[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]
a inr pm seil Srsenati easily hintaan meme nee vere me tn me rg ene ern gem ne nt te Sent
aan pert orn cg a dn Laeedhisinal winmsaboie
ema te gp 0 tine tape ti te
iets eae fo ig tii A li epee shin mas gn sci
ee ee
ee a rnp
An Np ik so aria ge icone sho mmiih eisai lamanommeee
Wee Me 85 aan gE
Base Ball.
eidea victory over Baltimore today,but
the crowd of spectators was 80 deuse
pered end the ground rules that were
Bergen split. hi
seventh inning and w:t
t-rest in the
iiager in the
vaplaced by Ganzel.
nings did some phenomenal fielév 2
while Duffy led in the batting wit.
five hits out of five times at bat. Scor--
Beston, 11; Baltimore. 5.
Chicago, June 24"The Irdian:
| played here today for the first time thi- |
season and won a well contested game }
itrom the Colts.
i their hits inthe second, each side ta!--
Long and ¢
Both teams bunched
lying twice, the score remaining sc |
until the sixth, when the enly error of |
~the gama, a wild throw by Caliahao,
~resulted in three suns tor the visitors, |
| Score. Chicago, 2: Cleveland, 5.
| Phillies
made their first appearance in Brook
Brooklyn, June 2:"The
~lyn this season today, and although
Boston .June 24"Boston won ade-T!
pat in force took largely from the in- '
Themen who learnT «ution. will
bad cause sue
~hat the outfielders were greatly ham- | Truth crushed to earth cannot be |
made to li: there,
Awind mill-~The Sullivan"Fit.
-imm ons prize fight.
Tha $10
| great waist of money,
corset .s
that it is never to late te mend.
The language of the roses, 1s sweet
er than the idle talk of dead beats.
The only banks that do mot recuire |
vatehing these cays are the river
Times are so duT! nov that even
the candidate can Parcly preduce a
Taough one editor may be richer
' only about 3,000 persons turned out to:
greet them, the home team are glad the |
(Juakers are here, as it gives them a
chance to regain some of the ground
ceore was close at times, but the Brook-
they lost while playing Bosvon.
~yns were never in danger of losing
the game. Score. Brooklyn, 7; Phil-
Pittsburg, 24--St, Louis |
should have won the game long before |
she did, but poor fielding made twelve |
~nnings possible. The winning run was
made uhrough F'y's wild throw to first |
flowed by two base hits PittsburzTs
battery was changed in the ninth to try
Cross was pvt out o! the game and of
the grounds in the t elfth inning for
disputing the umpireTs decision, Score
| Pittsburg, 6; St. Louis, 7.
Won Lost Per Cent
Beston 36 13 734
| Daltimore ot 14 708
THAT Cincinnati 30, «7 639
iNew York 28 18 609
| Brooklyn 2) 24 010
Cleveluad 24. 2G 480
Pittsburg 23 2d 479
U Philadelphia 24 28 461
Wes ition ZU 26° 43¢
19 2% Qe
o¢ 8 uy 369
~ 4: 20
Chuch Sarvices ~To-morrow.
9:30 A. M. Preacuing at 11 A. M.
and8 P. M. by Rev. N. M. Watson.
Presbyterian chureh"Sunday school
9:30 A. M.
rat 9:30 A. M,
and 8 P.M. by Rev. A, Greaves.
They den't cost
too much. They
areready to put church."Sunday-school
without a
browns, olives,
9:30 A. M. Preaching at 11
and 8 P. M. by Rev. A. W. Setzer.
J~orbesiown Sunday-school ato P.
M. D. D. Haskett, Superindent.
have seen
wy The devil, uulike minsters, neyor
green mixtures,
17 ~here, getting in his work,
plaids--the swei!
colorineTs of the
takesa vacation"he is always rizT
the season: -- |
sd of them
here plenty as)
neuta fair, We: ffipy
chow the best.
7 ao. Wien &
~ton, Was i
t pight.
Oo save the game, but it was useless. | yjere she aud Mr. oprings (ere
Methodist church"Sunday-school at
Preachins at 11 A. Tf. |
Baptist church"Sunday Seliool at,
A. M,
at yo: rown price.
than another, yet they shear and shear
We hear ot prohibitionists nomina"
ting ofull vickets, and they claim to be
temperate men.
A man can oearn his bread by the
sweat of his brow,� and then not do
much work these June days."Orange
adelphia, o. (Va. ) Observer.
Mrs. A. A. Springs, wife o
prietor of the ooarch Fote!, st he
wdered in. ber bed ~Tue: lay
A burelar entered w2e
sleeeping, and being awekened by th:
noise she screamed when the man "6
her through the brains. ki'fag
instantly, ~The murderer escanec,
| Amannamed W. 3.
| Vi.ginia, took 30 drinks of liouor ~1 °0
;minutes, at Winston, and died with
Habeus Corsuus Declined.
vast al Conetoe, afew weeks ago, in
which a wh'te mannamed Fred Keel
hegre when arre.ted
hin to poison eel,
~lItord and the negro were both
roleced in jail at Parburo
~denied the negroTs story and recently
: T
ansututed habeas corpus proceedings
to get released from jail on bond,T Both
the prisoners were taken to Durham a
'few cays and the ease was heard at
~cuambers before Judge Timberlake.
aitter hearing the facts in the case the
| judge refused the haveas corpus and
recommitted both the prisoners to jail
te await the ection of the grand vcvy,
j * Ne I RMT Re na BI
At their Mreiday th:
County Pre
Ge 4
desidad to leave ~or
Ocracoke ne
un encamporent of several days,
| Who is going to have a ripe watel
i melon by the th of daly?
u-doubtedly a
If you are dead broke, rememb�!
