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ea , =
0. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
TERMS: 25 Cents + Months
arent Me
~Vol. 5.
. a
No. 749
ee laye @) © ne
They donTt cost
too much. They
areready to put
on without al
wrinkle. You
have seen the
browns, olives,
green mixtures,
plaids--the swell
colorings of the
of the season-"-
we've got them
here plenty as
pleat a fair. We},
show the best.
jesting game today. Both Damman ard
terrors. ~here is no more to tell, Score.
i four hits were made off his delivery,two
Bakimore i133 813 |
Piiladelphia 12 U 607
Louisville 9 9 643
Pitisbuig J 6 GUU
Cincinnati 10 ¢ 588
Boston 8 8 a0
Cleveland 8 9 471
New York 6 7 462
Brooklyn _ 6 10 AYE)
) Wasiingtoa 5 10. 333
Chicago § 12 294
4 12 250
jforeshoulder. Tae paling penetrated
Base Ball.
Louisville, May 13"The Phillies
end Colouels played a great game to-
day the former winning out in the
twelfth inning on three singles and Bil-
ly Nash being hit by a pitched ball,
which forced the winning run, across
the plate. Jimmy Stafford made his first
appearance in a Louisville uniform and
played great ball. Score. Louisville,
2; Philadelphia, 3.
Cincinnati, May 13"The Reds de-
feated the Giants easily in an uninter-
Doheny were wild. Damman sent,
nine men to base on balls. Score.
Cincinnati, 7; New. York, 3.
Pittsburg, May 13"The Washing"
tons hit Killen as they pleased, while
Pittsburg failed te connect with Mc-
James when they should and made five
Pittsburg, 4; Washington, 7
Cleveland, May 13"Nichols was
very eff:ctive in todayTs game and only
uf them by Sockalexis. Both teams
fielded well, and the game was excit-
ing from the start. Score. Cleveland
1; Boston, 4.
Won Lost Per Cent
St. Louis
About Our Meeting,
A ten days meeting will be tegun in
the Baptist church tomorrow. Rev. P.
Gj. Elsom, 07 Danville, Va., will arrive
Monday to conduct tue meeting. I de-
sire to ask for the co-operation of all
Christians in Greenville. A special
invitation 18 extended to the members
of the saveral choirs of the town to aid
us in the singing. Let us enter upon
this work as brethren and accomplish a
work for God, the full blessedness of
which will only be known in eternity.
To all: Make the Baptist church
meet ng and be assused your presence
is desired and will be appreciated.
Horee Eadty Hart,
As the Pitt County Rifles were
marching along down Washington
street, Friday afternoon, a two year
old colt belonging to Mr. KE. H.
Shelburn became exsited and broke
~vue or the lot. In jumping over the
fence the annimal struck a_ paling
which entered the body just under one
season penchant tom teh: antennal ecniteteeet
your home during the progress of this |
New Council Meets and Elect Other
Officers"Colored Policeman,
The new Board of Coascilmen mt
Friday night to elect other officers and
fix salaries. A.J. Griffin, one of the
two white members of the Board, dia
not attend the meeting.
Moses King, colored, was elected
assistant policeman, aad the salary cf
both police was fixed at $40 each per
John Daniel, colored, was elected
lamp lighter at a salary of $7 per
J. 'T. Moye, colored, was elected
atreet cleaner at a salary of $16 per
month. :
W.C. Hines was elected tax col-
lector and J. W. Pe:kins was appoiwtad
tax lister. When Mr. Hines was
notified of his election as tax collector
he declined to accept.
~Lhe salary of the Mayor was tixcd
at $120 per year and fees.
The salary of the clerk was made
$7.50 per month.
Committees were appointed to look
after streets, wells, lamps and the
The old cede of ordinances was
adopted to be in effect until new ones
can be prepared.
Church S:rvices To-morrow.
Episcopal church."Sunday-school
at 9:30 A. M.
Presbyterian chureh"Sunday school
9:30 A. M. Preaching at 11 A. M.
and 8 P. M. by Rev. J. B. Morton.
Ordinatisn and installation of officers
at the evening Services
Baptist charch"Sunday School at
9:30 A. M. Preaching at 11 A. M.
and 8 P. M. by Rev. A. W. Setzer.
Subject tor Sunday morning: oA Bus-
iness Principle Religiously Considered.�
Methodist church"Sunday-school at
9:30 A.M. Preavhing ai 11 A. Ma
and 8 P. M. by Rev. N. M. Watson.
Subject at morning service: © The Be
lation of Christ to the Old " Dispensa
tion.� (Text, Matt. 9:7.) Subject
at evening service: oA striking con
trast between the two monuments
erected to Absolom.� The evening
service is intended to be of spcciay
interest to young men. All are cor,
dially invited. (Text II Samel 13 :1/
We will present absolately free a new
1897 bicycle (either ladiesT or gentsT
wheel) in exchange for atavor we wish
attended to in Greenville, also another
for attending to same in adjoining town-
ships. No agency or selling busisess
We preter those acquainted with many
young people now studying music.
For full particulars write, The
Columbia Musical AssTa., 21¢¢218
South Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Rev. J. B. Morton arrived trom
Tarboro Friday evening and will fill
his appointment in the Presbyterien
to a depth of 74 inches and made an
ugly wound,
church tomorrow. He is now pastor
ct this church and will preach here the
, third bees i each month.
