Daily Reflector, April 13, 1897

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r and Owner,


~Vol. 5.


Pole Ja) 8/00 (ele @@ ele @iee\ ila 2
2 back fromthe 3
# Northern

~ Markets

% witharightnew

ic line of


such as


Faney Nainsook,

White Lawns,

Lace Curtains.

Val. Laces
Everlasting ¥

Embroidery, :
Kte. 6

Call and see for

"_ = COS

We are now
ready with



Swell business
suits, three-but-
ton sack, colors
brown, . green,
grays, in plaids
and over plaids,
and checks.

Our business is 3
crowing, We x
know the secret :
Its well-made
§ Clothing at a

quick = sesling
nf That is &
low prices for :


you. We are
hustling for bus-
iness and get-


% | acreage will be somewhat decretised this
hx | Year.

3% | Swamp Sunday but for some cause no
OP | preacher was present and there was no
P) service.

spending a few days at their


) : tle.


WuicHarp, April 5, 1897.

Ir R Bullock. of Bethel, was here

Several farmers in this seetion have
potacoes and coin up and looking nice"
ly, while a good many have just finish-
é1 planting corn.

Tobacco plants are plentiful but the

Quite a large crowd was at Briery


Mr. Epitor+ The firstT thing to
greet my eyes in MondayTs issue of your
paper, was an article which seems to me
to be a series of impertinent suggestions,
signed oProperty Owner.�

I admit very sorrowingly the fac,
that our engineT was out of working
order on the night of April 2nd, as it
has been ou several occasions, but i

oProperty Owner� acd property-ownel | |
would only joi sie company, thereby r

Miss Maggie Fleming and JB.

Fleming, of House, visited rela.ives

ae |here Saturday and Sunday.

Mrs. Whitley and daughter, of
Washington, are visiting Mrs. A. B:

M. J. Moore and son, W. D. Moore,

je | returned from a visit to Washington

W. A. Rawls left Saturday to spend,

QF la week wich his mother in Plymouth.

J.J. Taylor and Henry Davis are
home in

Mrs. J. L. Woolard, of Washington,

Spe (Came up Saturcay to visit the family of
Swe (9-H. Woolard.

Glad to see Berry House and Alex.

Qy | Rawls, of Robersonville, Sunday. Mr.
| House has~just recovered from a severe

attack of pneu*onia.

We are pained to note the death of

281 Mrs. Jennie Woolard, wite of Mr. M.

A. Woelard, whielroecurred Saturday

|morning. She was 33 years of age

and had been a consistent member of
the Christian church fcr some time.

;| She was a good wite, devoted mother

and loved by all who knew her. A
husband, fiye children and a large num-
ber of relatives mourn her loss.


Mrs. Lancaster, who recently died at

C 2 \the Louise Home, at Washington leita
¢ !legacy ot $500 to Col. Paul B. Means,

of Concord, and a diamond ring valued
at $5,300 to the Concord Episcopal

pe | church.

The large saw mill plant of the Par-

® | melee"Eccleson Lumber Company at
| Jacksonville, is being torn down and

will be moved to Georgia.

Durham has declared against obuck

;|et shops� and after May Ist none can

get license to operate in that city. ~his
is a move that every town in the State

would show wisdom in following.

Delegates to Conference,

At the Quarterly Contarence of the
Methodist church on Monday night the
following were appointed to represent
this church at the District Conference
to be held at Aurora embracing the
first Sunday in July, next:

Delegates"W. F. Harding, G. E.
Harris, A. B. Ellington and J. L. La-

Alternates"_T., J. Jarvis, C. T. Mun

ford, Wiley Brown and J, A. Ricks.

lending more muscles and less lip, the
company would not have been in the
| Jamentable condition it has been strug-
gling through for the past two years.

It is quite burdensome for 8 or 10
men to keep up an organization whieli
actually requires 35. men. Repeateocly
at our regular montuly meetings we
have had only @ quorum present, and
on several occasions when our or 10
men would take the engine out for
practice, the property owners would
stand with hands in pockets and give
good advice, till the stream ceased to
flow and then remind me of certain ani-
mals after a sheep killing, sneaking

Out of a membership of 32,
5 who own real estate in the town, and
only 2 of the 5 attend .:eetings. Some
of the merchants will not giye their
clerks time to attend meetings and
drills. Why thisis,I am unable to
say. Atourregular monthly meeting
Monday evening there were 6 applica-
tions 1or membership, one of whom
owns propervy.

there are

How oProperty Owner� can have
gallenough to s.aud back and say
osick Tem� I canTt understand. 1 know
the engine should be kept in thorough
condition, but when the property own-|
ers will not take enough interest to join
us and share our burden, how can they |
expect us hen"property owner's 10 mani- |
test the interest suggested ?

Now as to the preposterous idea ot
offering to pay the company for '5 or 2
hours per month tor drill practice, or
for the time consumed in work at fires,
why | am satisfied there is not a non-
property owner in the fire company who
is s impecunious as to ever have
thought of such a thing. They would
teel much better complimented if the
property owners would share their
burdens, instead of leaving the faithtul
tew to bear it all, On one occasion af-
ver drill practice the wee only 7 men
lett to pull the engine back to its re-
posicory and on another occasion after
an alarm ot fire (the night Smith
& Hookeis stables caught) there were
only 7 aes v puil the engine and hose

reel buck. Give us men of industry

|and I am sure we will oincrease the

efficiency of our fire service.�

aia, semen a.

