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D. J WHICHARD, Editor and Owner,
Vol. 5.
back from the
witharight new
line of ,
""o«_ 5
such as
Fancy Nainsook,
White Lawns,
Lace Curtains,
Val. Lac eS,
Kte. .
Call and see for
ee) 00 LS
We are now |
ready with
Swell business
suits, three-but-
ton sack, colors
browp, green,
grays, 10 plaids.
and over plaids,
and checks.
Our business is
erowing, We
know the secret
ItTs well-made
Clothing at a
quick "_ seiling
profit. That is
low prices for
you. We are
hustling for bus-
iness and get-
ting, i :
Ope | excess of sunshine
~]garden vegetables,
yp grow out again though shipping of crop
| cotton was killed, and much corn yel-
x |lowed, Planting a large crop of cotton
: | preparing to plant peanuts,
: : W |
Ps a
= }
2 i dea ae i
maw sod ete) othe
s ay é
ti Boyt Ye
eae ee
If the Mississippi flood does net sab-
side by May 20 crops cannot be planted
this year in the district now submerged
and destitution will be terrible.
The large banking firm of burcuss,
Son & Co., at Norfolk, made an assign-
oe )ment Tuesday. ~The liabilities of the
3% | firm are placed at $350,000 with assets
mR 1 of $400,000.
® | creditors will be paid in full,
It is expected that all
timos is assigned as the cause of the
& | failure.
Some days ago Judge Adams, ot the
Superior Court, rendered a decision in
favor of the incumbent officials of the
¢| State hospitals, that they were entitled
~| to held their positions until the terms for
which they were appointed expire. The
: | case went onappeal to the Supreme Court
Siandon Tuesday that tribunal unani-
mously sustained the decision of Judge
Adams. The Supreme Ccurt declared
gs | that office is property, and that no act
of the Legislature can effect an officer
until his term expires. This decision
protects the unfortunate inmates of our
285 | hospitals from being turned over to the
mercy of spoilsmen and place hunters.
In the Superior Court of New Han-
OF {over county last week Judge Melver
: declared that the act of the Legislature
% | providing that only one alderman from
* {each ward of the city of Wilmington |
should be elected by the people and em-
Sy | powering the Governor to appoint the
3 | other alderman from each ward was uu-
constitutional. Judge McIver also
adjudged that the elections recently held
Sp |in Wilmington under provisions of the
;|new law were
and rendered a
decision that the mayor and alderman
Sp | elected under the act of 1895 were en"
ss | titled tothe offices uatil their successors
were legally (elected. An appeal was
taken to the Supreme Court.
Weekly Crop Butletin.
_ The week ending 8 a. m. Monday,
4 April 26th, was favorable for farm work
Sp but the cold weather up to the 23rd
3p. | retarded growth of crops.
4 {frost did much
~Lhe heavy
damage to vegetables
and fruit, andthe fruit crop will be
practically a failure. ~There was a large
and no rainfall.
Warm gentle rains are much needed to
briug up seeds.
The unfavorable feature ot the week
was the cold weather and heavy frosts
on the mornings of the 21st and 22nd,
which did great damage. The week
was very dry with an exvess of sun-
shine, and the latter part was quite
warm. Rain is needed to make corn
and cotton start off, and to moisten the
soil which is getting hard. Farm work
progressed favorably and most farmers
are up With their work. ~The frost did
the greatest damage to truck and
especial'y peas,
beans, and tomatoes. Irish potatoes
and some early sprouted sweet potatoes
were cut down to the ground, but may
will be retarded. A little corn
is progressing rapidly though inter~ered
with by dryness. Some tobacco plants
have been transplanted. Farmers are
Base Ball. "
Philapelphia, April 27"Philadelphia
defeated Boston today, but the Hubites
gave them quite a scare at the finish.
The gi@at teature of the game was the
hard clean hitting of both teams. Score:
Philadelphia, 10; Boston 8.
Baltimore, April 27" Phe Champions
won from Brooklyn today inan unin-
teresting slugging match. Jennings was
hit by a pitched ball in the seventh and
tried to steal second. In running him
down Gritlin made the out, and every
other player, with the exception of the
two outfielders, assisted. Score: Balti-
more, 12; Brooklyn, 8.
Louisville, April 27."Errors at crit-
ical stages lost the game for the Pirates
today. ClingmanTs fielding and Pad-
denTs batiing were the features. Score:
Louisville, 8; Pittsburg, 6.
natis had no trouble in defeating the
Clevelands again today. ~The Spiders
were unable to hit Breitenstein, he strik-
iug out Sockalexis, the hard hitting
rizht fielder, three times in successiun,
Score: Cincinnati, 7; Cleveland, 3.
New York, April 27"Ten thousand
shivering rvotcrs assembled at the polo
giounds to do honor to the return of
Amos Rusie to the New York team and
to cheer him on to victory. As was ex:
pected, Rusie struck his first man out,
It was nct until the third inning that
ahit was made oft him. Beside his
pitching, Rusie in three times at bat
mzde three hits. Score: New York, 8:
Washington, 3,
St. Louis, April27"The Colts started
out well, making a total of four runs in
the first two inmngs, but were unable to
score after that. The large number of
hits was a feature of the game. ~Score.
