Daily Reflector, May 13, 1897

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Vol. 5. GREENVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1897. No, 747








Oe iV)

Vv Vee

They donTt cost
too much. They
areready to put

browns, olives,

have seen

green mixtures,

plaids--the sweil
colorings of the saa

without a


of the season: -

we've got them}
here plenty as
pie at a fair, We ;
show, the ~best.7

| abe 8
eg a uae

* ~

a a i i


A Pitt County Woman Makes the
Opening Address.

The WomanTs Exposition being held
in Charlotte was formally opened Tues-
day night. Mrs. R. R. Cotten, of this
county, a woman who at every appear-
ance before the public brings credit and
honor to her county, her State and
herself, was selected to make the open-
ing address.

We take from the Charlotte Observ-
er the foilowisg in reference vo the
openlug exercises:

) It was 9 oTclock when the programme
opened, Dr. J. B. Alexander mounted
the platform and introcuced the dis-
tinguished and gifted Mrs. Robert Cot-

ten, who had been chosen to make
the opening address. Dr. Alexander


oLadies and Gentlemen: ~The task
wlich devolves upon me this evening
is one of the most pleasant oves I have
ever experieneed"that of opening
the WemanTs Expositiou"an exhibit
that except in point of magnitude com-
pares favorable with the WorldTs Fair,
{ congratulate you upon having your
fair upon the soii where the Meck-
leiburg Declaration was signed, and
during the celebration which commend,
it. ~Lhisis but an addendum to tie
celebration ot ~Lhursday night week.

~You ace here for the purpose of
hearing a woman, whe, though born in
Virginia, has identified herself with the
Old North State, and who teday is
known as an advocate of higher ed-
ucation, and of all that will edorn her
sex in North Carolina, She was one
of three women in the State sent to
represent North Carolina at the WorldTs
Fair. Her address in Washington, be.
tore the WomanTs Congress of MotherT 3)
was telegraphed over the world. She
is the length and!
breadth of this land as a representative

woman of North carolina.

known through

proud pleasure to introduce to you Mrs.
Robert Cotten.�

A roar ot applause greeted Mrs. Cot-
tenas she stepped upon the plattorm,
looking as she is, a cultured, refined
and elegant woman.

Mrs. Cgiten gracetully ecknowledged
Dr. AlexanderTs handsome tribete and
introduction, as follows:

oT am pleased and proud at all times
to be considvred a representative Nor.h
Carolina woman, but in wearing such
an honor I always feel like apologizing
to thove 1 represent for having been
born in Virginia. ~That
however, was remedied b; my coming
to North Caroiina in early childhood,
and so I hope it will not be remem-
bered against me.


By education, by
marriage, by love for State and solic-
itude for her wellare, I dare to claim
nativity on the principle that ¢ Ttis home
whereTer the heart is,T and under this
west I presume to enjoy the pleasure
and privilege of addressing you to-

The address proper followed. It was
{a handscme effort, a glowing tribute to
woman in her work, loye, home and
hopes und the Observer will do itself

I have the!

the pleasure acd honor of publishing it
in full later.

Mrs. Cotten was interrupted often.
with applause, and numbers pressed
forward to thank her for her noble
words and inspiring sentiments.


~parks from a locometive set fire to
a lot of cottou on the depot piattorm at
Wadesboro. ~Thirteen bales were de-

Arthur Lipscomb, a brakeman on the
Western N. C.. Railroad, was killed
Monday aight by falling under the
train. ,

Robbers blew open a safe in Durham
Monday night. to the
Sun they made a nice job of it but got,
only $38 for their trouble.


ward in
Newbern held a meeting and denounced

Gov. Russell for the part he is trying

~The colored voters of one

that city.

: Lightning struck the house of J. M.
Moore, in Concord, Tuesday shattering
the weatherboarding and ceiling in two
A servant was knocked inser-
sible but soon recovered.


Hon. W. D. Bynum, of Iudiana, will
visit North Carolina, making speeches
tat Winston and Chariotte, May 18th

and 19th, in an effort to organizes the
gold standard advocates in this State.

~Lhe President has sent te the Senate
P. Cheatham,
colored, of this State, to be Recorder
of Deeds ot the District of Columbia,
but a contest over his confirmation is

the nomination of H.


William Davis. a lumber dealer of
Yancey, county was found dead ina
The body

jmill pend a few days ago.

| was so badly decomposed and mutilated

| by fish that Jit was impossible to tell
whetier he was murdered or drowned.


| Their ShT *s Ready.