Everybody is on the make now" | |
it is ether make money. or make an,
4� j* . i
Yoong, oror
readers remember tl.e|
telling that)
anouber wlute man named Alford hired
Saturday, July ord, for;
m - ~ saianeay ethan et Ae a Nance elie seme ot deine tema tAtim 8 A
The Largest Line of -
1S Furnishings,
ever Shown in the city. We
are makin: extra induce-
ments for summer weights.
great bargains.
BT A a
i wera.
was kiled by drinking poisoned whis-'
key given him by a negro, and the|
PR LOT ee Rn PR aR Pr ene� SI ""
TERMS: 25 Cents a Month. "
No. 783
Come to see us if you want:
SS a
bs tiuwored as Saou taiteesiy mail matter.
ae. Piet RATES.
Ou yout, = * +t
Oe wenth: ~- 7 «2-4
(ie week. - e =. 10
Delivered in town by carriers without
" Qkcra cast. .
Aclyertisng rates are liberal and can be.
ad ov appiieation to: the editor or at
the office
We desire a live correspondent at
avely postofiice inthe covaty, who will,
send in brief items of NEWS a8 it occurs
fa each neighborhood. Write plainly
aad oniy on one side of the paper. "
Sirudpay, June 26, 1897.
oAeron ener .
(Fiom Our Regular Correspondent. )
WASHINGTON, June 25th, 1897.
Hiou. Wm. J. Bryan r3ceived
considerable attention in the Sen
_ ate this week. Senator Allen
started it by rising toa personal
explanation end denying in the
most positive terms the charge
- that Mr. uryanTs offer of $1,500,
frota the proceeds of his book,
was accompanied bya stipulation
that the next Popuiist National
Convention should take no action
avaiusta fusion of the suppcrt-
ers of silver. He added that the
draft for thé money had. been
seut tohim personally, and after
Senator Butler, Chairman of the
Populist Natidual Committe, de-
clined to accept it he (Aller), at
the suggestion of Mr. Bryan,
invested the mney to be used iu
thse interest of bimetellism. Sen:
ator Butler conirmed the state-
gmenut of Senator Allen that the
moucy had been eiyen without
coudition, and said that while he
approvea Mr, BryanTs motive he
fels that the accezbéance of the
raousy might be open to wis-
construction, and had therefore
deciined it. Later that dyed-in-
the-wool Repub'ican, Senator
Hoar said: oI pave a good deal
of respect for Mr. Bryan. His
character has impressed me very |
favorable, aud I have never join Led
in criticisms upon him,T and Sen-
ator Stewart clinched things -by
remarking: oIt is uo use eriticis: | ©
ing Uryax, as heTs going to be
the uext president.�
There were no new develop-
meuis connected with either the
anoexation treaty or the MeKin-
). | Phis so crushed Platt that he
=|humbiy apologized, saying that
| characterize the wool schedule as
ley Cuban policy this werk. ~Ihe
treaty has been protested against |
by Japan and referred to a sub? |
Committee of the Senate Geciit
tee on Foreign Relations, and |
Wiliin due time" probably next
wiuter--be favorably repo:ted,
and Senutor Morgan has intro-
duced a biil for annexation, Barly
1a (he week there was talk of an
agreement in the Senate to hang
up the tariffbill ontil Czar Reed
allowed the House to'vote on the
Morgan Cuban resolution; buat it
is uot bkely that anything will
come of it.
Nothing more amusing than
ee ForalarTs foreing cf
Senator Allison and his colleagr e
of the Republican steering com-
mittee to meet the Cemands of
the woel-growing states yn the
wool scnedule of the tariff bill
has ceeurred during the con-
gideration of the bill.
was done on the floor of the Sen-
}in Open session, and not in
16 Secrecy of a committee room
ilison seidom looses his temper
when Foraker accused him of
| mailed tree.
And it
he denied ever avian heied of, |
he might have been mistaken
Senator Vest rubbed it in on the
Republicans by insisting that).
the bill be proceeded with, and
Senator ~Teller expressed his
concurrence. = Senator Mantle
said: ~If I were to search
through. the. whole domain of
poetry and prose nothing could
be found that would so fitly
these familiar . words, of Bret
HarteTs" :
oYet the cards bcs were stocked
-1n a way that I grieve,
And my feelings were schocked
At the State of NyeTs sleeve,
It was stuffed full of aces apd
The same with interest to de-
- ceive.� :
oT think the bill,T continued
Senator Mantle,� so far as it
relates to the weol growers is
stuffed full of accs and bowers
with the full purpose and intent
of deceiving the wool growers of
the country.T Later on the seme
day Senator Ailison, on behalf of
the committee, made an abject
surrender and offered the amend-
ment demanded, and it was
adopted by a vote cf 29 to 26,
although the previous yote,which
bad 8o irritated the wool. men bad
been 35 to 13.
