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D. J WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
back from the
line of
such as
Faney Nainsook,
White Lawns,
Lace Curtains,
= Swiss,
a Val. Lace
4 Hmbroidery,
4 lite.
a: Calland see for
« yourself.
"_""" ee
3 We arenow |
40 ready with
= Swell business
= suits, three-but-
ton sack, colors
brown, greed,
grays, 10 plaids
and over vlaids,
and checks.
Our business is
growing, We
know the secret
ItTs well-made
Clothing at a
quick " seling
profit. That. is
low prices for
you. We are
hustling for bus-
iness and get
ting it.
Bland Mary. The latter died in 1864
Pm quaintance and her death brings sadness
OF | though there has been again too much
| with excessive rain of about two inches
Spe |oucurred early Friday morning.
¢ | temperature was considerably above the
(normal, until the 10th when it turned
death occurred Wednesday afternoon,
was killed at Ft. Fisher in January,
�,�|1865, by the accidental explosion of a
| being dropped while he was euperin-
: tending having some iemoved from the
» | again left a widow in 1884, Mr. Law-
= ure extended iu his sorrow at the death
* | man, a devoted wife, a toad mother, a
®!to many hearts.
Sp | ducted by Rev. N. M. Watson.
J | H. B. Clark, J, R. Moye, D. D, Hask-
Ope j ard.
| least in the eastern portion of tue State,
RS portior..
Elizabeth Lawrence, whose
was in her 67th year. Her maiden
name was Miss Elizabeth Ann Brown.
She married Mr. Montgomery Long in
November, 1853. ~Three children were
born to them, James, Montgomery
when she was quite small. Mr. Long
bomb shell, caused by ona of the shells
field just after a battle.
In May, 1878, Mrs. Long married
Mr. Peter P. Lawrence, and she was
rence dying in J uly of that year.
Her son, Mr. Montgomery Lung,
who lived in South Carolina, died thice
months ago, so that now by the death of
Mrs. Lawrence the only member of the
fumily lett is Mr. James Long. ~To the
jutter the sy:npathies of all our people
of his mother.
Mrs. Lawrence was truly a good wo,
kiod friend.
the Methodist charch
life of a faithtul Christian.
held in high esteem among all her ac-
At an early age she joined
and lived the
She was
~The tuneral took place at 4 o'clock
this alterncon, the services being con-
The pall bearers were C. T. Munford,
YW bich-
ett, Wiley Brown and D. J.
Weekly Crop Bulletzn,
The weather conditions for the we.k
Mouday, April 12th,
have been slightly more favorable, at
ending (.a@ Mm.
rain generally. A heavy thunderstorm
; )
| ofall to the ground with his head in
| a
The fourth session of the Summer
School of the University of North Car-
olina will begin Tuesday, June 22nd,
and close Friday, July 23rd.
Massa Miller, an old negro man,
He was 90 years old and had been an
inmate of the home for sixteen years:
"Sualisbury Sun.
Accidents happen all through l.fe
and some are of a very serious nature,
but the sad mishap that befell the lit-
tle 4 year old son of Mr. Harris Rick
ardson oo la~t Wednesday is the most
appalling aud heart rending of the sad-
dest. Mr. Richardson lives near Fre-
mont and hauls pine logs to a saw mill.
On the day mentioned he had_ his little
sen with him on the large log carmage
as he was making a return trip with a
heavy load. A sudden jar of the cart
in running over a root caused the child
the rut just ia front of the large whe-l
that was grinding the earth urder its
broad tire and weighty load. Betore the
team could be stopped the top part of
the head from just over the ear, reash~
ing around the forehead, was s3ve.ed
fiom the body and mashed flat. The
tather was alone and had to gather up
the remains and carry them home and
place the dead child in its motherTs
arms."Goldsbora Argus.
Named Their Ticket.
The Democrats of Parmele Leid a
convention Tuesday night and nomi- |
nated the fo'lowing ticket:
Mayor-"F. 8. Upton.
Commissioners"W. J, Smitb, L. E.
Ricks and J. T Brown.
died at the county home yesterday. | ~
The King Clothier,
Seach acicacna hence cheechaichdaacieaceiaaidaiahc titties
"Come in and look at the largest line of"
[have ever had, All makes, colors and prices.
A pertect fit guaranteea.
apy Gas
Dress Goods, Shoes
Gents Furnishings
Constableam'T. L. Whitey. |
At Ayden the following noua ions |
have been madc :
Mayor"H. S. Hardes.
Commissioner"J. S. Ro33, Atos
Joyner, A. L. Harrington, ~T. N. Mas.
ning and R. W. Smith.
cooler with light frost in extreme wes,
Considerapie progress " has
been made in planting corn; and some
cotton has deen put in. Truck crops
and strawberries are growing well in the
eastern district.
is needed.
Eastern District."The first part
of the week was warm and taverable
for tarm work, but after the heavy rain
on Friday the weather turned cooler.
Farm work progressed well at some
points. Corn planting is now well ad.
vanced on uplands and some corn is up
and looking well, Preparations for
cotton are underway and a few farmers
have commenced to plant. Truck ¢-ops
are growing rapidly ; beans are up and
~| May peas in bloom. Irish potatoes are
coming up nicely. Sweet potatoes be-
ing bedded. Gurdens are now making
headway. Many correspondents report
tobacco plants Jarge and nearly ready
to set, Some rice has been planted.