St. Louis, 10; Chicago, 4. |
They Serve the Best,
In our article yesterday about the
Odd Fellows celebration we inadver-
tently omitted to mention that the
refreshments were furnished and served
'by Ed. H. mhelburu & Co. To say tinat
| Shelburn furnished these means
ithis feature was fully in keeping
the excellent entertainment.
I have taken the
Wilmington Steam Luundry and ask
the people ot Greenville for a share of
their patronage. Prompt a.tention and
good work is guaranteed. ~Lhe Tele-
geaph office will be my hgadquarters for
receiving and distributing buadles and
I am ready to serve you.
ugency tor the
Attention Veterans.
The Bryan Grimes Camp of Pitt
county Confederate Veterans will meet
at the College grounds near Greenville
on Wednesday, May 26, 1897, to trans-
act important business and to arrange
for transportation to the reunion at!
Nashville, Tena, June 22, 23, 24 and
25. Bring your baskets full of some-
thing good, By order of
E. A. Moye, Com.
B. F. 5 Sua, § ed! ty.
nn mapas Rent cm "eet
f =
Our stock is complete with all the latest in
amas, White Goods,
C.HOOKER & co.
Cincinnati, April 27"Lhe Cinein-|
_ ~The King Clothier,
PER DAADAAAA AINA AL Ate NNN Lt NL Nl Ns tre Ae N, AANA NANI nn nab nhhintbinipieiiulmiaad
B OF. rm
Just received. If you want to
keep cool geta Crash Suit. See?
Remember a tull line Of "aceantt,
Men and Boys
to select from. All the latest in GentlemenTs
wear. Call on
ae rine = eho ane dant tmet atin tin Micon oemcee snp ieee! Nd
If you want to see someihing pretty just come
in and louk at our complete line of cotton
Dims, Swis, Duck Perales,
Cheviots, Paik Piques, Ribbons, Suitings,
Laces, Silks aid Velvet. PLAIDS in the ee
test and WE have them.
ff, ;
AN of Mat 8 '
A : ne
2 ' yn
~ ~ iM
y j j
% * Je}!
ABs »
"Don't forget our"
we are selling and want to sell more.
ard ae is what penne
Shoes, Shirt _
Neckwear, Felt, Stiff and Straw BLAIS i ates in Taos :
styles and best quality. , : :
meee ma ON ta Rl am t
Fe oe
ae 4 ayes
a ve
. i
treated as secondinss mail matter.
kina isan mnarennarn
Rom - - Be
ae month, :
@ne week.f + 10
Delivered in towa by,carriers without
~avertiang rates are liberal and can be
fron ajiptication to the editor or at
the office
desire a live eorrespondent at
ce T toffice in the covaty, who will
send in brief items of NEWS a6 it occurs
fa each neighborhood. Write plainly
and only on one side of the paper.
~TauRSDAY, Aprit 29, 1897.
scree: |
| menetttteemaael
Newport News, Va., April 27."
Two piers in carers! sai Tho liabilities amount to between
three vessels burned to the waters} 5545 999 and $350,000, and the
, edge, a large tu
destroyed and ei
i or less gerionsly burned, is the
Newport News.
The flames were discovered in
pier 5 about 4:15 oTclock this
morning and spread with such
remarkable rapidity that it was
impossible to make any headway
against them. A fierce north wind
fanned the flames into a fury and
swept them across the docks to
pier 6, which was soon burning
Tho British steamship Clintonia
which was 'oading with ail, tobac
co and general merchandise at
pier 5 was soon ablaze. This
pulled her out into the middle
of the river, where an ineffectual
battle was waged at terrible odds
against the flames that were
raging in her inflamable cargo.
oShe was burned down to the
water line at 10 o'clock tonight.
The Norwegian steamship Sol-
h was loading grain at
The crew
veig, whic
pier 5 nest caught fir
of this ship managed
._ g@imbing down the bawsers
opier. |
to escape by
The German sailing ship J. D,
Bischoff, taking on staves; from
the north side of the pier 9,
caught fire. Ihe flames obtainad
guch a hold on her that they
could not be confined and she
went to the bottom at 6 o clock
this afternoon. The crew of this
vessel had a very natrow escape
from being cremated. They were
aroused by a Swede named John
Anderson, and were only rescued
with the greatest difficulty after
the cupiain and boatswain had
been badly burned.
he hard north wind and the
heroic efforts of the fire depart
mest saved the large grain
elevator of the Chesapeake and
Ohio Company from destruction.
The fire was rapidly spreading
across the conyeyors that connect
the elevator with the piers, but
with the aid of a locomotive and
an immense chain, the conveyorsT
supports were pulled out, the
oonveyors themselves torn down
and this danger averted.
AtloTclock in the afternoon
the fire had spent its fury and
was well under control. |
The injared so far as is known
gre as follows: Captain Forrest,
of the tug Wanderer, slightly
burned about the-face and hands.
hi Diggs, mate of the Wan-
i bly Harned: about heed
P| There are vague tamors of many
N. Burruss, gon & Cc., one of
to the
the Chesapeake and
Ohio tug Wanderer, which caught
fire soon after the fire broke
out, had burned to the water's
Krite, of the Bischoff,
fatally burned, and the
of the same vessel,
terribly burned aboutT
~| persons having lost their hives, | cities in this country ~and nearly
| but they cannot be traced to apy |as many in Canada have revived
reliable s@tree,
Norrotx, Va., April 27."Busi-
ness cireles were startled today
by the news of the assignment of
the most prominent and widely
known banking firms in the
A deed was filed at 7 o'clock,
transferring to Judge Theodore 8.