Ml tn seme
ee), [i
Our stock is complete with all the latest inT
ins, Lavras, ~White Guus,
ee, cas C6,
. atest ras
SSSI) Gaes-
ee Bide =. oe
For time is money. Both are saved by
purchasing from.
SB NitG==-
~Its only when the quality of our
is considered that our prices seem so strikingly
low. Buy of us and get the best. Our new
customers soon become old ones, because con-
tinued satistaction goes with everything we sell,
-| W here Page.
before baying
ne ene wnat ite ee RRA. ee Natit hth ant etna te
Pe al eal el a hia he Mey
_ Hose.
Seamless, fast black, with-double
heel and toe. asa
What Sizes lies.
From the smallest to the largest
tor children, misses, ladies and
What Price ?.g=:.
The small sum of 10 certs a pair
| The Low Price Merchant.
"_". \ eee
P, S.---Come_ in® and ;examine our sock
a tie #
Bue red ~as second-riass mail matter.
: �"�. Bic� year.� - oe . : $3.00
Oxe month, - : 25
One week. : wwe ae
~ Delivered in town by_carriers without
ma ost.
a tes are liberal and ean be
A~lvertisng ra
aad on application to the editor or at
the office
We desire a
avery postaiice
tive correspondent at
inthe county, pep he
{in brief items of NEWS as it occu
Fa ae ubighborbood. Write plainly
~and only on-one side of the paper.
ner eal
Saroxpay Max 15,1897.
(From Our Regular Correspondent.)
- Wasuineton, May, 14, 1897.
The sugar trust contro
Republican ~sub-committee
drafted the amendasents to the Dingley| ,
tariff bill, but all it will be abls to get book, the house thought he should be
: aes
~House have not forgotten the sugar fad
of Mr. Le Duc, who was Commission-
er of Agriculture under the Hayes ad"
ministration, whsch cost Uncle Sam
considerable money and did not revolu-
ionize the sugar industiy. "
laborer being worthy of his hire, by
promptly agreeing to the Senate amend-
@ of the policy of
ing to spread the sugar beet in-
dustry 12 this country, or it would not
have refused to agree to the Senate
amendment to the Sundry Civil bill, ap.
propriating $5,000 for the continuation
by the Secretary of Agriculture of an
investigation of the sugar beet industry.
Perhaps some of the members ot the
The House showed its belief in the
ment to the Sundry Civil bill providing
that duplicate electrotype plates, from
Secretary. Wileon | ~the.
Isaac W. Northrop, Wilmin ton: grand
chaplain, George A. Page, Charlotte;
which oMessages and Papers of the| standing committee, cons
during the year for in-|_
vation. Funds are needed tor|~
¢ fornishing of the main building/and | ¢
for repairs on what is known as the
oGoldsbure building.� The expense
of maintuining tte home for the, year
ended March 31st was $2,150,12.
The state grand lodge of Odd Fel-
he Bank
ter, Oxford; grand secretary, B. H. Hodis Expenses omen 285.52
. ; Jash Items 2,652.12
Woodell, Raleigh; grand treasurer, R.J:| Gash on hand 95'875.38
Jones, Wilmington; grand representa """"
Total $112,974.60
tive, John F. Bruton, Wilson; graud
marshal, Claud Kitchen, Scotlan
Neck; grand conductoz, W. N. Everett,
Atjthe Closeficf Business March 9th, 1897.
t % a
iD iain siipa hc nae aaa: apie Moc
ag Bee
lows elected the following officers. ere oT 941,761.19 RPT etn con gel es
: joans an ounts ofG1. x DAG In Lis
Grand master, James P. Sawyer, Ashe-| Qyer Drafts 133,273 3 Surpius and Profits Be ee
ville; deputy, Robert W. Murray,| Premium on Stock 1,000.09 $ Deposits subject to Cneck "- 85,691.14
iti. aad ward. #. 8 Revi lon ee 88,567.54; Due to Banks reget SRG
reengboro; grand warden, _S. Roys | Furniture and Fixtures 1,500.00 Cashiers Checks ortstanding * 863,84
Time Certificates of Deposit _ 355.00
I ace
otal $112,974.50
We study carefully the separate needs of out patrons. aud shall be glad to have
your account, promising every accommodation consistent with good banking. ¢;
Rockingham; grand guardian, B. J.
Summerrow, Newton; grand herald,
Wehavealarge ®
titution and
|given to the compiler, Representative
Presidents� were printed should be by laws, L. W. Jeannerett, Asheville;
G. T. Norwood, Ralergh; A. W. Move,
Richardson, of Tenn., notwithstanding | Cary; orphan hom+ trustee, W. D.'
of ¥
nelly, Lls., who sa
he objection of Represe
wo years to the work of compiling this
ntative Con"|Gaster, Fayeiteville. Raleigh is se-
id that a firm bad|lected as next meeting
led by the offered $10,000 for the plates. | Inas-| lotte Observer, May 11th.
nich muca as Mr. Richardson had deyoted
place. "Char-
Attention Weterans.