Mr. Calhoun having demon-
strated by an amendment written
report on his yisit to Cuba thet
he has the knack of . meeting
Presidential ozjections when
they are made known to him, has
been offered the position cf Comp
troller of the Treasury, now held
by Mr. Bowler, of Ohio, the
gentleman who gained much
notoriety during the early part
of the; Cleveland adwinistration
by setting himself up as the only
Poobah of the Goverament,
Aithough Mr. Cainoun hails from
Illinois, neither Senator Callom
nor Sevator Masou knew tha |
this position was to be offered |
him until after it was done. |
Broker Chapman was in Wash-
ington this week to see the last
of the f.rce known as the trial cf
witnesses for contempt in the
Senatorial sugar scandal inyesti- |
gation of three years ago. Chap-|3
man didnTi say so, but he must
have thought it yery queer that
he alone should have been con-
victed out of the lot who. were
indicted for refusing io answer
Don't Tobaceo Sy b and Smoke Your
Tite Away.
ensily and tore?s", nats well
strong, wagnetic, full of new life and
vigor, take No-To-Bae, the wonder-
worser that makes weak men
Many gain ten pounds in ten days.
Over 400,000 cure? Buy No-To-Ba
own dfugegrst,
rom your who will
guarantee a cure. ookiet and sam} 1:
Ad, Sterling Remedy Co,
Chicago or lkew York,
the personnei of the Association.
a profane word did we hear from any
member or the Assocation nor did we
svea singhe member the leset ~ander!
influence of incoxicants., This | ~obser-|
vation was pleasing to us and we eould
but feel thankful that such was the
cuse tumong the great mogulders: of,
public opinion in our beloved © com-
monwealth, and felt thatthe papers af
our State were in good hands."
Warrentcn Record.
double dealing and trickery, be
id. Senator Platt, of Ccnn., a
publican member of the Fi-
Committee, attempted to
When bilious or costve, eat a Uas
eiret, candy scsi cure eonstipa=|
Echocs Fremthe Press Assoc awcn. |
~We were favorably impressed with}!
Not |:
me rescue of Alliscn, but
oat oot scme y our wren ds
ions sor the law, enacted by the last
| Legislature, in regard to the school
heat election owhich will obe. held iad
every township i in North Carolina, ~on
the 10th day of next August.
At this election the voters of each
~ind every| township mast decide for
themselves whether or not they are
willing to levy and pay this additional
school tax. Therefore one township
may vote for it and another against it,
and the township that votes for it will
levy this tax only on the property and
polls in that towrship,and the township
that votes against the tax will not have
to pay it. Each township votes
separate and independent of any other
The tax to be voted on in this
county is ten cents on the one hundred
dollars worth ot property and thirty
cents on the poll, and this tax is extra
and additional to all other taxes. The
regular schoc! tax levied all over the
state is eighteen cents on ihe | one
hundred dollars worth of property aud
fifty-four cents on the poil, and this
tax must be paid any how, whether
you vote for or agaiist this special
school tax, ~Therefore those townships
which vote for the special school tax,
must pay 28 cents on property and 34
cents on the poll for schouls, and those
townships which vote against the
special school tax must pay 15 cents
on propert: and 54 centson the poll
fer the schools,
We have been asked the question,
whether or not there would be any
more schools in those townships which
vote against this special tax? Of
course there would be, and just the
same as heretofore. The object of this
election is not to take away any school |
or deurease toelv length, but to let tne |
people vote an extra tax 50 as tu Lave
jonger terms for their schools. And
ifany township votestor this speciat
tax; itcannot be repealed tor three
years but must be levied and paid in
that township wvery year for thi'ce
yeais."Pittsboro Record.
Serene FEN La Le ®&
When bilioug or ccoore, eat a Case
caret, candy eathurtic, ware guaranteed
Qe, 25¢
cera tn
Just try a ive Us. Gf Cascurets, Lue
finest liver and howel segu ator ever
A Woman With Big Feat:
The woman with the largest feet
in the country is Mrs, Sarah Gelliby, | But should you CVer = ee
who lives ona farm in Peensyl-ama.
She tried recently to buy a peir ct
shoes"-menTs or womenTs"but after a
tour of all the stores she gave if up in|
despair, and was measured for a pair.
She takes a No. 12 mens size in|
length, but she alsp requi.es an 8 wide,
made, Her
feot measures Ll incaes at the ball,
114 at the instep and 14 inches at the
and that is wider than is
LO tee tn oem
A Housthoid Meeessty.
re, will try to.explain the. provis- |
Loans and Discounts $42,153 81
Over Drafts . 895,29
Due from Banks 8,772.46
Furniture and Fixtures 1,505, 00
Current Expenses 1,312.04
Cash Items 1,839.56
» 28.088.18
Premium on Stock
Cash on hand
1e 3ank of Greenvi fe
At the Close of Business May 14th, 1897.)
Capital stock paid in $23,090.00
Surpius and Profits 3.042,54
Deposits subject to Cneck 58,812.65
Cashiers Checks ortstanding 148.10
Due to Banks 503.15
Time Certificates of Deposit 55.00
Total $85,566.34
We study carefully the separate needs of our patrons, aud shall be gid to have
your account, promising every accommodation consistent with good banking,
hPL PEP FS wae
Wehave alarge ~=
just arrived. Comeand
see us.