Garnett, assignee, all properties
held by Capt.Burruss individually
or a8 a firm, to secure creditors.
and this is probably a fact, as
most of the property transferred
is v :Juable city real estate which,
probably realize more than the
assets. In addition to this there
property. The assignee is in-
structed to wind up the business
at once.
Captain Burruss gives as the
cause of ,the failure, hard times
anda great demand for money.
He says $175,000 has been with-
drawn from the bank since July
lst, and though offers of assis"
tance were received from numer-
ous banks at home and abroad,
including a $60,000 offer from
Richmond, it was deemed best for
the protection of the depositors,
a3 well as the firm, to assign at
once, such action being ipevita-
ble. |
The bank was established in
1874,and did au immense business.
Its fuilure was a surprise to every
one, agit was considered one. oi
the most substantial institutions
of the sort in the country-
tt ig the largest bank ta:lure
here since the noted Bain bank
broke over a decade ago. It is
impossible at present to estimate
the effect 1t will have upon busi-
ness hare, but it will be large.
~ a
A Houschoid Necessity.
Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most
wonderful medical disconery of the age,
pleasant and refreshing to the taste, act
gently and positively on kidneys, liver
nd bowels, cleansing the entire sys tem
dispel colds, cure headache, tever, ha-
bitual constipation and
Please buy and trya box of ©. C. C.
today ; 10, 95, 50 cents. Sold and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
BP es
The reports that heavy with-
drawals of Spanish troops from
Ouba are soon to take place seem
to be trustworthy. If Spain is
forced to take such action it can
only mean that her bankrupt
treasury will not allow her to carry
out her plans in Ouba. The Ca-
bans haye attempted to force
such withdrawals by wearing out
the patience and the resources of
the long oyer-burdened Spanish
taxpayer. The chances of doing
this are in their fayor, and every
withdrawal of Spanish forces will
be accepted as an evidence of
patriot success "New York World:
Nearly one half of the ovineT
gold in the world is .hoarded in
Goyernment vaults, and ~nearly
the other half in bank vaults,
Kept there for specalatiye pur-
poses. And yet the gold is counted
asin circulation. What a fraud:
oIn the last fow years over 100|
caret, candy cathartic, cure guar
10c, 25¢
grand. At Portsmouth, that State,
a wowan testefie
husband had
in four years, and $5 of this he
out of
g boat complerely assets are stated by the firm to be fe ? a eu Se a sles
ght persons Me) 6 199.000 available with nomina ar isadiy caida tien anes
; asbeta much more. it is stated xi eg i aD s a Ge o
story of tcdayTs conflagration in|) i. bank will pay out even, se gs which he helped her to
uncer favorable conditions, Would | carct, candy cat
is a large amount of personal), 4 mobacco Spit and Smoxe Your
easily and torever, be made
strove, magnetic. full of new life and
vigor, take No"To-Bac, the wonder-
| Wednesday, May 19th,
the curfew bell by enacting ordi-| "
sare aa a)
When bilious or cce*.09, eat a
Ohio men are nof all great or
ocourt that her
ven her but $10
ack to get his trank
awn, and that the only
When bilious or costive, eat a Cas.
cence ET OE
lute Away.
It you want to quit tobacco using
worker that makes weak men strong.
Many gain ten pounds in ten days:
Over 400,000 cureT, Buy No-To-Ba
rom your -own druggist, who will
guarantee a cure. Booklet aud sample
mailed free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co,
Chicago or New York.
"Train will leave"
"the morning of"
connecting at Parmele with train from
Greenyille. Parties at Greenville, and
points between Greenville and Parme"
le, can cecure these remarkably low
rates by paying local fares to Parmele
and there buying excursion ticket.
There will be one of te greatest race
meets ever held in Virginia in progress
when this excursion reaches Norfolk
and three of the fastesc. horses of this
section are entered, Lucy Ashby and
Bird Eye fzom Greenvilie, and Robert
Burns trom Washiogton. Parties wi'l
have half of the day on the 19th and
half of the Och. Train will leave
Norfotk at 1 P. M, on the 20th mak.-
ing connection at Parmele with trair:
for Greenville. Yours truly,
Over 00,000
= Senet men em
iles of
~ Road Riding
Not a single 1897 Columbia was offered for
sale until 80 were practically tested. Each
was ridden from 1,500 to 10,000 miles"100
miles a day, mind you"over the roughest roads
in Connecticut. Not a single break in any
part of the thirty, We know that
rm + 4 me dee
4 Ry cos Rat. K pee | ee ~ an 7
ve ter satisfac- $100 to all alike,
a "=_=__=_==
4 Bee RR aa
will .
tion in 1897 than before.
