Daily Reflector, October 7, 1896

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Editor and Owner,


TERMS: 25 Cents a Month,

Vor. 4.


Serpette ayn - soe. octet es a




designer of styles tor


eee 9) ge

New and completeline


Dress Goods,

and trimmings to match

Rugs and

In endless variety.

Come and see them, no:
trouble to show goods.|!

oldgent sade: BYLA bie Sine ei

-Next'ddort6 cme MA

Greon ville.


i King 39 00, R W King 198 70, H A

EB MecLawhorn 205, E A Moye

a oTimber lands'ot Beaufort County Tjum.,
Dae ber Co., in Chicod rownslipy be a


GREENVILLE, N. C., Oct. Sth.

The Board of Commissioners ot Pitt
county met tiis date, present C. Daw-
son, chairman, L. Fleming, S. M. Jones
T. E. Keel and Jesse L. Smith.

The tollowing ~orders fer paupers
were issued ;

Martha Nelson 200, H D Smith 2 00,
Nancy Moore, 340, Susan Briley 2 50s
Henry Harris 250, Kenneth Hender-
son 3 00, Eliza Edwards 150, J H Bibb
200, Henry Dail 2 00, Sam and Ann
Uhlerry 400, Fannie Tucker 2 00,
Alice Corbett 3 00, Winitred Taylor
6 00, Winnie Chapman 1 40, Polly
Adams ] 50, Mrs J W Crisp 2 80,
7 00, Edwin Haddock
L 50, Matilda Thomas 2 00, Mrs. Chas
Juyner 190, Hannah Dupree 1 50,
Lucinda Peel 2 00, Sarah Bright 2 00

James Long

| Alex Venters, 1 50, W M Boyd 150,

Elizabeth Garris 1 00, Amanda Datn

7 OU.

county purpo.es were isaued :

Chas. Skinner 25 50, C W Dunn
10 75, ~ R Parker 1650, D D Hask-
ett 6 20, N L Gray 3 10, J W Smith
135 26, James L Roberson 3 00, 2 M
Starkey 31 10, R M Starkey 510, J T
Smith t 50, R L Joyner 17 62, D J
Whichard 4 70, MeG. Bullock 1 60, J
L Little 420 90, J J Laughirghouse,
1 00, John Elks 26 17, Jason Joyner
@ 40, Dr. C OH Laughinghouse, 26 20,
Dr. C O'H Laugiinghouse, 2 00, R W
1240, RW King 1955, R Wi
900, RW King 9400, RW

~ullowing orders for general


Biow 20 00, J R Smith & ro. 11 11,

21 20, Laura Wisson 8 20, W H
Cox 7 3d,T E Carson 370, T J
Thomas 17 58, Ben Craft 1 65, R M
Muye 29 80, WH Allen 175, FM
Kilpatrick 3 10, J A. Lang 78 60, J 4
Eubanks 4 20, A Alexander 2 10, B F
Tyson & Co 13 80, WE Moye 2 05,
James Barrett, 15 40, J I Brown 31.-
37,3 S Ross 2 15,J J Stokes 2 05, D
A Watkins 170, RW Smith 1 38,
Ira Albritton 3 70,S M Jones 9 30, C
V Newton, 3 65, Joe Hales 4 35, R W
Ward 50c, B F Ward 2 60, Willis
Johnson 4.10, R Allen 215, T E
Keel 13 40, Jesse L Smith 7 60, Joe
Hathaway 380, Woody McLawhorn
160, W E Tucker 410, E A Moye
220 Major Pollard d5e, HT King
3.00, W M King 8 10, C Dawson 11 60
L Fleming 7 00, S M Jones 8 60.

The following persons were allowed
list taxes for 1896.

Greenville"F B Burnett, W K Mc-
Gowan, G A McGowan, L A McGow,
an,H C Edwards, Queen~e Victoria
McGowan, Mrs. E J Moore, Chas. 8.
Riley & Co, Miles Harrer, John Flem-
ing and Jordan Cox.

Contentnea"L A McGowan, W I
King, W H Campbell, Henry Harring
ton, Charlie Grimes, Chas S_ Riley &
Chicod"Mrs. Feggy Rodgers, B B
Paramore, Ransom Boyd, A B Hudson
RS " Beaufort County Lumber
Co., 8 W Bell. . | :

estol iat A McGowan. GA Mv
Gowan, guardian for children.

Carolina" Mrs. Margaret Moore.

Ordered that valuation ~of land of
Penvie Vainright inT Chicod townalip
be corrected.

Ordered. that taxés of Mrs. H. Wil-
liams be corrected and balance due be
refunded by the Sheriff.�

Ordered that Altred Canton be re~

leased trom payment ot pol tax: f or
1896. on wa

Ordered� ~that the valudtion ~6 the

jereased 15 per cent. sa

1 00, Alex Harris 12 00, Frank Cavnons| ,

January term, 1897, Pit itt t Superior |

George Mooring, colored, J L Thig-
pen, David Hyman, J H_ Beardsley, L
H Worthington, J J Evans, J Ui Star-
key, Jos Tripp, WR Perker, J G
Taylor, C D Rountree, WO Barhill,
Fred Cannon, colored, J S Brown, col-
ered, Nausby Mills, M M Stokes, H H
Hardy, RS Baldree, A Garris, W
li Stocks, M C Manning, W H Jen-
kins, Warren Langley, RG Council,
W G Stokes, Jas. Browa, W R Wil-
liams, S D Overton, Sherrod White,
W J Warbritton, J F Allen, C C Case,
Osear Johnson, G W Pitan, J rt
duewell, W IL Aaams.

