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Editor and Owner,
ee |
TERMS: 25 Cents a Month.
vr online
Vol. 5..
No, 699
New Stock now, Reauy
awe 1) "e
All the Late Styles inj
pont OR
Prices Down Low.
Dress Goods, White
Goods Laces and Km-
�"� ~~
Fruit of the Loom
een 0
The Originator of the
Low Price System.
Ai cor
As Condensed F'rom The Wilmington
The state treasurer Monday made the
following summary of the special ap-
propriations made by the late legisla-
ture: Deaf, dumb and blind institu.
tion, $23.000 ; to fix state line between
North Carolina and Tennessee, $300
the university, $5,000 ; state normaland
industrial college, $12,500 ; institution
for the blind, $34,500 ; colored n:rmal
schools, $4,000 ; colored agricultura! and
mechanical college, $5,000 ; white agrT-
cultural and mechanical college, $5,000;
colored normal and industrial school at
Elizaveth City, $5,000 ; Western hospi.
tal tor insane, $90,000 ; Central hospital
$55,450, Easiern hospital, $40,000 ; de-
partment of criminal insane, $3,000;
purchase of MooreTs Creek battle
ground, $200 ; executive mansion, $600;
portrait of Senator Vance, $500; extra
physicians of deaf-mute and blind in-
stitution (colored), $750; contested
election case in house, $1,591.
Dr. Monrog, of Davidson college, who
was named by Governor Russell as su-
perintencent of the Western hospital
wt Morganton, declines. Inquiry was
mate of a leading republican why it
was that Governor Russell, after some
plain intimations that he desired Dr.
Murphy to remain in charg? ot the
Western hospital, had named Dr. Mon-
aud F. A. Daniel. The new boards ot
directors are called to meet next Thurs"
day. The act ot the republicans and
bolting pupulists in grabbing the hos-
pitals is everywhere condemned.
S. 8S. Patterson, H. B. Battle and J.
Van Lindley, the commision created by
a recent act of the legislature to ex-
tirpate San Jose fruit scales, met today
and considered a plan to prevent the
spread of this dreaded pest as
already got a foothaid in this state
An expert will at once visit all nur.
series and infected spots., Vigorous
measures will be adopted, as the act
gives full authority. A registration ¢f,
all nurserymen, dealers aad agents will
be required.
It Speaks for The Town.
A gentleman of another State with
whom the editor of the REFLECTOR
met on his recent trip south, and who
was told that Greenville was a tewn of
only about 3,000 ixhabitants, is kind
enough to write us as follows :
oI have rectived with pleasure the:
copies of Tae Dairy Rer.ecrox
which you so kindly sent me, showing
illustions of the battleship Texas and
scenes on the wharf at Galvesion, also
the old Alamo at San Antonio. The
illustration of the old historic Alamo,
the battleship and the wharf scenes are
perfect, and allow me to congratulate
you on the same. THe Daity REFLEc-
TOR is bright and newsy and right up-
roe. The reply was that Burke county
was one of the few which declared for
Governor Russell and that the pressure
for Dr. MurphyTs removal came from "
the Burke republicans. To the inquiry
why ? the reply was made that it wa |
simply and solely because they wanted |
~pie�� oPhat is now in North Carolina, |
~the universal term for ooffice.� oThe '
wonder is that a man of Governor Rus-
sellTs common sense should listen to
such a plea,� was the comment of the |
republican above alluded to. The re-
publicans wanted all the minor places
at the Lospital. Dr. Monroe, as has
been said 1s a democrat.
The regular populists are deepiy dis-
gusted with the republicans, and have |.
cast the bolters into outer darkness. .
hey are now talking plainly about, the!
necd of geeting in ling with the demo-
crats, but they want the latter to drop
the name odemocrats.� Leading popu-
lists give assurance ot startling changes
in the next two } ears.
The legislative clerks departed Mon-
day having completed their work on the
books and journals. The laws will make
two large volumes.
Raleigh, N. C., March 16."Tie as-
sertion is now made that the legislacive
ast, which was drawn, is understood,
by Governo: RussellTs own hand, to
take the control of the three hospitals
for the insane trom:the democrate, is
detective and does noi really repeal tha
tormer charters ot the hospitals, but
re-enacts them and gives the offivers
the same duties and and rights as before
ahe old boards of directors have re-
tained counsel and all will act in con-
cert, 16 18 understood. Among :the
counsel are James KE. Shepherd, IT. I.
Osborne, Busbee & Busbee, W. ©.
to-date, and would refiect credit ona
city of 30,000 people. It is truly a
won er for a city the size ot Greenyille,
and clearly shows that Greenville is a~
hustling place.�
The Mesiing.
If you want a fine
wait for my 1eturn and I will
show you the finest line of
ever displayed here. I have
buying Great Bargains
SNL PL LLL LL Il Ll AN le NLA AAA AA AL ALN Ts Nse ela Nell el lal ale
My Spring Samples are in
and will take your measure:
At last nightTs service in the Presby-
terian church Dr. Black used as a
tex:, oWhat shall it profit aman if h-|
shall gain the whole worid and lose | is
own soul,� and gave his hearers a splei- |
did sermon, At the close thereT we1e
other requests ter prayers. |
This morning he made a beatiful talk
On grace="grac4 to save, grace to live,
His talk
was full of strength and comfort to the
grace to work, grace to die.
hearts of christians present.
Those of our people not attending
these meetings are missing a great deal.
They ehould attend every service if pos-
sible. If you have not been out yet, go
On Wednesday morning March 17th
at 11 oTclock, at the residence of the
brideTs father, Mr. A. S, Walker, in
Beaver vam township, his a¢complish-
ed daughter Miss Ella and B. P. Smith
were unitea in holy matrimony, Rev.