Handsomest Catalogue. ever issued, tree i you call,
| Hartfords, nant best, $75, 980, $50, 648.
ee aa
ee Cy
�,� 3
# os a aa
oO a
~So fs.
oPhe Chesapeake and Ohio Rail-|nances that after a certatw hour, i eT
road Company estimate their loss marked by the ringing of bells, ees ae
at about $300,000, which is fally|no youth of either sex should be GREENVILLE, N. C.
covered by insurance. The total|on the streets without written Aceh yeecomeee | Business Maroh 9th, 1697.
loss, including the three ships|permission from parents and vee is pos reine 7
and their cargoes, the tug Wan- | guardians." Louisville Commer-|Ger pate ear; Surpius and Profite ager
derer and the merchandise in| cial. ake toeedys cy mapa psc bie to Check = 85,691.14
. ; ue from Banks . 88,567. �,� to banks 782,
the piers will probably reach $2,- ee Furniture and Fixtures 1,500,003 Cashiers Checks ortstanding roe
000,000. Current Expenses 985.52 5 Time Certificates of Deposit 355.00
Semen eemmnmenaimecal Just try @.10c, box ot cascarets, the Cash Items 2,652.12 . ""
Big Bank Failure at Norfolk. finest liver and bowel s:eguator ever| Hon hand Ciises 5.38 wget $112,974.50
ee made, Total $112,974.50 on
We study carefully the separate needs of our patrons, and shall be glad to have
;| your account, promising every accommodation cousistent with good
Wehavealarge *
just arrived. Comeand
see us.
ie ee ie
sateen as Deseret
We have .u: t received & new
hearse and the nicest line of Cof-
fins and Ceskets, in ord, metal
lic and cloth ever brought to
We ae prepared te Jo embalm-
ing in ah its forms.
Personal stiention given to con~
ducting funerals and bodies en-=
trusted to our care will receiye
every mark of respect.
Our prices are lower than ever.
_ We do not want monupoly but
Invite con. petition.
_ We can be found at any and all
times in the John Flanagan
Buggy CoTs building.
BLOOD pulsoi
cury, iodide
mples, Copper Colored Spots,
out, it is this Secondary
application. i
803 Masonic Temple. CHICAGO, ILL
[tet rr nb Unter� aie
Primary. See
ondary orien
cured in 16to85 days. You can be treated at
men home forsime price nnder same guaran-
aaaeaag ty. Lf you profer tocome here we willcon:
tract iopay railroad fareand hotel bills,and
.if we fail to cure. If you have taken mer-
Otash, and still have aches and
pales, Mucous Patches in mouth, Pigg ¥ eae
any part of the body, Hair or Errors fallin: .
uarantee tocure. We solicit the most obsti-
ose m4 eens | ogee! snatenge Ps world fora
ot cure. 8 disease has
baffied the skill of the most eminent Sheet:
$500,000 capital behind our uncondie
tional guaranty. Absolute proofs sent sealed on
SOL Dr, Talmages ~The
Earth Girdled.�T or his famous tour
around the world, a thrilling story of
savage and barbarous lands. Four mil-
lion TalmageTs books sold, and ~The
Earth Girdled� is his latest and grand-
est. Demand enoromous. Everybody
wants this famous book, only $3.50. Big
book, big commissions. a gold mine for
workers. Credit given, freight paid,
outtit free. Drop ajl trash and sell the
king of books and make $300 a month.
Address for outtit and terri ory, The
Dominion Company, Star Buildiug. Chi-
aan oe
ast .
- bs Bi
a nd a Me
ng their yearTs supplies will ting
u allits branches.
Tobacco, Snuff, &c,
"Wilmington Star.
their interest to get our prices befece pu.
chasing elsewhere. Ourstoek is coraplete
| Patronage solicited. Cleaning, Dyeing
jand Pressiug Gents Clothes a specialty
i |
: Special attention given to cleaning °
| Gentlemens Clothing.
J. A, Burexss, Mer.
Washington, N. C,
This Hotel has been thoroughly reno
vated, several new rooms added, elec,
tric bells to every room. Attentive ser
vanis. Fish and Oysters seryed daily.
Patronage of traveling puuvlic solicited
ale Academy.
The next session of the school wil
open on
and continue for 10 months.g
The terms are as follows.
we buy diroc) ftom Manufactua,. 3 en |Primary English per mo. $2 00
poh t feet *, buy at one proit, A e0Ul- |) nediate © $2 50
; + ets ~Ls nr E Higher se obs a $3 00
Jal soldat pricestosuit ~The work and discipline of the school
[hip times, Our goods areall bought and will be ae heretofore.
. | gold forC ASH therefo! ing no ERE hae hes & eas
CO., |! rgd bag ong ice" res ny We ask a Continuance ef your past
year. ALEX. L. Bow,
The Mercury says 605 bushels |T
oBecause 1t MIGHT burn,T
~Not SURE of it, are you ?�
ooo pes ntueim Gee kere! _ Gotton ang Peanut, ; PRET een eRe
Wiad a Os we dus R ap Bs, See ee ° : Norfolk of clin ~PROM FRCST TO FLOWERS.� |
(ree re ae aap : : Che Svuthern Baptist Convention; Below are Norfolk p OCh Of Coo, oy a |
oe AND BRANCHKS. ~ lof potatoes were shipped from ; ; Ae N. C,, | 20d peanuts for yesterday, as furnished | lalifannia - Wovinnd
ee Co eo Hickory to points in Georgia one | �"�¢ets this year in Wilmington, N. 8, by Cobb Bros. & Commission Mer [ alifarnia ar RGAE
AND FLORENCE RaAiL RUAD : day recently. May a Now, you want to go to t es chants of sieciagae " wae eae 2 :
Ccauensva penedule - ja ; , convention, and veu also wart to go in Good Middling : Both are ie Sega
"_--"__ | ,. [style anil mfort. ~Zhere is only one} Middling 7 ective points for a oF
~ A The mayor of Hoboken has |*?' °"' oe a q| Low Middling mS ai that itTs perhaps hard for
TRAINS GOING SOUTH. : "| good firstelaas line from the South an Good Ordinary 6 13-16 : dobidk @bite to co.
