Daily Reflector, December 28, 1897

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

"4 i . ; ~ -


0, J WHICHARD, Baitorfand Owner. ~TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. - ~TERMS 195 Cents a Month, a



ee ents a tte

Vol.?. a GREENVILLE, N. C., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1897. No.940 ©

pecans: ~etna pyemie ayn eteanseystne-ebthlyeanaapmens ene uaa aeeitcrmnveresearttioneastpeeiabiassta: fier estar tr meeon scnrerssaGedeonannni mimes tae ep piniisetataae

e ta ateiall
a tine te RR sie - aco ta ne mtr: _" a . ~ -

ns en an

| Howell Peebles Dead. Accidents. | ,
Died suddenly at his home near| Prof, W. H. Ragsdale was run over
Falkland, in this county, on the night) by 4 bicycle rider Christmas eve, and
of the 26th inst., Mr. J, H. Peebles,|one of his ancles badly wrenched in the
Mr.. Peebles was an Elder in the Falk-|fall he got from the collision, His

T BAKA wk land Presbyterian church, and was wel injury ke, t him in doors for a couple

known and highly esteemed in this of aays. RANA A SAAR AROS BAA AAA te th, ele Plt lll ot ny

county. We wonder at the providence) John Allen Kinnion was thrown by

7 . : | a
W hat of God in taking such a useful man! horse, Monday afternoon, and his 4
from us inthe prime of life, but as We head badly hurt. | D N on
think of him our thoughts go upward. | | | "

Shall it M J. B, White has one bandTin moura-



ing due to @ Christmas sky rocket
. The news of the death ot Howel]| ich went off before he couid turn it
G . th 7 Peebles brought sadness to many hearts| !0o o

1Ve em efin Greenville where he had a large| Foster Quinn, Linda Smith and
number of warm friends. He was an|Levy Cox were all badly hurt Christ

ee uprzht, energetic yoang man, and hisjmas dey by cannon crackers being

ee ee

In fashionable

desfth is agreat loss. He was amem |thrown under their feet. Marvin : .
ber of Covenant Lodge I. O. O. F. and) MeCullen had one hand bad!y hurt by ( : "1@) et IL \] Cr
the lodze wen! out to attend his funeral trying to huld acracker while it -ex-!

today. ploded.

entire ee at erm a

Many Thanks Thad.

Christmas Trees.

. , ° 7. . . 7 re
Amon; the Chiistmas presents re~' The Baptist Sunday school hed its aud solicit your patronage.

ceived by THe KEFLECTOR was one | Christmas tree on Friday right in the
from our good friend ~Thad Manning,

main audio um Of th: church, The

. 4 , = 1
othe Henderson Gola Leat, [twas a juree was cedir, handsomely decorated

: ° . . . | ee_ AK vey
berulifal silver sovenir spoon with the land beautifully illuminated with colored Oo


ii bs - . _] } 7 5 ~ XT a « ~ ¥

by 5 words Hen¢erson, N. C and a gold tupers. Santa Claus wis there and the
a leaf of tobacco in the bowl. ItT was!children were delighted both with the
ei, s . ° ? -_ . *

¢ desizned by Hight & Co, jewelers, of|tree and the presents they received.

H. ndersun, and shows exquisite wotk-| ~The Uhristmus tree for the Methodist Our line "

manship. Doubtless friend MannisgT8!Sunday school was in the Star Ware-
mind tell upon this much appreciated) house Monday night. This tree was a
selection by his recalling some delight"|splendidly decorated hotly, illuminated

fa journeys upon which we were com=!w th Japanese lanterns. For an hour ~a
panions, and our waking him almort |befcre the presents were distributed : :
jtrot his levs of Felping us indulee cur ithe children romped over the spacious e % .
fondurss el bunting� pretty souvenir iffyor and ensaged in merry games. It thy.

Spoons itis Sa ccsido�"� that this) one Was @ Joyous time tor them.


havenTt been broken and we can show you


be oadded .o the MauduamTs collecticnTT|

has been caried out, whick she also| _
Yen Days.
1H, A. Writs, Avent,

Pra 0 SS am . .
| Dear Sini"Please aeecest our QL beautiful ne.

thanks tor ~The PalatineTs cheek for
\ CS RE APS Eg : 2
4 ff & / iy ae |
; - \ 2 a | " 4 { bs { § : \
mm ez BH OE) SA er / BCA &

Grand Secretary i. HW. Woodelt, of ee
, ~S800 in full settlement of volicy held

hig tly alpapee Glates.

Ode Fellows Banquet Tonight

Relesoh, will aelices @ lecture te Cov- , hi i
ee _ ; (Dy US In (his Combpacy .t took them
aice No. La I. Q. O, I: . Lo-) ) ! : . 1"
. a ; ten days trom date cf fre to adjust and
t . Japepe wal; visa b: Wirkin tbe . . : . ; . ~
~pay this claim, ~Ve think " such



boctory degree und oles tion of cofheers. his d
. , osromptuess as this desergces put onagze,
Afier the meeting the Odd Fetlows|PPO�"�! |

Yours very traly, -_ nee Leone a
W, IH. Cox,
RK, GueEene

wil havea banquet at the residence of

Mr. 7. White. ADL resident and visit-

ine Odd Fellows invit od.

Parte . 2 ew Much Danger About It
rats, Homicide. el MANSel 4
WW ft; nj . The recklessness wih whica fire
Cuffs, Phere was a zencral row on the Greene Phe recklessness wiih o
os aD : works are explode spictaliv. cannon
Shoes place, near Quinerly, Thursday night!" are exploded, expicially ¢
"9 7 ; . . at - .
ee . . crackers, 13 Creating asentiment ag msi
befere Christmas, in which several ~o° aan urs a sentiment :
Collars, rtheir use, ~Lhere were mcre windows

parties took a hand. Hardy Miggirs
Canes, struck Will Greene on the head with «|?! oken and more people bart this

2 ' ~hristmes then we have k y ) OC~
Shirt wun, injurite Greene so badly that he Christmas then we have kuown to ¢
oDILts, , oo cur here before, It fireworks are ever
, died next morning. Ne IEE ALY
Gloves, prohibited it will be due solely to the


mer e
Hoge, Almost a Fire. recklessness of those who use them, |. iT ]
There came near being a fire at the|#d they can only blaine themselves.

