Daily Reflector, May 21, 1897

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]


ct Migs

D. I WHICHARD, Editor and ewig:


Vol. 5.


¥ oSe




Theysdon't cost
too much. They
areready to put
on without a

wrinkle. © You

~have seen the

browns, olives,
green mixtures,

plaids--the gweil
colorings of the

of the season: --

1 we've got them
here ~plenty as)T

ple at a fair. Wel.
show sll

edt Son

i iy
el ~ §

_| his support was poor.

The Meeting,
At the Thursday afterroon service
Rev. Mr. Elsom made an earnest talk
on oPersonal Work� in which he gave

Base Fall.

Cincinnati, May 19"The Phillies
were again defeated in an exciting
game, In theeighth inning La Joie
was called ort by Umpire Sheridan for
interfering with the ball. Manager
Stallings has protested the game on
the ground that La Joie was hit while
} Score.

working personally to win souls for
Christ. Many present p'edged him
their support in work ducing the meet-

The attendance at the night services
continue to grow larger. Last night
Rev. Mr. Watson ¢:nducted the open-
ing services. He is aiding greatly in
the success of the meeiing. Mr. Elsom
preached from the text ~Restore unto
me the joy of Thy Salvation,� &c, He
pointed out to Christians how many of
them had lost the joys of salvation and
hew they night be restored. At the
close of the rermon scores of ctureh
members went forward contessing their

he was in batting position.
Cincinnati, 7; Philadelphia, 6.

Louisville, May 19"The Orioles bad
thei: young oSouth Paw,� Neps, in the
box again today and he was almost as
succesful us of Mondey. Hill pitched
fine ball, but the Baltimores were
lucky in bunching their hits. Score,
Louisville, 1; Baltimore, 3.

Chicago, May 19"Boston won the
last game of the series on the localTs
battery errors and poor bass running.
Score. Chicago, 6; Baston, th

Cleveland, May 19"The Clevelands
won t.day because of their good field-
ing and timely hitting, combined with
the errors of Cartwright. Score. Cleve-
land, 8; Washington, 0.

St. Louis, May 19"The Browns
presented a new front today. Douglas
supplanted Connor at first and Kissin-
ger took the latterTs place in left field.
Hart was in great torm. In addition
he knocked out a home run and a sin-

sins and praying to be restored. A
number of unconverted also requested
The service was attended by
deep interest.

Mr. Elsom said he desired the Christians
of the community to unite in observing
Sunday as a day of prayer and fasiing.
He said he is a strong believer in this
old custom, and that Christians of today
neglected it too much,


There was a large attendance at the
cottage prayer meeting this morning

glee Score. ot. Louis, 3; Brooklyn, 1.) and it was a delightful service, many
Pittsburg, May 19"_In the first in- }of those present speaking a word in

the name of the Master. There was
one couversion at this meeting. The
meeting Saturday morning will be held
at the home of Mr. J. S. Sauth.
Services in the church at 4 and 8
o'clock each day. Meeting for men

ning after Seymour had given tws men
bases on ball, hit another and let in
two runs, Meekin was substituted, but
Tannehill was
splendidly backed up, the wonderful
stops and throws o1 Ely being a tea-

ture. Score. Pittsbueg, 11; New| only Sunday at 3 oTclock.
York, 5. :
Won Lost Per Cent) ay pen, N. Cy May 2Ist, 1897.

Baltimore 19 3 863 C. C. College commencement exer |!
Cincinnati 16 7 699 | cises will teke place on Juae 3.d acd
Pittsburg 13 7 600] 4th. Rev. Mr. Pittman, ct Washing-
Philadelphia 13 J 090} ton will deliver the address.
cleveland a ae W. B. Wilson and J. A. Andrews,
Boston 11 10 023 | , ,
Leuisvitla 9 10 473; of Greenville, were Weduesday.
Brooklyn 9 12 423] Rey. Mr. Kendall, preached in the
New York 7 ol 88 | Meibudist church ~Thursday evening.
Chicago 7 os 313] Rey. Mr. Wyche preached at night.
ibe , a - Joseph Archie and J. L Barnhill

were here Wednesday afternoon talking
goods to our merchants.

A Sad Suicide.

This morning about 8 o'clock, the
wife of Mr. Herbert McGowan, living
6 miles trom town. Committed suicide
by jumping in a well. Mr. McGowan)
had gone wut to his work leaving Mrs.
McGowan and the children at the
house. She went out in the yard,
removed her apron and shoes und
jumped in the well. The children saw
her and rang the farm dell, summoning
Mr. MeGowan aud several neighbors |
to the house. ~They hurried to the |
well when letrning what had occurred
but the unfortunate woman was dead
when taken out. Mrs, Meaowan had
b:en in poor health for some time. and
it is thoaght the act was due to mental
trouble. She was a sister of Mr. H.
C. Edwards, ot this town.

Rev. Mr. Bray, of Kinston, will
preach inthe Baptist church Sunday

Prof. Moon has been re-elected
principal of ©. C. College for next

Work cn the Baptist College is pro-
gressing finely, it will be a handsome
building when completed:

Newspaper Enterprise.

The Charlotte Observer, in keeping
with its spirit of enterprise, issued a
splendid 8 page edition on the 20th. It
was # fine paper containing many arti-
cles ot great value to Charlotte and to
the State.

