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Vol. 6.
eterna pte
g a
"THE = &
They donTt cost
too much. They
areready to put
von without. a
wrinkle. You
have seen the
browns, olives,
preen mixtures,
plaids--the sweil
colorings of the
of the season: --
we've got them
here plenty as
pie at a fair. Wel
show the best.
| Pase Ball.
Philadelphia, June 10"Philadel_
phia and Chicago plaved a aouble
header today, and honors were even.
The fielding in both games was wretch-
ed. In tke secoud Chicago batted
Johnson and Fifield freely, and the
Phillies did not wake up in aitting un-
til the ninth inning, when they got
in three singles and a double. S-ore.
Philadelphia 7; Chicago, 4.
Second game " Ph'ladelphia, 7;
Chicago, 10.
Washiagion, June 10"Kissenger
and Hart, who succeeded him in the
third inuivg, were easy for the Senators
exception of the sixth inning g, when two
base on balls counted in the score.
Score. Washington, 9; St. Louis, 3.
Bal:imore, June 10-"Cleveland nar-
rowly escaped a shut out today at the
hands of the Champions. Viewed from
any standpoint, the game was the fin-
est seen here thig season. Lightning
deuble plays were the crowning featuce
of the game. Score. Baltimore, 4;
Cleveland, 2
Brooklyn, N. Y., Jnne 10"Pitts"
hurg and Brooklyn played in a drizzle
at Eastern Park this afternoon. The
grounds were in very poor shape, still
tie teams managed to furn'sh a close
and exciting struggle. Score. Pitts
burg, 2; Brooklyn, 3.
New Yo-k-Cincinnata game po?tpon-
ed ov account of rain.
Boston-Louisville, postponed; rain.
Won Lost Per Cent
County Com m:sslone: 8.
The Board of County Commission-
ers at whe meeting on first Monday
issued orders in tavor of paupers
amounting to $93.50; for general
county purposes the aggregate was
$747.92; ia Switt Creek stock law ter-
ritory $14.80; in Greenville stock law
territory $16 50.
for repairs of Court House.
S W. Andrews was released for the
hire of John Cobb and cont-act can"
Wester Langley, Aaron Andrews,
Mack Statea, J. B. Gay and Edmord
Barret: were released trom poll tax for
The tax levy for county purposes
was made as follows: Schedules B. and
C. the sume as the State; advalorem
lax 232 on the $100.
The committee appointed to assist in
settlement with R. W. King, former
Sheriff, mada report showing that he
had settled in full with the county.
This was the warmest day since |
summer came in. \
thet eaten santana gtarn ns mngnaenettnns ima Myatt lin
' today. King pitched well, with tue;
Baltimore 27 9 750
Boston 20° «12 676
Cincinnati 24 «138 649 |
New York 19 19d a00
Brooklyn 20 18 326
Cleveland 19 #18 a14
Pittsbu g 19 18 514
Philadelphia 21 820 512
Louisville 17 =. 20 459
Chicago 15 24 359
Wasningtoa ll 20 306
St. Louis 8 383 195
W. M. King was ordered to contrect :
n eating cinnasntumannemntatcnens mst pk.
A Reading B Room tor Greenviile,
Much has been said and_ written of
lace, about what Grvenville ought to
have to quicken its industrial life, ana
make more vigorous its progressive
gs irit,
Some have said one thing, others
have said another, factories, railroads,
The motiye of this is right and no
doubt the result will be good. Green"
ville dves need other industrial enter-
prises just as all cities and towns need
them. It needs them to make business
better, to make money easiez and to give
emoloyment to the idle.
'Thers is something, however, Green-
ville needs more than it needs factories
or railroads.T Greenville needs a read
ng roum and a library.
� Railroads and factories may « quicken
industry and increase trade, but a read.
ine room and liorary will do something
which these can not do. It will stimu-
late the young people of Greenville to
read. It willfurmsh an opportunity
tor the old people to read. It will help
to turn the thought of the boys and
gitls, of the young men and young
women, of the old men and old women
into a better channel. It will furnish
a place for those who have cne or two
hours 2ach day to spare, to go and im-
prove themselves and feed upon the
best thougkt of the day instead of
throwing away the time loafing on the
streets. It will build character and de-
velop a higher type of young manhood
and young womanhcod. It will devel.
op the social and jntellectual side of
lite, adevelopment greatly nerded in
our town,
Such a place can be fitted up and
managed with little cust, comparat vely
Greenville ?
It would not be a money making ir"
vestment. neitner are enurches and
schools. but the results obtained aie
} more valuable than money. A reading
room and library would mean more to
the real life of Greenville than double
the outiay in money.
s1sk Times in Biliville.
The Biltville city council has abol-
ed the church steeples because they
were higher than the town hall.
The superior court judge was ten
~| minutes late the other morning, ard
the city council kas decided to discharge
him and revise she Code of Georgia.
Our efficient city council has also
dismissed tne board of education, with
the statement that the best board of
a pied.
We donTt hardly knew what is to be-
~come of us. QOuresteemed city coun.
cil has discharged the mayor of Billville
ard is now thinking of electing a new
dovernor of Georgia.
No services will be held in any of the
churches tomorrow. The minist¢rs
preach so loud that they actually wake
up the city council.