Master Jack Goodwin, of Philadel-
phia, who keeps up with Greenville
n2ws by roading the RerLecTor, sends
us word that his pet canary bird,
oDick,� ia dead. We are sorry tha!
oDick� has cease 1 to warble, and send
| this to Jack to console him in his loss




Piel .

9 i

tae ¢
2 t,

Our stock is POPPIN wie all the latest inT

Dimi, Lamas,

, White Gos,
tis CHK...

KER & Co.

SEL Laas ieee: By eis ~
rey. $C eee ce ET Rea Oa

And Hits the Nau on the Head. ,




The King Clothier,

nnannennnn Nanni et

"Come in veal look at: the Jargest line of "

oSPR Le .

[have ever re All makes, colors bee te.
A. perfect fit guaranteca.


Goods, Shoes,


is superb and your inspegtion is invited,


eee ee Aa

And ready to show the people a beautiful
""line of""

Bs XK Sa a o

Everything new, neat and stylish.



On Dress Gus, Soe,

avd GentsT ~Shirts

I am 1n the lead.

_" Fo

In iact all my stock will please you and the
low prices will make you wonder how such
_|goods can be sold so cheap. |

You have only to call in to be convineed,


The Low Price ~Man. re

" a a R.A. TYSON, Vices PresTt. 2 yy ys.
a a Bi al 2. a R :
=| Bighteen years azo. en ee



- EVERY AFTERNOON (EXCEPT SUNDAY). andT baby odaughter quence gets off thefo.lowing about

4 « We

2 Finally communication between; [f we were given to writing ) .
- fnered as second-tlass mail matter. |Zsivanoyitz and his wife ceased,| poetical prose we would say that Atha ere ie paege (Aaron Sth, 1897.


eet = ead. | the State of North Carolina is the | , ~
ar and sne monrned 2 #3 rae 288 -tfairest land that the light of|T.oans and Discounts $41,761.193 Capital stock paid in $23,000.00
SURSCRIPTION RATES. She came to Joliet, and five years), og sun eTer kissed, with| Over Drafts . 133,275 $ Surplus and Profits 2,382.66
Ore year, = = + 84 laftor bis departure she murred |aiiey da bright as «lovers dreem {Premium on Sock 1 vatn| Dep clec 0 Check SH
u 5 ss Pie aad oculy, cial Ae ie sd apatengg a 067. oe
02 = 7's 1 +. 9]Dauiel Oswald, with whom she|of elysium. An atmosphere as); oe and Fixtures 1200.00 Cashiers Checks ortstanding 869-84
Orel ik town by carriers without |has lived happily tor thirteen 4 ee te ne tithe, hentai ~ 4 Time Certificates of Deposit 355.00
a : Cd ma r laden zephyrs.ol the 1816 Of 1 hule. | Cash Items ape ie : Pep pong
o ee. rg atemara tba Jandcan be ae ae ~yp ag ae en . while the rolling fields of tender | Cash on hand 25,875.38; Total : _ �,�112,974.50
£. pe atteatio who the i or at pWOManhood, and is teaching in green and our rock-ribbed, ancient es aes 7
pete 4, 5 5 1% one of the Lockport schools. . |andT everlasting ~hills present a dae |
pee ems as In the meantime fortune fayor- mines of wealth for the ~pres We study carefully the separate-necds of our patfons..aul shall be gill to have y
We: desite aT Mva edrrespondent at ed Zsivenovitz, and he acquired that outsrival the dy a 5 &=' your account, promising every aceyummodation consistent with good banking,
avery postoffies inthe eovnty, who will | property both in California and din and taal a erap! Rone :
regi ght ely "Write. plainly Alabama. He came back to Illinois} i ee ee
sk d ch. Me. i ~a le neuer i = i P 4 bike
and only on one side of the paper. seyerul years ago and made Be eb Suture Wehave alarge @ ee es
a 3 " diligent search for his wife, but mae: ~Gites [fo 3 fs TE: Ae
Tr oe down, 13, 1897. could not find her. Aboutayear; The elections in Ohio Monday STOCK (OF Ps T
UMEDA hy __lago the daughter wrote to ajremind politicians that it ~has we :
= brother of ber father in Hungary, ayers beet iit Gartioa re a | UNDERTAKERS,
s Right ! oeo 4he father ate to have - : af «
a - and in this way the tether finsliy sented in the United States Sen-|' tak » DDE |
ae learned, of his wife's whereabouts. | ate, and the present is the firat \:
North Carolina - ee ane Pa! The other day he walked in~o the| time for, many years that thereT THT 2 eRe :
triotism in. peece times. It 18/Qgwald home. There was'a scene|have been two Republicans. Mr. Ge EMBALMERS.
never deficient in war. times. dtl og. both sorrow. and gladness, | Hanna is Bak goa Sg a :
ought to celebrate throughout its Fiplanations followed and Zsiva- a) fer) Se ike nat D an i G 0 0 D S ain |
borders, in every year, the 20th | ovitz took things philosophically | for the regular term vhat he has We haye just received & new
of May. No other State with) |. iis wifeand daughter money | decided not to rent a residence in hearse and the nicest ling of Cof-
- 3 gaya his wife an & y fins and Cosxets, in word, metal-

