Daily Reflector, April 12, 1897

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DF WHICHARD; Editor and Owner,


Bn cipher

TERMS: 25 Cents a Month,

Vol. 5.

eee N. C., MONDAY, APRIL 12, 1897.



back from the


witharight new
line of


such as


Fancy Nainsook,


White Lawns,
Lace Curtains

Val. Lace 28


Call and see for

eee, Te

We are now ~
ready with



Swell business
suits, three-but-
ton sack, colors
brown, green,
grays, 1n plaids
and over plaids,
and checks.

Our business 1s
growing, We
know the seeret
ItTs well-made
Clothing at a

uick _"se.ling
profit. That is
low prices for
you. We are
hustling fox bus-

{as also for their work

Se | lic spirit of the members of the tire

2 | town council, and request them to take

Obe | other disastrous fire to occur, and then

iness -and « get» 3

: holders.

iag could be done with it.

jhave a cistern with plenty of water,

® jin good working condition.
gp | only be done by frequent drills of our

}j cil to enable the company io have such

;| fire company for the time it would take

*lency of our fire service.

~ find too late that our engine will not

;| less. Loose tools will rattle, and should

| jogging noise is usually caused by a

King House each evening of this week



Epitor REer.Lector :"

» The narrow escape trom another dis.
astrous fire which our town bad on
Friday night the 2nd inst., should be a
matter of very serious thought to all
our citizens, especially to the property
It was almost a miracle that
the fire was checked, inasmuch as the
fire engine was out of order, and noth
For the tirst
time i in the history of Greenville, we now

But a'supply of water is of very little
value unless we have an engine in good
working order and which can bo relied
on v-ithout doubt at all times,

It is absolutely necessary that the
engine and hose should always be kept
This can

fire company, when the whole ap-
paratus should be thoroughly tested
Inasmuch as we have a engipe and the
citizens have organized a volunteer
company to manage it, proper provis -
ion should be made by our town coun-

drills at least once a month.

Our town cannot afford a regularly
paid fire dypartment, butT it can and
it ought to pay the members of the

to practice at a fire drill once a: month,
while at fires.

You kuow how greay the pleasure is,
wheu you are teeling,oblue,�
To get a note trom your: best girl"
A daiuty billet doux.



The King Clothier,

My trials in this line are sad"
he saddest that I know"
And if you listen you shall hear

My bitter tale of woe.

ates and look at. the largest line of"

The other day a billet doux,
{ kissed it when it came,

And" QO! my joy it knew no bounds
When gazing on oher� name.

I read it over fitty times,
And fifty times again ;

And after it- was put away
[could not leave it then.

Till 12 oTclock I sat that night
To write my best reply,

But every time I finished one
Anotber one ITd try.

But uh ! alas! then came the fall,
Then all my pride and joy
So qufckly faded from my eyes"
That note was from a voy !
"PeTE, in Statesville Lindmark.

[have ever had, All makes colors and prices.
A pertect fit guaranteed. ye

SSB iGa"s~

Encourage the Firemen,
Elsewhere iu this issue a property
makes some
1elative to promoting the efficiency of out
fire depariment. That Greenville needs
a good fiveT department is well enough
knowa to every citizen ot the townand

Owner good suggestions

This would be a recognition of the pub-

company, and would, in some measure,
compensate them for
time. �"�

There is no better way of spending

their loss ot

some of the money which is raised by
taxation than by increasing the eftici-

By all means let us move in this
while® it is
freshly before us, let us present it to the

matter at once, and now
Let us not wait for an-

prompt action.

work, PrRorerty Owner.

Look After Your Wheel.
When your bicycle makes a noise it

is a sure sign that something is wrong,
The perfect running machine is noise-

be so wrapped that they will not be
heard from; a jingling souna usually
means that spokes have broken loose
from their fastenings at crossing puints;
a distinct click indicates spokes loosen-
ed at the rim; what might be termed a

loose crank ; loud snapping almost in-
variably comes from a dry chain and a
loose sprocket will thump. No matter
what the nose is, or from what parto
the machine it emanates, it indicates

Dry Goods, Shoes,

N TI SI a ¥}
Gents Furnishings

themselves manitest. More of the prop 1 | is superb and your inspez tion 18 iny ited. a
ty owners should be members of the cum |
pany, and the town avihorities sli uld | oFRAN kK VV I SON

see to it that the company does not lack |

IT Am Open ~Again.

what oProperty Owner� says, aud let

further argument along this line is not
this faci.
couragement to our firemen as will en-
able them to become efficient. As it
now stands their service is entirely vol-
unary and they should not be expected
to take more iterest in the protection

needed to convince them ot
The thing to do is to extend such

appliances and encouragement.

no one be satisfied until Greenville has
such a fire departasent that will guaran-
tee protection to our property. If the
present hand engine which the town
owns is deemed inadequate leta steam |

engine be purchased.


Aud ready to show the people a beautiful
""line of""

Ex-Senator D. W. Voorhees, ot In-
diana, died on Saturday. He was 70

years old.


~The lattest reports state tuat war has
been declared between Turkey and
Greece. Perhapsenough will be left

for good fri ing.

The statemen; of cotton receipts to

the Department of Agriculture show a
total of 8,534,870 bales trom Sept. Ist.