Capes, \ Ta ,

home of Capt. C. A. White Sunday a

Overcoats, mo:nire. The ceiling around the stove} Little Juliette Gillam Bernard,

. » in the dining rocm cweht fire but/daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Bere . .
Neckwear, Has in the d an ve 1. cave her little trends a Chlijs The Xmas trade has left many Jots that must be
Underwear was put out without any alarm being) nard, geve her tite mends & Mast closed out, $Phis week will ba a bargain week

giyen. Tne damage was only slight mas tree from 6 to 0 this if ernuon. with us. Eyery Department particularly offers
great values.

Buyers are abroad in the town. Early and late
they cowe. Whbis storeTs share is daily increas-
ing. he square methods, the worthy merchan-
dise, the incomparable values, the complete
stocks and the thorough service are the vital


Suspenders, ;

House Coats,
Night S iirts,

faci elements that contribute to our growing suc-

Macinkoehe, i ~ cess) Mere words in the papers can't impress

Handkerchiefs, you properly. For deep inspiration, visit the

store. The glow of activity; the intensity of

Drone Patterns, the moyement; the crowd of buyers speak more
Rubber Goods, emphatically than we can write.

A new line of Suoes.

Bleeye Buttons, A beautiful line of Rugs. } a |
Fine Business Suits, A handsome line of Buggy Robes just received. Come in
. : and buy before it is tvo late. |
BARE Nn STA, Woe also carry in connection with these leaders a complete a | 8 7

Fine Oda Trousers. cf Dry Goods and Notions, Clothing, Capes, Hate,
aud Caps, Furnitare, Hardware and General Mer-

o | chandise. Agent for George A. ClarkTs O. N. T.
oO T - Spool Cotton.


| Ihe Undersell Man. I |
; | r Se sis . | _ « edd Apia ne | POSS at TC 7 j

* draw a bill that will not be unjust to




D sy, WHICHARD. Editor.T



Emierec as second-class� mail matter.



Ome year, - 2 = * $8.08
One month, * pi - a V
@ne wee. o =

Delivered in town bY earr fers withou'
extr: cost.

Advertisng rates are liberal andcan be
adenap plication to the editor or at
hie affer

Ee = "

Woe deche a jive eorresponcers ¢ at.
eve vy postofce inthe county, whe will
~¢in brief items of MEWS as | it occurs
ach neighborhood, Write plainly

~an v on one side of the paper,

erly AER ae ae


Toursoar. December 28, 1897.




The nomination of Mr. Charles Page
Bryan to be minister to China, if per-
=| sisted in by Mr. McKinley, may be
the cause of a biz fuss in the Senate.
It has been represented to Mr. Mesji
Kinley that the European grab game
which is now being played in Chiaa
makes it imperative that the U. S.
minister to that couatry should be a
man cf wide diplomatic experience, and
that Mr. Bryan lacks that qualification
Such sena~ors as Teiler, Wollcott and
Frye haye announced their intention
to figbt the confirmation of Bryan, if
Mr. McKinley sends it to the Senate
in spite of the protests which have
been made to him.

The Republican policy of cutting
the appropriations regardless of what
is needed, in order to try to help the
vingley tarift lessen that deficit night-
mare, has been shown in ~a striking
manner by the way in which the
House committee on Appropriations
treated the recommendaticns of the
Secretary of the Interior, who had

The Sunday papers had a long list of

reckless indulgences practiced in these

Christmes accidents and fires,

Yatter years surrounds the day with

almost as much danger as pleasure.

horrible disaster ccurred at

Asheville on Christmas day,

of boys aud young men went out to

A crowd

guoct an old cannon, and after firing it

geveral times were about to. reload

when a 30-pound can of powder was
exploded. No one was killed but
thi:ty of the party were injured, several

of them being terrib'y burned

maaimed for life.

(From our Regular Correspondent, )
Wasuinatoy, D. © 79.
*Wobbling Willie� is again being
applied to Mr. McKinley
mame by members cf his own party.

.. Dec. 27

as a nick-
The Republicans who still call them |~
gelves binetallists have about decided
fhat Mr

clare himself to be a gold monometai-

McKinley must either de-


lust or a bimetallist; they are tired of

having him ccoddle them by talking
Hametallicm and then allowing Seere-|!
tary Gage to peblicly announce, with-
out remonstrance, that the administra-
tion was for any and everyihiing that
was regarded as likely to help perpetu
ate the siagle gold standard.
men have quieted their constituen



8 by
assuring them of Mr. MeKinleyTs sin-

friendship for himetallism,

cere and
His desire to ald Jn tts restoration when
the opportunity offered, and it was
from Mr. McKuuley himself that they

got tLe imy pressions upon Which those


now from two
It a private business establishment re-
fused to employ help enough to prompt- ,
ly handle its business, it would son
find that rivals were getting 1f away
trom it, but as the government has no

have to orim and bcar the

quarters in Columbus, tor the

himself, under orders from the White
House, cut the estimates of all his
bureau chiefs. Everybody knows that
the work of the Patent Office has
steadily increased with the growth of
the country, and perhaps everybody
doesnTt know, but it is true all the
same, that the U. S. Government
mukes a profit out of the Patent Office,
the amount to fis credit at this time in
the U.S. Treasury beiug in excess of
$5,000,000. The Secretary of thr
Interior asked Congress toTprovide for
ialt of the additional help

just one
7 . °
that - the Commissioner of

says is needed to get the business of
the office up to date, and the House

Appropriations Committee declined to

provide any additional help at all,
although the business of the office is

to six months behind.

rivals in this business those who have

Patent Office will

delay uatil

lealings with the

better business sense prevails in the
lLiouse, unless the Senate comes to the

rescue by properly amending the Log.

islative, Executive and Judicial appro- for

lation bill.

