Daily Reflector, April 26, 1897

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TERMS : 25 Cents a Month.





~No. 782

"" = ~

back from the

Northern |

line of


such as


Fancy Nainsook,

White Lawns,
Lace Curtains,

Val. La 288,


% -
2 rr ae Z ws :
: 2 : : oe :
P ~ oN * 4 N / , is Ye Y : 7 AAS
T . ; . T 2 ey : a ? Dibet ty Je i Sige : g ty
"" JRF 2 o ig 2 DE OOS DE UG OK IT ny Mf ~oh { COory @) er ia) ae e@ eee a fe) oee! oe) ~ee Me)
$ y ~ ~ . wt Dy y © ON s 7 -

* te.
Call and see for
eee) 0
We are now
ready with



Swell business
suits, three-but-
ton sack, colors
brown, green,
grays, In plaids

_and over plaids,
and checks.

Our business is
growing, . We
know the secret
ItTs well-made
Clothing at a
quick "seiling
profit. That is
low prices for
you. We are
hustling for bus-
iness and get.

ting it.

| lost.


OUGkgs | Waraing Notes Calling the Wicked to

Repentance. |

The man wuo tries to take up his
cross with one hand will never be able
to lift it.

It 18 hard to make a cold prayer in a
warm prayer meeting.

Wherever truth is made known, God
is speaking. 4

Uultivate the habit of casting all.
your care upon Christ,

Be a happy Christian and God will
make vou a useful one.

We are always in great danger when
we.hold on to a little sin.

The mercies ot God, like grapes, are

i | always tound in clusters.

Christ is not well received where his

Ope | eervant is improperly treated.

~he man who keeps a bulldog shoul
not talk very much in church.

The great man of to-day shows us
what all men may bé by and by.

The greater our growth in grace the
greater our need of common sense.

It is hard to believe that there is

| death in the sin that wears a mask of

No man isstrong whose character has
not stood the test of many trials.

The fault finder would growl about

* | the weather it it were raining money.

The world is full of blind Samsons |
who spend their lives grinding in a

3 © | mill.

Determine every day to do your

» prayeiful best and leave the result with

ee | God.

A big man ina little world isae much
out of place asa little man in a big one.

It would be bad for the Church if she
knew no more of God than her preach-
ers teach.

When a manTs wife believes in his re-

B | jizicn it is pretty good evidence that be

has the nght kind.
There are peopie in every church who
stop believing the Bible whenever a

© | collection is taken.

When we get to the end of life we
Shall find that nothing good has been

Seek first the kingdom of God, and
no gift the world can givo will ever hurt


Rev, Hi. B, Melton, State Evangelist
of the Christian church, will on next
Sunday begin a series of meeting here.
The services wiil be held in the Presby-
terian church. All christians of the
community are invited to co-operate
with the meeting.


I have taken the agency for tbe
Wilmington Steam Laundry and ask
the people uf Greenville for a shure of
their patronage. Prompt aitention and
good work is guaranteed. ~The Tele-

'yeaph office will be my headquarters for

receiving and distributing bundles and
I am ready to serve you,
'C, B. WaicHarp.

oSilver Dollar� Fountain Pen, Fars,
er make, at Reflector Book Store,


The Landmark says Statesville mer-
chants have entered into an agreement
to close their stores at 7:30 oTclock
every evening except Saturday during
the summer season.


The Journal says a syndicate of
Newbern capitalists have purchased the
Atlantic hotel property at Morehead.

A monument is to be erectsd in
Catawba county to the memory of six
revolutionary soldiers who were killed
by Indians and whose bodies were eaten
by wolves,

Rev. L. R. Pruett last Sunday at
Twelfth Street Baptist church received

years cf age.
old:st member ~ever received in the
State by protession of faith "Charlotte

The Observer says Robert Swann,
near Charlotte, lost his barn and con-
tents, two mules, a horse, gear, feed
and tarming implements by fire on
Friday night.

Base Ball.

Philadelphia, April23" Philadelphia
again deteated New York today in +
game whic! had a most exciting finish.
Score :

At Philadelpnia"Philadalphia, 12 ;
New York, 7. .

Baltimore, April 23."It looked a
"sure thing tor Boston in the first halt of
| todayT s gume, but good stick work by
the champions pulled the game out of
the fire in the eighth inning. ~Tucker's
playing at first and LongTs at short
were tbe features. Score:

At Baltimore"Baltimore, 7; Bos-
ton, 9

Cincinnati, April 23."The Reds
again defeaied the Colts in an exciting
game tcday. Breitenstein was hit hard
in the frst inning, but the Colts were
unable to do anything with him there-
atter. ~Score:

At Cincinnati"Cincinnati, 4; Chi-
cago, 3,

Washington, April 23."Again the
Brooklyns won by a single run. Up to
the fifth inning WashingtonTs chances
appeared rather slim, but in that in-
nicg the senators fell back upon DaubTs
delivery to the tune of seven runs.
Kennedy then went into the box and
the locals did not score again. Score:

At Washington"-Washiog:on, 7
Brooklyn, 7.