LH Pender, JG Tyson, Jas A
Smith, colored, J B Randolph, Carlos
Harris, B If Hardy, LaFayette Cox,
M C smith, TH Fleming, C W Bailey
John S Brown, L H Smith, W J Jack-
son, A Cooper, D B Carrington, JL
, LH Hester, C N Feaden.

Seanad ad

~ OX

His Statement false.

When D. L. Russell spoke ia Green�
ville on Saurday, 3rd inst., he gave as
his reason fer not engaging in a joint
debate with the Democra~ic candidate
for Governor, that joint discussions in
the eastern counties where the cpeak-
ings would v2 attended by a_ large
number of colored people would provoke
stiife and bad feeling between the races,
und he did not want to be a patty to

| The follo ving Pc an wedi

rereading such disorder.

But this was just adodge, He ought
to have been in Greenville on Tuesday
and seea the falsehvod stamped ou his
assertion by the joint debate between
J. H. Small and J, B Respass.
two gentlemen, one a Democrat ani
the other a Republican, spoke here to
a mixed crowd, and no one could ask
to see a more orderly and well behaved
audience than that which set before


these two speakers.

Russel knew when be made the as-
sertion that there was no more likeli
hod of disturbance being created at a
joint discussion in the eastern counti es
than in any other portion of the State,

ng Savage in Jail.

A Scouland Neck special to the Rich-
mond Dispatch says: Young Savage,
the cclored man who was arrested here
some wecks ago for stealing goods and
escaped froth the Sheriff, and , was sub-
sequently captured in Philadelphia, is
now in ja'l at Halifax awaiting his trial
at November Court.

Savage made a confession that he had
three confederates, but refused to g.ve
their names, saying he had sworn never
to reveal them. When he was arrested
in Philadelphia he had a letter on his
percon addressed to W. T. Smith, It
was from Scotland Neck, tut in the
letter was a clipping from the Scotland
Neck Commonwealth giving an account
of SavageTs escape from the officer. and
this served to clinch Savage, who con-
fessed at ouce to the detective who ar-
rested him that he was the man wanted

a eal

Through to Farmville,

Telephone connection was made with
FarmvilleT today. -Manager Atkins
was out there and piaced "phones in the
stores of R. L. Davis & Bro. and W.
M. Lang. The through line works lige
a charm, conversation over it being
very distinct indeed.

The Farmville line runs by the store
of C. ~D. Smith at the old Cobb store,
8 ~miles from, town, where a phene has
also� been placed. do

~This .new line 13 No, 8, all shane
on it having the same: connection at
eentral office. |


eregpaAl Rot thee ger

i Be es

) he wcelatk Bird Bye, :
yon oneiof tht raced ut Norfolk'yester |

we bik ate. Tybee .000¥


od ~

aot niensnnneitteteitee a SAN st ninhnmnaingnaoee hide: ~ ee n.



8 ae
Friday, Oct. OOth,

Le Oe,

The only big show to appear here this season.
In the meantime go and see




a A NID een

__ Overcoats

The largest assortment ever gathered under one
tent. The latest styles and makes. No rea-
sonable price refused. A few more of those
stump-pulling Pants spoken of by the clown.

This chilly weather is a reminder that you must
change your


Remember | have received a full and complete
line of Underwear in all weights and makes and
prices. You will not be satisfied vnless you
see my stock.

_ The King Clothier.

Sot nt mate a ea Ca: mem



Prices will talk louder Le 5 anythin g else we
Lee CAN SAY. ee.

Al! the arguments in the world would not indace you to buy fro-a
us unless you were to find prices right. We will sell you goods
from 15 to 35 per cent lower than any house iu towa and
donT t you forget it. We have doneit before and are da -
ing ittoday. The proof of the puddingisin 114i: 1
Give us a trial and we warrant liks Oliver Twist
oYon'ihask for more.�


& Hats,}J


Lik __{t |

O xr stock, embraces

CAPES, Cloaks,

Ks ae Antes

aimee Srnne nee : a :

No. 563

riidh gill bool id ws ahiew wild mane wore e B ome sd ane
: oe ; ~Leader of & :
| At 1 Hig he old stand, . los.




& poll of the compositors employed} 10"Thou shalt get up when baby

on the Chicago newspape;s showed the). cries... ge � = TINEWOF ;
= et tesult: Tribune, for Bryan,| Andtry the child to tranquilize. : : :
3; for McKinley, 42, Record, for} " - These my commandments fiom| yz oq yy Wall laper!
Be 82; tor Mckinley, 5. Chron" - day to day, Unter He ; "
icle, for Bryan, 60;. for McKinley, 10. |. Implicitly thou shall obey. : . : n (ever ab iy Greenvill B
ee Ba, "| Inter Ocean, for Bryan, 57; for MeKia-) 4, husband said that Tillie had Panera Lireel oe ereen®
a a ley, 13. Times"Herald, tor Bryan, 553) ao ganed: oThat is the way to treat | sure to see my samples. All new
. oas , cats . ow gt . :
= tered as second-class; mail matter. for McKinley, 4. men,� when her own guilt was discov- GREENVILLE, xe | styles, uot an cld piece in the lot.-
edocs: | " cieiniannataemgiiamagss ered. Have just received an Will take pleasurs in bringing
SURSCRIPTIONZRATES. The gold bug. papers, and the Re Ere samples to your home if you willT
* A Cham of Evt!. notify me at wy shop near Hume

vs blican party declare that there is
~ ee = $8700] PY pay
One year, wi

oOna month, - 1. = «2 enough money in the country to do berTs, on Dickerson avenue,
pee week, - - °* @- -10/business. Where is it? In the hands ; 8 yee Je __| of the latest style and are ready to serve,
Look at the druakard. HeTs some- : ico Lower A. Po ELLINGTON, |