Everything new, neat and stylish.
Te =A...

trouble that should be. promptly at.-
end to. we

Trere will exhibited in front of the

when the weather is favorable, a very
fine Telescope. The Moon and the
Planets Jupiter avd Venus, three of the
mos: interestlng objecrs in the heavens,

will be exhibited. A rare chance to
view the heavens. '


to Feb. Ist.
The State ~Treasurer has sent circu

lars to the Sheriffs to get otheir views
upon his sugg2 tion to hold a Sheriff's!

instijute and receive instruction as to

their official duties. The note ot the apd Sexits Shirts

bottom of the circular, that each indi- :

idual wil! be expected to pay his own] | :
vidual Wl il am in the lead. j

expenses, may have a tendency to'muke


Our stock is aomnlets



nea eae

am, Mite Gs,
rowwsunes coon, =| EA

ee a A eee

Ex. _C. HOOKER & Co. ae

SPRI wis

some think the proposed institute is not
such a big diets auiter all,

In fact all my stock will please you and the
low prices will make you wonder how such

goods can ~be sold so cheap. a
al ae Paks MO en. " | = 9 ty

You have only to call in to be convineed. 3

with all the latest in

ihe. e

de PELALY mAh ;
The ~e Price Mania. ties te




Kred as second-class mail matter.

cena rent eaten


a yet, - - - + #00
) 18 month, a 5 . « 20
One week. Bee ae ed
_ Delivered in town by carriers without
" axtra cost. ae
| at rates are liberal and can

Pe Teena to the editor or at
Phe office

We desire a live correspondent at

avery postoftice in the covaty, who will

~gend in brief items of NEwé as it Occurs
fa each neighborhood. Write plainly
and oniy on one side of the paper.



Monpay, Avrit 12, 1897.



ne eee

'ThereTis an old story abouata

green captain drilling a green

company, about the time of the
breaking autof the late war,when,
at a certain stage of the proceed-
ings, a drill-master, who was
overlooking the performance, ex-
elaimed: oHold on there, captain !
-Yoa canTt bring your men from a
right shoulder shift to present
arms.� oMaybe I canTt,� retorted
the captain, obut lll be d"d if I
didnTt.� The old story is sug-
gested by a letter in the Fall
River (Mass.) Herald, of the 1st,
from Mr. A. B. Sanford, a cotton
mill man of that city, who was in
Charlotte recently, and whose
letter opens with this paragraph :

While the Northern manufac-
turer has been arguing and spec-
ulating as to what his Southern
competitor would be able to ac-
complish, aud while many people
felt no fear of wny danger ~that
the South would be able to com-
vete,� wuch to my astonishment,
Tfind from-a personal inspection
during the past ten days among
some of the mills in the South,
that they have fuily soived the
problem of cotton manufacturing,
und are now making and have
been makingdor sometime fabrics
and yarns equal to our New Eng-
~aid mills, and for less cost, selling
them to our customers, supp!ant-
ing our productions, to an alarm
ing extent, and from figure
obtained of cost of sama, I find
that they are enabled in their
Snely-equipped and well-organiz
ed mills, by good and cheaper
labor, to make a profit, even on
preseut depressed market prices,
while our own New England mills
cannot manufacture without a

Mr. Sanford adds that this is a
hard faci to face, but that it isa
Condition aud nota theory, and
he goes on to say that the stories
told in the North and Hast about
the inefiliciency of Southern mill
operatives won't do. He found
the operatives in the mill districts
oi the South, over which he
trayeled extenrively, ozood native
American whites,� who overy
quickly adapt themselves to the
work, are eager to learn, happy
aud contented.� The help he
fiads is abundant, reliable, capable
und 33} per cent. cheaper than at
Fall River and in New England
Fuel is cheaper here than there,
_ the raw material is cheaper,and «1,
taxation itia said: . |
~In North Carolina, South Car-
Olina and Georgia taxes are very
low. One mill which I visited,
having $250,000 invested, pays
_ tax of only $240 per annum.
: Such & millin Fall River will pay
: $5,000 tax. All the large mills
4 p | 2nd rola no tax to speak

% Hore are two very notable ad-
, fs, recently built and
nder construction by our
~mill architects, located in

the Piedmont belt, are the equal
in design, constraction and equip-
ment of maghinery, nothing over-
looked to make them complete.
* * * The climatic conditions
are found to be in many sections,
as good as our New England
States, North Carolina especially
possessing very fine atmospberic
vonditions, both cool and moist,
and fine spinning is being carried
on very successfully in that
State. There are within 100 miles
of Charlotte, N. C., 200 mills,
containing 1,525,000 spindles and
44,000 looms. It is estimated that
100,000 pieces ot goods that are
made by the Southern mills per
week now find their way to
Northerr markets, supplanting an
equal amount of goods formerly
made at Fall River, New Bedford,
Lowell and other New England

Mr. Santord concludes :

It is yery clear we cannot stand
in Massachusetts any more ad-
verse legislation against our in-
dustries, for the Southern mil's
can mak3 dividends, while their
Northern competitors are selling
their goods at cost. And in proof
of this, many of the Southern
corporations have been paying
steady and continuous dividends
during the hard times of the past
tweive months.