~Today Wiilis Clark showed the Rr-
FLECTOR.one of the new shirts for the
Rough and Ready Fire Company. The
shiris are made of navy blue water
proof flannel with sailor
white braid.
and serviceabié.

collars, trim"
They are neat
Willis says his boys
are mighty proud of the way our people
assisted them in getting naw shirts for
the company, and they propose to
prove themselves worthy wearers of the
, firemens uniform.

med in

Excursion Comiag.

the 27th of this
month the colored people of Kinston
will baye a big excursioua to Green-
ville. ~Three Sunday schools, the fire
company anda base ball club will
The teatures of the day
game of

We learn that on

co ne oyTr.
will be a parade and = match
b:se ball

Lucy Ashby and Robert Burns will
trot at Norfolk on Wednesday after-
neon. 19th. Peterson & CordonTs ¢x-
eursion will arrive in Norfolk in time
for the excurs.onists to see the atter~
noon races on that day.


" man


ch ae: ~i




Our stock is compet? with all the latest in

5, Watt is

to trke in running the government of


For time is money. Both are saved by.

purchasing from."~


010;Gr aS

It is only when the quality of ours


is considered that our prices seem so strikingly
low. Buy of us and get the best.
customers soon become old ones,

Our new
because con-
tinued satisfaction goes with everything we sell,




eee PF WF

~eee_ "rangipre

What Kind ?,

Seamless, fast black, with double
heel and toe.

What Sizes ?x¢

From the smallest to the largest
for children, misses, ladies and

What Piice leeauae-

The small sum of 10 certs a pair

$F: es



Where Presce

! | Ki b
H. M. HARD iH,
The Low Price Merchant,

ms P, 8,-Come in and examine our stock
| before, buying.

. "



Exored as secondluas mail matter.


a On a Ft fae
Ore month, eS ee 0
© hep week. ° 23 bes " Ls *
~ Delivered in town by carriers without
~exra cost.

ates are liberal and can be

A~lvertisng ion to the editor or at

nad ou applicat

the office -


sire a live correspondent at
. _ mse inthe covaty, who wil
ste in brief items of NEWS 45 it or

each veighborhood.. i. Write plainly

ead qaly 0 on one, side of the i

apa eonnl


: "THURSDAY May 4g, 1897.



The editor of the Warrenton
Record takes off his old straw hat,
which he has worn during all the
winter, aud makes his best bow
to a young fady in that commu-
nity for a beautifal joaf of bread:
which was baked by the fair one
herself and presented . to the
oworthy editor.

That is business. There is yet
hope for the profession. We
trust that we are about to euter
upon anew era, one that will be
fraught with untold and unnum-
bered blessings, a large portion
of them coming in the shape of
loaves of bread.

There 1s something substantial
about such gifts. They make
better men of us, and, for a time,
at least, the whole world seems
brighter. The Record man al-

~ yeady exhibits more snap and
ability. Every line in his paper
last week was stronger and there
was a much better makeup

-Enitors bave been the recipients
of variovs things for nundreds of
years, but not the kinds that

copquer hunger. They write

~ handsowe uotices about weddings
bat never wot any of the cake.
. They write obituaries that fre-
oquently cause other prominent

~ gitizens to hasten their departure
in order to get a flattering death
notice» But,when the estate is
� divided no property goes to the
pooreditor. We publish miles of
matter about six hundred pound
hogs, but nary ham do we get.
We publish the biography of cows
gaia to give five gallons of milk
per day, but drink coffee without
cream Sunday morning and
Adam's ale the balance of. the
week. After writing tons of

matter about twin calves we find

it necessary to wear horsenide
shoes and eat steak which may or
way not be beef. We get per-
mission to write up all the fifteen
pound turoips and potatoes in
the community and have to eat

_ poke salad every spring. In

short, we must ran a free show

and pay the band and keep the

"tentrepaired. Let us rise up as

one men and call the Warrenton

girl blessed, for she is truly a

benefactor, a second Florence

Nightingale."Progressive Farmer.

oem mie ane mam

"" ee Sie

Witnesses before the Senate com-
- mittee investigating the workings ot
he Civil Service laws have made ser
one charges against Post Office De-


a eerie

from an

to. the party: He
sthat the Governor has
men whofyoted a

sitions over the

ty is only
~. gel even."


The a that) woman i. becom-|

oF ing a very large extent self

supporting was emphasized last

week by @ unique gathering | in

Philadelpkia"a working girlTs
convention. There are at the
present time between four and
five millions of women and girls
in the United States that are em-
ployed in earning a living. ©

a Salapreeintenen tesa tnenitiniineegnn A

The Pythian temple to be
erected in Washington, at a cost
of half a million doilars, will be a
splendid edifice and a fitting me-
morial cf the many beautiful
deeds that have found their

1| motive in the OrderTs trivity of

watchwords"oFriendship, Char-
ity and Beneyolence.� There are
600,000 Knights of Bho in the
United States,





Why donTt you laugh young man,
when troubles come, ©

Instead of sitting Treund so sour and
glum ?

You cannot have all play

And sunshine every day ;

When troublés come, I say, why donTt
you laugh ?