Wash'ngton. There will be the

reat day in itsannals|� .) : we : :
ocahgnd and then left hem without malice} et end of a fight over the just arrived. Comeand|tic and cloth ever brought to

would fail to colebrate it every : with Me Green ille,
; ith patriotic demonstrations opine eg nares we "| Hegislature this fali, with Biice| gee US. cent us Lee
kf Year wite p North would Oswald, but the Gaughter will pay| ing John R. McLean as the can- We ai prepared & Jo embalm-
and One ae The pits 1d her fatber a visit to his home in| didates for the a on ye lng In al its forw..
. make it known around the worlT | 5 iabama."Joliet. Ill, Dispatch.; Democratic side, and Hanna for : Personal a~vention gi .
: ae : . ~ . ea ~ Handy o given to con:
i and yt would be famous: above all mae the Republicans. As all of oe (ATS, HKY AN} | WR ducting funerals and bodies en-
"Conde days: What is Plymouth 3 S Y Sa Ga weeeuiyes towers the trested to our care will. receiye
j Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your f : © ver :
ee Rock ae Buoker Hilk ar onan : Lite Away. Ohio voter need not go barefooted er i. ) i 0 at Eo hee
or any other day to the Mecklen- next. winter."Washington Dis- oe \ | Prices ate sOwer. than ever,

It you want to quit tobacco using We do not want monupoly but

burg Decleration? Celebrate, Invi I
invite Con petition.

patch to Chicago Record.

| isily and torever, be made well
lebrate! and show the other | sly ; iia "
bes that you indeed, glory in| strong, magnetic, full of new life and ' Baptists, See Here ! | é We can be found at any and all
the 20th of May, and are at heart | Vigor, take No-To-Bac, thé wonder-} [he Southern Baptist Convention | f (BR ~ spate PRA alt ha Flanagan
dof the patriots who gath- | Worser that makes weak men strong, | meets this year in Wilmington, N. C., .uU. | : g-
sce Many gain ten pounds. in ten days-| May 8th. Now, you want to go to this OB GREENE &CO.

ered at the littie Charlotte-town

that hal day."Wilmington Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Ba | Convention, and you also want to go in
on epoc _ g :

style and c mfort. There is only one *

rom your own druggist, who will) ooo4 firstelass line from the South and , ,
essenger. g 3 ~
° guarantee a cure. Booklet and sample} Syuthwest to Wilmington, and that fineT | » mT Fm ox: | ILLIAM BRITT,
"v niailed free, Ad. Sterling Remedy Co,| is the Seaboard Air Line, which runs} (ar aif ~ o
Bible AgainT: Railroad Passes. | Chicago or New York. the finest and faste.: trains in the South a susicaikcchanibaemgenar 4 ""is now runningTa

and makes the lowest rates ot any

4 ~ ny ; * ondary ory wr

ae ete anata OO TERE ERPS TERE ~ , 1 | . ie
: bere of C ee NNT railroad running from the South o1 ag2ty BLOOD PCISON permancat 3
Several mewbers of COMMON), ¢ uth Carolina Woman Shoots a| Southwest. DonTt he footed into mak-- BM home forsame prise uncer wee eee .
~ . = ~ ® I arank-
Counui!, during a dull half hour Black Man, ing your arrangements until you have | QiMaMMp (¥-Itvou prefer to come here we will con
. f Thursday a teraoonTs session of " consu'ed one of the Seaboard Air Line nocharge,if wo fal to cure, if souhave taken mers and éag fara & Woda Sie shortest
re) ursday a't cury, lodide potash, and still have aehes ang |NOtice. Buys Wood by the car load.

a ey acents, who always esteem it a pleasure | painsT M ;
: : sti side oip : r colored who! 4s : : ay p. ains, Mucous Patches in mouth, Sore Throat Your patronage solicited.
the chamber, were complaining | Lewis Biove : ou q | serve you. B. A.Newland, Generel "gay parsot neiesy, a Spots, Uleers on ; wine
among themselyes over the|pears the sobriquet of oBlin

@ body, Hair or Eentows fallin
; ~ ' : T qs F . we rantee to : . mm r
scarcity of railroad passes. oThere | Tiger,� aud is a worthless trifling | pall house, Atlanta, Ga., will be glad| mate cases and challenge the maria ree SO i CITORS WANTED | for

Agent Passenger Department, 6 Kim. | 2% it Is this Secondary B POISO
se wecannotcure. This disease has always Dr, Talmages oThe

ee er as Jeanie: erst : a

is nd reason why the railroad/loafer at Korshaw, was dange'-|0 write 9:9 call on you, or you can padled'the skill of ie most eminent physi Earth Girdled.� or bis twmous tour
1 ; f f » iv c ie P apts - . .

compavies should be so stingy {ously shot at that place last Wed-|#pply to any ot the representatives of ficnal guarant : Absolute proots sn sealed on around the woild,a thrilling story of


: ce the Seaboard Air Lite m any town or| pplication. Address COO O., |Savage and barbarvous lands. Four mil-
witn us,� said one, owe donTt ask | nesday by Mrs. Almetta Koy. The city. This ~13 the ~official route. Do mt nee "" lion TalmageTs books sold, and ~The