We find no joy inthe fact that
the Massachusetts mills are mak-
ing no money. but it is sgreeable
to reaa the testimony of a Massa.
chusetts mill man to the fact that
the South has manifold advan-
tages oyer it for manufacturing
cotton and is working them to the
limit."Charlotte Observer.

heer Eee
The Recsnt Election.
Washington, April 10."Ex-Vice
President Stevenson arrived here
last night, and for the ,next three
days will devote himself to wind-

attend to previously.

of anything in New England, both |

ing up private businesss affairs
which he has had no time to
Mr. Stey-
enson is now living at his Illinois
home and says he ivtends settling

To Have the Right Kina of Pluck.

- Troe enit and pluck does not sit |
down and repine wheu disaster

comes, but goes to work bravely
and manfally to recover the loes.
The business men who suffered
by the fire last week seem to be
made of the right: kind of stuff

and are now hopefully looking te
the future. They are inst going
to make Lumberton asbjygger and
better town than ever. In this
determination they should receive
the hearty *%co-operatien of evary
citizen of Robeson county.

While Lumberton has greatly
suffered by the two reécent fires
and presents a dilapidated ap-
pearance, it is far from dead, and
will rise again, brighter and
better, becaase of the disasters
through which it has passed. Gar
plucky and energetic business
men are not disheartened because
of their loss, but haye gone ear-
nestly to work to straighten up
their affairs and begin anew.
Already there 18 talk of replacing
the burnt buiidings with better
ones than formerly occupied the
giouncd. That this will be done
soon The Robesonian hopes sin-
cerely.-"Lumberton Robesonian.

ton = "

Baptists, Seo Here!

fhe Southern Baptist Conventio.
meets this year in Wilmington, N. C.,
May 8th. Now, you want to go to this
convention, and you also wart to go in
style and ec mfort. There is only one
good firstclass line from the South and
Suuthwest to Wilmington, and that tine
is the Seaboard Air Line, which runs
the finest and fastest trains in the South
and makes the lowest rates ot any
railroad running from the South or
Southwest. DonTt he fooled into mak-.
ing your arrangements until you have
consu!*ed ene of the Seaboard Air Line
agents, who always esteem it a pleasure
to serve you. B. A.Newland, General
Agent Passenger Department, 6 Kim-
ball house, Atlanta, Ga., will be glad
0 write you or call on you, or you can
upply tony ot the representatives of

the Seaboard Air Liue in any town or

oe RL DAVE, Peet
R. A. TYSON, Vice-PresTte; JL, LITLE: CashTe.
a. REORGANIZED JUNE isth, 1896.


The Bank of Greenvill,

Atjthe Close cf Business March 9th, 1897.

].oans and Discounts $41,761.19$ Capital stock paid in . $23,000.00
Over Drafts 133,275 $ Surplus and Profits 2,332.66
Premium on Stock 1,000.09 $ Deposits subject to Check $5,691.14
Due from Banks 38,567.54; Due to Banks 7382.36
Furniture and Fixtures 1,500.00 Cashiers Checks ortstanding ~ 863.34
Current Expenses 985.52 Time Certificates of Deposit 355.00
Cash Items 2,652.12 a seen
Sash on hand 25,875.38 Cotal $112,974.50
Total - $112,974.60 §

We study carefully the separate needs of our patrons, aud shall be glad to have
your account, promising every accummodation consistent with good banking,


mssroox or | DOD UHUINL bl

We haye just received & new
hearse and the nicest line of Cof-
fins and Caskets, in weed, metal-
lic and cloth ever brought to

: We aia prepared to fo embalm-
ing in ali its forms.

Personal atvention given to con:

ducting funerals avd bodies en-

trusted to our care will receiye
every mark of respect.

Our prices are lower than ever.

_ We do not want monopoly but
invite con petition.

_ We can be found at any and all
times in the Juhn Flanagan
Buggy CoTs building.


2 :

""is now runningsa""


and ean furni bh Wood at the shortest


just arrived. Comeand
see us.


Seema rears?

A SPECIALT Y onamy 3.22
ondary oryien
tiary BLOOD POISON permancutl;
cured in 15t085 days. Youcan betreated st
shome forsame price under same guaran:
may vy Ifyou prefer to come here we will con:
= tract yo pay railroad farcand hotel bills,and
nocharge, if we fail to cure. If you have taken mer-

cury, iodide tne and still have aches and notice. Buy 8 Wood by the car load.
ains, Mucous Patches in mouth, Sore Throat,

A rour patronage solicited.
imples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on Tour patronage eciteite
any part of the body, Hair or Eyebrows fallin :

out, it is this Secondary BLOOD POISO i
ns guarantee tocure. We solicit the most obsti« QO CITORS WANTED for
S a Dr. Talmages ~The

This disease has always

down to the practice of law for
the present. Politics, he declares,
will occupy little of his time or

city. This 1s the official route.
you want to go with your friends ?

thought for the next few years.

the party is gradually but surely

four years ago. The sentiment
tor bimetallism, he said, 1s grow-
ing throughout the west and will
continue to advance,

hence than now.

be more powerful than ever.

The elections, in Mr.StevensonTs
Opinion, should not be construed
as an expression of the people on
purely local matters, but shows
that the party 1s gradually getting
together. The Ohio victory, he
states, is especially significant
and to his mind is proof that
the sound money and free silver
domocrats are not irreyocably di-
vided. -..