Why donTt you laugh? TTwill ever
help to soothe,

The aches and pains ; no road in life is
smooth ;

ThereTs many an unseen bump,
And many a hidden stump

OTer which youTil have to jump. Why
donTt you laugh ?
Why donTt you laugh?T DonTt let

your spirits wilt ;

DonTt sit and cry because the milk
youTve spilt ;

It you woula mend it now,
Pray, let me tell you how :
Just milk another cow, why donTt you

laugh ?

Why donTt you lxugh, and make us all
laugh too,
Aud keep us mortals all from getting
blue ?
A lavgh will always win ;
If you canTt laugh, just grin"
Come on, letTs all join in! Why donTt
you laugh ?
The Quict Observer.

WomanTs weaknesses are her
tower of strength.

A woman may not be very
curious natarally, but she eanTt
resist the temptation to watch her
neighbor moving out.

A woman is never quite 80
proad as wuen she first goes out
with a brand new baby in a brand
new coach.

When a woman begins to gel
uncomfortably fleshy she is onice
and plump.� Her equally stout
acquaintances she calls odisgust-
ingly fat.�

The honeymoon ends wLen the
wife concludes it isnTt necessary
for her to sit up till her husband
comes in.

A woman generally sharpens a
lead pencil as if she were chop-
ping wood. 3


Col. W. F. French has in ohis pos-
Session a number of old papers and
documents, which he sometimes peruses
with interest and pieasure. In looking
over them last week he came across a
letter written in the dark days ot the
war, Which is not only interesting but
amusing. The letter was written at

| Col. French we have been allowed to
copy it fo. publication in the Robeso-
nian, It is as follows:
January 27th T64,
Cou. W. F. Frencn,

Col: By your order we were
placed under arrest by Lieut. McCul-
lum for xilling a chicken. I will state
the facts of the matter to you. Being

: ee Mt hunger we went out and

Halifax and through the kindness of

{ nae : A) ;
~tried to buy something to eat and fai!~
ing to do so we killed a chicker,
After killing it we paid ten dollars for
it, I will also state that we have paid
for the cartridge. We hope that you).
will please release us as we think we
have suffered enough already, Pay-
ing five dollars for the cartridge after
having to pay for the chicken is, in
our estimation, punishment, though it
may not be in yours.

I will also state that you are punish"
ing the innocert by makiog the guards
suffer in the cold guarding us. If you
release us we will assure you that we
will never be guilty of the like again,

We are, Colonel,

Your Obdt. Servts.,
J. W. Hatt,
JAS. Ivey,
J. H. Sapserry,

Privates in Co. I. 3rd. Regl. dr.
Res. : e
This strong defense, especially the
latter part of it, did not fall on unbeed-
ingears. ~The weather was bitter cold
andas Col, French did not wish to
punish the innocent guards he gave
orders to release the prisoners, It is
presumed that they kept their
promise to refurm as they were not
again arrested for okilling� chickens,"
Lumberton Robe:onian.

Attention Veterans.

The Bryan ~Srimes Camp of Pitt
county Confederate Veterans will meet
at the College grounds near Greenville,
on Wednesday, May 26, 1897, to trans-
act important business and to arrange
for transportation to the reunion at
Nashville, Tena., June 22, 23, 24 and
25. Bring your baskets full of some-
thing good. By order of
EK. A, Moret, Com.

B. F. Suce, SeeTty.

When bilious or cost.ve, eat a Cas-
caret, candy cathartic, cure constipa-


. ot cascarets, the
and bowel regu ator ever

Just try 2 iGo. |
finest. liver

AN "


" Train will leave"


the morning of"

Wednesday, May 19th,

connecting at Farmele with train from
Greenyille. Parties at Greenville, and
points between Greenville and Parme-
le, can secure these remarkably low
rates by paying local fares to Parmele
and there buying excursion " ticket.
There will be one of t e greatest race
meets ever held in Virginia in progress
when this excursion reaches Norfolk
and three of the fastesc horses of this
section are entered, Lucy Ashby and
Bird Eye taom Greenvilie, and Robert
Burns from Washington. Parties wi'l
have half of the day on the 19th and
half of the Och. Train will leave
Norfolk at 1 P. M, on the 20th mak--
ing counection at Parmele with trair
for Greenvilie. Yours truly,



No waiting for Columbia and Hartford
bicycles. No delay and consequent

annoyance, All models and patterns
now ready for immediate delivery, 1897


are made exclusively of 5 per cent Nickel Steel
Tubing, the entire product of which we control.

5100 ic ail alike to all alike

Hartford cles� t within
taich Biya Fa ER od $45.

Catalogue free if you call.


ie? TYSON, veers:


Due from Banks

BL. DAVIS, PresTt.