St. Louis, April 28"St, Louis-Pitts.
burg game postponed on account of wet


Large Ca:t,

Mr. Sam Coward, of Swift Creek
township killed a 17 months old calf
today and brought it to Greenville to
sell to the market men. The remarka-
ble thing about this calf was its im-'
mense size. It measured 9 feet in
length and weished 428 pounds dressed.
The hide weighed 70 pounds. The
market men say no finer beef has been

brought here.

ee re

Just try a Ce. box ot cascarets, the
finest liver and bowel regu ator ever

paetoterscsins lens


Our stock 1 is soagutete

«Th um


a Sa
with all the latest inT

no iw

on professiun of faith a man ninety two | |
This is probably the},



The King Clothier,

a Red OF


If you want to
keep cool geta Crash Suit. See?

Remember a full line of "-'/;j|

Men and Boys


to select from. All the latest in Gentlemens
wear. Call on


Just received.



if you want to see somevhing pretty just come
in and Jouk at our complete line of cotton

Ribbons, Suitings,
PLAIDS intiie fa-

Cheviots, Lawus, Piques,
Laces, Silks and Velvet.
test and WE have them.

"Don't forget our"


we are selling and want to sell more. Prices

ard quality is what talks.

Neckwear, Felt,. Stiff Bild Sitaw HATS i mn latest
By syle and best quality.

or |



The Low Price Merchant


4 " ~tn

~ gmery postoffice tn


we in

the office


We | destre a live correspondent at
the covaty, who will
of NEW6 as it_ occurs
Write plainly


gend in brief items
fm each nei hborhood.
and only on one-side of the

Cae atall

Monpay, Apri 26, 1897.

There are thousands of people

| companies to manufacture or sell

on royalty. But the large majority
ot patents granted never bring
anything to the inventor or owner
but are like the larger half of al

they can have the privilege of
selling the foreign patent, claim-
ing to naye unequaled facilities
for selling. The suggestion of
sale is only a bait. What they
call half expenses or $20 is four
times as much as the German
Gebrauchsmuster costs, and nine

They will refer you to the coms

white man through the bil) of sale,
In freedom the negro must tie
himself to the white man through
the bonds of commerce and by
the cultivation in every manly

earth. We like to talk about
living in the white mansion in the
upper world and at the same
time living ina one room cabin
nere. We like to preach about
golden slippers and long white
robes in the other world and go
barefooted and nearly naked in

the best preparation for a happy
home in heaven.�



H patent the daventor and his | races will work itself out. In AL TYSONL a . R. L. DAVIS, PresTt. ku oe tee 7
2 assicnees sell territory or form|slavery the negro was tied to the , Aa TYSON, VicoPree ee .
= gnem ee y the neg a _ REORGANIZED JUNE 15th, 1896. :

Bank of Greenville,

| Atithe Close of Business Maroh 9th, 1897.

manana, sa senor mail matter. |} man yentures"failures. way of the sympathetic gocd will ape ci =
ee et lesen : . . _ LIABILITIES
ae Y Another scheme is to urge the uf his next door neighbor. . |
~ SURSCRIPTION RATES. ; ~ : . Loans and Discounts $41,761.19 3 Capital stock paid in * 923.000.
Oe oa ae ee American patentee to get Furo-| oWe must bring our education Over Drafts 7'133,9753 Surplus and Profits : peor gpg :
ha mont, «3 + penn patents, and there is one| down to the plain, practical, hard, oe st agp Bp ae nea he ga to Check = 95,691.14
QO. sae Se Ov oe : ue from Banks 67. le anks 132.36
5 28 week 5 ~ 10] western firm that presends to bear| everyday facts. As a race We 819) Furniture and Fixtures 1300.00 Cashiers Checks ortstanding ~* 863.34
pt eho a town by eutriers without}. nalf the expense of $40 for| very emotional. We are inclined tmatd Expenses 985.52 ; Lime Certificates of DepositT 355.00
oe : Gee's o : = " b4 m 2 5 me (TS RE
advertisn g fates are peers ve procuring a German design pat-| to spend more of our time Pre= | oash on hand 25°815.38 Total $112,974.50
~had on application to the edittf or at} ent or Gebrauchmuster provided | paring vo live in heaven than on it Sais
ota $112,974.50

We study carefully the separate needs of our patrons, aud shall be glad to have

your account, promising every accommodation consistent with good banking. .¢|

Wehave alarge-



" " | times in ten it is not worth a cent | this world. Welike to sing about : :
: ClIvy SWINDLERS AND THEIR | for they will never sell it; or think |living on milk and honey iu the UNDERTAKERS,

; RURAL PREY. about it after they get the $20. | next world and eat corn bread

: : oo Do not be deserved with the|and peas here. I believe ey? FAINERAL DIR EGTORS AN)
: (From an Occusior al Contributor.) le give. |living right here in this world 18 : 5

abe references that these people & g rig EMBALMERS.

pacumen @ jeoumonns

who live in the city by robbing | mercial agencies Dun and Srad-

~people inthe conntry. With the| street: but these agencies only |, = ae GOODS dth t received & Posi

4 val of the editor I-propose rm that they have a commercial earse and the nicest line of Cof-
approva afi y nay PROGRAMME fins and Ceskets, in wood, metal


lic and cloth ever brought to

We ane prepared te Jo embalm-

rating, that they haye money;
they got it by the deception
which they are practicing on you.

to explain some of these robbing

schemes and, perhaps help some
by saving

just arrived. Comeand
see us.