Many of vur citizens are emigrating.
They are going to establisa a nw town
where they will be allowed to goyern
A Tee.
Other towns have it and why nct;
education is a pine shingle vigorously |
Lappet Mulls,
il W
Youll need One of Gur
Handsome, cool, French
All the latest. styles and coiors
suitable for Waists, Skirts and
A beautiful line ofg
for ~Trimmings.
Also a complete line of up-to-date
_J. WHICHARD. Editor.
'MWBywcred as second"lass mail matter.
Ow ser} elt $3.00
Qe month - - ; -
"* One week. .
" Delivered in town
- gXtr4 cost.
ad on app!
he office
= ort
-, We desire ae |
- gvery postofiice in tae
: aad in prief items of NEWS 85 it occurs
fa each neighborhood, . Write plainly
gid qniy on one side of the paper.
sic nip niatoeacinrrmp renter Sale OeD
by carriers Without
liberal and can be
g rates are
ieation to the editor or
eounty, who will
7 SATURDAY, Jung 12, 1897.
SON ena
Lee B. Baker, aged thirty-two years
of Elizabeth City, N. C4 Was instantly
Rilicd Wednesday night bya train on
the Plnladelphia, Wiluugton and
~ Baltimore raigoas, at Ridley Park,
~ yea miles from Philadelphia
ot me a
State Treasurer Wo'th and Auditor
Ayer decide that the sheiittsT
ity shall be held
tion at Morehead C
August Ist, und that all
deeds, county cCummissivners and ex=
be invited to attend, as
registers vt
sheriffs sha
well as all diber petsous euncerned 1D
1 collection of taxes.
the listing
It may be somewhit. surprising to
s)me who argue that a tobacco town
possesses av. unhealthy atmosphere for
college students, to know that not a
single oze of the thirieea seniors who
graduated from Trinity co lege Wed"
nesday has the habit of smoking. The
class was ivvited to tea in the city a
few days ago,and when cigars were
passed around not a single one was
taken.""Durham Herdd.
Having first thrown open the forest
reservations to the pilluge of - tiaber
thieves for auother year, Congress iol-
Jows that action, up by providing a
tariff bounty for the rascals. Of what
use is it for the Siates or the Federal
Government to take weasures tor the
preservation of our forests or tor
retoresung Waste lands if at the same
time taxes are laid upon the supplies
of lumber'logs obtained from Canada
ard other countries
3a octane
On account of the iarge sums ot
money made by truckers on bastern
Carolina this season tue price of land
is rapidly advanving, sud it will nos
be many years before our inds will
bring something like
heir actual yalue.
This 1s the garden spot cf the » world,
but even our own people are only com,
meuicng to find out its vast capabilities.
When strangers learn of them we may
eleok for a magic like uptuilding of
Eastern Mount
_ Atgonaut,
~ ' ? ,
Carolina, " Rocky
That a woman may show great
presence of mind in the tace of sudden
_ peril is proved by this story told the
* other day by a Great Bend, Pa., cors
respondent of the Philadelphia Record.
oYoung and pretiy Miss Lillie Cos-
grove entered the postoffice in this
town recently with several other young
ladies, when she gave a litde start
stood still and clasping one of her
limbs at a point above the knee looked
fixedly straight before her. oGirls,
girls� she whispered to ber compan-
ions, ~when those men go out I want
fo tell you something.� The men soon
- departed, and when she released her
_ grasp vpor her skirts, a dead mouse
Aell upon the floor, She felt the in-
: _ trader cavorating about her, but she
never screamed a scream or triedT to
_ Mount the table or the letter boxes.
_ She just gripped him, stood quiet end
xd the life out of that: rodentTs
~ When bilious or cost:vs, eat a Cas
earet, candy cathartic, care guaranteed
correspondent at
Christmas it am out ob sight
De possumTs gone a skatip,T
DarTs berries on de brier brush,
De Watert illionTs waitinT;
It yoT ainTt happy, Lucy Jane.
I'd like to know de reasin-=
Ur, he, he, he, ma sugargplum,
In watermilhon season.
Nebber miss de possom, lub,
Oh no, indeed, Miss Lucy 5
WhatTs de Tpossum longside ob
De wa.ermillion juicy ?
Ur, haw, haw, haw,T ma sugar plum,
Ol honey, quit yoT teasin,T
DonTt twist yoT lips at me dat way
In watermilion season. |
"New Orleans ~Limes-D mocrat.
"""""=__ ef
Buttons Made of Mik.
For a long time buttons, and other
articles for which bone is generally
used bave been made from congealed
blood, purchased at the lighter houses
and treated with somo substance that
hardens it to the sufficient consistency.
The same articles can be made from
milk by a process invented by an
Englishman The milk used is the
skim-milk. Tbe process of turning
this liquid into buttons, combs, back
ot hair brushes and similar articles
consists of mixing it with a substanee,
the ingredients ot which are a secret of |
the inventor, and compressing it. At
the end of thzee days tha substance is
as celluloid and 18 ready to ve cut and
shaped in any way the manufacturer
wishes. At present factory in
Holland is engaged in fashioning the
hardened milk into. various articles,
buttons being the chief. The buttons
made in thispevtliar way differ very
little in appearance from ordinary
They wre a creamy
bone buttors.
white in appearaace, but can be colored
black or redor any other color by
simply mixing the coloring matver with
the milk betore the hardening process
begins, They are said to possess ad-
vantages over the bone and celluloid
article in being less brittle ant less
liable to clip. For combs thé milk
substanee has been tourd to be es-
pecia ly well adapted, ag it is smooth
anu deligate to the touch, and derives
from its creamy origin a glossy surlace.