. Suspeuded two girls employed in Suuthwest to Wilmircton, and that fine} Tone"irm., you to decide whet &
i ° f ~ �" ies, ce pane . u
Dated Rb the free pabliclibrary beoause is the Seaboard Air Line, which runs Lyell
eS 7 Oe Prime 2 e] You to
ar � Z a they would sai _ gr iagee the finest and fastest trains in the South Extra Prime my Let us H p
eet? bau « half hours a day, _ andT makes the lowest rates of any Bpaniah 80 to o 2 Decision.
ae wasn *: a ipo A. "| deuy now that women get equal railroad running from the South or | tone--outet. es | vn
ar. Rost Mt | 12 62/10 9 treatment with men in pablic|cithwest. Don't he fooled into maT utes A trip via New Orleans and
i "|"""|"- | | | office ?" New York Sun. ing your arrangements until you have : : the opthiers i wat re
interes [a2 ati cosured one of the Seabourd ait Line} Greenville Market. Satind oy tte Tahiti Daas
is agents, who always esteem 1 Corrected by S. M. Schultz. Re
5 rave Newland, Generel : a cas
Ly Rocky Mt | 12 52/10 6 45| Senator McCarthy, of Craven, | to serve you. B. A.Newland, aa hue nate 15 tov | T#? Wy ition from
Ly Wilson ¥Z uF i 6 2U| wag in Raleigh last Friday and | Agent Passenger " : . Wasters 41 dee ~BE 8 ItTsa Trans tio |
Ge 5 4 ~ 7} : i a
ty Pay ttovile y 5 ly said: oT'ne people in the eastern eee " gies pie oi a caer eared Hams ~ bye eH, Frost to Flowers.
ar. Florence dione __|_.|___ | Part of the State. certainty so far apply tony ot the representatives of | Corn Meal 45 %o 80 Aid the sdrvica ie so lake.
cals jane nf : & my section is concerned, ure ihe Seaboard Air Live in any town or ace Family mre nine teas Waaniic who hers
O34 _ {0.4 with Governor Rassell on the city. This 18 the oficial rou Do or 35 to 4"! tested oYunset Limited� aah
| Ae ""~|/""| North Carolina \ Railroad lease | you want to go with your friends | Ae plats it incomparable, "
. ee Re offee
P.M, A.M | mattor.� By the way. does: any- eee es Salt 75 to 1 55 : -"
: per Sack 0 :
Ly Wilgon 2 08 0 ~ 11 Chick 10 to 25 are Thinking or
Ly Gaid hore 3 10 5 |body recall anyihing that the! A man recently died in Coune | amb dee he sf iIfyou re . g
iv Ma, Solia 4 o 9 is people are with Governor Russel Bluffs, Iowa, whose case puzzledT sen wax. ver 0 Going, Write Us.
ar Wihatugipn Pp. va A.M ou? He IS a ballin a china shop. the physicians. He was a re- ee ; : i
: Ho hay set tue wembers of his! markably vigorous man, weighing owK 7 = 2 Ray te
~ | SAO O oLbr x -
TRAINS GOING NOTRE. own party by the eais aud has/about 200 pounds. Last Thanks"| Soi ugh ~ ¥ ~t
~ welt .y | giving Day he ate a hearty dinner 89t Saas,� aban some volume
alienated © from himsel mens and shortly afterward compleined of 205 pages, fully illustrated,
Dated Re) % .& every Republican of consequence. oof pain in the throat, and wince whieh we will send on receipt
osa� ; gs Zi Za His record suits nobody, and then until his death swallowed| of . sent prilpe te aoe
eae Oa ame wees maven eames PO whilo ke has brought the Repub-, food with the greatest difficulty, | we Postage. oe me ~d ae, :
lA. M.IP.M. | . ard finally died. A post mortem | PRACTICAL lightful little guide to Mexi-
Ly Firerce -| 8 45) 74. | l.cans nothivg but disappointment |ard finally died. re aemevens : : co, which we will send on
Gy Fayetteville} 11 10! » 40 he has justified the worst that ier to bars as : ii AN} Ct IRI : receint of 4 cents to obner
ae Whee ; 4 3) 11 35 the Democrats said of him during bedded in his throat. He bad| #�,� Hie 3 cot of mailing.