Ofthe Roanoke Union to be Heid
With Memorial Church Greenville

readers to make money

it. Many men with good commercial May 27-30. . mete Paes
So tty i bee Boece te ah be dor ar rep | Personal atiention given to con!
ice | ducting funerals and bodies en-


prison. Do not be deceived by

their references to distingushed trusted to our care will receiye

are so thrifty is because those
every mark of respect.

who have been duped by them 8:00 P. M. Introductory sermon."

F. P. Wooten.

; i j ;
: are ashamed to expose thelr own men"Senators and Members of A
: : . WT : : or
simplicity in being otaken in,�and|Qongress. Itis well known that aia e sane . { CDECIALTY wr, " "" a
cause theeaposure involves | some Senators and Congressmen| 200o: thas service. b Wl� ; want monopoly ba
ets ~i Ovr town churches"What they watt 3 con anon , ne

in Washington will sign almost,
any paper that is brought them
provided itis nota subscription
list or a check. oi

The number of patents granted
in the United States alone num"
bered on April 13th, 580,837. _ All
that were grantea 17 years aco
have expired and become public
property. Noteven the catacombs

trouble and expense.

The head of a notorious Patent
concern in Washington has been
heard to remark that a osucker� 18
born every minute and that he
looks upon the inventor as his
~particular prey. There are on an
average about 425 patents granted
each week ~and the name and

need."J. A. Rood.
What relations should exist between
pastor and people ?"G. L. Finch.
9:30 P. M. Prayer and Praise.
and Education."E. EK.

times in the Juhn Flanagan
Buggy CoTs building.


OL Dr. ~Talmages ~The

Earth Girdled,.T? or his famous tour
around the world, a thrilling story of
savage and barbarous lands. Four mil-
lion TalmageTs books sold, and o*The

|, CORD 8S


The mission of the Church to the
World."R. T. Vann.
8:00 P, M. Sermon."J. O. Alder~




address of every patentee 1s with

published in the Patent Office|of ancient cities afford a more « tary oBLOOD POISON permancatl Earth Girdled� is his latest and grand-

i! ; o ~ J ; iy ays. Youcan betreatcd a: . , ;
Gazette. This gives the patent |suggestive lesson to the moralist oARUBDAY ahh home for same price under same guaran a foe enoromous. Everybody
er" shi f the U. S 9:30 A. M. Peayer and Praise ser"| Sal ty. Ifyou prefer to come here we willeon: | WANTS bois amous book, only $3.50. Big
sharks in Washington, New York,|than the archives of the |. ©) BR cre pay rairondfaresndhoiablisand |t 00k, big commissions, @ gold mine for
Patent Office, for here are buried ie DONATES Ie potnebs aod sill have aches and | Worker. Credit given, freight paid,
tityT Mucous Patches in mouth, Sore Throat, jouttit free. Drop all trash and sell the

Philadelphia, Chicago, Cincinnati
~-. and ix other cities and western
towns acvess to the ear of the
inventor Chey send him circulars
so cunningly prepared that he

Our Orphanage "J. O. Alderman,
J. W. Powell.

Non working church
What shall be done with them ?"W.
V. Savage, F. P. Wooten.

imples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on
any part of the body, Hair or Eyebrows fallin

out, it is this Secondary BLOOD POISO

we guarantee to cure. We solicit the most obsti-
pp onaee ane oneleege the world fora

ase wecannotcure. This disease has alw

baffled the skill of the most eminent physi
cians. $500,000 capital behind our uncondi
tional guaranty. Absolute proofs sent sealed on


king of books and make $300 a month.
Address for outfit and territory, The
Lominion Company, Star Buildiug, Chi-
cago. .

the wildest hopes and strugg. 8
of a most progressive people,
Not half as many patents have
been granted by any other coun-
try. What does this mean but



ae ee

807 Masonic Temple. CHICAGO, LLL,

thinks they have been written ' : 90 P.M. P ;
.m {that many useless and worthless 2:30 Y. M. Frayer and song. -
expressly to him and they confirm i , s
nis opivion that he has a fortune|patents haye been granted. It - Question Bex "Conducted by R. T. Sarbers.
i tent j that American inven- ann. crn secs tment ee = nama eet
in his patent: Their proposition | Means also OY ope aa
18 to sell the patent on commission tive genus, 80 calied, has been BY P. M. The Sab ofa Church gan ES A. SMITH,
to its young people."N. B. Brough- TONSORIAL ARTIST.

over stimulated and lured by
ofters of prizes, medals, riches
and by fictitious tales about the
value of patents. Very few pat-
ents and still fewer inventions
bring the owner wealth. They
more frequently ruin than errich.
Qur government is very remiss
that 1t does not lay its powerful
hand on these schemers and stand
between rapacious swindlers and
the ignorant citizen. There is
hope that the present administra-
tion wil! make a record in sup-
pressing frauds. A good start
has been made in placing the
Dean Brokerage lottery on the


| Patronage solicited. Cleaning, Dyeing

~and Pressing Gents Clothes a specialty


Special attention given to cleaning
Gentlemens Clothings

usually 10 per cent., but the
inventor must advauce from $2 to
$20 for advertising, If the inven-
tor is green and gullible he will
gend them money, which he would
better ~burn, but if he Js sensible,
ho will burn their circulars. These
people never se)l patents, never
even try to sell them and whether
they ostrike� you for $2 or $20, the
bulk of the money will go ite
their pockets. Some of them may
pretend to try to sell the patent
in order that if you bring suit
against them they may defeat you
by showing an advertisement, bat

9°30 A. M. Sunday school.
11:00 A. M. Sermon."R. T. Varn.
3:00 P. M. Sunday schovl mass
meeting. "N. B, Broughton and others
8:00 P. M. Sermen "W. V. Savage-
A. W. Setzer,
Greenville, N. C.

