Daily Reflector, July 28, 1897

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D, J WHICHARD, Editor and Owner,



Vol. 6.



Clean! :throughout the

entire stuck.

aa / ""S


Feather-Weight Coats
sand Vests.

Soft Negligee Shirt.
Gauze Underwear,

Straw Hats.

The above sugges:
tious thrown out. We
will help you to keep
cool. Our stock is
complete, prices right
and you are welcome
to examine if you are
not ready to buy.

We think we know
your tastes and wants
-"have br en jwith you
long enough,


No other ~merchant

shows ths ont we odo,

Base Ball.

Pittsburg, July 26"Pittsburz could
do nothing with Orth after the third
inning and =Philadelphia nit Hawley
after that inaing, making thirteen hits
with a total of eighteen tases, This
explains the game. Pittsburg, 6; Phil-
acelphia, 10,

Louisville, July 26"TodayTs game
was slowT and uninteresting, the Colo.
nels w*nuihg without much effort, The
release of Pitcher Evans was recalled
and his fin2 work was the only fea.

ture of the game. Score.

4; Brooklyn, 1.

Cleaveland, July 26"The Giants
and Indians played a very scrappy
game of eleven innings he today. There
was almost constant wrangl.ng and
Umpire out of the game. He also or-
dered the pulice to tase Pitcher Meek-"
in, Why was on the bench, out of tha
grounds. The game was listless on the
part of the Indians at times.

Uleveland, 5; New York, 6.


st. Louis, July 26"The Krowns
played an almost faultless game today
and won from the Bostons. Donahue
pitched grandly, allowing the Bean
Eaters but six hits, only two of which
were clean, Stiverts also yicched well
for his side. The Browns wen the
game in the eighth on a home run by

Grady, TallyTs single and CrossT triple.

Score. St. Louis, 3; Boston, 2.

Won Lost Per Cen,
Boston 3s� 22 TO7
Cincinnati 46 25 648
Baltimore 47-26 648
New York 44-30 599
Cleveland 42 32 368
Pittsbuig 35-389 473
Philadelphia ov 42 468
Brooklyn 32. Al 438
Chicago v4 44 436
Louisville 33. 44 429)
Washingtoa 230 40 38 t
St. Louis lb 49 212


The ice man may not,ve a pugilist
but he can lay claim to being the light-
Weight champion.

Hobson"* You say youTre going out
icr gold, Where?� oWigwag"~Alas-

* = : , ot)
ka.� oIs your wite goizg with you?


Teacher"~~How many divisions ot
mankind are there?� Tommy Hieler"
oWhy, deyTs 36 inour waid, anT my
pop kin carry them all.�

Hoax-=oScribbler has a grest
scheme.�� Joax"oWhat is it ?� Hoax
"~oHeTs rearranging a jot a popular
novels for the use-of female readers by
placing the last chapter first.�

Hcax""I hear that Andree will
have to stand all the time he is in his
balloon,� Joax"oAfraid of being
frozen to his seat, eh?T Hoax="oNo
all the seats were taken up.�

A Kensington workman named
Damm, who voted for McKinley in the
hepe of bet.er times, became a tather a
trw days ago. He proposes to call the
childToProsperity B.�

Foxie""oWhen does the shad s %-
gon open again?� Moxie"oNext
April., Why?� Foxie"oOh, ITm
going to patent a shad fork with an
X ray, ,attachment . to... locate..the
bones.? © , , |

Reciuit-oHov yez @ pair av worn"
out shoes yez kin sell me?� Dealer"

|o WhatT on carth do you »want them
~Pod forT Tad ~Recruit"oShure, Oi must hov

The dhrill sargent sez Oi must
must march wid-me toes out.�


The Heck estate of this city owns
more than a thousand. acres in the
Klondike gold district of Aiaska,"
Raleigh Press Visitor.

Arch Kearson, fifty-seven years old,
19st his footing while walking over some
planks on the second floor of a barn
near Townesvilie, Vance county, fell
and broke his neck.

Gold mining in Stanley county has
broken out in Last
was discovered
Clara Parker,
near Gladston, which the prospectors
claim to be the richest yet discov
ered in Stanley."Charlotte Observ-

a fresh fever.
week a two foot vein
on the Jands of Mrs.

Charlocte is to have an important
new esta lishment to add to the list
of her varied industries. A factory
for the manufacture, of catsup-, sauces,
pickles, and u!l kinds of druvgists and
grucersT sundries, is to be es abli hed
the kind in this entire section ot ice
South, and it will havea wide field
to draw trade troém."Charlotte News.

Tramps Entice Boys From Home.

Mr. Everett Brinson, a policeman of
Kinston, readin the Richmond Djs"
patch of some boys who had been en"
tired by tramps fzcm their homes, one

er ee
from Wilmington, N. C., one from

: Charleston, S.C, and the other from

Ricamond, Va. The description of
one of the boys corresponded with the
appearance ot a boy seen here with a
party of four tramps that reached Kin-
ston lasc Friday.

Mr. Brinson arrested the boy Snn-
day afternocn, though une cf the tramps
claimed to be the boyTs father. The
tramps said the boyTs name was John"
nie Lamppost. The boy did not seem
to wih xe leave them, but after he was
taken away he confessed that bis name
was Ernest Jewett and that his mother
(x widow) lived in Richmond, Va.,
from where he ran away about a month
ago. He expressed nv desire to go
home, but said he wanted to go with
the tramps wv the Nashville expositéon
and then goto England and

join the

Mr. Brinson telegraphed to the boy s

mother, Mrs, Laura A. Jewett, Sunday |

night, and received a reply Monday
morning t@ hold Ernest until she sent
forhim. On Monday night the beyTs
uncle, Mr. Chas, P. Sales, cume, rec-
oguized the boy and lett vith him yes-
terday tor Richmond. ~Lhe boy is 14
years .f age. His mother makes her
living b; packing cigars in a cigar tac~

The boy seems to be bright and in-
teilige.t, He says the tramps put acid
on their arms ~o make sores to appeal
to the sympathy ct the people,
He said the tracap who claimed ,to be
crippled in his {ez,
walk as anyone.