The Durham Sun has made a good
step forward by adding the afternoon

oSilver Dollar� Fountain Pen, Pars , press dispatches t its news service.
er make, at Reflector Book Store... 1 The Sua is always a good paper.

uta awl a Fie ,

eran 2". iit

Christians much good instruction in}.

i j ¥ 4 } i j Riel
~ T j ~ i oe ws ; ad
é t H

We Hit Hard

atthe profits on every-
thing and during the
past week have enjoyed.
the pleasant experience
of sendind away from
our store hundreds of
delighted patrons. Most-
of them had never trad-
ed with us before. We
alwars please our old
customers and want to
make some more new
ones, It will be to your
interest to step in and
a us quote prices on
Clothing, Notions and
Gents Furnishings. |



What Kind %¢.

Seamless, fast black, with double
heel and toe.

What Sizes ?.¢."-.

From the smallest to the largest
for children, misses. ladies ~and

What Price ig...

ee |

The small sum ot 10 certsa pair.

Where Pigs.


The LAW. Price Merchant,



op. S-Come in ~and examine our Bt ,
| betore buying. - abr

Nees Chan




Charlotte in 9 Nutshell.


| Borders to Gu rd the Buffalo. _

os é

In 1882 the population of Charlotte erat
was act quite 10,000. It had no
street cars, no water works, ono sewer-
age, no postoffice building, no park,
no electric lights, no pants factory. It

oThe Secretay of the Interior at
Washington has under consideration @
project which will hereafter furnish
some of the Fort Logan cavalrymen
with a novel variety of active duty in

4 iCHARD. Editor. ~




ig At the Closefof Business March. 9th, 1697.

yred as secoudnluas mail matter. the summer and fall seasons. It is| was a good, stout country town, ready : A tu :
teens penal © aU of regular army troopers | to put on city clots. | EP iain ~a cess Gaol cova aa ae
3URSCRIPTION RATES. be told off to guard the herd of buffalo] In 1897 tke population of Charlotte tae trates oe 8 "hast Surpius and Profits _ oe l
cs ~~ $8.00] which exisTs in Lost Park Col. There] is 20,000, It bas the best equipped pTperen on yeeek 1,000.00 eee see to Cneck soy
eg | ee . tas. © . ue from Banks $8,567.54; '7ue tO bal : ee
a ee "10 are still about forty of these ~Tare electric street daisies South of Bich Furniture and Fixtures 1,500.00 Cashiers Cheeks ortstanding . 863.34
Delivered in tewa by exrriers without | beasts alive, but if immediate precau- mond. It now has 11 cotton mills, 4 Sabir Expenses 985,52 ; Lime Certificates of Deposit 355.00
. : ° . ant. factor t ffi 2 i Jash Items 2,652.12 , ae
ar certisng rates are liberal andean be |!" *° not AREA e ks = fone tei sede sou s and Feder! ash on hand 25,875.38 Votal $112,974.50
ad on application to the editor or at | against the depredations of pothunters al Court building, two new passenger siceinaceeune
office a they will speedily be exterminated, | depots, a new Lutheran college, a new Total $112,974.50


nessa cre
a nh iene

city hall, new county court house,| wr study carefully the separate needs of our patrons, aad shall be glad to have

cap inners tans se


Late last fall one, buffalo was found

respondent at
nty, who will

We desire 2 livo cor
avery postoffice inthe county,
send in brief items of NEWS as it occurs
fo each vei yhhornood. WV rite plainly
and only on one aide of the paper. ccc


Fripar, May 21. 1897.

"" |

iittala ee


See eee mea paneuianainiat maa


Patti is to receive $5,000 f
three songs in Lendon. Time
damaged her voice but has not affected
her popularity. No other singer is paid
anything like as much as thisT woman
who is verging tast toward sixty.

or singing


" bas

of the United States
army are to ride from Fort Missoula to
St. Louis, a distance ot 2,000 miles, on
bicycies, their performance to deter-

mine, so far as this country is con~
ther the bicycle shall be



Twenty soldiers

cerned, whe
used in war.


Fach omnibus and each street car in
Paris"for the street car system is prac
tically the sume"is built to seat a Cer
tain number of persons. The number
+3 indicated upon the exterior of the ve-
bicle, and wh.n 1 is complete no more

rmitted to enter under any CIF~

are pe
quaT yearns

a ra

aoe ee

For the first cabin of a big Atlantic

iner there must be 300 ,
1000 napkins, 3000 knives. 000
300 sult cellars, 2000

() spoons, 2000

~finger bowls,
tumblers, 1000 cups end 1000 saucers,
6000 plates of various kinds and 12,000
In the outfit of the cabin there
will be required at least 2000 blankets,
1000 counterpanes, 500 mattresses, 800
pillows. 7000 sheets, 1000 bath towels
and 10,000 other towels.

nap ins.



femenermninty omame ceonennemeoetanne oN tt ae

Upwards of 50,000 or 69,000 tons
of salt are made or mined in California
every year, which is valued at from
o$150,000. to $175,000. The largest
~~ gmount is made in Alameda county,

says the San Francisco Examiner,
where it is recovered from the sait
waters of the bay by solar evaporation:
The water is allowed to enter large
vats at igh tide, and those being sur
rounded by levees, itis kept there by
the gates being closed. As evapora-
tion progresses th® water is dnawn from
one vat to azother, antil the liquor
becomas so concentrated that the salt


erystaliz2s out ot it, This coarse salt

isthen ground to various degrees of
fineness to suit different purposes.
Some 300 men are employed dunng
the busy season,

ee tee!