Mr. Stevenson. will leaveT here
the iust of the week, sud says he
will not retnru to Washington
aguiu for somy time unless busi-
ness calls him. He is staying at
the Normaniiv, where he lived

four years, and today saw many | ¥
of his colleagues in the senate |~
aud others who called at his|;

apartments."Baltimore Sun.
hl re
_ dust.try a 10c. box ot cascarets, the

Mr. Stevenson is disposed to
regard the elections in Chicago) %
Tuesday and in Ohio theT day|%
before as indicative of coalition |&
of the democratic forces and says |:

vetting back the old strength of

and the}:
democrat.c party, he predicts, will | :
be stronger and in better condition | 4c
for the campaign three years|#

He believes that there is a sen-| x
timent favorable to ail elements of | #
democracy rallying around the|«
old standard and thatin time, and |;
at no long period, the party will) x


| WOjers

| ager





* (@) *
ey AS x @
a , ¢ oD


O | :



oq ©"-"«Jtfers his services to the

© citizens of Greenville and the @

d© public generally.


40 Spouting and Stove Work,

@ a specialty.

© Satisfaction guaranteed or §
no charges made. ~Tobacco

Flues made in season. Shap

inrear of 5 and 10 cent store. 2


aa, A é T VV OOPS

Portraits ! |


have opened an


and solicit orders for Oray-
D on Portraits.
All work executed by hand. }
Portraits made life size
y and will not fade. " ;
) Specimens of work on ex- §
¥ hibition at J. L. Wooten's
s Drug Store, where orders. &

| RS. Serene and


finest liver and bowel 1egu ator ever | (


work furnished on applica-


h | we buy diroc) from ;Manufastu.r, 4s en

baffied the skill of the most eminent physi-

Do clans. $500,000 capital behind our uncondie

tional guaranty. Absolute proofs sent
Kpplication. Address COOK REMEDY Ou
803 Masonic Temple. CHICAGO, ILL. "-



ing their yearTs supplies will tind
their interest to got our prices befere pu.
chasing «'suwhere, Ourstock is coraplet.:

un allits vranches.




Tobacco, sr~tf &c,

lin: you te buy at one proit. A ev a-

ases and challenre the worid fora
case we cannot cure.

Earth Girdled.TT or his famous tour

around the world, a thrilling story of
savage and barbarous lands. Four mil-
~lon TalmageTs books sold, and oThe
|Karth Girdled� is his letest and grand-
est. Demand enoromous. Everybody
wants this famous book, only $3.50. Big
book, big commissions. a gold mine ~tor
workers. Credit given, freight paid,
onttit free. Drop all trash and sell the
king of books and make $300 a month.
~Address for outfit and terri ory, The
| Pominion Company, Star Buildiug. Chi-

| | SNCF aN mae dS GOR CPD


whee ose

Patronage solicited. Cleaning, Dyeing
and Pressiag Gents Clothes a specialty


i: eee EDMUNDS,


Special attention given to cleaning
Gentlemens Clothing

J. A, BureEss, Mer.
Washington, N. C,

This Hotel has been thoroughly reno
vated, several new rooms added, elec,
tric bells to every room. attentive ser
vants. Fish and Oysters served dailyT
Patronage of traveling puulic solicited�


Male Avademy,

The next session of the sbool will

open on; aig,

== MNDAY SEPT. 7, 1891

ole stock of



Primary k nglish per mo.
eee ew
ues (each)

~ Gre en "WO Liberal

and continue for 10 months,

The terms are as follows.


ousise baad Languages s(each)
y can also be left. Prices of { - og 0 peas ene Serre | y work and discipline of the sehool

We ask a continuance of your past

nant state oe OSS SE AE Ne NPS SE SNES� ~~" OR TS SEE PLLC ES ~


a . e 9




_ Céauensea penedule

lb etiinennniii

A Recora Breaki ng Tan way Run.
The wost ramarkable ran that
las ever teen made in the South

vertising: oWheu we were pub-
lithing a paper iu: 1872 in Mt.
Verncu' Iil., on the second floor,


be WV

has besn accomplished: Mr. Me
Intire, operatcr at the Allantic
| Joust Line station at Fayetteville,

a sture was Opeted in the room
under our office. Tho senior
partner cain» upstaus and con-

Dated 18w f
Noy, Foch le 3 | reccived a telegram at 2.34 yester.' tracted for turee ee nae
|_|] _|__ | day afternoon from Rocky Mount | 9" one year with locals each issue
A. M./P.M A. M J oe eal th ' and 2,500 dodgers each week.
_ teaye Weldon | 1° 53] 9 a4) i anuouccing the arriva . ere o ch wads bhku pak into
Ar. Rocyk Mt | 180/10 9 ~he epecial express train which b
"* ttn cn | fm | eet |e le theng | @ town wher) the other business
: - lefs Flvrence, 8. C., exact!y three :
. wie� 4 men did not advertise. The firm
Lv Tarhoro | 12 12 : ~hours previously. ~fhis beuts all a ~tah 1
Ly Rooky Mt | nooo | | 6 49|f°rarer records by mavy mivutes. ne hg ab beat Gh co.
Ly Wilson 2 05)11 6 20/Ths run from Florenee to Rocky | less than three years ~ 2
Lv Selma 2 53 - "oi oenough to start two stores, one 1D
~Ly FayTtteviliel 4 36/17| | Mvunnt a d.stance of 173 ouerene t° rie eh ton
~Ar. Florence | 7 7i mede in 18¢ minutev. Take from; 2081 One In Ne.