Gilbert Phillips, of Wilmington, and
Willie Saulsbury, of Charleston, the
other boys who ran off with the tramps,
were arrested in Richmond." Kinston
Free Press.

Are They Going?

~The Free Press says the Greenville
second base ball nine have an engage.
ment to play the second nine of Kin
ston in the latter town tomorrow, It
alsoT says the Greenville boys have
broken several engagements to go over
and play the Kinston club, and hopes
the boys will go over this time.

Was as able to

Be ready for the eclipse of the sun
t»morrow morning. It begins about &

o clock,

There is no estadlishment cf |


1 L
om 1S = Your ~ Time!
| , Li

For the rext
thirty days we
will sell our
stock at a re-
duced price.

You are in-
vited to see our
complete stock
of Dry Goods,
Clotaing, Shoes


and Hats. Sec
the grand dis-
play of um-
mer Goods





gain day at my

A nice lot of


Are being shoved out of the way at

é oe

These summer goods will not be carried over,
and you can get bargains on ~them,


Every Day isa Bar-





» R. L. DAVIS, PresTt.T ~

John WaremakerTs Viowa Upon Ad-| A victim of street car pick- :
' a ne R. A. TYSON, Vic-ePres. JL. LITTLE, CashTer
vert.sing. pockets determined to get even wre
: ! | REORGANIZED JUNE 15th, 1896.
"" | with them, so he put into his ? oT ~~ :

& . Et thing as a poster, or dodgeT, CEionly ashp ef paper, on which , "
ee cscam exc hand bill. My plan for tweuty|was written the words: oThis The Bank of Gr eenville,

as _ | years hes been to buy so m time, vou rascal, you've lost the


: ae Po eens ane ° : a
""" syace in a newspaper and fill it|;oward of your labor.� He got Pee =
iveT: . e Clo us e "-
Byerved as second-elass mall matter. | UP #8 1 wanted. I woald not give, into ine eame street car and walt: gee Business May 14th," .S97-|
ae ee (Oe advertisement to a newSpaPet| od, yesolyed to hove the first), ae sd dae aaa ~
"=" eae mai "eens, : eee ; : . J,oans and Discounts $42,153.81 apital stock paid in $23, 000.00
ae ae TRS of nse hundred circulation for pickpecket that meddled with | Over Drafts "895,29 Surptus and Protits 3,042.54
*3['RECRIPTION RATES. five thousand dodgers or posters:|him arrested. Twenty minutes Dis from Banks 8,772.46 i " to Check 58,812.55
ear ey eM : : . : : : ~urniture and Fixtures 1,505,002 Cashiers ecks ortstanding 143.10
ao oh. i Ee. Lf I wanted to sell cheap jewel-| passed and nothing happerdd, | Current Expenses 1'312.043 Due to Banks | 508.15
ant week. fe eee 3 lijry, or run & gambling scheme, tT and, tired of waiting, he got out, " Items nee sap oie Time Certificates of Deposit 55.00
ae arriers W ome : cs remium on Stock : : T "
eaten in town by eurriers witho' | miont yse posters; but 1 would |paving assured himself that bis | oash canglober ta ae a Tota! 345, 466.34
a QS» : ; ere en ai is
Acivertisng rates are liberal and can be | not iasult a decent reading publ:c pocketbook was safe. He opet- a
Total $85,566.34

Snes iS nina ctr land in hoe of MB AB]
ey 16 W pa e study carefully the separate needs of our patrons, aud shall be
, ie hor P ; piece of paper was & blue ODEs) your uccount, promising every accommodation eee neki apod taakibd.
look for support in mercantile} which he unfolded and read a3 7 :