, riers without a . . the wants of the trade at Prices Lowe
Delivered i in town, by carriers of the monopolies and being used to bodyTs son. 1 donTt know whose ; aud] than ever offered befcre. Small profits

amtra cost. ply ; | ; rome }
owh Avoetiong rates are Itberal and ean be | °*T4Pt voters! That ought to be} erchance somebedyTs husband"blear- and quick sales is our motto Our G i i k t.
rs the editor or at|stopped also. Our free institution, and . |Zoods are new and cheap to meet the reenviile Marice
pom application to the e ; PP 80. - ins ? eyed, wretched fellow! I go up to him} wants of the masses, We are selling ~orrected by 8. M. Sehultz
+ ghe office | ree ballot, ard fast passing under this coods at a price far bel the usual JOTTOCLEG DY ©. M, GCMULGZ.
. one and say: oPoor drunkard, how came |*�"� price tar below the usu:
- " ~ , rice, ", per Lo 15 to 25
a sg hos buying system. If the Republicans you here?� oI am here because th a¢ , 875 cacket it 860 Western, Sides 4t to 5-
rre ; : 2 dew Lo . 75 casket we sell for ve mit | ,
ae a portortion te ey, who will |" buy the election, 1t is farewell to is here.T oWhatis that?� Icis the 70H Sugar cured Iams » 10 to 124
£ San ayn shasy ; Ayre
gend in brief items of News as it occurs American independence. " Durham open saloon.� J walk up to the saloon 65 455 aon Meal � 4 -
: {a each neighborhood. Write plainly Sup. . ~ s%5) be te be AQ orn Ms . , o :
and only on one side of the paper. } and say, oOb. open saloon, the worst Fe TS Flour, Family 3.75 to 1
SOR oe a PURER RE eT RE thing this i e t t i I +4 45 bh *s bs 30 Lard oF toi
| | a thing uss o dam ation, how ine pa ere 35 to 40
sana * rtp Gov. Carr has called a flower con- | YU heres am hzre because that is a) we OQ Sugar tae
. sion on subscrip- . °? What is thatr? oTh atnte oi rr ts 15 otlee y
ee ald vo agente. gress to meet at Asheville October 21, ae : W i is thatr , The _ ry ar 12.50 Salt per Sach 80 to 1 75
| 22 and 23, for the purpose of deciding | o*�"�" walk Up {oO the statute Jaw) 41) we ask is a trial and will give en- | Chickens 10 to 25
""""=""" : Purp ° oH e vou here?� Be-| tir facti ° Eggs per doz lv to 11
" e 0 4 3) 6 cr PY 5) Des £ f;
upon a national flower and asking con- ana say, © vw came! ou ore « ° G MS WAN & CO. Beeswax. per 10.
WEDNESDAY. OcTOBER, 7TH, 1896. A ve .. | Cause that is here.� ~What is that?� A. cGO AN &
lee adopt their choice. Gov. Carr : O ite Post Ties Cotton and Peanut,
"~-" : : has invited the governors of the various SUNG NESE Oa UE ats G0 UE B. F. SUGG, M ntor, )
appoint delecates to attend |/gislator, and say, oWhy are you anager. _ Below are ~Norfolk prices o a
DEMOCRATIC 1 NOMINEES. |S! (© appoint delegates to attend] Pei te ese Wat - and peanuts for yesterdny, as furnishe
this convention, and favorable 1eplies 1ere! ecause tnat 1s . dat] ye ow. HIGGS, Pres, j. 8. HIGGS, Cashier by Cobb Bros. & Corraission Mere
is that?T oThe old deacon in the chants of Nortok -
have already come from the governors , | Maj. HENRY HARDING AssTt Cashier. COTTON.
National Ticket. of Missouri, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, church who voted ~fo me.� Hrother, | Good Middling :
_" North Dakota, Ohio, Louisiana, Rhode | ¥°U bAve seen a chain ot iron links, . aoe ewe ling it
FOR PRESIDENT. Island, Connecticut, Massachusetts and This is a chain with five links in it, Good Ordinary 6 9-16
" ~uak Yoanl Lian c . mm ang
WILLIAM J. BRYAN, Maryland. a go back ugain to the drunkard, Tone"easy
oWhere are you going?� «TJ �? ° PEANUTS.
of Nebraska. sition Wie?T elle Bhan . re Greenville,N.C. | prime a4
, ~Woy! 1@ D1bie Says no di unkar oap. .
FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, Hon. Georee Fred Williams, the| sh: i ter the Kine ) ; . Extra Prime 3
ARThUR SEWALL n. George Fre iliams, th@|shall enter the Kingdom af Heaven.� _ "ancy 3
- .M - , brilliant young Democratic nominee for | oDeacon, where are you going?� oOh, STOCKHOLDERS. Spanish a1.10 ba
Fs 2 5 , 2 Oone-"HrMm.
OF sane, " Governor of Massachusetts, has made }I am going to Heaven. Away back | Representing a Capital of More Than a Halt a "_ a
OR CONGRESS"FIRST DISTRICT a decidedly interesting if not prophetic | yonder, forty years ago, I was converc Million®Dollars, | GREENVILLE TC A8Cr MARKET
i , 1 ~CAS discovery in regard to the nomination | ed. once in grace, alluz in grace.� I . REPURT.,
w. H. LUCAS, of Mr. Bryan. Said he a few-evenings | have often wondered why a fell iit the ibd deateuitany dala
of Hyde county. ty oalae oe Way chow | Exchange Bank, Baltimore, Ma.
ne ago in-his tammuny Hall speech: oOn| didnTteat a big dinner and then sit} The Scotland Neck Bank, Scotland bY oO. L. JOYNHEK.
FOR ELECTOR"FIRST DISTRICT. | July 10 Columbus discovered America. | dawn and say to his wife, ~Wife, once | Neck, N. C. "
JOHN H. SMALL, The idea of the republic was conceived | ful!T alluz full.� B Noah Biggs, Scotland Neck, WN. C:, Uves"Commou.. ++ +22 10 8
7 p a : ut I say to the old
of Beaufort county. on that date; on July 10th Andrew |deacon, o(Old fellow, the other end of R. R. Fleming, Pactolus, N, C. ~6 Fine.... .........7 to 14
Jackson refused to charter the United | your chain is going o hell.� oOh, well. opel. Wee rdee Higgs :Bros., CuTTeRS - Common... ....64 tol®
A M4 T » « yr . * . . 4 .
State Ticket. States banks, and on July 10, 1896, /T ainTt.� oYou old hypocrite, donTt o6 Fipe.... .... .10 to 18
j hon Wiiliam Jennings Bryan was nomi-|you know that when the other end ot ~~
3 . FOR GOVERNOR : nated for President of the United | the chain drops into hell, chug! you'll We respectfully solicit the accounts PAW OX
CYRUS B. WATSON, tates.T Surely if there is any vir oNW omoht in a o CQ aa, | of firms, individuals and the general ae,
Foy erly States� Surely if there is any virtue | fall mght in along with it ?T"Golden ~li g \.
or Forsya. : . . ak: .: ae DUOC, "
inomens the foregoing dis.overy is a | Censor ye th on
. ~ iPny Vis i Tn aty Seo
~~ most suspicious sign, especially in view Checks and Account Books furnish | Wahi A SPECIALT ondary or Ter
oly ia C0 TR arn sets d licat AT la POISON WN permanent]
POR LIEUT, GOVERNOR: Ve ee ee ed on appiucation. Ba Ba curedin 16t035 days. Youean betreatcd
oa of the fact that Major McKinley re The Next House. ph home for samo price under same guarans
THOS. W. MASON, : - ae Dame ty. If youprefer to como hero we willcon:
of Northampton ceived his nomination on July 18th, A I ic ; 5 tract to pay valiroad fareand hot! bill,and
ton. . - a : ~ ire nocha © fail to cure. If
P the fatal day on which the star of Na-|_ , e. _ 4at ou C stoe Ole cary, lod ide otash, ead etalk ive aches end
" ere will be 358 members cf the Fe lee CoD pea one Throat,
FOR SECRETARY: poleon was forever extinguished. w - S 6 ly a eles Conner Gstared Ahan, ~Uleers or.
a ° next House. The New York Journas any part of the body, Mir or Eyebrows fallin
CHAS. M. COOKE . | ; oo out, it is this Secondary BLOOD POISO
~ z ene ) EEE figures that 185 will be for free coin- she ye casos ~and chailenge the eed eee
a A WifeTs Ten Commandments. age; 162 against it; and 10 doubtful. ® ~ Gathod the skiilettie ween eice wars
FOR AUDITOR : The New York ~Times claims that the . oioualguarentee Absolets prootacentrenied a ~
: \ f " : .. Re a EN . Heation. Address OOO%K ; a
~R.M. FURMAN, ve ja: | gold men will have 212, but in its cal- House Furnishing 13 Masonic Tomale, Ob: Pay tat mit ated
of Buncombe Chieago, Ill, Oct. 2."William . ;
. Gemeckb; al-to-do merchant, was culation claims all of Wisconsin, West nese een n iene nmrenmrenmnrmmenniell
""_ eckbier, a well-to-do merc 9 WES | vr oinia f VHtopnia O90) fr a 1
FOR TREASURER : sranted a divoree today by Judge Han-| "8M 8 from Calitornia, 20 from} " Goods, Bicycles, &c,| Professional Cards.
B. F. AYCOCK, cey from his wite, Tillie, who it was Illinois, 12 trom Indiana, 11 from | "
C 1 ey 29 W yas Le .
of Wayne ; Iowa, and 12 from Michigan. Such . R. L. CARR
5 shit proven beyond a doubt had been guilty 5 Just Ope ned up iD [)® : DENTIST,