OE TROND ae cue | com

~| the di tnership aud one
{ths seven wo minute stops and | 4i8selyed partnership

iSp field to himself.
oa It shows the phevuomenal ran lage i . wii the pa
1 4a fet 173 mits in 166 minutes. The | PITCH Nagen d
nn cone "-|""" ; who made the contract an
Up. M. A.M |'Fayetteyille Observer says the eu- : cher ot
Ly Wilson 2 08 Y tines who accomplished thig | ¥4° 18 now senior memt if
~ qq *
'Ly Goldsboro 3 10 ha _) Nugent & Co., the greas St- Louis
~Lv Magnolia || 4 16 9 j*wouderfal feat was Mr. John M:
Ar Wilmingten| 5 45 1 945i Donlan house. He not only owns the
P.M. i AM! | building and ground, but is now
e st | ee ene | erecting a modest little cottage
PRAREG GOING NOTRE. A copspicuons exawple of | home which cogi him $87,000.
ia neposin" whieh ailtufrequentin; oWe must add that some of
OD © * .
Hen pry = | this gouutry"wa- broughtteipub-|the old moss-backs who were in
oe © Qe : : .
1896. ZA| x Zz |lic notice tust summer wheu 2@| business in Mt. Vernon before
eet ;
Sl he ~~ | fellow usmed ~Catron, a dele- | Byron Nugent eyer saw tbe place,
Ly Fivreree 8 4y).7 4) gute in Cepogress, from New | are still there, grumbling about
Pe Se galt 7 a dia Mexico, having tie disposai | dull trade and hard times.�
AY Wilscn 1 20/11435 of two cadetships, aye to: eseeeieeeennenimenanl
- me "|; "~"-"- | Aunapolis an�,� one to West Point, !
AL j outraged deeency by gimog the] : reat Girl. ,
pieces to bis two sons. oBat tae Greatest girl at on boarding
en wey panier Pound poor, Rane cou ; house you ever saw,T declared
A. M. i, w, (Jalgmeuisw? ihe Lord wre jast. Quirkly, witha giggle. oNever says
Ly Wilmington} 9 25 | 7 00} Both Catroms sons have tailed to wa expert be Fi
Lv Maguotia | 10 52 fox agol "S| What you expect her to say, an
Ly Goldsisero | 12 01) } 9 3¢| Pass the aecessary ex@mination | you'd be disappointed if she did,
pis ee ~ce (10 27} acid thus dose the e¢adetrhips. | after hearing her.
- i (a; a ; Wheu a maa who has succeeded | | Dry goods clerk sits opposite
CO 4 wes oo ik; if caead her, and asked the other day if she
Sa o | ~u gelling Mimsell quatvred on | wony thought there were bargains
Z| rte | | We public treasury takes advant-| in the matricionial lottery. ~Of
hig M ~ ~--"" laze of his position to quarter his|course there are,T she answered
° o} { / . * : Md ~ ~ .
Ly Wilson =| 1 40 a M3; Family on %% also be should be} Withaleugh. ~I myself have been
Ar Roeky Mit | 2 7) |__it 1) 16! ewatehed. Statesville Landmark. marked down from 38 to 25.
spot ~ie Old bachelor that sits next to!
ar Aoietat 400) il i . ee her at the table spilled his ice cream
uV Larberc ti ae ; a 7 : : . . : ;
Lv Roeky Wu | 2 17) o4 | Now Yo#k city has institated a|'�"� bet lap She never screamed nor
Ar Weldon ma ~Si ran away, but effusively took him by


roe ular medical inspection of its the hand and congratulated him on

Train en Seotie..l Neck rauw toa
, Baved Weldon 8.58 DP. ma. , Habitax 4,1) =
(De Mice anrives Scotland Neck aii.do y)ults tulle [nu ove day 150 1uspec- |

7 4 ; » |
hiasbes: '.20 1) (ors reposted as follows on 4205

. D., Greenville 6,57 p,.m.,
~1, Returring, teaves Kinstac, 7.2
«4. m., GreenyT lle 8.22 a. a.

except sunday.

Trains en Mashnigtes branek leave

Washingiten. 84) a, O., and ¥.Qy

, pac 6.20 p.

11460 a. m.,.a 0 p..an.
ept Sunday. Cennects.m ith
Scotland Neck:Branch.

~rab x oI

Frain leases METDOLY, &:
Mage & Kaleigh. i. dea iy vxcept sun
day, at 4 50 p. m,.
~aYNa2 Plyamentnd.00 P. vf 5.25. m0

Sundy, 6.00.a. m,, Sunday 2.30

Mm. arriving
burning |
ives yt Goldsbers. 90 u. m.

Trains on Latta bganch,

7.50 Pp in,


Train .anClintea Brauch lawves War-
@wfor Glinton eaily, except SuuJay,
10 a,moand 8.50 iB. n° Beturnirg
aves Clinten at 7.00 u..m. andd.uU } m.