In the same way if is a good substitute
for ivory in bibiard and pool balls.
The Smarsy Aleck.
order of civilization. "
Chinese Do Things Buckwarda.
The Chinese do everything back-
ward. Theyexactly reverse the usual
~Note firct that zhe Chinese compass
points to the south instead cf the north.
~Lhe men carry on dressmaking and
the women carry burdens.
The spoken language of China is
not written ani the written language
is not spoken.
Books are read backward, and what
we call foot notes are inserted at the
top of the page.
The Chinese surname comes first
instead of last.
The Chinese shake their own bands
jnste.d uf the hands of those they
greet. .
The Chinese dress in white at
funerals, and in mourning at weddings,
while oid women always serve as
The Chinese launch their vessels
sideways and mount their horses from
the offside, ~The Chinese begin din-
nor with desert, and ena with soup and
ae ee ca
A Housshold Nesessity.
Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most
wonderful medical disvonery of the age.
pleasant and refresuing to the taste,acts
gently and positively on kidneys, liver
and bowels,cleansing the entire system,
dispel colds, cures headache, fever, ha"
bitual constipation and _ biliousness
Please buy and trya box of C. C. C
pay 10, 20, df cents, Sold. and
cuaranteed to cure by all druggists.
"sooo AA a
A Word to Women.
If women would only keep ther-
gelves as daintily avd
gowned after marriage as when they
were sweethearts they would retain
their husbandsT atterticns and devo-
tions until the end of the chapter.
remizd him
she should
strive to make herself just a8 winsome
man likes for h:s wife to
of his sweetheart, and
and charming as possible.
This 1s the advice of an attractive
woman, who, though the mother of a
grown dat ghter, is frequently taken for
the young wowanTs older sister. The
mother does not gown herself in an ex -
The sinart oAleck� is
to any community, He is the tellow
that knows something about every-
~thing, Nobody can do anything just
right, ia his estimation. He always
has an idea. Ifa new enterprise is
started he is ready to make a sugges
tion, Ifa building is to be erected he
has a p'antkat will make the edifice
look the neatest.
he lives speaks of making certain im-
provemenis he can tell the officials
exactly where they should begin, how
it ought to be done and what it should
cost. He knows how to ran a news+
peper better than the editor does. He
knows what ought to and what ought
not to go in the paper. In
knows more on this line in an hour
than the editor does in a whole day.
He is what might be calleda odaisy,�
If the smart oA~eck� happens to be an
ejitor, and there are some among the
fraternity, he is sure to give more at-
tention to his neighborTs paper than to
his own. He can find more inaccura-
cies in one addition of a neighbor's
paper than could be found in his ia a
year. He really could run it better
than he does his own, The smart
oAleck� 1s a fellow who does the town
no good, ~There are always a few of
these fellows to be found in every com-
munity.-"Selisbury Sun.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your
Lite Away.
If you want to quit tobacco using
easily and torever, be made well
face hha
vigor, take No-To-Bac, the wonder-
worker that makes weak men strong,
Many gain, ten pounds in ten days
Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Ba.
|rom your. own druggist, who will
guaranteea cure. Booklet and sample
mailed free. Ad, Sterling Remedy Co,
Chicago or New. York. -
iv drawback |
It the town in which |
strong, magnetic, tull ot new life and
cesavely vouthtul fashion, either, but
she is still a beautiful woman, aad far
trom being an old one, and she is #8
caretul of her toilet now as when she
wus the belle of her maideniood home.
"New York Tribune.
atin achat
seme i
oThe famine sufferers� in India are
holding on mighty well, ~The United
States has been engag:d for over a
year in hurrying a couple o1 sbip-loads
of giain to them, The grain hasn't
been sent yet, nor are the famine suf"
It is now stated that the
grain which has been collected here
will be sold, and the money instead,
sant to India, In view of the famine
talk that has been dinged into the ears
terers dead.
seems strange. What good will mon ~
ey do a starving people? It is bread
they have been crying tor, and as bread
is not to be had in India, why send
them mouey that they cannot eat? It
begins to look like there is something
not altogether straight about this otam-
ine sufferer� business,
A chap named Berry has just put
in an appearaace in the town of Salem,
Ill, where he is making things hum
and putting money in circulation.
Two years ago he was a tramp, and is
now rich by property inherited | from
his parents who died in New York
Stave several years ago, # fact which
he but recently learned. ~The first
thiag he did after reaching Salem, was
to hunt up @ bar-keeper who lent him
$2 when he passed thrvugh the town
as a tramp, and give him $2,000. But
we wouldnTt advise you on the strength
of this.to give every tramp you aee $2.
When bilious or costive, oeat ~a Vas.
caret, cancy cathartic, cure constipa-
R. A. TYSON, eee. |
The Bank of
Atthe Close cf Business May 14th, 1897.