Strewberries show little signs of damage
by frost, are setting truit well and at
many points ripening rapidly. Wheat,
tall oats anJ clover looking well, and
spring oats are green ani have good
Fair, warmer weathe"
Lord Salisbury to Retire.
Lonpoy, April 13"Truth says oIt is
doubtful if Lord SalisburyTs health will
permit him to retain tae post of pre-
mier and secretary of state fer foreign
many unionists are suggesting Lord
affairs. the circumstances
Rosebury for secretary of state for for-
It is pointed out that
when in office Lord Roseberry showed
entire accord with Lord SalisburyTs
eign affairs.
foreigu policy and he withdrew from
the liberals because he disapproves of
their action in foreign issues while his
views on home rule are in accord with
~the unionists.�
New Firm.
Zezo Moore & Bro,, have purchased
the stock of goods of A. B. Ellington
at the 5 and 10 cent store. The new
firm will continue to carry the same
line of goods and will also add a full
stock of groceries. -Mr. Ellington con-
tinues with the firm as salesman. We
wish al~ suc 'ss.
Subseribe to ~THe
Daru.y REF ec
oem even eR at ee peas
Our stock is complete with all AM latest inT
Dimives, Lamas, |
te ini
ale = ol bi te bins
is superb and your inspection is invited.
We have it and want you to have it and to de
this we are offering special bargains in
= Men and Boys"w
if we canTt fit you in stock we have a beauti "
ful line of samples just received and will make
you a suit.
Zi Bee.
The Low PriceT Merchant.
uigel a og St e
o :
W) WOMEN'S EXPOSITION, | Qur revered and. reverend |) 4 TYSON, Vice-PresTt. Re DAVIS Peg Le Gene :
TEE | | fetond, Halelojab Ayer, has got-|"""" "REORGANIZED JUNE 15th, 1896. a
Cuantorre, N. 0. April 18; 1897. 42m real gay sicce coming into ONT OF T: tl ee
features of the WomenTs Exposi-
tion of the Carolinas, which takes
place during the month of May,
most interesting|;he enjoyment of his relief. In
times past there was never 4
suggestion of humor in his writ-
ing; the miseries of the down
"_ 7 i foe | te
Bank of Gr
At the Close cf Business Maroh 9th, 1897.
Kuecred as second-lass mail matter. reaching into J une, will be the| trodden, for whose emancpation RESOURCES. LIABILITIES.
ee 3 " showing of the industries of these | ne had made himself responsible, Loans and Discounts $41,761.193 Capital stock paid in $23,000.00
+ SURSCRIPTION RATES. States, that are not very generally so weighed upon his heart that Over Drafts 133.975 Surplus and Profits i 2389-08
SayeT: tl tlt RM known. For instance, a8 fine) his mournfainess never abated Pree een Due to Banks . 78%.
O2e month, = + 7 + %}9|/Kaolin as. is produced in thé|and he did nothing but sit-on his| Furniture and Fixtures 1,500.00} Cashiers Checks ortstinding 863.34...
ae in town by carriers without United States is here found, and|hauncnes and howl. But in the rad ln aera yas Time Cares iontes of Depont a
oxtta cost. a e é is made into og chins | noble Caucasian of this week he|Cash on band ° 95,875.38 Total $112,974.50
- advertisng rates are liberal an canbeland an excellent grade of porce-| has an editorial which is real aanepepe
~ on appfeation to the editor or at lain ware. An exhibit of this|sporty. He frolics around The Total $112,974.60
i : _.|product will show the process of Observer like a kitten. He gam-| We study carefully the separate needs of our patrons, aad shall be glad to have
: , : we desire a itve correspondent at manufacture from its crude staie| hols in and out amon ge the parts your account, promising every accummodation consistent with good banking...
: avery postoffice inthe covaty, who willlinto articles of dainty shape and| of speech with the grace of acow| "
fn each neighborhood, |
and only on one side of the paper.
TrurspDAY, APRIL 15, 1897.
- 1 prief items of NEWS 8s it occurs
en as Write plainly
attractiveness. :
Moore county yields sand ot
most excellent quality for the
manufacture of fine glass ware,
and the friskness of a spring lamb
* * What occasions the exu-
beranc. of his spirils is, however,
of no consequence. It is enough
Wehavealarge ®
pinnae @ REIS
_.|and samples of this finished ware|to know that Hallelujah has at | .
oo Steed will aso be shown. last relaxed, We are delighted to UN DERTAKERS,
ASt. Lous seria enn 5. Splendid collections ot minerals note the shapes As the ladies | FLINERAL DIRECTORS AN)
coo tee Dae ae se on| Will demonstrate the various re- ou : is rie reer data We ni
spans ~-".. |gources of the Carolinas- ave feared that he would never :
ner husbandTs life, to paying his smile again. But relief has re- : _ EMBALMERS.
her benefit an
memory she thus honored.
reese eee
The insurance was for
d could not have
been touched by the creditors of
hor deceased husband, whose
The Industrial department is
attaining large proportions, and
manufacturers from all sections
are taking space. It is specially
desired that each and every cot-
ton mill in North and Sonth
Carolina will place on exhibit a
stered the color to his cheek and
joy to his heart, and the play of
fancy is beautiful to behold.