Every Republican effice holder from

Vino, in Washington, who is supposed

0 have the sightest influence with the

atrre has been ord red"not request-

ed".o report at the Hanna head-


if helpiag the boss to land that Sena-

oriai plum. Another proof that this

s aeivil service reform administration.

Cascarets suunulate liver, kidney and

assurances were founded. Now they bowels, Never sicken, veaken or
Have doubts, and will damand that Mr.|® Ve
MecKauley settle them once for all. cme:

Mr. McKinley has been wobbling ORMONDSVILLE ITEMS.
on the civil service rules quite as ""
badly as upon finance, and he is likely |OrMoNvsvILLE, N. C., Dec, 27, 1897.
t find himeelt brought to book en Dr. Whitaker and wife and Miss

gums business.

subject scon utter Congress re~
Just before Congress
Mr. Me.
Kinlev indicted, if he did not actually
Mike the promises, Ree
publicans who had been taking an
active part in he movement to secure
that he
intended to issue an executive order

adjourned for the holidays,

to some ot the

a@un-civil service legislation,
that would remoee from the protection
of ihe civil service rules
offices that Mr,
ClevelandTs « the rules.
This week, with Congress away, Mr
McKinley told pis Cabinet that he was
Meclined to stand pat on civil service

many ot the

were included in

xtenston of

and that while he might make some
Gb: nges he did not expect to make any
extensive modiiication of existing res.

The joint sessions of the House and
Senate Indian Committee, the object of
which 1s to agree upon a single bill
covering all the legislation tor the
Endian Territory and the five tribes of
civilized indians that this Congress
will be asked vo pass, have so. far
merely served to show how many di-
vergent interests there are in this
matter and how difficult it will be to

some of these interests,

ing the bolidays, with Mrs. N. J,

Sallie Whitaker, of Raleigh are spend-



Robt. Tunstall spent Christmas with

relatives in Greenville.

Y. T. Orwoud, Esq., and tamily, uf
Kinston are visiting Mr. W. W, Or-


L. A. Mayo, of scar Greenville pass
ed through our town Thursday.

Services were heldin the Methodist
chureh Sunday by Rev, A. L. Ormond

and Dr. Whitaker.
J. M.

Reuss, of Greenville, spent

Sunday with friends near our town.

Rodolph Taylor, who has been at
school here during the tall, is spending
the holidays with his parents at Grain-

The school at this place closed
Thursday for a week vacation, ~The
pupils and friends celebrated the begin,
ning of the festive season with a party
Thursday night.

Soran seaman

When bilious or ocstaye, eat a Cas-
caret, candy cathartic, cure guaranteed
Tha, 2d5¢

A Little Girl Wins the Prize.

A prize was offered in the Methodist
Sunday School to the scholar under 12
years of age who on the last Synday
in the year could recite all the golden
texts for the year. This prize, a $5
gold coin, was awarded last Sunday to
little Miss Nannie Jchnson, daughter
of Mr. Marion Johnson. Sh: is the
only one who knewall the golden texts,
and it is a high compliment to her.

Prominent Tobacco Man Dead.

Many people in this section regret 10
hear of the sudden death of Mr. E, G.
Barnes, of Hendersov, which occurred
a few days ago. He made several
trips to Pitt cozntyin the interest ct
CooperTs Warehouse, and was greatly
liked here.

The younz people had an impromptu
old iasiaoned square dance in Germania
hall Christmas night and the way they
enjoyed it was just imwense.

Call at the Reflector Book Store for
ledgers and day books to start your
new yearTs business.

DonTt Tobacco Spit anc Smoke Your
Lite Away.


If you want to quit tobacco using
easily and torevcr, 2e@ made
strong, magnetic, full of new life and
vigor, take No-To-Bac, the wonder-
worker that makes weak men strong.
Many gain ten pounds in ten days
Over 400,000 cured. Buy No To-Ba.


rom your own druggist, who will
guarantee a cure. Bookiet and sample

mailed free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co.
Chicago or New York.

anneal - a


oT sympathize with your zeal,�
said Juage Lavrencein a New
York court to a lawyer, obut
think the time has arrived when
we Should realize that law is not
made solelv for the protection of
criminals.T This utterance cught
tu be printed in large letters and
hung in every court house in the
tund. Sometimes it looks like
there issuch a tender solicitude
Criminals that the public
cannot get protection."Raleigh
News and Observer.

patay is showered on criminals

Republican members of che Ohio legis-!aud so much time taken up in

weeping over their woes tuat
there are no tears nor words of
sympathy to spare for those
whom the cr minal has wronged.
It reminds one of the story of the
little boy who was crying pitifully
When a sympathetic person ap-
proached aud asked what the
matter was. He replied, with a
fresh bursi of tears, that one of
his playmates was dead. The
kindly enquirer tried to comfort
him but the boy stopped him to
explains He said the cause of
his griet was not due solely to
the faci that his playmate was
dead, but that the deceased had
owed hin a quarter; and, as he
tell to weeping again, be remark-
ed that while all the dead boyTs
relatives and friends were weep-
ing oyer bim none of them would
think about that quarter he Owed
un So itis. While sympathy
and aid are being Jayished on
murderers, bank robbers and
ovber like criminals, none of the
symnathizers appear to give any
thought to the people they have
murdered Or robbed, or who in
one way Or another, while inno-
cont themselves, are made to
suffer by those;who transgress

human and divine law."States-
ville Landmark.

Everybody Says So.

Teme el

Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the
most wonderful medivral discovery of
the age, pleasant and refreshing to the
laste, act gently and positively on
kidueys, liver and bowels, cleansing
the entire system, dispel colds, cure
headache, fever, habitual constipat on
and biliousness. Please buy and try a
box of C. C. C, today. 19, 25, 50
eents. Sold and guaranteed to cure
~by all druggists.