A a
of the people for a year past, thisT
, a
]oans and Discounts $42,153 81
Over Drafts 895,29
Due from Banks 8,772.46
Furuiture and Fixtures 1,505.00
Current Expenses 1,312.04
Cash Items * 1,839.56
Premium on Stock 1,000.00
Cash on band 28.088.18
Total $85,566.34
R. L. DAVIS, PresTt.
We study carefully the separate needs of our patrons,
your account, promising every avcummodation consisten
J. L. LITTLE. CashTs
Capital stock paid in $25,090.00
Surpius and Profits 3.042.654
Deposits subject to Cneck 58,812.55
Cashiers Checks ortstanding 148.10
Due to Banks 508.15
Time Certificates of. Deposit 55.00
~Total $85,566.34
aiid shall be glad to have
t with goo! banking.
Wehavealarge @
just arrived. Comeand
see us.
We have ust received & new
hearse and ine nicest line of Cof-
tins and Cesgers, in woed, metal-
lic and cloth ever brought to
_ We ara propai. i
lng in al. its forms.
Personal atiention given to con
ducting fuzerals and bodies en-
trusted to our care will receiye
every r ark of respest,
Our 1 rices are lower than ever.
_ We do not wanf monupoly but
invite con. petition.
We can be found. at any and all
times in tho Juhn Flanagan
Buggy CoTs building.
~o embalm- |
ondary OrTer:
A SPECIALTY onasry ore
tiary Syphilis permanently cured in 15 to
35days. You can be treated at home for
"athe same price undersame guaranty. If
you prefer to come here we will contract
to pay railroad fare and hotel bills, and no
charge, if we failto cure. If you have taken mer-
eury, }odide potash, and still have aches and
ains, Mucous Patches in mouth, Sore Throat,
imples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on
any part of the body, Hair or Eyer ie fallin
out, it isthis Syphilitic BLOOD POISON thai
we guarantee to cure. We solicit the most obsti-
nate cases and challenge the wor:d for a
case we cannotcure, ~his disease has always
bafiled the skill of the most eminent physi-
cians. B500,000 copie beninT oe amorped
tional guaranty. olute proofs sent seale
aroliettion. Address cook REMEDY CO.
302 Masonic Temple, CHICAGO, ILL,
re a
ee ee
qa 5,
» ~ "
ESTABL ish D i875.
ing their yearTs supplies will tind =;
oheir interest to get our prices befere pua
chasing elsewhere. Ourstock is complete
n allits branches.
Tcbacco, Snuff, &c...
we buy diroc) from Manufactu...3 en
ling you to buy at one protlt, A eoul-.
cte stock of |
4 0
W. M. Bond.
J. L. Fleming,
Greenville, N.C.
Practice jo sll the courts.
rt. Dr. Talmages ~The
Earth Girdled.� or his famous tour
around the world, a thrilling story of
savage and barbarous lands. Four mil-
lon TalmageTs books sold, and **The
Earth Girdled� is his latest and grand-
est. Demand enoromous. Everybody
wants this famcus book, only $3.50. Big
book, big commissions. a gold mine for
workers. Credit given, freight paid,
outiit free. Drop all trash and sell the
king of books and make §300 a month.
Address for outfit and terriory, The
Dominion Company, Star Buildiug, Chi-
i rt
SUI REE Md hehe 9 woah, HEH PRE Ry Tht emt
3arbders. _
Patronage solicited. (leaning, Dyeing
'and Pressing Gents Clothes a specialty
Special attention given to cleaning
|Genuiemens Clothing
eee ee te
J. A, Burexss, Megr.}
Washington, N. U,
This Hotel has been thoroughly reno
vated, several new rooms added, elec,
tric bells to every room. Attentive ser
vants. Fish and Oysters seryed daily*
Vatronage of traveling puvlic solicited�
The next session of the «bool will
open on:
' MNDAY bEPT. 7, 1891
and contiuue for 10 months.
The terms are as follows. ;
Primary English per mo. ° & YO
Intermediate ~6 ~ %& $. 50
Higher a $3 00
{Languages (each) ** $1 00
The work and discl ft
will boas heretofore. mo
w run.
aiwayson hand and soldat pricesto sult
told for CABH dhretore, having ¢ ik
Mak ie MES goutinuance of your past
z= eam tae, enamnmnates tered manent eter Seton re in te a a
wae ! i fas 3 Cotten ang Peanut : oFROM FROST TO FLOW
W1LMINGTON & WELDON R, Ki oA Michigan wer who ise cusses D i RECTO RY. Wainee ane Norfolk rices of eotto, uns.�
ND BRAN: HES ithe well worn question why girls prefer and peanuts for yesterday, a6 furnishec
: ishop and factory work t domestic) ae Stone ye ela (all fornia ae vin?
fern FLORENCE Rad, RVAD | coivicg says that the ebief objectioa to a qURC (EB 3. : : COTTON.
Gunenoga senedule ithe latter ss the loss of caste involved. : Good Middling ay Poth are such desirable ob
" One gi who bud titel both: wena e " ; igen, 2 a jective points for a nA gl
ae ne gir na WIG seks _ | Low Middling ia] 9 1
eaacen nore ir L-velibood is qucted as saying:. o1 am| BAPTIST"Services every Sunday, | ood Ordinary 639-16 ne ne ad spe vp m
sae ie ~Vell? 8 GOCIGU a6 Say By + moring and evening, Prayer ~meeting Tone"quirt you to decide where to go.