There is hope now even for Ram
sey that he will yet cease his
lamentations and consent to smile.
just arrived. Come and
conical Picante
We haye just received @ new
hearse and the nicest line of Cof-
ting and Cessets, in word, métal"
lic and cloth ever brought to
Green\ ills.
see us.
The Boston man who. walked
into a restaurant and jocularly in-
-formedthe waiter that he guessed
heTd poison himeelf with @ cup of
coffee, didnTt intend to uo 1k. but
drank the coffee and scared the
| waiter almost out of his senses by
\ falling back in his chair dead. It
wasn't the coffee that did it, but
heart clisease.
ee. sae
The Oxford Eublic Ledger
gives the following adyice to its
faymer ~rieuds, which jis worth
heeding :ud acting upon: oBy
all means jet our farmers divide
their mover crop between cotton
and tobacco 4s the HKeastern
+-farmers are doing, and thus keep
-paco with othe section that has
made tobacco a part of their
_ money crop.�
* Some of the Republicans are
bolt or more of each class of
goods that they manufacture, 80
that a complete showing of our
enormous and fast growing mill-
ing industry may be made, It is
To the sometime pessimistic and
despairfu', but now sportive and
hopefal Ayer, we make our com-
pliments aud extend our congrat-
ulations. He has yseen a uew
light and it his begotten in him a
blithsomeness to which nothing
but relief could have given birth.
"Charlotte Observer.
necessary to arrange for space at
A collection of Colonial, Revc-
lutionary, Mexican and Confede-
rate relics is now being gathered
together, probably larger in extent
and general comprehensiveness,
and greater historical value than
uny similar collection eyer made
in the two states.
Very low passage rates to the
Exposition have been granted by
ail the railroads, and the admis-
sion fee is placed at only half the
asual charge for such exhibitions,
but the desire of the management
is that every one may avail
themselves of the opportunity
which offers so much of interest
along Art and Educational lines.
"" LT
Baptists, See Here!
fhe Southern Baptist Convention
meets this year in Wilmington, N. C.,
May 8th. Now, you want to go to this
convention, and you also want to go in
style and c mfort. ~There is only one
good firstclass line from the South and
Suuthwest to Wilmington, and that line
is the Seaboard Air Line, which 1uns
the finest and fastest trains in the South
and makes the lowest rates of any
railroad running from the South or
Southwest. DonTt be fooled into mak-.
ing your arrangements until you have
consu!~ed one of the Seaboard Air Line
agents, who always esteem it a pleasure
to serve you. B. A.Newland, Generel]
Agent Passenger Department, 6 Kim-
ball house, Atlanta, Ga., will be glad
o write you or call on you, or you can
| CHR & A
We aio prepared to Jo embalm-
ing in ali its forms.
Personal atiention given to con-
ducting funerals and bodies en-
trested to our care will receiye
every mark of respect.
Our prices are lower than ever.
We do not want monupoly but
invite con. petition.
We can be found at any and all
times iu the John Flanagan
Buggy CoTs building.
cury, jodide
an7z part of the body,
out, it is this Secondary BLOOD
Primary. Seo |
ondary orzen |
tiary BLOUGD POISON permancatl;
cured in 154035 days. Youcan betreatcd aj
shomeforsame price under same guaran:
ty. Ifyou prefer tocome here we will con:
tractio pay railroad fareand hotel bills,and
,if we fail to cure. If you have taken mer«
otash, and still have aches and
pee. Mucous Patchesin mouth, Sore Throat,
imples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on
Hair or Eyebrows falling
we | gap tocure. We solicit the most obsti-«
an Co) eanee an cnatiee) Le = works fora
sewecannotcure. This disease has always
baffled the skill of the most eminent physi-
""is now runningga""
and can furnt fh Wood at the shortest
notice. Buys Wood by the car load.
Your patronage selieited.
| Dr. Talmages ~The
Earth Girdled.T? or his famous tour
+ rere 33 . . apply toiny ot the representatives of cians. $500,000 capital behind our uncondl: | gy | the world, a thrilling story of
now disposed to admit that tue - ae tnraiguarantyT Absolute proofs se around the world, a thrilling story 0
Arrangementa are being made} ii. Seaboard Air Lice im any town or] application, Address, ~cook REMEDY 60. savage and barbarous lands. Four mil-
Mas SPl�,�.e G1E4! Lie .
gchedul:s of tariff have been ar-
ranged fcr the benefit of those
who hive contributed to the Re-
publican campaign fund. Mr.
Hanna, who knows al! about these
. gentribations, ~will probably rear-
ranges some of the schedules in
the Senate."Atlanta constitution.
to accommodate the large crowds
that will be here during the
munth of May. To give some | ' mame
idea of the eyents outside of the; oA Ae
Exposition, which is of course the |
main attraction, that are to occur | x
in May, it may be well to recall a}
few, State Lodge of Odd Fellows | %
city. This 3s the ouficial route.
you want to go with your friends ?
6 . 9
lion LalmageTs books svld, and oThe
Earth Girdled� is his letest and grand-
est. Demand enoromous. Everybody
|wants this famous book, only $3.50, Big
~book, big commissions, a gold mine tor
workers. Credit giyen, freight paid,
| ontfit free. Drop all trash and sell the
iking of books and make �,�300 a month.