This is true. So much sym- i LOUR, COFFEE, SUGAR


25% 80%


ple and bock!st free. Ad. STERLING REMEDY
CR Gir Fite FO Be Sv Er p Br do Br a

ABSOLUTELY GUARANTERD Som ea i or gripes but couse ea) uaturalsestiia, amt

CO., Chicago, Montreal, Can., or New York. (217.

R. A. TYSON, Vic-ePres.



Loans and Discounts
Premium on Stock
Due from Banks


We study carefully the separate needs
your account, promising every accommod

JR. L. DAVIS, PresTte

| JL. LITTLE, CashTer
JUNE 15th, 1896.

_The Bank of Greenville,

LLE, N. C.

Atthe Close cf Business Oct, 5th, 1897. "~

.58% Capital stock paid in $23,000.00

1,000.00 Surplus and Protits 1, "462. 09

20, "365.30 Deposits subject to Cueck 3c 67, 507.02

Furniture and Fixtures 1. 507. 253 Due to Banks 607.90
Cash Items 8, 619.05? Cashiers Checks ontstanding 241.66
Cash in Vault? 25,189.49 $ Bills Payable 17,500.00
""""" } Time Certificates of Deposit " 3,605.C0
Total $113,923.67 """"=
; Total $113,922 6%


of our patrons, aad shall be glad to have
ation consistent with good banking. CH)



of #-2°O4 GO qaks x} Ls
yA bu bi J. WAN oMbnUHA NTS BL ¥
luge Qair yearTs Sup plies will fine
he UP duces twat toget our prices befere pu

hasing elsewhere. Ourstock is coiaplet
allits hrancuea.


T0232, Snuft &3,
ab btu 3° ei

we buy diroc) from Aen
4 ay ) if



an Sees




an @) SES

We have uct received &® new
hearse aud the nicest line of Cof-
fins and Ceakets, in weed, metal«
lic and cloth ever brought te
Green\ ille.

We ana prepared ce oos smbalm-
ing in eli its fore.

Personal attention given to con-
ducting fuverals and bodies en-
treated to our care will receive
every mark of respe:s:.

Our prices are tower than ever,
Ve do not waur weavpoly bat
suvite COmpetition.

We van be found «+ any and all
times in the Wenge b'lauavan
Buggy CoTs building.



ilik 4s ! Ly
sie stock of


always on hand an@ soldat prices to suit
the times. Ovr goods aroall bought and
sold tor CASii therefore, having a 1isk
to run we sellata close margin.

, " war =

W. B. Rodman. W. Demsie Grimes,
Washington, N.C. [Greenyille,N.C.


Greenyilie N. C.
Practice wherever services are desire.



Can be found below Five Points.
nextcloor to Retleetor office,



Patronage solicited. Cleaning, Dyeing
and Pressiag Gents Clothes a specialt:



Special attention given to cleani

Cctton ang Peanat,

Below are Norfolk prices of cotto
and peanuts for yesterday, as furnishe:
by Cobb Bros. & Commission Mer
chants of Norfolk -


Good Middling
Middling (53
Low Middling 5jl-14
Good. Ordinary 43



Prime 2
Extra Prime a
Spanish 60 to :

Acured in 1° to 35 days.

64 the body,

al fe em,

The nex: session aft

open on
MONDAY SEPT. °, 1997
and eontinue for 19 months.
The terms are us follow:

-scnool Wit

Primary English per B20, o200
Intermediate ** + #2 BC
Higher a S nyt
Languages (each) * + 51 00

The work and diselpline of the sehou
wil be as heretofore.

We ask a continuance of vour as
Ni decal patronage,

WY Aneto LR,

tein |


A handsoiwnelt illustrated book @
200 pages descriptive of Vexas «n¢
othe resources cf that great tat
Will be mailed to any ~address Q2
receipt of eight centsto cover post:
age. D. J. PRICE,
G,P.& T. AT. & GN. R. Ry


A Pa'estine, exus,
Kast Texas lands are attracting
considerable attention, Mention


this pap r.


A SPECTALTY. Primary, Secon
ary or Tertiary ~Sypiilis permanently
you can be
treated at home for the same price un-
der same guaranty. If you preter to
come here we will contract to pay rail-
road fare and hotel bills, and no charge
if we failtoecure. If you nave taken
mercury, iodide petash, and still have
aches and pains, Mucous Patches in
mouth, Sore Throat, Pimples, Copper
Colored Spots, Ulcers on avy part of
Hair or Eyebrows falling
out, it ig this Syphilitie Blood Poison
that we guarantee to enre. We solicit
the most obstinate cases and challenge
the world for a «ase we cannot cure.
This disease has always baffled thé skill
of the most eminent physicians, §500-

000 capital behind our unconditional |

guaranty. Absolute proofs sent sealed
on EDY' CO. Address COOK REM-
Aad 480 Masonic aaa Chica-



a eRe



RP ong Se it


fp a a i cs ncaa oening

Screeners ne nS CRM ge ee aa

FEN ap. WET aaecaiE Sapa ty SMR ERTIES GE TAR rR NTA

Sure Se.





Are fy: es ina: Insipid Girls of Sydney. i 2 " ret
a Adulte ; eer line: . CD FRECTGRY. j

Schedule in Effect: Nov. 29th, 18°...
Departures ~rom Wilmington.


DAILY No 48"Passenger"Due Meg-
2.35 a. m. nolla 19.52 am. Warsaw 11.10
am, Goidsboro 11.58 am, Wil
son 12.43 p m, Rocky Mount
1.49 p m, Tarboro 2.50 p m,
Weldon 4,23 p m, Petersburg
6.28 p m, Richmond 7.15 pm,
Norfolk 6.05 p m, Washing-
ton 11.30 pm, Raltimore 12.53
am, Philadelphia 3:45 a m,
New York 6.53 am, Boston
3,00 pm.