On Monday the 7th day of June A.D:
1897, I will sell at the Court House door
in the town of Greenvilte to the highest
bidder for cash J. A. WhitehurstTs in-
terest ia one tract of land in Pitt county
containing about 750 acres and bounaed
as follows: Situated in Carolina town-
snip aud known as the Riddick Carney


J. A, Burexss, Mgr, 1
. Washington, N. C,

his Hotel has becn thoroughly reno
vated, several new oooms added, elec,
tric bellsto every room. Attentive ser
vants. Fish and Oysters served daily,
Patronage of traveling puulic solicited

7 ;
, do not be deceived by their pre-
5 4 Fraud list. The a ointment of | land, to satisfy an execution in my STABLISHK DD 1875. sete
' : tence that they wish to work for a Hah: Batt th a d of th hands for collection against J. A. White- . ies 2
on: Butterworth as head of tbe! jurst and which has been levied on said C c? f: ba Ky vi LLE

commission. ~To unmask their
land as the property of said J, A. White-

Patent Office is understood by


game, offor them instead of the nares. :
money in adyance, that you will many 10 meen ei P ce eat W. H, HSRRINGTON, | &
double, triple, quardraple their ries, prizes and 80 called Bale Sheriff. | o. 4, | hei 3
| double, tuple anaraar en agencies must co. oe "- PORK SIDES&SBONLDE 4, T (4 Hu :
* WOR) AOR AOR i EO) :
i i i wo : Ons | i AN) U 1's
and see how quickly they will let W : ave been swin led y ac OF ing their year's supplies will tind
you alone. This will prove to | P@ nt sharks of any kind send | xg fe | their inverest toget our prices befere pu.
qo bx | chasing elsewhere. Ourstock iscoraplete es
The next session of the school will

their complaints direct to the
Postmaster General at Washing- « ih &

ton. He will have the case inves- 4 PRACTICAL 3% FLOUR, COFFEE, SUGAR

tigated, and, if it can be proved, | & Ii ry curry InN 5

the swindler will be placed on the | 3 . on

Tcbacco, MI f &C, The terms are as follows. 1

you conclusively that these people a uallits branches.

have no intention, means or pros-
pect of selling your patent, but
are after the fee in advance only.
I do not believe there are ary
honest patent sale agents no
matter what they pablish, claim
* and swear. Tho men who go into

open ong


MNDAY SEPT. 7, 189°

Fraud list. To shout ostop thief� |
is a duty that every man owes to) &
his country and to hi» kind. ag


and continue for 10 months.g


pas ss; ,

Offers his services to the

: pe ~a aan must go in it to eee 4 citizens of Greenville and the x
_ deceive and to get money on false Scund Sense we public generally. : : i:
ne ~ ae 2 buy diroo} from Manufactu.. 3 en | Prim: English ~ f:
4° pretense, Patents aro not eold Las H ROOFING, GUTTERING, JE lin: vox to buy ax one prose. A wee ee
~by agents, or in that way. The} In Washington last week dis-|§ im Spowting pris ~a Work, pe] ote stock of aomugeiaunt | pals
.. large majority of inventions that | oussin ac , A x | ie "4 200
vei a oa, g¢ the future of the negroes | 38 " Satisfacti aranteed ob MT� | 3
ate sold are disposed of to neigh-|in the South, Booker T. Washing: no chorea Tobacco FURN ITU R Languages (each) $1.00
I a a i friends, partners or backers |ton, the colored Alabamian, who is | Flues made in season. Shop Qm va on hand and sold at ponte suit The work and discipline of the sshodl
a of the inyentor before patent: is|regarded by many as the leader | % e inrear of 5 and 10 cent stare. Ge ef nee oe Tie apes will be as heretofore, | fe
granted or while application is|of the negro race, said : OS he Siew run we sell ats close margin. We ask a contiauanse of your pas
Xx JOOS OS 6A HULTZ Greenv: e, N.C Mberal patronage.

~40 et : ay Ta Te

wy eee 8. M SC

: ding! Then after the grant of! oThe problem as between the

f ¥ i



fy en

Fee %

Train leaves 1arporu, N C, via Albe-
marle & Raleigh R. K. daily except Sun-
day, at 550 p.m.,Sunday 405 P. M;
artive Plymouth 7.49 P. M., 6.00 p. m.
Returning i:3aves Plymouth daily except
Sunday, 7.50 a. m., Sunday 2.00 a ow.,
arrive Tarboro 10.15 a.m and 11. 46

Train on Midland N. C. branch leaves
Gold8boro daily, except Sunday, 6.05 a
m. arriviny Smithtield 7°30 a, m. Re-
turning leaves Smithfield 8.00 a. m,, ar-
rives ut Goldsbors 9,30 4, m.