We desire poy eorreapondent ft affairs. [say to him: ~How long|iollows: ~What asly joker you wWeh na pater
~a70ry. Poel itenns of NEWS ait oecurs| will you let me run 4 column Of) are.�"Tit--Bits. ae ave alarge i |
$i each neighborhood. Write plainly| matter through your paper for |
i » SiC 7 ; * i kamnt| -
gid only on one side of the papeT one hundrea~ or five hundred : ere STOCK OF | :
5a ee dollars?� as the case may be-| «Of what good is it to search| | "o0"
51897 Liet bimdo the Siguring and iff for the North Pole?� is a com- UNDERTAK RS
WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 10946 think he 18 not irying to take mon question nowadays. Di : | el
| more than his share, I give biM|~, cn could answer: oOne | aR | |
" 3 ~~ {the | copy: I lay aside the}) ondred'and fifty thousand dol- vag
~wnat 1s Said of ChildrenTs Fie". | profits on a particalar line Ob a That in ae cialT trogas | EMBALMERS.
[goods for adverscising PUrPOSSS:| ure he has already found in his | oe
Qhildren of all ages. require] At first I laid aside three thou- ~oParthest | North,� and new GOOUS | We have jut raseivad a new
| more siecp than growa people, 88) gand dollars; last year I laid editions of his book are atill on hearse and tne nicest line of Cof-
their 1mpressible nervous SY8teM | aside and spent iorty thousand |), wing. For the lack tins and Cesgets, in vood, metal-
couid not bear, during !0Dg{dollars, I have done better this B: ) ucKky ©X-| : lic and cloth ever brought to
os} the prolonged 1 dail. incrense: thet plorer there would seem to b. as just arrived. Come and| Greenville.
g ; .
waking sis May. vould We year, ae Gs . a ee much gold around the orth) Seeus. _ We ate prepared te {0 embalm-
strain to ye ~ie a ll gum as the profits warrant. 1) pole as may be found in Klou- ing in aii its forms.
: e 8 aperss | 3:1 ; ;
ait ea eT asesial owe my suena ee F dike region of Alaska. Personal attention given to co
the vital powers are Co} eae and to them I will freely give & . 2 q I ducting funerals and bodies e u
in building them UP» instead ©!| certain profit of my yearly busi- i ¢ ~ | trusted to our care will receiye
diverting to muscular moyemed:+ | ness,� For a month of dry weather i every mark of respect.
and other influences: which would Annee: extending over a part of June ( rill Our prices are lower than ever.
interfere with this coucentratio:. : eee ~land the fires of this month a f ) Al TY Ne do not want monupoly but
Tf children are waketal and Prices * of ee dozen patties ot haymakers | b LUI .éite competition.
restless, 1618 aD indication that a ae x°| worked in the free fields of the sree _ We can be found at any and all
something is Wronk: groves of Flora ruined the then | goagt country about Alvin, Tex, times in the Joho Flanagan
6 fe a it oenersily growibg crop and killed so mavy|and shipped thoucands of tons of | ( CORR { ~(N Buggy CoTs building.
i hing Wi , .
Eure someln� 2 � | of the trees 16 was regarded a8 &!\hay. Hundreds of thousands of » Ue ~| BOB GREENE &CO
be found to be improper or ex calamit a it did ere : .
; baatT yery great calamity, 6n¢ 10 Gi | acres covered with this grass
cogsiye feeding, clothing 0] iy but we canTt e enti
h too warn, or confine- really seem 80, but wo CAD%/are ffree to anyboay' yet ,
tight oF pad at Wide « always tull. With the destruc-|enougn goes to waste every vear | , Just sry a 10c. bux ot cascarets, tne} W. M. Bond. J. L. Fleming
ment an mp Ere | tion of these orange groves S0Me| there, it is said, to feed all the finest. liver and bowel regu ator ever Boxe FLEMING,
cnild is restless and sleepless ~ T T . éande
, ba icaketh|° the planters began to turo|stock of Nor~hern Texas. The
these are the things to be looke ; elas ATORNEYS ;
frat, and stupetyiug drugs their attention to the cultivation | proportion saved each year, how NEYS-AT-LAW,
D ~ � ~ a a ~
es o yee ; city segoxted. cto ot oCuba� tobacco the supply of | ever, is bacoming larger. Valnable Pronerty (ay vale Greenville, N. C.
shou cis dal sw chy which was made: short by the Hs "| Practice in all the courts.
except ry t e advice O pay war 1D Cuba, and the demand AVING BEEN APPOINTED and| "" ;
" proportionately great. The first; oThe South Feels a Boom� is a qualified as Receiver of the Green- ~ * "
Child slaughtering prepara | experiments proved successful | headling tin a northern newr- ville Lamasr Comins of said Company, 3arbers.

tions in the form of drags are tO) ang were fo:lowed by an ~nerease|paver- There 1s evidently | herebv offer for sale the real estate in
d and adjoining the town of Greenville AMES A. SMITH,

* a ~ , . be ;
be found in many houxebolds | of acreage the next season. This] word left oat. oFeeling for a) ronging to said Company. ~This prop- ONSORIAL ARTIST.

and mothers too often not only proyed successful, and was fol- ; boom� is what the South is doing| erty will be sold on reasonable terms in |
lots to suit purchasers. GREENVILLE: N. C.

ive them themselves, but even - _\p-tiftbere is any possibility of ha
. : ne ) lech Uh lowed with a much larger 1b ay a~ is Pp ba th For further information see or ad-| Patronage solicited. Cleaning, Dyeing
Jeave them im the hall crease of acreage this year with | Upcine such a thing, she will Jay | dress and Preesiag Gente Clothes a specialty

irresponsible nurse, who is but) the best and most profitable of hold of it, (he North may be sure, LOVIT HINES,

too ready to dose the helpless | aj] the crc ps planted, bringing in| the Radical, trust repaying, Receiver Kinsion, N. C.

little one, in order to secure her} come localities over $1,500 an North and East boosting Ding-;" " JY ERBERT EDMUNDS,

own repose: acre. With such success and |ley tariff to the ccutrary, not- =, FASHIONABLE BARBER,
The mother is nothing short of | such results it follows as a matter |Withstanding"Richmond "Dis- late a Special attention given to cleapins

ecrimina! who is 80 thoughtless |of course that tobacco culture patch. _ a ae GentlemensUlothing, -"

and so heartless as to give & dose | will become one of the establish- ad

of laudanum, or some other|ed indostries of that State, and oTig not in mortals to con-
strong narcotic, to her baby. to one in which the planters there | ig. ad success,T but he who ad-
put it to sleep while she makes @ will bave little competition tO) vertises well does nae i
call or attends an evening gath-| far, for the area in which that) rye jt.

ering: kind of tobaceo can be grown 18|

If mothers conld be brought to limited. it will be some years) "______--" .

yealza the danger of opiates before Cuba can become a com



~ale Academy.

