Going south,

~Ue arrives 6:57 P. M.

Steamer ~l'ar River arrives from Wash-

ington Monday, Wednesday and Friday
leaves for Washington Tuesday, Thure-

ny and Saturday

ABy Teiegraph to
Cstron Buyers and Commission


are bealties. Every, cy 15. roe et)
pair guaranteed. Fe ee
A beautiful line of sty-| Wxear"
lisu, neat, durable [July 7 70 65 695
and elegant PORK"
July 8.674 8.674 8.55 8,624
July 4.67) 4.672 4.60 4.65

tor Jadies, fresh from
the factory made speci-
ally tor us,.. The latest
newest, nobbiest and
prettiest styles.

ee a Ae sateen ee mE


eae arene

Generally clondy tonight, probably |

rain tomorrow.

also received anew sup-
ply of

* oCloth


q ust a
tute for Linen, only
cents per yardoneyard

wide, the cheapest and
a best thing made for
Embroidery and

Drawn M Work.


Beautiful, fancy


Neatandnice. ~Just the

thing to please he


| on we er Baskets, Fan-
Work, Scrap, Key

at S. M. Schultz.

nished on short notice.

Fresh Carr Butier * povnd Lebigl

Dressed lumber and mouldings fur

During the month of March there

were wwenty-five marriage licenses issued
in this cour:y"thirteen for white and

erfect alg twelve for colored couples.

A large number of ladies visited the

millinery opening ot Mrs. J. 8. Tun-
stall & Co., today. They were delight"
ed with the new hats and pretty goods}


No member of the Jast! house of rep-
resentatives retires with a better char-
acter than Hon. F. A. Woodard, cf
Wilson. He has been honest, he has
been faithful, he has been capable,
These are the three old time demo-"
cratic tests (obefo de wah� however)
of qualification for office. " Wilmington

oT know Polk Miller well. When
he is sketching the ~fo de wahT negro,
if you did not know he was Polk Miller

olden time, and if you did not know he


| Mayo.

~Sunday and continue ten days.

you would think he was a darkey of

These Items Picked Up Between
Blasts. 4


Last day of March. nae
All FooisT day tomorrow. ©
Well connected"a pump.

_ April cenies in the morning.
Get your gun ready for the April

Services in the Methodist church to-
night. |

A black Loard"a colored school

Work generally goes along emwothiy
in a planing mull.

Did you ever see personal items)
scarcer than in this sssue.

March hag done very little blowing, |
but April May do something in thas |
ling, . ;
Watermelons will be soon this year.
Hal Sugg tells us that he has scme;
seed up.

The year is one halt gone and there |
has not been much charee tor farm
work so far.

oThis joke is on the bum,� as le
pinned an oApril Fool� sign on the

sleeping tramp.
Fajkland will have a stylish wedding

this evening, the contracting parties
being Mr. E. C. Kingand Mass Duisy

oI never expected it,� said the funny
man as he chased after his newspaper
in the Mareh wind, obut here Ji am en-
gaged in a literary pursuit.�

Her face was ead her lips a pout:

Her smile no longer jolly,

For she had loved and been cutT sut"
This little paper dolly.
ev. Jd. E. Kendall,
Christian Lite, of Goldsboro,
menee a tent meeting at Ayden omaext

will! eom"

There is a diflerenee of opinion-as to
the effect the recent frosts have-had
upon the fruit. prospects. Perhaps we
can tell by by June it there will be-any.