winnie) paisonsonie
We have ,u: t received a new
hearse and the nicest line of Cof-
fins and Cessets, in weed, metal-
lic and cloth ever brought to
gut of the sugan schedule will be tke) . titled to any profits there might be
omoney that ais already been made|
knowledge ot what that schedule | was
to be, asa inujority of the Senate have} hat pie hunting was oA FoolTs Ere
made 1t certain chat the sigar schedule] ...4» in his case, as he captured a
cannot be put sbrough, by declaring piece of pie that promisea to be far
themselves to be against it, The tariff] re satisfying than oMaking Bricks
bill is not likely to be taken up by the! thout Siraw� was. He has been
Senate on the 18th as agreed upoa, but) sted U.S. Consul at, Bordeaux
ig.wils ay be the fault of the Demo France. H. P. Cheatam, the negro
crate, but gf the Republicans in tailing
* (changes. Thee is ,another thing
about the tariff Lill that can be stated
anti-trust amendment adopted before)
ors 11 nedehs the Senate. Lhe neces- sis is
the bill piseés the Senate, Tho neces study of JeffersonTs life and writings by
sary votes are promised,
ae gn tha Gleveland administation and has
~ peen tryitig to play on the present one,
thanks to the wide-awake reports of
Consul General Fitzhugh Lee, and
justice is seemingly going to be done
to poor Cuba. Mr. McKinley has had
oa long conference with the members of
the Senate committee of Foreign Re-
a4 = Jatisns, as to.what shouid be done.
The impression is that Senator Mr
ganTs resolution for the recognition ot
Cuban belligerency hardly goes far
enough and that a recognition ef inde-
pendence would be the proper thing, in
view of the facts forwarded by Gen.
Lee. A public mass meeting of Cuban
sympathizers is going to be held in
Washingtgn Sunday.
+. * The adininistration now wishes thas it
pad not caused its jatention to reinstate
ati ex-Unior soldiess or widows of such
who had for any reason been dropped-
from the government payroll to be so
widely advertised, Like most adver-
tising this has brought resusts. These
results are Much more numerous than
o8 were expected ; also more embarrass-
; ing; The plain trath is that many of
the applicants tor remstatement, and
some of those who have been rein
stated, are untitted physically to per
form the duties of the places they one.
held, some by reason of age and others
by disease. I{ there were only a few
: ot these people they could be scattered
Wiie? around in the departments and _ their
o* quability to do good work would go un-
noticed, but when their number goes
away up into the hundreds it becomes
a serious matter, because as a rule
every one of them reinstated displaces
an efficient employe. This matter was
a wh.
has made a bad thing worse by trying
committee assignments, but h
othrough, speculacion on the advance) 9 dered for Congress had been printed:
~® | ex-Congressmin from North Carolina
he trustworthy capa also gets a good thing in the Recorder~
statement shéwing the eaeeane® that ship of Deeds of the Dietrict of Colum-
will be the result of the propcsed bia
é rrimage to the tomb of Jefferson,
un certainty. There will be an} ¢ °
ee a . Senator Hoar is credited with b2ing
el inistration has found : tye
Ax Inst vhe adiministratio found therein, and some of the pilgrims
1 0 game that Spain played ae
out the bunco gare hat Spain played) awed edification badly upon mo.e than
one subject.
"© discussed at a cabinet meeting this
« Senator Kyle isnTt the frst man who
The Bryan Grimes Camp of Pitt
county Contederate Veterans will meet
at the College grounds near Greenville,
on Wednesday, May 26, 1897, to trans-
act important business and to arrange
for transportation to the reunion at
Nashville, Teno., June 22, 23, 24 and
25. Bring your baskets full of some-
By order of
E. A. Mort, Com,
B. F. Suaa, SecTty.
upplying the book after the number
Albion W. Tourgee will not believe
thing good.
We see from the Goldsboro Head-
light that a httle daughter of Mr, T. C.
just arrived. Comeand
see us.
| 6 FORD & SON
ing in al, its form...
We aie prepares to Jo embalm-
Personal aivention given to con!
ducting funerals and bodies en-
trusted to our care will réceiye
every mark of respect. .
Our prices are lower than ever.
_ We do not want monupoly but
invite con petition.
_ We can be found at any and all
times in .the John Flanagan
Buggy CoTs building.
It is hoped that the Senatorial pil- Bryan was run over by a bicycle and
which | one of her arms broken.
esponsible fur, will result in a careful
; Just try a 103. bux ot cascarets, the
finest liver and bowel regu ator ever
Edification is to be
. " Train will leave"
the moraing of"
| Wednesday, May 19th,
connesting at Parmele with train from
Greenyille. Parties at Greenville, and
points between Greenville and Parme-
le, can secure these remarkably low
rates by paying local fares to Parmele
and there buying excursion " ticket.
There will be one of te greatest race
meets ever held in Virginia 1n progress
when this excursion reaches Norfolk
and three of the fastesc horses ot this
section are entered, Luey Ashby and
Bird Eye fuom Greenville, and Robert
Burns trom Washington. Parties wi'l
have half of the day on the 19th and
half of the «Och. ~Train will leave
Norfolk at 1 P. M. on the 20th = mak--
When bilious or cor:tv7e, eat a Cas.
caret, candy cathartic, Gare guaranteed
10e, 25¢
I, 0, 0. F.