""_ ae

they would not giye them on petitor, for it will take some} Cotten nd Peanut,
every trivial occasion, but would | years to. recover from the ex-| Below are Norfolk prices of Guttur Th
. : . . ind peanuts for yesterday, a8 furnl hed e nexi session ot the school will
train the children from babyhood | haustioa of thie war, and by that) ye" Copb Bros. & Gansuinsion, , Mere
to take regular hours of natural, time the industry will have made | chants of Norfolk - ee jopen on
refreshing sleep. such headway in Florida, that it} COTTON, |
ciao emmenne need not fear aven'| Cuban com~ Pra hewagagin st MONDAY SEPT. 6, 1887
bas oak guia petition." Wilmington Star. Low Middling 7 ome
: Good Ordinary 6 15-16 r
pi ss enero EN Tone"rirm. ESTABLISH 1) 1879 The terms are as follows.
The devilTs hardest blows ate| Mx-Maycr Cocke Exhoneraied. PEANUTS. ! Primary Knglish per mo. 32 00
a'med at the home. " Prime 2 ~
eck ik A telegram to the News from So a ' ile don tntermadigte icy ~ Re
~o rob it of love is the greatest ancy 24 7 cw
wrong can be done a child. Asheyilie today says that the 5a uiet. 60 to 75) PORK SIDES & SHOULDER ae en hd
N t coroner's jury at the inquest oyer T siiebes win sue haere ae Languages (each) *¢ * $1 00
~ i ry would be written if the remains of the late Mrs. ae R ing their yearTs supplies will find The work and diselpline of the srhoo!
oa8 8 : we Ages: still and let! Minnie Cocke, wife of Hx-Mayor} ~ tnele inverest tonet Sa priced before i | Will be as heretofore.
rogs do all the singing: chasing elsewhere. Ourstock is coraplet
i ome Cocke, exonerated the Mayor, Select Female School, ti allits branches. We ask a continuance of your past
7 We shall be more apt to oknow deciding that the deceased o~came| " liberal patronage. -
4 each Other there� if swe do not to her death by her own hand.� The next session of this school: will R 1 G lw wah
v Tei Se AS aT aie *. toll ae et Ww RAGSDALE.G
: forget each other here. In view of the rumors o! foul en F LOU. . COFF EE, SU AR


The man who sits down to wal play that had been floating h OF SE 43
for a golden opportunity to c bene around Asheville concerning the Ban og are tf follows: _ an
along never has a comfortable death of re pe who, it wae| ftom sgiate per month == 0| ALWAYS AT LOWEST MARKET PRICE
: sch sl ganounced. had committed sui-| Higher ak Bl 83 00 | |
ou Matas Revol exoned |i ~ #00! T¢bacco, Snuff, &e,

od Fae 4 is Tanguages (each)
cide, the remains were exhumed |y,_,, i iotading use af instrument $3 00

Every home ought to ve made| and an inquest held by the coro-

i o rt
we buy diroc} from Manufactue.. en Bysd days, You pattey 0
~No deduction for 1oss time except in] linz you to buy at one proitt, A eo» | Rerun ade ng vndgebaine ~aru Ly tf).

ore ry + ie i c ff, .
ee yphiiis pe a} wroa'tn 15 00
o" ¢& es nen r

rs} 635 day By 3 é

so much like heaven that the/ner atthe side, of the

ild , at the side of the grave. | case tof. sickness of as much | a 1
children will not think of héayen| Mra. Cocke was quite wealtLy | weeks ditction. anita � : ets i a ed pot ite failto cure. If rou bare taken mere
as. i * ' é; on ti | n ) tre tte y eo h vt. . j
rsh id ols oe mR and had .a.good deal of property| rhea he moral tone aod nit! FURNITURE anya ba Uigers 08

If you are only a pi besides the $30,000 insurance on | lectual influences are unsurpassed, The part Of the bod
: en a sit positively frm, | alwayson hand and sold at prices to sutt we grewrance

ne ~be as faithful to your trost/as if her life, ~all of, which was. left by dt ecipline is mild but positiv rm, ve Syed yen
: Ha ela A a a sg A BS For further part~culars see oraddreas, the ti Our ~areall boughtand a, woe

were the commander of an| Wil! to her ~husband."Charlotte MRS, ALFR RBES, e tor CASH Botta tay! nO 1isk baified the skill of the

, News. " 3 Greenville, N, ©. run we eellata close margin; © Conalieunmany

a i Hs July, 21, 1897, | : 8. M SCHUI,TZ Greenville N.U appliguion.

i Pade

wanna a faa et


Ccnuensea pcnedule

Dated Get J
May 27, a 7 Ls
lov7, Zo ta
A, M.. iA; M
udave Weldon | 11 60;
Ar. Rocyk Mt | lz 42)
iv Tarhoro | 12 Lz! |
Lv Rocky Mt | 12 dz 5 48
Ly Wilson 2 08) 6 20
Ly Selma 2501) oy
Lv Fey'tteville) 4 15) 0 *
Ar, Florence 6 ud
P. M.| iA. M
uv Wilson 2 08 0
Ly Goldsboro 3 10 5
Ly Magolia 4 16 0
Ar Wilmington} 4 45 9 45
P., M. A.M
Dated Pia. ae ~
May 27th, BS * se
1897, ZR | va AS
Ly Fivrernce 8 45, 7 40
"7 Fayetteville! 11 10 9 40
Lv Selma 12 37)
Ar Wilscn 1 20/11 3
Ps 2 _
A.M.| P.M.
-y Wilmington| 9 00 7 00
iv Magnolia | il 50 8 30
vy (roldsboro 1 00 9 36
sr Wilsen 1 00 10 27
~vy Larboro 1 42 : "
e o=
ZAR rei
P.M. P. M,
Ly Wilson 1 42 10 32
Ar Rocky Mt | 2 33 | 1) 16
Ar Tarboro 4oo) FM
Lv Tarborc 1
Lv Rocky Mi | 2 1% a
Ar Weldon ta

" marie & Raleigh R. R. daily except Sun-

Trait on Scctiaii Neck Branch 20a
eaves Weldon 4.10 p, m., Halifax 4,%8
p. m., arrives Scotland Neck at 5.10
w., Greenville 6.57 p, m., Kinston 7.55
. m.. Returning, leaves Kinston 7.60
a. m., Greenville 8.62 a. m. Arriving
Halifux at 11:20 a. m., We'don 11.40 am
daily except Sunday.