Atjthe Closeicf Business March 9th, 1897.
Joans and Discounts

Over Drafts
Premium on Stock


$41,761.19$ Capital stock paid in $23,000.00
133,275 $ Surpius and Profits 2,332.06

~ 000,09 $ Deposits subject to Check 80,6114
38,567, 54? Due to Banks 732.36
Furniture and Fixtures 500.00? Cashiers Checks ortstanding $ 863,34
Current Expenses om 85, 525 Time Certificates of Deposit 355,08
Cash Items 2,652.12 cramer epee
Cash on hand 25,875.38 Total $112,974.50

Total $112,974.60

We study carefally the separate needs of our patrons, and shall be slat to have
your account, promising every accommodation consistent with good banking. wv,





just arrived. Comeand

Ih i

(.( GOBB & SUN




pine Shee, ig Se




Ledeen Wp eee

We have ut cacelted a new
hearse and the nicest line of Cof-
fins and Caskets, in weed, metal-
lic and cloth ever brought to

° We aie prepared ic fo.embalm-
ing in ali its forms.

Personal atiention given to con}
ducting funerals and bodies en-
trusted to our care will receiye
every mark of respect.

Our prices are 1ower than ever.

We do not want monopoly but
invite Cun petition:

We can be found at any and all
times in the John Flanagan
Buggy CoTs building.

puISGH |

featiary BLOOD POISON permancntly
ie val in 16t085 days. You can be treated at
peg ome for same price under same fuaran-
ma ty. if you prefer tocome here we willcon
a tractio pay railroad fareand hotel bills,and
nocharge, if we fail to cure. If you have taken mere
cury, iodide potash, and atill have aches and
fs ains, Mucous Patches in mouth, Sore Throat,
imples, ENED Colored Spots, Ulcers on
any part of the body, Hair or 4 cur ow es ne
pipe it is this Secondary BL SON
ya ener eutee tocure. We snot thee 4 oh Pabatis
© cases and challenge the world fora
ohee wecannotcure. This disease has always
bafiied the skill of the most eminent physi-
cians. ° 500,000 capital behind our uncondie
tional guaranty. Absolute prods sent sealed on
1 gpplication. Address COO EM On.
802 Masonic Temple. CHICAGO, ILL,

§ Ny Primary. Se imary. Sea
ondary orien

; rte





their yearTs supplies will tind
their nares toget our prices befere put
chasing elsewhere. Ourstock is coraplete
un allits branches.


ee GREENE « & CO.

SOL Dr, Talmages ~The

Earth Girdled.�? or his famous tour
around the world, a thrilling story of
savage and barbarous lands. Four mil-
lion TalmageTs books sold, and ~~The
Earth Girdled� is bis latest and grand-
est. Demand enoromous. Everybody

wants this famous book, only $3.50. Big
book, big commissions. a gold mine for
workers. Credit given, ofreight paid,
onttit free: Drop all trash and sell the
king of books and make $300 a month.
Address for outtit and terri ory, The.
Hominion Company, Star Buildiug, Chi-


Patronage solicited. Cleaning, Dyeing
and Pressiag Gents Clothes a specialty


Special attention given to dleanicg
Gentlemens Clothing, 2.7 sparen



~J. A, Burexss, Mer.
Washington, N. C,

This Hotel has been thoroughly reno
~vated, several new rooms added, elec,
, tric bells to every room. Attentive ser,
vants. Fish and Oysters served daily:
Patronage of traveling puvlic solicited�




Male Academy.

The next session of the school will
open on

MNDAY SEPT. 7, 189°

ne and continue for 10 months.
ALWAYS AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES; The terms are us fqllows.
Tobacco, Snuff, &C, {Primary English permo. , 8200
we buy dirocj from Manufactia.. 4 en|!ntermediate o " * * $2 50
ry you _ at one proilt. A eow- Higher a kh oe 93.00
Languages (each) ** o $100
FU RNITU RE Tne work and disclpline of the school
will be as heretofore, |
wayson band and a bio
Gh by 404 oa pode pough oak We ask a ~ amma pas),
| sold tor CASH therefore, havi no 1h | egeaen
bade HUL Kay wd Seria� 4 Ww W. RAGADALR