The grand lodge of the I.Q. O- F.
of North Carolina met Tuesday after-
noon at 2 oTelock in the new hall of
Charlotte lodge, in its 64th annual ses-
~(report of Grand Master Dortcu
opens with a handsome compliment to
Charlotte. The condition of the order,
he suys, while showing an increase in
membership, is not in as healthful a
state as the order merits. The number
of lodges at the last .sessiun was 110,
since when seven have been re orgaa-
ized and three drepped, making now on
the roll 113, ~Two bave been organized
since the report was written, ~be re-
liet extended throughout the jurisdie-
tion during the year, taking no account
of the expenditures on the OrphanTs
home, was $8,084,22, or nearly $2 per
The report of Grand Secretary
Woodell says that it no losses have been
sustained since the Ist of January the
present membership in the state is 4,521
a small net gain over the preceding
year, The totai income of subordinate
for Greenville. Yours truly,
JQ) times out of [0
The New York Journal recently
offered ten~ bicycles to the ten win-
lodges as reported was $81,902.02; to. | Mets in a guessing contest, leaving
tal disbursementa outside of rehef $22,. the choice of machine to each
The grand treasurer's receipts for the
year, including balance on hand of
$218.80, were $6,901.13, The grand
secretary notes that progress ~has beeu
ing connection at Parmele with tain
i af Nad . + nate!
ry cone CRE ADAP
Primary. Seo
me A SPECIALT ondary orien
Intiary BLOOD POISON permanently
ieee cured in 15%035 days. Youcan betreatedat
ge home forsame price under same guaran
ty. Ifyou prefer tocome here we willcon:
tractio pay railroad fareand hotel bills,and
.if we fail to cvre. If you have taken mer-
otash, and siill have aches and
cury, iodide
pens Mucous Patches in mouth, Sore Throat,
imples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on
any part of the body, Hair or Eyebrows fallin
out, it is this Secondary BLOOD POISON
we petrantee tocure. We solicit the most obstiec
pate cases and challenge the world for a
case wecannoteure. This disease has always
baffled the skill of tho most eminent physi-
cians. %500,000 capital behind our uncondle
tional guaranty. Absolute encore sent sealed on
application, Address COOK REMEDY OO.
B07 Masonic Temple. OF'CAGO, ILL,
chasing elsewhere. Ourstock is coraplet
uallits branches. ~
am 8)
Dr. Talmages ~The
Earth Girdled.�? or his famous tour
around the world, a thrilling story of
savage and barbarous lands. Four mil-
lon TalmageTs books sold, and oThe
Earth Girdled� is his letest and grand-
est. Demand enoromous. Everybody
wants this famoug book, only $3.50. Big
lbook, bi¢ commissions. a gold mine tor
| workers,
lonttit free
Credit given, freight paid,
Drop ajl trdsh and sell the
king of books and make $300 a month.
Address for outtit and terriiory, The
| iominion Company, Star Buildiug, Chi-
SODAS DSRS 2 Sabb sti 5 i sierra aceasta al Beeman ®
Patronuge solicited. (leaning, Dyein:
and Pressiag Gents Clothes a sonclaley
| fete
Special attention given to cleaning
Gentlemens Clothing.
J. A, Buraxss, Mer.
Washington, N. C,
: This Hotel has been thoroughly reno
vated, several new rooms added, elec
tric bellsto every room. Attentive ser.
vants. Fish and Oysters seryed daily.
Patronage of traveling puvlic solicited
ing their yearTs supplies will tind The next session of the school will
their interest to got our prices befere pva | open on :
MNDAY SEPT. 7, 189":
qnd continue for 10 months.
The terms are us follows.
has a reasonable hope that 197° will
made, notwithstanding unfavorable! pine immediately, and of
conditions; he sees light breaking and| after he had looked'at Othert.�
TN Che
to explain, Rising to a question of
privilege he attempted co explain uway
the charge that he had agreed to vote
with the Republicans in exchange for
ia bad mess of it, especially in
that his understanding of the
be a, yea of prosperity. OOeach. 3 ra Pe Oe 5 tah uff, &c | pues |
e 8, YeRy ~eh | | | y Knglish per mo. 82 00
The board ot trustees of the Orphans | " (On even tnende eaRccigtesabia wid be Bowe | phitiowe : Bi La ee
home Messrs. W C. Do goa: Ee a ee ae " _ | we buy diroc) from Manufastu 3 en ntermediate : 92 50
T " uglass, W, T.. TP GIN] ling you to buy at one prolt. A eom- Highe r Te
| Dortch, W. d. Peacock, C. B. Edwards na} , x + « cab) dbiaea vo { : a / reek an $3 00
8 W. D. Gaster and Di, Jacobi, shows fier aay ITU RE. ea Wak ete ~oom _" % ma $1 00
that the main byilding of the home has UE. . | The work and disélpling of the sehool
bene Pompintes ah.n.onet gt | $10,450. ~putida hh Lt 7 i ok kl
There are in the home 29 chijdren of| Jur goods areall bought and| We ask o Shalidla wh Wt yoo past
1Odd Fellows~17 boys and 12 girl. Onet Set arefapa,qatt aie liberal patronage.
oe 8. M SCHULTZ Greenville N.C W H. RAGSDALB.
se. Sea
awior Clinton caily, except Suuday,
lua, m.and 850 p, mT Returnirg
aves! inton at 7.004. m. and3.00 1 aa.
Train No. 78 makes close connection
, && Weldon forall points daily, all rail via
' Kiehmone, alse at Rovky Mount with
~Norfolk and CarolinaR R for Noniolk
ehe all points-North via Norfolk,
: General. Supt.