R. F. ~Laylor, of Ocracuke, officiating.
There were a ~arge number of relatives
and friends ot ~he fumily present.
Immediately after the ceremony the
bridal party icfi for the home of the
groom where a magnificent receptioa
was held,
May thcir wedded lite be long and
happy,crowned with GodTs rizhest, bless.
ings. A Frienp.
If to be a bill collector
Any womanTs hopes should run.
They would certainly rejeet her"
Monroe, C. B, Aycock, Isaac T, Dorch
Woman's work is. never dun.T
\ Gsm }and guarantee a fit,
a a ee aN ell Nal lL el Ay La a eel AAPOR y PPL al Nl Nae Nl
from the Northern Markets and
my new goods are coming in
every day.
should not fail to see my beautiful line of
Shoes, Oxtord Ties, and other goods specially
for their use.
Lines. a
ae ust received a big line ofa.
selene CHT EAP, ps
I have a cue line of pe en
|@lething, phoes, Jfats, Shirts
Ties, &¢. The largest and best assorted line
intown. Conie to see me if you want He
. Exploder of High Frices.
f ip
-»@Oae. month, ©
One week. . *
4 each neighborhood,
t Wepxespay, Marcu 18, 1897.
the ears.
Fic heeds oe cote 3
| gotten. The rays of the full moon
tes :
pon Es Ae x,
one oa
and glare of electric lights falling
apon the long rows of low white
buildings made them look weird
(EXCEPT SUNDAY): | indeed as the:car rolled along the
Buered as second-class, mail mattor.
a eee oe
One year, - - «+ = $8.00
# e eg a .25
ies � 10
Delivered in town by carriers without
~ axsed cost. °-
.. Advertisng rates are liberal] and can be
- yaddn application to the editor or at
che office
We desire a itve correspondent at
~ every postoffice in the covnty, who will
send in brief items of NEWs as it occurs
Write plainly
and only on one side of the paper.
{sete KS
ccc STE,
' Scenes and Customs"Street Cars and
Little Mules"No Ghost Story, but
oThings the Editor Saw.
- Monterey is the capital of the
State of Nuevo Leon (New Lion)
one of the northern States of the
republic. It1s 168 miles from the
border and has a population be-
otween 75,000-and 100,000. It is
said to be perhaps the most
American city in Mexico, that is
-¢more ot our people are numbered
among its inhabitants thanin any
other city the same size. This 1s
no doubt due to its nearness to
the border and its accessibility to
Americans. Yet the visitor is im-
pressed. with the fact that the cus-
~ toms of the city are aecidedly un.
, Amerivan, and Mexican life and
customs are ssen here in ali
, phases.
As stated previously we reach-
ed MonTerey abobt midnight on
Saturday night. Em barking from
the train aud passing through
the station eut to the street, for
fa while things sounded like we
had dropped down among the
tower builders of Babel. They
had caugnt on to the American
idea of having. that ictolerable
~nuisance, the hollering hotel run-
iner to meet trains, and numerous
oofthis geutry with a horde of
hackmeu were lifung up their
voices with one accord. It war
oall oDatehTT to us"or rather Spans
ish"and never atime out of the
hubbub could we catch such a
gentence'as oHiverybody goes to
othe King House, mght on Main
street� or oHotel Macon, best
house in the city.� Relief from
such actaiter as this came quickly |
@sthe approach of a gentleman
~fpeaking a pretty. good specimen
of oUnited otates� readily caught
the eye ani car of our party. He
was conn-cted with one of the
best hotels in the city, had learned
of the cowing of our party and
came down to cupinre us. And
he wasnTt long doing this.
In order to keep us togethes
and prevent a possibility of any
Ohe getting lost, our wiioie party
~poarded the same street car for
~the trip up to the hotel, two wiles
distant. When ali was in readi-
ness our cha) eron gave the signal
to the drivér, and a occeet, sceet�
blown through the latterTs teeth
_ started the Ittle mules in front of
the car off in a trot. By theway,
mules arethe sole motive power
for the street cars in Monterey,
The city has an electric plant and
fs lighted by electricity, yr,
this power is vot applied tw
Tuere are two mules to
. @fch car, usually hitched tandem.
_ It is not infr-quent that theselittle
mules receive rough treatment at
the hands of the driver who in-
_ Fariably carries a long lash and
Seems to pound the brutes from
force of habit. The fare for rid-
aN the street cars is seis cen-
tayo 4 (six cents, Mexican, Of
course) but, after 10 o'clock ay
ght the charge is Goubled.
at ride up ~town at midnight |
narrow,crooked streets, sometimes
so near the buildings that the
passenger could put out a hand
and almost touch them.
and there a blanketed pedestrian | C
moving noiselessly alorg was
met, barely having rcom on the
sidewalk to keep clear of the car.
Again in some corner, on a curb
stone, or piled on a bench in the
plaza, would be a weary native
asleep, for the Mexican of the
peon class has no fixed abiding
place but
him, and sleeps peacefully with
his blanket drawn over his head.
Standing out in front as if a
sentinel on guard, and through
the haze looking as though it rose
from the heart of the city instead
of being 4 miles away, was Mount
La Silla,oThe Saddle,� its summit
being almost the exact outline of
a Spanish saddle. Blending all
these together one could imagine
such a feeling as being in a grave
yard at night,
it folt.
suddenly change, for
we were
walk in and partake of the best
the house afforded. Welcome in-
Vitation! and one which to a
crowd of tired, sleepy, dusty trav.
elers needed not to be repeated.
The rooms are large, airy and
splendidly furnished, and getting
rid ef two daysT accumulation of
dust and having the opportunity
to change from the limited space
allotted in a car to full stretching.
out room ona comfortable bed,
~tis no wonder that we dreamed |or
that night of having wings and|re
flying through space to view the|th
beauties of the world. And Thad
Manning, our bed fellow, he|it
dreamed"but po, we promised
not to be telling tales on Thad.