"-""--"|__ | -{the campaign. One such admin-| yoed this ay a toothpick and un-|; WORKER. You Really Ought to
+e istration as beis giving the State consclously swallowed it. . oe
will likety be enough to last the on ieaieiagssltine _ Offers = nrg 2 | Read them Both..
el ee a ae tizens o reenville
aint ee roe "" lo a lifetime. 7 exalt des
one \a. M. P.M, people Your beat Judgment requires 42 public generally. Shall wo nat'yon down te a
ve enn 7 = : - "eeree you to make an immediate Pro-| 22 ROOFING, eee ais copy! If so, or if you want
s Gola ) isi our family. C= Spouting and Stove Work anv special information, it
Ly Goldsboro | 1.00 9 36 WaRD MEETINGS. visions for y y p g ek ti hi heaele hee
ac Wilsen ey 10 27 By insuring today, your estate _ & specialty mi cheerfully fc
ed deta | " Sri Sas are | is increased in value at once. 0 eee oy addressing,
MD Aw SECOND WARD, a 5 DO Charg re oe
| o= sma | ~Twas Ever Tavs. @© Flues made in season. Shop S. F.B. MORSE,
4 " = j say Di "C, T rrys
Role ~s " 6 os A few days sinc? an insurance agen |34@ IM Tear of 6 and 10 cent wick General Passenger and Ticket
emibiiss Ey Pee aa 1 o | Tae Democratic voters of the Seecnd accepted an invitation to inspect a new | Aodnt:
bv Wilson =| 1 4. 10 32! Ward are requested to meet in the | o4q peautiful house built by a friend. NuiW ORLEANS.
Ar Rocky Mt 2 33 a 16 Mayors office on Friday night, 30th | After tuking a peep at the whole estab= | "_"
ir Tarboro 400 P.M) inst.,sat 8 oTclocek. for th2 purpose of Henpant ~ioe tao fo bottom, inquired" u
Lv Tarborc 2 iominating a eandidaie for Councilman| woe You may never,
ky M 217 iz nominating a ca 1 es. F 9� B t h ld Ou evel ===.
ry Weldon om to represent said ward for the ensuing | ~~What do you insure it for! ut snou y ~ ae
a @
; es . . oNo,"?
Train on Scotic. d Neck Brangh Xoa Committeeman, oIs your life insured ?�� t Job P r intin
eaves Weldon 4.10 p. m., Halifax 4.48 wae clad saan |
Pp. m., arrives Scotlaud Neck at &.10 \ on * wou"?
w., Greenville 6.57 p, m., Kinston 7.60 oe . wa hal bain
2m. Returning, leaves Kinston 7°. FOURTH WARD. oSnare 2? "==g Come to see Us. ""
a. m., Greenville 8.52 a. m. Arrivin. stn oYes.�
Hali x at 11:20 a. m., We'don 11.40 um at
daily except Sunday.
The Democratic voters of the Fourth
oThen whe not insure your life as
well as your house ?��
SO A gy
die. |
bh dos Dyn, AAR RRO RE BOR AAA AA \ ° aa WAg A Ney sf mC)
Traing on Washnigton Branch leave} Ward ere-requested to meet at the oWeil, really, I hever thought of the pAAAAAAAAYY MAAAAAAA AAA AA AA AAA AAKAKAKN a
Washington 8.20 a, m., and 2.00 P-�"�,/ Gourt House Frid: ighT, 30th | matter just in ghat tight before, and will} gr i y WY:
oe use on Friday mgh*, 0th ¢ Sbutpahse ee
arrives Parmele 9.10 a. m., and 8.40 p. , ' vive it earlyT attention.T " Travelers ag
m., Tarboro 9.45 a. m., return figtbaves lust, at 8 oTcluck, for the purpose of se- Record. ; a th i
Tarboro 3.30 p. m., Parmele 10.20 a, m. lecting a candidate tor Counciltnan o Best time to insure : NOW. ae ~@ | : ie
and 6.20 p. m,, arrives Washington) ., ° a WH. Raaspary Best Compavy to insure in: ¢ e Mu-| & ag
11.40 a. m., and 7.20 p. m. Daily ex.| Sid ward. « TAS : tual Benetit Life Iasurance Cv., of BED OD OO CODD ULOLIUD GOOG bLEE ticcmsciteirc.: achalee
ept Sunday. Connects with trains on Committesman. ; Newark, N. J. Represented by J. 1. | IA CER EG - Oi \ FOO) tl
Scotland Neck Branch. ) ' roy! M
' Sugg, Greenville. N.C,
Train leaves ~:aroory, 8 C, via Albe~
marle & Kaleigh R. x. daily except Sue
day, at 5 60 p. m., Sunday 405 P, M3
arrive Plymouta 7.49 P. ML, 6,00 p, wi.
Returning i2aves Plymouth daily excep
Sundey, 7.50 a. m., Sunday 9.00 a ~un.
wtrive Tarboro 10.15 am and 1), 45
Train on Midland N.C, branch lenves
Gold3boro daily, except Sunday, 6.05 a
M..arriving Snaithtield 7:30 a, m. Ke-
turning leaves Smithtield 8.00 a. Mm,» ar-
tives ut Goldsbors 9,30 a. m.
Chibi anne� nate
Anything from 23}@==".
Visiting Card
""""" TORA -""
Full Sheet Poster.