» mica Be not cne whit better now than I was/porsday evening. rh ge tok a :
\ Dates NP ime er x ay ret Pastor. Sunday school 9: PEANUTS.
May 27, 23) when I worked as a Rerennt, yet now, . D. Rountree, Superintendent. Prime »|Let us Help You to
Tsui. Aa when I go cutin society, I meet peo-|~ Extra Prime | ty
ade lanes wen forme ome en HOLIC"No regucar services. | oaney : a isi
A: M.|°. M. A. M | ple of.refinement and am treated the| CAT g ecu 60 t0 bt a Decision.
veuve Weldon | 11 50) 9
sv y Z 52) 1 ~9
L aes Tone"quiet.
nice place and am often invited. to/avs morning and evening. ay
A trip via New Orleans ani
"- cacyestenel tame ee! COMET� mets: vices second Sunday morning. : ere the Scuthern Pacific to eiti.er
spend the evening among pe»p'e who0|Greaves, Rector. Sanday schoo : o Mexico or the Pacitic Coas: 1s
J) ~ r) ~o
| Lv Tarhoro - | 12 14 ok would never havegiven mi « second|A. M. W. B. Brown, Superinter dant. Groene eineT Siepoo will waver Ea eL
Se . Jorrected by 5S. M. Se
j | : : nga T ;
Ly Recky Mt | 12 5210 45] elanoe if L had remained a servant. METHODIST~"Serv ces every Sun- rr ; oo
| Lv Wilson 2 0811 | 6 20 ° day, morning and evening. ae Waren nides oBh to 6 ItTs a Transition from
Ly Selma 2 50 3 arate meeting Wednesday eveving, Rey. |g oein ® 10 to }2
uv FayTtteville| 4 i6) 1.7 7 H. 1. Dwyer, of Norfolk gets tiely, M. Wetson, Pastor, Sunday school i cured Hams ae ee Frost to Flowers.
| Ar. Florence | 6 64 | contract to bull the brewery " at sla he M. A.B. Ellington, Superin- | ooh) veal 45 to ~C And tt ne
| wine eee aS . ooe h Neate | emaent- Flour, Family 4,25 to 5.75 nd the service is so loxu,i-
| : ~sensboro forthe Oid Norih State ~
| +2 . sail : " o . | PRESBYTERIAN"Sa21 vices thira | Lard By: to i ous that people who have
oP Brewing Compa y- \Sunday,. morning and evenirg. Rev, | Oats ay , tested oSunset Limite 1�, cull.
| o en ee | ee meee ae o J. B. Moiton Pastor. Sund: ly school rape 17 nae it incompai able,
| . » Me |a- a" Just try a Ge. Le.: of cascere's, the 9: ih M. E. B. Ficklen Superinten- Salt per Sack | TtolBr} - ~
| Cv Gaidsboro | 3 10 | 5 |fimest liver and bowel regu ator ever)" LODGES. ee 0 to25| Tfyouare Thinking of
Lv May tjolia 416 0 | made. ARBRE : 0 .
Ar Wilmingtou| 6 4} | 945 : Con WAE-DE « oing, Write Us.
. M. a Saale
A. F. & A. M." Greenville Loage No.
ah nor We have a book entitl d
2 . ~st and third Moaday even- | 22x AA AAAS WA WAKA AARANA ES T ; :
234 neets first and t | T ne = l@vevoevaxey AO MAOOO0 OAL oThroveh Storviand to Sun-
V M.King W. M. L. I. Moore, | a9 .
actin " sot Seas,� a handsome volume
The Fool and His Meney. )
~There is another old saying that 8"
11.40 a. m., and 7.20 p.m. Daily ex-| three Full Courses, Law and Medic all Catalogue free if you call.
gpt Suuday. Connects with trains aa |Sehools aad School of Pharm: HCY FOR SALE BY
Beotland Neek Branch. Graduate Courses ®pen to Women.
Summer School for Teachers. schol- t S. E PENDER & CO.,
{ *
Train leaves Larooru, x u, via Albe-|.arships and Loans forthe Needy. G R REN VILLE N GC: Anything from Bers ~*
apatle & jialeigo it. nt, dalle except sun! Addrese, PRESIDENT ALDERMAN. @ a . 9 aXe
day,at 5 00 p.wn., Sunday 405 P.M; Chigel Hill, 1. C. ; Coe a
ative Plywmousn 7.4) BP, fy 6,00 ps visiting Car
MelUru itis saves Fiymouthaaily except) "" 0) A "
Suugry, 7.50 a..m., Sunday 9.00 a ~n.,,
arrive Parboro 10.16 a.m and il. 46 . E*u1l1 Shee Poster
Traik on Midland N. C. drarch leaves
The Daily Reflectcur.
wrold3bero daily, except Sunday, 6.05 a|
wi. arrixing Smithfield 7°30 a.m. Re-
tidrning leaves Snithtield 8.00.2. m,, ar-
Gives the home news
every afternoon at the
ne small price of 25 cents a
rives at CGtoldsPore4.30 a. m.