Well, this 1s Mexico, not Alaba-
ma, but we'll take a rest here just | of
the same.
Eighty Covers Were Laid For The
ciety took place at Hotel DeSoto last
evening, the occasion being the wed-
ding in whicu Mr: T. C. Manning, of
Jacksonville, ana Miss Effie CarpenterT
of this city, were the high contracting
parties. The parlors were lavishly and
elegantly decorated with evergreens,
flowers and mosses, and presented a
charming appearance as the hundred
guests assembled to witness the cere"
mony that should biad two hearts and
souls for life. ,
Getta Holmes, of Charleston, S. C.,
brideTs maid, entered the parlor from
an adjuining room, closely tollowed by
ue bride and groom and all took their
| roper places.
pronounced them man and wife, after
the solemn but beautiful rites ot his
church, and the happy young couple
received showers of congratulatious from
their many friends.
filed slowly down ~stairs, through the
hialiway and into the larve dini:2 room
The table was set in icc turm eta
holluw square, with the side next to
the culinary departmet left open fo,
convenience of s:rvants.
ions here were al-v elaborate, the w alls
being decorated profusely with ever
greens and the table with flowers.. The
bride and groom sat at the centre of the
front section, with the guests ot honor
to the right. In front of them was th®| .
brideTs cake, which was a large and |-
beautitul work of the baketTs art, the
stand being set in the middle of # large t
invited to alight,
ey, ~ "
Occasion and the Menu of Dainty
Dishes Was Klegant.
Soman eiiemenamend
The event cf the season in local so.
Mr. H. L. Bethel, best man, and Miss
Rey. Mr, Osborne then
Dinner was announced and the guests
The decora-
young lady.
style and ¢ mfort.
mirror. On both sides of the square all | ¢
round eighty covers were laid for ser |§ "
vice of the guests of the evening, The|/}
menu was elaborate, and consisted of |} |
twelve courses of the daintiest dishes|
prepared after the most approved style
of the culinary art, aud more than one
and a half hours were consumed in itg
~serving. A flash light picture was made
Here|of the scene by the Manhattan View
o., which will be out today.
After the dinner was over the guests
repaired again to the parlor where they
spent the remainder of the evening
with music, vocal and instrumental, and
lively conversations. Prof. Manning is
a most worthy gentleman who has held
a prominent pcsition in the schools of
the city of Jacksonville and his fair
falls down to rest| bride is the daughter of Mrs. Hugh
overtakes | Wiiliams, and a most accomplished
The Tribube joins their
host of friends in extending most hearty
congratulations, and in wishing the] J.,oans and Discounts
young couple all the happiness and
prosperity there is in lite for the good | Due from Banks
and the worthy."Tampa, Fla., Tri- | F
Don't Tobacco Spitand Smoke Your
Lite Away.
If you want to quit tobacco using
easily and torever, be made
though weTye|strong, wagaetic, full of new life and
never been there to see just how] vigor, take No-To-Bac, the wonder-
Worker that makes weak men strong.
These pictures and reveries| Many gain ten pounds in ten days.
turning | Over 400,000 cured, Buy No-To-Bac
next to a beautiful plaza facing|rom your own druggist, who will
which wa3 Hotel de Monterey, | guarantee a cure.
mailed free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co,
Chicago or New York.
Booklet and sample
� 1 ne Naseem
Goy. Russeil.
8 Aer ce
He will become mor2 desperate, and
his four years cf official lite, unless he
can be persuaded by a longer term and
greater pay to retire, will probably be
distin. uished with all of the unfortunate
characteristics and qualities that have
prevented an intellectual man from
being a Liessing to his race and an
He will
ays and will
nament to his native State.
turn to his old bad
row to the winds all intention of
serving well North Carollna. Leastwise,
He is only
kind and fair when unopposed. Dare
to thwart his plans or to oppose his
plans and at o2ce all the abounding evil
into defiance
and he toses all sense of what is rigut
looks that way now.
his nature is aroused
aud proper.
When bilious or ecc*e, eat a Cas"
caret, candy cathartic, cure guaranteed
10c, 2d¢.
Lane ntiinamey ee
Baptists, Seo Here !
fhe Southern Baptist Convention
meets this year in Wilmington, N. C.,
May 8th. Now, you want to go to this
convention, and you also wat to go in
There is only one
good firstclass line from the South and
Svuthwest to Wilmington, and chat line
is the Seaboard Air Line, which cuns
the finest and fastest trains in the South
and makes the lowest rates of any
railroad running from the South or
DonTt be tooled into ma~-.
ing your arrangements until you have
consu!ted one of the Seaboard Air Line
agents, who always esteem it a pleasure
B. A.Newland, Genere]
Agent Passenger Department, 6 Kim-
ball house, Atlanta, Ga., will be glad
to write you or call on you, or you can
apply to any o: the representatives of
the Seaboard Air Liny in any town or
ety. This 1s the oficial route.
you want to go with your friends? .
serve you,
A Househotd Necessity.
Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most
wonderful medical disvonery of the age,
pleasant and refreshing to the taste, act
gently and positively on kidneys, liver
and bowels, cleansing the entire system
dispel colds, cure headache, fever, ha"
bitual constipation andT biliousness,
Please buy and try a box of C. C. C.
today; 10, 25, 50 cents. Sold and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists,
me | ~
Just try a 10c. box ot cascarets, the
liver and bowel segu ator ever
25¢ 50¢
' ) to cure any case of constipation. Cascarets are the Ideal Lava.
ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED pid beg or sripe. but cause easy satural nbs "
Chicago, Montreal, Can.,
orNew York, iz,
R. L. DAVIS, PresTt.
Over Drafts 133,275
Premium on Stock 1,000.00
urniture and Fixtures 1,500.00
Current Expenses 285.52
Cash Items 2,652.19
Cash on hand 25,875.38
Total ~$112,974.50
ee ee
R. A. TYSON, Vice-PresTt.
« "" A " i
The Bank of Greenville,
At the Close cf Business Maroh Sth, 1897.
J. L. LITTLE, Cash's
Capital stock paid in $23,000.00
Surpius and Profits 2,332.66
Deposits subject to Check 85,691.14
Due to Banks 732,36
Cashiers Checks ontstanding 8 3.34
Time Certificates of Deposit 355.00
Total $112,974.50
We study carefully the separate needs of our patrons, and shall b
, . e glad
your account, promising every accommodation consistent with good Wnkihe. aly
. Fu 'S g ad® 88 38
SS SS BSee2 = Seg $2 5h .
| oO 4 oS od @ fee) Te ©
| Y= . chon Ao 5 223 b 98 o
ae S ona ot a o= os}
cea R sopo © se� a8 3S
PS Sem S8ts gs S35 35 Ft 8
[eee | seeder OD ® ~ .8no0o0 8 & So
b ' P
7 9 Son ome
ale O FY ee JO SgntaPle sans
" | a a B24 as fees BES oS
es a= ogee g bese! 8338 2M
AEA 2e0%S or Fo08 2 895.80
3 ' =a © com
en SSSR Soeye ss guna agsen$
5 =e One SMOoA HAO w o- ~Q
= Sota Pen Se Pear epee oe
ce | oon net Soo he we TSOR SES UO
ed | SJ mn 9
LOOD peison
Primary. 8e¢
pA SPECIALTY ois crze
curedin 15t035 days. Youcanbe treated a}
Seng 20me forsame price under sume guaran:
Paap ¢Y- Ifyou profer to come here we will con.
me to pay raiiroad fareand hotel billa,ana
noe nif we fail to cure. If you have taken mer~«
cury, iodide Potash, ond still have aches and
pena, Mucous Patchesin inouth, Sore Chroat
imples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on
any part of the body, Hair or Ryebrows fallin
out, it is this Secondary BLOOD POISON
we Esneates tocure. We solicit the most obstie
nate cases and challenge the world for a
case wecannotcure. This disease has always
pafiled the skill of the most eminent physi-
janse $500,000 capital behind our uncondis
tional Asana Absolute proofs sent Sealed on
pplication. Address COOK REMEDY CO.
803 Masonic Tempic. CHICAGO, TLICT
and can farni-h Wood at the shortest
notice. Bnys Woo: by the car load.:
Your patronage solusited.
""is now running a""
Cuba,, by Senator Quesada, Cuban
representative at Washington. En-
dorse * by Cuban patrio.s. In tremen-
dous demand. A bonanza for agents.
Only 81.50. Big book, big commissions,
-|Everybody wants the only endorsed, re«
liable book. Outtitsfree. Credit given
Freight paid. Drop all trash, aud make
$300 a month wit: War in Cuba. Ads
dress today, THE NATIONAL BOOK
CONCERN, 3852-356 Dearborn St,
ing their yearTs supplies will tind
their incerest to get our prices befere pua
u allits branches.[~ ~j
Tobacco, .T ff &c,
we buy diroc) from Manufactu... 3 en
lin, voice. buy at one prot. A eoa-
c @ stock of
always on hand and soldat noes to suit
tim areall bought and
ld for CASH ther
run we sell at a aban hl im
chasing elsewhere. Ourstock is complete
ee ae er
Patronage solicited. Cleaning, Dyeing
and Pregsiag Gents Clothes a specialty
Special attention given to cleaning
Gentlemens Clothing
J. A, Bureuss, Mer,
Washington, N. C,
This Hotel has been thoroughly reno
vated, several new rooms added, eleo,
tric bells to every room. Attentive ser,
vahts. Fish and Oysters ferved daily,
Patronage of traveling puvlic solicited
~ es com
The next. session of ~the school will
open on*
-MNDAY SERT. 7, 18%
o6M SCHULTZ Greenville .0,
and continue for 10 months ~
The terms are as follows. ,
Primary k nglish per mo,
Intermediate~* ~o
Higher : he | rT]
$1 00
Lape (each) ~** |
The work and disclpline of the school
will be as heretofore, ,
_ We ask a continuance ef your past
liberal patronage, oe
? W my RAG@SDJ LB,
~ale Headey.
o - " = . : © v ~] ~ . 4 if
a) i ~
; Waters & WELDON RR] MADRE MAKRINA ae Se Sask Greenvilie Market. . oPROM FROST TO FLOWERS,
oe : ; uk SaananEnneneneeee : ag Gaee ae aa . seal C A ~ ~ M, ! ys ; Reet Ee eae
a - AND BRANCHES, o|e ~Story of the Sole Survivor of he} sce or: uf teevants, Lup 2 te Rs a: by 8, ce : (alifornia qr Me | ;
i ~i ; ue n r : ~ 4
4ND FLORENCE Rail, be Ay Minsk Perseoution, " yous sicet me apgein, to: meet yg, Cea ima SShe | AUU
Coauenseu penedule- Cardinal Antonelli obtained an ar- beictoibe divone of thedudge of the Sngar cured flams _ 10; to 124 Both are such desirable he
_ der for Mr. Augustus J, C. Hare and world and io answer there for your | Ay; 40 to a hy P Winte
~ os | . " cs jective points for a Winter
- his~ sister to visit the Madre Makri- fr tieatment of the nuns at Minsk. Corn Meal, 45 70 60 CHB thal iva veruabe bask te
TRAINS GoINe;souTH. na, the sole survivor of the Polish " es -~ Flour, Family 423t0 6,75) WIP vi P 2
me ak epi ybaa pot Lard ; 5} to 10 you to dec~de where to go.