~Address for outtit and terri ory, The
| Dominion Company, Star Buildiug, Chi-
i cago.
ERR TIR ahead nila Sentosa oo
one erm meet; Genera! Assembly of the! % 2 | | AA TS
The wav who makes plenty to| Presbyterian Church in session ;| ¥ PRACTICAL 3arbders |
eat is in indepondent circumstan-| State Vential Society and Beard IN AN} MHL] IRAN | en |
cas at least whetaer tobacco or|of Dental Examiners convene, in-|% OP eee a 1
cotton sells low. But he who has|tereS:ate bicycle races will be held; WORKER. P: | Fane MSD MIAE ARTUR?
to buy his: suyphes for family andlinter-State firemarTs meet with | 3. iy GREENVILLE, N.C.
stock aud then pay the running|firemenTs races: baseball games | Ze aan ein ke llc = 2» ee sa Gebes Ulethes er apecialey
expenses of the farm out of the
proceeds, wil! tind himself coming
out behind every time. Let our
farmers think over thee things
and turn over a vew leaf this
year "Lumberton Robesonian.
conaflirwe cee
By and by the houest and well
meaning folka of all parties in this
country will learn that profession-
al refurwers ure wustly Lbuwbugs
aod raseal:. Ibeir vnly reform
is to reform tbe lines that attack
~the offices"the lives before the
pie counter. Now and than men
of sincere purpose arise, attack
the evils of the day or the cen
between leading Southern teams ;
a series of theutricai attractions,
and any number of entertainments
both at the Exposition and else-
where; lectures and addresses by
Prominent men, while one of the |:
leading Southern women will
deliyer the opening address of the | 4
Women's exposition, and others wate HOO
will follow in addresses and lec-
These are part of attractions,
which all combined goes to show
that there wiil be drawn together
suvh a gathering as has seldom
been seen 1n the history of the
© public generally.
8© 6Spouting and Stove Work,
a specialty. »):
Satisfaction guaranteed or
no charges made. ~Tobacco Q
gf Flues made in season. Shop Q&
a0 inxear of 5 and 10 cent store.
Portraits !
~=ao2 o
tury, avd by determined effort |
RS. 'f. E. HOOKER and
ESTA#iasHeD 1975.
IT ing their yearTs supplies will tind
their inverest toget our prices befere pu
chasing + se where. Ourstock is coraplet«
u allits weanches.
a eet EDMUNDS,
Special attention given to cleaning
Gentlemens Clothing
J. A, Burexss, Mer.
Washington, N. C,
This Hotel has been thoroughly reno
vated, several new rooms added, elec,
tric bellsto every room, Attentive ser,
vants. Fish and Oysters served daily,
Patronage of traveling puvlic¢ solicited
have opened an
overturo ors : Veh
tay them. Buts'cl \ commercial traveler who was
men are actuated by unselfiich' yy. iuz with his nucle inthe
~Wale Academy,
* aggrandizement, They never esk
_... for place: tor self, they will no
oaccept emoluments, but with de-
termined - purpose, sacrifice self
for the principle. they uphold,
sutdeoly calle! vu to say ~grace,
wu, urs beius accustomed to it,
promptly tackled the difficulty in
the the followmg words: oWe|~
acknowledzs» te receipt of your
AaTSt8820 |
and solicit orders for Cray-
on Portraits.
All work executed by hand.
You say there have been few
examples of such in the worldTs
___ hustory;'there are fewer today than
_ aver before."Monroe Journal.
When bilious or costive, eat a Cas-
favor of this date. Allow ua to
express our gratitude for this ex- and will not 16.
pression of good will. Trusting |. hithion tn a Wen oe
that our house may merit your|% Drug Store, -where orders
confidence and that we may have|} oan also be. left. , Prices. of
many good oraers from you this ~work furmahed pplica:
caret, candy cathartic, cure constipa~
fall, we are yours.�
o 7 Ps . F 9
j ; ; Feu
! i ~a i ohan sheen od
T i ~ a ~ $a: agen pha gid
Hy} cie stock of
T il. : ay
Tobacco, sr-tt &c,
2} we buy diroc) ftom {Manufa tu, 4 en
linz you to buy
at one prolt. A eoa-
always on hand and sold at privesto suit
time LD) ht and
met gy ag,
for CASH th
The next session of the soo] will
open on
MNDAY SEPT. 7, 18%
and continue for 10 months.
The terms are as follows. |
rimary English per mo. | 32 00
+ Pe iiats iT 3 te be $2 50 :
sitet a oS $3 00
| Tangus 28 { : yee 91 00
» The work a discipline of the school
wera paitehny tiuane a _e
aan Te PE aE A tN
| : on es ie | eee le eee o4 "Cotton and Peanut, = : eee ee
@ = pene oy hae he ak = ec ee we aa ar . Perera | t oFROM FROST TO. a4
o | = Sag hhet ogoes one m2) wee Sounder wor yerter ml ot eo ta Penta "ne
A THE TALLEST RAILROAD. toe 42.ble RE, in pk sae br by gives eee Comthlation Mer Califa |
ae Lis dc. -« 4) the Velitgas tr chants of N oF a. s
Shs Is In pie neg mest hy r ee vteralle & ortalily, and the ceme » ~ COTTON, : 4 Both are 6 ai
arent ee The Peruvian Central, Transan- pad ct Bd ih es ~6 ce ras - nian : | jadtive poi tai for:
f cours. road ug, Lies Mrens y Midd 6 that it's perl
oPRALINE Gorn ee ue Rags peinen igre fatal ~~disesse of the werts,�T neg ood el 6 1-16 you to decide where to go.