lysate at sale * Vabs she R
We Geant penedule


Dated S
May4, 1/6 3
; 18y7, ZA
ye A. MA?.M. ALM
Leave Weldon | 13 50) 9 24
Ar. Rocyk Mt | 12 52/10 9
Lv Tarhoro 12 12
Lv Rocky Mt 12 52,10 5 46
Ly Wilson 2 OAL 6 20
Lv Selma 2 50
Lv Fay'tteville!| 415) 1.7
Ar. Florence 6 34
P.M. A. MZ
Lv Wilson 2 08 0
Lv Goldsboro 3 10 5
Lv Mag yolia 4 16 0
Ar Wilmington] 5 45 9 45
P. M. . A.M
Dated Bn 5.
May 4th, cal oo6 ois
1397. ZO| & AQ.
IA. MuP.M.
Ly Fivrerce 8 45.7 45
Lv Fayetteville; 11 10; 9 40
Ly Selma 12 37
Ar Wilscn 1 20)41 85
Fo \
~4 (
A. M, P.M.
Ly Wilmington| 9 25 7 00
L.v Maguolia | il 50 8 30
uy Goldsboro | 1 0) 9 36
ar Wiisen 1 00 10 27
Ly l'arboro d 42 :
Zi wa
: iO, M,. P.M,
Ly Wijsou 1-4? 4 3
Ar Recky Mt 2 33 __| 1 1s
Ar Tarboro 4) FM
Lv Tarborc thy
Ly Rocky Mi | 2317
Ar Weldon

Train on Scotia .a Neck Branch toa
eaves Weldon 4.10 p. m., Halifax» 4,28
p. a., arrives Scotland Neck at 4.10 p
w., Greenville 6,57 p, m., Kinston 7.55
m. Returning, leaves Kinston 7.60
fa. m., Greenville 8.52 4 m. Arriving
Hatifix at 11:20 a. m., We'don 11.40 am
daily except Sunday.

l'rains on Washnigton Branch Jeave
Washington 8.20 a, im.,and1.00 p.m,
arrives Parmele 9,10 a. m., and 3.40 p.
m., Larboro 9.45 a..m., returning leaves
Tarboro 3.30 p. m,, Parmele 10.20 .a. m.
and 6.20 p. m,, arrives Washington
11,40 a. m., and 7.20 p, m. Daily ex-
ept Sunday. Conaects with trains on
Scotland Neck Branch.

Train leaves narporu, N C, via Albe-
marie & Raleigh fh. R. daily except Sun-
day, at 550 p.m., Sunday 405 P. M;
altive Plymouth 740 P. M., 6.00 p,m.
Returniny igaves Plymouth daily except
Sundsy, 7.50 a. m., Sunday 9.00 a ~n.,
arrive Tarboro 10.15 om and 11. 45

Train.on Midland N. C, branch leaves
Grold&boro daily, exegpt Sunday, 6.05 a
mM. artiving: Smithtield 7°50 a. m. Re-
turning leaves Smithfield 8.00 a. m, ar-
rives x6 Goldsbors 9,30 a. m.

Traine on Latta branch, Florence R
4., leave Latta 6.40 pm, atrive Dunbar
1.50 p m, Clio 8.06 p m. Returning
jeave Clies6.10 am, Banbar 6.30 a am,
yeive Latta 7.50 a m, daily except Sun-


Train onClinton Brasech leayes War-
awfor Clinton caily, except Suudar,
10a. m.aad 8.50 p, m* Returning
aves Ut intoun at7.00 a.m. and3.00 1 m.

Train No. 78 makes close connection

at Weldon forall points daily, all rail via} |

Riehmone, alse at Rovky Mount with
Norfolk and CarolinaR R for Nonolk
¢ne all points North via Norfolk.


General Supt.
MM, EMERSON, Tratti2 Manager.
The Oldest

= KENLY. GanT! Maneger,

Jiaity Newspaper in
North Carolina.

~The Only Five-Dollar Daily
its Class inthe State


- Wileiagion, NCT

} 4

Base Bail.

" J

.| Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoxe Your
Tate Away.

Washington, May 11. "The playing o
jot the Washington team today was
weak in ulmcst every department, and
while the Orioles did not play excep-
tionally well, they outclasse.! the Sen-
ators. In the second Doyle became
involvep in a discussion with \ opie
Hurst, which culminat:d in his exelu-
was succeeded by Tom OTBrien. Score.
Washington, 3; Baltimore, 6.

If you want to quit tobacco using
easily and torever, be made well}
strong, magnetic, fall of new life and
vigot, take No"To-Bac, the wonder-
worker that makes weak men strong,
Many gain ten pounds in ten days
Over 400,000 cure?. Buy No-To-Ba
rom your own draggist, who will
guarantee a cure. Booklet and sample
mailed free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co,
Chicago or New York.


sion from the game and grounds,

Pittsburg, May 11"The home team
euffered its first shut out of the season

centre and Dahlen mad ythe first home

, : Ina o~nuts,;we hsve been whirled
Score. Chicage,

around on the outside ct the earth by
distance of 13

ruc uf the season.