Mr. William L. Wilson computes
that at 48.8 cents on the hundred
pounds the protection which the Su ar
Trust would receive under the Aldrich
bill on imports of raw sugar (amount-
ing in 1896 to 3 518,613,018 pounds)
would be $12,983,948, assuming that
imports are not likely to be decreased.
oThis,� says Mr. Wilson, ois the

dying at a remote distance from its
fellows, having been wounded a num-
ber of times by rifle bullets. It was
put out or pain by a deputy game

warden, and its stuffed frame is now
among the collection of rarities in the
rooms of the Stay� Horticultural So-

" 'This incident led to the discovery
that several others of the heard had
been killed during the preceding sum"
mer, No trace of the marauders who
did the killing could be Aiscovered,
nor could any effective means be de-
rived by the State Game Warden to
guard against them in future. A good


deal of information was aroused
thereat among sportsmen and others
who are interested in preserving

ColoradoTs rapidly dwindling buflaloT
As a result the scheme to use cavalry~
men was concocted, and James A.
Miller, clerk of the Supreme Couit,
was delegated to communicate with
Congressman Shafrotk on the subject.
This action was taken by My. Miller
on the dth of Jast month, and yester-
day he received from Congressman
Shafroth a reply to his letter, inclosing
a statement trom the United States
Adjutant-GeneralTs ollice to the effect
that the military buffalo warden pro-
as under consideration by the
ot the

posal »
United States Department
Interior. "Denver 2epublican.

SrepeeseeesensesrE Sore ARTS =

Atiantic and Nosth Carolina.

The following dispatch from Ral-
eigh was published vy a Wall street
news bureau yesterday :

«A new development
place regarding the Atlantic & North
Carolina Railroad, growing cut of the
recent contest between certain stock"
holders aad the a'titude of Governor
Russell. 1t is stated oa good authority
that a proposition has been made to
ths Governor looking to the purchase
of the stock of the Atlantic & North
Oarolina Railrcad owned by the State,
and it has aseertaived that a
comnittee has gone to New York to
try to borrow $300,000 for this pur-
pose, the Governor having indicated

has taken


his approval of the sale, if the money
can be procured.�

The presence of this commiitee in
New York has been known for several
days, but it is not thought probable, in
view of the recent antagonistic attitude
ot the Governor and the Legislature of
the State ot North Carolina, as well as
of other Southern States, toward rail-
road properties and investments, that
mouey cau be borrowed on any
reasonable terms looking to the pur-
chase of railroad propeity in North
Caroliny "New York Sun, 18th.

nee ee


cn eh I

Stole une Wrong Dog.


In this State a dog is not in law

system, two parks, a Y. M, ©. A+
building, every old church remodeled
or built anew and many new ones Wehave alarge ~ »
erected, five hotels,
banks, two cotton compresses, four
building and loan associations, two big

companies, a
workiog and machine suops, a roller
flouring mill, a leather belting tactory,
sash cord factory, two s:eam laundries,
sicam cotiun gins, corp, mills, and
many other things expected to be
tuund in a healthy and growing city."
Charlotte Observer.

four national

ron works, several supply and machine

settlement of wood

eta, Ca


TeachersT Assembly.

ore nares

The fourteerth annual session of the
North Carolina ~TeachersT Assembly
will be held in Morehead City nex
month, from the loth to the 25th
inclusive. ~Lhe work of this session
has been planued on a different system
and will be conducted differently from
that of any session yet held. The
most urportant innovatien will be in
the introduction of departmental work,
Halt of each day will be devoted to the
study of the subjects taught in our
public schools and academies, special
emphasis beinz yiven to methods of
teaching these subjects most success"
fully. Each subject will be handled
by a teacher of distinguished ability
and experience.
oy me eee

Presidential Nominations,

Wasuineton, May 19."Tke Pres-
iJen today sent to the Senate the
following nominations: Interior"
Myron lh. Mevord, to be Governor of
Avizoua; Chas. fi, Akers, Secretary
ot Arizona Tertitory, Arthur P.
Greeley, of New Hampshire, now
examinez-m-"ciiet in the Patent Office,
S45 be Assistant Commissioner of Pat-
ents; ~Thos. G,. Stewart, of Illinuis,
now a principal examiner in the Patent
Oifice, to be an examiner-in"ehiet in
the Patent Office, Postmasters: Ala..
bama, Earle E. Dowd, Shetiield.

Attenticn Veterans.

The Beyan Grimes Camp of Pitt
county Confederate Veterans will meet
at the College grounds near Greenville,
on Wednesday, May 26, 1897, to trans-
act Important business and to arrange
for transportation to the reunion at
Nashville, Tenn, June 22, 23, 24 and
25. Bring your baskets full of some"
By order of

Ek. A. Morr, Com.
B. F. Sua, SeeTty.

Oil Stays In @
Dirt Stays Out

Dust-proof bearings in the

thing good,

just arrived. Comeand

. : } x . *
complete water works andT sewerage | your account, promising every accommodation consistent with good banking. 4;

fares at


see us.







intssiocinn eae ioaies

Wehave wt received a new
hearse and the nicest line of Cof-
fins and Caskets, in weed, metal-
lic and cloth ever brought to.