Train Ne. 78 makes.clase connection!
at Weldon ferall points daily, alleail via!
Hichmone, alee at Rouky Mount withT

Norfolk and CarolinaB R for ~Non iolk
Be all points North: via Norfolk.
. General xupt.
- M. EMERSON," wie Mzna eu�
J.B. KENLY. Geu''. Cancwer, sighs


The Oldest
Baily Newspaper in
~North Carolina,

Tbe Only F ive-Dollar Tally
its Class inthe State

a Ms Wiltalngios, N.C

: oe a4 ~p ( Mm, | et . i. $
wrrives Parmele 8.504. a., a@640 pieasex, Gse-five of Pwrasilie Gls-
i., Tarbons O45 a. m., reburuingieaves |
~ Tarboro 2.80, pam., Parmele 10.26 a. i;
es argives Washingtou | parasitic diseases of the body»
21 aity ext

Vy Via AlDe-

Sunday 800.4. M:

Returning {2a ves1 ly mouah dally-except |
9 | ,
fy ta al. | Wt SES at_Oty &-

"hey |
~rive Tarboro 10.26 avr and li. 4
+ GIG RSET ae. f . aa ~

Lrain on Midliand N. C.@ranch deaves | ,
Goldaboro daily, except Swiday, 6.05 d| oy
Smithtield 7-0 a.m. Re!
leaves Sroith tiel 800 a.m. ure

#loreuce R
4, leave Latta 6.40 pm, asrive Dunbar
Clio 8.05 p m. Returning
Heave Clioté.10 am, Buubar 43.30 4 an,
~Arrive Latta 7.60 8.m, daily except San-

school «hildren. oTihere were

| the coolmess of the entire proceed.
Joubis as:to its necessity, but re-

oDude boarder had the nerve to
propose to her, and she took half an

if hour explaining to him how it was

t . o cai one? A e 4 =] } 14 . bd
meaT ox ad 1100 a. tt, We! dom dd. wu ary:

fourteen wof divbtherta, ove of | her mother and herself. When she
~scarlet fewer, three ot wumos, | thought of taking on any more ob-

fthi rty-five of contagi@as e7e dis ligations, she would certainly have

teases of the head. twelve of turkey gobbler.

-elght of the chickenpox, and eight! her a lot for twice what it was

ing to take half his commission and
. give.him a onit.cleim to the.Int..He

ee mats

tie xen RR ste



Md é

oe 6
ty 4

4 ~
¢ 4
3 7 A
25¢* 50¢ DRUGGISTS ¢

ABSOLUTELY: GU AR ANTBED % core or case of constipation. Casearets are the Ideal at '

er srip or eripe, but cause easy natural result . Same
* Tple and booklet feec. Ad. STERLING REMEDY CO. Chicago, Montreal, on. or New Tork, fe :.




) Ra

aaaaza ) What Is It? dbbyahe

~ oSer Itis apicturejot tae celebrated =


Best in use. The outfit ot no business manoit
| complete without one.

The Reflector Book Store

Fountain Pens,
andle Gold Pens
when you see them and

are, i i pees, Ae :

has a nice assortment ot these
also a beautiful line of Pearl H
You will be astonishex

learnhow very chea:

The editcr of a Missouri paper |
gives this pointer On virtue of ad-|

another talk with him. The chump ~
went around telling it, proud as a}: oy

oRealestate fiend wanted to.sell ;

of ukin e:nciaes.� worth. She closed the deal by offer- | Z

oCotton and Peanut, as
Below are Norfolk prices of cottor
und pexnuts for yesterday, as furnished
by Cobb Bros. & Commission Mer-
chants of Norfolk -


ay ' TTON,

iood Middling ?
Middling = |
Low Middling $
Good Ordinary 6 1-16


Prime 2
Extra Prime BP
�"�ancy : 24
Spanish . 60 to Th

Greenville Market.

The Sign of

of Columbia bicycles so fa-
miliar to everyone is the well-
known Columbia name-plate,

silver and appears on the steering head of
every Columbia bicycle. It marks the highest
type of bicycle ever offered to the public,

& Bicycles

Hartford Bicycles, next best,
$75, $60, $50, $45.




Corrected by 8. M, Schultz.
Butter, per lb 16 to 25
Western Sides 5t $06
Suger cured Hams 10 to 12):
Corn 40 to 50
Corn Meal 45 so #0
Flour, Fainily 4.25 ro 6.75
Lard 5} to 10
Oats 85 to 4"
Sugar 4tob
Cotfee 17 to 20
Salt per Sack 75 to 1,54
Chickens 10 to 25
Eggs per doz 7 to 10
�,�e8 WAX.Dér x0

The 1897 Columbia name-plate is of oxidized "

Catalogue free if you call. By mail fora 2-c. stamp,

SA ae YS


wifornia or

Both are such desirable ob
jective points for a Wir
trip that itTs perhaps hard f
you to decide where to go. |

Let us Help You to
a Decision. .

A trip via New Or'eans ayl "
the Scathbern Pacific tu wiper |
Mexico or the Pacitie Const jy

ove you will vever furge .