(0 COB aN
6 allan eal
fame 4 Sec
We have u.t reveived a new
, hearse and wae nicest line of Cof-
fins and QasKers, in weed, metal-
lic and cloth ever brought to
Green ills.
We ara prepared t- {9 embalm-
ing ja ek ibs forms.
Personal aiventiou given: to con
ducting funerals and bodies an-
trusted to our care will reveiye
every mark of respes;,
Our yrices are lower than ever.
_ We do not wausé monupoly but
Invite con. petition.
We can be found ai any and all
times in tho Juho Flanagan
Buggy CoTs building.
Reatard ei atdtas 900000000006.5 20868
9 rHAnTIC. 2
| 9 6
| 9 6
~ 6
% i
q {
9 4
q . 6
y é
; :
9 :
25% 50¢ oe
ABSOLUTELY TIME te ot any case of consti: ition, Casearets are the Ideal Laxa- ;
tive. never erip or gripe. but cause easy naturalresults, Samed
ple and book} 5 Me
Kiet free. Ad. STERLING REMEDY CO., Chicezo, Montre:l, Can, » or New York,
| Oe & er oo 217.8
| aa
You may never,
Seok we
Want J ob Printing
""=yCome to see US, "pam"
Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most ;
wonderful medical disvonery ot the age.
plearant and retresuirg to the taste,: acts |
gently and positively « on kidneys, liver |
and bowels,cleansing the entire system,
dispel colds, cures headache, tever, ha-|
bitual constipation aud "biliousness
Please buy and try a box of C. OG
pay 10, 20, at eons, Sold and
cuaranteed to cure hy ail cruggists.
= ...WORKER.. ;
aC ,
a Offers his services to the
4G citizens of Greenville and the Qb
ac, publie generally. 6):
$¢ Spouting and Stove Work, 2&
*@ a specialty. ip
a ~y e)
ac ~Satisfaction guaranteed or Op
a charges made. Tobacco 3
*¢ Flues made in season, Shop Qh
Se inrear of 5 and 10 cent store. he
gC : Sg
OKO bb boo de dave). &
ie) inting vA
Anything from ae
A seein
ETull ~Shee Poster.
ee Ye" eee eee
The Daily Reflector.
Gives the home news
every alternoon ~at the
small price of 25 cents\a.
month. Are you a sub-
seriber? If not vouT
oueht to be. ms
The Kasiern Reflector.
is only $1 a year
contains the news every
week, and gives informa-
tion to the farmers, es-
specially those growing
tobacco, that is worth
- mapy times more than
the subscription price. -
"g~ne all points North via Norfolk,
~The Ouly Eive-Dollar Daily
eT eos snaaniat 5
WiL Ml
Co oGan oMs we T i A
s ee te
"bie! iy
~ de : ae rage id +
Y ee i yo 8 y ig RPPPPAL MA SN
eg. + ® eee ne .
i os ey, Se
Dated ahi
May 27, 63 |---
1897, ee ae Ee ga
fo A A.M
uvave Weldon | 12 60
4r. Roeyk Mt | 12 a2
ur seme ee
: acai . 4
uv Turhoro � {12 12)
to whom Thousands Owe Their
uv Rocky Mt | 12 52 i 45
Ly Wilson 2 Ub ~ 6 20
uv Selma ee fe
Lv FayTtteville) 436) 7
Ar. Florertce | 6 68
@ 0
+ |
; oR
seine Se | seca
ie M, 13] A.M
uv Wilson 2 08 0
Ly Go dsboro 3 10 5 Si
by Magsjolin | 4 16) " a) Pico
Ar Wilmingtou| 6 45 a 45 at
P. M, A.M fife 5
Dated wi, 6s ee
Aiay 27th, soe : i
me Og ° we
isH7, Zo) Tal
lA. MiP. M.
Lv Kuvrence |. 845) 7 40)
Ly Fayetteville} 11 10) 9 40)
Ly selma 12:37
Ar Wilscn 1 20/11 35
Se \ |
° \
A. M.| iP, =|
yy Wilmington}! 9 00) 7 00!
i.v Magnolia | 11 dU! 8 30 |
v (oldeporo 1°0: 9 36
«r Wilsen | 1 vv 10 27 |
.y Larboro 142)
1 eenteniit etniigcicins oichieaage, saniaigglle lac sortie ia ident |
a yy Ao, |
é'3 2 , oh
4, " | se * a aN ee x Ww
te may mesa aeiena ne ees | nin ROA Wk
eM) | LP. My SS
uv Wilson 7 142 | 0 32 aN SUSAN ~
Ar Kecky Mt |} 2°33] _ {1115 ALLAN Y ~YY
aii os a OS
ai Tarboro 40 i . es ARTY \Y
LY Tarborc it ahah ATS \ AY \
Ly Rocky Mu | 2 17) * .
Ar We'dcon
Sosthatediene teil ameat
Train ou sectiond Nees Branch 2oa
eaves Weldon 4.10 p, m., Halifax 4.08
p.m., urrives Scotland Neck at 8.16
M., Greenville 6,57 p, m., Kinston 7.5
2-�"�. Returning, leaves Kinston 7..6
& m., Greenville 8.52 9. m. Arriving
Halifax at 11:20 a, m., We'don 11,40 am |
daily except Suuday.
l'rains on Washnigton Branch Jeav®
Washington 8.20 a, m., and lu p.m,
arrives Parmelé 9.10 a. m., and 3.40 p.