: We a9 prepared t. Jo embalm-
lng in al its fornin. :

wae ee
Personal atvention given to con: -
ducting funerals and bodies en-
trusted to our care will receiye
every mark of respect.

Our prices are jower than ever.

_ We do not want monopoly but
invite con petition.

_ We can be found at any and all
times in the Jvhno Flanagan
Buggy CoTs building.

| �,�, GOB) & SOK




. ij SLATE A

teatiary BLOOD POISON permancaily
Ron cured in 15t035 days, You can betreatcd at
Agen hone for same price under same guaran:
esa ty. if you prefer to come here we will con
LaneyT tract vo pay railroad fareand hotel bills,and
nocharge, if we fail to cure. If you heve taken mers
cury, iodide sora, and still have aches and
pains, Mucous -atchesin mouth, Sore Throat,
Pimples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on
any part of the body, Hair or Eyebrows falling
out, it is this Secondary BLOOD POISON
we guarantee tocure. We solicit the most obsti-
nate cases end challenge the world fora
ease wecannotcure. This disease has alwa

baffled the skill of the most eminent shyse
cians. $500,000 capital behind our uncondi-
tional guaranty. Absolute pen sent sealed on
application. Address COOK REMEDY CO.
803 Masonic Temple. CHICAGO, ILL,

ge ee
Mages Rel

pp ee

Primary. See
ondary or'ven


* ate =
ATS by ae
parm 2).




ing their yearTs supplies will fi na
their interest to get our prices befere pu.

= ae oa
Dr. ~Talmages ~The

farth Girdled.T? or his tamous tour
around the world, a thrilling story of
savig aud barbarous lands. Four mil-
lion TalmageTs books sold, and oThe
Earth Girdled� is his latest and grand-
est. Demand enoromous. Everybody
wants this famous book, only $3.50. Big
took, big commissions. a gold mine for
workers. Credit given, freight paid,
onttit free. Drop all trash and sell the
king of books and make $300 a month.
Address for outtit and terri ory, The
Dominion Company, Star Buildiug. Chi-



Patronage solicited, Cleaning, Dyeing
aud Pressing Gents Clothes a specialty


"_" we

a bonita EDMUNDS,

Special attention given to cleaning
Gentlemens Clothing

J. A, Burexrss, Mgr.
Washington, N. C,

This Hotel has been thoroughly reno
vated, several new rooms added, elec,
tric bellsto every room. Attentive ser
vants. Fish and Oysters served dailyT
Patronage of traveling puvlic solicited�


Male Academy,

The next session of the shoo! will

personal property, unless it is list-
ed for vaxation and the tax paid so
dogs on which the tax is not psid
can bestolen withimpuaity, The
thief cannot be prosecuted, and

open on

uk amount which that bill will compel the
American consumers to pay the Trust
in excess of what they would have to
pay to foreign refiners for that quan"
tity of sugar, and it must be insreased

chasing elsewhere, Ourstock is coraplete
u allits branches.


running gear of 1897

MNDAY SEPT. 7, 1891!

~ one fourth"namely, to $16,229,935"" most of them vhs know this, take wg Bi ' and continue for 10 months.
show the tull protection or bounty to|any dog they take fancy to, asa Bicycles a
ken by law from consumers for the} Some one stole Mr- John Habn-| gy,yparp oF THE WORLD i RICES) ~The terms are us follows.
ws ~entil i dustr te Bnd i ' ne ue . ,
My a industry of hart'Ts dog in Witmington a few $ Psat: eco Tobacco, Snuff, &c, | primary English per mo. $2.00
y.� Acstudy of these fig-|days ago and he had a white man 100 te aii alike. SeaT Siesta: Li as ee
we what a stake the sugar|by the name of Wm. Deveraux) | ary ok ition... . eh
4 playing for, and how] arrestod for it. Devornux was| fatfod, aut best $75, $60, $50,$45,[sesmuot nt
! can afford to subscribe to} before Mayor Wright and as he} " ee cs ea ' | Languages (each) ** $1 00
funds and. to grease the|gonid not be held for stealing the Art Cahiers fieg Mt you cally: | | 1g Me OO " work and discipline of the sehool
Senators it in|dog, he was charged with steal- FOR MALE BY | always on han ae here aes ag


ing the badge and collar and was

bound over to court in a bond
of $50, )


ve ae ge ng i 1


Cotton and Peanut, - prom FRCS ~7 TOF 0

WILMINGTON -& WHLDUN R.R.| A Whole Fatuily murdered," | Below ar Norfolk prices of cotton.