I'rains on Washnigton Branch leav
Washington 8,20 a, m., and 1.u0 p.m
arrives Parmele 9.10 a. m., and 8.40 p
m., Terboro 9.45 a. m., returningleaves
farboro 3.30 p. m., Parmele 10.20 a. m.
and 6,20 p. m,, arrives Washington
11.40 a. m., and 7.20 p, m. Daily ex-
ept Sunday. Connects with trains on
Scotland Neck Branch.

~Train leaves sarooru, N UC, via Albe-

day, at 5 50 p. m., Sunday 405 P. M;
arrive Plymouth 7.40 P. M., 6,00 p. m.
Revuruing .zaves Plymouth daily except
Sundsy, 7,50.a, m., Sunday 9.00 a. n.,
arrive Tarboro 10.15 a.m and 11. 46

. trainon Midland N. C. branch leaves
uoldsboro daily, except Sunday, 6.05 a
m. arriving Smithtield 7-30 a, wu. Re-
turning leaves Smithfield 8.00 a. m,, ar-
tives at Goldsbors 9.30 a. m,

Trains on Latta branch, Florence R
4., leave Latta 6.40 pm, airive Dunbar
1,50 pm, Clio 8.05 p m. Returning
leave Cliat6.10am, Dunbar 6,30 a m,
rile Latta 7,60 a m, daily except Sun-


i cfr Branch leayes War-
saw for Clinton caily, except. Sauda

Vv 00 a.m, and 8.50 D, m* Halurgite
vaves Cinton at7.00 a.m. anc3,001 m.

Train No, 78 makes close connection
t Weldon forall points daily, all rail via
wichmone, alse at Rovky Mount with

Norfolk and CarolinagR R for Nonolk*

~ne all points North via Norfolk,
- General Sup:.

lt. M. EMERSON, Trattis Manager.
J, RAKENLY. Ger?) Maseger,

ee ~"


The Oldest

Naity Newspaper ta

The seal 2g 4 2 ~Dagly | W3, HAve, BSTABuisHED | A rerporidence ia:
ery re et | ope tr) ft YY, LA en wate reehvilla : rin vet ent
ok fi Cr Ft with ras g 4 Di trained teachers. ~To ~board in

| wyke, and therefore she was every:

P| knack. of peeping slyly between his

if et Ghickens
©) 1 Fggs.per doz.
o o~\~ 4 Beeswax: pet

fraining a Lad For the Stage In the Days
: of Shakespeare. :
John Bennett's serial story, ~~Mas-
ter Skylark,T in St. Nicholas, has
many pictures of life and scenes in
ShakespeareTs time, The following
is an account of the trainii x of the
hero for the stage by the master

He had Nick learn no end of stage
parts off by heart, with their cues
and ~~business,�T entrances and eXx4
its, and worked fully as hard as his
pupil, reading over every sentence
2) times until Nick had the accent
perfectly. He would have him
stamp, too, and turn about, and
gesture in accordance with tho
speech, until the boyTs arms ached,
going with him through the mo-
tions one by one, over and over
again, unsatisfied, but patient to






BAPTIST"Services every Sunday,
moring and evening. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening. Rev A.W. Setzer,
Pastor, Sunday school 9:30 A. M.
�,�, D. Rountree, Superintendent.

CATHOLIC"No reguiar services. "

EPISCOPAL"Services fourth Sun-
day, morning and evening. Lay ser-
vices second Sunday morning. Rev. A.
Greaves, Rector. Sanday schoo! 9 30
A.M. W. 8. Brown, Superipter dant.

METHODIST"Serv ces every Sun-
day, morning and evening. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening. Rev.
N. M. Watson, Pastor. Sunday school
9:30 A, M.- A. B, Ellington, sSuperin-

PRESBYTERIAN"Services " third

the last, until Nick wondered.
~*Nick, my lad,�� he would often |
say, with a tired but determined
smile, ~~one little thing done wrong
may spoil the finest play, as one bad |
apple rots the barrelful. We'll have
it right, or not at all, if it takesa
month oT Sundays.�

So often he kept Nick before a
mirror for an hour at a time, mak-
ing faces while he spoke his lines,
siniling, frowning or grimacing, as

Sunday, morning aud evening. Rev.
J. B. Morton iTastor. Sanday school
9:30 A.M. E. B Ficklen Superinten-


A. F. & A. .." Greenville Lodge No.
984 meets tirst and third Monday even-
ing. WM.King W. M, 1, I. Moore,

I. 0.0. F."Covenent Lodge No. 17

best seemed to fitthe part, until the
boy grew fairly weary of his own
looks, Then sometimes, more often
as the time slipped by, Carew would
clap his hands with a boyish laugh
and havea pie broughtand a cup of
Spanish cordial for them both, de-
claring that he loved the lad with
all his heart, upon the remnant of
his honor, from which Nick knew
that he was coming on.