DAILY No 40"Passenger Due Mag
7.15 pm. noijia8.55 p m. Warsaw 9.10
p m, Goldsboro 19.10 p m,
Wilson 11.06 p m. Tarboro
6,45 am. Rocky Mount 11 57
pm, Weldon 1 44am, Nor-
folk 10.50 a m, Petersburg
3.24 a m, Richmond 4.20 a m,
Washington 7.41am, Balti,
more 9.05 4 m, Philadeipnia
11. 5 am, New York 2,02 p
m, Koston 9.00 p m.
DAILY No 55"Passengor Due Lake
~f0 p a. Waccamaw 5.09 p m, Chad
bourn 5.40 pm Marion 6 43 p
m, Florence 7.25 p m, Sum-
te: 8.42 p m, Columbia 10.05
vv, Denmark 6,30 a m, August
to 8.20 a m, Macon 11.30,a m,
Atlanta 12.15 p m, Charles-
ton 10.20 pm. Savannah 2.49
a m. Jacksonville 8.20 a m,
St. Augustine 10.20 am,Tam
pa 6.45 pm,


DAILY No. 49."Passeiger-"Poston
B.45 7M. 1.03 pin, New York 9,00 pm,
Philadelphia 12.05 am, Balti-
more 2,50 am, Washington
4.80 am, Richmond 9,05 am,
Petersburg 9.50 am, Nor-
Weldou 11.50 am, ~Tarboro
12.12 -m, Rocky Mount 1.00
pm, Wilson 2°lz pm. Golds-
boro 3.10 pm, Warsaw 4.02,
pm, Magnolia 4.16 pm,
DAILY No. 41."Passenger--Leave
%.50 A.M, Boston 12,00 night, New
York 9.30 am, Phifadelphia
12.09 pm, Baltimore 2.25 pm,
Washington 3.46 pm, Rich-
mond 7.20 pm, Petersburg
8.12pm. Norfolk 2,20 pm,
Weldon 9.43 pm, Tarboro
6.01 pm. Reeky Mount 5.45
2m. Leave Wilson 6.20 am,
(ioldsboro 7-01 am, Warsaw
7.53 am. Magnolia 8.05 am.
DAILy' No. 61"Passenger----Leave

Xcept New Fern 9.20 am, Jackson-
wunday yille 10.42 am. This train

40}. .anives at Walnué street.

DAILY No. 54"Passenger"Leave
12,15 2. M. Tampa 8.00 am. Sonford 1.50
pm, Jacksonville 6 35 pm,
Savanna 12.50 night. Charles-
ton 5.20 am,~ olumbija 5.50
am, Atlanta 8.20 am, Macon
9.30 am, Augusta 3.05 pm,
Denmark 4.55 pm, Sumpter
"40 am, Florence 8.55 am,
Marion 9.35 am, Chadbourn
10.35 am, Lake Waccamaw

11.06 am,

Train on Scotisnd NeckBranch Road
@aves Weldon 3.55 p. m., Halifax 4,30
Pp. m., arrives Scotland Neck at 5.20
m@., Greenville 6.57 p, m., Kinston 7.55
p. ix. Returning, leaves Kinston 7.60
%. t1., Greenville 8.52 a.m. Arrivin,
HaliT:x at 11:18 a, m., We'don 11.33 am
daily except Sunday.

frainson Washnigton Branch leave
Washington 8.20 a, m., and 2.20 p.m
arrives Parmele 9.10 a. m., and 4.00 p
m., Tarboro 9.45 a. m., returningleaves
.arboro 3.30 p.m., Parmele $.35 a.m.
ted 6.20 p. m,, arrives. Washington
11,00 a, m., and 7.20 p.m. Daily ex-
nt Sunday. Connects with trains on
scotland Neck Branch. ;

@iTrain leaves :arporv, N C, via Albe-
marie & Raleigh R. R. daily except sun-
way, at 5 30p. m., Sunday 405 P. M:
arrive Plymouth 7.40 P. M., 6.00 p,m.
Returning ieaves Plymouth daily excej)
Sundsy, 7.50 a. m., Sunday 9.00 a �"�..
arrive Tarboro 10.056 am and 11. 00

Trainon Midland N, C, branch leaves
Golé%boro daily, except Sunday, 7.10 a

- �"�. arriving Smithfield 8.30 a. in. Re-
furning leaves Smithfield 9.00 a. m,, ar-
rives ut Goldsbors 10,25 a, m.

. _ Trains on Latta branch, Florence R

&., leave Latta 6.40 pm, arrive Dunbar

7.50 pm, Clio 8.05 p m. Returning

Jeave Clioté.10 am, Dunbar 6.30 a m,

ae Latta 7.50 a m, daily except Sun-

Traln on Clinton Branch leayes War-
saw for Clinton daily, except Suuday,
Alzsa.m.aud 4.15 p, m* Returning
le wves Cinton at7.00 a. m. and3,00 1, m,

Train No. 78 makes close connection
at Weldon forall points daily, all rail via
Rishmone, also at Rovky Mount with
Norfolk and CarolinaR R for Noniolk
ine all points North via Norfolk,

SenT) Pa s, Agent
T. W. EMERSON, fratie Manag? ~
T, 2.KEV' S © re Manager,

seat rl


Greenville Market.
Corrected by S. M. Schultz.

Butter, per ib id to?
Western Sides 5t to 6
Sugar exred Hams 10 to 123
Corn 40 to fi
Corn Meal | 50 to AQ
Flou:, Family 4.75 to 6.75
Lard� : 5} to 10
Oats 35 to 4%
Sugar 44 to 6
Coffee 34 to 20
Salt per Sack 65 to 1 60
oes mo ° 12} yh
per dos 4
Beeswax.per 0
Cetton Seed,per bushi 10 to

The average Sydney girl is pretty
enough, dresses well enough, but
she is an insipid creature, with very
little to say and having very little
interest in the affairs of life. She
canTt talk to any one outside her
own set or upon anything beyond a
certain set of subjects. For the new
acquaintance she has nothing but
monosyllables. " Sydney Sunday

a eg errr ~

A Fable For Critics.