5; Cincinnati, 6.
Cleveland, May 11" Cuppy puzzled

the Bridegrooms worse today than did

its diurnal motion a

miles. At the same time we

Daub the ~lodians yesterday, ~The vis" f ~grand journey around the sun, 1,050
itors vot one hit in the first, one in the !

eiglto and one in the ninth. TheyT

miles, Pretty qi ick

did not get a man to sec.nd base un il _ pared with the rate of travel of that

the ninth, when Jones stole second and | \ray of light which just new, reflected

stayed there while three batters went | from that micrur, wade you wink, A

the batting of Burkett and Wallace and | miles away.
Score. In a ainute, over
about 80 new bern iufants have

: world
the base running o: Sockalexis, all the « worl,

lie, 24 guaranteed to cure by all druggists.

io ¢ ALL

to cure any case of TF caatiyition. Cascarets are the Ideal Laxa-

ABSOLUTELY GUARANT EXD tive. never zrip or gripe, but eause ¢asy naturalresuits, Sam 4

ple and booklet free. Ad. STERIANG REMEDY CO., Chicago, Montreal, Can., or NewYork. 217.

wuuhnay What Is It? §ayhynn

~"==x It is a picture ot tae celebrated =


Best in use. The outfit ot no business man is
: complete without one.

The Reflector Book Store

has a nice assortment ot these
50 @ fulline of Pearl Han:


cts Pens,
Fou Gold Pens,

we 690"


shall ;

~have gone along with the earth, in its |;

you | ae
sayT Why, that is stow work com"|;

The features of the game were | winute ugo that ray Was 11,160,000 |

eucu | 3

Cotton and Peanut,

Below are Norfolk age of cotto.
and peanuts for yesterday, as furnished lalifarm{
by Cobb Bros. & Commission Mer [ dl mia iy
chats of Norfolk - JUULLUL ai | a |
QOTTON, : hee ee
Good Middling | ae Both are such ~dealtebte. ob
pee 4 jective points for # Wintes :
: trip that itTs perhaps hard for
ge beawions " you to decide where to go.
rime 5)
Extra Prime 2|Let us Help You to
�"�ancy wae vee
SpanishT 60 to 7;|q Decision,
A trip via ne Orleans and
_the Scathern Pacific to either
Greenville Market. Mexico or the Pacific Coast is

Corrected by S, M. Schultz one you will never forget.

today. The visitors made thir 1un MINUTES ARE PRECIOUS. Bntter, per Ib 15 to 2b! .
on a ~base on Lalls follow.d by two two " Western Sides £53 to 6 ItTs a Transition from
bepgere: Lewis managed to keep the}. A good business man bald to us onh enred Ilams " a F tt Fl
hits scattered und is support was ere | today. oI'll see you ina minute.� | Aon Meal 43 ~o Gt rost to riowers.
rorless. Score. Pittsburg, 0; Boston, 2. We have not el him yet, and that or Family ores to 10 oAnd the service is so loxuri-
: has been several hours ago. 7 A ous that people, who have
rhie May 11"Both teams played an Oats 35 to 4{
1 ee d th piney ie i Minutes ave precios things, when | Sugar 4to 4 tested oSunset Limited� call
QO: ( iv] q 3 FAS NAdT, *
on - 4 te | you come to consider them seriously. | Coffee 17 to rH it incomparable. :
sided and uxinteresting antil the close he oe a amtante to vbinK a pe Sack eh : |
. - . you éver stop Yhickens 02 ° "

Hoy egain played a wonderful game in |o Ifvouare Thinking or

yee what may hay pen in a minute? figgs per doz 7 to m y 8

ees Wax. DET

: 4

Going, Write Us.

We have a book entitled
oThrough Sroryland to Sun-
sot Seas,� a bandsome volume
of 205 pages, fully illustrated,
whieh we will send on receipt
of 10 cents in stamns te cover
postage. We also havea de-
lightful little gnide to Mexi-
co, which we will send on
receipt of 4 cents to cover,
cot of mailing.

You Really Ought to
Read them Both...