T, M,. EMERSON, Patti
2 Manager.
J. R,KENLY, GenT) Manager, es
~The Oldest
ft }
North Carolina.
sé Only Five Dollar~ Daly}
a §
W ~é Guis Druck, bu! Gave Good Advice. tautual fondness are oriding tandem.� oa _ Cotten and Peanut, ie r .
A ee J ee ~ * 1s man leading a iast life is ogeared| Below are Norfolk prices of cotto: :
e AND BRANCHES. = ="s wi | ae so i 8 and peanuts ~er yesterday, as furnished eo | :
: ~| oe + | -A middle agede man was around | too bigh.� An old togy is referred to by Cobb Bros. & Commission Mer- d : yi
oAND FLORENO® Sad. RVAD | townT last week, a stranger whom nc"{as a ohigh wheel.� A chaperon is; Chants of Norfolk vai : a aoe Pe
~Ghuenst 3 On. ; ; a oe :
Cauensea penedule body seemed to know, Iie was pretty|knowa us a opacemaker.� A cheap} Good Middling HY Both are such rhage ob
st a as drunk most of the time and indulged bicycle is called a ogaspipe� machine. Middlin ae jective points for a Winter "
/RAINS GOING SOUTH. ina lot of load talk attracting the at-|Prese Visitor, : Low Mion isi trip that itTs perbaps hard for
ae = tention of those near every time, Tone"tirm. you to decide where to gat
hee . 9 One morning be mot two or three sa A caine eis saree Brine cancae dog r eS
7F : j . ® , ada ce ,
leyv7, 1A ' lyoung men who were also a little} Pessiin peawes Extra Prime 43 Let us Help You to
ei ae a ~on . ancy t2
A. M./°.M. A. M | groggy aud the parcy got into a con one SpanishT bis no z
Leave Weldon | 1° o 9 a4 versation. Soou ore of two of the fi wasid be alsioet icbcestnls. 6 eet a Decision, Lee ae
5 y 52 Ns ; « é 7 iposs 3 . . ra = : ve 2 e
aE. Rocyk Mt adie ve ne _|young men commenced cursing and sn a ae J ~i A trip via New Orleans and
using very unseemly language, when} " atte coupe eve apaine wir 0 Dou e ed : the Southern Pacific to either
Lv Tarhoro§ | 12 12 7 sis areanuer perhaps the drunkeah mae family prayer. It affects every de-] Greenville Market. Mexico or the Pacific Coast is
: nad eae bneerot wees partment of the home lile, and cerves Corrected by &. M. Schultz. . one you will never forget.
Ly Rocky Mt | 12 5210 5 45/in the crowd, turned to them ard said ie the week bal cal cot Gal BOW, wants ne cS tree
A pa as a OTP: alunes-whé 7 3 a ee
� ~stony 2 © 2 [with great vurnestness : ave | : Cg tern a I wy | Western Sides! - op:sé|Itsa Transitionfrom
A ee mV Vickie: upon. donTt soraks toti't cares, labors, and vexations. It tenes Sugar enred Hams 1U to 12)), oe a ms
Lv FayTtteville) 4 13 1 7 g , . : :
een an cent dont amt ig{? athe feelings and asprations of| Gorn otoi |Frost to Flowers.
inp iedlkee stinks eres a see hows |Our better nature, and tones down all shoe ei nitfe caves 7 Ree! ie a
S wrong, but what is worse, " shows bt our evil, deasoebe (anelesacs a 4.25 ta 5. And the service is so Jnxu.i-
oe . p pers, inclination., and | Lard £5} to 10 ie ie Paarl
3 ur ralsing" i uW- : : Net ~ a
3 8 your raising"that you came from lew desires... No home.can bevanT ideal | Oats 35 to 4 ous that people who ,, have
fs ".!|_". | down stock. If your parentage hap-|" Bs SAN TGR OF | Agar 4 to 6 tested oSunset Limited� cai!
: P.M A.M pened to he respectable and tried te iwodel home, without a family alter ee von : 17 to 44 it incomparable, Po
; tos |P ~ i iecedabaeln r ~foe ; »| Salt per Sac Stol fi soo
Gea tin oe 5 |rase you correctly, it only mages Fou..need nee pes A EAGUONE Of Chickens 10 to 25 Ifvou are Thinking or
Lv Ma osolia 416 (| mattera worse, fur if shows thet yru counse the devil will furnish you with} Eggs per doz 7 to 10 y g
Ar Wilmington} 6 45 9 a acyuired the habit when vou had al excuses but will he ever furnish you | °®S W8%-De ~� Going, Write Us.
P. M. o better cbianes to bed eaies with an excuse on which you can stand serene res recente eee 3 |
h mote 7 ¥ ; mw 8 bad *
Rt gas Ph betore God and the requirements of his We bave a book entithd
TRAINS GOING NOTRH With this hv staggered off, while the oTheovghS Jand
i'd ? gh Storviand to Sar-
aforesaid young men looked like they ~ o has sited by. sat Saas,� abandsome volume
Dated Sam, & s, | had been shot at."Concord S.andard. ° 1as veces ed to your care | 3 of 205 pages, fully illustrated,
May 4th, |g! ¢ os bastion and immortal souls, and to a| 3 which we will send on receipt
CR? AA | A aN AQ aa acca very great extent you mould " their a |, ~ , 4 ae aed Soa
|A. M.\P.M. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoxe Your } character, and tix their eternal destiny |¥ Pha rer nites eS Hearne one
Lv bivrerce $4574) Lite Away. Theretore, you cannot afford to, do ee PRACTICAL + riage ee poids to a
Lv Fayetteville! 1110, 9 4 a } OP § co, Which .Wwe Will send on
Lv Selma 12 37) than your whole duty in trying te IiN AN} AHF IRAN B 4 receipt of 4 cents to cover
4 4 ~ } at i o| ay : ° . : SP h *
ar Wilscn 4 20/11 35 lt Fou want ~to quit tobacco using | ovate them to the highest type of gO TT i Pp cot of mailing.