4 jnuns Wi0 were martyred for their Fase 88 to 40}
F * . : a Pi | 8
. ier 8 Bf faith in the terrible persecution at | Sugar 4to6 Let us Help You to
a eg ee _" | Minsk. In oThe Story of My Life�T | Nat Goodwin's Joke With Sullivan, | Coffee ° 17 to 20}
Ve 4a a ¥ pia . Mr. Hare say 8: s Salt pel Sach Fi , 75 to l o2 a Decision,
rs A, ~w| ~The uuns were starved, flogged to : rte Chickens 10 to 2! : oS
A, M./?.M. ; ; : / _ . : . Eggs per doz 7 to 10 oe
Leave Weldon | 17 55) 9 44 death, buried alive, subjected to the] When Sullivan was in his prime (eS WAXx.Der. 1) A trip via New Orlewn 1 ard
Ar, Rocyk Mt | 10010 9 }Mmost horrible crueltics. Three es-/,,4 wag supposed to be the | the S. athern Pacitic to either
ao me ) | eaped and reached Vienna, where invincible champion of tha. Gni- Mexico or the Pacitic ©. uss ig
LyTarhoro |1212) | | | two of them disappeared and never P Cotton and Peanut, oue you will never forge.
Ac oee nae were heagd of again. After a series | Verse, he came to Chicago to play Below are Norfolk prices of cotton It? �"� iti f a
8 gg et | Sat of unparal.eled adventures and es-/&a engagement. Nat Goodwin ants as for penrereay, so ap sa ~ransi ion rom
Vv nD i} #26 x akri- . ; y Co ros. onm were
pi cp 2 83 | peas the ae sagen cena Wis playing here at the same ohaore of Mortal - Frost to Flowers.
Lv FayTttevilie) 436 1.7) : * arrived in Rome. Pope Gregory time. Gocdwin, like every other Oieeoed phe
7 ii gohan sag ls EM aN i mecetred Bet . ndly, ne mae: man with a drop of sporting | Good Middling ~t Aud the serv ev 0 Jaxuii-
ae sitchin tees on antes ae cn nai ~| her tell her whole story once for all a : ' Middling i ous that pepk b have
? ea -|n the presence of 60 witnesses, who | blood ia his veins, admired Sul-};,¥, MT Idling ___ bf tested oguise "its � eall
os | | all wrote it down at once to insure |livan. He knew him very well, Good Ordinary 5 15-16 it incompa:. 1.
"_ "-}"" | accuracy, end then he shat her up |ag the greav actor and the great Fope"qu oh ANY 2s.
Lv Wilson P. eet | ASM | for vere oe eee oan pugilist both came from Boston. Prine - Ifyouare Thinking of
~ | saint and object of pilgrim ixtraT Prime i OU a %
ie Meader an * ~was not generally known what had Sullivan was standing neur a oancy ae c Oing, Write Us. i
i: Wi Teningtont 5 45 9 44-become of Mudvo Mekrina"it wasa|fsney bar at one of the hotels Spanish, thts | ek Por a
P. M. Ao Fmystery in Rome"but wewereable}wheu Goodwin entered. The| 'o"T"auiet. * We have 8 book entitled
rto trace her to the tiny convent of | agual circle of admirers were at al ""~" ~ Pep eRh rp Ad ie _ a
Ponsche seche. whi =» : 9 Aa ~
TRAINS GOING NOTRH. the Monache Polacche, which has | safe distance from the mighty one T 5S tally Hinsieses
since been destroyed by the Sardin- : , ear LT 200 pages, Eng,
oe ~|ian government,, Lut which then} oTl! admiring him in awe whieh we will send ou teceipt
| owed |2p) 8 | {stood near the arch of ~Gallienus, stricker: silence. Goodwin pre- of 10 saga oe I ro
1896. es vy | ~te tmearly opposite the Church of St. }~ended not to recognize Sullivan Bie Ven nts Veo
ra . ry Y ; ~ ~ : T { ~
Se ne a ee a Eusebio. When we rang the convent! He strolled over to the bar and Finds my place well supplied tha pester aor send on
Li Fisrecoe 48 neon dell and "had: shown our pons asked ina loud yoice: oWhois "vory choicest of" T peoeink of canis bo eames
i Cy Fayetteville) 1110/9 40 through nad grille, a ys ers that big duffer?� ; : cost of daiiing: |
: Lv Selma 42 37 within drew a bolt which admitte oSh-oh! ~hat's John L. Sull {
« Ar Wilscn 1 20/1183 . us to a litle room"den rather" hatin Hbat's ond , Omer fll }, | rh WIN Wars, Y u Reall Ou ht to
a "~ | barred with iron and with aniron van,� said the bartender. 0 y 8 |
lac ; x cage at one side, behind which the! oWell, what do I care?� de- Every hovsekeepé: sheuld tis Read them Both.