tiem for much.T William 4H.! particulars of the shooting, a8 we you want to go with your friends ? Bee atedT es fate ape sae
eee a iy . S| owe 3 ryt b. ; mer
Garrett, a member from the Tenth were given them are as follow , lane Gabe es cana cea 2F =, wants this famous hook, only $3.50, Big
Ward,chipped in with the remaix:|Mr. §. L. Gardoer, Mrs. Key's; og AAKAAA SAA 1K AWA 1K 9 } \ ioe big apininitslone: a gold mine tor
| aes . . ae ate 1 aa ! % ie { Se workers. Credit given, freight paid
oWell, goutlemen, there isnt any father, is an invalid at. her home : / el UREE. onttit free. Drop all trash and sell the
use complaining. The railroad|The negro had brought whiskey | % = " oFS = nor king of books and make $300 a month.
ip ae Ab wiht & .G.. edntrare to Mrs KevTs| 38 ee ~Address for outtit and terri ory, The
compauies have a perfect right to to Mr Gs * ney 8% Te en TZ AN ~ | Dominion Company, Star Buildiug, Chi-
discontinue passes altogether if|orders. She told the negro Tucs | Qe |, aa : oe SU TREE aie |eieo. :
they see fit.� oCome off,� in a|day to stay away from her prem"/ 36 PRACTICAL sam go FoR ete i. aipeiseiieniieiiaipmeanaiiith cm
general chorus. oThatTs right,�/ises. He replied, rather imperti- | 3 7" Benet ee er | 4erbp -
continued Mr. Garratt, ofor the;nently, that as long as Mr.) ge lit AN) stil RN Rea iit oer ees mn |: ~arners.
Bible gives them authority to do|Gardner told him to come he|& 2p | pie ca Seer | |
x | g | WORKER » ARN ected Ne ~EAMES A. SMITH
so.� The others laughed at the; would come. She warned him of| # a , ok iota reo Sits 1: SNSGRI AL ARTIST
idea, bul Mr. Garrett said: oWait|the consequences if he brought) nm be EL ee A eae ~ GREKNVILLE, N. 6.
Il I cot hold of a Bible and ITll| whiskey there again. Wednesday | 9 UTS NR Servives fo bie ag [ag ~Recomnae 4| | Patronage solicited. Cleaning, Dyeing
tl get bok citizens of Greenville and the 6 Cea Ne ¥ scaei [and Pressing Gents Clothes a specialt
a figure it out for you.� He bor- the negro returned. Mrs. Key | a public generally. 3 as RRS a� Te af
. - rowed a ~Testament from the clerk | ordered him not to come in, but ac ROOFING, GUTTERING, we, AE ~a : aa | -
~~ qnd for several minutes ke busied|he walked right into the room| $6 Spouting and Stove Work, 3g ea | Vasant ee , ff RBERT EDMUNDS,
: himself consulting it asd jotting where Mr. Gardner was. Mrs. 3gC a specialty. ~a ote Sea eae a aes FASHIONABLE BARE EK,
K a ~etnt tallownd ait Sastshicton ~dikranised. cs oe SS pecial attention given to cleaning
down notes on & piece of pay, er- ey go er p ~ er ha eh ai vel oc Dol ~ Be ae ites a Gentlemens Clothing
~ harg ade. ohacco

He finally walked aren to the him epi. fired wt bim.: Af, the aC Flues made in season. Shop
malcontents, ani throving down| instant she fired the negro turned ts cousT of 5 Gia 10 gant een. |
the bit of paper, said: oThereTs|and the ball penetrated his body | x OTEL NICHOLSON,
their authority.� ~Seribbied on|jast below the shoulder blade. |,

Nes JOO), mt ) Sy J. A, BorGEss, Mer.
the raper were the following | The wound 1s pronounced danger- mage . SAN. Mi. SCHULTZ Washington, N.C,
quotations: o~ihou shalt not!ous by the physicians, and may 3 eect Oateakte dedi� This Hotel has.becu thoroughly reno

* pass,� Numbers xxvil:18. oSuffer result fatally."Lancaster, S. C, HAND CRAYON PORK: SIDES & SHOMTDER, "ated: several new rooms added, elec,

! tri
not a wan to pass,T Judges, 11:28, Ledger. ntagaa Spe Paige Maes. iit ese
Portraits !

ESPAsBinn AMV 1875.

eet emeat.

vants. Fish and Oysters seryed dailyT
Patronage of traveling puulic: solicited�


- #Phe wicked shall uo more pars,� a

Nahum, 1:15. oNone siall ever! When pilious or cosrve, eat a Cas-
. ~ 4

pass,� Isaiab, xxxiv:10. 5 This caret, candy cathartic, care guaranteed

generation shall not pass,� Mark, 10c, 25¢

zmng0. oThough they rot y eC RS. 'f. E. HOOKER andT

ing their yearTs supplies will find

) their interest to get our prices befere pn

ebasing els ~anlete = 3 ane ,
mae eee | CRERRVIELE .


can they not pass,� Jeremiah,v:- | . ~ ISS RUSA. HOOKER.
| {sw people are aware of the
have opened an


oSo he paid bis fare and wen.

Jonab, 1:3-"Pahiladelphia Recoid. fac nab the moon changes on
Sola uv irvat day ef April und tue first


eames memeed ©)


a LTTE rae thas : | Li : :
en Sen 3 ae i tae shite en Pi vila : ALWAYS AT LOWEST MARKET PRIOES| The next session of the.s)ool will
* A Household Necessity. bub lw ae eee ve KR] ~ Jogen ons: ay
beds Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most} years. ry) vs " os baie for-Oray"t y oTobacco, sr- ff &c, | :
wonderful medical disconery, of the age, erey. raetats _ 18° All work executed by hand. ~&}-we buy diroe; trom ~Manta tu. 3 en ene Aee He 18H
! pleasant and refteshing to the taste, act} Just try a 1vc. box ot cascarets, the | Portraits made hfe size (| tins vouto buy at one proil:. A eoa- ~akan
( ~ss li . P am ia a hoe, 7 6.6 stock of es and continue for 10 months.
yo gently and positively go Kidneys, Ve | Ginest. liver und bowel, :egu atoh ~, and will. 108 ty agegemlen | iat ) The terms are as follows.
nd bowels, cleansing the entire system | made. . | iD | Specignens ork on 6%-.'1 SAF URN TS rimary |} nglish per-mo. $2 00
apa colds, cure headache, fever, ha eS hibits Wookes goo URINE: eet
_ PhitualT constipation and biliousness. ue mg B Drag Bto ore Di aways on h ys ysl
+ ~ Please buy and trya boxot C. ©. C When bilious or costive, eat a Cam | % Oar als he discipline of the school