- iuceKa . on a . eae and peanuts fer yesterduy, as furnished Pe CY a ~Movin
MBN ek Defer, Col, May 18 "Adsioes bs Cobb Bros. & Conmlasion-cmer| (AUTOM OP HBYICQE
ee ee cade LE Se! ce age . : {chants of Norfelk - JUVE
4ND FLORENCE &aiL RUAD | reached here today to the effect ELL aad eS : COTTON, es ma ble ob
_ Veavenseapenedule === that Wm. H. Hamilton, a contrac | , | i Good Middling i sotive polate tar a ME |
ae o i Bee e. A nt eo oe Gg . ee : « a : 2 i id in ~ ectlyv p wi c : hens dy :
A quieres et or tor: -his wife, Mrs. sagittis yee : ; - ye Middling a) ti that itTs perbaps hard for
: ao 7 ae azed 19; and his daughter, Mliza- seer eet i : Cc,
2 i May 4 x 4 beth Hagues Hamilton, aged 18, His Worst Enemy Defeated by Prime deni ek 2| Let us Help You to
i e. r . : } _ ana 2
1897. ZA 1 who lived in Denver until re- T i Extra Prime 24 Aes : :
ccm | SOON | Sem ~ VA, m ~
, A. M./°.M A. 4 |cently, were murdered near Hel- p p p LippmanTs Hae sins a a Decision, | a
yep apg] Ms I a ena, Mont., three weeks ago, ant He OL : Tone"quiet. | ip via New Orleans and
~Ar, Rocyk Mt | 12 52110 9 : hin 1 A trip via New Orleans and
Baka ban Ad ie be eee surpressed in order to ena . the Scathern Pacific to either
a : ; the Montana authorities to trace Great Remedy : Ket. - Mexico or the Pacific Coast is,
Lv Tarhoro | 12 12 ae the murdere:is. Mr. and Mrs. Greenville Marke one you will never forget. © i
-|-" |" ; bed ~ Corrected by &. M. Schultz. ee
Gv Rocky Mt | 12 5210 5 45| Hamilton were found dead in b ; ie : . A oe
Lv Selma 2 50 with their throats cut; Western Sides ~Ht to 6 a?
Lv Fay'tteville) 4 73! 1 4 ilton was also in bed with her FOR THREE YEARS HE SUFPERED--COULD beg cured Harms . bedi, Frost to Flowers.
Ar. Florence | 6 i5) throat cat, and many bruises on 3 oa ee
: orn Meal 45 ~o &( sey ne i a
a Lek her body. Mr. Hamilton had! tarp y BREATHE AT NIGHT=ONE = [| your, Family 4,25 eg Ane rede Is oe ae
$2 ~ o Lard 5} to 0 , DEOPIG WHO MAY
za pontail eridenity Hane ous as NOSTRIL CLOSED FOR 10 YEARS. Oats 3 to . tested oSunset Limited� eull
His boay was literaily covere | Sugar : 4 tod it incomparable, |
el ened , ; Hi Ny :
| . rr me with wounds. All the fingers of the Mr. A. M. Rapsey, of Del.con, Texas, galt pos Sack tol BF Tf Thinki OL�
d . at . rer. f ts wo : Wn: |
ny Goldsboro ; 10 5 {right hand were severed, she wing Fh lly U iorad Cig ernest lg of his s far. ae ; 10 4 2 you are n Ing ,
tint , yr kui ga little short of marvelous, is- 8 per COZ ~ : ° 84.
Lv May golia | 4 a6 : 9 nt that he had grasped a razor kv fe prod oe gla a his couch, glad fre the wenoT ool G oing, Write Us.
Ar Wilmington) 5 45 AM His threat was also cat. Foot- nights coming, he Mahia to gris er
tel "| prints near the huave sho#ed that] far night and a ~struggle to breathe was - e We have a book. entitld
. r we : before him. He could not sieep 0 : oe sig T v.e.¢ oTh rh G } d to Su: te
. ~arg covneerned ip the two years. P. P. P., LippmanTs rough s.oryian i
Le te pea ha e hk as : d been Great Hemedy, cured him ta itek Vine, sot Saas,� abandsome volunie
; murders. The howse ha ; ~ DE LEON, TEXAS, of 205 pages, fully illustrated,
. Ke) a3 : ansacker 1 itis lev NO] y . LIP N BROS., Savafinah, Ga. Medals won cet nis wide
eehart be oe BP ransacked, aud it " believe Meoers. Ltt hep used uearly four bottles whieh we will send Jn recelrt
a ont 29). © ~2 | merders secured about $500 ~of P. P. P. I was afflicted from the crown of 10 cents in stamps te cover
votives, fall a | |Aa: " yl ae aa caret my. dficully of breath: | 330 . . , postage. We also havea do-
ee ue ig, em | he heart, |; . ae lightfal little guide to Mex:-
lA. M..P.M. on on | tag, smotheriag, peipietios bel Oe ron ae ~ es | ightfal little guid
Ly Fiwvrerce 8 45, 7-40 The Wilmington areas gee mE it va ~cloned for tat oyears, but now | PRACTICALT Pe co, which we will send on
Gv Vayettevible| 11 10) 9 40 oPrices range low mow. The, deaaly| can breathe through it readily. . receipt of 4 cents to cover
by Selma 12 37 ohe Se eee eT viel to nee pigkt Some. AN} : cot of mailing
ar Wiiscn 1 201M 83 bheht ot the TNE fue trust rests 7 I iow 't slecp� crnmaiy o Poe aiaition al : : : :
eames enone an erent meme en eis the growers of flue tovaccos. 1¢/ night. a. ER
ee me ~ . - 50 yeara old, but expect soon to WORK *
ge value of av.acre in tobacco in North KZ shin to take hola of the plow Kaddies. : You Really Ought to
° : . 1 ' * ras tue end: e RAAAAAAAA »
Carolina bus indeed taliea when it ig Ses ee heartll recom mend it to . Offers hia services to the % Read them Both...
ee ed A M. ee aaar: P.M. but $59.58. Aud yet at 6 cents aj Prtenie vn ete ; 46 citizens of Greenville and the Ss): |
» ah. » M. ~ . M. RAMSEY. weeT es,
UvsWilmingten| 9 25 7 00) pound ior cotton tacre is more meney A |x public generally. Op sala A ide pi
2 ; A sts on . ha ah a) AS owl 3 t QO + oi mda nid * Wie . Pr if : ¥: a
hy Magnolia il ot) 8 30 len tobacco per acre at preseat low eee ncT the cnkecinine Ge aC. ROOFING, GUI TERTYG, ( ~eae ie @ ti t
3 by Goldabore 1 0% § 36 . ) L eos 3 | thority on this day, personally appeared » Spouting ard Stove \W ork, A any specia 10 Orma 10D, Le
ar Wilsen 1 00 10 27) peices. But mark, it is impossible #o) YOY Ramsey, whe, after being daly 5 7 specialty will be cheerfully furnished
f , , . : , ~ t the foregoing me epee� :
bby Tarboro 143 . weultivate as many -acres in tobacco as! SWOrn, says on hee sautive tor the Garlefaction guaranteed orT by addressing,
Roe a ae re ""~ ds � virtue of P. P. P. medicine ts true. Satisfaction guarante (
Bj AG eG COLON. A. M. RAMSEY. | -@0 no charges made. ~Tobacco S. F.B. MORSE.
= ~ Ss _. Sworn to and subscribed before me this | ZO |. . ; Shap ¢ lie 9
ZA. wh NE eee August 4th, 1891. ) 4 Flues made in season. Shop { . | Pp ]
ee wel | } , . J. M. LAMBERT, N.P.. | 40 3). oan of k A cent store. § ae Passenger ~aha ick.
A mo aueniean Md TW nsencen The Washingtou Star SAaVvs there Oemanche County. ~Texas ; inrear of 5 and 10 ce ; aay peel RSSOD REL BN Tick« t
bs ° @ P, M, « 1 « 1;
rite 1 4? 3} seems to be ne means of decidiag NaW ORLEANS
by Wilson | oy 1 tel eh at} , ~¢ party, Catarrh Cured by P. P. P. es AAA RS H
Ar ocky Mt | 2 33, _..| 11 16| whether the Domoacratie party A. |
PML pacide olfert, im ~ Ts Great Nemedy) where all other | o
Ar Tarboro 4001 re M resides at WeltertTs Rooss, ue (LippmanTs Great: Remedy) she othe:
F rc o| ; +colr. Nebrask ~incetom, .N.| Kheumatism twists and distorts your
ty fate 2 17 ta colr. Nebraska, oF mrtnecte ° t bases And " Its Agonios are intanes, You may never, och
aa | i ne ~ t y relief and a permanent cure entre on,
Ar Weldon J., the Demoeratic Bary AES OS is eained by the use of FP. p. P, But should you ever e==-
~* reside at either of these pieces} Woman's weatmness, whether nervous or