| 1 «| Portress, a very fat old woman, re- | manded the actor, and with that he! my select Diied Peis. | ~a T
ee ripen lawl pee caalaia marr ae a ce walked over aud brushed agaiust} I also have Malaga Grapes. Shall we put you down for a
av, Ct i) *SCLVCS, 28 . T ; if %
~ Gy Wilmington! 926, 0) 1° ~. ra me cone: alls pope, the fighter. Dates, Figs, Ocanges, Apples, copy! If so, or if you ~~
tiv Magnolia ~| 30 59 |) fh] Ob svome & st be nw in nt flee Nate, &e. in great abundance. any special information, i
raky Ceoldsboro ! rp a1 a | 2801 At last we got tired and said,| Sullivan glared down a Goud sast vl will b» cheerfully farnished
Ar Wilsen 1 00) do on oBut shell we not soon sce the lwin and roared: oSay, who are heapest piace in town. hy ye | lressing,
«iy Tarboro 1 248 | o1 Madyve Makrine?� oIesono la Madre ~you pushinT9� Leading brands of Cigars, 7
" io " I "~- | Makrina,�T said the old woman, oOb, keep still, you big bluff,� Fresh Candy every day. §. FE.B. MORSE,
ey BE laughing. Then we said,o*Oh, do fe cid 8 , Let me grate your Cocoanuts oo
er é : mM ,|re lied Goodwin et me grate your UCocoanu | G al P; asenver and Ticket
A oe teil us the story of Minsk.� - ~No,T 7 ) 4 ; b ; arco aSseL &
fond BD °° ; . ' » iy b*)
annem " | ~" "..; She replied. ~I proraised.at the feet wo or three of the spectators | he, sbciaiahi cae .
be hes ie BP, M,, Of Pope Gregory XVI that I would fainted, and others pashed for MORRIS MiSYER. | NAW ORLEANS
~he Roeky Me | er ie sg never tell a story again. ~ The ward to saye the actcrTs life. -
spate : ane} ____ | Story is written down. Youcan read Before they could interfere G Oods'
An arboro | 400 P. Mt _ | it, but I cannot break my :promise. . driv ; .
iY) T'arborc | | | oHow sd etl you must have; WIN Was eriving right aud oh * De } { UL WV ant t a
, pears y Me || 33 ra o| suffomd at Minsk!T we said. oYes, | the obig fellow,� who was backing
bicmates she answered, and, going bax ward, away apperently frightexed out of
she pulled up het petticeats and bis Wits. Must of the people | ~errrrrrrrr NORE WA INS Nee NL APP eA la Pa atncPll
~Ee in on Seotiend Neck Gro, sh en | Showed us her lets, which were
" who had ~bee ki on Yr
Penns fy icrntetprhen Det.) Haifax di enormously fat, yet, a elgort (lis. C ~Seen looking on ren
Pa sonville Sy po Negk #0 45" Vl tance abo ve,the ankles, were quite for their ~lives, and never came
win, 1 to
(2M. Returning, leave King, pee eaten av ay, so that ~you could seo | back to find out that it was al a
& Aa. 0).; Greenville 8.223 a. iy. ACTIVE | the bopT ~This is, she said, ~~was joke.
Piel sx at 11200 «. m,, Werdon 8 1! 20 ain | caused: by the Cains ~I -wore at
~accept Sunday. | Mi i�) The Madre Malaiz he
his » Madre Makrina, when}. _ ae
~Pres on Wadhnigaon Branch. Jeuwa| we took leave, seid: oI am filleg|" Practice to assault Sullivan Here is an @ppor tunity i) vel this exvalla E
WVashis gion 8.00.a, m,, and 3.0%) With woader as to thew yousyot ad. Whesever the saw him, and the
@rrives Pimele 850.a. m., amd.d.d0, i» . mavag ae for little mone Vy.
&., Tarboro 9.45-8 vm, ysetarniagion es ee hare never seen any) 8 fighter thought it was the
Farbous 3,30 p.m, Pannele 10.20 4. wm. | One befare since Tccine here, and I} funniest tuing the comedian ever
ay. 642) iJ. m,, arrie2s Washington do not gUp LO Se T: shatl ever see @ any did ill s | t
1.60 rn. an 7.30 p. m. Daily ex+! one agaw, so I w ili ge you e little \ V �,� W I sei 1e ( ;0smMmo-
Seotinnd N. ek Lael ien ith oraias. ony) Inemoridl of your % isit,TT aml she . sa i
+, Save Beer. tiny crucifix and medal] It shouldbe remembered tliat i 1} Nn d I K t kR
E'rain does vargorg a Cc, via Alvet | off her Chsin. T have At still, * }ne@ news is printed foi O E a An, t 1e as ern. e-
merle porter R, dail; ve COR Sune | When the Em} eror Nic holas-vam oe pape : one eae
dag yatcdi pine hendaee em se oem | particular individual If it please flector both one year f,
arnive. Pia-nonth $08 Pak 5.25 pie] } to Komeshe went to pay bis re- & majority of readers it d ; V ~ or
Reburving.2=¥es Pipa i Ly exoe ph pee to {he pope, ABO -Fecelvod ey ponies |
arrive Tarboro 10, 25 am and I aa Wiking,� said Pius IX; A oROU etaane| ~Teees and Priaier.
Prein.on Midland N.C. Ganch leaves
» a: Gay is . - sen te Spt ae: meaner rermacerece ttn teen te ue oc O ii q i se
m.avaiving Guinea Ok L W ec wil end the 0 Cos
/ M. ies. W. HIGGS, Rees, |. $. NGGS, Casner = Maj. HENRY HARDING, AssT: C
turuing leaves sulla 89 a. mn. care! ~ a mae ashier,
Enrgloeas Ste metres oie - (mopolitan and The Dai!
Teains on Latta brane. ®loreuce jQ! | Hi . VRE NWVIL, ' a4
t., foe on Lata Dra, Dun ber: E G E LE BANK Reflector, both, a whole
1618 said ~hat: Good win made it RE EE ren meaning
4.50 A C 8.05 ae } 9: . WL : 4
joave ines, eae Danger eeu = GEEENVILLWN. G.
oe 7.50 am, daily exsept Suu. ne ns year for $3, 50.
a ee, prance, are Wart eps a bins a Mere Than a Hatt P D. hal no d1ggs Brao., AAA
4 Uy, ¢Xeept Sunday, ilien Ooilars, | reenvunge,
eirestarent 50 fn nota wie , Win. T. Dixon, President Nationa: rome If Jy Ou want a good magazine and a good
Train Wa, 78 makes cluso easneesio, mar gk bag Sache yee fe drag hor du oeed dasha ee: home paper, this is vour chance, Compare
t Weldon feral] mats daily, allweil He QCOULGNE ROCK ' (OF Jims, LNAWIAUaEs A é genera .