today ; 10, 25, 50 cents, Sold and] carct, candy cathartic, cure constipa-| f «tt
arantéed to cure by all druggists. ° | tion. :


a = "" "

Si ans i ica ai ts SA oa RI pe NL 5


a8 Gs os erm oth al ortup | "

., Pm,

- arrives armele 8.50 a. mi.,

deave Cliot6.10 a m,

*: J. R. KENL LY. Ge. '



Ly Tarhoro :

Ly Rocky Mt 1 00/10 5 45
Ly Wilson 2 O8)11 6 20
Ly Selma 2 53

Lv FayTtteville} 4 36) 1 V7

~Ar. Florence 7 25

LAR |. ;
P. M. A. M
Ly Wilson 2 08 Uv
Ly Goldsboro | 3 10 5
Lv Magnolia 4 16 0
Ar Wilmingtoo| 5 45 9 45
eae. M. ~A.M
Hated Sim a
Nov.1, [oe] 3 ga
1996 RA A Za
A. M.|P. M.
oe dv Fivurerce 8 40| 7 4
ee Ly apyemaville 11 10) 9 40
ar Wilscn 1 20/11 35
A. M. P.M.
Ly Wilmington). 9. 25 7 00
(.v Magnolia | 10 52! ® 30
uy Goldaboro | 12 01 9 36
ar Wilsen 1 00 1@ 27
Ly Tarboro 248 .
2a 4a,
o'x =
2 ~
- , M. PM,
» Ly Wilson 1 20 10 32
~Ar Rocky Mt | 217 _ 4 4) 16
Ar Tarboro | 400] rr a
- Ly Tarborc a By
" Ly Rocky Mu} 2 17 is
Ar Weldon

- Tratn on Scotla..d Neck scaicp Au
eaves Weldon 3.55 p, m., -tuliiax 4.10
arrives Scotland N eck ab 4.55 p
Wi Greenville 6.57 p, M., Kinston 7.45
).m. Returning, leaves Kinsioa 7.2.
a.m., Greenville 8.22 a. iw. arriving
Hali:.x at 11:00 a. m., We.ioa 11.20 am

~ e#xcept Sunday.

Trains on Washnigton ranch leave
Washington 8.00 a, ., and £00 p.m,
aud 4.40 p,
m@., Tarboro 9.45 a. m., returning ieaves
Tarboro 3.30 p. m., Parmeie 10.20 a. m,
and 6.20 p. nf, arrives Washingtov
11,60 a, m.,and 7.10 p. wm. Daily ex-
ept Sunday. Connects with

~rains on
Seotland Neck Branch.
Train leaves Aarporv, .» . via aide

dawtle & Raleigh R.R. daviy none Sun-
» day, ot 450 p. mu, pandas

3WU . oM;

arnive Plymouth 9.00 P. 1., 4.25 p. i.

Returning i2aves Ply moui' adwily except

Sunday, 6.00 a. m., Sunday %30 a n.,
arrive farboro 10.25 a.) and Li. an

~train on Midland N, ). vreuch leaves
Goldsboro daily, exce + gir Sunday, 6.05 a
m..atviving Smithdel a WM. Re
turning leaves Smithtieli ; GU @. My» ar-
rives at Goldsbors 4.30 u. m.

Trains on Latta braneh, Florence Ri
&., leave Latta 6.40 p m, aarive Dunbar,
7.50 pm, Clio 8.05 p w. RecurningT
Duaubar 6.30 a m,
ae Latta 7.50 a m, daily except Sun-


Train onClinton Rraaeh lexves War-
awfor Clinton caily, except Sulay,
10 a,m.and 8.50 p, m: Returning
aves Clinton at 7.00 #. ma. aud3,u0 }, in.

Train Ne. 78 makes ciose conneetion

at Weldon ferall points daily, ail rail
o Kichmone, alse M Rudy Sete ein

Mount with
Norfolk and @arolinak & for Noarwlk
¢ te all points North via Norfolk.
General. sur.
T. M. EMERSON °- itie Manage-.
; ~por.ver,


1� eb be STAR

i day

ly ri seeDoliar Dal
the Siete |

/ s Nowadays, with steam radiators,
: ~ | to graard~the ftisles from drafts, a

~ | fererice, though in all likelihood, in
| that- era of severe dutifulness, a
| less rather than a greater one than

+ oYe pacramental bread was frozen

~}wrote Judge Sewall in his diary

| Little wonder, poor things!"


hat Keeping: ~Warm InT Unheated
at ~ TY Sinai \ bs, One of! Them.