M., Tarboro 9.46 a. m., returningleaves
larboro 3.30 pom, Parmele 10.20 a. mw.
and 6.20 p. m,, arrives W ushkington
11.40a.m., and 7.20 p.m. Daily ex-
opt Sunday. Conmects with trains on
Scotlowd Neck Bramch.
Traiu leaves farpero, N C, via Albe-
uairle ui halieigh K. AK, daily exceptsun-
day, at5 50 p.m., Sunday 405 P.M:
aitive Piymouth 74a Pb. M., 6.00 p, ma,
hevunwin.: caves Plymouth dailyexcept
Sundyy, 7.50 a, m., Sunday 9.00.a ~n.,
wrive Lurboro 10.156 am and 21. 45
Train on Midland N.C, branch Jeuves
Wuldebero daily, except Sunday. 6.05 a
m. arriving Smithiield 7°30 a, un. -Re-
tuning leaves Stwithéeld 8.00 a. m,, ar.
tives ut Goldsbors 9.30 u. m.
Traits on Latta braach, Florence R
., feave Lotta 6.40 pm, aurive Duabar
AO pm, Clio 3.05 @ m. Returning
eave CHoi6.10am, Duabar 6,30 a m,
hla Lotta 7.50 a m, daily except Sun-
Train @oCltinton Braagh leayes War-
saw dor Clinton caily, except Sutiday,
10 00 a, mand 8.50 p, m: Returning
leaves Cimiou at 7.00 a.m. ane3,00 , a,
Train No. 78 makes close connection
at Weldon forall points daily, all rail via
Kichmone, alse at Rooky Mount with
Norfolk and QarolinaR R for Nonolk
General Supt.
T, M.BMYERSOM.Triie Manager.
J. R.KENTY. Cowl Manager,
yaiy Newspaper. ih
North Caveiina,
of PaineTs Celery Compound
His ususual talent soon broegnt him3 wasting strength, dyspepsia, bilous-
ing their yearTs supplies Wil fine
chet interest toget our prices befere , a.
chasing elsewhere. Ourstock is corp. (e
uailits brare hes.
Hitigaten wo? Cai &
- ©
3 Tcbacco,~Snuff, & a
we buy diroe) from Minufactu... 3 bn
lin youto ow. Pia uM ic. A eos
cie stock of
always on hand and sulidac prices £0 guit
the times. Qu ,ceds areal! boughtand:
sold for CADE! therefore, having 00 Disk
to run We se!) at eluse margin,
SM SOLO. GS Ge envaile NL
W. M. Bond,
J. L, Flaming
Greenville, N. ©
Practice in all rhe eourts,
Fy F rer
Patronage solicited. (leauing, Dyeluy
aud Pressiag Gents Clothes @ speeta. v
Special attention given
Lo Gleabi?
cent sratestren and its military heroes,
reputation and prominence among his
oExcepting its handful of macnifi- :
ness, liver complaint, neuralgia, rieo
sayé tlie Kirst he
j professional brethren.
mere to elected to the professorship of anatom
most recent writer upon Wes . :
| matism, ail nervous diseases and kid_
Americn othe wonle Owe. x :
ooo § peor ney troubies, For al] such c mpla~ nts
DartmouthTs whysician-texeher than to $cnd surgery in.che Vermone University.
any One mane Next he was appointed lecturer on :
: ceeded again and again: where every"
oTa every walk of lite, amorg the
materia medica and medical botany in? | o
4 § thing else has fated.
+ . . . . aye ty ¥4) ~i err) of fi a oyt a
highest officehoicers at Wasiiugtan, in Dar routh College. The next: year
~wee choser wrofeesor - had No remedy was ever so ivhly re
the homes of the best peaple in thee bie Was cnosen rok SSOT ot th: chan
43 name then vaeated by Prof. Robby, and ce-é
large cities, among the every day colks} hen vacated by Prof. Robby, and d ehed 46 drach
y cupied the cham, the paenenh mens
commended, because none ever neeow
eet most important
of the country, tawities in cortertable most uReport:
? a ae a i é ren y ls P; ~ fi Cc: i] nee "
: : ye . en �,� court } e me when : Loauuy Wne s Ueler Compoun
circumstances, families that olive drom $&@e 1 the country, at the time when; : yon d
ne first formulated his most remarkable ; stands without competition Sr : feeding
hand to moutiT zed would not, if taey
v8 § nly
rae reseripuen. ,exheusted nerves and building up the
wished; cflord the services of any wut 3 PFPse! i } he bt edie
. . ~ ~ , Str (ir 5 i rE *% ;
an ordinary physician"everywhere I In view of the everwhelming testi ¢ STTONR Pru iachdi ba miphiate oe
6 ~ - : re ~ anet tiv hha He
have met people to whom PaineTs Uel- ymony to the value of PaineTs Celery } © lly aad permanet Uy. Theo nervous
ery Compound has been a blessing.� ? Compound tiat bas recently appeared prostration aad geastal debility from
, . mo Tn: * a eS =] , ? é at » . o4
- ¢from men and womewr of national repu- witick tuousands of wom matics oa
ot this;
: . ?