Trains on Latta branch, Florence R
A., leave Latta 6.40 pm, atrive Dunbar
7.50 p m, Clio 8.06 p m. Returning
leave Cliot6.10 am, Dunbar 6.30 a m,
re Latta 7.50 a m, daily except Sun-


Train onClinton Branch leayes War-
awfor Clinton caily, except Suuday,
10a.m.and 8,50 p, m* Returnirg
aves Vlincon at 7.00 a.m. and38,00 , m.

Train No. 78 makes close connection
at Weldon forall points daily, all rail via
Kishmone, alse at Rovky Mount with
Norfolk and CarolinaR R for Noniolk
¢-ne all points North via Norfolk.


General Supt.

T, M. EMERSON, j'~raffic Manager.
J. R.KENLY, GenT! Maneger,

The Oldest

North Carolina.


Vaily Newspaper in

Tbe Only Five-Dollar Daily

- its Class inthe State

. " " Pee ORT hee | PP he. +

OO. ABE ELS 2 OnE. Me ahs RO! APE PEE alba on till

Sugg, Greenville. N. C,

Te. Te.

Wilt! Di @ VEeLOSN AR ~Willing to Prove It. % | ~Baptists, Ses ep ss i oe | : ae ~ GpROM FROST TO ~PLOWERS.� 3
AND BRANCHES. . © |_, The coach was being driven up u| The Southern een ooo ec, [and peanuts for yesterday, as turn lalsfrimin can Moweall:
oe ra i = oy | ateep mountain road, and atone side | meets this year in Wilmington, N. "| by Cobb Bros. & Commission Mer- { alif ie ar Me 1h 5 hey
AN) FLORENCE &aiL ROAD the cliff ran straight down for 100( May 8th. New, you want to go to this chants of he VU Va ! ha :
__ Ceavensea pohedule feet. A youth seated on the back | viyuntion, and you also wart to go 1 Good Middling : a Both are such desirable ob"
Ue halal : __.| seat next to a loquacious damsel of |" gore Dace e Middli 1 ~active points for a Winter
- : : : :. \stvle and c mfort. ochere is only one) olceling jective points 10
| TRAINS GOING SOUTH. uncertain age was ina state of mie): ~ hatonth and | LOW, Middling 63 trip that itTs perhaps hard for
ery. The one being he loved most | good firstclaas line from the South and) Good Ordinar 6 1-16 de jaith :
y g he sae y you to decide where to go.
: ie of allthe world was in the front |S. uthwest to Wilming~on, and that line} Tone"tirm, 1 8
Songs & » with his hated rival, and nothing |;, the Seaboard Air Line, which runs} pine PEANUTS ~| Let a Help won fo.
nee, : z A aioe an - pas titer the the finest «nd fastest trains in the South Extra Prime 24 .
a T ulT, YOS T pA : ° ° }
A. M.i\?.M A. M| young woman: next to him, break. and makes the lowest rates of any BpanishT 60 to.t8 a Decision,

a 7 i : i is itati o6 ing from the South or | Tone"guiet. -: ~ :
Fg " 8 rahe ; ing in upon his meditations, ~~sup railroad runni ae ; ris que : A trip via New Orleans land
- s0CY Roo! pose the coach should upset or ] | Southwest. DonTt be fooled into mas. Pucifie to eith