' aati ee \_ easily and torever, be aah Well christian character. Tie society, and 4 : WORKER, fe) : :
anes | strong, magnetic, {ull of new life and] j., moral and religious state of our|% seinen nenianed You Really Ought to
vigor, take No"-To-Bac, the wonder: | oo ntry. ¢ bov : : Offers his services to the 2% |
SURE es (ee akan eae 3 country, Cannot 118 above the ioral |@e || , i):
M a. | Worker that makes weak men strong. ita 0 citizens of Greenville and the Op Read them Both...
wre a po P.M. M . da in tea a ©*tand religious atmosphere of our homes-|# public generally :
9 2 Many gi : 3 in ayre . gC | ane . | OF
livT Maguolia. | 11 60 ® 30| Over 400,000 eure? Buy No-To-ibu {_, Bote? it you love God, sf you love) $9 ROOFING, GUTTERING, § nop: fy Thaw ont pone
er U cured, No-To-B: .. : AN, GU Se
Le Goliahors 100 9 36 Over 400,000 cure uy No-To-Ba | etigion of our Lard Sonus oChie "Scouting eed Stove Work. 3 copy 80, or If you want
ar Wilsen 1 00 10 27;rom your own dragyist, who will }j love vour fsprine ak F ~a evecialty any special information, it
Ly Tarboro 1 42 se ge ts you love your own offspring, call); | & specialty. Ps will be cheerfully furnished
: : guarantee a cure. Booklet aud sample yourtamily together to-night, read al: Satisfaction guaranteed or 9p | by addressing
ra "|" 1 I" ig Hee Remedy Co. \y ute ge ght, re ; muaraniee Be T
eon ao maited tree. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co, lesson trom the Bible, and then wor-|ag@ "© charges made. Lobacco . ;
Ox on Chicago or New York. : , i (0 Flues made in season. Shop Ob S. F.B. MORSE
wo wn ship God in) prayer and thanksgiving ]@@ . fe) i
~ pray Oo." g@e iniear of 5 and 10 cent store. ¥
rR rs nD | eee ee emeeme Nm | = c- ( i , ; ae i ~
. M | © MM! around the family alter."Norwond | ¢ | General Passenger and Ticket
Ly Wilson 1 42 10 32! Ia France the woman cyclist is] Reporter. , aay fh NeW ORLEAN
~kr Rocky Mt | 2 33 1] 15|valled a obyevelienneT? Ip tar away] "t"i"ists*CS O 8.
| seinen ARCA OVEN CHEDDE. las cca Kenia mR
nnamia arene nas | suri amtiniws | ernie P. Yr , . . _ bn ~| _ " : pee m
Ar Tarboro 400! New Zealand the awtul word «cyclo
HY okay 21 | Ii | donna� hag been coined as a substitute Whoa bilious or costive, eat a Cas You may never;
Vv 0G 4 y 7 . : ws T . mas artic + ath we T
Le Roe y | \ 7 | for wheelwoman. Iu uany towns in [ Caret, candy cathartic, cure constipe- But should you CVer@eas".
" the west of the United Stases the fair, 200. ; ol� © |
Train on Scotia sd Nock Branch Zoa [rider is called a obloomer� without A Housshold N t : i
eaves Weldon 4.10 p, m., Halifax 4,28 regand to her costume. ~The word CHMEROTG SHOCEMOHY: a , | O Trin sak
. : P| Fad ¢ FOSTL nit 0 1G Wot . T
p. m., arrives Scotland Neck at 5.10 p| = Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most PSSM pee 2 eee
., Greenville 6,57 p.m., Kinston 7.58 oseorcher,� as indicating a " speedy wonderful «leat dy onery of the ave Shei
-m. Returning, leaves Kinston 7..0)| evelicst. is fairly eneratted npou the = : Y 3m cong ga
aoe Greenville 8.52 a m. Arriving ae i. ,. 4 ene! ~ ; wee the } pleasant and retreshing to the taste, act Come to see us, o,
aliT x at 11:20 a. m., Weldon 11,40 am | @#Ogvage. In Uhicazo, aQowever. ~jo an apes tte |
daily except Sunday. oseoreber� is called a osvoo:.T The ie a ee Kidneys, iver asin
Trains on Washnigten Branch leave | techwiealities e macl have Jed | Ud bewels, cleansing the entire sys tem | goog, ak ek abe AA Ae ENR Ae ei es
Washington 8,20 a, m., and 100 p.m AAT LIER GSS HEEYUD Tog TENS dispel colds, cure headache, tever, ha"| jag AAS A AAACAS- MOIOOOOOA HONG
arrives Parmele 9,10. m,, and 3.40 p.|'0 #tempts upon the pari of youmg |. constipation and biliousness} SO |
m., Tarboro 9.45 a. m., raburningleaves | men to.coin expressions. oYour tice is | |, P . ~ | mY.