, double doors and ~s¢reens

minister is still not surprised to find
his congregation smaller than usual
upon a Sunday of intense cold or

times, too, the weather made a dif-

today. Yet, what hardships our an-
cestors had to endure in winter in
their bare, bleak, bitter cold old
meeting houses!

hard and rattled sadly in ye plates,�T

after a Sunday in the church at
Newbury, with the thermometer
near zero, And it was not uncom-
mon, not only in the days of the
grand old justice, but many years
later, for women to faint from sim-
ply cold or to become so chilled as
to be unable to rige or move when
it came to hymn time 'and to have
to be carried out of church and
thawed at the nearest neighbor's.

We have only to imagine how a
girlof today would feel if after get-
ting her feet thoroughly wet and
half frozen she wrapped herself in
a heavy cloak"omitting, however,
her warm flannels and her close fit-
ting outside jacket"and, retiring to
an unheated barn, sat up straight]
on a hard board for three hours,
with drafts from every crack and
knothole playing freely about her.
We should expect consumption or
pneumonia 2s the natural result,
and they were the natural result,
and carried many of our shivering
ancestresses to an untimely grave.

Yet, with all that they had to en-
dure, women sometimes voluntarily
increased their misery at the de-
mand of fashion"at least, the win-
ter brides did go. It was long the
custom for bride¢on first attending
church after marriage to wear nc
outside garment, whether merely
to let the folks see their: new gowns |T
or as a relic of traditional ceremony
akin to.unveiling is not known, but
in the depths of January or Decem-
ber they would come to meeting,
with a heroism worthy of a better
cause, in all the unconcealed finery
of a glossy silk or satin, with not so
| much as ascarf across the shoulders
for warmth.

A characteristic story of. the re.
venge of a Puritan suitor upon a
fair maid who had marri2d his rival,
relates that"he being the sexton of
the church and she a December
bride"he purposely managed so!
that a bitter wind should blow upon
her from a deftly unstopped chink

winter storm. Doubtless in the old | "

+ th wedge comer tat oe

oTye would obring ~down the saudy | and

| hussyTs pride," he declared. Though.
whether he intended to do so ludi-

crously through influenza and a red
nose or tragically by means of lung
fever and an early death, the story
does not relate. But in cither case
she survived the ordeal.

~There were often among the
tougher and more rigid members
of the church a few who believed all
this hardship to be a good thing}
and who opposed even the popular | -
little foot stoves as a luxury, while
when stoves were introduced which
attempted to heat the whole church
they fought them with disgust and

One old woman, Aunt Judy Jones,
made a point of sitting near the new
stove for several successive Sun-
days, throwing off ~or fiincing open
one layer of wraps after another and
finally lying back in a state of con-
spicuous exhaustion, gasping faintly
and fanning herself with an im-
mense turkey feather fan. But the.
stove continued to glow and the
congregation to becomfortable, and}

before the season ended it was quiet: i

ly observed that Aunt Judy did not
seem to feel the heat more than oth-
er people and had even been known
to goup und warm her feet at the
unwelcome redhot thing itself be-
fore settling down in her pew for
the sermou,"YouthTs Companion.


A Drait tor One Cent in Settlement,

een meme

H. ©. Martin bas on exhibition |

at his store quite a curiosity. It
is a United States Postoffice
Department draft onthe postinas-
ter at New York for the handsome

sum of ove cent. lt is made

payable toColonel Leland Martin,
jate postmaster at Briar Creek,
N. C.,-where be Leld the pcsi ion
of postmaster for thirty-three
years» Upon hia retirement from
the postoffice some time since he!
asked fcr afull statemenT of his
account with the Department,

cove:ing the entire period, and it
was fouvd that one ceut was due
him. The draft in executed with
alldue tc:mality and sigued by
the Ihird Assistant Pos:waster
General, countersigned the
Auditur of tue Postottice Depart-
ment, as though it were for a large
amount, all of which gces to
show bow accurately the records
of ohe Postotlice Department have
been hept during the past thirty-

thres eventful years. "Lenoir

Wie. se arrived the sunday atter . Visitor.


ser TR.

M ot So Sea.



Oooo} ft 32@Oeo -.

25+ 50¢ e.



ple and booklet free. Ad. STERLING REMEDY CO.

om saan 5

~SFeP®aw i

a C


ej ae -


ion. Casearets are the Ideal Laxa-

~grip or cripe, but cause easy natural results, Sam-

Chicago, Montreal, Can.,orNev York, " 917.

RRA i OF ed Me eM CONTE a HI eet. © net


phohibe © What

~"se It is a picture ot


P ene nse, oThe outfit
ocomplete without one..,,




Is It? bbb

tae celebrated "

ot no - pusiness: man iit.


Beow are Nota riees of. cotton
| peanuts for , a8 furnished |
by Cobb Bros. Ye Commission.� Mer- | .
ants of Norfolk + gt aoe ©
Good Middling � TY
Middlin 7
Low Middling 6
Good Ordinary 6 1-1
Tone"firm. sale
: ANUTS. ~ ~
Prime " 2
frre Prins 2 With ~us L set You o.
ne 2 |
spanish 60 to. i a Decision. ;
~oor es
o ae ae ~= A trip via New Ore
Greenville Market. the Scathern Pacific tu 9:

Corrected by S. M. Schultz.

No waiting for Columbia and Hartford
bicycles. No delay and consequent

annoyance. All models and patterns
now ready for immediate delivery, 1897


are made exclusively of 5 per cent Nickel S
Tubing, the entire product of which we cont

$100 to all alike

Hartford Bicycles are at prices within
-each of everyone, $75, $60, $50, $45.

Catalogue free if you call.