re oe vo ene 1 faj) vould you try tu}:. : Greenville Market the Scathern Pacific to either
should {ail out, would you try Jing your arrangements until you have i Mexico or the Pacific Coast is |.
Ly Tarboro 12 12 apbictonaate doe _. |consu!*ed one of the Seaboard Air Line Corrected by S. M. Schultz = one you will never forget. 4
- " |---| oWhy, of course,� was the reply. Bntter, per 1d 15 to v5
ee ont § 20| Cortainly"to be sure.� agents, who always esteem it a pleasure) western Sides t+ 6) It's a Transition from
a Mi ely ; ps a .� oWould you really(T��T she asked. | to serve you. B. A.Newland, Gener] | Suger cured Hams Bete. yg
uv Fay'tteville) 4 15) 1.7 o~Now, tell me exactly how.�T Agent Passenger Department, 6 Kim- a feat 45 +0 0 Frost to Flowers.
Ar. Florence 6 36 oOh, I "eh�-" began the young | ho] Rouse, Atlanta, Ga., will be glad| Flour, Family 4.25 to 5.74 oo as
oa a man, intent upon other things. ~te you or call on you, or you can | Lard 54 to 10 And the service is so laxuri-
Bb oWhy I� one F �"� owoe of | OM 85 to 40 ous that people who have
S34 Oh, Mr. Foster,� sighed the fair apply to eny ot the representatives 0 oy 0 ~ ites tested oSunset Limite 1 ,ieall
" " |""-|"" | one, o~you donTt know really what | the Seaboard Air Line in any town or oT as sa os nt as it incomparable. re
P. M, A.M youTd do.� city. This 1s the official route. Do Chickens 10 to 25 . Pag ig
. Ey Wie : o8 | 4 ~~Well,�T he answered, thoroughly you want to go with your friends ? Eggs pet hg 7 to : Ifyou are Thinking orf
al och : a] oif vou ? hy T on wee. : ° ° :
Lv Magnolia 416 0 | aroused, ~o~if you doubt me, why, Going Write Us
Ar Wilmington} 5 45 9 45/ I'll show you just what. ~ ieee ; van
P. M. A.M) oHow c.n you show me?� she ;
whispered, ~Can you truly giveme| People who are going around You Buy pee . Leone pe high ies
TRAINS GOING NOTRE. tome proof� io with a can of dynamite to blow up No Risk 5° \ ast Seas,� abandeomevolame
ai iulsley t 4 : bik ay somebody or something, should bee ig of 205 pages, fully illustrated,
Dated | Rm) & He oO a8 eas , ey eee not forget that there is. danger of} "_in the Columbia Bicycle. bade which we will send 9n receipt
Aprills, | 64] ¢ os and rn prove the rest to every; | their striking the can against the experimenting in the new 1897 , of 10 cents in stamps te cover
1897. ZA} Al |AQ | s satisiaction.�� -- Scottish | the Pe ei shave� tuquting modelsT fa advance and proved mote posters. Wealie havea dies
ee | """ Nights. something an emphatically than ever that ligbtful litt] ide to Mexi-
A. M.{P. M. - P y ightrul little guide
Ly Fivrerce 8 45| 7 40 A Worried Woman. themselves. % 0, which we will send on
Ly i a t a7 es Mrs. Meek"Of course I am wor. rm rata rmene receipt of 4 cents to cover
v Selma , -. - , oa
5 J], Asa du lie I c cot of mailing.
r Wilscn 1 20/11 85 ried. As a dutiful wiie I canTt help ere o
. ___.| feeling so, for I am sure my hus- Your best judgment Fequire
a band is keeping something from |you to make an immediate pro- , You Really Ought to
eo me, and I shanTt be content until 1} y.sions for your family.
, vo he Standard of the World.
ceo comma | | -eenetaneeneie| " caane know what it is. By insuring today, your estate Are Be aerer Read them Both.
"~ i TebakcMv husband j a , �,�. .
iy A. M. P.M} Mrs. re re ee - no is increased in value at once. 100 To ave auix Shall we put you down for a
Ly, Wilmington) 9 26 7 00 | ing something rom me, too, a , : T z copy? Ifso, orif you want
i Gatos, . on ee 4m worried because I know what Twas Ever THUS. Ha rtford Bicyc es soy enadlal wiiéemations
vy Goldsbore ae 3 ;
ar Wilsen 1 00 10 27 ae 1- leed! What is it? A few days sinc? an lasurance agen are second only to Columbias and are will be cheerfully furnished
Ly ~Tarboro 142; | Mrs. aller eed! a ae sh accepted an invitation to inspect a new excellent high-grade machines at by addressing,
ee mae Oe wo " Mrs. Freak-"it's monév."-1os and beautiful house built by a friend. $75, $60, $50, $45. | SFB. MORSE
3s ° 5 """ After taking a peep at the whole ire Art Catalogue is free If you call. oe ae 4
ZR 2a lishment from top to bottom, inquired" FOR SALE BY General oPassenger ane Ticket
pow) | (P.M, Notice! oBlouse TRO S. E PENDER & CO.,| Ase!
~ . ig T ery 99 a e perl +
Ly Wilson 1 4: 10 32; On Monday the 7th day of June A. D. noe ; er. GREENVILLE, N. 0: NAW ORLEANK.
Ar Rocky Mt | 2 33 11 16] 1897, I will sels at the Court Houre door} oWhat do you insure it for ) » ae
ee P. Mit | in the town of Greenville to the highest | ~*Because 1t MIGMT burn.�
ee yaks 400 1] bieder for cash one tract of Jund in ey oNot surz of it, are you ?�T Y never
arborc , aining 4 o0 acres a! ;
12 county containing about 20.acres an � ou ma
re arp Mu 217 bounred as follows: Beginnlug & me sos gout life insured 2�� But saad you ever}@auez
on tie WilsonTs corner on hinston Road att oAS Y Ins ; =~
a stake, thence with the said Betue; ~No,�T
Train on Scotia:.d Neck Sranch 2Zoa ape es oun legen Hine oc genes ~Die, won't you ?� e 6
° ~oxTs sand,. thence wi said e ~6XTac 9?
ghia poet cinbtron a atta s We CoxTs line to the main run of the swamp ay os. oy a : } O Tin Ine?
D. vat ille 6 *7 an x Abe. A thence wits the majn run of the swamp Sure ¢
a *Reverning eave Kinaten 5 to the Kinston Road, thence with said | oYes,� : :
gay eid .~**Yi road to the beginning, containing 20] «phen why not insure your life as 0 t Ga
a.m., Greenville 8.52 a. m. Arriving 2 ~aa mara av laan Bein part of oag Come to see us.
; ~ ' cres, more or less, Beiny part of the 99
Pr x ab 11:20 ~ m., We-don 11.40 am/y ouis Cox land that he deeded to his well a yo�"� house! Geant ah the : i :
aby oxoeph Sunday. son, James H. Cox. and Jyingon they * Weal, really, [neyer thought o 1 7
Trains on Washnigton Branch leave | road from H iddocks X Roads to Ayden, matter just in that light betones Bit w! l ZO SSMAIOK ABAAMAAAA AAA AAAs Pa Hs
Washington 8.20 a, m., and 2.00 p.m,| to satisfy an execution in my hands for give it early attention. " Travelers | ? ATOOOOS f TOO hears
arrives Parmele 9.10 a. m., and 3.40 p. | collection against James ox and which Record Ne
m., Tarboro 9.45 a. m., returningleaves | has been levied on said laud as the prop- ne poe ek C be
Tarboro 3.30 p.- m., Parmele 10.20 a. m. | erty of said James TH, | ox. . Best time to insure : Now. 4
and 6.20 p. m,, arrives Washington Ww. H. HARRINGTON, Best Compary to insure in: the Mu- s
11,40 a. m., and 7.20 p. m. Daily ex- . ; \ Sheriff. |tual Benefit Life Insurance Co,, of Sh
opt oan _ ginents witb trains on| By 5. M. Daniel, D. 8. | Newark, N. J. Represented by J. 1. 900.00 9000 uu0000DRIR