. ee v : z rners of the cordilT! Tone"firm. '
Dated 2 5 , |From Lima, eight miles ahead and pong ta have reload were PEANUTS. :
AY. 15th ; 2 500 feet higher, it winds up the ar- | tain mineral strata. It is alike un- Se tas : a Let us Help You to.
Ong : ""|".--|rowing valley of the Rimac, past | jnown, in this part of Peru, below | mano, 24
a. M|©.M.| 1A.» | great haciendas and forgotten ruins. | 6,000 and above 9,000 feet.--Harper * | spanish voit |@ Decision.
arr Boer Me 1 00 10 % At Chosica, 33 pailes from the sea, Weekly. ee ean 1 one"guiet. oe A trip Jged Or eae me d
tion, but within the yard limits of © Airs hip. reenville Mexico or the Pacific Coast i is
Lv Tarhoro 12 12 ey that station begins the 4 per cent Prolene Gea. Hough of Dear Corrected by S. M, acheive. - one you will never forget.
10. -| grade, which is steadily maintained é i Bntter, per lb 15 to 25
a Me age 3 Onit1 é : oe 73 miles. The RimacTs gorge be- born otservatory, Northwestern univer. Mdglde mrp ; tot yy ItTs a Transition from. :
Lv Selma 2 53 comes deeper and more contracted, gily, is quoted as saying hat the light eal cured 11am 40 to at Frost to Flowers.
Liv i ,. : 36) 17 the little bays and benches of culti- | which has ta:own the west into such &| Gorn Meal 45 to ee ) \ es,
° -d . . ° * r , 5 ~
vont dasa iio sue oa anc ipa geese siate of excitement is the ster Alpha bead Family eg test i And the ser view is so loxuiie
Bs, ran yaaa | Orionis, oAlpha Orionis appears of | Oats 85 to 4!) ous that peT ho have
gs " oi hee ee lg rein the meridian at 5 oTclock and becomes | Sugar dar texted oSunew: Liwite .� "
ie xu ee "the oa caidedatis device so fre- visible ut 8 o'clock. At that time i, hie Sack 75 to 1 5F it ine amaparaule.
Lv Wilson af 08 o"y | quently necessary to overcome the | resembles a strong white electric light aime 7 hed as Ifyou are Thinking of "
Lv Goldsboro | 3 10 5 | headlong valley. ; It first becomes noticeable in the central a nO 20
Lv Magnolia 4 16 v The maximum gradient allowed | . 4) vost portion of the sky. Atan : Going Write Us.
Ar Wilmington} 6 2 ; M by contract of 211 feet tothe mile anwsually rapid rate for w'stnr i takes tt : ' f T
per __.| has in many places been stretched, | U's" ~ , times out oO 10 We thhte 6 bok ential
sae and the actual gradient is sometimes | course toward the northwest, fin: ally peaieeutsineh eet eaten op brongh Si isnelniid- 16 -fibtee
TRAINS GOING NOTRE, nearer 5 per cent. But even this | dissppearing in that corner. As tha , sat Sons,� a bandsous volome
: a ~ | was insufficient to one ni oy il star begins to sins, the atmospheric apie ais sages age Y iat pyces, tally ieee
Dated Rh] & ' 2 |eies of the quebrada, whose Huor hit} tb toa . ff, ten bicycles to the ten win- which we will send ou tecelD
ps : Pp, jors : ppear to be of a| OFter
Nov. 1, 6's ° 3 |often greatly exceeds that slope. hoya cin lalate leavin {10 tsin stamrs te cover
: . ; a na guessing contest, leaving ) cen
1896. AR | A 4~Q |ihe only way to get ahead was to Teddish. hue on t1 under side and| nersin a g g . postage. We also bavea de-
em en yar ee the choice of machine to each !
A. M.(P. M. "~ | pun back a few furlongs or miles at | green on the upper portion when seen lightful little guide to. Mexi~
Lv Fivrerce 8 40) 7 40 full grade and then to shoot for-; through a glass. The cenier cf the CHOSE co, which we will seud on
tal ty eg a 4 PY 9 40 ward on the upper arm of the zig- |b ~dy is white.� Yet sl cape ALL ; : receipt of 4 cents to cover
v Selma 28 V'g� ~+k | Star"is much brighte: and follows P| t of wailin
~ zag. Some of the ~VTs� run back | Star g cost of mi g.
saab aceie : . nai A and forth like sloping shelves in| Alphe Oricnis, while the planet Verus, O um fa
Laas | |the high walls of the main gorge; | brighter still tnan any stare shines on Bievel You Really Ought to
' | some double and twist far up lateral ahead. icycles h
valleys. Not to confine the matter to Butin spite of the cold unimaginative Nine j . Read them Both.
st ease ey aa en) | . ine immediately, and one
lA. MI ° e. M. single points, where the road has to} declarations of science, there are thou- after he had looked at others. Shall wo awh yon Bene .