~What are you doing here#�T asked
the St. Bernard of his neighbor, at
the bench show.

oHave I not as gooda right to be
here as you haveiTT returned the

oNot on your life,TT said the St.
Bernard. ~~YouTre a freak and your |
proper place is in a museum along
with the educated pig and the two
headed mule. What short legs you
have and what a big body! Nature
built you from the top downward
and ran out of material before she

| got through. Look at me and then

go chase yourself!�

oTTve got more good points than
you have,TT ventured the other.

~Rats!T growled the St. Bernard,
and the terrier across the way
pricked up his ears and became in-

It came to pass, however, that
they tied a blue ribbon to the short
legged dog and the St. Bernard
wasnTt in it. Moral."It isnTt the
outside of a watch that keeps the
time."Detroit Free Press.

Good Exercise.

~Met a man in the east who said
he came from here,�T remarked the

oDid you?TT asked the westerner.

oYes. His name was Hiram Tomp-
kins, and he told us that this wasa
great place for exercise. �T

~~Exercise!TT roared the westerner.
~Well, I should think it was. The
day ho left we gave him ten min-
utesT start and followed him with a
rope. Exercise! Well, 1 guess he
knew. '*"Chicago Post.

A Valued Visitor.

No oiher publication can fill
tthe place oceupied by the home
paper in the femily " cirsle.
Kvery member of the howseho'd
eagerly ecans it. columns
learn the latest bit of local gossip
and to seeif their own name or
that of some friend or acqusint-
ance 18 printed on ifs paces. Ne
matter vho or whatis mertioved
there isa familiarity abcut it that
appeals to the personal interest of
all, and for this reason the home



P| paperis prizedabove the foreign

productions of the large cities.
Even the advertisements of the
business men receive attention,
as they refer to giaces where the
family is ccustomed to visit apd
therefore obtain a sociai and
business interest. Judicious ad-
Vertisers recognize these condi-
tioas and profit accordizgly.".
Morganton Herald.

Jus. try « 1c, cox of cascarets, the
finest live:

und " ~ 7 degu ator ever


Gratifying Results.

Interesting Experi-
ments With the
New Stomach

creer enn

Not a Patent Medicine, But a Safe Cure
for all Forms of Lndigesito :.

The resuts of ecent

great valne of tue pe prep © tion for

comrosed of the digestive acid-. pevs n,
bismuth, Gold u Seu and similar stom-
achics, prepa ed in the form of 20 grain

ient roe rry when traveling. harmless
to the mst delicate stoma h, and pro-
babiy the safest, « ost effeciual cure yet
aiscovered for indigestion sour stomach,
loss of appetite anu flesh
headaches, palpitation of heart, and the

digestion of food. ~They eu e because
they cause the food to be promptly and
thoroughly digested before it has time

ani nervous system.

Uver six thousand people in the state
of Michigan alone in 1894 were cured of
stomach troubles by StuartTs Dyspepsia
Tableis. ,

Full sized packages may be found at
all druggists at 0c. or sent by mail on
receipt of price from Stuart Co. Moar-
shall, Mich Send for free book on stom-

acli diseases. 4

iny estigation | &
have establish: d, beyond question, the};

indigestion and stomuch troubles; it is| $&

luz nges. pleasant to the tuste, Conven-| @é

nausea sick| $&

many symptoms arising from imperfect | '

to sear, ferment and poison the blood . c



BAPTIs51"Services every Sunday,
moring and evening. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening. Rev A. W. Setzer,
Pastor. Sunday school 9:30 A, M.
©, D. Rountree, Superintendent.

CA THOLIC"No regular services,

EPISCOPAL"Services fourth Sun-
day, morning and evening. Lay ser-
vices second Sunday morning. Rev. A,
Greaves, Rector Sunday schooT 9 30
A.M. W.B. Brown, Superinter dant.

METHODIST~"Services everv Sun-
day, morning and evening. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening. Rey.
N. M. Watson, Pastor. Sunday school
9:30 A. M. A B. Ellington, Superin-

PRESBYTERIAN"Services _ third
Sunday, morning and evening. Rev.
J. B. Morton Pastor. Sunday school
9:°0 A M. E. B. Fiéklen Superinten-


ALF. & A. b.."Greenville Lodge No
284 neets first and third Monday even-
ing. J. M,RoussW. M. UL. I. Moore,
Sec. |

I. 0.0. F."Covenent Lodge No, 17
Meets every Tuesday evening. J. V.
Johnson N.G. L. H. Pender, Sec.

K. ot P."LTar River Lodge No, 93,
meets every Friday evening. H. W.
Whedbee, C.C. A. B. Ellington kK. of
R. and 8,

R. A."Zeb vance Couucil No. 1696
meets every Thursday evening. W.b.
Wilson, R, M.R. Lang, Sec.

K.of H."Insurance Lodge No. 1169
meets every Friday evening. Jobr
Flanagan, D. Henry Sheppard, R.

A.L.ot H, Pitt Ceuncil 236 meets
every Thursday night. J. B., vherrg
C, W. B. Wilson. See.

ENG. BR. i. LEE,



Every where to show sample pages and
get up clucs,


Money can be made rapidly, and a yas
amount of good done in circulating
one of the noblest historical
works published during
the past quarter of
a century.