ItTs a Transition from.
Frost toFlowers, __

And the serview is so Innis
ous that pei. who have
tested oSu. « Limiter� ei!
it incomparable, |

|\Ifyouare Thinking of
Going, Write Us. ,

We bave a book entitled
oThrough Storviand te Sun
- sat Saas,� abandsone volume
uf 205 pages, fully illustrated,
which we will send ou receipt
of 10 centsin stamrs te cover
~ postage. We also bavea de-
lightful little guide to Mexi-
co, which we will send on
receipt of 4 cents to cover
cost of mailing, 2

You Really Ought to.
ReadthemBoth. .

Shail we nut yen down for a
copy? If so, if von want
any special iiforwation, it
will be cheerfully farnished
by addressing,

| S. F.B. MORDE,


| General Passenger and Ticket

You may never,

Anything from 23@=


But should you ever}@="+.

Want Job Printing

"=Come to see us. a

Rial clita ddd dt dah nn ee CON AAAAAAAAM 4

O20 @@

fie. »y


Pe ad


Visiting Card

""e TO A""

F'ull Sheet Poster.

The Daily Reflector.

Gives the home news
very afternoon at the
small price of 25 cents a
month. :
seriber ?
ouvht to be.


The Eastern Reflector "~
| | Is only $lia yar,
contains the news


Are you a sub:
If not you





a Week, and gives informa:
tion to the: farmers; "pg.
specially those: STOWinp .
tobacco, that is worthT |
ss. many timed more fea ¢
ar the. subseription ppigh.T
~ 9S Sa ge

Ba ein nt iii eoeannivicg

ik Wie

We want that?money
~because wehaye a fair
equiva ent to offer for
it. Our goods are the
_ right kind at the right

coeceen emma SS

We havej ustreceived
a new stonk ofthe Cel-
ebratedand Famous

~sor Menand Boys, in all

the newest shapes and
colors, for Spring and
~Summer. Our Ox bloods
are beauties. . Every
pair guaranteed.

A beautiful 1 line of sty-
lisb, neat, durable
and elegant:


tor ladies, fresh from
the factory mane speci-
jally tor us, The latest
newest, nobbiest nek
prettiest styles.

Re member we have
0 han anew sup-


Justa perfect substi-
~tute for Linen, only 10
cents per yard: oneyard
~wicae, the cheapest and
best thing made for

* mbroidery and
DrawnT Work.

Beautiful, fancy

Neatandnice. Just the
pane to please the


Hamper Baskets, Fan-
ey Work, Scrap, Key
and To ~Baskets. Come

to see them.

We can please both
: youa sd your purse.

seme 2 Be

early .very day
brings us something

new and just the, thing ,

you want.
« ome and inspect our
Mammoth Stock of Dry

Gouds, Notions, Shoes,
Hats, Groceries, Hard-
ware, Crockery, Furni-
ture and House Fur-
nishing Goods. et
- are desirable new an
heart cheering.
_ Beautiful Hall Racks



aha es

a a tlt

JUDICIOUS svaatistva

Creates many a new business,
Enlarges many.an old business,
Preserves many a large business,
Revives many a dull business,
Rescues many a lost business,
Saves many a failing business.
S:cures suceess to any business

{To Agdpes tise. jndictously,� use tne
columns of tu. REVLEOTOR.

oe Coustantiy at it Brings Success


Passenger and mall train going
Ne: th, arrives 8:52 A.M. Going South,
atriyes 6:57 P. M.

§ eamer ~l'ar River arrives from Wash-
ington Monday, Wednesday and Friday
leaves for Washington Tuesday, Thure-
day and Saturday



By Teiegraph to
Cotton Buyers and Commission


guna. FAs TAA 7.07 7.10
Aug. 716. 7.17 718 7.16
July 663 67} 664 674
PORK" . wes
July 8.55 8.674 8.55 8°674
July 4.724 4.75 470 4.783

cent ene


Fair tonight and Tuesday with in-
creasing cloudiness, warmer.

And You Get a New Sprizklvg Eyery

Next Friday is the Good One.

This is the last week ot Lent,

Goldsboro has reported new peas.

The egg will tuke a vacation at the

cloze of Lent.


A power Louse"the capitol


Greenville will have another wedding
before lent is over.

Easter egg hunts are agitating the
minds ot the little folks.�

This week is down in the church
calendar as Passion Week.

Quarterly conference will be held in
the Methodist church tonight.

The rains of the last few days have

put the river on another rapid rise.

A semi-weekly paper culled the
Visitor has been started at Lenoir.

The Seaboard Air Line has decided

to carry bicycles free over all its lines,| __

For Satu"tr ine pair Goats, Harness
and Wagon. Apply to Alfred Forbes.

10,000 Ocean N. C. Cut Herrings
just received snd for eale by J. J.

Fresh Cure Buiter } | ound package
at S. M. Schulta.

Making a dollar go a long way "
sending it tothe heathen in southern

Crime may be on the increase, but
the circulation of counterfeit money is a
thing ot the passed. §

Who will nave the prettiest Easter
bonnet is the question now. DonTt cll
the Jadics speak at once.

Agent 1 Wantep."We want a
good reliable ayent in Greenville to

represent the Wilmington Steam Laun.
For terms address

' Harper & PENNINGTON,
Wilmington, N. C.