r) 9


A a

Offers his services to the
citizens of Greenville and the be

YIowals A n »
Cleveland, 7; Brooklyn, 0. 'paised a Waal ot protest at the tates foi /3@ public generally. Shall we put you down for a
Louisville, May 1i--iouisvitie New | thrusting g existent u, ou them, while T ROOFING, GUTTERING copy t It'so, of ipod. Wank
y {et uman beings, wear ,
York game prevented by wet ground, jas Many wore Bub ~ 7 3 Spouting and Stove W ork, any special information, it
I with the struggle of hte, bave opene a specialty.
L May 11 Louis Philos | i x ; will be cheerfully furnished
St. Louis, May 11"-St. Leoais Plile» otieir lips to utter theirglast sigh. T ») 3 :
p Satisfaction guaranteed or Gf. hy addressing,
delphia game postponsd on account of ! Jn a niinute the lowesty sound your © no charees made. Tobacco 8:
HUE , joa can eal a vig nel fone © Flues made in season, Shop Qe S. F.B. MORSE,
Vibrations, wile The NBS. 2%.yuy |e mxear of 5 and 10 cent store. a
| HOW THE CLUBS STAND. reached you aiter making 2,225,000 General Passenger and Ticket
| ,
; Von Lost Per Cent | Vibrations. udea mice Agent,
14: ) 5 so A minute meas a great deal, no NW ORLEANS.
Baltimore 2 ° | withstanding the fact that many people :
Pittsbuig 9 4 92) bold ig of ro consequence. Lock
Louisville 9 4 692 | alter she minutes and tie he a uu You may never,
; ; , " 1
Philadelphia 9 G G00 | ~take cure cof themselves. urban But should you ever}@=u
Cincinnati 9 600 | Sua. 4 .
cine 8 we me Want Job Printi
New York 6 6 O00) A Bousehold Necessity. | ne
Boston . �,� 8 4291 Qasearets Candy Cathartic, the most: :
Brooklyn d 1 883 | wouderful medical disconery of the age, "==yy="Come to see us, "
Washington 4 J 308 plearant and refresuing to the taste, act
St. Louis 4 10 286 gently and positively ean kidneys, liver ows
Chicaye A Lk 250 } nd bowels, cleansing the entire sys tem
dispel colds, cure headache, tever, ha"
bituul constipation and biliousness
When bilious or coer, ott a Gas © Please buy and try a box of C. C. Ce
eiret, candy cathariic, edre guaranteed today; 10, 20, oft Cor.i8. Sold and

Anything £ froin Gmc

Visiting Card

ee TO A
Full Sheet Poster.

~The Daily Reflector.

Gives the home news
every afternoon at the
small price of 25 cents a
month. Are yuu a sub-
seriber? If not you
4 t fo be.


The Eastern cs

is only $1 ~a year, wt ar
-. Contains the news every
yi and gives informa-
lon to the: farmers, oeg-
specially those sg cite :
ic » tobacco, that) isT worth

many . times. more than


* i

3 a 1 Bue when a vik them and 2



a oiH out.


ne Rei rt :

. handsome line of Um-




Pe emmen


| Creates nany a new business,
Enlarges many an old business,
Preserves many a large business,
Revives many a dull business,
Rescues many, a lost business,
Saves many a failing business.

We have the tatest.
styles in


composing in part Ruf-
fled Collars and Cuffs
in all leading shades
~hese are very pretty
and stylish and to see
them is to buy them.
Also have Ruffling by


comp ani

enlumns of t. REVLEOTOR.




ac Trey aw

Passenger afd mai
Nevth, arrives $:52 A, M:
arrives 6:57 P. M

Going south,

the yard. Steamer Tar River arrives from Wash-
~ Inzton Monday, Wednesday and Friday
eos " leaves for W ashington Tuesday. Thurs-
We are showing a beau- day and Saturday
tiful line of


Showers tonight aud rain Friday.

ED bbl

in Tan, Chocolate, Ox "
Biood,Green, Linen and | #*t There 1s Much to be Picked Out
of Them.

Black, White Kid Belts
just received. The new
Security Belt, holdsthe
skirts in position, will
not slip. Kid Gloves in
white. tan and black.
White Chamois Skin

Cabbage plants at Kuverside Nurse-

at Shelburn's.

There were frequent showers this
morning, all of them light.

We havea lovely line of



Torchon and Valen-
ciennes Laces Laces good qualities. Will be sold cheap for
for trimming Organ- cash. MARSHAL STARKEY.

dies, Lawns and Wool-
en Dresses. Fine In-
sertions for trimmings.

Lemonade, Milk Shakes and. other
summer drinks at StarkeyTs,

The Free Will Baptist reports sey
eral cases of measles in Ayd n.

Corned Shad and ~Lrrings for sale
at Steamboat wharf, J.J. CHERRY.

Supply of new box papers, mourning
paper and note paper at Reflector Book

For SALe."A fine road horse with

When you want laundrying done see
C. B. WaicHarp.
Agent Wilmington Steam Laundry.

oSilver Dollar� Fountain Pen, Pars
er make, at. Reflector Book Store.

Semone ime etanene taal

, Ladies Shirt Waist May 11th"Fresh Carr Butter in]
Sets, Ladies nice Purses pound packages. New cui Herrings: |
and card cases com-|*5-�"�. Schultz.

bined. Fansinthe la-| tue Rertector acknowledges an
test styles. Hosiery 17) | invitation to the commencement exer-
tanand black for ladies |°* of Horner ~Military School, Ox-
and children. ford, May 27th. Cadet Preston S.

Cotten is chief marshal.

S cures suceess to any business

To oadvertise judiciously,T use tne


"'Reering Coustenliy at it Brings Sooces

left this morning for Gates county.

train going

Lurge lot of Pineapples at halt price |

| H. B. Melton.

ae | Caiches Both.


Eugene Wilson is sick.

S. H. Abbott came oyer from Kin-
ston this morning.

Glad to see Bb, R. King, of Golds"
boro, in town today.