Cicely Carew's governess was a
Mistress Agnes Anstey. By birth
she had been a Harcourt of Ankev-

where esteemed fit by birth and
breeding to teach the young mind
when to bow and when to beckon.
She came each morning to the
house, and Carew paid her double
shillings to see to it that Nick

cloak asa ladyTs page need have,
the carriage best fitted for his place,
and. how to comeinto a room where
great folks were; moreover, how
to back out again, bowing, and not
fall over the stools, which was no
little art, until Nick caught the

legs when he bowed.
His hair, too, was allowed to
grow long, and was combed care-
fully every day by the tiring wom-
an, and soon, as it was naturally
curly, it fell in rolling waves about
his neck.
On the heels of the governess
came MTsieuT De Fleury, who, it
was said, had been dancing master
to Hatton, the late lord chancellor of
England, and had taught him those
tricks with his nimble heels which
had capered him into the queenTs
good graces and so got him the
chancellorship. M'sieuT " spoke
dreadful English, but danced lke
the essence of agility, and taught
both Nick and Cicely the latest Ital-
ian coranto, playing the tune upon
his queer little fiddle. |
Cicely already danced like a pixie,
and laughed merrily, at her cor-
radeTs first awkward antics, until
he flushed with embarrassment.
At thatshe instantly became grave,
and, whe mTsieuT bad gone, came
across. the room, and putting her
arm about Nick said repentanily:
~DonTt thou mind me, Nick. Father
~saithT the French all laugh tuo soon
at nothing, and I have caught it
from my motherTs blood. A boy is
not. good frieuds with his feet as a

learned such little tricks of cap and :

Meets every Tuesday evening, D. W.
Hardee N.G. L. H. Pender, Sec.

kK. ot P."Lar River Lodge No, 93,
meets every Friday evening. H. W.
Whedbee, C. C. Krank Wilson. K. of
R. and 8.

R. A."ebd vance Coaucil ~No. 1696
meets every ~Thareday evening, W. b.
Wilson, R, M.R. Lang, Sec.

K.of H."Insurance Lodge No. 1169
meets every -Friday evening. Johr
Flanagan, D. Henry Sheppard, R. ,

A.L. of H, Pitt Council 236, meets
every Thursday night. J. B. © herly
t. W. Bb. Wil-on. See.

pr gi



Nl ee Nel

The University.


(Summer Schovl 158), total 54°, Board
$8.00 a mon~h, three Brief Courses,
«hree Full Courses, Law and Medical
Sebools acd School of Pharmacy.
Graduate Courses Open to Women.
Summir Sehocl for ~veechers. Schol-
arsbips and Loans for the Needy.
Chapel Hill, N. C.

doy scsi saaainintentemersioittete alate iaman. sane. tie


North Carolina
College ot Agriculture
and Mechanic Arts,

Will open Sept. 9th, 1897.
Thoreugh academic, scientific and tech-
nical courses. Lxperienced Spr cial-
ists in every department.
Expenses per session, including board.
For County Students $ 93 CO
For all other Students 123 00
Arp'y for Catalogue to
Raleigh, N. ©. President,


Next Session Opens September 8.

~Three full courses of study, Large
number of electives, ~Two full chairs in
English. Women admitted to all classes
One Hundred and one Thousand Do'lars
added to the endowment during the
present, year, Only male literary college
in North Carolina that is located ina

The best business course offered in
the state. Send for album and entalogue.
Address JNO.C. KILGO,

Durham, N.C.

girl is, but thou wilt do beautifully,
I know, and mTsieuT shall teach us
the galliard together.T


Greenville Market.
Corrected by 8. M. Schultz

Butter, per lb
Western sides

Sugar chired Han, 10 to 124

orn 40 to 5U

Corn Meal 45 50 60 : |

Flour, Family sasnnn| tne State Normal

bard� 5} to 10 and Industrial School,

Sugar $006 | GREENSBORO, N. C.

Salt pe 1 Sack 1% pe Offers the Young. women of the State |
10 to 20 thorough prof. ssiunal, literary. clussi-


its Class in the State by or [euuaber Koug. ot Dress2d can be


y a ay i wy vie
Te CAT a


: ee

1 Titinstons NO�

16 0 25 |
54 tv 8

7 to 16 | Cal,,ecientt

~ for teachers, »


1 (T\T for Young Lajies

IN STITU LE Raleigh, N.C.
Excellent ~ buildings: and beautiful
grounds in a Healthful Location with
splendid climate. Stands at the very
frort in Female Education. ~Thorough
in its Courses. High in its Standard.
Uneurpassedin It's INTELLECTUAL
~(~wenty-une officers and teachers.
Very reasonable prices. Send for cat-
alogue to. JaS. DINWIDDIE, M, A.

aad industrial education
mnser B10 to $130. Faculty
rs. More than 400 rgular
racticg sc

stu ebts



besbhas What Is It? ghihnes

It is a picture ol,.tae celebrated=�"� ~~

100 of : 126 pupils :
orethan (1,209 matricu-|

lates. r-presenting eyery county) Ja the}
sate except. tet. Correo nce in-}.
vited from: ~those ~desirit tent |