claims show how unreliable is the ta-

, - Greenvilie, N. CG.
store next door to el. Office over Old Brick Store next to

ar a ot many indiscretions which a good |. ;
y a ble. In the JournalTs estimate, Norch

Bae Oe eR ON | wite would have shunned. William
; ein 2 U de a : odl, ¢ 1 . . ta . A .
J. C. SCARBOROUGH, aug. ; ¥ Carolina is put down 6 for gold an 3 CO Cobb KX Son b King Ho se.
Ach said that in spite of her own trailty, . : ; y
of Johnston. oo for silver. Unless the peopleTs honest ~
" she was A most exacting wife, and add convictions are smothered, North Car
f . . are § sreC ior ar- . . owoof S ,
FOR ATTORNEY-GENERAL ; ed to the Biblical decalugue ten com-|_). ) ee S E PENDER John E. Woodard, Ff. vv. dlarding,
F. L OSBOURNE dments of b ~hich she had olina will serd 9 silver,men to the e e . Wilson, N.C. Greenville, N.C,
oa : , mange get Own, Wiel she 1a" | House. Failure to dco so will show fOODAKL:& HARDING,
of Mecklenburg, prepared and insisted that he should|,, _. . a | ATYORKNEYS-AT-LAW,
) that in three districts the people have Greeiviile, N.
naar obey. He hada neatly engrossed copy, voted for gold candidates while pro ° ial att ( te e
. * bY © 23 / ITO- , a i i 2 g
FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICES OF THE 8U-/ which he showed the Court. It reads}; _. _ . P 2 . pects attention given Go collections
Dae a ee fessing to favor tree coinage. Will 2 ° anc settlement of claims.
PREME COURT. thus : they be led into his M ik H Stoves and Tinware Loars made on short time.
, 2 «1e to 6 Vhis Mark Hanna
a oASC, AVERY, of Burke, These are the new Commandments 9 ; . ,
: : trap ?"Raleigh News and Observer. chean r h ever pbe-
+ GH, BROWN, of Beaufort a per than ib 3arbers.
4 : : . . panama .
; Which wives make fer married ore |
3 Dr. Taim eTs Wise Words. ° :