D. D. Gardner cate in from Ham-
ilton Wednesday evening.

Mrs. E. H. Taft went to Conetoe
today for a visit to friends. |

Mrs. W. T. Huater and odaughter

Little Miss Sadie Chesson, of Piy-
meuth, who was visiting Mrs. E. H.
Taft, returned home today.

Sheriff W. H. Harrington went to
Raleigh today to take a patient trom
Littlefield to the state Hospital.

KE. L. Brown, ot Falkland, took the
train here vhis morning tor Kelford to
vork in the railroad depet there.

Mrs. S. M. Merritt, who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. 8. B. Wilson:

left this morning tor her home in

Solicitor C. M. Beraard returned
Wednesday evening from Washington
City. He is expeciing the appcint"
ment of District Attorney to succeed
C. B. Aycock.

The Meeting,

The congregations continue large at
| the Presbyterian church to hear Rev.
He delivered another
excellent sermon last night. The ser-
vice at the church this morming wag
also a delighttul oue.

Ser vices as usual tonizht at 8 o'clock.

Baptist Meeting.
As kas been in contemplation several
months, a protracted meeting will be
started in the Baptist church by the
pastor, Rev. A. W. Setzer, on next
Suncay to continue until the meeting
ot the Roanoke Union here on Taurs-
day night before the fifth Sunday.
Rey. P. G. Elsom, of Danville, Va.,
will arrive Monday to assist in the
meeting. Mr. Elsom inas quite a wide
reputation as an Evangelist and earnest
worker in the MasterTs cause. He has
held several very successful meetings,
inthis State. The vocalist whe as"
sists Mr. Elsom in his evangelistic work
is expected Friday to get the choir in
rendayees for che work, a4. cordial in-
Vitutiun is extendes to all to attend the
meeting and co~opeiate in the work.

The frequent hight showers this
morning culminated in a good rain this
afternoon. There. was some thunder

Scouse taneueteeeeentl

along with it.

Organdies and Dimities

in white, pink, green,
lavender and linen
shades. Swiss Muslin
incolors and a lovely
line of Summer Dress
Goods at pricesin reach
of all. Do not forget
toatwe have a lovely
tine of slippers in tan,
chocolate, ox bloodand|;
black, these are first/*
in quality, style and fit.|\
~Wehave just received a

oe WN

sad .
~ ae Y &y
} Hh '

\ wey

_ brellas which we will

and oGEM�

Base Ball Goods, H
Fishing Tackle, &C.



and Keep Kool

White Mountain~ ii *


We havea complete
line of


we havethe celebrated


And Women Too"The Reflector Net


Dress Goods, ~Cordial invite} | ~Clothing,
Trimmings, ; pba thik Boro Slippers,
Silks, bey ney Will noes,
Satins, {Hats,
Plaids, ~caps,
Dimities, unsurpassed in| Umbrellas,
Percales, style and Soaity Neckwear,
Laces, ee Collars,
Embroideries,/" rices very low. Cuffs,
Velvets, fe | Whi te Shirts,
Underwear, NO mn 'Negligee,
Notions, | if SHOW docs Notions.



Kmporium of Spring Fabrics.

JW. HIGGS, Pres, Maj. HENRYEHARDING, AssTt Cashier;



PDA LPD Le ee el eed,

D. W. Hardee miggs
Greenville, N.C.

J. S. HIGGS, Cashiar

Representing a Capital of More Than a Halt
Million, Dollars,

Wm. T. Dixon, President National
Exehange Bank, Baltimore, Md. We respectfully solicit the accounts
The Scotland Neek Bank, Scotland of firms, individuals and the general
Neck, N. C. vublie,

Noah Biggs, Scotland Neck, N. C. Checks and Account Books furnish
R. R. Fleming, Pactolus, N, C. ed on application.

Fine line of re & "


4 ose wil
iy SNp ME iC)
4 Sling 7
tf LAST 1 |
ait} 1 G6 nN
mi 1� Cn """"" /



- HU

A iol

For Fine Pos aae go to
For Ladies DressGoods goto

When sweet spring across the hills
Sets the prisoned flowTrets free;

When the babbling of the rills
Joins with song ~birdTs symphony

Then, it seems to us, we ouvhter
Turn our thoughts to soda-water.


For the balmy April breeze

Tells the sultry aays are nigh
When we linger Tneath the trees,

And our throats are hot and dry,
Then ShelburnTs soda fount

Fattens up his bank account.

ee ee ee



Orr ete re eee Nee Me a aa tal

hon & Cu

ren eae vOT ates |


| oHeavy, andst Fancy. tivecuries

ea be Po

a nice line

of Heavy ana Fancy Groceries. ~Call and see,

Daily Reflector, May 13, 1897
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - May 13, 1897
May 13, 1897
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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