Ee , - When bilioug or ccemre, eat Le
2S on caret, cundy cathartic, core guaranteed -
a 1] ; a de Ae
oS £100, 230° ee ore
ere : ee
et FY SB!) ocx:
Va 2s
So Ae
oo Ee
Awe: 2)
Ste |
ers pee )
poe $ c. i o« a a Se
7° fe e5:\% PRACTICAL &
=3 3 AB ~ & | SC ; ~i Ob
258 | ¢ : WOkKER. §
an ¢ . ett belo
i Se
eae roma je" Offers his services to the So�
ers sn 3 dO citizens of Greenville and the OF
ao3 $ ce public generally. : op
23 Cm | Spouting ard Stove Work? 2 ©
ics sae] a specialty. Oe
on� | "- : 2) a
wel Satisfaction guaranteed or Ope
4-39 Ae C } , no charges made. ~Tobacco
sea & - 3 ©) Flues made in season. Shop OF
PSE a ~ T ; in.ear of Sand 10 cent stare. &
aes OF
iba C sy * + g ¢% A
ase fi Oe ee SASS Pee WAIN
eeeroee. | Liban KRAAY ce hia bcd bah A LOG)

HAT? Wau


Best in use. The outfit of no business man is
complete without one. ;

The Reflector Book Store

has a nice assortment ot these Fountain Pens.
also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold Pens,
You will be astonished when you seethem ana ~~
earn how very cheap they are. ;


Youmaynever, ".
But should you ever}@==""

Want Job Printing

"ge Come to see US, =

~ ~




Visiting Card
""TO A"

Full Sheet Poster

The Daily Reflector.

Gives the home: news
every aiternoon at thie
small price of 25 cents a
month, Are yuu a sub-
seriber? [lt nut vor

ought to be.

The Eastern

THY UA Monly $bewoyeur. |

\ "- . *"*" contains) the news every |)
a Te week, and gives informa; |
tion toT the. farmers, | eh,

those growin;

that. is i wort bw


dotmitories all free auition application
t, be, made.b.fore A jngu

"Present ! TARTS D.

ka seg
7 Bowe a ey


* T


At, For, .

o i

if i

~an 4
saw leg d

Ut WO osnilede Doe Joes a:
comany times! more (tha:

es A aie was Jee * ; ie oe
L ie hs ~ nti 41 ~price: anid
t �,� Sub SCP ' Ob UAH 8
thautriige ge '

o4 "f iy:



Sumer Cos



S This will be an extra-
ordinary bargain week
long to be remember-
ed by wide-awake buy
ers and watchful shop-
pers as a momentous
money saving occasion

Wash Goods

Unmercifully cut.

1250 yards beautiful
Dress Ginghams to go
at 5 cts a yd.

A big stock Light
Wash Material com-
prising new colorings
in Breezy Fabrics to be

sold at 3c and4c per yd penciis at Reflector Book Store.

2000 yards of White

Goodsat bargain prices stands.

Ladies Ruffed Shirt
Waist Setsall colors at
15 cts Sets.

An our
Shoew "

we can fit both your)... ... a Schutz.

foot and purse.

Ladies Oxfords worth $2.50
Swept down to $2.00.

Ladies Oxfords worth $2.00,
Swept down to $1.65.

Ladies Oxfords worth $1.50,

Swept down to 91:25, | *

Ladies Oxfords worth $1.00,
Swept down to .75,

Misses ard childrens reduced
in same proportion.

Ade;lated stock cannot supply

your wunts, realizing this fact We] ment.

are acdivg to our already large
stock of seasonable goods daily,
such as

Laces, Ribbons, Em-
broideries, Handker-
chiefs, Collars & Cuffs,
Belts, Ladies Ties, Ho-
seiry and many new
andsiylish things.

Our stock of
Groceries, Furniture,
Hai dware, Crockery,

~you th

a map
Be: Your friends,

| and Gents Furnishings

: pare ee gS ie
is large and complete and we
would take pleasure in showing}


thr neh pad osting you in

os' Re pier pow is the. *ork or ~ 7

Hine aad er he rac Lo Sa Beef, lTork or Sausage

utburat of bargains.



~{Someb.dy Said ali the Pecpie Had


CresSes many a new business,
Kularges many an old business,
lTreserves many a large business.
kkevives many a dull business,
Itescues many a lost business,
Saves many a failing business.
S-cures suecess to any business



J, B. Cherry, Jr. went to William-
ston today.

J. G. Staten, of Williamston, s,ent
To oadvertise judiciously,� use tne today here.

um f ta VLECTOR. re
columns oft. Bert Cia Forbes went up the road on the

morning train.

acme mitamaccne rnc ties ell


K-cping Coustantiy at it Brings Stecess


H. BE. Clark and wife left this morn.
ing for Baltimore.

Lion Joyner, of Baltimore, is vici.-

TRAIN AND BOAT SCHEDULES, iting relatives here,

wor nape OS

Passenger and ~mai train going
Nurth, arrives 8:52 A. M. Going South,
arvives 6:57 P, M

Steamer Tar River arrives from Wash-
ington Monday, Wednesday and Friday
leaves for Washington Tuesday, Thure.
day and Saturoag

Burwell Riddick returned Tucsday
evening from Suffolk.

J. Band Wili Randolph have gone
to Custoria on a visit.

relatives near Farmville,

kd. A. J. Moore, cf Whilakers, is
visiting his son, L. I. Moore.



Generally fair tenizht and Thurs~ Phil. Crawford bas taken & position
says be will stop rellipg pilis now ard

measure ¢ealico,



Much or Litt'e to Tell"You Find | [ae first nice peaches scen bere

his season were brought in ~Tuesd:
it Here. this seas ere brought in ~Tuesday

by Mr. Kh. S$. Quinerly, of Craven
county. My. Quinerly says he nas ¢.
large crop of them.

~-, ew

Many a Lusy honey bee 1s tooled by We are sorry he

the virlTs hats thos summer. is SO far trom Greenviile.

Fresh Watermelons every day, all

warranted. Z. Moore & Bro. Good crop reports now come in from

f every section of the county.
The colored lodge of Odd Fellows Jy section e county

had a celebration here today.