Tarboro 3.30 p. m., Parmele 10.20 a. m. tured� indicates that the stor Please buy and trya box of C. C. C.] 3 ? |
and 6.20 p. m,, oarrives Washington purciared� mdicates that the 8 y todav; 10, 23, 0 cents. Sold and a
LAG 20s 0d 7.20 p.m. Daily ex-|you are telling lacks the element of . it by ail ¢ at Ae
Svotinnd Neck Nraneke mh rete) Oy truth, A young couple sharing 3 gudrenteed Wy Cure OY aH orugeies Or PS POWs we AA yy ~y Nh) ~y
av © ] a = Darav CN RY IEE
Train deaves varpore, 8 C, via Albe- "" = | Anything from Le
marle & Raleigh R. R. daily.except Sun- = ee
day, at 4 60 p. m., Sunday 405 P. M: o7 "i sy ,
artive Plymouth 7.49 P. M.,.6.00 p.in.| ¢ isiting Card
Returning izaves Plymouth daily except | J ""'0), A
Fre et feed a. Bye aan y 9.00 a oD., f °
arrive Tarboro 10.15 a.m and ll. 45 |"
; Ull Sneet Pos
Train oa Midland N, C. branch leaves : ~ St er.
told3boro daily, except Sunday, 6.05 a! ¢ ( Sor eee eri ee
m. arriving Smaithtield 7-30 a, m. Re-| ¢ | 6 Piet ares Trent
turning leaves Smithtield 8.00 a. m,, ar- ; °
tives at Goldsbors 9,30 a. m. . ~he ally Reflect or
Trains on Latta branch, Floreace R a * . |
dey lente Lbsts 6.40 pm, atrive Danbar er ) Gi
200 pm, Clio 8.05 p m. Returnin as ¢ y *)
leave Cliot6.10am, Dunbar 6.30 a om eet eucaisrs ; ° nyGe the home; Jews
arriye Latta 7.50 a m, daily except Sun-| 3 .* a ae " RY e Aver
dae y pt R NTBED te cere any éaseof coustipation. Cascarcts are the Ideal Laxa- CVery afternoon at the
Ht Deairec Ete cone Gib gripe, ust cause easy natural results, Sam-
Train onClinton Branch leaves War" eooece unde ee ki ~ th tk 5
ees bio e
bait .
bs " .
huhu =WhatIs It? gahiyys
Itis a picture ot tae celebrated 7
ommereTT Tt, ig hk | "Veta tenat
magers e! (sil ay Pony, eka s 3th
" ~ : ia
: an ae
4 i" ft 2 |
ig % ~ a i mo 7
Ca] , @
nt ot these Fountain Pens,
Ef an
small price of 25 cents a,
month. Are you a gub-
seriber? If not you
ought to be.
The Eastern'Reflector.
Contains'the news every
8 infor
We have the tatest
styles in
composing in part Ruf-
fied Coilars and Cuffs
in all leading shades
hese are very pretty
and stylish and to see
them is to buy ~them.
Also have Ruffling by
the yard.
Weare showing a beau.
tiful line of
in Tan, Chocolate, Ox
Biood,Green,Linen and
Black, White Kid Belts
just received. The new
Security Belt, holdsthe
skirts in position, will
not slip. Kid Gloves in
white. tan and black.
~White Chamois Skin
eee ao ate AOD
we havea lovely line of
Torchon and Valen-
ciennes Laces
for trimming Organ-
dies, Lawns and Wool-
en Dresses. Fine In-
gertions for trimmings.
meme Sanat
Ladies Shirt Waist
Sate. Ladies nice Purses
and card cases com-
bined. Fansinthe la-
tast styles. Hosiery in
tan and black for ladies
and children. v
Organdies and Dimities
in white, pink, green,
javender and linen
shades. Swiss Muslin
ia colors and a lovely
line of Summer Dress
Goods at prices in reach
of all. Do not forget
taat we have a lovely
line of slippers in tan,
chocolate, ox bloodand
black, these are ,first)
in quality, style and fit.
Wehavejust receiveda
handsome line of Um-|.
brellas which we will
~a how ash
: nil =
~| To ~advertise judiciously,�
eee naam
Creates many a new business,
Enlarges many an old business,
Preserves many a large business.
Revives many a dull business, |
Rescues many a lost business,.
Saves niany a failing business,
-" a
use tne
ec lumns of th. REYLECTOR,
a oem -
ee oo
train going
Going South, '
Passenger and mal
Nevth, arrives 8:52 A. M.
ar-ives 6:57 P. M
Steamer Tar River arrives from Wash-
ington Mouday, Wednesday and Friday
leaves for Washington Tuesday, Thures-
day and Saturday
Secures suceess to any business 7
"gcining Cxscaiy ait Brings Sooo
~About People Passing This Way,
S.F, Freemaa leit for, Plymouth
this morning.
Sclcitor «. M. Bernard left this
morning for Vance court.
Piss Leta MoGowah came home
this morning from Ayden.
Dr. R. L. Care returned Friday
eveaing trom Charloite, where he had
been attending the Dental Conven-
lion. :
A. R. Dupree, who has been on &
visit here, returued this morning to his
run as postal clerk between Recky
Moant and Plymouth.