Anything from 3@==="-

4 9 é EF'vull Sheet Poster.

e & 4 : " srrevmentiignr hand cote apes


: go |The Daily Reflector.

A Ae : at Gives the home news

sau GUARANTBED sretasz cov coe tac cates a every alternoon at the
ple and booklet free. Ad. STERLING REMEDY CO,, Chicago, Montreal, Can.,orNew York, 211.

small price of 25 cents a


= =a (EI| ne
mab hay

AY OU Pry, Set
iat ht | ane *
Me bade

oa, h
r. xs 2



has a nice assortme
also a beautiful line o
You will be astonishe


Wilmington, NC

sytah a hee

en month. Are you a sub-
| �"� scriber? If not you
) SEE THAT? MERC S ought to be.

SABO bas eae in PD x Tyrie # 4 .
4 +ALL, * . . Le + Pgh: * ° * ® +o
Behe. tay | | eatin? ARK mt as A Ooi ne
SRE tg NA | haa lL ik a Ae
«ka Ae re Mar oats 6: e/toreca he

bubba WhatIs It? ghybyas

Itis a picture ot tae celebrated �"�

Best in use The outfit of no business man it
complete without one.

The Reflector Book Store

: 5 specially thoseT gitowin
nt of these Fountain PensT tobacco, that is. worth

f Pearl Handls Gold PensT
: d when you see them and|.
e:rnhow very cheap they are. ,


, a

The Kastern Reflector.

is only. $1 a year, It
contains the news,every .
week, and gives informa-
tion to; the farmers, es-



ry ean

heart cheering. |

Beautiful Hall Racks
a open Hartford, | His]
oRemember we oper-|Teutonia,

gteour store ona deter- Caledonian ~DDN

~mained policy o1 fair, Oy

., Square dealing and Palatine, "

@ometo see us.

Wewant that money
because we have a fair
equivalent to offer for
jt. Our goods are the

yight kind atthe right
_ price.

~-o~We havejustreceived

a new stock ofthe Cel-
ebrated and Famous

for Menand Boys, in all
the newest shapes and
colors, for Spring and
Summer. Our Ox bloods
are beauties, Every
pair guaranteed.

A beautiful line of sty-
- liso, neat, durable
and elegant

tor ladies, fresh from
the factory made speci-
ally tor us, The latest

newest, nobbiest an
prettiest styles.

Remember we have
alsoreceived anew sup-

ply of


Just a perfect substi-
tute for Linen, only 10
centsper yardoneyard
~wide, the cheapest and
best thing made for

Drawn Work.

Beautiful, fancy "


Neatandnice. Justthe
thing to please the

Hamper Baskets, Fan-
cy Work, Scrap, Key
and Toy Baskets. Come
to see them.

We can please both
you and your purse.

Nearly every day
brings us something
new and oboade ae thing
you want.

aa eceiameell


Come and in
Mammoth Stock of Dry
Goods, Notions, Shoes,
Hats, Groceries, Hard-
ware, Crockery, Furni-
ture and House Fur-
nishing Goods, The
are desirable new an


WY y:


F ,

evn yy
! nye ae

ye er pee
ea ae
ee Wy
a . -

ect our |

an J
4 ~ Sceteeniennmned

Creates many a new business,
Enlarges many an old business,
Preserves many a large business.
Revives many a dull business,
Rescues any a lost business,
Saves many a failing business.


columns of ti. REVLECTOR.


Nerth. arrives 8:52 A.M. Going South,
arrives 6:57 P, M.

ington Monday, Wednesday and Friday

day and Saturday


By Teiegraph to
Cotton Buyers and Commission
~ Merchants.


June 7.27 7.30 7.25 7.30
Aug. G27: ROE 2 81. 7.87


July 74 744 73 734
July 8.574 8.65 8.574 8,60
July 4.75 4774 4.75 4.774



Threatening weather with occasiona
showers, fair Tuesday.



Gliese oie

But There 18 Much to be Picked Out
of Them.

Try our 35 cents Tea.
Zexo Moore & Bro.

Buy the Standard Sewing Machine
$20 at S. M. Schultz.

Tar Soap only 5 cents.
Zeno Moore & Rao.

Corned Shad and Herrings for sale
at Steamboat wharf, J.J. CHERRY.