Ly Wilmington| 9 25 oy | give five miles to gain one, the total | sends of people in the wes} who still The Journal therefore bought i iden weak
Lv paaope 10 52 8 30| percentage is astonishing. From | firmly betieve that they have'seen the TEN Columbiasat $100 each. copy, al | v f ¥ t it
Ly Goldsboro | 12 01 9 86/ Callao to Oroya the length of the | ~/amous airship, aid who utterly decline any special information,
ar Wilson +0 10 27) track is 221 1-2 kilometers; of these, | to eckaowledge that they have been On even terms the Columbia will be chosen will be cheerfally furnished
by. Taroato 248 oe eee 76 1-2 (one mile in every three) are simplyostar g sarin� without knowing it. TEN times out of TEN , hy addressing,
Oy o4 as consumed in overcoming the rise, | It these people will study the southern | _-- abit | S F B MORSE
SB = and this besides the unprecedented | sky about the mile of Jure they wn art Cutalogue toca Hf yoo call ! ~c.D, T
ZR = maintaining of such a maximum {see the airship develcp into something FOR SALE BY | General Passenyrr and Ticket
"~ ~ . like a sea-serpent. The astronomers | Agent
. M. grade. gent,
Ly Wilson 1 20 Yo 38 Four miles above San Bartolome | Will tell them it is the sonnel n a S. E PENDER & CO., | NiuiW ORLEANS.
Ar Rocky Mt | 217 ___| 11 16) and its tropic side valley is the great | the Scorpion, one of the moot beautitu GREENVILLE, N. C
"""""|), wii | bridge of the Agua de Verrugas, or in the Leavens. But they must noty peas
uy Tashorc o i | water of warts. This noble canta- | believe it. You may never
: 1 4 lever, built in New Jetsey, has a ~ a ;
repo Sam an | length of 520 fect and a height of lust trv.a 16 hox ot cascarets, the But should you ever jG
= 260. The old bridge was in its day wus 7 y ~be ~ 7
Train on Scotia.d Neck Brauen «qa | the highest in existence and was finest. liver and bowel segu ator ever * ~
eaves Weldon 3.59 p. m., italitax 4,10| meant to be. To that end the center | made. os \ K A ' f O : Yi i } Lo ()
p. m., arrives Scotland Neck at 4.55 p pier was sunk in a 12 foot pit. This = n oP com
w., Greenville 6,57 p, m., Kinston 7.46) pier was weshed out by acloudburst| Accordivg to Rev. Dr. Mayo i.
.m. Returning, leaves Kinston 7.2:, } 1 trafiic was wa
a. m., Greenville 8.22 a m. Arriving | 12 1859, and for a year tran the Southern Scates have spent "=y Come to see US, "
Hali-.x at 11:00 a. m., We'son 11,20 am; maintained by a cage SW inging on $ 950,000,000 for pupular education
except Sunday. cables across the gap. The present;* 7T of whi 73,000.000 setstidureepspuesrirarunnnrian esti
l'rainson Washnigton Wranch leave| ttructure has been left far behind | 81Dce the war, of which $70,000,00(
Washington 8.00 4, ., and 3.00 p.m,| as to height by the bridge over the | went to the edusation of colored
arrives Parmele 8.50 a. m., and 4.40 p.| river Loa, on the 600 mile Antofa- | ehildrez.
m., Tarboro 9.45 a. m., retarningleaves | ...¢¢ line in Chile, the longest of
Tarboro 3.30 p. m., Parmele 10.20 a. m. gasta . , ww: =
and 6.20 p. m, T arrives Washington | ZA7TOW gauge railroads, and, with
11.50 a. m., and 7.10 p. im. Daily ex-| its 80 inch track, the tipsiest. When bilious ov cc o3, eat a Cas:
ept Sunday. Connects with trains on
Scotland Neck Branch.
~Train leaves warporu, 6 « , via Albe-
marle & Raleigh R. . duiiy except Sun-
day, at 450 p. m., Sunduy 300 P.M; ;
artive Ply:nonta 9.00 P. M., 5.25 p. m. gm 3
Returning i2aves Blymoutn daily except| 4 os AN DY ( qT , Aniic
The Agua de Verrugas is not to bef gires, candy cathariic, care guaranteed
lave bed down as a £u; erstition. Of | he. 25e
the crim reelty in the se poisonous | a
ERABLT. terve
TA ing , fou es
Wisiting Bae
ow Ko)
F'ull Sheet F oster
The Daily Reflector.
Gives the home news
every afternoon at the
small price of 25 cents a
vet ame
A oe
Sunday, 6.00 a. m. Sunday 2.30 a m., *
arrive ['arboro 10.25 x. and Li. 46
Trainon Midland N. ¢:. vranch leaves |T
Goldsboro daily, except Sunday, 6.05 a,
m. arriving Smithtield 7°30 u. m. Re
turning leaves Smithtiet 8 OU a. ny are
rives ut Goldsbors 9,30 «. m.
PPO ans- + oe
Ailton on Latta branch, Floreace R
3., laave Latta 6. 4 m, wirive Dunbar
1.50 pm, Clio 8.05 p mw. Returning
-Jeave Cliot6.10 am, Duubar 6.30 «a m,
anys Latta 7.50 a m, daily except Suu-
Train onClinton Branch leaves War-
awfor Clinton caily, except Suuday,
to cure pre ee or constipation. Cascarets are the Ideal Laxa-
ABSOLUTELY nent tive. never rip or gripe. but cause easy natural results, Sam-
ple anil booklet free. Ad, STERLING REMEDY �,�0., Chicago, Montreal, Can., orNew York, 917.