- Mexico or the Pacitie (mx
one you will never forg-. ee

ih he a fe 45 It? :

estern Sides - dt tu 6

saan cured Hlams ~ to 124. t 8 a Transition from
orn () to af

Corn ea rasa) Frost to Flowers, ..

Jour. Family 425 ro 6:74 ~
Lard , 34 to i0 And the Re} Vite ? o0 ona
pees 85 to . ous ner peg, : ]
~Sugar 4 to tested. Ju: + cain ' Fea
Comte 17 to 20 it incomparard:,
bp Sack 76 tol ee

ckens 10 to 2
Eggs per doz 7 to 10 Ifyou are Thinking of
ees WAX. Der 20

Going, Write Us. ©

We have a_ book ied
oThrough Sveryland to San""
s%t Saas,� a handsome volume
of 205 pages, fully illustrated,
- which we will send on receipt "
of 10 centsin stamrs te Cover "
postage. We also have ad
lightfal little guide to}
co, which we will send on
receipt of 4 cents to ever
cost of mailing. :

You Really Ought to
ReadthemBoth. _

Shall we put you dae for a
copy! Ifso, or if you want "
any ~special i:formation, it "
will be cheerfully eae
hy vddressing,

: S. F.B. MORSE,

General Passen ur r inf Tieket




You may never, ?

But should you ever y@emcce--

""ag Come

iM pay Ma We aD
Nase Naat Nel aed Pte Nee

ethene from &
iWisiting Cura

Bical, oy Woes

welled cla Mada doced ener a

Rede lt Protea

to see us, "oo""

di lie ie


E"ull Sn -et ©.

|The at

Gives the home news
every afternoon at the
small price of 25 cents a
month. Are you asub-
seriber? If not you
ought to be.

is-only $1 a syrar, « Te
contains: theT Tews Were
_ Week, aiid gives informa:
tion tu -the ~fariners,; ds-.
- Bpesiallyy those iti


tobaceo, othat ji

th *





""|Try on These Names and ee How
They Sound,


S. H. Abbot, of Kinston, spent today

ST cmeeamnmmmnaanll

| Creates many a new business.
Enlarges many an old business,
Preserves many a large business,
Revives many a dull business,
Rescues many a lost business,
f : Saves many a failing business.
PAUL TUL Szcures suceess to any business

J. G. Rawls returned to Wilson

_ Dr. Jos. Dixon, ef Ayden, was here




Qo or

Rev. B, R. Hall left this morning

To oadvertise judiciousty,� use tne | for Goldsboro.

5 ié a. ;
Spee Say = cslumps of ti.T REVLECTOR. °

Rev. J. J. Harper left Monday even-

: re want that,money se hor Kino ,
a ecause we have a fair} ;,,,; + Dri ; :
. equiva'ent to offer for Keeping Constantly at it in alniiaa Dr. J. Morrill, of Falkland, speat} Sy ] jx and Wool Dress Goods

today fn town.

it. Our goods are the

a right kind atthe right Mrs. E. M. Cheek and children left IN LATEST EFFECTS.


day and Saturday : ey :
y , Haurahan, of Grifton, spent today in
seen town.

price. """ this morning for Raleigh.
er 4 i
; . : Passenger and mall train going H. L. Coward, who has been sick
a eee cal. Nerth. de = A. M; .Going South.) with fever for seis months, is able to be Ge
; «| arrives 6:57 P. M. ;
Steamer ~far River arrives from Wash- | out. i
ebrated and Famous ington Monday, Wednesday and Friday \
~ leaves for Washington Tuesday, Thure-| J.T. Worthington and Mrs. S. M. U me

The variety of

In beautiful pat-
our Spring and

terns for cos-

pee ery

WEATHER BOLLETIN. Mrs. T. E. Hooker has gone to

: a ee , "in Farmville to spend a few days witb tumes, waists, &c Summer offer-
forMenand Boys.ImAll) ug scion, doen |" Theseatremark} ing wae ney
~e colors | for eae and night, clearing and tar by Wednesday Rev. F. B. Tickror, who has been Cyne tee them Come en thioen
a a afternoon, warmer tenight, colder | spending a few days here, lett on the : :
Summer. Our Ox bloods se oa nee
: Wednesday. morning train,

are beauties. Every

pair guaranteed.
A beautiful line of sty-
lisn, neat, durable
and elegant:


tor ladies, fresh from

_ the factory made speci-

ally tor us, The latest
newest, nobbiest an
prettiest styles.

Remember we have
-also received anew sup-

ply of

= Cannon


7 cy


Just a perfect substi-
tute for Linen, only 10
centsper yardoneyard
wide, the cheapest and
best thing made for

Embroidery and
Drawn Work.


Beautiful, fancy


Neatandnice. Justthe
thing to please the
Ladies. -

{| Hamper Baskets, Fan-
Work, Scrap, Key
and Toy Baskets. Come
to see them. ;

We can please both
you and your purse.

Nearly ~ every day
brings us something
new and just the; thing

you want.

Come and inspect our
Mammoth Stock of Dry
Goods, Notions, Shoes,
Hats, Groceries, Hard-
ware, Crockery, Furni-
ture and House Fur-

-nishing Goods. They

are desirable new and

#6 our store on a deter-

ined policy or fair,

| and



And You Get a New Spriakucg Hyery

Hay, Hulls ani Meal at 5. M.
S shultz.

«Silver Dollar� Fountain Pen, Fars-
er make, at Reflector Book Store.