Remember that Hope Fire Compan?
will meet tonight at the sture of A. B.
Ellington. Every member of the com.
pany should be; present and a large
number of the property owners of the

\ town should be there to become mem-

bers ot the company.



Sugg, Greenville, N. C,

~ {Tryon These Names and See How
They Sound, T

Sarnath eeall

B. C. Pearce went to Dunn today.
Mre. Bettie Lawrence is quite sick

e Allen Warrea went to Tarboro te.
Joel Patnick, cf Grilton, spent today

.| here.

J. T. Bruce, of New York, is in

L. L. Staten,'of Rocky Mount, mens
Sunday here.

J. H. BlouxtTs condition was net so
favorable this afternoon.

W H. Hardison and wife, of Rob-
ersonville, were here today.

Mrs. J. 8. C. Benjamin returtied Sut
urday evening from a visit to »Has-

Dan Quinerly, of Kinston, came over
this morning ro visit his brotkers, Mark
and Tebo.

Rev. J. uw Winfield, editor of the
Watch Tower, was on the morning
train going to Washington.

Mrs. Blount, of Elizabeth City, moth
er of J. H. Biount, and Richard Blount,
of Manteo, his brother, are here visiting

The weather was finc on Sunday ard
all the churches were well attended.

An effort is being made to get a
postoflice at ParkerTs siding, three
miles souta of town.

Corn plating is about over and the
farmers will now turn their attention to


getting cotton seed in ihe ground.

Prof. T. S. Cogley, of
D. C., will give stereopticun exhibitious
in front of the King House every night
this week.

W ashington,

This is the lust of the days that tra-
dition says March borrows trom April.
Maybe the weather will now settle
down to spring.

In the courting days he held her

Oa his lap an hour may be,
Now theyTre married, and he grumbles
If he has th hold the baby.

The gin house of Johan T, Godwin,
at Amnity, Iredell county, was struck
by hghtning Thursday mght and 40
bales of cotton destroyed.

enemas ange tenet eet

A correspondent of the Uharlotte
Observer says chinch bugs _ literally
cover the tave of the earth in No, 9
township, Carbarrus county, and
farmers in that section have about
decided to plant no corn, as the bugs
would desirov the crop.

Your best judgment requires
you to make an immediate pro-
visions for your family.

By insuring today, your estate
is increased in value at once,

Twas Kver THus.

A few days since an iasurance agent
accepted an invitation to inspect a new

d beautiful house built by a friend.
After taking a peep at the whole estab-
lishment from top to bottoiw, inquired"

~¢+House insured ?�


~What do you insure it for?�

~Because it MIGHT burn.�

oNot SURE of it are you ?�T

oNo, "7

oIs your life iu: ared ?�

6. ~No, 9) f

oDie, wonTt you ?�


oSure ?�

v Yas,�

oThen why not insure your life as
well ag your house ?��.

oWell, really, I never ante . the
matter justin that, light. before: @ will] .
give it early attention.� " Travelers

~Best time to insure Now," :

tual- Benefit oLife Insurance: Ov; of
Newark, N. J. Represented by, bay


v,. id

Best Company'to insurelin : tne tw f!



| Fashionable

Spring ose

Novelties. |

DRESS 6000S,

Silk and Wool Dress Goods

© Mies:

In beautiful pat-
terns for Ccos-

The variety of
our Spring and


Pl alll al

tumes, waists,&c Summer offer-
These at remark- ing was never
bly low prices. before equalled

Come see them. Come see them.

eee OC Ca

Clothing, Hats and Shoes.

Perfect fit guaranteed. Foreign and Domestic.


Emporium of Spriag Fabrics.





Every Day is Opening Day
as he is receiving some-
thing New Daily.

All the latest noveltes.

Be sure to .go to


|W. HIGGS, Pres, 1, S. HIGGS, Cashier © Maj. HENRY HARDING, AssTt Cashie



Representing a Capital of More Than a Halt
Million Dollars,

Wm. T. Dixon, President National
Exchange Bank, Baltimore, Md.

The Scotland Neck Bank, Scotland
Neck, N. C.
Noah Biggs, Scotland Neck, N. C.
R. R. Fleming, Pactolus, N, C.

Br va,

D. W. Hardee Higgs
Greenville, N.C.

We respectfully solicit the accounts
of firms, individuals and the general

Cheeks and Account Books furepsh
ed on application.


Look over this-list. of

* zi opd
4 ane
" ie
~ ;

and see if you would not like .to have some
of them:
Premier Byand of xtra California Rears




cod ~Chexcies, F lums, Apricots, and Peaches,
ince Meat, Apple Butter, Preserves,
ha t Mixed Fick Pe Sour Pickles, early

lives, Celery Sau

ce En

Bal ne POW

er, Cream. in
3 g00d as Ro a 8 | less n na. and a a
, bal! u r good ou « th Nonen a


Daily Reflector, April 12, 1897
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - April 12, 1897
April 12, 1897
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
This item has been made available for use in research, teaching, and private study. Researchers are responsible for using these materials in accordance with Title 17 of the United States Code and any other applicable statutes. If you are the creator or copyright holder of this item and would like it removed, please contact us at als_digitalcollections@ecu.edu.
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