Se |
seamen ee
The Daily Reflector,
Gives the home news
every alternoon at the
Trains on Latta branch, Florénce R
t., leave Latta 6.40 p m, aurive Dunbar
7.50 pm, Clio 8.05 p m. Returning
leave Cliot6,10 am, Dunbar 6.30 m,
arriye Latta 7.50 a.m, daily except Sun-
SOO O!3-29I OO 7 "- 5c OOD
re the Ideal Laxa.
to cure any caseof constipation. Cascarets a deal Ta
p or gripe, but cause easy natural results, Sam-
tive. never eri
plo and booklet free. Ad. STERLING REME
SP Sep
Train onClinton Branch leaves War-
DY COs. Chicago, Montreal, Can., orNew York, 317, small price of 25 cents a
awfor Clinton caily, except Suuday, ' .
10a, m.and 8.50 p, m: Returnirg see aia month, Are you Aa sub-
aves Clinton at7.00a. m. and3,00 1. m, y seriber ? If n t
| . | pur ol you
Train No, 78 makes cl i i H
aA AGE mts lowe anne { SEE THAT? ~aye
al ge ay ea GY oe
ought to be.
Norfolk and CarolinaR R. for Noniolk iors
«he all points North via Norfolk. a Hee i
JOHN F. DIVINE, - ll seats wih
General Supt. sal roe
~T, M. EMERSON, Traffie Manager.
J. Ke KENLY, GanT) Manager, ~
uunabs «What Isit? gabbea
a x ~ Cub whe
It is a picture ot tae celebrated =
T Dt. 4)
oe by
iy : ~awe i
* os ~lh *
~PARKEAL FOUNTAIN PFS |The Bastern Reflector,
ity Newspaper in Sek nde «el Bo yoo 2
si erie Best in use, The outfit ot no business man it if nly $F a. Year, cis Ht :
North Carolina. completé without oné. » . T contains the news every
TU Vale a a. week, and gives informa-"
ae | ~fon to the: fapriers,? eg
specially thass gtovit
tobacco, that ig. -
Toe Only. Five-Dollar. Daily
its Olass~in theTStateT
j 7 ' Ky toe elton dt war sca� doe ae
a6 of Pearl Handls Gol : many timés more
ished when you see them e othe subseription trike:
5 ; Wire ; is ny : ~ Su SC # :
~ ey are, 3 a : Pei - wh 4, i i ~ i ye Lae ' a i
= di ie 2 aM
a wa eh ;
C uM nt? a ti Adsl fh. Py : ; i ~
Thos Get Tickets at the CaptaimTs
We want that money
because we have a fair
equivalent to offer for
it. Our goods are the
right kind atthe right
price. :
We havejustreceived
a new stock of the Cel-
ebrated and Famous
Creates many «a new business,
columns of ts. REWLECTOR.
Nevth, arrives 8:52 A. M;
arrives 6:57 P. M.
in:ton Monday, Wednesday and Friday
teaves for Washington Tuesday, Thure-
day and Saturaav
J. L. Fountain, of Falkland, was here
F. C. Harding went to Grifton today
on business. .
Kularges many an old business,
Preserves many & large business.
Kevives many a dull business,
Rescues many a lost business,
Saves many a failing business.
~Secures stieness to any business
H. L. Coward and wife went to
Littleton today.
Mrs. S. C. Wells and little daughter,
of Wilson, returned home today.
om eens
~To oadvertise judiciously,T use tne Sie, i antics vouched Woednes-
S» * qo a
day evening irom a visit to Raleigh.
W.F. Harding returned Wednesday
evening from a trip to Greensboro and
King Cusenyat it rigs Sues
W. J. Manning took the xrain herve
" his mormng for Roaaoke Rapids,
train going where he goes to work in a factory.
and mal
Going south,
Miss Annie Hardiug, of Centreville,
who has been visiting the family ot her
uncle, Maj hh. Harding, returnd home
Mrs. L. D, Ames, of Portsmouth,
Steamer Tar River arrives from Wash-
for Men and Boys, inall
the newest shapes and
colors, for Spring and
Summer. Our Ox bloods
are beauties. Every
pair guaranteed.
A beautiful line of sty-
lisn, neat, durable
_ SLRE ADS June 7.42 746 7.40 7.48 Monday, Town election comes the
Aug. 7.48 7.52 %46 7.49 same day.
tor ladies, fresh from
the factory made speci-
allytor us, The latest,
newest, nobbiest and
prettiest styles.
Remember we have
alsoreceived anew sup-
ply of
Justa perfect substi-
tute for Linen, only 10
centsper yardoneyard
wide, the cheapest and
best thing made for
Embroidery and
Drawn Work.
Beautiful, fancy
Neatandnice. Justthe
thing to please the
Hamper Baskets, Fan-
cy Work, Scrap, Key
and Toy Baskets. Come
to see them.
We can please both
you and your purse.
Nearly every day
brings us something
new and just the; thing
you want.
Come and inspect our
Mammoth Stock of Dry
Goods, Notions, Shoes,
Hats, Groceries, Hard-
- ware, Crockery, Furni-
ture and House Fur-
nishing Goods. They
are desirable new and
who has been visiting her daughter,
Mrs. W B. Brown, returned home
today. Mrs. Brown and children ac-
companied her home for a visit.
By ~Teiegraph to
ip The postoffice at Ayden has been
Cotton Buyers and Commission E y'
mude a money order office.