] »m.and 8.50 p, m° Returning} ~~~ we aa VW ' : "
tees Uliiton at 7,00 a. pian; th month. i Are you a sub
Train No. 78 makes close counection POL alae : seriber 7 If not you
s MA] ML o4 ba
SEE THAT? "Wiese
at Weldon forall points daily, all rail via a
Kiehmone. alse at Rovky Mount with
| Norfolk and Carolina K for Nonolk
L: ne all points North via Norfolk,
: General Supt.
T. M. EMERSON, YS ratfia Manager.,
i R. KENLY. GenT! M aveger,
| ommpmonsrue gran (tmnans What Is It ? Bicteiohs
a , It is a picture ot tae celebrated wr:
a ~The Oldest
Saiy Newspaper in Fees
- oF TheT outfit ot no business manoit Banas We ae i. only $la year It
| North @acoliaa. complete without one. , 2 he tai coutains the news every
a oon: 7 | | week, and gives informa
nS Pekaotad ee i ar a . ai ne tion tu the farmers, es-
eh Oa! Lhe-Reflector ~Book Store ~specially those .
~The Only i ive-Dollar.._D ely | :
i kod defy Hiv ~
ba osah oes | ine that .
© ft Olass:inthe State - - |ha
ought to be.
The Eastern Reflector.
Best in use.
S tment ot. these Fount n Rens, | times nies
yof Pearl Handle Gold Pen ~
onished when-you seo: hem and aaa the phere
eA, they are Se ee ont og bs fy | it ty es rap Hi ry
wid &
¥ oa tied
(a eeaigaiatianedl
&- ee
~We want that'money
becaus? we have a fair
equivaient to offer for
it. Our goods are the
right kind atthe right
We havejustreceived
a new stock of the Cel-
ebrated and Famous
Ht Obth
for Menand Boys, in all
the newest shapes and
colors, for Spring and
Summer. Our Ox bloods
are beauties. Every
pair guaranteed.
A beautiful line of sty-
_ lisa, neat, durable
and elegant:
tor ladies, fresh from
the factory made speci-
allytor us, The latest,
~newest, nobbiest and
prettiest styles.
Remember we have
also receivedanew sup-
ply of
Just a perfect substi-
tute for Linen, only 10
centsper yardoneyard
~wide, the cheapest and
best thing made for
Embroidery and
Drawn Work.
Beautiful, fancy
Neatandnice. Justthe
thing to please the
~Ladies. :
~Hamper Baskets, Fan-
» heart
~just received.
cy Work, Scrap, Key
and Toy Baskets. Come
to see them.
We can please both
you and your purse.
Nearly every day
brings us something
new andjust the thing
you want.
Come and inspect our
Mammoth Stock of Dry
Goods, Notions, Shoes,
Hats, Groceries, Hard-
ware, Crockery, Furni-
ture and House Fur-
nishing Goods. They
are desirable new and
Beautiful Hall Racks
|, Remember we oper-
ate our store ona deter-
m1: policy or fair,
dealing | and
| A. §. Seymour,
tte OSH
Creates many a new business.
Knlarges many an old business,
[reserves many a large business,
Revives many a dull business,
Rescues many a lost business,
Saves many a failing business.
S.cures success to any business
To oadvertise judiciously,TT use tne
esluinns of t. REVEBOTOR.
Kicting Constenti? at it Brings Soccess
train going
Passenger and mail )
Going south,
Nerth, arrives 8:52 A. M.
arrives 6:57 P. M.
Steamer ~'ar River arrives from Wash-
ington Monday, Wednesday and Friday
jeaves for Washington Tuesday. Toure-
day und saturday
eet ene
By Teiegraph to
SprigHt & MORRILL.
Cotton Buyers and Commission
' Merchants.
June 7.15 7.16 7.14 7:15
Aug. 7.19 7.21 118 419
July 663 694 663 694
July 845 8 525 8.45 8524
July 4,65 4,774 4.68 4.774
ceca aac
Rain tonight, Friday fair, cooler to-
night, warmer Thursday
_cemiaset i at
And You Get a New Spriakiung Byery
Senate al
Grass is on the jump.
services in the Baptist church to-
Hay, Hulls ani Meal at 5. M.
S :bultz.
Arbuckles Roasted Coffee, fresh, lo
ceats a pound at S. M. Schultz.
oSilver Dollar� Fountain Pen, Fars-
er make, at Reflector Book Store.
Fulton Market Besf and Chipped
Beet just arrived at J. 5. TunstallTs.
Firemen meet tonight and test the
engine. All members should be pres-
10,000 Ocean N. C. Cut Herrings
just received and for sale by J. Jd,
Mrs. R. H. Horne is opening a new
stock of millinery. Her place is one
door north of Mrs. Higgs.
The Easter number of the YouthTs
Companion isa beauty and contains
eeveral charming stories besides much
other excellent matter,
A new lotot the tamous Parker
Fountain Pen at Reflector Book Store.
You ought to sea the oSilver Dollar�
style. It beats any pen in the world
for $1.