otherwise, can ~be cured and the system

, c e
rain on Scotia id Neck Branch Ad bat more athan 6,000,000 P te ital ill i " Pri Wn
= ; 244 AQT au | ~ .
eaves Weldon 4.10 p, m., Halifax 4.2¢) believe, beyoad donbt that the| pimples, blotehes, eczema and all dis- Al | j ' L
m., arrives Scotland Neck at 6.10 a! ; - |figurements of the skin are removed and
p.m@., ar vee ek BUOY Yi greater teader of the party 18|cured by P. P. P.
»., Greenville 6,57,pyuma., Kinston 7.55: beays a P. P. P. will restore your apetite, build ~
» m. Returging, leaves Kinston 7..9{ William J. Bryan."Richueond

up your system and regtiate you In every eI eel
Greenville 8.42 \ tay yt Cf way. P. P. P. removes that heavy, down-., Come to see us.
a mM., Greenvillé 8.52 am. Arriviny ~State, Dem. : In-the-month feeling.
Halit x at 11:20 a. m., We'den 11,40 aro For Bletchee and Pimples om the face, pduiatines
i A¥ CE : 7 i. * P 5 take . . .
datky except Sunday | In time a weman might oveiteark Ladies, for netural and thorough organic

Trains on Washnigte: Branch lenve | being called ohkomely;� but ske awill Remedy, and pet weli ina rea
Washington 8.20 a, m., and 1.00 p.m, h ver tand being called oplaia.� T
arrives Parmele:8.10 a. m., and $.40 p.| Never stand being calle _ sot DRU 1 ae
m., farboro 9A5 a..m,, returningleaves ati iee agian ~@
Tarboro 3,30 p. m,, Pawmele 10.20 a. mm.� The successful man, after all, is mut

. . : 7 * Mh ef ae 3 4 * ] ~ is a
and 8.20 p. ads, arrives Washington). ny oro boa thei {tPPMAN BROTHERS: APOTHECARIES,
11.4@.a. m., and 7.20 p. m. Daily ex-¢/#�,� who does scmething great, but ne
ept ssunday. Gonnects.with trains onT
Seotlnnd Neck Branch.