The story of the dite-work a cg ~
. told } tation, the pieture of Prof. Phwps iss 8° long that it finally sets to be second
giant among mer hag been often
The} particalarly interesting, nature with them"all this suffering
Wy , : .
and despondency can be very soon
and is tamilicr to most readers.
likeness above is piobaoly the best) the fact is, Pie's Celery Com-
a removed by properly " feedine
portrait of him yt printed, Spound is nota patent medicine; it 1s 4 q ; A y elag. the
rant ¢ yty é rae nerves, and replacing the unhe
~uot a sarsaparifla; it is mot a sere ae placing: the unhealthy
It was the world-iamed discovery by
Poe ~ oy
ee ae pnic: it is nog an ordimary nervinem
Prof. Phelps ef anT infidllible cure for tonic; 11s now a aot g ,
blood by a fresher, more liwhly yital"
ived fluid. A healtey increase in ay
ypetite and a corresponding gain in
impaired nervous system and slant I , wall. Ne tea ; Weight aud good spirits follow th:
\ ich bas endeare eg / Makes people well. IB the ONE, Bay , ,
~blood which bas endeared the great? f eee 2 Of Paine's Celery Compound.
doctor to tae world, and made hig life §true specific recognized and prescribed | |
those feurtul Ha that resalt from emi isBe tar beyoud them all asthe dia-
mond is suprrior to cheap glass.
gle ies ~
PaineTs Celery Compound is. the
Inost remarkable medica!
of this last balf of she nine
¢ . ~8 T *
an era in the practice of medicine, today by eminent practitioners for dis-
Prot, Pleiis waa born ts -Connestis 0" arising from a vebilit ted nervous acne vemeni
@ as a . ae A e
its Class inthe State
oe ;
, ; PaineTs Celery Compound has suc"
Gentlemens Clothing,
He | J. A, BURGESS, Mgr, ©
Washington, N. C,
This Hotel has been thorougily rev,
vated, several new rooms addeu, elec.
trig bells to every room. attentive ger:
Vinlts. Fish and Oysters seryed dailyT
Patronage of traveling puulie solicited
SOL Dr. ~Tlalmages oThe
Earth Girdled.�? or his tamous tour
around the world, a thrilling story of
liou ~TalmageTs books sold, and *oIhe
Karth Girdied� is his latest and grand-
est, Demand enoromous. Everybody
wants this famous book, only $3.50, Big
book, big commissions, a gold mine or
workers. Credit given, freight, paid,
outfit free. Drop all trash and sell the
king of books and make $300 a month.
Address for outfit and terri ory, The
Dominion Company, Star Buildiug, Chi-
cago, f
ale Academy,
savage and barbarous lands. Four mil-.
* ¢ 5 ~ f gata t! te
ae r. gsystem, Prot, Phelps gave to his pro- tat il ty 1" ay eer
~ ~ me i . r Me f dle, a oa hts 16 REX: Sexs 1 Ss hy 0 ht
cut atd graduated in mediciag at Yak ~Veenion a positive cure tor sleeplessness ¢ tary. �,� Bex? session of the school
~4 open on
G ville Market oo Cottcn ang Peanut, | ' .e MNDAY sepPr. 7. iseT
reenville sas Satie ene | : ak a
nen ae ae Below are Norfoik prices Of COLL, } ym | ! and continue for (0 months.
Corrected by 8, M, Schultz. And peanuts for yesterduy, as furnish. $f LOa0 | |
Bitter, per lb 16 to 265 by Oobb ~Bros. & Commission ee | The terms are ws rollows.
; i sof . eo FU
Western Sides 54 ate gai wile sons A SPECIALTY mitten | =
suger cured Jlams 10 to laa, COTTON, ; i uary Bypilis permanently ected 416 t Primary Knish per mo, wey |
* i Nee : agit oh * ca. at no ~ ~ an ; *
Corn pe 0 o4 00d Middling b : tho same pee undoysame guaraaty. If Intermediate 6 1 + a i sf C
to 66 : ri �,� ntz "i
Corn Meal : ab Middiing 8 Yea t9 pay rallroad fare and hotel bills, and no | fTighey ee) ie A
Flouv, Family 4.25 to 6.75? Low Middling ~f) cha if vo fallto cure, If you have taken mer
jour, 6s Good Ordinary 6 9-14) Cary, jodido potash, ~and still have aches and
ia 5} to 10; © ee ~ pains, Mucous Patches in mouth, Sore Throat, Languages (eacl; ** Pam
sh en 40 Tonequirt. , , ik doe arg fo per Colore ots, cota on : | ~
1 whe ows ,w enh en ~
Qats. PEANUTS out it isthis Syphilitie L vebrowrs fallin The work and fae Iptindd the Pe |
Sugar 4'to 6). ' ¥9 Busrantee to cure, We solicit tho most obsti- | Will be us heretuiore.,
Cottee 17 to 203 Prime d43 caso we eunhot cures ubw diesate has prone
es 8 ~a Pr 2h. ca: + whis dis agalwaya| .,
sult per Sack 76 to 1 6} ble Prime ge ~baffled tle skill of the most eminent physi- | We ask a continuance of your pos.