Rev. E. D. Wells has accepted @ call
to the pastorate of the Baptist church
at Georgetown, '§. C., beginning April


On Lady"oI want to git some: seed
fur my grass plat.� Dealer""oYes,
\maTam; any particular kind ?�T Old
Lady"*Well,. was thinkinT of: tryinT
that omardi graseT they use down iD
New Orleans.�

A eolored woman living in the Skin-
merville ravine undertook to burna
chimney out, Tuesday, and the- top o!
her house caught on fire. Parties pase-
ing put the fire out without giving an


March Tempeatures..
Mr. Allev Warren furnishes: us the
{ol'owing record of the temperacure in

March of each year forthe past five
taken at ncon at Riverside


on and oe Baskets. Come was an old-time darkey you would ee 5,
: to §e0 : think he was Polk Miller.� ""Ex-Gov. } ee sho ae ieteaaieen Bh
~We can please both] Fitzbugh Lee. ro ; temp 3
you and your purse. Polk Miller will appear in Greenville} 1895"21st, snow; temperature 48,
Friday, April 9th, at the Court House. 1896""24th, snow; temperature 40.
Nearly oevery day -1897"27th, sncw; temperature 48.
brings us something PpevectenseeneOeseerneents =
new and just the thing|�"� | cy
jeu HE) IF you want
Come and inspect our °
Mammoth Stock of Dry ~ Portraits! 3
Goods, Notions, shoes ) a ic C B
~Hats, Grocert es, H ar ;
ware. rockery,. | RS. 'f. 8. H aD
aeite. and oa tne | Fur-| iss ROSA HOOKER You want the
mash in ~goods. they} have opened an i a sa thcre 4
are aes ra pimbias: are first choice the world over.
_ heart cheering. AaESE EGO | tong mural ver wed ina bee
Beautiful Hail Racks 4 . ,
, ojust received. ; hagl orders for for Cray- : w' l09|'
a: ae nber we ~All work executed by hand; & cycles ALL |
: ws ALIKE.
abet a SERA x it ae life ray ~i Stond: ard of the World.
f Specimens ~ot work on ex- oarttord Bicyc chyna cay te cote
a Ar at J. Li sen eae " $75, $60, $80, $
[eok A where 7, _Biajipomen Ant Coslogus evs iesnat ie re U yen 0h
A peg , POR SALE BY 66 LOA 8 1%
on app ;


editor of the }.1/. HIGGS, Pres,

Representing a Capitml of More Than a Halt

Novelty. Wariety. oWales, .

This Spring |
we were
: pranpted to :




; of Summer
DressGoods |
su rpassing
in magni-

tude. beaut
ever bought
in buyin

and value any we
efore. Our foresight
while materials were

low in price and while manufac-

turing was dull,
at prices much

aveusthe goods

ess than value.

Weare able

to offer new
stylish, de-

. sirable sum
.mer goods



not. to be
equled.. We
have provi-
ded such


that may be

worn with comfort not on-
ly in the spring, but throT
out the entire summer,and
the styles and general
character of these mate-
rials excel anything here-

tofore displayed, ana the
prices are exceedingly low


eects One

J, S. HIGGS, Cashier


- lai, HENRY HARDING, AssTt Cashio




Million Dollars,

Wm:.T. Dixon,.President National

Exchange Bank, Baltimore, Ma.

D. W. Hardee Higgs Brurs

Greenville, N.C.

We respectfully solicit the accounts

The-Seotland "Meck Bank, Scotland of firms, individuals and the generat

~ist. All his time will be given te shat o * hore Seetland Neck, N. C.

R. R. Fleming, Puetolus, N, C.


Checks and Account Books furnish

ed on application.


Look over this list of


ang see if you would not like to have some

of them:

Premier Brand of Extra California Pears
Cherries, Plums, Apricots, and Peaches,

Mince Meat, Apple
Sweet Mixed Pickles,

Butter, Preserves,
Sour Pickles, early

June Peas, Olives, Celery Sauce, Royal

Baking Powder, Cream Baking Powder,

1894"-26th, snow: temperature 36.) whichis.as good as
thousand other good aimee

Fd.H Shelburn&Co.

Bl or less money, and a
Phone No. 70,

adios our Goodsare here.

big new Sto ck. *

oods to suit all,

o.come and buy x

ever had better styles,

Daily Reflector, March 31, 1897
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - March 31, 1897
March 31, 1897
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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