| 7 on ~ oy
Train leaves var WoO. vis 7 Rev. Dr. ~Lalmage seems to be Lippmsan's Block. Seveaneh. da. 1An thin ro a= *
LATDOrY, UN via Albe :
anatie & Raleigh R.R. daily exceptsun-Intbrifiy. He is sai to be worth sume
day, a: 5 60 p. m., Sunday 405 P. M; :
Returaing ivzaves. Plymouth daily except a q samormoee [ICY Aran
SundayT..7.50 a. m., Sunday 2.00 a m),) 7 a

AvLO improves a little every day. SOLE PROPRIETORS.
arriverPlyinouth,7.40 P. M., 6,00 p,m. /@ing more than $500,090. | \Wisiting Card
arrivetarboro 10.15 a.m and li. 4o] 9

, swvsesewwersserg {| 6 hc EMULLIL Sheet Poster.
Traix.on Midland N..C..branch leaves| { AN DY ¢ Alf A PTI (. 6 |
Goldsbero daily, exoept Sunday, 6.05 a] ¢ me y, lm \ & ; ; =r ete
tives at Goldsbors 9.80a.m. ) Gy '@ : ~ 1�,� Daily Reflector.
Fidos x Latte béenah, Planente B O/ Gy Oud Rae Baw A / outs | °
ry eave Matta 6: i, aknive nbar | 4 = ~ �"� o ; $ nee
ft bili Bar RSME CURE CONSTIPATION 9g� ey, iNet ae
eave Cliaté.!U a m, ; 30 : ~ a tad gig? o Tarw i. ¢
arrive Lat 7.80 a tn, dally except ~San. ; 10% ai ay ee. R AAS y eV ai afternoon at the
dav : SSI Cea OU ALLCS m te é .
Train o#�,�linton Branch leayes War- 25% 50¢ Ye SLATE 1 HE LIV DRUGGISTS { gaa | RUSS of 25 cents ~

mw for Clinton caily, except Suuday,

month. A syh-
oJa, m.and 8.50 p,m: Returnirg ret re you a sub
aves Ul incon at7.00 a.m. and3.00 1 m. .

al Can orNow York. aig scriber? If not you
Train No, 78 makes close ecoxnection

ABSQLUTELY GUARANTEED to cure any caséof constipation. Cascarets are the Ideal rom

tive, never crip-or ripe. but cause casy uatural results, Sam-
we and kooklet free. Ad. SHERLING REWEDY CO.. Chicago, Montreal, Can,, or New York,

. | | ought to be
at Weldon foradl points daidy, all rail via | cot ane } ig :
Rickhmone. alee at tT Mount with pois io SEE THAT ; Re
Marfolk and CarolinaR K for Noniolk |
¢.4¢ all points Nerth via Norfolk.
General Supt. oe pagers | | Chee hei

T, M. EMERSON, Trattis Manager. _"
J. R.KENLY. GowT! Manager.

THE monwine sran|Qiaiaaa WhatIsit? gbhhys
"~==x It is a picture ot tae celebrated., oe

The Oldest 2 Ss : t i 7
vaiiy Newspaper in, PANKEA FOUNTAIN PENS }=© ~The Bastern Reflector,

MG MD | ipie N is only $1 a year, It
North Carolina. beak mee ~Lda a a man ~is . contains the news every
a Md hit ee a ee ee , , week, and gives informa-

Whe bi? ~ os of tion to the farmers,~ es--

* ene a
~i Rahs



The Only. Five-Dollar Daily |
cha Rliyreatee ef)



tobacco, that ig.
© ee ie ON aa ~

Many times
a |. the subser}

+ z iy
ee j i ~8 * ue ae | f

ee F

~We have the latest
styles in

. Saapesine! in part Ruf-
- fled Collars and Cuffs
in all leading shades
~hese are very pretty
and stylish and to see
them is to buy them.
Also have Ruffling by
the yard.

eect ess ot

Weare sheen a beau-
tiful line of


in Tan, Chocolate, Ox
Biood,Green,Linen and
Black, White Kid Belts
just received. The new
Security Belt, holdsthe
skirts in position, will
not slip. Kid Gloves in
white. tan and black.
White Chamois Skin

eet In,

We havea lovely line of


Worchon and Valen-
ciennes Laces Laces
for trimming Organ-
dies, Lawns and Wool-
en Dresses. Fine In-
gertions for trimmings.

Ladies Shirt Waist
Sets. Ladies nice Purses
and card cases com-
bined. Fansinthe la-
test styles. Hosiery in
tanand black for ladies
and children.

eh eee et

Organdies and Dimities

in white, pink, green,
lavender and linen
shades. Swiss Muslin
in colors and a lovely
~line of Summer Dress
Goods at pricesin reach
of all. Do not forget
that we have a lovely
line of, slippers in tan,
chocolate, ox bloodand

black, these are first| §

a inquality, style and fit.
-Wehavejust receiveda:

bvou usin

: handsome ~ine of Um-/

Mhesélard hard times
owhet an prices will de-
hi Prices are lower than ever,

| Base BallT Goods,T H
_ {Fishing Tackle, &c.





Creates many a new business,
Knlarges many an old business,
Vieserves many a large business. T
Revives many a dull business,
Rescues many a lost business,
Saves many a failing business,
S ~cures suceess to any business


To oadvertise judiciously,TT use tne

columns of tu. REVQREOTOR.