Some of our best workers are selling

Mr. AG Williams, Jackson county,
| Vo., worked four days and a half and
s-cured 51 orders. He sells the book
te almost every man he meets. Dr. J.
J. Mason, Mascogee eounty, sold 1.0
eop.es the first five days he canvassed.
HC Sheets, Palo Pinto, Tex , worked a
few hours and sold 16 copies. mostiy
moroceo binding. JH Hanna, Gaston
county, N. C., made a monthTs wages
in three days Canyassing fur this beok.
SM White, Callahan county, Tex., is
selling books at che rate of 144 copiesa

ii:: Work Contains Biozrap i12al

fof |! the Leading Genera's, a va t
ams,at of H.scorical Matter, and a
lare number of Beautiful Full Page
Htu-tvatious. {tis agrand buyek, and
Jad sand gentlemen who can give all
of ~heir time to the can ass are. bound
to make immense sums of money hand-
ling It.


showing the differen styles of binding,
sample pages, and all material neces-
sury to work With, wil be sent on re-
cept of 50 cents. Tuis magnificent gal-
lery of portraits, alone, in the prospec-
tus is Worth doable the money. We
furnish it at far less than actual cost of
i'ma ufaeture, and we woul! advise you
to order quickly, an: get exclusive
control of the best territory, Addr: ss


lithand Main Sts., Richmond, Va.

e 4




Offers his services to the °
citizens of Greenville and the QF
4) public generally. a):

Spouting and Stove Work, 2

a specialty

Sausfaction"-guaranteed.,or.. 2
no charges made. Tobacco ,
Flues made in season. Shop
on Diekinson Avenue.


�,� The Eastern Reflector.

Fase f, " : 42 E ba
~ EA PARKERS es = te ai rp

Lob ae,

uaahhs What Is It? payee

"= It is a picture ot tae celebrated


Rest in use, ~The outfit ot no business man'~is
complete without one. |

The Reflector Book Store

hasiia nice assoxT :nent ot those Fountain Pens
also a beautiful li:.e of Pearl Handle Gold Pens
You will be aston: shed when you see them and
varn how very cic ap they are.

You may never,
But should you ever}@ear

Want Job Printing

oCome to see us. =


Anything from 3%@ses+~

Wisitine Cara
comme! '() eee

Bull SHe=2t Power.

The Daily Reflector

Gives the home news
every afternoon at the
small price of 25 cents a
~ month. Are you a sub-_
serber? If not you
oucht to be.


Is only $1 a year? sas
| contains the news every
week, and gives informa-
tion to the farmers, es-
pecially those growing
tobaceo, that-is worth
mapy times more, than