ior : , |
DRUGGISTS ¢ month. Are you a sub-
\v 00a m. avd 8.50 p, mT Returuirg
25¢so¢ .
to r consti ities. C ~fs are the Ideal Laxa- ~
leaves (4iacon at 7-00 a. mm. ane3,00 1 a. ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED i ceeany ed oe srl gel ol pea ot ° seriber 7 ) If not hes
Train No. 78 makes alose connection nee ought to be.
pleand booklet free. Ad. STERLING REMEBY CO., Chicaxo, Montreal, Can., orNew York. 917
at Weldon forall points daily, all rail via
iehmone, alse at Rovky Mount with
orfolk aud Carolina R for Nowwolk
ine all poiats Hees via) ~BN a HR 5] ame: TH AT y goto
T, M. EMERSON, 'S~raiie Manager.
J. R.KENLY, GeoT: Maveger,
© - othe gods give us ev erything for | . 4 2 of 205 pages, fully illustrated,
Ma a we | a |. |aoil.TT Those who are outside of the} J. 0.0. F."Covenens Lodge No. 17 | gé : ® whieb we will send on receipt
) vse ZA\ 4 ~we class of fools ought to ponder this; Meets every Tuestay eoee s aa: of 10 ceortsin stamns te cover
sities ames amas witorte wn cniamnen | oem | saying. Tiere is no royal road to) Hardee N.G, L- H. Pender, Sec. 4 E4 postage. We also bave @ Ce-
|A. MP. M. | ~anything. We get everything by! kK. ot P."tar River Lodge No. 93, " PRACTICAL Op lightful little gvide to Mey -
By ere . i A | toil, We get it iz noother way. The | meets very Rabi evening. ae Ww. 3 \ co, which we will send «2
etna ao 12 37 ~notion that you can drop ~$100 in aj prea C. Fran ison, | IRIN 9 reosint of d canta to covet
Ac Wilscn 1 20;11 85); slot and draw out $25 a week profits |" o ar oP cost of mailng.
snitch mete wsana nti .|is so utterly preposterous, so wildly| RK. A."Zeb Vance Coaucil No. 1696 qO WORKER 3
a \ jabsurd, that it is difficult to think | m~ets every Dead evening. Wi 1s. |e | You Really Ought to
| ~ Lof any man in his right senses be- ; Wilson, R, MR, Lang, Sec. qo Offers hie services to the &
ae ee | ee | fing deceived by it. But many are} k.of H."Insurance Lodge No. 1169 aC citizens of Greenville and the @ o Read them Both...
A. M. (py. }deceived by it. To all towhom this|meets every Friday evening. John | ge ite as oe |
«ha nie 9.00 � an \ewarning av pame ra eay |Klanagan, D. Henry Sheppard, R. qc public generally, Shall we put you down for a
iy Wilmington || 7 OO|.warning may come, we = say, ) TPE DING es
M: li it a $i, ] 6 4) Thana je aati : : oe Bi . ROOFING, GUTTERING, copy? If so, or if you want
Lv Magnolia 1 B0 | © 80) Don't.T There is nooperation of; Aa.L of H. Pitt Councit 236 meets T 1 Stove Work, 2 y 8 you \
ai Wiles L U6 1b if anything in civilization that can/jevery Thursday night. J. B. Cherry Sp jonting £08 es 9 , any fneo: tally. inet eh ib
Ly farboro Lely ;°"o"Lyijeld such profits. he suggesion|C. W- B, Wilson, See. B SpecHury | OB ty $ cheerfully furnished
"| "|-"-}" _ f that somebody has mysterious in- Beisinnee euelante or Ps y addressing,
2 sn | AD ati whirl . sf | i\®© no charges made, obacco
re ~~) ~formation by which he knows of) ge g . pr S B. MORSE
oom | ° mod | ; : me i re } ~ ° e o if SS
oA wo 5, | deals and combinations that are| BM ) Flues made in vines Sh 2. ~ B F
"" - a paar wastage Lae making, and so shrewdly buys ahead | , a q@ iniear of 5 and 10 cent store. 5 General Passenver and Ticke
' i2. M, ~|p, M,,and then turns around and buys |o �"� : Agent,
4 Wilk 1 42) : Bu | T $C 3 te rk *
ri iia Mt 2 30 | bi 16 back, and thus catches the market) No waiting for Columbia and Hartford
Ar OGY | mnt oe coming and going, 1s quite of a piece | bicycles. No delay and consequent - ere eee
Av ~Tarhoro 4H)! i Ml ve the yeuien napon that pr ofits | annoyance. All models and patterns ee crea ae een .