10 to 26 NC) wi ha =i cians. $500,000 capital behind our uncond | \iheral patron: .
pcg spanish? 60 to 70} tional gearanty, A sent lal akin
ee 8 WaXx.L es sk aah th bc 7 Masonic Templo, CHICAGO, W PLR ASS ALE. :
Ladies $2.50 Slippers,
Reduced to $2.09.
~Avoping, ConstantT at it Brings Suocess
ij cee Rn
ee ee
J 4 3 us
i : ; oo Ae
Creates many 4 new business,
Enlarges many an old basiness, .
Preserves many @ large businessT
- Revives many a dull business, |
Tiescues many a lost business, _
Saves tuany a failing business,
) Socures suecess to any business
. + ee
eolumns of tu REVLECTOR.
Te oe
train going
Passengor anu mal
Going south,
Nerth, arrives 8:52 A. M.
arrives 6:57 P, M
Steamer Tar River arrives from \Vash-
ington Mondzy, Wednesday and Friday
leaves for Washington Tuesday, Thure.
diy and Saturdas
iectiiemniNaeloaty (q
hd ere ee aati ta ee
OS 9 ae
F.iir tor ght and Sunday, preceded |
by showers,
ThereTs Always oMeat� m Them.
Vegetables are plentiful.
Did you list your taxes today ?
New Mallets, CreamUbeese and But- |
ter at S. M. Schultz
50,000 people daily drink Caricol |
Blend Tea. Buy it ot S M. sonaLte.|
Lemonade, Milk Shakes and otherT
summer drinks at StarkeyTs.
oSilver Dollar?� Fountain Pen, Fark
er make, at Reflector Book Store.
Supply of uew box papers, mourning
paper and note paper at Reflector Book
The work of rebuilding the Green-
ville tobacco warehouse is being pushed
rapidly. A lerge force vt hands is on
nr Nee ee
Ladies $2.00 Slippers, |
Reduced to $1.65.
Ladies $1.59 Slippers,
Reduced to $1.25.
ms AI lt
Ladies $1.25 Slippers,
Reduced to.90.
Ladies $1.00 Slippers.
Reduced to .75.
Misses $1.25 Slippers,
Reduced to .99.
Childrens %5c Slippers,
Reduced to 65c.
fee ter a
Wehave some beau-
tiful styles and now 1s
your chance to pur-
chase some rare bar-
A pienic vos had out near Smith's
store, in Beaver Dam township, op
Friday. We hear tht) it was any}
enjoyatle aff ir,
Cast your eye about Greenyille and;
you will see many improvemeuts are!
yong on. Just now fully a dozen
different buildings are going uv.
Why the Difterence ?
Two years ago when Congress was
in session nearly every Man you came
up with"especially if he was of some
other polities than a Demucrat"_
ranted to know owhy in the world
those confounded Congressmen diduTt
dosomethirg to relieve the country,
or adjourn an go home?� = Now it is
quite» different. Congress has been
in session ever since last December
and as vet, hasdone nothing to retieve
the peuple, but we donTt hear any
complaints, even from our Populist
friends. Why the difference ? Cen it
be possible that the peopleare satisfied.
or have they become disgusted and are
only waiting to get another chance to
change the present Congressmen f"
Louisburg Times.
A Model Husband.
A lett.i from Nashville informs us
that othe vomen of Tennessee were
completely captured by the sweetheartTs
solicitude which President McKinley
everertertauined for his wifeTs satety
and comfort.� That is a tribute of
which even the President of the United
States may yell he proud, and the
PresidentTs ex ® ple igone which every
man who is bleed with a good wite
should emulate. Jt is not the lavish
expenditure of money nor the oomegr,
| J 8. Cherry,
To ~advertise judiciously,� use tne Friday evening.
~ovening from Oxford.
| gan,
down Friday evening and went e:t to
Kings X Roads where be will
| tomorrow.
Coward and wife,
wite, Mrs, R. J. Cobb, Mrs. D. J,
Flanagan, Rosalind Rountree, Bessie
Jarvis, Lula White and imma
H. T.. King,
| Forbes, G. J. Woodward and Jarvis
Sugg returned trom Morehead City
nor the resyect of a husband that
makes the wile happy. Nor is his love
(}, \j
und comtinuous manifestation
ilove in hundreds ot little
heart, A pretty speech . Poot ber
ment about her heusekeoping, a binch
show her that you were thinking about
her when you were down town "these
and othé thoughtful attentions of this
character which should suggest theus
selves fo every man Whois in love with
his wife are the things that she looks
for, and which, when recigrucal, make
~aarrivd lite oone grand sweet seng,�
i a: \ *
T wo
oF. his, ety! JQ danish CHey
appearance; a kiss when yeu ce to Uae ides
vilice and when you returns empty | Happy ures that tle Atlantic Hotel isT } ""___
of roses when you go home, jost 0
oJ. N, Gorman, of Richmond, isT
Mrs.O. L. Joyner lefcthis morning |
tor Tittletor. |
or,, yeturred Horie
Friday evening.
W. HH. Cox
returned to Kinston
W. F. Preddy returned Friday |
Mra. B. F. Suge
morning from Kinston.
returned this
Miss Irma Cobb returned
®, M. Hodges left this morning to.
spend a month at South Bostou, Va. |
Mrs, xlorence Dancy came home
this morning from a visit to Kinston.