men :


oe 1"Remember that I am thy wife
ae FOR THE SENATE. ; 4 oDuring the last six presidental S o&s ae _ GREENVILLE. N. 0,
| LS LAUGHINGHOUSE, | That fon most cherish all hy | gadons L Inve boon urged w enter] Bay 6B r | Raonage sliced, Cleaning, Dyan
a ife. the political arena, but I never have S mee o Beri ;
2"Thou shall not stay out late at {and never will turn the pelpit in which| S& A -SRBERT EDMUNDS.
night, ] preach into # political stump. Every} 7 E " = = H FASHIONABLE BARI ER.
ae ; : minister must do as he feels called on| & , 4 Special attention given ro cleaning
ve Tt my hen lodges friends, and clubs to do, and I will not. c.itivise him for ge a - | 7 Gentlemens Clothing
Invite. doing what he considers his duty; but | & © : a
~ 8"Thow. shalt not smoke indoor or jall the political bharangues fro the a = ee iad How SCHGOL F OR GIRLS.
FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: | sat pulpits from now until the 3rd of No- oa = Qe 2 Will open at oElm Cottage,T.
ow A K TUCKER; - oe Bi ~| vember will notin all-the United States} &- oS bd a Oct. 2nd a HomeRebool for G Ginis.:
~ JESSE CANNON, | Or chewT tobaceo *roundabout. change one. vote. but will leave many| 26 = 0 fy! ZF |from 8 to 16 years of age. Nusa-
A BCONGLETON. 4_ThowT what with praise receive | .91, stopped against anything that such BS S ¢ tt Ail: ber bi fast: Wane
Of ~ my pies, {clergymen may utter the rest of their] 8g one Mikel 24 xe 4 P. O Nelson C AN
FOR SHERIFF Nor pastry made by me despise. lives.� - " 2. 36 fed Norwoo oetdateers
GM TUCKER, |. My ene, Hon. shall strive to " Fhe Mes | oy TEL NICHUISON,
ve bedded please, a : oe Watch Out For Them. Fe. = + O. Ge 5 terete! od BURGEss, Mer.
a /" eae ot 1
sew mower of bass wi dak a tro te far ) , oe : Ay a8 This Dabrorasomm me 7
. 7 ' Informati : v a ka fh ey? thorou hg od
L B MEWBORN. To dress well thoughout the] Observer that oan oreeak nee cg End Bd Fy | vata everal new rooms Ged Oe
bs bees spe: 3 pas ¥ : "i * & | trie bellsto every room. Attentive ser--
BAVO Se: | os.r Oc Athere has been a steady. im rtation | = Dias Se rhino adhe sters bal
7 a8 ' shal in manner nid anil of negroes into the State by McKinleyTs| , = a2 4 ion sande poi ! puuilic

jjagents. They have been scattered



Boks ig a Tome _ J 10 a Baia ie ee ba en the. r tewhs, ~and it etic) aio 4 i: Baber Te we

Bot. uw) TAS ; Scnlai Reon suppused | ~Democrats had | rier ike. Be

a te prog t td te king ht onto the scheme... It will The Town Tax List for 1896 hed

at SHOUSE. ~But hi m plan. for Democrats 2:
a ioclhin ih igi eee, fot on pastonlaty ~jn theT Targ ~

oy S| ew, NS po ~atch inititor: thienb ie on
Poids 4 vs

N0'e00'eze er!

;: ae P
~ee Ps . eS
o . aa .
�,� n

Ca odie Phe ~challengeT them ) py: al ; is
har sch Fedo, aero, to ree Ralgh News and Tore . |

Primary Englishyper, mo.
I : Eee ag ©

WILMt abe co~aeeligt oie d teh 4

Ccnucenseu oenediule

Dated = | AIA +
June 14th 63.43 4 3
[nad amnanemmemeel temmememmennedl Wenemmmenee ttm?
. A. Mj.) 1. M
Leave Weldon | 1. 45) 9 44
Ar. Rovevk Mt | 1 00/10 39
Ly'Turdoro 12 12
ene, Hoe |)
Ly Rocky Mt 1 00/10 45
~Ly Wilson 2 OA TL 6 20
Lv Selma 2 33
Lv Fay'tteville} 4 386) 1 .7
Ar.-F lorence 7 25) 3 4 |
P. M. A.M
Lv Wilson 2 08 6.20
Lv Goldsboro $ 10 7 05
Lv Magnolia 4 16 10
Ar Wilmington) 5-43, 9 45
mong | \ MM
~Patert | Gem | in| [a a
April 20, =5 | | er
few, | | A | mg
es San elles "__.! en ee i
AMD. rt |
Gv Mloreree 8 4) 7 4 |
Lv Favettevele! " QU)
oSy Selma M257) |
eAy Wilsen | Mit 3H
Bo | | :
. os
7m | '
\ M.| wane
ig Wilmington); 9 25) 7 00
Live Maynolin | 10.52 4 30
1g Goidguors | 12 01 9 236
ar Wilson 1.00 ov
ty Varboro | 2s8 .
a feo) Ja of
o: oS!
_| Ae i |
"" .
ars wed Powe. MM,
cy Wilson ly " 1135) 10 32
Ar Roeky Mt) 27 He] wos
ee den | wectenreee we
- a
Ar Tarhore | 444 | |
LvTurboers |
Ly Rocky Me | 2) JR
Ar Weldon ~LO

Train ou oGotlaud Neck Sranueb oa
eaves Weliou 3.65 un, ctttifax 4.10
p. m., arrives Scotland Neck at 4.55 P|
m., Greenville 6,47 p, m.,° Kinaton 7.45
p.m. Returning, leaves Kinston 7.2
a.m., Greenville 8.22 a.m. Arriving |
Halifax ab 11:00 a. m., We:don 11.20 am
laily except Suuday.