ET . otf . of 25 per cent a week,.or 5 ver cent | « immediate delivery. 189
~Ly Rooky it L 2 Wy |e a a or 800 per cent a oe or 30 | ae ape Y ou may nev aa eV rig
Ar Weldon } per cent a year, can be paid on in- | ER iS | | 4
vestment."Indiananolis News. | wus f ! a ier
Crain on Scutla .i Neck Braush Roa | .a*"- | s ant O i in ing
eaves Weldon 4.10 p. m., Haltax 4,¢8 " "" | B
b. ., ate hig Scotland Neck at 6.10 p| ~The straw plaiting industry of | & Bicycles
w., Greenville 6.57 p, m., Kinston 7.50 | Pnoland gives employment to about | . x
ot. Returning, leaves Kinston 700 le oo oonven : a 000 tob.ocumen,| STANDARD OF THE WORLD "=y Come to,see US. "
@. mn. Greenville 8.52.a. m. Arriving * &0,000 women and 4,000 to 9, JLU men, |
Hali: x at.11:20 a. m., We'dop 11.40 ain | are made exclasively of 5 per cent Nickel Steed RAR tg tA LARA 7
daily except Sunday. it ~ s : ~Tubing, the entire product of which we control. | gi. sp. prguard AOR AW ROR AOA re vy. ere ee ty ar Cy
ne ae The University. | 26) NANA WAKA ana AAA AAAKAAANA 40
rains on Washnigia: Branch lesve 7 34 00 to all alike 7 @
Wushingiow 8.20 a, in.,wnd 1.00 p.m, " a : to all alike
arrives Paurgrele 9.10 a. .m., and 3.40 p. 4,7 TEACHERS, 413 STUDENTS, 0
o., Terdore. 9.45 a. m. , seburningieaves ( _ ~Hartford Bicycles are at prices within | ~ ;
Tarboro J.38,). m., Parmele 10.20 a. us, | (Sommer School 158), total 54°, Board: ceach sof everyone, $75, $60, $50, $45. | sc
and 6.20 p. im,, arrives Washingten $3.00-a month, three Brief Course s,! | �"�
Dik Anti BELEK IDO wthermmnentlbis oon ~ aniline menmath ST tected
Trains.on Latta branch, Flesence R
4&., leave Latta 6.40 pm, adtrive Dunbar
1.40 pm, Clio &05 p m. Returning
leawe Cliow$.10 am, Dunbar 6.30 a m,
gg Latta 7.50 a m, daily exeept Sun-
Train ovClinton Branch leayes W ar-
saw for Clinton caily, except Sauday,
SS$D4iSSG0O+ --cocce
Pom -+~
~he Oldest (RBBB oWhat Is It 2 bybsab
a : " It isa picture ot tae celebrated ~ The Eastern Reflector.
Saily Newspaper in | |
North Carotina. ER ~QUNT hs 4 ig only $la year. I
i Woe rh edd contains. the news every
a ee rlil, | week, and gives informa-
. | |Best in-use, The outfit of nofousiness re. is gives inform
hae compe without one.
tion to. the farmers,. es-
iss : oThess . tay Specially ~those _growiny =
scisersohabapadisiereels deh The: gor ft ©. tobacco, thatT is: worth
| . ni semhant of these puntata Pons
ity Dias ine atete aaah ion ae tifut line of ne.of Eee perl Handle | Gold Pens ~many times more ~than
WL. BARNARD eae ae | and a af ( bimini pipe.
Hi: * ~te aa - t . i ¥ i bas
A | | ihe ae i: 4 bi at ig. ee
ae : ~ i 4 me :
hae : : a f *
eee rit a ae ; yids i i ces dale
a Pages ety, Pe Be CAPAC AT SC NNT OUR GMG Talila it, Some 4 er ACTOR ER Sar GANT Ep ATe oo ATER OU: AE MT ENE ALS as Dp
~When you are looking
7 tor +
do not pass us by, as
you will miss a goiden
opportunity, We have
a nice assortment in
Taffeta Moire, Plain
Vaffeta ang Satin and
Velvet Ribbon. Ladies
demand something out
of the ordinary in the
way of
with every new season.
A new season is here
and we have its new
Neckwear in profusion.
for the old and the
young, the kind that
makes a ladieTs neat
hrnd look neater than
ever, are awaiting for
inspection and pur-
chase at our store.
Laces and
oEm broideries
n in the la-
gs and low-
Ladies and
in profusio
test pattern
est prices:
is a kind of specialty
with us. We have the
leading shades in all
grades and sizes. We
have a line of
EMS lll,
Organdies, India Lin-
ens, Swiss :Muslin,
Checked and Striped
Pimitys, Mulls, &c.,
which we sell cheap.
A good corset helps a
good form. We can
help you to Corsets of
the good kind solely,
that areshapely, com-| :
fortable andelegant. |
We aim to have all
goods on sale thor-
~oughly standard and
reliable, because we
know our customers
have the taste and in-
lligence to appreci-
eae 4
ate, qua
ie ee
eR Are feel Gass
ey ak
i ne te
~ é
$ a
~ ~
~ville Lad the most perfect systcm of
Creates many & new business,
Enlarges many an old business,
Preserves many a large business.
Revives many a.dull business,
Rescues many a lost business,'!
Saves many a failing business,
S2cures suceess to any business
To oadvertise judiciousiy,TT use tne
columns of tu REVLEOCTOR,
Keiplug Gonstantiy at it Brings Spocess
cece erie atnrsainnatatine itis = tnt ermcntcttite te sanliie element
ae ee
train yoing
Pansenger anu mall
Going south,
North. arrives 8:83 A. M,
arives 6:57 P. M
Steamer. lar River arrives from Wash-
ington Monday, Wednesday and Friday
ieaves for Washington Tuesday, Tnurs.
day and Saturgay
meena TY ot
Som? Have Wings, Some DonT("All
Get There. °
When to advertise"now.
ihere was the usual Naturday crowd |
I will pay cash tor your Beeswax.