Richmone, aces Reig eee | eek, A.C nublie, the Cospmopolitan with the $4 mazazines
Norfolk and Carolinak R ¢ Nersclk | Noah Biggs. Scotland Neck, X. C. i | o
je all points North is Norfolk "| RB. Homing, Pactolus, NW, C eee Woo vanks Surn-hiana st is the equal of any of them,
". DIVIN K, so
ws General sup..| -| Send your orders to the Reflector,
T. M. EMERGON,Trafie M .,
J.B. KENLY, Gen Manner. a) a Cael SEE THAT? EASES = a
Youmay never, " 8
| But should you everi@=
"The Oldest
| e wih ~What Is It ? on, Want Job acti \
Daily Newspaper in'- oo"& It is a picture ot tae celebrated� aia Come to see us. a
North Cavaiaa. PAR f H f HUNTAIN Pr hs : pon AA IN aan ae
Ne tiAlids Tart Best in yse The outfit ot no business man it}.
ie be Adee i Becrs : complete without one.
~ Favors Limited Free Coinage of The Reflector Book Store
ef American Silver and repeal
of the Ton Per Cen: lax on/hag a nice assortment ot these Fountain Pens, Visitin os! A a ;
won att wet ont also a beau fu! hit Whar rene gre ~tiem ane | Go tity ayn
ou e astonished w ou see them an
: Vy BRRARD learnhow very cheap they " Full Sno etT Boster,
a, ee ns Se ie é
. Som:~g and Going, Weather or no
" ~M. B. DawesT went to Tarboro tom |
Creates many « new business. day.
Eularges many an old business, :
Preserves many a large business. Rev. J. B. Morton returned to Tar -
Revives many a dull business, boro today.
AN] escues many a lost business,
rarnaieaivscwnaieaad oh EPS J""-- q bd s te: a ° re .
Saves many adailing business, Joe Jacobi, of Wilmjngton, spent
S-cures success to any business ;
fr yesterday here.
: l] weg J. H. Blount returned from William
| ~ To oadvertise judiciousiy,� use tne} gton Wednesday evening.
oe hae coluinrs of t. RE®LECTOR.
ag =)f Gre as P. G. Mayo, of Falkland, has located
here and will open a brekerage busi-"
We want that money in +t Dei
because we have a fair AM Constantly at it Brings SnGces ness.
: equiva~ent to offer for wives Aub boas emibition. A bell has been put up a; the public
eo it. Our g oods are the school house in Forbestown. It rang
: right kind at the right a for the first time this morning.
price. . Pissenger and mati train going] It looks like March 1s not going to
Nerth, arrives 8:52 A.M; Going South, give ae any rood wedthet at all, So tar Our ~buyer has re turne d
We havejust received A caer Tot ne r arrives from Wasbh- | ther i i art
! @ ~ash- e has been rain every day sinee the, from the northern markets 9
a new stock of the Cel-|inzton Monday, Wednesday and Friday mcepth cate in. land we are ready to display LADIES
~eives for Washington Tuesday, Thurs- 4
RprAted and Famous d+ and Saturday p ? A. Heilbrouer, wite and chil, of the most attractive stock of
peered monves
Tarboro, spent last night here witu
Mrs. M. R. Layg. They are removing | ! * *
B eyes to New York and came by here to-tell | Dress G oods, Trimmings,
By Teiegraph to er ee
SpFIGHT & MORRILL. their relatives goodbye.
for Menand Bovs.inall Catton Buyers and Commission Zz me " ry 8 +) :
the newest shapes and Merchants, ecuosrrom THE ricer. | Silks, Hambags, Laees, White Goods and all
NEW YCRK COTTON. \ es i ° s ; :
seca Bag as Sea Fm De ae croay| ,, Covettnvt only met Fitz bureawht} the noxelties of the season. Our stock is large:
° a NG. x « he Sr. sOe tits.
are beauties. Every|Jue 714 7.14 7.07 711 oe ey eee wa ak a1 1
pee por aataed. Peo ak, ead cats She report ames ay Uy ie and selected with great care and you will have-
a2) Geek es a orbett is dying from the injuries be shat ,
Abeautifulline of sty}, regelved.ia. the fight, ~no wouble to select just what you want and at.
lisp, neat, durable July 73 733 734 What little betting on the prize fight prices that are a.waysithe lewest.. Come see US::.
and elegant , } We have heard of as taking plac?
ord \
_A A a (|
SLI PPERS duly 8,824 8 974 8.725 8 974 here was at odds in favor Corbett. Aad
| ) Rins" the odds lost.
tor ladies, fresh from July 4.75 4,85 4.724 4.85; The telegraph service in giving the
the factory made speci- " + --". | bulletins of the slugging mill was ad"| ~
ally tor us, The latest, WEATHER BOLLETIN. mirable. In just 7 minutes after fhe
newest, nobbiest and . eine fight ciosed the full news had beea re"
prettiest styles. Local rains tonight and Friday, fol-| ceived and bulletined in Greeaville.
" lowed by tair weather Friday afternoon | The fight 18 over,and the country lias.
Remember we have) warmer. Witnessed one more spectacle of beastly |
alsoreceivedanew sup- ns | Driutility, Let us hope another will
ply of LENT. never tae place in our nation, Every! Ar buckles Coffee onlyT20 cts a pound.
sangeet mn
State should have stringent laws against
Cannon Borrowed, Given Away and Other| 01 ~Granulated Sugar only 5 cts apound.
wise. | . a _
, Tus Daity Reruecror was among! HeinzTs Baked Beans only 15 cts a can.