Miss Rosa Belle Lountree, of
Kinston, is visiting Miss Dot !lana-
b. C. Pearce and litle Blount re-
turned home Friday evening from
Rev. A. Greaves camé over this
morning from Kinston and will hold |
services in the Episcopal church to-
~ll Summer Goods
Under the K
oom cw vm Also SLT PP
We are slashing prices on all Summer
Goods for we are determined to clean iem
out. No reasonable price refused. Come before
it, is too late.
Emporium of Spring
Dr. W. H Cobb, ot Whitakers came
Capt. C. A, Write and wite. H. !.
T, E. Hooxer and.
Whichard, Misses Ella
King, Ada
Nannie Fleming, Blanche
Rev. A. W. Setzer, Prot. W. H.
Ragsdale, L. I. Moore, J. L. Fieming,
J. B. White, C. S.
One Only,
The marriage heense business with |
the Register of Deeds
striking bottom this week.
was issued during the week, and that
came near |
Only one |
was for J. S. Norman and Pangie |
Darwood Wilson, Frank Skinner
and Charhe Ssinner went to Grimes" |
land ~Liursday on their wheels. These |
made the rou"twelve |
Gooa Riders.
Letigas ive}iqayy
satakGowendia Ghd HUT and auurter. |
Much ot the road was Very sands, |
Not Coming Now,
~Lhe letter which Rev, N. M. Watson
Evangelist W. DV. File,
inviting tne latter to hold a meeting
wrote = to
here, was returnea to him, Mr. ite
So it
having gone elsewhere. is not
likely that the Evangelist will visit
G-eenville anytime soon,
Try It.
Here is said to bea sure destroyer
of fles. Take a tablespoontul of
ground black pepper an¢ mix it with |
veaspoontuls 0! sugar; |
mo'sten the compound with milk and |
place where there are rays of hight. The
flies will generally be quickly attracted |
to it and eat greedily, If they do ii:
will be their last meal, for tie least of |
two brown
ete een onesie + ee nee
Eack Honie.
With few exgeptivirs ihe Greenville
dule. «Views 40 Morebend returned home
enough of itself. [tis the constant! today. It wes 8 ge a crowd and from
had a good time .
; : ee othe we Henn hay bathed, they sailed,
| attentions tuat fills the longings of her: bboy flee tty ey : e
bowy Waheet. a ey courted"yes, they
na hau une Of these all round
~iamous tor giving folks. ~ihe last gen-
sail given Thursday evening by Messrs,
J. B. White avd G. J, Woodward
complimentary to Misses Nannie Flem-
ing und Rosalind Rountree. The
whole Greenville crowd and many oth-
ers were invited and they had a de-
ightial sail.
G. COX, ~ .
}. CHERRY, Vice Pres,
E..B. HIGGS, Cashier.
AssTt Cashier,
CAPITAL: Minimum $10,000; Maximum $100,000.
Organized{June 1st,189¥.
The Bank of
Pitt County,
PLP Tl Mee a tee a,
We solicit your account.
tesy and accommodation consistent with sound
We offer every cour-
~both of those places are now connected
it is A poison tov fy.
eral social feature of utr crowa was a
at greatly reduced prices.
~Lang Sells
Taal a nah sn patineemnmnliemetie
Exchange Growing.
The telephone line has been com"
pleted to Stokes und Whichard ana
with the Greenville exchange. Mana-
ger Atkins hag put in so many addi~-
tional ~phones recently that it was
necessary to print a new directory.
There is not a better or mure satisfac"
torily managed exchange in the State
than we have in Greenville.
Milk © Cents Per Quart,
We have reduced the price of milk
to 5 cents per quart, delivered from
our wagon a! your door morning and
We als. deliver Cream, But-
tilt orders for Lumber, rough or
dressed, and mouldings of all kinds, ¢
short notice.
Kinston, N.C,
aualified as Receiver of the Green-
ville Jum der Company, for the purpose
of settling the affairs of said Company,
{ hereby olfer for sale the real estate in
and adjoining the town of Greenville
belonging to said Company. ~Uhi- } Top»
_ erty will be sold on reasonable tertas in
~lots to suit purchasers.
For further information sce or acs
ter, Clabber and Buttermilk at th:
same time. Send us your orders,
dames anp WiLry Brown,
Props. Elmwood Dairy.
It was hot enough today to almost
oroast eggs.
iy: or a
Tor Sale,
' A stock of goods, several sal] tracts
of land, a saw and grist mill, a lot of
sawed lumber, a lot of standing timber,
low carts, oxen, log engine and track,
The above property urust be sold to
close up the business of J. H. Woolard
@ ous. For further information ap-
plv to. G. M. MOORING, Trustee,
; Whichard, N.C.
June 19, ISo7.
Receiyer, Kinsion, N. ©,
| ~Phe weather tells you that, and I want
| to tell you my Ice House is ready to
~furnish you with the wherewithal to
| keep cool. Var load of ~ce just im and
iI will have aXull supply at all times,
Ice delivered Yo tow. without extra
charge. Out of town orders receive
prompt atvention,\ Customers can get
tickets On application. Suandsy Lours
7to WA, Moanddto7 P. M.
| Fresn Fish on ice every day. Call oa
= ld time you want Iee or Fresh
oa soe Ko gen ASRG ENP ACE