S M. ScHuttz.
Lemonade, Milk Shakes and other |
wee pe ~ 4 1 !
oSilver Dollar� Fountain Pen, Parc ;
er make, at Reflector Book Store. |
summer drinks at StargeyTs.
Suppiy ot new box papers, mourning
paper and note paper at Reflector Book
A large party will leave here Tues-
day for Morehead to attend the Teach-
etsT Assemby.
We heard a stanger suy that oGreen
teleplione of any he had ever seen.�
ThemTs our sentiments.
A nunsveiling veil, presumably lost
by some one returning from church,
was found on Greene street. Owner
call at ReeLEcTor office.
Ask any of my customers and they
will tell you the work done by Wil-
mington Steam Laundry is unsurpassed.
Next shipment goes forward Wednes-
day morning, returns promptly Sat-
urday evening.
C. B. Wuicnarp, Agent,
o chime
Greenvi le-Washington,
J. O. Proctor & Bro. have completed |
the telephene line from Grimeeland to
Greenville and Washington and now
there is through communication from
hereto Washington. This brings the
towns still closer together. 7
eager con
No Sour Ones Named in This List.| |
H. D, Sheppard, of Baltimore, is ir
J. Thigpen are spending some days at
Seven Springs.
J.J. Cherry left todey for Ocracoke
to take a foretaste of the summer sea"
son down. there.
R. Hyman and L. I. Moore attended
tne commencement exersises at Corey
Sclios!,Grindool, on Friday. Mr. Moore
delivered the address and we hear it
spoken of as an excellent one,
S raw bats are having their own
The fever blister is usually the prod-
uct of a warm heart.
eae cae cm =
Re ARES Ne mc de
Tha fellow who upkoids drink 1s
usually the ore who puts it down.
Ever the best tempered mauTs hatr
will occasionally hav a falling out.
| -
pleasant excursion,
~The moonlight excursion given by
tie ladies cf the Baptist church, on
Steamer Meyers Friday might, was
quite well attended and an_ enjoyable
one. Those who went say they never
attended a better coaducted or more
Church Services To-morrow.
Methodist church"Sunday-school at
9:30 A.M. Preacuing at 11} A. M.-
and 8 P. M. Rev. N, M. Watson.
Presbyterian chureh"Sunday school
9:30 A. M. Preaching at 11 A. M.
and 8 P. M.by Rev. J. J. Harper.
Episcopal church."Sunday-school
at 9:30 A.M. Lay services 11 A. M.
py Maj H. Harding.
Baptist church"Sundiy School at
9:30 A.M. Preaching at 11 A. M
and8 P. M. Rev. A. W. Setzer.
Marriage Licenses.
During the first twelve days in Juve
marriage licenses were issued by the
Register of Deeds to the following
Til] Samerell and Marcia Barnhill.
W. J. Fornes and Mealy Fornes.
W. D. Mckeel and Susan Rodgers.
Ozeas Staple and Mary Gore.
Moses Harper and Henrietta Bry-
James Johnson and Martha Cobb.
Riley Coward and Malissa Rich~
AY a
White M
and oGEMT
Prices are lower than ever. Acomplete) line of
Base Ball Goods Hammocks, (Ser een Doors
Fishing,Tackle, &c.
te ee
se ie
i Wo hiaT
we have the celebrated
* ' » .
~ ry i ~
e al .
: T
A rt
a hi ;
« ~ i
We havea complete
line of, '
oe ae Ne hae
y ;
H. M. Hardee, L. McCuilen and W. |}:
A full line of staple dry goods, con-
sisting of Flaids, bleached and un-
bleached Domestics, piece Goods,
Dress Goods, Prints, Pereales, ect. We
carry a fult line of low price MenTs and ©
ChildrenTs Clothing. A good line of Men's
Women and ChildrenTs Shoes. Come.see us,
Emporium of Spring Fabrics.
R. R. FLEMING, Pres, E. B. HIGGS, Cashier,
G. 3. CHERRY, Vic, Pres. AssTt Cashier,
CAPITAL: Minimum $10,000; Maximum $100,000.
Organized June 1st,1897.
'The Bank of Pitt County,
RPP el Pale le Nel ll le,
count. We offer evel'y cour-
We solicit your oc
~ dation consistent with sound
tesy and accommo
pannngnnper Specvial
SALE 1897.
Let me hear from thee by letter
Lang Sells
When sweet spring across the hills
Sets the prisoned flowTrets free;
When the babbling ot the rills
Joins with song birdTs symphony ;
Then, it seems to us, we oughter
Turn our thoughts to soda-water.
For the balmy April breeze
Tells the sultry aays are nigh
When we hnger Tneath the trees,
And our throats are hot and dry,
Then ShelburnTs soda fount |
Fattens up hig bank account.
RR a et a Nae al aN eae ee
) |
Heavy and Fancy Groceries.
"At my-store you can always find fresh Bread.
Rolls, Pies and Cakes, alsoCandies, Fruits, Nuts
o: all kinds, SmokersT Materials, anda nice line
of Heavy and Fancy'Groceries. Call and see.