10,000 Ocean N. C. Cut Herrings
jist received and for eale by J. J,


The Odd Fellows met to-night with
work in the First Degree. A full at-
te idance is desired. Visiting brethren

cordially invited.

Agent Wantrp."We want a

guod reliable agent in Greenville to

represent the Wilmington Steam Laun-

dry, For terms address

Wilmington, N. C.

The FiremanTs Side.

~Today oFireman� replies to the ar-
ticle of oProperty Owner� in MondayTs
issue relative to improving the efficiency
ot our fire company. He puts the
companyTs side of the question very
strongly and. shows conclusively that
what the company most needs is the
active co-operation of the property
owners themselves.

Monday night the Reri~Rctor at-
tended the monthly meeting of the
company to ascertain ~what intcrest was
manifested, nacurally thinking after
what had been said during the last few
days on the subject that many property
owners would be present to apply tor
membership. However, while there were
six additions to the company, only one
of them was a property owner and he
but a small one, Out of the old mem-
bership barely enough were present to
constitute a business quorum. This is
about as could be expected when the
members see that the very people whose
property the organization 18 intended
to protect show no interest whatever in
the company.

To put the matter plainly, if the peo-
ple who have property in danger take
no interest at all in providing pro.
tection, they have no right to» expect
those with notbing at stake to do so,

heart cheering. and should not criticise the voluntary
. Beautiful Hall Racks: work that the latter do, The firemen
yy just received. | desire and expect no pay for their ser-.
oe o| cig vices, their interest in the welfare of
eet ember we oper- the town alone prompting their action,

and it does look like bordering on ire
gratitude for the property owners to
show such disregard for the company.
Every able bodied man in town should
bed member of the compavy and: the

ency until the property owners take an
interest in it,

company will not reach proper effici- i

Sheriff W. H. Harrington went to
Raleigh tofiay ty take John Keel to
the penitentiary.

Clothing, Hats and Shoes.

A. §, Sheppard, of Baltimore as)
rived Monday evening to visit lTs
brother, Henry Sheppard.

Rice Gwynn, another one of our
clever boys, took his departure this
morning. He goes to Reidsville to
spend the time until the opening of the
next season, when he will be back on
on the Greenville market. Most of the
boys were at the train to see him off.

One DayTs Forecast.

The weather indications for thc next
24 hours certainly ought to suit all the
grumblers. Itis going to be cloudy
and clear, rainy and fair, warmer and
colder. If any other changes are de"
sired send in your application to Billie
Burch before he goes up to ride she
Odd Fellows goat tonight. He won't
know his own head tomorrow and
canTt be thinking about weather then,
except imagining that he had been
through a cyclone.

On Sunday an awful wreck occurred
en the Southern railroad at Hasrisburg
13 miles north of Charlotte. The
wreck was caused by a Collision between
No. 36, the northbound fast mail, and
No. 11, the southbound local passenger,
Three men were killed and six others
injured, some ot them so terribly that
there is no hope of their recovery.
There were 96 passengers on the fast
wail but none of them were hurt. The
Charlotte Observer, with its usual en-
terprise, got out a tull sized edition
Monday morning giving tull particulars
of the wreck.


Your best judgment requires
you to make an immediate pro-

Perfect fit guaranteed. Foreign and Domestic.


Emporium of Spring Fabrics.

eee ene aelememaeetntmtice etna hatin te vite mse Aas ei At ee


Sl) 3



Every Day is Opening Day

as he is receiving some-
thing New Daily.

All the latest noveltes.

Be sure to-go to

J.W. HIGGS, Pres, J, S. HIGGS, Cashier Maj. HENRY HARDING, AssTt Cashier,



ALP es Pee lea,

D. W. Hardee Higgs -Brovos
Greenville, N. C.
Wm. T. Dixon, President National ae
Exchange Bank, Baltimore, Md. We respectfully solicit the accounts
The Scotland Neck Bank, Scotland of firms, individuals and the generat

Representing a Capital of More Than a Halt
Million Dollars,

visions for your family.

By insuring today, your estate

is increased in value ut once.

A few days since an jasurance agent

accepted an invitation to iuspect a new

d beautiful house built by a friend.

After taking a peep at the whole estab-

lishment from top to bottom, inquired"

~¢+FJouse insured ?�


oWhat do you insur it for?�

~Because it MIGHT burn,�

oNot suRE of it, are you ?�

Neck, N. C. vublic,
Noah Biggs, Seotland Neck, N. ¢. Checks and Account Books furnish
R. R. Fleming, Pactolus, N, C. ed on application.


; Look over this list of


and see if you would not like to have
| of them :



oIs your life insured ?� i 3
Mel: re p.rig Premier Brand of Extra California Pears
a daa Cherries, Plums, Apricots, and Peaches,
osa, Mince Meat, & ple Buber, teppei
Sal weet Mixed Pickles, Sour Pickles, early
Then why not i lif . } *
vatetortose |. Sune Peas, Olives, Celery Lephesge Royal
oWeil, ~really, I neyer, thought of the! = -B RP
oat arian tattered na BARRE POW ee ee Baking Fowder,
At TB dg ay oa " Travelers | whichis as good as Royal for less money, and
_, Best time to insare ; NOW, Lh | 10Usa | qo." Phone N o. 70
Best Company to insure in: the Muh iakae 1.0." At. a ie

Newark, N. J. Represented

i Sugg, Greenville, N. om

~Benetit Lite ; Inenrange Ov, ft hy
B.. } ry (

Daily Reflector, April 13, 1897
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - April 13, 1897
April 13, 1897
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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