Trains on Washnigton Branch leave
Washington .8.00 a. m., and 3.90 p.m,
arrives Parviele 3.50 a. m.. and 4.40 p.
m., Tarboro 9.45 a. m., returalugieaves
Tarboro 3.30 p. m., Par mele 10.20 a. m.
and 6.20 p. im,, arrives Washington
11.60. a. 10., and 7.10 p.m.
ept Suaday. Connects with
Scoth: ud-N 3ck Braneh.

~Tran leaves taronny, IN i, via Albe-
marle & Kaleigh i. iv. daily cacept Sun-
day, 20450 p.in., Sunday 300 P.M;
arrive Plymouth 400 BP. of., 6.25 p.m.
Returtuinyg caves Plymouth di: tily except
Siuday, 6.04. w., Sunday 9.30 a m.,
arrive barboro Wied ar and We 46

oius On

Trainou Midland N.C. ranch leaves |.

Goldsboro daily, except Sunday, 6.05 a
m. arriving Smithiield 7°30 a. m. Re-
turning leaves Smithfield 8.00 a. m,. ar-
rives ut Goldsbors 9.30 a. m.

Trains in ~Nashville oranch leave
Rorky Mount 80 4.00 p. m,. wrrive
Nashville 5.05 p. =, Spring Hope 5.20
p.m. Returuio eve Spring Hope
Ba. m., Nashv &3yam, aitive at
Rocky Mount 9.9 a om, daily except

Trains on Latta branch, Floreuce R
3., luave Lia 6:40 m, atrive Dunbar
oT50 » m, Clio 8.00T pm. Returning
leave Clint6.10am, Danbar 6.30 a «mn,
. arrive. Latta 7.50 am, daily except Sun-

Train onClinton Branch leayes War-
saw for~Clinton caily, except Suuay,
11,100.-m. and 8.50:p, m-° ~Returning
leaves Clinton at7.00 a. m. and3,00 ; m.

Train No. 78 makes close connection
at Weldon forall points Gay) allrail via

Rishmanealse: at. Ro. Mount with
Norfolk and CarolinaR-R for Nonolk
ne~all points Northwvia Norfolk.

: » General Supt.
T. M. EMERSON, Trtfie Manager.
J.R. KENLY, GenTl Manager,

oSel Fal Schad,

I have sécured the services of a tbor-
oughly. ;eompetent teacherT and shall
open a school for girls in the building
on my premises lately occupied as music

rooms,;,. Fhe session, beginusies.,.

and will Gonitihue ofor ten months:
The terms are as follows ,

Daily ex-.




ing their yearTs supplies will tint
their interest toget our prices befece pra
shasing elses where nearest tae aradete
WMDDTES becca ites,

RIC s., " A, Ne .

a . iat re!

-T¥ro a i

AS VAVs ~4%

oye erotit, A cae:

we ODy direct Fre.
ogi VOUTay DUN vf
vicrhee STock of


| alwavs ouhaed ad goldab prices trrul,
the stmes. Oar goods areall bought and
sold for CASTE therefore, having no isk
ro rin, we aell ata elose margin

WAL SO Ly, Graal NO

aoe en NE ee ee


wale in any.

bo Ware
) i}

oThe next session.of this school witl
open on .

The work and disclpline of the schoo!
i Will be as heretofore.

We ask a continuahce of your past
iberal patronage.



Daily Newspaper in

North Carolina.


Che Only kive-Doilar ) 1
its Class in the State.

Favors Limited Free Coinage
of American Silver and Repeal
of the Ten Per Cent. Tax on
State Banks. ~Daily 50 cents

year. Ww.H. BARNARD

Wilmington N.C

~The Charictia

North 4 Oxtottew



{ndependen, and fearless 3b -g
more atactive than ever. 1; wil b
invaluable visttorTto ~the ~ry e
otfice, the club or the work room,

_Alleféhe news of;the iworld, Gom |
plete Daily reports from the Stat,
and National Capitals. Sad a vear

MONDAY SEPT. 7, 1896.
and continue for 10 months.

The terms are as follows.
Primary F nglish per mo. $2 00 |
Intermediate * - $2 0u
~Higher i $3 00
Languages (each) ** * $1 50)

per month. Weeklv $1.00 per

paper, thebe edunins'pn phn ob
is printed in the English and ve}

The following i is the list of oi uies of
election for Pitt county for the election
to be held on the Tuesday next ~after
the first Monday in November 1896.


Beaver Dam"C C Case, Marion
Smith. Geo W Hemby.

Belvoir"I° T Hodges,
Rives, E P. Norris.

Bethel"Jas H Bryan, W J
oWhitehurst, J H W Howell.

Carolina"M A Woolard, Henry
G Nobles, Leyi Clemons.

Chicod No 1"J W Smith, W L
Smith, Frank Ricks.

Chicod No 2"L H White, JO
| Proctor, Henry Rountree.

Contentnea No 1"Jopathan
Dail, H S Hardy, George Dal.

Contentnea No 2"Sebron Cox,
Wm Worthington, Horace Roy-
ster. ; :

Falkland"W M Smith, J H
Smith, F R Brewington.
| Pariuville No I"M L Move, T
~L Flyuu, W it Jobusoo.