Lerchants. ;
Merchants Water so low in the river, tbat boats
NEW YORK COTTON. do not go through to Tarboro now.
OPENTG. HIGHTST. LOWTST. CLOSE County Commissioners meet next
Lumber is being placed on the site
to build the steam tobacco prizery for
WyEeaT" B. E. Paraam & Co.
rer) way) wr TOs ~ ° . .
July 703 108 40 (08 There is much improvement in the
PORK" way of new buildings in progress at
July, 8.45 8.09 8.45 855 [beth Ayden and Wivteryille.
yar - : a 7 The Trenton News says that bears
uly 4.60 4.79 4.60 4.70 are giving the farmers of that section
much trouble killing theit hogs. .
Show your interest in municipal
matters by attending your ward meet-
ing ttmorrow night and helping to
Increasing cloudiness and showers
to-night and Friday, cooler Friday. select good men for Councilmen.
So littie tobacco comes in town now
that sales are very quiet out at the
The tobacco men are fil-
ing in the leisure time by laying plans
Bat There 1s Much to be Picked Out . a hi
of thar and making preparations for a big
business next season.
The time for picnics draweth near
P Southern Accidents.
Another vestibule train was wrecked
The train was two hours late last
night. on tho Southern railroad Sunday night,
a ; ar this tume uear Blacksburg. S. C.
Services in the Baptist church |, n
, Fortunately no one was killed. Sat"
to.ight. ; ; :
urday vight a Southern train killed a
young white man at Lexington, and
Saturday afternoon acolosed woman
and two mules,were killed near Golds-
boro. It looks like the Southern road
is getting its hands full of mishaps.
Strawberries are selling here at 16
c:nts a quart.
Saturday is the last day to register
for the town election.
Buy the Standard Sewing Machine
$20 at S. M. Schultz.
Mixing Politics With Business.
Politics is a better thing for a young
man to have knowledge of than to ac"
tually experience. He should know what
politics means, so that he can vote in-
telligently and conscietiously. One
thing is certain; active particypation in
politics and in business do not go to~
gether."Edward W. Bok, in May La
diesT Home Journal.
Corned Shad and Herrings for sale
at Steamboat wharf, J. Jd. CHERRY:
oSilver Dollar� Fountain Pen, Pars
er make, at Reflector Book Store.
Rev, A. W. Setzer will preach at
the County Home next Sunaay after-
uv PA
Three comp
: : ee,
lete lines within themselves which
we take pldasurein showingand offering ~ !
eyto the public.="=-
Our Clothing Nepartment is an attractive
part of our business and in this depart-
ment we are showing the prettiest Men
and Suits we have ever exhibited.
Second.: |
We are showing the most complete and
up-to-date stock of Dress Goods that we
have ever offered, consisting of Woolens,
Organdies, Swiss, Dot Mouslines, Mulls,
Dimities and Challies.
We havea splendid line of Footwear for
men, women, boysand children. Our lines
still stand unsurpassed for excellent wear
ing qualities and the styles are up-to-date
Emporium of Spring Fabrics.
ye ae WAY
LangTs Cash House.
j.W. HIGGS, Pres, i, S. HIGGS, Cashier fiaj. HENRY; HARDING, AssTt Cashier,
Representing a Capital of More Than a Halt D. .W. Hardee trggs Bros.
Million Dollars, Greenville, N, C.
Wm. T. Dixon, President National
Exchange Bank, Baltimore, Md. -
The Scotland Neck Bank, Scotland of firms,
aie uh C. anc bat nublie,
Noah Biggs, Scotland Neck, N. C. h ;
R. B. Fleming, Pactolus, N, C. pas fk sel ah dias
We respectfully solicit the accounts
individuals and the general
Nine of the oldest and largest Fire Insurance
Companies in the world are represented in
Greenville. You can secure protection
in them by seeing H. A. WHITE
When sweet spring across the hills
Sets the prisoned flowTrets free;
When the babbling of the rills
Joins with song birdTs symphony ;
Then, it seems to us, we oughter
Turn our thoughts to soda-water.
For the balmy April breeze
Tells the sultry aays are nigh
When we linger Tneath the trees,
And our throats are hot and dry,
Then'ShelburnTs soda fount |
Fattens up his bank account.
lpeeernbaal Racks| Take your choice from the following COMPANIES? | werner ; ~
justreceived. Harttord, | IIS] : St. Paul Fire. and : ie fn. BAR WW) ,
Beem cen tome, ee coat: BL SRI & CL ct
cate ours -{Cale « Greenwich, - eo Ade OULU | LN
ad. policy ot faix.) palatine, : PROMPT Delaware, Sas 7 d lial - gon yin pee
ing and
German-American, CERTAIN | Georgia Home... |4 169
| Your business will have ~prompt ~attention.
tte ~ee ee
ans� pe, age
Peet { fis ie le
ere a TMA ee eM CREA Gieeua ld Oe boo
| Atmy store you can always find fresh Bread,
Rol} ~ks bi nn ent Cakes alsoCan Nuts
lof all es stg meh 9 vp is, pec ies, J ~uits, Nu
All Kinds. Smokers : erials, and a nice. ne
{See me{before it is too late.
~ HOA..WHITE, Offce on main St.
oi Heavy and Fancy Groceries. Call and see.