For the present our stock can be
found in the store of S. E. Pender &
Co., where we will be glad to have our
friends call. Zeno Moore & Bro.

Woods Fire.
Sunday night a bright light was seen
across the river in a north~- westerly
direction from town. We learn that it
was caused by a woods fire in Mr
Leonidas FlemingTs neighborhood. It
did some damage to fences,

Secures sueness to any ~business

~To oadvertise judiciousiy,T�T use tne

Keeping Ceustentiy at it Brings Success

Passenger and mall train going)

Steamer Tar River arrives from Wash-

leaves for Washington Tuesday, Thure-



O. L. Juyner went to Tarboro today.
P, H. Gorman. went to Tarboro to-
day. :
Jesse Speight returned from Wilson
Dr. R. J. ~Grimes, ot Bethel, was in
tuwn t day. :
S. F. Telfair, of Washington, waT
here today.
R. W. Crenshaw: left this morning
for Lynenburg.
Miss Becca Weathington returned

from Kinston this morning.

Mrs. W. T. Hunter, of Kinston, is
visiting Mrs. A. A. Forbes.

Postmaster J. J. Rollins, of Pactolus:
was here this afternoon.

Miss Mamie Chadwick, of Kinston, is
yisiiing Mrs. M. H. Quinerly.

F. M. Wooten, who has been in New
York for some time taking a course in

' J pharmacy, returned to Greenville Sat_

urday evening.

The oysterTs last week.
Showery this afternoon.

High toned"the tenor.

Freckles are coming up.

Syood time to work gardens and set
out plants.

The fizz of the soda fount now

maketh merry music.

The Summer Girl is already thinking
about her bathing suit.

The Seaboard Air Line now carries
: bicycles free as baggage.

It 1s time ward meetings were called
to nominate candidates for Councilmen.

Any musician will tell you that it is
quite necessary for a man to blow his
own horn. ;

Sunday was a bright summer day
but today has been clcudy and several
degrees colder.

oNever put too much faith in the
woman,� ~ who will tell her age with-
outa deal of coaxingT

The man who stammers has at least
the sutifaction of knowing that he never
blarts out things before he thinks.

Many a young man who determines

fo pursue a literary ealling di:covers

tual ailerature isu pretty good ~sprin-

It is estimated that ile cold snap and
trost. last week did $1,000,0U0 d.mage
to truck farms in the vicinity of Nor-

| The man who pays his bills cheerful.
\ly and promptly is a great blessing
without any disguise on. He discharges
his own: duties and enables others to do
iikewise."Durham Sun.

Covenant Lodge No. 17, 1.0. 0. F.,
celebrates the anniversary of Odd Fel-
lowship at their hall tomorrow night
with appropriate exercises. All visit"
ing Odd Fellows, the Masons, the min-
isters and press of the town are invited.

on eee ee

Nine of the! oldest and




largest Fire Insurance

Companies in the world are represented in
You can secure protection
in them by seeing H. A. WHITE


Your business will

|See me'before it is too

Take your choice from the following companies:

PROMPT -Greenwich,

| Delaware,

(German-American, } CERTAIN + Georgia Home.
liave prompt attention: |!

late. ~erage her

H. A. WHITE, Office onm

' St. Paul Fire and


~lphoae Get Tickets at the CaptainTs|

rain St. of Heavy and

Three complete lines within themselves which
we take pldasure in showing and offering

es. =~to the public.j@e"-~

Our Clothing Department is an attractive
part of our business and in this depart-
ment we are showing the prettiest Men
and Suits we have ever exhibited.

Second .:6

We are showing the most complete and
up-to-date stock of Dress Goods that we
have ever offered, consisting of Woolens,
Organdies, Swiss, Dot Mouslines, Mulls,
Dimities and Challies.


We have a splendid line of Footwear for
men, women, boys and children. Our lines
still stand unsurpassed for excellent wear
ing qualities and the styles are up-to-date



Emporium of Spring Fabrics.

} W. HIGGS, Pres, J. S. HIGGS, Cashier Maj. HENRYZHARDING, AssTt Cashier,


Representing a Capital of More Than a Halt
Million Dollars,

Wm. T. Dixon, President National
Exchange Bank, Baltimore, Ma. We respectfully solicit the accounts

The Scotland Neck Bank, Scotland of firms, individuals and the general
Neck, N. C. vublie, °

Noah Biggs, Seotland Neck, N. C. h
R. R. Fleming, Pactolus, N, C. sgh prota at Books furnish



D. W. Hardee miggs
Greenville, N. C.


i eeninialll

When sweet spring across the hills
Sets the prisoned flow'rets free;

When the babbling of the rills
Joins with song birdTs symphony

Then, it seems to us, we ouchter
Turn our thoughts to soda-water.

For the balmy :April breeze
Tells the sultry aays are nigh
When we linger neath the trees,
And our throats are hot and dry,
Then Shelbur nTs soda fount
Fattens up his bank account.



EA HL Selb & Cotta

Heavy and Fancy Groceries.

y.store you.can always find fresh Bread,
ROlis, Pies and Ca es, alsoCandies, Fruits, Nuts
cy Groceries. Call and see.



Materials, and a@ nice line


Daily Reflector, April 26, 1897
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - April 26, 1897
April 26, 1897
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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