the subscription uy

oSPAILY REFLECTOR) *�"�ysmrrs | ome | |
Sie : And See if A Missing Since | (ine = ~i
4 rad a : These Fragments Gathered Out of | 42 sich " ae ao g Sin ~
: ~ the Explosion. the Holiday Push, 3 i ee =
TRAIN AND BOAT SCHEDULES. , ftev. J. J. Harper ie't Monday morn-|
, | Only three more days this year. a ; ,
eee na EAH ° fwaled
, locals see second page.
| Bor oiler onals pe E. B. Ficklen left Monday for Dan-
Passenger and mail train going} New ycur resolutions on being | ville:
i 52 A. M. Goin de : a . OT
eS sive 8 2 P. M & |framed Cerlos Harris spent his Christmas at
south, arrives at 0: .M. . You can now Jay your plans tor a) Ayden, Hepa OA | .
a : new year . mm AMAA AAAS
North Bound Freight, arrives K. L, Smith went to Richmond
9:50 4. M.,Jeaves 10:10 A.M: " | _ 80 barrels Red Apples, cheap, at S*| Monday. ~ We Return
. M. Schultz. |
Seuth Bound Freiebt, arrives F. M. Hodges went to Tarboro) @ M Th
& * Jy & . . 4 the an a
9:00 P. M. leaves 2:15 P. M Christmas gave us some cold weather Monday. any an ks
this year.
. y : . + c aT .
Steamer Tar River arrives from) 4). town is dropping back to its J. W. Higgs went to Scotland Neck for the large
Waebington Monday, Wednesday e town 8 ee | Monday.
. ve) usual routine since Christmas. |
and Friday, leaves for Washing" W. R. Smith spert Christmas at :
ton Tuesday. Thursday and Bate yma Chr hopes every one} yy, os, 4
: ~ Shad a pleasant Christmas. a he
urday | wy , ; P. H. Crawfora left Christmis �,�Ve . a
o - . oue an �,�N}°Y"! for Goldsboro. | We en] oyed. :
DIMWOUS ADVERTISING. |!85 & watermelon Christmas day: oe Oo oo q
JUPICIOUS A " a ; Miss Emily Higgs is visiting triends We still have a splen-
What kind of Christmas did you}. aK : ;
. in Scotland Neck. did stock to select frcm
ee have? has been asked thousands of
. times since Saturday. V. J. ee, who bas been sick all the
Oreates many anew business, o fall, is able to be out.
| ; In the next few days there wi Il be a
Enlarges many an old business, ~general hustling about to square up a H, Wilson and cy returned to |
Preserves many a large business, | accounts for tue year. Kinston Monday evening, |
Revives manv & dull brsinese, Velocipedes, wagons, toyT. doll babies A. B, Hart ieft this morning for Ins :
Rescues many alost business, ire works, veses, figures, cups and old home in Boykins, Va.
Saves many a failing Luasinese. | egucers, at S, M. Schultz. W. M. Bond and one of his boys
. fp Tooht ,
Secures success to any amlness| The public school monev will be ap went to Washington Monday.
jporticned to the seyeral townships on| ~LT. M. Small, of Edenton, spent
ithe firet Monday in January. Chiistmas here with W. M. Bond.
To oodyertise judiciously,� use} Tie Rer_ecTor foree has enjoyed Miss Katie Moore, of Washington, is
the cotumns of the AFFLECTOR, a two daysT Chri-tmas rest and now visiting the family of Milen Warren,
hnoklue v4 for another yearTs work. ve oe :
a lal uokles down for another yearTs work Mi-s Bettie Bynum, of Saratogo, is ) oY Ls
For Rent."New six room dwelling | visiting the family of W. R. Packer. iA, i } cams VAS | Hou ;
A hovse, all conveiences, desirable loca- a @
Weather Bulletin. tion. Apply to. 1. W, Hiaes. Mrs, W. L. Brown and daughter,
_ Janie, went to ~Tarboro Monday.
; | Attention 1s ealied to the statement Lo i ON
Light rain or snow tonight and) «yi * we Mrs. Julia Nelscy, of Hobgood, 1s
erie vobal " of the Bank of PitT county at the close visitine her brother R, Ie Humb
i i parmer : S= : : . . SUID : T ° 5
da y, probably warmer WCaneS*| 4+ business Dec. 1oth, published in this ° ona
ye issue, Z. P. Vandyke went to Knfield
| « oo Christmas morning to é sever:
Oe Notice--Will be gold at my late davs ig to apend several . op
M.-L. Smith is iv Rickmomd pure tenets he Rownteve farm wear] We return thanks for the large trade we
ae eh Ss ; Y¢ yUT~ . . r «
; . Greenville Friday Dec, 31st, 1897,| Muss Matic Baynor, of Washington Ynric we sAahie@it vaT ae
chasing horsee and males for thie) OTeCmiles on Friday Dec, Ststy 1807) uly of aheritf A had Christmas and solicit your patronage for
7 . a lot of far elements a tis visiting the family of sheriff Allen v oO
market. Tis stock will arrive T Lot of farm implements mules, caitle, 5 J
: is stock will arrive DharaT 1 . Warren tl , N W Y ar
day and you should go to Smith ¢ ijhogs, corn, fodder, hay, peas, cotton . ~ \�,� pt CW ear.
. = . o + ate . ¢ yO . ; 5G 1 .
Hooker's stables it you want a goo ee carts, wagons Ge. Terms of sale} C, C. Cobb, ot Norfolk, : pent Christ, | | |
: animal. scat. I, A. SUGG. | nias with relatives here and returned if
i , Monday.
es A. J. Wilson and his sister, Miss .. "~ . )
is Myril-, lets for Baltimore on Christiias " a
vi morring. a il C l
i 7% V. Jonnston went to Scotland ang =e S Cap.
ae Neck Chusimas morm.g to spend
sou. dit} Be et OK nn """ natal
return their Thomas Young, whe syent Christ- ie . Avi ie HENRY: HARDING
mus it his old home Weldon, returned |g. } CHERKY, t Vice Pres. ~ fseTt Cashicr
home that might. CAPITAL: Minimum $10.000; Maximam $100,000.
CF) r °
| Mrs. Hannah Morris, who has been Organized June 1st, 1897. |
visiting Mrs. S. M. Schulte, went to { B k f Pit |
p r s all ; Lab ro cht nda 7 be] e An a Q wee 1 AF , JOUNTY
i a u ¥ ay. 9
J A. Ricks and J, L. Tatt went to GREENVILLE, N. C.
7 . r Lia {le ura © 45 as aay r�,� Ue eae TT . . il .
fc r the liberal Miadleburg Su imas day and return Report of tha Condition at the Close of Business December Lith, 1807.9
. ed Mondzy night ,
Alired Schultz and his sister, o'8Ys1 7 9-5, Discounts and Bills ; Capital Stock $10,000.00 i
went 6 Recky Mount Monday to visit receivable 316,769.94 : Deposits subject to Check 20,806,69 F
l rents Due from Banks 5,675.85 3! ashiers Checks outstanding 71,17 i
th Qrenle. Cash in Vault 10,44 1.26 pe Checks 136.0% j
a Carrie Luft Peto },,.| Over Drafts . 552 02 2'Time Certifieates of Deposits 1,793.22
Miss Carrie Luttin, ot Kinston, who Furniture and Fixtures 529.70 Surplus and profits less expenses : 7
was visiting Moss Aylmer Sugg,retarneT """ 3 and taxes paid 1,016.64 }
99 OOO Tr AIO Qe a
home Christmas eve. 803,329.47 5 id esi 4
J, M. Moore came home Christmas correct Beet. COX, I' KE. B. Wiggs, Cashier of the above
nivht to visit his parents and retuined J. W. HIGGS, bank, do certify that the above statee )
a Dr. W. U. BAGWELL. ment is correct. E, B. HIGGS.
yes to Wilmmgton Monday. !
and solicit | | cree ern " "
Veinor Priddy, of Richmond, came Let your fist new year resolucion be }
down Friday night to spend Christmas | |... on Tae RerLector dist ter Wehave a !arge
y our Patrona e and observe the veauty of the lily. " 1898 | . ;
OWJO a | i
2 H. x. Hoover, of Black Creek, who . STOCK OF \
. " lonce lived here, has been spending the |
~sf . o last few days with relatives in our FOR RENT. | j |
: In the iuture. | midst. On Dickerson Avenue, A nine-room 1 t 1
house, with kitchen, pantry, buttlerTs i
f 7 7 pantry, smoke house, wood house, sta {
a | 7 New year resolutions are being ples. barn, buggy house, two gardens, i
aa Mi@a=e iiken out of soak and given a new [ands food well of water, or rms) GOODS
: rubbing.
é A complete stock of Edith, the little daughter of Dr. and = t ad. Cc
, o . i ust arrive omean
} | Mrs. J. Moirill, of Falkland, died Mon- : : eand }
day night. ; o gee us. 4
enera WonTt you need stationery to begin q
ae the new year wu? Let Tre Re- IONS 4 IN (ATS HAY ANN FLOUR 4
; -"~ FLECTOR job office fill your erders if : | .
erchandiseT"""o""" NUTT) = |
. = EGGull om MOH, |
: 0 CURE=NO PAY- i
: | That is the way all draggists sell : . oonanniad
Po to select fr GROVES TASTELESS CHILL TON Phone No. 10. }
oe to select Irom. {C for Chills, Fever and all forms of ! i
~ fad A Malaria. It {s simply Ire 4 and Quinine i n. . ,
: ie , in a tasteless form. Ch'lirev love it :
oe | x% | Adults prefer it to bitter, nauseating | ° | VU '
1a Ey a 3 : pw lonics. Price, 50c. | i
: @ .

' / m4 f :
a ~ ovy
¥ : ~ al :

Daily Reflector, December 28, 1897
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - December 28, 1897
December 28, 1897
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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