Acent WanTED."We want a
good reliable agent in Greenville to
represent the Wilmington Steam Laun-
dry, For terms address
Wilmington, N. C,
We learn that the bar of Wilmington
with the exception ot one lawyer, Las
one of the republican judges of the su-
| ment as judge of the United States di -
ing for Raleigh to visit relatives.
~team. one of them being the abused
endoreed Judge W. S. .OTB. Robingory
perior court in this state, for appoint=.
Try on These Names and See How
They Sound.
J. A. Dupree went to Bethel today.
¥.(C. Karding went to Chapel Hill
today. 2
Mrs. Henry Harding left this morn"
Mrs. RERLECTOR is spending a few
days with relatives in the country.
Sheriff Harrington returned Wedunes-
day evening from Rakigh.
J. W. Wiggins returned Wednesday
evening from Rocky Mount.
returned home
from Franklin
Solicitor Bernard
Wednesday evening
Will Greer, of Baltimore, struck town
today. He comes just betwixt potato
seasons this time, too late for sweets
and too soon for Irish.
The condition of J- H. Blount is
more 2ritical today. Miss Annie Clai-
born, # trained nurse, arrived from Nor-
folk Wednesday evening to assist in at
tending him. ,
A new line of Short Back Sailors,
assorted colors, arrived yesterday and
they will be offered very cheap.
Mrs. J. 8. Tunstary & Co..
Martin Julian denies that Fitzsim-|
new aspirant comes forward and a
good purse is offered Fitzsim n ons will |
On a Tare.
A few days agoa drummer named
Tolar hired a horse {rom Joe Moye to
go to Washingtun. He got on a spree
and treated the horse so shamefully
that he was arrested andT imprisoned at
Washington for cruelty to animals. A
stableman telegraphed Moye and he
went down to see about the animal.
The drummer bad been released and
gave Moye a check to cover the cost of
the horse.
Wednesday evening tke drummer
came up to Greenville with a double
horse purchased trom Moye. . This
horse died soon after reaching bere. The}
drummer took the other horse and lead
him into CheekTs bar reom and wanted
whiskey for the animal. A crowd gath-
ered around the back door to see
what was going on when he took out
two pistols and began fising in the air
to frighten the crowd away. The
drummer was arrested aud Mayor
Forbes tined him $20 tor disorderly |
conduct. He went back .o Washing.
ton late at night,
All the members of Hope Fire Com- |
pany are requested tu meet at the store
of W. C. Hines Thursday mght, at 7:30
The engine wilf be tested at
F. M. Hopens, Capt. |
the cistern.
Your best judgment requires
you to make an immediate pro-
visions for your family.
By insuring today, your estate
is increased in value at once.
Twas Ever THUS.
A few days sincs an iasurance agent
accepted an invitation to juspect a new
d beautiful houge built bya friend.
After taking a peep at the whole estab-
lishment from top to bottom, inquired"
~sHouse insured ?�
~What do you insure it for
oBecause it MIGHT burn,�
oNot suRE of it, are you ?��
oIg your life insured
~No,�T :
Die, won't you?�
oSure ?�
oThea why not insure your life as
well ag your house ?*
oWell, really, T never
matter just in that light before, and will
Dy b)
Record. :
~Best tine to insure ¢ NOW, "
thought. of the |
give it early attention.� "- Travelers |
Fashionable |
Novelties. Designs.
Silk and Wool Dress Goods
In beautiful pat- The variety of
terns for Ccos- our Spring and
tumes, waists, &c Summer Offer-
These at remark- ing was never
bly low prices. before equalled
Come see them. Come see them.
wee C) Ln
Clothing, Hats and Shoes.
mone retired fromthe ring. If any rye .
"| Perfect fit guaranteed. Foreign and Domestic.
Emporium of Spring Fabrics.
All the latest noveltes.
Be sure to go to
Every Day is Opening Day
as he is recelving some-
thing New Daily.
).W. HIGGS, Pres,
Representing a Capital of More Than a Halt
Wm. T. Dixon, President National
Exchange Bank, Baltimore, Md.
The Scotland Neck Bank, Scotland of firms,
Neck, N. C. I
Noah Biggs.
R. R. Fleming, Pactolus, N, C.
J, S. HIGGS, Cashier Maj. HENRY HARDING, AssTt Cashier,
D. W. Hardee Higgs Brurey
Millien Dollars, Greenvitle, N. C.
We respectfully solicit the accownts
individuals and the general
Checks and Account Books furnish
ed on application.
Scotland Neck, N. C.
| sadieenneaiien
aan, RA
ay Fa 7
hae) Bi | ae
~Best Voripany to Insaré'in: the M
tual Benefit Life Insarance Cys,
trict court, to succeed the. late Judge
| Newark, N. J. Represented by J.L.
(SURRs Greenville, N.C, :
and see if you w
Look over this list of
5 ~ i
¥ �,�,
� t
aioe 7
ould not like to have some
of them : | .
Premier Brand of Extra California Pears
Cherries, Plums, Apricots, and Peaches,
Mince Meat, Apple Butter, Preserves,
Sweet Mixed Pickles, Sour Pickles, early
une Peas, Olives, Celery Sauce Royal
der, Cream Baking Powder,
al for less money, and
Phone No. 7