Oloth Comes in fits and starts"the epilep- the first papers to publish an account ot | 5-pound Buckets of Preserves: only 40 cts..
tic. the fight and-gave it.to our people more |
Just a periect syDsti-| Parasols will be superfluous, with the a _ nous ahead. of A ae 3-pound Camelegant Apples only 10 cts a can:
saab e Z. ad ~ ee retting 10 the entire fighy by rouads . " | pe:
tute for Linen, ~only 10 approved Haster as after it closed (1:57 P. M. at Carson} Dried Apples only acts a pound.
cents per yard oneyard Dressed lumber and mouldings fur} which was 4:37 here) necessarily de-| | | | - 12 1
wide, the cheapest ANC | nished on short notice. J. J. CwerRy | juyed the paper some, but it was eager- ~These goods are all strictly first-class as we dio
best. thing as for Stalk and chopped Celery, Michigan ly sought after and copies went rapidly. not net deal w shoddy goods, We lead in the
Embroidery an Plums and Peaches, in jars, at J.S.
en» °
erocery business, others try to tollow.
Drawn Work. TunstallTs. Found Atéer Ohe Year, 5 ty � o Ow
ney T ; ah 9 Pansy PLants."Pansy seed, Gar"| About a year aga a man Went to. the { |
~ U : L IN, WH: : den seeds and Flower seeds. livery stable of J. IF. King ard hired 4 a e * és urn ; Q.
bea utiful, fancy ALLEN WARREN & Son. pr horse. The man and horse beth (isk, .
appeared and nothing could bo heard) === i pina ance
Fresh Carr Butter 1 pond package
Indian : at S. M. Schultz. ot them, notwithstanding diligent search x= ro . «
was made and. a reward offered: "" q si = S
Baskets Notice."-We are now open with a Recenuly Mr. King received iuforma" = r ~~
. 9 | beautiful line of Millinery and Summer } gion (hat a man in Duplin county had j " ox-_ = a)
d Just the inapecti y="=o UV) = =) hoa
Neat an at th Dress Goods and pea your inspection. | 9 horse resembling his lost one, which © O = Cds. an
Sere to please © Mrs. J. 8. Tuxsrat, & Co. | had been purchased from a steanger in bf % o~ C) oe) " I Co =
18. Opposite RerLecToR office. Mraooh of last maar. U ge comm 2 yo a
: Mare ast year. Upon this infor- ra} a |
a Worx. honed ~toy Actions speak louder than wordsj mation Mr. King went to Duplin 2 = " = ® = cs
T T ah witileT wap
; a" with most people, but particularly with! county last week and vreedily recog- © r saipaiet
d aah ey aig seas minutes. nized his lost. animal. Steps are now e a [ellie | 7, es : a "
T ORES a An innovation in Easter bonnet dec- | bing taken tatind the thief. ra nee , & 3 i
We can please DOH] ovations is a tiny little baby chicker. © "_" ho a
a youa ad your purse. It is said to be a very chicy Postmasters to Serve Out Their Terme, B "" = mn =
ae a Lawyer."My client can neither read Washington, March 15," Postmaster
i C T . sna saciid
N early very day nor write. How can he, therefore, be | General Gary has made an announce~
brings us scmething a forcer? Witness"HeTs a blacksmith ant of imterest to demociatic post
new and just the thing i ger: ; *| ment oO open : o Cl pe - eG ,
ou want masters whose terms expire on various
y' Ten rere} war oeo |dates under the new administration. : W h + t a |
- Come and inspect our |%3 AO won Qe | He says he has decided to udbere to the ) l |
Mammoth Stock of Dry 3 pe | four year tenure ot office policy for 5 } |
Goods. Notions, Shoes, postmasters except in cases where such (,OO S,
Hats, Groceries, mens : Ait, officials should be removed for cause. : :
ware, Crockery, Furni- CH HOUSE ~ .
ture and House Fur- a PRACTICAL Miss Stella Ward, uged 16 years, of As E mbr oider Ics 9
nishing Goods. ~hey|# ||\ ANI CHE IRON | owas coun, was bitten by apt dg : , |
are desirable new and | x | 2B llast September. ~he ~wound was so L. ACE S ie We have a handsome collec-
heart cheering . aC WORKER. 3 slight that no stlention was paid to its "? tion of new White Goods, Em-
Bs Beautiful Hall Racks ' # Offers sis weretn a ths even the ~car had nearly disappeared. broideries and Laces, which we have laced on
Be just received. citizens of Greenville and the Last Wednesday the girl was stricken | sale and invite an earl inspection. in. White
o oe ber #@ public generally. with hydrophobia and two days later Goods we show f great val iety of daint pat-
Remember we Oper-)% Loorinc, GUTTERING, 3 | she died interrible convulsione"Mon-| terns for little folks, such as fine dimity checks
ate our store on a deter-
mined policy of fair,
ned poncy. ol ES fee tearean i "« |Englishnainsooks, etc, Our line of Embroide-
ee mre Lee wettest The Witmnioy Notes & Nov. | SIGE AES Vo attractive and quite moderate in
ee end n ds 1328. Flues made in season. Shop; + folk Railway Company, has gone in the} DLC. . In uaces we are showing full lines of
our triends, Fe : oBE bands of a receiver, ~~, | Walenciennes and Torchons, from the tiniest
Spouting ard Stove Work, i roe Inquirer. and stripes, sheer linen lawns, Persian lawns,
eK intear of 5 and 10 cent store, 1) ncienne
a | by |wdth upto the wide..
' { | ret ee Wi REO OO OOK (
Roe shad are éelling as low. as 25 ee)
(cents each here row. |