Scientists say a mosquittoTs sting is
only one thirtieth of an ineh long.
Would you be-

Genuine Faber and Simplex lead
Goodness gracious !

Caterpillars and spiders are pre"f lieve it?
paring to do business at the old;

Bryan Grimes Camp of Pitt-Couaty
Good Tea, sold for 40 eents else" Contederite Veterans hold theizanmual
whire, our price 25 cents 99 close out. ,7eHnrON and picnds in the college grove |

Z. MoorT. & Bro. | Morrow,

The average bricklayer ie no dude,} yh. BB. Higgs, E. 0. MoGownn
but he frequently puts on a good|aad W. F, Morvil are building: a bey-
tront, ele path from theiy homes on the old
plenk road to town.

Another day has passed, aud still
the supply of gold in Alaska.is not ex-.



Some summer gwis are enusavormeg |

tr.oom * new fad. They suggest
New Mullets,CreamUheese-and But | that envavement dieyeles be giver by
ths vom men inmead of engayrnment
| raps.

Ladies wamtirg nice stationery can
find it at Refleetor Book Stose. Very

atest styles.

W.. R. Whichard, exec torr of the
As M. Clark e:tate, was .here today
The Reflectox Book Store has just | and filed his finah aceount in setdement
received the prettiest line of bex papers | of the estate w.le the Supericy Coart
nd tablets ever brought to Greenville. | Clerk. :
Elegant cream und peach high finish
papers in pound packages.


, F : : Thay is the way all druggibts rell
ew ean yowendure flabby linen in @ROVES TASTELESS CREDL TON
thTs hot weather? If you waatto look| y for Chills, Paver and all forms of

neat have good laundry. Being your | Malaria. It is simply Jron axd Quinine
, +. {inatasteless fom. Childress love it.
bundle for Weduesday morning ship"| adults prefer ib to bitter, nauseating

C. B. WHICcaiARD, Tonics. Price,.50e.

Agt. Witmi ton Steam Laundry, :

Situated on Southern Raihway, in

Gentleman desiring t have any
clothing cleaned and pressed will do}

having it done elsewhere.

A. J. Martin,
Proprietor Wilson Cleaning and
Pressing Esteblisbment, Wilson, N. ©,

teaching, hizhkest moral dene, elegant)
building, halis, laboratories, ecc., facul-
ty of specialist, cu-educatioual, curri-

eulum equa? of best male college, three

degree courses, most liberal terms, best

advantages, catalo on. application.

Address J. +}, ATKINSON, Chairman,

Eloa College, N, C.

OR ARE yas aps a

We have placed a large Refriger-
ator in our market to keep all our ISS LINA SHEPARD,

meats cool and free from flies. r 3
a wusic gradoale of the
~When you want fresh Mary ~Baldwin ~Seminary,
Staunton, Va, desires to se-

cure a limited number of

send us your orders and you will music pupils § Lustraction

get something mice, clean and will be thorough aud by the

fresh every time. Phone 41. latest method. Terms mod-
erate. For further particulars
laws to


Weathington & Godel

ee Rua ata ae is Ml ' na ne Rye Rial
SRR TARLAC RRS UG pe Sgr Aa MAT i SL ny ah as Lea re

P. 4. Gorman went to Tarboro to- | ;

Dr. J. Movrill, of Falkiand, was here |}

Miss Mary Alice Moye is visiting | ;

as salesman with H. M. Hardee. Phil |

well to see A. J. Martin at RawlsT Jew~| Piedmont section; very best water; |

Tin cada tala Salas -q-| heaithiest logality, property of Chris- |
elry Store and get nis prices betore) aan church, non-sectariam ia spirit and |

PLL LLL el ell ll Ng eg alg


Summer Stock

-SS=Bi G0 AT eat
Greatly Reduced Prices.

Kimporium of Spring Fabrics.


~ R FLEMING, Pres,
G. 3. CHERRY, } Vice|P res. AssTt Cashier

CAPITAL: Minimum $10,000; Maximum $100,000.
Organized Junejl1st, 1897.

The Bank of Pitt County,


ha Bank wants yourtriendship anda share
if not all, of your business, and will grant

every favor consistent with safe and sound

banking. We invite correspondence or a per-

somal interview to that end.



E. B. HbGGS, Ca

wae OOF ___ et


Consisting of Lawns, Dimities, Organd ies
Limens, etc.. Also our entire lime or


at greatly reduced prices.


There are two classes of Bicycles, Columbias

and others.
And chief among the others is the famous

Hartford Bicycle.
We have on hand Columbias for renitng.

All kinds ot repairing done on Bicycles,
Tinware, and Stoves.

8. E, Pender & Co,

Geese. ~iniigainines Sah. neisninialameaeinanie lipnt-#- este mmeaiperdeins-yse-Gemeaemehomsrren serene: See ane lt te

| a

Aybar ee years under present principals, 224 students attended, last year,

ighT Grade Vollege Preparatory School, with special departsments of

Book-Keeping, Short-Hand, and Telegraphy- The Largest and Best Equipped

Fitting School in the Seuth. Location healthful and beautiful. oTerms to suit
For beautiful new catalogue address,
Profs. J, A. & M. H. HOLT, Oak Ridge, N, C_

the times.TT

sth 5 ~
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Da ig) ae @)e) VA Vi WI Cw ee yt oe y ei ~fg et fe), Mg = aan \ ont -# wes
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encanta NE ct te in nr ne Sen tc PRA nn SPS

Daily Reflector, July 28, 1897
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - July 28, 1897
July 28, 1897
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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