Farwvills No 2" David Morgan
JN Byvuw, George Gay. |
Greenyille No 1"W U Hines, J.
~Ty Matthews, S P lluwpliey.

Gieeuville No l"Jesse W
Brown, N ti Whittield, Samuel

Greenvili'. No3"J L Thigpen,
F M.Smith. Fred Jenkine,

Greenville No 4"Louis N Bri-y
A D Johuson, Joseph Atkivson

Pactolus" Luustord ~Fleming
W R Woichara, Jr. Charles Spain

Swift Creek No1"WS Wilson,
WY COSuith, JS Biown.

Swift Creek No 2"Watt Chap-
wap. N R Cory, Fred Cannon.


Democratic Canvass.

The candidates of the Democratic
party ot Pitt county for the Legislature
and the various county offizes will id
dress the people upon the political ~s
sues of the day, at the following times
and places, viz :

Haddack » X Roads, Friday, Ovte-
ber Jtn.

Grimeslaud. Saturday, October 10th.

Falkland, Thursday, Oetober loth.

ethel, Saturday, October 17th.
| MayTs Chapel, Wedneslay, Qctober,

Black Jack, Friday, October 23rd.

BurneyTs, Saturday, October 24th.

Stukes, Tuesday, October, 27th.

Pactolus, Wednesday, October 28th. |

Parkers School House, Thursday,
October 29th.

Farinville, Friday, October 30th.

Arden, Saturday, Octocer 31st.

Candidates of otber parties are invit"
ed to be present and participate in the
Aurex. L. BLow.


Public Speakiag.
Hon. Cyrus B. Watsor, Democratic
candidate tor Governor, will speak at
Kinston, Wednesday, Oct. 14.
Snow Hill, Thursday, Oct. 19.
Greenville, Friday, ~Oct. 16.
Washington, Saturday, Ont 17.

Hon. W..H. Lucas and Hon. Harry
Skinner, Democratic and Populist can-
didates tor Congrees in this district,
will speak at Greepvil'e on Wednesday,
Oct. 14th.

iA ~Royal! Editor. .
Ono of the mostT interésting of

|, mewspapers is othe New Zealand Te |

\Pakio Matariki, or Pleiades, or Seven
Stars. It enjoys the distinction of
ib@v¥ing a-king for an editor. His
royal highness: Tawhiao is~not, it
is true, an independent sovereignT
like Emperor William, but when he
descends fromthe oroyal ~throne fo)
the editorTs ~!easy' ~chairT then, ~fi:
deed, is he wenarch of all he sur-
voys, even of that otherwise inded|
pendant personage, gr _, Brinter's
devél.�T ee

The Bioiades: ~is enmalldight page

Chairman Democratic Executive Com. |,





(ine Dollar Fer Year. .

This is the PeopleTs Wavarite



When you n39.


emp DonTt forget tae

Reflector Offic...



(steer s QO: om



= "9 : ~s ae oehh

Is the|-west price avy object tc
toyou? Arethe best qualities
~apy inducement? If so come
fin oud & e our pew stock
which we have just re-
reved. Odr store is
full of New Goods
end prices were uever lower. To
_ the ladies we extend a cordial in-
vitation to examine our stock of

rh TAM

~ We havea beautiful and up-to-
date lipe, You will find the latest
styles and we know we can please
you Qh, how lovely, how beau-
tiful, the prettie-t line | have ever
~peep, is what cur laiy friends say
ofthem. We bave a large line

please you.

In Ledies ard Geuts FUR
NISHiING GOODS we bave a
pplendid hue.

we Lave just what you want.

GOODS we have just the best
stock to be found aud prices were
never lower.

SHOES. In tbees we eodeav
or tu buy such as will piease the
weaTer, the prices on Shoes are
much lower than luft season. Give
us uv trial when you need Shoes
for yourself or any member of
yoor family. We can fit the small-
est or lurgest foot in the county.

" Our L. M. Reynolds & Cv.Ts Shoes
for Men and Bovs are warranted
to give puod service. We have
had vix yeais experience with
this line and know them to be all
we clalim for them.






and any goods you need for your
gelf and family core to seg. us.

Our object is to sell good bon-
eat gz: ods at the lowest prices.

We have a lage line of


and can give you avything you
may need at the lowest prices you
ever heard of. Come and see onr
2 50 Solid Oak Bedroom: Suits,
To pass us by would be an inea-
eusable injustice to your pocket
book. This is not-so because we
#ay so, but becuuse our goods
~@nd prices wake it so. Here is a

optoposition: | If


both in colorc ~and blacks and can | =~

In Men and Poys PANTS).

we ipo Pe T



earner ent

Oreates mauy a new business,
Enlarges many an old business,
Preseryes many # iarge business.
Kevites many adull business,
~Rescues many a lost business,!
_ Saves many a failing business.
Secures cneress to any business,

eaten eaial

To oadvertise judiciousiy,TT use the
e lumrs of the REFLECTOR


train yoing

Passenger «and mail
Going South,

north, arrives 8:22 A. M.
irriyes 6:47 P. M.
North B ound Freight, arrives 9:50 A
M, leavesl0:10 A. M.
South Bound Freight, arrivea 2:00 P,
M. leaves 2:15 P.M.
steamer ~l'ar River arrives from Wash-
inzton Mondsy, Wednesday and Friday
leaves for Washington Tuesday, Thurs
flay and saturday



(By Telegraph. )




Sept. 7.74 7.86

Jan. 7.96 7.93 7 96


Pork"Jan. 7.274
Rips" Jan. 3.60



Crna Cost al it Brings Sooons.

t eatiliteliied

Youre Folks.