Bee emee

Keanna Constantly at it Brings Success


Passenger and mail train going
N +th. arrives 8:32 A.M. Going South,
ar~ives 6:57 P. M

S eamer Tar River arrives from Wash-
inzton Mouday, Wednesday and Friday
leaves for Washington Tuesday, Thure-
day and Saturday


aca l

Fair tonight and Saturday.



But There 1s Much to be Packed Out
ot Them.

Cr oneentenentil

Lemonade, Milk Shakes and other
summer drinks at StarkeyTs.

Supply of new box vapers, mourning
paper and note paper at Reflector Book

When you want !xandrying done see


Agent Wiln.ington Steam Laundry.

May 11th"Fresh Carr Butter 1 in
pound packages, New cui Herrings,

at S. M. Schulvz.

Rev. M T. Lawrence will preach in
the Court House tomcrrow (Friday)
night at 8 o'clock. Public cordially

We acknowledge receipt of an invi-
tation to the commencement exercises
of Turlingcon Institute, Smithfield,
June 2nd.

The ladies interested in the drawing
ot he centre piece are requested to
meet at the telephone office Saturday

afternoon at 5 30 o'clock.

Schocl Closed.

nardTs schcol closed today and the pu-
pils were given an ice cream party
this afternoon at her home. The Re-
rLECTOR force return thanks to the:
principal and pupils for the very nice
crvam they sent us.


About People Pass ng his Way,

ci) ~ cms

Roscve J ittle lett this morning.

John Lamb, of Withamston,

W. T. Lee left this morning te spend
a week in Virguiia.

Willis Owens
eyening from Nortolk.

H. A, White
evening trom Old Pot.


returned ~l~hursday

Miss Bessie Barding returnd heme
Thursday evenitg ~trom the Norme]
and Industrial Cclle se, Gre: msboro.

Mrs. Paul Elli:, of Durham, wao has
been visiting her father, A. A, An-
drews, left this mommmg for Wilting.

Capt: W. H. Gritlin, of Rocky
Mount, attended the Knights ot Pythias
meeting here last aight to help the
lodge start its work.

The oprirg term of Mrs. Lucy Ber- |

F. G. James, W. C. Hinesp J. J.
Ev. us, H. M. Snuggs and A. B. Hart,
who wanton the Nourfulk excursion,
retur.ed Thursday evecing. ~Lhey re-
port a nice trip }


Anothir Freak.

A four legzed chicken was hatched
on B. A. ButlerTs farm Jast week, says
the Marietta vitizec. It is living and
eats revenously and will prebably be
raised and exbibited at the county fair.
~NbatTs the kind of breed to raise"one
that will furnish plenty of ~drum sticks�
for the children.

subscription tor the Engine,

Messrs. W. H. Long and J. G
Moye are soliciting subscriptions 1c
purchase the steam fire engine for
Greenville. Some of our property
owners have subscribed liverally and
otuers have contributed " smaller
amounts. This is a movement that
every citizen of the town should show
All willing to contri-

an interest in.
bute should
DonTt let the movement fail fer lack of

see these


The Work Progressing.

Rev. B. H. Melton, State Evange-
list of the Christian church, who re-
cently held a two weeks meeting here
and bas since been doing some personal
work, left fhursday evening tor his
home in Pollocksville to take a briet
rest. He fold the RerLector that
Rev. J. J. tlarver of Smithfield, would
preach in Greenville the second Sunday
in each month, and that he also would
visit the field as oftea us ne could. The
Ladies Aid Society have started their
work to raise funds to build a house of
worship on the lot which was purchased
while Mr. Melton was bere.

thin maha gence ein asrane

and oCEM�



and Keep Kool

We havea complete
line of

it : il


_ we have the celebrated

calli San
arse Hy

nw ort



pier a, | +

is 1D,

Your attention is now invited to our

Dry Goods, Glothing, DAoes,

Notions, Hats, &c. The best and most dessra-
ble assortment of new styles now awaits your
We lead the trade. We challenge

We guarantee sat-

the country for bargains.
isfaction every time.

ae ra byte, 1 a

Emporium of Spring Fabrics.


j.W. HIGGS, §Pres, j. S HIGGS, Cashier Maj."HENRY. HARDING, AssTt Cashier,



D. W. Hardee Higgs Brot.,
Greenville, N. C.


Representing a Capital of More Than a Halt
» Million Dollars,

Wm. T. Dixon, President National -""

Exchange Bank, Baltimore, Md. We respectfully solicit the accounts

The Scotland Neck Bank, Scotland of firms, individuals and the general

Neck, N. C. public,

Noah Biggs, Scotland Neck, N. C. Crecks and Account Books furnish

R. R. Fleming, Pactolus, N, C. ed on application.

in the city. Theprices are unsurpassed.
ae, Call and 100K. se :

Lang Sells

When sweet spring across the hills
Sets the prisoned flow rets free;

When the babbling of the rills ~
Joins with song birdTs symphony ;

Then, it seems to us, we oughver
Turn our thoughts to soda-water.

ae lt

For the balmy April breeze
Tells the sultty aaysTare mgh
When we Jinger neath the trees,
And our throats are hot and dry,
Thien Shelbur hTs soda fount
Fattens up his bank account.


WH OX GU. era
ane Pa tc oe cer ies

t0 ea lat tue

3 st always sew Fruit Bread,
Ca , Nuts

a Eatatine

ane aaa see.

Daily Reflector, May 21, 1897
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - May 21, 1897
May 21, 1897
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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