Rev. E. vp. Brown came over from
Kinston this morning and went out to
Falkland where he preaches tomorrow |
in the Presbytemaa church. He is
now pastor of the Falkland church.
Mr. Pat Corman, an old Raleigh
Probably showers tonight, Sunday
fair, warmer.
1 eemagtanecsiett
But There 1s Much to be P.cked Out
of Them. |
Cabbage plants at itiverside Nurse-
Lemonade, Milk Shakes and other
summer drinks at StarkeyTs.
Corned Shad and od:rings tot sale
at Steamboat wharf, J.J, Cuerry.
Supply of new box papers, mourning
paper and note paper at Reflector Book
When you want leandrying done see}
Agent Wilmington Steam Laundry.
oSilver Dollar� Fountain Pen, Fars
er make, at Reflector Book Store.
For feel of all
WhiteTs feed store,
FLEGTOR office.
May 11th"Fresh Carr Butter in }
New cui Herrings,
kinds go to BK G
next doorto Rr
pound packages.
at S. M. Schuliz.
Sometuina NE
feed store in Greenville on Five Points
next door to Rerixctor office. Hay,
Corn, Outs, Meal, Brand, MiJl feed,
Cotton seed, Meal and Hulls at lowest
" A class
boy, who is a sucvesstul tobaccomist at
Greenville, was in the city today, Mr.
Gorman will sailtrom New York next
~Thursday tor England "Raleigh Press
The weather was considerably cooler
The Rerieoror acknowledges an
invitation to the commencement exer-
cises of Kinsey Seminary, LaGrange,
June Ist-3rd, Miss Mary Alice Moye
ig one of the music graduating class
of 97.
Mrs. Laura Newton, wife of William
Newton, near Falkland, died Chursday
and was buried Friday afternoon. She
was a sister of Mr- J. A. Dupree. of
this town,
Will Cicsa To-night.
There was another large congrega-
tion at tne Presbytertan charch last?
night. Mr, Melton preached on the
oFatal Exchange,� from the text
oWhat Willa Map Give in Exchange|
far His Soul ?�
fession at this meeting.
At 10:30+ oTclock this morning the
ordinance of baptism was ado nistered
to four persons at the river, A large
number of people were preseat and the
There was one pro-
service Was very impressive.
~The meeting will close tomght with
la prayer and pratse stwvice at Which
the different ministers of the town will
make short talks. By special request
cash price, both wholesale and retail.
E. C. Waite, Manager.
Handbills have been distributea over
town announcing that a sanctified min-
ister trom London will preach on santi-
fication in the Court House Sunday
afternoon and night.
will repeat the song
itlere Idle?� and
at oDeath 1
Pthe quactette
oyh by | pba Lb
| Prot. Dawson will ie)
| Only a Dream.�
At 3:30 oTclock Sunday afternoon
tue LoraTs Supper will be administered
at the home of Mr. W. R. Parker.
careeesianieni ean AT
Hi, id
and oGEM�
Fishing Tackle, &c.
and Keep Kool
+ we have the celebrated
Prices are lowerthan ever, 1A mae i toa
Base Ball Goods, sayeeresoe ae Screen iy
af ied gielouo'l geod) 10 og
a oval kinds, SmokersT Mat
pepsi. «eae cnet ahaa
We havea complete
line of
Nress Goods, ~Cordially invite Clothing,
Cp . ~everybody to call
Trimmings, : at there store, ahaa
Silks, find a co ene,
Satins, ~Hats,
Plaids, i | Caps,
Dimities, Recep ~in| Umbrellas,
Percales, ~8 seni and quality, Neckwear,
Laces, : nae Collars,
Embroideries, | rices very low. Cuffs,
Velvets, : | White Shirts,
, i T
Underwear, A IPA heads
Notions, a
~ TD SOW Seto
iimporium of Spring Fabrics.
}_W. HIGGS, Pres. i, S. HIGGS, Cashier Maj. HENRY, HARDING, AssTt Cashier,
SDL al ee Pen eae,
D. W. Hardee Higgs Bros.,
Greenville.aY. C.
Wm. T. Dixon, President National einienennte
Exchange Bank, Baltimore, Md, We respectfully solieit the accounts
The Scotland Neck Bank, Scotland of firms, individuals and the general
Noak Biggs, Seotland Weck, MC. Bd
oah Biggs, Scotland Nee h ,
Eee Ta NG. gi tenne devo Beh tee
Represquting a Capital of More Than a Halt
Million Dollars,
Fine line of Shoes & Slippers:
ge oyh iG MP
A a)
{ hy i nll
\ 2 | A
yy aM i
199Qe +
For Fine Footwear go to
For Ladies Dress Goods goto
When sweet spring across the hilis
Sets the prisoned flowTrets free;
When the babbling of the rills
Joins with song birdTs symphony ;
Then, 1t seems to us, we ouchter
Turn our thoughts to soda-water.
For the balmy April breeze
Tells the sultry aays are ngh
When we linger *neath the trees,
~ And our throats are hot and dry,
Then ShelburnTs soda fount
Fattens np bis bank account. :
oom | : Ay
Hak att
at d :Fancy Groceries,
store youwcan always find fresh Bread.
Piesan Cakes, guecandie Fruits, Nuts
and see.
ok Heavyandanay" Grocer og tal amice a
cco-rincageqnaibnichesnpeeapie ses Pra asta arcs