Scoot el

% ey

dav. ,
Mrs. Elizabeth Swindell returned

Pass by Somet:me, But These are a a Be

a . a

Morris Myer went to Baltimore to-;

home Tuesday evening from Raleigh. |

Mrs. J. H. Blount went {o Larboro
this morning to spend a few days with,
relatives. .





The county canvass started today.

Prayer meeting in the Methodist
church tonight.

Hon. W. (T. Monroe will speak at
Grifton on Monday, Oct. 12th.

The State Normal and Industrial
School opened at Greensboro with the
largest attendance in its history.

will be
The rail-

The State fair at Raleigh
held Oct. 19-24, inclusive.
roads will sell tickets to this fair at one
and a quarter cents a mile,

Some merchants stop their adver
The most brainy mer-

tisements when times are bad.
is suicidal.
chants increase instead of decrease
their advertising in times cf depression.
It is obvious that when the public is in
a condition to need more coaxing 10
spend money, then is the time to coax
more."Durham Sun.


Saturday night burglars broke into
the depot and express office at humber-
ton and blew open two safes and rcb-
bed them.

The Charlotte News say3 that twen.

The Place to Use Your Eyes is Fight


Warner Safe Yeust cakes 7 for 5

at S. M. Schultz.

Something n-w in sexson, Buckwheet,
Out Flake and Portorico Molasses, at
S. M. Sehuiiz. |
Fresh Buckwheat, Mince Meat and
Preserves at ShelburnTs.

Money loaned on 30, 60 and 90
days. Apply to F. C. Harding.
15 cents a dezen, L2mons 10 cents a
dozen at ShelburiTs,

Milk for Sule"Delivered every
morning. Apply to E. B. Higgs.

For a choice smoke, try Philadelphia
Seal, at D. 5. SmithTs.

Vermont Butter for sale at D.


Try a pound of the finest Roasted Coffee
you ever had, o400 Qld Government
Java and Mocha,� and you will have no
other, for sale only by Ed. H. Shelburn
& Co.

When COAL weather" comcs, donTt

furget where 10 buy your Coal.
SpeiGHt & Morri.t.

If you want sirictly first-class wrocer-
ies call on us'as We are the only con-
cern in this town that carry them.

Ep. H. Suezsurn & Co.

oSpanish Twist,� great in shape stil
greater for aTsmoke. D.S. Smit. |


cents per quart at ShelburnTs.

We are surely the people to buy
your groceries and confections from.
~Try us and - the quality ~cf our goods
will convince you. "

Ep, i. /SHELBURN & Co.

wothing, give us nothing, but af

yea find our goods and prices sat
Wiactory, acknowledge it with
jyour patronage. Hoping to see
ou 800n and promising our best |:
fforts tc wake yoar ie aeg
nt and pee we ane:


T be coal just arrived, Ualiveree at

Wilson or Ed. H. Shelburn will have |.
Elegant lines af re es poe 6: eee |

"candies just received, or |
od - ~am H, Lice a A

ed F5
a 8

and that in some instances the Populist

Fresh Carr Butter today, at S. M chairman appointed negroes kpown to,
be Republicans.

sleffects and all the last weaves

oHeinz Sweet Mixed Pickles only? 95 |:
% x; : aks

ty-.wo of the judges of elections ap-
pointed in Mecklenburg are negroes, |

A brilliant display of




BoyTs 2-Piece Suits iu the newest

Everybody says my stcre is the
cheapest plece in town and I
want you to come and save mon
cheap prices �


My motto is: oCheap, cheap

ctawlsT Jewelry Stcac,

made except for the prices.
as ready-made Clothirg at double the money
Our clothes wears better and longer and fits
better and look prettier than any ones.
us in this line.

to the ladies and it has done us sooT. We have
still the best selection in the city.

Se tied

Ginger and Pepper

In this Business.

Now take a peep at our fall CLOTHING and

OVERCOATS. W ouldnTt know they were ready-
They are as good


PL TNL NPN l el al Ne lL AD


Great Shoe Values.

In Shoes we are clear out of sight. Prices

rule very low. We have them in 20th century
~hand-welt, vici kid, dungola, satin calf, goat and
hand- turn in button, kid and 2 ealter.

Look for us, ask for us and come see us.

oThe Money Savers.

a RSE TER mm


If so every lady who has inspeeted our new

styles na_

, l |


would vote for

as being the most popular store in town, for
nowhere is shown such a choice array ot select
sty les.
tion to our large stock. No matter what

want we Gan supply them. Lang Selis Oneap.

Every day we receive some new pel


oThe Wilson Heater,
been pateT


over any stoye made.

Third, being entirely closed

as wel as comfont..

eoke Don = has a
voor whic preve

ton ee ee

in use, Lt is not wecessary to remove the ashes oftener than onév~a woutk: These stoves are mad
ofditferent siyles"the smali one, which i is made for bed: rooms, is specially recompeated, Ait, hens |

HB Waa ore for house heating,fis the most remarkable that has ever

In the first place it radiates more Leat than avy stove known, aud wiil save 25 per cet. in fuel

Second, with two or three Grdinary sticks of pive stove wood it will keep the fire from 36 to
hehe, and with ordinary care the fire will never go vat. .

$6.50 per ten. Orders Jett with 'W. B.}..

at the base there is no diteak of tire, and it is the cleanest stove

Bee 3

great advatien over oy, i: anist stove, becsaes it ve Pitsps Ana
ot the smoke from coming jotv the room when you take the top off
doors are.80 coustracted
sapliy seen. Modseerey: pe eh Jook' at em

that 'they-can be takeu si on a beck: on ia T

wets Dea? «° +s


| : Our 25 cent.
Dress Patterns are unexcelled and the ladies
are catching on to the same.

Daily Reflector, October 7, 1896
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - October 7, 1896
October 07, 1896
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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